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The Journal of Borderland Research 1967-03 & 04

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VOLUME XXIII, No. 2 Round Robin MARCH-APRIL 1967 r'v'-'vj he cKeutma J&eipGOeplIaind] esearelh TABLE OF CONTENTS KNOW THE WORKINGS OF THE UNSEEN WORLD By the Yada di Shi'ite ........................ 1-6 DR. DROWN, »»CRIMINAL OR GENIUS»» Part II, by Trevor Janes ....................7-10 OUR ATOMIC HERITAGE, READ IT AND WEEP Clips, Quotes & Comment ......... . . . . . 11-15 ASTROLOGICAL INTERPRETATION, THE LAST SUPPER By Macy P. Mason ............................ 16-20 CLIPS, QUOTES & COMMENTS The Prophecy Corner, Sudden Changes In The Balance Of Power, "Do You Want Something More To Worry About?", Cosmic Prayer For Love, Jack Ruby Not Dead?, Australian Group to Experiment With MWO, Two Letters From Seattle, Sacred Name Pro- nunciation, As Ye Believe, Another »»Letter'» From Andy Hardie, Nothing To Praise In Student Behavior, America - Purveyor of Violence, Help From Vitic, American Edition of »'Healing Hands»», BSRA 1966 Financial Report, Members Vote Yes. .... 21 - 34
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VOLUME XXIII, No. 2 Round Robin MARCH-APRIL 1967

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KNOW THE WORKINGS OF THE UNSEEN WORLD By the Yada di Shi'ite........................ 1 - 6

DR. DROWN, »»CRIMINAL OR GENIUS»»Part II, by Trevor Janes....................7 - 1 0

OUR ATOMIC HERITAGE, READ IT AND WEEP Clips, Quotes & Comment ......... . . . . . 1 1 - 1 5

ASTROLOGICAL INTERPRETATION, THE LAST SUPPER By Macy P. Mason............................ 1 6 - 2 0

CLIPS, QUOTES & COMMENTS The Prophecy Corner, Sudden Changes In The Balance Of Power, "Do You Want Something More To Worry About?", Cosmic Prayer For Love, Jack Ruby Not Dead?, Australian Group to Experiment With MWO, Two Letters From Seattle, Sacred Name Pro­nunciation, As Ye Believe, Another »»Letter'» From Andy Hardie, Nothing To Praise In Student Behavior, America - Purveyor of Violence, Help From Vitic, American Edition of »'Healing Hands»», BSRA 1966 Financial Report, Members Vote Yes. . . . . 21 - 34

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A Publication of Borderland Sciences Research Associates .. . Foundation, Inc.

The Journal is published at the rate of seven or «1 ght issues a year, with the assistance of the Associates, at BSRA Headquarters, the home of the Director, 1103 Bobolink Drive, Vista. Phone No. 714-724-2043.' The Foundation was incorporated under California law, May 21,1951,#254263, and has been in continuous existence since then. Address all correspondence to PO Box 548 Vista, Calif., 92083. The Journal is included in the Association, membership of $5.00 a year. Persons who do not care to join the Association, may receive the Journal by donating $5.00 or more a year to the Foun­dation. Single conies may be purchased for a dollai^. Membership has not been increased since BSRA was foun­ded by N. Meade Layne in 1946, but delinquent members desiring back issues will be charged a dollar for each copy. Office manager for BSRA is Mrs. Judith Crabb.

PURPOSES OF BSRABSRA is a non-profit, informal organization of

people who take an active interest in unusual happen­ings along the borderland between the visible and in­visible worlds. In the words of the late Meade Layne, founder and director of BSRA from 1946 to 1959, "BSRA publications are scientific in approach but employ few technical expressions. They deal with significant phenomena which orthodox science cannot or will not in­vestigate. For example: the Fortean falls of strange objects from the skies, Teleportation, Radiesthesia,PK Effects, Underground Races, Mysterious Disappear­ances, Occult and Psychic Phenomena, Photography of the Invisible, the Nature of the Ethers, and the pro­blem of the Aeroforms (Flying Saucers). In the year 194S the Associates obtained an interpretation of the phenomena which has since come to be known as the Etheric or 4-D Interpretation, and which has not been radically altered since that time. This continues to be the only explanation which makes ggod science, sound metaphysics and common sense."

The chief present concern of the Association is to make this information available as a public serv­ice, with Headquarters acting as a receiving, coun­seling, coordinating and distributing center. A list of BSRA publications is available on request, send 25$ in coin or stamps for a copy.

* * *

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By the Yada di Shitite

From BSRA 10-K, Part IV of the 1950 Ser­ies of Seance Lectures thru Mark Probert.

People approaching the idea of Psychic Surgery and Spirit­ual Healing for the first time may wonder why we present this kind of material with such self-assurance? We have familiar­ized ourselves with the basic principles involved in over 30 years of study. The evidence is voluminous and we have ob­served the trance-mediumship of Mark Probert of San Diego at first hand. He and his controls do not do psychic surgery or other similar phenomena; their chosen field is discussion of philosophical and social problems. The following transcript, of a June 8, 1950 session, oh health, is typical.

"Is there a large gathering on your side, Yada?" asked a guest, after he had taken control of Markfs body.

"Yes," replied the Yada, in his typical Oriental accent. "Each of you have brought your own friends, those on your vi­bration. I will do a mantram." (This he does in the ancient Yu language.) How do you do. I bring to you the blessings of KA, your God and my God, also the good will of the Inner Circle. We call upon Ka to bless Ta — man — you. We call upon Ka to bless Kasa Ya — the house spirit or spirit of the temple. I call to Ka to protect the E-Na-Da of the boy (Mark) — the de­sire body, I also call to Ka to build a wall, not only around him — of protection — but around each of you.

"For everywhere that you go, for everyone that you come in contact with, there are endless kinds of vibratory action unseen to the physical eyes; and some can be very detrimental to you. If you walk through your market places, and come in contact with the many people, you may feel when you return that you are weary from your exertion; that you have this wear­iness through your struggle to get through the crowds. This is not true. Your weariness is brought about by the unseen activity that is going on around you all of the time, but more rampantly and more dangerously so when you are mixing with one another in what is called crowds.

"Some of these forces sap your energies. They are like vampires. These are the true vampires. The ordinary individ­ual has been led to believe that a vampire is one who has been evil and has died and has come back to draw the blood from certain people*s physical bodies — that this personTs physi­cal body gets out of the grave and does these things. It is

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called a werewolf, too. New a werewolf, the vampires, under cer- ? tain conditions, certain things can be brought about that I prefer not speaking of right now; but with the use of magical rites many very unpleasant things can be made to happen.

AWAKEN YOUR HIGH SELF"But man does not need, by the power of his evil, to make

things happen that are evil; they will happen to him if he does not have protection. So it is good, and it is valuable, and it is in­telligent, when you know the workings of the unseen worlds, that you, before you leave your homes, say a little mantram, a little prayer, to your God. We do not care who your God is; say your prayer to Him, in any way, and ask for proteetion.

"This stimulates the awareness sense of the High Self, and in so becoming aware of the needs of the low self it will build a wall around the physical body. This, my friends, is good psychology, if nothing else. Only because man has not been taught to realize that there is much more going on than meets the physical eye, has he been caused to suffer."

"What about the Law of Attraction? Do we not attract only only those of like vibration?" asked Harriet Foster.

"We do indeed, and more. Each individual has within him cer­tain peculiar and particular weaknesses of his own, and those in the unseen world observe these particular characteristics or in­ner workings of the mind, of the low self, and they will flock to that individual just exactly as when a shark in the water is bleeding; this blood attracts more sharks. Now, some of you want to debate with me, please?"

"Is it certain vibrations that are around us that cause cer­tain things to happen, like accidents?" asked a guest.

"Yes, indeed," replied the Yada, "and your psychologists today are coming to realize that a man is responsible for even his ac­cidents. He brings them about by certain states of awareness, by certain ways of thinking. One of these ways is called inner wor­rying — that is, putting their thoughts within to worry, and not doing themselves good. So they become as though in a hypnotic state; they lose, to a degree, even though a small degree, a broad sense of the outer activity that is going on; and then they walk into the many chariots that are in your streets; and they do many peculiar things that bring about their physical suffering. Then they say, *Why did this happen to me? I did not do anything. I have been a good person. What is the matter with God that He is not awake to my goodness?* Then this person will say, *1 am sorry God; I didnft mean that. It was the devil that did it.* Never once does this kind of person stop and think, *It was my fault..I was not awake. I was slightly on the zombie side.»

"All mankind suffers from this at one time or another. So

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we arc not to condemn anyone as being outstanding and beautiful in that field* You can be beautifully evil, as well as beautifully good, you know. Beauty lies in the same diretion as you are lookirg for it.

CANCER, THE PSYCHIC BISEASE"I was reading through the Boy*s eyes that now you are able

to photograph heat radiations from the body. A great advancement. And still with that and atomic energy and the many other useful things, man is suffering great agony with cancer; not only cancer of the physical body, but cancer of the psychic body; for that is where aancer and all disease originates. When a disease becomes organic it is much more difficult to stop its further progress than it would have been had you caught it while it was still in the psy­chic. But you will say — I hear somebody — how can we find it when it is in the psychic? If I were smart I could tell you.

"But let me say, you can find it? What puts it there? Fear, fearl Fear is the greatest curse of man. Anxiety, uncertainty, they breed heart trouble. Fear breeds lung trouble; it breeds paralysis; it breeds arthritis, neuritis. It breeds bad teeth.It breeds — ha — it breeds! That is the beginning, the entrance, the open doorway — the E-Na-Da, the desire body, is the open door­way through which it comes."

"Often we are not conscious of having such fears, and still we get these afflictions. Is the fear operating on other levels?" inquired Meade Layne.

"The fear certainly is operating on other levels, because the physical body is a foreign thing to the self; so on entering into the world, the self — not the High Self, no, but what is better termed the low self — immediately begins that kind of action cal­led fear. It is like one working blindly. The low self sees only through the physical activity.

"Now, we have been asked, ’What about the little baby?1 Some of you know our answer to that. The little baby is only a little baby in body. The form is a baby, meaning new. The life force that occupies that baby body, or new body, is ageless, and it brings with it its endless fears, anxieties, and also its endless know­ledge and understanding of life. Have you ever experiaented with the effect of the mind upon the body by saying to an individual,*You are looking pretty sick*, and tell other individuals to tell him the same thing? By the end of the day, if he is not ill, it is amazing. This is the power of suggestion that you have over one another; and the reason you have it over one another is because you have it over yourself, or the physical self; and these — all these other-selves that you see around you, are your own expres­sions of yourself." Have you ever heard the term Ah-Che-Ita? It means *in your high state of consciousness1, or the High Self."

"How can we bring ourselves to that higher form of conscious-

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ATTAINING THE INNER WORLD"I want to say this, lady. That many things enter into making

an understandable reply to that question, some of which are: What do you think? How do you think? What do you know of your past life or lives? What have you brought over with you consciously or— to use your term — subconsciously? On all these things rests the question of whether or not you can successfully attain that inner world, that inner state called the High State of Bliss, or the Awakening to your own Reality. You see, I cannot say *do this* or fdo that1, because while we may be able to give you the best of technique, it may not work for you, or for you, or for you. All we can Bay is that by certain methods which we have found of worth, you can open the psychic eye. %

"Some of these ideas are first learning the art of breathing (which, by the way, this Boy does not do. We cannot help that.That which he does not comprehend he becomes bored with. This is what you will do with it after I tell you,). Then you must learn the correct posture, how to sit (and it is notqas I now have the Boy’s body). Sitting in certain positions leaves free the Kunda- lini forces to flow up the spine or the brain channel. The breath­ing awakens and starts into high action the chakras of the body.The use of certain mantrams, the making of certain passes, with them you are mentally calling upon wonderful forces, wonderful intelli­gent beings, who will help you."

"For the average person of our Western world, what type of breathing should be first used?" inquired Meade Layne.

"I would suggest that you try to find something written by one of your more awakened scientific men or women that will speak about the many forms of activity of physical matter," replied the Yada.

"There is a very large literature, but little agreement."

"The agreement or disagreement comes about through the fact that those who are not capable of using it find that it is no good," replied the Yada. "If you set before a certain individual a certain way of making mathematical calculations, and that way is foreign to him, he will say it is no good. It cannot work. It is foolish.Give me 1 and 1."

"Is the 4 and 4 rhythm dangerous in any way for a beginner in rhythmic breathing?"

"Yes, sir, it is. It is very likely to create illusions of the worst kind."

"Is that Kumbaka — is the Moon breath dangerous?"

"It is dangerous for those who do not know how to use it.w4

ness, How can we develop it?” asked a guest.

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"For the beginner?"

"Yes. These things are not for the beginner; and that is one of the reasons why, when we are speaking to an open class we are careful of what we say. We do not and will not knowingly allow the unready to walk into open traps."

FIRST OF ALL, PURIFICATION"Isn,t there any kind of simple breathing, then, that you

would be willing to recommend to the beginner?" asked Meade.

"I would recommend first, the not smoking, the not drinking, the proper eating, the proper rest. First, the body should be free of irritations, because as long as the body keeps the self aware of its physical vehicle it cannot escape into more beautiful realms.

"What about diet?" asked a guest. "Should we eat only vege­tables? Is it right that we should eat meat — kill lesser forms of life for our diet?"

"Lady, for those who know that not; it shall not harm to the degree of what we call harm. It will naturally, to some extent — the eating of meat puts into the individual the fear vibrations with vhioh that animal died. Not only that, the stomach of a human being with the kind of teeth he has today — or perhaps has not — it is not advisable; for the stomach extracts the juices from the meat; and there is nothing but fibre left. There is little good, then, to the physical body through eating meat. Have you ever observed a bit of carcass under a high-powered magnifying glass? Right after it was killed? Almost immediately decay sets in. A beautiful pic­ture! Then do you not see why so many people have high blood pres­sure? It is not so much the meat, but the combination of all things that go with it, that acts upon the meat. The body is a chemical composition; so you put meat into it! And you have what you call ♦cake*. . . "

"And pie!" interrupted Irene Probert.

"What is pie?" asked the Yada. (And it was described to him.) "You are catering to the taste buds that operate chemically, and thus create a pleasant sensation; and therefore you are lulled into sleep over what is actually happening. But, I want to say that neither pie, nor cake, nor meat, nor anything else will do you any harm if you understand how to use the forces that you have within your power, to keep the physical body in good condition. Did not your Master, the Christ, say, »Fear not what goes into the mouth, but what comes out of it?*"

"We have known of some Hindu teachers to come here to America," observed a guest, "who lost their incarnation (died) due to the fact that they had not built into their physiological organizations these lower tamasic groups of food. In order to retain their incannations they would have had to build them in."

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"We can readily understand that," replied the Yada. "But those of the Western world do not understand such language as we are now talking. Therefore, any of these things that are spoken to the masses are, as my honorable friend and colleague Lao Tse has said, are shining the light of your wisdom in someone else’s eyes. They are not accustomed to that kind of glare. It is blind­ing to them and they will turn and attack you.

"Listen, please. (The Yada demonstrates the labored breathing of his medium Mark Probert, a heavy smoker.) That is what I tell you when you put the poisons into the system; that is what the re­sults are. We know this; but we use the Boy’s body to speak through;; and we love him and respect him greatly, and are grateful to him for allowing us to do so. We also know that the Law of Life is to help if someone asks for help, and to help them to the de­gree that they will help themselves and no more. Therefore, we cannot do more for the Boy than we could do for you.

"Your God ever attend you. I go."

* * *

The line drawing of the Yada di Shi'ite at right is derived from Mark Probert’s oil painting of the head of the Inner Circle, seen clairvoyantly in the Chinese-type etheric body the teacher wears at present. A color print of the ori­ginal portrait can be obtained from from BSRA Foundation Hdq for 50$.

You can also obtain from us a book of three lessons on occult science, illustrated, over 90 pages, "The Invisible Reality Behind Appearances", for $2.50, post and tax paid.This contains proven tech­niques in rhythmic breathing, concentration, relaxation and other disciplines designed by people of Western temperament for those trying to achieve spiritual development while liv ing in the hard-driving, meat- eating Western World.

BSRA brochure No. 10 - K, 49 pages, from which the remarks of the Yada were taken, is available for $1.25, post and tax paid, from BSRA Foundation Headquarters in Vista.


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By Trevor James

Now to return to Director Riley Crabbfs comment on p. 23 of the July *66 Journal. He states: "Seeing that the carrier waves used in radionics are mental or spiritual, whichever you prefer, it is difficult to see how Dr. DrownTs claim (that her instruments are scientific) is valid," First, the idea that a Drown imtrument uses "mental or spiritual carrier waves" springs not from Ruth Drown but from other people who did not study her work and occupied themselves in tangential approaches to work of this kind. These notions, together with many others equally erroneous, have become associated with Drown Therapy through a sort of conceptual osmosis. These misconceptions should be laid by the heels once and for all as far as the Drown work is concerned.

The Drown instrument is a tuner for vital energy, func­tional energy, formative energy, orgone energy — call it what you will. The Drown instrument tunes the vital spectrum, or, if a desirable relationship is to be established between this work and Orgonomy — the orgone spectrum. That existing and officially accepted scientific instruments are incapable of detecting or in any way analyzing the massive energies involved in the animation of everything living on the earth — far ex­ceeding in magnitude all the atom bombs ever devised — does not mean that instruments for this purpose have not been devel­oped and do not exist.

The barrier between Drown and official science lies in the failure of official science to recognize the existence of a spe­cific biological energy. When Wilhelm Reich, through his needle- sharP and unerring clinical observations of psychiatric patients was led to the discovery of this energy — the existence of which he proved electroscopically, thermoscopically, visually, photo­graphically and with his other multitudionous discoveries — he was crucified.

It is not the intention of death-oriented, mechanistic scientists and chemists to enter the realm of the living, or ex­plore the laws and instruments and technology of the living as devised by Dr. Drown, Reich and others of signal worth. It is their intention to strangle it if they can. When anyone states that the Drown instruments or the Orgone Accumulator are not "scientific" he is, either wittingly or vzwittingly, joining the ranks of the stranglers.

Let us make a brief survey of the modus operandi of theMarch-April 1967 RR, Page 7

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of the Drown instrument, which has many points in common with all kindred instruments. Personally, 1 regard the Drown tuner and the Drown rates or frequencies to be the only correctly designed unit according to the functional principles of vital energy.TUNING THE SPINNING WAVE

The physical layout of the device indicates unerringly that it is intended to tune the spinning waveform or kreiselwelle (Reich) which is the characteristic waveform of primordial mass- free energy easily observable either in an orgone accumulator or in the atmosphere of earth:

KRW or kreiselwelle waveform, the spinning wave.

It is a totally different waveform to the classical sine wave of physics. Hence, the apparatus for manipulating and detecting it must be different also. A Drown instrument appears as a KRW tuner, capable of covering a range of more than two billion combinations. These combinations are in the vital and not the electro-magnetic spectrum.

Obviously, since we are not in the presence of "it works for everyone" mechanistic electronics, the human factor bulks massive­ly in the operation of a Drown instrument as it is built and de­signed today. The specific biological energy of the diagnostician and of the patient are both involved. In the case of the diagno­stician, any kind of muscular armoring (Reich) which is the phys­ical outpicturing of the diagnostician*s own obstructed vital sys­tem, will result in an inability to use the instrument. This is the reason why, in my opinion, the so-called "stick" effect on the rubber detecting pad eludes so many would-be radionic diagnosticians.

The procedure under which the patient is connected to the instrument and the various levels of function in the various or­gans established is quite adequately described in the July 1966 Journal (pps 22 and 23) by Director Crabb. However, it should be recognized that it is not necessary to invent so-called "spirit doctors" in order to rationally understand the therapy.

The process of tuning the instrument to the frequency of a patient*s diseased organs is an act of functional physics, not mysticism, spiritism or alleged discarnate physicians. When such tuning is effected, the totality of the patient*s vital energy on its never-ending return to his organism, is focussed into that area. The accelerated physical cell division in the area is the result of restoring the flow of vital energy to the etheric or formative body at that point. As goes the etheric double, so goes the physical.

Anyone who imagines that Drown Therapy is a cure-all is ig­norant of the human being. He walks around with his complexes, irrationalities, guilt and anxieties locked into his musculature,March-April 1967 RR, Page 8 >■

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blocking by his own subconscious or conscious act the full pure flow of vitality reaching him from the Cosmos. Reich*s term,ARMOR, is desperately needed in New Age healing, and is only part of the vast debt we owe him.

TREE OF LIFE THE BODY BLUE-PRINTDr. Drown for her part was one of the most formidable Qabalis-

tic students in my experience. As she proceeded with her diagnosis the patient’s blueprint was also being placed on the Tree of Life — for the Drown "rates" are those of the Great Rays working in the microcosm. Had it been possible in her lifetime to set down one tenth of what she knew of this relationship we would have today a true Book of Life, but man seems a mite unworthy of such things yet awhile.

To her credit stands the greatest achievement of functional physics to date — the use of the functional energy continuum to take cross-sectional photographs of the hard and soft tissue of the human tissue of the human organism over transcontinental dis­tances. She proved with her magnificent radiovision photographs that in the functional world time and space reduce to a matter of tuning. None of the dabblers, from whom she has chosen to remain aloof, has been able to duplicate this achievement which in itself refutes the absurd "psychic" explanations advanced alike by her friends and foes.

In the hands of a knowledgeable physician/metaphysician like Ruth Drown, the instruments opened the way to unerring diagnosis and to a mathematical expression of the authentic Cosmic connec­tions between psyche and soma — that world of modern medicine filled with lumbering and uncomprehending theorists. The mechan­istic physician-chemist is cut off from all true understanding of these relationships. All that awaits him is his own burial under the avalanche of ad hoc theories and clinical observations now stemming from stepped up mechanistic research.

The medical profession in the U.S.A. is bombed with over 60 ethical publications every month. It is beyond human capacity to absorb or even read all that is being offered. The physician has no hepe of getting this information up into himself -- he cannot make it his own. Thus, it remains outside him in the preservingjars of data retrieval systems, sterile, non-dynamic, the ultimate expression of Mechanism’s failure to survive its own proliferation.

This situation in the medical field is duplicated in all pha­ses of material science. Massive and marvelous as its achievements undoubtedly are, it has proved incapable of coming to grips with the real problems of human existence, let alone the iriddle of crea­tion. Until the differences between the living and the dead are understood — until the concepts of life energy and the human ether- ic double are entertained — our scientists will produce only more and more toys rather than a pathway to the Truth.

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THE SCIENCE OF NATURAL LAWWe are on the threshold of a vibrant new era, in which man

will come to understand a vast new fabric of Cosmic Law. Armed with these great fundamental principles, he will not be buried in inconsequential data which are merely the secondary manifestations of these Laws in the physical=rmineral realm. The only true stan­dard of what is "scientific*1 is whether or not it is an orderly expression of natural law, and man is not always in a position to determine this with finality. As far as the functional realm is concerned, the mechanistic scientist is not qualified to determine the scientific validity of anything!

1A handful of brilliant trail-blazers has crossed the threshold

already and laid the basis for the first really fundamental break with orthodoxy -- the approach to the physics of the living and to the universal primary energy. The faint-hearted will follow in due time. But let us beware of the efforts being made in our civiliza­tion, at this critical period in human evolution, to turn human thought and scientific inquiry away from the functional realm.

As man studies the living processes without bias or precon­ception he can endow himself with functional thinking, the dynamic, mobile, free "spiritual activity" to which the New Age genius Steiner directed so much of his life and teachings and which Wil­helm Reich discovered independently from a broad base in clinical observation.

Continued quiet work in the physics of the living will win its own converts out of human souls hungering for Truth. The merit of the pioneer achievements already established in this field has a magnetism all its own. Our stance should be to welcome all men who are drawn to this work by noble motives, but never, never, never to seek approval or acceptance from the murderous irrational­ity of the orthodoxj

* * *

"HEALING HANDS" - In his book on the highly successful work of Dr. William Lang, spirit doctor, journalist Hutton tells of Dr. Lang’s reply to his questions about diagnosis and spirit surgery: "I am in a privileged position, because earthly conditions to not inter­fere with my work. Attending to the spirit body (etheric double)I can examine each organ with ease and am not handicapped by the skin and other tissues that cover the organs of the physical body.I am able to see and recognize what is wrong. If I need to operate on the spirit body (etheric double) or give it any other form of treatment, I must draw it slightly away from the physical body so as to establish the healing vibrations with the spirit world — draw on the spirit power (the universal primary energy; — so that the spirit body is in a proper condition to be attended to."

The above from Director Crabb*s second talk on spiritual heal­ing, "Three Great Aquarian Age Healers", mimeo book, over 60 pages, pictures, illustrations, $2.50 a copy, post and tax paid.

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Clips, Quotes & Comments

"Atomic Radiation Studies", by Australian Alan Bonham, from "Under­standing" magazine for February, 1967:

"Are the perils of radiation being exaggerated? There are a number of scientists who would have us believe this is definitely so; but there are others, who have taken the trouble to conduct all manner of exhaustive tests, who are of the opinion that the human race is threatened with extinction if the radio-active fallout con­tinues in its present strength.

"Dr. V. Russell, a U.S. geneticist, has been experimentintgviribh mice since 1953. He recently announced that after moderate dosages of radiation they ’not only suffered a pronounced shortening of life, but the lives of their offspring had been shortened too, which was quite unexpected.'

"Dr. Russell estimated that a human being would lose-about 21 days of life for each neutron uit of dosage to which he was exposed. This would apply also to their unborn children. The matter, how­ever, does not rest there. The children's lives would not only be shortened, but a large percentage would be born with some aajor handicap, such as a mental defect, or a physical malformation. Dr.. Warren Weaver, chairman of the Committee on Genetic Effects of Atom­ic radiation, recently made this announcement. He said that some six thousand defective babies would be born to the present genera­tion as a result of atomic weapon tests.

"Physical malformation in children is already on the increase.In recent years there has been a spate of Siamese twins. In Chel­tenham, England, an excessive number of tiny babies and still born children are being produced. The tiny babies trend was first noti­ced in 1950. The number has steadily increased each year. This prompted Sir Ernest Rock Carling, consnltant to the Home Office Min­istries of Supply and Health to issue the following warning:

"'All potential parents ought to take the utmost care to aveid the accumulation of the smallest dose of radiation lest their chil­dren pay the penalty. The radiation sins of the father are visited on the children to many generations hence.'

"Soon afterwards it was discovered that the town of .Bath was similarly affected, the still birth rate having increased alarmingly. On being quizzed by the newspapers, a Government spokesman was for­ced to admit that experiments with mice had sown that still births were among the effects they had noticed as a result of dosages of radiation. Another strange effect of radiation has been noticed by Prof. R. Turpin of the University of Paris. He recently made it

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known that radiation reduces the ratio of boy to girl babies.

"There has also been an increase in the birth of freak animals. Siamese twin pigs have been born in Platteville, USA; a two-headed tortoise was found among a lot of 500 purchased from a Louisiana farm by Timothy McCarthy, who runs a pet shop in New Jersey, while a little mongrel spaniel called Pinky recently gave birth to a green puppy in Denver, Colorado.

"Eggs containing three yolks are becoming quite common. One poultry farmer told newspaper reporters that in addition to three- yolk eggs, he was finding some with no yolks at all! Others had another egg inside, complete with shell. He vas also getting large numbers of bad eggs straight from the neat, and even some with baby eggs attached to the outside, like Siamese twins.

"In America and Australia cattle breeders are becoming increas­ingly concerned by the alarming increase in dwarf cattle. In some cases, mature bulls weighed less than 70 lbs., and were not more than three foot tall. Hydra-headed flowers have been reported from many parts of the world. A six-headed tulip was recently on display at Arbroath, Scotland. Another, with three heads, was found at Wick. Barley seeds obtained from stock subjected to atomic radiation dur­ing an explosion at Bikini Atoll have produced strange plants.

"Increasing amounts of dangerous radioactive materials have been found in milk in the United States since nuclear weapons tests started. These are but a few of the facts that have been made pub­lic, but they suffice to show that if we avoid blowing ourselves to Kingdom Come, we could be headed for something infinitely worse— a world peopledwith freaks and cretins."

WHAT SAYS THE YADA?During a trance lecture through Mark Probert in San Diego on

June 6, 1957, the Yada di Shi’ite anticipated Mr. Bonham's above remarks by ten years:

"The major mischief of the atombomb has been done. All that ’ is lacking in comparison with actual warfare is the blast effect. Your cities are structurally intact, nor has there been direct and immediate loss of a vast number of lives. But these fortunate facts blind you to the true major catastrophe — the genetic effects and the effects on the bodies of those now living.

"I do not wish to continue to repeat such statements -- I shall not repeat them again. I here say once for all that you are con­fronted with the most serious danger, the most imminent menace to the human race and the earth-planet which has ever existed. All that your experiments have left out is the physical effects of heat and concussion. The true and deadly harm to the living and to the unborn generations has not yet been realised."

Then he turned to a more pleasant? subject, Flying Saucers.

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»»COSMIC KIDNAPPERS»»"On this matter of mysterious disappearances,»» said the Yada,

»»of which there have been a great number. Yes, certainly there are ♦cosmic kidnappers* as you call them. For thousands of years visi­tors from space and from various celestial bodies have carried off people, objects of all kinds, animals also, and more recently planes and their occupants.

"But you must also bear in mind that some disappearances are connected with the phenomenon known as the warping of space. You have been taught that space is nothingness. This *thing* you call space is substance of a kind — and it is 100,000 times more dense than any of the so-called solids of your earth plane. There are layers upon layers of different densities, and what you might call 'cracks* open between them, A warp may be thought of as a kind of fold in space stuff. Such folds give entrance to new space-worlds with different character and densities. The person or object caught up will vanish from your perceptions. Space Beings take advantage of space warps to pass from one plane of existence to another. Now, there are also time warps. and the person caught in them may issue in full consciousness in a different historical period — or in a different but corresponding physical environment.

"Anyone caught in space or space-time warps will usually suffer from amnesia, or perhaps become mentally deranged. Warped space is associated with gravitational and/or magnetic fields. Teleporta- tion is often connected with space warps, matter becomes energy and energy reappears as matter.

"All the life of your physical world is fed from the low ether- ic; the high etheric is not affected by this. Your earth is a core. as if of concentric spheres of increasing densities of the ethers.An immense development of technical knowledge, about the warping of space and time, and the ethers, is opening up before you. I have in mind the De la Warre photography of past and future, or etheric moulds and patterns. All that I have barely hinted at will be ex­pressed in scientific terms and employed in ways you have not dream­ed of. Space warps and frequencies will be known and used. You will learn how to teleport your own bodies — how to dial yourself to London, safely and instantly!

"With such possibilities before you, you turn your science to the production of morons, idiots, incredible deformities, even an uninhabitable planet. The harm already done is the point of no re­turn. What lies beyond you will discover, but you cannot undo, can­not turn back." * ■* *PRINCETON, NJ (UPI) - "Dr, Robert J, Oppenheimer, the quiet physicist who helped create the atom bomb to end war and later called it a sin, . . . died Saturday night (Feb. 18, 1967) at his Olden Farms home of throat cancer. He was 62. . . He was director of Los Alamos Sci­entific Laboratory, working on the atom bomb until 1945. . . "

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"THE WORLDWIDE THREAT TO ALL LIVING THINGS"LA "TIMES”, Jan. 10, 1967 - "Radioeative fallout from nuclear wea­pons tests is dropping out of the stratosphere into the atmosphere we breathe and will go on increasing at this lower level until about 1975, a Caltech professor said Monday.

"M.S. Plesset said after 1975 the fallout will begin to decline rapidly — about a third faster than has been estimated previously. Even so scientists 100,000 years from now will still be able to de­tect the fallout from the weapons testing of the 20th century, even if there is never another such explosion.

"Dr. Plesset, professor of engineering science at Caltech, said in a statement that the radioactive debris now falling into the at­mosphere from above was produced by the nuclear tests of the United States and Russia. It is estimated that a total of 500 megatons has been detonated in above-ground nuclear explosions to date. He said that even though the total radioactivity from fallout is small com­pared with the natural background radiation from cosmic rays and other sources, one of the fallout isotopes, carbon-14, is significant because it poses a long and world-wide threat to all living things.

"The genetic damage carbon-14 is capable of doing will last a long time, since its *half-life* is 5,739 years. That means it will take that many years for the carbon-14 in the atmosphere to lose half its damage capability. Carbon from the atmosphere is one of the vi­tal building blocks of all living cells, Dr. Plesset said. In choos­ing their building materials, cells cannot tell the difference between radioactive and non radioactive carbon.

M,If carbon-14 becomes associated with the genetic material in reproductive cells, it can attack them over many generations because this material is, in a sense, immortal,1 he said. 'That's why the rate at which carbon-14 is settling out of the atmosphere into the deeps of the ocean is especially significant. Settling with are such radioactive materials as strontium-90, with a half-life of 28 years, and cesium-137, with a half-life of 30 years.*

"Dr. Plesset used carbon-14 as a tracer to find out how fast fallout leaves the atmosphere and winds up in the ocean depths. Re­sults of this analysis are contained in a report prepared for the Atomic Energy Commission by Dr. Pleeeet and Doris Dugas, a physical scientist at RAND Corporation. Although nuclear tests tripled the amount of carbon-14 in the atmosphere, the levels are still too small to do any damage except by inducing mutations, according to the Cal­tech professor.

"He based his prediction that fallout will leave the atmosphere more rapidly than had previously been thought on the recent discovery that the oceans and atmosphere have a closer physical relationship in polar regions than anywhere else. Near the poles the transfer of fallout from the atmosphere to the oceans is more rapid because of higher winds and rougher seas, plus the fact that the surface of the

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polar seas is carried by current into ocean deeps in temperate and tropical regions. This faster exchange between sea and atmosphere takes place on about a fourth of the surface of the world’s oceans.

"Fallout reaching the surface of polar seas is quickly «taken under water into the safe reservoir of the deeps. Dr. Ples- set said before weapons testing carbon-14 was only a millionth of a millionth of the carbon in the atmosphere. The natural carbon-14 is produced by ^/cosmic ray neutrons colliding with nitrogen-14 in the stratosphere.

"Carbon-14 readily links up with oxygen to form radioactive carbon dioxide which is breathed by animals and taken in by plants."

repeatIt gives us little satisfaction to/Dr. Plesset’s doleful ana­

lysis of the results of the curse laid on us by the atomic weapons- testing program of the early 1950s. But it’s just another public confirmation of the private predictions of the Yada di Shi’ite and other members of the Inner Circle through Mark Probert in San Diego. This is why we pay serious attention to the Seance material.TO HELL WITH KENNEDY’S ATOMIC TEST-BAN TREATY 1Washington, DC (AP), Feb. 27, 1967 - "Former Republican Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater said Sunday that if the United States is thinking seriously about building an antiballistics missile (ABM) system, then we have to break the nuclear test-ban treaty. Gold­water said that in secret testimony before the Senate preparedness subcommittee in 1963, a scientist he did not name had said the United States did nftt then have the capabilities to build such an antimis­sile system and would not have it without atmospheric tests. Shortly thereafter, the test-ban treaty was signed, Goldwater noted, and at­mospheric testing stopped.

"Therefore, the former Arizona senator said, we still do not have the capabilities and, ’if we seriously intend to go ahead with it (the ABM system), I think we have to break the treaty. We have the right to do it. We have to be able to test the results. . . *

"Goldwater made his remarks on the television program Face the Nation."

Let’s take a balanced, Kabalistic view of ex-Senator Goldwater’s position. On the one hand we can sympathize with him and the muni­tions makers he represents; for Kennedy’s nuclear test-ban treaty meant a loss of highly profitable business to them. After all, our principle concern is the making of money! How fortunate it was for the munitions makers that President Kennedy was assassinated only a month or so after the test-ban treaty was signed! Thus this trouble­some peace-maker was out of the way and the nation could prepare for another profitable war* On the other hand, we should also sympathize with the mothers who will give birth to an increasing number of crip­ples, morons, freaks and monsters in the coming generations. Do you suppose the ex-Senator will return as one of them?

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By Macy P. Mason

The Rays from the Twelve Constel­lations of the Zodiac hold the earth and mankind locked in an iron grip. We cannot escape these stellar influences, we can only learn to understand them and yield gracefully to the pressure of their

tides. RHC,

On the evening before Jesus Christ died on the Cross of Golgotha, he had gone to the Garden of Gethsemane after spend­ing the afternoon working and teaching, before he and the Dis­ciples came weary and hungry to partake of the Last Supper in an upper chamber prepared for this important ceremony. His first act was to wash the feet of the Disciples. Considering the im­portance and the high esteem in which the Disciples held their Master, this washing of their feet appeared as a great act of humility and stirred their emotions mightily.

Silently Jesus arose and took place at the table, inviting the Disciples to be seated also. In graat silence and receiving the close attention of these men, Jesus broke the bread, saying, "Take, eat, this is my flesh," Then he took wine saying, "Take ye, this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many. The Disciples were puzzled over this mystery and Jesus suddenly said, "Verily, I say unto you that one of you shall betray me." That was the climax point and His Disciples were exceedingly sor­rowful, each one of them asking "Lord, is it I?" It is this im­pressive nmment which the artist has chosen to represent as the best expression for the twelve zodiacal signs. Each figure vi­brates and lives within its own character as we will see in the following paragraphs.

The astrological meaning of this painting of the Last Sup­per is so strongly symbolized that when each figure is understood it represents the definite sign of the Zodiac in such clear person ification that none of them may be inter-changed. The picture has gained world fame under the title of "The Last Supper" and we have in the United States one of the finest copies in the form of a stained glass window at Forest Lawn Memorial Cemetery, Glen­dale, California. This was created by a family of artists in Italy who keep their color formula as a strict secret.

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THE FOUR ELEMENTSThe four trestles supporting the table represent the four el­

ements, Fire, Air, Water and Earth. The word "element" meant for the ancients "of unknown origin". In this way, they humbly admit­ted their human ignorance of the very essence of things, and for this reason, the top of the four trestles is not visible because covered by a white cloth, acting as a veil. This is the symbolism of our earth, where harmony would reign if the innocence expressed by the white cloth were to support our exchanges and doings.

Jesus Christ in the center symbolizes the creative fire forces carried through the air element, the words through the breath, and the breaking of bread, or earth element, and giving of wine or liquid element. Through this act, He symbolized His willingness for making a complete sacrifice. It was through this sacrifice and obedience that the Christian Age accomplished so much. It showed, too, the perfect blending and cooperation of the four el­ements. Jesus, represented as Capricorn, expresses the ideal of a savior and truth. Those are good Saturn qualities. Judas, sit­ting to his right, represents the Christ's counterpart, seen as the liar and betrayer or expression of the low Saturn qualities.As Christ is the LIGHT, Judas is the Shadow. When Jesus spoke the words "One of you shall betray me" — Judas with his right hand grasped the money-bag and symbolized the thought: "How do you know, if you do not touch the material symbol through the money?" In those two figures we find expressed the idealism and materialism warring with each other.

When Judas reached for the money bag, he spilled the salt symbolizing that the materialist who takes out of his life the salt of idealism makes his own life poor and hard. Jesus answered him only by opening his left hand showing that His inspiration was di­vine and that Judas could not see or understand without having the material touch of that which he wished to know.

The entire group of twelve Disciples is divided into four sec­tions consisting of three persons each. These symbolize the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. They also symbolize the seasonal cross on which mankind is nailed to go through the un­folding of the cardinal months, the fixity of the fixed months, and the splitting up and new adaptations of the by-corporal months.

Starting from the right and proceeding to the left, we find Matthew, the custom's officer, seated at the very end of the table holding his two hands upward, in a scale formation. Hearing Jesus Christ's accusation, Matthew tries to balance and weigh the chances of a compromising outcome, a typical characteristic of the sign of Libra.

The next man seated close to him is Thaddeus, representing the sign of Scorpio. His raised right hand shows the claw of the Scor­pion and in his wild glance one sees how deeply aroused he is over the problem Jesus placed before the Disciples.

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Following Thaddeus, we see Sifaon Zeolotus, representing the sign of Sagittarius. He holds his hand like an arrow, seeming to inquire "Did you hear it?" This shows his readiness to discuss and defend. He was a Disciple who traveled to foreign countries. All these typical Sagittarian qualities appear.

THE MATERHAL SIGN OF THE ZODIACThe fourth Disciple represents the sign of Cancer and his name

is Philip. He is pictured standing up, holding hands against his chest, and in his maternal expression the Cancerian characteristics are clearly visible. It is Philip who shows the Christ his treas­ure of deep feeling and how keenly his emotions are stirred. His is the most maternal expression of the twelve.

James, the Greater, in green clothing, represents the sign Leo. He spreads out his arms showing that his generous heart is full of horror and he offers his person for Christ’s protection. The sign of Leo rules the heart and this Disciples is closest to Jesus1 heart in the "physical sense" while John was the beloved in the spiritual sense.

Behind James, one sees only the head and raised fingers of Thomas symbolizing Virgo, He also asks Jesus, as did the ever- doubting Thomas, "Am I the betrayer?" This expressing that he even doubts his DOUBTS, Of all the Disciples, the artist pictures the least of the personality expressing in that manner the pettiness of Virgos* character.

These six signs of which we have spoken reach from Cancer over Libra to Capricorn, denoting the six slow-rising signs. On Jesus Christ’s right are placed the six fast-rising signs, from Capricorn over Aries to Cancer.

The first disciple placed at Jesus* right represents John the Beloved, symbolizing the sign of Pisces. He expresses the spirit of silent sacrifice and passive resistance of the Piscean. He leans toward the impulsive Simon Peter and the betrayer, Judas, expres­sing in his countenance the sorrow he feels for the violence in them both, and that they must over come John first before they can harm Jesus Christ,

Simon Peter is the only one of the Disciples vho carries a sword and who several times tries to use it in the service of the Master. He signifies the fighting spirit of Mars in the sign of Aries. He never conceived the consequences of his rash act in rush­ing impulsively to Christ’s protection.

The hand laid on Peter’s shoulder is that of James, the Lesser, the youthful. He represents the peace-loving Aquarius so that Peter put back his sword. It is curious to notice the strange influence Aquarians have over the Aries type. We think it is the only sign to which impetuous and rash Arie'S tries to listen.

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The Disciple raising both hands in astonishment and suspicion is Andrew, representing the sign of Gemini. He already suspects Judas as the betrayer and shrinks away. We know that Gemini is very intuitive and rules the hands. For this reason, the hands are shown in such spectacular display by the artist, Leonardo.

Sincere and honest Bartholomew, representing the sign of Tau­rus, stands on the very end of the left side of the table. In his slow, plodding fashion, he finds it difficult to understand the far-reaching meaning of Jesus1 accusation. His expression seems to say that however events will turn, he will have his feet firmly set on the ground, although still faithful to his Master.

THE SEARCH FOR JUDASAn outstanding factor of this painting is that the face of

Judas was a white spot and was not painted for twenty years, al­though otherwise this this beautiful picture had been finished. Indeed, it had been considered finished with the exception of that Disciple. Leonardo da Vinci could not find a model expressing the rottenness of Judas. Everydoby in the town knew that the ar­tist was searching for a model and frequently the turnkeys of the jail call Da Vinci upon the arrival of new prisoners, so that he might make a choice and receive first-hand information of their crimes. Yet the years rolled by and no prisoner* s expression satisfied the vision Leonardo da Vinci held in thought regarding Judas. Finally, at the end of two decades, a turnkey associated with that large jail, called the artist and told him he believed he had the right man. Arriving at the prison and seeing the cul­prit, da Vinci wished immediately to sketch him as he appeared the exact type of the betrayer. When the portrait had been completed, the prisoner inquired of the artist.

’»Do you not recognise me?”

Leonardo replied in the negative. Then there followed the amazing revelation that twenty years ago, the artist had painted him as Jesus Christ; for at that time he had been a beautiful, promising young man. Later having turned to wrong paths, his countenance expressed the evil change. In a flash of intuition da Vinci understood that Jesus Christ and Judas had to be born under the same sign, Capricorn, because the Saviour was the LIGHT of the world and Judas the black Shadow. These two eternal forces are in everlasting conflict.

Concerning the four elements denoted by the groups of men, we find that the fire element was represented in James, the Elder or Leo, Simon Zalotus or Sagittarius, and Simon Peter or Aries; and to those the artist gave the most radical and expressive fea­tures. This is a typical fire characteristic.

The earth element represented by Judas or Capricorn, Barthol­omew or Taurus, and Thomas or Virgo, shews the steadiness and slow­ness of the earth element in getting a firm hold on the table, or

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earth. Only Thomas, the doubter, was not permitted to reach the table because of his pettiness.

Matthew the Libran, Andrew the Gemini, and James the Lesser ss as Aquarius, show through their hand-expression turning outward their palms, the openness of the air-element to the contrary of the secretiveness of the water-element, which forces these men to hold their palms inward. This can be seen very clearly in Philip, the Cancerian, John the Beloved or Pisces, and Thaddeus the Scorpion.

PROOF OF JESUS'S BIRTH SIGNIt is our desire to bring two Bibilical proofs as to why Cap­

ricorn was Jesus Christ's birth sign. We find in the first chapta* of Genesis that the first time appointed by God was the Day. It began in the evening and closed in the evening. This configuration gave Libxa rising and placed Capricorn in the fourth house.

The second time appointed by God was the week marked by the Sabbath. The Sabbath being the seventh day of the week was ruled by Saturn, master of Capricorn. Our Sunday was instituted in the second century after Christ. Jesus Christ in all His teaching never gave any indication of breaking away from the Sabbath or seventh day, Astrologically, this is easily understood. Since Saturn is an evil planet, the ancient Hebrews taught that the day ruled by him would be best employed by resting. This was so that they could begin their new week on the SUN-day, the most powerful day for ac­tion and gaining success. It was through pagan influence of so- called Christian philosophers that Emperor Constantine was forced to accept Sunday, or the day of the Master, as our present holy day, a day or rest from labor.

We conclude with an intensely interesting symbolism regarding Jesus Christ. He was a man, a law, a principle. Christ denotes tie will. Mary was the symbol of Purity. Yod signifies the scienfi- fic truth and Saturn stands for desire. So the mystery of Jesus Christ's birth was as follows: The Virgin Mary, or pure soul free from all sex desires or Satan, loves Yod, or God, the great fire flame, in order to bring to this world, the Christ or Will, whose work forces Satan or desire into darkness. The will of Christ, turning the serpent of desire, or Satan, and conceiving the Lamb of Peace, or sacrifice, can only be born through intelligence, vir­gin of all sexual illusions, and possessed by the scientific spirit of Truth. Spirit means in this connection the power in quality aid quantity in relation to man's need, whether good or evil.

"Truthfully, the atom has never been smashed, only a piece of it has been blown away, one of the outer shells. Should you ever truly break up the atom you would not only turn it off into another but you would turn your whole solar system into what is called a super solar, causing the whole solar system to become nothing but light radiation, many million times brighter than your sun."

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C lips, Q uotes S C o m m e n t s


Teane Dixon’s Predictions for 1967. sent in by Associate Jean Tan- eyhill, taken from the Washington D.C. "Evening Star” for January 4, 1967, in Barbara Kober's Column:

"But if another of Mrs. Dixon’s prognostications materializes, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats — nor any politician — will have a happy 1967. She predicts that a mysterious ’sixth column is working to take over the United States government’,

"In no way related to communism, this mysterious conspiracy is made up of extremely wealthy men whose money endows them with enough influence to lure some of the most valuable government brains into their ranks. Some have already left the government and more will follow, according to the seeress, who adds to this prediction a warning: ’Beware of the big tax free foundations'.

"In her crystal ball, Mrs. Dixon sees tentacles reaching from the mysterious sixth column to Paris and London. Some of the peo­ple involved — whose names she prefers not to mention publicly — were unaware that the purpose of the power group is to try to form a shadow government to run America."

THE MOST INSIDIOUS TREACHERIES REVEALEDIf there is anything to Astrology, the stars should indicate

when the above mentioned group should make its bid to take over control of America, to save us from Communism, no doubt. Fritzie Armstrong spells it out pretty clearly in her "1967 World Predic­tions" in Llewelyn's "Moon Sign Book" for 1967. This crisis will peak around the Autumnal Equinox, some time during the Lunar month, Sept. 4 — Oct. 3. On page 222 Miss Armstrong writes:

"In the U.S .A. A wave of consternation sweeps our country and maybe throughout the world. An expose quite Insidious in its power comes to light bringing Confusion and Suspicion into the at­mosphere. People in high places will be 'shook* plenty. Some of them completely falling from their pedestals. While this may in­volve our President, it could be too that this would be thru those in his Executive Family.

"Such things as the Smashing of Dope Rings probable. Vice Rings and such Dens of Iniquity where degradation of all nature thrives may easily be part of the expose. Cartels of enormous power and prestige brought to their knees. Certainly this is a Prestige-Smasher. The public will have much news copy on what may prove to be the Scandal og the Century. All countries will feel

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this in some department of their lives, or be involved in this.In other words, this could be .an1 International expose with great and insidious treacheries uncovered in the world. It could even go so far as to involve many of the Leaders, themselves. , . "

WHAT SAYS MANLY HALL?"Some of the planetary patterns almost defy interpretation!"

said the dean of California metaphysicians in his Forecast of World Trends in 1966. These were published in the Spring 1966 Journal • of Mr. Hall's Philosophical Research Society and are worth repeat­ing here now. "In the good old days the interpretation of the world chart was a comparatively simple matter. National patterns were clear-cut, and policies usually worked out with reasonable consistency. In the past few years, however, situations have be­come generally more confused. . . This is especially true of 1966, where the chart for the Vernal Equinox is a mass of confusions and contradictions. I have never been inclined to fatalistic attitudes, and my policy of rather cautious optimism has been farily success­ful for the past twenty-five years; so I will continue to assume that conflicting planetary testimonies have a tendency to reduce the intensity of the various aspects and configurations. Confu­sion more or less exhausts itself, in this way protecting the world from major catastrophies."

Them's comforting words, podner! In view of the irresistible Aquarian pressures for change. In his "World Trends For 1967", Mr. Hall notes that the world situation continues to be normal, all fouled up, "In 1967 there is not much hope for general clarifica­tion of the world's political and economic atmosphere." And why? Because nothing's been done about the basic problems dogging socie­ty. He writes, "The stress symbols (of the stars) remain strong, partly due to the fact that very little of a solutional nature was accomplished (in 1966), or even attempted. The trend for some time* has been to drift and to meet crises as they arise without any real­istic plans to guide the legislator or the economist."

Mr, Hall's analysis of star pressures on the earth generally confirms that about which the ladies have been more specific above:"Generally speaking, it will be a complicated year in educational, religious, scientific and political policy-making institutions. The tendency is resent the rise of institutional dictatorships. The various organizations that man has devised for the purpose of con­tributing to his well-being, are now arbitrary and tyrannical, led by persons who regard their authority as little short of the divine right to enforce theirr own opinions upon the world in general. This attitude is distinctly out of style,"ALL IN ALL, RULERS WILL HAVE A ROUGH YEAR,"

Writes Mr. Hall in his 1967 predictions. "They will remain un­popular, largely because they have been indifferent to the reason­able needs of the people, , , There are dangers to persons in high office -- both from natural causes and from assassination. , . The

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exploiting of countries by their .leaders will be increasingly dan­gerous, inasmuch as the public mind i>s easily angered by corrup­tion of this kind, . .

"SUDDEN CHANGES IN THE BALANCE OF POWER""There may be an unusual number of deaths among legislators,

members of senates, houses of representatives. . . Some of these deaths will strongly affect major policies, and may cause sudden change in the balance of power between the branches of government.Also great care must be exercised in watching legislators and keep­ing check upon their activities. Some unusual conspiracies and abuses of power are likely to be discovered. . . "

And here now is Manly Hall's astrological confirmation of the Jeane Dixon prophecy. He sees it as an unfortunate but necessary airing of a political situation which must be cleared up: "This year a smoldering situation is very likely to break out into some­thing resembling a showdown, forcing into the open practices and policies that are not only contrary to the public good, but are lacking in basic ethics and integrity. We have a very violent grouping of planets in this area, with much solid pressure, and under it there is a good chance that needed reformw will come about."

Pertinent indications under National Trends seen by Mr. Hall are these: "The President of the United States is subjectoto increas­ing health difficulties. He will find more and more resistance to his policies and programs. . . the Executive Branch of government is generally afflicted, with sickness and death to elder statesmen, and danger of unpleasant scandals and disclosures. . . Relations with foreign countries will be adversely affected by the death of statesmen abroad and the retirement or dismissal of policy-making leaders in this country, . . " (Copies of Manly Hall's "PRS Jour­nal" are $1.25 each and can be obtained from The Philosophical Re­search Society, Inc., 3910 Los Feliz Blvd., Los Angeles,'Cal. 90027.)

Here's a hint as to where the billionaire conspiracy is devel­oping. This was received March 15, 1967 by a Mid-west Associate doing research in ESP: "Watch the news closely in the next six months here in the States. You will see a pattern emerge of a completely ruthless, octopus-like organization. Those at the top are directing it toward treasonous activities to quickly transform this country into a Fascist Police State in a matter of days, once the signal is given. This will be prevented, but to involve yourself will sonn find you in a position in which you either join in these activities or die. This is a warning again that the right-wing factions are powerful and far more dangerous a threat than Communism."

Do any of you remember the dramatic novel, "Seven Days In May", by Fletcher Knebel? Hollywood made a good movie out of it, with Burt Lancaster playing the part of the MacArthur-type general who tried to take the president into protective custody so he could rule America by force, and failed because one younger officer, played by Kirk Douglas, chose Democracy.

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'»DO YOU WANT SOMETHING MORE TO WORRY ABOUT?”We*re all concerned about the ever-present threat of catastro­

phe, fascinated by ideas of terrible destruction, but hoping that we*ll be spared while others suffer. Such was the question put to the Yada di Shi*ite while Mark Probert was on tour last year. Asso­ciate Pete Spreen sent us a brief portion of the Yada*s talk at Unity Temple in New Orleans, May 29, 1966, on tape. Remember, New Orleans had suffered a great flood from a hurricane the previous year.

"What else, please?" asks the Yada of his audience.

"Four questions, Yada," replied a lady, "but they interrelate."

"All right."

"How and why did New Orleans attract Hurricane Betsy? What lessons were to be learned from it? Are there more hurricanes or other natural disasters coming to New Orleans and if so, when?What is forseen for New Orleans in the near future and what geo­logical changes can be expected for New Orleans in the next 20 or 30 years?"

"Do you suppose those last questions referred to the first question we answered about the negative conditions in New Orleans?" asked the Yada. (Laughter from the audience). "And here I have been talking about you, not the forces of Nature!

"My friends, truly you do not expect me to give you answers to questions like that. If I could do that, you would not have to do any thinking at all. I would be living your life. You would have to become dependent on me for everything. Think of the nature of those questions. What is to become the future of New Orleans and also what about the past?

"Nothing is mentioned about the present. This is the way man lives. He lives in the future; he lives in the past; and, if he does this, where is he in the present? This means he*s dead in all three places! Hah, hah, hah, (Laughter from the audience). You know, seriously, nations are like individual human beings. They are born. They go through a period of growth, and then they die.When they die it becomes academic as to what killed them. No more!It is just academic. They are dead! What can you do about it?

"What about the present? We bring violence to ourselves. We create what are called Natural Catastrophes. We say this because it takes the blame off of us. We didn*t do it. *1 was minding my own business when the hurricane came. It destroyed all my property. Do you think I would do something like that?* Yes, we do.

"Inside of us there is a drive, a drive to better ourselves.This is a natural, honest drive. But if we are not careful, we can create conditions. Unconsciousness -- I liking that word. That

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also saves us from being responsible. *1 did it unconsciously. I didn’t mean to do it. Uh, I just wasn’t thinking at the moment.’All those are true. We weren’t thinking,

A PREVIOUS CATASTROPHE, 500,000 YEARS AGO"My civilization was destroyed," continued the Yada. "The de­

struction came about in the form of earthquakes, winds, ice from out of black, black skies. Fire descended to the earth and rose up from the earth, cremating, also suffocating every living, breath­ing being.

"You think that started out of nothing? It started out of the greed, the enslavement, of the few over the many. The pain it brought, the anxiety of individuals, millions of individuals, be­cause this body is an electronic body. It gives off energy even as it takes it on. These energies of negative action are driven out of us by fear and anxiety for our security, by our pains. These create energy that reacts violently upon the space around us. We, in this manner, breed our own destruction. We shake the earth.We create the howling winds. We create the darkness; for the dark­ness is the essence of ignorance.

"New Orleans will not suffer alone. Hydrogen and other atomic agencies have produced in your atmosphere a very lasting effect.our whole country and a good many parts of Europe and Asia are

going to suffer greatly with violent storms, with quakings, with floods. Oh, yesi Five years ago we of the Inner Circle suggested that somebody stop man from continusouly poisoning his atmosphere, changing the vibrations in the atmosphere through the abuses of at­omic power.

"Then we said you have a year to go before you have reached the point of no return in atomic abuse. You have reached it. My friends, you want something else to worry about? You think you have ncthing to worry about now? Hmmmph?" (End of tape,)

COSMIC PRAYER FOR LOVE"Father, may Thy Infinite Light of Love be so concentrated into the Hearts of all beings, visible and invisible, that dwell with the Earth, upon the Earth, and above the Earth, that the Unity of Complete Brotherhood will manifest, thus giving forth Thy Love throughout the Universe."

Eugene HurtienneRte 1, Box 1550-1San Marcos, Calif. 92069

For more printed copies of the above prayer, write to Mr. Hurtienne at his San Marcos address.

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JACK RUBY NOT DEAD?"Did you hear about a radionics expert checking a photo of

Jack Ruby with his instrument? And finding out that Jack Ruby is alivel This is the radionics engineer, Ed Jensen, we visited last year at Apache Junction, Arizona between Phoenix and the Supersti­tion Mountains. He has some unusual instruments!"

Joe Dun Sloan Huntington Park, Calif.

Of course Jack Ruby isn’t dead, Joe, nobody dies! They just slough off the old form either quickly or slowly. Better find out what "Dr" Jensen means by alive. And here’s one for you, Joe, Ruby didn’t murder Oswald. Someone else did, according to Ruby’s lawyer.

WHO KILLED OSWALD?Las Vegas (LA "Times", March 19, 1967): "Lee Harvey Oswald was not killed by the bullet fired into his stomach two days after he ass­assinated President Kenney, one of Jack Ruby’s lawyers claimed here Saturday. Attorney Joe H. Tonahill said a Texas pathologist has stated unequivocally that Oswald died from an air embolism (bubble) which formed in the blood stream and reached his heart during sur­gery in Parkland Hospital, Dallas. . . he (Tonahill) insisted sever­al times he was not implying there was anything deliberate about it."

Who killed Jack Ruby? "Tonahill said also that ’Ruby went faster than you’d expect a man with cancer to go’, but again em­phasized he did not Ruby’s death was fostered by Parkland Hospital personnel who treated him."

AUSTRALIAN GROUP TO EXPERIMENT WITH MWO"Our group here has recently pressed me to obtain two of your

brochures for building an MWO. What a pity your Associate has given up making them. Maybe later we will need help in obtaining parts which we could not get here.

"Max Freedom Long has scored a grand success in Germany since both his books, 'Secret Science Behind Miracles' and 'Secret Science At Work' are now translated on the German market. This is the group in Germany of which I am a life-member-reader. Now then this month­ly German Magazine, *Die andere Welt’ (The Other World), is read in 36 different nations and thus this Huna work will get a mighty push into the forefront of the borderland people of the German tongue.At least finally it has come to pass that the link is made between Vista and Freiburg/Briesgau Germany. This magazine had also an independent article on Tony Agpaoa in the Philippines, with a picture of him operating on a patient and it also gave his address. Hoping you and Mrs. Crabb to be in the best of health and of hearing from you soon, I remain."

Lionel von Haum Melbourne, Australia

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PRESERVING OUR JOURNALS"We need a binder for your BSRA publications. Any suggestions?"

Dr. D.J. Spurgeon Columbus, Ohio

We use pressboard binders with metal fasteners to bind the Jour­nals, by the year, for the BSRA reference library. The AccoPress pressboard binder, No. BF 2507 EMB is good. Another is the Prong Fastener Binder, No. 450-13. To use these you must punch two holes in the left margin of the Journal, but they allow Journals to be add­ed or removed as needed.

A SEATTLE KABALIST WRITES"We are making up five Trees of Life. One for each of the four

worlds with their Paths. The fifth will be four worlds combined.They are on big 4x4 plaster boards. We have painted the King Scale and the Paths. What a Mandala. Very impressive. W e ’ll make up little cards to be tacked to the paths with the God names, perfumes, animals, etc.

"The following you might find interesting. I received this from the Seventh Day Adventists years ago: »The Humber of the Beast says the prophecy, is the number of a man.* And if it is to be de­rived from a name or title, the natural conclusion would be that it must be the name or title of some particular man. The most plausible name we have ever seen suggested as containing the Number of the Beast is the title which the Pope applies to himself, and allows others to apply to him. That title is this: Vicarius Filie Die or ♦Viceregent of the Son of God*. Taking the letters out of this title which the Latins used as numerals and giving them their numerical value, we have just 666."

Lois Cooper Seattle, Washington

THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKINGCan do a lot in Spiritual Healing, but it’s even better when

backed up by a Pagan Healer who is in direct touch with the earth forces which move and change physical matter! Here’s another letter from Seattle: "On the way home from a meeting Feb 10th with friends I was alone in the back seat of the car. The driver •went through a red light and two cars hit us, one from each side. I spun like a top inside the car and broke out the back window with my left arm and half my body. After all this our car hit a block wall! I was the only one badly hurt but it sent six of us to the hospital. Some of my ribs are broken in three places and they punched holes in the left lung. They put a hole in me to pump off the blood. My left arm is badly broke but thank God my right arm, my head and legs are okay. When Joe (her Hawaiian husband) got to the hospital, they told him and his son Rodger that I didn’t have a chance, but Joe said,’No, my Maile dont die.’ I was in deep coma and Joe prayed for me and put his hands on me. I opened my eyes. The doctor said, What

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have you got that we dont have? '■T. ~

"I had two prayer circles a day going for me and the healers would come in and give me healings. The sixth day I was up walking and comforting other people. I still cant get up or lay down with­out help but I make out fine every other way. The doctors cant get over how fast my bones have healed. I tell them it was the prayer.My guides say I will be better than ever before. My mother said the other day, You look more like you did 15 years ago, You look young­er. I’ve got much work to do yet. I tell our groups what was done for me can be done for everyone. Now you should see the interest in healing here. Just wonderful. Everyone here wants you to do a Sci­ence Fair of borderland gadgets when you come up to Seattle again."

Mrs. Joe Kauo, 9685 Empire Way So, Seattle, Washington 98118

PRONUNCIATION OF THE SACRED NAMES"We are interested in the Tiphareth Ritual given in the Jan-Feb

Journal and would like to know if it is important to have the proper pronunciation of the words and names used? If so, we would appreciate having this information. Also, is it possible to obtain a copy of the beautiful picture you showed in your lecture of Feb. 18th, of the aura of Jesus the Christ, It was most inspiring. Have you ever con­sidered making a three or five inch tape recording, leading or con­ducting a Tiphareth Ritual meditation? Perhaps with appropriate chants or music? It might be very helpful to many in developing the Light in their hearts."

Helen Trepannier La Puente, Calif.

The Master’s aura shown in the February lecture was a 35mm copy of the last illustration in C.W, Leadbeater’s book, "Man, Visible and Invisible", and is simply labeled, "The Causal Body of an Arhat".The aura of the Master jesus, or Apollonius of Tyana, Star Logos or Chohan of the Sixth Ray, would be quite different from that of the Christ, the World Teacher and Redeemer on the Second Ray. We can take the time and trouble to have a slide duplicate made for 50$ and an 8x10 color enlargement for $5. A three inch, letter tape of the Tiph­areth Ritual, complete with text, music, etc. will take some doing.If there is enough demand we’ll certainly consider it.

Looking at the ritual on page 22 of the Jan-Feb Journal, Let us start with Yechidah. The E is short as in yet. The CH in Hebrew is a guttural, Ihe closest English equivalent is K. The I is short .as in it. The A is soft, as in ah. The A in Atoh is also soft. The 0 is long as in boat. The A in Malkuth is also soft but when combined with L sounds more like drawl. The Hebrew U is always 00, like in Ruth. This applies to Geburah and Gedulah. The E in these names is short, like eh, but in the preceding Ve, as also the Le in Le 01am Amen, the E sounds more like a long A, as in spade.

The I in Tiphareth is short. The E is short. All the As in Aloah

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Va Daath are soft, as are the As in Rcih-f ah-yell, and in Mah-lah- kim — or keem, depending on how long the last syllable is drawn out in chanting.

AS YE BELIEVE, SO WILL IT BE DONE UNTO YOU"Enclosed is a renewal check and vote on the charter. The year

seems to go awfully fast. Your article on invoking the Light is most illuminating. However, I have read that there are those who call on the Lord or Christ in vain if they also have not been fol­lowing the teachings of Christ. It follows that you cant be anti- Christ or dormant-Cfcrist on the one hand and expect Christ’s help thru light on the other. You cannot mouth Christ and accept him intellectually and let it go at that. Belief in Christ has depth.We must do as Christ has taught and love Christ. I think the Tiph- areth ritual will be effective in proportion as we believe in Christ in depth."

Carl Benton, D.V.M.Lexington, Mass.

Another Assaciate writes, wondering just how effective the Tiphareth ritual is, and if we have had any results from it? The first time Judy and I used it was at the Spring or Vernal Equinox a year ago, as the graduation exercise of our Escondido class on occult science, "The Hidden Reality Behind Appearances". This sud­den release of Christ-Light in the personality has the effect of a rebirth. The physical symptoms were not nearly so sudden and vio­lent as those experienced by Maile Kauo, and others of our Associ­ates; for the physical cleansing was stretched out over several months, with noticeable periods of discomfort. Emotionally we are more stable and mentally more alert. There is an increased sensi­tivity to our own needs and to the needs of others — definitely an expansion of awareness in all directions, but very subtle. People have commented that my lectures are more spiritual than they used to be. This does seem to verify Kabalistic instruction on the Tiph­areth center the balancing, cohesive force which Love is supposed to be, and of which the Christ is the Ideal, in the Rest.

A LETTER FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF IHE VEILThis was received via Telethought by Andy Hardie’s daughter,

Marian Hartill, at Seaside, Oregon in February. First, an introduc­tion by Marian’s guide, Hanford: "This is a good time to let our young, teen-age friend in again. He’s so anxious to say something."I’m West (Westerleyl. You know me now, dont you? I wrote before. I ’ve been watching you a lot in your home, and I want to know this: How come you always are thinking of money like it was important?I cant understand wiry people put so much thought into something that does so little for their spirit. I was trying to get you to hear me

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but you just went right on worrying about other things. I'm not so sure that I want to be a guide At- there isn't going to be any more cooperating than that! Besides, what could you do with money if you could take it over here? It would be worth nothing as no one needs it. We have all we need without money to worry about. I. really do think you should try and forget everything but your spir­itual studies because that is the only time you really shine and your aura radiates.

,fMy father was a very decent person but he was just like Don, your husband, and I can see how hard it is for you to be happy around him when he is so set in his ways. My Dad used to tell me there were lots of NUTS in every cake, and to watch out for the church-goers, they were the nuttiest of all!

"Now I see that he was just trying to tell me his side of the story. I sure would like to wake him up to some things I've learned but his life is full of worries, too; and he doesn't ever think about me that he doesn't think 'dead' words, too. I've never had such a chance as I have now to learn from both sides of life and I'm not going to pass it up, I can tell you that. I'm going to stop now; thanks for letting me write."


Another of Marian's controls, Bayham, comes in to sign off:"We like to see him try his hand when he has been putting in so much time and effort watching and waiting to write each Wednesday. We may have to take him away to a school and let him get his teeth into some serious material. But he did so want to tell you what he felt would help you; and he is right about that money business; for it doesn't help you much, spirit-wise. But lessons must be learned in all avenues of life."

NOTHING TO PRAISE IN STUDENT BEHAVIOR"May as well express an opinion qi two along with my vote. I

do not quite share your views on the Berkeley mess. I find nothing to praise or condone in the student behavior there. Demanding free­doms and rights that may or may not be theirs seems to be a world wide pastime these days. I have always been of the opinion that free dom is something we earn through self-discipline. Until that right is earned, discipline must come from without. I am sure you will agree anyone who seeks the rewards awaiting him by development in Truth must first submit to self-discipline. Only then does the loving Father entrust them to him. We can demand these rewards as our right but we will never get them that way. Mother Nature also withholds the right to complete the sex act until development has reached a certain point.

"By their fruits we shall know them. And by demonstrations men only prove their need for discipline. Demonstrations have their useful purpose in exposing injustice to public attention but it can be misused also. These disciples of chaos that demand the right to use four letter words publicly are not contributing a damn thing to

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nor the university. I see nobright young minds here on which to pin any hope for the future. They are too stupid to know that they can go to the nearrest beer joint and use such words to their hearts content. I do not think that discipline poses any problem to educa­tion. It is a part of learning. In fact, the very word itself is derived from the word ’discos1, meaning to learn.11

J. Harold Claborne Chula Vista, Calif.

Them’s fine words, podner, and I agree with them whole hearted- lyj but the Berkeley students know in their hearts that you and I are not sincere when we say these things, Harold. Our actions speak louderj They are detailed in the inescapable atomic-fallout descri­bed in the article, pages 11-15, in this Journal. It is our gener­ation that laid this curse on our children. It is our generation that planned and is carrying on the highly profitable war in Vietnam.

AMERICA, THE GREAT PURVEYOR OF VIOLENCE"As I have walked among the desperate, rejected and angry young

men I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems, maintaining my conviction that social change comes most meaningfully through nonviolent action. But they asked, and rightly so, what about Vietnam? They asked if our own nation wasn’t using massive doses of violence to solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted. Their questions hit home and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettoes without first having spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today — our own government."

The Rev. Martin Lugher King Riverside Church, New York

A WORD OF PRAISE AND A WELCOME ORDER"I would like to congratulate you on the fine quality of your

Journal. Enclosed is a check for $3.75 for which kindly send me ’Three Great Aquarian Age Heallers’ and a copy of BSRA 10-Q. En­closed also is the vote for the name and charter change."

Henry L. Hoguet Long Beach, Calif.

BORDERLAND RESEARCH BY A NEW ASSOCIATE"I would very much like to become a member of your organization

and receive the Journal. Enclosed is 25$ in coin for the new pub­lication list. In the short time that I have been experimenting with Vitic (combination of carbon rod and magnets), I have felt an improvement. In my dreams I seem to be very busy and active. Also noticed that I really get hungry now. Heretofore I only ate to keep alive. My weight in the past year went down to 93 lbs. Nor­mally, I weighed between 105 and 110."

Emilie Davidson, Clovis, New Mexico

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In the Jan-Feb 1967 Journal we reviewed the successful Psychic Surgery of Dr. William Lang in the case of British journalist J. Ber­nard Hutton. Dr. Lang's deep trance medium is George Chapman. Dr. Lang succeeded in partially restoring Hutton's failing vision and al­so operated on the sluggish liver which was poisoning Hutton's whole system. Now we have this appreciative letter from him.

**I wish to thank you for having reviewed my book HEALING HANDS in your journal in your Jan-Feb 1967 edition, Volume XXIII, No. 1.You might be interested to know, and so might be your readers that, in February 1967, my book HEALING HANDS has been published in the United States by the known publishing firm David McKay Company, Inc., 750 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 at the price of $3.95. This information might be advantageous to your readers because they can save $1.25 by buying the U.S. edition instead of ordering from the Psychic Book Shop in London, and apart from this they do not need to wait for the book to arrive from England.

"The David McKay edition of HEALING HANDS is identical with the Second Imprint of the British edition in which printing errors have been corrected. Indeed, David McKay photographed the British edition and also used the same book jacket.

"It may be of interest to hear that I am seeing the spirit doc*» • tor, William Lang, F.R.C.S. every three months for check-ups and that at each visit to him he performs additional spirit operations on my eyes. There is a continuous improvement of my vision, and when I went to a distinguished Opthalmic Surgeon on William Lang's advice to have my vision assessed by a known specialist, the verdict was that my vision now is 93/2 normal. If you take into considera­tion that my best ever vision was 47# normal (this was before I star­ted going blind, when I was a patient of the famous Moorfield's Eye Hospital in London) you will probably appreciate how much Mr. Lang and his medium George Chapman helped me. If there is anything else you'd like to know, please do not hesitate to contact me.

"Lastly, I am also giving you George Chapman's full address, in case you should need it for any of your readers. It is: George Chapman, St. Brides, 149 Wendover Road, Aylesbury, Bucks., England. With kindest regards and best wishes."

J. Bernard Hutton16 Beehive Lane, South Wecring,Worthing, Sussex, England

From follow-up stories on the Lang-Chapman Healing Ministry in Lpndon "Psychic News", it appears that Hutton's book has stirred so much interest that a clinical appointment must be made months ahead. So, if you feel the urge to make the pilgrimage from the States to England, better write first. And it also appears that few instan­taneous miracles are performed under Dr. Lang's expert hands. Most patients must return several times to complete their cure.March-April 1967 RR, Page 32

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Gross Receipts from Sales, Mem­berships, Donations. . . .$7232.75

Cost of Goods Sold . . ._. 5060,63Gross P rofit............. $2172.12

Expenses: Salarries, Taxes, Rent, Repairs, Supplies, Insurance,Car, Depreciation $10,500.57

Net Operating Losfe, T66 $ 4,754.37

Balance Sheet at end of 1966 Current Assets

Cash on hand 231.28 Inventory___1643.60_______


Fixed Assets Equipment and

furniture 2526.50 Ref. L i b . ____576.19

3102.69Total Assets $4977.57

Current LiabilitiesNotes Payable 705.00Accts Payable 28875,70

652 UnfulfilledM e m b e r s h i p s _____16 30.00

Total Liabilities___31210.70BSRA Net Worth $4977.57

The borderland research work goes steadily along as it has in past years as we continue to develop new material and organize it for presentation via literature and the lecture platform. A few members are distressed by the results of research which lead into sensitive political and religious areas — as though the search for Truth could be confined! But national magazines such as Ram­parts and Playboy are now popularizing for millions radical ideas which we only tinidly sketched out in the Journal a few years ago. And the national press is now taking up the cudgels for the real­ity of Flying Saucers. October 1966 will be the 20th anniversary of Meade Layne*s first investigation of a Saucer sighting, over San Diego. Shall we "cool it", recognize our age and relinquish the torch to younger hands still fired with the zeal for reform?

At this writing in with affirmative votes charter. Thank you, ve to send them in. A few CQC section of the next our corporate structure the registering of the completion of the appli

early April over 80 members have responded on the proposed changes in the corporate ry much, for taking the time and the trouble had comments worthy of repeating in the Journal. With this trend for a change in well established, we*ll push along with charter changes with the State and then the cation for Federal recognition as non-profit.

¡SPACECRAFT FROM BEYOND THE SUN|Your Director's review of the occult hints at Zodiacal influences beamed at the earth at the end of this Piscean Age and the begin­ning of hhe Aquarian Age, with prophetic material. 48 pages, 8^x11 mimeo, illustrated, $1.25, post and tax paid.

, March-April 1967 RR, Page 33

Page 36: The Journal of Borderland Research 1967-03 & 04

THREE GREAT AQUARIAN AGE HEALERS »The second talk in a series by* the Director of BSRA Foundation

analyzing the occult science behind Spiritual Healing. The ques­tions posed by the Psychic Surgery of Tony Agpaoa and Brother Terte in the Philippines are here answered in detail by Dr. William Lang, who died in London in 1937. He carries on his practice through trance-medium George Chapman. Dr. Lang trained for five years be­fore the Healing Ministry began at Aylesbury Clinie. The second section of the talk is devoted to Healing with Light, the Healing Light of the Christ manifested physically as complementary colors? Two Aquarian Age pioneers in medicine, Drs. Pancoast and White, de­veloped color therapy techniques generations ahead of their time.Dr. Pancoast was a Kabalist and Dr. White an incarnated visitor from a Golden Planet outside our solar system. This illustrated, 60-page mimeo book also contains drawings for a Duo-Rhythm, 150-watt color projector for Associate experimentation. . ................. $2.50

BSRA NO. 10-Q Of the Inner Circle Transcripts of 1951. This is the latest in the hitherto unpublished communica­

tions through Mark Probert, from Lo Sun Yat, the Yada di Shi*ite, Ramon Natalli, Prof. Luntz and Maharaja Natcha. Their metaphysical and philosophical observations on war at the height of the Korean crisis are equally applicable today; for the forces ofExtreme Left and Extreme Right are again locked in combat in Vietnam. These se- qnces date from July 3 through Sept. 27, 1951. An outstanding fea­ture is a long discourse from the Hindu adept, Natcha, on such di­verse subjects as Astral Shells, Magnetic Vortexes, Reincarnation, the secrets of Egyptian initiation on the Cross, and Soul Seed.Prof. Luntz gives an explanation of the psychic operations of the "water cogjpass" or dowsing rod. 32 pages......................$1.25

The J OU R N A L o f

B o r d e r l a n d R e s e a r c h

Published by BSRA F oundationPO Box 548

Vista, California 92083



PAID Vista, Calif. Permit No. 42
