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THE Je?.£ 188 KIWI. HMIIIIPALMISTRY?Prof Sheldon. the world's greatest palmist unJ clairvoyant, may...

Date post: 11-Jul-2020
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11. ESTATE?- ling lot* near ie, 40x106, with water; price, -ms; C> cash, onth, wKhout M Co.. 112 Co- il bouse. built id finish; por- r Madison car 1,250 caah re- fa. Moore In- a street. modern, oon- -114 feet; cloae te earn; street Improvement* :lty. Wballey >lock- intent i-room large lot, all node; sewer, be duplicated Eastman, K ?. all Improve- neighborhood. it; on Jackson Wballey * ck. condition, lot ut), close to 3 rom Pioneer man, 5-8 Col- the city from ! the choicest ; a few choice alley t East- ime on Elght- in; *ll modern r; corner lot; 7o? 111 Colum- house on Ma- f lAkn Wash- ?, 12,31)0. Moore nbla street. stocked, In- Jersey coW; it. Call quick. Broadway, 100 est lot* In the Jt Co., 112 Co- lliding lot on fadlson street. 112 Columbia lertles; It. #. ». »nd location*. tOO Pacific illW(w"lvuyT st of selected 106 Madison , Washington bargains In n easy terms. ». near Denny s, at I*lo each. I Columbia st. ce lot on, 1*00; Moore Invest- ireet. cottage; easy ulre 3310 East «e. on corner h. Inquire on ID LANDS. re*; hor.io anil ?. 20 ton* hay. ohomu.i ruun- ir*on l,<)wi 11, , and Western , 94 West Co- y, farms, coal eorge, 61* New rent ~W. W. __________ ower.Bothell. LANDS. ber and for«st fur sale. tU- ought and for let iuitldlng for sale. Her- trman block. iMBBK LARDS. ich land and J.soo 000 P yellow fir and rest pole*; Within quar- t's ual oti west side; g In sections 21. 31. ?aunty, Washington. he»t bidder; to sell odv wishing to look with them F M i. Kitsap county, If, ready for itn me- et pta ; soldier* a4dl- r bought. John P. Nock. tier In timber lands. V.>rk hjo.-k. Setttla. i!»KY TO LOAM. R- Private money to \u25a0rattle property, lands; from one to » delay: farms and ng. Snohomish. Ska- Kitaap reunites fo» S3 auj I] Schtuer- low rate of Intcreat and farm propei ty id (arm* in Eastern Mngton for sale ->i* 'tegon Mortgage l"< Her agent. II llail<\ to all salaried t>e. pie poaltlin* with t»- tn Vitl'll OWN cutlty confidential redlt i'o , New Js* build house* on easy wt i, write Are insuran-e, fkiira? L an I irinn t » «k* " o Sbuey fcr.?'', **«* ST I' 1* " 0* *nd Other Chanel J ,ia '' r short tim part a; * ' 115 Washlng- city prop- W. ?* »?<* litter-"t rtu siding |Ss^;.\r n . M«" ,n ( '- ttwt on Improved" k ffi| A ' w " 55 **Alngt Investment "sEI?* 1 '. 1 ? . lo«»* negottated. any £** 4rJ 2*\ Waterhouse. * ?_ J? 1 w < ><£\u25a0 5? I*l «»> CUV property; 1 . K l"»v.nd llowdeo. \u25a0KM. BMIIJbuUU »«_ 2?**. »nune> alv ance< oa & ,^ r uth W lil!?' jgSg ~ v inJ farm fess£s^ho;r ,y hond * op * rt *- FINANCIAL? MONET TO LOiH-Csafi M 3a« Y Je?.£ OAN i ~ LoW, '»t rate * on flr"t- mij! W;, Apply Thom»s In\e»t- ment Collins block. cn P" no »- furniture, with- *SL/r!£X£ii re "' estate, etc. Room 1J Post-Intelligencer block. T 5, *<WO. 3250, on Improved Ci'y P ro P*«J' Wit. P. Harper. H»exter Hnrton bank building. loaned on furniture, pianos, chai- - Te r s?cr *>"«»"\u25a0 00 estate and tXncer OW b^lT at "- R °° m 7 ' Pon In- .a,h<l konds bought and *old. Morrison & hshelman, basement Mutual Life tiiillillng, "ONE* to lo«n on Improved farm and budding Dameyer, 416 Bailey R & A £ TS **""*»>» and sold. William BeatUe ' N< " w Tork bloc >«. PRIVATE MONEY-LOW rat*; no com- mlanlon. 8. la. Bowman. 630 New Tork LOANS on furniture or an* chattels. ~C H. Kelley A Co.. 403 Washington build- »ng- T wr lv n A fir R°UP ?! J*?: al *<> 000 and 1S0». W. D. FieM, 11 Haller hunting. °?,? E J! loans and lnv*st- wmnta. 456~42rt Hat ley building. REAL estate loans. Brown, 119 Washing- top building. MONET-Low rate. Taney, BOBTON LOAN OFFICE. 106 Occidental "blo<ET TO LOAtJ»F. J, Foster, Colonial LEGAL NOTICES. 2TT""*- rnmmm-i n THE BOARD OR DIRECTORS OF SE- *"'*l District No. K at their office. Seventh avenue and Mar/on (treet, will recalve sealed proposals until 6 o'clock p. m.. September 7. ISOO. for tha construction of a Senior Grammar School Building In accordance with the drawings and spe! creations, copies of which may be seen at this office, or at the architect's office. Boone * Corner. New Tork block. Seat- J" 1 ?* J* T>*r*te for the plumbing and for the heating, and the Board reserves the right to reject any, all or separate proposals Proposals must be accompanied by a certified check for 18.000, payable to the order of the Secretary of the Board, a* ? guarantee that the bidder. If awarded the contract, will enter Into a contract and give suraty bonds for the full amount of the contract LTMAN BANKS. Secretary. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Wash- ington, northern division In the. met- ter of W. W. Glim in, bankrupt. No. 1787. In bankruptcy. To the creditors of said bankrupt' Notice Is hereby given that on the SSth day of August. IMO, the said W. W. Oilman was duly ldjudlcated bankrupt, and that th« first mpettng of his creditors will ha held at the office of the under- signed referee In oanfruptcy, In Seattle, In said district, on tlfr nth dav of Sep- tember. 1900. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time the *ald creditor* may at- tend. prove their claim*, appoint a trus- tee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as ntv properly cons before said meeting. JOHN P. HOYT. Ref«ree In Bankruptcy PROPOSALS for fresh beef and mut- ton: Office chief commissary. Vancouv- er barrack*. Wash . Sept 4. IDOO Ssaled proposals for furnishing and deltverttig rresh beef and fresh mutton for six months beginning January 1. IPOI, will be received here and at offices of com- mltwatles at Fort Stevens. Oregon; BOIM barracks, and Camp Osborn. Idaho; Fort* Ca»ey. Klngler, Walla Walla. Wright and Vancouver barracks. Wash., and Rkngway and Valdes, Alaska, until 11 a. m.. October 4. linn, and then openad. Information furnlshm! on application. Envelopes contain- ing proposals should be endorsed "Pro- posals for Fresh Beef and Fresh Mut- ton." and addressed to commissary of post to be supplied, or to Major James N. Allison. Chf. Commy NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. IMPERIAL lime W.IS pure. Cheaper, ba- cadse It goes farther than others. Gor- don and Co.. *O7-9 Western Ave. Tel- ephone. Main 2t». USB HI). Cssllsssi. ABSTRACTS. ABSTRACT of Ace. Osborne. Tremper * Co., Inc.. established IMO, removed base- ment Mutual IJts bulldltm. ABSTRACTS promptly made. Re* Ed- wards * Co.. HI Hinckley. . ARTISTS. JKSSIK M EUUOTT Stihllo, 17 Boston block ACI'OI STASTS. FRANK A McOEE. espert and consult- ing accountant on private, corporate and public accounts; book* opened, closed, audited etc., error* and frauda dete< tod, uneicalled referenda Rainier- tlrand MSKITOI COOOS. . STEAMBOAT work boiler and ptpa covering a aiwlsLlty De Solla-Deus- slttg Co.. >l3 Western avenue. Ac t nuniov rUAVUN* wTsS OAI.I.AIIIIKR. millinery stora. ltd! Second a\ emie ~ ' MASKS. DKXTKR HORTON A CO, BANKKRB Founded ISTO. S<atile incorporated 11*7 ? f .leat .«nk in Washington Capital «Slly paid Surplus >»?«"» W M Udrt President H II .Vice President N H Manager M W I'eiersvin . Cashier C K Iturnstde Asst. Cashier Cor res. ondeu.e in al! principal itles of United »;«i. Eun>pe. China. Japan. Ha- waiian Istands. Alaska. British Columbia and Xonhwwst Territory Drsfta Issued direct on Juneau. Mkagway, AtUn. B*nnett an! IMtneti City. Codectlons made on all points on rea- sonable terms AUKNTS OF BANK OF BRITISH _ _ NORTH AMERICA FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SEATTLE. PAtD-l'P CAPITAL IIM.IW JAMES IX- HOOE, Jt Pwsldeat, LESTER TCHNKR. Cashiar A general hanking business trar»»-t<d I etfers of credit a»ild on all principal cit- lesi of the world SinsMal facilities for collecting In British Colum.ia point* WE HAVE A BANK AT CAPE NOME PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK Srcon.l «v«- and V lk > »'? paid up. |K* .ki K. C Noufolder. r-ret J It H , >-- Jen , J. T Greenieaf. «Mt. c*<>h Tra'n*ao(« eomroervUl. *nvln** and truat THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER S % 1900 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Coatlnaed. BAVKK-Contlnned. THE ALASKA BANKING * BAFE DE- POSIT CO. NOME CITT. ALASKA. Autborlted capital KMO.OOO This company will open for business at Nome City Alaaka. on or about June tfth next. It will do * general banking busi- ness. rent safe deposit toxes for the keep- ing of gold and other valuables, sell ex- change. buy gold dust, assay gold. CABELL WHITEHEAD. Ph D. Assayer and General Manager. EZRA D. PARKER. Cashier. Seattle correspondent. Puget Sound Na- tlunal Bank. THE ProfeT SOUND NATIONAL BANK, SEATTLE. Capital paid up $300,000 Jacob Furth President J. 8. Goldsmith Vice President R. V. Ankeny Cashier Correspondent* In all the principal cities In the United States and Europe, Gold dust bought Drafts Issued on Alaska and Northwest Territory THE CANADIAN BANK~OF COMMERCE. llead Office, Toronto. Capital paid up 16,000,000 Six Million Dollars Seattle Branch, D. A. CAMERON, Acting Manager. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Paid-up capital 1150.000 Transacts a general banking business. H. C. Henry President R R. Spencer ...Cashier Safe Deposit Vault. Boxes for Rent. BASK AID OFFICE FIXTURES. RHOLFS A SCHODER. 610-C2O First ave- nue south?Bank, office and har fixtures; hardwood lumber and steamboat work a specialty. BRIDGES. " ?-?\u25a0 ?? H. P. BELL. MEM. AM BOC. C. K., No. SI Five Sisters' Block, VICTORIA. B. C. OfllceNof WADDELL A HEDRICK, Con- sulting Engineers for Bridges and Structural Work, of Kansas City. Mo. V. S. A Wooden bridges designed to last from two to three times their ordinary life. BOAT lII'II.DIKG. NOLAN A CO.. shipwrights and Joiners; boat bonding, repairs; steamers, launch- es. dories, surfboats and scows. Com- merrlal dock, foot of Madison. PLOCGH A PROCTOR 1206 Railroad avenue; sheet metal work, life boats, launches, ship repairing. AMERICAN "Boat Building Co.. build launches, lifeboats, small craft. Office Second and Jacksor. \u25a0 ANDSAWING AND ST AIRWORK. W. H. PURDY. bandsawlng. turning, stairwork. general Jobbing. Phone, Black 18?5 3M South First. BOOKBINDING. F. ANTHONY, bookbinder, paper ruler and patent blank £ook manufacturer. Boston block, opposite old jx>*tofflce, rooms TO, 40. 41. 12. Seattle. METROPOLITAN PRINTING A BINI>- Ing Company, 307-311 Second avenue south. CLAIRVOYANTS. THE FIRST LICENSED PALMIST IN SKATTIJC. PALMISTRY?Prof Sheldon. the world's greatest palmist unJ clairvoyant, may he consulted dally 011 all affair* of life. Prof. Sheldon's work la entirely differ- ent from other mediums and self-styled clairvoyant*. No darkened room* or cabinet. but everything done In the broad. open light of sor»er sense (and you In i»>**e**lon of yours) He posi- tively refuse* to accept a fee In advance for road In** or special work nn- tll ha 1* through, and not then If you are not perfectly satisfied 111* Infor- mation and advice on mfcrrlage*. dl- vorcea, separations, love and family af- falr*. husine** transactions, law suit*, etc., are accurate and truthful He re- unite* the separated, aettle* lover*' quarrel*, causes speedy marriage, lo- cate* hidden treasure*, remove* evil ln- Auencea, cure* At* and drunkenness. ad- ? vl*e* you a* to whether or not you will be successful In mining or In busi- ness. He looks Into your hand and tell* you what alls you. and oftentimes dive* you back your lost nerve and energy No matter what trouble vou may have, call and he will help you. Palmistry taught. Medlumlatli- person* developed. Permanently located parlor*. 1203 Third avenue, corner of Seneca MKS. RoSS, naturnJ-korn clairvoyant, husinees trance medium and palmist; advice on mining, all buatness and pri- vate matter*; also card reading; satis- faction assured or no pay. I«J Third avenue; log lft«& ETHKL GRAY, palmist and pavchlc. ad- vice on all legitimate transaction*, love, marriage, raining or taw . diseases diag- nosed free Jewell house, 411 Teeler. be. tween Fourth and Fifth avenues south. MHH E KMKTT. South Afrtran nJedlura, In her wonderful clairvoyant sight, re- veal* pa*t. present, future, consult her, reading*. Wc Office. £3 Pioneer build- ing corner James and first avenue HK.MOVED. Mlso Hodge removed to 1111 Third avenue, materlallalog seances Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. * p. m ladies. Mi. gent a, }1 Ow. developing Saturday evening, Srt 188 KIWI. . Ceatlssd. CORNICE WORKS. CORNICE work; gravel roofing. 211 Sec- ond south. DANCING ACADEMY. BALLROOM and stage dancing lessons; private or classes. Pike and Fifth av- enue. Ranke hall. EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE. JOHNSON'S EXPRESS hauls everything. Phone. Red 731. ELECTRICAL WORKS. BEI.L repairing; house wiring. Telephone, Buff 1706. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. PITOET SOCND BRIDGE AND DREDG- ING CO., *Ol First avenue south; dredg- ing. harbor improvements, bridge build- ing and general contracting. Scow* for rent. SEATTLE BRIDGE COMPANY, builders of bridges, wharves, coal bunkers, etc., pile driving and foundations; dealers In piles, logs and spars. ENGINEER AND NAVAL ARCHITECT. E. L. M'ALLISTER. 503-604 Pioneer bldg. FOLDING BED FACTORY. MORRIS A SON. manufacturers, 1520 First avenue. GAS LAMPS. PACIFIC GAS I.AMP CO., 1«B First ave- nue; finest gasoline gas lamps of great brilliancy. FISH DEALERS. , CHLOPECK BROS., Tesler wharf. Tele- phone. Main 378. SAN JTAN FISH CO.. Columbia dock, Seattle HARNESS AND SADDLERY. M'SORLET & HENDERSON. 206 Occlden- tal avenue. HOUSE-RAISING AND FOUNDATIONS. frw ">i» ?? ** . -N CONTRACTOR, builder. A. F. Tllford, 1.-iO< First. INStRANCE. ATLAS INSURANCE COMPANY, of Ixindon? Organised IMS Assets. t10.000,- 000 Fire los»es promptly adjusted. Ed- mund Bowden. agent. Horton Bank _bulldlng; WATSON. HANFORD & CO.. rooms 205, 206 and 207 Pioneer building, tele- phone. Main 111. H. A. RARER, agent and - mperial Insurance Co., 210 Pioneer build- Ing. Main 226 PIONEER RENT AND COLLECTION CO., 8 and 9 Roxwell block. General In- su ranee BCRNS A ATKINSON, general Insur- ance. 14 Boston block. CALHOUN, DENNY" & EWTNG, Insur- ance Olympic block. ICE AND STORAGE. DIAMOND ICE AND STORAGE COM- PANT. Tel . Pike IK>. Ice and storaga. JUNK. SEATTLE JUNK COMPANT?Highest cosh prices; orders promptly attended. Rear Seattle Market. Black Ilia. ALASKA JUNK CO. pays highest price*; prompt returns. 1111 Western avenue. Phone. Pike 11*. MMK. ASTRA, the great clairvoyant, palmtat and card readings; reliable In ail business and domestic affairs. 303 Seneca._ corner Third avenue MAP VII BBPRRANZA, clairvoyant life reader. business advice. Kennrheck Mock. *"! Tesler way, rwm 1, * KXORANCE MARVIN, preplwteas, Vic- toria hotel. ISW F^rst MADAME FRANtTSC)?CUrinroyantT" WO Fourth avenue _ r*M MKt.liTl'.Ml NATIONAL rash Register Company. ?>; Washing*on bulldir.g HAI.I.WOOD Cash Register Company, lilt) Second avenue « tMI'KMKH* tMI HI ll.ri»-H.«. OVINOTON'S. ari<enters. Jobber* HI Ma- rion, Blue W5. CARTER, rear IVstog 'liock Phone. Red 4M. t *H« V*t» t (RktAtiK*. THE SKATTUK TRANSFER ?0 Tele- phone I! Rubber-llt M eani»ges. beat fcrlnv a'W's. ?»*»>? riding R i»e!eas DIKINU (Ml ll.kimm;. AMERICAN STEAM DYE vToRKK lvll»'tliT, ( leaning tali ring repair- ing: Ilnest equipped i>lant. express or- ders gi>en prompt attention 1114 See- n.t Ph ire Main r*>7 PARISIAN DYE WORKS- New plant best operators «atu*«rtl.%r guaranteed _141» First, telephone. Pike m ATUAS DTP WORKS. rS phtne. Ruff JAM. leading French dye house In Seattla. WEIR'S dyeing, cleaning. Ml Ja.kson. R'a.j* 1««1 __ W VNPERSON Fifth and James 81. k ; : H.; SAN FRANCISCO DTE WORKS. Seattle Ulu* 4-U MACHINISTS. OIFFORD. repairing, 1111 Second. Tele- phone. Huff A. F. HUTTON. machine shop. Flyer dock. MAPS, BLI'B PRIIdTIWO. ETC ANDERSON Map A Blue Print Co., Pa- cific block MASSA4IK AID BATHS. BF.ATTI.E branch nf famous Battla Creek Sanitarium Just opened; Russian, Needle, Salt Olowa and Electric Light baths; Masaage and Hydrlatlc treat- ment. Special facilities for ladles' treat- ment. 1334 Second avenue. MME. JENNIE EDOAR, Turkish, sham- poo baths with electric treatment, nuva sage, private rooms for ladles; compe- tent ladles' assistant. Columbia. room 4- DR ETTA RAI,PH. sanitarium Turkish baths; massage assistants. 1413 First. near union, pelect patrons. MAIiAM RAMONA, electric vapor hatha and massag.-. 106 Fifth avenue south, corner Tester. BATHS and massage, by professional ally. 1430'.j Third, left flat; hours 12 to m to. _ JtETI'HNKD?ZeM* Lorraine. masseur*. baths. Room 3. SM Second ava. PATKXT* AMD 11HAWIK44. BARNES A CO., 7«-TI Starr-Boyd build- ing. Superior services In all branches or work Write for book, "Advtco to Invsntora.'' ADAMS. Registered Fatent Ayorney~Ex- pert i>atent and mechanical draughting and blue printing. Colman building MINES tNU MISIN4I. C E TIII'RSTON A CO.. Cherry street, mines and mining stocks O. R. DAHU Ht New Tork block, buya and sells good mining properties. MtMM. I'L4TF.». RjSPLATB any old thing, silver and grold Seattle El.vtro-Platln* A MU >'o . 1116 Second A H ANDERSON tailor, dress suits and overcoats i specialty. «14t* Second ave- nue. Seattle. "EMU.. The Talkir." 113 Tesler way. ttKMKM.EH «KHtl( K. RING the "<> K bo* for rae».wn«»rs, \V>«t»rn I'ni«n and Great Northern tel- rgTams. ha.ks. giirneys and express sagona; quick service. Telephone. Mala isa t!4 Sycor.d ?TITER DCUKIU. THFT WAI.DRIP OYSTER COM PANT. Flyer d<"k wholesale THE MORGAN OTSTER CO.. IK* Sec- ond a**nue._ I'll HOT tttrvn iirtTin, MU)KS plumbing, ras %Ad Msiaroftt- tirsg promptj «atl»factory; reasonable. S=M Fits' avenue Phone. White U4 HAZL.RTT A WI.T.EN. 4A» Columbia' TV eyhiitv*. Red TOP \u25a0 IN. pi urn bine *ll Third. Phone Main T*: _ SEATTLE HEAT * PLUMBING CO White tti Si'EI.I.MAN plumbing 2U Columbia. Phone Black i«l RAITMAN PUMBING CO BhT.ti.~RuV 471. _ SfI.UVAN A DAVIS 1«S First Buff M KROWS A SON _ Phona. PQts M. PI.4TISK. WIRl: 4TD IRIlt HOHKI. PACIFIC RAILING AND PUTINO Works. Ml Raiiroad WASHINGTON WIRE WORKS- Fourth and Tesler. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. -Cnlta(*<. NOTARY PT"BLIC. MAJOR CLARK, Union block, convey- ancing and pensions. PRKTBHS. ~ MKRCHANTS PRINTING COMPANY Seheuerman block. Cherry street, ne*t to Post-Intelllgencer; telephone, B!u« we BT'I.I. BROS,, Washington building. Phone. While *S3. STORAGE. THE SEATTLE TRANSFER CO.. S3 First avenue. Brlrk warehouse; low In- surance. Telephone 41_ SAW M%NFPA CTVRKRS. WASHINGTON SAW WORKS MS First avenue south. \u25a0 HOW CA«K>. STORK FtXTt RFXlB?? BTX'ON VORI ; ESON V CO . 30* Occident tal avenue. Seattle. All kinds of sec- ond-hand show cases. SEATTLE Show Case Factory. 1518 Ist air. SAFES ASH LOCKS. " NORRTS SAFE AND LOCK OOMPANT. !>>:\u25a0 First. SAILMAKERS. SUNDE * ERLAND; full line of canvaa goods and ship chandlery Yesler wharf. SHIPBUILDING. HETKMAN # HANSON. designers. Of- fire. Tester dock. SHIP CHANDLERY. C. F METER A ~~cp~ 3nTFlr«" avenue south. Ship supplies of every descrip- tion S TOR AGP AWO WAREHOUSE. 406-408-410 Occidental Avenue. Advances made on Consignment*. MORGAN. JACOBS * TREVHOT.ME SIGH PAINTERS. HAMM & WALBURG. house and sign painting 10i Madison street basement Phone. Buff SW SIGN A*n HOI'SE M MBKRS. EN AMEI., aluminum. nlcoloM. C. Men- tor, ?10 Vesler. ii*. COPPER AKI) SHEET IRON WORK*. James Tnlt. ~>l» First south Main TS4. TRI'CK ADD DRAY LHEI D M'OOVERN, successor to the Kahaley Truck Company, moving safes and heavy freight a specialty. Telephone. Blue JMI. J W LLOYD. 7S Marlon, all kinds of hauling: makes specialty of moving heavy machinery, safes, etc. Call Red THE SEATTLE TRANSFER COMPANY Telephones, Main 41 and 4<S: all kinds of hauling, safes, machinery, etc. EYREB TRANSFER COMPANY?Dto- trtbutlng pool c»r» a specialty; all kinds of moving done. Telephone, Main UMBRELLA REPAIRING. UMBRELLAS Manufactured, recovered and repaired; general repairing. ZU Columbia street. Robeson Bros. WHOLESALE I.IQIOR DEALERS. BUCK OCV. Incorporated.Agents Yeffow» stone. Velvet whlsVles PROfESSiHL DIRECTORY. ARCHITECT!. SAI'XDKRS A LAWTON. architect*. KM ii ,K Lji". 7 N * w Yerl< J?L2£: CIJAHI.KB H. IIEBB. architect. Washington Mock EMIL DB NELT, architect. 30» Wash- ington Mock. JAMKB STEPHEN, architect, 7J7 New York Mock. A. TIDEMAKD. architect. «T Colman building. _ _____________ R I* ROBERTSON. T1 Deittr Horton building. MM A NUB A WALKER. «J New York building > B. J MEANT, architect, 45 Colman block. ANCRmccrr npn.r compart. DRAUGHTING. tracing, lettering. mapa, sun prints hy latest methods, Including black, brown white, purple, gray nnd blue print*. Telephone, Main TM Beat- tin Sun Print Co.. 1W Marlon street. attohkrVi at law. BELCOtJRT M-DOPOAL A CMtTH. fcer- rlsters. solicitors, conveyancers, etc. Of- fices at Dawson and Ottawa. Roonw 1 and } Chlsholm block, OawMa. BpcMi attention given to parliamentary work. N A Relcourt, Q. C. M. P.. Frank J McDougal. John P. Bmlth. Hartford bkapmont mo washing- ton building Telephone. Black 1M Res- idence 411 Seneca Telephone. Buff lIT> KIIKD II PF.TERRON rriej tnd counselor: proctor In admiralty. Fourth floor Mutual Lite building NOON A NOON attorneys at law. proc- tors in admiralty, SS# Washington build- Ing Black 1«M PRATT A RIDDLE. attomeys-at-law. Ry>m» ~rfr-31ft.ru Bailey building JOHN W ROBERTS. 706 and Tfl» New York block. Phone. Main STRCVF ALT.EN HVOftES A Me- Mlcken. Bailey bull ling DAVIB A (11LM<>RE- Lawyers, proctors. Pioneer building JOHN O. GRAT. Lawyer. Mutual Ufa building _ __ IKRRT * GI'ERIN, lawyers, tW Pie- rcer Milldlng SIMMERS A SUMMERS. Hi New Tork Mock FRANK B WtFSTLtNO. «?« Boston Mock F W. THOMAS, lawyer. S7 Halter build- ing. CON OVER * WILSON. «-«* Halter build- >ng J A KELLOOQ. lawyer TM RalJey bond- ing ______ w r> t.Ambi'th m-w Pseiftc Mock Mlt/i * ROOT. Tis New York Mack (IV-.'l F At'ST rat New Tork kaiMlng 7. B RAWRON Pad ft- v>.«y IMATKR ' HKSIVI JOHNSON A NKWION. 11* Cherry »tr*st rHIROPOUIDTI HANNA,the only *radoate .-htri-podis! on ih. Is i eoa>> tnd<vr*ei f>t pts*sl- rtir.' Fark>r». 13* Itatke building 'f.*s years located in Reatti-ei nrn. Rfanina. I. V. RICE * Cfr. MtII »!-1 rr.intn* *»' *ur«-rtnt*n<.Wnl* ftf r>B s '\ \u25a0» an 4 mail*. A*»nt* f»* m«l-hrrt Mor.t*f m#ry * Fln- Ur»on serial tramway*. Ms Pacific bulMln* F A HIJ.L t-lv!l ant mlnir.a »n«tn»w. M Mutual Ufe bultdtnc phoB». Mala tK Mlnin* r>rop«rU<-» rtamtiMNL Beat of rcfarcncaa. HMIIII HBINT. -Caatlaiet. COWITISG E^eHEBHI BTIXRI'D * NA3TRN. SST-KB^ Burke b»d«c. dentists. DRS OENTI.K £ EDOERS, £» Bailey building. nit. BRAODON. 401-400 Mutual Ltfa build- lug c A. HOLMES. D D. S . Colnaa bclld- PR. PALMER. 408 Mutual Ufa. Rtt Cl Knr cation %u NOW then for business! We are ready; are you? Wilson's Modern Business Col- lege Is the only large first-class business tra»« ,n * school In the slate We Inva- riably enroll the Investigating student. If >ou know about Uregg's shorthand you would study no other I.ADT r'vw elocution lessons: best K'l- ropean training: long cxperlenc ; terms _jn<Hlerate. Apply TOS Madison. PRIVATE SCHOQI-?Mrs. l-aurence Oron- lund. Tlolyoke block. ATTEND the best. Arme Business Col- lege Seattle MrSICAL. MMR ARAMENTT. the celebrated singer and vocal teacher of New Vork voices ' xamlnej from It to 1 J Ally, residence. Ralnler-Orand hotel. Studio. r3 Hinckley block. Seattle. PIRBT-CLASS Instruction In irultar and tnandp!ln given by Rose Charlotte Mitch- ell, ft! Holyoke block. W F MT'RDOCK. Instructor of mando- lin and rultar; studio 19 and 20. Holy- oke Mock. OKRALDINK MORRIS?VoIe* and ptano. 111! Third LOCIBE BECK, piano teacher. 90* Fifth avenue. ALFRED ROI.I/V?Voice; Holyoke Btk~ MONO!) HOSPITAL. PRIVATE general hospital. !t9 First ave- nue; maternity department specialty; nuraes' bureau. Telephone Union * MRCHANICAL ENGINEERS. W. R. PHILLIPS, Mechanical and Hy- draulic Engineer. Draughting. fiJ7 Burke building. _________________ OPTICIANS. THOMAS CARROLL, complicated watch repairer. 30 Columbia. W 8 MORLET, scientific optician. 1107 First. on LISTS AND ACRirr*. DR. A. B. KIBBE. oculist, nurlst and physician for diseases of tho throat: * rooms 3M-J27 Bailey building. Second and Cherry street. Un STILL6DN. »ye. Mr, nosa and throat; removed to No. > Hinckley. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEON*. DR. FLEISCHER Specialty surgsry, genlto-urlnary, nervous and female dis- eases Washington block. First avenue. Beat tie. DR. VAN DYKE, diseases of women, Kenlto-urtnary, chronic, nervous, blood and skin diseases. Washington build- Ing. DR. EDWARDS. 12 Boston block Tele- phone. Red 1401. Residence, lit Roy, telephone, l,aks iW DR. WM P. OROtTRKE, rooms tf-B Boston block. Telephones, Red 1401, Went \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»! DOCTOR WENTWORTH-Collins bulld- Ing. Telephone, Union M. DR. SARAH KENDALL. Holyoka block. Telephone, Main Tit. DR. POWELL. Downa building. Tala- phone. Black 1871. DR. CALHOUN. Starr-Boyd block. Tal- ephone. Main BM. DR. MINNIE ALLISON ESTABROOK; _ tol_. Front BTI. DR Rir-HTER, Mutual Life. Telephone East 271. PATENT LAWYERS. w- -i --- MASON, FENNICK A T,*WRWNC" Washington City. Seattle branch, W Burke building. Patent book fr««. UU 11 GAPE NOME-KLONDIKE. ALASKA CLOTHIXa. V f». QOVKRNNBNT "JOOJWS-lUankaAa. JIM; peajaoketa. IV r*r,t». B 7i: «he|ler tent*. n. natrjr whit* underclothing. *ult. It, co*t the government M.M. wool mi*. Sk; cotton no*. He; watch V*. ffic. nib- bar blanket* or pornboa, 11*. Kirk, 137 K1 rat avenua. BKATTLE WOOLKN HOtTWt oppoalla Hotel fltevena, WU Pi rut General out- fitter*. make men * clothing to order; pur* woolen good* direct from mill AUIKA Ol TriTTKHD. PIONKBH manufacturer* of Ala*ka clothing make pur* woolen good* and have the tx>«t equipped plant for mak- ing clothing In the *iate. Seattle Wool- en Mill. 111! Flr*t Bver.ua- POHTABI.K bouaa* Office, M New Tork block _ AUIKA TRUTH AKD Tlßrtl I.IHt. THK AKM YKNT ANI> AWKIKO CO. manufacturer* every thing made of rmn- van. awning* our * pact alt) tl* Second avenue eouth. phone, MalnWJ TKKT* AND TaRPAfMSa Ttie right kind at factory price* Seattle Tent and Awning Company. Marlon »nd W*«t*rn avenue Al*o hydraull.- mining hoa* TKNTS. tarpaulin and awning cotton dock, all weight* and width* Hydraulic mining ho»e r»nt> Tent and Awning f'orrpa*:. 117 Tealer way KMHtllkr Mlie RUA9KOI S. At, AUK A h»nd *led*. *»r»» hob *l*4*. h*'d»ood lumber *n4 wagon material Pa'lH- Wat « <"onrarr (Vvjfh Third and l*r.» Telerh.rse Mad I*7 AI.ABKA n/VTMIXO S.» t,r .kin* to manufacture In AS*»ka rl..tHrg at C. T. Wetn» WS Railroad aventMl FTU. !H»e of *lot machine* fo» Papa Nome trade Rw>a I Unwell tuiidlng 7L*LKA »* 'fll< IVM #"\u25a0«-««» 1 kc* <\u25a0*« ?«.* »*.- _m4 TX »<» «?» ?*»??? V*~ \u25a0W »\l »««\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 Mutgi\u25a0>« 7-tt» j T J** jj WM 4*. m \ D ?** ' R«.'Uf I.'«-?» '* r«w -?uiSsr Vtec-lt BOOK I 111 II ML1 | Kuafartann of MBi \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 Miwl't UtiirMU WT |^~ T.hUl., ir*nWm p BC \u25a0! 3B at Mocaark MtM \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 rWMt b>«>>MWAc- COMPOSITION SL-ZZSXX tw tt>* tr»:« >ur mc*«ur*i la »ii'i a'!r. i l £?^SsS-^ 19 Save Your Teeth. Each day's delay may mM« un- told »gony for tha future. Our business is to mvi teeth: but altera It Is positively nec«wsary to extract, we rerform th« operation ntwolvit.lv without pain. Crown* of cold and porcalaln placed on old. *-r>m-out stumps so skillfullythat they cannot I* told from tha nat- ural teeth. They are not onljr lasting. but restore tha natural beauty ntid contour to th« mouth and face. Oold filling* -II SO and up Sllrer fllltngs SOc and up Platinum filling* 11.00 and up PaMess Extrnctiaf. SOc EXMrioattoii Freo. Seattle Electro-Dental Co. Olympic Block, Pionetr Sqn*rt. Phone* Main 733 a PEBTAURAWT. ntMM Igsipess - !Ws Lagd) oooDD il© 4 TOHCH pnau, <s<simtts TorSalc rp . -"\u25a0! ,^sS Fruit Laad, Garden Land, * Hay Land, 11 Alfalfa Laad. All watered by the Soony- ?ide irrigation ditch, Yakima county, Washington. The meet productive land In the United States. No drought* no flood*. Terms my. Fire annual payments. Water maintenance, )l per acre per year. DENNY BLUtNE LAND CO. orric£S-DM«w n«rtM a C* Ban* SEATTLE. ? WASH. 5 FOR RENT. < UME BAMMENV S ? { 711 SfiCOfHO AVENUE A / s*H*a tMrmc* Irmi (he Alley, 5 Join Davis 6 Co* / DOkNS BLOCK.
Page 1: THE Je?.£ 188 KIWI. HMIIIIPALMISTRY?Prof Sheldon. the world's greatest palmist unJ clairvoyant, may he consulted dally 011 all affair* of life. Prof. Sheldon's work la entirely differ-ent


ling lot* nearie, 40x106, with

water; price,-ms; C> cash,onth, wKhoutM Co.. 112 Co-

il bouse. builtid finish; por-r Madison car1,250 caah re-fa. Moore In-a street.modern, oon-

-114 feet; cloaete earn; streetImprovement*:lty. Wballey>lock-

intent i-roomlarge lot, all

node; sewer,be duplicatedEastman, K

?. all Improve-neighborhood.it; on Jackson

Wballey *

ck.condition, lotut), close to 3rom Pioneerman, 5-8 Col-

the city from! the choicest; a few choicealley t East-

ime on Elght-in; *llmodernr; corner lot;7o? 111 Colum-

house on Ma-f lAkn Wash-

?, 12,31)0. Moorenbla street.

stocked, In-Jersey coW;

it. Call quick.

Broadway, 100est lot* In theJt Co., 112 Co-

lliding lot onfadlson street.112 Columbia

lertles; It. #. ».»nd location*.

tOO Pacific

illW(w"lvuyTst of selected

106 Madison

, Washingtonbargains In

n easy terms.». near Dennys, at I*lo each.I Columbia st.

ce lot on, 1*00;Moore Invest-ireet.

cottage; easyulre 3310 East

«e. on cornerh. Inquire on


re*; hor.io anil?. 20 ton* hay.ohomu.i ruun-ir*on l,<)wi11,

, and Western, 94 West Co-

y, farms, coaleorge, 61* New

rent ~W. W.__________



ber and for«stfur sale. tU-

ought and forlet iuitldlng

for sale. Her-trman block.


ich land and J.soo 000P yellow fir and restpole*; Within quar-

t's ual oti west side;g In sections 21. 31.?aunty, Washington.he»t bidder; to sellodv wishing to lookwith them F M

i. Kitsap county,

If, ready for itn me-et pta ; soldier* a4dl-r bought. John P.Nock.

tier In timber lands.V.>rk hjo.-k. Setttla.


R- Private money to\u25a0rattle property,

lands; from one to» delay: farms andng. Snohomish. Ska-Kitaap reunites fo»

S3 auj I] Schtuer-

low rate of Intcreatand farm propei tyid (arm* in EasternMngton for sale ->i*'tegon Mortgage l"<Her agent. II llail<\

to all salaried t>e. piepoaltlin* with t»-tn Vitl'll OWN

cutlty confidentialredlt i'o , New

Js* build house* on easywt i, write Are insuran-e,

fkiira? L an I irinn t

» «k* " o Sbuey

fcr.?'',**«* ST I' 1*"0* *nd Other Chanel

J ,ia'' r short tim part a;* ' 115 Washlng-

city prop-W. ?* »?<* o« litter-"t rtu siding|Ss^;.\r n .

M«" ,n ('-

ttwt on Improved"kffi| A'w" 55

**Alngt Investment

"sEI?* 1'. 1? . lo«»* negottated. any£** 4rJ 2*\ Waterhouse.

*?_ J? 1w < ><£\u25a0

5? I*l «»> CUV property;1 . K l"»v.nd llowdeo.\u25a0KM. BMIIJbuUU »«_

2?**. »nune> alv ance< oa&,^r


lil!?' jgSg ~ v inJ farm

fess£s^ho;r ,y hond *



i~LoW,'»t rate * on flr"t-

mij! W;, Apply Thom»s In\e»t-ment Collins block.

cn P"no »- furniture, with-*SL/r!£X£ii re "' estate, etc. Room 1JPost-Intelligencer block.

T5, *<WO. 3250, on ImprovedCi'y Pro P*«J' Wit. P. Harper. H»exterHnrton bank building.

loaned on furniture, pianos, chai-


Ters?cr *>"«»"\u25a0

00 estate and

tXncer OWb^lTat "- R °°m 7 ' Pon In-

.a,h<l konds bought and *old.Morrison & hshelman, basement MutualLife tiiillillng,

"ONE* to lo«n on Improved farm andbudding Dameyer, 416 Bailey

R&A£ TS **""*»>» and sold. William

BeatUe ' N<"w Tork bloc >«.

PRIVATE MONEY-LOW rat*; no com-mlanlon. 8. la. Bowman. 630 New Tork

LOANS on furniture or an* chattels. ~CH. Kelley A Co.. 403 Washington build-»ng-


lvnAfirR°UP ?! J*?: al *<> 000 and 1S0».W. D. FieM, 11 Haller hunting.

°?,? E J! loans and lnv*st-wmnta. 456~42rt Hat ley building.

REAL estate loans. Brown, 119 Washing-top building.

MONET-Low rate. Taney,

BOBTON LOAN OFFICE. 106 Occidental

"blo<ET TO LOAtJ»F. J, Foster, Colonial

LEGAL NOTICES.2TT""*-rnmmm-i n

THE BOARD OR DIRECTORS OF SE-*"'*l District No. K at their office.Seventh avenue and Mar/on (treet, willrecalve sealed proposals until 6 o'clock p.m.. September 7. ISOO. for tha construction

of a Senior Grammar School BuildingIn accordance with the drawings and spe!creations, copies of which may be seenat this office, or at the architect's office.Boone * Corner. New Tork block. Seat-

J"1?* J* T>*r*te for theplumbing and for the heating, and theBoard reserves the right to reject any,all or separate proposals

Proposals must be accompanied by acertified check for 18.000, payable to theorder of the Secretary of the Board, a*? guarantee that the bidder. If awardedthe contract, will enter Into a contractand give suraty bonds for the full amountof the contract LTMAN BANKS.


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THEUnited States for the District of Wash-ington, northern division In the. met-ter of W. W. Glim in, bankrupt. No.1787. In bankruptcy.

To the creditors of said bankrupt'Notice Is hereby given that on the SSth

day of August. IMO, the said W. W.Oilman was duly ldjudlcated bankrupt,and that th« first mpettng of his creditorswill ha held at the office of the under-signed referee In oanfruptcy, In Seattle,In said district, on tlfr nth dav of Sep-tember. 1900. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon,at which time the *ald creditor* may at-tend. prove their claim*, appoint a trus-tee, examine the bankrupt, and transactsuch other business as ntv properly consbefore said meeting.

JOHN P. HOYT.Ref«ree In Bankruptcy

PROPOSALS for fresh beef and mut-ton: Office chief commissary. Vancouv-er barrack*. Wash . Sept 4. IDOO Ssaledproposals for furnishing and deltverttigrresh beef and fresh mutton for sixmonths beginning January 1. IPOI, willbe received here and at offices of com-mltwatles at Fort Stevens. Oregon;BOIM barracks, and Camp Osborn.Idaho; Fort* Ca»ey. Klngler, WallaWalla. Wright and Vancouver barracks.Wash., and Rkngway and Valdes,Alaska, until 11 a. m.. October 4. linn,and then openad. Information furnlshm!on application. Envelopes contain-ing proposals should be endorsed "Pro-posals for Fresh Beef and Fresh Mut-ton." and addressed to commissary ofpost to be supplied, or to Major JamesN. Allison. Chf. Commy


IMPERIAL lime W.IS pure. Cheaper, ba-cadse It goes farther than others. Gor-don and Co.. *O7-9 Western Ave. Tel-ephone. Main 2t».

USB HI).Cssllsssi.


ABSTRACT ofAce. Osborne. Tremper *

Co., Inc.. established IMO, removed base-ment Mutual IJts bulldltm.

ABSTRACTS promptly made. Re* Ed-wards * Co.. HI Hinckley.


JKSSIK M EUUOTT Stihllo, 17 Bostonblock


FRANK A McOEE. espert and consult-ing accountant on private, corporate

and public accounts; book* opened,closed, audited etc., error* and fraudadete< tod, uneicalled referenda Rainier-tlrand


STEAMBOAT work boiler and ptpacovering a aiwlsLlty De Solla-Deus-slttg Co.. >l3 Western avenue.

Ac t nuniov rUAVUN*

wTsS OAI.I.AIIIIKR. millinery stora.ltd! Second a\ emie




Founded ISTO. S<atile incorporated 11*7

? f .leat .«nk in Washington

Capital «Slly paidSurplus >»?«"»

W M Udrt PresidentH II .Vice PresidentN H Manager

M W I'eiersvin . CashierC K Iturnstde Asst. Cashier

Cor res. ondeu.e in al! principal itles ofUnited »;«i. Eun>pe. China. Japan. Ha-waiian Istands. Alaska. British Columbiaand Xonhwwst Territory Drsfta Issueddirect on Juneau. Mkagway, AtUn. B*nnettan! IMtneti City.

Codectlons made on all points on rea-sonable terms







A general hanking business trar»»-t<dI etfers of credit a»ild on all principal cit-lesi of the world SinsMal facilities forcollecting In British Colum.ia point*


PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANKSrcon.l «v«- and Vlk > »'? paid up.|K* .ki K. C Noufolder. r-ret J It H , >--

Jen , J. T Greenieaf. «Mt. c*<>hTra'n*ao(« eomroervUl. *nvln** and truat






Autborlted capital KMO.OOOThis company will open for business at

Nome City Alaaka. on or about June tfthnext. It will do * general banking busi-ness. rent safe deposit toxes for the keep-ing of gold and other valuables, sell ex-change. buy gold dust, assay gold.

CABELL WHITEHEAD. Ph D.Assayer and General Manager.EZRA D. PARKER. Cashier.

Seattle correspondent. Puget Sound Na-tlunal Bank.


Capital paid up $300,000

Jacob Furth PresidentJ. 8. Goldsmith Vice PresidentR. V. Ankeny Cashier

Correspondent* In all the principal citiesIn the United States and Europe,

Gold dust bought Drafts Issued onAlaska and Northwest Territory



llead Office, Toronto.Capital paid up 16,000,000

Six Million DollarsSeattle Branch,

D. A. CAMERON, Acting Manager.


Paid-up capital 1150.000Transacts a general banking business.

H. C. Henry PresidentR R. Spencer ...Cashier

Safe Deposit Vault. Boxes for Rent.


RHOLFS A SCHODER. 610-C2O First ave-nue south?Bank, office and har fixtures;hardwood lumber and steamboat worka specialty.

BRIDGES." ?-?\u25a0 ??

H. P. BELL. MEM. AM BOC. C. K.,No. SI Five Sisters' Block,


OfllceNof WADDELL A HEDRICK, Con-sulting Engineers for Bridges and

Structural Work, of KansasCity. Mo. V. S. A

Wooden bridges designed to last fromtwo to three times their ordinary life.


NOLAN A CO.. shipwrights and Joiners;boat bonding, repairs; steamers, launch-es. dories, surfboats and scows. Com-merrlal dock, foot of Madison.

PLOCGH A PROCTOR 1206 Railroadavenue; sheet metal work, life boats,launches, ship repairing.

AMERICAN "Boat Building Co.. buildlaunches, lifeboats, small craft. OfficeSecond and Jacksor.


W. H. PURDY. bandsawlng. turning,stairwork. general Jobbing. Phone, Black18?5 3M South First.


F. ANTHONY, bookbinder, paper rulerand patent blank £ook manufacturer.Boston block, opposite old jx>*tofflce,rooms TO, 40. 41. 12. Seattle.

METROPOLITAN PRINTING A BINI>-Ing Company, 307-311 Second avenuesouth.



PALMISTRY?Prof Sheldon. the world'sgreatest palmist unJ clairvoyant, mayhe consulted dally 011 all affair* of life.Prof. Sheldon's work la entirely differ-ent from other mediums and self-styledclairvoyant*. No darkened room* orcabinet. but everything done In thebroad. open light of sor»er sense (andyou In i»>**e**lon of yours) He posi-tively refuse* to accept a fee In advancefor road In** or special work nn-tll ha 1* through, and not then If youare not perfectly satisfied 111* Infor-mation and advice on mfcrrlage*. dl-vorcea, separations, love and family af-falr*. husine** transactions, law suit*,etc., are accurate and truthful He re-unite* the separated, aettle* lover*'quarrel*, causes speedy marriage, lo-cate* hidden treasure*, remove* evil ln-Auencea, cure* At* and drunkenness. ad-

? vl*e* you a* to whether or not you willbe successful In mining or In busi-ness. He looks Into your hand andtell* you what alls you. and oftentimesdive* you back your lost nerve andenergy No matter what trouble voumay have, call and he will help you.Palmistry taught. Medlumlatli- person*developed. Permanently located parlor*.1203 Third avenue, corner of Seneca

MKS. RoSS, naturnJ-korn clairvoyant,husinees trance medium and palmist;advice on mining, all buatness and pri-vate matter*; also card reading; satis-faction assured or no pay. I«J Thirdavenue; log lft«&

ETHKL GRAY, palmist and pavchlc. ad-vice on all legitimate transaction*, love,marriage, raining or taw . diseases diag-nosed free Jewell house, 411 Teeler. be.tween Fourth and Fifth avenues south.

MHH E KMKTT. South Afrtran nJedlura,In her wonderful clairvoyant sight, re-veal* pa*t. present, future, consult her,reading*. Wc Office. £3 Pioneer build-ing corner James and first avenue

HK.MOVED. Mlso Hodge removed to 1111Third avenue, materlallalog seancesWednesday, Friday and Sunday. * p.m ladies. Mi. gent a, }1 Ow. developingSaturday evening, Srt

188 KIWI. .



CORNICE work; gravel roofing. 211 Sec-ond south.


BALLROOM and stage dancing lessons;private or classes. Pike and Fifth av-enue. Ranke hall.


JOHNSON'S EXPRESS hauls everything.Phone. Red 731.


BEI.L repairing; house wiring. Telephone,Buff 1706.ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS.

PITOET SOCND BRIDGE AND DREDG-ING CO., *Ol First avenue south; dredg-

ing. harbor improvements, bridge build-ing and general contracting. Scow* forrent.

SEATTLE BRIDGE COMPANY, buildersof bridges, wharves, coal bunkers, etc.,pile driving and foundations; dealers Inpiles, logs and spars.


E. L. M'ALLISTER. 503-604 Pioneer bldg.


MORRIS A SON. manufacturers, 1520 Firstavenue.


PACIFIC GAS I.AMP CO., 1«B First ave-nue; finest gasoline gas lamps of greatbrilliancy.


CHLOPECK BROS., Tesler wharf. Tele-phone. Main 378.

SAN JTAN FISH CO.. Columbia dock,Seattle


M'SORLET & HENDERSON. 206 Occlden-tal avenue.


** . -N

CONTRACTOR, builder. A. F. Tllford,1.-iO< First.


ATLAS INSURANCE COMPANY, ofIxindon? Organised IMS Assets. t10.000,-000 Fire los»es promptly adjusted. Ed-mund Bowden. agent. Horton Bank

_bulldlng;WATSON. HANFORD & CO.. rooms

205, 206 and 207 Pioneer building, tele-phone. Main 111.

H. A. RARER, agent and -

mperial Insurance Co., 210 Pioneer build-Ing. Main 226

PIONEER RENT AND COLLECTIONCO., 8 and 9 Roxwell block. General In-su ranee

BCRNS A ATKINSON, general Insur-ance. 14 Boston block.

CALHOUN, DENNY" & EWTNG, Insur-ance Olympic block.


DIAMOND ICE AND STORAGE COM-PANT. Tel . Pike IK>. Ice and storaga.


SEATTLE JUNK COMPANT?Highestcosh prices; orders promptly attended.Rear Seattle Market. Black Ilia.

ALASKA JUNK CO. pays highest price*;prompt returns. 1111 Western avenue.Phone. Pike 11*.

MMK. ASTRA, the great clairvoyant,palmtat and card readings; reliable Inail business and domestic affairs. 303Seneca._ corner Third avenue

MAP VII BBPRRANZA, clairvoyant lifereader. business advice. KennrheckMock. *"! Tesler way, rwm 1, *

KXORANCE MARVIN, preplwteas, Vic-toria hotel. ISW F^rst

MADAME FRANtTSC)?CUrinroyantT" WOFourth avenue


r*M MKt.liTl'.Ml

NATIONAL rash Register Company. ?>;Washing*on bulldir.g

HAI.I.WOOD Cash Register Company, lilt)

Second avenue« tMI'KMKH* tMI HI ll.ri»-H.«.

OVINOTON'S. ari<enters. Jobber* HI Ma-rion, Blue W5.

CARTER, rear IVstog 'liock Phone. Red4M.

t *H« V*t» t (RktAtiK*.

THE SKATTUK TRANSFER ?0 Tele-phone I! Rubber-llt M eani»ges. beatfcrlnv a'W's. ?»*»>? riding R i»e!eas

DIKINU (Ml ll.kimm;.

AMERICAN STEAM DYE vToRKKlvll»'tliT, ( leaning tali ring repair-ing: Ilnest equipped i>lant. express or-ders gi>en prompt attention 1114 See-

n.t Ph ire Main r*>7

PARISIAN DYE WORKS- New plantbest operators «atu*«rtl.%r guaranteed

_141» First, telephone. Pike mATUAS DTP WORKS. rS

phtne. Ruff JAM. leading French dyehouse In Seattla.

WEIR'S dyeing, cleaning. Ml Ja.kson.R'a.j* 1««1


W VNPERSON Fifth and James 81. k;:H.;



OIFFORD. repairing, 1111 Second. Tele-phone. Huff

A. F. HUTTON. machine shop. Flyerdock.


ANDERSON Map A Blue Print Co., Pa-cific block


BF.ATTI.E branch nf famous BattlaCreek Sanitarium Just opened; Russian,Needle, Salt Olowa and Electric Light

baths; Masaage and Hydrlatlc treat-ment. Special facilities for ladles' treat-ment. 1334 Second avenue.

MME. JENNIE EDOAR, Turkish, sham-poo baths with electric treatment, nuvasage, private rooms for ladles; compe-tent ladles' assistant. Columbia.room 4-

DR ETTA RAI,PH. sanitarium Turkishbaths; massage assistants. 1413 First.near union, pelect patrons.

MAIiAM RAMONA, electric vapor hathaand massag.-. 106 Fifth avenue south,corner Tester.

BATHS and massage, by professionalally. 1430'.j Third, left flat; hours 12 tom to.


JtETI'HNKD?ZeM* Lorraine. masseur*.baths. Room 3. SM Second ava.


BARNES A CO., 7«-TI Starr-Boyd build-ing. Superior services In all branchesor work Write for book, "Advtcoto Invsntora.''

ADAMS. Registered Fatent Ayorney~Ex-pert i>atent and mechanical draughtingand blue printing. Colman building


C E TIII'RSTON A CO.. 1» Cherrystreet, mines and mining stocks

O. R. DAHU Ht New Tork block, buyaand sells good mining properties.

MtMM. I'L4TF.».

RjSPLATB any old thing, silver and groldSeattle El.vtro-Platln* A MU >'o . 1116Second

A H ANDERSON tailor, dress suits andovercoats i specialty. «14t* Second ave-nue. Seattle.

"EMU.. The Talkir." 113 Tesler way.

ttKMKM.EH «KHtl( K.

RING the "<> K bo* for rae».wn«»rs,\V>«t»rn I'ni«n and Great Northern tel-rgTams. ha.ks. giirneys and expresssagona; quick service. Telephone. Malaisa t!4 Sycor.d


THFT WAI.DRIP OYSTER COM PANT.Flyer d<"k wholesale

THE MORGAN OTSTER CO.. IK* Sec-ond a**nue._

I'll HOT tttrvn iirtTin,

MU)KS plumbing, ras %Ad Msiaroftt-tirsg promptj «atl»factory; reasonable.S=M Fits' avenue Phone. White U4

HAZL.RTT A WI.T.EN. 4A» Columbia'TV eyhiitv*. Red TOP

\u25a0 IN. pi urnbine *llThird. PhoneMain T*:



Si'EI.I.MAN plumbing 2U Columbia.Phone Black i«l



SfI.UVAN A DAVIS 1«S First Buff


Phona. PQts M.PI.4TISK. WIRl: 4TD IRIlt HOHKI.





MAJOR CLARK, Union block, convey-ancing and pensions.


MKRCHANTS PRINTING COMPANYSeheuerman block. Cherry street, ne*tto Post-Intelllgencer; telephone, B!u«we

BT'I.I. BROS,, Washington building.Phone. While *S3.


THE SEATTLE TRANSFER CO.. S3First avenue. Brlrk warehouse; low In-surance. Telephone 41_


WASHINGTON SAW WORKS MS Firstavenue south.

\u25a0HOW CA«K>. STORK FtXTtRFXlB??BTX'ON VORI ; ESON V CO . 30* Occident

tal avenue. Seattle. All kinds of sec-ond-hand show cases.

SEATTLE Show Case Factory. 1518 Ist air.




SUNDE * ERLAND; full line of canvaagoods and ship chandlery Yesler wharf.


HETKMAN # HANSON. designers. Of-fire. Tester dock.

SHIP CHANDLERY.C. F METER A ~~cp~ 3nTFlr«" avenue

south. Ship supplies of every descrip-tion


406-408-410 Occidental Avenue.

Advances made on Consignment*.MORGAN. JACOBS * TREVHOT.ME


HAMM & WALBURG. house and signpainting 10i Madison street basementPhone. Buff SW


EN AMEI., aluminum. nlcoloM. C. Men-tor, ?10 Vesler.


James Tnlt. ~>l» First south Main TS4.TRI'CK ADD DRAY LHEI

D M'OOVERN, successor to the KahaleyTruck Company, moving safes andheavy freight a specialty. Telephone.Blue JMI.

J W LLOYD. 7S Marlon, all kinds ofhauling: makes specialty of movingheavy machinery, safes, etc. Call Red

THE SEATTLE TRANSFER COMPANYTelephones, Main 41 and 4<S: all kinds ofhauling, safes, machinery, etc.

EYREB TRANSFER COMPANY?Dto-trtbutlng pool c»r» a specialty; all kindsof moving done. Telephone, Main


UMBRELLAS Manufactured, recoveredand repaired; general repairing. ZUColumbia street. Robeson Bros.


BUCK OCV. Incorporated.Agents Yeffow»stone. Velvet whlsVles


SAI'XDKRS A LAWTON. architect*. KM

ii,KLji".7 N *w Yerl< J?L2£:CIJAHI.KB H. IIEBB. architect. I»

Washington Mock

EMIL DB NELT, architect. 30» Wash-ington Mock.

JAMKB STEPHEN, architect, 7J7 NewYork Mock.

A. TIDEMAKD. architect. «T Colmanbuilding.


R I* ROBERTSON. T1 Deittr Hortonbuilding.

MMANUB A WALKER. «J New Yorkbuilding >

B. J MEANT, architect, 45 Colman block.

ANCRmccrr npn.r compart.

DRAUGHTING. tracing, lettering. mapa,sun prints hy latest methods, Includingblack, brown white, purple, gray nndblue print*. Telephone, Main TM Beat-tin Sun Print Co.. 1W Marlon street.

attohkrVi at law.

BELCOtJRT M-DOPOAL A CMtTH. fcer-rlsters. solicitors, conveyancers, etc. Of-fices at Dawson and Ottawa. Roonw 1and } Chlsholm block, OawMa. BpcMiattention given to parliamentary work.N A Relcourt, Q. C. M. P.. Frank JMcDougal. John P. Bmlth.

Hartford bkapmont mo washing-ton building Telephone. Black 1M Res-idence 411 Seneca Telephone. Buff lIT>

KIIKD II PF.TERRON rriej tndcounselor: proctor In admiralty. Fourthfloor Mutual Lite building

NOON A NOON attorneys at law. proc-tors in admiralty, SS# Washington build-Ing Black 1«M

PRATT A RIDDLE. attomeys-at-law.Ry>m» ~rfr-31ft.ru Bailey building

JOHN W ROBERTS. 706 and Tfl» NewYork block. Phone. Main

STRCVF ALT.EN HVOftES A Me-Mlcken. Bailey bull ling

DAVIB A (11LM<>RE- Lawyers, proctors.Pioneer building

JOHN O. GRAT. Lawyer. Mutual Ufabuilding

_ __

IKRRT * GI'ERIN, lawyers, tW Pie-rcer Milldlng


FRANK B WtFSTLtNO. «?« BostonMock

F W. THOMAS, lawyer. S7 Halter build-ing.

CON OVER * WILSON. «-«* Halter build->ng

J A KELLOOQ. lawyer TM RalJey bond-ing


w r> t.Ambi'th m-w Pseiftc MockMlt/i * ROOT. Tis New York Mack(IV-.'l F At'ST rat New Tork kaiMlng

7. B RAWRON Pad ft- v>.«yIMATKR ' HKSIVI


HANNA,the only *radoate .-htri-podis! onih. Is i eoa>> tnd<vr*ei f>t pts*sl-rtir.' Fark>r». 13* Itatke building 'f.*syears located in Reatti-ei

nrn. Rfanina.

I. V. RICE * Cfr. MtII »!-1 rr.intn* *»'

*ur«-rtnt*n<.Wnl* ftf r>Bs '\ \u25a0» an 4 mail*. A*»nt* f»*

m«l-hrrt Mor.t*f m#ry * Fln-Ur»on serial tramway*. Ms PacificbulMln*

F A HIJ.L t-lv!l ant mlnir.a »n«tn»w.M Mutual Ufe bultdtnc phoB». MalatK Mlnin* r>rop«rU<-» rtamtiMNL Beatof rcfarcncaa.

HMIIII HBINT.-Caatlaiet.


BTIXRI'D * NA3TRN. SST-KB^Burke b»d«c.


DRS OENTI.K £ EDOERS, £» Baileybuilding.

nit. BRAODON. 401-400 Mutual Ltfa build-lug

c A. HOLMES. D D. S . Colnaa bclld-

PR. PALMER. 408 Mutual Ufa. Rtt Cl

Knrcation %u

NOW then for business! We are ready;are you? Wilson's Modern Business Col-lege Is the only large first-class businesstra»« ,n * school In the slate We Inva-riably enroll the Investigating student.If >ou know about Uregg's shorthandyou would study no other

I.ADT r'vw elocution lessons: best K'l-ropean training: long cxperlenc ; terms

_jn<Hlerate. Apply TOS Madison.

PRIVATE SCHOQI-?Mrs. l-aurence Oron-lund. Tlolyoke block.

ATTEND the best. Arme Business Col-lege Seattle


MMR ARAMENTT. the celebrated singerand vocal teacher of New Vork voices' xamlnej from It to 1 J Ally, residence.Ralnler-Orand hotel. Studio. r3 Hinckleyblock. Seattle.

PIRBT-CLASS Instruction In irultar andtnandp!ln given by Rose Charlotte Mitch-ell, ft! Holyoke block.

W F MT'RDOCK. Instructor of mando-lin and rultar; studio 19 and 20. Holy-oke Mock.

OKRALDINK MORRIS?VoIe* and ptano.111! Third

LOCIBE BECK, piano teacher. 90* Fifthavenue.ALFRED ROI.I/V?Voice; Holyoke Btk~


PRIVATE general hospital. !t9 First ave-nue; maternity department specialty;nuraes' bureau. Telephone Union *


W. R. PHILLIPS, Mechanical and Hy-draulic Engineer. Draughting. fiJ7Burke building.



THOMAS CARROLL, complicated watchrepairer. 30 Columbia.

W 8 MORLET, scientific optician. 1107First.


DR. A. B. KIBBE. oculist, nurlst andphysician for diseases of tho throat:

* rooms 3M-J27 Bailey building. Secondand Cherry street.

Un STILL6DN. »ye. Mr, nosa and throat;removed to No. > Hinckley.


DR. FLEISCHER Specialty surgsry,genlto-urlnary, nervous and female dis-eases Washington block. First avenue.Beat tie.

DR. VAN DYKE, diseases of women,Kenlto-urtnary, chronic, nervous, bloodand skin diseases. Washington build-Ing.

DR. EDWARDS. 12 Boston block Tele-phone. Red 1401. Residence, lit Roy,telephone, l,aks iW

DR. WM P. OROtTRKE, rooms tf-BBoston block. Telephones, Red 1401,Went \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»!

DOCTOR WENTWORTH-Collins bulld-Ing. Telephone, Union M.

DR. SARAH KENDALL. Holyoka block.Telephone, Main Tit.

DR. POWELL. Downa building. Tala-phone. Black 1871.

DR. CALHOUN. Starr-Boyd block. Tal-ephone. Main BM.


tol_. Front BTI.

DR Rir-HTER, Mutual Life. TelephoneEast 271.


MASON, FENNICK A T,*WRWNC"Washington City. Seattle branch, WBurke building. Patent book fr««.



V f». QOVKRNNBNT "JOOJWS-lUankaAa.JIM; peajaoketa. IV r*r,t». B 7i: «he|lertent*. n. natrjr whit* underclothing. *ult.It, co*t the government M.M. wool mi*.Sk; cotton no*. He; watch V*. ffic. nib-bar blanket* or pornboa, 11*. Kirk, 137K1 rat avenua.

BKATTLE WOOLKN HOtTWt oppoallaHotel fltevena, WU Pi rut General out-fitter*. make men * clothing to order;pur* woolen good* direct from mill


PIONKBH manufacturer* of Ala*kaclothing make pur* woolen good* andhave the tx>«t equipped plant for mak-ing clothing In the *iate. Seattle Wool-en Mill. 111! Flr*t Bver.ua-

POHTABI.K bouaa* Office, M New Torkblock



THK AKM YKNT ANI> AWKIKO CO.manufacturer* every thing made of rmn-van. awning* our * pact alt) tl* Secondavenue eouth. phone, MalnWJ

TKKT* AND TaRPAfMSa Ttie rightkind at factory price* Seattle Tent andAwning Company. Marlon »nd W*«t*rnavenue Al*o hydraull.- mining hoa*

TKNTS. tarpaulin and awning cottondock, all weight* and width* Hydraulicmining ho»e r»nt> Tent and Awningf'orrpa*:. 117 Tealer way

KMHtllkr Mlie RUA9KOI S.

At,AUK A h»nd *led*. *»r»» hob *l*4*.h*'d»ood lumber *n4 wagon materialPa'lH- Wat « <"onrarr (Vvjfh Thirdand l*r.» Telerh.rse Mad I*7

AI.ABKA n/VTMIXO S.» t,r .kin* tomanufacture In AS*»ka rl..tHrg at C.T. Wetn» k» WS Railroad aventMl

FTU. !H»e of *lot machine* fo» Papa Nometrade Rw>a I Unwell tuiidlng

7L*LKA»* 'fll< IVM#"\u25a0«-««» 1 kc* <\u25a0*« ?«.* »*.- _m4

TX »<» «?» ?*»??? V*~\u25a0W »\l »««\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 Mutgi\u25a0>« 7-tt»j T J** jj ?» WM 4*. m

\ D ?** ' R«.'Uf I.'«-?» '* r«w

-?uiSsr Vtec-lt

BOOKI 111 II ML1 |

Kuafartann of MBi \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0Miwl't UtiirMU WT |^~T.hUl., ir*nWm p BC \u25a0! 3Bat Mocaark MtM \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0rWMt b>«>>MWAc-

COMPOSITION SL-ZZSXXtw tt>* tr»:« >ur mc*«ur*i la »ii'i

a'!r. il£?^SsS-^



Each day's delay may mM« un-told »gony for tha future. Ourbusiness is to mvi teeth: butaltera It Is positively nec«wsary to

extract, we rerform th« operation

ntwolvit.lv without pain. Crown*of cold and porcalaln placed on old.*-r>m-out stumps so skillfullythatthey cannot I* told from tha nat-ural teeth. They are not onljrlasting. but restore tha naturalbeauty ntid contour to th« mouthand face.

Oold filling* -IISO and upSllrer fllltngs SOc and upPlatinum filling* 11.00 and up

PaMess Extrnctiaf. SOcEXMrioattoii Freo.

SeattleElectro-Dental Co.

Olympic Block,Pionetr Sqn*rt.

Phone* Main 733 a


Igsipess -

!Ws Lagd)oooDD il© 4


5© <s<simtts

TorSalcrp . -"\u25a0! ,^sS

Fruit Laad,Garden Land,

*Hay Land,

11 Alfalfa Laad.All watered by the Soony-

?ide irrigation ditch, Yakimacounty, Washington. Themeet productive land In theUnited States. No drought*no flood*. Terms my. Fireannual payments. Watermaintenance, )l per acre peryear.

DENNY BLUtNE LAND CO.orric£S-DM«w n«rtM a

C* Ban*



{ 711 SfiCOfHO AVENUEA/ s*H*a tMrmc* Irmi (he Alley,

5 Join Davis 6 Co*/ DOkNS BLOCK.
