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THE INFLUENCE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION, SKILL, AND PERSONALITY TOWARDS ENTREPRENEURSHIP INTENTION FOR STUDENTS IN SMKN 1 BUDI UTOMO JAKARTA By Nafilah Dzakiyah 014201400209 A Skripsi Presented to the Faculty of Business President University in Partial fullfilment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in Business major in Management May 2018
in Partial fullfilment of the requirements for
Bachelor Degree in Business major in Management
May 2018
The Panel of Examiners declare that the skripsi entitled “THE
JAKARTA” that was submitted by Nafilah Dzakiyah majoring in
Human Resources Management from the Faculty of Business was
assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on May,
16 th 2018.
Examiner 1
Examiner 2
JAKARTA” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original
piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to
another university to obtain a degree.
Cikarang, Indonesia, May 16 th
I want to say a big thanks to ALLAH SWT, with His allowance (ridho’) I could
be able to finish my skripsi.
1. For my parents, Bapak and Ibu thanks for your unconditional support with
prayer, knowledge, affection, guidance and financial you gave, so I could
taste the university and got the knowledge from it. In hope may ALLAH
SWT bless it and bring benefits for us in the future.
2. For my supervisor, Ir. Erny Estiulina Hutabarat, MBA thanks for your
support, knowledge and guidance in my skripsi process, so I could finish it
right in time. In hope may God showered you with His blessing.
3. For all lecturers in President University especially in Management whom
with sincerity, thanks for gave me knowledge that would benefits for me
in the future. In hope may God showered you all with His blessing.
4. For my special partner, Handika D.C thanks for your unconditional
support with prayer and hands, so I am able to pass the obstacles during
skripsi process. In hope may ALLAH SWT bless you with His kindness.
5. For my best friend, N. Wulan Dwi A. thanks for your unconditional
support with prayer and understanding, so I am able to pass the obstacles
during skripsi process. In hope may ALLAH SWT bless you with His
6. For my others friends and people that I can not mention it one by one
whom support me with their kindness, thank you so much so I am able to
finish my skripsi.
4.1 Pre Test ......................................................................................................37
4.2 Respondent Profile ....................................................................................39
4.5 Hypothesis Testing ....................................................................................46
5.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................51
5.2 Recommendations .....................................................................................51
Figure 1.3 Alumni Percentage .................................................................................5
Figure 3.1 Theoretical Framework ........................................................................23
Figure 3.2 Research Framework ...........................................................................25
Figure 3.3 Slovin Formula ....................................................................................28
Figure 3.4 Validity Formula ..................................................................................29
Figure 3.5 Reliability Formula ..............................................................................30
Figure 3.6 Mean Formula ......................................................................................31
Figure 3.7 Standard Deviation ..............................................................................32
Figure 4.3 Pie Chart of Parents or Guardian Job ..................................................41
Figure 4.4 P-Ploth Graph Normality Test .............................................................42
Figure 4.5 Histogram ............................................................................................43
Figure 4.6 Scatterplot ............................................................................................45
Table 1.3 Mision Statement ....................................................................................5
Table 2.1 Previous Research .................................................................................17
Table 3.1 Operational Definition ..........................................................................26
Table 3.2 Cronbach Alpha ....................................................................................30
Table 3.3 Likert Scale ...........................................................................................31
Table 4.1 Validity Test ..........................................................................................37
Table 4.2 Reliability Test ......................................................................................38
Drawing on the theory of entrepreneurship intention, this study tests The
Influence of Entrepreneurship Education, Skill, and personality for Students in
SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta. This is necessary in order to confirm (or
disconfirm) conventional wisdom that entrepreneurship education, skill, and
personality increases the intention to start a business. The results indicate that the
need for independencis the key factor in the entrepreneurship intention of students
and confirm the positive contribution that entrepreneurship education, skill, and
personality has on their entrepreneurship intention. Finally, recommendations are
offered which could help the school and students involved increase the
effectiveness of entrepreneurship education, skill, and personality actions aimed to
be able to achieved the school missions.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship education, skill, personality, entrepreneurship
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) study, meanwhile, demonstrates the
importance that entrepreneurship has acquired, having become a basic tool, in the
current context, for job creation and the generation of wealth, and highlighting the
fact that growth and economic development are linked to entrepreneurship (Nabi,
Holden & Walmsley, 2010).
Figure 1.1 GEM economies by geographic region and economic development
The efficiency-driven economies reported improvements in government
entrepreneurship programs, even though policy makers in most countries are
aware of the need to create such government programs. The lack of reported
progress in government entrepreneurship programs may be because policy
decisions should be complemented with appropriate implementation and
monitoring processes.
According to GEM (2017) Indonesia is in the top 5 performers by economy with
rating 9 out of 12. The other top 5 performers by economy are Netherland with
rating 10 out of 12, Estonia with rating 6 out f 12, Switzerland with rating 4 out of
12, and UAE 6 out of 12.
Figure 1.2 The Entrepreneurial Spirit Index
Source: Global Entrepreneur Monitor (2017)
The factor score is presented as a numerical value indicating a country’s relative
spacing or standing on the entrepreneurial spirit (the latent factor, common to
data set). Countries with higher factor score are those for which the three
underlying variables (entrepreneurial awareness, opportunity perception and
entrepreneurial self-efficacy) are also high.
Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia with GDP of around 2.8
trillion USD, in size number 9 globally, and with an annual growth rate around
5% (Trading Economics, 2018). Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
are the backbone of the Indonesian economy (Mudde, Widhiani & Fauzi, 2017).
According to Global Entrepreneurship Index (Ács, Szerb & Lloyd, 2017),
Indonesia ranks 103 in the world and 18 in the Asia Pacific region. Many
programs are set-up by government, school, universities, and private sector to
stimulate entrepreneurship development as an instrument for employability and
poverty alleviation that estimated 11.3% of the population living below poverty
line (CIA, 2018).
Entrepreneurship development gets a lot attention in Indonesia. Since 2017,
entrepreneurs accounted for 3% this has increasing to the minimum of 2% as
desired by the Indonesian government but this is low in comparison to the
neighboring countries: in Malaysia it is 5%, Singapore 7%, Thailand 4.5%,
Vietnam 3.3% (Mudde, Widhiani & Fauzi, 2017).
Education is a conscious and well-planned effort to create an atmosphere of
learning and learning process so that learners actively develop their potential to
have religious spiritual power, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble
character, as well as the skills required of each individual, society, nation and state
UUSPN No. 20 of 2003 (Ariadi, 2014). Intended for students who want to work
or continue to college, refers to curriculum 2013 for vacational school is more
practice than the theory, graduates ready to work and independently, and place
study in school and work world.
SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta is an vacational school in Central Jakarta
established since 1906. The achievement in its school has so many such
achievement in level of national and province. The students can be a step of being
an entrepreneur. The abundance of skills the student can afford to grow into an
entrepreneur that the school provide. The curriculum verse in 2013 related to
entrepreneurship subjects is refined to Workshops and Entrepreneurship. In the
future all teachers should be part of the effort to form the values or
characterization of entrepreneurship in the students. Below is the table of skill
competency that the school have.
Table 1.1 Skill Competency
3 Machining Technique
6 Concrete Construction Technique
According to Hakim (2010), some schools have implemented entrepreneurship
education, some of these educational institutions provide teaching in the form of
entrepreneurship practice as the main material. The problem here, according to Sri
(2018) the construction tehnique teacher, the vocational school of the students
who have the skills because they are specifically to be able to work immediately
after graduating school, but the obstacle when there is pracitce of entrepreneurship
education course in the class of twelve in semester one become an entrepreneur
within two weeks, many students who do not use skills in becoming entrepreneur,
but they sell products such as food and beverage which makes their skills that
have been taught in school is unused. School expected from them they could open
a service shop such as reparation for car and motorcycle, make services of various
sketches such as face or maybe a building or construction for toys which can be
sold, open the services of making and design website, etc.
According to Raharjo (2018) the building image teacher, at the entrepreneurship
practice there is no one who become entrepreneur that sell the service from skill
and knowledge that they have. Researcher have an opportunity to do discussion
with student to find out the reasons they do not open service shop of class twelve,
they have desire but they said they are doubting their self with the knowledge for
example in the knowledge and skill they have and they might know how to start
but they do not know how to run it because they are lack of confident. The another
problem faced is the low number of graduates who become entrepreneurs. As we
can see the table below:
Table 1.2 Data of entrepreneur alumni
Academic Year Number of entrepreneur
There is a fluctuation of the academic year 2014/2015 to academic year
2015/2016 has increased by 23.41%, and from academic year 2015/2016 to
academic year 2016/2017 decreased by 16.55%. As we can see the figure below
that describes the fluctuations from year to year.
Figure 1.3 Alumni Percentage
Source: SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta
This problem is inversely related to the mission of the school, which we can see in
point 3 mentions, "build entrepreneurial spirit and able to compete in the world of
work". On this occasion the problems faced by the school, the researcher will do
research which focus on three main things that might have influence:
entrepreneurship education, skill and personality towards entrepreneurship
No. Mission Statement
1 Forming learners to believe, piety, noble character, healthy and intelligent
2 Building integrity, work ethic, and having a soul of mutual cooperation
for every school citizen
3 Build entrepreneurial spirit and able to compete in the world of work
4 Developing the quality and quantity of facilities and infrastructure based
on technology and the environment
5 Increasing the competence of educators and education personnel
6 Carry out student-centered learning activities in fun
7 Implementing learning through the process of Planning, Implementation,
Assessment, and Follow-up assessment results in accordance with
applicable provisions
Source: SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta (2018)
A number of empirical research results indicate that formal education fails to
achieve the target of entrepreneurship education. The contribution of vocational
school on this issue is questionable by many parties, as many graduates do not
meet the qualifications required by the user sector and are not ready to become
entrepreneurs. The results of Winarno (2012) show that formal education does not
have a significant influence on the formation of character and entrepreneurial
attitude for learners. In his research on the effectiveness of entrepreneurship
learning in vocational schools shows that (1) learning materials and
entrepreneurial strategies are not effective enough in developing entrepreneurship
values of students, (2) varying understanding of entrepreneurship teachers
influence the failure of achievement of entrepreneurship class goals.
The results of the Timmons & Spinelli (2014) study indicate that formal education
is incapable of encouraging entrepreneurship in its graduates; schools are only
limited to preparing their graduates on the knowledge of the company, and
prepare mentally to find work, and just suppress the creativity and
entrepreneurship of students.
The success of entrepreneurship education is strongly influenced by the role of
teachers. Entrepreneurship teachers are required to be able to instill attitudes and
entrepreneurial character for the students (Winarno, 2010). At the World
Economic Forum (2009) it was emphasized that the success of entrepreneurship
education is the same as choosing and promoting teachers who are able to
encourage their students to get full-fledged experience. The fact shows that most
vocational teachers are not trained in entrepreneurship, and are less aware of the
right approach to entrepreneurship teaching. Given that teachers have a central
role to the success of entrepreneurship education, the standardization of
entrepreneurship teachers in vocational schools is an important and urgent thing to
do. in some countries have also varied entrepreneurship education including the
development of various models (inside and outside education) by developing all
related elements (Hampden & Turner, 2010). When viewed from the distribution
of these subjects to the curriculum during this time teachers generally complain
about the availability of time for entrepreneurship subjects that are only 2 hours a
week, causing them (entrepreneurial teachers) can not freely develop innovative
entrepreneurship education models (Winarno, 2015).
1.2 Problem Statement
The background of the problem has illustrated us that entrepreneurship intention is
a very important aspect and desirable hope of the school to create the goals to be
achieved as its mission. In order to create that goal there are several factors that
might influence entrepreneurship intention, both factors that come from within the
students and factors that come from outside the students themselves. Judging from
the background of the problem it can be identified as the following problems:
1. Low of hours teaching in entrepreneurship education in SMKN 1 Budi
Utomo Jakarta (Winarno, 2015).
2. Lack of development in student skill in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta
(Winarno, 2015).
3. Personality of students in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta is changing follow
the individual intuition (Sarwono, 2010).
4. Entrepreneurship intention of students in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo still in
level of expecting and has not set the special regulation for reach the target
(Top, Colakglu & Dilek, 2012).
1. Is there any influence of entrepreneurship education given towards
entrepreneurship intention ?
2. Is there any influence of skill towards entrepreneurship intention ?
3. Is there any influence in personality towards entrepreneurship intention ?
4. Are there any influence in entrepreneurship education, skill and
personality towards entrepreneurship intention ?
1.4 Research Objectives
1. To find out whether any influence of entrepreneurship education towards
entrepreneurship intention in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta
2. To find out whether any influence of skill towards entrepreneurship
intention in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta
3. To find out whether any influence of personality towards entrepreneurship
intention in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta
4. To find out whether any influence of entrepreneurship education, skill and
personality towards entrepreneurship intention in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo
1. For SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta :
The results of this study are expected to be used or added value as input
and reference for school to take policy or decisions that may be necessary
in an effort to increase entrepreneurship intention
This research is expected to provide useful information, insight and
experience directly in facing the problems that exist in the student and
school world.
1.6 Limitations
This research will be conduct in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta. Due to the
widespread coverage of entrepreneurship intention with several factors that may
not be revealed as a whole, the problems in this study are limited to
entrepreneurship education, skill and personality. The research was conducted on
the student in class twelve or XII. The population of the student are 209. The total
of sample will be used 138 and additional 30 student for pre-test (will be explain
in chapter 3). This research only use the student from SMKN 1 Budi Utomo
Jakarta. The limitation of this problem is done with the aim that the discussion can
be done more focused and there is no widening discussion.
1.7 Skripsi Organization
Chapter I: Introduction. In this chapter will containe Introduction and an
overview discussed through the background of problem, the introduction of
economic condition in Indonesia and influence of entrepreneurship education,
skill, and personality towards entreprenurship interest which is the subject of this
study. There is also statement of problem, researcher questions, and researcher
objectives. And there are significant of study and limitation of problems and
discussion in this study including this chapter.
Chapter II: Literature Review. In this chapter will containe an overview
about each variable in education entrepreneurship, skill, personality and
entrepreneurship intention. There is also the previous research, and research gap.
Chapter III: Methodology. In this chapter will containe the methodology of this
research using quantitative method. There is also the research framework,
hyphothesis, research design, sampling plan, and statistical treatment.
Chapter IV: Data Analysis. In this chapter will containe the analysis of the
result in the research. There is a descriptive analysis and inferential analysis.
Chapter V: Conclusion. In this last chapter will contain the conlcusion overall
of this reseach.
2.1 Entrepreneurship
According to Stokes (2010) entrepreneurship is the process of creating something
new from value with the corncentrate of the necessary time, effort, with financial,
physical, social risk and receiving rewards generated from monetary, personal
satisfaction and independence. Process dimensions often center on developing
new business strategies or innovations and writing business plans, activities that
are sometimes seen as a substitute for the entrepreneurial process itself. This
confuses the micro-level agency process of entrepreneurial activity, the practice of
nuts and bolts by individual entrepreneurs with structural processes at the rate of
change of society (Stokes, 2010).
2.2 Entrepreneurship Education
From the side of the national standard of education that becomes the reference in
curriculum development, entrepreneurship education is included into the material
that must be taught and mastered and realized by the learners in their daily life.
The point of the problem in entrepreneurship education in schools and universities
has touched on the level of recognition of values or norms, and not yet at the level
of realization in everyday life (Judge & Bono, 2015).
The essence of entrepreneurship education is a bridge the gap between innovation,
creativity, ongoing business conversions and to detect problems or challenges,
apply creatively and innovative solutions and through several thought processes to
bring in supply and shared request elements (Mungroo, 2010).
This research investigates the decision of opportunity, expectation and benefits
from entrepreneurship education
The first is decision of opportunity is a termination of the thought process of a
problem or problem to answer a question what must be done to overcome the
problem, by dropping a choice on an alternative (Nutt, 2010). According to Anwar
(2014) Opportunities can be understood as situations and conditions that exist in
each person or individual. Such situations and conditions enable a person to act or
do activities. Anwar (2014) conclude decision of opportunity is a certain
opportunity that can be obtained someone or more rely on the potential of existing
self and take advantage of various opportunities or opportunities with immediate
The second, expectancy theory of motivation was proposed by Victor H. Vroom
(Hubeis, 2013). Vroom emphasizes more on outcomes than needs as Maslow and
Herzberg put it. Three basic Vroom assumptions of his theory are as follows:
1. Every individual believes that when he behaves in a certain way, he will gain
certain things. This is called an outcome expectancy as one's subjective judgment
of the possibility that a certain outcome will arise from that person's actions.
2. Each result has a value, or appeal to a particular person. This is called valence
(valence) as the value that people give to an expected outcome.
3. Each result relates to a perception of how difficult it is to achieve that result.
This is called effort expectancy as the possibility that one's efforts will result in
the achievement of a particular goal.
This theory states that the forces that motivate a person to work hard in doing his
work depend on the mutual relationship between what is wanted and needed from
the work. Vroom suggests that people will be motivated to do certain things to
achieve goals if they are confident that their actions will lead to the achievement
of that goal.
The third, according to Hafsah (2016) states that the perception of benefits is the
level at which users believe, that by using something offered the result they will
feel the benefits derived from the use of the result.
2.3 Skill
Skills are a science that outwardly within the human being and the necessity of
being studied depth by developing the skills they possess (Badatu, 2015).
According to Dunnette (Khoiro, 2014) skills is the capacity needed to carry out
some tasks that are the development of training outcomes and experience gained.
Skill influence specific behaviors through increasing use of informal source for
indentify oppotunities, namely, engagement in networking behaviors (McAbee,
entrepreneurship education
or tactics. Being practicing is a straightforward practice, discussing case studies,
or direct directing.
According to Khoiro (2014) Basically skills are categorized into 4, namely: 1)
Basic literacy skill, basic skills are a definite skill of a person and must be owned
by most people can get by learning first from the theory, such as reading, writing
and listening. 2) Technical skills, Technical expertise is someone's skill within the
development of techniques owned by practicing, such as counting right, operate
the computer. 3) Interpersonal skills, Interpersonal skill is one's ability effectively
to interact with others as well as with coworkers or networking ability, like good
listeners, express opinions clearly and work in a team. 4) Problem solving,
Solving problems is the process of activities to sharpen logic, argue and solve
problems and the ability to know the cause, develop alternative and analyze and
choose a good solution.
Based on Hadi (2014) Networking is possibly one of the most important skills for
entrepreneurs and is one which you have the opportunity to practice. Networking
involves building and maintaining contacts and relationships with other people.
The personal networks which you accumulate over time, both socially and
professionally can be an invaluable resource. This applies whether you are an
entrepreneur looking to start and grow your own new venture, whether you are
looking for a job, or working on a project where external ideas and input can help.
For entrepreneurs, a contact made at a purely social event may ultimately help to
provide you with one of the key ingredients for the start of the business.
2.4 Personality
There are various theories that explain the aspects of personality. Some theories
on the explanation of how the development of personality while others focus on
the various personality.
This research investigates the personal attitude, action and creativity from
According to Heerdjan (Antonio, 2013) explains that personality is a collection of
some mental functions that bind within a person's abilities that will have an effect
on improving oneself, for others as well as the environment in which the
individual lives. When the usefulness of individual personality is disrupted, the
individual will not be able to perform properly on a daily basis.
The first, according to Rakhmat (2008) There are five understanding attitudes are:
1. Attitude is the tendency of a person to be able to act, think and also feel that he
is best in the face of objects, ideas and also the situation or value. Attitude is not a
behavior according to Jalaluddin but a tendency to behavior by using only certain
methods against attitude objects. Objects themselves can be anything like the
person, place, idea, or situation in the group.
2. Attitudes have a helpful or motivational power that can be considered
appropriate or appropriate. Attitude is not just a recording of an event that has
been passed or has passed. However, attitudes can determine whether a person
should side with a thing or be somebody who has a minus or plus side within,
other than that decisive attitude of what is liked, expected, and desired, and more
often put aside what is not desirable, and what should they are avoided or disliked.
3. Attitudes tend to be more sedentary. Studies show that group political attitudes
tend to be retained and rarely experienced breaks, which is why attitudes rarely
4. Attitudes can be an evaluative material for a person, where attitudes may be
either fun or unpleasant. That's why the attitude often makes a person defensive or
more open.
5. Attitudes often stem from misunderstandings where attitudes are not brought
about at birth but attitudes derive from the environment as well as one's
experiences. Not just from birth or carried on genetic basis.
The second, according to Weber (Sarwono, 2010) argues that individuals perform
an action based on their experience, perception, understanding and interpretation
of a particular stimulus object or situation. This individual action is a rational
social action, that is, to achieve goals or targets with the most appropriate means.
Weber's theory was further developed by Talcott Parsons, who began by
criticizing Weber, saying that action or action was not behavior or behavior.
According to Parsons (Sarwono, 2010) Action is a mechanical response or
response to a stimulus where as behavior is an active and creative mental process.
The main one is not individual action, but the guiding norms and social values and
behavioral regulator. Objective conditions united with a collective commitment to
a value will develop a certain form of social action.
The third, dreavdahl (Ngalimun, 2013) defines creativity as the ability to produce
new compositions and ideas that can be tangible creativity or synthesis that may
involve the formation of new patterns and combinations of past experiences
associated with existing ones in the present situation. Creativity also does not
always produce something that can be observed and detected.
According Jawwad (Kemendikbud, 2011) creativity is the ability to think to
achieve new and varied results, and allows to be applied, both in the field of
science, sports, literature, and other fields of abundant life. According to Chandra
(Kemendikbud, 2011) creativity is a mental ability and various types of typical
human skills that can give birth to unique, different, original, completely new,
beautiful, efficient, targeted and appropriate.
Maslow (Kemendikbud, 2011) states that creativity is likened to the naive
creativity and imagination of children, a way that is not prejudiced, and directly
looking at things or being assertive. Creativity is a trait someone would expect
from self-actualization.
According to Subandono (Verosa, 2015), entrepreneurship intention is the
tendency of the heart in the subject to be interested in creating a later business
organizing, managing, taking risks and developing a business he created it. The
entrepreneurial interest comes from within oneself to creating a business field.
Interest in entrepreneurship is the desire, interest as well occupational choice and
willingness to work hard, perform their capability or to raise awareness to be self-
reliant or trying to meet the needs of his life without fear of risk will occur, and
always learn from the failures experienced (Santoso, 2009).
This research investigates the occupational choice, capability and subjective norm
from entrepreneurship intention.
According to Mwiya (2014) Occupational choice refers to the process by which
individuals select an occupation or career field to pursue career choice. Capability
refers to the skills, ability, aptitude and knowledge you have in relation to the job
that you are employed to do. Lack of capability will in most cases lead to
unsatisfactory performance in your role which in turn is likely to cause problems.
According to Azjen (Maskur, 2015) Subjective Norm Is a person's perception of
social pressure to do or not to behave. According to Marhaini (Maskur, 2015)
said, in this theory the behavior of a person depends on the intention, then the
intention in behaving depends on the attitude and subjective norms. On the other
hand, belief in behavior and evaluation will determine behavior. Normative
beliefs and motivation to follow the opinions of others will determine subjective
Refers to Thomson (Maskur, 2015) The subjective norms are the social influences
that affect a person to behave. A person will have a desire for an object or
behavior if he is influenced by the people around him to do it or he believes that
the environment or the people around him support for what he is doing. Perceived
behavioral control relates to the resources it has and the opportunity to do
1 The Impact of
addition, recent research
both positive
personality in determining
relationship between an
entrepreneur’s personality
and the strategic
new venture.
entrepreneurship skills
importance of training to
2.7 Research Gap
This investigation expects to examine the influence of entrepreneurship education,
skill and personality towards entrepreneurship intention in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo
Jakarta. This research found different variables that affecting entrepreneurship
intention. This research makes the variables more specific to Entrepreneurship
Education, Skill, and Personality into Entrepreneurship Intention at SMKN 1 Budi
Utomo Jakarta. Subject of this study is student in twelve class of SMKN 1 Budi
Utomo Jakarta. Researcher decides to merge those factors and discover the
connection with entrepreneuship intention.
The research gap shows the comparation between the previous researches with
current research. Where the research above examining the student of twelve class
in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta, contrasted with Mwiya (2014) examined about
the institution and individual factors toward entrepreneurship intention in Zambia,
Ali (2010) and McAbee (2014) discussed about the Effect of personality. Ali
(2010) in South Africa for random respondent and McAbee (2014) in Texas for
University student, Mungroo (2010) examined about entrepreneurship education
focused on additional entrepreneurship education course, and also Badatu (2015)
examined about the entrepreneurship skill for woman in Ilemela and Nyamagana
Researcher found that there are some different variables that influence the
entrepreneurship intention. To find out the gap of the study, the researcher
combine the independent variables (Entrepreneurship Education, Skill, and
Personality) with the dependent variable (Entrepreneurship Intention) to discover
the relationship.
3.1 Theoretical Framework
This research is a quantitative research. This study aimed to test the hypothesis
that has been set and to determine the effect of independent variable on dependent
variable. Entrepreneurship intention is the intention of a person to be an
entrepreneur (Karabulut, 2016).
According to Gerba (2012) Entrepreneurship education has a positive effect on
entrepreneurship intention. People who have entrepreneurship intentions can be
more successful through when they establish their ventures. They can be more
dedicated to entrepreneurship when they face with problems in the process of
managing their ventures.
Fasri (2012) Skill through practice or training has positive effect on
entrepreneurship intention. Entrepreneurship intentions of participants in various
stages of practice or training program and depending on nature of trainings might
be of great help to shed some light on various aspects of entrepreneurial training
programs effect on intention and its antecedents.
Refers to Karabulut (2016) Personality has a positive effect on entrepreneurship
intention. Academicians can examine personality and other factors which affect
entrepreneurial intention by conducting follow-up studies. Potential entrepreneurs
can understand personality traits affecting the entrepreneurship intention much
better and improve these traits to become successful entrepreneurs.
The populations in this research were student of classs twelve. The design in this
research can be described as follows:
Source: Developed by researcher (2018)
This study is the explanatory research which will prove a causal relationship
between the independent variable which are entrepreneur education, skill and
personality variables; dependent variable which is entrepreneur intention. As well
as correlation research, the research is to see whether two or more variables have a
relationship or not, and how much the relationship it is and how the direction of
the relationship.
3.2 Hyphothesis
Based on subject matter, the purpose of research and analysis model that has been
describes, it can be formulated in the hypothesis. Hypothesis is an empirical
testing version of a theoretical proposition that has not yet been tested or validated
with the empirical evidence (Neuman, 2014). Hypothesis can formulated as
follows :
H2 : There is influence of Skill towards Entrepreneurship Intention
H3 : There is influence of Personality towards Entrepreneurship Intention
H4 : There is influence of synchronous of Entrepreneurship Education, Skill and
Personality towards Entrepreneurship Intention.
3.3 Research Framework
Before starting the research needs to be made research steps, where the research
steps are :
3.4 Operational Definition
Problem Statement
supply and shared request
outwardly within the human
being studied depth by
developing the skills they
some mental functions that
bind within a person's
effect on improving oneself,
environment in which the
individual lives (Heerdjan in
creating a later business
3.5 Instrument (Questionnaires)
In this section, the researcher had distributed questionnaire to the employees of,
the indicators are consisting of 5 different esteems. Those are; Strongly Disagree
with an estimation of 1, Disagree with an estimation of 2, Neutral with an
estimation of 3, Agree with an estimation of 4, Strongly Agree with an
estimation of 5 (Sekaran and Bougie, 2013).
The indicators and the number of questionnairs that is related to indicator already
mentioned in Table 3.1 Operational Definition. The researches that mentioned
below are explained in Table 2.1 Previous Research. The first independent
variable is Entrepreneurship Education, all the indicators and the questionnairs are
from Mungro (2010) related with his research concerning in Entrepreneurship
Education. The second independent variable is Skill, indicators and questionnairs
got from Badatu (2015) with his research concerning in The Impact of
Entrepreneurship Skill Provision to Women in Micro and Small Enterprises
Performance and McAbee (2014) with his research concerning in Personality,
Interpersonal Skill, and Student’s Job Search Behaviors. The third independent
variable is Personality, indicators and questionnairs got from Mwiya (2014) with
his research concerning in The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on the
Relationships between Institutional and Individual Factors and Entrepreneurial
Intention of University Graduates and Ali (2010) with his research concerning in
The Person-Organization Interplay: How an Entrepreneur’s Personality Affects
Organizational Legitimacy.
3.6 Sampling Plan
Sugiyono (2010) stated, sampling is a sum and normal for a populace. The
examination populace will be ingested on representatives of, where the example in
the examination will be utilized to help analyze the issues. Populace is the social
affair of individuals, events, or things essential to which the specialist needs to
make inductions or in view of test insights (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010)
The example is still piece of the populace which has a similar relative trademark
and it is utilized for speak to the populace with the level of blunder that can at
present be endured (Sugiyono, 2011). For the sample in this examination is the
student of twelve classs. The researcher use non-probability sampling
Manufacturing, using calculations from the Slovin formula.
Here is the formula:
N = Number of population
1+209(0,05) 2
n= 138 Respondent
Through the estimation, the example is 137,742 that adjusted to 138. So the
example in this examination is 138 respondents (n= 138). Through Slovin
formula, the quantity of test is 138 representatives out of 209 students. This
exploration is utilizing 5% of blunder resilience which implies the level of
accuracy is 95%. (Ariola, 2014).
The analyst has assembled the information from respondents of. The population
assembled is 209 students. At first 30 respondents were required for the pre-test to
examine legitimacy and reliability trial of the survey information. In this way, the
researcher will examine by utilizing SPSS 24 and Microsoft Excel 2010, the
strategy for different relapse examination with add up to test of 209 students.
3.6.1 Validity Test
To get an accurate result, then the questionnaire must be able to pass the validity
test. Hair (2010), it has been mentioned that validity comes in the form of a scale
of a set of measures that accurately represents an interesting concept. Legitimacy
test is utilized as an apparatus to quantify the exactness of all questions in the
questionnaire used.
The researcher uses α (0.05) significant level, in which each question must be
higher than the one mentioned α (0.05) so it can be valid. In light of Cohen
(2011), any inquiries from the poll can be announced true blue if the level is
noteworthy >α (0.05), in this exploration, that is quantitative research, to enhance
the legitimacy of inspecting it must be finished with mind including appropriate
measurements of the information. According to Pearson, if (n) = 30, so df = n – 2
Figure 3.4 Validity Formula
Source: Melike (2013)
or 30 – 2 = 28 and alpha = 0.05 be gotten r table 0.361. r should be more
unmistakable than 0.361, if r lesser than 0.361 so the variable is invalid. The
condition of authenticity test is:
∑xy = Sum of the products of pair scores
∑x = Sum of x scores
∑y = Sum of y scores
∑x 2 = Sum of Squared x scores
∑y 2
3.6.2 Reliability Test
From the obtained data it will go through Reliability test in order to create an
accurate research. Where Reliability can be defined as a test that can measure and
indicate the extent to which it is without further error and therefore ensures a
stable result over time and during different things, (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010). The
researcher used the Cronbach Alpha formula where the result will show how well
the items are measured the positive connection with others.
Figure 3.5 Realibility formula
Table 3.2 Cronbach Alpha Internal Consistency
Cronbach’s Alpha Internal Consistency
α ≥ 0.9 Excellent
0.5 ≤ α < 0.6 Poor
3.7 Descriptive Analysis
3.7.1 Likert Scale
This Likert scale is utilized for a pointer of poll reply. As indicated by (Sekaran
and Bougie, 2010) Likert is has been utilized to discover how solid the subject
concurred or couldn't help contradicting an inquiry, these are the 5 focuses scales:
Table 3.3 Likert Scale
Source: Sekaran & Bougie (2010)
3.7.2 Mean
Mean means the general estimation of every factor. As per Andale (2014), Mean
is normally utilized for focusing on the populace. Mean formula:
Figure 3.6 Mean Formula
Scale Numerical
3.7.3 Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation is actually a number used to quantify numbers that are
extended from mean. Here is the equation of Standard Deviation:
Figure 3.7 Standard Deviation
Source: (Laksita, 2016)
3.8.1 Classical assumption
The customary assumption test is used to choose the exactness of the data.
According to Santoso (2009) A backslide model will be used to guess an average
model is a model with a base assessing screw up. In like manner, a model used
before should meet a couple of assumptions, usually called built up assumptions.
In this examination the customary supposition test used is: Normality Test,
Autocorrelation Test, Multicolinearity Test, and Heterokedastisitas Test.
a. Normality Test
According to Priyatno (2008), ordinariness is a test to know the flow of test data
from the normal masses is scattered or not. Averageness test is basic to perceive
what kinds of estimations to use for energize data examination. Conventionality
test data is done by non-parametric quantifiable technique that is using
Kolmogrov-Smirnov test on SPSS 24. For this examination the criteria used are
according to the accompanying:
b. If sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, data distribution is not normal
c. Multicollinearity Test
According to Wijaya (2009) Multicollinearity test is a test seemed to test whether
the backslide show found a connection between free factors (self-ruling
components). A tolerable backslide demonstrate should not be multicollinearity.
To recognize this, it ought to be conceivable by looking (Variance Inflation
Factor) and Tolerance.
b. Tolerance value greater than 0.1
c. Heterosedacity Test
Ghozali (2013) Heteroskedasticity test is to choose if in the backslide show there
is a difference in unevenness of extra observation with various recognitions, if the
rest of the distinction is one view of the other unmistakable discernments which is
then called heteroscedasticity.
b. Autocorrelation test
Autocorrelation test is to know whether in straight backslide exhibit there is
association between data in period t with error in period t-1 (past) (Ghozali, 2013).
Autocorrelation emerges because of similar perceptions after some time identified
with each other. This issue emerges on the grounds that the deposit cannot be
isolated starting with one perception then onto the next. Analyzer utilized is
Durbin-Watson test.
3.9 Multiple Linear Regression Model
Concurring Sugiyono (2011) backslide examination is used to make figures, how
to change the dependent variable when the estimation of free factors extended or
cut down regard (controlled).
X2 = Independent variable (Skill)
X3 = Independent variable (Personality)
Data examination frameworks in this examination using backslide examination
straight extraordinary. Different direct backslide examination is a quantifiable
framework used to anticipate how the state or effect of self-ruling elements to the
destitute variable.
Y = b0 + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + b3 X3 + e
In this examination, there are 3 free factors which are Entrepreneurship Education
(X1), Skill (X2), and Personality (X3). The examination destinations are to
investigation representative effectively in. The numerous direct relapse is utilized
since the specialist just need to examination between X1, X2,X3 and Y and
furthermore the connection amongst X1 and Y, X2 and Y, X3 and Y.
3.9.1 T – Test
The T-Test reason for existing is to quantify the effect of autonomous variable
towards subordinate variable in part (Malhotra, 2010). Utilizing the table
coefficient to help decide impact of every free factor to subordinate variable. On
the off chance that the underneath 0.05, at that point don't dismiss Ha and reject
H0, and precisely inverse if the critical is more than 0.05, dismiss Ha and don't
dismiss H0
3.9.2 F – Test
Based on Malhotra (2010) F-Test is to find out the overall model of multiple
regressions. Result will show in the event that there is huge connection between
free factors and ward variable. In the event that the F-Test demonstrates a level of
hugeness underneath 0.05, implies dismissing H0 and presume that there is a
connection between them, vice versa.
3.9.3 Adjusted R-Square Test
This test design is to decide how assist precisely the free factors could clarify the
reliant variable. Suryanto (2016) expressed that If the estimation of R2 goes close
to one, it implies that the autonomous factors give all data that expected to foresee
the reliant variable.
4.1 Pre – Test
It has been utilized to see whether the information we utilize is substantial and can
be utilized to help the examination. To decide it, the r esteem must be more than
0.0361. On the off chance that the outcome is higher than the expressed esteem r
then the exploration can continue to the dependability test
4.1.1 Validity Testing
In light of that Pearson's Correlation esteem for df = 30-2 or 28, it shows that the
estimation of least alpha (α) of everything ought to be .361 in the 0.05 level of
essentialness. By taking a gander at the table above, it demonstrates that every
factor is more than the base alpha (α) level and it is announced substantial.
Table 4.1 Validity Test
S2 0.482 0.361 VALID
4.1.2 Reliability Testing
Skill (X2) 0.777 RELIABLE
Personality (X3) 0.834 RELIABLE
Entrepreneurship Intention (Y) 0.837 RELIABLE
Source: Developed by researcher (2018)
The base of Cronbach's Alpha esteem is 0.6 Sekaran and Bougie (2010). The table
above is the aftereffects of the dependability trial of this present research's factors.
Cronbach's Alpha translation in Entrepreneurship Education is 0.879, Skill is
0.777, Personality is 0.834, and Entrepreneurship Intention is 0.837. It inferred
that the greater part of the factors have a satisfactory level of dependability.
Source: Developed by researcher (2018)
Figure 4.1 showed that from 138 respondents who fille the questionnairs, the 17
years old student was a dominant respondent in this survey which is 97,1 % and
the others respondent in age 16 years old 2,2 % which is only two person and in
age 18 years old 0,7% which is only one person. So, in this survey due to only
student of class twelve or XII so the dominant age is in 17 years old.
16 Years Old; 2,2%
17 Years Old; 97,1%
18 Years Old; 0,7%
Source: Developed by researcher (2018)
Figure 4.2 showed that from 138 respondents who fille the questionnairs, the male
student was a dominant respondent in this survey which is 94,1 % and the women
only 5,8% So, in this survey due to the vocational school especially in technique
of student in class twelve or XII so the dominant was male.
Male; 94,2%
Women; 5,8%
Figure 4.3 Pie Chart of Parents or Guardian Job
Source: Developed by researcher (2018)
Figure 4.3 showed that from 138 respondents who fille the questionnairs, the
parents or guardian job of student is employee was a dominant respondent in this
survey which is 51,4 %, the entrepreneur is 19,6%, the teacher is 18,1%, the
government employee is 5,1%, the retirement is 4,3% and the others are chef and
pharmacist both for 1,4%. So, in this survey due to the respondent were a student
so to support their entrepreneurship intention for become an entrepreneur they
need financial support from their parents or guardian. As we can see the figure 4.3
the dominant that the parents or guardian can support their entrepreneurship
intention because the parents or guardian have a job so that’s mean they have
income to support their child when the student willing to open a shop for become
an entrepreneur.
Employee; 51,4%
Teacher; 18,1%
Established suspicion test comprise of three test; Normality Test, Multicollinearity
Test, and Heteroscedacity Test. Each test will be broke down utilizing the SPSS
24 factual program.
4.3.1 Normality Test
Taking a gander at the figure 4.4 underneath, there is a direct connection between
Entrepreneurship Edcuation, Skill, Personality and Entreprenerusip Intention in
light of the fact that the information conveyance is following a straight line from
the lower left to upper right of the chart.
From the figure 4.4 we can see that despite the fact that it isn't flawless, the
information is considered has an ordinary circulation on the grounds that the
dispersion of the information is chime formed. The holes of the histogram
characterize that few respondents did not answer the inquiry honestly.
Figure 4.4 P-Ploth Graph Normality Test
Source: SPSS 24 Output (2018)
4.3.2 Multicollinearity Test
Ghozali (2013) this test decides to test whether in relapse show found the
relationship between the free factors. Great relapse model ought not to happen
connection between free factors or ward variable. On the off chance that the
autonomous factors are related, at that point this variable not orthogonal. The
orthogonal factor is the free factors of connection esteem between autonomous
factors equivalent to zero.
The imperative marker in this test Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and Tolerance.
VIF esteem is continually beginning from 1 and no upper bound, Tolerance > 0.1
and VIF < 10 = Multicollinearity.
Seeing every one of the factors have tolerance higher than 0.1 and VIF (Variance
Inflation Factor) under 10, the information from table 4.3 has no relationship (No
1 (Constant) 7.997 1.631 4.903 .000
Skill .179 .076 2.343 .021 .632 1.582
Personality .242 .072 3.355 .001 .722 1.385
a. Dependent Variable: Entrepreneurship Intention
Source: SPSS 24 Output (2018)
4.3.3 Heteroscedacity Test
In light of the figure 4.6 beneath, we can see the information appropriation is in
the zero-point zone of the y-hub, at that point this relapse display is practical
Sarwono (2012).
4.4 Analysis of Multiple Linear Regression
The table 4.3 above will demonstrate the aftereffect of different direct relapse
utilizing SPSS 24 that characterizes if the free factors have influence towards the
dependent variable.
Y = 7.997 + .228X1 + 179X2 + 242X3 + e
e = Error tolerance 5% (0,05)
The outcome on Table 4.3 demonstrates that the relapse coefficient that are
important which is ought to be (<0.05). There are three free factors that are
important towards Entrepreneurship Intention.
Here is more detail:
1. The coefficient relapse of Entrepreneurship Education is .001, which is not
exactly α (0.05). Along these lines, there is an influence towards the Y
(Entrepreneurship Intention).
2. The coefficient relapse of Skill is .021, which implies it is not exactly α
(0.05). Hence, this shows there is an influence towards the Y
(Entrepreneurship Intention).
3. The coefficient relapse of Personality is .001, which is not exactly α
(0.05). Along these lines, there is an influence towards the Y
(Entrepreneurship Intention).
Speculation Testing comprises of T-Test, F-Test, and Adjusted R square.
4.5.1 T-Test Significance
Table 4.3 above shows that there are 3 independents factors that having influence
on a dependent variable. Here is the last theory result:
1. Entrepreneurship Education (X1)
entrepreneurship intention.
entrepreneurship intention.
The estimation of Entrepreneurship Edcuation is .001 which is lower than
α (0.05). Thusly, the variable has an influence on Entrepreneurship
Intention. Implying that Ha1 is acknowledged and H01 is rejected.
2. Skill (X2)
(H02): There is no influence of skill towards entrepreneurship intention.
(Ha2): There is influence of skill towards entrepreneurship intention.
The estimation is .021 which is lower than α (0.05). In this way, the
variable has an influence on Entrepreneurship Intention. Implying that Ha2
is acknowledged and H02 is rejected.
3. Personality (X3)
The estimation of personality is .001 which is lower than α (0.05). Thusly,
the variable has an influence on Entrepreneurship Intention. Implying that
Ha3 is acknowledged and H03 is rejected.
4.5.2 F-Test Significance
Table 4.4 Anova
1 Regression 199.227 3 66.409 25.184 .000 b
Residual 353.353 134 2.637
b. Predictors: (Constant), Personality, Entrepreneurship Education, Skill
Source: SPSS 24 Output (2018)
The table 4.5 shows the result of F-test. Where the level of significance is .000
which is lower than α (0.05), with F score 25.184. This indicates that all variables
available (Entrepreneurship Education, Skill and Personality) in this research are
simultaneously significant towards Entrepreneurship Intention.
(H04): There is no influence of entrepreneurship education, skill, and personality
towards entrepreneurship intention.
(Ha4): There are influence of entrepreneurship education, skill, and personality
towards entrepreneurship intention.
4.5.3 Adjusted R Square
Model Summaryb
a. Predictors: (Constant), Personality, Entrepreneurship Education, Skill
b. Dependent Variable: Entrepreneurship Intention
Source: SPSS 24 Output (2018)
The outcome from table 4.6 demonstrates that the estimation of balanced R square
is 0.346 or 34.6%. This shows the factors which are (Entrepreneurship Education,
Skill, and Personality) very ready to influence the needy variable which is
(Entrepreneurship Intention). Meaning free factors are influencing the dependent
variable by 34.6%, while whatever is left of level of 65.4% is affected by different
factors in which are not associated with this examination. Alternate factors that
researcher could suggest be utilized to investigate further are Environment
(Gomezelj, 2013), Financial (Uddin, 2016), Creativity (Chia, 2016), and so forth.
Those are exceedingly private information to investigate.
4.6 Discussion and Interpretation of Result
All the free factors beginning from Entrepreneurship Education, Skill, and
Personality are appeared to have minor effect towards the needy variable
Entrepreneurship Intention at SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta. In this manner the
consequence of the information Adjusted R esteem in which are just 34.6%,
demonstrating that whatever remains of 65.4% are other obscure factors that may
influence the Entrepreneurship Intention.
4.6.1 Entrepreneurship Education towards Entrepreneurship Intention
In light of the investigation processed with SPSS 24 measurement device, taken
from the theory of H1 it is demonstrated that Entrepreneurship Education has an
influence towards Entrepreneurship Intention (at SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta).
Entrepreneurship Education has T-Test consequence of 3.479 with estimation of
.001 which is lower than α (0.05). Accordingly, Ha1 is acknowledged, expressed
that there is influence of Entrepreneurship Education towards Entrepreneurship
Intention. This is related with Gerba (2012) that there is influence between
entrepreneurship education with entrepreneurship intention.
4.6.2 Skill towards Entrepreneurship Intention
In light of the investigation processed with SPSS 24 measurement device, taken
from the theory of H2 it is demonstrated that Skill has an influence towards
Entrepreneurship Intention (at SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta). Skill has T-Test
consequence of 2.343 with estimation of .021 which is lower than α (0.05).
Accordingly, Ha2 is acknowledged, expressed that there is influence of Skill
towards Entrepreneurship Intention. This is related with Farsi (2012) that there is
influence between skill with entrepreneurship intention.
4.6.3 Personality towards Entrepreneurship Intention
In light of the investigation processed with SPSS 24 measurement device, taken
from the theory of H3 it is demonstrated that Personality has an influence towards
Entrepreneurship Intention (at SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta). Personality has T-
Test consequence of 3.355 with estimation of .001 which is lower than α (0.05).
Accordingly, Ha3 is acknowledged, expressed that there is influence of
Personality towards Entrepreneurship Intention. This is related with Karabulut
to the student.
Entrepreneurship Intention
In light of the investigation processed with SPSS 24 measurement device, taken
from the theory of H4 it is demonstrated that Entrepreneurship Education, Skill
and Personality has an influence towards Entrepreneurship Intention (at SMKN 1
Budi Utomo Jakarta). All the free factors (Entrepreneurship Education, Skill and
Personality) has F-Test significant of .000 which is lower than α (0.05).
Accordingly, Ha4 is acknowledged, expressed that there is influence of
Entrepreneurship Education, Skill and Personality towards Entrepreneurship
We analyze this exploration entitled The Influence of Entrepreneurship Education,
Skill, Personality toward Entrepreneurship Intention for Student in SMKN 1 Budi
Utomo Jakarta . From the outcome, the specialist comprehend that three free
factors (Entrepreneurship Education, Skill and Personality) were influencing
towards Entrepreneurship Intention. In preparing the information of this
investigation, the specialist utilized different relapse display as the measurable
instruments. To finish up this examination, we have learnt:
1. Entrepreneurship Education has an influence towards Entrepreneurship
Intention at SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta, it implies when the Entrepreneurship
Education variable expanding there will influence to the expansion of
Entrepreneurship Intention
2. Skill has an influence towards Entrepreneurship Intention at SMKN 1 Budi
Utomo Jakarta, it implies when the Skill variable expanding there will influence to
the expansion of Entrepreneurship Intention.
3. Personality has an influence towards Entrepreneurship Intention at SMKN 1
Budi Utomo Jakarta, it implies when the Personality variable expanding will
influence to the expansion of Entrepreneurship Intention.
4. Entrepreneurship Education, Skill and Personality simultaneously have
significance influence toward Entrepreneurship Intention with R2 value of 34.6%.
5.2 Recommendations
1. For SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta
Paying attention to the results of the conclusions and recommendations of the
model offered, suggestions can be put forward as follows:
1. For entrepreneurship teachers, efforts to certify their skills to become
entrepreneurship teachers as recommended standards through programmed
education and training need to be continuously done especially in self-
development open networks with entrepreneurial teachers in other schools.
2. School is advised to continuously expand the network of cooperation with
various parties in order to facilitate students and teachers in starting the practice of
opening a business.
3. School is advised to make rules about the provisions in practice to become
entrepreneurs for students who are required to entrepreneurship around skills that
have been taught in school.
4. Schools is advised to regularly hold seminars discussing the personality of
teenager in high school, which is to be expected to reduce unstable personalities
and students are able to think and make decisions appropriately.
2. For Future Research
For future research who needs to utilize entrepreneurship intention as an
examination material, future analysts can grow their investigation all the more
particularly about other unexplored factors that will influence representative
effectivity for example more recognition such as leadership, environment
condition , etc. so as to investigate deeper and wider. In addition, the researcher
suggests examining other related variables to entrepreneurship intention by
looking at other school or organisation. By that the future research can get a
comparison to run the research.
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Entrepreneurship Intention for student in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta”
Saya Nafilah Dzakiyah. Saya mahasiswi President University jurusan
management. Survey ini akan membantu saya mengumpulkan data untuk skripsi
saya. Tujuan dari kuesioner ini adalah untuk menyelidiki pengaruh pendidikan
kewirausahaan, keterampilan dan kepribadian terhadap minat kewirausahaan
untuk siswa di SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta. Survei ini akan memakan waktu
hanya 5 menit dari waktu anda, jangan ragu untuk menyatakan pendapat anda.
Terima kasih atas waktu dan usaha anda yang berharga.
I. Karakteristik Responden
Point 1 = Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS)
Table 3.2 Indonesian verse questionnaires
No. Variable Jawaban
1. Saya bisa mengambil peluang
dalam berwirausaha
tentang cara mengidentifikasi &
mengelola risiko dalam
mampu memotivasi untuk menjadi
1. Saya mendapatkan pelatihan
berwirausaha yang dapat membantu
saya memulai sebuah bisnis
1. Saya akan merasa sangat puas jika
menjadi seorang pengusaha
keluar dalam menyelesaikan
4. Saya mempunyai banyak ide untuk
sebuah karya seni
No. Variable Jawaban
1. Saya lebih memilih menjadi
sebuah bisnis
terbaik ketika memulai sebuah
keputusan saya untuk memulai
sebuah usaha atau bisnis
“The Influence of Entrepreneurship Education, Skill and Personality toward
Entrepreneurship Intention for student in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta”
I am Nafilah Dzakiyah. I am a student of President University majoring in
management. This survey will help me collect data for my thesis. The purpose of
this questionnaire is to investigate the effect of entrepreneurship education, skills
and personality on entrepreneurship intention for student in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo
Jakarta. This survey will take only 5 minutes of your time, feel free to express
your opinion. Thank you for your valuable time and effort.
I. Characteristic Respondent
Point 4 = Agree (A)
Point 3 = Neutral (N)
Point 2 = Disagree (D)
No. Variable Alternative Answer
ideas into business
identify & manage risks in
an entrepreneur
entrepreneur to use performance
makes me be creative
the theory method
with other people
and network in many ways
No. Variable Alternative Answer
1. I would be very satisfied if I
became an entrepreneur
2. I was able to think of a way out in
solving the problem
work of art
1. I prefer to be an entrepreneur if the
3. I know how to use good
performance in business
decision to start a business
5. My family will approve of my
decision to start a business
Note: Q = Question | A = Answer Date Interview: April, 10th 2018
Part 1 – with teacher
Q1: Good afternoon, my name is Nafilah from President Unversity. I’m here to do
my research. First, may i know your name Sir?
A1: Good afternoon, My name is Sri
Q2: What is your role here in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta ?
A2: I’m a construction tehnique teacher and homeroom teacher for one class
(class twelve) in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta
Q3: Directly to the core of problem that i want to dig here, was the
entrepreneurship education practice here run well?
A3: Yes, it was
A4: Only for class twelve
Q5: How long the period of entrepreneurship education practice?
A5: Within 2 weeks
Part 2 – with teacher
Q1: Good afternoon, my name is Nafilah from President Unversity. I’m here to do
my research. First, may i know your name Sir?
A1: Good afternoon, My name is Raharjo
Q2: What is your role here in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta ?
A2: I’m a building image teacher in SMKN 1 Budi Utomo Jakarta
Q3: I want to mention that I have had an interview before with Sir Sri, so here is I
want to continue my question about was there any obstacle during the
entrepreneurship education practice in student?
A3: Well, all of student didn’t use the skill that they had during study in here.
Most of them just sold food and beverage while they are not being taught to made
a food or beverage. They just did it because it was simple but no value, they just
wanted to pass the subject.
Q4: Then was there any rules that prohibited for student sold food and beverage?
A4: Unfortunately, the school didn’t set it as prohibited. All was just in
Part 3 – with several students of class twelve
Q1: Good afternoon, my name is Nafilah from President Unversity. I’m here to do
my research. First, may I have your time guys to do interview ?
A1: Yes, you may
A2: Yes, We are
Q3: I have heard from your student, when you had time in entrepreneurship
education practice, most of you guys didn’t sold the skill or capability or
knowledge given in the school instead of food and beverage?
A3: Yes, we are not. It was easy and simple for selling food and beverage
Q4: Then may i know the reasons?
A4: Maybe we are not confident enough with the knowledge that we have. We
have willingness to for example open service shop for car or motorcycle
