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the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull...

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Rory Morrish at the Win- ter Olympics; Waterford event for St. Martin's school; part of the Bull island map for the Lein- ster Championships in April; orienteering at Pad- dock Hill, Co. Wicklow. Peter and Daniel Kernan lead the charge to the fin- ish at Paddock Hill. (Photos: Rory Morrish, Andrew Cox, Martin the IRISh oraenccer No. 111 Spring 2006
Page 1: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.

Rory Morrish at the Win-ter Olympics; Waterfordevent for St. Martin'sschool; part of the Bullisland map for the Lein-ster Championships inApril; orienteering at Pad-dock Hill, Co. Wicklow.Peter and Daniel Kernanlead the charge to the fin-ish at Paddock Hill.(Photos: Rory Morrish,Andrew Cox, Martin

the IRISh oraenccerNo. 111 Spring 2006

Page 2: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.


AJAX ORIENTEERS Jane Brennan, 99 Drimna9h Road, Dublin 12 (01-4557335)ATHLONE IT ORIENTEERS Nigel Foley-Fisher, AIT, Dublin Rd., Athlone, Co. Westmeath (0902-24465)BISHOPSTOWN OC Sean Cotter, 45 Rossbrook, Model Farm Rd, Cork, (021-4546194)BLACKWATER VALLEY OC Ellen Feehan, Scarteen Lower, Newmarket, Co. Cork (029-60385)COMMUNITY GAMES ORIENTEERS Ted Lucey, Kilpadder. Dromahane, Mallow, Co.Cork (022-47300)CIT ORIENTEERS Padraig Finnegan, Sports Olllce, Cork Inst. of Technology, Rossa Ave., Cork.CORK ORIENTEERS Danny O'Hare, 3A Old Blackrock Road, CorkCURRAGH-NAAS ORIENTEERS Gareth Evans, Hillfarm, Narraghmore, Ballitore, Co. KildareDEFENCE FORCES ORIENTEERS Comdt. Brendan Delaney, Inlantry School, Military College,

Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare.DUBLIN UNIVERSITY ORIENTEERS The Secretary, DU Orienteers, House 27, TCD, Dublin 2.;FERMANAGH ORIENTEERS Mery Campbell, 5 Knocknamoe Bungalows, Omagh, Co. Tyrone (048-

82246818)FINGAL ORIENTEERS Tom Burke, 2 Sycamore Ave., Beaulort Place, Navan, Co. Meath (046-74711)GALWAYIMAYO IT ORIENTEERS The Secretary, P.E. Dept., GMIT, Dublin Road, GalwayGREAT EASTERN NAVIGATORS Susan Healy, 11 Belmont Grove, Stillorgan, Co DublinKERRY ORIENTEERS Rory Costello, 14 Manor Court, Tralee, Co. Kerry. (066-25532)LAGAN VALLEY ORfENTEERS Stephen Gilmore, 41 Drumlough Road, Hillsborough, Co. Down. BT26 6PX

(048-92683812) .MIDLANt> NAVIGATORS Barbara Foley-Fisher, Holly Cottage, Glasson, Athlone, Co. Westmeath (0902-

85306)NORTH WEST OC Charles Reid, 55 Brentwood Park, Belfast, BT5 7LQ, (04890-666072)NUIGO The Secretary, c/o Studenls' Union, Nul, Galway ([email protected])OK DCU Dublin City University. David Healy ([email protected])SET ANT A ORIENTEERS Colleen Robinson, 60 Dunville Ave, Ranelagh, D 6 ; www.setantaorienteers.orgSLIGO ORIENTEERING CLUB Joe Bannon, Corrigeenroe, Boyle, Co. Roscommon (086-8305335)THREE ROCK OC Vera Murtagh, 19 The Cloisters, Terenure, Dublin 6W (01-4908237) www.3ROC.orgUCC ORIENTEERS The Secretary, PE Office, UCC, College Road, Cork.UCD ORIENTEERS Box 64, Student Centre, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4 ([email protected])UL ORIENTEERS Ed Niland, c/o Clubs Officer, ULSU, University 01 limerick ([email protected])WATERFORD ORIENTEERS Andrew Cox, Newtown School, Newtown, Waterford

([email protected])WESTERN EAGLES - GALWAY ORIENTEERS Frank Ryan, SI. Mary's, Ballinfoyle, Galway (091-753829).IRISH O-ASSOCIATION Niamh Lalor, 6 Knockslnna Grove, Foxrock, Dublin 18 (01-2893497)IRISH ORIENTEERING JUNIORS Niamh Lalor ([email protected])NORTHERN IRELAND OA Raymond Finlay, Gortatole OEC, Florencecourt, Co. Fermanagh BT92 lED

(048-66348888)CONNACHT OA Padralq Higgins, 24 Alverno Ave, Willow Park, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.LEiNSTER OA Vera Murtagh, 19 The Cloisters, Terenure, Dublin 6W (01-4908237)MUNSTER OA John Mucklan, 13 Elmvale Close, Wilton, Cork (021·4343348)IRISH·O STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Susan Healy, 11 Belmont Grove, Blackrock, Co. Dublin (01-2885798)BRITISH O-FEDERATION Riversdale, Dale Road North, Darley Dale, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2H(0044-

1629·734042, FAX 0044·1629-733769). www.britishorienteering.org.ukINTERNATIONAL O-FEDERATION Radiokatu 20, FI·00093 SLU, Finland (00358-40585 3801, fax 00358-

93481 3113): www.orlenteerlng.org

Club and other orienteering websites are accessible from the Irish Ori-enteering Association website, www.orienteering.ie

Remember, for up to date orienteering information check the lOA web page atwww.orienteeringJe or the NIOA page at www.niorienteering.org.uk.or ring

0044-7020-963986 for NIOA event details.

)2 The Irish Orienfeer

che IRISh oracrrccecNo. 111

TIle Irish Orienieer is avail-able from all Irish ortenteer-ing clubs or by subscriptionfrom the Editor: JohnMcCullough. 9 Arran Road.Dublin [email protected])

Subscriptions cost €9.50for 6 issues.

Cover: Caotmhe O'Boyle(eNOC) at Donadea (M.Flynn).


CONTENTSNews 4MTBOWOC 102006 Preview 12Winter Olympics 16Event Reports 18WOCTour 17Land Rover Challenge 21Mapping Course 25Results 27HJLlRl111I11ng 29o-rtxtures 30

Printed by Denton Print,Dundrum, Dublin 14.

Results & arttcles are wel-come bye-mall. No respon-slbLUty Is accepted for er-rors or on11ss1005. or theirconsequences.

ISSN 0790-1194

Spring 2006

Conflicting Demands

Orienteering and forests arc like bread and butter,strawberries and cream, Laurel and Hardy: they are

inseparable in people's minds. Open ground orienteer-ing has developed with the availability of good qualityaerial photography and photogrammctry to allow accu-rate mapping of complex areas, but many parts of thecountry are dependent on access to forests for the sport,Up to the 1960's, access to forests was prohibited, soorienteering started at just the right time to benefit fromthe relaxation of this ban in the 1970's. Nowadays webenefit from Coilltc's policy on access [0 forests forrecreation, in tandem with t.heir requirement to producetimber.However, one must wonder where the balance lies be-tween timber production and recreational access. Therecent devastation of Hellfire Wood and Three Rockforest in Co. Dublin raises this question. Forest andmountain areas on the doorstep of a capital city, with apopulation of about one million people in the area, arean outstanding amenity. In this case, surely the commer-cial value of the timber is outweighed by the amenityvalue of the forest? If Coillte are determined to recoupthe value of the timber, could the three local authoritiesin the area not pay the value of the timber in order to letthe forest survive as an amenity?If felling in unavoidable, then thinning rather than clearfelling should be the method of choice, in order to main-tain an acceptable amenity value in the area in parallelwith timber extraction.Quite apart from the interest of orienteers, these are ar-eas which arc visited by large numbers of Dublin fami-lies for walking, cycling or other activities.

Finally, good and bad news from Cork: Lee Orienteers'Rory Monish represented Ireland in cross-country ski-ing at the Winter Olympics in Italy in February, finish-ing 88th in the 15 k race in very difficult conditions, buthis club, Lee Orienteers, has disbanded.

The Irish Orienteer 3

Page 3: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.


WINTER OLYMPICSIrish ski-orienteer Rory Morrish finished88th in the 151an Cross Country Skiingevent at the Winter Olympics in Torino,Italy 00 17th February. Originally fromCork, now living in Norway, Rory (38) hasevolved from foot-orienteer to ski-orienteerand now to the Olympics. Rory has com-peted at the World Ski-O champs in Finlandin March 2005, reaching 55th (Sprint), 53rd(Long) and 59th (Middle) place. Anotherorientecr, Una Creagh was at the WinterOlympics too, working for the Irish SportsCouncil.

18 February Clonmore North, Cahir, and4 March Nagles Mountains. (Irish Champi-onships), Glenville, Co. Cork.

FINGAL SeATTERFingal are planning to run an evening leagueof 4 events on Thursdays in May and June.May 25'h Swords South,June 151Malahide CastleJune 8'''Newbridge HouseJune 151h Swords NorthThe events will be on the same lines as theevent in December in Swords, ~ss startscatter event where you visit the coritrols inthe order of your choice. The two Swordsevents will use the streets as well as thepark

PLASTIC MAPSELVIS THE ORlENTEER An innovative plastic map developed for

Elvis is still alive somewhere in the uni- outdoor enthusiasts by the British Mountain-verse, say cosmologists Alexa.nder Vilenk~n cering Council CBMC) and Harvey Maps hasand Jaume Garriga. They believe the rapid received a prestigious award for excellenceexpansion after the big bang divided the from The Outdoor Writers' Guild (OWG).Universe into an infinite number of "0- Printed on a technologically advanced light-regions", isolated from each other because weight plastic material that can be folded,light hasn't bad time to travel between them. stretched, sat on and soaked without losingIn these Osregions. every possible version of its performance, the BMC's new 1:40,000history will occur, they calculate. (from New Lake District British Mountain Map fromScientist, via Sennan O'Boyle). Harvey has received the OWG's first annual

Derryck Draper Award, which recognisesMARGARET WILSON. equipment innovation that is of benefit to the

We learned recently that Margaret Wilson, outdoor community.wife of Ernie Wilson of Lagan Valley Orien- The ground-breaking map, which covers theteers, died suddenly on November 25111

• One majority of the Lake District's fells on a sin-of Ernie and Margaret's daughters, Jane, gle sheet, and is less than half the weigbt ofwas very prominent in Irish orienteering, a standard laminated map, is printed on plas-particularly as a junior. Our sympathies go tic material that makes it durable, tear-to Ernie, Jane and Emma. resistant and 100% waterproof. It uses Har-

vey mapping data and a unique colour layerMTBO IN MUNSTER shading system to portray relief clearly and,

Cotkf) ran three mountain bike orienteering on the reverse, includes j :20,000 enlarge-events early in tile year, culminating in the ments of the most popular summits in Brit-Irish MTBO Championships won by John ain's most visited hillwalking area. Informa-Casey and Mary O'Connell. lion on mountain rescue, first aid, navigationThe events were 4 February Garrettstown and useful contacts is also includedWoods, Ballinspittle, Priced at £12.95, the map is now available to

4 The Irish Orietlteer

COMP ASSSPORT CHANGESuse and John Coon, who have publishedCompassSport tor many years, have decidedto give up publishing the orienteering maga-zine but will continue with their other publi-cations. Nick Barrablc has come to the res-

HEBRIDEAN CHALLENGE cue and will be taking over CompassSportThe classic British adventure race, the Heb- next year. Becky Carlyle will be lookingridean Challenge, is set to return to the mag- after SUbscriptions in future. Nick plans anificent Outer Hebrides of Scotland from the full colour 52 page magazine with a corre-3-71h July 2006. This unique race has grown spending increase in price.in s17-Oand prominence, as the sport of ad- Suse and John say that they have been reallyventure racing has evolved rapidly. This gratified by all the kind words which peopleyear up to 26 teams and 6 elite pairs will be have been sending them - Suse says "I haveable to push themselves to their limits. As very much enjoyed my spell in charge - andalways the event will be a relay style, allow- Ihope that you will support Nick as he feelsing teams of [our or five, and pairs, to com- his way into what is, for him, a new ven-plete the 700 km course in five days, with ture."overnight stops at community halls along the Tf your subscription runs out you can sub-island chain. scribe now on www.compasssport.com

purchase from the BMC and outdoor retail-ers. Profits made from the map by the BMCwi II be used to fund work programmes pro-meting access, conservation, safety andgood practice.

The route will involve hill running, moun- PILOT PLANlain biking, road biking, swimming and sea England's Danford Orienteering Club havekayaking, although as it's a relay. teams introduced a very up to dale pilot Develop-choose which member completes each activ- rnent Course for six of their Junior members.ity and normally teams have specialists at If the pilot is successful, then another groupeach sport. can start next September/October.2006 will see the introduction of a 'pairs' The Development Course is focused aroundcategory for suitably fit and qualified racers. the f 0 I low i n g act i vi l i c s :This will present a major undertaking, as the I. A CD-ROM which will be updated eachpair will be entirely self-supporting, and will month with new orienteering knowledge,compete along virtually the same course as skills and activities for them to undertake atthe teams. In addition, teams of four will be home and send back in to their orienteeringaccepted without the sea kayaker. mentor.The Hebridean Challenge is not necessarily 2. A monthly training session during whichwon by the fastest team, but by those who they will carry out a number of exercises tocan manage the logistics and cover the enable them to put into practice what theyground the most efficiently. have learned from the CD-ROM.

3. Event Reflections - they will reflect/reporton each of their runs at. events the previousmonth. Comments will be made and re-turned to them to consider.4. Their Orienteering Portfolio - a place tokeep all the material from the DevelopmentProgramme which will be reviewed withtheir mentor every three months at the train-

Entries are open now at £500 per five personteam, £400 per four person team and £200per pair. A number of entries have alreadybeen accepted. Further details andapplication forms can be found at the racewebsite www.hebrideanchallenge.com

ing sessions.

The Irish Oriellteer 5

Page 4: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.

NO TO MICR-O erably in recent years, and the developmentin Asia, South America and Africa is par-ticularly pleasing. Georgia included, the 10Fnow has 67 members.

Micr-O is off the menu for the World Orien-teering Championships next year in Den-markThe IOF Council decision made in Japanstates that the implementation of the Micr-O PORTUGAL, SWEDEN FOR IOFconcept in the Middle DIstance at next year's EVENTSWor1d Orienteering Championships is con- The rOF bas appointed Portugal organiser ofditioned upon an agreement of comprehen- the 2008 World Masters Orienteering Cham-sive TV coverage, which was to be signed pionships and awarded the 2008 Juniorbefore October ISL The possibility of ex- World Orienteering Champlnfisfiips to Swe-tended TV coverage involved cooperation den.between the organizers and the two NordicTV channels, Danmarks Radio and TV2 HOW TO SUCCEED AT 0Norge. The practical negotiations were posi- Hanny AUston of Australia is an inspirationtive and at the original deadline the only to many young people. With 6th place ill theoutstanding issue was the financing. Unfor- Senior World Championships, she bas theumately even though the deadline was pro- best ever woe resull for a non-Europeanlonged il has not been possible to find the runner and she still has one year left as afunds to fully cover the additional COSts. junior. The Medical student from TasmaniaTherefore the WOC 2006 organizers have turned to orienteering after a shouJder injuryinformed the lOP Lhat Micr-O wiU not be put paid to her swimming career. In an inter-put into practice at next year's WOe. It was view, with Erik Borg she explained how shewith regret that they take this decision - they does it.believe that cooperation between TV chan- Erik:How do you get time for everythingnels from orienteering countries is a neces- and what about restingsity if our sport is LO be shown frequently on Hanny: I think 1 am just iucredi bly organisedTV in the future. with my time. Ithink it all comes back to theHowever, woe 2006 still bas a contract sacrifices. 1 get everything done that needswith the national TV broadcasting company doing first and then I play. If you do theDanrnarks Radio and will continue to work work and then play y0L1will never have anybard to secure high quality broadcasts from problems. And I love to be busy. The moreall four finals. They also 110pe to maintain a you do the more experiences you have ingood working relationship with the Norwe- life. I believe that ultimately this will makegian TV2 even jf MictO is no longer in the me a better person, she 1/aY8.picture. Hanny's other interests include cross-country

running, uJtra marathons, kayaking, moun-tain running, multi-sports, regaining, roadcycling and mountain biking. She has aparttime job as a bush walking guide.

GEORGIA JOINS IOFThe lOF Council recently approved an ap-plication for associate membership fromGeorgia, and admitted DPR Korea, associatemember since the year 2000, to full 10Fmembership, Earlier this year, the Council THOUGHT FOR THE DAY ...has approved applications for associate If at first you find the control you were look-member,sbip from Kenya and Somalia, and jng for, try not to look so amazed.admitted, Mongolia to full membership, Thenumber of lOF members has grown consid- And some observations from Howard

6 The fr:ish OrieJUeer

McCord in Listening to Maps: nioaorienteering/tnessages andThere is no way to satirise a map. Ilkeeps http://groups.yahoo.com/grouplirish-telling you where you are. And if you're not orienteering/messages.there you're lost. Everything is reduced tomeaning. A map may lie but it never jokes.. LEEO DISBAND(Quotes from Compasssport's on-line At their Annual General Meeting on 16'hweekly digest of Osnews). December, Lee Orienteers put forward a

motion to disband the club. The motion waspassed unani mously and one of the oldestorienteering clubs in the country is no more.

VIKING INV ASJONA group of Scandinavian orienteers on aEuropean tour visited Ireland back in Octo-ber for events in Dublin and Wicklow. Or-ganised by veteran Swedish orienteer PeoBengtsson, the 38'h O-Ringen Autumn EastTour followed a gruelling schedule: justlook at this:

2005-10-31 Osnabruck Germany2005-10-31 De Zwarte Bergen Holland2005-11-01 Sherbrook England2005- J 1-02 Sutton Park England2005-11-03 Mourne Mountains Ireland2005-1 1-03 Killi rrey Park Ireland2005- J 1-04 Djouce Ireland2005-11-05 Mytchett & Old Windmill HillEngland2005-1 1-06 New Forest England2005-11-07 Boulogne France2005-11-08 Arlen Belgium2005- J 1-08 Luxembourg Luxembourg2005-11-09 Mulhouse France2005-11-10 Feldki rch Austria2005-11-10 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein2005-11-11 Winterthur Switzerland2005-11-12 Tesserete Switzerland2005-11-13 Venice Italy

Peo first brought a group to Ireland back inthe late '70' s. He bas brought groups of ori-enteers to the far east and to a variety of far-flung locations.

ORIENTEERING NEWSGROUPSDid you know that there are two electronicorienteering for a in Ireland? Both are hostedby Yahoo and their internet addresses areh t t p r/v g r o u p s c y a h o o . coml grou pI

When orienteering started in the Republic of'Ireland, there were two clubs: Irish Orien-teers in Leinster and Munster Orienteers. 10split in 1976 to form four smaller clubs, ofwhich three (Great Eastern Navigators, Se-tanta and 3ROC) remain. MO changed theirname to LeeO when other Munster clubslike Cork Orienteers, Thomond, Kerry, Wa-terford and, much later, Bishopstown wereformed but retained many of the originalCork orienteering families (Monishes,Riordans, Meaghers, Whitings, Murtaghs)and individuals like Clare Nuttall, PaLLong,Marie B. O'Sullivan and Bill and MargaretGregor/Groeger. Orienteers in Ireland are asmall family and the loss of even one mem-ber is keenly felt.


Britain's O-magazine with newsfrom the UK and around the world.The December issue with its re-view of the major events in thefollowing year is worth the sub-

scription on its own!


Access & Visa cards accepted.

The Irish Orienteer 7

Page 5: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.

It is a pity to see a club with such a long and the markers relates to' the feature depicted bydistinguished history folding up: many peo- the centre of tbe circle. Movement up andplefrom outside Munster were associated down the track is permitted but no-one maywith MO/LeeO, from their Irish Champion- approach the control markers in th,e terrain.ships in Glendav in 1978 up to their more Trail 0 completely eliminates the element ofrecent Championship events like Combawn, s pee d 0 v e r the g r 0 u n d .via areas like Castlefreke, Rostellan (with The markers are designated by letter as seenthe wrong n01tp lines) and Watergrasshill. from a decision Or viewing point on theWhat is perhaps most surprising is that Cork track. The result is recorded by marking thewas able to support three clubs at all. relevant box on a special control card. The

sites are chosen so that they can be seenThanks to LeeO for all the good times and from a wheelchair-navigable path but theylet's hope that the remaining members stay may be quite a distance into the forest oractive in the sport. . non-navigable terrain. The ~y~_pecial

equipment needed is a cOII'pass.NIGHTO Some controls have a maximum timefor this

Martin Flynn's "Dublin by Night" had an- decision-making and the actual time taken isother successful season again this year, on recorded to act as a tie breaker for those withTuesday evenings in the Dublin area. Start- the same number of points for correct deci-ing on January 17th with Killiney Hill, the sions,series continued with SL Anne's Park, then An escort can give the competitor physicalHellfire, Belfield, Phoenix Park and Bushy help-pushing a chair, holding and orientingPark. the map and compass, even marking the

control card with the decision according toOverall winner of the long course was Mar- the competitor's instructions. Escorts maycus Geoghegan (AJAX), with Conor Short not help in the decision-making process.(CNOC) taking the (ahem) Short course. For more information, please look at the

Tr ai l-O website: www.trailo.org/introduction/TRAIL ORIENTEERING

A SPORl' FOR AIJL.Imagine a version of 34 outdoor sport,adapted for those with physical (mobility)disabilities, in which there is no need forolassificatiou by the degree or type of dis-ability, by age or by sex. Indeed, a sport so WORLD CUP 2006'open to all' that provided able-bodied people J4 January 2006 Finland World Cup Eventobserve one simple rule, they too can com- I Middle distancepete on equal terms with no advantage. 15 January 2006 Finland World Cup EventTrail orienteering is a sport offered to people 2 Middle distancewith widely differing physical abilitiee.Tn- 18 January:2006 Finland World Cup Eventeluding those with severely restricted mobil- 3 Sprint.ity, who all compete on equal. terms. 21 January 2006 Finland World Cup EventCompetitors travel along a track or marked 4 Long distanceroute and study clusters' of control markers 22 January. 2006 Finland World Cup Re-placed in. the terrain. They are issued with a lay Relayvery detailed map. and control descriptions. 2 February 2006 Latvia World Cop EventWith these aids, they must decide which of 5 Middle distance

WATO are including a Trail-O course intheir event in the Kennedy Arboretum in Co.Wexford on February 5th•

8 The Irish Orienteer

4 February 2006 Latvia World Cup Event6 Sprint5 February 2006 Latvia World Cup Re-lay Relay22 February 2006 Russia World CupEvent 7 & EOC Sprint23 February 2006 Russia World CupEvent 8 & EOC Long distance25 February 2006 Russia World CupEvent 9 & ROC Middle distance26 February 2006 Russia World Cup Re-lay Relay


ABANDONEDFollowing severe weather with temperaturesbelow -2bnc at the ski-O World Cup venueat Kiuruvesi, Finland, the organisers andcontrollers decided that for safety reasonsthe two remaining races, a long distanceindividual race and the first of the season'srelays, had to be cancelled. The sprint racewas also abandoned in temperatures of -26Cwith 8rnls winds. The next round, consistingof twoindividual races and a relay, is sched-uled for 2-5 February in Latvia.

NEGATIVE DOPING TEST RESULTSAll results of the anti-doping tests carriedout at last year's world elite events in Footorienteering, MTB orienteering and Sid ori-enteering have been negative. On behalf ofthe 10F, a total of 76 in-competition testswere carried our at the World Champion-ships in Foot Orienteering, Mountain BikeOrienteering and Ski Orienteering, ancl atWorld Cup events.

COLOURTIOYou will have noticed the colour cover onthis and the last i.ssue. This increases thecost, butimproves its appearance. I thinkthere is no going back to black and whilenow: would you agree? Changes in printingtechnology should allow more colour to beused so that maps can be shown in all theirglory. Hopefully the next issue win havemoved in that direction.Apologies again for being late with this is-sue, but work, family and actually orienteer-ing lend to intrude.

Sportldent NamesWecall themSf canis, in Britain, "dibbers",in the USA "finger sticks".

-'1::1~~~~'. C)a:~~ .....a. ~.;:. ~~~~ ~..::::..~'-'

S·~(S •;:s~~;:s:::t.~

The'ilish Oriellteer 9

Page 6: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.

MTB woe 2005 experience (and had a flying start) and Ninathen started the 2nd leg and watched on thecourse ...

Banksa Bystrica in Slovakia played hostI 200" M'P'B IAloe' , . Men's results:to tne J 1, rr ,Ln conjunction. 1 Finland (defending their-2004 gold)

with the city's 750-year anniversary 2 France \celebrations. In a skiing and hiking 3 Switzerland 1area, the distinguishing feature of this W '

, I • hi li b I .1" omen s results:year S cnampions tp was c lin, ots oJ 1 Germanyit, and how to avoid it. The Irish team 2 Czech Republicwas Toni O'Donovan, Nina Phillips and 3 FranceThomas McNally.

Middle Distance (Tuesday 6.9.05)The opening race was the middle distance,with 19k/17k ideal-route distances for men!women, The map was almost equally di-vided between forest, mountain meadow(which it was allowed to ride) and urbanterrain. The race was won and lost on one ortwo difficult route choices. Thomas andToni, both at an MTB woe for the firstlime, had steady opening races, while Nina The terrain for the final was mostly hillypulled off a long-awaited top 25 result, with forest with a spectacular descent off a sleepthe middle distance seeming to be her hill into ~hecity ~ntre to the finish in a parkstronger distance. surrounding the city museum. The courses

were long with 4Ok/28k ideal distances formen/women on one large 1:15,000 map. Asin the middle distance route choice was criti-cal to avoid Significant extra climb and sometempting routes across steep meadows andfingers of green forest (bike could only becarried in forest) got even some of the bestnavigators into trouble, Toni's navigationalskills and experience from tile middle dis-tance earned her an excellent 3l SI place, withNina 51 seconds behind having suffered inone particularly bad route choice.

Men's results:1 Ruslan Gritsan RUS 67:022 Jaroslav Rygl CZE 68:023 Mika Tervala FIN 68:51119 Thomas McNally IRL 147:40

Women's results:1 Michaela Gigon AUT 69:42 (successfullydefendIng her 2004 title)2 Christine Schaffner-Raber SUI 70: 173 Ramune Arlauskiene LTU 71 :0523 Nina Phillips IRL 81 :0747 Toni O'Donovan IRL 96:42

Long Distance Qualification (Wed) andFinal (Sat)With only 60 riders allowed in the long Ii-rials, the men had a tough job in the qualify-ing races (3 heats, 20 to qualify from each).Despite a brave effort on a tough courseThomas had to setue for the B Final. In thewomen's there were only 62 contenders sofinishing in a reasonable lime was sufficient.

Men's results:Relay (Friday 9.9.05) 1 Ruslan Grltsan RUS 117:27 (thus takingAlthough having a 'legal' men's (open) double Individual gold)class team, Ireland took the strategic deci- 2 Vikt,orKorchagln RUS 119:06sion not to race tbe relay, deciding instead to 3 Adnan Jackson AUS 119:10save e~ergy for the long distance finals the Women's results:following day. Thomas rode the first leg for 1 Paivl Tommola FIN 94:31

10 The Irish Orienteer

2 Antje Bornhak GER 95:143 Anke Dannoski GER 96:2031 Toni O'Donovan IRL 116:0633 Nina Phillips IRL 116:57

Next year's MTB woe is in Joensuu east- See Setanta's MTBO page at bttp://www.ern Finland (in July) where the navigation is setaota,orienteers,org/mtbo.htm for details ofchallenging with complicated networks of upcornmg races and more information onsmall paths in intricate contour detail MTBO.(thougb not huge amounts of climb) and, .,times wiU be fast If the Irish team can re- Nina Phillipscruit one more woman we could have a relay

team with a good chance of a top 10 resultor better. In the men's the talent is out there,come to Finland!

-,\ t /'~ ~..... " «lOe '06 ".~/ ~ \"


IOF World Ranking Event(long distance)


29th April to 1st May 2006Three days of high quality orienteering with stunning views over CarlingfordLough and the Mourne Mountains. Fast open mountain with multiple naturalterraces and intricate rock and contour detail. The maps used for the 1993lrishChampionships are being revised for the event.

DAY l-Middle Distance Championships Saturday 291h April (afternoon starts)DAY 2-Long Distance Championships and WRE (Long Distance) 30m AprilDAY 3-Relay Championships Monday 1st May (morning)

All three competition areas are within 20 minutes dri ve from the event centre inCarlingford village,

For entry forms, accommodation and event details seehttp://ioc.orienteering.iel2006

If you require entry forms and a copy of the event bulletin 112 to be sent by post,send a large stamped addressed envelope to: Nigel C-Crawford, 13 StamerStreet, Dublin 8,

The irish Orienteer J 1

Page 7: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.

2006 0 eventsWith the availability of cheap air travel. many orienteering destinations have become moreaccessible and affordable than ever. Here are a selection of mostly multi-day events fromCanada to Greenland, Scandinavia, Europe, the Far East, Australia and South America.even as far as Dublin Bay. Multi-day events can make for great holidays and shorter com-petitions can be done over a weekend, so get your maps, diaries and internet connectionsand strut planning. Most, if not all, of these events have more information available on theintemet, usually found through the web site of thenational orienteering federation for thatcountry. which in tum can be found 00 (he International O-Federation web site, www.orienteering.org. Irish event details on www.orienteering.ie.

March2-12 Mediterranean Open Championships, Sicily, Italy. (www.oricntcering.it/moc2006)17-19 Bishopstown OC are again running their Ballyhoura 3-Day over SL Patrick's week-end, in Co.Limerick. Entry on the day this year.24-26 Spring Cup, Hillerod, Denmark. Denmark will be popular training and competitiondestination this year, leading up La the World Championships there in August.Iwww.springcup.dk).More realistically, there's a BOF National Event in the Lake District on March 191h.SROCare running it. with a World Ranking Event, at Whitbarrow Scar. Kendal.

April1-2 British Championships, Midhurst, West Sussex.8-16 Yunnan Festi val. China www.pwt-travel.com9 Munster Champs, near Nenagh,Co. Tipperary (BOC)10 14-16 Spanish Championships, near Santander, northern Spain14-17 Australian 3-Day (www.orienteering.asn.au)IS-17 .IK, Yorkshire: llkley Moor & Keldy. Bvent centre: Boston Spa, neal' Wetherby.www.jk2006.org.uklTraining.2-dHyindivldual.relay. Final closing date 31/3. Accommo-dation ranges from floor space up.15-17 3-Jours du Sud-Ouest, Carcans, Bordeaux, France (htlp://perso. wanadoo. fr/lacol3JS02006.btm)15-17 Bavarian 3-Day, Deggendorf, Germany (www.sv-mietraching.de)29-30 Tio Mila, Sweden (www.tiomiJa.sel2006)overnight relay.23 Leinster Championships, Bull Island, Dublin. Ajax run this on a oew area of very

fast sand dunes in Dublin Bay. See separate article or Ajax web site.29 - May 1 Irish Championships &WRE, Carlingford. 3ROC and GEN return to the siteof roc 1993 for intricate but steep open mountain orienteering. Incorporates a WorldRanking Event on the Sunday. (www.kJC.orienteering.iel2006)


European Championships, Estonia (www.olctlves.eeleoc2006)British Sprint Championships, Milton KeyoesTicino 2-Day, Switzerland

12 The Irish Orienteer

27-28 Ostsec 2-day, Germany's Baltic Coast. (www.iooJ.de)30 BOF National Event, BOK, Stourhcad28 - June 5 Thermenland Open: Austria, Hungary, Slovenia (www.thermenlandopen.com)

June3-5 Belgian 3-Days, March-en-Farnenne.5-11 Bulgaria Cup, Primorsko, 00 the Black Sea. (www.bgof.org)10 Harvester Trophy overnight relay, Hawick, Scotland17-18 JukoJa, Finland. 7 man overnight relay. (wwwJukola2006.net)18-19 Yamagata 2-Days, Japan21-24 Arctic Midnight Orienteering. Greenland29 -July 2 European Youth Championships. Slovenia (www.eyoc2006.com)

July1-7 World Masters Champs, Wiener Neustadt, Austria (www.wmocoe.comj.onty those

over 35 need apply, though open competitions are also on offer.2-9 Junior World Champs, Druskininkai, Lithuania (www.losf.ltljwoc2006)4-8 Takas Lithuania. Open races linked to JWOC.8-15 Swiss O-Tour in advance of the 6-Day (www.tour-o-swiss.ch)9-14 41hWorld MTBO Champs, Joensuu, Finland (www.mtbwoc2006.orienteering.org)9-14 World Trail-O Championships, Joensuu, Finland9-14 Finnish 5-Day (FINS) Joensuu, Finland14-16 Western Canadian Champs, Whitehorse, Yukon (www.yukonorientccring.ca)15-22 Swiss 6-Day, Zermatt (www.sow2006zerman.ch)16-2 I Swedish O-Ringen, Halsingland, 00 the Baltic coast: the biggest multi-day event of

all. (www.oringen.com)26-30 Norvestgaloppcn, Nordjjord, Norway.

AugustJuly 28 - 5 World Championships, Aarhus, Denmark The 6-day WOC Tour, bei ngorganised in conjunction With the World Championships in the western part of Denmarkfrom 30th July to 6lh August. promises to be one of the highlights of the 2006 multi-dayevent season, Full details can be found on the WOC website, www.woc206.dk. Entries canbe made on-line.6th - 12th Lake District 5-Day: based 00 the eastern side of Ole Lake District National Parkin the north west of England. The main towns in the area are Kendal. Windermere and Am-bleside. The five competitions will all be held within 30 kID of Kendal. Cheapest entriesbefore Apri.l22nd.(www.Jakes5.org.uk)14-20 World University Championships, Slovakia15-19 Brazil 5-Days (www.cbo.org.br)24-27 Kopaonik Open, Serbia (www.jasenica.org.yu)30 European MTBO Championships, Poland (to Sept. 3).

September29 Australian Championships Carnival (to October 12). (www.orienteering.asnau/


The Irish Orieflteer 13

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October3-8 World Cup Final, France (www.wcup2006.fr)6-9 North American Championships, Ontario, Canada (www.dontgetlost.ca.g!of)7 2S-Manna, Stockholm. 2S-person relay. (www.2Smanna.nu)13-14 World Regaining Championships, Australia28-19 Karrimor International Mountain Marathon (www.kimm.org.uk)

November .6-12 CISM World Military Championships, Parana, Brazil.27 Venice street orienteering. (www.orivenezia.it)

December1-18 WWOP South America trip (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay)29-31 Asia-Pacific O-Carnival. Hong Kong (www.oahk.org.hkJapoc2006)

There is lots more information about these and other events avai lable on the internet: forthat reason only some details have been provided here - enough LOwhet your orienteeringappetite and get you planning.


SWEDISH O-RINGEN CLINICThe Swedish Orienteering Federa-tion (SOFT) runs a five day clinicof technique training, lectures andsome social events before theSwedish 5 Day O-Rlngen event(18-22 July), . This clinic will bebased at the O-Ringen event cen-tre in Mohed which is near the cityof Soderham. Registration for theclinic must come through the Na-tional Association (lOA) and solOA are now inviting applications.The lOA can register up to threepeople.Registration for the clinic must bebefore 31st March.

For further information, contactNiamh Lalor ([email protected])


lOA Annual General Meeting at4:30pm on April 30th after theclassic event at IOC (looking formotions, nominations to Execu-tive and annual awards)

LAND ACCESSThe lOA submission on landaccess to the Department ofGaeltacht and Rural Affairs is inthe library section of the websitewww.orienteering.ie.This submission was drafted byNiall Bourke (CorkO), PaulDunne (WEGO), Mary O'Connell(3ROC) and Nina Phillips (SET)to whom the lOA wish to expresstheir gratitude for their work onour behalf.

14 The Irish Orienteer

Irish 3 Day 2006 Inishbofin Island, Co. GalwaySaturday 3rd

- Monday 5th June 2006General Information


WEGO& CNOCDay I Saturday 3m JuneDay 2 Sunday 4th JuneDay 3 Monday SthJune

Starts 5-7pmStarts Ilam-2pmStarts lOam chasing starts

Maps: Scale 1:10,000 with S Metre Contours. Surveyed 2004/0S by PaLHealy and usedfor Irish Orienteering Championships 200S.Terrain; Open undulating and very runnable hillside with intricate contour detail and fewtracks and paths. Ground cover varies from bare rock to. low heather. Most of the re-entrants contain marsh with some uncrossable, All rock features arc not mapped; the blackline symbol without tags will be used for most crags. All open land is shown as white andall fields and farmland, is shown as yellow.Classes: All classes will be available subject to.demand.Early Fees up to Tuesday 2nd May: Adults €36.00 (£24), Juniors (M/WI8-), Students andM/W6S+ €18.00 (£12), Family €90 (£60)Late Fees up to Friday Wh May: Entries received after this date may net be accepted.Adult-s €45.00 (£30), Juniors (M/w18-), Students and MIW6S+ €22.50 (£IS). Family€1 12.50 (£75)Entries will not be accepted unless accompanied by entry fees or proof of payment.Cheques to be made payable to Galway Orienteers "TIle Western Eagles"Payment to Bank Account: Payments ether than Irish Bank account cheques should bemade in euro to Galway Orienteers "The Western Eagles", CIO Frank Ryan, SL Mary's,Ballinfoyle, Galway, Ireland. Account Number: 28095-071 at Allied Irish Banks. Lynch'sCastle, Galway, Ireland. (lBAN: TE86 AlBK 9370 9628 09S0 71; (SIC: AlBK1E2D) BankNational Sert Code 93-70-96)Competitors from Northern Ireland or UK only may send sterling cbeques as a guaran-tee and pay in sterling er euro en arrival and get their cheque back or alternatively transferfunds to.WEGO bank account as indicated aboveSportIdent liming will be used. Remember to include your SI number on the entry form.S1 card hire €2.Accommodation on the Island is limited so. it is advisable to. book early. See http://www.mishbofin.cornj Comrnuting daily from the mainland is not feasible except for Day 2. Ho-tels: beth Murrays Hotel and Days Hotel offer excellent food and accommodation. Theisland has several quality B&Bs , and a hostel with 30 bunks and family rooms. There isone shop on the Island.

Entries; Entries to.Frank Ryan, Galway-Mayo. Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Gal-way. Entry Forms available from Frank Ryan Email: [email protected]

The Irish Oriemeer 15

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Orienteers at the Winter Olympics, Torino 2006.It's not every day that an orienteer gets lO the Olympics but once there 1 discovered 1 wasnot alone and a few others had made it too. Hilde G.Pedersen of Norway took bronze forNorway in Cross Country, she skied for the Norwegian Ski-O team in the 90's. At 41 she'sstill going strong. Ola Einar Bjerndalen took two silvers in Biathlon and was a former skiorienteer. Remo Fischer of Switzerland was also an active ski orienteer before taking lipcross country. He did the best of the Swiss team in the Cross Country events.Una May was there on behalf of WADA as well as my sisters Ursula and Catriona and mybrother SeIDl, giving well-needed support. Also one of the Italian organisers at the crosscountry stadium was a keen orienteer and knew some Irish orienteers, So all in all the ori-enteering community was well represented ar this Winter Olympics! And I'm sure tberewere a few others besides.I competed in the 15 km classic cross country race in the Olympic Stadium at PragelatoPlan on the 17th of February. On race day I was suffering from tbe Ilu which took the windout of my sails a bit but I still managed a respectable result, finishing ahead of two com-petitors ranked higher then me, placed 88 out or 99. As the snow conditions were difficulton the day many of the skiers had problems. All of the lop Norwegians had massive prob-lems with their skis having used tho wrong kick wax. lf anyone is tamlllar witb klister andwhat happened when you try and ski with it over fresh snow, you'll know it's hell. My skiswere pretty OK for most of the course but as the temperature changed rapidly, so did thesnow and things became more difficult.Having being passed out by the Maccdonian, Darke, on the long up hill as J struggled withmy skis, 1 managed (0 overtake him in the last 500m, even though he beat me on time, butthe feeling was good! Crossing the finish line did not win Ireland a surprise medal but in-duced a wee jig all the same. Ireland's best result so far in cross country at. the Olympicsbut there is still plenty or room for improvement.There was a twenty-strong 'Irish' contingent for the 'victory' luncheon and finally I couldhave my first drink after months on the dry, a hot toddy.It was a privilege to represent Ireland at the Olympics in cross country skiing even though Iam an orienteer at heart. _ .... ._._Carrying the tricolour at ~ -the closing ceremony was .. ..a great honour, and whileT stood there 1 could onlythink of all those orien-teers that 1 have knownover the years, some thatare no longer with us, forwithout them 1 wouldn'thave made it this far.

Rory Morrish

Rory in action at theWinter Olympics

16 The Irish OrienJeer



WOC Tour - the multi-day choice

Mid-Jutland - in the western part of immediately adjacent to the woe relayDenmark - is the venue for the 2006 terrain. The Tour race is in the morning,

World Orienteering Championships (Woe), with the finish in the woe relay arenato be held in the period 29th July to 5th Au- where you can then cheer on your nationalgust. The woe organisers are intent on team in the afternoon's action.making the WOC races as spectator-friendlyas possible, and are also planning on fillingspectators' spare time too. A 6-day openevent, the WOC Tour, is being organised,and with its special event centre and dedi-cated campsite with full facilities, it is idealfor your 2006 club tour.

Apart from supporting your country's team,[here is plenty to do in this part of Denmarkin your free time. The countryside with itsmany lakes and wooded hills is verybeautiful and has some popular touristattractions, especially in and aroundSilkeborg. Aarhus is a lively city with awealth of amenities.The well-tested formula of 3 race days, rest

day, then 3 more race days will be used. Butin anticipation that not everyone will make it In Denmark most orienteering clubs arrangeto Denmark in lime for the first woe Tour a summer club tour to a multi-day event.race on Sunday 30th July, it will be possible Many of them have already decided thatto run just in tile last 4 days and still find a WOC Tour will be the choice for 2006. Weplace in lhe final results. look forward to welcoming clubs from many

other nations, to make WOC Tour and ofThree days on woe terrain course WOC itself a truly internationalYou can run in the elite runners' footsteps gathering.on 3 of the WOC Tour days, when woeterrain itself will be used. Day I. a forest O-Tour Programmeused in the 1974 World Championships, 30th July Day I UnA Vesterskovfollows immediately after the long distance lSIAugust Day 2 Storskovenq.ualification heats. Day 4 - the .top aurae- 2nd August Day 3 Fl~jstrup SkovLI~n of ~he week - IS on terrain new to 4th August Day 4 Lendalorienteering, used the day before for the 5th A t D 5 G" B kklong distance final. And on day 5, WOC HI ugus ay jern a erTour competitors will start out on their 6 August Day 6 Slettencourses shortly after tbe Middle DistanceChampions have been acclaimed. You can see full details and enter online on

the event website www.woc2006.dk/tour.Days 2 and 3 are both in forest beside thecoast just south of Aarhus, giving different Clive Allenbut just as interesting orienteering as theinland forests provide. After day 3 it is JUSt ashort drive down the road to the WOCOpening Ceremony and sprint final. The lastday is in a cballenging area of forest

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The sprint race was held on an area calledRagnitz-Haidegg, a forested area withcourses ranging from 2-3km.

The results from the first races are:WI8Simona Karachova, Czech Rep, 17.2148th Erinna Foley-Fisher, Ireland, 27.2950th Ciara Largey, Ireland, 36.44

M18J st Stepan Kodeba, Czech Rep, 18. 1635th Seamus O'Boyle, Ireland, 22.0354th Ruairi Short, Ireland, 30.1155th Nicolas Simonin, 30.1856th Robert Browne, 31.47

M20J st Jonas Mathys, Switzerland, 18.0640th Patrick Higgins, Ireland, 25.07

The Irish Team competed on the secondmorning in pleasant conditions in the for-ested bills near Graz. With hot air balloons

18 The Irish Orienteer

The 2005 Junior Home International lookplace in South Wales on 24~1_25'hSeptem-ber. The competition, for M/Wj4, 16 and 18classes, has an individual and a relay eventover the weekend. Like the Senior and Vet-eran events, is normally boils down to Eng-land v Scotland for first and second withIreland v Wales for third and fourth. TheWelsh gave the Scots a bit of a fright, com-ing within 2 points of them in both races.

Senior Home International Sadly, the Irish trailed in 4'h position.The senior home internationals were staged The final results for the Juniors were Eng-at the beginning of October by the three land 129, Scotland 96, Wales 92, Ireland 43.clubs of Northern Ireland using MagiJliganSands, scene of BOC '02, and Woodburn, in The Irish juniors put in good individual per-conjunction with the NI Championships. Iormances on the mixed open and forestedSeveral of the top athletes weren't there, due sand dunes of Whiteford Burrows. runningto clashes with international fixtures, unwill- steadily with very few errors throughout theingness to travel or to take time off work to team. The best result was Nick Simonin'sgel there. It was intriguing to sec the M21s 4th in M 16, and several others were only abeing beaten by an M40, albeit one of the little way off the winning pace.best M40s. The relay on Broughton Burrows caused aPlanner Allan Bogle introduced a new for- bit more difficulty, more technical coursesmat loop race, with four runners starting on a more technical map which some saidevery two minutes. The area was rougher would have been more suitable for the indi-than most of us remember it and courses vidual event. But this was no bother forsomewhat on the long side. many of the juniors and there were someBy the end of the individual day Scotland very good individual runs, though we lackhad won three of the four classes and held a the competitive depth LOdo really well at3-point lead over England with Wales lead- relays.

in the sky, the Irish bravely entered the for-est and here are their results:

MI8L Colm Hill CNOCM21 L I Brian CorbettCorkO2 Stewart Caithness Clyde3 Jan LockingtonNWOCM21S Kieran Rocks LVOM35L fgor Stefko LVOM40L Marcus Geoghegan AJAXM45L Aonghus OCleirigh AJAXM50L John Rye RMOCM55L Wilbert Hollinger LVOM60L Alan Gartside LVOM65L David Hogg NWOCWIOA JilJ Stephens LVOWI2A Aine McCann LVOWI4A Darina Fyffe FermOW 16A Erika Jones FINW21 L I ESLerLogue EPOC2 Hazel ThompsonW21S Niamh Lalor GENW35L Michele RaineyM40L Fiona Maxwell LVOW45L Bernie O'BoyleW50L Ann Savage LVOW55L Teresa Finlay FermOW60L Trina Cleary 3ROCW65L Rosemary Croley

European Junior W 186.1 km 220m climbChampionships 1stSi mona Karochova, Czech Rep 48.51This years Junior European Orienteering 47th Clara Largey, 84.15Championships (JEC) were held in Graz, 48th Brinna Foley-Fisher 93.57Austria from 7U1·to 9U1October 2005. Thechampionships involve 4 classes, M20, MI8 8.4km 320m climbW20, Ml8 & WI8. 1st Magne Daehli, Norway, 54.38

44th Seamus O'Boyle, 71.04The lrish team included: M20 - Patrick Hig- 45th Nicolas Simonin, 71.14gins; M 18 - Ruairi Short, Robert Browne, 55th Ruairi Short, 87.24Seamus O'Boyle & Nicolas Simonin; WI8 - 56rh Robert Browne, 106.45Erinna Foley-Fisher & Ciara Largey

M20 9.6km 400m climbThe competition programme involved a 1st Csaba Gosswcin, Hungary, 59.45splint race on Day I, II classic distance race 41 st Patrick Higgins. 91.24on Day 2, and finishing with II relay on Day3. The terrain was of a continental type with The competition finished with the relay withlots of contour detail which caused Rome the only competitive Irish team consisting ofnavigational problems. Seamus O'Boyle on thc first leg, Patrick

Higgins on the second leg, and Nicolas Si-monin on the third leg. The other Irish menran on a non-competitive team with a Span-iard on the first leg. The Irish Girls ran on anon-cornpetiti ve team.




Northern Ireland Championships,Benone, 1"October 2005First used for the British Championships,Benone is a superb area of open sand duneson the north coast. A bleak. enough spot on awet and windy day, but conditions for NIOCwere fine for running. AUan Bogle plannedthe courses, criss-crossing the dunes andbringing runners through a mixture of fastrunnable areas and slower, scrubby under-growth. Losing contact with the map wascostly, and groups of baffled orienteers werevisible scratching their heads and wonderingjust where they were.

MIOA Angus Fyffe PERMOM12A Cillfn Corbett CorkOMJ4A Kevin O'BoyleCNOCMl6A RuairfShort CNOC

ing Ireland, While all can change (and usu-ally does) in the relays, this year, Scotlandcame good again with Duncan Coombs, JonMusgrave and Murray Strain gaining a clearlead. Wales were second after a sprint withthe second Scouish team and Ireland push-ing England into fifth. England fared slightlybetter in the Women's relay. followed byt w o Scottish teams.This could weIJ be the first time that Scot-land has won the SHls away from horne.When they won in Scotland, the crowd wastreated to a chorus of 'Flower of Scotland' bymanager and organiscr Gordon Ross. Thistime victory was enoughl(from CompossSpon 011(illc)

The Irish Orienteer 19

Page 11: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.

The Welsh improved even more than theIrish this year and finished well ahead onoverall points. The final score as usual wasI st England, 2nd Scotland, 3rd Wales, 4thIreland.

The Veteran Home International tookplace in Kyloe Woods, Northumberland,overlooking the Holy Islandof Lindisfarne. The irish highlight of therelays was Ruth Lynam Leading the packback at the end of the mass start Tirstleg. The finish was exciting, with the first10 teams spread over Imin 43secs - unfortu-nately none of them was lrish!


Sunday 16th October 2005 at CIonmoreNorth, Cahir, Co. Tipperary, organised byCork Orienteering Club.

M21E 10.4km1 Alan Barry CorkO2 Ivan Millar LVO3 Conor Barry CorkO


W21E 7.47 km1 Petranka Pacheva BOC 64.412 Ruth Lynam CNOC 68.523 Allbhe Creedon CorkO 70.05


In the individual races there were two Irish M21L Mick Hannonwinners - James Logue (M35) and Ruth Ly- M35 John Scannellnam (W50) , ably supported by a 2nd place M40 Dermot O'Sullivanfor Wilbert Hollinger (M55) and 4th places M45 Aonghus O'Cleirlghr S . ( F' M50 Gerry Bradylor teven .LlDton M35) and rona Maxwell M20 Conor O'Brien(W40 runnmg as W35). The rest of us could- W21L Miriam Feehannt sustain their good work and we finished Mi8 Seamus O'Boyleno worse than in previous years - fourth. My M21S Danny O'Hareambition to hold the Stonewall Trophy (for M55 Billy O'Neillthe Ireland/Wales match) has been foiled yet M60 Ted Feehanagain. W40 Mary O'Connell

W45 Bemle O'BoyleW50 Mary Healy

Selection for next year's event (Wales arc M16 Ruairi Short. '.. . W2i S Susan Healy

lI~e hosts) ~sba~ed on the Irish and provrn- W18 Erlnna Foley-Fishercial championships. Two have already taken W55 Ger Powerplace and the third, Coooacht, has a closing W65 FaithWhitedate of this Friday, so get your entries in! Mi4 Kevin O'Boyle(Alan Gartside, Team Manager). W14 Laura Cox

Wi6 Niamh CurranM12 Cillin Corbett

To what can we attribute our level of sue- W12 Cliodhna Galweycess at the Home Internationals'? Lack of Mi0 CathalO'Cleirighexposure to regular high-class competition W10 Niamh Corbett

bi ed '.. all' . I WNov Anne Barrycom ill witn a srn onentcenng popu a- MNov Ken Healylion certainly don't produce teams with thestrength and depth rcquired.- Ed

20 The Irish Orienteer


CorkO donated the income from the 81card rental and EOD entries to theGOAL 'Paklstan Earthquake Appeal", asum total of €203.

Two times are shown for classes af-fected by reversed codes: the affectedlegs were dropped out of the results -one of the advantages of 8portldent tim-ing?

Orienteer for LandRover Challenge

AT the end of two gruelling days of physicaland mental challenges, three finalists wereselected to represent Ireland at the LandRover G4 challenge International Selectionsin February 2006: Vanessa Lawrenson fromCarbury, Kildare, Paul Mahon (Setarua Ori-entecrs) from Dublin and Gary Robertsonfrom Fivemiletown near Fcrmanagh,

galion and initiative assessments, takingthem well into the night.

Cold and tired, they were woken from theirtents at five the following morning for agroup problem-solving exercise of hoistingvehicles before breakfast at the campfire.This challenge was followed immediately bykayaking exercises in the freezing-cold lake.climbing and abseiling a daunting 12-metrewall t.o a balcony hovering above water.technical 4x4 driving in the Defender, Dis-covery 3 and RangeRover Sport through theLand Rover Experience Jungle Track andswamp-testing ground, mountain-biking andmechanical aptitude.

This series of activities brought to a closethe Irish national selections for the 2006Land Rover G4 challenge.

"Ultimately we had to lind three competitors10 go forward to the )nternational selections,but it was a very close call. Everyone whomade it this far showed the passion for ad-venture which is the essence of Land Royerand we wish them every success in theirfuture endeavours." said John Paul Mooney,marketing manager of Land Rover Ireland.One of the three victors from this weekendwill be selected to represent Ireland andcompete with competitors from 17 othercountries in the actual Land Rover G4 chal-lenge 2006 starting on April 23, 2006, in

The eight women and 36 men selected from Bangkok. Th.e challen?e takes p~a~e overh dreds f r t b . . ith four weeks, mcorporanng 4x4 driving andun . 0 app ICar.' s were nmmmg WI multi-s ort challen es in Thailand Laos.

expectation and tension as they were thrown B·.'J P d B I" g ,. d di . I' iviti d raz: an ·OJVla.mto a ernan ing morrung 0 activi es e-signed to thoroughly test (hem in a range of (Sunday Independent, 4'hDecember 2005).mental and physical areas.

The Irish national selections started on Sat-urday, November 26, at 7.30am, when 44competitors from around the country wereflown to Land Rover's 'Home of tile Legend'off-reading and adventure activity centre inBirmingham.

What followed was a weekend of physicaland menial challenges, designed to tind thethree competitors who have what it takes towin the Land Rover G4 challenge, to be heldin April this year.

After five hOUTS of activities with names likeSpine Tingler. Ladder Rack and Jungle Fe-ver, the 44 exhausted, cold and batteredcompetitors had no rest as tbey then em-barked on a new range of 4x4 driving, navi-

The irish Orienfeer 21

Page 12: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.

Amenity Park, the Glen. Neighbouring pri-mary and secondary school teachers andYOUUlgroup leaders attended an introduction

Ajax are now accepting entries for Lhe2006 to orie~tecring ~d n~vigation skills at lheLeinster Orienteering Championships on Par~ With the aim Of. enc~u~ag~ng them toSunday April 23rd on Bull Island in Dublin make better use o.r this facility III a healthyBay. Full details are available on ajax Olien_aAlln d b a c ft hiv e . man n e r .teering.ie . mem crs 0 t e public. are welcome toPlease enter online and pay via paypal or use the per~anent onenteenng course in thecredit card; however if you prefer you con ?len.Amelllty Park. Pennan~nl markers arestill use a paper entry form (download from III place around the Pa~ With set coursesajax.oricnteering.ie), planne.d out ~y an experienced map makerThe online entries & payments system has and or~enteen~g expert. Packs which includebeen developed by Martin FI map~, msuucnons, course layouts etc. can beand is available to all clubs organisi~g ~~e~ obtrun~ free of charge from Ole Recreation,entry events. Amenity and Culture Dept, Abbey CourtThe competition area Is an intricate sand gouse, Geor~es QuaY,?r by phoning Lhe~.dune system surveyed and .0. on.021492~74J. Irom the Corkmapped by Aonghus O'Clcirigh in Corporation Website.200512006. Aonghus is also planning thecourses. This event promises to be exciting, . lOA Officersfast, compJex and spectator Executive Chairperson: Dave Weston.friendly - dont miss it. The map scale wilJ Mullinavcigue, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow.be 1:5,000 with a 2.5m contour interval for Tel. 086 8150512 email chairper-all competitors. Longer courses will have a [email protected] exchange. Sponldent timing will be Administrative Secretary: Niamh Lalorused. email [email protected] closing date for entries is March 31st, ~onorary Treasurer: John Casey, 102006. Enter early because all fully paid-up Fieldstone, Tramore, Co. Waterford. Tel.competitors received by Saint Patrick's Day 051-30224 Work email t reas-(March 17th) will be placed in a free draw urerteorienteering.iefor an Electronic Map Measurer. Mapping Registrar: Marcus GeogheganSpecial permission has been granted by eC:[email protected] City Council'S Parks Department for Fixtures Secretary: Fergal Buckley, 103Orienteers 1.0 use Bull Island and they will Meadowlands, Oakpark, Traloe, Co. Kerrybe monitoring the event. Please do your best Tel. 0863306932/0667126530 email fix-to showcase Orienteering as an environment [email protected] family friendly sport, Controller of Technical Standards: TrinaInformation & Queries: email Cleary, 25 Templeroan Grove, [email protected] Dublin 16. Tel. 01-4936J87 email techni~


ca [email protected] of High Performance: Brendan

Cork News 0'Brien, Asbmor House, Willbrook Street,Cork City 's First Permanent Orienteering Rathfarnham, Dublin 14. Tel. 01-4950570,Course - The Glen Amenity Park 086-8296016 email [email protected]"The city's first permanent orienteering Director of Junior Representative Orien-course was set up recently in the Glen teering: Ruth Lynam email junior-

22 The Irish Orief/teer

[email protected] Officer: Andrew Quinemail [email protected] Otlicer: VacantCoaching and Training Officer NeilDobbs, 27 rue Pierre Curie, St-Remy-les-Chevreuse 78470 France. email [email protected]

Connacht ChampionshipsPorturnna, Co. Galway was the venue for aline Connacht Championships staged byWEGO 011 November 27th 2005. Sport-Idem timi.ng meant that the courses couldcriss-cross the area, perhaps a bit too muchon Ole longest course, but the planner waslimited by the existence of a golf courseright in the middle of the compelition area.Runnable forest with unusual contour fea-tures and old walls provided the navigationalinterest and the map was resurveyed byPadraig Higgins for the event.

ResultsM10 O'Cleirigh, CathalAJAXM12 Hili, Brian CNOCM14 Short, Conor CNOCM16 Higgins. Gerard LVOM18 O'Boyle, Seamus CNOCM20 O'Brien, Conor CITO

M21L1 Corbett, Brian CORKO2 Tamas, ReluRomania3 Burke, DarrenCORKOM21S Coffey, Malrtin DFOM21N Foyle, John51Bn WEGOM35 Scannell, JohnM40 Plm, AndrewM45 O'Cleirigh, AonghusM50 Brady, GerryM55 Hollinger, WilbertM60 Gartside, AlanM65 Martindale, Frank

W10 Corbett, NiamhW12 Cox, JaneW 14 Cox, LauraW16 Curran, NiamhW18 Foley-Fisher, ErlnnaW21L1 O'Boyle, Niamh CNOC2 Creedon, Ailbhe CORKO3 Feehan, Miriam BVOCW21S Lucey, SharonW21 N Felle, LauraW35 Honkasaarl, L1isaW40 Muckian, SheilaW45 O'Boyle, BernieW45S Cox, AngelaWOO Savage, AnnW55 UI Shuilleabhaln, AlneW60 Higgins, MauraW65 Murtagh, VeraW70 White, Faith

The Irish MTBO team NinaPhillips, Toni 0 'Donovan andThomas McNally at the 2005World Championships (Seereport on page 10).







The Irish Oriemeer 23

Page 13: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.

The Irish Orienteering Association's Map-ping Officer, Marcus Geoghegan, organised Saturdaya mapping course on the weekend of No- After assembling in Belvedere me studentsvember 18-20th 2005 near MuIlingar, were shown two methods of creating anCounty Westrneath, A previous lOA map- accurate pacing scale. They were men di-ping course was organised by Pat Healy in vided into four groups with a leader. TheAvondale, County WickJow, in February rest of the day was taken up with field sur-2001 and in November 2002 Noel Donagh veying, covering pacing confirmation, plac-organised a GPS mapping seminar. ing a Magnetic North line 00 the base-map,The accommodation and classroom ses- plotting a traverse, plotting point features,sions were in Lilliput adventure centre (a.k, plotting an area, classification of features,a Jonathan Swift Park), on the southern and continuation of the surveyshore of Lough Ennell and Padraig Higgins The instruction followed the good-practicearranged a superb survey area - Belvedere sequence of plotting t.he perimeter of anHouse on the eastern shore of Lough En- area. then triangulating spot features, plot-nell, a 160 acre area of rolling parkland and ling area features and finally adding land-deciduous woods. form. The [our groups met for lunch,

swapped areas, swapped instructors andcontinued surveying.

IDe 2006 Details The event centre is at the new Foy Centrein Carlingford, where there will be chang-ing facilities, a restaurant and some self-catering accommodation.The Classic race on Sunday incorporates anIOF World Ranking Event for the two Eliteclasses.

lOA Mapping Course,November 2005

The closing date for individual entries is7th Apri1 and for the Relays, 14m April.For the Relays, a new class structure is be-ing introduced for all except the openMen's and Women's and the Junior classes.The handicap system is the one devised by •the Scottish Orienteering Association, de- JunIor Newssigned to allow everyone to run an appro-priate distance for their age class, and to Time Trials 4 - 5 March, Dublin, forproduce similar winning times for each MIW 16's upwards.relay team.With all of tile classes starting together, and The spring 2006 trials were held on 4wi.th all of the handicap teams running in and 5 March, on the usual areas, ter-the single overall handicap competition, it rain & hill on Three Rock Mountain, andshould make for very close racing when track in Belfieldallowance is made for the handicapping. We stayed In Glendalough Youth Hos-Courses for all of the handicap classes are tel, and a special event was run at Car-based on an estimated winning time of 35 rigoiligan.minutes, and the winners of the overall There are Squad Tours planned to thehandicap competition will be the first to JK In Yorkshire at Easter and the Lakefinish. District 5-Day in August.

Belvedere Estate has been registered as aWestern Eagles/Galway Orienieers(WEGO) map .and they intend to run anevent there, possibly the Irish Park-OChampionships, in May 2006. The original6":I-mile map of Ireland from tbe 1850'swas used as a base-map for the course.

Special Waterford Event

Friday EveningPat Healy took the students through theInternational Orienteering Federation'smapping instructor's presentation, whichintroduced the concepts and technologiesinvolved. Samples of base-maps, aerialphotographs, diapositives and photogram-metric plots were shown. A stereoscopewas demonstrated. Pat also demonstrated

Pupils from Transition Year al NewtownSchool, Waterford, have taken part in theYoung Social Innovators programme. Theyran a small event for children at St Martin'sspecial school in Waterford City. They tookphotos of 6 sites in me school grounds. Thechildren were paired off with their helpersand then set loose to locate the kites. At eachof the 6 sites, they had to choose from a set.of photos which the correct one was. Thesetbey stuck to their master sheet with Velcro.They also had to punch their control cards ifthey were able. The joy on the children'Sfaces was worth all the effort We hope todevelop a course for the Special Olympicsgroup in Waterford in partnership with theWaterford Sports Partnership and WaterfordCity Council. (See photo on back cover).

The six instructors were Sean Cotter, Bish-opstown OC, Pal Healy. Curragh/Naas Oc.Martin Flynn, Ajax OC, Padraig Higgins,WBGO, Val Jones, Fingal OC and JohnO'Callaghan, Bishopstown OC. There were26 students from J I clubs, representing allthree lOA regions and the NlOA.

Part of the Angle Tarn map, tobe used in the Lake District 5-Day in early August: lfyou aregoing, book you accommodationearly: It's a popular holiday des-


24 The Trish Orienteer

the OST's latest digital product, Trail Mas-ter. The students were shown how £0 pre-pare their mapping boards and base-mapsfor Saturday's survey instruction.

Saturday EveningPat Healy demonstrated OCAD, the com-puter-aided design program for drawingorienteering maps, including setup, scales.templates and point, line & area features.Special emphasis was placed on the use ofOCAD's Bezicr function - mastery of thissingle OCAD feature is incredibly benefi-cial to an OCAD user. In order to teach theuse of Beziers Pal used a template that wasdistributed in the early nineties by theOCAD authors but has never been offi-cially included in the product documenta-tion. The students then drew their day'ssurvey into OCAD under the tutelage of thecourse instructors.Val Jones gave a presentation that drew onhis extensive experience of park maps. Hecovered the differences between normalorienteering maps which are drawn usingthe International Specification for Orien-teering Maps (lSOM 2000) and Sprint/Parkmaps which are drawn using the sprint

The Irish Orienteer 25

Page 14: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.

specification (lSSOM 2005). He used many map. Sean has given Ills permission for hismap examples and discussed the mapping of mapping documentation to be published onschools, the use of freely available aerial the rOA website.photography and the special requirements of Marcus gave a presentation that outlined hispark and trail-O maps. experiments of orienteering mapping using aA de-briefing session took place in the local consumer grade GI'S. He discussed GPS andpub. DGPS technology. reviewed the output of

the 2002 GPS seminar, talked about directlyentering symbols into OCAD, and discussedbase-map augmentation using OziExplorer,both in the field and at home.

Carrickgolligan 5th February 2006 15 C O'Sullivan W21 GEN 75.38Great Eastern Navigators 16A Bonar-Law M70 GEN 78.52

17David Dare M50 SET 79.56Planner: Wyn McCormick 18A & 0 Lehane MIW21 83.31Controller: Mary Healy 19 Deirdre Nagle W55 3ROC 85.10Organizer: Nora Lalor 20 Melanee Heather W21 SET 85.44

21 Harold White M60 3ROC 87.20SHORT (2.2km 55m 7c) 22 Laurence Quinn M11 GEN 89.251 Caoimhe O'Boyle W8 CNOC 22.05 23 Tom Talbot M40 94.172 Cathal O'Cleirigh M10 AJAX 25.10 24 Clare Walsh W60 3ROC 94.273 Brennans & Berrys MIX AJAX 25.47 25 Conor McCann M14 DLSO4 Jonathan Quinn M9 GEN 26.19 100.405 Mark Blake-Knox GEN 28.10 26 Jane Brennan W40 AJAX6 Aedin McCann W12 DLSO 28.29 106.327 Anna Mangan W10 SET 30.23 27 Daniel Kersach M12 AJAX8 Aoife Kernan W8 AJAX 31.23 121.199 Halpin 32.39 28 Sinead Malin10Basil & Jack Bailey GEN 32.45 124.4511Slnead Mailn W10 36.19 29 C Carroil M70 3ROC12 Fiachra McCann M8 DLSO 38.20 127.1613C English W60 GEN 38.44 30 Simon McCormack M21 GEN14 Dalrlne O'Rourke W12 FIN 43.44 138.4715 Mary Allen 43.54 31 Tom Brennan SET16Therese Ailen 43.54 155.4517 Michael Butler M65 3ROC 44.20 E Kernan W40 AJAX DNF18O'Hanlon Family MIX 45.26 Vera Murtagh W65 3ROC DNF19 Dara O'Ch~lrigh M6 AJAX 45.28 Michael Galligan DNF20Cian 47.45 David Kernan M13 AJAX DNF21 Shauna 47.45 RObinMcCormack M21 GEN DNF22 Padralg Kearns M12 FIN 47.53 Matt Ryan DNF23 Kevin Cunningham 48.52 J Walsh DNF24 Zoe Tyner W4 SET 49.00 Pat MacManus fam AJAX DNF25Cian May M5 3ROC 50.23 Stephen Brennan SET DNF26 Rory Farreil 53.4827 James BuUer 53.48 LONG (5.5km 180m 17c)28 Janet O'Byrne W55 66.40 1 Brendan O'Brien M35 AJAX 52.5429 Jean Mullen W70 3ROC 66.45 2 Seamus O'BoyleM20 CNOC 54.37

3 Gerard Butler M21 3ROC 58.39MEDIUM (3.9km 120m 14c) 4 Paul Smyth M40 AJAX 61.291 Ruari Short M18 CNOC 48.56 5 Angus Tyner M35 SET 62.122 Conor Short M14 CNOC 50.11 6 Marcus Geoghegan M40 AJAX 62.503 Tony Maher M35 DFO 55.15 7 Peter Kernan M50 AJAX 63.534 F O'Brien W21 AJAX 57.07 8 Mick Mangan M45 SET 64.585 Sybil McCormack W21 GEN 57,49 9 Niall McAlinden M21 DUO 65.396 Deirdre Beli W20 GEN 59.03 10 Barry Cormack M21 DUO 67.327 Kevin O'Boyle M16 CNOC 59.22 11 Philip Brennan M21 SET 67.428 Paget McCormack M65 GEN 61.21 12 Brian Bell M50 GEN 69.169 Jean O'Neill W55 FiN 61.40 13 Ruth Lynam W50 CNOC72.2610 0 McDevitt M21 NWOC 65.56 14 Fergal Buckley M21 DUO 74.0211 Brian Power M55 SET 68.10 15 Flach O'Rourke M18 FIN 74.3012 Louise O'Sullivan W21 SET 71.14 16 Ciaran Young M40 FIN 76.2113 David Smyth M40 FIN 71.53 17 Paddy O'Brien M55 AJAX 77.2814Alne UrShuilieabhain W55 3ROC 75.06 18 Lolith Kaure W21 FIN 78.42

Sunday MorningThe students spent Sunday morning learninghow to survey contours in an area of Belve-dere House for which Padraig had prepareda special base-map the night before. Thestudents were shown how to measure andmark spot heights and how to interconnectthem to create landform features.

Creidhc O'Sullivan of GEN won the instruc-tors' prize of a Silva sighti.ng compass forthe best field survey. Each student was givena CD containing the course documentationand presentations, various pieces of refer-ence material, students' OCAD files andphotos of the weekend.Marcus Geoghegan

Sunday AfternoonMarlin Flynn gave a presentation entitledprinting maps from OCAD that covered bestpractice in map printing, including: tradi-~ionaJ spot off~et; CMYK offset; laser; ink- NEW RECORDJet; photocopying and the problems associ-ated with each technology. He also dis- <?n 4th February in Switzerland, at the tradi-cussed colours, version control, paper and tional Hammen OL event, a world recordbagging. Martin included a number of elec- was broken. A few runners managed toironic and printed map samples in his pres- punch the biggest number of controls in oneentatlon. race: 205 control points in 27 km. This wasMarcus Geoghegan gave a short presentation 2 more than the previous record set in Sep-covering mapping costs, club logos, lOA ~ember 2005 in the Pawtuckaway State parkmapping grants, what life was like before InN e w Ham p s h ire ( USA).OCAD, and OS1 copyright permits. The winner, Fabian Hertner. took 163 min-Scdn Cotter gave a presentation that re- utes 20 seconds to complete this course, anviewed what had been learned over the average of 47 sec for each control. Secondweekend, emphasising the placement of was. World Silver Medallist Marc Lauen-magnetic north lines and re-scaling the base- s te: n , some 30 sec b ehi nd.

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Subscriptions: €47.25/year (7 issues). Mary Healy, 11 Belmont Grove,Blackrock, Co. Dublin (01-2885798). See www.orienteeringtoday.com

26 The Irish Orienteer The Irish OriellTeer 27

Page 15: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.

1 Conor Short M16 CNOC 38.19 Results are welcome. Think offu-2 Andrew McCarthy M21 AJAX 39.39 lure generations of researchers and3 CianO'Reilly M21 AJAX 42.22 orienteers and don 't just put them on4 Brian Lawless M60 3ROC 43.525 Stuart Scott M21 DUO 46.04 the internet.

19 Tony Lawlor M40 CNOC 83.4220 Ted McCormack M20 GEN 84.2421 Don Short M50 CNOC 84.2622 John Crowley M45 GEN 85.1723 Susan Bell W21 LVO 86.1824 Hazel Thompson W21 SET 89.2925 Mary O'Connell W40 3ROC 89.5826 Eileen Young W35 FIN 94.2727 Dave Weston. M40 SET 94.4028 Stephen McCarthy M21 SET 94.5729 Anne Morrissey W45 CNOC97.5930 Colin Walsh M40 SET 107.3431 Deirdre O'Neill W35 FIN 107.5132 John Agnew CNOC 109.2733 Doyle John CNOC 111.2734 Stuart Scott M21 DUO 114.1435 Ger Power W55 3ROC 120.33DW~~ ~FKWalley W40 FIN DNF

Results of 3ROC Night Event, PhoenixPark, Dublin, 18th February 2006.

Long course 7.7km1 Marcus Geoghegan M40 AJAX 48.452 Alan Ayling M21 GEN 48.543 Rualrf Short M18 CNOC 49.314 Gerard Butler M21 3ROC 53.065 Philip Brennan M35 SET 53.466 Tony Lawlor M40 CNOC 56.337 Fergal Buckley M21 DUO 57.358 Val Jones M50 FIN 58.469 Sennen O'Boyle M50 CNOC 58.5010 Dave Weston M40 SET 59.4011 Mary Healy W50 GEN 59.4512 Eoin Dunne M35 3ROC 60.1413 Ruth Lynam W50 CNOC 60.1714 Colm McKenna M35 67.5915 Somhairle Foley M21 SET 81.5916 Brendan Doherty M60 GEN 87.3817 Melanie Spath 104.3018 Ger Power W60 3ROC 105.48

Non-competitive (Mountain bike):Martin Flynn M35 AJAX 48.03

Short course 4.7 km

28 The Irish Orienteer

6 Sarah Nf Ruairc W21 FIN 51.337 Aine Nf Shuilleabhatn W55 3ROC 51.438 Claire Walsh W60 3ROC 59.389 Melanie Heather W21 SET 60.5610 Donnchadha Quilty M21 DUO 61.4111 Owen McCarthy 3ROC 62.0012 Willie Whelan 62.5013 Joshua Kirkley M21 70.5114 Charlie O'Connell M60 73.1215 Sinead Roche W21 GEN 77.5016 O'Malley family 79.4417 Philip & Ian Marron 83.0218 Stephen & Tom Brennan SET 84.5919 Con Carroll M70 3ROC 87.1820 Vera Murtagh W65 3ROC 96.4721 Enda Timoney 101.2722 Fergal & Eoin Smyth & 102.20

Conor Timoney

Mountain Running Fixtures 2006

DNFKieran Rocks M21 LVONigel Campbell-Crawford M60 3ROC 44.59

Sun, 5th Mar, 11:00 AM, Ballinastoe Winter, 380m, 9.80 kinSat 11 Mar, SHeve Gullion 3.5 mis, 1000 ft, 12.00Wed, 15th Mar, 1:30 PM, Irish Schools Championship, 250m, 5.5 kmSat 18 Mar, Glenarlff Mountain Race 6 mis, 1200 ft, 13.00Sat 1 Apr, Slieve Bearnagh 3.9mls, 268Oft, 12.00Thur 6 Apr, Castlewellan, short race, 7.30Thur 13 Apr, Tollymore Mountain Centre 4.5 mis, 1200 ft., 7.30Wed, 19th Apr, 7:30 PM, Goal Flash, Killiney Relay, 220m, 2.5 kin,Thur 20 Apr, Slieve Martin, 4.5 mis, 1600 ft, 7.30Sun, 23rd Apr, 8:00 PM, Claragh Mountain, 352m, 6.2 kmWed, 26th Apr, 7:30 PM, Mountain View, 326m, 5.5 kmThur 27 Apr, Binnien To The Top, 2 mls,2000 ft, 7.30Sat 29 Apr, P & 0 Knockdhu ClaSSiC,4.7 mis, 1470 ft, 13.00Sun, 30th Apr, 3:00 PM, Round Mountain, 335m, 8 kmWed, 3rd May, 7:30 PM, Hellfire and Brimstone, 260m, 6 kmThur 4 May, Moughanmore, 3 mis, 1500 ft., 7.30Sat, 6th May, 12:00 PM, Circiut of Glenmalure, 175m, 21 kmSat 6 May, Annalong Horseshoe, 13 mis, 5200 ft, 11.00Wed, 10th May, 7:30 PM, Three Rock Dash, 198m, 4.8 kmThur 11 May, Hen & Cock, 2.5 mis, 1500 ft, 7.30Sun, 14th May, 1:00 PM, Doon, 335m, 10 kmWed, 17th May, 7:30 PM, Corrlg, 235m, 5.6 kmThur 18 May, Monument Race, Tollymore Forest, 4 rnls, 1000 ft, 7.30Sat 20 May, Rostrevor, 7mls, 2500 ft, 12.00Wed, 24th May, 7:30 PM, Bray Head, 274m, 5 kinThur 25 May, Loughshannagh Horseshoe, 4 mis, 1700 ft, 7.30Sun, 28th May, 1:00 PM, Crohaun, 350m, 9 kmWed, 31st May, 7:30 PM, Scalp, 244m, 6.4 kmThur 1 Jun , Rocky, 4 mis, 1300 ft, 7.30Sun, 4th Jun, 12:00 PM, Carrauntoohil, 1126m, 13.7k mWed, 7th Jun, 7:30 PM, Howth, 360m, 8.50 kinThur 8 Jun , Meelbeg Meelmore, 3.5mls, 1800 ft, 7.30Sat 10 Jun , Donard & Commedagh, 6.8mls, 3300 ft, 12.00Sat, 10th Jun, 7:00 AM, WlcklowWay Relay, 120 kmWed, 14th Jun, 7:30 PM, Paddock Lake, 420m, 9.00 kmFri 16 Jun , Donard Forest, 4.Smls, 1400 ft, 7.30Sun 18 Jun , Ragstaff to Carlingford, 11mis, 3000 ft, 11.00Sun, 18th Jun, 1:00 PM, Sliabh Barna, 532m, 10.00 kmWed, 21st Jun, 8:15 PM, Brockagh, 400m, 8.00 kmFri 23 Jun , Slieve Donard, Smls, 820 ft, 7.30Wed, 28th Jun, 7:30 PM, Tibradden, 305m, 8.00 km

Non-competitiveNiamh O'Boyle W21 CNOC 34.11

John McCullough Planner/Organiser(with help from Eoin & CHonaMcCullough)

Lost property: Hand torch.

Niall McAliruien studies his map atthe Hellfire Club.

See www.imra.ie or nimra.org.uk for more details of races.

The Irish Orienteer 29

Page 16: the IRISh oraenccer - Orienteering in Ireland · eventfor St. Martin's school; part ofthe Bull island mapfor theLein-ster Championships in April; orienteering atPad-dock Hill, Co.

Orienteering Fixtures 20064 Ardargh Wood Cork BH Spring League 5 BOC6 Slieve Croob, Co. Down NI Series 4 LVO7 Monaloo Wood Cork Cork Spring League 7 BOC7 Inch Sand Dunes Kerry SW League 4 KERRYO9 Farran Forest Park Cork Inter-Firm League 1 CORKO11 Doneraile Forest Park Co. Cork All-Ireland Primary Schools Champs BOC11 Doneraile Forest Park Cork Business Houses Spring League 6 BOC14 Coumshingaun Waterford Southeast Spring League 6 WatO16 Currabinny Wood Cork Inter-Firm League 2 CORKO18 Farran Forest Park Cork BH Spring League 7 BOC20 Kilbroney/Rostrevor Forest, Co. Down Spring Cup LVO21 Trooperstown Co. Wicklow Leinster Inter-Club Champs GEN23 Corrin Hill Cork Inter-Firm League 3 CORKO25 Glenbower Wood Cork Business Houses Spring League 8 BOC28 Dinish Co. Kerry Kerry Spring League 4 KERRYO30 Lyredane Cork Inter-Firm League 4 CORKO

March 20064 Irish MTBO Championships, Nagles Mountains Co. Cork CORKO4 Drum Manor, Co. Derry NI Series 1 NWOC5 Coolbeggan Wood Co. Waterford Cork Spring League 1 BOC5 Gortin, Omagh, Co. Tyrone Tough Guy #2 FERMO12 Glenpatrick Waterford Southeast Spring League 3 WatO12 Knockreer Estate, Killarney, Kerry Spring League 2 KERRYO12 Modeligo Wood Co. Cork Cork Spring League 2 BOC12 Sugarloaf Co. Wicklow Leinster Spring Cup 4 UCDO11 Castlearchdale, Co. Fermanagh. Local Club Score FERMO11 Event Safety Training LVO17-19 Ballyhoura 3 Day Thomastown Wood, Ruppulagh Wood, Garryarthur

Wood, Co. Limerick BOC. Entry on the day.18 Garvagh Forest, Co. Derry Local Club Score NWOC19 Burren, Co. Fermanagh Tough Guy 3 FERMO19 Glengarriff Forest Park Cork Local Event CORKO21 Tickancor Waterford Munster Secondary Schools Champs WatO23 Melleray Co. Waterford Munster Primary Schools Champs WatO25 Slieve Martin, Rostrevor, Co. Down. NI Series 2 LVO26 Glendasan, Laragh, Co. Wicklow Leinster Spring Cup SET26 Knockaun Wood Waterford Cork Spring League 4 BOC26 The Crags, Glenflesk, Co. Kerry SW League 3 CORKO

June 20061 Corrin Hill, Fermoy. Cork Business Houses Summer League 1 BOC3-5 Irish 3-Day 2006 Inishbofin, Co. Galway WEGO I CNOC6 Ballincollig Regional Park (East) Cork Inter-Firm League 5 CORKO8 Rochestown Woods Cork Business Houses Summer League 2 BOC10 Tollymore,Co. Down LVO Spring Cup13 Watergrasshill Co. Cork Inter-Firm League 6 CORKO15 Rathcormac Mountain Wood Co. Cork Business Houses League 3 BOC20 Farran Forest Park Cork Inter-Firm League 7 CORKO22 Martin Valley Trail Cork Business Houses Summer League 4 BOC24 Wicklow Mountains Rogaine SET 24 hour score event27 Glenbower Wood Co. Cork IFL 8 CORKO29 Currabinny Wood Cork BH Summer League 5 BOC

April 20061 Mahon Falls, Co. Waterford SE Spring League 4 WatO2 Howth Summit Dublin Local Event FIN2 Davmore Waterford Southeast Spring League 5 WatO2 Rochestown Woods Cork Cork Spring League 5 BOC4 Doneraile Forest Park Cork All-Ireland Secondary Schools Champs BOC6 Glen Amenity Park Cork Business Houses Spring League 1 BOC8 Woodburn, Co. Antrim. LVO Spring Cup 1 LVO9 Munster Champs Castielough Demesne, Portroe, Co. Tipperary BOC13 Curragh Wood Cork Business Houses Spring League 2 BOC20 Currabinny Wood Cork BH Spring League 3 BOC22 Mullaghcroy NI Series 3 FERMO23 Leinster Championships, Bull Island Dublin AJAX23 Modeligo Wood Co. Cork Cork Spring League 6 BOC26 Delamont MTBO LVO27 Rostellan Wood Cork Business Houses Spring League 4 BOC29-30 Irish Championships, Carlingford, Co. Louth 3ROC/GEN

October 20067 Northern Ireland Champs FERMO Lough Navar

AND FINALLY ...Once again, apologies for the late arrival o/TIO 11I. Thanks to all the contribu-tors to this issue and to those who provided photographs (particularly the injuredMartin Flynn!).More and more in/ormation on orienteering (fixtures, entry forms and results es-pecially) are readily available from the internet so the emphasis o/TIO maychange. J would be very interested in articles which help orienteers to improve(navigation techniques, map reading, competition preparation, training). We dovery' little to help in the development of new orienteers on the technical side.More photos and maps are always welcome.JMcC.May 2006

1 Irish Relay Championships, CarJingford, Co. LouthThe Irish Orienleer 31

30 The Irish Orienteer
