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The Jasper weekly courier. (Jasper, Ind.) 1918-10-25 [p...

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IASPER COURIER Northern Cabbase at $2.50 5r hundred at dw J Kuebler's. f ycu wat to be fashionable rough and sneeze. Everybody does, (nih.) Fred Sen, of EvansvHle spent Sunday in Jasper visiting home IIOIKS. - ' Mrs Meredith Masters and son Emory returned home Monday from a v?sit with friends at Pet ersburg. Willard Jahn returned home Sunday from Camden, N. Ji where be had been building ships. Ladies. Misses and Child ren's Shoes, good values at rea- sonable prices. Edward J. Kueb-ler- . k - - u Stepped Her Baby's Cough. Ntf remedy is better known than Fo- ley's Honey and Tar for giving quick relief from conghe, colds and croup. Mrs. W M Stevens, Vivian, W. Vir- ginia, writes: ''My baby bad a teirible cough, and nothing did him any good. I read about Foley's Honey and Tar, the first dose he'ped him and in two dap the cough stopped." Jos. A. Menringer. adv. Albert Bohnert went to Dubois , Tuesday to ship a car load of clnver seed. Shipping dovei Lseed is like shipping money, a car load represents over sixteen thousand dollars. Clover Seedis 118.00 per bushel; all clear " ve- lvet' ' for the farmer. Mr. Ed. J. Sendelweck, a pro minent Boone township farmer was in Jasnpr Tuesday on busu ness. Mr endelweck ha3 it fig ured cut that he will be the next trustee of Boone township. Vve don't know of anybody running against him. Took Out Dreadful Soreness. When the kidneys are weakened don. fail to I brow impuritiee out of the b'nod the poiaou renmin in te system and backache, soreness nnd rheumatic paina develop Mrs. David Heury, 05 S. Lin coln Are. Washington, a. J. writes: Foley Kidney Pille took the dreadful oreneja out of my limbs and I walk Kood." Job. A. Menringer. adv. Governor Goodrich, in his re- cent proclamation, requested every farmer to have enough good seed corn for two years safely hung in the dry Dy ucc 35th. How about it? We wonder if President Wil- son had Millie Cox in mind when he signed the Federal law last week to send vote buyers to the penitential Poor Floyd and Crawford coun- ties, what will the honery dogs do now for an extra dollar about election time. The Shaver Canning Co. begun work yesterday on a 40x100 tt. brick addition to the local can ning factory; we understand tl:e Co intends to install machinery for canning other products in ad- - dition to tomatoes and expect to keep the factory going most ot the year. Advertising is like a motion nicture show it should be a con-- ; tinous performance. A Beautiful Wcmin. Do yo 1 know that a beautiful woman always has a good digestion? If your digestion is faulty, eat lightly of meuta, and take rq oeen8ioiiRl doso of Chamber- - lain'e Tablets to atrengtheu you digest- ion. Price 25c. Do Not Delay. Tlinaa wVir Vi o vp Tint" cnl"c:rri Y to The Evansvi 1c Courier at the ri-nY- r Mhpc QhniilH lnsp no time I So rapidly are printing costs ad- - vancI2g,, it is impossible to guar- antee the continuance of the pre- sent prices. Today The Courier, one vear, $b daily ana Sundae, $7.50 in the first and j ieond zones. Sincere Gntitude. Mrs. William Bell, Lcansport, Ind., mtis: "I deem it my duty to express mv gratitude fur the pood Cbnmberluins . Colic nna uiairnouH iomtuv um uiu j vhen I had a severe attack of diarrhoea ; three years ngo. It was the only reme- - dy that relieved me. J Artilleryman Leo P. Sweeney, ..1 j Wp are in receipt Of a letter ' from Leo P. Sweeney of Bat. A, 36 Bn F- - A at Camp Taylor, in which he savs that he is enjoy- - ing Soldier life, that the Huns are on tne run auu ue wauw them to keep going. Pat also says: "Give everybody my regards in dear old Jasper and send me the old reliable Courier for which find enclosed' uncle bam s ivia-zuma- ," Thanks Pat. Cut This Out It UW orth Money. Don't Mies This. Cut out this slip, 1 y.Ath z tn FolnvitCo. 2835 dhof- - ceWe in retur a trial package contain - -- ' '?:'JÄ BeyPiHi and Foley Cathartia Tableta. Jos. A Mthringer. dv, Jasper Mails. . Mails out: 7:45 A. M.f 6:30 P.M. Mails in 8:27 A. M-- , 9:24 A, U. 7 :50P. M. Ivan Friedman came heme from Purdue University Friday. Thos. B. Wilson is in Jasper this week visiting his parents and other relatives andJriends. A boy was born to Dr. Robt. Pickhardr and wife at their home in Franklin Saturday. Miss Amelia Jerger le't Wed- nesday evening for Louisville to spend the winter. STONEWARE AH sizes in stone Jars and Jugs now in stock at Edw. J. Kuebler's Clerk Bockelman left Tuesday nirfit for Indianapolis to receive the State ballots for the Nov 5 election. There is no virtue in adr ertis- - ing; unless there is virtue in the good, and the man behind them. A MirTs Cheerful Recommendation. W. H. Frear, G3 Myrtle Ave., Albany N. Y. writes: thount kidney trouble mieht be the cause cf my run down con dition and weakness, so I took Foley H Kidney Pille and they did the work. 1 1 che rfully recommend them." Thev relieve lame oick, rheumatic pains, stiS joints, sore muscles. Jos A. Meliringer. Dan'1 Miller came home rom a visit mtn his daughter in Louisville Tuesday. Dan says what soldieis don't die naturally at Camp Tc ylor, a nurse has been helping. However, they have got her locked up now. We have a very attractive and serviceable lot ot Ladies ana Misses (Joat,. The nriees are much below the present est. Call, look them over and make your selection now. Law J Kuebler Can Now Eat and Sleep in Comfort. Ii troubled with indigestion or aleep- - lGHsnesn. vou should read what Misb Aisnea Turner, Chicago, 111. has to say Overwork, irreiralar rnoalH, and care lessness regarding the ordinary rillet of health, rndunlly undermined n unr.ii last fall I became a wrecK of my former self. I Buffered from CDntinnal headache was unable to digest my food, which aoemed to lav as a dead weicht on my stomach. I waa constipated and my complexion became dark, muddy and yellow, na I felt. SleepleBfnesa waa added to my misery, ana i wonia wiuee aa tired as when I w nt to Bleep. I Lbard of Chamberlain's Tablets and found auch relief after taking them that t kept ur the treatment for nearly two months. They cleansed . my stomach, invigorated i -- ii ii? r l my system ana since mat tirae i can eat and sleep in comfort. 1 am today en- tirely well." Do your Christmas shorping this month and nexc month the soor er the better. Don't ask for special deliveries and don't in olve the merehan' in a lot of book-keepin- g on your account. Miss Olga Her Daughter of Postmaster J P Huther died at the home of her father Tuesday evening Oct. 22d, aged 15 years, 8 months and 17 days, of an acute i ttack of Influ- enza For eometimo shG attend- ed school at the Sisters' Conveot at Ferdinand and for thp rast year has . been assisting her fath V I er rn the post otnee. Mie was a young 'ady of good business quali- fications, courteous and agreeable and will be sadly missed by hr parents and the post office pa- - trons. She leaves her parents, 3 sisters and 2 brothers to mourn her early death. The internment took place at St Joseph's Ti urs dav afternoon at S o'clock The bei eaved have the sympathy of ail Stato Ohio, City of Toledo, I aliens County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J Cheney & Co., doinj: business in the Pitv af Toledo. Oountv and .State afore. eaid, and that aid finr will pay the sum Ol ONK HUNDRED D - I.LA HS J Or QRCI1 Blip every case ot Catarrh that cannot cureil by the use of Hall s Catarrh Cure. t- - - Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, tbia 6th day of December, rS oQf v GLESON ' ' jf. pUBLIc. V HaUg QmQ ig takeQ internal. ftnd acts tliroujrh tae blood on the niuc-m- a surfaces of the system. n!S:,To,do,o. Take 1- - all'p Family IMlls for constvpa- - tl0a- - ndv . nnm,inn ' uuuuui , suns is. An opportunity is presented oar read- - nro fhitj tnnnth fn jpmirft The Evansville , Courier dailv for one year and The Jas- - per Courier weekly one year at the rate of $5.75. The regular price for both j a pers is $6 50. It ia expected that hundreds of people will take advantage of this chance to ge , tion doea not expire until later, vour extended one year. Tbifl low rate ia made however only tin the m0ath of October. ßeld A veM Chicago, III. writing your their favorite city daily and home week-Tne'a- nd addreae clearly. Yon will re-- , ly at a mch?nite price. If yoursub'crii - Adam Keller, U. S. Navy at Great Lakes is home on a visit to his father and relatives. His brocher CarJ has been in France for the past three months. Oscar Ha If r came home from Camp Custe r Thursday on a short furlough. He had been on a detail to deliver a dead soldier to Carmi, III. and stopped off for a day. School Supt. Eekert's art'ele military training in High School was receided too Jate for publica- tion this week. Anyhow there are not enough pupils in any county high school to secure government equipment. Itis just as true today as ever that advertising is insurance, protecting the future of a busi- ness. Red Cross Xmas Cartoons will be supplied at tVe Red Cross Shcp in the basement of the Dubois County State Hank at Jasper, Indiana. These are 206193.2: IXT- - 1 1 - 1 J send Amas pacKages m tc soia- - iers overseas, if yoirbave a lable, otherwise this don't interest you. Positively, bring your parce s'4 1 1 1 t -- ii nere on tne sevenLn, eiguc ana ninth c f November. The shop will be open on these davs for receiving parcels. So many pf ople ask why these are the only Parcels that can be seat: our country asks u- - to do this to j acilitate shipping condit ions and 11 th( rmors our boys abroad are well supplied with all necessities and clothes by the government. These packages are to be just a little remem- brance from home Bronchial Trouble. Mrs. A.E. Sidenberder, Rockfield, End. ate8: "For an attack of bronchi 11 trouble which usually assails me in the spring I find Chamberlain's Congh Rem- edy the only thing that gives me relief. After using it for a few days all eigny of bronchial tr jublo disappears. " and Syrian Relief Fund The American Committee for ! Armenian and Syrian Relief with John H. Holliclay. Chairman: Thomas 0. Day, Vice Cha'rman; and A'bert C. Brown, Sec through the cor peration of the Siate Council of Defense expecis Dubois County to do its whole duty in raising f unc s for this most woithy cause. Not even in Be'gian has the suffering and destitution been so acute as among these Armenians under the tyranny and atrocuies of the Turks It is requested that all minis- ters f the Gospel speak of ihis to their several congregations on the 1st Sunday in November and ! urge their people to contribute liberally to alleviate the suffering of chese Christian people. It has been suggested Hy the committee that these funds be raised by persons designated thiough the township chairman of the County Council of Defense. Remember the poor and dis tressed of other lands in this land of abundance and religious freedom and other blessings which we enjoy. Sarah Cooper, Member of Council of Def. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of 1 1 Good morning! Have 011 een The Courier? R van s qllfV g best pape I EX-PRESIDE- NT NS'KlfiLEY '(Speech at Kokomo, Ind., Octo- ber 21, 1S9S.) 9 "And we must continue . to' I m stand together. So long as we have any differences abroad, 'we must have none at home. Whenever we get through with our differences with another na- tion, then it will be time to re- sume our old disputes at home. But until that time we must stand for a common purpose, and stand together until the set- tlements of the war shall be embodied in the permanent form of a public treaty. We commenced the war not for gain or greed g new posses- sions. We commenced it for freedom and to relieve our neighbors of oppression. And, having accomplished that, we must assume all the responsi- bilities that justly belong to that wan whatever they may be, and I am sure that the people of the country, without regard to party, setting aside all differ- ences and distinctions, will re- main together until we shall finally settle the terms of peace." S U. S. Food Club Receipe towhino-rr- m Armenian ffs-5r- T Potato and Cornmeal Muffins 2 tablespoons fat 2 tablespoons corn syrup 1 egg weU beaten 1 cup milk 1 cup mashed potatoes l cup corn meal 9r flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt Mix in order given. Bake thir- ty minutes in a moderate oven. War Saving Stamps. The following shows the amount of stamps sold in each county of the 3d Dist up to Oct. 12 19i8; The per jarita must be $20. County Am't Sold Per Capita Clark $305982 75 10.10 Crawford 228890 25 19 06 Dubois 289127 75 14.56 Floyd 583233.00 39 36 Harrison -- 335368.50 16.56 Lawrence 234252. CO 6.84 Orange 174711.00 14.04 ott 118463 50 14.34 11.80 II " Ferry 334520 75 18.50 Floyd head the list; Lawrence at the tail Dubois in the middle higher. 5 loarer. - ' The Youth's Companion Is worth more to family life to-d- ay than ever before. Today those who are responsible for the welfare of the family realize the imperative need of worth- while reading and what it means to individual character, the heme aud the ptate. Eveiywheie the waste and chart, the worthless and and inferior, aie o- - mz to the discard. a The Youth's Companion stands first J lasi and continually for the best there is for all ages. It has character and creates like character. That is why, in these siftinc times, the family tarns to its 52 issues a year full of entertainment and suggeation and information, and is never disappointed. It costs onlv $2.00 a year to provide your family with the very best rending matter published. In both quantity and quality as well as variety The Youth's Companion excels.. Don't miss (trace Richmond's great serial, Anne Fxeter, 10 chapters, begin ning December 12. The following special offer is made to xkw subscriber: 1 . he Youth's Companion 52 issues 01 1010. ,2, All the remaining issues of l9is. 3 Tho Companion Home Calender for 1919. All the above for only $2.00 or you in- clude 4. McCall's Magazine 12 fashion num- bers. All for $2.50. The two maga- zines may be sent to seperate addressee if desired THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St., Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Received at this Office. vj Children smile when they tak Foley's HoneyTXr 1st. It tastes good. 2nd. It makes them feel good. 3rd. It will turn a distressed, fretful child into a happily smiling one. Because it is just what children ought to have for feverish colds, coughs, croup, "snuflles" and heavy sv!icezy breathing. It puts a licalinrt, soothing, coatinß on a feverish, inflamed, tickling throat, and it Btopa coußhä diiickiy. It is jfood for croup, too. It contains no morphine, chloroform, or other 1 drujj that you would not like to give to youn children, and it is juat na eiiecUve torrtrowu-up- s. Soldby Jos. Ä. MelW8r Ex-Preside- nt Harrison Said ; IV rr Ex-Preside- nt Benjamin Harri- son, during the war with Spain, said: "Stand solidly behind the President. Elect only Senators and Congressmen in sympathy with him." If then, why not now? HELP WILSON WIN THE WAR DO YOU WANT TO VOTE WITH PRO-GERMAN- S? One issue that nil Republican papers and speakers have carefully evaded Is the June-tlo- u of the disloyal vote with their party. They have complained that Democrats charged Republicans with disloyalty, al- though no Democrat has charged that Re- publicans generally were disloyal. On the contrary, it has been made plain repeatedly that It was eonceaeu iunt me uveruBi re- publican was as lojnl as anyone. But It has been pointed out that in time of war un opiitiim party necessarily draws the difioyal element to it. At present with the that every pro-Germ- an goes people are criticising President Wilson, because President Wilson is the supreme objert of German hatred. Tbre is no other hoim for this but in Re- publican a pro-Germ- an in country tu party. It is the only party preach- ing any doctrine that he can sympathize with. He revels in every denunciation of he President that Republican orators have to offer. The question that Is up to every loyal Re- publican is. Do vou propose to vote with tlu disloyal element? It Is true that you may not have sought their company; but they have sought yours. There Is only one way in which you can gt away from them, and that is to vote the Democratic ticket. You are free to vote as you like: but If you vote the Republican ticket you cannot deny that you voted with the disloyal element. It If perhaps a hard choice, but yu know that it Is your only choir1. Moa do out ned any videnca ou the suljtst. 1'oa know It now. RURAL MOTOR EKPRESS REACHES WIDE FIELD Every Citizen in Indiana Effect- ed by Efficiency of Motor Truck Work. noiiinir nttention to the Rural Motor vu... o I Express, and ttie Return Load! Bureaus, the members of the High- way Transport Committee of the State Council of Defense, Evans Woolen of Indianapolis, I. D. Straus of Ligonier and A. E. Reynolds of Crawfordsville, point to the economy they will mean to Indiana -- when de- veloped to the utmost efficiency. The Motor Truck Express system of hauling and the Return Load Bureaus have been fathered by the National Council of Defense to help the trans-- , ,.i4-inr- , Tvrnhlpmcj nf Hip milrna.fls JJUl LcXLlVVU. ji v waw and tO milUc JUUtii wiauauitaiiuu cheap and- - a perfectly flexible thing. ; The suggestion conges irom me Higlrway Transport Committee of the State Council of Defngg that rural motor truck express tips over the main highways surroundfng the popu- - tlation centers -- should oe estaDiisneu because of the following important war advantages : , Farmers Produce More. Production is stimulated. Farmers increase the variety and quantity of production wheri regular marketing facilities are available. Farmers are relieved of their task of hauling their tproductsi to market and the existing farm labor supply is thereby conserved Additional food supply is available by tapping the farm communities which have no other good snipping facilities. Much ö'f this'fdod is either wasted or greatlyv deteriorated he-caus- e of poor shipping facilities. With labor scarce and food de- mands high, this motor express is needed. Where this service is in operation, farmers say that termina- tion of that service would result in reduced production. Big War Measure. The possibilities of this systen are big as a war measure. Reinforced by the Return Load idea, one sees tho perfect system of transportation growing out of hauling full loads both !f! this country to support the ad-way- s. There is no loss in man power I ministration of President Me- la kauling; there is no damage to the ! Kinley, if for no other reason reads tey unfilled trucks and farmer I aad city man, retailer and wholesaler, consumer and producer are served in the very best way to win the war. Working out this bi idea with the Stato Council of Defense are tho busi- ness and commercial organizations of the state, such as the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, which has established a Return Load Bureau with an office at tho Indianapolis Stock, Yards, where tho hundreds of trucks coming there daily can find loads for return hauling. The truck men of the state have fallen in line with jenthusiasm, for these return loads make their motor trucks 100 per cent. eIiciont. COSTS ARE REDUCED. Country and City Merchants See Benefits of Motor Truck Express. The country and cfty merchant have approved tho -- mpto, - truck as a moana of short-hau- l transportation, giving better service while other car- - rlers are burdened. The Rural Express and Return ' u Loada aids the country, merchant in carrying a complete stock of goods; in filling orders promptly and in avoiding temporary shortage of staples due to delayed shipments or embargoes on the railroads. Plis good9 are loaded once instead of three times. The merchant thus aids the govern- ment in releasing freight cars for other work and helps to relieve the congestion of traffic. The freight rates, In view of the service, rendered will be easonahle. AS A WAR MEASURE. The Return Load Idea, backed by the National and' State Councils of Defense, and by all business or- ganizations who have given it thought, is a war-tim- e necessity. It is obvious that full loads both ways is economy of the best sort that only in full loads both ways will truck hauling costs be reduced to the mini- mum. The idea is being put forth ihat it is unproductive to wear th joad without the load. I WHAT LIBERTY BONDS ARE A Bond is a promise. A Liberty Bond ia the promise of the United States to give .you what? The Safety of the World. The victory of Riht over Vrong. An end to the Powers of Darkness. Peace. Theso things can 'be 'bought! BUY FOURTH LOAN LIBERTY EONDS! EVEN THOUGH Our boys will watch with eager eyes To see the Fourth Loan grow in size. So we can help and give them cheer, Eveu though we're Over Here I li Shoulders All Baking Cares ' When CALUMET t jC comes in, all baking troubles take quick leave. You go right ahead and mix up-ba- k ing materials, for biscuit- s- cakes anything without fear of uncertainty. Calumet makes you forget failure, CALUMET BAKING POWDER is the most popular because it docs give most perfect results. It has .the big- gest demand because it is thejmost de peitdablc. The fact that it is the big gest seller proves tnat it is tne oest. Atrial will convince you that there is none "just as Rood." Buy a can if you are not satuned take it back and get your money back. Calumet contains only such ingre dients as have been approved officially by the U. S. Food Authorities. Ton save when yea kr ft. Vou c&tc when yea c:2 iL HIGHEST QUALITY HIGHEST AWARDS EX-PRESID- ENT ROOSEVELT (Speech at Carnogie Hall, N. Y. City, October 6, 1898.) "I should ask the pooplo of r than because, say what you line, the victory at the polls of the men who are opposing and de- nouncing tho administration in this election will be interpreted I abroad as meaning on the part of America a repudiation of the war from which we have junt emerged triumphant. It will strengthen the hands of every hostile power which Yiews with jealousy our victories in the Antilles and the Philippines. It will mean that the nations that f now secretly and enviously wish to clip the wings of our pride will be emboldened. It will result in the partial undo- ing of what our army and nary have accomplished. It will mean the chance of grave com- plications and the likelihood of our meeting obstacles when it, comes to reauing tho frait of t our triumph." NATIONAL SECURITY LEAGUE USED TO DECEIVE VOTERS In Its four-flushi- ng with the humbug cir- cular of the Nntionnl Security League tht Indianapolis Star Is becoming almost as un- fair and disingenuous as the Indianapolis News. It nw says that. "It was not thft Intention of the league officers, In scndlrij? out that vote on those eight blllB. to cast suspicion on any raaxi'H patriotism." It says of the league circular, "there is no comment nnd no accusation," and that it docs not "question motives." In reality the circular states that it shows the vote "on the eiUt princlp'al prepiredus3 and war measures" In the G4th and Qöth (J njzrt'ssos, and add3: "Where no desliioc-h- i mark appears opposite a CongrB-mian'- s name it indicates th?.t be vot-- d KHHIT or was paired accordingly. A cross (X) indi- cates that he voted WltO.N'G or waa paired accordingly." It then says: "What are you coing to do about it?" It was the obvious Intent io question the loyalty of those who voted "wi'mx," aud the circular uns uut'ii uaru iu n puijiuat uj the publicity department of i n' Republlea state central committee, the h ar and other Republican papers. There is n- - point what- ever to the etuff they have bo n printing on any other construction of the circular. Moreover, the Star and other Republican papers have carelully suppressed the facta that the eight votes selected are not the "principal preparedness and war measures" of these two Congresses, which everybody knows to he true, because the 65th Con-- , Kress is still in session, anil there have been dozens of more important rotes tkan aay of these; that four of these "principal rote" are really votes on trick amendments to ad- -, ministration measures, designed to make the bills obnoxious, which of course were voted against by ail loyal Democrats and sup--por- ted by all Republicans who desiredto embarrass the President. ' The plain purpose of the circular Is Hot only to malign Democrats who stood by the President, but to whitewash Republican who did everything in their power to "tie" the hands of the President, including th two Indiana Republicans, Will Wood and II err ill Moores. A JUDICIAL DISGRACE. The worst disgrace that has come on th State of Indiana In many a day was the summary discharge by Judge Collins, the Marion Circuit Court, of the jrran jury that was Investigating the fraudu- lent primaries at which ke wis noalMited, aud other loud-smelli- ng Republic crimes. Indiana baa been fortna&te In having generally a $dlclary tkat wai above suspicion, and to have such a pros- titution of the judicial office aa tala oarkt to cause every decent voter la Marie county to reslve to aid la raclrlag mint t privat lift. For fear tkat mifkt mt.ka tkt ttate, should elect a lactalattra t attaaA U kU ayeacluaeak 2
Page 1: The Jasper weekly courier. (Jasper, Ind.) 1918-10-25 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84023963/1918-10-25/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · IASPER COURIER Northern Cabbase at $2.50 5r hundred


Northern Cabbase at $2.505r hundred at dw J Kuebler's.

f ycu wat to be fashionablerough and sneeze. Everybodydoes, (nih.)

Fred Sen, of EvansvHle spentSunday in Jasper visiting homeIIOIKS.

- 'Mrs Meredith Masters and son

Emory returned home Mondayfrom a v?sit with friends at Petersburg.

Willard Jahn returned homeSunday from Camden, N. Jiwhere be had been buildingships.

Ladies. Misses and Children's Shoes, good values at rea-sonable prices. Edward J. Kueb-ler- .

k- -u

Stepped Her Baby's Cough.

Ntf remedy is better known than Fo-

ley's Honey and Tar for giving quickrelief from conghe, colds and croup.Mrs. W M Stevens, Vivian, W. Vir-ginia, writes: ''My baby bad a teiriblecough, and nothing did him any good.I read about Foley's Honey and Tar,the first dose he'ped him and in twodap the cough stopped." Jos. A.Menringer. adv.

Albert Bohnert went to Dubois, Tuesday to ship a car load ofclnver seed. Shipping dovei

Lseed is like shipping money, acar load represents over sixteenthousand dollars. Clover Seedis118.00 per bushel; all clear "ve-lvet' ' for the farmer.

Mr. Ed. J. Sendelweck, a prominent Boone township farmerwas in Jasnpr Tuesday on busuness. Mr endelweck ha3 it figured cut that he will be the nexttrustee of Boone township. Vve

don't know of anybody runningagainst him.

Took Out Dreadful Soreness.

When the kidneys are weakened don.fail to I brow impuritiee out of the b'nodthe poiaou renmin in te system andbackache, soreness nnd rheumatic painadevelop Mrs. David Heury, 05 S. Lincoln Are. Washington, a. J. writes:Foley Kidney Pille took the dreadfuloreneja out of my limbs and I walk

Kood." Job. A. Menringer. adv.

Governor Goodrich, in his re-

cent proclamation, requestedevery farmer to have enoughgood seed corn for two yearssafely hung in the dry Dy ucc35th. How about it?

We wonder if President Wil-

son had Millie Cox in mind whenhe signed the Federal law lastweek to send vote buyers to thepenitentialPoor Floyd and Crawford coun-ties, what will the honery dogsdo now for an extra dollar aboutelection time.

The Shaver Canning Co. begunwork yesterday on a 40x100 tt.brick addition to the local canning factory; we understand tl:eCo intends to install machineryfor canning other products in ad- -

dition to tomatoes and expect tokeep the factory going most otthe year.

Advertising is like a motionnicture show it should be a con-- ;

tinous performance.A Beautiful Wcmin.

Do yo 1 know that a beautiful womanalways has a good digestion? If yourdigestion is faulty, eat lightly of meuta,and take rq oeen8ioiiRl doso of Chamber- -

lain'e Tablets to atrengtheu you digest-ion. Price 25c.

Do Not Delay.Tlinaa wVir Vi o vp Tint" cnl"c:rri Y

to The Evansvi 1c Courier at theri-nY- r Mhpc QhniilH lnsp no time I

So rapidly are printing costs ad- -

vancI2g,, it is impossible to guar-antee the continuance of the pre-

sent prices. Today The Courier,one vear, $b daily ana

Sundae, $7.50 in the first and j

ieond zones.Sincere Gntitude.

Mrs. William Bell, Lcansport, Ind.,mtis: "I deem it my duty to express

mv gratitude fur the pood Cbnmberluins .

Colic nna uiairnouH iomtuv um uiu j

vhen I had a severe attack of diarrhoea ;

three years ngo. It was the only reme- -

dy that relieved me. J

Artilleryman Leo P. Sweeney,..1j

Wp are in receipt Of a letter '

from Leo P. Sweeney of Bat. A,36 Bn F- - A at Camp Taylor, inwhich he savs that he is enjoy- -

ing Soldier life, that the Hunsare on tne run auu ue wauwthem to keep going. Pat also says:"Give everybody my regards indear old Jasper and send me theold reliable Courier for whichfind enclosed' uncle bam s ivia-zuma- ,"

Thanks Pat.

Cut This Out It U W orth Money.

Don't Mies This. Cut out this slip,1 y.Ath z tn FolnvitCo. 2835 dhof--

ceWe in retur a trial package contain -


' '?:'JÄBeyPiHi and Foley Cathartia Tableta.Jos. A Mthringer. dv,

Jasper Mails. .

Mails out: 7:45 A. M.f 6:30 P.M.Mails in 8:27 A. M-- , 9:24 A, U.

7 :50P. M.

Ivan Friedman came hemefrom Purdue University Friday.

Thos. B. Wilson is in Jasperthis week visiting his parents andother relatives andJriends.

A boy was born to Dr. Robt.Pickhardr and wife at their homein Franklin Saturday.

Miss Amelia Jerger le't Wed-nesday evening for Louisville tospend the winter.

STONEWARE AH sizes instone Jars and Jugs now in stockat Edw. J. Kuebler's

Clerk Bockelman left Tuesdaynirfit for Indianapolis to receivethe State ballots for the Nov 5election.

There is no virtue in adr ertis- -

ing; unless there is virtue in thegood, and the man behind them.

A MirTs Cheerful Recommendation.W. H. Frear, G3 Myrtle Ave., Albany

N. Y. writes: thount kidney troublemieht be the cause cf my run down condition and weakness, so I took Foley H

Kidney Pille and they did the work. 1 1

che rfully recommend them." Thevrelieve lame oick, rheumatic pains, stiSjoints, sore muscles. Jos A. Meliringer.

Dan'1 Miller came home roma visit mtn his daughter inLouisville Tuesday. Dan sayswhat soldieis don't die naturallyat Camp Tc ylor, a nurse has beenhelping. However, they havegot her locked up now.

We have a very attractiveand serviceable lot ot Ladies anaMisses (Joat,. The nriees aremuch below the present est.Call, look them over and makeyour selection now. Law JKuebler

Can Now Eat and Sleep in Comfort.

Ii troubled with indigestion or aleep- -

lGHsnesn. vou should read what MisbAisnea Turner, Chicago, 111. has to say

Overwork, irreiralar rnoalH, and carelessness regarding the ordinary rillet ofhealth, rndunlly undermined n unr.iilast fall I became a wrecK of my formerself. I Buffered from CDntinnal headachewas unable to digest my food, whichaoemed to lav as a dead weicht on mystomach. I waa constipated and mycomplexion became dark, muddy andyellow, na I felt. SleepleBfnesa waaadded to my misery, ana i wonia wiueeaa tired as when I w nt to Bleep. I Lbardof Chamberlain's Tablets and foundauch relief after taking them that t keptur the treatment for nearly two months.They cleansed

.my stomach, invigorated

i -- ii ii? r lmy system ana since mat tirae i can eatand sleep in comfort. 1 am today en-

tirely well."

Do your Christmas shorpingthis month and nexc monththe soor er the better. Don't askfor special deliveries and don'tin olve the merehan' in a lot ofbook-keepin- g on your account.

Miss Olga HerDaughter of Postmaster J P

Huther died at the home of herfather Tuesday evening Oct. 22d,aged 15 years, 8 months and 17days, of an acute i ttack of Influ-enza For eometimo shG attend-ed school at the Sisters' Conveotat Ferdinand and for thp rastyear has.

been assisting her fathV I

er rn the post otnee. Mie was ayoung 'ady of good business quali-fications, courteous and agreeableand will be sadly missed by hrparents and the post office pa- -

trons. She leaves her parents,3 sisters and 2 brothers to mournher early death. The internmenttook place at St Joseph's Ti ursdav afternoon at S o'clock Thebei eaved have the sympathy ofailStato Ohio, City of Toledo,

I aliens County.Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he issenior partner of the firm of F. JCheney & Co., doinj: business in thePitv af Toledo. Oountv and .State afore.eaid, and that aid finr will pay the sumOl ONK HUNDRED D - I.LA HS J Or QRCI1 Blipevery case ot Catarrh that cannotcureil by the use of Hall s Catarrh Cure.

t- - -

Sworn to before me and subscribed inmv presence, tbia 6th day of December,

rS oQf

v GLESON' ' jf. pUBLIc.V

HaUg QmQ ig takeQ internal.ftnd acts tliroujrh tae blood on the

niuc-m-a surfaces of the system.

n!S:,To,do,o.Take 1- - all'p Family IMlls for constvpa- -

tl0a- - ndv.



suns is.An opportunity is presented oar read- -

nro fhitj tnnnth fn jpmirft The Evansville, Courier dailv for one year and The Jas--

per Courier weekly one year at the rateof $5.75. The regular price for both j apers is $6 50.

It ia expected that hundreds of peoplewill take advantage of this chance to ge

, tion doea not expire until later, vourextended one year. Tbifl

low rate ia made however only tin them0ath of October.

ßeld A veM Chicago, III. writing your their favorite city daily and home week-Tne'a- nd

addreae clearly. Yon will re-- , ly at a mch?nite price. If yoursub'crii -

Adam Keller, U. S. Navy atGreat Lakes is home on a visit tohis father and relatives. Hisbrocher CarJ has been in Francefor the past three months.

Oscar Ha If r came home fromCamp Custe r Thursday on ashort furlough. He had been on adetail to deliver a dead soldier toCarmi, III. and stopped off for aday.

School Supt. Eekert's art'elemilitary training in High Schoolwas receided too Jate for publica-tion this week. Anyhow thereare not enough pupils in anycounty high school to securegovernment equipment.

Itis just as true today as everthat advertising is insurance,protecting the future of a busi-ness.

Red Cross Xmas

Cartoons will be supplied at tVeRed Cross Shcp in the basementof the Dubois County State Hankat Jasper, Indiana. These are 206193.2:

IXT- - 1 1 - 1 Jsend Amas pacKages m tc soia- -

iers overseas, if yoirbave a lable,otherwise this don't interest you.Positively, bring your parce s'4

1 1 1 t -- iinere on tne sevenLn, eiguc ananinth c f November.

The shop will be open on thesedavs for receiving parcels.

So many pf ople ask why theseare the only Parcels that can beseat: our country asks u- - to dothis to j acilitate shipping conditions and 11 th( rmors our boysabroad are well supplied with allnecessities and clothes by thegovernment. These packagesare to be just a little remem-brance from home

Bronchial Trouble.Mrs. A.E. Sidenberder, Rockfield,

End. ate8: "For an attack of bronchi 11

trouble which usually assails me in thespring I find Chamberlain's Congh Rem-edy the only thing that gives me relief.After using it for a few days all eigny ofbronchial tr jublo disappears. "

and Syrian Relief Fund

The American Committee for!

Armenian and Syrian Relief withJohn H. Holliclay. Chairman:Thomas 0. Day, Vice Cha'rman;and A'bert C. Brown, Secthrough the cor peration of theSiate Council of Defense expecisDubois County to do its wholeduty in raising func s for thismost woithy cause.

Not even in Be'gian has thesuffering and destitution been soacute as among these Armeniansunder the tyranny and atrocuiesof the Turks

It is requested that all minis-ters f the Gospel speak of ihisto their several congregations onthe 1st Sunday in November and !

urge their people to contributeliberally to alleviate the sufferingof chese Christian people.

It has been suggested Hy thecommittee that these funds beraised by persons designatedthiough the township chairmanof the County Council of Defense.

Remember the poor and distressed of other lands in thisland of abundance and religiousfreedom and other blessingswhich we enjoy.

Sarah Cooper,Member of Council of Def.

CASTORIAFor Infants and Children

In Use For Over 30 YearsAlways bears

theSignature of

1 1 Good morning! Have011 een The Courier?

R van s qllfV g best pape



'(Speech at Kokomo, Ind., Octo-ber 21, 1S9S.)

9 "And we must continue . to' Imstand together. So long as wehave any differences abroad, 'wemust have none at home.Whenever we get through withour differences with another na-

tion, then it will be time to re-

sume our old disputes at home.But until that time we muststand for a common purpose,and stand together until the set-tlements of the war shall beembodied in the permanentform of a public treaty. Wecommenced the war not forgain or greed g new posses-sions. We commenced it forfreedom and to relieve ourneighbors of oppression. And,having accomplished that, wemust assume all the responsi-bilities that justly belong tothat wan whatever they may be,and I am sure that the peopleof the country, without regardto party, setting aside all differ-ences and distinctions, will re-main together until we shallfinally settle the terms ofpeace." S

U. S. Food Club Receipe

towhino-rr- m



Potato and Cornmeal Muffins2 tablespoons fat2 tablespoons corn syrup1 egg weU beaten1 cup milk1 cup mashed potatoesl cup corn meal 9r flour4 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon salt

Mix in order given. Bake thir-ty minutes in a moderate oven.

War Saving Stamps.

The following shows theamount of stamps sold in eachcounty of the 3d Dist up to Oct.12 19i8; The per jarita must be$20.County Am't Sold Per CapitaClark $305982 75 10.10Crawford 228890 25 19 06Dubois 289127 75 14.56Floyd 583233.00 39 36Harrison --335368.50 16.56Lawrence 234252. CO 6.84Orange 174711.00 14.04

ott 118463 50 14.3411.80II "

Ferry 334520 75 18.50Floyd head the list; Lawrence

at the tail Dubois in the middlehigher. 5 loarer.- '

The Youth's CompanionIs worth more to family life to-d- ay

than ever before. Today those who areresponsible for the welfare of the familyrealize the imperative need of worth-while reading and what it means toindividual character, the heme aud theptate. Eveiywheie the waste and chart,the worthless and and inferior, aie o- -

mz to the discard. a

The Youth's Companion stands firstJlasi and continually for the best there isfor all ages. It has character andcreates like character. That is why, inthese siftinc times, the family tarns toits 52 issues a year full of entertainmentand suggeation and information, and isnever disappointed.

It costs onlv $2.00 a year to provideyour family with the very best rendingmatter published. In both quantity andquality as well as variety The Youth'sCompanion excels..

Don't miss (trace Richmond's greatserial, Anne Fxeter, 10 chapters, beginning December 12.

The following special offer is made toxkw subscriber:1 . he Youth's Companion 52 issues 011010.

,2, All the remaining issues of l9is.3 Tho Companion Home Calender for1919.

All the above for only $2.00 or you in-

clude4. McCall's Magazine 12 fashion num-bers. All for $2.50. The two maga-zines may be sent to seperate addresseeif desired

THE YOUTH'S COMPANIONCommonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St.,Boston, Mass.

New Subscriptions Received at thisOffice.

vjChildren smile when they tak

Foley's HoneyTXr1st. It tastes good.2nd. It makes them feel good.3rd. It will turn a distressed, fretfulchild into a happily smiling one.Because it is just what children oughtto have for feverish colds, coughs, croup,"snuflles" and heavy sv!icezy breathing.It puts a licalinrt, soothing, coatinß on a feverish,inflamed, tickling throat, and it Btopa coußhädiiickiy. It is jfood for croup, too.It contains no morphine, chloroform, or other

1 drujj that you would not like to give to younchildren, and it is juat na eiiecUve torrtrowu-up- s.

Soldby Jos. Ä. MelW8r

Ex-Preside-nt Harrison Said


IVrr Ex-Preside- nt Benjamin Harri-son, during the war with Spain,said:

"Stand solidly behind thePresident. Elect only Senatorsand Congressmen in sympathywith him."

If then, why not now?




One issue that nil Republican papers andspeakers have carefully evaded Is the June-tlo- u

of the disloyal vote with their party.They have complained that Democratscharged Republicans with disloyalty, al-

though no Democrat has charged that Re-

publicans generally were disloyal. On thecontrary, it has been made plain repeatedlythat It was eonceaeu iunt me uveruBi re-publican was as lojnl as anyone.

But It has been pointed out that in timeof war un opiitiim party necessarilydraws the difioyal element to it. At present

with the thatevery pro-Germ- an goes peopleare criticising President Wilson, becausePresident Wilson is the supreme objert ofGerman hatred. Tbre is no other hoim for

this but in Re-

publicana pro-Germ- an in country tu

party. It is the only party preach-ing any doctrine that he can sympathizewith. He revels in every denunciation ofhe President that Republican orators have

to offer.The question that Is up to every loyal Re-

publican is. Do vou propose to vote with tludisloyal element? It Is true that you maynot have sought their company; but theyhave sought yours. There Is only one wayin which you can gt away from them, andthat is to vote the Democratic ticket. Youare free to vote as you like: but If you votethe Republican ticket you cannot deny thatyou voted with the disloyal element. It Ifperhaps a hard choice, but yu know that itIs your only choir1. Moa do out ned anyvidenca ou the suljtst. 1'oa know It now.



Every Citizen in Indiana Effect-

ed by Efficiency of MotorTruck Work.

noiiinir nttention to the Rural Motorvu... o I

Express, and ttie Return Load!Bureaus, the members of the High-

way Transport Committee of the

State Council of Defense, Evans

Woolen of Indianapolis, I. D. Strausof Ligonier and A. E. Reynolds of

Crawfordsville, point to the economythey will mean to Indiana --when de-

veloped to the utmost efficiency.The Motor Truck Express system of

hauling and the Return Load Bureaushave been fathered by the NationalCouncil of Defense to help the trans-- ,

,.i4-inr- , Tvrnhlpmcj nf Hip milrna.flsJJUl LcXLlVVU. ji v wawand tO milUc JUUtii wiauauitaiiuucheap and- - a perfectly flexible thing. ;

The suggestion conges irom meHiglrway Transport Committee of theState Council of Defngg that ruralmotor truck express tips over themain highways surroundfng the popu- -

tlation centers --should oe estaDiisneubecause of the following importantwar advantages : ,

Farmers Produce More.

Production is stimulated. Farmersincrease the variety and quantity ofproduction wheri regular marketingfacilities are available.

Farmers are relieved of their taskof hauling their tproductsi to marketand the existing farm labor supply isthereby conserved

Additional food supply is availableby tapping the farm communitieswhich have no other good snippingfacilities. Much ö'f this'fdod is eitherwasted or greatlyv deteriorated he-caus- e

of poor shipping facilities.With labor scarce and food de-

mands high, this motor express isneeded. Where this service is inoperation, farmers say that termina-tion of that service would result inreduced production.

Big War Measure.The possibilities of this systen are

big as a war measure. Reinforced by

the Return Load idea, one sees thoperfect system of transportationgrowing out of hauling full loads both !f! this country to support the ad-way- s.

There is no loss in man power I ministration of President Me-

la kauling; there is no damage to the ! Kinley, if for no other reasonreads tey unfilled trucks and farmer I

aad city man, retailer and wholesaler,consumer and producer are served inthe very best way to win the war.

Working out this bi idea with theStato Council of Defense are tho busi-ness and commercial organizations ofthe state, such as the IndianapolisChamber of Commerce, which hasestablished a Return Load Bureauwith an office at tho IndianapolisStock, Yards, where tho hundreds oftrucks coming there daily can findloads for return hauling.

The truck men of the state havefallen in line with jenthusiasm, forthese return loads make their motortrucks 100 per cent. eIiciont.


Country and City Merchants SeeBenefits of Motor Truck Express.The country and cfty merchant

have approved tho --mpto, - truck as amoana of short-hau- l transportation,giving better service while other car--

rlers are burdened.The Rural Express and Return' u

Loada aids the country, merchant incarrying a complete stock of goods;in filling orders promptly and inavoiding temporary shortage ofstaples due to delayed shipments orembargoes on the railroads. Plis good9are loaded once instead of three times.

The merchant thus aids the govern-ment in releasing freight cars forother work and helps to relieve thecongestion of traffic. The freightrates, In view of the service, renderedwill be easonahle.


The Return Load Idea, backedby the National and' State Councilsof Defense, and by all business or-

ganizations who have given itthought, is a war-tim- e necessity. Itis obvious that full loads both ways iseconomy of the best sort that onlyin full loads both ways will truckhauling costs be reduced to the mini-

mum. The idea is being put forthihat it is unproductive to wear thjoad without the load. I


A Bond is a promise.A Liberty Bond ia the promise of

the United States to give .you what?The Safety of the World.The victory of Riht over Vrong.An end to the Powers of Darkness.Peace.Theso things can 'be 'bought!BUY FOURTH LOAN LIBERTY



Our boys will watch with eager eyesTo see the Fourth Loan grow in size.So we can help and give them cheer,Eveu though we're Over Here I


ShouldersAll Baking

Cares' When CALUMETt jC comes in, all baking

troubles take quickleave. You go rightahead and mix up-ba- king materials, for biscuit- s-cakes anything without fearof uncertainty. Calumet makesyou forget failure,


is the most popular because it docs givemost perfect results. It has .the big-gest demand because it is thejmost depeitdablc. The fact that it is the biggest seller proves tnat it is tne oest.Atrial will convince you that there isnone "just as Rood." Buy a can if youare not satuned take it back andget your money back.Calumet contains only such ingredients as have been approvedofficially by the U. S. Food

Authorities.Ton save when yea kr ft.Vou c&tc when yea c:2 iL



(Speech at Carnogie Hall, N. Y.City, October 6, 1898.)

"I should ask the pooplo of

r than because, say what you line,the victory at the polls of themen who are opposing and de-nouncing tho administration inthis election will be interpreted

I abroad as meaning on the partof America a repudiation of thewar from which we have juntemerged triumphant. It willstrengthen the hands of everyhostile power which Yiews withjealousy our victories in theAntilles and the Philippines. Itwill mean that the nations that

f now secretly and enviouslywish to clip the wings of ourpride will be emboldened. Itwill result in the partial undo-ing of what our army and naryhave accomplished. It willmean the chance of grave com-plications and the likelihood ofour meeting obstacles when it,comes to reauing tho frait oft our triumph."



In Its four-flushi- ng with the humbug cir-

cular of the Nntionnl Security League thtIndianapolis Star Is becoming almost as un-

fair and disingenuous as the IndianapolisNews. It nw says that. "It was not thftIntention of the league officers, In scndlrij?

out that vote on those eight blllB. to castsuspicion on any raaxi'H patriotism." It saysof the league circular, "there is no commentnnd no accusation," and that it docs not"question motives."

In reality the circular states that it showsthe vote "on the eiUt princlp'al prepiredus3and war measures" In the G4th and Qöth(J njzrt'ssos, and add3: "Where no desliioc-h- i

mark appears opposite a CongrB-mian'- s

name it indicates th?.t be vot-- d KHHIT orwas paired accordingly. A cross (X) indi-cates that he voted WltO.N'G or waa pairedaccordingly." It then says: "What are youcoing to do about it?"

It was the obvious Intent io question theloyalty of those who voted "wi'mx," aud thecircular uns uut'ii uaru iu n puijiuat ujthe publicity department of i n' Republleastate central committee, the h ar and otherRepublican papers. There is n- - point what-ever to the etuff they have bo n printing onany other construction of the circular.

Moreover, the Star and other Republicanpapers have carelully suppressed the factathat the eight votes selected are not the"principal preparedness and war measures"of these two Congresses, which everybodyknows to he true, because the 65th Con-- ,

Kress is still in session, anil there have beendozens of more important rotes tkan aay ofthese; that four of these "principal rote"are really votes on trick amendments to ad- -,

ministration measures, designed to make thebills obnoxious, which of course were votedagainst by ail loyal Democrats and sup--por- ted

by all Republicans who desiredtoembarrass the President. '

The plain purpose of the circular Is Hotonly to malign Democrats who stood by thePresident, but to whitewash Republicanwho did everything in their power to "tie"the hands of the President, including thtwo Indiana Republicans, Will Wood andII err ill Moores.


The worst disgrace that has come on thState of Indiana In many a day was thesummary discharge by Judge Collins,the Marion Circuit Court, of the jrranjury that was Investigating the fraudu-lent primaries at which ke wis noalMited,aud other loud-smelli- ng Republiccrimes. Indiana baa been fortna&te Inhaving generally a $dlclary tkat waiabove suspicion, and to have such a pros-titution of the judicial office aa tala oarktto cause every decent voter la Mariecounty to reslve to aid la raclrlag mint tprivat lift. For fear tkat mifkt mt.katkt ttate, should elect a lactalattra tattaaA U kU ayeacluaeak 2
