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The Inner Word of Jesus Christ Emmanuel€¦ · bd 7258 - pre-condition for hearing god’s voice...

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www.akademijavjecnogproljeca.org The Inner Word of Jesus Christ Emmanuel Revealed through the Inner Voice to Bertha Dudde in accordance with the promises of John 14:21 & 16:25
Page 1: The Inner Word of Jesus Christ Emmanuel€¦ · bd 7258 - pre-condition for hearing god’s voice – detachment from the world bd 3732 – exercise to hear the voice of the spirit


The Inner Word


Jesus Christ Emmanuel

Revealed through the Inner Voice to Bertha Dudde in accordance

with the promises of John 14:21 & 16:25

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Index :

1. God, our Father, will speak to us eternally (Why and When?)





3. We should pay the utmost attention to our Inner Urgings, and listen very carefully to the Voice of our Heart and our Conscience...


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4. Test the spirits... not all of them are sent by God! Examination of spiritual knowledge with God's help...


5. Why constantly new revelations? Approaching end... distorted doctrine of Jesus Christ


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It is written in the Prophets:

‘And they shall all be taught by God.’

John 6:45 (Isaiah 54:13)

'The knowledge is completely lost to men, that God will speak to people again and again and that all people on Earth must try to listen to His Word given directly... God is Love and God is the Word. Whoever desires the Love of God receives His Word, and receives it through all Eternity.' B.D. 1857 'You humans would be unfortunate if you had to content yourselves with a book which can no longer be checked by you yourselves for changes in its contents... if you were not repeatedly offered the pure truth from above as a guiding principle as to whether you yourselves are living in truth... My love for My living beings will never end, and hence I will never fail to speak to you humans wherever the conditions to do so are met. And My Word will always sound in those who are of good will, to whom the Father can speak like to His children and who have a living faith in Me. And to them I will give evidence of Myself, and My Own will recognise My voice because I can be present with them... I can reveal Myself to them as I have promised.' B.D. 8054 'I will continue to send to earth My revelations because I consider it necessary for people to be informed of the whole truth and not seek the purpose of life in distorted doctrines... by believing what is far removed from the truth and not being able to recognise the plain, simple truth from Me any longer.' B.D. 8251 ‘I have to keep speaking to men in view of the fact that as a result of your imperfection you keep distorting or misinterpreting My pure Word.’ B.D. 8284 'If My Word could not be heard within all spiritual beings there could not be true life either, for only My Word is the life, the strength and also the happiness, or I would forever be a distant, inaccessible God for My living creations, with Whom there would be no reason to make contact and no effect could be recognised either...' B.D. 8522 'You humans rely on the Book of Books and believe that its contents has not been subjected to forgeries.... But I repeatedly tell you that nothing remains pure once it is handled by imperfect human beings. Although it will indeed always be similar to what had originally emerged from Me but you have no guarantee for undistorted spiritual truth… and this

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even less the further back you look at the earliest time of people on this earth… Whatever you are told about it now is only partially true, because pure truth is an attribute of perfection and people are not perfect, consequently you cannot rely on the reports from primeval times which you still consider to be the only truth… Consider the length of time which has passed since and don’t believe that such records have been truthfully preserved throughout this time...' B.D. 8371 'The misguided spiritual knowledge which has crept into people’s thoughts urgently needs to be examined and exposed as wrong and useless or dangerous for the development of the soul... Because error can never lead to Me, the eternal truth… For truth is a light which should shine for all who want to take the right path to Me, to their Father of eternity, Who can, however, never be found by way of misguided teachings… because only truth comes from Me and only truth leads back to Me again.' B.D. 8676 'People often lack the knowledge and faith that God Himself will speak to people. Consequently, they do not listen carefully to His voice within...' B.D. 4775 'I want to speak to you, and I will speak to every one of you who thus is willing to listen to Me, who wants to hear My voice…. You all should avail yourself of this assurance, you should excel yourselves and devote every free minute to Me, and you would truly use your time on earth well. Then the connection would be established ever more frequently, because you would desire Me from the bottom of your heart, Whom you now recognise as your Father and constantly wish to be spoken to by Him.' B.D. 6859 'Only your desire for God decides whether you may hear His voice. God, however, loves His children, and anyone who longs for Him is His child, thus He will also communicate with those who want to hear Him. Therefore a person, who is serious about receiving the truth, will truly not ask God in vain.... God will reveal Himself to him...' B.D. 4775 'If you then give Me the opportunity to lower My ray of love into your heart, if you make it possible by willingly listening to My Word, you will soon feel the effect in yourselves, you will become aware that you are no longer alone…. you will, as it were, sense the presence of a benevolent being to Whom you will give yourselves without resistance, for My ray of love has the effect that it lowers your resistance when I have the opportunity to speak to you, and you will listen to My Words carefully. And you will always listen to My Words if you withdraw into solitude for a short period of time, if you collect your thoughts in prayer or quietly think about yourselves. Then you always give Me the opportunity to speak to you, albeit you won’t recognise My voice at first but merely believe that you hear your own thoughts…' B.D. 5753 'You only need to withdraw from the world, you only need to quietly enter into contemplation and take the path to Me in your thoughts…. You need only wish to hear My voice and your desire will be fulfilled when you listen attentively and observe the thoughts which arise in you more distinctly, because the more intimately you are giving yourselves to Me, the more you will desire to hear Me. For I will answer you.... because I do nothing more gladly than talking to My children who are

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now bound to Me by a strong bond of love, the Father’s love to His child. And if you would make this attempt more often, you would be delighted by the inner peace permeating you, for you would feel My nearness and in this nearness you would also know yourselves to always be protected.' B.D. 7613 ‘Only those have a right to hear My voice who are able to detach themselves from the world, to whom I have become a Concept which cannot be replaced by the world, who have recognised Me as their Father from eternity, Who wants to make you His children, and does not let go of you till He has attained His aim.’ B.D. 7258 'To receive My Word, directly or through messengers of light, requires first of all the will to hear Me, for I will not let My voice sound in the human being’s heart without his willingness to receive it, because only this proves his belief in My working of the spirit within the human being…. Furthermore, a loving way of life must have prepared the heart to become a worthy vessel to receive My spirit…. And the human being who receives My Word must work with it for Me and My kingdom.' B.D. 5182 'God wants to reveal Himself to people, hence He will speak to them…. He will convey His Word to them.... as soon as they believe in Him, in His love, His wisdom and His omnipotence. Because then they will also want to enter into contact with God, they will start a dialogue with Him and in response hear His voice within themselves. The strength of the spirit will communicate itself to them, and a lucid understanding of the most diverse subjects will be the result.' B.D. 2878 ‘Nevertheless, I speak to people, and everyone can hear Me if only he believes in Me, fulfils My commandments of love for God and his neighbour and then quietly and devoutly listens within to what I want to say to him. And he will be able to hear Me and feel blissfully happy when the Father speaks to His child.’

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B.D. 7375 BERTHA DUDDE - AUTOBIOGRAPHY I have been writing messages, received through the inner Word since June 15, 1937. In answer to the many requests of my friends I will give you a picture of my earthly life, a short explanation of what I received spiritually, and my own feelings about all this. I was born April 1, 1891, the second oldest daughter of an artist of Liegnitz in Schlesien, today’s Poland I had a normally peaceful childhood, with six sisters in our parent home. I learned the cares of life at an early age. The desire to make money to help my parents made me learn the trade of a seamstress. As the financial needs of my parents continued, so the burden, and in this way I made myself useful. My parents belonged to different denominations. Father was a Protestant -Mother a Catholic. We children were brought up in the Catholic faith, but never experienced pressure or force to follow the practices of the church so that each child in later years could pursue their own chosen course. I myself was religious, but could not accept the doctrine of the Catholic system, although I respected the church. I could not represent something on the outside that my inner conscience had not accepted. So I did not continue to attend church, heard little preaching and had no knowledge of the Bible. I did not read any religious books or scientific literature and did not join any other group or religious sect. Anyone knowing the Catholic teaching knows what a conscious struggle one finds himself in when he wants to loosen himself from it. I also was not spared from this. But the question as to what is the Truth, and where it is to be found, remained. Often when I prayed the Lord's prayer I would beseech the Lord to allow me to find HIS kingdom. This prayer was answered in June 15, 1937, as I prayed quietly and waited on the inner voice. In this attitude I persisted often, for a wonderful peace came over me and thoughts which came to my heart, not my head, gave me comfort and strength. Still I did not know that these thoughts were given to me, until in a strange dream I experienced something, which later proved to be the Truth and caused me to write down these thoughts. So on a certain day as I listened inwardly a stream of words came to me, which I wrote down. This was the first message I wrote which started like this: "In the beginning was the Word, 'a TE-DEUM' to the Creator of Heaven and Earth." Then came doubt, ….did you write this by yourself? In short, I have wrestled, prayed and gone through many struggles, but again and again the words came to me like a stream, a wisdom, which made me tremble. Then GOD HIMSELF took away my doubts. HE answered me and I acknowledged HIM as our Father, in HIS Word. My faith grew, doubt diminished, and I received and wrote daily.

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The contents of the writings were beyond my understanding. Phrases, which I had never heard of, or read about, strange and scientific expressions and references continually came to me. Then came unheard of expressions of the Heavenly Father's Love giving refuge and providing enlightenment to all the questions of life. The "Words" came to me in the following manner: After sincere prayer and a short period of composure I listened inwardly. Thoughts then followed coming to my mind, clearly, distinctly, and the words flowed smoothly always three or four, one after another, like writing a radio announcement or a weather report, slowly so that I could easily keep pace, writing line after line. Now, I write the words in shorthand as a dictation without having any constructive or intellectual part in it. I am in no way in a 'trance', nor do I even form the sentences, but it comes to me one word at a time, neither do I understand the context while I am writing the words down. After days, sometimes weeks, I transcribe the shorthand writings into longhand without changing or correcting a syllable. Each dictation takes about half an hour. I must stress that this could not happen forcibly or in a state of ecstasy. It all takes place simply and consciously, without any excitement or influence of my own will. I can interrupt myself at any time and finish the sentence after hours or days without reading the previous writing the dictated words continue again. My will is under no compulsion, all that I desire is to serve GOD and do what HIS Will wants me to do. I can truthfully say that I was led into this Truth, and these concepts were, in all respect foreign to me. It was only after years that I found confirmation of what I received, when I came to know the writings of Jacob Lorber. No one can imagine my joy when I discovered the literature of Jacob Lorber; "The Great Gospel of John" and the "Youth of CHRIST" Then I understood that other people were given the Word of the Lord, that GOD had spoken to HIS children at all times and that GOD will continue to do this in HIS endless Love and Mercy. I found in Lorber' s writings the same as was given to me. I often could not understand the word that came to me, but in HIS Love the Heavenly Father gave me the explanation. How wonderful are the innumerable manifestations in which the Father displays HIS exceeding great goodness. It became clear to me that my short education, due to lack of money and my lack of time to read good books or visit performances, became my advantage. I could now concentrate on my work from early morning to late at night, and each day I received that precious spiritual Word without knowing for whom I received it. It is because of my ignorance of the Bible and the Catholic doctrine that I accepted the Word from Above without resistance. In my experience an earnest Catholic or Protestant whose knowledge is rooted in dogmatic theories is too much bound to their dogma to accept and embrace Divine revelations without resistance.

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Still there are scientists at several faculties who earnestly discuss these Divine teachings with increasing interest. Their interest does not only concern the irrefutable explanation of the origin of matter and the possibility of its dissolution, but also the principle of the wrong teachings of different religions, systems and confessions. In the messages I received these errors are recorded and everyone is urged to give instructions concerning these doctrinal errors whenever there is an opportunity. But everyone is free to take the LORD' s Word to heart or not. But whoever understands the spirit in the Father's Word and does not act accordingly makes the distance between himself and the Father even greater. When he does not follow the warning words of Love he puts himself inevitably under the law. He will also in the same measure lack in Grace, disregarding GOD' s commandment of Love. In GOD' s Grace people are led anew to the gospel, which emphatically points out the purpose of man's being. For the merciful Love of GOD seeks to save all who still can be saved be fore the turning point comes. And it will come. The end-time of which seers and prophets have proclaimed is now here. According to the revelations given to me, the LORD does not differentiate between HIS children. "Come ye all to ME" sounds HIS call and blessed is he who hears HIS call and follows HIM. GOD Loves HIS children. HE wants to make them all happy, even when they do not want to know HIM. Recorded Nov. 22, 1953 BERTHA DUDDE.

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B.D. 1857, March 22, 1941

The objection that the Word of God is concluded It is an exceedingly wrong assumption that the Word of God is to be kept closed and that every revelation is to be rejected as a concoction of the forces of evil. Both good and evil powers try to exercise their influence on the people. All the forces of good perform the will of God, but the evil forces work against the Divine. Unknowing powers neither want nor ever could transmit good thoughts because of their darkened state and still being under the power of God's opponent, thus more susceptible to his influence than to the influence of Light-beings. But as soon as these ignorant spirits realize their blindness and yield themselves to the Light-beings, submitting to the Divine Will, from then on they pass on only what they have received from these Light-beings. This must first be clarified to disprove that the powers of the beyond arbitrary, express themselves where people are given Divine revelations. The Lord Himself taught on Earth and brought this Word to men. It was His Will that this Word was written down for the succeeding generation to preserve. He has, however, proclaimed to mankind by His Spirit working through His Word, giving them, as it were, the promise to stay with them in His Word through all Eternity. He Himself has said: “I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth” (John 15:26). There are many places in the Book of Books from which you can conclude that God will always speak to His people, but there is not one statement of the Lord from which you can conclude that His Word is closed off. It must be considered that His Word shall certainly remain unchanged, as shall the Gospel that He Himself brought to mankind. Not one word is to be added, not one word to be taken away, so that the meaning of His Word could be changed (Revelation 22:18, 19). But this does not mean that His Word or His revelations are concluded. Nothing should be changed, not one word added to the words the Lord once spoke on Earth. But human wisdom has attempted to change and improve them. The Word of God is often distorted by people of good intention trying to make it more understandable. This has led to even the work of His Spirit, proclaimed by Him, being less understood and therefore not recognized. The knowledge is completely lost to men, that God will speak to people again and again and that all people on Earth must try to listen to His Word given directly. Instead however men draw back from the expression of the Divine Will. God Himself comes close to people in His Word, but they no longer recognize Him. His written word is no longer alive in people. They still read the Word alright but they no longer grasp the meaning. A spiritual drought has set in because the well of Living water has been stopped by the people themselves. But God has taken pity on men. So He has allowed a stream of Living Water to break forth from the rock (Exodus 17:1-6). He lets streams of Living Water flow from the innermost being of those who long for His refreshing drink and open their hearts and ears to receive His Divine Word. With this the Holy Scriptures are fulfilled. However, if He no longer revealed Himself, and if He

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no longer was close to the people, or among them, then the Word of the Lord through His Earthly walk would have been in vain. So man is not justified to consider the working of God as closed. If he does this he only demonstrates his ignorance or in- comprehension concerning the written Word. Because of the innumerable references to the working of the Divine Spirit, which he would thereby make invalid he reveals that he really does not grasp the meaning. Such a one belongs to those who err and puts on their error to other people. He will then not recognize the pure Truth and therefore also withhold it from his fellowmen. But God' s Love is unlimited always giving and never exhausting. God will therefore express Himself through His Love giving His Love so that everyone who abides in Love themselves may receive it. God is Love and God is the Word. Whoever desires the Love of God receives His Word, and receives it through all Eternity. AMEN


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B.D. 8054, December 3, 1961

Is the Bible completed? How misguided you are to assume that with the Scriptures, the Book of the Fathers, My Word has come to an end …. that I Myself have set a limit in so far as that I now do not communicate anymore, that I do not speak to people any longer.… Who gives you the authority to make such an assumption?.... Who will deny Me to speak time and again as Father to My children? Who gives you the right to make the assertion that the Bible is sufficient on its own, that you humans need no other Word?.... Those of you who reject every new revelation are still confined in the darkness of spirit.… And in this darkness you will not understand the Bible either, thus it is still a closed book for you because you do not understand the spiritual meaning of the letters, or you would also find the references concerning My continuous revelations in this book and the working of My spirit would be comprehensible to you.… But as long as your spirit is still unenlightened you cannot grasp the meaning of the Word which I Myself spoke to My disciples while I lived on earth.… You humans would be unfortunate if you had to content yourselves with a book which can no longer be checked by you yourselves for changes in its contents.… if you were not repeatedly offered the pure truth from above as a guiding principle as to whether you yourselves are living in truth.… Those of you who only accept the Book of the Fathers have not yet penetrated ‘the Word’ yourselves, you have only read it intellectually but not allowed the spirit within you to speak, who instructs you and explains to you the spiritual meaning of the Word…. You adhere to the letter and do not understand its meaning.... And when I Myself want to guide you into truth you deny My activity, and you suspect My servants of associating with My adversary.… you question My will and the power to speak to those who devoutly offer their service to Me and who are thus also able to hear My voice within themselves…. And you stubbornly hold on to your opinion that My Word is concluded with the Scriptures, which you acknowledge as the only book through which I have revealed Myself.… And that is your loss, because by rejecting My Word from above you prove yourselves to be mere dead Christians, because living Christianity is an ‘activity of love’, and this would result in your spiritual enlightenment and thus also in an understanding for My exceptional help in times of spiritual hardship.… Then you would also comprehend the Bible words, the promises, which I Myself gave to you and which point out that I will reveal Myself to those who keep My commandments (John 14:21).… So how do you intend to interpret My promises, if you deny every ‘New Revelation’?.... Do you want to call Me a liar when I announce My ‘comforter’ to you who will ‘guide you into every truth (John 16:13).…’ How do you understand these Words which have to come to pass, because every promise I gave to people during My life on earth fulfils itself.… And why do you not want to believe? Because your spirit is arrogant, because you lack inner life, spiritual awakening, and thus you believe that you are able to determine and limit Me and My activity as it suits you.… But you are mistaken, even if you believe that you have acquired knowledge through your studies which entitles you to reject My Word from above.… You are spiritually arrogant and therefore you can never receive a revelation from Me yourselves, because I only bestow My grace to the humble, and you are lacking this humility.… And thus you still walk in darkness, and you will not be able to penetrate it since you avoid the light which could give you insight if you wanted to step into its radiance.… My love for My living beings will never end, and hence I will never fail to speak to you humans wherever the conditions to do so are met. And My Word will always sound in those who are of good will, to whom the Father can speak like to His children and who have a living faith in Me. And to them I will give evidence of Myself, and My Own will recognise My voice because I can

be present with them.… I can reveal Myself to them as I have promised.… Amen

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B.D. 6038, August 30, 1954

New Revelations.... Reason.... Bible....

It is very dangerous when My Word gets wrongly interpreted, when the meaning of My Word becomes distorted and this misinterpretation is then used as a foundation again. For then My adversary will have easy access by confusing people’s thoughts more than ever and distance them ever further from the truth. No-one will ever be able to quote a Word from the Scriptures which proves that the Father will never speak to His children again because He has already declared His will in the Scriptures.... There is no Word which could give people the right to deny new Words of love by God.... there is no Word which would support the opponents of My New Revelations, for I would never have spoken such a Word, because only I know that My living creations on earth will require My Word time and again in order to reach the objective of becoming My children… I speak to people in different ways indeed, and therefore not every human being needs to hear My voice directly; yet if I didn’t speak to people time and again only few would, in fact, reach their goal…. For without the working of My spirit people would be unable to think correctly, to separate truth from error and even to understand the Scriptures correctly…. Thus I also address people when I teach them to think correctly and establish the right goal for their feelings, but whatever a person thinks who is guided by My spirit he will also be able to voice it, and this communication through a human mouth is then likewise a revelation from Me, for then it is My Word which was imparted to the human being by My spirit. For I want to speak to people, and if someone willingly places himself at My disposal by wanting to proclaim My Word to people…. then My Word will be voiced through this person’s mouth…. Every true messenger of My Word offers Me the opportunity of revealing Myself anew.... And likewise, I can voice My Word when someone is willing to listen to Me…. when a person attentively listens within himself and desires to be addressed by Me…. Would a loving Father stay quiet when His child desires to hear Him?.... Does My love limit itself? Am I not a Lord of infinite riches which I Am constantly willing to bestow? Do you humans want to impose restrictions on Me or deny Me to speak when and to whom I want? If you believe that I can be present with you, then you also have to believe that I will reveal Myself when I Am with you, and yet you want to argue that I speak to people who want to hear Me…. But I have promised you My presence with the Words ‘Whenever two or three of you come together in My name I Am there with you….’ (Matthew 18:20) And what will you talk about then? Will you discuss worldly affairs? No, you will make Me the subject of your conversation, you will speak righteously, and you will say what I put into your mouth, for I Myself will speak through you so that you recognise My presence…. And thus I Myself will be wherever people unite to hear My Word.... wherever I Am allowed to speak, wherever My spirit can work, and you humans will always receive the same Word since it is your desire to hear Me …. I know how much people need My Word, and therefore I will never stop conveying My Word to you, and I will enlighten people about error and misinterpretation of the Scriptures; I will impart My pure Gospel Myself to those who open themselves to Me, thereby wanting to be of service to Me and their fellow human beings…. for I will bless every good will and every desire for truth, and My blessing consists of speaking to them Myself just as I once spoke to My disciples, and I will give all those who are able to hear Me the task to spread My pure Gospel, for I speak through them to everyone who wants to hear Me…. Amen


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B.D. 8251, August 25, 1962

Doubting Divine revelations…

Time and again people will doubt My divine revelations because they do not have enough living faith, otherwise they could easily understand My actions during the final time before the end. Living faith demands a life of love, which most people disregard because they only want to love themselves, and in this misguided love they cannot find Me, they cannot recognise Me as their God and Creator, Who also wants to be their Father. Their faith is a mere formality, an acquired knowledge of faith, which could not yet become alive in them and therefore they cannot understand the ‘outpouring of My spirit’ either, which I have promised to all of those who ‘believe in Me and keep My commandments…’ because it is to those whom I want to reveal Myself. And the more they adhere to this formal faith the more they reject My revelations which, however, I will continue to send to earth because I consider it necessary for people to be informed of the whole truth and not seek the purpose of life in distorted doctrines... by believing what is far removed from the truth and not being able to recognise the plain, simple truth from Me any longer… In fact, it is far easier to introduce the pure truth to a completely sceptical person than to convince those who overzealously study the Book of Books, who attempt to explain every letter intellectually and who reject My simple communication as the work of demons. My adversary has already spread dense darkness, and even uses this book to confuse people’s logical thought and to prevent the people from gaining a clear understanding. He is succeeding because their bond with Me is not deep enough for My strength of love to flow into a human heart which would enable it to receive the light and to distinguish truth from error. However, human beings would be in dire trouble if I did not have compassion on them and try to strengthen them remarkably, if I did not, by way of direct communication with them, give them proof of Me and My presence and even speak to My children like a Father… You humans are still seeking Me in the distance… even if you believe in Me you cannot believe that the Father speaks to His children… that He Himself bends down to persuade His children to submit themselves to Him trustingly, asking Him to guide them through their earthly lives. You forever think of Me as the strict God Who gives commandments, Who demands obedience and punishes those people who are disobedient... You should know that I never ‘punish’ My living creations, but that they create every painful state for themselves, that they themselves also ventured towards the depth, that I do not condemn them but forever attempt to lead them back again, that I help them to ascend from the abyss and entice and call on them not to go astray or to fall prey to My adversary…

And how better can I show My love for My living creations than by My direct communication, by revelations which explain Me and My Being and which, being divine truth, can only be experienced by the human soul as extremely effective and strengthens it for its earthly pilgrimage. Because I Am motivated by My love towards My living creations who live on earth as human beings in order to return to Me and who can only reach that goal when I Myself give them the strength to do so, when I nourish them with the bread from heaven and the water of life… with My Word… And people refuse to understand this act of love and hence also decline My valuable gift of grace... They are not alive and also remain faithful to the lifeless form of Christianity, because they lack the strength of faith for as long as they lack love, which would provide them with the right concept of Me, of My Being, which is love, wisdom and power… And love will give itself time and again, and it will give to those who are weak but of good will everything they need to successfully complete their pilgrimage on earth … Time and again My love will show itself because it also wants to be loved by those who originated from My love and who have to unite with Me again forever… Amen


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B.D. 8284, September 26, 1962

Promises that concern Divine revelations "I will reveal Myself to you” (John 14:21), thus runs My promise which also you, who would like to disavow such revelations, cannot deny. But how can I reveal Myself to you if you do not believe that My Word is the truth which I Myself spoke to you as I walked on earth?!

I want to reveal Myself to you, and My sole condition is that you love Me and keep My commandments (John 14:21). However, you disregard My promise, otherwise you would faithfully listen and welcome My revelation. You learn on the Scriptures, the book of books, but do not believe what is written there, for it contains many more promises announcing My working through the Spirit through which I want to reveal Myself. How then do you interpret My Words: "I shall send you the Comforter" (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7)... "I shall be with you unto the end of the world" (Matthew 28:20)? And the words: "From your loins shall flow streams of living water" (John 7:38; Isaiah 44:3; 55:1; 58:11; John 4:10)? And, "I will pour out My Spirit over all flesh" (Joel 2:28-30; Acts 2:17)? Why do you not believe that the Father keeps talking to his children? Why do you limit My activity to a measure that is admissible to `you'? You should realise that with rational thinking you can do a lot of harm if you ignore your heart - if you do not allow your heart to speak and be a much better teacher for you. You want to thwart My creatures' direct contact with Me and want to think of it as impossible that I Myself speak to My children, although I also said: "My sheep know My voice" (John 10:27). Therefore, I must speak to them, I am doing it and shall be doing it through all eternity. Only what issues from My mouth is the pure truth, therefore, you must accept also as truth that which is written is the Scriptures and which you call my Word. I have to keep speaking to men in view of the fact that as a result of your imperfection you keep distorting or misinterpreting My pure Word. Therefore, aspire first after the awakening of your spirit, endeavour to live My gospel of love which I taught on earth and then your thinking will become enlightened and clear, and you will desire that I reveal Myself to you. You will be asking for evidence of My presence and you shall, indeed, receive it, for your faith will have become alive and a living contact with Me will have been established. What previously you were unable to believe will now be quite obvious to you, namely, that the Eternal Father, your God and Creator reveals Himself to His creatures because He wants to be known and loved by them. That is why He makes Himself known and `reveals' Himself as a God of Love, Wisdom and Might.

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And if you people earnestly wish to come closer to this supremely perfect being, He will grant you enlightenment so that you need no longer walk in darkness as a consequence of your apostasy from Me. Even if you read the Scriptures eagerly, if you learned by heart every letter, it is only your intellect that obtains a knowledge which is of little use for your soul. Only an awakened spirit will attain complete enlightenment, i.e., the adjustment of your whole being towards love; the fulfilment of My divine commandments of love alone can give you enlightened knowledge. Then will you also apprehend the Book of books correctly in its spiritual meaning, whilst until you have achieved this, it will remain for you nothing but “a knowledge of the letter”, and it is only “the Spirit that gives life to the letter” (2 Corinthians 3:6). If you people earnestly want to serve Me and be good workers in My vineyard, then you must first of all establish a close contact with Me, your Father from eternity, and only then you will yourselves be enlightened and know that I reveal Myself to you as I have promised, for My Word is truth and must be fulfilled. And it also comes true as soon as the necessary basis is given and you live a life in love longing for My presence. Then you will listen inwardly and no longer doubt the love of the Father who reveals Himself to you through His Spirit. Amen


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B.D. 8710, December 29, 1963

John 14, 15-26 ‘He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me …. and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him (John 14:21)….’ This promise of Mine clearly points to the fact that I reveal Myself to those who comply with My requirements because they love Me…. And with My promise I pointed to the working of My Spirit within you during My lifetime on earth already, for precisely this Spirit wanted to express itself to you and grant you clarity about Myself, My nature and My activity…. I wanted to reveal Myself to you…. to convey to you the pure truth about everything that originates in Me. Yet only few people have understood the meaning of these Words, for only few people ascribe any value to such divine revelations; as a rule everything, which essentially merely proves the heartfelt contact with Me, is rejected. I demanded of you nothing else but the fulfilment of My commandments of love, for as soon as you lead a life of true love you also unite with Me, Who is Love Itself, and ‘whoever remains in love remains in Me and I in him….’ It should become constantly easier for you to understand that I…. if I Am with or within you…. will also express Myself, and every manifestation on My part is a revelation. And this has to guarantee you the purest truth, because nothing but truth can come forth from Me. Consequently you can, without reservation, also accept everything that is presented to you in the form of such revelations which, since they originate from Me, can only be the purest truth. All you humans should engross yourselves more in the spiritual meaning of the Words spoken by Me when I lived on earth. And if you do not understand them correctly or can only recognise an earthly meaning, then you should establish a heartfelt contact with Me by praying to Me in spirit and in truth (John 4:23, 24) and asking Me for the correct understanding and, truly, it will be given to you because it is My will that you shall think correctly. But especially you, who believe yourselves to be entitled and called to preach My Word, are not promoting the understanding of My Word, for you do not contemplate the meaning and simply ignore what you are unable to rationally explain yourselves. Nevertheless, My Word has been spoken and remains valid. I have promised to reveal Myself to you and thus you cannot accuse Me of being a liar, you will have to believe in divine revelations yet merely seriously examine what should be accepted as a divine revelation, but you must not reject all spiritual information received on earth in an unusual way as the activity of adverse forces…. since I have, after all, given you the above promise Myself. And you will certainly be able to make a serious assessment since you were also informed of the criterion ‘Test the spirits whether they are of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God (1 John 4:1-3)….’ Hence, divine revelations also have to bear witness of Jesus’ act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Him.... But then you may unhesitatingly believe, especially if Jesus’ act of Salvation is the subject of a revelation which someone claims to have received directly from Me …. You truly need not accept anything unreservedly, it is your duty to examine all spiritual information or you would not be requested to ‘Test the spirits whether they are of God….’ Every human being should form his own opinion about what is imparted to him, he should always conduct every examination by calling upon Myself so that he will achieve a living faith…. which, however, is not possible if he accepts everything that is presented to him as spiritual knowledge without objection. For My adversary is active as well and always tries to contaminate the pure truth, and the human being himself is duty bound to form an opinion as to be able to distinguish truth from error. And in that case he should keep as much as possible to divine revelations, for as soon as he desires the truth I will also convey it to him in some form or other and he will accept it without inner objection, because it will affect him as light and strength, since everything originating from Me will not remain ineffective. Anyone who truly desires the truth from Me will definitely be correctly guided by Me in his thinking, for then I will place the right thoughts into his heart, because he will have sincerely requested the truth from Myself and he will then

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also be able to speak of divine revelations…. Then he, too, will be able to lay claim to My promise…. ‘I will manifest Myself to him….’ (John 14:21) He will feel the truth in his heart and his intellect will equally recognise it as right, his thinking will be guided into the right direction and he will reject all wrong thoughts…. Only these conditions will have to be fulfilled by him: He has to comply with My commandments of love on which I have made My divine revelation dependent, for I Am Love Myself, and if I Am to reveal Myself, a human being also has to be united with Me through love so that I Am present in him and he finds himself in the sphere of the Eternal Truth and thus can no longer think wrongly either…. Living a life of love and seriously desiring the pure truth.... is the guarantee that a human being is also moving within the truth…. But the desire for truth is usually missing…. even if a person’s heart is full of love…. and this is so because the person believes himself to possess the truth, and he cannot be instructed because he doesn’t ask but deems himself knowledgeable…. For this reason it is good if the human being begins to doubt because then he will ask himself questions which I will gladly answer him in his thoughts, because I will reveal Myself to someone who loves Me and keeps My commandments. And even these doubts are often placed into the person’s heart by Me, for I only want the person to live in truth and I will help everyone of good will to achieve it…. Amen


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B.D. 8522, July 8, 1963

God's Word will be heard eternally.... I have promised to stay with you until the end of the world (Matthew 28:20).... And My Word will be heard by you, My living creation, as a sign of My presence.... The connection between your God and Creator of eternity and you, His beings having emerged from Him, will remain forever.... My love for you will eternally express Itself by speaking to you, because since the beginning It found greatest pleasure in being able to be in touch with Its living creations through the Word, and because the happiness of all beings will also eternally consist of constantly receiving My strength of love, and this transmission of strength is expressing Itself through My directly imparted Word. I reveal Myself through the Word.... I transfer My thoughts onto you and find My happiness by stimulating you to respond in kind, so that the dialogue between Father and child can take place, which in itself provides supreme beatitude.... The more perfect the being is, the more clearly it can hear My voice within its heart.... which has to be spiritually understood insofar as that the being is moving within brightest realisation, within the same will and the same thoughts as Mine, with Whom it is intimately united due to its perfection. Yet even a being with a lesser degree of maturity can still hear Me if, in awareness of itself, it establishes contact with Me.... Nevertheless, the degree of happiness will be higher or lower respectively, for once it is united with Me again.... the being will have come alive.... the state of death will have been overcome, which alone excludes the hearing of My Word.... But only very few people know that their God and Creator would like to speak to them and that they could indeed hear Him if they lived a way of life in accordance with His will. Only few people experience the happiness of a direct communication and enter into a heartfelt relationship with Him.... And if fellow human beings are given the knowledge of it they find it incredible and only laugh at those who tell them so.... Yet 'Heaven and earth shall pass away: but My Word shall not pass away (Matthew 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33)....' And this promise of Mine, too, is usually interpreted differently in as much as you believe that the 'written Word' will be preserved unchanged.... Yet even for this it is necessary that My Word be repeatedly conveyed to earth because human will does not retain anything unaltered and the purity of the once spoken Word will not remain guaranteed.... But this promise of Mine has an even more profound significance still.... 'My Word shall not pass away....' My Word will always and forever be heard by the spiritually tangible beings, My Word will always and forever give evidence of the bond of all created beings with Me, My living creations may always and forever be able to hear Me, for their happiness rests in the fact that they will be spoken to by Me directly, that they will always know of My will and harbour the same will within themselves, that they may associate with their God and Creator like children with their Father.... that profound realisation, supreme wisdom and truthful knowledge will permeate them and make them infinitely happy.... And all this is only the result of the dialogue with Me through the Word.... If My Word could not be heard within all spiritual beings there could not be true life either, for only My Word is the life, the strength and also the happiness, or I would forever be a distant, inaccessible God for My living creations, with Whom there would be no reason to make contact and no effect could be recognised either.... 'I will be with you until the end....' You will not be without Me and My presence anymore.... unless you still belong to My adversary into whose domain I will not intrude, instead you have to turn to Me voluntarily. But as soon as you have separated yourselves from him and seriously strive towards Me, My Word will also be heard within you, albeit very quietly at first as the voice of conscience.... yet you will be able to hear it increasingly more distinctly if only you hand yourselves over to Me so that you are inwardly urged to speak to Me in thought.... Then you will also receive an answer, only that you will not recognise it as such at first but regard it as your own thoughts.... However, the more you withdraw from the world and look for Me, the louder My voice will sound in you, and the belief in My speaking to you can also enable you to consciously expect it....

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And you will hear Me.... It entirely depends on your soul's degree of maturity, it entirely depends on your degree of love, how you will hear Me and My Word.... And since you, as belonging to Me, are constantly ascending, My Word will not exclude you either.... I will be and remain with you and always and forever speak to you.... and you will become increasingly happier as a result of the constant dialogue with Me through My Word.... Amen


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B.D. 6852, June 15, 1957

‘In the beginning was the Word (John 1:1)….’ In the beginning was the Word and the Word will exist for all eternity. The Word is the emanation of My love; it is My connection with every creation which, being conscious of its identity, desires to unite with Me…. Because only this desire, the will to hear Me, will result in a being’s ability to feel touched by the Word’s inherent strength of love. The Word provides the being with evidence of another being, Which thus speaks to it…. The Word emanated from Me when essence of being from within Myself entered into life. I gave the essence of being the ability to perceive something within itself which penetrated it as Word…. as a formulated thought…. and which demonstrated the presence of a second being wishing to communicate…. Only the ‘created’ being needed My Word and therefore it is said ‘In the beginning was the Word’…. I Myself exist eternally, but as long as no other spiritual being but Myself existed it was not necessary to pronounce My Word: however, I intended to speak to the created spiritual being in order to intensify its bliss. It was unable to see Me but I wanted it to hear Me, it should be able to share My thoughts, which therefore sounded as ‘Words’ within itself and which, in turn, stimulated the spiritual being itself to think, to freely use its mental capacity and its will…. because I had externalised the being to be independent, but it should also be able to stay in constant contact with Me through the exchange of thoughts, which expressed themselves through ‘the Word’. I was filled with love beyond description when I created beings in the image of Myself and the urge to impart Myself to these beings motivated Me to speak to them and tell them of My love for them. In so doing they themselves also felt the bond with the Being, Which loved them in abundance.... Thus My love flowed into these beings in the form of My Word, and they too were able to respond to My love for they were the products of My love, therefore they were ‘love’ themselves in their fundamental nature…. They could also understand and reply to My Word. They were equally capable of communicating with each other by way of the Word.... but this always consisted of the thoughts which first flowed from Me to them in form of My Word…. For the Word came forth from Me, since I Myself Am the Word of eternity…. the all-creative strength, Which is love in Itself. And the Word will exist eternally.... I Am eternal…. The Word had a beginning but it will remain forever because My created spiritual essence cannot cease to exist. Hence I will eternally speak to and thereby delight this spiritual being, just as the strength of My love will flow to the spiritual being thereby touching and delighting it in form of My Word. I Myself Am the Word, and I give evidence of Myself to My living creations by way of the Word. They can hear Me even if they are unable to see Me, and they can feel that I Myself speak to them.... their God and Creator of eternity, Whose infinite Fatherly love expresses itself in a way which verifies a link between the Creator and the creation, between the Father and His child. And the Word will sound for all eternity because the love for the creation cannot cease, and consequently the creation will also always experience this love…. I will always speak to My children, I will pronounce My Word throughout infinity, I will not just speak to the spiritual beings of light but I will also speak to people on earth, who know little as yet about the infinite love of the Father for His children…. In that case I will make use of a person who joins Me voluntarily and therefore serves Me as an instrument…. For all people shall know that I exist, and they shall also have proof of it in form of My Word, the outstanding divine emanation of love…. However, whether they allow themselves to be addressed by Me, whether My Word touches their hearts, is only ever the result of good will, which I do not want to gain by force…. But anyone of good will shall also recognise Me Myself in the Word, and anyone consciously allowing himself to be addressed by Me has also received My illumination of love which will never be without effect…. And blessed is he who consciously allows himself to be spoken to by Me.... For he will enter the sphere of My love voluntarily, and then My love will constantly flow to him, and he will achieve the state again when he will hear Me always and forever because he has sincerely united with Me once again…. Amen


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B.D. 4665, June 11, 1949

The world wants to see miracles and does not see the greatest miracle of all….

It seems strange to you that I do not appear in great glory, that I do not make My presence known through eye-catching unusual appearances, but simply and without splendour merely express Myself through My Word where I Am able to be present. The world wants to see miracles but My Own see miracles everywhere and therefore will also recognise Me in plain clothing. They feel My spirit which gives evidence of itself that it is not a deceptive light, but it spreads a soft yet bright light that radiates from the heart, where I Myself can dwell. The world wants to see miracles and fails to see the greatest miracle of all.... For is it not a miracle that you may hear the voice of God, that I Myself can speak to you like a Father speaks to his children? Is it not a miracle that I personally answer questions which arise in a thinking person and which he is nevertheless unable to answer himself? Is it not a miracle that you yourselves have the teacher within you Who educates you in purest truth and grants you wisdom? You, who look for God in the distance, will never be able to grasp this miracle and therefore you will be unable to believe, for you do not allow My working within yourselves and thus I cannot make Myself known to you either. Yet My Own, who have established a relationship with Me through their thoughts, who always feel Me close to them, are impressed by the miracle, even though the miracle keeps itself hidden from them, that is, they cannot comprehend the full extent of their experience. For they should remain open-minded in their relationship with Me, so that they speak and commend themselves to Me as a friend and brother without any sense of excessive awe. And therefore I Am closer to them than to those who want to behold Me intellectually and yet will never be able to find Me. But I will also appear to some in an obvious manner, and they will then be able to bear witness of Me and portray Me as truly existing, and through their faith they will also help to strengthen the faith of those who are still weak but not without faith. My Word will speak for itself and give evidence of Me to the world. The substance of the Word conveyed from above to earth is a far more obvious miracle than any extraordinary process which people would like to experience as ‘proof of God’. My servants on earth who remain simple and receive My Word without trance, who equally simply pass it on again as they have received it from Me, are not affected by inner excitement, yet their souls experience the merciful, unusual event and will be enlightened, even if the human being as such is unaware of it. I know why My servants must have this apparent insensitivity and thus it is also My doing, not in order to disadvantage but to benefit the soul. And therefore do not allow such thoughts to reduce the value of the messages but know that I Am present with you Myself when you hear My voice, and that this presence of Mine is truly the greatest of miracles which, however, only few people believe or experience consciously. For the world wants to behold and be in awe but not quietly listen and be grateful for every genuine secret revelation which the conveyance of My Word from above signifies to people…. Amen


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B.D. 8098, February 9, 1962

God reveals Himself in times of spiritual hardship…. Every thought you send to Me in spirit and in truth is received by Me, and I really seek to answer your questions truthfully. But you, too, must try to accept this answer without prejudice…. You should feel like empty vessels which I want to fill with the correct contents that can only be beneficial for all of you…. And you should know that My love for you is limitless, that It will therefore use every means to help you, who are so close to perfection, to achieve this final goal, for which there is not much time left. You should also know that My adversary has immense power during the period before the end, which is granted to him by people who do not seriously strive for their final perfection themselves…. and that he will also succeed in achieving many people’s downfall again, whose earthly progress will then have been in vain. Since I know everything, even the fact that many still undecided souls are too weak to resist his shameful actions…. and since My love is infinite and I truly want to liberate all people from his hands yet cannot contravene the law of eternal order, I will act within the framework of eternal order by helping all those who will merely raise their thoughts to Me, whose will is not against Me, even if they have not yet openly decided for Me…. But I want to help them make the right decision. Thus I have to give them light and strength so that they can learn to recognise Me one day and then also muster the strength to resist My adversary and to strive towards Me. I Am by no means a God Who could not be reached by you…. I Am love, and love is never distant from Its living creations, It always and forever pursues them, even if they are still extremely remote from Me. First you have to learn to recognise this God Who, as Father, takes a personal interest in the fate of every individual human being and for Whom you therefore should never search for in the distance. One heartfelt thought from My child calls Me to him, and I will be and remain near to him, for the child’s love will not allow a separation again…. And I will reveal Myself to him…. And this is My great help, which I bestow on humanity in the last days who suffer utmost spiritual hardship…. I will speak to people Myself, and all people who merely open their hearts to hear Me speak from above may hear My Words…. I will impart light and strength to them through My Word, which they need for their perfection. And thus I Am at work Myself…. your eternal God and Father…. to lessen My adversary’s activity, to offer people a rescue anchor which enables them to escape the danger of yielding to his activity. I speak to people Myself, and use for this a willing instrument which serves me knowingly and allows My direct action on and within him…. because I do not impose My will on humanity but it should freely decide whether to accept My Word or not…. But I Myself speak to all people…. because I Am motivated by My infinite love which will never end and which is always willing to help. And you humans should believe that the spiritual hardship is vast, because you are approaching the end. You should also know that the end is the result of My love…. For I know what needs to be done, I know when the time has come that I have to restore lawful order again so as to continue with the work of return for the fallen spirits. But I also know where and how help can still be given, and I truly use every opportunity to open people’s eyes while they are still on earth in order to reveal Myself to them.... My sheep recognise the voice of their shepherd…. and they follow it. However, My voice will sound in the universe too, for My Word is also heard in infinity, it speaks to all self-aware spirits and permeates them with light and strength…. Thus you will not be able to say that you cannot or may not hear Me…. For then My love or My might would be limited…. And even if I Am and remain unattainable for My living creations I Am nevertheless intimately united with them through love, and so close that every living creation can hear Me if he loves Me too and thus has established the unity again, as it was in the beginning…. For in the beginning all beings could hear My Word, and this was their beatitude, and one day it will be their beatitude again when the light of My love permeates the beings once more as before…. Amen


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B.D. 6592, July 10, 1956

Explanation of this remarkable gift of grace My direct communication with human beings is an undeserved grace because a person only rarely achieves a degree of maturity on earth which brings him close enough to lead to a direct illumination of love from Me. However, in the final days before the end I speak to all human beings in a way that they can hear Me, even though it may not be direct. To this end I need a human form which allows My direct work on itself.… which is willing to submit itself to Me.… and I use this willingness in a remarkable way because people are in urgent need of help. Although I can only choose a form as My instrument if it has already achieved a certain maturity of soul, but this maturity would not suffice for the kind of illumination which is the share of a true child of God.… of a human being who will leave this earth completely spiritualised to be received by Me as My child, who will now receive all the privileges of a child and thus can also closely relate to Me as a child to its Father.… You have to understand that such a degree of maturity is the primary prerequisite for the emanation of My love’s strength to touch another being directly in order to then be transmitted by numerous recipients of light to wherever there is a desire for it. Hence I call it an undeserved grace when I use a less mature human form to send this emanation of My love’s strength directly to people. In view of the approaching end the flow of mercy has to be increased in order to help people.… what otherwise would be impossible can still be achieved with an extraordinary input of strength.… For this reason I Am prepared to accept a person’s mere sincere will to be of service to Me.… providing he has met the requirement which allows My spirit to work within him. Because this is My promise: ‘I will send you the comforter, the spirit of truth, who will teach you everything and remind you of everything which I tell you.…’ Thus My spirit works in every human being who, as a result of his love, has shaped himself into a receptacle of My spirit.… It leads him to the right knowledge, it enlightens his thoughts, it provides him with insights, and thus the human being will live in truth, the light will be within him and he will also be able to impart his knowledge to other people.… He will be filled by My spirit and be entitled to speak of My presence within himself. And this working of My spirit in a person requires a certain degree of love which every person of good will can achieve on earth. However, this degree of love can be continually increased and lead to a unity with Me which will become close enough for Me to seize My child with all the fervour of My love, so that, with indescribable happiness, it will be able to hear My voice and be filled with such strength of love that it will long to pass it on.… However, this degree of love is rarely found on earth.... But My direct communication has a tremendous effect.... an effect, which no human being on earth could endure. For this reason I can only use a very small amount of strength when I take care of people, when I want to help them, but it still has an incredible effect on people while their degree of maturity is still low.… In fact, when I use a human being to speak to them I also speak to them directly.... but the strength which compels people to believe in Me is reduced, in as much as My communication will always be the language of the person I use.… whether I speak to them directly through this person or whether they hear the Words which this person has received directly from Me.… the people will always feel that the spiritual values were ‘passed on’ to them, they will always first hear the words of the human being acting as mediator, and, depending on their degree of love, will become aware of Myself and My love.… so that, in fact, something extraordinarily important will be given to human beings which can be of real help, but which will never affect them in its fullness of strength, because they would not be able to bear it.…

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And likewise the mediator.... the form I use to express Myself.… will be affected by this, in accordance with his degree of love, because he too will only be able to hear the sound of My voice after he has achieved a higher degree of maturity, so that he will receive clear evidence of My presence.… But for the most part he will merely hear My message, the working of My spirit in him, in his thoughts. Although in that case he indeed serves Me as a mediator, I can reveal Myself through him to all human beings, but the flow of My love’s strength will affect him just as little as the people to whom I speak through him… because he too has to walk the earthly path with complete freedom of will.… which would be prevented by any extraordinary communication on My part. Nevertheless, amongst the people who offer themselves to serve as My instrument I can only choose those who can meet the specific conditions.… Because I offer people a tremendous gift of grace even before the end, and it takes strong faith and willpower to place oneself at My disposal as a mediator for this gift of grace, which will have only become that strong by virtue of a life of love…. Love and faith are indispensable for a mission, which constitutes a service to Me as well as a service to other people, to be a mediator between Me and the people. The person must be completely convinced that I can and want to communicate in order to help people.… and this conviction of faith has to be obtained by a life of love. Only then can I mould this person into an instrument and let My emission of grace flow towards all people.… which will, in fact, result in a state of bliss for their souls but which will not be experienced as unusual by the people themselves. However, if My strength of love also touched the person’s mind he would no longer be calm enough to hear and record My spirit’s pronouncement, then he would only be affected by My illumination of love himself. Imparting it to other people, however, would be impossible.… Nevertheless I want to use him to talk to all people, and that requires an instrument which will completely submit to My will, which will only want to be My instrument for the purpose of a mission.… And thus it can only receive its reward in the spiritual kingdom, whilst it will not receive any particular privileges during its earthly life apart from those which I have promised to all labourers in My vineyard: that I will look after them spiritually and physically, that they are under My protection and will be constantly directed and guided by My care. They should not be prompted to surrender to Me due to an unusual feeling of blissfulness which would be synonymous with a force of will, but they should be prepared to serve Me and other people of their own free will and unconditionally believe that their dedication can be a service to Me.… This kind of faith and will is blessed by Me, and My blessing will help the soul to mature. Thus, people can receive an undeserved grace during the final days, an unimaginably effective emission of grace which, if it is used correctly, can help them to ascend, yet without being spiritually compelled to do so. My direct message can be heard in a manner which is endurable for people because the illumination by the light of My love will occur in disguise, which the said human form shall facilitate.… Consequently, people will receive an amount of strength which will benefit their maturity of soul but which can be increased at any time depending on how My gift of grace is used.… by way of which I still want to save people during the final days before the end.… Amen

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LISTEN TO THE GOD’S VOICE WITHIN… B.D. 4775, July 11, 1949

Voice of the spirit is truth.... Jesus Christ’s teaching.... Inner voice.... What you are told by the voice of the spirit has to be acknowledged as spiritual truth, for the spirit does not err but, as part of God, knows everything and also informs the soul of what it needs to know. Therefore, if you let the voice of the spirit speak in you, you will hear God Himself, albeit always providing that you desire to hear God. Only your desire for God decides whether you may hear His voice. God, however, loves His children, and anyone who longs for Him is His child, thus He will also communicate with those who want to hear Him. Therefore a person, who is serious about receiving the truth, will truly not ask God in vain.... God will reveal Himself to him, but He will do so in different ways because people often lack the knowledge and faith that God Himself will speak to people. Consequently, they do not listen carefully to His voice within, and thus God will bring His Word in other ways to them so that the person may partake of the truth, which is always upheld in His Word. But only in His Word should you humans search for truth. Take notice of what Jesus taught during the time of His earthly life and accept it as God's Word, for the voice of God spoke through Jesus, the spirit of God was working through Him, and therefore everything He taught was purest truth. Hence you should always keep to His sacred Word; you should accept it in your heart as God's Word through which He wants to guide you into truth, if you sincerely appeal to Him for truth. He will give it to you, He will always convey it to you in the manner you are receptive to.... yet you will also always be able to listen inwardly for the divine voice, and if you practise this in the firm belief that He will reveal Himself to you as His children, you will soon hear His tender and soft voice inside yourselves. You will catch yourselves holding quiet conversations with your Heavenly Father, and then you should regard it as His Word, as His voice, which speaks to you Words of love and wisdom. And you may always believe these Words, since the will and desire for truth and the conscious endeavour for God also ensure the working of His spirit, and you will receive the truth from God Himself, Who is eternal truth.... Amen


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B.D. 5753, August 24, 1953

Listening to God’s voice.... You should listen to Me, and I will always speak to you such that you will also be able to recognise My love for you.... Everything around you can and will change…. but My love for you remains the same, it pursues you whether you are far away or close by, and it constantly seeks to influence you, that is, to awaken reciprocated love in you, which signifies your ultimate return to Me. And if I can address you, if you listen to Me, you will open your heart’s door to Me, and then the full strength of My love can be effective, then I can ignite a fire in you which cannot be extinguished anymore, because My love is so powerful that its fire dissolves all resistance, that it takes hold of the person’s nature and changes him completely…. that it shapes the person into love. I desire contact with you, this is why I speak to you..... If you listen to Me willingly then you will establish the connection with Me, and then I can revive what is dead, I can give true life to you who are still dead while you are far away from Me. My Words shall change this dead state, for My communication is a ray of love that intends to awaken you to life. If you then give Me the opportunity to lower My ray of love into your heart, if you make it possible by willingly listening to My Word, you will soon feel the effect in yourselves, you will become aware that you are no longer alone…. you will, as it were, sense the presence of a benevolent being to Whom you will give yourselves without resistance, for My ray of love has the effect that it lowers your resistance when I have the opportunity to speak to you, and you will listen to My Words carefully. And you will always listen to My Words if you withdraw into solitude for a short period of time, if you collect your thoughts in prayer or quietly think about yourselves. Then you always give Me the opportunity to speak to you, albeit you won’t recognise My voice at first but merely believe that you hear your own thoughts…. I always enter your thoughts since you are, after all, pursued by My love which always tries to embrace you when you become silent and turn your vision inwards. In that case you listen, and then I can speak to you…. And the more consciously you practise this turning away from the world and looking within, the more willingly you open the door of your heart to Me and the more clearly will you hear My voice, which answers your questions or instructs you such that your love for Me flares up, because you will recognise Me as a God of love as soon as you listen to Me, as soon as you turn inwards and your thoughts turn towards Me…. I always want to speak to you, yet rarely do you listen to Me.... But if you seek solitude by turning your thoughts inwards you will hear Me speak, even though you will not immediately recognise it as an expression of My love, because the intellect cannot grasp as yet what the soul has already felt or comprehended. Yet My communication will ever more consciously become an indescribable blessing for you and all those whom you inform of the fact…. that the Father speaks to His child as soon as the child wants to hear the Father…. And you all can establish this bond with Me, you all need only listen carefully in order to hear Me, and I merely want to stimulate you to sharpen your spiritual ear, to practise listening to spiritual communications by often withdrawing into solitude and longing for My presence. Then I will be with you and speak to you…. Then I will come to you Myself in the Word, and then you will also know that I love you and want to gain your love as well…. Amen


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B.D. 7613, June 6, 1960

The Father speaks to His child.... You all are able to listen to My voice within yourselves and it will speak to you.... Yet how rarely do you humans establish such an intimate bond with Me and keep constantly thinking of Me. How rarely do you give Me the opportunity to speak to you by consciously entrusting yourselves to Me in order to talk to Me personally, by withdrawing from the world and involving yourselves in thoughts solely of Me. You do this so seldom because you don’t seriously believe that you will be able to hear Me, that I will speak to you like a father speaks to his children. You have not yet established the relationship of a child to its father, I Am only ever the distant God to you, Whom you dare not address and Who therefore cannot talk to you like a father to his child…. But you can try it at anytime.... You only need to withdraw from the world, you only need to quietly enter into contemplation and take the path to Me in your thoughts…. You need only wish to hear My voice and your desire will be fulfilled when you listen attentively and observe the thoughts which arise in you more distinctly, because the more intimately you are giving yourselves to Me, the more you will desire to hear Me. For I will answer you.... because I do nothing more gladly than talking to My children who are now bound to Me by a strong bond of love, the Father’s love to His child. And if you would make this attempt more often, you would be delighted by the inner peace permeating you, for you would feel My nearness and in this nearness you would also know yourselves to always be protected. Every one of you could attain this blessing of My communication, even if he is not conscious of the fact that it is this intimate contact with Me which provides him with inner tranquillity. But soon he will not want to miss these hours which he gives to Me, which he spends in quiet contemplation, and his soul will mature, for he will never be without a flow of strength when he has looked for and found Me. Every thought of Me is a blessing…. All people should avail themselves of this and time after time turn to Me in thought, for then he will have already addressed Me and I can answer him if he listens to this answer, that is, if he waits quietly and then takes notice of his arising thoughts. Then he draws Me to himself, and thus I can always be with those whose thoughts are with Me.... They induce My presence themselves, and My presence always has to be of benefit for your souls. Hence you should often give yourselves the blessing of My presence, for it requires your will to withdraw from the world and lift yourselves into spiritual spheres, where you will always be when your thoughts are with Me. And then your soul will truly not suffer anymore, for it will be strengthened by Me Myself, Who has access to it now, Who can now speak to and give it what it needs to fully mature during its time on earth. For I want that it should achieve perfection while it is still on earth, and as soon as I can influence the soul directly its perfection will also be guaranteed. And therefore I want to be able to address it directly, yet your will has to decide that you will intimately devote yourselves to Me and desire to hear Me…. Then I will surely be with you and I will talk to you like a father to his child whose love I want to win forever…. Amen


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B.D. 7898, May 22, 1961

The Father speaks to His children...

O, if only you would comply with My message, if only you would accept My Word and seriously consider it in your heart and live accordingly.… Then you would surely experience the strength of My Words, you would become clearly aware that your Father, Who loves His children and only wants the best for their future happiness, has spoken to you.… Time and again I tell you that only My deep love for you prompts Me to speak to you, and that My infinite love is the reason for everything you see around you, for everything you experience.… And thus I repeatedly give you evidence of My love for you but you fail to become aware of it.... You demand other evidence in order to accept that My revelations are true.... Everyone of you wants to be spoken to himself and yet I Am speaking to all of you when My Word sounds from above. But consider this: you originated from Me as My ‘living creations’.… and as My ‘children’ you shall return to Me again.… You will have to accomplish this transformation into ‘children’ yourselves. And it is up to you yourselves if and when you achieve it. If you seriously intend to reach the goal during your earthly existence then you will accomplish this change of your innermost being, you will establish a connection with Me in your heart, and thus you will also be able to hear Me speak to you in your heart and be happy. Then you are restoring the right kind of relationship as between a child and its Father by yourselves, and then the Father will also speak to His child, the child will be able to hear its Father’s voice within itself and no longer doubt that the Father Himself is speaking to His child…. thus, this maturity is required by a person to whom I would speak directly.… But mere words cannot prove this close relationship, and you should not only believe that you have shaped yourselves into ‘children’ but should endeavour to become your Father’s true children. The purpose of My message from above is to encourage My living creations to conduct themselves in a manner which turns them into true children, who fulfil their Father’s every will and to whom I can also speak like a Father to His children. My Word from above informs you time and again of My boundless love for you. My love is so immense that I bestow you with the undeserved grace of hearing Me Myself although you have not yet achieved the degree of maturity to be worthy of it. But since My love towards you has not diminished it overlooks your faulty condition and grants you grace in abundance. And you humans should deem the receipt of My Word as one such grace, by which I inform you that My Being consists of love, wisdom and power.… And whoever accepts My Word also knows that he is forever pursued by My love, that it cares for and protects him, that it will not let him go astray, and that it wants to prepare eternal happiness for him.… Therefore he needs no further evidence of My love because his heart can feel it as soon as it has voluntarily opened itself.… And then the person also knows that he is and will remain My child, because then he will constantly be aspiring to reach Me, because he reciprocates the love I give to him.…And subsequently he is closely united with Me…. But every formality is unfamiliar to him, his inner life is entirely spiritually orientated, the external life hardly ever affects him.…He will only emit love, and this is the sign of his soul’s maturity and not words and gestures which anyone can use even when the maturity of soul has not yet been achieved. For this reason you should never judge an external appearance either because it can conceal an inner life which you cannot see but which is known to Me at all times. Nor should you accept My Word with your intellect alone but accept it deep within your heart and it will work on and within you when you live in accordance with it and thus fulfil My will. Because the Word itself shall and will indeed convince you as soon as your will is turned towards Me, as soon as you sincerely aspire towards the Father, from Whom you once came forth.… Amen


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B.D. 7375, June 23, 1959

John 14, 21 'He that hath My commandments....'

If you keep My commandments you will love Me and I will reveal Myself to you. And I will always reveal Myself to those who want to hear Me, I will never stay silent or leave you, because I love you and wish for nothing more dearly but to speak to you, to communicate with you and thereby reveal Myself to you as a loving Father Who has longed for His child ever since it deserted Me and fell away. My love for what has fallen has not diminished; hence I will do anything in order to call it back to Me. As soon as it hears My voice, as soon as it recognises it as My voice and thus requests to be addressed by Me it will have already started on the path of return.... it is already close to the Father's heart, it only has to consciously try to establish contact with Me in order to definitely enter into union with Me and thereby regain the joys which it felt in the beginning. Hence you, My beloved on earth, need only keep My commandments, that is, comply with My will, and you can at all times also be assured of hearing My Words, and then an abundance of grace will be at your disposal, for My speaking to you also signifies an influx of blessings which will help you to become perfect, to become blissfully happy, which will make it easy for you to travel the path of return to Me and reach the goal. But how few people believe that I would like to speak to them Myself, that they can hear Me if they wanted to, and that they only need to fulfill the conditions in order to hear My voice within themselves. And how few people recognise the voice of the Father Who speaks to them when My Word is conveyed to them through My messengers.... And yet, they all want to be My 'children' but the voice of the 'Father' cannot be recognised by them because they are still distant from Me, because they deem My commandments difficult to fulfill and thus they have not yet attained the ability to hear My gentle voice within their hearts.... Nevertheless, I speak to people, and everyone can hear Me if only he believes in Me, fulfils My commandments of love for God and his neighbour and then quietly and devoutly listens within to what I want to say to him. And he will be able to hear Me and feel blissfully happy when the Father speaks to His child.... Amen


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B.D. 6859, June 28, 1957

Blessing of mental communication with God.... Anyone who listens to Me when I speak to him takes the reliable path of ascent…. And I speak to all those who receive My Word, who in turn accept it from those who question Me in thought and who thus also may regard the thoughts they receive as My Words. You cannot think wrongly once you have acknowledged Me as the source of truth by directing your thoughts to Me, once you want to know the truth. Nor can you take misguided paths anymore once you appeal to Me for guidance…. But you must willingly offer Me the opportunity to speak to you, and that always happens when you mentally occupy yourselves with Me, your God and Creator, for every thought of Me calls Me to you, and I follow this call. You should often occupy yourselves with Me in thought, because this means that your heart is receptive for My communication and because you can only ever gain by this, for then you will also constantly receive the strength to do what I ask you to do, what My communication conveys to you as My will. You have to establish the connection with Me yourselves, because you had once isolated yourselves from Me…. You need not do anything else but think of Me without a will of resistance…. I Am always willing to meet you as soon as I recognise in your thoughts the resolve to make contact with Me…. And then you are truly protected from taking misguided paths, since now that I can speak to you I have also gained influence over you. Thus it is truly not difficult for you to acquire an immeasurable amount of everlasting riches in earthly life, as this is the result of your mental bond with Me. It is completely impossible to leave Me empty-handedly, it is completely impossible that I will not make use of such a bond and remain silent in you, for I Am only waiting for such quiet moments when you make contact with Me, when you enter into conversation with Me or approach your God and Creator with questions, and I will certainly answer you again in the form of thoughts, if I cannot speak to you directly through the inner Word. This is why every person has the opportunity and the right to communicate with Me, and every person will receive as much as he desires. Even if nothing is visibly given to the body, the soul can still receive unlimited riches for itself. I want to speak to you, and I will speak to every one of you who thus is willing to listen to Me, who wants to hear My voice…. You all should avail yourself of this assurance, you should excel yourselves and devote every free minute to Me, and you would truly use your time on earth well. Then the connection would be established ever more frequently, because you would desire Me from the bottom of your heart, Whom you now recognise as your Father and constantly wish to be spoken to by Him. And you will also gladly comply with everything, you will fulfil My will because you have already adopted My will as your own, because the constant bond with Me also results in a constant submission to My will and because you have become enlightened as to Who I Am and what kind of relationship exists between us…. Think of Me daily and hourly, never exclude Me from any undertaking, constantly let Me be present with you by mentally calling Me to you…. And you will truly not take the path through earthly life in vain, you will grow and mature and reach the goal…. You will join Me once more in order to never ever separate from Me again…. Amen


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B.D. 2878, September 10, 1943

Knowledge of the spirit’s work in a person.... Exceptional opportunity for God to reveal Himself….

God can only reveal Himself in the Word to a few people, because most people have lost the knowledge of the spirit’s work in the human being and thus are not preparing themselves to hear the divine Word within themselves. This is a process which first requires belief in the working of the spirit, but this belief is lacking in people and they can only arrive at this knowledge through love. Because this will guide their thoughts in the right direction, and the person can also mentally be introduced to this knowledge. But he will never recognise this knowledge as the working of the spirit and not be fully convinced of it himself. However, God’s spirit wants to express itself clearly and precisely…. God wants to reveal Himself to people, hence He will speak to them…. He will convey His Word to them.... as soon as they believe in Him, in His love, His wisdom and His omnipotence. Because then they will also want to enter into contact with God, they will start a dialogue with Him and in response hear His voice within themselves. The strength of the spirit will communicate itself to them, and a lucid understanding of the most diverse subjects will be the result. The information of the working of the spirit in a person should be passed on to people but it will rarely be believed, and yet, without belief it cannot be experienced. Only a person’s profound love will result in this belief, since then the spirit of God will work in him and give him the idea to listen inwardly. This is the beginning of a person’s actual instruction and thus an introduction to the most profound knowledge. God can only express Himself when a deeply devoted heart turns to Him, but then he will impart His wisdom without limitation…. Consequently, the working of the spirit is of utmost importance because it is the only means to find the truth and to penetrate into divine wisdom’s deepest profundity. Hence it is the only means of receiving information which could never be acquired rationally, which will provide the person with remarkable insight and knowledge relating to God and the human being, to creation and the spiritual kingdom…. Profound understanding is only possible where the spirit of God is able to work, and yet, the working of the spirit solely depends on a person’s will, because this has to become active first, it has to accomplish the human being’s inner change, which is a prerequisite for the working of the spirit in a person. The human being’s will has to decide to improve his soul, it has to impel actions of love, it has to establish the innermost contact with God, and inwardly it has to listen attentively in order to hear His Word, which is then given to him by the voice of the spirit. But most people fail to listen inwardly, even if they comply with all other conditions, because they lack the information that God Himself is working in the devout human being. This knowledge was lost, and it is difficult to persuade them to put the rule to the test…. to comply with all conditions and then to listen carefully…. For this reason the divine Word is hardly ever transmitted to earth in the most natural way, by God speaking to people, by submitting all wisdom to them Himself and by instructing them like a teacher instructs his students. But as soon as a human being is doing everything to perceive the working of the spirit, as soon as he makes himself available for reception by consciously listening within himself, profound knowledge will be made accessible to him. Because this knowledge is intended for the benefit of his fellow human beings, he is meant to pass it on, he is supposed to support it, he is meant to become the mediator between God and the people, who cannot be addressed by Him Himself because they are unable to hear Him…. He should become the distributor of truth on earth, he should let his light shine everywhere and make God’s love known to people (Matthew 5:15, 16), which is ascending to earth in the Word and offering the truth, because the lies, which are endangering souls, shall be removed. He is to bear witness to His wisdom by describing to people God’s reign and action in creation and the spiritual kingdom, and he should proclaim His omnipotence, which achieves whatever is determined by God’s will…. He should present God to people as the most perfect Being in order to arouse their

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love for Him and to spurn their will to subordinate themselves to this Being, to love and be of service to It for all eternity…. Amen


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B.D. 3968, February 3, 1947

Turning inwards... detachment from the world and its matter... achievement of the truth

The greater a person’s desire for truth the more deeply he will penetrate it. To God, as the Giver of truth, nothing is hidden, and therefore He also knows and answers every question moving a person’s heart; and thus you humans can easily increase your knowledge if only you let God, the Eternal Truth, speak to you, that is, if you attentively listen to your inner voice, which will always instruct you correctly. You have to look for the answer within yourselves, you should not expect it to come from outside, then you will be instructed directly, and you can be certain that it will be utter truth. Hence you should take notice of what He says to you: Do you want to serve Me or the world…. do you want to gain My favour or do you want to attain other people’s admiration? Your will alone determines your actions and innermost thoughts, and therefore a spiritual rebirth will only ever be possible when you are moved by the utmost desire to be in contact with Me, when you look for Me and completely withdraw from the world in order to unite with Me. But how can you detach yourselves from the world since, after all, you have to live in it and see yourselves faced by earthly obligations which you should not neglect? How can you establish the heartfelt relationship with Me while you constantly live amongst your fellow human beings and are thus time and again required by them? Only through turning inwards, through a withdrawal into seclusion which, however, can take place everywhere and at any time depending on your will, and which will proceed more sincerely and unhindered the less external impressions a person receives. A most intimate contact with Me requires detachment from all matter, for I Myself, as pure eternal Spirit, exist outside of matter, even though matter itself is My emanated solidified strength, yet it is always situated at a certain distance from Me. Anyone who wants to look for and find Me first has to turn his will away from matter, but since he nevertheless still lives within matter, since he has a physical body, he has to withdraw into his innermost being…. Then he will find Me, and the complete detachment from matter will take place when the physical eye is shielded from every external impression, when it is closed and no longer receives physical images, for they are reflected in a person’s soul and disturb its silent contemplation and union with its spirit. Spirit and matter are opposite concepts and will always remain in opposition to each other, and since I Myself as a pure Spirit want to be active within you, you first will have to achieve this inner separation from matter and then you will come closer to Me, but you will never be able to establish a close contact with Me as long as your eyes and senses are held captive by external impressions…. I want that you only desire My presence, that you have no space for anything else in your hearts, and that you muster the will to relinquish all earthly things for My sake and the sake of My presence, that you mentally detach yourselves from everything opposing Me…. And all matter is spirit in opposition to Me…. I also want human customs to be avoided where possible, for they distract from an inner composure if they are not thoughtlessly observed, or they will be automatically performed and are then equally worthless. Anyone who sincerely looks for Me first has to sever his contact with the world, and everything that is not spiritual belongs to the world, that is related to earthly matter, that is taken in by the human being’s physical senses, thus everything that keeps the soul captive, that prevents it from uniting with the spirit within itself. Only when this detachment is accomplished it is able to talk to Me as it is My will, so that I Myself can work in the human being’s heart with My love and grace. And I truly favour the silent, profound worship; it can never be replaced by external customs and actions which automatically affect the human being’s thoughts, which have to distract him from what is essential, from the purely spiritual contact with Me. I look into every person’s heart

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and truly don’t require any external evidence of your love for Me, and depending how you approach Me you will be considered by My love and grace, and you yourselves determine the extent. Although you will not act wrongly by performing external ceremonies, by observing human customs, but you harm yourselves by reducing the flow of My love and grace yourselves as long as any other thought but Myself still finds room in your heart. You should approach Me in spirit and in truth, then My eyes will look upon you favourably…. and then you will feel the blessing of such intimate contact in yourselves, then you will feel My presence and be happy…. And yet you will remain profoundly humble in your happiness, because you will be aware of the extraordinary grace that is bestowed upon you by the fact that I take abode in your hearts, and humility will increase the amount of grace…. Amen


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B.D. 7258, January 17, 1959

Pre-condition for hearing God’s voice – detachment from the ‘world’ You must listen into your innermost, if you want to perceive My voice. This demands a complete sealing off from the earthly world, and a plunging into spiritual thought. It demands a complete emptying of the heart of earthly thought, so that it can then be filled with thought-streams of a purely spiritual nature. It shall always be difficult for men to fully disengage from the world, by My voice will sound more distinctly, the fewer the thought-impressions of a worldly origin loading the heart. When the heart is emptied completely, My Spirit-stream can flow in unhindered, and this you shall feel as an uninterrupted address, as an overflow of My Spirit in you, and My direct address, which you now perceive as an uttered Word. The more you resist earthly thoughts, the clearer you perceive My voice. And this necessitates constant combat with the outside world, which time and again wants to intrude itself, compelled by My adversary, in order to disturb the dialogue between Father and child. You can avoid this world, - in that you immediately address Me in thought, so that I may prevent this interference. And your will shall be taken into account, as it is turned toward Me. Only those have a right to hear My voice who are able to detach themselves from the world, to whom I have become a Concept which cannot be replaced by the world, who have recognised Me as their Father from eternity, Who wants to make you His children, and does not let go of you till He has attained His aim. Once this detachment has taken place, the world will no longer succeed in winning a man back, because My direct address has given him light, and he no longer wishes to do without this light. But he shall, nevertheless, have to permanently struggle with the world, because he lives in its midst, and it seeks to act upon him in every possible way, as it is this confidential address which My opponent wants to disturb in every possible way. Hence it will always necessitate a strong will to establish the link with Me so intimately that My voice gets through, drowning out the voice of the world. Man's will brings this about; and man will sing nothing but praise and thanks to Him Who addresses him, giving him a gift of immeasurable worth. Because My Word is the visible, or audible, sign of MY endless love for you, My beings. It gives you proof that it lies within your grasp to establish such close union with the highest and most perfect Being that you are able to perceive His voice, and that you possess evidence of this address when you write down His hallowed Word, as you have received it. This supremely perfect Being is addressing you -think about what these Words mean, I speak to you from on High, you hear My voice, you understand what I Am telling you, and you can recognise the voice of your Father in it, Who loves you and wants to possess you forever. I address you so that you would return to Me, out of your own free will, that you may enter upon the road back to your Father's house to Me, which I want to achieve with My address. But in order to hear this My address, your will must be firm and strong, it must repeatedly seek out the intimate bond with Me Who Am to be found not on the surface of the world, but aside from it. Therefore, all worldly thoughts must be forced back, and you must listen to the stillness of your heart, and then you shall truly perceive My voice in all clearness, as will all to whom My love particularly belongs, who strive to reach My, who are desirous of hearing Me, and to whom I can reveal Myself as I have promised, that I shall come to Mine in Spirit, and that I will be with them to the end of the world. Amen


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B.D. 3732, January 4, 1946

Exercise to hear the voice of the spirit

You can distinctly hear the voice of the spirit in you providing you want to hear it and mentally

make it known to God yourselves, since this mental expression of will enables you to receive

thought transmissions from the spiritual kingdom. You cannot receive information unless you

yourselves desire to receive it, but God responds to every heartfelt desire and gives to you in

accordance with your degree of maturity and will. However, you have to observe the thoughts

which approach you in a variety of ways when you ponder spiritual problems. They will affect

you differently, appear to be acceptable or unacceptable to you and, providing you had prayed

for enlightenment of spirit first, you can safely accept or ignore what you feel is right. Then you

can follow your feelings and you will accept what is right but dismiss what is wrong. Thoughts

from the spiritual world affect you in proportion to the strength of your desire for truth, so that

a person who genuinely desires truth remains unaffected by wrong thought currents. In that

case the influence of misguided forces is no longer sufficient to captivate a person, since the

beings of light have free reign and the human being readily opens himself to their thought


You have to practise this process of spiritual activity, i.e. you have to pay more attention to your

INNER life, withdraw into solitude more often, and if you would like clarification about a

problem, spend a longer period of time in thought. However, this exercise always needs to be

preceded by heartfelt prayer in order to establish a connection with God and thus also with the

spiritual forces, who work in accordance with his will and whose actions consist of transmitting

utmost truthful spiritual knowledge. This sincere connection protects you from contact with

misguided forces who, understandably, endeavour to cloud and confuse your thoughts, because

the battle of darkness against light and vice versa forms the basis of everything and will still

continue for eternity. But anyone who acknowledges God as the most loving, wise and

omnipotent being, who consciously enters into contact with this supremely perfect Being, who

constantly strives to fulfill His will and then, having fulfilled these conditions, desires to know

the pure truth, will not be left by God to fall prey to the forces of darkness....

God Himself will instruct him and the human being need only open his heart, listen inwardly

and consider his thoughts, and he will truly be on the right track and receive clarification when

he desires it. Because God, the eternal truth, also wants to convey the truth to his living

creations, but God, the eternal love, also requires the human beings’ will to shape themselves

into love too, and anyone who endeavours to do so also aspires after truth, since God, love and

truth are unthinkable without each other. And thus every human being who is willing to love

and desires the truth is also able to hear the voice of God, Who expresses himself through the

spirit in a person.... mentally or, in a state of advanced maturity, also vocally. And a person

always receives the same truth, which is totally synonymous with the WORD, which is directly

transmitted by God’s great love to people on earth through awakened servants and prophets,

who have voluntarily offered their service to Him in order to help erring souls in utmost

spiritual hardship. For there is immense spiritual darkness and people urgently need help if

they want to become perfect.... Amen


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B.D. 4378, July 17, 1948

Inner voice difficult to hear.... Turmoil – silence…. You will always hear My voice if you hand yourselves over to Me and, with a desire to hear My Word, attentively listen within. I have always given you this assurance and will never withhold with My gift of grace if you sincerely desire it. Yet as long as My voice is not audibly heard by you but only affects you mentally and thus requires full attention and seclusion from the world it will depend on yourselves as to whether you will hear it. This is why I draw your attention to the forthcoming time which will make such great demands on you that only the strongest resolve will be able to manage to withdraw itself and listen to My voice in seclusion. The adversity of the forthcoming time will often deprive you of your inner tranquillity, even though I will help every labourer to fulfil his task if he is willing to serve. I Am always close to you and if you, despite utmost distress, stay aware of My presence, you will always hear My voice too, for then your faith will be stronger than your earthly hardship, which you will banish anytime. Yet I want to draw your attention to the fact that you can expect considerable turmoil which will restrain your every thought with the effect that it will be difficult for you to make contact with Me…. But then read My Word, draw strength from My Word, and you will noticeably feel that I Am close to you.... Keep trying to retreat within yourselves and, in seclusion, listen to the voice of your heart, and you will succeed if your will and your desire for Me is powerful. But first draw strength from My Word, use the time, don’t become half-hearted and indifferent but believe that great danger lies in wait for you, that you will be shaken out of your worldly tranquillity and that a large world event is in the making. Always rely on My help and you will never call to Me in vain, for I will answer you who, as My children, call upon the Father in your time of need.... Amen


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B.D. 6421, December 10, 1955

Heartfelt contact with God.... Inner voice.... You should listen to your inner voice after a heartfelt prayer to Me, then you can also be certain that you are on the right path, for then it is My voice which will be speaking to you, advising and guiding you as is right for you. Someone who contacts Me more frequently, who won’t do anything without having commended himself to Me, who always enters into dialogue with Me and asks for My blessing, will also do what is right, because I then will guide him Myself and always convey the right thoughts to him, so that his way of life consequently complies with My will too. Yet this is questionable when you exclude Me from your thoughts, when you deem yourselves able to do everything yourselves, when you live your life without God…. then I often have to let you fail, so that you will take the path to Me again because you realise your weakness…. Irrespective of how powerful you seem to be, how abundantly you are endowed with earthly abilities, it will not influence your earthly life, instead it will take place according to My wise judgment, and therefore you will often find yourselves in situations where your own abilities will not get you anywhere, where you have to take refuge with Me in order to overcome them….. Although even then you can still refuse but you would do well to take the path to Me..... For I Myself thereby entice you to contact Me, Whom you would otherwise forget…. And thus there will still be many difficulties in store for you, and you all should ask yourselves why your God and Creator allows this to happen to people…. You should not believe that only people’s actions alone create conditions which appear almost unbearable.... You should also think of the One Who is Lord over heaven and earth…. and Who allows this to happen. And you should ask yourselves why I allow such things to come over you…. I could divert at any time what is caused by human will, or by virtue of My might reverse its effect.... I could and also will do so where I Am called upon with sincere faith for help in this adversity…. But I nevertheless allow people to experience great hardship because they should take the path to Me, which they haven’t walked for a long time already …. Without Me they will lapse into utter weakness, but with Me they will be able to overcome even the most difficult situation, and this is what people should experience…. My Own as well as those who make the attempt to appeal to Me in utmost distress. For they will be helped, often miraculously…. But the former, too, will realise that they are completely without strength because they rely on themselves and don’t believe they need Me.... I want to reveal Myself to people, for their benefit but also for their downfall…. For anyone who even then doesn’t want to recognise Me will be lost for an infinite time…. Don’t rely on your own strength, it will not suffice for what will come your way; turn to Me beforehand already and appeal to Me to give you strength.... I will not deny it to anyone who thinks of Me in the hour of need. But blessed are those who always carry Me in their heart…. They will not need to fear the approaching time of hardship, for I will protectively keep My hands over them, and no matter where they go, they will be escorted by guides guarding them and smoothing their every path…. But there will be a storm.... which will devastate everything, it will awaken many sleepers and fearfully make them wonder whether they will be able to escape it. Yet whatever happens…. it is My will or My permission in order to give those on the wrong path a last opportunity of return…. They all can still turn to Me in the last hour, and they will truly never need to regret it…. For I accept everyone who tries to approach Me. I will extend My hands to him which he only needs to grasp for Me to be able to draw him to My Fatherly heart…. For you cannot become blessed without Me…. That is why you should take the path to Me, Who wants to provide you with everlasting beatitude…. Amen


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B.D. 4726, August 28, 1949

‘My sheep know My voice....’ (John 10:27) Resistance…. The way you consider My Word is the way I consider you. For it is the Father’s voice speaking to you which you have to know if you love Me, that is, if you keep My commandments. Anyone to whom My Word is made accessible will accept it if he loves Me, or he does not love Me if he rejects Me, that is, he does not fulfil My commandments, he does not live in love for God and his neighbour, otherwise he would recognise My Words as the Father’s voice. Thus it will also be understandable to you that I bless those who accept Me in the Word yet withdraw My blessing from those who reject Me, for they will not be able to say that they acknowledge Me although they reject My Word.... My sheep know My voice.... and anyone who recognises it will also vouch for it, he will speak on behalf of My Word and not be afraid to pass it on. For what child would not give credence to the Words of the Father…. I came to My Own and they did not recognise Me (John 1:11)…. And today I come to My children again, yet they pay less attention to My voice than ever because they do not have the right relationship of children to their Father, because they grant the world more rights and don’t have much time for Me anymore. And yet they call themselves religious. However, I don’t acknowledge their faith because I don’t notice any love in their hearts otherwise they would desire Me or My Word or attentively listen to the gentle sound of My voice wherever it can be perceived…. But I don’t acknowledge anyone as My true child who suppresses My voice for the sake of the world, for although the Fatherly love embraces all His children it also wants to be reciprocated by them. Love Me and keep My commandments, then you will also feel that My Word is Fatherly, then no resistance will arise in you and you will joyfully profess Him to your fellow human beings and ensure the spreading of the Word…. However, if you lack love it will not affect you and you will reject it as a nuisance, which is evident within your heart and also in your conduct, and then you will also reject My love which comes to meet you in the Word and through the Word gives you the evidence that the Father speaks to His children and wants to be listened to by them…. Seriously examine yourselves as to whether you are children of the world or children of your Heavenly Father, and remember My Words: My sheep know My voice.... and don’t be faithless, but believing…. Amen

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OUR CONSCIENCE... B.D. 3308, October 27, 1944

Inner prompting is God’s instruction.... Subordination of will…. God informs you of his instructions through your heart.... As soon as you feel prompted to do something, as soon as you are driven to it from within, you will always be instructed by the voice of God, providing you are making an effort to live according to God’s will, that you thus strive towards Him and entrust yourselves to His guidance. Then you will be directed by His will such that you have the same will within yourselves because you have consciously submitted yourselves to His will; only then may you comply with the prompting of your heart and your actions will be right and in accordance with God’s will. Yet you must seriously scrutinise yourselves as to which power you give the right to guide you…. Heartfelt prayer protects you from the opposing power; however, whatever you do without having requested God’s blessing, whatever you do purely to improve your body’s well-being, whatever those of you do who are completely apart from God are not His instructions but His adversary’s, and they will damage the soul. The person striving towards God need never be afraid of thinking and behaving wrongly, because his attitude towards God also allows him to be accessed by spiritual forces and entitles them to protectively walk by the person’s side, thereby also averting the influences of evil forces. Only the desire for God guarantees divine protection for a person, and anyone being divinely guarded cannot go astray, he can only do what benefits his soul. He is guided by God Himself and every path taken by him is important and leads to the goal. Although the person acts according to his own discretion, in as much as his will impels him to undertake this or that action, it is nevertheless God’s will which manifests itself through his will as long as the person gives in to the inner prompting. If, however, he pays no attention to this urging then he resists it, he becomes undecided since his will has not yet entirely submitted itself to God’s will. And this is what he has to beware of, for it is always the result of praying less often…. The more intimately he is in contact with God the more clearly he will see his delineated path and the more willingly he will follow the instructions revealed to him by God through his heart. Only the distance from God deprives him of the keen sense for the divine will, for in that case he has to rely on himself and will be unsure as to what he should or should not do. And God’s adversary makes use of such situations by tuning into a person’s thoughts, by trying to impel him to base his every action on his own advantage. And then the person will have to fight, he will have to struggle in order to restore his connection with God again which will gain him clarity of thought so that he will be able to resist the temptations. Anyone looking for God will not go wrong; however, the path of anyone excluding Him will lead him astray. This is why nothing should be undertaken without a prayer for God’s blessing, then people’s thinking will be guided correctly and every activity shall incorporate God’s will…. Amen


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B.D. 5766, September 10, 1953

The urging of the spirit.... Discontentment.... You are certainly urged by My spirit to comply with My will, yet you are not being forced into doing so because compulsion would damage your soul. If, however, you completely and utterly sacrifice your will to Me, if you consciously surrender your opposition to Me by only wanting to do My will, then you will be unable to do anything else but to live according to the order which is My fundamental principle of eternity…. Then you will no longer consciously infringe against this order, you will always conduct yourselves as I ask of you, you will no longer sin consciously. In that case you willingly comply with the urging of the spirit, you allow yourselves to be guided by it and thus you will be guided by Me, and that truly righteously. Yet you should and indeed can do more than just avoid sin and abhor injustice; you will also be induced by My spirit accordingly, but if you don’t give in to its urging then you will not be content with yourselves even if you have not sinned, for although you don’t infringe against the commandments of love for God and your neighbour…. you nevertheless don’t eagerly comply with them and your soul will feel neglected and depressed, for it senses that it is not making any progress in its development….

Every discontentment with oneself is an expression of a depressed soul. You humans should not always remain on the same level, you should make an effort, you should do whatever it takes to advance your higher development, and you should continually work at improving yourselves, and this is what the spirit constantly stimulates you to do…. If you follow its encouragement you will also sense an inner calm, for then you will have fulfilled My will and this feeling makes you happy. I certainly take notice of your will to accept My will and assess it correctly, yet you should also try to put into practise what you promise Me…. Seek to give ever more love, to perform selfless works of love, try to base your whole life on love, then you will live in harmony with My spirit within you, and then you will only listen to My spirit and ignore whatever the other side says to you. Let the spirit in you rule supreme, completely submit yourselves to My will and always strive for perfection…. And your heart will be so filled by peace that it will reveal Me and My presence in you , for then you will be aware of My presence and can only live in absolute harmony with Me and My spirit…. Amen


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B.D. 2104, October 9, 1941

Innermost feeling guiding principle for way of life....

The human being’s innermost feeling is the guiding principle for his way of life. As long as a person asks questions he neither negates nor affirms anything, and then his inner voice will speak to him to which he only needs to pay attention in order to be on the right path. Being able to affirm is often very difficult as long as faith is lacking, yet only the will makes the decision. If it is good, then the human being will unhesitatingly accept what he is told by his innermost feeling, for with his questioning he opens his heart to the influence of friends in the beyond. But a person whose will is still controlled by the adversary keeps his heart closed to these suggestions. Thus he opposes and rejects them, that is, he negates. Paying attention to the voice of his heart will only ever be done be a person who is willing to do what is right, for he asks questions and waits for an answer. An unwilling person lives without asking questions relating to spiritual knowledge, because he negates everything of a spiritual nature, i.e., a life beyond the earthly life. And someone who does not ask questions cannot receive an answer. A person’s thinking mostly revolves around earthly things, and he considers the time spent on spiritual research a waste of time. In that case, however, he is still so materialistically inclined that he lacks the sentiment for the gentle voice within himself. Therefore he will not pay attention to his innermost feelings either. Thus his inner voice will predominantly sound where the love for the world, the sense for all earthly things, for matter, begins to diminish…. Only then will a person occupy himself with deeper thoughts with the result that he will often question himself…. so that he then, in a manner of speaking, will also give himself the answer which, however, was actually mentally transmitted to him by spiritual friends…. For as soon as his will is good and does not reject God he will receive the truth mentally and he can confidently believe his inner voice…. hence his innermost sentiment…. and subsequently do what he is impelled to do. Only the will must aspire towards that which is good…. he must want to do what is right then he will invariably also be shown which path he should take…. Amen


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B.D. 4104, August 13, 1947

God’s will – voice of the heart.... Inner urging…. I will place the feeling as to what you should and shouldn’t do into the heart of those of you whom I love because you strive towards Me. And if you entrust yourselves to Me in prayer, if you confide your worries or thoughts to Me, you will feel it in your heart and whatever you then feel urged or desire to do, that is what you should do and it will be right before My eyes. If you commend yourselves to Me in prayer you will no longer be able to sin, for then I will no longer let you become sinful. If you appeal to Me for My protection I will grant it to you, and then you can confidently rely on the voice of your heart, that is, you can do what your heart desires. I Am your Father, I want you to come to Me with complete trust, and I truly want to provide for you like a loving father does, I want to give to you what makes you happy, providing it does not cause you damage. And since you yourselves are unable to judge what is beneficial for you and detrimental to the soul, you should come to Me and totally hand yourselves over to Me, tell Me your problems, be they of a spiritual or earthly nature, and I shall answer you, that is, I shall place My will into your heart so that you will want to do what is right and also be able to accomplish it. And thus you can come to Me with all concerns, you will never be left without an answer, for I will place it into your heart. You just have to pay attention to the voice in your heart, you ought to know that every inner urging is always the influence of forces which want to persuade you to accomplish something or to leave it. Forces of darkness will want to tempt you into committing a sin, forces of light into actions which are pleasing to Me. Let the forces of light gain influence over you, then you will never be able to sin. And hand yourselves over to these forces whenever you seek to make contact with Me in prayer, whenever you communicate with Me and always consult Me with all your problems. I love My living creations and My only goal is their salvation of soul. And where there is no danger of this I will grant them everything, even earthly pleasures, if they do not detract from spiritual striving. Yet I always want to be your Mentor, you should always leave the decision to Me and, after heartfelt prayer, ask your heart and it will truly guide you correctly…. Amen


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B.D. 4498, November 28, 1948

The ability to receive divine wisdom through the heart....

Divine wisdoms have to be sought deep inside the heart, for mere human intellect will neither be able to explain nor understand them if the heart is not involved in it. For this reason divine wisdom can only be received by people who live a profound inner life, who often withdraw into solitude, that is, who stop thinking about the world, about earthly worries and earthly plans, who enter into contemplation and try to fathom the kingdom which is beyond the earthly world. Such people are rewarded by God by granting them insight into the most concealed things, by allowing them to behold His sphere of activity, by informing them of His plan of eternity and by giving them at the same time the comprehension of understanding everything and of grasping the correlations. He tries to reveal to them the greatest mysteries, although the human being’s intellectual capacity is insufficient to receive a comprehensive explanation as long as he does not have the degree of maturity that allows him to be permeated by the light of wisdom. Yet with the person’s continuing development his intellectual capacity will improve and it is therefore indeed already possible to penetrate profound mysteries on Earth, and thus to take possession of divine wisdom, however, it will only be comprehensible to those who receive it, whereas another person will not know what to make of it because he has no understanding of the correlations between all works of creation with the eternal Creator. Nevertheless, the more mature person should make an effort to also inform his fellow human being, because the knowledge can encourage another person’s spiritual striving and because light shall be brought into the darkness which is spread across humanity, which lives in total ignorance of spiritual truth and no longer recognises its purpose on Earth, just as it is unaware of the individual person’s final goal, which should be eagerly aspired to during earthly life. The question ‘Why do we humans exist?’ remains open to most people, they don’t even make an effort to answer it or to look for a suitable answer. They often pose this question but they never seriously desire an answer or listen to those who answer them, for they only ever let their intellect speak but never their heart…. that is, they don’t take any notice of their feelings which would be a clear answer for them. They drown out the voice of the heart and completely turn towards the world, hence they are incapable of receiving divine wisdom which necessitates a withdrawal from the world. And thus the world will remain dark and without light, since only a few people can receive enlightenment through the inner voice. But these few will be and remain happy, for they will take divine wisdom over into the spiritual kingdom where it originated from, while the others will enter the realm of the beyond in profound spiritual darkness because they failed to look for the light on Earth…. Amen


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B.D. 1565, August 13, 1940

The voice of conscience... You have no better indication for that which is right than the voice of conscience, the voice of the heart, which truly advises you correctly. This voice will often guide you to do what is pleasing to God. And if you sometimes don’t really know what you should do, think or say then you may always call upon God in all sincerity and He will inform you of it such that all doubt, all indecision will fade away and your actions will become conscious and unambiguous. Every wrong thought triggers unease in you and every right thought will make you feel glad, for all good spiritual beings around you endeavour to mentally inform you as to what you should or should not do, and if you willingly accept these suggestions they will give you inner contentment, whereas the other way round they will awaken in you a feeling of unease in order to make you become aware of the inner voice. The prompting of spiritual friends into doing a good deed is often the reason that this deed will then also be carried out, for a person on his own is often too weak-willed if he is not stimulated to do good. And if he only listens to the inner voice he will be correctly guided. The realisation of that which is right will likewise awaken him if he wants to act correctly. For his God-inclined will persistently rejects what is wrong, after all, this will attracts the good and knowledgeable forces which will instruct him truthfully. Although adverse forces try just as hard to exert their influence they will only succeed if a person is weak-willed or indifferent and thus complies with every spiritual influence, completely oblivious as to whether he is being instructed by good or evil forces. This is where wicked forces have an easy game, although afterwards the voice of conscience will sound reproachfully and disturb his inner contentment. If attention is paid to this then the opportunity still exists that the good spiritual forces will still be able to be more persuasively effective, but often such silent reproaches deep within the heart only drive the person to try to drown them out, so that he will no longer take notice of them and thus deaden his conscience and no longer hear the subtle voice within. And this is extremely unfavourable for the soul. For then a person will find it very hard to perform kind-hearted actions, since he has insufficient strength to do so, but, since he is not stimulated by the voice of conscience to resist, he will not take refuge in God either, Who alone can make him strong-willed and send him spiritual strength to help him. If, however, a person cultivates the voice of conscience within himself, if he complies with everything this voice instructs him to do or not to do, and if he finally, after every question posed to the eternal Deity, listens to this voice, he is not likely to take any other path than the one which leads to realisation.... Amen


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B.D. 6262, May 20, 1955

Voice of conscience.... Feeling.... Right path.... The path intended for you to follow on earth will be repeatedly shown to you, even if you don’t receive any direct instructions from Me, for I also speak to you in a way which you describe as ‘feeling‘, so that you can use your common sense, because you will encounter either painful or pleasing situations which will not leave you unimpressed…. Through your feeling you are able to recognise what is desirable for a human being, what makes him unhappy and what has a damaging effect on his body…. and be subsequently influenced by your will to withhold what is painful from your fellow human being or to give to him what makes him happy…. Feeling and intellect by themselves can show you the right path if you lack truthful instructions or if religious instructions don’t appeal to you because their origin appears to be doubtful. His own experience can determine a human being’s will, thoughts and actions, and every human being certainly knows what is fair and just, because everyone lays claim to be happy himself and because every human being can ‘feel’ physical and psychological pain. The love he has for himself will always prompt him to gain possession of that which makes him feel free and glad.... and a righteous way of thinking will also allow other people the same…. thus the knowledge of the right path is placed into every person; but how he uses the knowledge he gained through his own feeling and intellectual reasoning depends on his will, which is and will remain free for the sake of his own perfection. And therefore it will also always be possible to differentiate between good and evil, and more precisely, their effect on the human being himself. This is why one can speak of the ‘voice of conscience’, which will always express itself in ‘feeling’ but which can also be stifled in the human if his selfish love is so strongly developed that the human being lays claim to all that is pleasant for himself and is unkind to his fellow human being…. In that case his sensitivity becomes increasingly weaker and then people will often claim that not every person knows what is good or evil…. And again, the only answer to this can be: He does not want to know it. For as long as he knows what is desirable or undesirable for himself he also knows the difference between good and evil.... even without any external instruction, but which would always confirm that his inner feeling corresponds to My teaching, through which I show people the right path they should take on earth…. to My teaching of love, which only ever requires a person to practise love. However, where animalistic instincts from the previous time of development are excessively present in a person only the feeling of strength towards the weak prevails…. for the forces of darkness take hold of such a person and impel him to act according to their will….But such a ‘possessed’ person cannot be used as evidence that the path to Me cannot be found and taken without instructions from Me…. For My love cares for all My living creations but allows them to keep their free will…. Amen


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B.D. 6585, July 1, 1956

Voice of conscience.... Everyone shelters a silent admonisher inside himself which imperceptibly urges or warns him but manifests itself so gently that it can easily be ignored if the human being pays no attention to it. This inner admonisher is a grace of God too, it is a means of help used by God’s love, a gift which is given to every person but which has to be paid attention to in order to be of use. As long as the human being wants to live a right and just life he will always pay heed to his inner voice, he will feel impeded if he is on the verge of doing wrong, and he will sense a gentle inner urge where it is necessary to do good deeds, for the inner admonisher is able to express itself in people who are of good will. Yet the ‘voice of conscience’ can also very easily be suppressed or drowned out by temptations which are louder and therefore more likely to be heard but which will never benefit the soul. In that case the human being becomes insensitive; he becomes indifferent to whether his actions are good or bad…. He abides by all suggestions promising worldly benefits and takes no more notice of the voice of conscience if it wants to manifest itself. However, this insensibility for the advice of conscience is his own fault, for the silent admonisher exists in every human heart but it can be displaced or consciously blocked from expressing itself, and that happens if a person acts contrary to the inner admonition or warning and thereby silences this gentle voice…. For God does not use coercion of will, and it would be a coercion of will if the inner voice ever more loudly came to the fore and thereby inhibited the person’s will and actions. Every gift of grace from God must voluntarily be used if they are not to be ineffective…. However, the greatest success can be achieved if the human being allows himself to be completely guided from within…. If, before his every action, he first spends serious thought on it, if he, by always wanting to do what is right, appeals to God for His guidance and subsequently allows himself to be guided by Him….

Then the voice will speak ever more clearly and understandably to him, then the voice of the world will no longer be able to drown it out…. Then the human being will consciously submit himself to the guidance of the spirit, for he will recognise its working in him and know that it is the voice of God which now guides and directs him, which educates him and stands by his side with advice…. Thus the human being’s inner admonisher, the voice of conscience, can be motivated by the person himself to speak louder if he is always willing to listen and to comply with its suggestions, but this only happens to people who live a life of love…. Then no further obstacles to express itself exist for the spiritual spark anymore, then it can emerge and openly influence the person, it no longer signifies a coercion of will, since the will readily submits itself to the divine-spiritual guidance of its own accord…. And when this happens the human being will be leading an inner life, he will constantly communicate with his inner guide and know that it is God’s voice which speaks to him, which warns and admonishes him and guides him wherever he goes…. Subsequently, his way of life will also comply with God’s will, because the spirit within himself only ever influences him according to God’s will. No person need ever go through earthly life without the voice of conscience which admonishes and warns him, for it will address all people as long as they can still be guided, as long as they are still undecided as to whether to act good or evil…. Yet as soon as the will is more inclined towards evil the voice grows ever more silent and can finally completely fade away unless a sudden change occurs. But for as long as the human being is alive God will keep trying to inwardly speak to him and to touch his conscience…. Nevertheless, He will never exert any force whatsoever on his will, He will always allow him to keep his freedom.... Amen


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B.D. 7698, September 13, 1960

The voice of conscience You should be guided to perfection, and for this you need My support, because once you gave all your Force away and became weak, lightless Creatures that had to remain in the abyss until My Love took hold of you and helped you out of the depth. You are now already in a certain grade of maturity, but that is not enough to secure the upwards move that you have to pass during your life on Earth. For this you need My Force and Guidance. And if you are conscious of your weakness, and if you look around for help, then I am already on your side, waiting only for your call for help. But this plea you have to address to Me in free- will, because no sort of compulsion will be exercised on your will by Me. I am ready at all times to give you the help you ask for, I will provide you always with Force, if you only desire it. To further your desire for it, I let you feel at times your weakness and darkness very strongly, but this is only a sign of My Love for you, because I want by that to win you for Me, I want to move you to ask Me voluntarily for help. Therefore, first of all, you have to believe in Me. And the knowledge about a God and a Creator will be made known unto you, what you only have to accept and to ponder about. Then with good will you will be able to believe it. And you can be sure that I will help you to a solid belief, if you have the will to think and to act right, if you listen only to your inner voice that will direct you always rightly. And My voice sounds in every man as the voice of conscience, but it can be listened to, or be ignored, and only the will of man decides this. And thus the voice of conscience will also tell man what is right or wrong, he will be taught by the voice of conscience about the fundamental law -about Love, because as man he knows exactly what procures him pleasure and comfort, and what causes pain and suffering. Therefore he can act toward his fellow-man in such a way that he supports and guards him from bodily injuries.

And thus Love can be awakened within him, and with Love comes also the Light of comprehension. Every man can reach the right thinking and acting, because I have placed the fine feeling in him that finds expression by the "voice of conscience". And as soon as he gives attention to it, his being - that at the beginning of its embodiment as man is still very much steeped in the I-love - changes to Love for his neighbor, and then is also given the guarantee for a strong, living faith in Me, in his God and Creator.

Soon he will then also recognize his Father in Me Who Loves him and wants him close. And he will strive for this union in free-will. And I will be able to lead him toward perfection because I donate this help to every human being. I leave no man in weakness and ignorance. I am, and I remain his Leader throughout the whole Earth-life, as long as he does not oppose Me, and as long as he lets influence himself by the voice of conscience.

And this will always happen when the soul is willing to reach the purpose and the goal of the Earth-life. Then man can be always sure that on My part I will do everything to help him to perfection, that he will never be left alone, and will certainly reach his goal. Amen

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B.D. 5182, August 1, 1951

Divine Word.... Psychic messages.... Disguise.... Mark....

Anyone who wants to serve Me will be accepted by Me, and his work in My vineyard will be allocated to him by Me, because I alone know what kind of work each person is capable of doing. They will be able to serve Me consciously and unconsciously, that is, they will be able to know that they have been chosen by Me for a task but they will also be able, impelled by their heart, to do something which is considered vineyard work by Me as well without knowing themselves that they are loyal co-workers for Me in the redemption work of the last days before the end. However, they all need to have heartfelt love for Me and their neighbour, otherwise the work for Me and My kingdom cannot be carried out. And this heartfelt love.... the fulfilment of My commandments of love, will also provide My servant with the strength for his richly blessed work, because the work for Me requires particular knowledge which can only be acquired through selfless activity of love, and precisely this knowledge is the strength conveyed to the person which he shall subsequently use according to My will. And thus you will also understand that a certain amount of knowledge about the eternal truth is a prerequisite for working in My vineyard, and this will also show you the mark of My true servants on earth, for you humans will always be able to obtain clarification from them concerning Me and My kingdom…. They must possess a certain amount of knowledge which makes them My true representatives on earth. How and in what way they will have received this knowledge always has to be checked, for only the origin determines the value and credibility of this knowledge. For My true representatives on earth must have been educated by Me Myself, because only I can dispense the truth and, as the primary Source of truth, also convey it to wherever I require people to proclaim My Word and where the conditions are in place for a loyal servant to enter into My service. It is and will remain a fact that I speak to those people who listen for My voice within themselves, who appeal to Me with faith and love to receive My spirit…. and that I will then present to them everything which they ought to pass on to their fellow human beings again, so that the truth shall be spread throughout the world…. Yet faith and love must be present, otherwise I cannot speak to a person, since only a devout person listens and only a loving heart is able to hear My voice. Thus I establish a heartfelt connection with such a person through the Word, which is the outpouring of Myself and thus testifies to Me…. This Word is thus spoken by Me Myself, that is, the spiritual emanations of Myself shape themselves into comprehensible thoughts for you or sound as audible Words within your heart. Yet I can also convey My Word to you in the form of a transmission, if I want to delight the blissful beings in the spiritual kingdom, to whom the conveyance of strength from Me signifies increased happiness. In that case you will receive My Word through My messengers of light which, however, will not diminish the Word in the slightest because it cannot be changed as long it originates from the spiritual kingdom, i.e., has not yet been changed through human will. However, it has to be noted that I Am talking about My Word, about the transference of the pure truth, which proclaims My will and imparts to people the knowledge about their relationship with Me and their earthly task. Yet not all transmissions from the spiritual kingdom can be called ‘My Word’ because this is the purest truth which can only be transmitted as My direct emanation by beings who are enlightened themselves. But beings also exist which want to communicate themselves, although they are not enlightened as yet or only possess a limited amount of knowledge but nevertheless have the opportunity to make themselves understood by people on earth, be it by way of thought transference or through a medium of whose will and also physical functions they avail themselves in order to speak to people. And these messages

should not be confused with My Word, they should not be described as My Word and

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therefore should not be referred to as the working of My spirit in the human being. For My spirit can only be effective under certain conditions; these messages, however, can be heard by all people who are merely prepared to enter into contact with the spiritual kingdom and listen to the beings’ suggestions with more or less good intentions. These beings can also impart truth but there is no guarantee that their comments are pure truth, because the degrees of maturity of these beings differ considerably and the human being, as such, is unable to judge the level of maturity. Yet such comments can never be described as divine revelations, they are far more likely to endanger divine revelations if the human being does not possess a clear power of judgment which enables him to distinguish and separate proclamations from the spiritual kingdom. To receive My Word, directly or through messengers of light, requires first of all the will to hear Me, for I will not let My voice sound in the human being’s heart without his willingness to receive it, because only this proves his belief in My working of the spirit within the human being…. Furthermore, a loving way of life must have prepared the heart to become a worthy vessel to receive My spirit…. And the human being who receives My Word must work with it for Me and My kingdom. For My Word is the epitome of knowledge concerning My will, it is the impartation of realisation, it is profound wisdom, it is the formulated truth which shall be conveyed to humanity and cannot be conveyed by any other means but by way of revelations which are received by a person on behalf of all people who want to accept them. Thus My Word is effectively the evidence of My contact with people…. And since through My Word people are offered the truth, the light from the heavens, it is understandable that the opposing lord will also find ways and means to darken this light, to falsify the truth and thus to prevent My activity. He will not shy away from expressing himself in the same manner where human will allows him to do so. Yet only where the human being’s will facilitates his intention will he be able to try it. Often the slightest occasions will enable him to exert his influence…. if worldly thoughts occupy a person, which will then always be temptations by which Satan will try to push himself in. My kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36).... so anyone who wants to communicate with Me, who wants to hear My voice, must be able to completely detach himself from the earthly world, and what he wants must only be spiritual knowledge. If, however, he is still earthly minded My adversary will instantly interfere, and he is entitled to do so because the earthly world is his domain, yet you can always resist him yourselves by banishing the world from your thoughts. Anyone who desires to hear Me must have broken free from the world although he still lives in the midst of the world. And thus I can only ever caution those of you who desire to hear My Word from turning your sights to the world, because then you will be unable to perceive My Word in all its purity, instead the prince of the world will often intervene because he will seize every opportunity to counteract the truth and you will be providing him with this opportunity yourselves if you are worldly minded; then you will hardly recognise him because he will also avail himself of My Word in order to deceive you, because he will disguise himself as an angel-spirit and use apparently noble words and yet cause gradual confusion by spreading doubt into human hearts, thus trying to prevent pure contact between a person and Me. This is why not everyone is suitable to work as a teacher, for this requires absolute truth and therefore a complete turning away from the world in order to be able to receive the pure truth from Me. And therefore you humans will also have to learn to differentiate between: My Word, the pure Gospel, the clear realisation, hence a higher knowledge which corresponds to the truth, and communications from the spiritual kingdom which may well be good and true but may also be interspersed with messages from the kingdom of darkness if the human being’s own attitude towards the world offers the opportunity for it…. My Word guarantees purest truth, and My Word can also be imparted to you through My will by messengers of light and nonetheless remain My Word…. Yet psychic recipients who receive messages from spiritual beings and thus, to a certain extent, are their mouthpieces, should beware not to become exploited by lower forces…. They should not let themselves be deceived by lovely words, for this is the mask of the one who is an enemy of truth and also the means of gaining access to circles which genuinely look for Me yet have not entirely abandoned the world in order to be safe from temptations from below due to My constant presence. My Word is offered to you humans plainly and purely because I Myself choose servants for Myself whom I know are suitable for the office of being a recipient and advocate of My Word and whom I will therefore also protect as long as their

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will applies to Me alone and as long as they want to serve Me as an instrument. For you humans shall never be able to complain that you are denied the pure truth…. I will always convey My Word to earth and also make sure that it is circulated, because people’s salvation of soul depends on the fact that they will be instructed in the truth…. Amen


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B.D. 6468, February 5, 1956

Dangers of psychic communication.... Much is presented to you humans as truth which was received in a mediumistic state from the spiritual kingdom…. And you frequently support this information with confidence because you are convinced that you cannot be wrongly educated from this world…. And especially these teachings can cause you considerable disadvantage, because you are then no longer able to receive the pure truth. Psychic communication always necessitates utmost caution.... this has to be said to you time and again. Because the recipient’s environment is rarely so purged, so permeated by light, that negative influences cannot intrude.... Only then can pure truth also be conveyed by mediumistic means. But the thoughts of people who surround the recipient also affect psychically made statements. The recipient himself has surrendered his will and is now controlled by an unknown will. Only extreme integrity of his outer circle keeps everything unspiritual at bay…. However, as soon as a hitherto accepted wrong thought emerges in someone in this circle, he attracts beings who instantly want to intensify his error, since they are now able to enter this environment…. which is not possible when all participants are wholly inspired by the desire for purest truth and completely submit themselves to God and all that is light. But this commonly shared will soon abandons psychic reception, because people will then consciously approach God for clarification, for truth…. and it is no longer necessary to surrender the will, to enter into a state of trance, because God will certainly grant such sincere request for conveying the truth and will choose a servant from this circle to whom He can transmit His Word in a conscious state…. On the other hand, not every mediumistic message can be discarded, since beings of light occasionally also use this opportunity to contact people, in the hope that one day they will be able to establish the heartfelt contact which facilitates the conveyance of absolute truth. But these psychic messages always have to correspond to God’s Word, which is received in a conscious state. However, differences of opinion will frequently arise because mediumistic messages are equally highly valued. The messages of the beings of light will always concur with each other, they will always proclaim the truth from God…. And each deviation has to be seriously examined as to whether and to what extent the environment or the medium himself had an already preconceived opinion which contradicted the consciously conveyed Word. There is only one truth, and this comes forth from God Himself, even though it is transmitted by beings of light.... And where there is truth there is no contradiction…. But there are many different opinions, and there are different sources used by people.... Yet only one source is the fountain of life, which God has made accessible..... He Himself pours His spirit into the human hearts who prepare themselves as a vessel for the flow of spirit…. This preparation is conscious work, it is the work of improving the soul…. it is a transformation to love…. which is the prerequisite for the working of the divine spirit…. But a person can receive psychic messages even when he has not achieved this transformation, simply by handing over his own will and allowing himself to be seized by an unknown will…. And the quality of this unknown will is determined by the degree of maturity of his own soul and the souls of people in his surroundings…. Every spiritually revived person will oppose mediumistic reception because he recognises the inherent danger and because a spiritually awakened person is always permeated by a profound desire for truth. However, a medium with a high degree of maturity will soon be able to receive the messages consciously, and these will never contradict the pure Word of God, which flows forth from the fountain of life made accessible by God Himself. Beware if you discover contradictions, and examine the source of the teachings which contradict themselves. And if you want to know the truth you will also receive clarification.... when you ask God Himself for help, when you submit to Him every doubt, every question, and always just want to be taught correctly and able to support Him and the only truth…. the truth from God…. Amen


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B.D. 7829, February 18, 1961

‘Work of the spirit’ and the work of the spirit world....

You are guided into truth.... Do you understand how significant it is to have the guarantee of living in absolute truth because I Am instructing you Myself? And do not be mislead if you are faced by contentions that you cannot be certain that it is I Who speaks to you, or you would even have to dismiss the Book of Books, which clearly refers to My ‘working of the spirit’…. But people are already so distant from Me that they no longer know of My spirit’s work in a human being.... Although occasionally they indeed look for contact with the spiritual kingdom they are completely without knowledge and therefore in danger of accepting messages which do not correspond to truth, since they know too little about the ‘working of the spirits’ who have not yet entered the kingdom of light. They make contact with spiritual regions, with the world of spirits which, in fact, also look for contact with people but only to make themselves heard in order to transfer their misguided, confused thoughts to people, as they did on earth. For as long as they are not in the world of light they do not think correctly, their spirit is still dark and they are only able to pass on wrong concepts to people. And people value such messages from the world of spirits too highly.... But they do not look for the right relationship with Me, which would assure them to receive the truth. ‘My spirit will guide you into truth....’ (John 16:13) I want to instruct you Myself, and although I speak to you through messengers of light it is still the same, for the truth originates from Me and is passed on to you through My messengers of light. They will never be able to say anything other than is My will nor would they want to, since they receive the spiritual knowledge they pass on to you from Me …. I Myself instruct you through the spirit.... You humans should comprehend that God Himself speaks to you, do not just dismiss this as impossible.... For you are in direct contact with Me, because you are My living creations, My children, who belong to Me eternally. The Father will always speak to His children providing they want it and fulfil My related conditions for the child to hear the Father’s voice. You have to believe that I speak to you, prepare yourselves as a vessel for the flow of My spirit and listen inwardly…. To be able to believe you have to live in love, whereby you prepare yourselves as a dwelling for Me so that I then can be present in you. And if you listen attentively you will hear Me…. And what I say to you is truth, for the Eternal Truth Itself speaks to you, It educates you, and you will learn everything that is necessary for the salvation of your soul. But do you need the voices from the spirit world for this? Be seriously warned not to accept messages as truthful which were not given to you through the ‘working of My spirit’.... And avoid those who claim to have contact with the world of spirits.... They are a danger for you because they confuse your thoughts and keep you away from the pure truth. People with already matured souls certainly can have occasional insights into these worlds and exercise their influence on the souls in darkness, but the people on earth will never benefit from seeking contact with the world of darkness. That is why they should avoid such dealings with the spirit world, because they are also My adversary’s means in the last days to confuse people’s thoughts so that they are unable to appreciate the truth or even reject it, or they take less notice of it than those messages and overlook an invaluable gift of grace…. The truth comes forth from Me Myself, and you humans will receive it if you so desire. However, if you are satisfied with messages which do not originate from Me, if you pay attention to them, you do not desire truth and will never come to possess it either…. But where ‘My spirit is working’ there is truth…. For I can only work where the conditions are met, but then I will keep every error at bay, for this is truly within My power.... I want truth to be sent to earth, and I have the power to exercise My will, because you humans live with misconceptions and are therefore in utmost danger.... You humans can only become blessed through truth and therefore have to sincerely ask Me for it…. But then you can also be certain that you will receive it, that I will teach you Myself, as I have promised…. Amen


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B.D. 3628, December 16, 1945

Thoughts from the spiritual kingdom....

Thoughts flow to you from the spiritual kingdom, if you are spiritually minded and therefore also look for contact with the enlightened beings of the spiritual kingdom. Consequently, every thought can be a blessing for you provided you sincerely want to become enlightened, thus to know the truth. Yet in order to be taken care of by helpful spiritual beings it is also always necessary for you to conduct your life in accordance with God’s will, since you are also surrounded by forces of darkness which seek to lead your thoughts astray. And you yourselves reject or allow their access to you, depending on your conduct in life, on your will and your attitude towards God and towards good. And therefore you have to seriously scrutinise yourselves whether you strive to live in keeping with God’s will, whether you want the truth. You must know that thoughts are the activity of spiritual beings in the beyond which they try to convey to you, and that you allow yourselves to be influenced by forces which you draw to yourselves by your way of life and your will. For this reason you have to observe your thoughts whether they lead towards God or divert you from believing in God. Every good thought teaching love and referring to God is the activity of good spiritual forces, and you should take it up and let yourselves be affected by it, for as soon as you pay attention to it, it will also shape your way of life and be beneficial for your soul. But as soon as you pray to God for correct thinking, good spiritual beings will always be your teachers and guides, they will influence your thoughts and also try to transmit spiritual concepts which will heighten your maturity of soul; they will provide you with power of perception which will enable you to render the activity of evil forces ineffective by instantly recognising it as error and rejecting it. If you unite yourselves with God, if you live intending to please Him, then you will not have to fear evil spiritual forces which deceive your thoughts, for you give yourselves into the hands of good spiritual beings which will take loving care of you and direct your thoughts such that they will correspond to the truth and promote your spiritual development, because you strive for it yourselves…. Amen


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B.D. 8337, November 24, 1962

Examination of spiritual ‘receptions’.... I want to send My Word to all places, I want all people to be informed of it and I will also lead all those to you to whom you shall impart My Word. I will pour My spirit upon all flesh and choose the right vessels for Myself far and wide which I will be able to instruct mentally or even through the inner Word because it is essential to inform people of My will and their earthly task. And thus I work everywhere because the last days before the end will require extraordinary help. And time and again I say to you that I speak to you directly or indirectly through My messengers of light who receive My Word from Me and pass it on to those of you who allow the flow of spirit to enter you. In the latter instance My Word, which is given to these messengers of light by Me, will also be recognisable by the style of the Word…. Yet it will always be the pure truth from Me, because the messengers of light merely comply with My will and will not pass on anything other than truth to those of you who sincerely desire the truth. Nevertheless, you should always check it and, at all times, bear in mind that My adversary, too, wants to express himself in the last days and that he will present himself as an angel of light…. you should always remember that I have warned you about false Christs and false prophets…. For they, too, wreak havoc on earth and intend to confuse people. And you will always be able to carry out this examination by appealing for My support and by taking My Word into consideration: that every spirit which professes that Jesus Christ came in the flesh can also be regarded to have been called by Me (1 John 4:1-3)…. But attention always has to be paid to the fact that this embodiment in the flesh has to be explained to you…. For in order to deceive you an evil spirit can use the same words too, since it knows them well yet it will be incapable of explaining them. Similarly, immature spirits which are as yet unenlightened but bear no ill intentions may also want to express themselves and thus pass on what they remember from earthly life. These should not to be acknowledged as teachers…. And, again, the recipient’s attitude is decisive as to whether such immature beings will be able to express themselves or whether the sincere will for truth will prevent them from carrying out their intentions. In the same way as preachers exist on earth who only use what they know as subject matter for their sermons without, however, being spiritually enlightened…. and yet they need not be bad…. so beings express themselves in the beyond which had also once performed this ministry on earth and then continued their instructions in the beyond. And as long as they pass themselves off as otherworldly teachers they will be listened to or rejected.... depending on the person they try to educate. But since these beings in the beyond don’t know that God and Jesus are one and only ever see the ‘human being’ in Jesus Who perfected Himself on earth…. but neither do they know what this ‘perfection’ implies…. they avail themselves of His human name in order to make their instructions credible…. For they lack the full realisation of this great sin otherwise they truly would not commit it…. They still intend to lead people into the ‘heavenly kingdom’ just as they planned to do on earth during their work as preachers. This is why their reports from the spiritual kingdom will also give people the impression that they are perfect spirits from higher spheres…. The spiritually awakened person, however, can sense that I Am not and cannot be the source of this spiritual knowledge, because My divinity in Jesus is not clearly emphasised, but this shall always be made comprehensible through My Word since Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation will only be understood and acknowledged if you humans receive truthful clarification about it. You can never be advised often enough to constantly enter into heartfelt contact with Me and to pray to Me in spirit and in truth, so that everything is excluded which is misguided or incomprehensible to you and does not benefit your soul but is more likely to cause it damage…. For My adversary, by using shadows, eagerly tries to darken the light which shines brightly wherever the will for truth prevails and where he himself is therefore unable to lead people astray…. Yet whenever you are unsure, ask Me and I will always grant you illumination and, time and again, give you the evidence of My love which will lead all of you to the light so that you will be able to become blissfully happy…. Amen


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B.D. 8228, July 30, 1962

Test the spirits.... You humans should believe that I will keep sending you the truthful information about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, for you have to recognise and acknowledge Him…. the divine Redeemer…. as Son of God and Redeemer of the world Who had sheltered Me within Himself. But the mission He had to fulfil on earth cannot be proven to you, yet I Myself will convey the correct information of Him to you through My spirit, and this in itself will be proof to you…. For what historically cannot be demonstrated to you, shall be taught to you by My spirit…. And thus you also know that it is I Myself Who reveals this to you…. that you can ‘test the spirits’ by all means, for as soon as you are given information about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation you know that it is the spirit of God, which can only impart the pure truth. You are entitled to scrutinise the origin of all spiritual knowledge, and I Myself have shown you the criterion, for no opposing spirit will ever proclaim that ‘Jesus Christ has come in the flesh….’ And once you have got the proof that it is the activity of ‘God’s spirit’ then you can also accept everything proclaimed by this spirit as truth. My working within the human being, which expresses itself so distinctly as the transmission of My Word, cannot be interpreted or explained as personal intellectual thought, but it can be even less described as My adversary’s activity, for then people only demonstrate that they themselves do not recognise the Father’s voice, that they do not belong to My Own who completely hand themselves over to Me, but that they are intellectually still too active themselves or they would feel that they are addressed by Me, their Father of eternity…. For My transmission of the Word into a human heart…. be it directly or through My messengers…. will not fail to have the desired effect. It touches the heart as soon as it just opens itself and is willing to be addressed by Me; and that necessitates that the person listens to Me impartially and thus is also willing to let himself be permeated by My spirit, by My light of love…. However, if a person undertakes a purely intellectual examination of the spiritual knowledge he received from Me, then he will hardly be able to recognise His Father’s voice, for it will not touch his heart, and only this is capable to make the test. You shall not blindly believe what you inwardly reject…. Yet if My revelations are conveyed to you then you will never have a feeling of resistance, providing you desire to be addressed by Me Myself…. rather, My Words will so touch you that you would not want to miss them anymore, and you will also be fully convinced of the truth, because you are now able to feel Me Myself …. The content of divine revelations will always consist of God’s human manifestation in Jesus and the act of Salvation, and this shall always be the clearest evidence for the truth, for My adversary would never inform you of the fact that Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross on your behalf, in Whom I Myself accomplished the act of Salvation…. My adversary will never try to encourage you humans to believe in Jesus, he will never preach love to you, which likewise is the substance of My revelations, for only love unites you with Me and he will prevent everything that could establish this unification. You have to know about his nature, which is pure hatred and wants to corrupt you.... And you will be able to recognise his activity by the fact that he will do everything to demean My divine revelations and to darken your spirit as to prevent you from recognising Me …. However, you need only appeal to Me for illumination of your spirit, and truly, I will help you and change every ambiguity into brightest realisation, if only you seriously desire it. My adversary only ever seeks to cause confusion, but he will only be successful where the desire for the pure truth is not yet prevalent; but where it exists he has lost all power, for I Myself radiate the light which agreeably touches everyone who wants to be enlightened…. Amen


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B.D. 5701, June 19, 1953

‘Test the spirits....’ False Christs and prophets (Matthew 24:24)…. Test the spirits whether they are of God.... When you accept spiritual knowledge it is very important to seriously examine its origin…. You should and need to scrutinise it because you are responsible for your soul yourselves, which can only benefit from the truth but whose higher development is endangered by misguided spiritual information. If you are offered spiritual concepts, i.e. knowledge which cannot be verified by earthly means, you need to subject it to serious investigation. You should know that light and darkness fight each other, that the prince of darkness fights against pure truth, that he will try anything to lead people into wrong thinking and not even shy away from shrouding himself in the garment of an angel in order to deceive people…. But you can expose him yourselves, you can test which spirit conveys spiritual knowledge to you. And the criteria you should consider under serious examination are: whether the conveyed mental information proclaims Jesus Christ as Son of God and Redeemer of the world, whether its message consists of His doctrine of love and that you are reminded to follow Jesus…. If so, then you may unconditionally accept it and address God Himself as the source of knowledge conveyed to you, then you may endorse it as divine truth. You need not fear to be pushed into misguided thinking by the spirit of darkness, for he will never acknowledge Jesus Christ, Who has delivered the world from sin. False Christs and false prophets will arise, and particularly during the last days before the end.... They will speak the name of Jesus Christ with their mouth and yet they will not be true messengers of His divine teaching of love, because they themselves will not do as they preach or their teachings are of a worldly nature, therefore they will not be recognisable as true Christians. And this verbal confession is frequently a disguise which hides the enemy of truth. They will not truly believe in Jesus’ Words, which He spoke on earth, or in his promises, for they lack love, the sign of a true follower of Jesus…. Consequently their words will be without spirit, they will be without strength, they cannot be considered as purely divine truth and also need to be seriously scrutinised. But you can make this test anytime if you, in the sincere desire for truth, ask God Himself for His help to enlighten your spirit, to guide your thoughts correctly and to teach you to always differentiate between truth and error, and everyone who desires the spirit of God will receive it…. Amen


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B.D. 8364, December 28, 1962

The human being’s duty is to scrutinise spiritual information.....

The fact that you had been wrongly instructed cannot be used by you as an excuse, for you have been placed by Me into the position of using your intellect and therefore it is also your duty to scrutinise what you are being taught.... As soon as you receive the information of a God and Creator Who created and sustains everything that you can see around you, and also you yourselves, you only need to turn to this Creator in thought and, truly, I will also guide your thinking such that you will be able to understand, if only you want to understand. And you will always be sent such thoughts from the spiritual kingdom which relate to Me and to yourselves, which make you question what kind of relationship you have in regards to Me, your God and Creator. And such thoughts ought to be picked-up by you and reflected upon…. You should at all times be conscious of the fact that every person who only uses his intellect can be mistaken.... Thus you must also ask yourselves whether the people who are instructing you, who present you with knowledge which they, in turn, receive from other people or which they have academically acquired, are free from error…. For doubts will certainly arise in you and then you do well to contemplate them. But in that case it only depends on your own will whether you yourselves desire the truth…. since only this will shall determine that pure truth will be imparted to you…. If you, however, accept everything that is presented to you without thinking about it, you will never find the path to Me, for then you will only possess pure intellectual knowledge which will never be able to touch your heart and will not benefit your soul in the slightest, since it will neither lead to the correct realisation nor motivate you to seriously improve yourselves…. It is and will remain mere worldly knowledge, even if it concerns spiritual problems. For only your intellect is affected and this is not being used to think about the information so that it can deal with it, and subsequently it won’t be able to recognise what it was offered. And if you are prevented by law to reflect on it, then you should also recognise the foolishness of such law and become wary and on account of this alone start to doubt the truth of the teachings imparted to you. Not everything needs to be wrong, yet you should obtain clarity by starting to think about it and turn to the One Who is your God and Creator and Who alone can grant you clarification. Hence you ought to try to attain living knowledge and not content yourselves with dead knowledge, which remains dead as long as it doesn’t influence the human being’s soul by stimulating it into improving itself eagerly, which first and foremost consists of kind-hearted activity…. For as soon as a person lives a life of love his thinking will also be enlightened, and then he will no longer be satisfied with teachings which do not completely correspond to the truth.... The light of love within himself will no longer let him unreservedly accept everything he is offered but will cause him to scrutinise it, because love is a divine principle and can never tolerate error or untruth beside itself…. Hence, at that moment an active desire for truth will set in and the truth will subsequently be imparted to the person, no matter in which way…. For anyone who desires the truth will receive it…. Anyone who desires the truth will also ask for Me, Who is the Eternal Truth and I will also reveal Myself to him, that is, I will convey the truth to him in some form or other, which he then will accept and make use of without hesitation…. Every person has to aspire towards his own perfection, and he also has the ability to do so, for truly, it only requires the connection with Me and a prayer in spirit and in truth for My help to successfully travel his earthly path. And this prayer will be granted to him…. he will constantly be inwardly urged to do deeds of love and he will also gain the light which will let him recognise the right path that leads to perfection…. Amen


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B.D. 8407, February 9 , 1963

Examining spiritual information....

You will still be given a great deal of spiritual information which supposedly came from Me and you will always have to carefully check whether this spiritual information did, in fact, originate from Me. This will indeed be possible for you providing you are only interested in receiving the purest truth and appeal to Me for assistance. My spirit certainly works in all places because it is necessary for a light to be kindled for humanity in its spiritual darkness…. Yet My adversary will also avail himself of it by disguising himself in order to confuse people, for he is incapable of giving people a true light, he will only ever ignite deceptive lights for you which dazzle your eyes so much that they will subsequently hardly be able to recognise the gentle radiance of a true light. For he is hiding himself behind eminent names and, in so doing, causing confusion. People dare not refuse and yet they are being misled by those who speak to them. And you would be appalled if you knew to what extent his counteraction has started and will be deployed by him until the end…. People have a desire for unusual knowledge and this longing enables his activity by pretending to introduce them to such knowledge which, however, is not of the slightest value for the human being’s soul, which only lives on earth for the purpose of becoming fully mature. These ‘teachers’ will undeniably also speak words which intend to deceive, yet anyone who carefully examines them will have to admit that he cannot gain anything from such teachings, that he will not be ‘illuminated by light‘, because My adversary himself does not possess light and therefore cannot distribute it either.... And time and again I can only ever advise you to sincerely appeal to Me for spiritual enlightenment, then you will also become bright and clear within and you will reject anything which did not originate from Me. From many directions you will always be offered the same, for My adversary has no knowledge and therefore cannot impart it either. And only right and truthful knowledge will grant light to someone who genuinely desires it. Consequently, accept that which truly enlightens you…. which gives you the right information about Me and My nature and about My eternal plan of Salvation, so that you will then also brightly and clearly recognise your own task; that is the light which I Myself ignite for you ….However, if you are given empty words which don’t provide you with profound knowledge as to what you used to be, what you are and what you shall become again…. if you are invited to work for the kingdom of God without being told what this work consists of and why it should be carried out…. then you can rightfully reject them as phrases which merely intend to bluff you. And you should question yourselves as to whether you would gain anything if nothing else was known to you, if you…. were you completely ignorant…. tried to derive clarification from those communications alone. You would truly not be able to gain any kind of benefit, because they are all empty words which only came forth from My adversary in order to confuse you and to keep you away from the pure truth. Time and again he will also try to cause confusion in My ranks, so that even My Own will hold different views and people will become tired of spiritual striving if they are not given absolute clarity. Yet you possess so much light already that you will also recognise his work providing you scrutinise it impartially. Therefore, only ever take the path to Me and desire clarification and you will feel what you can accept and what you should reject in your heart …. For My adversary’s power will be defeated as soon as he wants to use it on those who already belong to Me due to their will, for I shall protect them from error because they desire the truth…. Amen


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B.D. 6676, October 24, 1956

‘Test all things and keep what is good (1 Timothy 5:19-21)....’ Test all things and keep what is good.... I say this to those who are inclined to doubt, who don’t possess the ability to make correct judgments and are apprehensive about accepting spiritual knowledge which is offered to them in an unusual way. Accept it with a completely open mind, and then ask Me for enlightenment of spirit and reflect on what you have received…. And, for the time being, ignore what seems unacceptable to you because you are at present unable to understand it, and enjoy what, after serious examination, is credible to you…. I don’t expect you to have blind faith, I expect you to test the spiritual knowledge which is made accessible to you; you are meant to think about it, and it is better you reject what seems incomprehensible to you than accept everything unreservedly, for if you have not formed an opinion about such mental concepts they will not be of benefit to you…. But if you are serious and want the pure truth, then you will also clearly recognise the truth if My messengers offer you spiritual knowledge which has originated from Me. For this Word contains the strength to give life…. providing, however, that life is being aspired to. Test all things and keep what is good.... Do these Words not contradict the imposition of believing something without thinking about it? After all, I Myself leave it up to you what to believe when I ask you to keep ‘what is good’…. I leave it up to you because I don’t demand blind faith from you humans. But why do you, who demand that ‘thinking about religious doctrines’ must be avoided, stop people from examining…. Are you not acting against My will? And are you also aware of the consequences such compulsion of faith will have on people? Time and again I emphasise freedom of will, time and again I bring the individual person’s responsibility for his decision of will to the fore, time and again I caution against spiritual compulsion and explain to you what really matters in earthly life…. And the Scripture, too, provides you with the evidence with these Words ‘Test all things and keep what is good....’, which should make every person, who genuinely wants to fulfil My will, suspicious that they don’t coincide with the ecclesiastical laws and make him think…. After all, whose Word, whose teachings, are more credible? And you cannot imply any other meaning to these My Words but that you should form an opinion about every religious dogma. You are supposed to form an opinion of it, regardless of who presents spiritual knowledge to you, for even the pure truth coming from Me, which is conveyed to you directly from above, may be scrutinised by you, and I will not condemn you if you think that you cannot accept everything without hesitation…. You should only always seek advice from Me and I will give you the understanding of what you need for the maturity of your souls…. And if you still have a low degree of maturity, you will not be able to understand everything, but you yourselves determine what you are prepared to accept…. Test all things and keep what is good.... For by doing so you prove the sincerity of your attitude and your desire for truth. But anyone who accepts something without checking it demonstrates his indifference, and he will never move within the truth either, because it is irrelevant to him. Yet this kind of attitude should never be promoted by a responsible person, people should be encouraged and not stopped to reflect on spiritual knowledge, for only then will it be beneficial and help the human being attain maturity of soul, since free will is being employed and its decision alone is important…. Amen


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B.D. 7584, April 23, 1960

Serious examination of spiritual knowledge with God’s support....

No person is denied the right to draw his own conclusions, but he should also know that intellect alone is no guarantee for correct thinking, irrespective of how keenly developed it is. This, in particular, applies to the assessment of spiritual knowledge for which no evidence can be produced. Whether or not such knowledge is truth can be assessed by a person as soon as he turns to God Himself for enlightened thinking…. otherwise he would be unable to examine it or form a correct judgment. But every person also has the right to reject what he cannot accept, providing he is of good will and examines it without bias. He should not blindly believe, he should think about what he is expected to believe, and he should pray for God’s support to do so, he should know that the spirit within instructs him. This also demonstrates the right kind of desire for truth, and thus the truth will be given to him and he will also be able to recognise it as truth. For much is given to people as truth which nevertheless frequently contradicts itself, and then it is up to the person himself to ascertain the truth. But anyone who believes that he can figure it out with his intellect alone can expect to get even more entangled in error, because the intellect is influenced by the adversary of truth, by the prince of darkness, who will do anything to divert people from the truth and provide them with misconceptions. However, the human being can protect himself by turning to God, by appealing to Him for the recognition of truth. For this reason no one can raise the objection that he is unable to form a correct judgment about truth or error…. As soon as he makes contact with God, as soon as he appeals to Him for enlightenment of spirit he will emotionally recognise whether he should turn to or ignore the spiritual knowledge given to him…. And he will always have the inner certainty of judging correctly because he has not formed his own judgment but God has enlightened his thoughts. But the good will to recognise and to do what is right always has to be part of it.... A rational person, however, will not scrutinise in himself what he is inclined to accept or reject…. He only uses his intellect which, however, takes a different direction, it does not consult God Himself but deems itself qualified for an examination. And it will frequently get it wrong because God does not want to be excluded and because truth comes forth from Him alone. Yet neither should an examination be omitted because the person allegedly does not feel qualified to make a correct judgment…. For one day he will have to be answerable, and he will not be able to justify himself on account of other people’s judgment which he accepted without hesitation because it was expected of him…. He should attain a living faith and that requires deliberation of what he is taught. Only the living faith will be valued by God, a dead faith, a conventional faith is, however, as good as no faith at all…. And thus you humans will repeatedly have the opportunity to express your opinion about this or that teaching, about the spiritual information imparted to you, and you do well to turn to God Himself, for He, as the Eternal Truth, will make the truth available to you, He will place it into your heart, so that you will be able to form your own judgment, and that this judgment will also correspond to the truth. You should not just trust in your strength alone, for as soon as God cannot take part due to your will, due to your prayer, someone else will take part and he will make use of your intellect…. Then you will distance yourselves increasingly more from the truth, because he will not rest until he has achieved his objective…. Amen


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B.D. 6728, January 4, 1957

A teacher’s duty: to examine teaching material.... It is a great responsibility to offer people spiritual information as long as it is doubtful whether it corresponds to the truth. Hence anyone, who believes that he is called to educate his fellow human beings, first has to arrive at the inner conviction that his teaching material is the pure truth. But he can only gain this inner conviction if he forms his own opinion first, if he seriously examines his acquired knowledge…. And, again, these examinations have to be conducted with My support, he must sincerely ask Me to enlighten his spirit, to guide his thoughts correctly, to protect him from misguided reasoning…. Only then will he be able to differentiate between truth and error, and only then is he a true servant to Me, a true messenger of My Word, who will now be able to work for the benefit of people on earth. But anyone who unhesitatingly passes on spiritual knowledge which he has equally unhesitatingly accepted, is not in the right position. He is no messenger of My Word because he is not in My service but serves someone else, and his activity on earth cannot be blessed, for he acts irresponsibly towards his fellow human beings by leading them into error but asking them to believe him. – jako važno!!! Everyone will now raise the objection that he believes to be true what he is teaching or spreading…. But it did not even occur to him that he, too, could have been given the wrong information.... And that in itself is blatant carelessness, it is a sin of omission, because he did not think about his spiritual information seriously enough…. When someone wants to work for Me then it is not unknown to him that I have an opponent…. It is not unknown to him that light and darkness oppose each other…. Thus he knows that the opponent’s work intends to darken the light, he knows, that he spreads error in order to refute the truth.... Consequently he has to guard himself from being taken in by error and to request My protection from My adversary’s activity, from accepting misconceptions…. And if he is serious, then I will draw his thoughts’ attention to misguided knowledge and he can be certain that his thinking will clarify itself. For I will leave no human being’s thoughts in error who prays to Me for truth. But anyone who refrains from the latter and yet believes to dwell in truth, is mistaken…. Then he has to come to terms with his wrong information himself, but it is irresponsible to pass this information on, and therefore such a person burdens himself with much guilt, even though his listeners, too, have to do the same when they are instructed: to first ask Me Myself for truth and for enlightenment of thought in order to recognise it as truth…. You humans examine every commodity for its value.... and thus you should also examine spiritual information and not accept it thoughtlessly and without hesitation. Something that does not correspond to truth will only be detrimental to you, it will never benefit your soul because it can only reach its goal through truth. Anyone who wants to be a teacher to his fellow human beings, first has to acquaint himself with what he wants to offer them, and he may and should only pass it on when he is sure of his teaching material, when he himself is convinced that it is the truth. And this conviction cannot be imparted to him academically, but he has to acquire it himself.... He has to desire the pure truth and turn to the Eternal Truth himself so that it can be bestowed on him…. Heartfelt contact with Me needs to be established in advance, but then he can confidently act as My representative, for he will only ever teach the truth when he wants to bring Me closer to his fellow human beings, and his work will be blessed…. Amen


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B.D. 4740, September 16, 1949

Responsibility for accepting misguided teachings....

It is very difficult for people to disassociate themselves from knowledge they were taught from an early age on and which they therefore do not want to renounce as misguided. They accepted this knowledge without thinking about it and since their education is not their fault they cannot, at first, be held responsible for accepting wrong doctrines. Nevertheless, as soon as they are able to use their intellect themselves it is their duty to scrutinise whether this spiritual knowledge is true. And they will have to be answerable as to whether they used their intellect as soon as they were able to do so. They should not accept all spiritual values as truth without scrutiny, neither will they be able to justify themselves on the basis that they have received this knowledge and are therefore innocent if they had endorsed it during their earthly life. They forget that they are responsible for their souls. They forget that I do not punish them but that they punish themselves, that is, that they remain in their state of imperfection, which can never result in their bliss…. but that I cannot release them from this state because their redemption requires their active free will which they, however, did not use correctly or they would have used their intellect to examine these spiritual doctrines. They remained passive. To a certain extent they allowed themselves to be imposed upon by something which they could just as well have rejected if they had wanted to. The fact that people are answerable for their souls means that they have to recognise their guilt, that they have to realise that their wretched position was their own fault and justly identify and admit their own neglect, thus they cannot unburden themselves at the expense of those who instructed them wrongly. Indeed, these teachers, too, will one day have to be accountable according to their guilt, yet someone who accepts misguided teachings will not be exonerated from guilt, since I have given the human being intellect which he should use for the salvation of his soul first. Anyone who seriously wants the truth will make an effort and find it too. And every instruction offered to the person has to be reviewed if it claims to be true. Thus the human being is duty bound to compare the spiritual knowledge imparted to him with those teachings, and the right will shall also yield the right results. Yet the state of his soul after his death depends on the person’s attitude towards the truth conveyed to him by My will…. full of light or darkness…. For only truth gives light to the soul, whereas error keeps the soul in darkness in which it had languished at the beginning of its earthly course of life as a human being but which it could have escaped had it used its will correctly…. Amen

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B.D. 7916, June 11, 1961

Explanation for the unusual knowledge….

Broad fields of knowledge will be opened up to you when you receive My Word from above, for I Myself will introduce you to knowledge which cannot be intellectually acquired by you. You, who should teach your fellow human beings, must first be instructed yourselves in everything that you humans need to know. But you should also be able to refute every objection when it comes to defending the only truth, when rational people try to undermine the spiritual conclusions…. Then you should be able to explain all correlations, and thus you first have to be guided into profound spiritual knowledge which can only take place through My direct Word…. For I can only address you directly if you, through a life in accordance with My will, have shaped yourselves such that My spirit will be able to pour into you, and only then will you also understand what is imparted to you as profound knowledge…. on account of which the same knowledge…. if it is passed on from person to person…. will only be understood and recognised as truth by someone who lives a life of love and has awakened the spirit within himself. The spiritual information is comprehensive, yet it will always be imparted to you as you require it in order to first become fully mature yourselves and to then carry out the mission which you have accepted of your own free will…. And in view of the approaching end, broader knowledge has become necessary; My plan of Salvation has to be presented to people so that they will recognise the significance of their earthly lives and do whatever it takes to escape the fate of a renewed banishment…. And this plan of Salvation covers the development of all created beings, the origin, present state and goal of everything that came forth from My strength of love. The knowledge is extensive and new to many people, for so far it has not been necessary to inform them of it. Yet the time of the end requires that this information is now conveyed to people, so that they will live more responsibly…. And thus they shall also know about their previous infinitely long earthly process which they already covered as soul-substances…. This knowledge, too, was strange to them and therefore they can only accept it with difficulty. Nor will they be coerced into believing it…. yet mentally they can form their own opinion and derive benefit from it…. However, no human being can ever intellectually attain knowledge which concerns My reign and activity…. which explains My Being, which substantiates everything, even the forthcoming event, the transformation of earth, the spiritual and earthly turning-point…. Such knowledge can only be imparted to you from above, from Myself.... It can only be conveyed to you through the ‘working of the spirit’ and thus should also be recognised as an exceptional grace, which will still be granted to you in the last days…. And you humans should also understand that I Am only motivated by My greater than great love to inform you of everything in order to effect your voluntary return to Me, that you recognise My love and respond to it.... You should understand why I demand the spreading of My Word ever more urgently, why I would like to give this remarkable information to all people…. This knowledge can only be conveyed to earth when certain conditions are in place. But wherever this is possible, that is, where people look for clarification, this is where they should acknowledge My direct activity and accept the gift of grace which can help their souls attain maturity during the last days before the end. For then they will truly receive knowledge

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which is presented to them by Myself and which also exposes every misguided teaching that was able to assert itself in the darkness of the spirit but which can no longer resist the bright light of truth…. The correct knowledge, which I offer you in My love, provides you with information and clarity, and it truly requires no further verbal human addition, it requires no further explanations added by human intellect…. My Word from above is offered to you in all clarity; it is comprehensible to everyone and provides you with the right concept of Me and My Nature, of My reign and activity…. My Word from above guides you into truth, as I have promised, and should be distributed because all people shall know about My eternal plan of Salvation, because all people shall know about the end…. about the total transformation of the earth, which is intended by My plan of Salvation and will truly be carried out when the time is fulfilled…. Amen


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B.D. 9002, June 25, 1965

Why constantly New Revelations?....

If the Word of God cannot be protected from being changed because human will is free and translations were not always handled by spiritually awakened people, who thus were also able to err, you can understand that this is the reason for New Revelations which time after time had to correct the distortions, so that the Word of God would be able to lay claim to the pure truth…. Exposing such misguided teachings would have been impossible without such New Revelations, especially if people relied on the fact that I Myself protect My Word from all changes…. However, it must also be understandable to you that the human being’s free will makes this impossible for Me since I will never inhibit it, even if it concerns the pure truth.... for I also gave the human being the assurance that he is guaranteed to live in truth if he desires it himself. And thus you can never rely on the fact that you will receive unchanged spiritual knowledge if the ‘Word of God’ is preached to you, but you have the assurance that you will receive the truth if only you desire it…. Then the preacher.... even if he is spiritually unawakened.... will be guided in his sermon, so that he often will not say what he had intended to say but that his words will be given to him by Me…. precisely because a person seriously requests to be instructed in the truth. If the wish only to learn the truth arose in many people then the preachers soon would also recognise the error and they would try to listen more to their inner voice which is instructing them otherwise. Yet all people have the option to recognise what is wrong in My ‘supposed Word’, for love enlightens their spirit and only ever accepts the correct and unadulterated information. The person will no longer be able to think wrongly once he is illuminated by the inner light of love. And only then will he notice where error has crept in, where the adversary was able to take effect because people were lacking the light of love. Then he will also know that the human being cannot solve problems with his intellect alone if the spirit within him is not supporting him. Then he will know why the necessity for corrections arises time and again, which I constantly send to humanity again in the form of New Revelations….

And I will continue to reveal Myself to people who love Me and keep My commandments, as I have promised (John 14:21).... For one misguided thought results in many more, until finally just a distorted image remains of Me, which reflects everything but a good and exceedingly loving God, Who wants to be a Father to you all…. And since you have already accepted so many misguided spiritual values, a God of Love is strange to you, you are still distant from Him, you do not recognise Him as your Father and therefore do not strive towards Him either. And whatever you hear from Him is likely to separate yourselves from Him even more…. I, however, want to gain your love and therefore make use of every opportunity to speak to you, if not directly then through people who allow My spirit to work in them, who either convey My direct Word to you or who think correctly and are also able to instruct you truthfully. For it is extremely important that you can be guided into correct thinking, that you know what you can accept and what you ought to reject…. But don’t believe that your correct thinking is guaranteed if you gather your knowledge from the Book of Books, since I do not coerce the human being’s will I cannot prevent him from interpreting the spiritual information from this book according to either his own preferences or to his imperfect understanding. For every Word I have spoken conceals a spiritual meaning, and only the human being’s spirit is able to recognise it, which will be awakened to life through love but then will also guide the human being into every truth, as I have promised…. Amen


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B.D. 8872, October 23, 1964

‘I will guide you into truth.…’ Truth cannot stay pure for very long, as it is when it comes forth from Me, therefore I already told you during My lifetime ‘I will guide you into truth (John 16:13).…’ because I knew that My Word, which I brought to you Myself, would not remain pure either.… And this will always be the case as soon as it is studied by human inadequacy, as soon as the pure Word enters the region of imperfect human beings who look at it from an entirely intellectual point of view. Hence I kept sending My pure Word from above to earth but it has always been spoilt. You humans have no guarantee that the Book of Books is protected from change, because I do not interfere with people’s free will and can only ever safeguard a presenter of My Word if he commends himself to Me and asks Me to protect him from error. However, you humans are not at risk from misguided thoughts if you spiritually and in truth ask Me to enlighten your spirit, then you will also know where error has crept in.… But the claim that I Myself protect My pure Word from becoming spoilt is incorrect, because this would question the free will of human beings, who can do whatever they want with My spiritual information. And thus you also need to consider, with regards to the Book of Books, that changes have been made in the course of time which I could not prevent.… precisely because of human free will.… Consequently, the necessity for a new revelation constantly arose which had to clarify the existing misconception. Hence you humans only have to want the truth, but you should not feel certain of having the truth because you can obtain it from the Book of Books.… otherwise I would not have needed to tell you so clearly and precisely that ‘I will guide you into truth.…’ Furthermore, you also have to take into account that the working of My spirit is always of a spiritual nature.... that I Am concerned with the salvation of the soul which I want to win for Myself through My Word.… that every Word from Me merely intends to achieve your spiritual perfection. And these spiritual instructions have often been combined with human supplements which later proved themselves to be wrong and gave rise to doubt.… just as My divine Words of love were frequently combined with human additions, but people hold on to these and refuse to let go of this human product. Hence concepts applicable at the time were included in My ‘divine’ Word such as, for instance, ‘that women shall not teach’ (1 Timothy 2:12).… This is not My commandment at all, instead allowances were made for that period of time but it had no right to be regarded as ‘divine Word’, as is apparent from My Words ‘that I will pour out My spirit on all flesh; servants and maidens will prophesy (Joel 2:28-29).…’ Consequently, what I deemed necessary to correct was repeatedly done through new revelations.... which, however, could not retain their purity either but also had to be corrected again.…But I gave you the promise that I will guide you into truth, and therefore you may rest assured that every person asking for truth will also receive it.... Because I will not let anyone walk in error who does not want to fall victim to the adversary.... who desires the pure truth with all his heart.… But this is only possible by means of a new revelation, in view of their freedom of will I cannot prevent people from distorting My initially transmitted Word, and the fact that this has happened is due to people’s low spiritual level which does not offer the adversary any resistance.… But I will always make sure that the light of truth will nevertheless shine for those who desire it.… Amen


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B.D. 8822, June 27, 1964

Correction of misguided teachings....

Truth does not remain pure once it is spread amongst imperfect humanity, which I had foreseen and therefore spoke the Words ‘I will guide you into truth...’, although merely a firm will would suffice to keep it pure. But people do not muster this will.... And especially divine gifts will be devalued by the adversary's influence. It can always be safely assumed that My revelations will not remain unchanged either, especially when worldly interests are involved, when people do not exclusively serve these revelations with the firm intention to protect them against adverse influences. And thus My pure Word can be sent to earth time and again, it will not remain pure, because there are too few spiritual helpers, and if My divine Word gets into the hands of worldly minded people it can be expected to be contaminated again. Therefore it is always necessary to convey the pure truth to earth again…. And for this I choose the right vessels, people who prepare themselves for the reception of My flow of spirit, who give Me the assurance that they will accept the truth without resistance…. who do not oppose it with their own opinions and who fulfil their task correctly…. and who are also distributors of My divine truth. They will also have the gift to recognise error which, as a work of My adversary…. thus under the cover of piety, is given to people as truth in the same way. I cannot contradict Myself, and neither can I make use of a person who denies My act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Jesus, who thus allegedly speaks to a person as ‘Jesus’ being an ‘ascended master’…. A misguided doctrine is being fostered in all these human beings, which does not correspond to My divine teaching. But My chosen vessel recognises all correlations and cannot be deceived. And since the beings of light, who work on My instruction, will only teach you what is My will…. since they impart the same flow of strength and light which emanates from Me Myself, their spiritual information has to be the same too, or you would have to doubt its authenticity. I will always and forever expound the divine teaching of love, as I did on earth, and explain to people the consequences of a life of love as well as the disadvantages of non-compliance with My commandments, because this is the meaning and purpose of earthly life after all…. And time and again you will be told about the cause of your earthly existence …. The knowledge of all correlations is all-inclusive and explains everything, you will recognise therein My love, wisdom and might, and will be able to strive towards a unity with Me. That is all I ask for. The fact that My pure Word was repeatedly spoiled forces Me to repeatedly pronounce My will too, yet its truth is guaranteed as long as I can still use a vessel serving Me voluntarily and as long as servants assist Me to spread the pure truth. And while this is so, misguided doctrines, which are always close at hand and endanger the pure truth, can be refuted. I will always bless the will of those who strive for pure truth, I will enlighten their thoughts so that they will recognise the truth…. but it is also essential that they take the path to Me. They must not entrust themselves to beings they call upon for help, for they don’t know whether these are authorised by Me to teach you. Thus they do not know whether they are being taught the truth. The act of Salvation and its reason is evidence that you have found the right source, but if this is only mentioned in passing, if it is not the essence of a message from above, you should have misgivings, for I gave you the criterion Myself ‘Test the spirits whether they are of God…. a spirit who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God….’ (1 John 4:1-3) And this teaching is the most important, this is what matters: that you find salvation through Jesus Christ, only He can take the original sin from you…. For He and I are one, you have to acknowledge Him as your God and Creator in order to unite with Me eternally…. Amen

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B.D. 6125, December 4, 1954

Will of resistance to truth (Bible)… The poverty of people on earth is such that they are not accessible to God’s truth… They can only find salvation in truth and refuse to accept it… they oppose it with an extremely strong will of resistance because they are trapped in fallacies and lies… Only pure truth would be able to enlighten them but people shield themselves from it and yet cannot be forced to surrender their resistance… This is proof that God’s adversary has great power over humanity, and particularly during the period before the end… it is proof that heaven is suffering violence, and whoever wants to seize it for himself has to use force (Matthew 11:12). He has to take a forcible step and achieve his separation from all falsehood, all untruth… he also has to be ready to surrender his knowledge if he wants to receive pure truth. Above all he has to desire the truth with all his heart and mind… Then he will be able to withstand God’s adversary, and then the adversary’s power will be broken… Who gives you humans the assurance that the ancient, adopted records correspond to the truth? Why do you cling so firmly to the distorted reports of human inadequacy and do not consider the Words spoken on earth by the Lord Himself?... And His Words can truly be correctly understood if they are not just contemplated by the intellect but also by the heart... Although His Words can indeed be misunderstood as well they will always allow for the meaning which corresponds to the pure truth… But this does not apply to the words which were added by human beings to the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ… Because the meaning of human spoken words becomes fixed… And human spoken words result and have resulted in serious misconceptions and confusions, but they were equated with the Lord’s Words and yet they would only be of equal value if they had been a direct expression of the divine spirit… However, such words completely concur with the Word of the Lord... You can severely hurt yourselves if you commit yourselves to words that deal with human nature far too humanly… You should know that the spirit of analogy was far more prevalent at the time when Jesus Christ lived on earth than today, but people could understand each other because almost everyone knew the key to the parables, and thus metaphorical comparisons were sometimes used as well which, however, at a later time were interpreted word for word by people … But as soon as you compare the Word of the Lord Himself with every question of doubt you will also understand the meaning of the figurative comparisons… but you should never give them precedence over the Word of the Lord… He brought the pure teaching to you humans, He provided you with information, and His Word has still retained its purity, it is merely frequently misunderstood…. But this does not apply to the words which had been added to His pure Gospel, because these did not remain unchanged, and from time to time human will had substituted the expression of the spirit with intellectual thought… And this resulted in almost imperceptible changes but which completely sufficed in creating confusion… in giving rise to misguided teachings, which are truly a great danger to as yet spiritually blind humanity… And this, too, is a reason why God reveals Himself over and over again to human beings, why He, as the eternal truth, repeatedly transmits the truth to earth, why He imparts His Gospel in all purity to those who, in their desire for truth, pray to Him for it and are willing to pass it on… God’s spirit has certainly always conveyed the pure truth to His servants, yet time and again the working of the spirit will be negated by common sense people, because people have free will which God does not infringe upon even if… spurned by His adversary… it interferes with the pure truth. But time and again God will purify what people have spoilt … time and again the eternal truth Itself will reveal Itself… time and again the light of truth will shine for those of good will who open themselves to receive its ray of love… Amen


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B.D. 8371, January 3, 1963

Clarifying traditional doctrines…. You have already been assured many times that everything you have received from Me Myself through the working of the spirit within you can be supported by you as pure truth… I will certainly not let you live in error if you have the sincere will to live in truth… to think correctly… and if you always ask Me to impart the truth to you… But people are frequently unwilling to abandon erroneous thoughts because they have accepted a mental concept which they deem to be irrefutable truth… because they had repeatedly adopted and passed it on over a long period of time. And since no particular knowledge was necessary for the souls to mature, but more likely would have confused people’s thoughts, they did not need additional knowledge either. But if a person’s desire to attain (receive) clarification is very strong, he will also receive it, because only I can give clarification, only I can instruct those people correctly, who allow the working of My spirit within themselves…. The Word I convey to people excludes all error, but the person who receives My Word has to free himself from all spiritual knowledge received from other sources, because truth can only be given to a heart devoid of error … in other words, I can only exist where My adversary has left… You humans rely on the Book of Books and believe that its contents has not been subjected to forgeries.... But I repeatedly tell you that nothing remains pure once it is handled by imperfect human beings. Although it will indeed always be similar to what had originally emerged from Me but you have no guarantee for undistorted spiritual truth… and this even less the further back you look at the earliest time of people on this earth… Whatever you are told about it now is only partially true, because pure truth is an attribute of perfection and people are not perfect, consequently you cannot rely on the reports from primeval times which you still consider to be the only truth … The truth will never remain pure throughout the generations, whereas error and a misguided doctrine will be tenaciously supported and even maintained for a long period of time without infringement. And these misguided teachings are people’s foundation, and they are not willing to be taught differently either… until once again an opportunity arises when the purest truth from above can be conveyed to people... But this is not accepted if it differs from adopted ancient spiritual dogma, and only those who desire the truth with all their heart will be touched by it and accept a teaching even if it contradicts traditional doctrines. My spirit does not err, but My spirit cannot always work in a person who allows himself to be drawn into the world… when he wants to know things which cannot be considered to be spiritual knowledge, which are of no importance for the maturing of the soul and which the person usually has already answered himself, and thus by his own thoughts he prevents the expression of My spirit… This is a danger which can only be eliminated by means of an intimate bond with Me and a constant request for protection from error. And if it now concerns a teaching which has never been doubted since time immemorial, which every person has accepted as his mental property by being unable to believe any other account, it cannot be disproved either if I don’t want to compel a person’s thoughts… But anyone who desires the pure truth will receive it and then also gain the inner conviction that it is the truth… The point is to transmit spiritual knowledge to earth during the last days which should make My reign and activity in the universe understandable to people, so that they can extract from it the right explanation for everything, because this pure truth shall be taken along to the new earth. Consequently, misguided teachings will have to be revealed and counteracted by pure truth, and that is only possible if I Myself, as the giver of truth, can work within a human being who is so loyally devoted to Me that he unconditionally accepts what I offer him, and then also distributes what he receives… Particularly at the time of the battle of faith it depends on who has accepted this truth, for he will endure all attacks because the truth has also given him the necessary strength to defend it. The issue is not that the human being should know

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everything, but every misguided teaching, which was spread amongst humanity by My adversary himself, will be used by My adversary during the last battle of faith to destroy all faith in people when they will have to recognise that they had supported implausible doctrines, and these very doctrines will be quoted by your enemies themselves to encourage you into surrendering everything. You do not known his cunning and trickery, but I know how he proceeds against you who want to believe. And therefore I inform you of the facts wherever possible. And you, who are receiving My Word, will soon be faced with questions which you cannot answer in any other way but with My given clarification from above, and then you can also understand why such knowledge was given to you by Me, which appears to contradict the Book of the Fathers and yet is the pure truth… Because the origin of this book can no longer be examined by you for its credibility… But when I speak to you Myself then I Am also the origin of the spiritual information you receive, and then you need not fear that you receive errors, because I Am the truth of eternity, and I give it to those who sincerely desire it. And ever since the beginning I have informed the people Myself, because the first human beings heard My Word within themselves, but they only possessed the degree of knowledge which was necessary to recognise Me Myself and to fulfil My will. However, due to My adversary’s influence the light of awareness faded steadily, the less they observed My commandments. Amongst the first human beings were also embodied beings of light who would let their light shine amid the people, but the growing heartlessness of people resulted in an increasingly darkened state of mind … And time and again I spoke through the mouth of the prophets to repeatedly kindle a light in them again... When Jesus descended to earth, because the darkness had become almost impenetrable, a bright light was emitted yet again into humanity’s spiritual night... And you must know that error could always establish itself during such times of spiritual darkness… And the people who had accepted the task to record the events which were compiled in the Book of Books had not been without misconceptions either… Consider the length of time which has passed since and don’t believe that such records have been truthfully preserved throughout this time … But I have always been able to tell you through enlightened human beings what you require for the maturing of your souls… And these messages have always remained the same, time and again they have been made known to people as ‘My Word’, and I will continue to convey My Word to earth time and again so that humanity can obtain the pure truth. However, historical records cannot be described and valued as ‘My Word’ as long as they do not relate to spiritual events which had taken place in the spiritual realm at the time of and after the creation of the beings, which had been brought into existence by My love … You should know of these events, and thus you will be instructed in all truthfulness, because you should know the meaning and purpose of your earthly existence… And thus I will also give you clarification about the process of return of what had deserted Me and shall return to Me again… and this in all truthfulness… Hence you were also given clarification about the origin of creation and the path of all fallen spirits through the works of creation up to the human being… The origin of the human being has also been explained to you, but every event of creation had occurred countless times, because I have no limitations and My strength is constantly at work… besides, countless (innumerable) spiritual beings were also in need of the works of creation, the human being cannot even imagine their huge number. But the human being limits himself even in his thinking and therefore he will also be subject to wrong conclusions, which can only be rectified again by Me if My spirit is allowed to work in him. Then the correct clarification can be given but only if a truthful clarification about it is requested… because it has nothing to do with the achievement of a person’s spiritual maturity…. But such a clarification has been requested and therefore the prayer has been fulfilled… Amen


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B.D. 8845, August 26, 1964

Interpretation of the divine Word…

The ‘Word of God’ has been subjected to many amendments, and it is still amended, so that My Words were not in vain when I said: "I will guide you into truth…" (John 16:13) Because I knew that My Word would not remain unchanged and thus I promised to send My spirit to those who kept seeking the pure truth and made it possible that I could reveal Myself to them… But as far as possible I have always protected ‘My Word’ from amendments so that the deep significance of My teachings could be retained.... Yet My Word was interpreted such that this resulted in misguided teachings… which I consistently fight against by conveying the correct explanation to people… And hence it will no longer matter whether and to what extent the writers of the Gospels were commissioned by Me, but solely what you humans have made of the Words that where written with the best intentions and with the will to serve Me. Even My scribe John could not prevent that the original text was changed by people, that the translations were not flawless and therefore were often interpreted differently. Hence it was possible to give My Words, which were preserved in the original text, a completely different interpretation, because they were mainly spoken to My disciples and therefore intended to be passed on... but they understood the spiritual meaning of My Word. They did not convert it into worldly instructions but in the course of time these replaced the true meaning of My Word…. Therefore, in view of the many translations that were carried out during this time, it was not possible to preserve the Gospels in their original form. And if a spiritually awakened person had pointed out the error as soon as he recognised it, he would have been sharply denounced as a heretic. Where My adversary had succeeded in even spoiling the prayer that I Myself had taught you, by portraying My essence incorrectly without people even noticing it, he has made good use of their spiritual ignorance and blindness… And thus even today the concept of the ‘working of My spirit within the human being’ has not yet been sufficiently clarified, in as much as My ‘representatives’ on earth are arguing as to whether the words I spoke to My disciples were meant only for My disciples or whether they were meant for all people… thus whether everyone should heed them. But I continue to transmit the pure truth to earth, therefore it is of no significance whether everything has been preserved unaltered, because I knew what the amendments would be, and because I kept giving clarification where necessary… where the divisions of the churches occurred, which were always based on differences of opinion… The division of schools of thought always happened when My representatives on earth disagreed, when each one believed to understand My Word correctly and a dispute ensued as a result. They could not twist My Word but they succeeded in changing its meaning. And thus a number of fundamental words of Mine were misunderstood, which resulted in one division after another and finally in the commencement of many sects, each with their different problems, but with not one of their followers knowing anything about the ‘working of My Spirit’, or he would have taken the path to Me for clarification as a matter of course. And if I want to bring clarity again and inform people of My will I need to find a vessel which puts itself at My disposal… to which I may speak Myself and through which I tell people how I want My Word to be understood. Because today the confusion is greater than ever, and every person interprets the Word for himself as it suits him... And if humanity is to be given a light it can only happen by way of inner enlightenment, so that people can be taught by Me directly, but then they can also convincingly present their knowledge to other people. But then every question will also be answered and every problem will be solved, then you will be guided into truth, as I promised you… Amen


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B.D. 8448, March 25, 1963

‘Correcting’ God’s Word.... Corruption of truth.... Irrespective of how pure My Gospel was sent to you from above you humans will not leave it unchanged for long, and time and again errors, having arisen from human intellect, will creep in and which consequently have to be corrected again if the people who sincerely desire it are to live in truth. Once thoughts have established themselves in people they will hardly want to let go of them. For this reason My adversary uses a person’s intellect to reinforce his erroneous opinion. You are always of the opinion that I protect the truth... However, human free will makes it clear that any distortion of truth is possible…. But you can just as well voluntarily desire the pure truth, which you then will certainly receive …. My Word from above is truly a gift of grace from Me which should be so sacred to you that you would not dare change this Word…. But precisely because people are imperfect and still exist in dark spheres they do not recognise My Word’s immense value and do not shy away from adding their own intellectual thoughts, thereby devaluing My Word from above…. And then misguided opinions arise in due course, the light becomes dim and loses its radiance because only pure truth emitted by Me Myself can bestow bright light…. You humans, consider how presumptuous you are when you correct ‘the Word of God’, when you believe that you can offer more easily digestible nourishment to people by making changes to it which you are truly not entitled to do… Earth could not experience such darkness if My light’s radiance from above had not been reduced over and over again. For I have often sent a bright light from above to those who had requested it from Me, who had asked Me for the gift of pure truth…. And anyone who listened to them also lived in the light of truth and could pass it on too …. But time and again human intellect intervened. Time and again selfishness, people’s craving for recognition and their material outlook has resulted in people utilizing My Word from above and exploiting it, in the true sense of the word, for the sake of worldly success…. In that case spiritual success will only ever be sparse and again can only be found where deep desire for truth predominates, so that I Myself can work in a person and clearly make him recognise the truth while placing a will of resistance against wrong spiritual knowledge into his heart. And therefore, I can only ever show you the way to the source. Accept what has originated from Me and is given to you unadulterated …. You should always examine and not accept everything given to you but you will also be able to recognise the true source if you sincerely want to do so…. And then abide by what you receive because then you are drawing living water which has a truly healing effect, whose strength cannot be surpassed as it originates directly from Me and radiates into your heart, touching your soul and giving it food and drink to help you achieve eternal life. Hence you humans can consider yourselves truly blessed if someone lives amongst you whom I was able to choose as a vessel for the flow of My spirit, who has become a source for you from whence living water comes forth. You can consider yourselves blessed in the knowledge that this water of life is offered to you just as pure and clear as it comes from the source, which I Myself have made accessible to you…. Bend down and drink from it and truly, you will be able to continue your earthly path refreshed and strengthened. You will live in the light of truth and then influence your fellow human beings such that they too will take the path to the source, if they are of good will…. But the corrupted Word will increasingly lose its value and only be advocated by those who lack the desire for truth, who therefore do not object to changes and misguided teachings but unreservedly accept everything as truth although it did not originally emerge from Me in this form …. Nothing accepted by imperfect humanity will remain pure for long but time and again I will make sure that pure truth is transmitted to earth, and you humans need only sincerely desire it

and it will be given to you. Amen

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B.D. 2524, October 26, 1942

Wrong interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.... Misguided teachings….

Many words of the Holy Scriptures are wrongly interpreted by people and thus they are misled into believing something which is far removed from the truth. As a result of these wrong interpretations teachings developed which were passed on from person to person time after time so that the error kept spreading and became increasingly more difficult to be recognised as such. God has always given His Word to human beings in relation to their spiritual level, and it was always comprehensible to anyone who wanted to understand it correctly. However, as soon as His Word was deliberated upon rationally …. as soon as the human being tried to ascertain its meaning purely as a matter of research without the sincere will to shape himself, i.e. his soul, by means of the divine Word, the Word became difficult for people to understand…. Their thoughts went astray. In view of these conditions teachings developed which corrupted the divine Word in as much as they did not correspond to what Jesus Christ had preached on earth. God’s Word is certainly quoted, however it is given a completely different meaning and now humanity does not understand His Word in a corresponding manner but human explanations have changed the meaning. Consequently, the divine Word became spoilt and in this state it was presented to people again as divine Word, who will now not accept anything else and eagerly defend this spoilt Word. And it is extremely difficult to bring the pure truth to them and to convince them that they are defending something entirely human…. that they are making a cult out of an entirely human product and that this human product is unreliable. Until they have come to this conviction themselves they will also claim that the truth is error, and the advocates of truth will find it very difficult to associate with them because they will not be receptive to any instruction in this regard, they will present themselves as the guardians of truth and not accept any instruction which they deem as coming to them from the kingdom of darkness. And thus light argues with darkness, but the light is not recognised until a serious pursuit for truth paves the way amongst people and they have a sudden, blinding realisation that they merely believed in misguided teachings. And then there will still be time for all the people who deem themselves small and ignorant before God since they will be granted the grace to achieve knowledge, because then they will no longer wilfully reject but eagerly accept the truth…. which they will subsequently recognise as truth…. Amen


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B.D. 8676, November 17, 1963

Purification of Christ’s spoilt teaching … The reason for the present transmission of My Word by which I send the pure truth to earth is the very spoilt teaching that is proclaimed on earth as the doctrine of Christ… It is no longer the pure Gospel as brought by Me through Jesus to the people... His Words have been subjected to many changes, a lot is no longer understood properly and much is also misinterpreted… Over a period of time the Word, which is described as ‘My Word’, has caused differences of opinions which resulted in divisions amongst those who campaigned for the truth of their own points of view… Words with a spiritual meaning were interpreted in a worldly sense, and people hold on to this tenaciously because they simply cannot understand the spiritual meaning any longer. The result is a structure of faith whose teachings completely diverge from what I Myself brought to the people when I lived on earth… As a result many people are no longer spiritually approachable at all because their intellect refuses to accept teachings which they regard as obvious error, which has indeed crept into the truth and which is now only upheld as truth by fanatics… Such a distorted doctrine has to be purified if it is to be of any benefit for people’s souls. Hence this intention is the basis for My new direct revelation, which can be recognised as divine revelation by every willing person. But only the willing person will accept and acquire the pure truth again, and he will be able to see that and where humanity was moved by misconception until now. However, even this process of transmitting the pure truth... of correcting misguided teachings… can only be accomplished in a completely normal way. No unusual signs may decisively or forcefully influence the faith of other human beings... Consequently, this task is not associated with strange phenomena, the transmission from above takes place in a most natural manner whereby a person hears with his spiritual ear what I Myself tell him and he transcribes My Word as he receives it from Me. Thus there is available evidence now and the person cannot be wrongly accused of confusion, self-deception or a deliberate literary work with the intention of deceiving or startling other people. The process of receiving spiritual messages cannot be denied because there is written evidence for it. And yet every individual human being has the option to accept it as credible or to reject it in order to retain his religious liberty. However, the misguided spiritual knowledge which has crept into people’s thoughts urgently needs to be examined and exposed as wrong and useless or dangerous for the development of the soul... Because error can never lead to Me, the eternal truth… As a result, the majority of people are taking the path which leads away from Me, and these people shall receive clarification, providing they want it and are willing to accept it.... And this task by the person I have chosen will be supported by Me in every way, because it is a necessary work to combat My adversary’s activity, who will always fight the truth by seeking to contaminate it with error in order to prevent people from attaining the light of understanding. Therefore I will indeed bless everyone who contributes to this important work by wanting to spread the spiritual knowledge, conveyed to earth by Me, among his fellow human beings. For truth is a light which should shine for all who want to take the right path to Me, to their Father of eternity, Who can, however, never be found by way of misguided teachings… For this reason war has to be declared on error, as well as on the one who has brought error into the world. And yet, truth will only gain entry into human hearts where there is a desire for it... Because this desire proves that they also desire Me Myself and want to become free from the one who would like to keep them in spiritual darkness… They shall receive the pure truth, and therefore the teaching of Christ as it is currently preached to people shall be cleansed, and My uncontaminated Word shall be made accessible to people once again, so that they can become blessed, because only truth comes from Me and only truth leads back to Me again… Amen


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B.D. 8726, January 15, 1964

The Word-recipient’s task: Purification of Christ’s (spoilt) teaching… You humans can come to Me with every problem, I will help you on a worldly and spiritual level so that you will never feel lonely and abandoned but always feel the care of My love which embraces everyone who endeavours to fulfil My will…And you will feel My response in your heart, you will experience My advice as thoughts to which you inwardly agree, which you would like to and can implement because they are My inner instructions for you. And by the same token I will put the appropriate feeling of resistance into your heart if something does not comply with My will, always provided that you are inwardly connected to Me and request My guidance and help. Because I want to be asked for My blessing and assistance in all your undertakings, then it will also be granted to you… An unusual task was given to you in your earthly life: to receive the pure truth from Me and to pass it on truthfully … thereby exposing misconceptions which had crept in through My adversary’s influence, and to do whatever it takes to contribute towards the purification of My already completely spoilt teaching… This task demands an ever ready will and steadfastness, because a servant who has voluntarily accepted such a task will be confronted by the greatest obstacles and difficulties, because it is an almost impossible undertaking to take action against the immense error which the bulk of the population is already subject to and which mighty quarters also protect and support as God’s truth… Trust Me that the light has to shine brightly if it is to break through such darkness as is presently engulfing the earth…. Hence the brightest light of substantial radiating strength has to come from Me, a light which will expose every error and which shines so brightly that it cannot be extinguished … But the bearer of My light has to shield himself from all deceptive lights, from artificial external illuminations, he himself should not allow anything untrue to come close to him which could lessen the radiance of My eternal light of truth… He has to carefully protect the spiritual knowledge, which was radiated as a true light from above to earth, from every addition by another source… Because you should know that time and again there have indeed been vessels of good will who endeavoured to discover the truth and who subsequently proclaimed this as the truth to their fellow human beings… but by doing so they also used their intellect and did not allow for the pure working of the spirit… and thus new schools of thought were constantly formed, which can in fact all claim an ounce of truth and yet could not be referred to as pure truth… For this reason I constantly reveal Myself, because I know the darkness which covers the earth… Only by way of My direct revelations, only by way of the working of My spirit, can the pure truth be sent to you. However, you should also support it now and protect it from infiltration by other spiritual knowledge. But anyone receiving My Word from Me Myself should also sincerely support it in the knowledge that he can only receive the purest spiritual knowledge from Me. Then he should also eagerly work on My behalf by giving this unaltered spiritual knowledge to his fellow human beings and as far as possible without any comments, because his intellectual activity can result in changes again which are not in accordance with My revelation.… unless the person speaks in My name for Me and My kingdom, in which case I put the words into his mouth. Then he need not fear that he might add his own thoughts which contradict My revelations. And thus all My workers are given a task by Me which they are assigned to fulfil… I put everyone in the place where they can work for Me… Nevertheless, the degree of maturity of My servants on earth differs, and hence My revelations are also of a diverse nature but in regards to their contents of truth do not deviate from one another. Likewise, their state of maturity determines the activity of the various recipients as well… They will always be able to favourably influence their environment and even make use of their own spiritual knowledge to help other people, thus they will also ‘radiate light’.… But in another way than is your task: to purify the presently existing teaching…. which is known as ‘the doctrine of Christ’… from all lies and deception… from all errors that had crept in and caused immense spiritual hardship, which humanity is suffering in the last days…. Because no

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proper light shines for people to find the path to Me anymore, they are walking on dark paths which lead towards the abyss, necessitating a brightly radiating light to shine into the darkness… This is an immense and formidable task which will receive My every support as long as My will is fulfilled, as long as the conditions, which I constantly expect, which guarantee the right kind of light, are observed: that My servant himself wants the pure truth… And this also includes the condition that he protects it from any addition which has not emanated directly from Me to him. You humans have to understand that, although I can sharpen your power of judgment, you nevertheless cannot keep track of My adversary’s conduct, who often approaches you in the disguise of an angel of light and offers you his spiritual values again, because he always seeks to undermine the truth and his power in the last days is particularly compelling… And because you are not entirely safe from his assaults as long as you live on earth as human beings, resist all temptation to mix My pure spiritual knowledge with your own additions, be content with what I Myself can offer you and do not join a community which aims to merge with other spiritual knowledge, even if you deem it not to oppose the truth…. And always remember that I Myself will give you everything you need, and that you don’t need what I do not give to you… Remember that it is easy for My adversary to cause confusion merely by adding a misguided word to the pure truth… Because a fierce battle is being waged between the kingdom of light and that of darkness. However, the pure truth only comes from Me, and you should do your utmost keep it pure and give your will to Me alone, then you will do whatever corresponds to My will… Amen

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