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The Judgment Seat Of Yahusha the Messiah - YHRIM Judgment Seat Of Yahusha the Messiah ... (the...

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1 The Judgment Seat Of Yahusha the Messiah Yahuah I received most of this message by revelations in May of 1989 roman calendar Yahusha Edited 5998 s.c Solar-Lunar cal. - pagan roman cal. june 2016 Shalom, I greet you in the Name of our Heavenly Father Yahuah, and in His Son’s Name Yahusha the Moshiach/Messiah All words in blue and dark red are to help in explaining the verses as they are written. We are using the Hebrew Name of our Heavenly Father Yahuah and His Son Yahusha in our document. 1. YHWH Yahuah / Father 2. Elohim Creator 3. Yahusha Ha Moshiach (The Messiah) Anointed One 4. Ruach HaKodesh (Set Apart Spirit) 5. YHWH and Yahusha words in red 6. My reference markers are a red star * highlighted in yellow as shown 7. All red numbers in this document is used to aid in references 8. Millennial Kingdom will sometimes read as M/K I was taught when you die you go straight to heaven or hell that same day. Is that a Scriptural teaching? No, it is not a Scriptural teaching, there is a resurrection and a Judgment that will take place first! We will show this point as we continue. Now to begin our study of the Judgment of the body of believers 2 nd Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the bema seat (Judgment seat) of Moshiach; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be tob (good) or bad. Apostle Paul is speaking about the firstand second resurrectionswhen he used the word all the same as Yahusha used the word all in John 5:28.


The Judgment Seat

Of Yahusha the Messiah Yahuah I received most of this message by revelations in May of 1989 roman calendar Yahusha

Edited 5998 s.c Solar-Lunar cal. - pagan roman cal. june 2016

Shalom, I greet you in the Name of our Heavenly Father Yahuah, and in His

Son’s Name Yahusha the Moshiach/Messiah

All words in blue and dark red are to help in explaining the verses as they are written. We

are using the Hebrew Name of our Heavenly Father Yahuah and His Son Yahusha in our


1. YHWH –Yahuah / Father

2. Elohim – Creator

3. Yahusha – Ha Moshiach (The Messiah) – Anointed One

4. Ruach HaKodesh (Set Apart Spirit)

5. YHWH and Yahusha words in red

6. My reference markers are a red star * highlighted in yellow as shown

7. All red numbers in this document is used to aid in references

8. Millennial Kingdom will sometimes read as M/K

I was taught when you die you go straight to heaven or hell that same day. Is that a

Scriptural teaching? No, it is not a Scriptural teaching, there is a resurrection and a

Judgment that will take place first! We will show this point as we continue.

Now to begin our study of the Judgment of the body of believers

2nd Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the bema seat (Judgment seat) of

Moshiach; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath

done, whether it be tob (good) or bad.

Apostle Paul is speaking about the “first” and “second resurrections” when he used the word

all the same as Yahusha used the word all in John 5:28.


This verse also shows a Judgment seat and a separation of the tares and wheat, the good and

bad, the same as Yahusha spoke in John 5:29 We will cover more about these two verses later

on in this document.

Romans 2:16 In the Yom/day when Yahuah shall judge the secrets of men by Yahusha ha

Moshiach/The Messiah according to my Besorah/ Gospel, the good news.

Apostle Paul states that the secrets of all mankind (good or bad) shall be judged by Yahusha

and by the gospel that he ministered. (Judge according to the Scriptures, the Word as shown

in the above verse)

**Note: Everything that each individual is doing, good or bad, by mankind is being recorded

by the Angels, and will be shown to each person when they appear at either the first or at the

second resurrection. All sin must be repented of and be washed by the blood of Yahusha

Romans 14:10 But why doest thou judge your Yisraelite brother? Or why dost thou despise

your Yisraelite brother over these secondary issues? For we shall all stand before the bema

seat (Judgment seat) of Yahusha the Moshiach/Messiah.

Apostle Paul states that all people will stand before the judgment seat of Yahusha either at

the first resurrection or at the second resurrection. Some people call the first resurrection and

the first Judgment, the bema seat of Yahusha our Messiah. 1st Corinthians 3:10-17

The servants of Yahusha will be judged for the things done for the Kingdom to receive their

rewards, and the place of ruler-ship in Yahusha’s Kingdom.*

There are billions that will remain sleeping in their graves until the second resurrection, and

then they will be called to the Great White Throne Judgment.

* Revelation 5:10 and have made us melechim (Kings) and Kohanim (Priest) to our Elohim

and we shall reign in the olam/Earth. Also located in Revelations 1:6 Exodus 19:5, 6 &

1st Peter 2:5 & 9

Resurrected people/souls that have been judged, and have been found worthy to receive

Eternal Life or that have been given Immortality, shall rein on the earth with Yahusha

during the Millennial Kingdom.


Hebrews 6:2 Of the doctrine of mikbot (baptisms), and of laying on of hands, and of

resurrection of the dead, and of eternal mishpat (Judgment).

We can see that when the dead are resurrected to the Judgment Seat, first Judgment and

second Judgment, that this is an eternal Judgment.

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment.

This verse is self explanatory it shows that every person will be judged; it also shows nothing

happens between death and the Judgment.

Acts 17:31 Because he hath Yom Din (appointed a day), in the which he will judge the olam

(the world) in tzedakah (righteousness) by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath

given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

The seven Scriptures we have read so far are showing the Resurrection and the Judgment seat

of Yahusha. Few people today understand that every person will be judged, either at the first

resurrections or at the second resurrection a 1000 years apart.

Yahusha and the Angels will judge everyone that is blessed to be in the first resurrection to

see if they have lived a life that qualifies them to have everlasting life, (Immortality) and for

their rewards, and their positions in Yahusha’s Kingdom.

Note: You do not simply fly off to Heaven when you die; there is a resurrection

and a judgment. We have this message in our online audio teachings.

Here is a link to “Where are the Dead”. http://www.yhrim.com/Audio_Publications.html

Note: More souls will be lost at the first resurrection than what will be saved! We read this in

Mat 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen. This is referring to souls called to

salvation, but because of different circumstance some will not be given eternal life or

immortality at the judgment.

Abraham talked to the Judge of the whole Earth

Genesis 18:25 That be far from you to do after this manner, to kill the tzadikim (righteous)

with the wicked; and that the tzadikim (righteous) should be as the wicked that be far from

you; shall not The Shophet (Judge) of all the earth do right?


Abraham was interceding for the righteous that were in Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities

about them. It was agreed on by Yahuah if He found 10 righteous in Sodom, Gomorrah and

some of the other cities, He would not destroy them. Who was Abraham Interceding with?

Abraham calls Him “The Judge of the whole earth, He is Yahusha”.

Matthew 28:18 And Yahusha came and spoke to them, saying, all power is given to Me in

the shamayim (Heavens) and in the earth.

Yahusha said that all power in Heaven and in the Earth was given unto Him, this includes

the Judgments. If people could understand this is Yahusha the one that talked to Abraham.

Called Yahuah in the Tanach First Covenant (O. T) but He is not Yahuah the Father. Here is

a direct link to our document on The Father and His Son Yahusha:



Yahusha and His Angels will be judging the body of believers at the First Resurrection. Then

after the 1000 year Millennial Reign of Yahusha and the Saints here on the earth is over. The

Second Resurrection takes place; this is called the 2nd resurrection and the Great White

Throne Judgment. Revelation 20:11-15

Yahusha, His Angels and the saints that are made equal unto the Angels at the first

Judgment Mark 12:25, will be judging at the White Throne Judgment. 1st Corinthians 6:2-3

The Resurrection and the Judgment

John 5:28-29 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves

shall hear his voice.

29 And shall come forth; they that have done tob, (good) unto the resurrection of chayim

(life); and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

In the proceeding verse 28, it is covering both resurrections Revelation 20:1-6 the First

Resurrection and Rev. 20:7-15 the White Throne Judgment, which is the Second

Resurrection. In these two Resurrections, Yahusha will judge the entire world. This covers

the word all in the verse of Matthew 5:28


In the verse of Matthew 5:29 it shows a separation at the Judgment Seat of Yahusha. Some

will have life, and some will be burnt up in the lake of fire, the separation of the chaff and

wheat, Mt. 13:37-43 this is the First Resurrection and the First Judgment.

When Yahusha descends from the heavens with a shout (Trumpet), the people that have taken

hold of His Covenant, or that has received of His Spirit (wise and foolish Virgins) will come

forth from their graves. And the wise and foolish Virgins that are standing here will be

changed in a moment 1 and be taken by the Angels to the Judgment Seat of Yahusha the

Messiah,* whether they are ready or not. 1 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 * Matthew 25:31-46

But there will be billions of people still sleeping in their graves. Those that do not know

Yahusha as their Savior will sleep for a thousand years and will be resurrected to the Great

White Throne Judgment, and they will be judged according to their works.

Also people that are borne and that have died during the 1000 year millennial reign will also be

at the White Throne Judgment, some will have life and some will be lost. Revelations 20:11-15

Note: There will be billions of souls that will live a Holy life during the M/K, because the

knowledge of Yahuah will fill the earth as the waters fill the sea. Yahusha will also rule with a

rod of iron with His Saints from Jerusalem during the M.K. Ps. 2:9 Rev. 2:27

The Sign of Yahushas return

Mattityahu/Matthew 24:29-31 Immediately after the Tribulation * of those days shall the sun

be darkened, and the moon shall not give its light, and the cochavim (stars) shall fall from the

shamayim, (Heavens) and the powers of the shamayim (Heavens) shall be shaken:

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Ben Ahdahm (Yahusha the Messiah) in the

shamayim: (Heavens) and then shall all the tribes of the land mourn, and they shall see the

Ben Ahdahm (Yahusha the Messiah) coming on the clouds of the shamayim (Heavens) with

power and great tifereth/Glory.

* Our Messiah returns immediately after the Great Tribulation of those days, folks these sign

are happening now!!

The sign of Yahusha’s return, is that the sun shall be darken, the moon shall not give its

light, then Yahusha as you can read will return at the end of the Great Tribulation. You can

see there is no secret rapture as most people have been taught and as many people believe.

(The blood moons are a sign of His coming)


31 And He shall send His heavenly malachim (Angels) with a great sound of a shofar,

(Trumpet) and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the

shamayim (Heavens) to the other.

This takes place after the Great Tribulation period; Yahusha comes in the clouds of Glory

with His Angels to gather His Covenant People, the dead and the living from the four winds,

four directions, East, West, North and South. Scattered into the entire world, this is the

First Resurrection. 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18

Yahusha will also gather the 12 tribes, the Whole House of Israel, flesh and blood people

144,000 Revelations 7:1-8 and they, the 12 tribes, will inherit all of the Promise Land. This

fulfills the covenant that Yahuah made to Abraham that his Zera/Seed would inherit all of the

promise land, many, many times larger than the land Israel now possesses. Please remember

Israel in Joshuas day did not inherit all of the promise land.

This is the Restoration of the Two Houses, Yahudah/Judah the southern tribe and Efrayim

the 10 northern tribes. Ezekiel 37:15-28 also Ezekiel 40-48 chapters

The 12 Apostles were told by Yahusha in Matthew 19:28, 29 that they would be seated on 12

Thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel during Yahusha’s Kingdom.

This will fulfills the promise Yahusha made to the disciples, also those that are blessed to have

Immorality will reign as King and Priest with Yahusha.

Daniel 12:1 And at that time shall Micha-El (Michael) stand still, the great sar (Prince) of

battle who stands over the children of your people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such

as never was since there was a nation even to that time: and at that time your people shall be

delivered, everyone that shall be found written in the scroll.

2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the olam (earth) shall awake, some to

everlasting chayim, (life) and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

The first verse is referring to Jacob troubles and the Great Tribulation here on the earth. The

second verse is covering the First Resurrection and many (Not all) of them that sleep in the

dust of the earth shall awake and come forth. Then the Judgment Seat of Yahusha takes place.

Some will have life (wheat) some will be lost (tares) the separation that is listed in

Matthew 13:24-43. Matt. 25:31-46


The reaping of the earth is the wheat harvest the First Resurrection, shown in many

passages in this document.

The Earth is reaped

Revelation 14:14 And I looked, and see a white cloud, and upon the cloud One sat like the

Ben Ahdahm, (Yahusha the Messiah) having on His head a golden keter, (Crown) and in His

hand a sharp sickle.

15 And another heavenly Malach (Angel) came out of the Mishkan, (Tabernacle) crying with

a loud voice to Him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in Your sickle, and reap: for the time is

come for You to reap; for the harvest of the olam (Earth) is ripe.

16 And He that sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle into the olam; (Earth) and the olam

(Earth) was reaped.

These 3 verses are showing that the earth is reaped; the First Resurrection takes place at this

time. The covenant people that are dead are resurrected and those that are still alive are

changed at the coming of Yahusha. Then a separation takes place, some souls will put on

Immortality, life, 1 Corinthians 15:53-55 and other souls will be lost, second death. Matthew


Note: All through the Scriptures we see the Angels working to bring about Yahuah plan in

the earth.

The Resurrection of the Believers

1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 But I would not have you to be ignorant, Yisraelite brothers,

concerning those who are dead, that you sorrow not, even as un-believers who have no

tikvah. (Hope)

14 For if we believe that Yahusha died and rose again, even them also who have died believing

in Yahusha will Elohim bring with Him.

Yahusha does bring some Saints with Him as it states in Jude 14 and Deu. 33:2.

But let’s continue and see where the majority of the Saints are going to come from, the next 3

verses gives us the answer that these Saints are coming from the first resurrection, and are

brought together from all over the earth.


15 For this we say to you by the word of YAHUAH, that we who are alive and remain until

the coming of the Master shall not be resurrected before those who are already dead in the

emunah. (Faith)

The living Saints shall not be changed until the dead Saints are raised, but not all that are

raised at the first resurrection will have Immortality.

1st Thessalonians 4:16 For the Master Himself shall descend from the shamayim (Heavens)

with a shout, with the voice of the chief heavenly Malach, (Angel) and with His Shofar

(trumpet) and with the tekiyah-ge-dolah (loud and long Shofar blast) of YHWH and the dead

in Moshiach (Messiah) shall rise first:

17 Then we who are alive and remain at His return shall be caught up together with them

onto the clouds, to meet the Master in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Master.

18 So then comfort one another with these words.

Apostle Paul is saying the Master Yahusha shall descend from the Heavens with a shout, and

the dead in Messiah shall rise first, then the living that belongs to Him shall be changed, in a

moment and caught up into the clouds to the Judgment Seat of Yahusha for a separation of

the tares and wheat. Matt. 13:24-43

The Judgment will take place at the appearing of Yahusha and His kingdom

2nd Timothy 4:1 I charge thee therefore before YHWH, and the Master Yahusha ha Moshiach,

(The Messiah), who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his malchut;


The quick in this verse are the living covenant people, the wise and foolish virgins. Also they

are people that are dead that are wise and foolish virgins, they will all come forth at the

coming of Yahusha to be at the Judgment Seat. Some will be wise virgins (saved) and some

foolish virgins (lost). The rest of the dead will sleep for a 1000 years, we'll get to who these

are later.

When do the Saints receive their crown of life?

1st Peter 5:4 And when the Roei- HaGadol (Chief Shepherd) shall appear, ye shall receive a

Keter (crown) of tifereth (Glory) fades not away.


We will be judged for what we have done in Yahuah’s Kingdom at the coming of the

Messiah Yahusha. And if we are found worthy, then we will receive the Crown of Life. James

1:12 Rev. 3:10

I pray that we will be fruitful servants and to hear Yahusha say, “Well done thy good and

faithful servant enter into the joys of the Master”.

2nd Timothy 4:8 And now there is laid up for me the keter (crown) of tzedakah

(righteousness), which Yahusha, the Tzadik-Shophet (Righteous Judge), shall give me on that

day: and not to me only, but to all in Yisrael that also love His appearing.

Apostle Paul is stating the same thing that Apostle Peter states, that they, along with all the

resurrected Saints will receive their crown (Eternal life, immortality) at the same time, at the

coming of Yahusha and the first resurrection.

Judgment must begin at the House of Yahuah

1st Peter 4:17-18 For the time has come that Yom HaDin (day of Judgment) must begin in

Beit (house) of YHWH: and if it first begins with us, what shall be the end of them that obey

not the Besorah (gospel) of YHWH?

18 And if the tzadikim (righteous) barely are saved, where shall the wicked and the sinner


We see that Judgment begins with the House of Yahuah with His people. People that are

supposed to be keeping the Torah, ("Law") (Teachings and Instruction) Statues, His

commandments Psalm 119:1-176.

You and I need to take a close look at what Kepha (Peter) is stating in 1st Peter 4:18 if the

righteous “barely are saved”.

The Scriptures teach that it will be a close call even for the righteous Souls to have eternal

life, also read Jude 1:22, 23

The answer for the last part of 1st Peter 4:18, where shall the "wicked and the sinner appear"?

They will be resurrected and judged at the Great White Throne Judgment of Yahusha after

the Millennial Reign is over. Those that are found to be wicked and sinners will be cast into

hell (Gehenna) Lake of Fire, the Second Death. Revelation 20:11-15


An example of Judgment beginning at the House of Yahuah, Nadav (Nadab)

and Avihu (A-bi-hu)

Luke 12:49 I am come to send fire on the earth; and how I wish that it be already lit?

(Kindled) When was this fire lit or kindled?

Leviticus 10:1 And Nadav (Nadab) and Avihu (A-bi-hu), the sons of Aharon (Aaron), took

each of them his censer, and put fire in it, and put incense on it, and offered strange fire

before YHWH, which He commanded them not.

2 And there went out fire from YHWH, and devoured them, and they died before YHWH.

We can see the example of judgment set forth in Leviticus 10:1-2 Nadab and A-b-i-hu, were

burnt with fire because of disobedience. The Scriptures teach that Yahuah changes not

Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8 and that He is no respecter of persons. Romans 2:11

Nadav (Nadab) and Avihu (A-bi-hu), offered strange fire, what they did was disobedience

before Yahuah and fire from Yahuah burnt them. This Judgment began at the Assembly of

Yahuah. These two men were Aaron sons they were serving as Priest before Yahuah; they

were Sabbath keepers, and Feast Day observers. This was Yahuah’s Assembly in the

wilderness Torah keepers.

We can see that the fire is already kindled as Yahusha said in Luke 12:49 let us fear and give

reverence and obedience to our Savior and Creator Yahusha. Mt.10:28

In the Renewed Covenant Assembly (N.T) there is another example of Judgment

beginning at the House of Yahuah, it is with An-a-ni-as and Sapphira his wife

Acts 5:1-11 But a certain man named Chananyah, (An-a-ni-as) with Shappirah his wife, sold

a field,

2 And kept back part of the proceeds, his wife also knowing about it, and brought a certain

part, and laid it at the shlichim’s (Disciples) feet.

3 But Kepha (Peter) said, Chananyah, (An-a-ni-as) why has s.a.tan filled your leb (heart) to

lie to the Ruach Hakodesh, (Holy Spirit) to keep back part of the price of the field?

4 While it remained in your care, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not

under your own authority? Why have you conceived this thing in your leb? (heart) You have

not lied to men, but to YHWH,


5 And Chananyah (An-a-ni-as) hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ruach:

(spirit/breath) and great fear came on all them that heard these things.

6 And the young men arose, wrapped him up, and carried him out, and buried him.

7 And it was about three hours later, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in.

8 And Kepha (Peter) asked her; tell me whether you sold the field for this much? And she

said, yes, for this much.

9 Then Kepha said to her, How is it that you have agreed together to tempt the Ruach (Spirit)

of the Master YHWH/Yahuah, See, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the

door, and shall carry you out.

10 Then she fell down at his feet immediately, and yielded up the ruach: (spirit/breath) and

the young men came in, and found her dead, and, carried her out, and buried her next to her


11 And great fear came upon all the congregation of Yisrael, (Israel) and upon as many as

heard these things.

These verses are explaining themselves as you read what happened to An-a-ni-as and

Shappirah his wife; but you need to understand that they were Sabbath keepers, Holy Day

and Festivals keepers. But here again we see judgment beginning at the house of Yahuah,

they fell dead at Kepha/Peters feet for lying to the Holy Spirit. (Yahuahs Spirit)

Most people have no fear or respect of Yahuah in today’s world; we see in the 11th verse

above, that people learned to have fear and respect of Yahuah in the days of the Apostles.

Peter said “...that Judgment must begin at the House of Yahuah...” that we have just read

1st Peter 4:17-18.

Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins

Matthew 25:1:13 Then shall the malchut ha shamayim (Kingdom of Heaven) be likened to

ten virgins who took their lamps, and went forth to meet the Bridegroom and the bride.

2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

5 While the Bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

6 And at midnight* there was a cry made, See, the Bridegroom comes; go out to meet him.

7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

8 And the foolish said to the wise, give us from your oil; for our lamps have gone out.


9 But the wise answered, saying, not so; lest there not be enough for you and us: instead go

to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

10 And while they went to buy, the Bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with

him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Five wise Virgins

11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Master, Master, open to us. Five foolish


12 But he answered and said; truly I say to you, I know you not.

13 Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Ben Ahdahm

(Yahusha the Moshiach) comes. *Resurrection

Ten Virgins were called to the wedding; five wise and five foolish; the foolish took no oil with

them. They all received conversion, but the foolish were blinded to the Truth of Yahuahs

Torah/Word. It is the Word of Yahuah that is the fuller soap that washes a person from false

teachings. Ephesians 5:26-27

At one time the five foolish Virgins, the ones in the graves and those living now, had

Yahuah’s Spirit. Otherwise they would not have been called Virgins. The foolish Virgins

have been deceived by the false worship and lies that the devil has introduced from the

Garden of Eden, to the Tower of Babel, until now. The foolish Virgins will be judged, and

then cast into the Lake of Fire at the Judgment Seat of the Messiah.

The Five Wise Virgins took oil in their vessels, meaning in their hearts they knew the Torah

(the Commandments) and they obeyed them. 1st John 2:3-4

What does the oil represent? The oil represents the Word, the Scriptures, the Truth, Psalms

119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

In order for a person to give off light or to be the salt of the earth they must know the truth of

the Word of Yahuah. Matthew 5:13:16

John 6:32-71 is explaining that a person must eat or know the Truth of Yahuah’s Word and

keep it, then go and bring forth fruit Matthew 7:17-20 12:33-37 John 15:1-10

Consider what these Scriptures are telling us, and I pray Yahuah give you the understanding

of His Word.


Every person that is called to the Kingdom is given a talent

Matthew 25:14-30 For the malchut ha shamayim (Kingdom of Heaven) is like a man

traveling into a far country, who called His own abadim, (servants) and delivered to them

His goods.

15 And to one He gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man

according to his own ability; and immediately He took his journey.

16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made five

other talents.

17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained another two.

18 But he that had received one talent went and dug in the earth, and hid His Master’s


19 After a long time the Master of those abadim (servants) came, and settled accounts with


20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought another five talents, saying,

Master, you delivered to me five talents: see, I have gained beside them five talents more.

21 His Master said to him, Well done, you tob (good) and faithful ebed: (servant) you have

been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many things: enter into the simcha (joy) of

your Master.

22 He also that had received two talents came and said,

Master, You delivered to me two talents: see, I have gained two more talents besides them.

23 His Master said to him, well done, tob (good) and faithful ebed; (servant) you have been

faithful over a few things, I will set you over many things: enter into the simcha (joy) of your


24 Then he who had received the one talent came and said, Master, I knew You that You are

a hard shrewd Man, reaping where You have not sown, and gathering where You have not

scattered zera: (seed)

25 And I was afraid, and went and hid Your talent in the earth: see, there You have what is

Yours. Talents doctrinal truths

26 His Master answered and said to him, You wicked and lazy ebed, (servant) you

supposedly knew that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not scattered zera:


27 You should have at least deposited My silver with the bankers, and then at My coming I

would have received My own with interest.

28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it to him who owns ten talents.

29 For to every one that has shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that

has not; shall be taken away even that which he has.


30 And cast the unprofitable ebed (servant) into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and

gnashing of teeth. They are being tormented until they are bunt up and cease to exist, they

are mortal spirits

These three servants were given talents according to their ability, the first one returned with

double, the second one returned with double; the third one returned with what he had been

given. If he had brought one more talent he would have had double. This was all that was

asked of him. The unprofitable servant was cast into outer darkness: there shall be weeping

and gnashing of teeth. (“Gehenna”) Lake of Fire, Second Death)

You and I are workers in the vineyard/Kingdom. We must be witnessing to other souls by

sowing and watering the Good Seed, the True Word, and then Yahuah can give the increase,

precious Souls of mankind. 1st Corinthians 3:6-8

Resurrected souls gathered before Yahusha for the Judgment

Matthew 25:31-46 When the Ben Ahdahm (Yahusha the Messiah) shall come in His tifereth,

(Glory) and all the kadosh (Holy) heavenly malachim (Angels) with Him, then shall He sit

upon the kesay (Throne) of His tifereth: (Glory)

32 And before Him shall be gathered all nations: and He shall separate them one from

another, as a Shepherd divides His sheep from the goats:

33 And He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left.

34 Then shall the Melech (King) say to them on His right hand, Come, you blessed of My

Abba, (Father) inherit the malchut (Kingdom) prepared for you from the foundation of the

olam hazeh: (this world)

35 For I was hungry, and you gave Me food: I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink: I was a

stranger, and you took Me in:

36 Naked, and you clothed Me: I was sick, and you visited Me: I was in prison, and you came

to Me.

37 Then shall the tzadikim (righteous) answer Him, saying, Master, when did we see You

hungry, and fed You? Or, thirsty, and gave You to drink?

38 When did we see You as a stranger, and took You in? Or, naked, and clothed You?

39 Or, when did we see You sick, or in prison, and visited You?

40 And the Melech (King) shall answer and say to them, Truly I say to you, Whenever you

have done it to one of the least of these My Yisraelite brothers; you have done it to Me.


These are the people/souls that have repented and that have taken hold of Yahuah covenant

that are in the first resurrection. And will be gathered from all nations (all nationality) where

ever they lived and died, this is the Judgment Seat of Yahusha the Messiah.

The Angels shall do the judging and shall separate the good from the bad; the Angels will

place the sheep on the right hand of Yahusha, these are the Wise Virgins.

The sheep or Wise Virgins and are the ones that obeyed the commandments of Yahuah; they

also had works of faith by feeding, giving water, clothing, and visiting those in prisons, the

things necessary for the body.

Also there is a spiritual work that they did, each time they share the Truth with all people of

the world, they are feeding, clothing, watering, visiting those in prison houses by sharing the

Word of Yahuah, that people may recover themselves out of the devil prison houses 2nd

Timothy 2:25-26. These are fruitful labors in the Vineyard, as the two that had gained the

talents were fruitful servants.

Yahusha said to them, “When you did that to one of My Israelite brothers; you have done it

to Me, those on Yahusha Right Hand will have Eternal Life.

41 Then shall He say also to them on the left hand, Depart from Me, you cursed, into

everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his shadim: (Devils)

42 For I was hungry, and you gave Me no food: I was thirsty, and you gave Me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and you took Me not in: naked, and you clothed Me not: sick, and in

prison, and you visited Me not.

44 Then shall they also answer Him, saying, Our Master, when did we see You hungry, or

thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not attend to You?

45 Then shall He answer them, saying, Truly I say to you, In so far as you did it not to one of

the least of these My Yisraelite brothers, you did it not to Me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the tzadikim (righteous) into

chayim (life) eternal.

The Angels shall also set the goats on the left hand of Yahusha; this is the separation that

Yahusha spoke about in Matthew 13:37-42.

Those on the left hand are the goats, foolish Virgins, the one that buried his talent, and the

one without the wedding garment Matthew 22:11. Those that did not do the will of the

Father, the ones on the left hand will go into “Gehenna” the Lake of Fire. (Second death)

Matthew 25:30 Luke 19:27)


Are we learning to fear Yahuah and keep His commandments as the Scriptures teach,

remember that all of the sheep and goats come from the same Assembly/or body of believers

and this is the separation that Matthew 13 tell us about.

Why was Hy-me-nae-us and Alexander put out of the Assembly of believers?

1st Timothy 1:19 Holding your emunah, (faith) in a tob (good) conscience; because those who

have rejected this charge have had their emunah (faith) shipwrecked:

20 Among those are Humenaios (Hy-me-nae-us) and Alexander; whom I have delivered to

the devil that they may learn not to blaspheme.

2nd Timothy 2:16 But avoid profane and empty chatter: for they will increase unto more


17 And their word will eat through people like gangrene: Humenaios (Hy-me-nae-us) and

Philetos (Phi-le-tus) are of this group;

18 Who concerning the emet (truth) have gone astray, saying that the resurrection is past

already; and have overthrown the emunah (faith) of some.

These three men or two men if one of them is called by a Sir-name Hy-me-nae-us and

Alexander and Phi-le-tus, they were teaching that the people that arose in Matthew 27:52-53

after Yahusha’s Resurrection, that this was the First Resurrection and overthrew the Faith of

some by a false teaching.

This false teaching is why Hy-me-nae-us and Alexander was put out of the Assembly.

Apostle Paul statement about Hy-me-nae-us and Alexander said “whom I have delivered to

the devil that they may learn not to blaspheme”. This deserves some serious thought!! Selah

Those people that arose after Yahusha are the Sheaf, a hand full of believers that Yahusha took

to Heaven with Him. Leviticus 23:9-12 Yahusha did not appear before Father Yahuah, empty

handed. In Deu.16:16 it states when the people appear at the Feast they were to bring an

offering, this was a shadow picture of the people called the sheaf that Yahusha took with Him

when He appeared before the Heavenly Father Yahuah.

The sheaf, is the saints that Yahusha will bring with Him as it states in Jude 14


What about an empty house?? Empty person, void of Emet/truth

Matthew 12:43 When the unclean ruach * (spirit) has gone out of a man, it walks through

dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. * Demons

44 Then it says, I will return to my bayit (house) from where I came out; and when it

returns, it finds it empty, swept, and decorated.

45 Then it goes, and takes with it seven other shadim (demons) more wicked than itself, and

they enter in and dwell there: and then the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even

so shall it be also in this wicked generation.

When the evil spirit/demon has gone out of a man, it seeks rest, and finds none, then the evil

spirit says, I will return to my house (person) and when the evil spirit returns it finds the

person empty, swept, and garnished. In other words that person has no Truth of the word to

keep the evil spirit out, all they know is false teachings, as they sit and worship in a false

Babylonian Beast System.

When a person is delivered they must fill their mind with the Truth of the Word or they will

be an empty, swept, and garnished vessel. This is why the evil spirit can return with other

demons spirits and dwell in that person. Evil spirits through men is deceiving the whole

world today through false worship Revelations12:9. I believe that 8 spirits represent total

control of that persons mind.

Most people do not understand that there are religious demons spirits, in people today all

across the world, in the Babylon Beast System!!!

John 6:63 It is the Ruach (Spirit) that makes alive; the flesh profits nothing: the Words that I

speak to you, they are Ruach (Spirit), and they are chayim (Life).

Yahusha said the Words I speak they are Spirit and they are life, if we have the truth and we

keep Yahuah commandments we have life and no evil spirit can come and enter into us. John

8:31-32 &36

The resurrection is like unto a net that is cast into the sea

Matthew 13:47 Again, the malchut ha shamayim (Kingdom of Heaven) is like a net that was

cast into the sea, and gathered in every kind:


48 Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the tob (Good)

into vessels, but took the bad away.

49 So shall it be at the end of the olam hazeh: (this world) the heavenly malachim (Angels)

shall come forth, and separate the wicked from among the tzadikim, (righteous ones) (Wicked

taken away)

50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: where there shall be wailing and gnashing of

teeth. (Second death “Gehenna” lake of fire)

51 Yahusha saith unto them, have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea,


The net is a type or shadow picture of the Resurrection that is going to take place very soon.

This shows that every kind of people is gathered from many nations. These are those that have

taken hold of the Word of Yahuah His Covenant. This is the body of believers at the First


The good and the bad will be there even if they are not ready, example the one without the

wedding garment even though not ready they will be at the first resurrection Matthew 22:1-

14. The one that buried his talent Mt. 25:14-30. The Angels will separate the good from the

bad; the good are given Eternal Life / immortality. The bad are cast into the fire “Gehenna”

(second death), and this is at the First Resurrection and the First Judgment.

Matthew 26:63 But Yahusha kept His silence. And the Kohen HaGadol (High Priest)

answered and said to Him, I put You under oath before the living Elohim, that You tell us

whether You are The Moshiach (Messiah), the Son of the Almighty.

64 Yahusha said to him, You have said it: nevertheless I say to you, After this you shall see

the Ben Ahdahm (Yahusha the Messiah) sitting at the right hand of Yahuah, and coming in

the clouds of the shamayim (heavens).

This shows that the High priest will be resurrected to see Yahusha coming in the clouds at

the first resurrection. Any person that has taken hold of Yahuahs covenant will be at the first

resurrection, whether they are ready or not. Even though this High Priest will be in the first

resurrection, if he did not repent and accept Yahusha he will have a major problem. If he did

not live according to the commandments he will be cast into the lake of fire, second death at

Yahusha coming.


Judas will be at the First Resurrection

In John 21:20 Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Yahusha loved following;

which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Master, which is he that betrayeth thee?

Joh 21:21 Peter seeing him saith to Yahusha, Master, and what shall this man do?

Joh 21:22 Yahusha saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?

follow thou me.

Joh 21:23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die:

yet Yahusha said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is

that to thee? From E-Sword electronic Scriptures

Let’s read what John states that Yahusha said…. John 21:22 Yahusha said unto him, if I will

that he tarry till I come, what is that to you? Follow me.

John is stating that Judas is tarring till Yahusha comes. Where is Judas tarring at? The grave.

Judas was called as a disciple then to be an Apostle, all of the disciples were sent to heal the

sick, to raise the dead and to teach the gospel. Judas knew the Word and teachings, he was

also used with the power gifts (Faith, Healings, Miracles). Judas sold out for thirty pieces of

silver, but he began as a follower of Yahusha the Messiah.

Look at Hebrews 6:4-6 Hebrews 10:26-30 if a person has met certain steps and then turn back

to sin, WOE unto him.

Judas will be in the First Resurrection, at the coming of Yahusha and will be at the

Judgment Seat. He will be judged, and then cast into the Lake of Fire “Gehenna” at the First

Judgment and die the “Second Death”. (Cease to exist)

Before we continue with the judgment I would like to point out there is many

warnings about the broad and the narrow way

Mattityahu/Matthew 7:13-14 Enter in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is

the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be who go in that gate:

14 Because narrow is the gate, and difficult is the way, that leads to chayim,/life) and few

there be that find it.


These two verses are stating that to find life, you must enter by the narrow gate and it will

be difficult. The devil hates the people of Yahuah; therefore he has filled the world with false

teaching to steal the Crown of Life from you. Revelations 3:11

Every person is commanded to work out their salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians


We are commanded to search the Scriptures to know, what you believe, is what the Scriptures

teach. John 5:39 Acts 17:10-11

If you have Truth and obey it, you will have Life. If you have not truth you will not have life.

Few people will find Eternal Life, compared to the billions that have lived here on this earth.

Mattityahu/Matthew 4:4 But He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by

lechem (bread) alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahuah.

In order to live by the Word we must know the Word and submit to all of Yahuah Word from

Genesis to Revelation, as He gives to us the understanding of His Word.

Mattityahu/Matthew 24:4 And Yahusha answered and said to them, Take heed that no man

deceive you.

5 For many shall come in My Name, saying, I am the Moshiach (Messiah); and shall deceive


This is a warning about being deceived by false worship, because Yahusha said many would

come claiming that He was the Messiah. But how are they deceiving many?

By teaching a different gospel than what Yahusha taught! Paul warns us in Galatians 1:6-9

that some would change the gospel of Yahusha the Messiah.

Mattityahu/Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Moshiachs (Messiah), and false nebiim

(Prophets), and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it became possible,

they shall deceive the very elect and chosen.

The only way to keep from being deceived is to know and obey the Word, if you follow sign

and wonders today and not the Word, you will be deceived.

Note: Brethren be careful when someone is supposedly being used with the gifts of the Spirit,

such as tongues, the interpretation of tongues or prophecy, know that it is Yahuah Spirit


before committing yourself!!! (There are True Gifts of the Holy Spirit, but satin is also

using people with counter-fit gifts to deceive the very elect if it were possible)

Mattityahu/Matthew 5:18 For truly I say to you, Until the current shamayim (Heavens) and

earth pass away, not one yud ( yod smallest Hebrew letter), or one nekudah (such as a

period) shall by any means pass from the Torah (Law), until all be fulfilled.

Yahusha states that until the current heavens and earth pass away, not one of the smallest

letters of the Hebrew alphabet will pass away until all of the Torah (law) is fulfilled.

If you have been taught that the Torah (law) is done away with, you have been taught wrong.

I was taught from 1968 to 1979 for 11 years that we were not under law but we were under

grace. I came out of the church system in 1979, because when I understood that when I broke

the law, I went back under the law. In other words I became guilty of breaking the law, and

was charged with sin. So now I understand not to break the laws HalleluYah! Read our

document on Law and Grace, also our document on Torah/Law at www.yhrim.com

Revelations 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that head serpent, called the Akel Kartza

and also called the devil, who deceives the entire olam hazeh (world): he was cast out into the

olam (earth), and his heavenly malachim (angels) were cast out with him.

There are many warnings in the Scriptures on how the devil has deceived the whole world

through a false religious system here on this earth. Revelation 17 and 18 chapters

2nd Corinthians 11:13 For such are false shlichim (Apostles), deceitful workers, transforming

themselves into the shlichim (Apostles) of the Moshiach.

14 And no marvel; for the devil himself is transformed into a malach (angel) of light.

15 Therefore it is no great thing if the devil’s abadim (servants) also become transformed into

the abadim (servants) of tzedakah (righteous); whose end shall be according to their deeds.

Apostle Paul warns us that the devil and his ministers have transformed themselves into

Angels of light. Where are these false ministers of light at? They are in the false religions

system that fills the world, teaching a false way for eternal life, but the false way will end in

death. (Second death)

John 6:32 Then Yahusha said to them, Amein, amein, I say to you, Moshe (Moses) gave you

not that manna from the shamayim (Heavens); but My Abi (Father) gives you the emet

(True) lechem (bread) from the shamayim (Heavens).


33 For the lechem (bread) of Elohim is He who comes down from the shamayim, (Heavens)

and gives chayim (life) to the olam hazeh (world).

34 Then they said to Him, Master, Always and le-olamva-ed (forever) give us this lechem

(bread) .

35 And Yahusha said to them, I am the lechem (bread) of chayim (life): he that comes to Me

shall never hunger; and he that believes on Me shall never thirst.

Yahusha said that He was the True Bread that came down from Heaven to give life to the

world, Yahusha is speaking about the Truth of His Word that He spoke. We as His people

must know and allow the Word to reign over us. If we do not keep the commandments we are

not allowing Yahusha to reign over us.

54 Whoever eats My flesh, and drinks My dahm (blood), has eternal chayim (life); and I will

raise him up on the last day. At His appearing, at the first resurrection

55 For My flesh is meat indeed, and My dahm (blood) is drink indeed.

56 He that eats My flesh, and drinks My dahm (blood), dwells in Me, and I in him.

57 As the living Abba (Father) has sent Me, and I live by the Abba (Father): so he that eats of

Me, even he shall live by Me.

58 This is that lechem (bread) that came down from the shamayim (Heaven): not as your

ahvot (fathers) did eat manna, and are dead: he that eats of this lechem (bread) shall live le-

olam-va-ed (Forever).

Do you understand what Yahusha is stating in these verses we just read? Let me say it this

way, the only ones that will have life are they that read and understand and obey the Truths

of the Scriptures. When you read and understand the Word that is how you eat Yahusha

body, the true bread that came down from Heaven. This will happen when we receive and

drink of His blood/His Spirit. Here is a direct link to our document on Bread of Life.


A house must be built on a Solid Foundation

Mattityahu/Matthew 7:24-27 Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them,

I will liken him to a wise man, who built his bayit (house) upon a rock:

25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that

bayit; (house) and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

26 And every one that hears these sayings of Mine, and does them not, shall be like a foolish

man, who built his bayit (house) upon the sand:


27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that

bayit; (house) and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

A wise man or women are they that obey Torah (law), in other words they know the truth of

Yahuah commandments, and are allowing the Word to rule over them, these are the ones

building on a solid foundation.

A foolish man or women are they that hear the Torah; (law) (Yahuah commandments) and

do not obey or keep Torah (law). In other words they do not allow the Word to reign over

themselves by not keeping the Torah Luke 19:14. He or she, are building on sand when they

are judged they will not inherit the Promised Land, Yahuah’s Kingdom. (Immortality)

The Tanach, First Covenant (O. T) is the Foundation and Yahusha is the Chief Corner Stone

as Ephesians 2:20 states. The Renewed Covenant (N. T) is laid upon the Tanach (First

Covenant) (O.T) a solid rock or a solid foundation. Read what Yahusha said in John 5:46-47

He said if you had beliebed Moses, (Moses Represents the Torah / law) you would have

believe Me.

Because of false teaching most people today believe that the Torah or Law is done away with

and that they are under grace. Therefore they believe that they do not have to keep the

Moadim, such as the Sabbath or Feast Days of Yahuah. Leviticus 23 chapter)

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

Yahuah people will not be shaken by false teachings, because they know the Truth* of

Yahuah’s Word, His voice and we will follow Him. * (The commandments)

1st Corinthians 3:16 Do you not know that you are a dwelling place of Elohim and that the

Spirit of Elohim dwells in you?

17 If anyone destroys the dwelling place of Elohim, Elohim shall destroy him. For the

dwelling place of Elohim is set-apart which you are.

Your body is a house for the Holy Spirit to dwell in, are you eating the Truth of Yahusha

word? Do you not know that to eat of false doctrine is to defile the temple of Yahuah?


Do you not know when you believe false teachings that you are allowing the devil to reign

over you? This is how many people are defiling their temple and will be cast away at the

Judgment day.

Adam and Eve when they disobeyed Yahuah and ate of the forbidden fruit (the devil lie) they

were cast out of paradise. This shows Eve believed the devil more than she did Yahuah?

Geneses 3:1-19 Adam went into this sin with his eyes open, knowing what he was doing.

In 1st Samuel we can see Israel disobedience to Yahuah

1st Samuel 8:4 Then all the zechanim (elders) of Yisrael gathered themselves together, and

came to Schmuel (Samuel) to Ramah,

5 And said to him, See, you are old, and your sons walk not in your halachot (ways): now

make us a melech (King) to judge us like all the pagan nations.

6 But the thing displeased Schmuel (Samuel), when they said, Give us a melech (King) to

judge us. And Schmuel (Samuel) made tefillah (prayed) to Yahuah.

7 And Yahuah said to Schmuel (Samuel), Listen to the voice of the people in all that they say

to you: for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over


In these verses we are told that the people of Israel desired a King to reign over them like the

pagan nations. The Israelites people were rejecting Yahuah from reining over them in the

days of Samuel. This is a shadow picture of people today that say they are under grace and

not under the law (Torah); therefore they do not keep the Torah (law) of Yahuah. This same

point of learning is stated in Luke 19:12-14 His servants would not allow Yahusha the Word

to rein over them. Now to continue with the Judgment

The one without the Wedding Garment

Mattityahu/Matthew 22:1-14 And Yahusha answered and spoke to them again by parables,

and said, (All that Yahusha spoke was in parables Matthew 13:34-35)

2 The malchut ha shamayim (Kingdom of Heaven) is like a certain Melech, (King) who made

a marriage for his Son, The marriage supper will be held when Yahusha comes and the

resurrection has taken place, then He will sets up His government here on the earth. Also

Yahusha said He would not eat of the Passover anymore until He ate it with us in the His

Kingdom. Luke 22:13-20


3 And sent forth his abadim (servants) to call them that were invited to the wedding: and

they would not come. Israel as a nation would not come, but individuals did, also many

strangers or gentiles people have joined them-selves to Israel.

4 Again, he sent forth other abadim, (servants) saying, tell them who are invited, See I have

prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatted calf are killed, and all things are ready: come to

the marriage. Yahuah has sent many righteous men to the scattered Israelite that are

scattered into the entire world, to tell the people to repent and prepare for the wedding.

5 But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, and another to his

merchandise: Israel and mankind as a whole have chosen to serve things of this world, instead

of Yahuah and His commandments. Most of mankind will not have eternal life. Luke 14:17-24

6 And the remnant took his abadim, (servants) and treated them spitefully, and killed them.

Israel as a nation and the whole world has slain Yahuah Son, His many Prophets, priest and

righteous men have been sent to warn people to repent. People that will repent and turn from

their sins will be spared from the wrath that is coming, but most people will not repent.

Matthew 23:34-36 Luke 3:7-9

7 But when the Melech (King) heard of this, He was angry: and he sent forth his armies, and

destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city. Israel*1 as a nation was taken captive in

721 BC and Judah*2 in 586 BC then in 70 CE the rest of the Jewish people were scattered into

the entire world where their brethren were. *1 10 Northern Tribes *2 Judah the Southern Tribe

8 Then He said to his abadim, (servants) the wedding is ready, but those who were invited

were not worthy. Israel as a nation was rejected until the time that Yahusha came seeking

His lost sheep Matthew 15:24.

9 Go therefore into the highways, and as many as you shall find, invite to the marriage.

In Matthew 10:6 it states the Disciples were sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

10 So those abadim (servants) went out into the highways, and gathered together as many as

they found, both bad and tob: (good) and the wedding was furnished with guests.

This has been taking place every since Yahusha opened the door for all of the children of Israel

to come home, also any stranger that wants to become an Israelite can be grafted into the

body of believers.


Please remember what it states in 2nd Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the

bema seat (judgment seat) of Moshiach (Messiah); that every one may receive the things done

with his body, according to what he has done, whether it be tob (good), or bad.

11 And when the Melech (King) came in to see the guests, he saw there a man who did not

have on a wedding garment: This will happens at the judgment seat of Yahusha, the Angels

will judge the resurrected souls, and place those without the wedding garment on the left

hand of Yahusha they will not enter the Millennial Kingdom. Mat. 25:31-46

12 And he said to him, Friend, how did you come in here not having on a wedding garment?

And he was speechless. Millions of souls will not have on the wedding garment of righteous,

the Truth and obedience to Yahuah Word. At the first resurrection millions of souls will not

believe that they were deceived, while they were alive here on the earth until the Angels show

them there record, I believe they will be speechless. Revelation 12:9.

13 Then said the melech (King) to the abadim (servants), Bind him hand and foot, and take

him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

People will have no power to resist as the Angels cast them into “Gehenna” the lake of fire

the “second death” Matthew 10:28 Luke 12:5 Revelations 20:14

Matthew 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen. There will be more people lost than

those that will be saved at the first resurrection and the first judgment.

Many people are called to the Wedding today. They believe they are ready but as you read,

you can see that bad and good were called and the one without a wedding garment. This is

showing a separation at the Judgment;

Yahusha called the one without the wedding garment friend, in John 15:15-16 Yahusha

called the disciples friends, because the things I heard from My Father I have made known to

you. The man without the wedding garment knew the Father’s will just as the Disciples did.

But there must be faith and works in a person life. In Matthew 26:50 Yahusha spoke to Judas

and said “friend wherefore art thou come”? Yahusha called Judas a friend.


This man without the wedding garment, also the five foolish virgins, and the man that

buried his talent, they were servants at one time. Many people will not be ready because they

have allowed things of the world to hinder them from having Eternal Life.

To remind people that in Matthew 22:14 it states, “for many are called, but few are chosen”.

This statement indicates more will be lost at the First Judgment than those that will be saved.

Some background information about Israel

Yahuah chose Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Jacob name was changed to Israel and Israel

became His people. In Exodus 4:22 Yahuah called Israel His first borne Son.

Exodus 4: 22 And you shall say to Pharaoh, This said YAHUAH, Yisrael (Israel) is My son,

even My bachor (firstborn):

23 And I say to you, Let My son go, that he may serve Me: and if you refuse to let him go,

see, I will slay your son, even your bachor (firstborn).

In 1st Samuel 8:1-22 Israel tell Samuel that because of his sons disobedience to Torah, they

wanted a man appointed to rule over them like all of the other Nations. Therefore they were

rejecting Yahuah from reining over them. In 1st Kings 11 and 12 chapters Yahuah divided

Israel, Re-ho-bo-am would rule in Jerusalem over the tribe of Judah the southern tribe, and

some from the tribe of Benjamin and the Levites. Jer-o-bo-am was given the 10 northern

tribes so Israel as a Nation was divided into Judah the southern tribe and Israel / Efrayim the

northern tribe.

Note: In 721 b.c.e Israel the 10 northern tribes was taken captive by the Assyrians, and in

586 BC Judah southern tribe were taken captive to Babylon, this all happen because of

disobedience to the Torah. In 70 c.e the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus, and

about 600 thousands to one million Jews were killed, and a hundred thousand taken captive.

Also some of the Jewish believers escaped to Pella and continued to worship Yahuah.

Now to continue


Parable of the "Penny" or silver piece

Mattityahu/Matthew 20:1-16 For the malchut ha shamayim (Kingdom of Heaven) is like a

man that is a farm owner, who went out early in the morning to hire workers into his

vineyard. Yahusha calling servants to labor in His vineyard at different times.

2 And when he had agreed with the workers for a penny a day, he sent them into his


Yahusha said in John 14:15 If you love me keep my commandments, we can see that mankind

has a work to do (Read and keep Torah/Laws) to receive the penny, in other words eternal life.

3 And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace,

4 And said to them, you too go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you. And

they went their way. Yahusha has been calling servants every since he ascended back to

heaven to be our High Priest, to intercede to Father Yahuah for us.

5 Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.

6 And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and said to them,

why do you stand here all the day idle? Yahusha is still calling mankind

7 They said to him, because no man has hired us. He said to them, you too go also into the

vineyard; and whatever is right, that shall you receive. Yahusha is calling people to be labor

in His vineyard, although in Mat. 21:33-46 Yahusha tell us that the chief priests and

Pharisees had stolen the vineyard.

This is what Yahusha spoke about His vineyard in Mat. 21:45 And when the chief priests

and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spoke of them. 21:46 But when

they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude, because they took him for a


The chief Priests and Pharisees knew whom Yahusha was speaking about, the so called

religious leader of that day. Do you think it has changed? No! The physical vineyard is still

stolen, by this “religious Beast system” of the world, but that is going to be changed soon!!

We that have Yahuah Holy Spirit are called to work in His vineyards. Some men are called to

teach and to ministers in the vineyard that the body of believers may grow and mature in the

knowledge of Yahuah. In Luke 17:20-21 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when


the kingdom of Yahuah should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of Yahuah

cometh not with observation:

17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of Yahuah is

within you. John 3:1-8. Yahusha will write His Word on the tables of our hearts Jeremiah

31:31-34 “I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be

their Elohim, and they shall be my people”. Also in Hebrews 8:10 and 10:16

The physical kingdom (vineyard) is still stolen, but the spiritual kingdom is in Yahusha’s

people’s hearts, (Israelites, Yahusha’s body of believers), as we have just read.

8 So when evening had come, #1 the owner of the vineyard #2 said to his manager (Angels),

Call the workers, and give them their pay, beginning from the last to the first. #1(Death burial and resurrection) #2(Yahusha) this is the first resurrection and the first


9 And when those came who were hired around the eleventh hour, they received every man a

silver piece. (Gold and Silver vessels represents people) 2nd Timothy 2:20

10 But when the first came, they thought that they would receive more; and they likewise

received every man a silver piece. (Every soul must qualify to receive the silver piece which

represents eternal life, remembers they are five wise and five foolish Virgins. Mathew 25:1-13

11 And when they had received it, they murmured against the owner of the vineyard,

12 Saying, this last group has worked just one hour, and you have made them equal to us, who

have borne the burden and heat of the day. Every one that qualifies will receive eternal life.

There is a difference in the amount of rewards each person receives. 1st Corinthians 3:12-15

13 But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do you no wrong: did you not agree with

me for a silver piece? (Eternal life)

14 Take what is yours, and go your way: I will give to this last man, as also I gave to you.

15 Is it not permitted in Torah (Law) for Me to do what I will with My own? Is your eye

evil, because I am tob? (Good)

16 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many are called, but few chosen. Matthew 22:14

This parable is telling about the labors or servants that are hired into Yahuah’s Vineyard.

Some were hired in the morning for a silver piece or penny, others were hired at the 3rd hr.

and He hired others at the 6th hr. and also more at the 9th hr. Then at the 11th hour He found

others standing idle and He said to them, “Go work in my vineyard”.


When the evening came (death, resurrection and judgment) He called His servants

(Angels) and said, “give them the silver piece or a penny, beginning from the last to the first

and every man received a penny”. (All of these received a silver piece or a penny which

represents Eternal Life or immortality. (this is not your rewards)

The people who worked longer and bore the heat of the day will be given greater rewards. 1st

Corinthians 3:12-15

You and I are in this 11th hr. group, some of us were called early and some were called later

in our life, to work in the Kingdom, and this is the Last Hour of the Day.

Note: Do you know that (false religious leaders and governments leaders that have not the

Holy Spirit) that are ruling over this earth today, are the ones that are cast out when

Yahusha returns? Matthew_8:12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer

darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Mother of Zebedee’s children, James and John

Mattityahu/Matthew 20:20-23 Then came to Him the eema (Mother) of Zavdi’s (Zebedee's)

children with her sons, worshipping Him, and desiring a certain request from Him.

21 And He said to her, What do you want? She said to Him, Grant that my two sons may

sit, one on Your right hand, and the other on the left, in Your malchut. (Kingdom)

22 But Yahusha answered and said, You know not what you ask. Are you able to drink of the

cup that I shall drink of, and to be immersed with the mikbah (baptism) that I am immersed

with? They said to Him, We are able.

23 And He said to them, You shall drink indeed of My cup, and be immersed with the mikbah

(baptism) that I am immersed with: but to sit on My right hand, and on My left, is not Mine

to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared by My Abi. (Father)

Yahusha said to the Mother of Zebedee’s children, “you know not what you ask”, she did not

know that the people that are placed on the left hand of Yahusha are the goats Matthew

25:31-46 and will be cast away.

Then Yahusha speaks to the Disciples about the baptism and suffering that a follower of His

must endure, they said we are able.

Now to be placed on the right hand is to yield to the Spirit of Abi Father and keep His Torah

(Laws or Commandments). The Spirit of our Heavenly Father is the One that works in our


life to form us in the Image of His Son. If we do not yield to the Spirit and the Word we

will not be made in the Image of His Son. Yahuah said, “let us make man in our Image”.

Genesis 1:26-27

Yahuah is Spirit, when Yahusha comes and the Judgment is over, we will be made liken unto

Yahusha. Romans 8:29 1 Corinthians 15:49 Luke 24:36-43

Luke 23:33 And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they

crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left

We can see that in the Scriptures, we have the right hand and the left; you don’t want to be

on the left hand at the Judgment seat of the Messiah.

Luke 23:42 And he said to Yahusha, Master, remember me when You come into Your

malchut (Kingdom).

Did the thief go to paradise that day? No! He said “remember me when you come into your

kingdom”. The man that accepted Yahusha while on the stake will be in the Millennial

Kingdom with our Messiah Yahusha after the resurrection.

Ask yourself a question when is Yahusha coming into his Kingdom? It will be when He

comes to Judge the body of believers at the first resurrection. Acts 1:9-11

In Matthew 13:24-30 the parable of the tares and wheat, the answer is in Matthew 13:37-43

Mattityahu/Matthew 13:37-43 He answered and said to them, He that sows the tob (good)

zera (seed) is the Ben Ahdahm; (Yahusha the Messiah)

Yahusha sowed good seed in His field.

Yahusha taught repentance and belief of the gospel Mark 1:15

Yahusha taught that the law (Torah) is not done away with in Matthew 5:17-20

Yahusha taught the Judgment seat Matthew 13:19-44 Matthew 25:31-46.

Yahusha taught the Coming Kingdom 12 disciples seated on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes

of Israel Matthew 19:27-30

Yahusha taught borne-again, John 3:1-8

Yahusha taught His Father’s Name “Yahuah” to His Disciples John 17:26

Yahusha taught where the dead are and the resurrection John 5:28-29


Yahusha taught about the talents Matthew 25:14-30 Luke 19:12-27

Yahusha taught His disciples to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel Matthew 10:6

Yahusha taught I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel Matthew 15:24

The talents are revealed truth, given to men to teach on certain subjects to turn people from

error to truth, from darkness to light for example, The Feast Days, The Sabbath, food

laws/dietary laws etc, so that people can understand and be obedient to doctrinal truths of the


Now to continue in Matthew 13:38 The field is the olam hazeh; (this world) the tob (good)

zera (seed) are the children of the malchut; (Kingdom) but the tares are the children of the

wicked one; (The devil)

The tares in the last part of verse 38 is speaking about the children of the devil, the devil has

deceived the whole world through false worship. Revelation 12:9

1. Men preach that the Law (Torah) is done away with.

2. Men preach you are absent from the body and present with Yahuah.

3. Men preach that the Church will be rapture and will not go through the tribulation.

4. Men preach that they are born-again now, while in the flesh.

5. Men preach that Sunday is the Sabbath.

6. Men teach that you can keep Christmas*, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Halloween,

Thanksgiving, Birthdays and many other days that are commandments of men, 2 this is only

a few of the traps of the devil. * Jeremiah 10:1-5 / 2 Isaiah 29:13 - Matthew 15:9 - 2nd

Timothy 2:26

All of this teaching was started by man and are commandments of men, these teaching are

throughout the western world. When a person is converted to wrong teaching they become a

tare, this is how tares are sowed among the wheat (True believers) throughout the world


I know that some men teach in error by misunderstanding a subject or certain subjects and

by teaching what they have been taught. We must be very careful about what we teach; most

of us have come out of a Babylon Beast System, especially the Roman pagan calendar system

with it pagan days. Some of the pagan days are Easter, Halloween, Christmas, New years

Day, mother day, father day, birth days, etc. This is part of how the people have been

merchandised as slaves all around the world. (This is a beast system we are living in



To continue in Mattityahu/Matthew 13:39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the

harvest is the end of the olam hazeh; (this Age or this generation) and the reapers are the

heavenly malachim. (Angels)

40 As the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be at the end of the olam hazeh.

(This Age) (First resurrection and first judgment)

41 The Ben Ahdahm (Yahusha Messiah) shall send forth His heavenly Malachim, (Angels)

and they shall gather out of His malchut (Kingdom) all things that offend, and those who do

Torah-less-ness; (Lawless, those who do not keep Yahuah Moadim* and other

Commandments) * Yahuah Appointed Modems/Feasts Days are one example

42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: where there shall be wailing and gnashing of

teeth. (Gehenna Second death)

43 Then shall the tzadikim (righteous) shine forth as the sun in the malchut (Kingdom) of

their Abi (Father) He, who has ears to hear, let him hear.

This will take place at the coming of Yahusha and the first resurrection, and at the Judgment

Seat. We can see that the tares* (people) are gathered or separated from the wheat (people) by

the Angels and the tares are cast into the fire “Gehenna second death”. At that time the

righteous shall shine forth as the sun in Yahuah’s Kingdom. This is at the First Resurrection

and First Judgment. *Tares are people that have been deceived by the devil in all false

religions of the world.

Yahusha, His Word, and the Angels will judge the body of believers at the

Last Day, or end of this age, first resurrection

Mattityahu/Matthew 12:36 But I say to you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they

shall give account of it on the Yom HaDin. (Day of Judgment)

37 For by your words you shall be declared tzadik, (righteous) and by your words you shall

be condemned.

We can see that there is coming a judgment day as Matthew states in these Scriptures and

mankind is justified when he witness for the truth. But mankind will be condemned when

they witness a false gospel, in other words they witness a false teaching or a lie and pass it

along as the truth.

John 12:46 I have come a Light into the olam hazeh (This age or this world) that whoever

believes on Me should not live in darkness.


47 And if any man hears My words, and believes not, I judge him not: for I came not to

judge the olam, (world) but to save the olam hazeh. (This age or this world)

48 He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has One that judges him. The Word that I

have spoken, the same shall judge him on the last day.

49 For I have not spoken by Myself; but the Abi (Father) who sent Me, He gave Me a

commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.

50 And I know that His commandment is eternal chayim/life: whatever I speak therefore,

even as the Abi (Father) said to Me, so I speak.

Everyone will be judged by what they speak. If it was the truth of Yahuah’s Word, we have

gained other souls and are fruitful servants. Matthew 7:15-20

How do people reject Yahusha? When they reject the truth of His Word, they reject Yahusha.

It will be the Word that judges all people, starting at the First Resurrection. The Word that

Yahusha spoke, the same will judge His people at the Last Day as verse 48 states above.

Parables of the 10 Servants unto whom the Master gave one pound each

Luke 19: 12-27. He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for

himself a malchut (Kingdom), and to return. (This reference is about Yahusha)

13 And he called his ten abadim (servants), and delivered to them ten pounds, and said to

them, Occupy until I come.

14 But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this

man to reign over us. (His citizens meaning His servants, the foolish Virgins)

15 And it came to pass, that when he returned, having received the malchut (Kingdom), then

he commanded these abadim (servants) to be called to him, to whom he had given the money

that he might know how much every man had gained by trading.

16 Then came the first, saying, Master, Your pound has gained ten pounds.

17 And he said to him, Well done, you tob (good) ebed (servant): because you have been

faithful in very little, take authority over ten talents. 4-4 Aramaic word is kakra means

talents/ not karkha, mistranslated in most Greek texts as “city.”

18 And the second came, saying, Master, Your pound has gained five pounds.

19 And He said likewise to him, Take authority also over five talents.

20 And another came, saying, Master, see, here is your pound, which I have kept laid up in a


21 For I feared you, because you are a harsh man: you take up that which you laid not

down, and reap that which you did not sow.


22 And he said to him, Out of your own mouth will I judge you, you wicked ebed

(servant). You supposedly knew that I was a harsh man, taking up what I laid not down, and

reaping what I did not sow:

23 Then why didn’t you put my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have

collected my own with interest?

24 And he said to them that stood by, Take from him the pound, and give it to him that has

ten pounds.

25 And they said to Him, Master, he has ten pounds.

26 For I say to you, That to everyone who has shall be given; and from him that has not, even

that which he has shall be taken away from him.

27 But these enemies, who did not desire that I should reign over them, bring here, and slay

them before me.

The ten pounds were given to ten servants. We have the good servant, who gained ten

pounds, and another servant gained five pounds, and another servant did not gain any


This is showing a Judgment at the coming of Yahusha and a separation of people. The good

workers who gained or used his pounds will be saved. But the other servant that did not gain

any pounds will be lost.

We can see from these verses when we allow the Scriptures to reign over us, we are allowing

Yahusha to be our King and to reign over us. We can see in the 14th verse that some people

said, “We will not have this man to reign over us”.

As we see in this parable, the way you allow Yahusha to rein over you, is to know the Truth

of His Word and allow the Spirit and the Word to reign over you. If a person rejects the

Truth, they are rejecting Yahusha. We are to be fruitful Servants as stated in these Scriptures

Matthew 7:13-20 Mt. 12:33-37

Another reference on talents is in Mt.25:14-30 the unfruitful servant is cast out as shown in

the next verse.

Matthew 25:30 And cast the unprofitable ebed (servant) into outer darkness: there shall be

weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Second death “Gehenna”)


The Apostles sitting on 12 Thrones in the Millennial Kingdom

Mattityahu/Matthew 19:27-30 Then answered Kepha (Peter) and said to Him, See, we have

forsaken all, and followed You; what shall we have therefore?

28 And Yahusha said to them, Truly I say to you, Those of you who have followed Me, in the

regeneration when the Ben Ahdahm (Yahusha the Messiah) shall sit on the kesay (Throne) of

His esteem, (Glory) you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, administering mishpat

(Judgment) over the twelve tribes of Yisrael.

29 And every one that has forsaken houses, or brothers, or sisters, or Abba, (Father) or Eema,

(Mother) or wife, or children, or lands, for My Name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and

shall inherit everlasting chayim/Life.

30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

The Apostles were told by Yahusha that they would sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of

Israel (flesh and blood people). This will happen in the regeneration or the restoration of the

Kingdom of Yahuah, the one thousand year reign of Yahusha here on the earth, in the

Millennium Kingdom.

When you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom

Mattityahu/Matthew 8:11-12 And I say to you, that many shall come from the east and west,

and shall sit down with Abraham and Yitzchak, (Isaac) and Yaakob, (Jacob) in the malchut

ha shamayim. (Kingdom of Heaven)

12 But the children of the malchut (Kingdom) shall be cast out into the outer darkness of Gei-

Hinnom: (Gehenna second death) and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The righteous will inherit the Kingdom with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Those that are cast

out are the ones on Yahusha’s left hand, the goats, the foolish Virgins, the one that buried his

talent and the one without the wedding garment.

There will be hundreds of millions possibly more than 1 to 2 billion, maybe more that will die

a physical death as in Noah day at the coming of Yahusha. Matthew 24:40-41

The first Judgment will take place when Yahusha returns, people are judged before they are

determined to be lost, then if they are not found worthy of Eternal life then they will be cast

into Gehenna Lake of Fire, second death. Mt. 13:37-43 Mt. 13:45-50 Luke 13:23-30


Genesis 14:18 And Malki-Tzedek (Priest Hood) melech (King) of Salem (peace) brought

out lechem (bread) and wine: and he was the kohen (High Prist) of El-Elyon (Salem).

19 And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Avram (Abraham) to El-Elyon (The most High),

Possessor of the shamayim (Heavens) and earth:

20 And blessed be El-Elyon (The Most High), who has delivered your enemies into your

hand. And he paid him the ma’aser (Ties) of all.

Shem was the son of Noah and he was the Malki-Tzedek (Priest Hood) melech (King) of

Salem (peace) and He blessed Abraham first before blessing Yahuah. Shem should have

blessed Yahuah first then blessed Abraham second. Look at all of the letters or books that Paul

and other writers wrote they blessed Yahuah first then Yahusha. But when we worship

Yahusha we are worshiping the Father Yahuah through Yahusha look at John 10:30 Yahusha

speaking to the Jews said I and my Father are one.

Isaiah 45:23 I have sworn by Myself, the Word is gone out of My mouth in tzedakah

(righteous) and shall not return, That to Me every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall

swear. A second witness is found in Romans 14:11

We can bow before Yahusha today and accept Him as our Messiah, or people can refuse

Salvation and be made to bow ether at the First Resurrection or at the Second Resurrection.

Another reminder we are studying about the Judgment seat of Yahusha in 2nd Corinthians

5:10 For we must all appear before the bema seat (Judgment Seat) of Moshiach (Messiah);

that every one may receive the things done with his body, according to what he has done,

whether it be tob (good), or bad.

The verse we have just read 2nd Corinthian 5:10. I would like to remind people that Apostle

Paul and other witnesses stated there is coming a Judgment Day. You can read about the

coming Judgment in Romans 2:16, Romans 14:10-11, Hebrews 6:2, Hebrews 9:27, Acts

17:31, Matthew 25:31-46 etc. All of these verses are speaking about the Judgment seat of the


Mattityahu/Matthew 16:27-28 For the Ben Ahdahm (Yahusha the Messiah) shall come in the

tifereth (Glory) of His Abi (Father) with His heavenly malachim; (Angels) and then He shall

reward every man according to his mitzvoth. (Works)

28 Truly I say to you, There are some standing here, who shall not taste of death, until they

see the Ben Ahdahm (Yahusha the Messiah) coming in His malchut. (Kingdom)


We will receive rewards as believers according to our works; different rewards to different

workers, at the coming of Yahusha.

In the 28th verse, the Scriptures states (some people will not die until Yahusha comes with

His Kingdom.) As we continue let us understand the answer to this statement.

Mattityahu/Matthew 24:37-42 But as the days of Noach were, so shall also the coming of the

Ben Ahdahm (Yahusha the Moshiach) be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and

giving in marriage, until the day that Noach entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the

Ben Ahdahm (Yahusha the Moshiach) be.

40 Then shall two be in the field; one shall be taken, and the other left.

41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; one shall be taken, and the other left; because the

malachim (Angels) at the end of the olam (world or age) will remove the stumbling blocks

from the olam (world) and will separate the good ones from the wicked.

42 Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your Master is coming.

These Scriptures are showing that the wicked are taken away; this is a physical separation of

people, they will die, just as those that drowned and were destroyed taken away, in Noah’s


Every person that is alive, that had a chance for Salvation, by the hearing of the Word or

calling of the Holy Spirit (Set-Apart Spirit) and they did not repent; they will be the ones

that are taken away when Yahusha comes. Yahusha will send the Angels and they will

separate the good from the wicked as the 41st verse states.

When the Trumpet sounds and the Saints are caught up to the Judgment Seat of Yahusha,

their children that did not have the Holy Spirit (Set-Apart Spirit), but were under their

Father’s roof and under the age of accountability, will go into Yahuah’s Millennial

Kingdom/the Promised Land.

Those that make it through the Great Tribulation are the people that are left behind when

Yahusha returns and will go into Yahuah’s Kingdom as fleshly and blood people.

Just as the children of Israel inherited the Promised Land, they will inherit houses they have

not built and vineyards they did not plant. The children that went into the Promised Land in


Moses and Joshua’s day, is a shadow picture of the people being blessed as they go into the

Kingdom, the 1000 year reign of Yahusha and His Saints. (It’s possible that the physical

children that go into the M. K will be under twenty years old).

There will be many different nationalities (Nations) in the Millennial Kingdom just as they

are today.

Second witness is Luke 17:26-37 that goes with Matthew 24:37-42

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noach, (Noah) so shall it be also in the days of the

Ben Ahdahm. (Yahusha the Moshiach)

27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day

that Noach entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold,

they planted, they built;

29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sedom (Sodom) it rained fire and brimstone from

the Master YAHUAH from the shamayim, (Heavens) and destroyed them all. Lot and his

wife and two daughters were delivered, lots wife looked back and then she turned into a pillar

of salt. I believe there will be some righteous standing here when the Messiah Yahusha

returns that will be delivered.

30 Even so shall it be in the day when the Ben Ahdahm (Yahusha the Moshiach) is revealed.

31 In that day, he who shall be upon the housetop, with his belongings in the bayit, (house)

let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return

back. When Yahusha is revealed do not look to take worldly stuff with you!!

32 Remember Lot’s wife. Do not look back to this beast system for anything, not even your

kin folk, remember we are to be putting Yahusha first in our lives every day.

33 Whoever shall seek to save his chayim (life) shall lose it; and whoever shall lose his chayim

(life) shall preserve it. If people live for themselves they will lose eternal life, if people die out

unto themselves and allow Yahusha by His Word and Sprit to live through them, they will

have eternal life.

34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the

other shall be left.

35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

37 And they responded and said to Him, Where, Master? And He said to them, wherever the

body is, there will the eagles be gathered together. These last 4 Scriptures shows a separation

of people when Yahusha comes, no matter where the person is “dead or alive” the

eagles/Angels will gather Yahusha people from the earth.


These Scriptures in Luke is showing the same thing that Matthew show, the people will be

eating, drinking, partying, fornicating, robbing, murdering, marring and given in marriages,

there will be wars and rumor of wars. This is the most evil generation that has ever been, and

it is getting worse, day by day. And when Yahusha comes in His Glory with His Angels, all

of the wicked will die, and will be meat for the birds of the air, Ravens, Buzzards and etc.

Revelation 6:12-17 Malachi 4:1

Are there few that will be saved?

Luke 13:23-30 Then someone said to Him, Master, are there few that will be saved? And He

said to them,

24 Strive to enter in at the narrow gate: for many, I say to you, Will seek to enter in, and

shall not be able. Matthew 7:13-14

The narrow gate is obedience to the Spirit and the Word of Yahuah, come out of Mystery

Babylon all false worship. Revelations 18:4 / 2 Corinthians 6:17-18

25 Once the Master of the bayit (house) is risen up, and has shut the door, and you begin to

stand outside, and to knock on the door, saying, Master, Master, open to us; and He shall

answer and say to you, I know you not where you are from: Matthew 7:21-23 Mt. 25:11-12

26 Then shall you begin to say, we ate and drank in your presence, and you have taught in

our streets.

27 But He shall say, I tell you, I know you not where you are from; depart from Me, all you

workers of Torah-less-ness.

Torah-less-ness is about false religious people at the judgment that taught against keeping

the Torah, and saying they were "under grace" and not subject Yahuah Torah (law).

Therefore the people broke Yahuahs Sabbaths, Feast Days, ate unclean animals (Broke the

dietary laws) and defiled their temples (their body).

28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you shall see Abraham and Yitzchak,

(Isaac) and Yaakob, (Jacob) and all the nebiim, (Prophets) in the malchut (Kingdom) of

YAHUAH and you yourselves thrown out.

29 And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the

south, and shall sit down in the Malchut (Kingdom) of YAHUAH. Mt. 8:11-12

30 And, see, there are last which shall be first, and there are first which shall be last.


For many will seek to enter in and shall not be able, the lost will bite on each other as they

burn in the lake of fire the second death as stated in the 28th v above, until they are consumed.

In Luke 12:47-48 the Scriptures are showing that the servant that knew His Master’s will

and did it not, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not shall be beaten with

few stripes. This is showing that some people will suffer in the lake of fire for a longer time

than others, before they burn up.

These Scriptures are showing a Judgment and a separation of the saved and lost. Compared

to the billions of people that have lived, only a few will be saved, but the righteous that have

kept the Torah Yahuah Moadim / Commandments will enter into the Kingdom of Yahuah,

Abraham’s Bosom, or Paradise the 1000 yr Millennial Kingdom.

Remember that mankind must yield to the word and to the Spirit for Yahusha to open the

door, in order to be fruitful servants. Isaiah 22:22 Revelation 3:7

In a great house the true body of believers there is 4 types of vessels or people

2nd Timothy 2:20 But in a great bayit (house) there are not only vessels of gold and of silver,

but also of wood and of earth; and some to honor, and some to dishonor.

21 If a man therefore cleanses himself from unclean matters, he shall be a vessel of honor,

kadosh (Holy), and fit for the Master’s use, and prepared for every tob (good) mitzvah


Even in the Assembly of Yahusha the true body of believers there is 4 types of vessels gold,

silver, wood and earth, some to honor, and some to dishonor.

In other words the people classified as gold and silver vessels are the wise Virgins they will be


But the people classified as wood and earth vessels, the foolish Virgins, they will be lost.

Revelation 22:11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be

filthy still: and he that is a tzadik, (Righteous) let him be a tzadik (Righteous) still: and he

that is kadosh, (Holy) let him be kadosh (Holy) still.


As it states there are 4 types of vessels the # 1. unjust, # 2. filthy, # 3. righteous and # 4.

holy. The holy person is the gold vessel, the righteous person is the silver vessel, the wood and

earth vessels are the unjust and the filthy vessels (people) that will be lost.

Revelation states the same thing that Paul wrote to Timothy that the Angel showed to John

in the book of revelations, showing 4 types of vessels or people some to honor and some to


The Gold and the Silver vessels are Yahuah’s Kings and Priests. Revelations 1:6

At the resurrection, the Saints will be made equal unto the Angels

Luke 20:34-40 And Yahusha answering said to them, The children of the olam hazeh (This

world) marry, and are given in marriage:

35 But those who shall be accounted worthy to obtain the olam haba, (age to come) and the

resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: * Reference listed below

36 Neither can they die any more: for they are like the heavenly malachim; (Angels) and are

the children of Elohim, being the children of the resurrection.

37 Now that the dead are raised, even Moshe showed at the bush, when he called the Master

YAHUAH the Elohim of Abraham, and the Elohim of Yitzchak, (Isaac) and the Elohim of

Yaakob. (Jacob)

38 For He is not the Elohim of the dead, but of the living: for all live to Him.

39 Then certain of the Sophrim (Scribes) answering said, Master, You have well said.

40 And after that they did not ask Him any question at all.

At the first resurrection, those judged and accounted worthy will put on Immortality,

Eternal Life and will be like the Angels having a flesh and bone body like unto Yahusha body

(From Heaven). * The Saints will not marry, nor will they ever die, we will live and work in

the Kingdom with Yahusha as His Kings and Priest.

Yahusha had a flesh and bone body after He arose

Luke 24:36-39 And as they spoke, Yahusha Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to

them, Shalom (Pease) Aleichem. (Be unto you) It is I; don’t be afraid.

37 But they were confused and frightened, and thought that they had seen a ruach. (spirit)

38 And He said to them, why are you troubled? And why do thoughts arise in your levim?


39 See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself: handle Me and understand, and see; for a

ruach (spirit) has no flesh and bones, as you see I have.


Yahusha appeared into the room where the Disciples were assembled, they were confused

and frightened. He said, “Handle Me and see that a Spirit does not have flesh and bone as I

have”. Those that are judged and found worthy will have a body liken unto Yahusha’s body.

Philippians 3:21 1st John 3:2

You shall know men by their fruits

Mattityahu/Matthew 7:15-27 Beware of false nebiim, (Prophets) who come to you in lamb’s

clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from

thistles? You cannot gather good fruit from a thorn or thistle tree, this is speaking about

mankind that teaches a false gospel an unfruitful tree one that is sowing tares

17 Even so every tob (good) eytz (tree) brings forth tob (good) fruit; but a corrupt eytz (tree)

brings forth evil fruit.

18 A tob (good) eytz (tree) cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt eytz (tree)

bring forth tob (good) fruit.

19 Every eytz (tree) that brings not forth tob (good) fruit is cut down, and cast into the fire.

(At the Judgment seat of the Messiah)

20 Therefore by their fruits you shall know them.

Warning!! These first 6 verses are warning to the pew sitter that the false Prophets, will

proclaim a false gospel that will deceive mankind that does not know the truth.

1. What is good fruit? Good fruit, is teaching and keeping the Torah, Yahuah’s Sabbath,

Feast Day’s, clean foods (the dietary laws), His precepts and statute and judgments etc.

Psalms 119:1-176

2. What is evil fruit? False teacher teaching that the law is done away with and that they are

under grace. Many teach that Sunday is the Sabbath, and others teach absent from the body

is to be present with Yahusha, and other false teachings, such as a rapture before the Great


A false teacher produces bitter water and thorns by teaching (false teaching) they are sowing

tares in the vineyard, among the wheat.

A man of Yahuah is the fountain that produces sweet water (Truth) He is also the tree that

bears figs. (Truth)


Men of Yahuah that proclaims the Truth will have to contend with false prophets as Elijah

did. 1 Kings 18:1-46. Now to continue in verse 21

Mat. 7:21 Not every one that says to Me, Master, Master, shall enter with Me into the

malchut ha shamayim; (Kingdom of Heaven) but he that does the will of My Abi (Father)

who is in the shamayim. (Heaven)

22 A great many will say to Me in that day, Master, Master, have we not prophesied in your

Name?* And in your Name * have cast out shadim (Devils)? And in your Name* done many

wonderful mitzvoth (works) and nisim (Miracles)?

23 And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work Torah-

less-ness. (Meaning those that do not keep Torah/Yahuah's Laws)

The soul that knows and yields unto the Torah the Word, doing the will of the Father Yahuah

will enter into the Millennial Reign and have eternal life with Yahusha.

The false prophets are preaching in the wrong name,* are they casting out devils as they teach

a false gospel? No, they are doing deceiving miracles. They are hirelings, and will be judged

according. * There were no letter nor sound of "J" in the English language until the 15th

century. There is no "J" in the Hebrew Alphabet at all, even 'modern' hebrew. Think on

what this verse is stating. Now to continue in verse 24

24 Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise

man, who built his bayit (house) upon a rock: 1

25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that

bayit; (house) and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 2

26 And every one that hears these sayings of Mine, and does them not, shall be like a foolish

man, who built his bayit (house) upon the sand: 3

27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that

bayit; (house) and it fell: and great was the fall of it. 4

1. The wise man in obedience to the truth has a rock solid foundation, the Torah.

2. Many false teachings (winds) came at the wise man but he was not shaken.

3. The foolish man house was built on false teachings (sand).

4. The soul that has built his house on sand (false teachings) when the Torah/truth is

proclaimed it will wash away the foundation from under his house. (His being)

5. House, means that person mind and body, his / her total being.


James 3:11 Does a fountain send forth at the same place sweet mayim (water) and bitter?

12 Can the fig eytz, (tree) my Yisraelite brothers, bear olive berries? Or, a vine, figs? So

likewise salt water cannot be made sweet.

A man is the fountain that produces sweet water (Truth) or bitter water (false teaching) He

is also the tree that bears figs (Truth) or thorns (false teaching).

The only way to know if a man is a good fruit bearing tree is to know the Truth yourself.

Many people will say to Yahusha, “We have cast out devils, we have done many miracles and

wonderful works in your Name”, He will say “I never knew you”. Matthew 7:23 (KJV)

The man that builds on sand is the one that is building on many false teachings (False

doctrine). They do not keep the Commandments of Yahuah.

The entire chapter of Psalms 119:1-176 is devoted to Yahuah’s Torah (The Word, His

Statutes, His Precepts, His Testimonies, His Judgments, His Law, His Commandments). We

are commanded to keep His Torah/Laws.

Men are known by their fruit

Mattityahu/Matthew 12:33-37 Either make the eytz (tree) tob, (good) and its fruit tob; (good)

or else make the eytz (tree) corrupt, and its fruit corrupt: for the eytz (tree) is known by its


34 O generation of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak tob (good) things? For out of the

abundance of the lev (heart) the mouth speaks.

35 A tob (good) man out of the tob (good) treasure of the lev (heart) brings forth tob (good)

things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.

36 But I say to you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account of it on

the Yom HaDin. (day of Judgment)

37 For by your words you shall be declared tzadik, (righteous) and by your words you shall

be condemned.

If we yield to the Word and the Spirit of Yahuah, He will make us fruitful servants and we

will bear much fruit (Truth produces precious souls for the kingdom). It is from the heart we

either speak Truth (good things) or false teaching (evil things) and we will have to give an

account at the Judgment Seat of Yahusha.


In Closing

Brethren we have presented enough Scripture to show anyone that wants to know the

TRUTH, that there will be a resurrection and a Judgment at the coming of Yahusha. This

Judgment will include both good (saved) and bad (lost) from the body of believers. Mat. 25:


As always we have used Scriptures to explain what other Scriptures are stating, on what

Yahusha spoke and what His Apostles and Prophets have written. I pray that what we have

presented is acceptable unto our Messiah Yahusha, for His body of believers.

I pray that Yahusha will have mercy on all of us at the Judgment seat. I pray especially for

the ministers/Torah keepers, that bear the Ark/Scrolls/Scriptures of responsibility on their


As always we pray for the deliverance of the remnant of Yahusha's people worldwide, as

stated in Rev. 12.

Moshe Eliyahu

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://www.yhrim.com
