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The It.multnomahhistorical.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/1925-12-18.pdf · ~illie Williams,...

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Roll",' or Happeal'" The Wnl\ Wz::a. J. JobuoldJ rapidly Rev .. 0. for Californ.. .. OIl a i!tp., . _. . Tht 510fe hal i(o&d .... indow. TheTt J.rc quite a few casn of mnmp. io thz; poblie KhooIs now. Get your Chri,1D'\lI1i null and candie. 'at The Blne Bird Inn. AVENUE, PRIIiROSE I PLACE, IIII'IIOVED I - , .' I "A ' ,ood job well done," is the opin' l exprUled by the rcsidC\111 of City I J'rimrosc Place, rc!crring to ., •••• ,.I'b," newly ' vaded .treet. Ave. has been in deplorable , : ,.on<!i"oo I<l a local fund WiS raisM MALTREATMENT OF Injured Pooplo Should Ro.olve ' inlelllgo'" It". len hanly, ambil;ool OUI on t'h.c job with picks the rcguh.r and in about three hour! The incrc.;uing number of fatalities O. E. S., bliSlCrt, the grading was from automobile accidents is alanning Ore., the foUowinlili: Crushed rock Wall .pread and a careful in\'CSligation of the facts elected for next year: :donday, and il is now in maku it app:ucnt that many of these :\Irs. Emma Swenlon, worthy ,condition _ an CX:lmplc of victims might h"se hocn' saved r. hut :\fr. Charle. Colvin, worthy patron neighborhood co-operation, proper trealment been instiUItdi.-- at Mrs. Anna Oaghorn, a$s't matron A permanent fund is being caHeeled once. Williams, secretary for upkeep and maintenance of the In 19ZZ, 104 l05t their livel in Elizabeth KeiJ, rOilld ,ami will be used as needed. gon beeallse of auto accident s, or "tattie Shrader, conductress nearly IJ to each UJO,OOO poPlilation. Officers and members vf Beaver Surprise Party creased to 159, which make. a yearly Emma Grant, ass't condlletress. . l in 1924, the slaughter had been in, Mr. Binn'l has J. fine looking x.mu 1'0'"",,, No. 106, of Bea\'eTton, were J rate of 20 10 the 100.000. \.ree in the .,nndow of his .ton:: at of the evening. After the elos· A crowd of friends surprisro Mn. In these days of speed, it behooves HilbdJ.le. Holiday Frolic the . chapter, a very heautiful Wm. Helming. Sr., of Fulton, ]ast I everybody to be cudu!. The aut(lO\O- Mr, J.nd Mrs. McCarl have moved degree wali conferred by officen on her birthday anniver)ary. A. hile is the caul(. of accidents every ioto their new home on Thirty-Third By . pecial request, there . Bea\'er chapter. very pleaunl e,' ening was Ipent play - hour, most which are preventable. Street. than Oswego and there ing "500" and games. Delicious re . 1 Each death IS a lou of human -auel Christmas dance at St. Anthony'. that be leased J.nd freshments were .erved. I to our Slate. What i. more, many of The L::piere boy. from Montana arc on ' Saturday Dc<ember Z6. a golf coune. Club Dance on Jan. Those present were ' Mr. ami Mrs, J. the deaths migh-t have been prevented visiting at and Mrl . John Lin. ! The Gigray Dance Playerl ha\'e been -Sam Pep. Pomeroy, Mr. and Mu. Frank Crab- I had they rc<eived intelligent care al c.oIn'li horne . tre e. :\[r. and "In. C. 'a-:t r "Ir. and ' the time of the accident, Rushing of t . , I engaged and this means the hest music Dance Well Attended The next Boosters' Dub dance "In. John Binn s, :\Ir. and !.frs. Edw. I badly injured, cold and wet victims in Yr. C. A. Layman is able to be l oblainah le ' A lipecia[ 1eature ""ill be l be he ld if the Multnomah Nu bith Jnd family, :\fn. J. Denley , [ trucks, or in rallle·trap cars, o\'er [o ng back at his desk .. her a hard tUS1Cl l the decoration!, including a Christmali I The dance at the Masonic:: Temple audit o rium on Saturday c"ening, "Irs . C Wood , :\Ir. Denl ey and family. ' distances, in many instancu, has simp- with the 'fill. d II u. . . [ last Saturday ev ening was well anend- lory 9. There had some lalk :\Ir. and :\frs. Arthur J .. cohs, !>Ir . K;s- I ly haste'!-ed death. Thue people died Francu Rutherford mOlored to :\[1 l ltee an a e Hunm.n!ll. : ed, bolh in the ball room and at the ha"ing the ne-xt dance some lime thi s teman. Mr . Fred 3nd wile-, "I r. I from shock rather than from injUrie-5 Hood, Sunday. She reporU a hca,')" -- I card tables. The music was exception- month , but owing to the fact that the I and "Irs. Ho ward Hall and "Ir Harry It is \'cry Ulll,urtant to understand .nowfall there. - i Marcell, 75 cent!, :\Iultnomah Barber I ally good and the same orchestra' has auditorium wu not anilable, it was 1 Smith. that anyone in a uate of collap se is __ Sh M ' J044 : bee.n en .. aged for the next dance !->oJlvoned until thc abo"e dale. So let I Ilowly dying.' that precious Ii Ie " H' c ' I who preler cards wdl aho be a orlea on es 0. IGddie Karl for the kiddies, at the l OP, 10m . 1 1erles, Saturday, J!'-nuary 16. os 01. ,11 work togethn and make 'h ' " I 0, A. C Or I ' I C I I u ebbmg away . Years ago. it was Jnultnomah at ware 0, 1 affa.r a gnllld succen. If you ha"e' . CUllomary to SlreH in serious accidents _____ . . The P. T, A. had a tahle piled high , Leave yoW- items for any su.:gcstions to make, lei's have . I only thai one should watch out for any Mrs. Ada Savern, of Portland, vJllt 'l with childre n's made,o\'er garments al i YThe Press H bffice or at them. Ooo't forget .the BOQ(Iter Club Eade of M,ultnomah, sopho· symptoms 01 shock. Today, we do not ed ber daughter, Mrs. Charles Mall: ' I Job ' M k h' k Th I h' IDear meeting, :\{onday, January 4. more In commerce, WIll try O<1t for..1h,' , limit our warning to seriouli accidents ,0" _Y__ were all donated and. the ladles ... -ariled, uate oratorlca contest. he winner m a one, ut, rather, guud ""ainu shock ", ', _ To,.d., I liS ar ctt nwee. ,elecot es l ' , T 'b Col. Springe r, who has Deen slowly : darned and ironed tbe !it4!e . garments $t250 will .take a .4-room "'005e, these tryouts will repre sent the eolle,,-:e- at all time s, and unokr all circum- improving41 Good. Samaratin Hospital, ! and next week some poor httle ones , Dosch Stahon, with large tract The house owned by J. W. in the state contcst here some in ' s tances . rctut1!ed horne..this _ek. I wIll be with lbe new cJol'h- l · ground. Very ea.y terms, MultnOlItah on Primrose Street, has been March. ' , It is computed that in seven out of . ., 1ing. Realty Co. Main SJ11. I K. ). "Iukel and). "I. . The winner o{ the s tate oratorical i ten accid e ntal dea"ihs nen,ou s shock is The pretty (bnslmal tr« III John s I -- , . . will . be given a statue of Lin ·l lu blame, Thi s' distre ssing 6gure can Y:r.:rkc-t is attraction much attention . -- I F. G, f1ink is plUting up a 3- , K.. ). "'ar kc1 has m the Earle will spcak on "School s or I bc greatly le>sened if i>eople only It is tl-'l.sually well trimmed. I We have helped .11UII,1rcdi to Ol .-n t TOOfD: s tory building on Hi .. h .... ".y ! or se\'era years, ) C rlTlle , knew how to recognuc and treat nen · __ . ' tbeir own home. \\ 'c can belp you - I at ncrt to the bndge. He II Jud"e-s for tbe tryoots"WI1i be C B l ou s lhock muncdlately If YOl:l. don't see ""hat Yo:" why not try? Really Co. , to ha.·e a harber sho)! in New .S-room house: an "(ltchell, coach L A Mallory, I The Alhed .\I,htary Medical Com- arc . Iookms for; come m: .,'e hav e .11 I 5312. I bu.ldm" and a grocery and meta shop furna, ce . close to schoo,1 and hlgh"ay, instruGtu r in thc public speaking de · I mlsswn appointed during the world- ]isted Multnomah Realty Co. :\fam , I He wdl abo ha\' e a gasoline Slation nn h ·acre, Only $.1950; U S Y. lertns 'l l'artment ; L "I. Ros s, coach of ora , "'ar, made a dist incl(s tudy 01 shock 5311. I . -- connecllon. He . exllcclS to be able "Iuhnomah kca]ty Co. "lam )3]2. tory. and Ear! \V. Wells, frnhm an <.k. ; and collaps(', em phasi zed Ih e fol · M La d d h , Parents arc to attend the ex· to ol>en the s tores by tbe firlt of the I . _- I b:ne coach 10wlII){ fu ur POints: nual\; o17h a e n 'ereise li at the .\Iuhnonlah School of! I year. : l'p to thc boot ... in ' . I - Kough was found 10 be q ' l)ecember Z3 l.I 1 1 1. 1ll- There will be ' . land for Ihe Multnomah'loutHy I ub· I d . crans held at the Armory, Salurday " I THE CORSE· TWIN I H I h ,\ h Jd h CHRISTMAS t Ie most angerou s leafure UI Ireat He .; a member of the 162nd d""lon a good program and n1ll"c. After the IC e ill I 55O:lauon, 0 s t e ree : 'il<nt of s hock, Thlrt fizve- peo ple- of the ua l abdommal suppor\, espeCIally good for made by :\frs H H and II I an I exercI ses each 1"00111 WIll ha.e IIldZ\ld' l The only corselel! with adjustable or.tl sale for 192, Record sale s "er e' I 2 \\1 h d CommuY'ty Church enjoyed a good -- full figures ror call Br Mr s L C Cate at the Journal budd I CELEBRATION I" 01 cr met ()( J III Col Ing l ee "e chIcken dinner at the church last Fn· N.ce of ChnJlmas candles ... rS lOti , am er a Ing rs L Berry and Mrs J V r d b b 6 I "' _" E" .,' Ch b 'I "R 1 J - "'duumstratl on of hot t!ulth "a , day tugbt la nd nuts at the Blue BIrd Inn Commerce budding, ThIrd and Stark I \Vh'i>I' at thc Porter building, Mrs I ( UTI lu C IllOst ene CIa __ I -- i Roy Wh c eler and "Irs C Ehle at the -- " - Shock wa s alwa)1 aggravated The Sunday School of the Commun' l -- I There was a youn!:' man 01 Multno First Nallonal Bank and Mrs E. J by the s ljj:ht o f one s wuund, lty Church .... I! hold their Chnslmas Sunda), a Chnstmas cantata mah who lOll somethmg and no t! St ck a d F it Sa h' I L I By Pupils of S1. Anthony Hall I t entertainment on \Vednesday evenmg mah 'omnumll Lhurch They wLil l , , 'k'· H Wolfe's Record liales were also made a U Ie COO U lorlum MRS MARY B TWI ",II be ""en by the chOir of Mullno-- i know It A Inend asked . /-um "JOhn ] an. rs ran U a IPmanl I P bl' S h I A d'I' I D L- Z3 t 8 ,m ..' diU )OU ose somettung a5t wee e h Y b" " 55 CCCTna<:t ,a 5mg The EHriastmg LIght: b) Ira I d "N I h "d at t e can UI mg, ontgomery -- I I an. were 0, a.e not, an was W rd & C k I & C d h. The sc\enth cnapter of Acts w.1! be BIshop WllsOIl Thes-c are an annual qu,te indIgnant but why IS he lI\lng a , 0, . ar e 0, an toq The pupds of St Anthonys schoo l ' the theme for the BIble Study Oa ss on I e'ent and If peoplt like good .muslC on mdk and after gOIng to the I Bank I WIll Ch" . tm;\$ wah an <>per· I PASSES AWAY Thunday morning at 10 a.m. at the, they sb.ould bf 1ure ind hear thiS. hosplta] las't week If be dId not I etta, A Jolly ChTistma s l)ec 2J I Multnomah Community Churclo. I __ somelhmg _ hl$ 'tons.tls ? Only $950 for 08xl40 , close to sta· at illS pm. liharp The play WIll be __ . ' \ . __ 1 and garage and l' room held m the aud.tunum of th e public I For tinning, call I. E. Putm.an " Mam 1 Air Rifles for the kiddies' Xmas, at For Rent - J·fOOVI house, close to I house, IIgh 1 s and ... ater Multnomah I schoo l Admlu. on ... ,Il be b) card 5478. or leave orden at Moline s Gil' I Hardware (10. sehool and hIghway Only $1&50 h Realty Co 5311 only, a nd anyone to attend One rage. partly fu f n •• he-d Multnomah Keally I -- the performanc e may obt am an ad I , -- h" -- Co Mam 5312. The Wcst SIde Alita Camp, with Mr rrUJllOU card for the askIng I of Iho Largo.1 runoral. Evor Hold in Tigard w 0 ha an OP' I O!;le of our prominent young business __ \ Geort.:e N Battey In charge, IS makmg ! TJle chddren ha,e \ery care' eratlon for goitre at tile Portland Sur· men won $3 and a big Iced at a rest- The Lookout Troop of GIrl lome ImprO\ementl. The large nouse '" , " ., h "", , ,I " " B T ' , 'T" '" H I ' I the ' . . uy ralDe anu te I r canaa .r ' .• ary. WIUO I.:aru<.e gery ospHa 15 conva e.cmg a 'I auraDt just he dared to wear No, ZI, held the,r rc-guj.:lr meellng OIl is being moved down 10 the grm'e of · . k h' 5 V' . Ii '. S' home of Floyd Weatherly . . his hair marcelled at the lout dance of I December IZ 01.1 the of the-if cap · trees and will be made over into a I ma .e I al lD;.nt oSI,>lta l °h" ,:, un, day -- I B ' H ' . 'M V' 'I Ii] Th' 1 . k' h :l h . I ,.. .... bc .. I monu g. e unera wa s e u rOltn A smart youth walked into the the oo s ters. Club. e certam]y cre' l tam, rs . Irgl .0 ton. . e g.r s ItC en an ,t e up· stain Mr. President : Hurley Kohlman St, Anthony's Church, where mass wu office, placed a penny before the clerk a ted but won 1he dare . made 5011.e picture book s wh.loh Will be used iI$ a and cloh. , Mr. He) en Pfid rr ! offered at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, and in· and asked "Can you change a cent for i -- they, are gomg to take to the Ch.ld' ! room, where the people m the camp I Santa t 'l auli : John Lenz ' tennent wou in the Tigard Catholic "Sure" said the pOiltmastcr _ I . . . reM, Heme, Sa tu:day aft e rnoon. The can pther and spend a pleasa nt eye· \Vintrr: Edilh Kes tler ' Ccmetery. aod hinde<f 'hLm two 0c $tamps Now l The PTA WIll hold a meetmg m I meetmg clos ed With lap s The troop ' ning cards, dancing, or game .... He "[other :\lc Ll ure : Lllcille Schechla II F "" II I the school hOllse on December 18 at 8, .s gomg to make up a basket for sam. i. pUlling up a new archway and he ;s Snow F1ake1 ' DOl Gorman Hu.hu, of St. L. , wren. ee you te one pm. Menrs Small, "lcNolt, oiJnnand poor fanultes m their community The going to have a row of co ttages from i ! PUl8h, S, t. Fu,nell, . __ I Miss Fr ou : Kathleen Twi n d F 'h AI h . d' h If y_' un "y rent, you can own Will smg 5IlTDe Chnstmas long' 1 trOOP has grown so large that thc} th-at to Filth , along the Hi,h 'l an I. p o, nle, partlclpat.e 111 t ., ..... Slee\. Incz lir ou I h h yOW' OW'll home Come m and talk 1t and r Dickson 01 th e OckJey Green "III be unable 10 meet )T\ the home. way , Hc WIll hal'e 45 complete co 1 Ada: "Iildred Schrch la 10 ellln tg rtqUlDl mUll. . over WIth Mrs McMahon at "{ultno School will lalk on "Th e Platoon Sys and so, hereaftcr, \.heir meetings wt ll tages re3dy fur the s pnng rtlsh of I ,"'''' Tw.ss was an oil! rellden: of mah Realty Co's offIce tern." Refreshments will he sen cd be held the autoists. I-,lazel Giddings I thIS 1.)lace anll she leaHs a larlle Clrcic __ I - Cl ara: Cecelia Frison of fnends and re-/ahl'es to mourn her The play, 'IRcv Dayton Up.lo.Date," - - Adolph : I.awrence H e- nry death . Bc side s hcr hu sband , Robert which was .ueh a IUCCCiI at the Mult· You ""111 enjoy· Cnristmas beller if ( Be rt : Ralph Hcnry I A. Twiss, of the Dalles, she lelt two nOPlab Community Church, was put on your clothes arc cleaned and pressed . . l' laude Erne-5t Bambach S Oli '. Frank). ami Kobert A., and a ai y' ehger the next week and now the Sc:...'ilJ r Shop knows how. Ernest G"orl{e Re-nner 'I daul:'htcr, Anna :\[cBride, and Carson Height! Ch urch wants them to Frank : Frank Dukart. grandchildren. put it on after Christmas. a __ . Xmas.! Fa ines I The family have the sympat hy of the , Wn. Giltett reports the following .ales for the past week: The Wm. Cox home on Hilo Ave., i.o W. H. Woods, of Multnt;fi1ah; Harry Haner place at ),Iaplewood, to Mr. and Mn. Robert R.. Roland, of Fulto -n Park. The Multncrnah Women'. Dub will LOUi se, and EIIi,e Hambach, Gladys l,e1ltire community. organize a Junior , Deparlment of stu' I and FranCIS Ban.:el. I __ _ denu of the eighth grade and higb I Fairies I school at rhe home of Mrs. White.ide, JOleph Ku anie Irene Car Stood on Its Hind Legs December 'l& It is t'Jt:petled that ZZ i Phder , Dara Sehec DeTo!n Ochs ,1 will join. Henrietta DrO!ls:. '- I Mrs. Scholtz, of Newberg, had a try_ I ChIldren , ing experience last Saturday night. WANT' ED .:... To buy on terms, two . DurOlhy Hambach, .EII Ko hlman. I While cr ossing the brida-e at the acre" or more, near O-E .talion: 4- Gcncvlc,'c "{ah am, Eliza th ThlhaT\. SUlJIi creek in Tigard she mel a man ' room house and chicken house. Call I Marie' Sehecl.-:, Margaret , bahla. i coming from TitPlrd' and he either Mrs . Gillett. Main 3OC1l. ' .ki dde.J on the wet pavement, or was ),II'. Will. Bin'" expect, to open his .toce on tf,e Highway at Hillsdale, on 19. He has a new' store illId will earry candies, cigars, and serve I and Coney hland .' Lihrary book,. can be obtained at the candles and ' nuts The a.:hool house on T uesday and Friday I By I pecial request" Mr. Ray Clarke , too lar oYer on the wroniC side ' of tbe , presents Jack s Playe rs I road. for he hit Mrs. Scholtz', car and i at SI. s Hall, TIgard, jammed it against the bridge, blocking' day eHnmg, Decemb er lfJ. Chrl s ltnas I off th e railings and it W-C'l1I ,]mOlI Blue tn:! Iotl- I afternoon. from Z:OO to 4:30 o'clock , . , A neat .ign ·Public Ltbrary Station,'; . If yeu · don't.. let Your per, be has been erected on the s!:'hool lawn. .ure and Il.I at O!'&. '0 we Mrs. Roy l!eeler, Mrs. Joseph SimOfl, n fllld llie for. 11. . Mrs. . A. Hahn and Miss Emi]y r...... . · HoIly, of t Mut'h.omah Woman's , . ' Will help· on thOle days. ' , tree a nd aU · the trimmings! ;- hut luc"kily, it :""u stopped by a board . and hung over the edge of the creek by 'only its hind .. e man did nel stop, but people II to Mrs. Scholtz' aid and helped the prlle man Ifa 'd 10 the cat badl up onto the road. , I ,: ... j , ., t, 1,
Page 1: The It.multnomahhistorical.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/1925-12-18.pdf · ~illie Williams, secretary for upkeep and maintenance of the In 19ZZ, 104 l05t their livel in Ore~ Elizabeth

Roll",' or Happeal'" , tJo"'lIII~ The Wnl\

Wz::a. J. JobuoldJ rapidly im~.

Rev .. 0 . ~ S~left ·w.~.i~;I' ''''"'''''-for Californ.. .. OIl a j,hQ~. )~Uj(1l01 i!tp., . _. . ---....;..~ .

Tht T~ent~lh C~nt'!-'1' 510fe hal • i(o&d jooki"~:"Chri.tmlls .... indow.

TheTt J.rc quite a few casn of mnmp. io thz; poblie KhooIs now.

Get your Chri,1D'\lI1i null and candie. 'at The Blne Bird Inn.


"A ' ,ood job well done," is the opin' l exprUled by the rcsidC\111 of City I

J'rimrosc Place, rc!crring to ., •••• ,.I'b," newly ' vaded .treet.

Ave. has been in ~ deplorable , : ,.on<!i"oo I<l a local fund WiS raisM


Injured Pooplo Should Ro.olve ' inlelllgo'" It". ,~6i1.0

len hanly, ambil;ool OUI on t'h.c job with picks

the rcguh.r and in about three hour! The incrc.;uing number of fatalities

~:::I~~:.';n:~Ch,~~a,Ptcr, O. E. S., bliSlCrt, the grading was from automobile accidents is alanning Ore., the foUowinlili: Crushed rock Wall .pread and a careful in\'CSligation of the facts

elected for next year: :donday, and il is now in maku it app:ucnt that many of these :\Irs. Emma Swenlon, worthy ,condition _ an CX:lmplc of victims might h"se hocn' saved r. hut :\fr. Charle. Colvin, worthy patron neighborhood co-operation, proper trealment been instiUItdi.-- at

Mrs. Anna Oaghorn, a$s't matron A permanent fund is being caHeeled once. ~illie Williams, secretary for upkeep and maintenance of the In 19ZZ, 104 l05t their livel in Ore~ Elizabeth KeiJ, trcas~rer rOilld ,ami will be used as needed. gon beeallse of auto accidents, o r "tattie Shrader, conductress nearly IJ to each UJO,OOO poPlilation.

Officers and members vf Beaver Surprise Party creased to 159, which make. a yearly Emma Grant, ass't condlletress. . l in 1924, the slaughter had been in,

Mr. Binn'l has J. fine looking x.mu ,~, 1'0'"",,, No. 106, of Bea\'eTton, were J rate of 20 10 the 100.000. \.ree in the .,nndow of his .ton:: at of the evening. After the elos· A crowd of friends surprisro Mn. In these days o f speed, it behooves HilbdJ.le. • Holiday Frolic the .chapter, a very heautiful Wm. Helming. Sr., of Fulton, ]ast I everybody to be cudu!. The aut(lO\O-

Mr, J.nd Mrs. McCarl have moved degree wali conferred by officen on her birthday anniver)ary. A. hile is the caul(. of accidents every ioto their new home on Thirty-Third By . pecial request, there. Bea\'er chapter. very pleaunl e,'ening was Ipent play- hour, most ~f which are preventable. Street. than Oswego and there ing "500" and games. Delicious re . 1 Each death IS a lou of human -auel

Christmas dance at St. Anthony'. that ~ould be leased J.nd freshments were .erved. I to our Slate. What i. more, many of

The L::piere boy. from Montana arc on ' Saturday evenin~, Dc<ember Z6. a golf coune. Club Dance on Jan. Those present were ' Mr. ami Mrs, J. the deaths migh-t have been prevented visiting at ~(r. and Mrl. John Lin. ! The Gigray Dance Playerl ha\'e been -Sam Pep. Pomeroy, Mr. and Mu. Frank Crab- I had they rc<eived intelligent care al c.oIn'li horne . tree. :\[r. and "In. C. 'a-:tr "Ir. and ' the time of the accident, Rushing of

t . , I engaged and this means the hest music Dance Well Attended The next Boosters' Dub dance "In. John Binns, :\Ir. and !.f rs. Edw. I badly injured, cold and wet victims in Yr. C. A. Layman is able to be l oblainahle ' A lipecia[ 1eature ""ill be l be he ld if the Multnomah Nu bith Jnd family, :\fn. J. Denley, [ trucks, or in rallle·trap cars, o\'er [o ng

back at his desk .. her a hard tUS1Cl l the decoration!, including a Christmali I The dance at the Masonic:: Temple audito rium on Saturday c"ening, "Irs. C Wood, :\Ir. Denley and family. ' distances, in many instancu, has simp-with the 'fill. d II u. . . [ last Saturday evening was well anend- lory 9. There had be~n some lalk :\Ir. and :\frs. Arthur J .. cohs, !>Ir. K;s - I ly haste'!-ed death. Thue people died

Francu Rutherford mOlored to :\[1 l ltee an a e Hunm.n!ll. : ed, bolh in the ball room and at the ha"ing the ne-xt dance some lime this teman. Mr. Fred Helmi~ 3nd wile-, "I r. I from shock rather than from injUrie-5 Hood, Sunday. She reporU a hca,')" -- I card tables. The music was exception- month, but owing to the fact that the I and "Irs. H o ward Hall and "Ir Harry It is \'cry Ulll,urtant to understand .nowfall there. - i Marcell, 75 cent!, :\Iultnomah Barber I ally good and the same orchestra' has auditorium wu not anilable, it was 1 Smith. that anyone in a uate of collapse is

__ Sh M ' J044 : bee.n en .. aged for the next dance !->oJlvoned until thc abo"e dale. So let I actuall~ I lowly dying.' that precious Ii Ie

" H' c 'I who preler cards wdl aho be a orlea on es 0. IGddie Karl for the kiddies, at the l OP, 10m . 11erles, Saturday, J!'-nuary 16. os 01.,11 work togethn and make 'h '" I 0, A. C Or I ' I C I I u ebbmg away. Years ago. it was

Jnultnomah at ware 0 , 1 affa.r a gnllld succen. If you ha"e' . CUllomary to SlreH in serious accidents _____ . . The P. T , A. had a tahle piled high , Leave yoW- items for any su.:gcstions to make, lei's have . I only thai one should watch out for any

Mrs. Ada Savern, of Portland, vJllt ' l with children's made,o\'er garments al i YThe Press H bffice or at them. Ooo't forget .the BOQ(Iter Club Lou~s Eade of M,ultnomah, sopho· symptoms 01 shock. Today, we do not ed ber daughter, Mrs. Charles Mall: ' I Job ' M k h' k Th I h ' IDear meeting, :\{onday, January 4. more In commerce, WIll try O<1t for..1h,' , limit our warning to seriouli accidents • ,0" _Y__ were all donated and. the ladles ... -ariled, uate oratorlca contest. he winner m a one, ut, rather, guud ""ainu shock ",

', _ To,.d., I liS ar ctt nwee. ,elecot es


' , T 'b

Col. Springer, who has Deen slowly : darned and ironed tbe !it4!e .garments $t250 will .take a .4-room "'005e, these tryouts will represent the eolle,,-:e- at all times, and unokr all circum-improving41 Good. Samaratin Hospital, ! and next week some poor httle ones , Dosch Stahon, with large tract The house owned by J. W. in the state contcst here some tim~ in ' s tances. rctut1!ed horne..this _ek. I wIll be d~lighted with lbe new cJol'h- l· ground. Very ea.y terms, MultnOlItah on Primrose Street, has been March. ' , It is computed that in seven out of

. ., 1 ing. Realty Co. Main SJ11. I K. ). "Iukel and). "I. . The winner o{ the s tate oratoricali

ten accidental dea"ihs nen,ous shock is The pretty (bnslmal tr« III John s I -- , . . will . be given a statue of Lin · l lu blame, This' distressing 6gure can

Y:r.:rkc-t is attraction much attention. -- I ~Ir. F. G, f1ink is plUting up a 3- , K.. ). "'arkc1 has :I~ed m the Earle will spcak on "Schools or I bc greatly le>sened if i>eople only It is tl-'l.sually well trimmed. I We have helped .11UII,1rcdi to Ol • .-n tTOOfD: I· s tory building on ~e Hi .. h .... ".y ! ~uarters or se\'era years, ) C rlTlle ~ , knew how to recognuc and treat nen ·

__ . ' tbeir own home. \\' c can belp you - I at ~llIldale, ncrt to the bndge. He II Jud"e-s for tbe tryoots"WI1i be C B l ous lhock muncdlately If YOl:l. don't see ad\-e~lled ""hat Yo:" why not try? ~luhnomah Really Co. , pta.n~ing to ha.·e a harber sho)! in th~ New .S-room house: firepl~ce an "(ltchell, d~bate coach L A Mallory, I The Alhed .\I,htary Medical Com-

arc .Iookms for; come m: .,'e have .11 I ~Iain 5312. I bu.ldm" and a grocery and meta shop furna,ce . close to schoo,1 and hlgh"ay, instruGtur in thc public speaking de · I mlsswn appointed during the world-]isted Multnomah Realty Co. :\fam , I He wdl abo ha\'e a gasoline Slation nn h ·acre, Only $.1950; U SY. lertns ' l l'artment ; L "I. Ross, coach o f ora , "'ar, made a dist incl( s tudy 01 shock 5311. I . -- ~ in connecllon. He . exllcclS to be able "Iuhnomah kca]ty Co. "lam )3]2. tory. and Ear! \V. Wells, frnhm a n <.k. ; and collaps(', ~nd em phasized Ihe fol ·

M La d d h , Parents arc u~ged to attend the ex· to ol>en the s tores by tbe firlt of the I ._- I b:ne coach 10wlII){ fuur POints: nual\; '~~t o17haen ';;~~~d eW~r \tae~~ 'ereise li at the .\Iuhnonlah School of! I year. : l'p to d~le, thc boot ... s~1c in P~rt' l ' . I - Kough h~ndling was found 10 be

q ' l)ecember Z3 l.I 1 11.1ll- There will be ' . land for Ihe Multnomah'loutHy I ub· I d . crans held at the Armory, Salurday " I THE CORSE· TWIN I H I h ,\ h Jd h CHRISTMAS t Ie most angerous leafure UI Ireat He .; a member of the 162nd d""lon a good program and n1ll"c. After the IC e ill I 55O:lauon , 0 s t e ree : 'il<nt of shock,

Thlrt fizve- y~ peo ple- of the ua l '--hr\Stm~s trce~ abdommal suppor\, e speCIally good for made by :\frs H H Th~tcher and II -~ 3rl~t I an hQu~et oU~ < !rIl'p e I exercIses each 1"00111 WIll ha.e IIldZ\ld' l The only corselel! with adjustable or.tl sale for 192, R ecord sales "ere ' I 2 \\1 h d

CommuY'ty Church enjoyed a good -- full figures ror 3ppo.~tment, call Br Mrs L C Cate at the Journal budd I CELEBRATION I" 01 cr m et ()( J III Col Ing l ee " e

chIcken dinner at the church last Fn· N.ce assort~nt of ChnJlmas candles ... rS lOti , am er a Ing rs L Berry and Mrs J V r d b b 6 I "' _" E" .,' Ch b 'I "R 1 J - "'duumstratlon of hot t!ulth "a,

day tugbt l and nuts at the Blue BIrd Inn Commerce budding, ThIrd and Stark I \Vh'i>I' at thc Porter building, Mrs I ( UTI lu C IllOst ene CIa __ I -- i Roy Whceler and "Irs C Ehle at the -- " - Shock wa s alwa)1 aggravated The Sunday School of the Commun'

l -- I There was a youn!:' man 01 Multno First Nallonal Bank and Mrs E. J by the s ljj:ht o f one s wuund,

lty Church .... I! hold their Chnslmas ~ut Sunda), a Chnstmas cantata mah who lOll somethmg and ~Id not! St ck a d ~f F it Sa h' I L I By Pupils of S1. Anthony Hall I t

entertainment on \Vednesday evenmg mah 'omnumll Lhurch They wLil l , , 'k'· H W olfe's Record liales were also made a U Ie COO U lorlum MRS MARY B TWI ",II be ""en by the chOir of Mullno-- i know It A Inend asked ./-um "JOhn ] an. rs ran U a IPmanl I P bl' S h I A d'I' I

D L- Z3 t 8 ,m ..' diU )OU ose somettung a5t wee e h Y b" " 55 CCCTna<:t ,a 5mg The EHriastmg LIght: b) Ira I d "N I h "d at t e can UI mg, ontgomery -- I I an. were 0, a.e not, an was W rd & C ~f k I & C d h. The sc\enth cnapter of Acts w.1! be BIshop WllsOIl Thes-c are an annual qu,te indIgnant but why IS he lI\lng a , 0 , . ar e 0, an toq The pupds of St Anthonys school ' •

the theme for the BIble Study Oass on I e'ent and If peoplt like good .muslC on mdk and s~up, after gOIng to the I Cltl~en~ Bank I WIll c.~lebrale Ch". tm;\$ wah an <>per· I PASSES AWAY Thunday morning at 10 a .m. at the, they sb.ould bf 1ure ind hear thiS. hosplta] las't week If be dId not 10s~ 1 I etta, A Jolly ChTistma s o~ l)ec 2J I Multnomah Community Churclo. I __ somelhmg _ hl$ 'tons.tls ? Only $950 for 08xl40 , close to sta· at illS pm. liharp The play WIll be

__ . ' \ . __ 1 (1~ and ~chool, garage and l ' room held m the aud.tunum of the public I For tinning, call I. E. Putm.an" Mam 1 Air Rifles for the kiddies' Xmas, at For Rent - J·fOOVI house, close to I house, IIgh 1s and ... ater Multnomah I school Admlu.o n ... ,Il be b) card

5478. or leave orden at Moline s Gil' I ~{ultnomah Hardware (10. sehool and hIghway Only $1&50 h Realty Co ~hm 5311 only, a nd anyone de~lnng to attend One rage. partly fu fn •• he-d Multnomah Keally I -- the performance may obta m a n ad I

, -- h" -- Co Mam 5312. The Wcst SIde Alita Camp, with Mr rrUJllOU card for the askIng I

of Iho Largo.1 runoral. Evor Hold in Tigard

F~ednca W~atherly, w 0 ha an OP' I O!;le of our prominent young business __ \ Geort.:e N Battey In charge, IS makmg ! TJle chddren ha,e be~n \ery care' eratlon for goitre at tile Portland Sur· men won $3 and a big Iced at a rest- The Lookout Troop of GIrl Scout~, lome ImprO\ementl. The large nouse '" , " ., h "", , ,I " " B T ' , 'T" '"

H "~I' I ' I the ' . . uy ralDe anu te I r canaa .r' .• ary. WIUO I.:aru<.e

gery ospHa 15 conva e.cmg a 'I auraDt just be<:au~e he dared to wear No, ZI, held the,r rc-guj.:lr meellng OIl is being moved down 10 the grm'e of · . k h' 5 V ' . Ii ' . S' home of Floyd Weatherly. . his hair marcelled at the lout dance of II December IZ 01.1 the h~e of the-if cap· trees and will be made over into a I protm~c l;,.~o ma .e ~=t ~II. I al ~";t lD;.nt ~ oSI,>lta l °h" ,:, un, day -- I B ' H ' . ' M V' ' I Ii] Th' 1 . k' h :l h . I ,.. .... bc .. I monu g. e unera was e u rOltn

A smart youth walked into the po~t the oos ters. Club. e certam]y cre' l tam, • rs . Irgl . 0 ton. . e g.r s c~mmumty ItC en an ,t e up· stain Mr. President : Hurley Kohlman St, Anthony's Church, where mass wu office, placed a penny before the clerk a ted ~sensa\l(ln. but won 1he dare. made 5011.e ~retty picture books wh.loh Will be used iI$ a recreatl~n and cloh. , Mr. R~ porter: He)en Pfidrr ! offered at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, and in· and asked "Can you change a cent for i -- they, are gomg to take to the Ch.ld' ! room, where the people m the camp I Santa t 'lauli : John Lenz ' tennent wou in the Tigard Catholic me?~ "Sure" said the pOiltmastcr _ I . . . r eM, Heme, Sa tu:day afte rnoon. The can pther and spe nd a pleasa nt eye· \Vintrr: Edilh Kes tler ' Ccmetery. aod hinde<f 'hLm two 0c $tamps Now l The PTA WIll hold a meetmg m I meetmg closed With laps The troop ' ning a~ cards, dancing, or game .... He "[other :\lcLlure : Lllcille Schechla II F ""

II I the school hOllse on December 18 at 8 , .s gomg to make up a basket for sam. i. pUlling up a new archway and he ;s ~ Snow F1ake1 ' DOl Gorman ~t ~ Hu.hu, of St. L.,wren.ee you te one pm. Menrs Small, "lcNolt, oiJnnand poor fanultes m their community The going to have a row of co ttages from i !PUl8h, r.tbn~M.loney, S, t. Fu,nell, .__ I Miss Frou : Kathleen Twin d F 'h AI h . d' h

If y_' un "y rent, you can own II D,~g Will smg 5IlTDe Chnstmas long' 1 trOOP has grown so large that thc} th-at to Filth, A~enue, along the Hi,h ' l an I. ~r, p o,nle, partlclpat.e 111 t ., ..... ~liSi Slee\. Incz liro u I h h yOW' OW'll home Come m and talk 1t and r Dickson 01 th e OckJey Green "III be unable 10 meet )T\ the home. way, Hc WIll hal'e 45 complete co t· 1 Ada: "Iildred Schrch la 10 ellln tg rtqUlDl mUll. .

over WIth Mrs McMahon at "{ultno School will lalk on "The Platoon Sys and so, hereaftcr, \.heir meetings wt ll tages re3dy fur the spnng rtlsh of I ,"'''' Tw.ss was an oil! rellden: of mah Realty Co's offIce tern." Refreshments will he sen cd be held the schoolhou~ autoists. B~ss ;~ : I-,lazel Giddings I thIS 1.)lace anll she leaHs a larlle Clrcic __ I - Clara: Cecel ia Frison o f fnends and re-/ahl'es to mourn her

The play, 'IRcv Dayton Up.lo.Date," - - Adolph : I.awrence H e- nry death. Bcsides hcr husband, Robert which was .ueh a IUCCCiI at the Mult· You ""111 enjoy· Cnristmas beller if ( Be rt : Ralph Hcnry I A. Twiss, of the Dalles, she lelt two nOPlab Community Church, was put on your clothes arc cleaned and pressed. . l 'laude Erne-5t Bambach SOli ' . Frank). ami Kobert A., and a ai y 'ehger the next week and now the Tho~ Sc:...'ilJ r Shop knows how. Ernest G"orl{e Re-nner 'I daul:'htcr, M~. Anna :\[cBride, and ~ix Carson Height! Church wants them to Frank : Frank Dukart. grandchildren. put it on after Christmas. a __ . Xmas.! Fa ines I The family have the sympathy of the

,Wn. Giltett reports the following .ales for the past week: The Wm. Cox home on Hilo Ave., i.o W. H. Woods, of Multnt;fi1ah; Harry Haner place at ),Iaplewood, to Mr. and Mn. Robert R.. Roland, of Fulto-n Park.

The Multncrnah Women'. Dub will LOUi se, and EIIi,e Hambach, Gladys l,e1ltire community. organize a Junior ,Deparlment of stu' I and FranCIS Ban.:el. I ~' '~ __ _ denu of the eighth grade and higb I Fairies I school at rhe home of Mrs. White.ide, JOleph Ku anie Ku~ta, Irene Car Stood on Its Hind Legs December 'l& It is t'Jt:petled that ZZ i Phder , Dara Sehec DeTo!n Ochs, 1 will join. Henrietta DrO!ls:. '- I Mrs. Scholtz, of Newberg, had a try_

I ChIldren , ing experience last Saturday night.

WANT'ED .:... To buy on terms, two . DurOlhy Hambach, .EII Ko hlman. I While crossing the brida-e at the acre" or more, near O - E .talion: 4- Gcncvlc,'c "{ah am, Eliza th ThlhaT\ . SUlJIi creek in Tigard she mel a man

' room house and chicken house. Call I Marie' Sehecl.-:, Margaret , bahla. i coming from TitPlrd' and he either Mrs. Gillett. Main 3OC1l. ' .ki dde.J on the wet pavement, or was

),II'. Will. Bin'" expect, to open his .toce on tf,e Highway at Hillsdale, on Dec:~ber 19. He has a new' store illId will earry candies, cigars, and serve I ItuI~s and Coney hland re~-hou. .' Lihrary book,. can be obtained a t the

Cb\~as candles and 'nuts a~ The a.:hool house on T uesday and Friday

I By I pecial request" Mr. Ray Clarke , too lar oYer on the wroniC side' of tbe , presents Jack ~Igny s D~ncc Players I road. for he hit Mrs. Scholtz', car and i at SI. A~thony s Hall, TIgard, ~ator' l jammed it against the bridge, blocking'

~'/"". ,,1,!"1 1 day eHnmg, December lfJ. Chrls ltnas I off the railings and it W-C'l1I ,]mOlI ~er Blue tn:! Iotl- I afternoon. from Z:OO to 4:30 o'clock

, . , A neat .ign ·Public Ltbrary Station,'; .If yeu ·don't.. let Your per, be has been erected on the s!:'hool lawn.

.ure and ~otif:r Il.I a t O!'&. '0 we Mrs. Roy l!eeler, Mrs. Joseph SimOfl, n fllld llie reaso~ for. 11. . Mrs . . A. Hahn and Miss Emi]y ·MuI~ ~ r...... . ·HoIly, of t Mut'h.omah Woman's , . ' ~ . au~; Will help· on thOle days. '

, tree and aU · the trimmings! ;- hut luc"kily, it :""u stopped by a board

. and hung over the edge of the creek by 'o nly its hind ""heel~

\~,;'!! ' ,.~Th .. e man did nel stop, but people II to Mrs. Scholtz' aid and helped

the prlle man Ifa'd 10

the cat badl up onto the road.

, I


... j ,

"'~ ., ~ t,


Page 2: The It.multnomahhistorical.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/1925-12-18.pdf · ~illie Williams, secretary for upkeep and maintenance of the In 19ZZ, 104 l05t their livel in Ore~ Elizabeth

I I ·

I .<­I .


.. (

Bi\S of Best News Items Eve~re.

, ,-. \ ' -

nrat day ot c:oullden.tloll mlutl by the bou~l. Halt ..

~:~t Noted ~.;li C.'T.~""''':POled changea ~rl ,wept

' .~

...,,,I,,",,.oIl1ltcW1'a CO~" 111 "_._.,.", ...

..nlal·C ... U~ 1aI.." ... Pad.c NOr1 ..... t. &tid otk

'ftiqs • ..,0. EM ....... . . without tbe Deenalt,. eYeD of .. vote.

T'Me mOlt .erioul t1lht ame ('1110 tbe \6te aa.ap. propoaal of Repre,lutatin RalaeJ' _ , _ '_ '\:

I .. democratle member of the of . control


Meyer LI,.ner, th_ 1_ commlttlNi, to illcreaae the muimum D. C. _ Mem), Bb."~ cout,. Tim .... " •. ba. _>t-:oilloed I Urt.I.lI: rate to %5 per OOIl~. It ... ~ "Ire ,b.oDOr \ pe.tI' It a -~ud rellp 11I ,-·;$ m ml .. hror.er 'O f Ibe 1jected after a ,barp tbree boun whlcb thl 1ICJt.H McW'lq

lJlllt~ ·iit.lel . h lp"luC board. bate. 196 to 111. PNlrioual, • • ' .. b"' d'''''I,treran Iltlatlon declaied In i. to '.rmera Ulere UDder ~ :" bad reiected. %66 to 64, aD mOUI report made public Suda,. that , relief let enact.d at tb, 1115 Tue ·f ... c lat mil itia bu aubacrlbed by Represelltathe La Guardia. aoela!· . army aIId Davy are iuul ba.,.. been o! the lelttlature were burtled..

1,1i91,OOO lire (abou'. no.ooO) ID t,be 1s t. New York, to make tbe mulmum "cry conae"atlyo, It Dot bukward, fD I Salem.-Iaatead or the atate eampa~ to ,-alee dolla r. to p.,. t e surtax ratll 30 per cent. Italian debt InltaJhnent to the 1]ulted Otber l inelidme nt. 1I'er e turued reoognb.luJ tbe Steat ImportaDce , or a de!'lclt of ·.pproIimatel,. . State.. dowu La rapid order .nd wllh little P01I'er ." JaDuar,. I, 1117, ••

. i :>.' ... . .'.

~'-. ~ , ..

~acob C. Walter&. IS, a member of th.- Muolilc ,Ullrd of bOllor tb.t tol· lo.ed the body ot Abraha m Lincola It his tUlle rll, died In NlaneapaUII, SOJI,4aJ' .

"We fltld .a . • t.et ," aald the report, I A. Koser, Meretary Of

sPlO .... of partln.n dl"la IOIi . "tbat the", lUll eIl,ts aD alumInA" time of adoptlnA" the t.u; ••••. • _.~:.. ~.!!I;::::::::::;~:~~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;~ 'I'he normd lucome ta x acbedule ap- Iitutlou botb In tbe .rm,. .nd n.,.,. tbere will be a .urplu of proved pro'fldea tor. r eduction nom ler"l~ due to .bort.le of [lying . cordial to a .talemeDI laaOlld % 10' 1 ~ per ceat on tbe fl ,..t UOOO ItDd equlpmentl." It alao · Satuf'CiaJ' bJ' Goyel1l.or Pierce.


5 tbat thla .ltuaUOD Willi ne Salem.-Loull LachmWld of Salem, taxable Incomll. from 4 to 3 per cent . "d [

M-. . f t on the next 14000 aIId from 6 to Pili" t f 1IUN1 on the p.art ot Mellie Duobam, _ne I oremol uot 00 the remainder. 0 a a "to whom Willi beqlleathed. properlJ' .....

exponent of tbe old·tlme da0e;, t~et· Other pro1'lsloo. of tbe bU!, Increaa. dulJ' to appreciate the !creatiDI $250,000 bJ' lbe Will of tbe . haa beeD enUated b, Hellry or n, IIII' from ,U.OOO to $20,000 tbll amount of air power. l.llI C. A. MclAllIhllo of ludaPllud..

hla revtyal campalllD. of tbe terp.lchol'- of iocome (}II whlcb tbe 25 per ceDt the report recommeDdiDI" . eOI'll, wal ·a IIfeloDI frleud o"f~.~"'~"~M:;':·1 e::::::::;:,:!:~::::==H . II.U moYentllDl. popUlar a quarter of a credit for ""earned locomll "" nlay be ot a ""IIIIIle dpeartmellt of ·11- 1 M Laogbllo'a aceordl.1" to a WANT Dl

ylo1'lol" oear tbOUp

C1!l lltUf')' a,o. taken, were approved without dabate. .. a.n.d tllI:PlllldltUNI of . m:llt made here s.turday. To lore tbe tblDp It hnme;


Alth01lolh numerous cula !II th .. tax anowl,' on avtat10~_.1111 . l.augblln died ",«IlIlIy wblle eo I bave 1et1). Ii lot of 10 .... I In hy a I mllmber!, ",""Pnl- I TtI_t onJ,. loved to fOUl. nt611 were efteethe .t tbe belino ng LATE CZAR'S JEWELS Reid, IIllnolll, Colooe! Wi!. to Europe. . J WDt mJ' lo"e to tbtnk _ clair

of the tI.ca.l year li25, total loternal WORTH "oourtmartlaJ deteDJIe BAker.- Some ot the hlebeat iii' ,,_0 .afta"!e t.r IDUr9 lalc AVIUIHI re"'lpl. lor tho period we Ml L.te Cu."" JawIIII Worth 12!Wl,OOO,OOO. a .upplementar,. brlef , Taluea dllcoTer&d 1110 Baker Than any ped.eatal or throoe o~ un,OU,911 Ie .. lhall tbole for Mo,('{Iw. - Retlre.elltatlve. of the I utabUabmeot of 1 dopart' Jhave beell recorded be1'e That any other mD m., owo. the fI.ca.l "Oat 1914. 10,let government wW .000 .talt the ai r peodlnl the creatloD of ta l Further u ... },& ot copper 0"'

SlnIIIIn m.en pembed In tbe link· Uolllld Suuu In connectloa with Ibe Balm creek tWlnel ot tbe waut Dly lo ... lo& Iafle enou,b ",10 of certain aurplul arllelea from propo. ed b, ' the pro!lerty ebow eonl1nuallce of To lo,e my neJ.,bbor, too;

IIl& ot a tra.ler a t the mouth of the tbe old Imperial collection or je ..... 'I.. .ald. wu •• tep l sold "aluea fOWld bJ' the nnt ~~"" . " v. 1 bove _ a lot ot 10! • • rl Yer Vl,o llear Vlao, S~In. Fr1da,.. Dutch jewelry !'Irml a ppear to be K11'lnC' .Y1al1on eo- IT1I'O auaya 18 ... 0 • retl:ll'D of ,11 'n.t only 101'ed _ few .

:::.~;~;~~ on the ro<:b aIId her ;:::fe:~~c~:::~ I:~:r:~t t~el~~~r: wltb laJld .nd lea arma. 1aod '8.40 Illver. waa~1':~~o~el~:eae::r:~~r;o:;:obt, seut .U1'ea III nel:oUat!ng 1I'ltb tbe .. detaU. ot tbe de~ment Cot~e Oro"e.-Tbe Lane Lo"1 not . Ione the rich man'. teu ..

FuIUNI e xhlbll.!onl of tbe Onrleatoo be a .. lped, IIlturall,., to .. Hoo Hoo club. It a meetille Bot lo ... e Ulem lD~t .boo loye the dance will he 10rblddll1l, _ccord lnl: to ,ovlet g01'erliDleol. , one for the arm,., ODe for the cla ~'.bt lu Ell&"elle, went leut.. M.y1Ir Hili of WaJla WaUl, Waah.., Appralsale ju.t completed by for eign ooe lor tbll .Ir." y ..... wbo leal nllbt .llIIelllad. ope. "No upsrta place tbe value ot the entire tbe "lmpOTlallce ot aJ.r .11 It rolll:ly oppoalol: tbe Wallt my lov.oi- true e~l:b more for Walla w.na," be ..... d. The c~lecUoo of cr o.o je.ell .t .pprosl- . Secretary 'York ot tbe Interior To 10000e alld ue1'er tlre ~

t 1"'1~50 0000oo Tbese laclude tbe ' tbe committee ..... ellt .ould be l lDelit. tbat ""11(00 road (rIIlIt land. for I have Nell a lot ot lore .roprietor of a local claoce b&ll b .. m. e ~ ~ , , . tlrflt rllllort of our country 10 caM • hd ! al Th drawln, anoounClod. aoother 00._ for 1Ioell:t week, great lmperlal cr""o, made IQ the time "" d that "It" 'Alt ra1l'1I rom I e. e nll'ooly .... dealre. delplte the lD.IIyor. . 01 C.tberl.oe II, welabllll: tho pouQdl 1I'~~ee::~e:::~nt: arma 01 our la . trong rllaoluudoll_~ be for.arded IWallt m,lo1'e to .tllI be kind

and cOlitalDlng 4000 carata 01 the rar· operatlolla that compllie a nI- cOlIg",aa •• a or e._. Althoutb Qnklnd.ne. It 1IlaJ' 1I1Id. The fall 01 Medina, the ~propbllt e. t dlamood •. n.lued at ~52,OOO,OOO. I want my lovi eo trulr liveD

e1ty" of HlI4ja. hi cOllflrmed tbroqb and thll Imperial gold Bceptll r, contain. o( .n military planl 01 pre-air MOlimOIlUi.-AIi lofirmary In n cannot fall !hi, aide ot htaveD,

• melllille rec:elved 10 Bomb.,.. lodla, InK tbll world larooul Orlolt dlamODd 1:::e~~dtbt~e::7t1::ntl::~~:; II =:;~loW1l7: op~:ed ~~et~:U I nnt my lovlll, real eooo,b hy the Kbllafllt committee trom aile 01 189 car ... , ulued at no,poo,Ooo, ot the mlnllte,. ot Jb1lo B!-ud. SUltan whlcb wes laid a. a gift by COWl! tbe battle.blp but b&ll not ellmln.t· ot tbtl Dew term ]Jouary 4. To tra,el e1'ery mile; of Nejd. Medlo. 1"" captured by OrlofC at tbe reet of Catberloo I. tbe neceellty of It. The alrpl&l1e rOOIllll ot all ellht. room bOWie a", be- I For I ba'e M'ell a lot ot love tbe W.h.bl t rlbe.meo uoder the luI· th. 'neclIlBary aulillar,. and l lllg reoted for tbll Purpole ·alld..,1II nat only lo'ed 10 .roUe .•

I I Fr.1Hf Charoe Enl.r"GIod. 01 the battl .. blp. ! pro ... lde .ccommodatlona for Hlven ~d~t mYI01'elt~ III~ e::reme .. ~:: :::.""", " ,. .. lb ... " '" K", ,~:.~~,:,:! ~~,::~:'V:,:,::!: ~;:,~:':':;'mT~~; ,:~:.;~;:;,,:::,:'~ ~:~~.~~?L~~::, ',:.,:,'~"

000,000 I ... reductloo bill tbl. week York ; tbe tbe naUoDI I. llil"lely • mat· t .. un, NoCh .... N .... p.per ""'Ilut~) wblle the lIIuate I. cOlillderiD.I the ~'alrbaok", oplolon . Jt II cle.r, bo'lt'ever, McMlno1'lIIe.-;-A committee from the -----0------lec.l .... bl 01 Seliltor·o."ll:o.te Gerald the Italldlnl of tbe Uni ted Statn cit y couacll II COII II. e rlo, a no,OOO I19i~' BOO11. P . Nye of Nortb Doblo to a le.t In pUbllahe~: G I bll:her thlln tblrd or lower tbao city hood luue for the auppart to oe1l' 1,& that bocIy a.od II deb.UIIC t be lonc de· ::U~lIa'::on~~~ "':;f ;'ulae. bulldlop at Lll1Ileld collele, .blch I.yed propoaal for Amerlcall adbel'- d I . pecl.1 committee. betore wblch has JUIt beeuo a eampalp for '500,; e a te to the 1I'orld court. :::11:1 ~:::m::~Ie;:de ;oblJc Mltcbell flrat I ttacked e:d,Ual 000 for equipment. Tile committee I. Not wbea II!.·I cart.lll •• mootbut

Antonio M.u.n.. as·pre"er. dilld tbr6\lKb the lenate 10"eltlptlDI _a. created atter Repre- 1unt looklDI Into Ibe lecallty of thll , ::;; 0;-;," ~t=."U~I: ~~o~OI!~·::'e.o:~ Sunday .t .the elt. te or bll aoo, Ga· Dlll.tee. .... republlcall. Wll eon. propo'!jed IUlie a lld It tbe bood l-.ue , .t ... .u. of ... uL-E .... oe Dotaoa.

• b rle!. COllat of Vortera It TOTttIlo- 10 pre.entlng tbll Kerr c •• e, L . . In tbe bouae, url:ed Ill' la fOWld pOlalble oO ,tbla aco"" the I __ I

"mmlttee 11'111 lay pl.na ror"" IIIIIC- WHAT TO EAT cloa ... a.aar 1IIa4r11\. He wu 00 Yllln M.nloll, counsel for t be committee, the relatlona e:d.llol old. He ...... the leader of the S pe.nl.b dectarelf tberll 'A·U II vldllllce "10 thl l tbe g01'ernment aod the 11'la. tloa. __ _ 'COI1Ht1'Ilthe pUty aod duPlol: tbe teo· r.".d of cOII~ldllrable fnod aod maa, ' tl llo IndWltr,. . 10 tblll connection, It . ' SOMlil evtnLo, .. hen yoo ClO't tbtnk

\. , Salem.-Motor fuel t&.:l[e. due tbe ot. anytbln, tor aupper, tT,.: ...... or mUI~ - 41rlctorate wu prell· attempll to dllrrtud tbll goyerlimeot ," [fOUlid "no evidellce of corruption." . tate from the IIle of 9,443,333.4 cal. ! Hot Ha.., eandwlchtL d ellt of the SpU.lah Roy.1 academy. He re~ l ted tbat H . r . K llrr aod A. E. Tbe rtpnrt sbo.ed the houae com· 10111 of g&8ollae aod 413,317.8 laJlolI8 ChOp cold boiled h.m Yery 1I1Ie-

RaUzooad traf!'lc ••• lre&er to Octo- Klen, BrlU.b c::Itbe08, had Ol"Kalllllld mlttee III dlaacreemont 1I'lth the prelll· of di ll tillatlla durio, the month. 01 Oc· lbl unount depee.WI npou llIe aumher ber thaD til aIIJ' pre1'loWi montb In hla· compelilel to take o'er Ilite rlilld OeT" deot"e air bo.rd III . 1I ... eral important tober amount to '923,882.94, wblcb to be llened. ...dl:l enou,h creamed tory. The bureau ot r.ilroad e(Gllom· nlan ahlp, aDd that 10 IlItHol their I partlcularl '\ reprelentl a 8a lll of 1,682,605,4 pllOil. butter to ' make a paste. leuon .lIb lea, malolaioed In Wllblngtoo, D. C, hbMIII!\:H to tbe Ha rriman S teamship / of ga.olloe and 2.856.2 ,allona of dll. : DlUiltard alld carenoe alld Ipread on b,. tbe c.rrlera" fllUred that tbe wovo- 11I1t·rell\.l! an eltort "'118 made to el' l World Court I"PProvlld. tlllatel lold and of '50.549.56 III rev. alice. of butter~d bread. Best an eii

me ot .mounted to H,061."8.000 ton cape American go"erllment tUi lll Prlncetoll, N J - Wltbout debllte" enue to be realiZed ftOm l ucb .a1el :~~b!I~'ltt~:d .. ~~o-h~:~ ~~:f~II~~I~n~~~ mllll'. The pre vlou. high re("ord 10 _ Gener.1 ROO'''' Olea. the N.Uolial Collellate World Court for Octobe?-t925, 01'e r tbe corre.pond· low the eg, Blld fry In ' n Httlll butter October, 19U, ... 2.: per ceo' lee.. f'hliadelphl •. -M.j.or.Ge oeral narry cOli foreliCII re.ol1'ed Saturdey IIlgh l. Ilig mooth ot1924. Uo.W hro'III'D OA both aldl"l.

Repeal of tbe aut omObile p . .. ellll:er I L. Ragen. rt!tl red, Oenllral Perahln lt ·. 2U to 6, to advocate tbat thll UOltedl Sa.lem - \Vll r ralltl wblcb are a lIell ! . _ ear II ..... demanded Suoda,. by the chl~f Querterm.ster III tbl Amerlca o State. enter the world court plan. I · I d i prope'Jlty lor Chopped Stalk en CalMroll .

...t died h i Thll relOlutiOlI read : j llSl. lilt rea a a penlona 1 Put two cuplula ot Dnel)' .-hoPl'ed Amerlc.1I Automobile •• lIocl.tloo al. ; ext\<' Hlolla,r

y lorcell, In a apar t· " Wherea • . WI, thll dll iesatll. of ~50 th e collect loa o t dellllQuOo~ ocome lIeBkla. a well.~uttarl'd ca!ll('role • • MI..

mo.t UII tbe eve ot the cou. lae rallon lrue ll t

ht!re .ate SlIturday nilM. lle bad lo". l ll ut loll8 of blgher Illarnins IQ Ih l! laxea a«gregllln, appro:tlmately $50" "'u with celery, aalt, peppe.r, wu.b. by .the bOWle.of the lecllon of the nOl w bet!D III for . loog time. Geoen l t: nlled S ta tel. dellre to buten tbo 000. were acnt t o t be aherlUa o( thll room and- tomato {"8taup or 'A'oree. re1'eo UII bUI. 'A-blcb provld lla • 1:ut 10 , Rog ... ra lIuffered from helrt dl.e.80 aec urlog of pe.ce. and to III peopleR. ,'arlous couotlell Monday [or ae rTice lenbll"·e., SurrolYld the steat with rice, IbJa h, 1',. f rom 5 to 3 pe r cent. aIId aod .-ame i:f"re .everal mOlltbl ago fur be I ....... olvl!d. tha t WII . dvoca te to th .. t: uclcr t he law coplel of tbeBe waf' pour o,'er two cuptult of water boll. repeala 1&.:1["1 Oil truck • . tlroa a nd ac-I trt'llt mt!o t by lpeclaJ!ata. He li ved 10 Id b d h h I,; I I .31,,, &ball be tiled by the . herln wltb Iiii' bot. aIId boke l or aD bour ~d 0 ceaaorlea. ' lIeciusion IjecaWie ot bll ler lou, coo· pru I:'o t 0 lIeliate t at t e u te. tb tl COWlty clerk ll and la ter ell tered h.1f 1I1 a modera te o,-eD. Ket'1I coy.


d lt h n. State. ell ter tbe perroallllnt ('{Iurt of on tbe Jud Ulllot docket The . her- ered 1I'bUe ('OOkill, Serve .... Uh With J.pa n. f'tanu .od Ital,. oppa. · Gelleral Rolten ... boro III W. l b. llitern.tlolial Justice uoder tbe Ha rq' IUP I' tomato lIaute or browli ,ra,., ..

t'd 10 dillcuulol[ lIavy red\lCl.IOII., e .. · ",'." ."d •••• •• _,_ .," G""" 1111 H ugbae-Coolldle ,lao " Irt tben . ha li proceed alld coUect al ~ - •• ..., ... hj would IIny olher delinquellt ta.L I f.. ' ~Pt ... 0 lotelral part 01 tbe prohlem t·UO. tOIi In Me xico 10 1114 aod with II Purel 0 ~ lIa ouP .~

0( dlaarm.meol l1li a wbole. lotereat 10 General Per. hiDlln l!ieslco 1.0 lIl1i. .1 Auto Mld.ap Kill. Boy. Ootarlo - Uader tbe le rDl I 01 a wm Rub. cuptul ot poe:. . throu,b a (leueva ceotered SlIurd.y nll:bt 10. Walla Walla W .. b _ H01l'lLrd prepared In t9!3 by H'rTy W. J one., .t.,.e. Idd a pilit ot milk", II tllbieapooli' ho.w t he Uolted. Statea would .na1l'er Attlck of 8ull Fatal. " . ; totmerlJ' of thi. cltJ', wbo died lp. Port. lui ot lIoetJ' mloced pat1lll!J', a bit 01 tbe In"llIIl.Ioo to paruclpate In the Roh6rtaon, 19, w •. a fatall,. IIiJured late I iaod Nllvember 26, AcaclalodclI of tblB onion. Bind with a t.blespoonful eo.eb lealue 01 lIatiOoe dlaarmament .tudln Albany, Or_-Maoilly W. Hodlea, 50, Saturday ulgbt lIeaf W.llula, aIId died Ity tl" to receive nooo to be used for ot lionr and butter weil blellded . nd l1li a nr l t lIep towan! the convocatloll a f.rmer IIvlDI aOllth IIf AlbanJ', died three hours later :'blle being bnllllbt I ~be 'conatruclloo or a .Mllllonlc temple. cooked toce n wen alld lene or II lelleral confereo('ll Ilate Saturd.y of Injllrlel ",ceired to the bo.pltal bere t il a tr-aln. With OntariO'. elt,. oemetery II alKl. Damed ..,lth croutoDL

, "hlln alt.eked: by a Jerley bull I ••• benerielary to .the elttllut of 1'11-1 The 81alera 01 Mer,. bo.pltal la Hodgel "' ... Iolle II the time and four compaliiou. he waa en roUtll to . K.Uapoll, MOllt~ .... d)'llamJted about Mid. before he died, that a ,lrIp oa PalCO In ao automohlle with Manball celvlng the earnlng/J trom ,5000 10 be Beat the wbltel ot t e,~ until 10 o'clock Saturd.y nll:ht. Tbl II· the eod at a pale to .blc:btbl aol . Al1Iloo drl1'llig. Roundlllg a cure near I used In ImprovemeOll, pro ... ldlog tb.t IItItI', add Oll'j! ("IIpful ot8u r, Olle CU\). t.ll_pt to deal ro, tbe brick atructure ... . 1 w •• tutelled broil. · aDd , .... ..t tbe 'VaJlul., the l utomoblle fIIJ1tw!c1 n,er, once a y~ar tbe Prote.taot ehurc:blla ful .. ch of comtl ll lll'll ~_ d ('{Iconu!, ... &11 lUllde by PiaCID,' bea1'Y charge boJi Althougb dehorned the bull ruab. then rlCbtedlt ... II, Robertsolland paul10f tbe el~y talle a ('{IlIecUon tor.Ukll. twou:able:,poon!UI. ot ~o~~ IUllt bn~d of ·eaplo. l,e u:lde r - wladow near tbe ed the' mati . rolllnl: him 00 tho gT(Iulid Nel.oll heiol: .throWIi out. pUI"JH)III!. ;:; ~~la ro!d y bl:::,:n e ~er=t~ aoDtheaat COrti"". 'I'he- bospllal waa l a IU1 crusbln. bla eblla .. breulIII tbreol -S.lem.-Reptratlon Of motor Yehl. OVID.

. twl,..of patlenta .od IIU,.... . No ooe rib. ove r Ibe heart . Wom.n Tak." BobUlt cle. In Ore,on for tba montb of No-..... badl, lJIJUI'E'd , A portloo of the · KIDllIlIIb, Arlr..-Mt1I_ ENel Rudy . ... lImber; totaled 3479, ot wblch 25% were I Popeorn MacaroollL boUdlnc . ... tOrti . ... 101' and e1'ery 'll:!n· • Quartlll' EaOI .. Mlntld. wUe ot a nucber bere, «.ptured .U1'e truck. alld 3127 poeaaeoler carl . The Chop tllle onl cupful o( t~.hI,. dow· pane lJI the bOlpltal aIId that Deonr. Colo. - The Ull lt ed State. a larl:e .lIdcat. ... hleb eDteted her total rell'tra.tloll ' for the 11 month'~ popped rom. allO one cupful o t '-111.

. part of t ,l .n brolr.ell . Thll u;plo.loo. milit be ra Saturda,. completed. tbe bOfDe BaturdaJ', uiDg a plltol ... of U!' ..... 114,849. of ""bleb 197,111.1 3 ov.! menll!. Bn t t he lIo-bltu ot three ' : ,,:u bea,. all O1'e r J"be cit,.. No fD o- III lallll& of 11_000,000 I. n .5p Iold. cllA. • I were pa.I.encer· can, Tbll abow. ao .,... lIo t1l aUJr, theu ndd olle-halt

) 11.'0 11 ltao.lI ·tor

tbe <Nlnce. plecea. !:'. • : Oodclll& two of the 1I'ndcat', b10 •• IIICI"tIUII .of 117. O1'ar tbe re&t.traUoli l ::U:O~d~plu:;r'.~:t-:~ a:: ," , Co1nlle·'{thll q1lllrter ea"" came wltb It. pa .... . !in., Rud y .t ruck the t or No'e mber, 1124, a D4 of 13,199 0l~r b. klb, ahem and bal;:e la a moderste

COnlpOnlnte. lu ntaPODJI7'to the'UlluaI dem&lld for a.a1ma1 O1'er tb~ lIaa4 with the t&- the tota l reelltntJon. for ,~e ooff .. · o ... 1tI1 00 .U1IDut... . G_·H . L. wrl\M: ":&urt aocillty 11 t.lIe plecft ... IOGnnl,.. ad' dna. n)I ... er batt a.o. ,tUlled It. 8lIe thell pondtq' 11 mOlltba ot 1124 a114 LD \III '

...... 01 ua. _rWy, tIM nMlly uutj' Ji"ruk 8 . Shappard, .... rtataadebt Dt Ued a rope &f'OUd It. DeGi: and "aced ere~ or, u.;u. onr ttle total nil. ""'\A , . . ""'. .. :......IJ tba ' doaYillek."-BoIto& ~pL tIM alae. ..w. I it" la .. crate. . lrItJou for the :rear 1114. I , \Ll..t..&...c. , Yl.IJ..+ ~ ....... . - . t&. 1 .... 1' ...... N ....... _ u.,.-.:t



THE pine thnt mn"" the loft,. mut, baa ItB blnh In th .... 10..-1,. I'Od..

Nortured bJ' tbe kindly .un . nd , bow' e,., II I:f'Owa to • tOln'rl l1, tree of bea uty .nd Itrellcth.

Pa.hlol: I way In tht bf"lt1unlolj: of Utt. tbe o.:Io.a aUd tile moldy ltavt'S of the t otell tha t tbreatl'n to smother It.. the tender Utile IIhOOI retIOlbt .... I)· kt:e~ rlalol: Ind rlalo , 10 tlod tllp light,

La the .truKlCle ond ,1V" lh or tht,: fraJTInt everMn'ell. It ,.ou will ,wuder n 'A·hllt. yod lI)a,. ft.od ~ Iomt'lhln'l to thl~ .bout," tor a 100, lime.

lD • et'rtaJlI aeoR, meatal operatl oDJI Ire tint tou. ln. tv pb)".I<::ll opera' · tiona. dUI'erlll' "TUtl,. In dllr .... ,..,ot perloda or Ille aIId La dUl'e~o( IlIdl· 'fldv&ta.

But the far ·I"bChlllll.pfOCt'M of men­tal development lai the mono ImllUru'ot. reaponalt.le .. It la lor the atlnLn('fl­ment of eVen-tblol: thlt hll. a bellMIl&'

:11 o~~:t~~n::d..te'("II aIId the pro,-

Growtb of tbe tn!'e 18 mere In("reaae In I;lrth and bel,ht : tueotnl dewlop­menl ('(11111.11 of atructurai .-bangCII ot lotellect. Iliciudlo, pow .... r of aurntlon, aelille-.elpaclt" I'I!produrt!I"" focull,.. lmalin.tloD. ('{InceptUlI1 power and tflIlJOollI, 11("\Ilt ,. , nellhl't of \\' III~h

can be ba4 wllhoot IIl11 t l1odtn;: the lIi'bl. -

Amonc the drone • • lId d roIL_. thl're la 11 area t reluc tllJ1C'l to tau the uroad daJ'.

The, pref('l" the ",mbrouft shllde IIII!! the U1l1dew ot tbe dallk torl!Vl to th .. clear . ky and Ihe I Il.~ p lrin;: run, waat­In; the:lr pl1'(' lou. ye. ,.. In l~oranCf"_ Tbelr 1:TO'A·th \a lUte tbat "r tbe tr@of'l. pbnlcal, tIIther thao lDeuIII .

Atter _ttal lllo, their K1rth aod helt:ht, tile, c.-omvreheod dullr th.t the, Ire lo 110 way lifted to ("t)lDpetl' with tbolle whn b"'e dl:'veloped th tl r mentll t.cvl tles.

It I. the il , I llS! too lite te nnd II.

pla~ 'amollg t!1e masterful. M,n. mloded roun, Dlea aod ,,"omen "'hOo through hard work ha'e tralll('\l their halldll to wrlle Ihelr Domes III blgb placu, wh'er~ IIIWIYI the light blaEes IIl1e noonduy. nnd til. aon!;ll or victory rlnll In Ibe clea ll , IW~ l' t ai r tram dllWD till dull. \ Being III,· .. II 1111 1I0thln,. It )"00 dj)

·not It l'e In t he light, where yoo 1'1111 ('xpaod meOuu)'. hecorue u"" lul lin" able to grapple wll h the I:",n l, "'('Ighty qUt'$lloll ~ \'fbl C"h a l'!'ect oot 001,. your . selt bUI ali mN nklnd, ~rh.'pa for a,es to rome.

- Ie " WeCI"," :0; . ... 1'. "... . f)u 4Iu'J.) --0-_ Lowly Ant Sensitive

to Weather Cbances Th. t tbe lowly II Ot I .. a. seollllv~

to beat and to .-oId I S IlIIman be-lnC& and tbat t he lint prerel"!l hb tempera. ture aot too hot and not fOO cold, I. ,hown b, a report t rom D. r . )lWer IIl1d y. Oan. ot Ohio S tlte ulllvel"8lty, III the J oumll or Comparlltlve p..,.. cholo",.

A Kroup or .lIt. In gnlog to .nd from thei r ne.t Wl're found to travet1le I ~rtaln path on the tnce of a ~tone. On ooe Bide of this palll a cO'""red electrtc lIaht hulb Will placed to ller'e 81 a .our("e or ('{Introlled heat , On the other aide wa. 1'la('('d ,. brln~ ('{III l.Ileioaed lo IUl Iron cao. froro wblch It drlurl!t (If 1'(1101 .. Ir could b., mllde to croa.· the pAth.

The dour the lIour('e at bellt .... u pllcid to the path. the more tbe anu de,' lated In 'pu.lng thlll llpot. With the beut lorni!d 01T o.od the coldi d raul:b t Operotlnc. the eora 11/:'11111 de­" Iatt~d III pUIIII; ttle apot 'A' hleb ~'as cold. .

T he bot raya from the aun 'lire,.., toond to be as e lTtCt\ve 8!t tbl! ara.a. eI.l.ea!. At noon. whell the 1JIlQ'. ra~ beat dlreC't l,. do,," upon the natb Of til.e a,ta. they !OUlbr 10 ·8\"Old· the

'but by de1'llItloC, but, lIudill, It 1m. poglbl. to dodge the he. t 111 tbl. man­aer, they 1peed.1HI . up their mYel UIdI ."'" rail •• az froat \hi bt&­W~ltar,

Page 3: The It.multnomahhistorical.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/1925-12-18.pdf · ~illie Williams, secretary for upkeep and maintenance of the In 19ZZ, 104 l05t their livel in Ore~ Elizabeth

~ .

• 1.

on P-'aa' capital Cift it"Ea~

. 1eI"-Pic Coo_ta.· .' WUh;'~~ ...: ~t ~ ~£. 'm.

oa'dM. 'fro. p~ ~~ ... ~tJOIl ot tbe. JC&)Ij . ~""I .... Id. ba. ruled the COOIIt17 to. more Ihltt, UiO , ...... aai1 &be ~Ioll of • new _h to' the lamOIa ~~ ~brolle ID ,..,~

"Oftplte P .... ' . tra41tloilal OOD' .... 1_ III .... mmetltal afti.ln Te.o han: ttll (.pltal .... cit,. ot kaleldo-ICOple contiut .. " twl • bullet.I.D n-OID lb, ·W .. hID~OD b_dQurtera- of the­Netlc)"n" GeornvtaJe ~t,. ".aitot. _,. filter Ibro.,b UlJ ot It. "twel •• bHotitultiP_ W~OMI clUed ,UleI "lltfll ' IIll&. IUDlJpt, Ind 61>4 IPr~! before them I dlnp' C'OI.1Kt~ U!"!DOd boo_ rubblll. elbOw' ,,'lib paletllil "d~ 'eClcI~til.01i'~'-I~lJW PT­teoi. A ' ' ~llj\bO~" ca. ... tl. ~1iii1J J~j .t~D out 01 • pft~l_ old Pfto-~.':: ...... 11181 dnw aide to allo. 1M P ....... of • b"'b·pow.~ molor ~r bearlol • wealth,. PentaD en roote 10 at. .,m, Oil lb. Ollllllll'U of tbe CIt,.. . Linked With "'Arabian N10hta.-

'"'l'eberaJI .... nOl a .... ,.. ~o the c.pJlal of Ptnia. Rb.," or ReI. It. pr~r, the rvlnl of which Ire De'arb,. \lll'U • btlltllll, ctl, of Oll~ aDd a bllf mllllOJUI 1-" th~ Hiddl~ a,... A, tbe blrtbp'a~ of (lUUIll II.R.-n'~ Caliph at 81i:dad, tbe "tlb aM mOllI ftlloW11ed ot ttl. AbbIUl4_. UI IIlme

.ttaJllid". Ti)(etl' •• :oDe pike fit .,.,.. nltaH,,"thfo pMrotic IbTOD4l mi&bi ~. 'lIj ' be talled the lDo.t ~.1'.1D lb. ...ortd. tor It : .. ftlaied It ' tllrtJ mO· Ilona of doIu.ttll

. w...r ..... ...... J .• 'K~.1q l \,.."'~.UI."' ... I. ii,~> ~~.' .. 1 of Tlmur. Ihe Tartlr, wblch' lceolDplDlee! him oa til" Yldorloul m~~h bro'Olb PeNla I.nd 8,m a. fir .. l'~tJer ot EI)'Pl, In thOle b ~ ratJ d.,.1 ",hUl. blyU!oo. and toOQueat wire the Ilfeloo, Imb111011. or ever,. creat ~.t.. III the trfollore y,ult .110 '" , bo,e- terrell"I' 110be of (Old.. welllllq el,hl, pavod .. ,Ht wttll {ll,808 ·ewf'l., 'dd lIeArb, I. Ihe dlamOlld IlnoW'll .. tbe DaQ"·! ·Nur or ·Set of lJ.sbt.. 1NJP\JI, '186 <'I rati, ~hlc:h N.dlr Sh.b dJd I\ut o"erlooll a' DeIIiL

"T"lIenn mlebl well bI! n;lIfod the meel iIlc pI.e.. of J:ut an!! Wfost. tor Ib the lOulberlt portioa of Ih, til,. rocll:ed .... ..,. beblDd rile Pilifo pll~1I: .nd blne ,;lUter W~UI, l1li.,. be tOWld Ihe meJdAtr ot :he a.U,," "lIh theh b.&OIN and their 011'0 elm" ot Ule blrdlJ' ' unlouthed .ln~ Ibe fo.rl, ,.earl. III tbe> Dorthern pa" the- Well· ern lol'lul!nti! II _. felt aOd htard 10 tbe .hape ot .. f'lI...,ldf'd "tl"t't'll, folK'­trl c' lta:bt.. 1lI0yltl., EuropUQ I bo"a. botel ... reatauraotl .nd ~yeo " traua·

, .. ~ . .. "' ~ a40ptlna ~

. :TIle MW JUer. wbo II riferred J.a a &.pitm .~ T~ ,at

'1UaI" PUla~ '~ 1'1~' ~~ .. 1 ... 1613 ,u pollUte! ~~ &ad, ~

• dKrtIa ~~ price of bread." • -; . . ~~

Rome aq ..... t ·H_ '. ~·cit7'. Rich·cts. .... Rome.-The poUc:e bll'e touU4 th.,

IIlIIII' of'th -n..t Ind moll: pathetk' appearlnl .treet beUarot lire 101ft 01 til. dty'. ~opuleat nttRol. beblltil

the w.lIt ot thel"',~""",.,,~.!!~c" ODe of lb .. ipd ·M •

.. ~ &ad . till pocll.tt(1 ~ta.m Ibou\ f80 ~ · Oll.! mpta. Ano'Uier Mepr w .. be • proprletOC' at dwelllo, .notber ao 01ll"0ar at • Ihe";' th.t bOlltee! ae'l'eral bprwa In(S rf.pa, I third Will I protiulan.1 mane,. IfonMr .t o.urlou. note., aDd • tonr1h w .. I treqil~nler ot Doe of t.pUal·1 1D00t upeollve In tbe eVfoolap..

Ceure SaDI!I1. paliJItt1 aod m,;;',' .,,' 1 dI'eued lD tattera. clled ' 011 th~ SI~ at heart dtaH.ItI. HII bod.J wa. plh· ered up IInceremolilouAly h,. t.no· bloee,. .od buned 10 Ihe public: t~m .. ttT1 for the df'ltll ull!. It WII leaNed thai San"~ w ••• one a t the moat Doble fam lllea, Ind Ihlll he Ibentlt IIUI! pt ('Ooot.

This Sending Station Is Portable " t ore"er Il.I:I.ted ... Itb 'ArablU 1'1'111111: There h l..-e btIon man, k'lId~ of Tbl' ("11,. al., cIUf!d RlIal:a~ ........ de· , 1Il11111i'd for A. W. Tupper hhllwn":,","'("''' ·~o .ro,.ed b, JtnCbls' Khall ~d Ttlollr. pholograpJ!) ud R J . WIlIl of Iht

"Jdod~1I Tthel"lll·. po.lllolI.10 rnl1l'!1 ]ltthth()uiW' s' .... lce of the Ulllttlt Slftl@('! ~uth of Ihe Caspl.n ~ .. ("orumandl ll, Depnnmenl of t'Omme~e I" dUlgn nnd the blj:hwan ot Iha utfooal"e upland build a portable trlDllllllttlll ~ ,Ot brolld·

rtc."elvlnr W:ta. but It l"1-

plltNu I Dd tbe ftlln,nt'e to lI)e EI~un n;stiIl: 11.11011.. • ,

::~~~~e ~:::,,~~ ~';:d:-~~~~U:~ I~ I 4.-- "ul r~nk bll'h U III InduIINII dl,. thl ''''lIl1lati01l I. rous:hly "II · ra lted I[ 800.000 10 wlotfor. hut la' '''1 01 '

raer till. o umbf'r dlmln l ~hl'!l uo~ ·tbl rd. Y'Or. althou;h III~ dhn.kl Ill"" III t he Ipproslml[fo IalhoGe of Cup.t H.t· teraa, .nlt 1I111"! lIIonlh. o f Ihe , __ bnng II rool 1I,.bll . ntl ,ulIshlo," d., .. tbe Ib~ mIlothl of lummet' ,re on· ('(IlII fu".bl, hot &lid d'Y.

'"The ~It~ ot the d~ Iltab It locale1:lln Ih~ 'Ark: or t ';ln ller dtadfol. '11 Ih~ tnlddl~ ot Ibe tit,. '11f'ft I. tbe Salurn tourt. tootalolo. Ih, hrrlft fikhl+Khlloeh. or Ihrone roolO .... hfore the Ihlh recel"fod hi. people ., h ll Nfow Year'l receplloo. t llre@ month. .nd more Irter Ihe WHlertl ... nrld Ulbfored 10 • new ),f'II' . Thll ~p-­Uoo fol1lDerl, ",' U • brllllaol II.lTal.; the rO)'11 band P'II,.ed III Ihroolh Ib.e C1! rel1lon,.. lhit toUM ~ wu mo('11 10 ~"hll'nf'1!l " 11h 'li t ~hllh 'lI "rt'f'tlo,C, for Ille Of'1I' IleUOII.. lod the Khllh him· ~It ..... H",«I 10 I jell'eled ch.l r 00 • bf'lIutitul marble thronfo, .. hleh. bow. fo"f'r, Illoui ll Dot M ~ntlllle<,l ... lIh Ihe prkelf'Q Putotll Ihrone bpi In Ihe Irl! •• ur ... ,'null .


"Tllfo om~ at Ihe ('Ommaod.anl ot tbe Impt-rhll llIard.&, Ibe .puMm,·off . at Ihe ,rand .. Itlfor lind Ihe Impnl.1 CeorCia'. F""I Pe~ Out· . rthl,," are Mlp.nlM !"rom Ihl! ml,n I croppu.. of Grbite Raace. Plh'~ br II Ih.d,. roM ,.rdl!n, hUI ___ . ODe'. InlfoT'f'ft oalun.11I tf'Olfn In I h ~ ,ltllZltl., Ol.-"How ('Ome Slon~ truture ... ull wberelll .re kepi tb... DIOUIlc.ln IW Pfo,!"!ao cro"'n Je"ell. I Thl. qu.,.r laa bll puulfod ~IDllllI

N.dlr S h.b. ..ho ..... 1110 'oown .m .Iote lbu'e bl"~ bf'f'U 110,. lI:f'Ol~

~;;II;! Kl~:; : "':o~~: :~~~~: r:: l1.t. Ja pflull! , ~ul S IODe mouOla l11. c:ro"'"1Ied hfo lond~ Indl •• I~III . ·Il""e 1I.0,. I!xplloaUolI1 hll"e htf'n o r· tbe m uotl"J" .od a .. !,;f'(\ [)eolhl. II rel'l!d ror Ihe el[ llIl!ocl! at Ihl! no .... f. · WII bl! ... 110 10111 do"'o bl. hare .... onl mona gn.olle mooa<1Dock, ... hld, r\"". .. • atp Ihal Ihe II\U .. t~ mIRhl.be- auddea]y out of a tertlle ('(Iuntr), J1a .... refuted to 11ft It ... 10 untU arDtlIId It. ':fb. ooe m~ ra'l'ored " thoaADdt Ot, lhe Inhlblt.nl, hlld I>I!i-D tblt ~met1me al¥a. nfly to IfoVeDty· ma.rderM. AIId he II w .. wbo hrou.ch l th'e mJIIloo )'.ra IgO, I~re w .. "n lhe peacotll: I hrone- 10 Teherao ... hf'''' trp.b~Y&l.hI. tbla IlInd. al :w~cb tiflle II hili beeo ' llnte 1m. . StObe raonll~ .ud tbe Appallc hl an ~Tbll lOt1C f'OU ' t hllr df IIAle II Iq.- IDOQDtlllna ·, 114 other "Blero wood ... ,.

("tulJled with Ihoullndl· of pN'dC>1I' J'Q(:II:, ~ , bl"1l:Jl tip. Jelr'fl" ...,,11'011, dl4roooda, emerultl.a . Bot 81.01if mooolll ,n. on whlth " • nd 10 Ullin)' utller~ thll ooe Ii Almo!!!. belOf tl.f\'ed the Confl!dt'rnte lIIem~ blll1tSe-d IJ, III toru.~c.ot ,plendor. Ell!' rl.l. II IIOt all jnlt oul therfo In whle­blllzonf(\ on 'h~ b.ct I. tbe Ilrlt'l~ !"Iell' opeD' ~lIlb touoty. Th.t·. ooly cock frolll .bleh 1\)1 tbroDfo teku 11. wbere It. P[} .... Ilklt, IIIllDC, with Itl till aprud Oul 10 . II ertuu!l IJOder mOlit o r tb~ T'l'tDaln· map11i1ceDCIt 110 li"lDa pea~ ner de, at Ge<;rpl "nil IOIDe Pllrts . O .

Melons Used for Water in Jerusalem

.~:;,~~~~~~~!.~;~:;;.;,:'lI.futtkl"OI ",.atfor luppJ,.. The ftltU1U8 for ~. du~ ,I> the nip,d ,",,,·t h of Ihe dlJ'. The dally nollon ucb ("UI dOlfo to l'I"e I.Do\,. ... The pf'Ople In! buylnr qu.Dtltlu of rue'OIll II. II .ubltllull tor drlolcl.n.r .water. Abov. II I llIe10n ~Ier ID th~ Slr«lIL

Soutb C.roIlOI, Tl!ntellHe. aod Florldll.

11 10. tile ,naol" bfodrodl " reathf'"d II about 400 ftf't. DT. S, W. IJcCIIII~.

Ceor f:l' lillie 'eoloet .... IIlrl Ihlll "'MO the V-Inltfo I •• 11"U .... 1t • DeMiOO mll:hl aa WI!ll , lop. hec:aulfo • drW "ouid 11:0 "on 10 ChIn • . H. .

SIOD ... mo"nl.ln III"JI1 nol Iall tON'nr. df:C'llre geologl.t.. Thfore II II de"IIII' tIIIllna: t OIT", .... hlrh I. -dlmlllllhln;:. rn; Idl,. .1 ,.uth thllll:' go. th t' FIJ;~ or tht' mOBot. 'a This tu r""e I" ("1111,,t1 px(ullo ,,=

\ Onea Hund,.d Tlm.1 ,r.~nt Slu .

WII':D Ihe- mounta,rt' Nlml' Iota heloJ: It C"Overed prohnhl)' 100 thol!s Its prell­ent lise. .. e~' ldl'o~d (,,. the numer· 00. oOltropa ot thl! somfo rock nlell" 10, over I bf'11 .e,·eral mil,", In wldlh At 1111. rate at shrlnkuge. I compote Ihal ID "nothet ,.e.,.. th~r~ ... 1Il oot be . 0,. mounl.lo..

At 1l~nl SIOO~ mouolAln rtoo."

I, fHt ab()\'e the ,round II n.1 ID('ludu

a(T1I'II o f folpnaell I&:lnllt m"II~. I thl. mil .. Ih~re .r~ 7.:I4~.j50.P!iO cuh'"

• te-ef. Thfori li re ahoul 12 ('ublt tl!'f'f ot , raDllfo' to tlt~ too. maklna: the milia wel,h Ip tbl! Dl!ll"bborbood of C28.~-9 11 10111.

Since- aboul 186a -Stooe IJ}ollotaln ~lIoltfo bill btt'n u.1!d pxlellll' l!l,. bulldlnl II ... ell II pllvloC.

Coconut Milk Advioed for Babie. of Samoa

PliO Pa!l'o,-Youna tQ('nnuti t';' ,0Unl Samoan. II Ihe idl'lCt' ur the Unllf'd SI.te. rOl'eromelll, 10 South "'n nIDlhf'1""!I unable to Se<"ON! milk frH' thlltr bl\hlH,

The u~e lit totOOtltll tor h"f,I .... ,. stUl lin ellptrlment, hut 10 fur III roll·

aldered 'UtC1!tlltul. Eath child I" !l'ln'lI the mfoat at tour '·et,. youn, "n('<>­

nuu dall" lo, eth ... r with all the ('litO­

nut milk. be CaD drlok.. Ch il li welt'Fe worll: to Sam~ hn"

bef'n or •• nlted 10 tbll nil .-l1Inl:CA 10

Amerl<"lo Samoa llre\.I.Ite-d lit .Ielllli <!nte j!"ery t,,:,,! Wtclyl. 10 ~lIcb I"e' • mmmlttM ot wOrnl'tl apl'lolnlfod: ' lJahiei a re ~\'·~kl1 · , mHI1Dp·lor · tbla Wbfon a bl." 10c:nMM 10: mother Ia pralW P.'i_lkI,. ; IOICl, ~!t .. ~~~~~.-,,". ~1~e<1 ""nol

1'1I~1et 'on rnlenoU', New-y~ Home '. , .- , . . .. ..

l.l nf,llID.c a lablec to Ol. memo'Y of Rob4lrt O. lua:forIDI l III h ll tOfUl"r loom" to I,l r .W"r<:")· .. <j .... r .... " .. w t ork d ty. IAtl to r..,bt : Fotmer Senltor Chari" a. 1'bom ... Balobrlllill Colb,.. ltlra. &f. lDpnoll SWIl4!J'. "'lud\lJlulbllr Qf lJI,ereol1. ud Dr. Jobo l..o.ejo,. Elliott. ..

Increase Effort to tIIu. l:"Il"n In 192."i !lumbered 3,2.'\0.000.

10 the wlnttr of two Yell'" '11'0 A ,to.rf ot repl.nllnlt WII made .... heo ROO .ern WI!", Tftoreated. LaBI win· tft" S,OOO .CT'ta 'wl!r, Illantl"d . aid lb. protl"lm tor the pte1lent ... Inter e m­br ..... "" 8,000 a~te1I. Wheo th@ total ~A""h" 10.000 1("reI ,"rl,., thlll wllb oatunl reprOOuttll>n. It I. hopPd, ,,'III IIruerve Ihe red"'ood tor pOIterlt,.

Save Redwood Trees Nature Loven Joifl to Buy

California F orcsb

Su I"rllncl.to.-lncNllllo, dart. with pr08petl ot IlltCtlM. I. beln, iliad, 10 pr .... e,..e from Ullottlon the world'ft tall_t aDd mo.t be.utltul In!t'. !be Sequol. Hmpen·trens. or rf'd , ~OO<!.

Sprf'ad oyer th~ northl'm beml. .phl're· ut Europe lind Amerlr. when th~ I!IIr1b ... ,.olln.. Ihe t ree Will

Itoorf'd (POIll the "laM h1 .lIdeot Ice ahe4.'t" unlll thera rem. loM onl , I forl"lllf'd bf'1t of I tew hundre-d IIIIII!I

.Ion/ll Ih" COI.t ot nflrthero C.U fo rn l.

.od a b It ot lontlltro OTf'l:on. Tbe-re III calhl'dral ITl.lldt'ur It rlllllt1l Itl 101'1, . plr"" 8:iO fl'f'l and more. III Il.m~. aempenlren..-e.-e-t · 1I~ln(­.rou .... Ihe ImaK1natlon. tor It II trolll 2.000 10 S.OOO ,ura old, onl1 • IhoD' ~Ilod yeu. ,oullleer thnn It. touI'n the Requola I1"lInll' •. o r the Slerr. !\eYRd. mouotlln • .

L •• gua 8uy. Oro'll".

.I>Ialt'fl lftt('nt tlmb ... r . rMlI81'n, mol .. to.re and t1e<:a,J' for tenturles. thous:h hllI"n. II "'lUll t'Ot and .hlpped throngh· out the enlted Stale. lind Ilhroad 10 Ineb Qo.otltlu .. to ~nIl1llli:er Ita ell'

bauttlol\. Arouae4, tbe S.ve-the-Rrdwood

learue. com'polled ot luth Ollture 10'" Il! ~'rankllo K. Lao~. Dr. Joho C.

Merriam: WIIU.m Kent lind ol herl!.. .etuall"d b, loye ot bf'.ut,. 10 r t('t'nl ,[email protected] hili rliaed mOOt1 to bU1 aruoe .,.0'" .nd tocfUce ttre .tate at C.II. fornla .nd "woo. or,lIl1lulloD. 10 pnlH,.... olllera..

Todl,.. 1~.:II:1 .rres hna been treed trom tbe ... oodJ:llIao·1 meoadn. 111: . 10 Iddllion. th . lea,tle h .. loltluf'd a proj,.'Tlm tor a altlonal redwood park of 20.000 Itn!I or 11"f'e. thlt -.fire a haU·tbOtllllld 1eora old wheD t.be .tar Ippelred Offr Betblehem.

Thl! 10mbe rmf'1I h"e .,.lIIpUhlzed ...tlh tbe .plr!t ot ('(Inlen aUon, Ilnd. InO"N vellt" br ('(IlIald~Ml.lloDI of !lollnda] IIdunt".e. bl'po re tortala· lton 10 ellll!nll'e all to proml.e ('(lm· i,ll'!1! rfoplRt'('ment or t.reeI cut dnW'll. 14'trd'lIntable- redwood Umber ID tile torela utlmUed 1\1 1'> teet bu.rd mell.8ure. will be repro­duced b,. plaotloa: lit Ihe r.te ot 5:)() ••

000.000.000 fe-et bollrd mtl'llUT"e ,.ur. Iy. anumloa: the preaeot ral@ at MIt· tlng Ind re-produtlI"(7!t:" - Lumbe.mp.II !I(\ITe from tbla tbat - tbe &eton,1 a:rowth ot red ... ood will be relldy for ,~ttlng In 100 yeal"l\ at the lime !lmt thlll the ' vlra:ln tlmher hu dlsa p­pe.red.

T,..CI A i d A.fore.taUn" Plln. The tree Itaelt I •• ,r"'t f lltlor In

Itl perpetultlon. tor II[lTOUl>! ftprlnll' trom Its Ilumps 10 l'r"tu"~ly lind per· Illllentl,. that 11. 8 . I'rall, .t. te t or­I!IItfor. II,..:

"It plaollog b, tha lumbl!r camp.· nIH ill tonllnut!d on Ihfo pN'lf'ul ll("1l 1~.

I t'ODslder tb" adequllie ml!l na ,,11\ h,,· ~ be-en tallen 10 ('I!tornl the tUI · over linda, particulll rly I ince Ih"e ' .nda are rl!toresllog ma n! or II!!II b, themaeh'" b, melln. ot Itump Iprouta."

The redl\'ood be:]onglll to Ihe plDe flmll, or ('(Ioe-Dellrln, group. 10 Ihe tall ot Ihe ,ellr Ihe con~ arl! !:nth· er~ tram the ~und and t.ken to

Le .. R'ai" Noted on Northern Paci6:c Cout

T,co ll1~. Wuh.--OIII r"a ltlenl" ot Ihlll porI ot W .. hloj;loO and Orf'COll 1,.ln, 1J1!1\\" ... ~n tb~ C.IC'd~ mouotaln!l " U<l th~ I' .. elnc .,...,"'''' loo~ h ...... bec-n dt'<'IR rltll: thnl tUlllnlf Ihfo dl!n!le 11m· ber th., once ('Ovtred the re,lon II Itlldllllll,. thllogln!: tbe dlma!e.

~ 1t dflun't nlo llk~ It uAed 10," Ole uld ·llmerl!. rem.rk. ren. lllna: th~ dll,., wbeD tbt, rererrE-d to (lDI! aootbl!t .. .....'bb.foole,." lIod "'mou ba .... ItJl. H

Aod DO"- ('Orne. l.. C. eoYer, ,o .. e-m· menl Wealhe r Db .... rver b,,... wllh !le' ure-I thll paMI1 torroborate Ihe old ""Wen .

HI. Hili'" Ihow Ih~~ b" , bl"8n • .tfolla, d~lI ne 10 ralntllil be-re dllrtog n'·e-,.e. r Pf'Nodl .Iote I~. The af·

erate .nnu l ralntall from 1~ to moo "'a •• :1.90 Ineh,tIl. From uno to 1925 It hlld flllltn 10 33.00.

Ih ... nUMIerles at Ihe 10mbl!r ("ompR' A l:en"Mltlon 11:0 !he .. e'U:1! raiD' nlea nt Scotia.. I"orl llra.;1t ""d eM' fnll 10 Ihl. IIISlrlN Wftl 4!'i lo~he" a. pur. Cal. Seedr ' l'moHd tram the ~" flr . bu t Ihe (lr"""'nl D""'nllt'e, boaed toilet bl'('(Ime Ireta at IIIJ: 'lr "Vt'li un fi ll 1I\'lllluhle IIcJret o f the put. ba ll Intbes In ooe or two Te.n. Treea droPloed 10 .0.72.

King Tut Married When but a Child

Expert Tbi.nk. He Became Hu.ba.nd at Ale of Five.

New Yorll:.-That KloJ TUlankh· Im~n. "ho d Ied 10 Eg,pl 801O~ 3.000 ,.~an Ia:O. "' ... 001,. tlfll!eQ ),ea" old whl!:n hll bod)' Will ].Id 10 hili ti'i,ub 10 the Valle, at the KllI&"s. b .. be~o dl!O, DIIl'l,. '1Cl!rta lned b,. F.l"yptolo,lat ..

The .,e or tbfo dead ph.r.nh h.1I been Ihe blal. tor mutb sVe<=ul8tlno Imooa: rho.e who uot-ovued lbe torull nell.r \.u:lor. H oward CRrler, .... ho .... u the chlet aulstant lu the Inte I!~rl

of Cam" r ,'nn In Ihe work or l! :l ra" I" ' Ina: Ihe tomb. hlld bell ... "f'('! Ihe yuurh .... 111 ell:'hte~o yeunl 01'; whtn h ... pllued

I".", . '1111, Othfon pillretl hla .co hl,her. ,

Wheo. bo ... ~.er. Ih~ mumm,. w .. tlken trom III I'>tllen humlu·lhl llf'4 ('(111\ 11 .od the 1I" rapplh,,1 nboul II "'I're removed \lOW till! ,oldpo·lhell lhf'd bod, time Iota "lew. the ~lIp .. rt .. atter an u',ol"'ollon, esl.btllhN the ".:" .

W .. ra Crown ,,' Gold .

OD the head of Tuuok"amt'n • !nil tro.·n of . ol d. The haDd. "'a.e- tlRI13ed .tro~1 tbl! .bru!>.!. Ull the Ildt' u t Ihe body wp.rl! "rllppe'll 1 ... ·0 ,0Id' hllIed 1.'0"" and IWO kolves" Ihl! hlnd'@, or ""h\1-h 1I1!'<, wert gold. 00 Ihe btl'nlll rold~n .turl .... er ... pilired t" nlllrk Ihe hellrt ntld lunRI. ..

New Sea Fighter for the British

Tu.okh~rneD In"l!rlll'rl Ihp Ihrool of Khun· At t n Ihroulj:h hli Ittftrrl.,fo to Ihlll 1I11Ia:·' ItVrd tlault'hle- r. Ankh·a...­p.·Aleo. , fterw.'" Aollh·ne~·amen.

t.o 1t1n .fter hl"f' ro,."1 ht}!er had IIl1lU1ed AWR,. TIl l, Will durin, Ol,

! MlIIJD at Ihe pllano!'!. Saa·Nl!kht. h"

Above " pl t tund tbe MlllUt '1fd Brlllito AMpl. H. It S. ~e"ou. beloa:

• brot her ·ln·llw. 8u·)lellhl I. vlnoua­t,. uthnltt'li 10 h.ve rel&,o .. d tram I!l lt' h l 10 .lxtHn ,.I!>ln atl~r thl. f'V'1!01 bet"re hll dunl . nd Ib .. lut("f'Uton Cot Tutaokh.mp. TIll! I.ller II .... rl ll"llied 10 h.'·1 re l&,ol!d tram I ...... II> oloe ,.tIfIl"L Tb, rorm~r 11101 ... I. Howard Carter'. Ind the 1. II~r Sir 1'Ilodl''' Petrt.·.. Sir Fllnd .. ,. la • oOIf!d

. El1ptolllllll.

"v, Wh.r Marrlld.

ThOa. IL Tul&lllthRlOeo "'I!'I! I'Il'1eeo re.n old .t the lIme or his death h' ... ·ould hl" e b4>eo Dilly 'I\"l' )"I!II"'I old .. hI!!! he UI. rrled all I!le bula ot th,

Ilu,,'er n&'llre. .w!lllfo Ihe I.rl(t'r Ii(\lre ... oul<l .. em 10 be ... Id. ot tb~ m.rI!.

, FI.-e tear" or Ita:. rill" mlrrla,cfJ Ip-

I pMl'ntl1 lit OUI ot line "'"h !he eo. ;oml or thl' royal "Uu.-el uf E&,,.p!, ror fcw. H uny nr Ihe ..,""tnuh .. marrl .... I,etor~ Ihe Ice ot Iwt' I,·" The,. IIld lI<lt btl('Olt'l! of Ire unti l .IXIHD :r.-ra uili. .

On the tl!ml le . Ide It ..... dltrerant" 1I0llle of the prlnteu"" mllTylo, wheD

I <I Dl y on~ ,.",r old In orller 10 acqull"'l rla:hll of royllt)' tor III~ bolliaoi!. lD

! ~:1Y1't ro)' II)o deatent pu.ed tbI'oqb Ibe dlullhlera.

Tllfo l'Iedlll l ot' the b~b ,olc;l trOW!! on the hu.d o t Tutautbllmeo II a .:». cq.er)' unlClua LD .a rd'f'Olo" . . .. J.~" ,,'U tbl dlttoyer,. ot . th:e ,wora 0..\ ht..lltU IDd PI", at tbe PO, .. re­"IIa. tor dl'lIpoller. 111.4, IlrtfIT_~ I, r,.u1lCll:~ ro~al, III~b. !C! :~bo~ ' .'


I, uotbed III M .... ('UO.. Dlma Clrolloll Brtd(ezIIllD. wire at the. lint lo.rd of l1'e 811111h .d~~, ITQ". IPQIIIDt (or 11)1" the O~t .~tY,tl.llblp lO. lit. l!l~~bl.'.d

. trl.llll I pr\\'uta ailip,..re! Ilo~ Ihe wllr. • 11 . t~t ,"~I.II · ~~!: ~~ . ... -!!'I . ' J.:.\}, atrlpped 10 U.'·WNPPto.. ),. , ' •. ' , '

I , .}it: ~


Page 4: The It.multnomahhistorical.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/1925-12-18.pdf · ~illie Williams, secretary for upkeep and maintenance of the In 19ZZ, 104 l05t their livel in Ore~ Elizabeth

.' were ~ • fOUliD, c..hivarie 1)anday iitt.,V" Sanday Sthogl ' tuC.ben lor ...... ..... c. 0.' &_z,..... [PERSEIS' aulla01llah .... , >i ,'" ,..... P<OPI<. . , __ " .... and ..... 01

. • Dible. . . lommuniil! JrJu >in, D i .... ..;;:M;. V., Lon, and C ... ' , sells For Less. ' .

liQ. A. Holm. lIe1pcd whh th Clni.t- Wr'1. 1. VI Ha~ '~«n .jpQmted , ~~-,' ''==alt1Klala' Oreaoe ina. Seal sale in Portl,nJ ob '!'hun- to '''Tawny Owl" of PORst BroWoiu Afu Ed Rye! has been qUIte ill, but Dry Gooca--"Star Brand" Shoes P.bli.hed roda,. of. Each .Wetk By cay. Pack ud will u.ilt Kn. 1. SUn. the is bellar at Ibll lime M.'. Fa"ndIhin-

Pibntu hbli.hinl' Co. . "Brown Fairy:" The- woc.e.w)rom the B"

Th P T• '" Ch b '. In the 01(1 JroDlldu' drive PUI on 1~:·::::::;;::::". I~"':":"::O:~:~":::::::::::~ It J • . 'P bl' be. . n.. name .' r'J. am en cand,. tale will. '_be ' 1IIed'~. ' . "!omu.

K ene' D u er for cookina, "and Min 1l\clml }ob.nlOll, ~ by the Icboob, tbe Mettler lChoo! eoa-A A Jcllriu Editor u,ilted by ldn: Wnvcr, on eommilo Mr. and ,lin.. crtora-c tlQ, .. . . nd tributcd $11.15. 7

Telephone :Main 3.121 leu to belp the !{irb. Mrs. In.ram daurbten were week:elld ~Hta ~I • ' r .... --~-----'-_------------------, ~ported oq tol1n anu ' loxin treatmenU _n,.. and Mn. W. 1'. S~~'Pl thea The Woman', Oub lave a ClIrd paMy r

TeJ.phooe MaiIl72tO civen 10 over .l) lC'booi and pre-tchool walnut ""!I~ neu ~nrbuC. ;.. for .the benefit of the Doer~becku Ho ••

-::,--:----,-;--"''''-;:-::-1 a&c .iHn 101. 1 Wfllne..Jay b,. Ihe AU,,' W,.'an -•• ',-d & ._,:. ... ,'. pila!, 1'IInday enuiaL Dqcmber 1$, ~Ie~d u lo:coad du. mailer Ocl. M I h Co H I h G h'l '.. .. ... , -... at Ihe bome of l4.r. ani. )J",. · }a.~b

!t 19lJ, al Ibe Postollice at Multnomah, u UKlfna unty ea. I ro~, wo;:.e dent while ridinc hil motorcyde on, the 8ro55. 'I'hi • ....al the '.eeODd of a .eriu Urt,on, under the "'ct of March J, tbe P. T. A paid expenses. ...... . Boonel Ferry Road when tit lkickled . . l&i'9. __ sisted by ~h.ry T. Billmeyer, the 1.Ild. wa. tbtowu on hi. hea4. liecCll$i. for tM hospital hind. r

For EVERY KIND of LaIlDcIry- caD up th.

STATE LAUNDRY CO. EAst 0657 , 'EAst0658

Subscription Price - $UO Adverti.ing Rate. Upon Appliution

lunches were ~rved by ~rs . Holm and laling a ,b~lTied caJ~t!lr •. doc~~ ·_~bo In COIIInecuon with ,.Fum HomeIL _________ ~ ______ ----''---------' COUllty nll"se-gave the injections. Hot ~ "-'--~

it i. hoped that a libn ry will soon be look a n~er of "uebe. 1!1 loll J5jOl19. Benefit Shower, plit on y the Wom·I~~"",.;.;,,~~~~,;,,~~~~~~~~==~~~=_.S''''.= .... The' 'mapiine it a Stranger. the

daily it a Caller - BlTI', tbe com· manit)' weeki, is a Pal .

-- . . an's Club a, the Jalt m un&" Father operated. Mr. and Mn .. E. Ev'O_~I'!.a:~v~ Ambrole, of St. Anthony'a Pari." ~,w I C.=.---.;...-...:---....;---- - -------..:..---':-; moved from their home on the u M W h fi . nciaI · i b. 1

Fmy ~oad to a n~w hOllle of pifm· Fa~ HU

: ';:h \'~an:=t ~ t~r~ ro,e Ave!, llilltnomab, formerly OMIed. d Co. Ii ' ~ ...-...«_ T)' 1,0 b FOa YOUR CONVENIENCS

We bave installed lWO telep~'lncs, :!:i:e~cms for pllblieat;o .. .,nil t:': 1


lJe;~. ca.. b~ l~~;~~~-=~;," i; Nuhl\{lmah,. vr at Z\,t fourth Street,

Mai. WI MUa 'lUI ,

~Ir &..In-.;m. Po.-thind. A ( hrinmOl'l ser\'ice will be held at

Editorial the Garden Home Community Lliurch on Sunday evening, December 2lJ, at 7 :45 p.rn.

by Arnold Weber.' \ esllJl~ an \I'.! ~~t \.' • . '<:'If ~ t e . QUCSIIOll 01 the 'plnt of _g1VInIt In Itcn-

1fte annual baU:&r held by the Ladies en.l and Farm Home !{ivini in paf. 01 tbe Alto' Park aiuS SpriIIg Brook ticular. Soci.al O ub, Saturday, I?~r 5, at the Lake Grovc Oub Ho.lIe, prov~ an enjoyable a"tir and a .UCCU ! Jiiq,n' TIGARD GIRLS WIN dally. Mn. Florence DitkilUon and ~hs. Franci. trving pruided al tbe BASKET BALL GAilE fancy work hoolh; Mn. Dorothy Dkk­

UAVK YOW OlmUS J'oa Turkeys, al.o Geese, Ducks,

, Chickens and OYsters '

JOHN'S MARKET Prompt and Satisfactory Phone Se"iee


Onc:e mOt"e the post office depart· ment U"IeL the Amenean public 10 do it. Christmas shopping and mail in.,; early . • If Ihe shopping is done now. Ihe buyer geu just what he or Ihf ""anlS. and if Ihe gi ft is mailed a! soon

iDIOIl and Lucille Wilmot, at Ihe Quilt ~Ir. G. G. McConnic wu rc·c!e<:tcd boo!h, and ~{rt. Vine Holder and Mn. The girl. of the a.ri,tian Endeavor Multnom~ Oregon

of the Evall,elical Church at Tiprd lL._:.... ___________ ..,.:.... ____________ -' canLmillionfT of the \Vater Board al Ihc clection held ~Ionday el·ening.

Saturday e\'elling the choir will prac­tice fO/ lbe Cb ristmas Hl"\'icu .

Blancb Stone bad' thara:e of the supper --(j.aneing beinl enjoyed later in the e\·ening. Proceeds 'of the bazaar will bt-donated to the Corvallis (lUldreos' Home Fann.

a s poniblf, it ""ill read its des tinatioll RYAN PLACE ~he meeting of the Kilpatrick· in plenty of lime for Chr iscnla! Col ' n mprovement Club, P. A Duhl-

m!~dsu~:rr~rw~h;:~ma:ec~~~~;~' :~~ Mi~rI~~o~:altoek ~~:n lI:d c~~m:hnait~ ~r~'::tstertr;! -- was brought before the club and it WllS

dressed properly with ink, and ha\'~ ~Irs. John Tuhy, who wat recently voted to donate $10 and the usc ' of the )'t>ur return address ill the upper left I oper<lled on ~t SI. Vincellt's hospital, hall and a hearty co-operation Qn the hand eorn~r_ Abo ,.be lure that they is progreumg !IIeely.. part of Ihe club and the Collins View.

had a game of buket ball witb the l ~ __ ~~==~=_~"'!'~~=~=~==~~~~==~~= girl. ' team from "'Iob, and won by oI l' iCore of 47 to 10.

The Tisard team COlUlsls of Mi,.ts l~-------------;..-------------"t Gladys Junkin, GladY5 Beyer, F rances Maurer, Edaa Frewing, Margaret Lit. tan, Viol~ and Mabel McDonald.





arc weighed right and you hal'e the , -- Par~nl _Teach~r circle ;, assured. The enet postage on them. lfany pack · I Mr. Gusta\'e Purin en lerl ainrd Miss Sunday School leaehen , Min Jose. The 15·year-old son ?f Yr. and Mrs. agcs SO asln.y each year by being Emily and Mn. Carry Holly and Mr. phine Gomu, Miss Gladys. Wat- J. s. Crow,. of Goochng, Idaho, left poorly ""rapped and · addrused. Ingcbrigt ~Iuus ae dinner, Saturday, in son and M ilS Irene Richardson, will home on Aususl 18, 1925, and is prob.

Pioneer Printing and Stationery Co. 212 J'ourth Street - - - N e.. Salmon

LOOK FOR ELECTRIC SICN Very few people realize the exira tli, ne'" home. provide the program, 1M Sunday a~l~ in ~daho, .Oregon, W~hinillon, Of

arJlCAlnt of work entailed on the al'er - Th 7' d b' hd f ~I G H School pupib lakins part. ~In. George F ahforma. His mOlher IS , pr05tTat. " ;..-------------'--------------.: 'g' ,..Ioffice clerk during the Xmu e _n IrE loy 0 . rs. . . h ft''; d f h b Th k Vance was the occa$Lon for a ,urpTise Dent and Mrs. George Mack have been o\'c r I c a aL, an any m onnallon =""~~~~===~~~~~~~~~===~~~~~~==

rul conunenclnl a out an li!pHng luncheon II.:n b her dau hter, ~(rs appoinled c0"Jrniltec on arrangemellts will be appr« iat~d . ~Ir. Crow is a -Hay and continuing. 50llle lUllel, Into

l L R H \ YTh d S o b and the malter of a donal ion from the ~ lILeULber of Gooding Lodge, No. 130,

the New Year Much of ,hll eXtra 10 utc nnon, urs loy, ecem er Parent-Teacher c:ircl~ Yo.iIl be brOllght , and the JodSe asks that the following work could be climln;l.ted If ,he PUbliC I __ up at the nexl regula r meeting 01 the notice be inJerted in this paper and were careful and addressed ,hflr pack · The fullowmg offIcers WHe elc-ct ed circle. Donal i011I of tree trinunings, anyone knowing Ol.IIything ahoul Ihe il;cS right for 1926 at the ProgrCSSlle n ub S H candy, n!,lt s, etc., from rCildcnlS of the boy is atked to write .

... 11 postcardl reqUire a 2c stamp J uhnson, presulent . Geu \Velle, VIce communities will be mOSI acceptable: DISAPPEARED! Dunng Thanksgl \ mg week, Ihere were '11>fCS,dent; \Vm. Findlay. ~ec retary and The Christmas tree I,uty will be held ~ postcard. hdd in lht POrl~and pcNl j trc;l Surer . Trustee for th'ee yean . ~. on Tuesday el" ening, December zz. at The local Oddfdlows' lodie has ' been office fo r poslagt . only haVing a Ie ~1. Nichols : hold-ol"eu, Henry Bla,r Ilhe ball. ' requesled 10 lonte, if poJsible, George Itamp on them, and had to be re- I and J. B. Grefnway. The club 101 hu (Bud) Crow, alted IS; 5 feet 8 inehn

r'''- Multnomah ShO~ ShO;


I Chippewa shoe. for Men and Boys 'Yater Proof Shoe. Repalrina While You Walt Our prien arc Re-..ollable J obn V alen, Pro~.

dtemed by the person lending them - been p.aid for and the morlgage rdease tall; weigh.t about liS; fair wmplex-

thus entailing extra woN!: for Ihe clerb , eeured. II I AUK. ion, dark brown hair, small round face ; I=""=~~~""===~~================= and the cards did not arrive at their .pleaaing penonalit)'; small bunch or

. dntination in time Saturday niKht, ~liu \Vatlllita Du MR. E. F. B-., scar on left jaw ncar ear; very faint Puis .... ai given a lovely party bj her C ........ poII .. t JCllr aeroll neck in front. mother on tM Ulh birthday anni"erl- Mrs. J. N, Neth~rton is home after a Disappeared from h.is home in Good. ary. Those I'rC1ent werf : Capitola ~nd month's ablellce.. • • ing. Idaho, August 18, and is believed

COMMUNITY NEWS Lois Ratty. ~larian GaUll'ln ita, Doris - to be in mi. vicinity. :Mrs. Crow i. Davi., Dudley Hatty, TOlliuny Eller- J. O· John.on will entertain eight prostrated a.n.d any information will be brook. Paul Norst rom, WnL \Vhi lney, friend. on Christmn Day, at his an· appreciated. Edw ..... ds P iucky and Forrut Gish. nual dinner and tree. If - Bud" .cu lhil, he Ihould wrile


Mn. ). W. McCuen CorrClpcmdenl

Mr. "'rthur Wendland has installed a hot .... ter beating .ystem ill hi. Itreen houau.

·Wr. Allred Hinkle, of 5cholield. S",.

HILLSDALE Mrl. J . H. Povey, Correspondent

Mr •. -Fraser, Ihe primary teacher, was absent from school nrly thi. wC'Ck with tht Itr;p

tad\, Honolulu, is ~' isiting wilh hi. ~I f. and Mrs. Wm. Wither and ~, brother, ).Ir. B. J. H inkle. Ross. arc occupying Iheir home on t he

),fr. and Mrs. } . D. Claghorn entfr- , Dosch R~d for Ihe Mllter.


Min Florence Dc ParcQ , Corrtlp(lndeall

Mrs. Maybelle "'twood gave a very interutina: reciLaI Monday evemnll' _ prnenting her beginnerl' clus. Eadi child was prClented with a doll, refl.e· senting the Ielec tion rendered.

, 'M ,.. J' a h I -- Those wbo took pari ..-ere : Very talOe r. ,an ...... . ae.. ;l.g o rn , 1 A fern i. t9 be purchased this month,

js:,. and Mu. Royden Wheeler and to be placed i~ the room having Ihe nnt march ; Drummer Soy, Gerald "'t-Sh ' I Wh I d ' S d I wood; Tick Toek BUlY Little Dock,

If el ee er,~nner, un lo y, JarllUI nu~bcr of parents a t nch P Time Fairy, Evelyne JJou{Iy; Ghost

Mrs. J. L Thompson and da!,lghtu, T. A .• meellllg. Dance, Alber "'nderlon; 'T ..... antella, Bonoi~Jane, of Cenlralia. Wuh., ~cre The Girl Sel)4J~ve a hox soeia! Italian Doll, Vi rginia Sc~~clfDilsd!; WU~.t. of ~Ir . and ¥n J. W . ~~uen' l ind dance in :\fr. ). I. Hadley', bun March in C, Toy Soldier. Phim~ "'t­Frulay and Saturday. at ""hid they cleared $1 5 toward pay- wood ; Lillie Minuet, Frcnth Dotl,

:M in EJiubeth Borsc~ is home all cr I iog for thtir .~ifornn. • Barbua Gainel; Pickanlliny Dan~, . ' . H I 1 ~I I ' -- Dukey Doll. Sidney Alwood ; Kewpie

a t""o Y;~OlI"s lo)Ourn ID onu u u . . ,n ~ I ugaret Luch pvc a "ery plea$aOI Dance, Kewp;e Doll, Belly Jane Meall; Honch II a ItradUalC nUrle and for Ihe , par ty to her fr iends Friday C"ening al Dance of Ihe Wooden Shots, Dutcb PUI lwo yea,. h~ been in charre of • the home of .er siller M n "'rthur Doll, J ane IJuncan ; Japanese l.b.nce, one of tfie latte'l hospitals in Hono· KaJlem. Eigh:een YOll~g p~'le t n· Japallcse Doll, Ed ith Vay Kolhasc i

. Iulu. joyed Itamel and daneing' until a laic Frolic of Ihe StarS, Star Fairy, Cath. W. Horsch ..... $ u kc ted by the g<.>v · flour. Dainty rcfruhmenll were , Cline ulhropc; March. Alber Allder-

Cnlmenl lu ' inlpect tulip buJb. COltli llg Served. I son, Sil!ney Atwood, ~f aybelle AlwDO<!.

home immediately, and re lieve his mother's anxiety.

The eOhUnc"c.~o~,~_n.:::-'-::Prns" arc al·

way. open to all new. of internt to thi' community. Telephone Main 7z.40 .~ 3:1:1

James J. Crossley ., Portland, Ore,on

~,. ... _ tI.at h. II .. _di.

cla ... few tJ.. Itepuhli..a III-oaati_ for

Will work zealously for dcvelopme,\t of Oregon for irriplion and reclam· at ion, and ful6lmenl of meaaures f~ rnl benent of farmers as sugltcs ted by thei r orianizatian.. Favor the World Court. Rcfonn Senate Rulu, and will support neccssary prO'lisinns for law enforcement.

Adv. into this counlry frum Holland and Friday the 1'_ Uwere entertaincd I S'- Clares I'a-;:;- will hal'e Ih ei r ( lIlna. lh. Borsch, togelher with the b h'" f' h h I A I I ~~~~~~~~_~~~== . y C I ren ro n I f Ie 0..). 111101 Ch riumas tree and I'rqgram on \Ved . l· iv\'emment officials. hOi\"(' becll ~eci nK Newb:crg and Helen !-link 8a\'C rc · ' nesday e,'ening, December ZJ. and will a great deal of Orego!\ the vall fe",' \'iewl of hooks. Billy Sanden and be Ihe beginning of the holiday I'au. ""ceb, making aU the l"OOlU luwns and Virginia Barnn rerited, Mrs. Fred lions. Ipclld ing lome day, in Southern Ore· Hall.aallg - Roses Afte r Rain." foll""'ed ,gon. Mr. BOflcb i. an ... · 1 Jionic:ultw"-ill.



Teachers arc pbnning .. tlelirhtful Oriumai prOi'r&m nnt wed,.

..... baby bi,: wa.. horn 10 Mr. and lin. Oay Fo .... kr a t Ihe \ Vilco .. ).Ie. znorial H~ital. W cdnnday. December 9. Her name i. -).IUJnc."

, ).Ir. alld"~rs . Geor~e Durant bye moved 10 Aberdeen, Wutt.

rill; 5l:llIda,. School wilr"'rive th.eir Oril!paa eutcrtai~t on SalurdQ-CVaWI&. ~ 2l6. .

It,- ~I of ~III rcad.


"'" Geo. H .. rt.ftlan


Mr. and llu .. (1Larle. T . Warner IJId f~y 01 H!,IddlesOIl Homu, arc ~ to Portland.

Mn. J . L. WIllIlier attended Ihe monthly bulinen meninlt beld by Ihe officetl of the Otriltian' Advent Oun:b Frida,..

Mr. ud )drs. G. P: . HanteU, wbo bave Itocen rcsidin. in POMland. a~ movlDc back 10 'ifr home In Haddle· lOCI Homes.. ~ ..

Tht grand openin, of the Capit04 Hill O ub was a Ii'l1II nd lueens and wu well attended.

Surprls. Party

Aaul"Jln.. pan)'w .. civea MI.- Mule Pfame, Pnday niPI. Many del ight. ful pIDCS ... e~ played, after .bich re ' frelhments Wfre .erved. Harold and AJimse Scuion. pla'yed .everal piKCS on the violin and lrUitlr. Tha.e pres. ent were : , Miuel Anna Binpam, EV1:lyn Bing­ham, Nadine GiblOn, FraneCi Annbery, Viola BottOCl', Dori. Boyd, Helen Boyd, and Warie Plame.

Musn Saudford Ri.ehack, W.il~ Ri,cbaclr., · Harold Sculon, Alinue Sea· aioc, Emet Bottom.. WDL Binghl.Il\,. Raymond Khnmc,., Albert Crabtree,



. Tbe wiadom of EznenOD i. the kIlowledre o~ all ma lIIbo know tb. _~WI of rull comfort in tb.ir bOIlM.

Wh, 10 Soutb wbc.o tbe mow rtiel wbcu a word over tbe pboDfi will brWI. Palm Be.eb to yOW' hom"

PITOl FUEL CO. c. A. La_ PnIp.

K1IIt.-:...CJn. MIoIJII077 MiN LiD,. I..odta.mpe and Hury

'knpr were ~ lui week ~ Murice Dnal and )dattei SCm woo

~ priac 01 pidllfU ,;ven by tk Col· J&<k l1&li. ... ""'... ...... .~ ________ ... ~I





( ,

Page 5: The It.multnomahhistorical.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/1925-12-18.pdf · ~illie Williams, secretary for upkeep and maintenance of the In 19ZZ, 104 l05t their livel in Ore~ Elizabeth


Mrs . . FiiCMr i, .impl"OYin, and e:xpeclJ to be up and around in ~. ~

few weikl_

Mr. Wm Up.hur will be home Angele. on Tbuuday, whtre

been viliting bi, ,on, BerL ,

Mr. H. n: Tigard bas hi. =.::::;:.::==-=::...-------.1'."1 decorated for Chri~stmas,

Mr. ~Q".


.&LBOl'IUClAJi H. T. TrebeniofU,. Ua;ii !954.

:-=-"f'Oij;t;~ ...... -Cs::,It,<J hal ' A SUppiy Co.



·'·°11110,.1< Eatlier Than In P",vloll' y,a,.-:"

But tben tbere ...... no

::'tt~~.~:eI:Ii=~:~I?~~orll ,,~ the t llurlb d1i1fe~. or the doc­trtne ot le •• t Iqnan.. B1 C"Oncen­tratJllI her mind upon It .he could keep (I. tllrly aeron.tl count .t brldp I -find that "u .umclenl. UntJl Ibe met lIon.ce: then ahe ketnlr felt her deflcl l'uclea and 10nce<J t~r lOgarithm .. ) HOlliN:' ...... Lnslructor In tblll ICldl'mr



---a li.e 1T0wiD, bank account at thIa home bank I. an ex­perlollce ill thrift that IIts you to make · tho mOlt of lifo and be­come muter of clrCumatailMI , ---ite • friend that alway. backs your endeavors. C--at tho II", of the


--·of course M1Jn 1077. ",ou BlDu. Atwater con. KulUlomah Wood Co. Wahl lOll

~ DIBIWl'OR8 KUlu A TracI1. B .... a' Uli.

The I. O. O. F. Lodge held a \'er y interesting meeting Saturday e,·ening. John H enry Hyrkas took the initiatory dtgr .. e.

The amount of Ihe bndget on 'the hili and Mabell 91'11 tblll ' belle \

,·ot .. d upon is $354,725, and "'''.~'' I of the tOW1L It wa. ,trlInce lIow I :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!: appropriationl of $l84.ns, leu tbHe two 10 oPpollte people lIlclLned .. d r .. c .. ipu of fines and feu of to each other. Mlbell, or coane. was

Lasl year's · total was :O~:!t:llan~' ~~~u~:d:or~e!!a~: I ____________ ....,,.... ______________ _

,WO.-JTl"l'AIK AJ(D ICE CRBA)( ing lOme internting meeling" Webiter'l :nYe Polntl Cate. Main __

1i~~~e Bird Inn. Wain 6:171.- I Mh. Mary Brandt left on building fUQd was voted D. P. Dunt .. Co. We den.,.er· l· for California, to spend the winttr rately and added to the

Kalil £14.15. he' 'on, in Oa~nd. this year, it i, included in I .C. Net..on, Emldale. Main 5~9C. -- voted 011 .

e. e. Walker, of Ashland, an """"'-" .,,,, ,_ ... , of the market road levy.

of aU the .tOct1llt:1 .. Ihe Jolntd-ber Ie- I CO\l.D1.I 1Jere 10 accuntelr kept I BANK INSURANCE AGENCY


MAIN 6216


PAUL M. RISING, GROCBRtI:& of M .... H. F. Reeser. returned school tuition and state t~ brings

1.o.,..J07 .. Co.. Wahl un. on Sunday, after a \"try pleasant vi,it .. Webetar'l FIT' Polnta Store. Main grand total to ,,"01 ,840.

1511. Owing to Ouillmas activilies. 1M bU uUllDatlc J"UI o".r the aet{lunta., I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: made a few mental Ilihtnln, calcula· U~ and bad tblllm all ",hlp

Bille Bird laD, MaiD 6771 "500" dnb will nOI meet until Janu-

~. r ~e~~~.~s?tb4Je~I~r:~U. I ary 12, when ~frs. ~rald .... riSl will KINTO~;~~i :~:CJ~AJt _~~~ ______ ~------ ; enlertain.

II Mr. and Mrs. Binkek and I the regular mceling of the Kin-Wwtnotn.ah Hardware Co. lIIatn . entertained fr iend s from Portland at ; ton Grange, t he follOVo'ing offic .. rs were

:,~.~.~.~, ____________ I ~'n'.ler. Sun~a)" evening A ,ery en- l .-!eclCd for the ~05uing )"~ar : poyable ~vemng was reported. I Charles VanKl .... k. master

I Th .. many friends of ~fr . J :'-I . Alter'- . Harold Cutting .. ovcr~cu



and Brla tol runlon" In ~m'thlM ;-_===,--_______ ~ ________ _ ntber Ie .. tha.n three ahd:e. lamb', taU.

Now !tbbtU'1 flth er, Sam Streeter. "&I • man of wealth Ind varied. IID.1iIl·

dal IlItl'reat'; and looli.ed

MILLER & TRACEY Indepelldea.c Funeral Dtnoctore


Bot. 20th and 2 1st 8~, B~wal 2691.

.~TO.~"~"~I.--,A:t~W:.:t:.:'~3~'~7COO. ____ , bu ry .... -ill b~ sorry to hear tha t he .... "<1. ~hss Pay Damcb, leeturer I taken to Dr. Smith's hos pital al Hi lls- I Lester $nid .. r. s tc .... "<Ird : boro on lasl Sunday. I Harry l-i uke, assislant 5\ewanl i -- I ~Ir s. S::trah VanKkcK. chal'lain


lIpon the IntlDlacy bet ..... een hll daQlb· ter aod the poorlJ paid ltach!!r from ' the academy. "You'li hau 10 cut ouf I tbat fou fJeyed calcullti.ng maclilne. ~ 1 IJfIld tbe fond plrent to bl, daur.:-ht .. r. "I Ilellr be onl1 let. twel~e bUDtlred l ~===========""===============~

:~;18;B r:l.:~~r and I, ne"er IIkelr to r----------------------------, 1II:::r.:2::~llrance Al"eIJC)'. , The Tigard Electric Store has two }. C. Snidcr. treasuru ______ ..:.. _______ . good looking windows. The Christmas ~I rs .... lice .. 1uke. secretary

"011 PI. how cruel you are 1" r. plied llalll'l\. "Horace hi In bl~ pro­t!!9aion because be IB'·eo. II." LA1JNDRIES ' trcn !aden .... ·ith tinsel and brighl oma-

I ~In Fanny Snida. gal.t' · k~cver

, m .. nts, wife. colored d .. ctnc glob~. , ;\Ir •. JosC"phine Cox. Ceres State L&llndry po. Eut 0657 and , make a \Cry cffecll'e ,hsplay I ~Irs . ~[yrtle Ht.>O\·cr. Pomona

'",l)Qn 't let me gee blm hllnglnll: Ibout bert allJ' wore;' p.pped lIr. Streeter. I

ROle Gray Shop. Main 1037 The Twent,eth Century S tore has a i ;\fn. Alicc Rkhards, lady J: .. t UI7. I -- : ~lr s Louise VanKJeek., Flora

fine look tree In their WIndow, laden . steward

HKAT ItlA.ILKET l "'lIh a.ndlC5 and ~. things dear IO j E:. .. cuti,·e Comm; lIce : G"Otgc SniJer

But I::iotllce bun, Iround .. UIIIl.1. 1 1III.bel! WII a coo<: &1rl, but ob't!nat8. 1 Old Sln'eter ,Iartd at the mathe­malklatl whenever tblllY mill and trlllat· I ed him ~ery rudely IDdetd-the more 10 tbat th. rid!. min wu Jun now In I bl&:h1y Irritable atate C"On..equftll Ilpon bll .ttempt to mike out hi' In-

John', Ma.fket. Phone lIlaJn 6'5 •. the heart! of the k,dd, .. s. I Fran\!; Fluke and Harold Cutting. . .1ohn'l lIIarket No. Z. Matn U.5. The Rdlekah Club held their first The l<"Cuirer had prepared a very in­

meeting al Ihe Grang .. Hall. .'\ Hry I ler .. sting program consisling of song~ good program was .. njoyed and a lur· 1 and rccilations by some of the i


Dr. Geor,e.1. Arneaon. lIIun 35.5. pOle treat of delicious tood was scrycd . and vocal solos by ~Irs. Robert to attendmg membeu I .. ro)", and ~k, EHret t WrLKhl

come-tu: retura.s hlmselt wllll.d ot I ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: hlrlill • lawyer to do It~for Stretter


W. E_ Parker. lIIatn UU. B. 1II111er, lIIun 8863

I. E.. Putman, Main S47a


-- I B G Leedy abo ga,e a rca.dmg The many f"ends of \Ir J A Funk

WI\! regret 10 learn that he has had ~LADY FRVCES~ to go to the Good Samaraun hospHal __ ~Ir Funk IS suffenng from a comph- A crowd of peopl .. from her ..

WII Ul"bt-lI,ted and 100t DO chance to .. "e mOl~ey. , ~ ................................................................ ~

~Ob tither." mild ),Iablll whell, In


cation of trouble'. 10 B.-:I.\· .. rton on Thu .. day Ben RlesJand. Loeal Reprete!'f.&· tb .. mu.ica] comedy, "Lady

\I.,. •• En:na Md.ahon. lIIatn 61lS. The Ladin Aid of the ~I . E. Church which was put on by tbe

a moment or weuneA, beT tatber had eontidtd to her thlll CIU' .. ot hll Ir­ritability, '"'Wbr ' c1on't rOil ,et Horw.ca to bel~ rou! Be II ,lmplr 'wonciertuL Why. he lII.en anderstandl the Gold­.teln thlllOry."


T. O. Ba .... ley. lIIaJn 51592. .lam .. A. C. Tatt .. Co. Eut un

and Eut 6160.

.RO'" P.rsell· Dry 0004. Store, lIIult.uG­

mah.Orel"on VultDomp,h Shoe Shop.


portlaod-MultnolDab Sta.e Co.­IUd_Our Bid., lIIultnomah. Ore..

met at the home of Alu. A. W . Vin-cenl last .... eek, 10 eomplete arrange­menl! for their Bazaar, to be beld on Friday, De(cmb .. r 19 .

Th .. ent~rtainme.Q'·' wu joy~d and aroused more interest becau5e len QUI of the mcmbelll live in Tigard.

''Bolb 1M remarli.ed Streetlllr. and flnnl" out ot the bou.ae,

Whu be t'1I.me hom. tIl.t e"en.l..Df the ... Will Ron.ce, u a,uII. bea.,tiq; hf'niCJ:lly throurh h1I ct._ at If.~II. -I'll seCtie IlIIt rOllur wan'.

We repair Automobil .. - all make. - do Acetylene Welding and General Blacksmithing.

Fordyce Bldg. Multnomah, Ore. A card ,arty will be held at St. on the op.-retta "o,.erry ­Anthony's HaU, December 19, at 8:1S tome time in January. a'e!ock sharp "SM" will b .. played. The door pri~~ will be a turk .. y ; alto the pany winning 'the highelt Kore al cards will b .. giv .. n a turkey.

bal h hl'TIII and now:' thonrht Su· .. ter I;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::; Ind IIld: "Mr. Kilton .. pleue &tep I Illto the library. ~o, ),I,bell-Jou I It.J ril"ht wbere JOU a~." Wben th. t..-o mllln .ert alone together Stret'ter

Last Tuesday, a 1urprise gl.red Rt thlll m.theftlltlclaa and .aId giv .. n by Mrs. Baurcr and Mrs. pompoully: "I wllh to ,pelk pla1Dlr in honor of their mothb" M rl. to yon concernlnl[ Jour Ittentlon. to

Ml1ltnomah Electric Shop H. J. Trebelhorn

Parents arc urged to a ttend 1M big Christmas program zt the sehool house on _Wedn~day, December 23, at I p.m. sharp. Th .. re will be carols. recitations

~TER 0 ' and drills, and the childr~n and Inch-Capitol ThaatA. lIIultnomah, reo ers would be encouraged if the parent!

Brandt. who is going 10 California I I ~:. d:::~.t~~CbMt~:;no~lJect~:~~rdt!.:: spend the rest of the "'·inler with her ' suppocaed-" .on. A very ~I~asant afternoon was l "Oh, thlt', III rIli:ht.M hroke In spenl and a delJ(lous lunch was su\"cd Horace ehf'ertull)': "M"abell told mill to the fo!!owing gUests : I Wbut Will the mltter. Yon Ire WOr'­

Everything Electrical

Y?U .bowd d~d upon


for a peppy pIckup aDd pow-tf IhoWlSl,. Allocated , .. vapor­l.es rut IUId p.,.ca • fullDes8 of tIWIrlY and pcnrer to your ellPM IUId belpt "knoet out", many lUI euPnl kD~k.

"lie _ Witb a..w. P~w""

<>tar advertisen are worthy of )'ov

.. pport. PatraiA &hem.

would come and listen.

The Evangelical Church will give a OJristmas progl"am on Tuesda,. eveil ­ing, Decemb .. r 22, al 8 o'clock. A fine prognm bas been arranged. The Christmas !tory wi!! be pres.-nled. in

I ~lIuic, tabltau. panlomime and r-ecita-I lion I. -

The E. LeE. of the EvangelIcal Church wi]! "old their business meet~ I ing and election of officers on Friday, Deeemb .. r 18, at Ihe church. Mrs. Bert Frewing and daughter Edna will be hostesses.

Local Agency for Portland Electric Store ELECTRIC RANGES.

Mrs. !of. \Veinman. ~frs C. ]. liar- rl .. t.! o,'er your Jocome-tu: returu .. nard, !oIn. Schrierer, Mrs. J. Len z. ! Putlctlr' .Impl". 1 allure 10u.....,.lr. Mrs. N. P. Gloden. ~Irs. Beyer, ~'rs' l .ul thlt I, ryqnuH. lII\"111n In the mOlit ]. e. Baurer, Mrs. \Vhitlow and :\Irs. complicated eaae .. II the .ppUcation E. Maurer. or the menl rudlmenU ot mathemldca. Multnomah, Oregon MAIN 2954


If. Sebool Paper-Published hy tblll Eilhtb Gracllll- TI,ard Publio Seboola.

I ha.,e jUlt made out 1111 own returns l~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~ and happen to hue them wltb me. I ' ".1 Intent1lnl[ to mull them on mr ' way home." He dn'w an .. n~elope _ _ _______ __ _ _ __ _

troln hli ll()('ket aod from the eovelope - ---- - --eJ:tl'Rcted. the documentt-

"You will ,bHM, oJ,,' .,"' ou PUMPKIN P1ES MINCE PIES Ho~ace lPlN.dln, thlll fllled·up tOf1Illl on the tlble, "Mlat"-and be went iJlto With that inimitable taste and flavor ot

Het- Boyel aDd ctara ~ a cantul and IClentUl.c uplanlUon. The many.,frieDd! of Mri. O. D. Edltonl.... 8rre.ter 'dld not undentand the dpla. Specially baked pastry

~lartin will .be glad to know that she .. :::I0:.c;p::~~; :!r o..n!:r~~a~:u:~ f~lb lII.,.ery day in our modlllrn. tb.orou,bly equipped bakery

IS home agam . . Mrs .. ~I.anin .has been W,shmg. You ali a very Merry Xmal wu a weaUbr min wbo hid Inlllllrited I MULTNOMAH BAKERY relatlvu and attendmg th .. Woman s -- ~Qu1te 10. quite 10," aid hili "hen il...A •.• M_~.dl.'.'.' __ ..;: ... __________________ ..J ~t. for lome hme V~Slllng fnend, an,d'


and a Hap.py New Yearl 111"1"' propertl... Main 2467 Mull.Dolllah,Orll,e.!

Board of MiHiOll' of tfte Evangelical Na'!lu have been .drawn for tbe ClI:- Hore~. bad run down. "u J wu

Cl!urch at Council Blulf., Iowa, where I change of pruenu m eaeh ~m. 'IIrln, Ibont JOu and liablllll, "br, 11 I':::::::::~i=::::::::::::::::::~ . he went IJ a delegale. School will reo~ Monday morn- ! 'he 11 IItl.I1!.e~ and JOu "ant her-

-- . J 4 d, I' wby IIklll her. Aa to thOle lnter1l.l.l The tiig ",reltling event of Friday. mg, anuary ,an ,":,C ope . to Jee tu ~turDl ot mine-hlllre-Ju.t cut Deeember 1IiI, ha, around wnlidenbl .... veryone back for a bIg :relr In 1926. your eyH over them.. ~ : Remember-interett here. Bob KruH" and Fanner , Christmas tr .. ~ in the In half an hour by the clock Borlce I Vance are sure going: to do some nic .. ly d .. coraled, and eve ry~c;m~~ hid Street.r'l I1Icome ILl all ,tral&:ht-.nappy wrestling:. The 5tak~ are so fin d . h tbe - .. f X ened out and "'Ill holdJog handl 'II'IUI big • ..nnners take aU, that it is the e WIt I Plllt 0 mas cheer. :.Iabell on tbe parlor lOti. WEBSTER talk of the town. The sehool' program .... iII be given in

Rev. F. S. Sibley of thlll M. F.. church will priam nut Sullday on ''The -400th Annivenary of .the TlIIn.lation of tbe Bible I!lto :t!h.... Thit W&l done by Wm. TyQ ill lht year 1525, in En,tand. On bt)-.21. tae win de-liver a om,tIDaI ,tl1DOl:l, and oa De-

the ' auditorium on Wednelday after­noon at 1 o·c1oclr. .harp. The upper room. will give tbe program, wbich will cooli,t of carols,. recitation. and drills.. Everybody is lnvited .nd all are • unred of a tood time. Part~, will

be "VIIID in the different room •• fter tht program.

L.".,.. Wont NftIJ.paptn PaU.nta It tbe leper rolony ot ltaJ- IS OPEN EARLY AND LATE

~~=' ;~~o!:~. la~~:~~n ::: :: You can always buy from him the little home rotnlClI1 to Iua. a n ..... lJ)aper. ik?- ~eceBBitie8 in the food line you fo-ol eral 'II' .. lthr reeidnl8 of tIM eoDim. I •• ' . nltJ bu. ol.Nd hi hanOi IL 1'W' MUI4-_ .... --1.. Ore-n .... 1588 aalortnat. Iamat. · tN1 It woaJd be Il ___ w_-_-__ :-__ .::...-_______________ .-_ ....

boGD r. ~II!- ' I'

Page 6: The It.multnomahhistorical.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/1925-12-18.pdf · ~illie Williams, secretary for upkeep and maintenance of the In 19ZZ, 104 l05t their livel in Ore~ Elizabeth

. " ~ .. ~ ,

.. ' \ -... ..... . .... -:;,..:..".,: .......... -'_.".'" "'.

war_ad It eo.... .,....,ttT .... , b.lna- r .. t War. Imac'''' "B.UdoJr"· and .,.,,111, _111",.4 a.,d • member ., lIHo R,,,"'n Cb.kl .tan4In. wtUl a """II,t ral.ad.. about to eu. out til, 1'1,1". br.I". wltb til, batt.


Wbich Thina_ HapJIi'MI Near .......... c-k

.t an1 rat .. ODe of tbe IWO 1IICI _LkbI, hrlakly al<*l til. ...-ell to ItlI.nk. ·

';i .. ~ ••. I~: __ •••. _~remlflled. .. be .t lbe ftl(JltC'l

w ... !':'~ mi.-I. '"Qull •• d­IQ' .A. hODle .tblated

1::C~".'· .. _' ..... t. '1'1 leQ~lUon. ,Dli ta bated III. .ddltJoc It be­_.

SDIlJab pa:rtlCll, wllb • a<:ceDt, .nd bls com­,

Jdzw. OtstrlC!h . In" Ole NftTOG.I 0IMl. aid the)" kaew 10U wdl IIU! DOt to m'- (,IIIID" The, btDte(I- tbAt J01l mJaht bf' rODe It J c1Jd.!I't lauiTJ,~ ao

'!'be IlIaD "ho ~ bHD '.d~re.ed .. bere I. am. 1I .... O.trkb aDd iii': 9'DU 'Zabold ~'Iootint 0 •• lit. thow- Ire my ,er'J lOOt! fr!eodl, 10U know. der, and" followed: tbe otber throudr W. pal around' together ' . lot 00 the • brok..-do_ 14nlc.pta to tbe rear Oreat PlaiD., aDd I hue e"1'1 ('(In1I.. 'ot tbe boWIe. ' ""''P11_ 10 ~D-t at deoet. 10 their ludvnejll " ZIPPr

\1001', 1UIc! 011 "It the I.e~der ~ra .tappet! '0 catCh ht. 1!.ru1b. three timet bI. • pe<.'ullar "" .• ,. "Well, well ," .. ~ l\l 1".,1U3e:f'U\1., DO'"

ob .. loua!, • p,,"mll,ed 11""ll_' 1horoo,hl, awake, Mf .m-'d'lIrh~\o"-almC*f at Ollce atealtl!J'--'epe could Ilke ' UL" tee : 1lII'o~ wbo kilO," Un. ~b

be hflllrd' collllna lloa, tbl p .... e In "Stow It. JIm," .:tarled IDd. Yr. GilD. W" hive 10 many II~JI- Th" &or wu ~uUoll8l1' pulled tarloual,. "ADIou "aUla tliends DOW that we beJrtD to feel UI"J' b.tt a fer lIu:bee. Dod a 101111 ~ ' waliled a Dune." . a' bome_ In' Atrlu. We.re DOt

ODt. OW,T t~ tbrow It opui ,.Iese wllb. .IOenlleltla-preaw." of lea .. ln. tor a I~I' tJnte ,et. a falot 'lIb ct relief. op a proteftlD( blllld Out I IIl1e to nplOre a I)lUII; ,

"It', 10D, Mr. WaldIXIi. It Jtr be .wlnt to prololl,l Wl-tt~ but ODe a ll. eIMlrfIloD \0 tM 1IIountalni ~ a muttered. ''dlld YOU'" !;Ot 'ere .t fTO uplall.llou are ~sal"J', "0 Frederick · tbe Orat; an"d soD., we-ell-eod 00 the Broad PlaID, per-lu:t. Tb~ pla~ II tal, livlal In ,II retUl'll . tIlen. to tile .. tbln,. lhat liave Charlet, boru lD Gbent In:m1. jo,lDed bap .. " the 'llD1p. happelled rece,lltiT ODd 'IItlIleb n_l. L.tllJ'etle " 'ben he CUDe to belp th. MOb, .Ir, thlt would be IIplelldid I

"1tTenIIlR. 11111." He .tepped wid tated. f,.b ruuinvoill tOl' tbi. colonie, In their ,trun'le tor 1Itz.ert:r \11 I'm ture roo would b'''e I wurm wei. tollowed by Zabold, .Ind ~he door alq-one wbleb oar trlend Ur. I the Revolution. At Ure CIOM of the come everywhlre, eIcept perhaps Ia dcieed be!lllId tlMm. "'()Ur tried" docli:'l10 obU.Ill,lly fonud. 'nIree me. Revolutloo be marTIf'd a the mouotalna. You 1M, WI Zebras boat ;r" •. IIttll lita. b e'feryoDe leD£t:rs lent O'fer l.1urlll. tb. I .. t th,," mm Vlrctn11 npl.1 MtUed in", I'''';;';~:I .re • IIby lot. )b bnHlch of Ole tam-brer waelta betlrta, \Datractlqu .nl.1-.... bat HII IOn, JohD de P.uw. removed to 111 II" .. on the 1Irold PI.lo and ..

"Yep," 'DfWenIId tile otber. "All the. I.a more Importlllt-moae1. b .... 'dl. dl.ana. · mo~ ult'd to .octety. but Dl1 cou.lna, m of 111, AD" 1 ftdlOlll ft'd 1I11e to .p~" The lounder or tbe coUeJ'f "lbat the liountalD Zet;n'I,. wbo live op

~"I= = ta: .~:: .m:::.. "Di .. ppeandr eclIoed Wal4oc1l bl'flf'l tbe name w.i Chari" de P •• w, tbe bUt., ill.&( don't eire tm

toae-;-"b .. be brou«bt tbe ~nl'yr "-~~:~i.u1 l'11I.Dd C'OtnpleteJ,J MoDe1 ~~Ow:'''th''::oll~};~::::~ ~m:::'1.lr~ '~~t le.~:'0~:e1toCl:! "To1l11 III bear III. rood time," .. Id d all Two II ~ bel I IlII.ttllte de P.uw. tllte.· of courw. Why. thel ' el'f!O

W~I,~<::t ~~. ~~~::' .. Is t~emro;~:;' lii-lmU~h".:m'.'':b,'':r:,~, ~m'I.'· ... m .... ";',· .l:u?n~~::'~·~:e ~a~~.~~; ~t aentlnelll 011 tbe bllhe.{ crap to open. door. "And TOll'll •••• to tit ~ .... I, • Wtllh Dlnu! and . ...... orlctna1l1 wanl · the herd ",btn .n10ne III com· on tbe lloor. as the chili", alll't ete." .. ·.re .Uowed to IQ tree tbem· In., 80 tbel ' ClII III 1e.lOper .... al·

It I. from Ihem tb.t we bll.ve "IP Lud" or "Ap Llold." Tbta mea.na That'll not very bOlpltlble. It ~I.'!!'nu to Two ClndlH cottere.-d OD I equ.n­

table til. .the renter ttl tile 1'OOtD •• how· Ina up tbe heft of the nvo IIIP.O wt. ) .. t 00 the loor, ltan!n.r . ,.IDllt the w.1I1, Tbr. or tbem ._ DOnd .. aeript ~DleU" ot hum.ult1 ot .the t)1llllt th.t ma,. be IeeII b1 lbe thouund bUrTJ'I~ loto tbe ci ty by lbe nrly buatD_ t .... m.. The, were npr"fllt· .the· ot tbe poorer t11M or clerk. Alld T.t to the ch'N obaerver IOml'lbbli: more mletlt be read on thllr tam : a areedy. honlf]' 10011 . • Ibltt,. ontrnllt· worthy look-lb. loot of IhOIloa" who .re. je.IOUl of f'fe!"),one better pl.ced th.n IhelDaehea. but who are InMl' p,bl. or trJlDr to better Ihe;r own po­,lUon ncept b,. the rellli1'e methn-d of l.1 ... ailtI& blc:t their more fortunate .~t.tOM: the.~ loot· ot little men 4Ulaatlded lot 10 mud! with tbelr Oft lIltlea_ .. wltb tbe blpHi' of otber pe.opT.. .

'l'ba two othen wet'e Je",: • rUle OubU, ~ dlattnt'tly ,ddlcted to clI_p Jewelrr, ~ were. alltlnl ap.rt from tbl other tb,,", talltlol 10 10'" tOIl." but t' the door opened their t'Ou",enation ('Cued tlhl'"Uprly .nd tIlPy loolled op at tbe ne .... colDen wltll the keen, aeucbbt-, InOll ot tbelr r.ce. W.ldoc:t they ba""y ,'auced .t: It '11'11 the atranpr, Z.ho!plI', who rtv· eftd -Utelr ,ttenUoa. The;r ' t091t In avet)' det.1l ot the ,hre."", · forelp f.~the otl .... ~. the dIrt. plere-­till' un. the nne-poloted be.lrd: tbe, ~~ bllD op ... bour meanr .. QII bl. opponent. or • bOllneal mllP t.lI .. .t(.:': of the HCODd .party In I tt..I: tben oneD IP.lq' th" ~n'fel:led topthe!' In low ·tODei .blcb we ... blrel, aho" •• whllper.

It .... 11m wbo brolle .llMa alienee-­"lib JIm, to ' live blm tb. tun n.roe to wblch ' be .. n.awer:ad In tlla b.oou he fNqueoted . · . ~Wot .b.11! .. eft I .... nl'l ",!,lth 11. I!D .....

norr' he rem.rtad with .11. tltflllpl at • J'fDla.I aml1e.. -rbI, 'ere 'ouae n ln't Wet rd c:bOOll ro~ "bloomlo" ·ooey·

oht ed our lutontlatlon.." 8lmpl, lOll vt LloJ4 Ap 01' ... otten me. And thel Ire 10 Jlreu)'. too. 1011'1.1 "Bllmeil M muttered FlUb J1m; found In combln.tJon In Wl'IM DIm" thlnt tbey would bl" proud to ,how olf

It tile police'" I •• contractIon ot Map. \l'hleh h., the • bit. Tiley havt .. 't plnln .... hlte leI:"!!

~.;~~I.~~:' .. ' ,~~n,~~:",,·~. ~~.", ... ,,,.~ .. ,,w~'·m~ :;~~~CI~: I::, O~t:rftU ~:: ~!!n ~e~::,~ ab~~~.',Ped I II over, w., . _ .~ _ ......... _ • _- . ''Thlnkl for the'hlnt. ZITln)'". "'e11 breathed. '''b ot relief. "It 11 ell, .s If It '11''' lIerl~ from IJe.NlD." 'Look. Look." WhlaptNd' 8'lahlt~.. tr, not to Inuude on your IIh, COUll-to lleep "Itbln tile I. w, hut II .pplled to one of the dlan1-tlrIH III tbe "Rlt/'It 0.,., TtI.,..,- 1l1lI,"laulhed Cheerupa. ''But I lhouid lntOr1l!lItJOD . I. correct "e ebureb, bat It II more probsb.,. • ft)rm on. uwin, wood b.ek Mme Oil. tbe tblnt .11 thOM hl.tll: IItripea would apJ.nat bod f b ot Dakll1. which derived ITofn o.vl4. malle YOII! vet)' P .. IL, _0. e1'pn at within ~:e la.

' th°em:~:e: ~ Ie b)' v .cl" ... l,n4Juh.) .teep mountain Ilde." IIllht.-

:ne: :;~:rl;~~u~~~~~el: of mell 11I~1ll~:;:~ ,:~:r:;:Jo:~r a~~ 1 S~~~ br:;~ ~~~~;~~:~ J:I~r~u~ o~~e; ~a~i:

wbo IPpear l to IInow our .eml pl.PII ' WH' 0 SAID anUf Iu chona. "'''"b.t·. the Joke lOY' 1'olce: "'Thel hplp to bldl' u~ Ip the .s "ell I\] ""' e do oureelvfll. ADd the w.,. Brl,hteYHT' dlytlme, but at night we are limo .. dllllroit1 (If It II, lepUemen. tb.1 "Thl art at poatry il '~Can't IOU be • little Qu\att'l', lnvlslble. U'a on n("count of Ihe stripe. IllOI1IIl, lellDlly lpoaklnl, OP '«'OUII.t I' to touch Ula pilulona, a"d Bo)·.r lIaid Ob,eet1lPl. 100111111 out of th.t we are IJO Il1conaplc--lneooHI.Ic--" ot tile .u.urd lellitatioD 111 tbl. coun- It. duty to Ia.d tMm on I b.. bOI1lf!. 'Dear, del'lr, I jult "lDconapicuou" pffbIlP.... Idded trr we ml, lleep wltbln tbe 1 ..... on'" 1 thl ald. or ... Irt.u..... e:~'bt I .... oold b •••• wlDk or two ChaerupL sel'fel, '11" Ire bardly 111 • pOIdtiop I . I. Hr. San w .. dollll bll ,,"orat. '"1'ea. th.t', II • .tr. tbe "e ry word! to 'PPfsl to tbe police fo r prote<' lloft. WILLIAlJ COWPER. ""Ill an I colI~ But. -bl .. , me. "'ho .. thalr ... I'm not lood " bll onl's." r~lIed Our .cllvttlea. thoukh allowed omctal. <:l .. t .t heart. While m acbool plump little wblte horae III cqvere.1 ZIPPl, feellq I lillIe emu.rns."f!4. 'I. are h.rdl, .ueb .. would I ppeal he w .. deemed. lood IItudent .11.11 b. wltll black ltt1pea clUDe Clolerllll' up. ..~o. l"" m.de quill> a lon, call for even to tbe Ita,ll,h .uthorltles. Avd . left Weatmlllllter wl tb • rcmalder.ble "How do IOU do. bow do YOU dor the B .... ODP. 'They told mt .t home on tbl. ~lIlon p,rtlcularl,. t!lat .. j reput.tlon tor learnlnl: but b. a.l1IO nellhed tbe little horu lu tIle .. tnt DOt to ltal till you wl" re tlN!<l. he-cloae th. ease. Yoa ma, remember thai lett wltll .n unllylui hatred for d\.Id. r .. plul' tvnes which Qulellear hid I do love 10 tIIlt. Corne and _ 11.1

the plrt 1 plR1ed In IIlmn, op hlood· plme .pd a dlarult tor rouUne. bet\rd. "I'm ZIpP1 Zebra. and r .. e &Ome time: lood·",.. lIvl'r,.bod,.." and ,bed at CowdellhUlh •• few monrhll CoWper will uever I)bralul)y robust. com. a 1001 1I"ay, I call. tell you. It ZIPPI Zebra trotlt"d a"a), ... Ith • Pllrt. 'ro, under the o.me of Ma("r"llh, And the I.cll of he.lta wblch pre- tooll. lot of coun.,e to de It. too. All Ing whl.1I of hlK 1It11/! tall . -cauaed me 10 be deported. So Illougb "llIIted blm from ,barlnr In the roulb· lbe f.DlU, adflsed me uot to come, "Well." II:'. Rpeli nrlghl(O)' ''~ "I guen our Clute la l"Cal-m1 p~ce III er aportl ot bl, plalmate. 111110 ellcour- llid I, WU danierou. to let tlr from ...... mlllt.lo.f'n Ihftt Utuel" till. I"OUntrJ Ie 1I0t. 'Vblcb w .. why .ged blm to retld and IItndy. Altes- home and all t~.t IIOrt 01 thing. but I@ bl I.Ilu • . 11 • • •• lilt C9.1

tomlbt It wi. p.rtlcullrly _ntl.1 leavlD( IJthool the 70\llll ni.n w .. lPO ~F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~r,;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;~ Iblt ..... dloald not be dlltarbed. Not prttrtlee4 tOl' three YC'I"I to • aoUcltor CDI1 are 'we aU up *ploat tbl. un· ... rth the Idea of late r becoming I I •• · ' itnOWD pnl of men, ~ot ·L III. .dell· yer. Be did &0, but be ne-rer prac- ' tlon, .m op ... In.r tbe poUC'e." Uced. It '1'" In 1145 that be w ..

~Whafs in a Name?" "H"'I yoo I.DJ" tDfomlation wit!! Cllled to tbe bl.{ and wltb lbl ull By MILDReD WA.SHALL

~~'r:ll~o b:~~I!:I':;:e c~~;-: ::: :rm:"~u::~~P~~a~o ~me clert ! =~~":a~-:: abuUel'l ape.ltlD( tor the Br&:t time. Thla latter po,IUon '11'&3 procure6 ,I!:::::::::::::::_:::::::::=:::=;:;!I

"None ot .ny Ullt-MU th.t they thl'OO-lb tile good. omce. ot I. friend ot .... muked tn bl.~II, .lId etei.nd lD h1l t.mIl1· ()ow..- '«1lPted It with 10UI bl.cll elo.t.... He paped • e.prneu, bot hi, rejolelol" wa, turtl~




I F AN extra pIH"" b1! acclllO!ulftU, lDOII1eDl II It t. collect bla - tboulbta. I to Inxiet1 .... bft!, Ile '11''' Informed tha! THE qua.lnt apd chlrmlnl ORme or "Tbey .re. .11 armed, IIId (>"tro'f1u~b he would bave to .ppear In penoo pjjI' Oem)". eo endeared to Amerlcao ._b~ .-cooped from tbem-'III''' vel"J" tore tbe,boUle: o f lords for eXlminl' h1llon', bad It, lIOurCl' fur b.cll In lns"UDt Oil. ooe poilit. It COIDc-eraed tJOft. The thon&:bt of neh poblldty 10 1 early tlmel wilen the MUleD"lte prln· the Ii,.de , or Ibl 18111, wbo be .1- pre)'t-d OD hi. mmd thlt hta rMaOD ~ Ellu'· ... uu. tile daulhar ot Jaro­firmed WII a 19u·ot the mOlt clPnt1e I.ve ,,:,",y abd be 10011. after became "IV, '111'11 the object ot the rom.otlc pb, •• 1 "rtnl1b~ I (t.ot powerful tAUlle, . 10'1'. ot tile (('eat poet and Ilea IIlna;

all. .brupt ,",ore. WaldIXt III two ordln.ry Itronl mea. B. J.'roUll Daeember of neB to Jaae ot I H.rald Hardreda. of Norwa" whopill' btm .lId .d"aced to tb. uld. , Ab I Uela Oott- r 110:5 Cowper remliined under the Cll re. nlDl'tteD 1I0np of hi, OWll eDlDpotltion

pllt"ed on tbe tlIble wheD It II be-101' aet for I meNI it 'B .. "0:1.0 Ih., wlt'le vlaUor I, N>IDlng huogry. Tbll 111 I IUpersUUon foo utl In .. uloul !lee'

tlo ... ot the cuuu. r, : tht Aonerlcao Folk·Lore locll't)" ' JlII('ltled Ohio II one of tt. hnbUn,.. It lB. of COU"-4'. bued UJMIP the Idea of the 'DcII'D" that wh.t '11'11 connectell 10 thou~ht mil." be cvnneetpd In tnrt. whIch Idt'll pro­duced the theory of thnt ,y,lIputhetlc magic Which, trom primItive times. hRd auch B B,rong hol,l UPOIl the mlnll~

ot our Bncestors. Thl"Y " 'ne IIl1igent "eeltera .ner the ,."d.tlOD Of CUll. ... od ell'ect. I'.."'very tf'tult hid a UUIIf.· therefore, eftry cause, e"ery .ct, must -h'\'e ,11. ell'ecl. WbUI would be the naluml erred ot plad., .n I .l t l"l ptl te upou 'the table? Wb,.. the ell'ert pl"oduced. or . Iplfltd.· b1 tlle luocl. atioD of IlIeus., which " 'ould be that at eolDPline coll1lnl buUft)' . 0111,. lid. mit. u ' did the tlndent .. tb.t What I, conllected In thoultlt I. t'Onuected -'0 t.li.!;. tlud - the rut 13 eu.,-the lie­

Qulilce oi: even" tlearll mnrked out. It aboiitd be .. noted., too, thllt III. th la "ateiD ot !'ft.SOuln, to ... old the l'IoM waa to .vold tbe elfect. il"," ot the "don·t." lD modern IRIpentJtJons Ilre b.sed. upou thl, poInt. A"old tile ompo aod )"011 avoid whnl the omen porteoda. Tberefore. It ,.ou have barely eooulb tor yota own d.lpner, be careM not to pl'ee .D U"1ra plste on the t.ble, · llI.d then It • hun.rry vilitor abould drop In It will be b, pura ac~fdent end not Owlnl to ,.our

t_!;Ile. , " "'Tbll la · K~. Zabllietr, reotlemeu,~ b'e ..aId qnletI1~ ' "W. Ire .. little Ille. 1 1m .frald, but It W.II unavolrl"blp. He w'm explilo to ynu unw Ihe re030 wb, 1011 .... el'tl .. lied 10 ('(Ime here •• nd not IIII!d at oar v l o.1 reudez1'on. lu Sobo."

II • .teppl!d ~ct a cotIple 01 p.('fl an. Zabellell' tooll hi. pi,t'e.. For. _aieDt o~ two b. II:'lanl:e4 PODod " 'lke heel taRed expectariU1 towlrd blm: tben nIIIIftD.a hi, 111'0 hili", on tile table \0 froot of binl. be lilli' rorw.rd toward tbem. "Gentl~" II, 'bepn. .D4 the for­

ellPl. .CCftI1 _~ , HtUe mora pto­uO\lll.cad, "I ha"e u1!ed 10U to ",me b .... ton!pt . lb1"OQl! my lood (rlead. Mr. W.ll.1oa, ...... It ha. com .. 10 oar ~ ' lIIIt,ter tHI.........rhll Lon· dOD 18 11.0 I ........ fe rDeetlll&' pla('8. Two Of tbteI tblnJa blVe OCC'Urn-d I.tal, tH aidt.II'IIIC'fo of wblcb ; . " tm~bla 19 dlarelllPd. Our ehlef. wltb whom t"lIPotot lilt evenJpl. '11 II­noal1 ~ .bont u.e. tblqa." ' -TN .... t I... IIIlbt wltb the dtlafr' _Id W.ldoclt. .nd bll volee held • U'_r ot udt.IDt, .ll'tfe fbe ot!Mn IIUId torward MPf\1. ."b., .. tb-. hi BoIlaadr

"H. ~ .t .tll o'clock ,...rer4a., lIVelli ..... IU.ered Zaholetr wltb a bIDt caDlllt. '-"I'odll1"'-nC'w-1 IIDow 11.0 ~ tba.n 7_ ... ba,.. b ......

.,:..-:; :t!~= 1IU:::r ::::::~ .. ~: _did ott of tile ttu:" clem "rr--

t.-tIII ·oltt. ~ replied the wllUl bil 'J"II MIIItGIH to bora

IDto _ apeU .... braiD. ".1_1 Ibat­uid DO mo .... AIId thai Is quite eaouj:b

10v..- q1l ., ••• C!. .t~ •. "Id. roolld aJtd IlII' udielltl Nlued.

lba' • ehloll \.II.

HII vol<'8 roM 'Po II ICVft.m .. .... of DoctOr Cotton .t St Alhana. The III her p1"ll1&(! on bl. wa1 from Cop· t'Owere4 haell, wblle tbe othera. wltlt latte r w .. "'lhJely known a. an autHor. U.ntloople and won ber hint! b,. bla terror on their rlll.'!!'l, ,. burrledl, 1t1 Oil. meatal dl.se'1l'1I and the help fen l'll of prowen. .lId huddled tOletber ~ Ibe ~rDel'l which he glwe the In llRlle poet wal In· Ber uame, wbl~h meana "Ood'. of tbe room. I' v.lu.ble. Cowper reCO\'ered Ind WI-' o.tb.," appeanl Ia manl romantic lale.

H.,.... ",yater)' th ..... ry ftrat

011 .......... ". , •• ". 0' "-r.dON bMet b, 1IfII.."lr lana equ.lly "' ........ 0111 aNt d .... ".I"O .. 1

free trom tbe malad, tor rean. With I IPd Daolsh b.Usda and nnally ,prelld, .dv.~eInK aae, however, he ftCalu be- I lu numerous ... rlatlon&. tbrou,hout camo .obJect· to recurrlrll att.cll:' of Europe b7 WlY otOqm.nl. EII:tubelh., t.naanlt, .ud dIed In 1800 a . meotal I lIIabcl', Ellul! aod Ellheta .ere tbe wnclt.-W".De D. llc}lnrr.y. moat popular nam" III Europe--;a.nd I 1(1) bl O~'U""""'..... IltU) ha,e tnmeodoul "olue, t or tb. t

I,=============~ lDatter-but Belley'" typlcall , EOIII,b • I '[HE YOUNG lADY . • lId t,Uer·da, AmerlClln. ,

('I'd •• OONTINUSD.) I M.D, r. mou. women have bOrne th. ACROSS TIiE WAY .name In thI.a couotry. netscy nOlI,

Tb. SeoUl .N .IlIak·lnl .11. ell'o" to Amerlc.n B.g, III I herolDe of hlltory. Reco.nbcd Id.. l .... hOft '1lt.ll1ful flllleta fllllhioned th. Bnt

IItpp the boar,. old Jolle that th., I A no le83 .uthentle, but IDOI'tI extrav.· ol\'er ,peed an,. money. SCleD(iall "IOt.17 rom.utlc thllraeler, W311 the who hive ,one luto th. I ntlQult, or beautiful BeIM1 Patte raoo, wbo capo lollea and made a atud, of (be IUb- ! turetl the 10'fe ot Jeroml · Bo.n.pa.rte,

. Ject '" tIlat there ar. oul, about .u brother ot the cre.t emperor. aAd allt· orta:\n.II.I «.mpIH l1li11 ·th.t .n hUmOf" I rel"1ld • brollen beart. ) .. bued OIl tbem. Old ,Jokel OODlf' The rub,. I, Betae,'11 "1I1:alale I'@.m. baell Jnto 1t11e or elae 'ppear ... eu\D& '11 brlog. ber beaul, .od prllle epd •• " b.blllmtnta. Escuraloc! lulO D'. I . ~lu.htlne.1, Ic-cordlnl to ,pdent .upe .... lIelD solDetlm_.re. d.nlerou, lind au: I &:tltloD. WedJ1l1da, la her loclt1 dal proBtabl1llt. The plumber Joke m., not .ud 8 b .... bl'elI qne ot tbe early aenet. bot tt bu bH~ •• . tnvorlt. not onl, ,..1I1l'1 Ih •• Iullnll"" but wllb tbe colDle .trlpPen . nt! tbl h\lher cl'!I:I WPf'ld, tunny m .... :tIne.,. It Ihe pltDnber Jolle baa to III, tb. Jo te .rllen merell wl11 ondel'ltand thll IhP1 hue au 1_ ... b,Ject upoa "'hleb to ... ork.

Squirr.l P • ., Dalplt. bl. PrettI Ippelu'anCol sad

.muaJo.a w'y" the coralDOD~ rfod aqnlr­rei I. aid to be lOe of the mOlt d • • Itruell.,.. pM" t ound III. Ille _coda JO­d'7. Or'Dllbnlojfl"" d.lm tbll biI deprtdatlo •• ImOD, blnll raoll Ik'ODd onl, td tboae Of tb. baa.tllIl1:' tilt. aBd that b. aot oal1 1111" jooul blf!2!. IS doea ·lh. I'll, bil.l be wIll 4HtrtIy I'" ec:JII batON tber , ... ·blll'hetl. '~Ulld

f."!" ·Wlldlq. be III t'OD"dt~ I nlll· · Th.~,.oui, aerollll ."11<1 ~DM of.II" Pf'OI...to -fII! . '' ''' ' IM aJ .... ny. apeak, or t·he.-Iol • bole ,hroup lOme ball ...... "talter •• the dh.t1Uan. .... .,bl~b be hu atI~' led II • ilke,,. pl,co. It 1OUnc1a Jletter. to atore bl. ~' loter"1 IUpply ot food. . ,l1li ... 1III.c;:' ..... K ............ ~ .... _<&OJ

0"'11. c.rele ... ne.... . (@ t.J IIIIOC~~.:..871O ... 1<.' •. )

111111111111111111111111 '11


.~1, ~ohn K~"drldr;_ "'''Po

I ,CAN'"l' ,,,rain m1l .u...:i ...... • : "Tl. " .. I .... · " 4<1.11.7 IL -. ~

.' ~t ;r::ul .lI'Io .r'JbO~IJt. It "it,"> ~wJ: ... U', lfo. ·..,...·tr,.1t;:., .· .. r.ty:,

·1iJh' .. .oIi"'~ ..... O'Dlb'forwre;:...-JUII on •• monlJ Ih" m.nr_

I ..-'1 ro .... ' ... ·.m tor 700 ... t r~11I7 h.".,,·1 In7 .

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111111111111111111/11 ' 1

• , .... i- t·

-;- . ~.


Page 7: The It.multnomahhistorical.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/1925-12-18.pdf · ~illie Williams, secretary for upkeep and maintenance of the In 19ZZ, 104 l05t their livel in Ore~ Elizabeth

'. ,

,,, tKhl "'~I. . . .

CianaoD bid not beeD In hla oftln! lIWl7 .,. ~tor. It trIl' ftnnly lID- ' "Pf'MRd apeD blm thllt wben a tramp .... nlkn toto. 4eIoert atatiOIl, UHl arat: thine be ..-.lILa .. Wlt~r. So La the ~ :lod ~ HI, Pall of 11'11 wlleiwoii'"hJ be emptied almolt .. aoon II filled, ·.Ki'd aothla, would' 1"t1i!.a.l.D to te.t.lr,. tb.t It had b~1I ftll..-d Cl"cept I 'll"el . nd muddy iloor, wbeN the tn-mp hid apl\led lOme' ot tbe 1'0. tenla of tfle IW-U,

~ .. -"t.» Ia of COUIderatlo! JMU"«I wltlr. cood. . Il:t'able

Ttl. bftro prep&rel tbe q&. Her t .1'01Jl _ pIIeralb' recei'feJ It 10 ,004 abuoruaaJl , pale In

41doD. What be dOH to tha au ":: !'~~~"~~.~flreI1 doe. an, ,ood. unle .. ~;;";~b~o;· .. ,,.;.. ... ," l :tore It a. 'actuall, pl,c:ed In lbe I !ltarteu moment I)'DlptOlll' ,become

cub.tor, peatl,. lotl.ueDCft Ita appueot. Prevention II of paramouot abUl17. Ttle tr"her the ena. lmportance. J.,..w the perl!ellta,. of hatc:b _,,111 we attrtbute tbe dlllelllH! to pro. be aad the atrolle" the cblt'l[L loored. exl"eulve feedlni of

The PI'O,Pe' care of b,tcblni" InllkJ'. 'll'oody l'Ou,I)II,e 10 the ablM'oc::t wUl LDcrnse tbe hatch. The, of i.:uU'. feed to rtlgulate the bowela, be tQr1Ie4 dall, U kept lool'er tban an4 to'l,d' of enou,h uen:11e. Cl'e ~. The . bewt temperature \. could be made to " .. o\l;. .. mile or frolIl liO to 00 decreetl ' Falu'enhelt. dally to ,et tbelr bay. lcattered oyer Germ 4eTelopmeot ",tam at 68 de- !bAt .urface of • dlltant field, a palll en-. -.0 eu'f' ,boold be takeD . bei.D,r opentd tor tlletll wllh I 1lU0 .... • _ tblt the etP do oot reacb tIIlt It necea:lllry. Tbe hn Ihould poblt. dOl"er or alto Ita. both rl r h III pro-

lkJre e«(1"1 are rolned II, tebl IIl1d po_IIIDg a- .. \tamln tllal


Biles, Pelts, Woe\, Wail, Tallow, Cascara 'Buk

. Hone Hair; s.wI ... ,--~ aIdp_Dta. w • ..n,-- ~ ......

u.~cbQo.c ",,"""~

PomAn HID! " WOOL Co. I. __ ~~--

yo~ Will F"I ftlaoI>. at H_ Hn-oo

~ .... c.»-""""'"

lk>lu, o f I mUd dlllpa.ltion Ind .\lsM bulleS. be did DOt Un to arpe ,..IUI 1.J:!e 0I1r111"J, and ao bt):, ~ about e· plln whereby 'be mlr\lt ID1pel'lOlIall), "d blmaelf at tbe wlter ,hop.. ~Ulcb­IDJ" a ... Ire to Ibe fl oor of bill oll\~ be rln It 10 tbe bandle of tbe dmttDi" CUP, .a that IIIJ'~ alIlwlln, on tbe .... 111 ftoor wltb the ("UP In bl,

nol hll'l"fl t~arm before tile), lire ~et I.a abllolutel)' ncceUtll")" to good beattb ... ater and '01 bl, Ibroat b HoC-- Wbl'n an e,:"1:" II kept and .wmU.Uon of Ume aalt.a. Tim·

.tpml('fl petr1f1~ _ tbe I 01 ... bere tbe temperature I. oth,J Ind ..... Ie ha),. old .... eatbered roa ldD't alll'ect '1m! T"IIen I I '10 I 80 de",eH. r-erm de'l"elopmeDt .tn. ... lod eom It!,..er. thIeahed do\'er 1ftat Bert Ah'ord bad bl'ftl drl .. en mlo I ata There III Mt eooogh IlW to haJ' .od eolrse, ft'!lhl'red nnd trolled HeU'1 ('10,.00 b)' thl pone Ind lOll eooUODI toCDblll lon: ('(lns.eqnellll ), ~ arl most 1!.IlloIe to Indlln! !h" i "mm ... II at CapI Hlnr,., IIlttle tn('k 0[. It only took allOIIll'r thought I mlDl embryo. die theD or durlnz tbe co1UUplted condition tba l fuora tbe I Cbeaapeake bay. 1t

You CII.I\'t nlw.ya tell aboul allY' tblng ; ma),be t he'" Ie a IIleeper 10 the

aDd JUlt ae like III oot Ibe brondcllBt the opinion tbat

bllye the rl,bt of wa), and

aDd I balr to ... ork out Ibe problem.. ant t e ... dl,., In the Inco.bltor. Un· d1Mau In question. We reglrd 11 "' 1792, wben flab 011 Thl 'bobo' w .. AI'I"on1. b.lf c:ru,. tl'Om del' nch eoDdltions, tbl egp will telf-poI,onID" f rom absorption Into thl' fllr lllhUna, Ipenn 011 being blt t embll npel'lieDre, rome bac:k to . tho'" dear or nearl)' .dear wbee qRem or p<>t-.oo. dcrlv"d h om Iha l stluted In 1810.

... onld ett the run bl'fteOt or tb<l leI~ ,""pb ... In" wbeD I Iwltcb or ".,aond


w1re .... put on. . ~

WbeD I tramp tame t01' , drtDl:. ClarkaoD wOlUd wult ttll tbe tello ... had got lII" ell aettlf'd. hllrk with the ('00llns Ice water corellu, down bLl Ibro.t. Tbu be woald t.p III. C'GD­

necU!lI" wl~ aDd leod I ftw e".oal tTiln orden cha.lnll: Into tbe drink· e~. mldat.

No .... , It Ia Dot .11 1DdI .. ') .tUIllller·. dream of pl'tlc:e to drillk a bot. blue­tlnt..d tnlll order .. lib .. wteeth on It, .nd I" thla lorcbllrbl pal'llde would lroop doW"ll tbe thlnt)' III l n', tbl'O.t. he would n4deDIJ lei lJO ot UIe lI.e~ lied cup, mutler II fe lll" ~le· ... nt but UOIol'l'mI,. r-em.r1I. •• ull htlrr)' .a1l'1),. ,

Th, time ot Cllr!r.acm·. COIItrt ... DCe

~rea.d qulclr.l,. • • Dd tbe tnlD men oec­It"cted tblttr ... alt to w.ll:b for tHmpa ... ho mlli:bt chln('O Ilonl to drlDII: • (lr report.. .... recklnc orlSer. (lr ~ b.ub of ('Ommerclal melllllC- ODe IOr,·heart· f'd CQIIdnctov klndl)' bluled • "bobo~ nelll:r I hundn-d mil" 10 1:1"1 hlDi • drtnk willi .peclal S. Y. B. WOI'M trimmln(l.

On Doe ot thoae ,UII .cd ... ery bot d'r' 10t h II uluall,. preeede II storm In (hErt al'C1lon. II I l"I-l"Ck IIPI>f1Ired. In the dl.t,Dee dowo tb\! railroad tl'llt"k, .nd Olrtaoo pUlDed III be: wltcbed It .ppro.cb. A - nod. dUI,. tUlte of beard co'l"ered thr tranlP'1 bee. and bl. l.nk, .hlttln, perIOD ... 1\1 al MIl' Cedl)' attired U I IoMIr-envW tor ('O)'ota Altocethu, be Will a moat lIapp), ao..l · promlai.ll, ,ub.)ect.. .nd a.ruon thI-'ed ..-nb .)oy •• th. fe.!­:u ... wade llraljlbl tor Ibe Wiler pall.

Wbell be ,,"a' 1I'ell Lo the .et 0' Iwa~· 10 ... 10~. tbe dllplltches ... ere tornf!d all, bnt b, c:ootLoued drtnklnl" wltbonl Ibowma; thl allrht l'll .. ltlble t-onrern. Some trllD hand, were near .nd Clark· 100 felt that hll r~putat10D ..... et .take. So be turned on I DotlIer . ,lId 'Cave Ihe tramp ce rt.II..I:D ~IMlde In­formatlon~ on tbe .l ock m.rke t. Noth· tna happeae4. 10 deQalr C1arkl!OlI n!Dtered all the 1Ii! \'en III"lrH In bll ('h .rre. loclodlnll: tbe overtaad re]a,.. IDd let the tramp ba"e tbem the uut ('up of .... "er be ' drlllk:' In Talll, The. "boOO~ put dO\\'n lbe emptied · tIIp . and a1gbed. "Mach bltced. Tbll Olutts roe bOD)l'!l~k!' mak" ine think of the old well on tbe :fa!"1l1. Mucb b·Uge<!.·'

Then, ... lIb • leoti ,b.re ot the lti&­graphic llenll'll of tbe P. Q . ('Ompan,. . ~reted In bls Iratern, went fortb retreahed and rejolclD&".

CI1'\IIQUOIL So I bullied ont lIud ~"I euldled 00 the eltblb dll),. tllle.UnH IIDd Dol excret~d or d~ , lo bop .round to I .. old be-m), DI.II; ~d IIOW' for Ibat lInle flt- When .e.lectJo,1D InC'Ubli tor, be 10'" litrO),ed ID the live r. tHn Utou .. nd doUafl COlOwIatOO.

M trued to a la",e eS"lt'nt by the In addJtlon to the le~we bl)', ellcb o 'er b), a motorcar I. an IIt­

'fibo Ie looklllg tOT damage IUlla The "bobo" noddrd bt. head. balf I ('billel th.t are rtl·ln, the b\!!It _I ,hould be ,h·en two (\Ound.

foollahl" hIlt lurllly. ~'1I,. onl ,. rl'- ,wit. In Ihe ('ommunlt)'. nnt onI)' root. or t\\"9. pounda of &DuDd t'Om I eret 18 tllat I · enr found thai 10lt Dnmber of ~hl('k. batcbed bat tor I.a.p dall)' t& regul:l\e II. bOIO·ela. t,aU and ,01 out of BeU·. {"IIn,.on. condition ot tbe cbkb II 1\·ell. unle.. In rood nrab (mit! Wbat" Ibe ,ood ot t'01fIllll; back to lite Tbl't"e IlrJ t ... o ,en~r" types of by ,,,neroul feeding lit muln" time, Evory llI\?rning In tbe countrT for-

Tho Fool· I F lra.

_heD yo.o·"e 1* )'our tlllller?" IIIIll ller InC'Ub.tora~thl Ih't -wUer Ind ahould be ted dati), one-halt 10 Ihre~ flru burn up tho equivalent of a O.rt"!IOn la npertnteOMnt of te'l. the bot·alr. Tbe iTnletit prob~e~ fonrt h. Dr a pouDd of mll"ture 01 two Service. bullket lull 01 U O bllIl. WbeD

.,..pta. oow .• nd rou never caD tell I with bot·,..ater rna('hinelll In Jenera • part. or ... bole or cnl&hed oala Ind oue , tbe llat bill II lu uhell our dally

... he~ I ... hll III"Ul 111011- prope1" ventilation: mollture til part ot ",beat bl"lD. , 'h h ,.,• m. L.m, B"rned Lon,. I WllBtC 01 Sl OO.OOO II a,ccnmpll8bed alld

Chance Led AviGtcW to Cr"" Ddcove-ry

8«.o.e Wilbur Wr1~hI ('QuId not keep hI. tlncer. qule1 tbf"re nr. air­,Ia_

It . ... Ibe out~ropP1n1 of thl. De"­OG.I habit \.D an tnalll:1'lltlt'ant .I.n('ldent OI.t led to the mOllt aTUllLllng of Ibe Wrl,bta' Inyenllon-Ue man-tloUI ..... rplnc wlogll tbllt w •• dt! " 'Iatlon Pl"lctlc:a.L

The blcycll ahop thlt Ibe TouII; Wri,gbta ('(Intillcted, IITlt .. Jobn n. )'Ie. Mabon In I'opular Scte-nl't" Month!:r. . ... kept opt!!! In t~ evenlnl:ll 10 ('ale r to the trade of racto ,.,. eml'loreell.. WII . bur ... on dut)' one ol::"t ln Jul ),.

A CDltomer ellDll' In. If he had uke-d tor a tire tape, ... rench o r I Jlump the COUF'll' 01 butor)' mlrbt baye been cbanl('l!d. But tbll customer alkpd tor '11 lnotr tob. tot" bl, blcytie tire. Thill

..... ~ked. In • re-ctaorn lilt puteta..rd boL Wilbur Mid the empt,. bol". b,. lla end wMle tile ('u. tomer uamlDed the cOntenla. Wilbur' , baada w~ro Inclwl!d to b~ n e .... ou.J,. .cthe.. He looke..l down and audden. I,. "allud what be " ... dolfig WIth an empt)' boJ:--twl.lIn, It-..... rplul" It. Wbat ..... tbu' Call't hlop . Inp' Ne.,e.r I BUI ,.ou ('III wo'll tbem I Eu_ .... ,

WUbnr ('IPHd Ibe shop Itt • hDlT)' and ru.bed borne to t ~1I Omlle..

UsolIll)' each brother, In the Intel"fllt of truth, uuge'l)' .... lied the otber'. IdeL Tbl. time OI"TUIe he. rd the bOll alory. m.de no argumeot. and JUlt Ie, repted Wilbur', .... rplne amendmenl to the hIDge prlnclpte. Then .nd tbere one·II.lt oC t.be ~roblem ot lateral bol·

at Ibe alrplant ..... Iiohed for . U It ..... a\mpl,. a ""t Inll1>lra·

tloo, ilke Newton's 'tftll1n~-'ftPple. Wltblo I month I(ter the ;':lIrpln~

I('beme c:ame to blm the Wrlgflt! tried on • Ilor tlte tbel th l'1 n~ ..

bill. to 011)'100. A lar,e ot IIOall tooy' beg,ed to a. klle • • fI .... e·toot blplant!, 1('le:1

trom Uoe amall .00),1' vlewpolut' IK'OOted ~ and darted tbert ""lIke

m.d. but .. tltrled It. makers, a\~ee It retlPOodl'd 10 tb. ('CDlrol ('(Ird. thllt· twt.led It. tram ..

grelltellit problem li en·. - It I. Inadvllllble 10 fl'('d much rnm. .. chIDe. Tbe ... a te r lt1 the water-hea ted u It .. t.ttenlll' and etu:ourocea ,lug· A fun or.1 lamp I)laced hi tbe )'ear lO'e equare awa,. for tbe da)" e work lDc1Ibltor doea not Intluent'e phnu!!. Were the ewl'!ll properl,. fed B. C .• In tbe tomb 01 T1liItI, dau.gb. to nplace ""Itb thought aud ewe.t til Ibe egg chamber. Lacll of and mlde to t.ke at"th'e e:E~rcllM! ev • ...,. of tbe Ireat Roman ol"ltnr Cicero, wbat fall), bat deatro),ed.--...col\lere. rneanJI Ibat the~ hu beet!. too 411)' Ihl'Oucboat pre,nlln~,.. there -0'0'" , "", wlfll of 1.llabell •. III laid 10 ban

. ID amount of ev.poratlon. In be tat tewer 101$l'1I. M 10 medlclnlll kept burnlllg conltallti), tor 1,£000 water-heeted mo('hln" the aIr dnHl trealDleD.t, tile drn, thlllt ..eern. to ba ... e

lIot drnli l te 110 ~I)'. \\'"Ith .Iower pt"OTed mm uaeful Ie Glluber g,"< I '"····· 1II0'f11l, Il r, ttl",. 111111 be le:u e"'a~ the dOlol' ot whlc:h I, 1111"0 to

Knowledge and Power.

Knowled.(e II power wbeo ap~lIed

to pllrpnH. Ihal Ie , wran Il II uaed;

onlUOU: The fIlct that man,. of Ibe onnel"l, g!'I"en ID tepid .. ·a!er .mIlle r ' bot wlllter Im:tlblttors heve _t-etebed wltb moillseea.-Or, A.

QuaInt CUltom. (or, In IUld or Itse]f, I I. Incapa b]e at

B), a curloua law datlIla: back to nccompll.tIlng anytblnl· Hb wbo Wlea , , alt t be gl"lpe. left OIl tbe .. Ioel l knowledge 1I'1.el), u a beneflct or to

the baul'lt In tbe 'I1n'),lrd at b le fe llow man.-Grll .

"ef,. little veutllation, mak .... It nf!'e- Ale:l"llllIder, WiaC"On8ln. ~,.,. to air nnd rool tbe l';::P da ll )".

The bot'llr I aNt I dlft'ereoL Th\ heat 11 the aIr 10 It II n~r,. tbllt the aIr be 10 Inore rnl.ld olotlon. Thu t'alllll"l greater 'l"entlla tJoo and e'l"l~ ol'lltlon. helll'll moll.taNt u~uaUy mUl t be added.

In ope1"atlrig the IIIrnhtll or tallow dl. rectlons. MOtIt Ineulmtor ' ('Omp.alel p Te very rompleUl dlr«tlou rpprd· Inc tile opel"lt1on a.n.d COIItroI. at their

~=~ty 0'1 temperahlr-e " a ",eal eoutroll1nr tartof'. AD In~tor run at a 1JI!Jform tempe1".tDr-e of 102 de­er- w1)) do better thin 'OM TIory· bIc trorll 101 to 1M d8ll'-' Gradual ftI1,aUon It Dot det"rltoellt.l.. . Too hlP" t41DperatuN lowl'l'II ,.,or ot the tblc:tra. In "me maeblnH. it " toIUIldeNd H-st to ,tart at 101 d--. lo(!l'@uo to to:! de.I:THfI M«IDd 1I'e..1r, and onl)' .110w .and.ard: at 108 de!:"," 10 be readied a fe ... da.:n before tile "ftrb. AOO\""e e .. erythlnl1. the 1'1:"" '¥30 Id . not l1e! too haL-Noel Hall. elllion f;pe. dl1l1lt. 11l1ll0Uri llale ultr:r experi-ment · ·.tallon, UoumRlo Oro\· ..

Sanitary Poultry House Is Necessary for Egg;

Cbl~kens .. ·m not !:"i .. e IIIdp<"]ullte re­tDrn. fb eggs 01'" gT(l\\"th " 'hen kept un· der Insanitary ('ondltlonl.

The conatrtlC"l lon of tbe poIll t " bonae ' Ihould r_lve .n .. t .tteotlon. Buftlelent air ~pn('e. lI~ht l nl:" . and ven· Ulal lon ahould be r,ro\""ldcd. and tbe eotlre houl e clell.l\ed at treqoent ID· terral ..

FraDCC. go to lbo b\lDeflt of ".' ----:-~--~.,,"'o:n i ~~~ pu(;r IIlId the OIO·ner8 clln be llndd Th, aarefoot ~xplor~l'II .

Ollt. erpected to tarro ... aprtlll abou!d hIve

- ph:liln, tbe culls. Two bo,.a. e l,bt aDd " Ieven. Itarted oul of the c ity to ellplure Ibe ,,·orld .

willte r. The), .... tn nPi'd;';;."~';'~"'-;;;bi; I Mank lnd'a Oddltl... \l.olb wer e bare tooled . It Is Ibe' way

bed ... hen bad weather Cflmea. Not oDI), ill .belter d('tl lrable but a .... rTD I bed ot .tra ... Sa add.sabl ..

The feed eboold be lIuch .. will tUI' Ulem to make bfoI1e, mo~tie 100 10

the TU.I o~.nl properl,.. A.

Mank!uo! lire very odd CTelltures; uf tlJ:plorerl~o] .. aYB fo rgett ing lom.e­cellBure wbat the)" PrII(' llce. !tblng.- I'UbllC Ledter . b.lf practiC"il wbat lhe ), cen·

. the reat alway. 'a), and do Old Unlya,. I\y . they' oDl"ht .~Ben.lamln Fra.Dklln. Tbe oldut uDI,onlt)' unde r thB

,Uta .re bred quite )'OUIIC Illd there la very . IUtie lime tor

, United Stalea nllfll I, S,ilnto Tomu unl· Re latlylty Again, Ye rstty In MaDUL fOllllded by tbe

and d.,e)oproent before the,. are to Doo.rlah their otfaprlnl(. nal melna that we II tanners and a Dlmn.! but­bandmen mut teed proper!)'.

01 Ibe Run l!)Ote are trlara In 1605. Tbe I"rtan conduct th" IIIIlyeulty.

Hom. Team.

In Cblcaa:o paper-· ... 'Idow ,dtb would Hke. to me6t wIdowe r wllh cblldrell . ObJect, baaeball: ' -

'lbero I.a generally ,er,. little for rllla to let In tbl form of grazlnl III thlt Huon ot Ole ),ear. It I. at c:ourae ... eIl that rruJOC be bad but It II nOi au), to pro .. lde tor at tbll t ime. Bul the teed mUlt be n lt.ble so tbat thl rUta w111 be prep.r~d for the Iprlng

Geotrl"l!)' Cbaucer. who lived :::::: I ~::::::'~~~~~ ______ _ 10 1400, w .. the fIrst 10 .1 :

..... I Protein feed. In ('(lnsJdernble qunntl ·

title of pool Inllreete o r f-:Ilt: llllld . carl), 113 the re ign at Henr), III

¥enilf icator regl!! or Uee ... 111 l'!IIerally be oeeded. SkImmed m11k, tan.ll:llie, men! meltl aborts I grouod oat.. bra II, cotton ~eed melli, Kn wied e . nd Prilcl,u \ et~ , are loed lIoureea 1t..,lUelnber tllnt 0 1\ I k h cottOQ. teed roeal Ihould nOI be fed A wiRe man no t on)' nu" ,, "11 eo wlUtout ('Iutlon One- pf\rl ("0111 00 ii'hi! tu kee ll ~ t111 bUl doel It ~Uonoo T m ll me. 1 to five or ~ II" pnr" grllill I, ' ~(' rtpt.

ute, aecordlni' to e:.;perllllen ls .' Oue I p.art t.aDkall:e or went menl to nine Different When Poll.hld. pa.ra"ll:Ta.io l.I generolly recomlDended. Dlf.monp. in Ih.,lr ouural Ilale are

. I u>luall ,. Or • dUll lead color. Fine Way of Marketing ~~----

Feed at a Good Profit Greatest· Used Truck t..lbb tee4ln, baa beea prontable .

Ibe put few :rea .... Ind olToU1I • In HUtDr"}', !Deana at marketing teed at I We

w"tern rllD,' I1I00b. are .~ock ot Uled truck . a l

nat'::." l:b!ee:;e a~~:u!:;~ prlcee. Now Ie tbe time lO "~w,m •• ': i troubled wilb ,toDlacb .orma. La mb. need Dr Ira ,oio, to oeed ... blcli ate IJlr .. t.N'l with .tomull kind. AU makea,

Tblt Di,bt amah d1apntth Irom the 'upertntend~t 01 tele-rraph. Will ~ cehed b)' OarklOa, ,taUne tbat be bid (l'Ounded .11 the w'rea of tbe lie"'

lre,uld up &even pllaenger trains, di!­.)a)," lbe ~18tad PI'l' .. . dltpatchel, beside, embllrnalDg the ronn.!II' ot three pertahable frelcbt utro.t. The dlQlatcli elaNd with t ile que r,.: "Wbat hue lOU rut to oy tor YOU!"Hltr'

ClarllaOn Studied the meuare aI­tematell wtth ·the· D.O .... '.'>.'" ~ """1 bu~ket, but 1I0t flndLng In any· thtn&" .iII "., for blmaeU," h' dadded that be wO(lld iIleep D.ver lb. matter and ,n.8""II'er In the moruln., .

B1 mea_ OJ tbe kite Ihe Wrt,tlt bl'Olbers WHe Ible. to demoll.ltrale that their id!la' ot .a."lDt" tbe .... 1011 w .. c:or~t bllllcnll),.

. -a.d.nt tnUI ·MtHlwn F Gin Tbe orlrto at tbe ,tltement ('ount)'

(air !D.IU" be ~ced to the eouteoien("1 ol ·b~ tocether II lIated tlIO~' tb . bu,.e ... .and teUe... of lb. iltork prodUre ot ti. du~. 'J'li Eul'Opa In tbe MIddle '''1 the .. fill ... were ,en· ~lIy .tolUll'Cted ... Ith t ellltif"al. at tue c:burdl • . lb1a btiol c:ouI.der"ed ClII , np·

While tbelile Pl'l'C"llutioo. C"IIDnot be depended n(\On to rontrol mllee IDd Uce, the,. aid tbe pOaltr,.mllD In ~eter· JDfIIln, ... heD tbeae petta a~ preaenL F'orthennorf', Ihe to .... l. I~ kept "In 'fl«Orons eoDdlllon. ..·hl('b In ltaell aida In controlling pelltl. OlrtT lUld lnaInUary bona" prov1de Ideal breed·


wUl oot mllke good I\"IIIDll In lot .ud IDQ" .... IIkel,. to ·tn, ('Ondltlooi for" lnaectl and 0<'-'., .• "

wbl c:h a~ detrlmeot.1 to poult". . DI .. enaoo fowla, or thoea with malformed The market preters tat lambl that

do not 1I'eJgb more thCln IX!" potlodll, ~QC8 teeder ,]ambl lIbould not .... el'h more than 10 poUIIIla whell put Loto

b1l1a or feet, t.1I r"ad)' pre,.( to 1\1'11. mltl'!l. and otber lnHCt pm., nnd aboold be remo1"ed &II 10011 .. d"

. He, weat tu hed. but coullao' t ~eep. The tlD"Iop ot tbe ''hobo'' cahill), drWk· Ing blue-linted., uw-edpd l?IO r. porti hanoted, ,bLID. RHllUilly tDatur" be~eea bl, .bee'" he- ('Oulddered.f· .

"Ho"',dId be do 111 ~"lIIteri~ d&­partmen.t mill be ci'('I!)De proot from dr\Dklng . IOmethlnc IItton&ir, but' all the othflhl .... er. III IOiIJ' u he,

. mill' .bowe<! tbe ded. or u.. til right. N90 there'l IOmellllna tbl- ttlUow', ' ·tbro.t-b!l· ..,~ar-" ' .. ';' . . '

Il.I\!le 'for brlOg!D, • 1IIr,e of ~Ple tocetber.

In &D0diii'""1If6ment O.rtlO(l· ... out Gf bed, batTJiG' on hla ciotti •• IUl lbel::-It,;=~ ;;. ....... , - .,.. npl41tl of a fI~D. . \. ~ ...

£ CIpI,&da' Id. u.. aat atka . " . . : .. ,



Proper Feed ~r Pullets It 11 I fOlltate to let tbe pulleU

tnra,e to r tbe!Dseh·ea. OrRin alonr wid DOt IIOppll Ihe D/!Ce .. r¥ feed tOT

bnUdln, the framework Iud tbe !.lod:r ot the bl~ whlcb I re to become e part of tb. tuture IlI)'lng 110~1t. A math ' contllo.lnl I llbertl I\lppl,. 01 protelo aDd IiDloeral. ·18 needed. 11 the pUllN Ire all good range 'wUI oat colUlUUle eo mu('b thla IDrt .. they would .... Ilbout

! but It ahon.ld be cooata.ntll

~a ~~ ~~, "'----

Hags Loose in Orchard Wben ted IIbe,.U,. and .:I~"n

of water bop Ira not Ilkel), to '" ~,,~ I ~;~~,,.. mocb 11 an1 damoge In Oil orcilllr* Howl.,er, . hoC~ may do l·ollald~rClbl.' "'-, .. , .... 4a:m.,e b)' ,"nClwltllO the Irees o.r de­.tro)'~ the roola. If III~owl'd III tIle ore-hII'd. Ibe)' ahould be watebed dOH­

It .nd remo\""ed It they hecln InJortnc tbe treel. If It II o.ecdIIUt) to keep

tbem 1.0 the ort.bard tbe treel '1""" I 'i~~~~~~:':::~;;:~::;~~:f~ .. I~~~~~~~~~:t!:~:..J~ be prote<Ud b)' lOme kind 01 1ll'l' tor tho truD'" to pnyeDt

. til... . ' " ~thua.

' ..

"4 "

. .

Page 8: The It.multnomahhistorical.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/1925-12-18.pdf · ~illie Williams, secretary for upkeep and maintenance of the In 19ZZ, 104 l05t their livel in Ore~ Elizabeth

." ,

~ .' .,

Profeaaialial C"rda .... Tw.ter '08& PcOmpt Deli •• ..,

. JOHN BINNS .'R'o· ~~'':,ce''an' 'i. .~ . .1I~ •• il.'IIIII .1 1.11. &liJi ii,'lr~ i ~.:hl'·li~II ••

Noh" E"'J.~otJ:J.ori ",.Eat ' Re:Ii-__ . a TOIlWaionJ for the Kld4lei ' DIL EARL E.. M~O'IT DuJu in WbeD kept 10 t'&Pth'It7: P7thoDli .,. Wttdlewood ....,.. W ... ·.,.e: £1~um

06~ B~' to too 'CORDWOOD oftna refilM' f'oC4 &.bel ~ OIl • Pr(r · Gold leal Cobl~ • • \a.- L ' '- "b ........ "'....... .. .. '" ""' . .. DOROTHY OOOCLAI M'''tnomah . Hardware ,. ... ou.u oan , apPG __ en Pne. quoLed Cord lot. or o".r queotlJ r"'l8 th d .. th. • .====~",,,,,,,=====U'II UI ""

•"_ .. ___ • __ On. _____ ..... ___ ' ... _. I.tCOllllrlt.e DrytintlrowU. To ob'lato Ibl'lt ·~ry to (Coorrll'll\., MaiD 3545 lL l . MacDoaatd MultDomah.9n.

hlton Park ONIOD f~ lb. bf. fllib. by ~i 1IJe&Ile" WBBN aooald NewtoD _.c ..ate 11 .. ;;;;~;;;. .......... ;;. .. MM;;;; ....... "";;;e;;e; .. ~M .. IlWI .... I;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;; I·Od I wrt"cer 111 tb. Wide W4tSd w.... the ~Qler'. to aeled. • lClmooo Dr. GEOBGE J. ARNESON ' &leIe 11'" I 'et'J' Intere.tbW· d-=rtp- tor Ida ...... . to _tar co .tb. md- i ~-""",,=== ... · ~· =======_==== ... ========~..;._.,..==~

OP'l"C*»IBIBT. I I I I 1 I I • ~ 1 1 1 1 I I 1 •• I I 1 I 1 1 I' dOli of bo_ thl, II dOD" ~ . QHl'adL he bId Dot espected to IlDd __ ~ ·Ow-. .,tud P rt1and MultD mah ' ""It tI I ,.". ·lImpi. p~. h. Itoml.D~ l'IIrIllD. (beN. ' . Moun : 10:01'" M. to 1:80 P. M. 0 . " 0 .. ,. .. "Our P1thOU w,' nrried oat to JJ. l!Utteror .toe B.o.hll! ... 1IDOre

oth.nrlM by AppoIDtm,lI.t. Sta&e Co. • IUn!!t ""'" I.wu. Oue' DUIII beld 01' 'Me .t the Ja, .a 01 aU Id, &frall'S MULTN.OMAH W· 00'" C.O. 0II0e .. ornriAL ISW'ELRY 8HOP the ·.nue's tlU, I MeOtId bHtrod. It I With 11m ud. :"'te'i:l~ Solutu, tbeDJ I"

lIaI~ ()roepa. Can tID Back 0 ... IIerricI; ·DJlddle, "'!lU, • third &TIPped' Itt bel_d au' of! OIlC. __ " ro,,"er .ud RUllo( DEAl;ERSIN . , _________ ...;. ____ '--~ MIIiI~ .... Pllf'tl.a .. _ .ud foreed opeu Ita , .... .. JA,Jorlt. ao..a lrltil 0Ill1 ~ That ooe. h' bid OA L

tile H_ .... tblf H_ .qu.tted In tro lll ' .~d. t.lt~ • pound &bout dedded. ... _ f-thlee. OSU,. WOO 0 & C HENRY 11 RlESLAND THF,loRmrYy-.~t~uUTS.~ES .. RV.loICJ. of mNt, PIIU,. thnut H Into the lIlA .mU" dldD't ~ mudl .bon;

Au...,. at. Law ...... u..... _,.,.Ice·. c.pldoa, t~n..t" .ud *1th • KaWMa· bat attar all ~t· ... BoD- No. I old aro;th dry cord wood ~ cord I! c. , Imootb. ro],!J;.jI Itld; .• ~. foot 111 1114'. affair, ~ , .oa.... Platt Bide. From 'I A.. K. to 'I :.10 P. II. leoJth. pre.td lb. mea't 1Dt(t·tbe rep- "ItathlMD woalda', EV'''' '" U No.1 dry cord,' wood lD 1 ccprd loe. pel cord t'7.50

PO\lTLAND. OREGON Lut bill at 11:30 P. II. Wa.'i rutl.c. It w .. ao" ~ MeOIId 7ft ·lDtlllded '~""ILD a .. all aat pd, Dry ,hort wood, .D,. tea.tb $9.51 aDd 'U." j

LOW RATES _u', Job to·area t!le rDMt Ud mu- hd u q., tq oir.~ "Id &III. • ' __ .., ____ ===_ ===j I I111I 11111111.1,. 1.111'11 . ..,.. It • lard dOW1l ~ loar N4 Il.De. ..... ..wrt, fraD~' •• d Rould Bock 8Pl'inI and Utah Coal, Lump or Nut -Bu.;n_ -~ Cord. I No. I thm toolt dlarp I.Dd tUetUU, AaJ'Md. with her to • 'NI'UJu uteoc. ' __ 1- ONUt orr; 'd ani t Rai!r" oad C .

___ .... _riled th. lump. don to t~ pocket "'But aSa~ t h",. the $ODe1." be .......... ouvu Ice an y a . rosmng _____ , ~ ___ W IUlt Ad. "h.".. lb, I tomacb'l, located:· l"'aPed _$ .t her, .... Il, _olT1r C'

• l ·en cenls per line fint inltrtioD. Sc .... 4 wbU. BoIl.ld " u lD th. co. per line cach addit ional inlenion. Counl _ . hlDer'1 be IGdddll Gectded dill b. j ====================~=======~

F;;'r Sand, Gravel, Brick, Tile, six words to tbe line. Minimum £x~ 01 Sf.... wnld, .ftu all 1'0 10 tb. meaqul"lda,

Cement and Pluter ch~~F W~I ads muSI bt asb in ad. It "u ouce IhouJbt tblt lion. eJ:. I ud tor hlmult took. m.II" ItlUM)DO

SEE PIUIStod It I unltonu rite when hdled. l ..... I,. ........................................................... . vance. hUI thlt II110w ded.red. on rood I U' '1'IIa nJ,bt ot the ml.qoerede I"" 1111 .11111'111111111111111111 111111111111111111111'1"

T . G . HAWLEY 1-------------·lthot1l1. to be lDcorrect. 111 Cf!I1I ot l' rtnd and with It rala. the beeinulll, Th H " Goodf n sa I f 0 . At the p, 0 " Multnomah, . Ore. FOR SALE - Reed huggy. Oppesitt mlrbl. and lim_tOile, am.n incNUH of rollllDN tor whee Ronlld dug bl. e amet e OW 00 . 0 aDCIDI

,. W . POtlb.nd School. C. A. Wool· of ceDJperehlre lbo'e ' lIoimal ,II'" ~ 11.&11111 deep luto tb. IIR't'et of Ole PRIVATE AND CLASS I'NSTRUCTJON dridgc. Main 9589. 001, •• II,h, '_""". b ..... "' •• k1moDo h. IOUDd Ib.,.lo IOlaetlllq

1oa-euf:d rapi'di; -;llb further tem- WftpJ)ed to • Ulall b.ndkereMe!. .t ,be ree.ideoee of H. E. Bbby. ~ro. frOID tb. 01'f!1'01i Eiectrio 8~ioll perature rt.an. fi. upaDlloli ot tJpoa 1lD'fold1n, th. mOrMl ot _"ted OQ Toroer 8t, · ~b_: 8 tudio, Main 2818 or ae,ideae. M.Ju 2731

FOR SALE - Fox terrier pup and a mlrl:lle.t. t.w de~ .bo .... ·uorm.1 llD_ b. dllC'Ol'el't'd Che pbotorraph ot 1' ............................................................ ., boy', tllcycle ),{lun 5136. "',. onl,. I tractional part of th.t of • 1'U7 101'e1J' "ri. Be pud III .d-

Rcad '"Thc Multnomab Press" for

community nun.


""OK I"JDWY ...... ~. e.u-tea caDed tor aa.d. J)elI ...... ,.PHONB MADf .~t5I. --

______________ • t~.:teeJ; .t 100 degreea c.. the uerale I mlratloD tor , lon, tim. befo", b.

~aualOO ... .bout Ibal of IIHI. looked OD th. baclt tor • d.w ot

For 1100 dowlI. I can put yo .. in • I •• t 200 devees thl' rate ... IP- l4eut1t1. dandy new home, 2 bed roome. com. I:IDJltel,. doubled Th_ peculliri. "II .. hi I" 1''II,hed nODlld "'Ow. plete plumbin, oak floor bUilt 111 tl. Ire of plrU("UI.r luterwt wbere eD1'ered ."'rrot co BOb. Dee. 90tb kitchen 00011: 'bllem.nt ~lty (011)0 tb. ,tooe II Uled wltb other malerllll, 'I' West 12th Sc. Humpb I"' fUmlolted

I B I 'SZ6O(l t ' 25 th II In boUdlng ooustroctlOIl. Whtle Renlld. ''number ","en l. the GreeD pete. • . • ~ mon .' mlrbl. upllndeoJ ou beating It dld 1I0t &,.. t_room-doo't tuppote tblt wlU

• d .nd let '20 cflldit. wlrble ooUC'ed Lo head_toilet III Ct'We- ID h1l he.d She'. cert.1II1,. , bit of •

2 bib we.t. I bill: north. Caplt.l H,U IIhrinll: to ,tt oftelnal dlm~ollll ou h.lp m. 10 tnclo, tbll belutl .nd b. Ichao!, 1 blk to .t.,ga. .Lathro.p C'OOliog. Ti,e" UllUlual Prtlpertlet l .tdet .be la DO doobt enpred 10 Bob­(evealfll_ At,,·.ter 4.851) Bnal' thll proto.bl,. (lve rtte to the wllrpln, or 1:lIl1_ h. I •• pOOr Ibh ... IUI 110 e,.11

JOHNSON'S 4 SERVICE terlt&. I wtuner. thi. 14.",0C. " I ============, I I .lUd Lo lb. efrort to Cud rtlw.n~e

atEVROLK'l' FAOl'ORY TRAINED Fraternal Notl·ce. Ronald "elll down ou hli Crst Ip.re • l .. eD1II, 'f lb. GreeD E,.e. IPItClALl8T AT OCR GARAGE. I Amou, thl ~ .. t. lod rtillterfli,

BltBTJIA, ~ ORENOMAH 11m.L11IIctl "ltb them Roul ld .w one HA.L"f '018 LODGE I "ho be "" IOOD to lelro "" the u. w

G No. In-A... F . .. A... M. proprietor. tn ted .he WII Idundnr ~ Suoted commuoicalion ...... d ' h I _" 1 toward him w1lb oolltreUbf'd beAd. WVEJOY &:: OOMPANY nru Tursday of uch vur a veruurs a re wort y 0 y..... "Good e'enlD,f," .he 1'1'81 .. ,1.111- '"I

monlh. . .upperl. PatronilC them. Wlllt to "elcom •• .11 Ol"oul·. old


~MULTN·OMAH. OREGON abo .. Begiu: El'WDp, 1 and \I P. M. &tlld., Continues 2:30 to 11 P. M .


The Making 0'- O'Malle,.

M1NDAY.YONDU·. DEC. ~21 r--. D_..J .... Piookf...t I.


UttraOAY, DEC. "

"" A-.:ItA


nJESDAl'·TtU;UDAY. DEC. %S-IJ-U II&I9Id Lio7d ,.


GROCERIES, FI.,OUR, By ordcr of W . M. I==============i p.tro .. I.Dd bope to serre ,.00. all u I ~============================ _ _ 0"". CS: . ..:SCW:E::::N~S"O~N~.-=S",:""': .. :,~y:... "ell .. b. did." I·

0CRHEA"PTOMAERH MRS SARAH E BRASCH I Ron&ld bid the "re"'re f~IID' of FEED, GRAIN and


, ~ ~ I hl1'lIIlf Ira,eled I lo"'r '':Id Uruome


141 0 E S .nd ' jOllfllel lod 10 tuove relcbed bODJ • • t o. -.. . M' URANIA H BRASCH lilt. He clo_d bt. Cnrerl lbout IbOM

Meetl stcond and fourth IS8 • ot tb. "'ew proprlelor of the Orten Mond~y of tach rnonlh PIANO TltACBER8 ' . 1 E,. •• nd old "lUI. langh, "I ,DJ 1I0C

lIe&1tM_ah. ore. I ",;'~'~IL~L~I~E;",,\~V~I~L~L~I~A~'~IS;;;.;S;'~";'~ .. ~'~y= ~ Individual Instruction an old p.troo lou! mnat rertalnll "U] I become • De" ooe. H

H M · ~~------------ lected I nd II be IIlC down he bad ao· .

.. ..... i.la 121. DAILY "1'" '0 "o.,u .• o •••.•• 'n .... , .... Tualatin Valley Transfer Co.

I. .... . RICHARoa. Ptop. . ...... rl.no.d l"lno .... rllrnlt"r •• 0Vl'1

OffIo.; 8ho,,,,'.,.'. S.,.,I •• JbUolI All Othr Hlllilne .IIltllo"'lh, Or.co.

I I Church Notices I' Dunn' 1 ..... I·ng· wS"'y"'st' em I th:b:lgU~,:d t~l~ ~~ I~~u~~""h:::t .1: I

oUle oVIDg \v " . l olber ellrnpae lo.to hre e)·el. The,. 1

and . D_!-m" g MULTNO~tAR OOM.~UNITY CJass ork Instruc*lon t were st/trtllnel,. rrfi!n. ===,;,,=====================~ I\iUI CHURCH. a ~ I "I!M!III:. t "No wooder ,.OU h •• e IlIken o\"l'r Ihe '

T •• ,.UL . flIIP/TOL ItlLL s.I:Ibt.ch Berne.. MVIIl'NOMAH STUDIO ..t the DU' 1 Green E,f!, H b. eald, " I wish lOU greal I t+ ........ .., ..................................................... . At .... l,er32iO Morning servicc 10 :.10 A. M. • __ .. Home. Boc·-' -- .a..·_· H....... I lUce1!'II.l.M

preacbina: and BUDd.y School. I&nO IIWlpaIII

._Ro:..-"_\e_.~. _B_._X_8_7~._P_"_U_._"_d_. _0_'_·'_·_"---"' 1 El'enlllS--C. E ., 6:10 P . W .• WOr' Pbo_: MAJJ:a 9301 SEllwood 0311 Sh. thanked blm Ind wllh the f.l ul· THOUSANDS _ Iblp 7:30. l ilt or blushel mOl'ed ..,1,. 10 welcoDJe

--- • 1 ~=============·I ::~m~~~~~D ~on~ll: :~~o~oo~ i C . OF


Exterior and Interior HOUle Painting

-lip.ctaltl_ ... _ID .. ..- -PApft" BUI&lDa

MAin 4491 .

Our ad"ert isers are worthy of your

lupport. PltronilC them.

II I 1111111111 I 111111111 I II pl~.li~~ P~lfNG FLUES IfId FIREPLACES

BUildred. otl.Wlied euatolDlrt U, Portlaond IOd MullDomlh.

~ c..u""'_I"''''''. AT. DlI


MUIIl'JlfOM .UI, ORE. II&1r CUt 86 ceac.; ·Su..e liS eeo.ta

PenoaaI ",,"-tee.

_ .. AT-8634

PUD Umo:CBK RepreRlltm,

lmart Bilk IloaIer7 CO. Rea Clpit.ol Hill

Roow 0, BOI 608·1. Portlllld, ""'-' .

Multnomah , Senice Station

J . !JRfOlj8

REFO~CB I Crysanthemum I :::-;.:.:.:::. ~~~ ':'::::- "~:mr~ HRISTMAS CARDS Suud.,. 5cboolll · 10 • . DI. YornLn, Plan'. for Sale _ ••• boot to propote co. fOfl'Ot the

let'Ylce (GerlOan) 10 4£. YoUll, P~ U · photOl"ph 10 hl. POCket 'Dd 10fl'Ot NOW ON 5 C WHILE pie'. C E 1 00 P m . E,enlo' .. ,... .t M.plfWood GreeohoWltl I .. erhbln, u«pt th. ,.ounr pe~o 1'Ice (EllaUlb) • 00 p to Tbornu Beevat. with the ,"",.II e,.. "ho co.ted CO~ DISPLAY EACH THEY LAST

Rel' L 8<llser, I"aalof, I ,-=o=.=,=,=,p=,=."=_= d='='=',=,=,,=R=R=',=,=o.,d ! tIJ>::;!I:ldh:'.O:.~ : =~~r 10 lIow- PIONEER PRlNTING .. STATIONERY COl

OARDE.'I' HOMB OOMHUlRTY iiii~_lII . 11 hla rue. .lUd.U tile Ume h, 212 Fourt.h St., near Salmon Portland. Oregon CKURCH. ............. ' ..... puullD,J; oat IOtDe I('heme "Mr. " WOK FOR ELECTRIC SIGN"

Sund.,. 8ebool 10 A, l.t:. b,. hf' could brin, abo.t 10m. COD''''' Church Service II A. M. Pbone IIA-888S .. tlon with th. II:lrl

MR. OLIVER GILL. P .. tor. H. MILLER Cold Iplott bJl burt IIJ' the pho--- tOIT&Pb ot ODe MII'IOC whom b. bid,

CApdoL HILL PLUM81NG, Hf!.1ITING .nd • _lit hour before, coUidered d"lDe-SL a .... ·• Catholic Ch ... d. Gas Flttlns ; 11 belaUfuL III r.ct, Jt WII bll quest

M~ '~~9 ~o~~.u, ... Route 8, B ... OI: l1f / .p;.ruan ... d, Orf!. :~~ooU:'~r b~III:::~b~!I:re: :: BAP'l'I8T CHtJRCH. .. plctura trom hla pocket .ud looked

Suudl,. Scbool 2 : 10 P . M. lOBi: and Ml"Deltl1ac It. Churelt SerTlc .. 3:30 P. M. Th. 11_ propr1.1!'H11 of the Greeu

--- "...-----..... ..----.-.-~ 21. b.d tor. mOmfOt _ted heralt PAB80N HEIGHT OOKH'OlOTY IC • Im.1I table IIId nou.ld ~autl1

. LJIlIROIL Wh N t went o,er IDd took the chllr oP'Poe1te. SUDd.,. achool lOA. Ii. I Y 0 "I "ant to thow , 00. "hll broo,ht Pru.ehin, Berne:. 11 A. . M. ID. down bert tonllbc. ~ h. uJd '"

KEV. CHA S,. DEIGHT S 11 I ? tolllld thll phOIOlT'pb In chi lleel'. or Prayer ~Iectl~ Sunday EHnlng II e t. . idmooo.- Ronlld held out th, Plc- I

REV }6HN I~~M PS!>:-: I Ito .... Ild handlterehlef. Moch to ROII.ld·. Imll&emeDC .b.

B\I&NODdCAt. OJroRCB • O· N .... ry f ..... th .... U'" . Ihll ... t Otlt l.u,Mn, wheu .h ... " .bac I El'au 11 ' 1 Cburch Weat Portr-nd ehi ..... ,. i .. pl ........ ,.. \-.II he held ta bll haud . ,e ca .

II or oth .. ~ .... iDll tl.at are .ot Sund.,. School. 10 ; 30. MornlD, SerTlca. 11 : 10,

, E .... nl.' Bemct, '1: 4.1 .

i Fruer MeedD" Tburad.&l. I~OO . ",DR. JOHN 0000, Putor. 1

Reid "Th' Muhnomah Prtu" ,

fO r) commu",ity nntl.





I --

to.i ... -.cI anol ... CN101 h. t.raed ... to ... _.,. to be us..! for otla_ ...... -

I ...... .,. t.o .... th.N i. t.:r.j. hIH. tn...\q ... 01 otJo..r artid_ that- onilht ala., be 10101. Th. monl,. could ba put to ..... M ia I ..... '" 10 dr. ... "'t.a.L ' Wh,. .. ot .. II ._.b lb ... lI.aw1

Or. parlo...,., ,.01.1 ban "hkkea~ .'1 •• pl ..... , ..... ...t, or .-'ea 01 .om. kind tJo.at ,. ... Wllllt ta '~d tou,..,.. for.



E ... ar,.- wllk lb •• liltS. .aI •. _. are ...u .... poob ..... , .....

. ..te" for ,._ ..... bon, I" •••

, , I I II I I I


"'Tbat'l tb. tunoldt tblna," .he uL!! llIIIu-edl,.. "1 lO.d. II ' bet ";Itb M.r~ol, (bIt wboe.er fOUlld thlt pie lure \Youh} com. btre 10 _reh or the orll\'l"'ll . We IIlppeel tb.t 1010 tbe kimono Ilee,., OUt cial "bIL ... lectin, I ('Ol turoe. 1 b ..... "'OD C,. doller .. 8 .he flDI.hed with I mt.c:hl'l'OIlI loolt 'rom Che green

" ... "You thoo~ht thera WOl .UIl I bit of roDJIIlCe I.ft III thll old ... orld,~ qlleltioned Rooald. "and Ullrgot thoo,hl olhel"\\'IHf'

Th. rtrl lIodded. Ihen AlIIi'd Iud. d.DI,. "Do lOU "lOt 10 meet l!oIQr.:ot l)O __ h, LI 017 du_ rrleu'J ' lId there la" uo Boh, We mlde biro· tlp.­

Ronald lOOked IloahlDKI,. '('ro .. Ihe ta£1.. •

"I did w,llt to mf'f!1 Marll'lll. 'er'7 Dlnch. hut-I '" lo.! III Inleret,l La her." .


••••••••••••••••••••••••• 111 •••••••••••• 11 •••••••• ,


BLUE BIRD INN Fountain Senlce

Light Graceri ..


School SuppU .. llIa(uiDe.


RESTLING ner Takes All

BOB QUSIi, hationalamateur champion of U.S. .. FABIIOR VUCIi. Portland, II(htheavy wellht

F .. t SO'. minute PreUminary Mullnomab, Ore. Main 6764

01 01111111. 1111111111111111 1 "'r w.\. PARKER


'ar,.- law coat - Ik a I ... Ill. 'nl w..... .... 5c a Iia. aller ... , '-It _01 DOW .. d . .... 1'. ,. ___ tadior.tJo.,a .. _t .......

Pto ..... it i. if ,._ wi ....

.I ·Some IDeo Ire very nt·llle." .. Id ... "A.Dd lOme .reo't." he , uprlemf!nted.

-and I .IDI fOO 10 re~rve !hUI la bl. tor me e"r,. e'enlnl ror dlnuer aotu _. h' nouDde~d hopel plII! ' ''. r'


Friday evening, Pee. 18,8:30 P. M. '.Sf. Anthony's -Hall, T.gard

•• 00111' • • ooenoTl,.,.' . • C. GaU .... I ••• "" ana. N. Qarce tv BId .....

Mala '196 HUIad.t., 'Creton ".It.oaalt,. Ore. . ...... lUI 11111111111111111111111111



I I ,

The .rHO elf'll 101111 .... ll.un llnol,EI,. bI.~ bD! tfnm "hul .he .u. In ltoO. ald'. upreph'lI 'he "ertdfl!'d Ik>I to p~ Ihe .que! tJ':I~'

Rinplde B .. ta t1.00 LADIES WIILCOIO
