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The Lakefront E-brochure

Date post: 03-Jun-2018
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  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


    Tomorrow a new lifestyle destination takesshape in Singapores western suburb.Combining the allure of Marina Bay,Orchard Road and East Coast Park,the upcoming Jurong Lake Districtwill be an exciting commercial, leisureand residential hub. Keppel Land the name behind landmark developmentsin Marina Bay and Keppel Bay now brings its success in waterfronttransformation to the Jurong Lake District.

    Tomorrowmorrow s most desirable address. most desirable addressThe Lakefront Residenceshe Lakefront Residences

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


    Lakefront living like never before.

    Envisiona new future

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


    S inga po res g rand m aster plan to transform the w estern sub urb into a w orld-classbu sine ss an d leisure d estina tion be gins he re w ith the creation of tw o d istinc t precinc tsthat w ill form the Ju rong Lake D istrict.

    La keside, Singap ores ne w leisure groun d w ill offer exc iting ed u-tainm en tattrac tion s,hotels, shop ping, dining , parks and w ater spo rts hu b that w ill cha rm your sen ses.W alkw ays ac ross the lake w ill create a un iqu e lakeside village that p lug s d irectly intothe Jurong G atew ay.

    The J urong G atew ay is set to be com e Singapo res largest com m ercial hub w ith m anygove rnm ent agen cies an d business enterprises se tting up head qu arters here in the n earfuture. Th is vibrant hub w ill also o ffer a variety of retail, dining and en tertainm en t op tion s.

    Jurong Lake DistrictA new metropolis

    B O O N L AY W AY

    J apaneseGarden


    Jurong Country



    Yuan ChingSecondarySchool






    J A L A N B

    O O N L A Y

    I N T E R NA T I O NA L

    R OA D




    Hua YiSecondarySchool


    JurongJuniorCollege Jurong East

    Sports Hall/Stadium /Swimming Complex


    C O R P O

    R A T I O N R D

    Y U A N C

    H I N

    G R

    O A D

    B O O N L A Y W A Y

    A Y E R RA JA H E X P

    R E S S WA Y (A Y E )

    J U


    LA K E S I D

    E D R I V E


    SingaporeDiscovery Centre

    The ArenaCountry Club

    P A N I S L A N D E X P R E S S W A Y ( P I E )



    Boon LayGardenPrimarySchool



    New ScienceCentre



    AdventureSports Zone

    WaterfrontSports Zone




    RiverValleyHighSchool LAKESIDE




    Jurong Lake



    B O O N LA

    Y WA Y

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure

















    LakesideC anad ian International S choo l

    Ad venture Spo rts Zone

    W aterfront Ho tels

    W aterfront Sp orts Zo ne

    C hinese G arden

    Japanese Garden

    N ew Science C entre

    Ed utainm ent Attraction

    Lak eside Villag e

    H otel C luster







    JC ub e (Retail M all)

    Integrated C om m ercial & T

    Internation al Bu sines s P ark

    Jurong Gateway



    Lakefront livingpresents endless possibilitiesLiving at The Lake front R esiden ces o pe ns yo u to a w hole new lifestyle.

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


    The integrated lifestylePlay, work and live by the Lake

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


    S ing ap ores new leisure h ubH ours of fun a nd e ntertainm ent aw ait at Lakeside . Th e new and

    bigge r Singa pore Science C entre w ill keep young m inds e ngag ed,w hile n ature love rs w ill find respite a t the scenic C hinese andJapa nese G ardens. For those w ho love the sun and w ater, a hostof w ater sports activities w ill be availab le o n the lake .

    D elight in sh opp ing and dining at Jurong Po int and the u pco m ingJC ub e, wh ich w ill also hou se an O lym pic-size ice-skating rink.So on, the L akeside Village and a m ega-m all at Jurong G atew ayw ill add a p lethora of shop ping and entertainm ent cho ices,all w ithin m inutes of your hom e at The Lake front R eside nces .


    Artist impression

    Artist impression

    W aterfront Dining

    Lakes ide V illage

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure



    Artist impression

    Artist impression

    Integrated C om m ercial & Transport Hub

    Jurong G atew ay

    A thriving business cen tre b y the lakeSe t to b e S ingap ores new business hub , the Ju rong G atew ay

    is w ell-connec ted via the Jurong Eas t M R T interchange.C om plem enting the existing co m m ercial hub of over 3,00 0co m pa nies, Jurong G atew ay w ill offer an a dd ition al 8.1 m illionsq ua re fee t of office and retail space .

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


    A life less ordinaryLive

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


    A lifestyle beyondexpectationsJust steps from the Lakeside MRT station, The Lakefront Residencesgives you the ultimate luxury of time. Time to enjoy with your loved ones,and time to indulge in the pleasures of the many unique recreational

    amenities set in the lush, lake-themed landscaped grounds.

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


    Therm al S pa

    D isco ver a h olistic lifestyle that will soothe your sen ses an d invigo rateyour bo dy. W ater features ab oun d, creating a serene am bienc eech oing The La kefron t R eside nce slocation . En joy a refresh ing sw im

    in the m ain O lym pic-leng th sw im m ing po ol, relax in the b ub ble p oo l,or lounge o n the w et dec k w ith yo ur favourite coc ktail. For the ultim aterejuve na tion exp erience , soa k in the therapeu tic therm al ho t spa,set am idst an ench anting m ist garden .

    In harmonywith nature B io-Pon d

    C lubhou se

    G ym nasium

    R oof G arden

    Lounge Deck

    The 50m G rand Pool

    W ater Lounge Area

    B ubble P ool

    C hildrens W ater-play P ool

    C hildrens Pool

    M isted R ock G arden


    G reen C olonnadeR eflection Lake

    The W aterfalls

    D ining Pavilions

    H a m m o ck La w n

    R elaxa tion Terraces

    C hildrens Adven ture Playgrou nd

    Tod dlersP layg rou nd

    Forest M aze

    Forest Trail

    Fo rest A rtscape

    Fitness P ark

    S unken Tenn is C ourt

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


    Contemporaryand timelessTh e natural be au ty of the lake is reflected in every hom e.M eticu lou sly crafted interiors, inspired b y the clean line s ofN ordic des ign , exud e a relaxed, inviting feel. Th is is a h om e

    that w elcom es you , pa m pers you an d ind ulges yo u. This isa h om e for a lifetim e.

    Artist impression

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


    Where onlythe finest will doEve ry hom e at The Lake side R eside nces w ill be g raced b y the finest appo intm ents.C reate m eals in style w ith the full suite o f kitchen app liance s from reno w ned G erm anbrand , Teka. Teka refrigerators, w ashing m ach ines and dryers are a lso included ineve ry hom e. The b athroom s are no less luxu rious, with fittings and sa nitary w are from

    estab lishe d n am es H ansg rohe a nd V itra. Na tural stone floo r finishe s an d b uilt-inw ardrobes for all be droo m s com plete the pa lette of qua lity ap po intm en ts carefullyselected for the ho m es at The La kefront Re siden ces.

    Note: Please refer to the Specifications for details of the fit-out of the apartm ents and qualificatio ns.

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure



    A. G rand Entrance

    B. Cascade/Signage

    C . Arrival Porch

    D. Bio-Pond

    E. Clubhouse

    M ulti-purpose Func tion R oom s

    Gym nasium

    Changing and Steam Room s

    Roof G arden

    F. Lounge Deck

    G. Therm al Spa

    H. The 50m Grand Pool

    I. W ater Lounge Area

    J. Bubble Pool

    K . C hildrens W ater-play Po ol

    L. C hildrens Poo l

    M .Pool Deck

    N. M isted Rock G arden

    O . L aw n

    P. Green Colonnade

    Q . Re flection L ake

    R. The W aterfalls

    S . Fo rest Pavilion w ith outdo or dining facilities

    T. Law n Pa vilion w ith ou tdoor d ining facilities

    U . W aterfall Pavilion w ith ou tdoo r dining facilities

    V. H a m m o ck L aw n

    W . Re laxation Terraces

    X. C hildrens Ad venture Playgroun d

    Y. ToddlersPlayground

    Z. Side G ate to M RT S tation

    AA. Forest M aze

    BB . Forest Trail

    CC . Forest Artscape

    DD . Fitness ParkEE. Sunken Tennis Court

    Everything you desire,anything you need

    L A K E S I D

    E D

    R I V E

    J U R O N G P

    A R K C

    B O O N L A Y W A Y














    O D










    V RW











  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure



    Piled foundation for main building structure


    Reinforced concrete building structure

    3. WALLS

    a) Internal Walls : Reinforced concrete and/or brickwall and/or blockwall and/or glasswall and/or dry partition

    b) External Walls : Reinforced concrete and/or brickwall and/or blockwall

    4. ROOF

    a) Flat Roof : Reinforced concrete roof with appropriate insulat ion andwaterproofing system

    5. CEILING

    a) For Residential UnitsLiving, Dining, Bedrooms, Kitchen, : Skim coat and/ or cei l ing board and/ orDry Kitchen, Baths, Study, Balcony, bulkheads with emulsion paint f inishUtility Room, Utility Area, WC and Yard

    b) For Common Areasi ) B as em en t 2, Ba se me n t 1 , : S ki m c oa t a n d/ or ce il in g b oa rd an d / o r

    1 st St or ey Li ft Lo bb y b ul kh ea ds wi th em ul si on pa in t f in is hii ) Ty pi ca l L ift Lo bb y : S ki m c oa t a nd / o r c ei lin g b oa rd an d/ or

    bulkheads with emulsion paint finishi ii ) S t ai rc as es an d L a nd in g : S ki m c oa t w it h e mu l si on p a in t f in is h


    a1) Walls - for Residential Unitsi) Living, Dining, Bedrooms, Study, : Plaster and/ or skim coat with emulsion

    U ti li ty R oo m, U ti li ty A re a, Ya rd p ai n t f in i shii) Master Baths (Except for Type E, P8 : Natural Marble (for feature wall only) and

    & P9), Junior Master Baths (Except Homogeneous and/or Porcelain and/orfor Type P8 & P9) & attached Baths Ceramic Ti les

    iii) Master Baths (For Type E, P8 & P9) & : Natural Marble (for feature wall only) andJunior Master Baths (For Type P8 & P9) Homogeneous and/or Porcelain and/or

    Ceramic Tiles and/or Skim coat withemulsion paint finish

    iv) Common Baths : Homogen eous and/or Porc elain and / or Ceramic Tiles

    v) Dry Kitchen : Plaster and/or skim coat with emulsionpaint finish

    vi) Kitchen : Plaster and/or skim coat with emulsionpaint finish and/or Homogeneous and/orPorcelain and/or Ceramic Tiles

    vii) WC : Homogeneous and/or Ceramic tiles

    Note: No tiles behind kitchen cabinets, long bath, mirrors, vanity cabinets. Tiles lay up to

    false ceiling and on exposed areas only.

    a2) Walls - For Common Areasi ) B as em en t 2, Ba se me nt 1, : N at ur al St on e a nd /o r S t ai nl es s S te el an d/

    1 st St or ey Li ft Lo bb y o r H om og en eo us Ti le s a nd / o r P la st erand/or Skim coat with emulsion paint finish

    ii ) Ty pi ca l L if t L ob by : H om og en eou s T il es an d/ or Gl as s b lo cksand/ or Plaster and/or skim coat withemulsion paint finish

    i ii ) S t ai rc as es an d L a nd in g : P l as te r a nd / o r s ki m c oa t w it h e mu l si onpaint finish

    b1) Floors - For Residential Units i) Living, Dinin g : Nat ural Ma rble or Agglomera ted Marble

    with timber skirtingii) Dry Kitchen, Kitchen (For Type A & B) : Natural Marble or Agglomerated Marbleiii) Bedrooms : Laminated timber floor with timber skirtin giv) Baths : Homogeneous and/or Porcelain and/or

    Ceramic Tilesv ) S t ud y ( F or Ty pe B4 -G ) : L am in at ed t im be r f lo or w it h t im be r s ki rt in gvi) Study (Except for Type B4-G) : Natural Marble or Agglomerated Marble

    with timber skirtingvii) Kitchen (Except for Type A & B), WC : Homogeneous and/or Porcelain and/or

    Ceramic Tilesvi ii ) Util i ty Room, Uti l ity Area, Yard : Homogeneous and/or Porcelain and/or

    Ceramic Tiles with matching skirtingi x) P ES , B al co n y, R o of Ter ra ce : H om og en eo us a n d/ or P o rc el ai n a nd /o r

    Ceramic Tiles with matching skirting

    x) St aircase (F or Type P) : T imb er t reads

    b2) Floors - For Common Areasi ) B as em en t 2 , B as em en t 1 , : H om og en ou s T il es an d/ or Na tu ra l S t on e

    1st Storey Lift Lobbyii ) Ty pi ca l L ift L ob by : H omo ge ne ou s T il es wi th S ki rt in gi ii ) S t ai rc as es a nd L an di n g : C em en t s an d s cr ee d f in is h w it h n os in g t il e

    7. WINDOWS

    Powder coated aluminium frames with tinted glass where appropriate.Powder coated aluminium frames with laminated tinted glass to the following:Living/Dining, Master Bedroom and all bedrooms fronting Boon Lay Way

    8. DOORS

    i) Main Entrance : Fire rated timber doorsii) Bedrooms, Baths : Hollow core timber doorsi i i) Kitchen (For Type C, D, P1, P2, P3, : Hollow core timber doors with glass- infi l l

    P4, P5, P6 & P7) viewing paneli v) K it ch en (F or Ty pe E, P 8 & P 9) : F ra me le ss t em pe re d gl as sv) WC : Acrylic-infill doorv i) U ti li ty R oo m ( Fo r Ty pe D 1, P 5) : H ol lo w c or e ti mb er d oo rvi i) Util i ty Room (Except for Type D1, P5) : Acryl ic- inf il l doorv ii i) B al co ny , PE S, R oo f Te rr ac e : A lu mi ni um f ra me d gl as s do orix) PES : Metal gate (No gate for Type B1-G3,

    C1-G3, C2-G2, C3-G1, D1-G2, E1-G)

    Note: Quality ironmongery and locksets shall be provided to all doors


    a) Master Bath (Except for Type E & P)- Solid surface vanity top complete with 1 wash basin & 1 mixer tap- 1 shower screen complete with 1 shower set- 1 pedestal water closet- 1 mirror- 1 toilet paper holder- 1 towel rail

    b) Master Bath (For Type E & P)- Solid surface vanity top complete with 1 wash basin & 1 mixer tap- 1 shower screen complete with 1 shower set- 1 bath tub complete with 1 shower set- 1 pedestal water closet- 1 mirror- 1 toilet paper holder- 1 towel rail

    c) Junior Master Bath (Except for Type P8 & P9) and all Baths- Solid surface vanity top complete with 1 wash basin & 1 mixer tap- 1 shower screen complete with 1 shower set- 1 pedestal water closet- 1 mirror- 1 toilet paper holder- 1 towel rail

    d) Junior Master Bath (For Type P8 & P9)- Solid surface vanity top complete with 1 wash basin & 1 mixer tap

    - 1 shower screen complete with 1 shower set- 1 bath tub complete with 1 shower set- 1 pedestal water closet- 1 mirror- 1 toilet paper holder- 1 towel rail

    e) WC- 1 wash basin & tap- 1 shower set- 1 pedestal water closet- 1 toilet paper holder

    f ) Ya rd /P ES- 1 bib tap

    g) Roof Terrace- 1 Jacuzzi (For Type P)- 1 bib tap

    h ) O pe n Sh ow er- 1 shower set (For Type P8 & P9)

    Note: The brand, type and colour of wares, fittings and accessories are subject to Architects selectionand availability.


    a) Sufficient points are provided

    b) All electrical wirings are concealed except for electrical wiring in trunking in the distributionboard closet and those in conduits exposed above false ceiling.


    Sufficient points are providedCat 6 cables for all telephone points



    Lightning protection system will be provided in accordance with Singapore StandardCP33: 1996

    13. PAINTING

    a) Internal Walls : Emulsion paint finishb ) Ex te rn al W al ls : S pra y t ex tu re d p ai nt fin is h an d/ or emu ls ion p ain t

    to designated areas


    Waterproofing to R.C. Roof, PES, Planters, Roof Terrace, Balcony, Bathrooms, Kitchen,Yard,WC, open shower.


    a) Surface Driveway : Paversb) Basement Driveway & Car Park : Concrete floor with hardener


    a) Grand Entrance

    b) Cascade/Signagec) Arrival Porchd ) B io -P o nde ) C lu b ho us e

    - Multi-purpose function rooms- G ym na si um- Changing and s team rooms- R oo f g ar de n

    f ) L ou n ge De ck g ) T he rm al S p ah) The 50m Grand Pooli ) Water Lounge Area

    j) Bubble Poolk) Childrens Water-play Pooll ) Childrens Poolm) Pool Deck n) Misted Rock Gardeno) Lawnp) Green Colonnadeq) Reflect ion Laker) The Waterfal lss) Forest Pavilion with outdoor dining facilitiest) Lawn Pavilion with outdoor dining facilitiesu) Waterfall Pavilion with outdoor dining facilitiesv) Hammock Lawnw) Relaxation Terracesx) Children Adventure Playgroundy) Toddlers Playgroundz) Side Gate to MRT Stat ionaa) Forest Mazebb) Forest Trailcc) Forest Artscapedd) Fitness Park ee) Sunken Tennis Court


    a) Kitchen Cabinets and Appliances : i Low and high level ki tchen cabinets with sol idsurface worktop and stainless steel sink

    i i Cooker hoodiii Gas cooker hobiv Built-in ovenv Free-standing fridgevi Free-standing washer cum dryer

    (For Type A & B)vii Free-standing washer & dryer

    (Except for Type A & B)b) Wardrobes : W ardrobes to all bedroomsc) Air-condi tioning

    Living, Dining, Bedrooms, Study : Wall mounted fan coil unitd ) H ot Wa te r S up pl y : H ot wa te r s up pl y t o a ll ba th s, ki tc he n, op en

    shower except for WC and Yarde) Gas : Town Gas supply to kitchen

    Turn-on and utility charges will be borne bythe Purchaser

    f ) C ab le Vi si on : P ro vi si on of ca bl e o ut le t o nl y f or c ab le vi si onservices. Subscription charges shall be borneby Purchaser

    g) Security System : i Card Access System L i ft a c ce ss

    Pedestrian entrance gateii Audio intercom system between eachapartment unit and guardhouse andcommon lift lobbies on basements and1st storey (all blocks)

    iii Auto-Carpark Barrier will be providediv CCTV surveillance cameras to basement

    and 1st storey lift lobbies and designatedcommon areas

    h ) F ib re Br oa db an d : P ro vi si on of o ne daat the Living rooGeneration Natio(Next Gen NBN)Open Net shall b

    Notes:- Air-conditioning systemTo ensure good working condition of the air-conditioning system, t maintained and cleaned by the Purchaser on a regular basis. This filters, clearing the condensate pipes and charging of gas. The Purchcontractor to service the air-conditioning system on a regular basis iworking condition of the system.

    Cable Television and/or Internet AccessThe Purchaser is liable to pay annual fee, subscription fee and suchCable Vision Ltd (SCV) and/or internet service providers (ISP) or

    any other relevant authorities. The Vendor is not responsible to maof the said parties for the service connection for their respective su

    internet access.

    Materials, Fittings, Equipment, Finishes, Installations and AppliancThe brand, colour and model of all materials, fittings, equipment, f appliances supplied shall be provided subject to Archit ects selectithe sole discretion of the Vendor.

    Internet AccessIf the Purchaser requires internet access, the Purchaser will have to mwith the Internet Service Provider and/or such relevant entities/authto the Unit and to make all necessary payments to the Internet Serv

    relevant entities/authorities.

    Marble, Limestone and GraniteMarble, limestone and granite are natural stone materials containing veThere will be colour and markings caused by their complex mineral co

    impurities. While such materials can be pre-selected before install in the marble, limestone or granite as well as non-uniformity betwe avoided. Granite tiles are pre-polished before laying and care has beeHowever granite, being a much harder material than marble cannot

    installation. Hence some differences may be felt at the joints. The marble, limestone or granite selected and installed shall be subject

    Wardrobes, Kitchen Cabinets, Fan Coil Units, Electrical Points and Door Layout/Location of wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, fan coil units, elect positions are subject to Architect's sole discretion and final design

    WarrantiesWhere warranties are given by the manufacturers and/or contractorof the equipment and/or appliances installed by the Vendor at the Unto the Purchaser such warranties at the time when possession of thePurchaser.

    Web Portal of the Housing Project The Purchaser will have to pay annual fee, subscription fee or any provider of the Web Portal of the Housing Project as may be appoi management corporation when it is formed.

    Timber Timber is a natural material containing grain/vein and tonal differeto achieve total consistency of colour and grain in its selection and

    GlassGlass may break or shatter, be it spontaneously or otherwise, whetheror other causes. As there will be glass installed in the Unit, the Purto take up insurance(s) covering glass breakage.

    TilesSelected tile sizes and tile surface flatness cannot be perfect and sudescribed in Singapore Standards SS483:2000.

    False Ceiling A false ceiling conceals and allows space for the installation of M& are allocated for ease of maintenance access to concealed M&E eqwould be required if removal of the M&E equipment is needed. Theceilings and access panels are subject to Architects sole discretion

    Mechanical Ventilation SystemTo ensure good working condition of a mechanical ventilation systthe system has to be maintained by the Purchaser on a regular basi

    Developer: Keppel Land (Mayf Tenure of Land: 99 years w.e.f 3 AugDevelop ers L icence No: C0689L oc at io n/ Lot No s: L ot 44 42 T M uki m 0Expected Date of Vacant Possession: 31 July 2015Expected Date of Legal Completion: 31 July 2018B u il di ng Pl a n N o. /D at e : A 10 27 -0 10 04 -2 01 0- B

  • 8/12/2019 The Lakefront E-brochure


    K epp el Lan d L im ited is the p rop erty arm of the K epp el G roup , on e of Singa po re's m ulti-nationa l group s. The C om pan y is on e of the largest prope rty com pan ies b y total assetson the S ing ap ore E xch ange , recog nised for its sterling po rtfolio o f qu ality aw ard-w inn ingresiden tial develop m ents and investm ent-grade com m ercial prop erties, and high stand ardsof corpo rate governanc e and transparency.

    K ep pe l Land is geog raph ically diversified in As ia an d has a strateg ic focus o n tw o corebusinesses of property developm ent and p roperty fund m anagem ent.

    Kep pe l Lan d is A sias prem ier hom e de velop er w ith w orld-class iconic w aterfront reside nce sat Ke ppel B ay and M arina B ay.

    It is also a lead ing prim e o ffice d eve lop er and landlord in S ing ap ore, w ith lan dm arkdeve lop m ents such a s O cean Finan cial C entre and M arina B ay Finan cial C entre in theC en tral Business D istrict.

    M oving into the future, K eppe l Lan d co ntinues to rem ain foc used on creating live-w ork-playenvironm ents of en during value for the co m m unity w ith its h allm ark exce llenc e.

    R E S I D E N C E S

    Tel: 6336 3688www.thelakefrontresidences.com.sg

    M arina B ay S uitesR eflectio ns at K ep pel B ay C arib bean at K ep pel B ay

    W hilst reasonable care h as be en taken in preparing the brochure an d co nstructing the m odela nd the sales gallery/showflat (the M aterials),the de veloper and its age nts shallnot be h eld responsible for any inaccuracies in their contents orbetwe en the M aterials and the actualunit.

    Allstatem ents,literature and depictions in the M aterials are not to be regarded a s a statem ent or representations ofthe fact.

    Visualrepresentation su ch as layout plans,finishes,illustrations,p ictures,pho tographs a nd d rawings co ntained in the M aterials are artistsimpressions on ly and no t representation o ffact.S uch m aterials are for generalguidance only andshould no t be relied u pon as ac curately desc ribing any specific m atter.

    Allinformation,spec ifications,plans and visualrepresentations contained in the M aterials are subject to chan ges from tim e to tim e by the d eveloper and/or the com petent authorities and shallnot form p art ofthe offer or contract.The S aleand P urchase Ag reem ent shallform the entire agreem ent between the d eveloper and the purchaser and sha llin no w ay be m odified by any statem ents,representations or prom ises (wh ether or not contained in the M aterials and/or made b ythe developer or the agent mad e.

    No part ofthe M aterials shallconstitute a representation or w arranty. The floor plans are approximate m easurem ents and s ubject to finalsurvey.
