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The Inventory of the James Wedgwood Drawbell Collection #747

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The Inventory of the James Wedgwood Drawbell Collection #747 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center
Page 1: The Inventory of the James Wedgwood Drawbell Collection #747

The Inventory

of the

James Wedgwood Drawbell



Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center

Page 2: The Inventory of the James Wedgwood Drawbell Collection #747


A. Novels



October 1979

Outline of Inventory

B. Non-Fiction Books

C, Book Reviews

D, Short Stories

E, Play, Dramatization, Film Script

F, General Articles

G, Articles About Scotland

H. Manuscripts and Proofs by Others

I. Publication Ideas

J, Notes



B. About JWD

C. Reviews of JWD's Books

D, Miscellany


A, Literary Subjects

B, Literary and Personal by Name

C, General Subjects

D. Other Correspondence

Page 3: The Inventory of the James Wedgwood Drawbell Collection #747





B, Publicity

c. JWD with

D, JWD with


Outline of Inventory



Staff and Writers for Woman's Own

E. JWD, Various

F, JWD and GBS

G, Of Others



Page 4: The Inventory of the James Wedgwood Drawbell Collection #747

Box 1


A, Novels

Drawbell, James Wedgwood


October 1979


1, THE BRIGHT LIGHTS, Mills and Boon, 1962, (Updated version of

earlier novel GOOD TIMES, 1932)

a, Typescript, 341 p, (Ill)

2, LADY IN THE DARK, Mills and Boon, 1963,

a, Marked bound proof with holo, notes and corr, (#2)

3, REMEMBER ME TO MIKE, Unpublished,

a, Holograph notes and clippings for research, ca, 50 p, (#3)

b. First 10,000 words of "a novel about Today", Typescript,

39 p. (//4)

c, Variant typescript of (b,), 49 p, (#5)

B, Non-Fiction Books

1. A GALLERY OF WOMEN, Collins, 1933,

a, "Lady Clodagh Anson 1', Carbon typescript, one page with

note by her "This is very flattering, Clodagh Anson",

and notes by JWD, (//6)

b. "Gladys Calthrop", Typescript, 16 p,, with note 110 ,K,,

G, Calthrop", and her corrections on manuscript, (f/6)

c, "Lady Cory", Carbon typescript with holo, notes, 12 p. (#6)

d, "Rosita Forbes", Carbon typescript, 12 p,, with her holo,

notes on p, 12, (//6)

e, "Alice Head", Carbon typescript, 12 p., with her corrections,


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Box 1 f, "The Countess of Oxford and Asquith", carbon typescript,

12 p, with JWD's holo, corr, (#6)

g, "Tilly Losch", Carbon typescript, 17 p, (116)

h, "Jeanne Stourton", single page with her note "0,K, & very

good, Jeanne Stourton", (116)

i, Correspondence with women used as subjects for book, 1933, (#7)

Anson, Lady Clodagh ALS July 17, 1933

Asquith, Margot (See Correspondence, B22)

Calthrop, Gladys ALS n,d, circa 1933

Cory, Lady Anne 2 ALS March 14, Dec, 9, 1933

Forbes, Rosita (McGrath) ALS n,d,

Glyn, Elinor ALS 5 p, July 13, 1933

Head, Alice ALS Dec, 30, 1932

Mannin, Ethel 2 TLS Aug, 29, postcard Nov, 29, 1933

Mollison, Amy (aviator) TLS (with photo) June 21, 1933

(Cat, as Johnson, Amy)

Russell, Dora TLS July 14, 1933

Snowden, Ethe½the Viscountess Snowden TLS Feb, 15,

1933, with typescript article corrections, 8 p,

Wilding, Dorothy "Tubby" (photographer) ALS n,d,

Wilkinson, Ellen ALS n,d,; TLS Aug, 26, 1933

Rhondda, Lady Holograph note by JWD "No O,K, from Lady

Rhondda, She returned with her compliments by messen­

ger the day before she went on a cruise - Summer, 1933,

and asked me by phone to go easy on the feminine aspect,"

2, THE GARDEN, Macdonald, 1970,

a, Transcripts of tapes used in drafting book, Carbon

typescript, 80 p, (118)

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James Wedgwood

Box 1

Box 2

Box 3

Box 4

Drawbell Page 3


b, Setting copy, Typescript, with halo, corr,, 186 p, (//9)

c. Photocopy of setting copy, 186 p, and 3 prelim, p, (1110)

d, "Saturday Afternoon Garden", Article by JWD for Modern

W~:l1_~~' June 1954, p, 35, 2 copies, (See also F,8,)


e, Dust jacket, (fill)


a, Source material: notes, clippings, letters, etc,, c, 1500 p,

(#1, #2, #3 and Box 3, #1)

b, First rough draft, made up of proofs of articles, tearsheets,

and carbon typescript sections, 103 p, (#2)

c, Typescript with title TO SCOTLAND WITH LOVE, 152 p, (//3)

d, Typescript, 152 p, (//4)

e, Partial typescript, with correstions, 140 p, (//5)

f. Partial typescript, with corrections, 100 p, (116)

g, Typescript, with alterations and corrections, 150 p. (//7)

h, Typescript, 152 p,, with note by JWD, stating that this was

merely a first draft and book was totally revised before

finally published, (#8)

i, Rough draft of final version, Typescript and carbon type-

script with halo, corr,, ca, 300 p, (#1)

k, Final draft~ Carbon typescript with halo, corr,, 370 p, (#2)

1, Final draft, Carbon typescript with halo, corr,, 370 p, (#3)

m, Deleted and rewritten pages, typescript and carbon typescript,

ca, 150 p, (//4)

n, Corrrespondence about permissions for quotations in SCOTLAND

BITTERSWEET and change of title, 1965-1972, (#5)


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Box 4

Box 5

Boxes 6-10

Box 6

Box 7

n, Correspondence (cont),


Gibbs, Anthony ALS July 28, 1966

Mackenzie, Compton, Mrs, (Lily) ALS May 17, 1971

Osborne, John TLS Aug, 13, 1966

o, Ads, reviews, mentions, transcripts of interviews with JWD

regarding SCOTLAND, 1972, 20 items, (#6)

p, Page proofs (#1)

4, TIME ON MY HANDS (Autobiography) Macdonald, 1968,

a, First version, rough typescript with halo, corr,, c, 400 p, (#2)

b, Later typescript with halo, corr,, 627 p,

pages 1 - 314 (#3)

pages 315 - 627 (#4)

c, Correspondence concerning permissions, 1964-1968, 50 items, (#5)


Dunnett, Alastair (ed, The Scotsman) 2 TLS Nov, 27,

1967; May 29, 1968

Fleming, Tom ALS Dec, 6, 1967

C, Book Reviews written for "Book Choice", column syndicated for The

Scotsman, group of newspapers, including Edinburgh Evening News,

1966-1979; reviews are mostly carbon typescript, 4 or 5 p, each,

and are usually dated, C, 750 reviews; grouped according to

years (includes also some short pieces for News which are not


1966 (/fl)

1967 (//2)

1968 (//3, #4)

1969 (Ill, 112)

1 9 7 0 ( # 3 , ti 4)

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James Wedgwood Drawbell

Box 7 1971

Page 5


Box 8

Box 9

Box 9/Box 10

Box 10

1972 (fl 1, 112)

1973 (f/3' 114)

1974 (f!S, 116)

1975 (Ill, 1/2)

1976 (//3)

1977 (//4)

1977-1979 (/15, and Box 10, /fl)

D. Short Stories (/12)

1. nchampagne Cocktail"

a, Typescript, 12 p,

b. Carbon typescript, 12 p, Two copies,

2, "A Girl To Play With", carbon typescript, 10 p,

3, "Man and Wife", originally titled 0 The Marriage Habit",

a, Carbon typescript, with typescript first page, 35 p,

b, Variant carbon typescript, 34 p, 2 copies,

4, "Ni:'ght in Algiers", Carbon typescript, 35 p, 2 copies,

5, "The Ship Sailed at Six", formerly titled "Lonely Lover",

Carbon typescript, 44 p,

6, "Two Women", Typescript, 6 p,

7, Untitled story, beginning "In the over-,-heated and over..,.noisy

hotel grill room, , , " Typescript with holo, corr, , 12 p,

8, "Short Story ideas from the Past", Holograph notes, 10 p,

9, Untitled long story, beginning nFour or five men had had their

drinks,,," Typescript, 50 p,

E. Play, Dramatization, Film Scripts

1. Notes, drafts for three or four untitled plays, Typescript and

holograph, 30 p, (/13)

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Box 10 2. "Lady In the Dark", mimeo script of radio dramatization of

novel by JWD. 39 p., 1963 (#4)

3. Untitled film treatment. Carbon typescript, 8 p. (#5)

F. General Articles

1. "No. 10 Downing Street", carbon typescript, 9 p. (//6)

2. Norman Collins profile, carbon typescript and typescript,

with extra pages, 14 p. (#6)

3. "Press and Class", published in Twentieth Century Nagazine,

Spring, 1965. Carbon typescript, 17 p., with correspon­

dence re article (6 items) and galley proof. (#6)

4. "The Tragedy of Leslie Howard", for Night and Day

1943. Typescript, 12 p. (116)

5. Article on adoption. Typescript with halo. corr., 8 p. (#6)

6. Memoir of career in world of women's magazines. Carbon

typescript, 5 p. (#6)

7. Series of articles written under pseudonym "David Friend"

for Mother and Home magazine. 8 articles, typescript

and carbon typescript, 42 p. (#7)

8. "Saturday Afternoon Garden", article on JWD's self-built

garden; several draft pages and drawings; mock-up of

cover for full-length book version; and tearsheets from

article in Modern Woman. (#8)

9. Memoir of JWD's life. Typescript, 10 p. (#9)

10. Three autobiographical articles later used in THE SUN WITHIN

US. Carbon typescript, 18 p. (#9)

G. Articles About Scotland

1. "Angry Young Men", article about John Osborne's Look Back

In Anger and Robert Burns. (#10)

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James Wedgwood Drawbell

Box 10 a.

Page 7

Carbon typescript, 11 p., with holograph note by JWD.


Box 11

b. CTL: letter to editor of Scots Magazine, about JWD's


2. Jack London article, commissioned for an encyclopedia, but

not published. Carbon typescript with halo. corr., 9 p. (#10)

3. "Little Boy Lost", article on James M. Barrie and Peter Pan.

Carbon typescript, 20 p. (#10)

4. "Return to Scotland", for Scots Magazine.

a. Typescript, 7 p.

b. Letters re published article, 3 items.

5. "Scotland", carbon typescript, 3 p. (f/10)

6. "Second Sight". Article on extra-sensory perception in

Scots peoplie.

a. Carbon typescript, 15 p.

b. Galleys for publication in Scots Magazine.

7. "The Unspeakable Scot".

a. Carbon typescript, 11 p.

b. Galley proofs.

8. Untitled article beginning "You begin to notice it almost

as soon as you cross the border and come into Scotland ... "

Carbon typescript, 12 p.

9. Untitled article beginning "The voice at the other end of the

telephone ... " Carbon typescript, 12 p.

Manuscripts and Proofs by Others

1. CORONATION STORY, by Marion ~rawford. George Newnes, bound

proof, 2 copies.

2. MY QUEEN AND I, by Willie Hamilton, M.P. Quartet Books~ Bound

proof, with loose pages and 3 p. halo. notes by JWD, as

well as marks in the text.

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Box 11 3, PRINCESS MARGARET, by Marion Crawford, George Newnes,

Bound proof,

4. THE TOWNSEND STORY, by Marion Crawford, Never published,

a, Carbon typescript, 109 p, (#1)

b , Proof. (Ill)

c, Letter from Crawford re ms, ALS Feb, 7, 1978 (#1)

I, Publication Ideas by JWD

1, Royaltr, mock-up for magazine, Oct, 21, 1961, Photos and

clippings with hand-written captions, Never published,

2, Saturdaz, Carbon typescript prospectus, 14 p,, printed cover

and proof pages, and also hand-written and drawn mock-up


3, Daily Herald, Newspaper mock-up single page, Aug, 28, 1962,

Never published,

4, The Big ~eekly, magazine designed in 1928 by JWD, Handwritten

pages interspersed with clippings and photos, with holo­

graph notes by JWD, Never published,

5, Newsbook, Mock-ups for series of books called Newsbook, c, 1964,

a, Book by James M, Perry on Barry Goldwater, published by the

National Observer, 1964,

b, Portfolio with dummy covers for other titles, and prospectus,

mimeo, 5 p, (3 copies),

c, Correspondence with prospective sponsors and publishers

re Newsbook project, 1953-1964, 25 items, (#2)

6, Untitled "Confidential" memo by JWD, 1965, concerning magazines

Parents and Ro.-zaltz., (112)

a, Typescript, 28 p,

b, Carbon typescript, 28 p,

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Box 11

Box 12

Box 13

J. Notes

Miscellaneous holograph and typescript notes for book reviews,

autobiography, etc, 75 p, (#3)


A. Magazines in which JWD's reviews, articles, and stories have


1, Books and Bookman, 1964-1970, with JWD 1 s reviews of books,

50 issues,

2, Scots Magazine, Articles by JWD, 1964~1974,

a, "Best Time of All", extract from THE SUN WITHIN US,

September, 1964,

b, "Return to Scotland", memoir, Jan,, 1965, Two copies,

c. "Now that I'm home again", May, 1965,

d, "From a Pentland Hillside", with galley proof laid in,

July, 1966,

e, "Where Have All the Redheads Gone?" August, 1965, 2 copies,

f, "Little Boy Lost 11 , November, 1965, Two copies,

g, "At Hogmanay", December, 1965,

h, "Angry Young Man", February, 1966, Two copies,

i, "Who can explain these things", April, 1966,

j, "The Tragedy of Ramsa,y MacDonald", November, 1966,

k, "A Classic of Vituperation", January, 1967,

1, "Are There No Annie S, Swan Books Nowadays?" April, 1968,

2 copies, Galley proof laid in,

m, "Will Ye no come back again", Jan, 1969, 2 copies,

n, "As I see it" 1 regular column, Jan, 1972, 2 copies,

o, "As I see it", February, 1972,

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Box 13

Box 14

Box 15

p, "The Theatre I Knew", September, 1974,

q, "A Refreshment of the Spirit", review of book by James

Wood, tearsheets, not dated,

r. Scots Ma~azine, September, 1966, with letter to editor

referring to JWD,

s, Scots Magazine, March, 1965, with letter referring to

article by JWD,

3, Scottish Field, magazine with article by JWD,

a. "Scotfree in USA", regular column, Feb, 1974, 2 copies,

b. "To Alabama and the Scott Fitzgeralds", March 1974, 2 copies,

c, "Scotfree in USA", April, 1974,

d. "Scotfree in USA", June, 1974,

e, "Buchan - the Enigma", June, 1975, 2 copies,

f, "Old Glory - America Celebrates", Oct,, 1975,

g, "Old Glory, part 2", Nov,, 1975.

h, Tearsheets of article "Scotfree in USA - Boston and Paul

Revere" (mentioning Boston University Special Collections),

May, 1974,

4. Woman's Own magazine, published by JWD,

a, Novels by JWD published in serial form in Woman's Own,

i, THE BRIGHT LIGHTS, 4 issues, Jan. 20 - Feb, 10, 1962,

ii. LADY IN THE DARK, 5 issues, May 27

iii, THE LONELY ONES, 5 issues, Sept, 1

June 24, 1961,

Sept, 29, 1962,

b. 11 various issues of Woman's Own,. some mentioning JWD,

and tearsheets from other issues,

5, Modern Woman magazine, 5 issues (1954, 1956, 1958, and 1960)

mentioning JWD,

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James Wedgwood Drawbell )?age 11

Box 15 6, Other magazines with articles by JWD,

a, "Catch That Audience Young". Scottish Theatre, August, 1969,

b, "Dilemma of an editor", Life and Work, March, 1967,

c. "Faraway Places", Life and Work, March, 1966,

d, "Fleming the Portent", Life and Work, July, 1966,

e, "The North Berwick I Love", North Berwick. magazine, 1969,

2 copies, and carbon typescript of article, 20 p,, laid in,

f, "The Press and Class", Twe~tie,1:]:i; Cen,t:?;.'l • Spring, 1965,

g, "The Wasted Gifts", Life and Work, Jan,, 1966, i .=.-==. f ""'ff"E>"T

h, "A Welcome to Scotland", Souvenir brochure for British

Commonwealth Games in Scotland, July, 1970,

i, "A Word for McGonagall", Life and Work, November, 1966, ~"<FFi:;="'t t; 4- -T'=t-'9:'I

2 copies,

7, Tearsheets of early printed stories by JWD, date given when known,

1918-1941, (#1)

a, "Achievement", The Passing Show, July 12, 1924,

b, "All at Sea", Romance,

c, "The Cabaret Crime", !,!1,e 20 Story Magazine,

d, "A Car to Fairyland", The Passing Show, July 26, 1924,

e, "Champagne Cocktail", publication unidentified; 2 copies,

one with JWD 1 s holo, corr,

f, "Christmas Eve and Adam", Romance,

g, "Cupid as per Invoice", The Passing Show, Oct, 24, 1925,

h, "Dear Mother", The 20 §tory Magazin~,

L "Destiny Calls Trumps", Tit-Bits Christmas Extra, Christmas,


j, "Escape", The Passing Show, Aug, 9, 1924,

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Box 15 k,
























"The Exiles", Romance,

"The Ghost of the Manor House", Romance,

"The Girl with the Million", Romance,

"Fairies & Whipped Cream", The Passing Show, November 15, 1924,

"His Mayfair Friends", The Passing Show, Oct, ll, 1924.

"The Inventor", The Passing Show, Sept, 12, 1925.

"Life's Little Way", Saucy Stories,

"Eternal Eve", Saucy Stories,

"The Little People", publication undated and unidentified,

"Love and War - and Worse", The 20 Story Magazine,

"A Mad Masquerade", Romance.

"The Man Who Beat Himself", Tit-Bits Summer Extra.

"The Man Who Followed", The Passing Show, May 10, 1924.

"None So Blind", The 20 Story Magazine.

"Reputation", The Passing Show, June 14, 1924.

"The Prodigal Father", The 20 Story Magazine.

"The Seven Empty Hearts", Passing Show Christmas Number, 1924.

"The Sleepless Seven", The 20 Story Magazine.

"Slippers on the Fender", The 20 Story Magazine.

"The Song of Love", The Passing Show, May 24, 1924.

"The Stable Was On It", The Passing Show, June 28, 1924.

"A Stolen Night", Romance.

"Sylvia's Romance", Romance.

"There Goes My Dream", story serialized in Good Taste, 1941.

One complete issue and two sets of tearsheets.

ii. "The Very Green Dragon", The 20 Story Magazine.

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James Wedgwood Drawbell

Box 15 jj. "When Romance Goes", Saucy Stories.

Page 13

Boxes 16, 17

Box 17

kk. "The Things That Count", Saucy Stories.

11. "The Trump Card", The 20 Story Magazine.

mm. "Two Feet of Snow", The 20 Story Magazine.

nn. "The Unlucky One", The 20 Story Magazine.

oo. "The Week-End Bachelor", The Passing Show, Dec. 13, 1924.

pp. "Where is thy Sting?" The Passing Show, Feb. 9, 1924.

qq. "The Wicked Actress", The Passing Show, Dec. 12, 1925.

rr. "Young Moore's Almanac", The Passing Show Christmas

Number, 1925.

ss. Ten (10) very short stories (less than one page) which

appeared in English movie and humor magazines, 1918-


8, Tearsheets of short non-fiction articles, letters to the editor,

miscellaneous pieces for Canadian, American and English news­

papers and magazines, 1920-1979, ca, 125 items, some short

stories for the Montreal Star, 1922, (#2, #3)

9, "Book Choice", tearsheets of book reviews by JWD, mostly for

Edinburgh Evening New~, 1966-1979, ca. 250 items,

(Box 16 and Box 17, 1/1)

B, Printed Matter Mentioning or about Jwp

1, Black binder with clippings, tearsheets, notes, a few typescripts,

etc, concerned with JWD's editorship of Modern Woman, Woman's

Own and other women's magazines in England, 1940 1 s - 1960's,

ca. 150 items,

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Box 18

Box 19

2, Clippings, tearsheets, photocopies, etc, with short mentions,

profiles, interviews, photos, etc, of JWD, 1930 1 s - 1970's,

ca, 300 items, (Ill, 112, 113) Incl,:

a. TV script for Monica Dickens on "This Is Your Life" in which

JWD appeared, with JWD's notes, (#1)

b. "I'm Coming Back", Radio script by JWD, typescript, 3 p, (//3)

c, "To Scotland - With Love", TV documentary, Mimeo, 16 p,

with profuse changes, (#3)

C, Reviews and Publicity of Books by JWD

1. ALL CHANGE HERE, non-fiction, 1943, 10 items, (#4)

2, DRIFTS MY BOAT, Autobiography, 1947, 15 items, (#5)

3, EXPERIMENT IN ADOPTION, non-fiction, 1935, 10 items, (#6)

4, FILM LADY, novel, 1932, 3 items, (#7)

5, GALLERY OF WOMEN, non-fiction, 1933, 50 clippings, (#8)

6, THE GARDEN, non-fiction, 1970, 15 items, (#9)

7, THE LONG YEAR, autobiography, 1958, 10 items, (#10)



SCOTLAND BITTERSWEET, non-fiction, 1972,

THE SUN WITHIN US, autobiography, 1963,

1 item, (fill)

100 items, (Ill)

10. THIS YEAR, NEXT YEAR, novel, 1929, ca, 50 reviews on scrapbook

sheets. (//2)

11, TIME ON MY HANDS, autobiography, 1968, 20 items, (#3)

12, "Who Goes Next?" play by JWD produced 1931, filmed in 1938,

Reviews of play, program, ads for movie version, several

glossy photos of film cast, 15 items, (#4)

13, DOROTHY THOMPSON'S ENGLISH JOURNEY, 1941, 25 items, (#5)

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Box 19

Box 20

Box 20

D, Miscellaneous Printed Matter

1, Printed matter re merger of English magazines, 1961, with much

material re Cecil King: clippings, tearsheets, notes by JWD,

ca, 250 items, (116, 117)

2. Clippings re Arthur Conan Doyle and spiritualism experiments

conducted by newspaper edited by JWD, The Sunday Chronicle,

1926, 25 clippings, with photos, mentions of JWD and Doyle, (#8)

3, Clippings re F, Scott Fitzgerald, 6 items, "An Evening with

Scott Fitzgerald", carbon typescript, 11 p,, memoir by

JWD of meeting with Fitzgerald (used in THE SUN WITHIN US), (#1)

4, General magazines, clippings, etc, of interest to JWD, many others

with his notes, 50 items, (#2)


A, Literary Subject!

1, Serial and broadcast rights for JWD's novel THE BRIGHT LIGHTS,

LADY IN THE DARK, and THE LONELY ONES, 1960-1964, Ca, 75

items, letters from agent and publisher, also ca, 25 reviews

and ads, (//3)


Gielgud, Val (BBC) TLS June 25, 1962,

Henrey, Robert (Fiction Editor at Woman's Own, husband

of writer Madeleine Henrey) TLS April 27, 1961;

memo signed May 12, 1961; memo signed March 29, 1962,

2, Royaltl magazine, and suit over theft of idea, 1960-1966, ca,

100 items, (//4)

Incl: Prospectus and rough layout,

Carr, Sir William 2 TLS July 26, 1962, June 16, 1964,

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Box 20 3, THE SUN WITHIN US, Autobiography published 1963,

1960-1975, ca, 150 TLS, 100 CTL, sections of manuscript,

clippings, correspondence requesting permission to use various

stories or quotations; much correspondence with lawyer relating

to possible libel; list of persons to whom complimentary copies

sent, with agent and publisher and fan letters,

1960-1963 (115)

1964-197 5 (//6)


Beaverbrook, Lord TLS Sept, 1, 1963

Berry, Michael TLS March 19, 1963

Church~ Richard 2 TLS Octi 5, 1963; Nov, 6, 1963,

Collis, Maurice (writer) TLS March 12, 1963; ALS

May 21, 1963,

Cowles, Gardner (Editor, Look) TLS Dec, 19, 1963

Cudlipp, Hugh (English newspaper exec,) 2 TLS May 27, 1963;

Sept, 6, 1963,

Dimbleby, Richard TL signed by sec, to Moss Murran

Oct, 1, 1963,

Dickens, Monica (writer) 2 TLS Oct, 17, 1963; Nov, 11,


Dudley, Ernest (author, For Love of a Wild Thing)

3 TLS Jan. 19, 1974; Nov. 8, 1974; Nov. 28, 1974.

Gordon, John (Editor in Chief, Sunday Express)

TLS March 16, 1963 Gould, Bruce ALS Feb, 12, 1963 Jackson, Stanley TLS Aug. 28, 1963

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Box 20

Box 21




RESTRICTION REMOVED WITH DEATH OF Marion Crawford Buthlay in Feb. 1988.

Page 17

King, Cecil H. 2 TLS March 7, 1963; Sept. 25, 1963

Mac'im:i..llan, Harold (P. M.) TLS Sept. 14, 1963

Martin, Kingsley TLS Jan. 21, 1969

Priestley, J. B. (writer) TLS Oct. 3, 1963; TLS

from sec. Nov. 6, 1963

Spring, Howard (writer) ALS Sept. 17, 1963

Waterlow, Sir James TLS May 28, 1963

West, Rebecca (writer) TLS (to JWD's sec) April 11,

1963, with typescript page containing her corrections

of broadcast by her re Monica Dickens

Re "effort to revitalize Australian Woman's Day magazine;

we succeeded!" (note by JWD)

Ca. 150 items, 1953-1954, mostly correspondence with

Herbert Tingay, and other editors, includes notes,

financial statements, memoes. (#1)

Marion Crawford, "Crawfie", governess to Princesses Elizabeth

and Margaret for 17 years. RESTRICTION: NOT TO BE



She wrote a memoir after her retirement in 1949 titled

"The Little Princesses", first commissioned by editor

Bruce Gould and published in the Ladies Home Journal

(U.S.A.) in early 1950, and reprinted by JWD in

Woman's Own. Consists of editorial, business, personal

correspondence and publicity concerning JWD's publication

of memoir and subsequent memoirs on the Royal Family;

also fan letters to "Crawfie", newsclippings, photos,

other memorabilia.

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Box 21



Page 18


Ca. 250 TLS, 150 CTL, 50 ALS, incl:





Alexander, Ulick (Keeper of the Privy Purse)

TLS March 16, 1950

Crawford, Marion and George Buthlay, her husband,..

Many letters and copies of letters to and from

Buthlays, 1949-1978

"Recording Tapes for Australia" Typescript,

9 p. (//6)

"Some Suggested Notes for 'My Story'"

a. Typescript with holo. notes

b. Carbon typescript, 10 p.

"On Becoming a Writer"

a. Typescript, 3 p.

b. Carbon typescript, 4 p.

Colles, Dudley (Secretary of the Privy Purse)

5 TLS and 1 TL copy, 1950

Elizabeth R. (Queen Mother) TL copy Jan. 1, 1949

Passages to be

Considered for Amendment, typescript, 3 p.;

Foyle, Christine (lecture agent) TLS June 11, 1952.

Gould, Bruce (Editor, Ladies Home Journal) Many

letters, 1949-1950

(//2) 1953 (//6)

(t/3) 1954 (117)

(//4) 1955 (1/8)

(//5) 1956-1978 (//9)

(Correspondence folders include memos and press releases)

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James Wedgwood Drawbell

Box 22 b.

Page 19

Clippings, magazines, misc. printed matter about

"Crawfie", 1953 Coronation, Royal Family,

Willie Hamilton's book about Royal Family, other

subjects pertaining to Royalty. 1952-1977.

Ca. 7 5 items. (Ill)

c. 7 8" x 611 B/W photos of Marion Crawford, her husband,

JWD, other staff, c. 1950. (//2)

d. One B/W 8" x 10" photo of Princesses Elizabeth and

Margaret, Feb. , 19 39. (112)

e, Photographs of princesses reproduced on Woman's Own

Christmas card, ca. 1950 (#2)

6. Portrait of Princess Margaret painted by Italian artist

Pietro Annigoni, and reproduced in Woman's Own before

it was exhibited anywhere,



a, Correspondence: Dec, 30, 1956 - March 9, 1959,

ca. 100 TLS, 75 CTL; memos, letter drafts, press

releases and notes by JWD; many internal memos and

correspondence with lawyers, many letters from PA's

secretary, Mrs, Cedra N, Osborne,

Dec,, 1956 - Sept,, 1957 (#3)

Oct,, 1957 - 1959



Annigoni, Pietro (#4)

Signatures on agreements:

CTL from JWD June 11, 1957 CTL from JWD June 24, 1957 TLS from G, A, Rogers Aug, 21, 1957

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James Wedgwood Drawbell

Box 22 Annigoni, Pietro (#4)

TLS Sept, 4, 1957

Page 20

Typescript agreement signed Sept, 5, 1957

Telegram Oct, 29, 1957

TLS Oct, 30, 1957

Outline of headings for story of his life, Typescript

initialled, 1 p,

Notes on story of his life for Woman's Own, Carbon

typescript, 2 p,

"The Phases in My Life", Typescript, 1 p,

Colville, Cmdr, Richard (Press Secretary to Queen)

TLS Oct, 3, 1957

Fairfax-Ross, Antonia (Palace Staff) TLS Oct, 14, 1957

Legh, Francis (Asst, Private Secretary to Queen Elizabeth

the Queen Mother) TLS Nov, 22, 1957

b, Printed matter concerning Annigoni and portrait of Margaret,

12 items, including Woman's Own, Jan, 15, 1958, with

reproduction of portrait and "My Story" by PA, (115)

7, Nine (9) color 811 x 10 11 transparencies of Annigoni's portrait,

and two (2) 611 x 11 11 B/W prints of photos of portrait, (116)

B, Literary and Personal Correspondence with or about well-known people,

alphabetized, includes some manuscripts.

1, Asquith, Margot (Countess of Oxford and Asquith) (#7)

4 ALS Jan, 2, 1932; Nov, 24, 1933; Nov, 30, 1933 with signature

torn off; Oct, 12, 1939,

Article written for series "What Love has meant to Me", for

JWD's Sunday Chronicle, 1932, holograph in pencil with holograph

and typescript explanatory notes by JWD, 23 p,

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James Wedgwood Drawbell Page 21

Box 22

Box 23

2, Bates, H, E, (novelist) (f/8)

3 ALS Sept, 30, 1963; Nov, 7, 1963; July 8, 1973, Obituary

clipping, 1974, ~unday Telegr~m.

3. Beaton, Cecil (photographer) (#9)

2 ALS Nov, 11, 1948 (?); June 11, 1972

4, Churchill, Winston (#10)

TLS July 10, 1940; TLS from Secretary March 5, 1942; TLS

Sept, 20, 1963

Photocopies of letters; reproductions of pages from JWD's THE LONG

YEAR, mentioning Churchill; notes by JWD; and 3 clippings of

articles about Churchill, including reviews of Martin Gilbert's

WINSTON CHURCHILL, by JWD for "Book Choice", 1976,

5, Cowles, Fleur (#11)

3 TLS Jan, 24, Feb, 5, June 30, 1975

2 clippings incl, review of TIGER FLOWER, book with paintings by

Cowles, by JWD for "Book Choice", ca, 1975

6. Cronin, A, J, (novelist) (#12)

ALS postcard Nov, 7, 1939; 2 TLS Oct, 8, Oct, 18, 1963

7. Dowding, Air Marshal Sir Hugh C, J, (#13)

ALS June 5, 1943; TL from secretary Oct, 2, 1969

Article written by Lord Dowding for JWD's Sunday Ch.E,onicle,

ca, 1940, a description of the Battle of Britain, holograph,

8 p,; and JWD's notes, 2 p,

Clippings re Dowding, 3 items,

8, Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan (participated in spiritualism experiments

for JWD's Sunday Chronic~e in 1926) (#1)

ALS n,d,, ca, Oct,/Nov, 1926 with 5 small snapshots included

of Doyle and Drawbell taken to show "Spirits''. 3 poses: Doyle alone, 2 of Drawbell alone, 2 of Doyle and Drawbell.

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James Wedgwood Drawbell Page 22

Box 23 8, Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan (cont,)

ALS Oct, 28, 1926

ALS n,d,, ca, Oct,/Nov,, 1926, on "Psychic Book Shop" card

Agate, James TLS copy Oct, 27, 1945 to Adrian Conan Doyle

(son of Arthur C, D,) with Adrian's halo, note signed,

Doyle, Adrian Conan to Agate TLS Oct, 30, 1945

Clipping of article by Julian Huxley re "Spiritualism" in

unidentified newspaper, c, 1926

9, Dunnett, Alastair (Scot writer)

Dunnett, Dorothy (his wife)

(1/2) 4 TLS Feb,, 1969 - Sept, 14, 1976

TLS Feb, 18, 1969

Clipping of article by A, D, about Lord Thomson, August 8, 1976

"Portrait of an Artist", Cassell's advertisement with introduc­

tion by JWD for Dorothy Dunnett's historical novels, 1969

10, Fitzgerald, F, Scott (#3)

Correspondence with Arthur Mizener re quote used in JWD's

THE SUN WITHIN US; also corresp, concerning trip to

Alabama to research article on Fitzgeralds, 1973-1974,

Mizener, Arthur 3 TLS Jan, 20, 1962; Feb, 2, 1962; March 20,


Article "To Alabama and the Fitzgeralds", by JWD in Scottish

Field, March 1974, Tearsheets,

Excerpt from THE SUN WITHIN US, about meeting with Fitzgerald,

typescript, 11 p,; carbon typescript, 11 p,

"Book Choice" review by JWD of Nancy Milford's ZELDA, 1970,

Carbon typescript, 11 p,

9 5" -x 7" B/W photos of Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald used by

JWD for books and articles

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James Wedgwood Drawbell Page 23

Box 23 11, Henrey, Robert (an editor and husband of Madeleine Henrey) 1963-

1978 (114)


Henrey, Robert 15 TLS, 7 ALS 1963-1978

letter of Aug, 2, 1979 with ANS from Madeleine

3 clippings of 2 "Book Choice" reviews by JWD of Madeleine

Henrey 1s books, 1974 1976

Howland, Richard H, (Smithsonian

TLS from sec, June 24, 1975

TLS from sec, July 22, 1975

ALS on card n, d. 1975

ALS postcard Aug. 11, 1976

ALS postcard Nov. 15, 1976

Institution) (115)

13. Maltz, Maxwell (plastic surgeon, author of Psycho-Cybernetics) (/16)

TLS Nov. 30, 1971; ALS (from Anne & Max) Oct. 12, 1972;

TLS Nov. 1, 1972; TLS Nov. 22, 1972; ALS n.d. 1974;

TLS Aug. 30, 1974; TLS Sept. 19, 1974

Misc. printed matter re Maltz, 13 items


14. Mackenzie, Sir Compton, and wife Lily. 1966-1972 (117)

"Lily" TLS Aug. 2, 1966; TLS Dec. 16, 1968; ALS to Mrs.

Drawbell Jan. 18, 1969 with holograph note signed

"Monty" ; TLS Sept. 23, 1970; TLS Aug. 13, 1972;

TLS to Mrs. Drawbell with holograph note Jan. 20, 1969;

TLS with holograph note Jan. 25, 1970

Dunnett, Alastair Mimeo letter signed Dec. 2, 1968 re birthday

party for Mackenzie

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James Wedgwood Drawbell

Box 23

Page 24

4 articles by JWD re Mackenzie, tearsheets from Scottish

newspapers, 1965-1972, incl. article, carbon typescript,

9 p. Published Nov. 30, 1972.

4 other articles re Mackenzie, obituaries and profiles,


15. McTaggert, Sir William (painter) (#8)

TLS Jan. 20, 1969; ALS (wife Fanny) March 23, 1969;

TLS Oct. 3, 1970; ALS (Fanny) June 4, 1972;

ALS (Fanny) Aug. 17, 1972; ALS (Fanny) Aug. 25,

1972; TLS Aug. 30, 1974; ALS (Willie & Fanny)

March 27, 1977

Tearsheet of review by JWD for "Book Choice" of study

of McT's paintings

16. Minton, Robert (American writer) (#9)

2 TLS June 10, 1976; Aug. 10, 1976; 2 ALS Oct. 25,

1976, Jan. 7, 1977; 2 TLS March 2, 1978, June 26,


17. Morrison, Stanley P. (whisky merchant, JWD wrote copy for

advertising brochures) (#10)

Correspondence 1969, 10 items

Notes by JWD, holo. and typescript, 2 p.

Draft pages for brochure copy, typescript and carbon

typescript, 18 p.

18. Nichols, Beverley (writer, associate of JWD on Woman's

Own) (1/11)

15 TLS, 18 ALS incl. 2 postcards, 1942-1978

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James Wedgwood Drawbell

Box 23

Page 25

18: Nichols, Beverley (cont.)

Review by JWD for "Book Choice" of Nichols'

FATHERLY FIGURE, 1972, carbon typescript, 8 p.,

and tearsheet of printed review.

Tearsheets of article by Nichols titled "My Right

to Die", 1975.

19. Seaman, Herbert W. (writer) (#12)

6 TLS 1943-1946

20. Shaw, George Bernard (#13)

a. Correspondence

Telegram Aug. 29, 1927

Telegram draft by JWD with holograph note initialed

by GBS, Sept. 8, 1927

Photographic copy of inscription by GBS in book,

March 28, 1935

Shaw, Charlotte ALS postcard May 12, 1935

Shaw, G.B. ALS postcard July 24, 1935

ALS Oct. 14, 1935

ANS on printed postcard May 13, 1936

TLS May 21, 1936

ALS to the Editor of the Sunday Chronicle,

Sept. 22, 1937

ANS on card Sept. 21, 1937

ALS postcard Sept. 30, 1937

Holograph comment in red ink on 60th Anniversary

of Sunday Chronicle, dated July 24, 1945,

on reverse of letter from JWD to Shaw,

TLS July 21, 1945

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James Wedgwood Drawbell

Box 23



Page 26

Printed matter re Shaw (#14)

"Simplicity - That was Shaw's Greatness",

article by JWD, Edinburgh Evening News,

March 23, 1973, tearsheet with photos of JWD

with GBS,

"Book Choice" review by JWD of Shaw's Collected

Letters, tearsheet Aug. 26, 1976

"Bernard Shaw: 'He had the simplicity of true

greatness'", article by JWD in Scottish

Theatre magazine, March 1970

c. Misc, notes by JWD on Shaw, typescript and holograph,

7 p.

21. Thompson, Dorothy (journalist) (#15)

Correspondence concerning her, 1942-1971, 14 letters

and telegrams, incl.:

General Subjects

Thompson, Dorothy 2 telegrams Oct. 3, Oct, 5,


Saunders, Marion K. (author of biog. of D.T.)

TLS Aug. 26, 1971

Printed matter, 2 items, and bolo. and typescript

notes re Thompson by JWD, 5 p.

1. Duchess of Leinster, "Rafaelle" ( JWD had planned to ghost­

write her autobiography, but nothing came of itJ

Correspondence, 1966 10 items. (//16)



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James Wedgwood Drawbell

Box 23 1. Duchess of Leinster (cont.)

ALS postcard April 8, 1966

ALS May 2, 1966

ALS May 8, 1966

Page 27

Contract with William Morrow, 1966, for her book.

Xerox copy unsigned.

Notes from first meeting with Rafaelle by JWD, holograph

transcribed to typescript, 10 p.

2. Edinburgh Military Tattoo and Commonwealth Games (#17)

Correspondence, 1968-1975, 23 items

Articles by JWD:

"Edinburgh Military Tattoo" for Airways, April/May,


"Argument - the capital way to miracles", Edinburgh

~vening News, July 16, 1970, tearsheet,

3, Lyceum Theatre, The Edinburgh Civic Theatre (JWD handled

publicity) (#18)

a, Correspondence, 1965-1966, 13 items incl,:

Cronin, A, J, 2 TLS Nov, 12, 1965; Jan, 1, 1966

Nichols, Beverley TLS Nov, 19, 1965

b, "What is wrong with the Lyceum?", article by JWD,

Carbon typescript, 8 p,

c, Article by JWD, nThe Queen and the Royal Lyceumn,

Galley proof with corrections,

d, Tearsheets of publicity by JWD about Lyceum, with photos,

ca, 10 items, incl,: "Fleming the Portent", article

by JWD, tearsheet,

e, Director's Report, Dec, 1965; Board Meeting Report,

Dec, 1965,

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James Wedgwood Drawbell Page 28

Box 23 f, Programs from Lyceum Theatre, 12 items with JWD 1 s halo, notes,

g, Photograph of Tom Fleming, Director of Lyceum Theatre, 8" x 10"


h, 1 8" x 10" glossy photograph of JWD, Fleming and others

at Lyceum Theatre

4, Letters of congratulations for appointment to Newnes Publishing

Company Position, May-June, 1962, 25 items, (#19)


Gielgud, Val TLS May 22

Leasor, James TLS May 21

5, Correspondence concerning Scottish Theatre magazine, and Scottish

Arts Council, primarily with Kenneth Roy, editor of Scottish

Theatre, (//20) \."'i F , t -


Mavor, Ronald (Dir,, Scottish Arts Council) to Kenneth Roy

2 TLS Feb, 19, 1969; April 13, 1970; TLS July 7, 1971

to JWD

a, Correspondence, 1968~1971, 30 items,

b, Letter drafts by JWD, typescript, 2 p,

c, Issues of Scottish Theatre with articles by JWD:

"Hair - the key to a flourishing Theatre", March, 1969

"Catch the Audience Young", August, 1969

"Shaw on dictatorship", article taken from JWD's Sundaz_

Chronicle, July 10, 1938; Jan,, 1970

Ad for article on Shaw by JWD, Feb,, 1970

"Bernard Shaw: He had the simplicity of true greatness",

March, 1970

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James Wedgwood Drawbell Page 29

Box 24 6. Correspondence concerning JWD's interest in genealogy of the

Wedgwood/Broome families, 1960-61, 7 items, includes

genealogical chart, (#1)

D. General Correspondence& 1923-1977

Ca, 125 TLS, 50 ALS, misc, printed material, including several

tearsheets of reviews for "Book Choice" by JWD, some fan


1923-1969 (112)

1970-1979 (113)


Allen, H, R, (Wing Commander) TLS March 26, 1973

Boothby, Robert (one-time sec'y to Churchill) 2 CTLS

Dec, 6, 1940; Sept, 9, 1963

Cochran, Charles B, (theatrical producer) ALS Dec, 16, 1942;

TLS Sept, 17, 1945

Collier, Richard (author of Duce) TLS July 20, 1971 -Coote, Colin (Daily Telegraph journalist)

9'. - -

2 ALS March 11,

1972; Aug, 17, 1972

Edelman, Maurice (author, M,P,) 2 TLS July 28, 1972;

Jan, 14, 19 7 4

Gibbs, Anthony (Allan Wingate) TLS June 4, 1958

Glanville, Brian (The Sunday Times) TLS Sept, 30, 1976 . t -

Hore-Belisha, Leslie (Wartime Sec'y of State for War)

TLS (to Anthony Gibbs) Nov, 9, 1939

Kemsley, Lord (Chairman, Kemsley Newspaper, Ltd,)

, 4 TLS May-June 1944

MacGibbon, James (author of book on gardening) TLS

June 14, 1972

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James Wedgwood Drawbell

Box 24


Page 30

MacGregor, Alasdair TLS Novt 14, 1966

Mollison, James A, (aviator) ALS Sept, 8, 1939

Monsarrat, Nicholas (novelist) TLS Oct, 4, 1970

Nicolson, Harold (author) TLS Sept, 4, 1944

Parker, John (Critic's Circle) 2 TLS May 14, 1943;

May 28, 1943 re Eric Bennett (both letters)

Purden, Laurie (Editor, Brit, ~od H~usekeepins)

2 ALS April 30, 1973; May 8, 1973

Radcliffe, Baron Cyril John (Minister of Info,) TLS

marked SECRET Feb, 14, 1941

Reith, Lord (1st General Manager of BBC) 2 ALS Aug, 15,

1966; Sept, 15, 1966

Spring, Howard (author) ALS Nov, 6, 1963

Wells, Marjorie TLS Nov, 23, 1942

Wallace, George (House of Commons) TLS July 28, 1972

(Most have notes by JWD) All black and white unless indicated


A. Early photographs of JWD, ca, 1907-1932, (#4)

1, JWD in class picture, when he was 8 or 9, ca, 1907, 5" x 711,

2, JWD in 1920's, 5 different photographs, 3 copies of 1 of JWD with

cane, (7)

3, JWD and group of British film writers on trip to Berlin, where

he met Hitler, 1932, Various sizes, 5 photographs, various

prints from same original,

4, JWD's mother,

5, JWD and unidentified man in beach chairs on beach; JWD standing

on beach, 3 copies,
