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The Inventor’s Journey™theinventorsjourney.com/downloads/NavigateTheMaze.pdf · campaign video,...

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Navigating The Maze of Invention Development The Inventor’s Journey™ ©SHIINE® LTD 2015 Tools and Treasure you will need on your way to getting to Invention Success

Navigating The Maze of Invention Development

The Inventor’s Journey™


Tools and Treasure you will need on your way to getting to Invention Success

Starting The Inventor’s Journey™ If you were going on a camping trip this weekend, you’d need to know two things before you set off: 1) Where you’re going (Your Destination) 2) How you’re going to get there (so you could NAVIGATE your way there). You’d be considered a bit mad if you jumped in the car and started the journey without even knowing what your destination was!! And if you didn’t already know how to get there, you’d need navigation tools (like SatNav or a map) to help you get there, otherwise you’d surely get lost and the whole thing could become a mess. Invention Development is exactly the same. One of the reasons so many millions of inventors before you have come unstuck and been taken in by companies like Davison (less than 1 in 1000 success rate) is because they didn’t know what the hell they were doing, and instead of planning their journey before they started, they instead just went with their excitement, not knowing what they were doing, and therefore became very susceptible to marketing, and looking for instant, quick solutions. (Don’t let this be you!). So before you start The Inventor’s Journey™, and your heroic battle of trying to invigorate and infuse Society with the magic and wisdom of your invention, you have to get those two things sorted out before you start: 1) Exactly what your DESTINATION is 2) How you’re going to get there (so you can NAVIGATE you way safely there) These are the two key words:

1) DESTINATION 2) NAVIGATION By the end of this eBook, you’ll have the exact answer to both, and you’ll be ready to take on this Herculean challenge that your invention has set for you.

DESTINATION Of course, you know, to a basic extent, what your desired destination is here- it’s to get ‘success’ with your invention. But you have to be a bit more specific than that, and really nail down exactly what you’re looking for here. To use the camping example, if you were setting off for a weekend away camping in the Hebrides (a place in Scotland), you wouldn’t get into the car and just generally think ‘’I’m heading somewhere in the Hebrides’’. You’d probably want to know EXACTLY where you were going, so you could pinpoint a place and get to the exact place you wanted. In the same way, saying ‘’I want success with my invention’’ is not specific enough a Destination for you. Remember, the word Destiny and Destination come from the same route Latin word (‘destinare’- to make firm, or establish), so you’re effectively planning out your Destiny here, before you set out. So here are the two things which better describe the exact Destination you’re trying to get to: 1) Perfect Patent Protection, so that no-one can copy, and compete with your product, and 2) Successfully licensing, or crowdfunding, your invention to market.

The first one (perfect patent protection) is very important to being able to licence your invention, because companies you present to, if they like your product concept, will be more likely to sign an agreement with you if they know you have a patent that means no competitors can come in and compete with them in the market. Similarly, if you intend to bring your invention to market yourself, you’ll need the same protection, perhaps even more so, because otherwise big companies, who already have products on the market (and therefore have ‘route-to-market’), would be able to rip your invention off, and get their product to market quicker, and more aggressively, than you. So ‘perfect patent protection’ is definitely part of your desired Destination you’re trying to reach. The second part of your destination is obvious- to actually get your invention out there and being successful, selling thousands (or millions) of units, etc. But if you look closer, there are two ways of doing this: the first one is to license your invention to a company that bring it to market for you (paying you a royalty); the second way is to do it yourself, and if this is your chosen route, then in my oh-so-humble opinion, you should be looking at Crowdfunding your invention (eg via Kickstarter). Kickstarter has a more than 1 in 3 success rate of campaigns being successfully funded (amazing!), so this is now a viable route (if you know what you’re doing) of getting all the tooling, manufacturing, and first batch costs of your product funded, incredibly fast. So in Summary, your desired Destination you’re setting off to get to includes: 1) Perfect patent protection, and 2) Either Licensing, or Crowdfunding, your invention to market.

In The Inventor’s Journey™, we call the combination of these two things ‘Invention Success’. So that is your Destination- Invention Success! So now you know your Destination!!! Woohoo!!!!!

1) DESTINATION 2) NAVIGATION But you still don't know how to get there…

1) DESTINATION 2) NAVIGATION (not so woohoo…..)

How To Get There (NAVIGATION) As I mentioned, if you were setting out in your car to go on a camping trip, if you didn't already know exactly how to get where you were going, you’d need navigation tools (such as SatNav, or a map) to make sure you got to your desired Destination. If you didn't have these things, you’d surely get lost, and that could lead to a big mess. The Inventor’s Journey™ is just the same, and because you clearly don't know the ins-and-outs of how the invention development process works (it took me 3 and a half years, studying all day, every day, to work it out), you will need navigation tools, in order to find your way to Invention Success.




Navigation Tools

The Inventor’s Journey™ equips you with various tools that make it impossible for

you to fail with your invention.    In This Chapter:  

- The Inventor’s Journey™ Map

- The Inventor’s Journey™ Compass

- FarReacher™ Telescope

- CLAIM 1 Treasure Chest

The Inventor’s Journey™ Map

The first most important thing you need is a Map, and that’s where The Inventor’s Journey™ Map comes in:


The full name of The Inventor’s Journey™ Map, is the The Inventor’s Journey™ Map To Invention Success™, and you’ll be pleased to hear that everything in the map is configured specifically to get you (and your invention) to Invention Success. Notice how there are 3 steps that deal with patenting:

These are configured specifically to get you perfect patent protection on your invention (if that is at all possible), and you’ll also get access to world class programs, products, services, help, and information on the way. Trust me when I tell you, when it comes to patenting your invention, no place will take care of you like SHIINE® ENTERPRISE- it took me about 3 years, non-stop, to master the art of patenting. It was hard work. But I know things about the patenting system that not even some patent attorneys know, and your invention will be VERY well placed to get perfect patent protection, at a fraction of the cost of using a patent attorney. (You’ll even see how to short-circuit the whole patenting system, and get a patent allowed, within a couple of months, for less than $2000 (saving you $4000+), without even using a patent attorney, via the LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package (Only available

when you sign up to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE for The Inventor’s Journey™)). You’ll also notice that The Inventor’s Journey™ Map includes various ‘build steps’, and that it culminates in either Licensing, or Crowdfunding, your invention.

So again, the whole system is configured specifically to get you and your invention to Invention Success. When it comes to steps like Crowdfunding, you’ll be delivered amazing information on how to HUGELY optimize your chances of getting successfully funded via Kickstarter, and other platforms. You’ll also have the option of us helping you, with packages where I’ve created amazing ‘templates’ for your main Kickstarter campaign video, which touch your audience emotionally, and get them ‘involved’ in your journey, making it far more likely they’ll fund you.

You can also see from The Inventor’s Journey™ Map just why this industry (and millions of inventors before you) have been in such strife- and why Davison and Inventhelp (and many other ‘invention development and promotion’ companies) have such bizarrely extreme low success rates at generating profit (and success) for inventors like yourself- it’s because, as it turns out, the Journey of getting a perfect patent, and successfully licensing or crowdfunding your invention, is quite complex, and quite epic!! Inventhelp and Davison offer massively stilted 3 to 4 step models, which are just not complex, elegant, or intelligent enough to optimize your chances of getting to Invention Success. The Inventor’s Journey™ is your solution to that- not them. It’s literally LIGHT YEARS ahead of their technology. Using their stilted models is to effectively almost condemn your invention to failure. The statistics back this up. Whether you’re going to try to license, or crowdfund, your invention to market, the really key step to optimize your chances (and to make it a whole lot easier for you) is Trailer Video (step 8), and before you Trailer Video your invention, you’re going to want to Target Your Market (step 7) so the script of your Trailer Video can be targeted directly toward the people (ie niche) of the market that have the most immediate and urgent need and desire for your product. It’s not rocket science!! Just follow The Inventor’s Journey™ to get to Invention Success!

The Inventor’s Journey™ Compass

The Inventor’s Journey™ Compass makes sure you’re always pointed in the direction to Invention Success (Your Destination).


It guarantees you always know exactly what the next step (or mini-step) you should do is. This incredibly clever tool simply requires you answer certain questions- dependent on your answers, it will point to (and tell you) the exact next thing you have to do to stay on track and move forward to Invention Success. Not only does it point out the next main ‘step’ of The Inventor’s Journey™ you need to complete, it even points out ‘mini-steps’ you need to do, in order to complete that step of Your Journey. The Inventor’s Journey™ Compass is an incredibly important navigation tool- it points to Invention Success no matter where you are!! It’s also a nightmare for companies like Davison and Inventhelp, as it shows you (and proves to you) that Invention Development (and optimization of your chances of getting to Invention Success) is an exact science, and that their models are hopelessly under-developed to compete with The Inventor’s Journey™.

FarReacher™ Telescope

The FarReacher™ Telescope is only available after you’ve completed STAGE 1 of The Inventor’s Journey™. Whilst the technology of The Inventor’s Journey™ is extremely sound, there are certain times when the order in which things are done can be slightly (only slightly) altered; for example, the non-provisional step (Step 4 of The Inventor’s Journey™), if you so choose, can be delayed, and done after some of the later steps (or even after all of them). Furthermore, you might have come into The Inventor’s Journey™ having already completed certain steps of The Journey with other companies/providers, but having fallen well behind in others (eg you might have a finished prototype (Step 6), but not even be patent pending (Step 2), or you might have already filed a non-provisional patent application (step 4) but not even built a basic first version of your invention (Step 3). This can make it confusing for you to know exactly what you should, and shouldn’t do.

Whilst The Inventor’s Journey™ compass will always tell you the exact next thing you should do, the FarReacher™ Telescope does something even more powerful- it shows you exactly what you should do, in acute detail, all the way to Invention Success, plotting the exact steps you’ll take, from now until getting success with your invention. It does this specific to your particular situation and invention.

CLAIM 1 Treasure Chest

Your first mission in The Inventor’s Journey™ is to get patent pending on your invention. This is what completes STAGE 1 of The Inventor’s Journey™. But in order to do that, you’ll need to grab the CLAIM 1 of your invention. The CLAIM 1 is a special patent-type definition of your invention, which is the key to: 1) a PERFECT patent search 2) PERFECT patent pending status, and 3) a PERFECT patent (that blocks out all competitors from stealing and competing with your invention)

In this way, your CLAIM 1 is the key to ALL the three patenting steps of The Inventor’s Journey™, and the absolute key to you getting perfect patent protection on your invention. But the CLAIM 1 Treasure Chest (and therefore the CLAIM 1 of your invention) is FIERCELY guarded by the Patenting Dragon.

If you want to grab the CLAIM 1, you’ll have to face this fearsome beast. Luckily for you, everything aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE (and all the early services in The Inventor’s Journey™) will be to help you grab the CLAIM 1 of your invention, and get perfect patent pending status on your invention. So whilst your CLAIM 1 could be said to be a ‘treasure’ of The Inventor’s Journey™, it’s also a navigational tool once you have it, because it guides you to getting perfect patent protection- one of the keys of you getting to your Destination of Invention Success.

Time To Start Your Journey Your mind is now clear. You now know your Destination, and you have the navigational means to get there.

1) DESTINATION 2) NAVIGATION Your creativity and sense of individuality is beyond doubt- if you did not have these things, you would not have been able to come up with your invention. But you now need to become EFFECTIVE- your Destiny will now be defined by whether you can carry out these 10 steps in sequence:

1. PATENT SEARCH 2. PROVISIONAL PATENT 3. PROOF OF PRINCIPLE 4. NON-PROVISIONAL PATENT 5. PRODUCT DESIGN 6. PROTOTYPE 7. TARGET YOUR MARKET 8. TRAILER VIDEO 9. CROWDFUND 10. LICENSE If you carry them out successfully, you are guaranteed to reach the sacred land of Invention Success.



What I Need From You In order to show you these things, and exactly how to get to Invention Success, I need two things from you: 1) Absolute trust, to the extent that you do exactly what I say. This might seem a little dangerous, particularly when you consider there are companies like Davison and Inventhelp in this sector, where if you do exactly what THEY say, you’ll almost guarantee yourself absolutely no success with your invention. But it should also be remembered there are POSITIVE examples of when you should do exactly what someone says. One of my favourite examples is at the beginning of the original Karate Kid movie, where My Miyagi tells Daniel that if he’s going to mentor him and teach him karate, there are certain rules, and the first rule, Miyagi says, is this: Miyagi: We make sacred pact. I promise teach karate to you, you promise learn. I say, you do, no questions.

Now, My Miyagi obviously was a force for good, but he required, in order to teach Daniel this sacred, mystical art, that Daniel did exactly what he said, and never asked any questions. In the same way, I’m about to teach you the sacred, mystical art of how to take an idea, and convert it into a fully patented, world-class product- it’s an art that we call ‘Invention Development’, and the reason (just like Miyagi) that I cannot have you asking me questions is that I know this art far better than you, and if you stop me, and ask me questions, not only will it slow me down, but it will slow down the progress of your invention. In turn, that will slow down the evolution of the Invention Development industry. So my first rule, if I’m going to mentor you and teach you the sacred art that holds the key to your Destiny, is that you do exactly what I say, and never ask questions.

2) The second thing I need is for you to come aboard my ship- SHIINE® ENTERPRISE. The reason for this is I need to put you through certain training if I’m going to turn you (and your invention) into the animal you need to be to get success, and aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE, I have things set up for you to get this training in a very organized way. I also have a very particular thing set up which you’ll need- The Inventor’s Journey™ video series where I’ll take you through each step of The Inventor’s Journey™, showing examples as we go, and why it’s so important you do things in the order I tell you. During this series, you’ll see how The Inventor’s Journey™ (and all the navigational tools) work for other inventors’ inventions, showing you real life examples, and you’ll also see me bringing the first invention of SHIINE® (Discshine™) to market, using this exact system. You’ll then do exactly the same.

Committing To Your Journey Your situation has now become very clear. You have 2 choices: 1) Choose The Inventor’s Journey™ (and come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE so I can teach you the mystical art of Invention Development), or 2) Ignore The Inventor’s Journey™, and instead go with a different provider/company other than SHIINE®, in which case, you have a next to 0% chance of success. (Previous success rates in this industry show a near 0% success rate for start-up inventors). Remember, if you have a truly patentable and commercially viable invention, The Inventor’s Journey™ GUARANTEES, 100%, that you’ll get a Perfect Patent, and successfully license or crowdfund your invention to market, and the technology of The Inventor’s

Journey™ (as you’ll see once aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE) is literally LIGHT YEARS ahead of the opposition. Go On Your Journey™. It’s Time to SHIINE®. Sign up below and join me aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE. The Captain Jethro L Bennett

Buy Your Ticket- Come aboard!!

No Risk Guarantee If for whatever reason, The Inventor’s Journey™ is not for you, or you’re unimpressed by the technology of The Inventor’s Journey™ (you won’t be), at any point within the first 30 days after you buy your ticket to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE, simply email [email protected] and request a refund. You do not have to give any reason, and will be refunded, without any questions, immediately. So, unlike using other invention development companies, who jump straight into patent searches and the invention development process, usually with models that are highly unsuccessful at getting you success with your invention, there is absolutely no risk with The Inventor’s Journey™ and with allying yourself to SHIINE® ENTERPRISE.
