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The Journal of The Mammillaria Society Volume 40 Number 3 August 2000 Coryphantha greenwoodii Volume 40 Number 3 August 2000
Page 1: The Journal of The Mammillaria Society - Dowelddoweld.pro/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Mammillaria-Sect.pdf · Mammillaria Haw. has been found, which is omitted from the comprehensive

The Journal of The Mammillaria Society

Volume 40 Number 3 August 2000

Coryphantha greenwoodii

Volume 40

Number 3 August 2000

Page 2: The Journal of The Mammillaria Society - Dowelddoweld.pro/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Mammillaria-Sect.pdf · Mammillaria Haw. has been found, which is omitted from the comprehensive

Lectotypification of Several Sections in Mammillaria Haw. Alexander B. Doweld System a Cactacearum Project National Institute of Carpology (Gaertnerian Institution), PO Box 72, RUS-119517, Moscow, Russian Federation [email protected]

ABSTRACT - Several sections of the genus Mammillaria Haw., validly published by Salm-Dyck in 1843 in G.Walpers' Repertorium, have been lectotypified. Some of them should replace later sectional names in current use.

A additional infrageneric classification of the genus Mammillaria Haw. has been found, which is omitted from the comprehensive review of all known old infrageneric systems of the genus (Heath, 1988). In 1843, Prince Salm-Dyck published a synopsis of the genus in G.G.Walpers' Repertorium, basing on the works of Pfeiffer (1837) and Lemaire (1839). He clearly stated the sectional ranks for some unranked taxa published validly in his book (Salm-Dyck, 1842). The classification of 1843 is slightly different from classification of 1842 and reproduced here in full. Nevertheless, he also included several unranked names under sections accepted. The second part of the second volume of Walper's Repertorium has been originally published on 24-27 May of 1843. In order to maintain the nomenclatural stability, we chose the same type species for these sections as has been selected by Heath (1988) with some exceptions. The original system of Salm-Dyck of 1843 was as follows:

Mammillaria Haw. Sect. 1. Longimammae (syn. Longimammae Pfeiff. -

Conoidothelae dolichothe/ae). Sect. 2. Crinitae (syn. Stylothelae Pfeiff

Cylindricothelae Lem.) Sect. 3. Leucocephalae (syn. Microthelae Pfeiff. -

Conoidothelae leucocephalae Lem. (sphalm. "Lin."».

Sect. 4. Heteracanthae (syn. Heteracanthae conothelae Pfeiff. - Conoidothelae stilidieae & polycephalae Lem.). • Chrysacanthae

Discolores ••• Concolores

Sect. 5. Subquadrispinae (syn. Heteracanthae conothelae Pfeiff - Conoidothelae stilidieae Lem.).

Sect. 6. Angulares (syn. Polyedrae Pfeiff. Polyedrothelae Lem.). • Subtetragonae •• Macrothelae ••• Polyedrae .**. Phymatothelae

Sect. 7. Stelligerae (syn. Tenues Pfeiff. - Conoidothelae leptocladodae Lem.).

Sect. 8. G/anduliferae (syn. Longimammae Pfeiff. -Aulacothelae Lem.).

Sect. 9. Aulacothelae (syn. Brachythelae Pfeiff. Aulacothelae Lem.).

This can be restated in accordance with modern conventions and lectotypes here designated:

Volume 40

Mammillaria Haw.

Sect. 1. Longimammae (Pfeiff.) Salm-Dyck in Walpers, Repert. 2(2): 269. 1843 (based on [unranked] Longimammae Pfeiff., Enum. Cact. : 22.1837).

Lectotype (Ioc. design.): M.longimammae DC.

Sect. 2. Crinitae Salm-Dyck in Walpers, Repert. 2(2): 270. 1843. Lectotype (Ioc. design.): M.crinita DC.

Sect. 3. Leucocephalae (Lem.) Salm-Dyck in Walpers, Repert. 2(2): 270. 1843 (based on [unranked] Leucocephalae Lem., Cact. Cen. Sp. Nov. :100.1839) [= M. sect. Setaceae Lawr. in Loudon, Gard. Mag. Ser. 3,6:313.1841).

Lectotype (Ioc. design.): M.bicolor Lehm. Note: with the present lectotypification, the section

becomes a nomenclatural synonym of M sect. Setaceae Lawr. (Iectotype designated by Heath, J. Mammillaria Soc. 28(3): 26.1988).

Sect. 4. Heteracanthae Salm-Dyck in Walpers, Repert. 2(2): 270.1843, nom. illeg. (= sect. Mammillaria)

Lectotype (Ioc. design.): M.simplex Haw.

Sect. 5. Subquadrispinae Salm-Dyck in Walp-ers, Repert. 2(2): 271.1843 [= M. sect. Conothelae (Pfeiff.) Salm-Dyck, Cact. Hort. Dyck. 1849: 23.1850).

Lectotype (Ioc. design.): M polythele Mart.

Sect. 6. Angulares Salm-Dyck in Walpers, Repert. 2(2): 271.1843 [= M. sect. Angulosae Salm-Dyck, Cact. Hort. Dyck. 1849:15.1850).

Lectotype (Ioc. design.): M angularis Link & Otto ex Pfeiff. = M compressa DC. Note: Heath (1988) selected M.polyedra Mart. as a

lectotype ofthe Salm-Dyck's section Angulosae, which is merely a new orthographic variant of the former Angulares, but according to the requirements of ICBN (Art. 22), the type of Angulares is automatically M.angularis, not any other species. Therefore, the lectotypification of Heath (1988: 28) should be rejected as erroneous.

Sect. 7. Stelligerae Salm-Dyck in Walpers, Repert. 2(2): 272.1843. Lectotype (Ioc. design.): M.elongata DC.

Sect. 8. G/anduliferae Salm-Dyck in Walpers, Repert. 2(2): 272. 1843.

Lectotype (Ioc. design.): M.erecta Lem. Note: Heath (1988: 28) erroneously selected

M.brevimamma Pfeiff. as a lectotype of the section, not taking into consideration that Backeberg (Cactaceae Jahrb. Dtsch. Kakt. Ges. 1941(2): 61.1942) selected M.erecta as a lectotype of accepted M ser. G/anduliferae (Salm-Dyck) K.Schum. (Gesamtb. Kakt. 476, 499.1898).

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Page 3: The Journal of The Mammillaria Society - Dowelddoweld.pro/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Mammillaria-Sect.pdf · Mammillaria Haw. has been found, which is omitted from the comprehensive

Sect. 9. Aulacothe/ae Salm-Dyck in Walpers, Repert. 2(2): 272. 1843.

Lectotype (Ioc. design.): M.sulcolanata Lem. Note: M.aulacothele Lem., typified usually

Aulacothelae, has been included by Salm-Dyck into sect. G/anduliferae; and therefore, the type of the section has been selected from other available species cited under this section.


I am grateful to Dr.Tatiana V.Egorova (The V.L.Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg) for invaluable nomenclatural consultations and Comte Nicolai N.Bobrinsky providing old botanical literature sources.


Heath, P. V.1988. Early infrageneric classifications of the genus Mammillaria. J. Mammillaria Soc. 28:11-16, 26-31 Lemaire, Ch. T839. Cactearum genera nova speciesque novae et omnium in Horto Monvilliano cultarum. Paris. Pfeiffer, L. 1837. Enumeratio diagnostica Cactearum hucusque cognitarum. Berlin. Salm-Dyck, J. de. 1842. Cacteae in Horto Dyckensi cultae an no 1841 additis' tribuum generumque characteribus emendatis. Dusseldorf. Salm-Dyck, J. de. 1850. Cacteae in Horto Dyckensi cultae anno 1849. Bonn. Walpers, G. G. 1843. Repertorium botanices systematicae. V01. 2, Pt. 2. Leipzig, pp.193-384 [Salm-Dyck's 'enumeratio' pp. 269-283].


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