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The Kentucke gazette. (Lexington, KY) 1789-01-31 [p ].nyx.uky.edu › dips › xt76hd7npp0x › data...

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ftJuaa. XXiil K E V H E VOL. 11 N T U C E G A Z E T T S A T U R D A Y, JANUARY 30, 1789.. WW www LEXINGTON: Printed by JOIIN' ' BRADFORD at his Office in Main Street," where Subfcripthns, Advtrtijements, (sc. for this 'paper, are thankfully ; received, and Printing in its different branches dorte with Care and'Expedition. An EPHEMERIS F E B R uj R T, 1789. v Calculated ,for ths, Merfdian of': KENTUiSKE, D. II. M.s ?irft Quarter '2J, ac o 10 Aster. Pull Moon 9th, at 11 10 Aster. Lad Quarter 171b, ac 9 41 Morn. New Moon 24th, at 8 15. Aster. Rem. Days Ci.c,iu ii.iu.let.j j'.r 1 n. Knlnhanu. 16 57 5 3 2.1: 4w .5 th .Venus rift 5 5 71 8D, Septuagefifna. 9'm lOtl. 7 V i ! 11 vv G Wufbington 'bern. 13 f Stturnfo 9 14 in. iSD 1 6 ID I7,tu i8w Lur.a near Mars fi I9,th! Sol enter i Pifies'fi 2o!fr 2i''a Syr. jo. 8. 6. jjj 22D Shrove Sunday .l5 32 5 23.111 24,1 11 Tuer':iy" 2t Ash WcJr.efJiy 6 26 th fi !fi 28' 7. sets :2. 5. !S Station on-th- t new road to thi settle-- . mi:.t by wayjif Is g W.dy River H FR. Vancouver aciiuuints thoie I v x people wjio may with to settle at the aforei.iid pljtc, that on the tenth day ofi'cbrnaiy he will fctout wuh a party from Stroud'-- Itation, to erect ' a. block. ho use, and cfbblifli a; Ferry' where the new road a offes Jt the ma.iv forks of B g. Sandy River," He will build tciipora-- log ho.ufcs atthe Stations or relhng places and Sandy which he prefiiinqs' will prove a gre3t conveni-enc- y to tra.VeHc.s in suture. In ad.li lion to.ihe encouragement holdout to set tiers by his advertifemcnts in this paper In Oftoberhft He will givcan" In and out town lotto the twenty limited. Will resign the. benegtof the ferrv for two years to the tcafiVn families that may pgfitivc-l- y Vett!c" 'on his lands viJI jiufchafo-o- thefpot-auth- market price with Goods & Calh, all the FurrPeltry end Ginfang which the fctricrs may be able to, procure, and in sine w:il Wry ljbcrally.pay them'for all ;tbeclea-ilng- s and improvements which" they' jnay be 3ble to make. "upon s, ' N. R."2 large-compan- 'will, start from Stroud to the Settlement by the fijfks ,of Sandy at the same time. The alteration in the time nitnfc Med for fldi'iihg, apses frori the una- - Voidable delays occnfionvdin making the Tiecejfary preparations. l't evident, January ijl.ijSQ- - T Pro pole unending the G.ene-- X ral Court in the DUtrict ff Kentucky, as an- - Attorneyand fhali be ;Ki ti.ie.ncxt March" .term is hot :pj evented by fome'un-forefee- n - OFORGE NICHOLAS. " Richmond Ocl. 24 ih, 17S8 2023 THE time being come when in the opinion of the fub-ferib- er, . the survey's of the Mi- ami pnrehafe may be carried on vvith fafery The Indians for the present being avowedly pacific in that quai (er 5 those gentlemen who have applied for ou'ftnefs in that department are hereby notified that the g- is begun, and such as are ftiU deiiroiis of employ ment, may repair to Mr. Ludlow wlw is on the ground- - to the business and the terms : None nsid apply who expect cufli for their services. no fu:veying fcfc3 'being as yet on hand ; is "land it of a dollar per acrs and the sees of furysy-in- g and registering wiHanfwv, Land Warrants Ihall be iditcol on the wdrk's being well done. Mr. Iidlo-.- im- mediately allignXbufinefs to gen- tlemen sound byxhim to be of ability in that bnch of the mathematicks, ana so many hst'vitrj undertaken th ferVice, etnpljy wi l spun be ucr, The. fub'.cribcr begsy leave to rep ind rhofe perfotis wl;o have 'applied for M'ami lsJ, that the "firve)ing and rei-iierin- g sees are much wanted X So js-ali'- ' orie half of the pur-cha- fe nioney of such aa expect to have the land at a.qturtt'r of a dollar per acre : The, fub.-fcrib- sr mult, coniider all former applicatiuns at the before men- tioned price, as null, wherein the furvejing and registering sees are not paid by the fiilt of mi .th ; and one half or tire 'purchhfe mone) by the firfl day ot March ensuing ; the other moiety of the purchase money mult be paid by the sit ft of M.iy ntxe. ciucates are ri- ling at New-Yor- k itnd Phila- delphia, and fych land, as are not paid' fur by the sit ft of jlay-,,muf- t be paid (or,in liqui- dated certificates at the then. ftUiri' price of the land before Warrants can be illued to ao- - plicants. y The nibferiber is obliged to pay to the Treasury of the United States nearon'e hundred Uioufand dollars in Certificates by the fij ft of June next, there; sore cannot without injury to himself beddaved the navment loneer than Mav. Is anvour- - dialer' wishes a longer. credit, he must give a nvneh higlier price f r the hind.' JOHN CLKVESSYM.ME. " Limjltone. Jat. Stfi 1789- - (h 21 tf) I U S T OPENED A' ND for Sale by John Rhea, at Ins btore at -- cott s ware House on the Kentucky, a very gsneral Ailortment of Ur Goodsw Hard Ware and groceries, for, vhich calli. Tobacco, .ginfang, Furrs, .mz- - "Eeaverj Racoons Foxes, Wild cats and b tcr, skins will be taken !n pay mr.t, NEW STORE just opposite the n;w Court Houfc. Ihe fubfciiber h.is just received alargeandpei-.eia- l AITortment of DR2' GOODS AND GROCERIES with a quantity of Nails of different sizes, of his own manufacturing ; all which heisdetennined to Ml on a? moderate terms as poffible, for Cath, Indian Com, 7Tobacco, li utter, Tallow, and Hogs lard. JOHN DUNCAN.. . Of uhpm may be had colkJCtioQof Boqky, in Divinity, Law and Phytic; feve ral ctitertainm lhltorics; some Engliih and Latin School Books , a variety of Books fortbe tnftrnftion and entertainment of Childi en;- - Ameiican Magazines and Mufeunis of the Iateft dates; also I'archment.Defd, and Letter .Paper, Se.il.ng Wax, Wafers, also Andei soil's Scots pills. Any of. the above described Countty Produce will be received at General Scott's, where a Receipt will begiven that will qualify the- - beater to receive Goods in Lexington. Lexington, Dec. 25, 178S. VJ-- L uiojij who hae taken i;s of the land belonging to' the vJfVanfylvania Seminary and who ta've not got the'u Lea-f- es will please ;o send the names of those petfons whose lives are to be the term .rf their Ieaf-e- s ta Col.' William. Ward, in time for hjin to mak; out the said leases beore Marclf Court, hen ths-- will also attend to iruve them, executed. 1 . W. WARD 1" . P.. JOHNSON Ugenti R. TODD, J J ViH .0 Dirt (lor twelve m on 1 uO 3 negro woman who is a goodcock and underilands Walb'uig and 5raninn: GEO. GORDON. Buckeye near Lexington. Jan. jith, 17S? v (b ai t) A Mulatto lad 'n.iwod Sam Jav.kfon, has for absented himl'clf from my ser-vi- ce under the fahe pretence of being free, and I am in- formed lurkirg about Lex- ington. Vie .is under middle lize, and may be certainly known from having lost all the' toes off of one of his feet by a burn. I villg've :wodol- - lars" reward for br nging him Some. CALEB. WALLACE. L-3-. He i,s very artful, and is prllible will escape from the taker up: ' bastf'; Jfa" 20j t79' ' ' J Hereby uiye notice, that the x law, eftablilhing a Town at the Mmth of Limestone, will probably be altered : And Ido hereby forbid the Trufteee, from'acTting under the former law, and further forewarn all nerfons from purchasing John May's land, under the Defcrip- - tionotjohn Mays and bimon Kjnion's, as John May, and Simon Kenton have no such l8nd, and of course, whatever Js done under the former law, will be considered as null and ' ' void. JOHN MAY. f b ; 1 t Q 'pHE Subscribers have now added to ' their general AfTortment of dry Gocds Groce- ries &c. a a 'complear AiTort-me- nt of medicine which they will as ufualdifpofe of on mo- derate trrms. PETER JANUARY & SON. ! Likewise. a quantity- - of.mj-lirn- rv 'and Warrants for sale ;j US T O P Rne'd ' And for,sale Ly HUGH M' 1 L V A I At his Store in Lexington, on Main ' Street in iim house lately occupied by Mr. John Clarke, a. general Alfmment of MERCHANDIZE, CONtrSTING. Of Cloths, Stuffs, Stationary, Saddle-iy.e- e Ironmongery, Queens wre,-Glaf- s waie, & 1'in aic, which he t will sell on the aioft, reasonable tetni forCafii. , ROBERT BARK' ' Has lately importeaa large antl .general AfTortment of-.- . , "OOLLENS, cambleiydu-rant- s, ftialloons, calliman"'-coc- s, Irilh linens cutlery, harci waxe,nailEt glass, Q.ieens,ware, pewter, de ituflfs, with a frelli. eflbrtmeut of Medicine, and a sew caflis of excellent Madeira wine with a number of articles-to- tedious to mention hfcr which will be sold ort the low,-e- st terms for Cash, Pork, and Corn. tf. Lexington, Deti z6; 1783 ' COME Tears pmft 1 purcha- - "T fed cfc.Crleb Cilloway.--SiCtlcmen- t and Pre-emptib- ;oni:ining fourteen hundred new Ovc laud which was igranted him byv the commillioners bjr virtue of Mmprovemerts,"lying three or foui miles'from Booni borough kno-- by the namd of - the K:iock-rjUck- !e Tradt, for which he has a&vyet neglectr ed making titles to, I here-B- y caution' any person or pe- rsons' whatsoever from " purcha. Ytng the same or any part tlh'teof, fliould he presume to fellas he ha received full fattsfaclicn for the. fanie. . . WILLIAM HOY. Jan. s, 1789.x. 222' i PUBLIC v;e n d u e be sold for Cafli at Mr. TO Collins's on Momliv nexfe at 12 O'Clock precifel y, .a quantity 6 Goods tjgnfilling tf the followirlgar' tides Viz. ... lirawin knives, Carpenter! ' and Coopers Adzes, Plntlering. Trowels, Turning, Mortoifeand Sock'et Chisels a feet Rules, Padlocks, Gimblets as. sorted. Double Plane Irons, Plate'tl ilioe ani knee buckles. A quantity of Cutlery, and a1 number of other ar- ticles too tedious to mention here.1 To be let for the Season two Cult blooded 5tud hotfes. the one up- wards of fixtecn hands high riling,!!); yejrs old, the other upwards of fif- teen, ripng fivu. . Wanted to hire a Negro man aort woman. Enquir'e'of JirtK& Gtah.rn or Stephen Collins Ini;-kecr,'- Lc inton, - L;,vlhg'on Ja-i- i JQ, 1783,
Page 1: The Kentucke gazette. (Lexington, KY) 1789-01-31 [p ].nyx.uky.edu › dips › xt76hd7npp0x › data › 0148.pdf; received, and Printing in its different branches dorte with Care

ftJuaa. XXiil

K EV H E VOL. 11

N T U C E G A Z E T TS A T U R D A Y, JANUARY 30, 1789..

WW wwwLEXINGTON: Printed by JOIIN''

BRADFORD at his Office in Main Street," where Subfcripthns, Advtrtijements, (sc. for this 'paper, are thankfully; received, and Printing in its different branches dorte with Care and'Expedition.



F E B R uj R T, 1789.

vCalculated ,for ths, Merfdian of':


?irft Quarter '2J, ac o 10 Aster.Pull Moon 9th, at 11 10 Aster.Lad Quarter 171b, ac 9 41 Morn.New Moon 24th, at 8 15. Aster.

Rem. Days Ci.c,iu ii.iu.let.jj'.r 1 n. Knlnhanu. 16 57 5 32.1:

4w.5 th .Venus rift 5



8D, Septuagefifna.9'm

lOtl. 7 V i !11 vv G Wufbington

'bern.13 f Stturnfo 914 in.

iSD1 6 ID

I7,tui8w Lur.a near Mars fiI9,th! Sol enter i Pifies'fi2o!fr2i''a

Syr. jo. 8. 6. jjj

22D Shrove Sunday .l5 32 5


24,1 11 Tuer':iy"2t Ash WcJr.efJiy 626 th fi


28' 7. sets :2. 5. !S

Station on-th- t new road to thi settle-- .

mi:.t by wayjif Is g W.dy RiverH FR. Vancouver aciiuuints thoieI v x people wjio may with to settleat the aforei.iid pljtc, that on the tenthday ofi'cbrnaiy he will fctout wuha party from Stroud'-- Itation, to erect '

a.block. ho use, and cfbblifli a; Ferry'where the new road a offes Jt the ma.ivforks of B g. Sandy River," He willbuild tciipora-- log ho.ufcs atthe

Stations or relhng placesand Sandy which he

prefiiinqs' will prove a gre3t conveni-enc- y

to tra.VeHc.s in suture. In ad.li

lion to.ihe encouragement holdout toset tiers by his advertifemcnts in thispaper In Oftoberhft He will givcan"In and out town lotto the twenty

limited. Will resign the.benegtof the ferrv for two years tothe tcafiVn families that may pgfitivc-l- y

Vett!c" 'on his lands viJI jiufchafo-o-

thefpot-auth- market price withGoods & Calh, all the FurrPeltryend Ginfang which the fctricrs maybe able to, procure, and in sine w:ilWry ljbcrally.pay them'for all ;tbeclea-ilng- s

and improvements which" they'jnay be 3ble to make. "upon s,

' N. R."2 large-compan- 'will, startfrom Stroud to the Settlement by thefijfks ,of Sandy at the same time.

The alteration in the time nitnfcMed for fldi'iihg, apses frori the una- -

Voidable delays occnfionvdin making theTiecejfary preparations.

l't evident, January ijl.ijSQ- -

T Pro pole unending the G.ene-- X

ral Court in the DUtrict ffKentucky, as an- - Attorneyand

fhali be ;Ki ti.ie.ncxt March" .termis hot :pj evented by fome'un-forefee- n


Richmond Ocl. 24 ih, 17S8 2023

THE time being come whenin the opinion of the fub-ferib- er,

. the survey's of the Mi-

ami pnrehafe may be carriedon vvith fafery The Indiansfor the present being avowedlypacific in that quai (er 5 thosegentlemen who have applied forou'ftnefs in that department arehereby notified that the g-

is begun, and such asare ftiU deiiroiis of employment, may repair to Mr. Ludlowwlw is on the ground- - to

the business andthe terms : None

nsid apply who expect cuflifor their services. no fu:veyingfcfc3 'being as yet on hand ; is

"land it of a dollarper acrs and the sees of furysy-in- g

and registering wiHanfwv,Land Warrants Ihall be iditcolon the wdrk's being welldone. Mr. Iidlo-.- im-

mediately allignXbufinefs to gen-tlemen sound byxhim to be ofability in that bnch of themathematicks, ana so manyhst'vitrj undertaken th ferVice,etnpljy wi l spun be ucr,

The. fub'.cribcr begsy leaveto rep ind rhofe perfotis wl;ohave 'applied for M'ami lsJ,that the "firve)ing and rei-iierin- g

sees are much wanted XSo js-ali'-

' orie half of the pur-cha- fe

nioney of such aa expectto have the land at a.qturtt'rof a dollar per acre : The, fub.-fcrib- sr

mult, coniider all formerapplicatiuns at the before men-tioned price, as null, whereinthe furvejing and registeringsees are not paid by the fiiltof mi .th ; and one half ortire 'purchhfe mone) by the firflday ot March ensuing ; the othermoiety of the purchase moneymult be paid by the sit ft ofM.iy ntxe. ciucates are ri-

ling at New-Yor- k itnd Phila-delphia, and fych land, as arenot paid' fur by the sit ft ofjlay-,,muf- t be paid (or,in liqui-

dated certificates at the then.ftUiri' price of the land beforeWarrants can be illued to ao- -plicants. y

The nibferiber is obliged topay to the Treasury of theUnited States nearon'e hundredUioufand dollars in Certificatesby the fij ft of June next, there;sore cannot without injury tohimself beddaved the navmentloneer than Mav. Is anvour--dialer' wishes a longer. credit, hemust give a nvneh higlier pricef r the hind.'


Limjltone. Jat. Stfi 1789- - (h 21 tf)I U S T OPENED

A'ND for Sale by John Rhea,at Ins btore at -- cott s ware

House on the Kentucky, a verygsneral Ailortment of Ur GoodswHard Ware and groceries, for,vhich calli. Tobacco, .ginfang,Furrs, .mz- - "Eeaverj RacoonsFoxes, Wild cats and b tcr,skins will be taken !n pay mr.t,

NEW STOREjust opposite the n;w Court Houfc.

Ihe fubfciiber h.is just receivedalargeandpei-.eia- l AITortment of DR2'GOODS AND GROCERIES with aquantity of Nails of different sizes,of his own manufacturing ; all whichheisdetennined to Ml on a? moderateterms as poffible, for Cath, IndianCom, 7Tobacco, li utter, Tallow, andHogs lard. JOHN DUNCAN..

. Of uhpm may be hadcolkJCtioQof Boqky, in Divinity,

Law and Phytic; feve ral ctitertainmlhltorics; some Engliih and LatinSchool Books , a variety of Booksfortbe tnftrnftion and entertainment ofChildi en;- - Ameiican Magazines andMufeunis of the Iateft dates; alsoI'archment.Defd, and Letter .Paper,Se.il.ng Wax, Wafers, also Andei soil'sScots pills.

Any of. the above describedCountty Produce will be received atGeneral Scott's, where a Receipt willbegiven that will qualify the- - beaterto receive Goods in Lexington.

Lexington, Dec. 25, 178S.

VJ-- L uiojij who hae takeni;s of the land belonging

to' the vJfVanfylvania Seminaryand who ta've not got the'u Lea-f- es

will please ;o send the namesof those petfons whose lives areto be the term .rf their Ieaf-e- s

ta Col.' William. Ward, intime for hjin to mak; out thesaid leases beore Marclf Court,

hen ths-- will also attend toiruve them, executed. 1 .

W. WARD 1".


J ViH .0 Dirt (lor twelvem on 1 uO 3 negro woman who

is a goodcock and underilandsWalb'uig and 5raninn:

GEO. GORDON.Buckeye near Lexington.Jan. jith, 17S?

v (b ai t)A Mulatto lad 'n.iwod Sam

Jav.kfon, has forabsented himl'clf from my ser-vi- ce

under the fahe pretenceof being free, and I am in-

formed lurkirg about Lex-

ington. Vie .is under middlelize, and may be certainlyknown from having lost allthe' toes off of one of his feetby a burn. I villg've :wodol- -lars" reward for br nging himSome. CALEB. WALLACE.

L-3-. He i,s very artful, andis prllible will escape from thetaker up: ' bastf';Jfa" 20j t79' ' '

J Hereby uiye notice, that thex law, eftablilhing a Town atthe Mmth of Limestone, willprobably be altered : And Idohereby forbid the Trufteee,from'acTting under the formerlaw, and further forewarn allnerfons from purchasing JohnMay's land, under the Defcrip- -tionotjohn Mays and bimonKjnion's, as John May, andSimon Kenton have no such

l8nd, and of course, whateverJs done under the former law,will be considered as null and

' 'void. JOHN MAY.

f b ; 1 t Q

'pHE Subscribers have nowadded to

' their generalAfTortment of dry Gocds Groce-ries &c. a a 'complear AiTort-me- nt

of medicine which theywill as ufualdifpofe of on mo-derate trrms.


Likewise. a quantity- - of.mj-lirn- rv

'and Warrants for sale

;j U S T O P Rne'd 'And for,sale Ly

HUGH M' 1 L V A IAt his Store in Lexington, on Main

'Street in iim house lately occupied by Mr.John Clarke, a. general Alfmment of


Cloths, Stuffs, Stationary, Saddle-iy.e- eIronmongery, Queens wre,-Glaf-s

waie, & 1'in aic, which het will sell on the aioft, reasonable tetni

forCafii. ,


Has lately importeaa large antl.general AfTortment of-.-



"OOLLENS, cambleiydu-rant- s,

ftialloons, calliman"'-coc- s,

Irilh linens cutlery, harciwaxe,nailEt glass, Q.ieens,ware,pewter, de ituflfs, with a frelli.eflbrtmeut of Medicine, and asew caflis of excellent Madeirawine with a number of articles-to-

tedious to mention hfcrwhich will be sold ort the low,-e- st

terms for Cash, Pork, andCorn. tf.

Lexington, Deti z6; 1783

' COME Tears pmft 1 purcha- -

"T fed cfc.Crleb Cilloway.--SiCtlcmen- t

and Pre-emptib-

;oni:ining fourteen hundrednew Ovc laud which was igrantedhim byv the commillioners bjrvirtue of Mmprovemerts,"lyingthree or foui miles'from Booniborough kno-- by the namdof - the K:iock-rjUck- !e Tradt, forwhich he has a&vyet neglectred making titles to, I here-B- y

caution' any person or pe-rsons' whatsoever from " purcha.Ytng the same or any parttlh'teof, fliould he presume tofellas he ha received fullfattsfaclicn for the. fanie.

. . WILLIAM HOY.Jan. s, 1789.x. 222'


PUBLIC v;e n d u e

be sold for Cafli at Mr.TO Collins's on Momliv nexfe

at 12 O'Clock precifel y, .a quantity 6Goods tjgnfilling tf the followirlgar'tides Viz. ...

lirawin knives, Carpenter! ' andCoopers Adzes, Plntlering. Trowels,Turning, Mortoifeand Sock'et Chiselsa feet Rules, Padlocks, Gimblets as.sorted. Double Plane Irons, Plate'tlilioe ani knee buckles. A quantityof Cutlery, and a1 number of other ar-

ticles too tedious to mention here.1To be let for the Season two Cult

blooded 5tud hotfes. the one up-

wards of fixtecn hands high riling,!!);

yejrs old, the other upwards of fif-

teen, ripng fivu. .

Wanted to hire a Negro man aortwoman. Enquir'e'of JirtK& Gtah.rnor Stephen Collins Ini;-kecr,'- Lcinton, -

L;,vlhg'on Ja-i- i JQ, 1783,
