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The Lamb of God Chronicle March 2017 Issue The Lamb of God Community PO Box 35 054 Christchurch 8640 Phone [04] 232 2297 Mobile 021 0596 909 Email: [email protected] Website: www.lambofgodcommunity.net INDEX TO CONTENTS Reflections Page 1-2 Our People, News & Articles Page 3-4 “Challenges” Page 5 Kairos NZ News Page 6 Web Sites Page 6 Members/Info/Records Page 7 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 7-8 National Prayer Watch Page 8-10 REFLECTIONS - Looking for the Lost Sheep …. in New Zealand Hi all, I hope you have been having some great end of summer weather. February has certainly been hot around the nation. The month of February has been a busy period with Dave Hughes visiting from Ann Arbor, Michigan and Mon Samson from Ang Ligaya [The Joy of the Lord] community in Manila. Dave’s role in our Community is to support us in living out our community life and helping us stay connected with the broader life of the Sword of the Spirit Community (of which we are a full member community). He also works especially with the leaders to promote unity and gives what wisdom he can from an outside perspective. This visit, Dave has been to Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Blenheim, and Christchurch. He has been very blessed with the hospitality shown, but will not be drawn on which is the best wine region. On this trip, we have asked him to specifically help with wisdom for how to support those in their walk with the Lord, who have just entered the workforce. In the Auckland branch, they have a group of 25+ people in this category who are meeting together. Some of them made their underway commitment to the community late last year. Dave’s input to the group and also to the wider community in Auckland has been very beneficial. Mon is the National Director of Ang Lingkod Ng Panginoon, the area of the Manila Community that works with the workersage group. “Ang Lingkod Ng Panginoon “ means Servant of the Lord and the Manila Community (Ang Ligaya Ng Panginoon) have been working successfully in this area for 30 years. Mon is spending six days in Wellington and Auckland. Our thanks to Mon for his availability to come and assist us.

The Lamb of God Chronicle March 2017 Issue

The Lamb of God Community PO Box 35 054 Christchurch 8640 Phone [04] 232 2297 Mobile 021 0596 909 Email: [email protected] Website: www.lambofgodcommunity.net

INDEX TO CONTENTS Reflections Page 1-2 Our People, News & Articles Page 3-4 “Challenges” Page 5 Kairos NZ News Page 6

Web Sites Page 6 Members/Info/Records Page 7 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 7-8 National Prayer Watch Page 8-10

REFLECTIONS - Looking for the Lost Sheep …. in New Zealand

Hi all, I hope you have been having some great end of summer weather. February has certainly been hot around the nation. The month of February has been a busy period with Dave Hughes visiting from Ann Arbor, Michigan and Mon Samson from Ang Ligaya [The Joy of the Lord] community in Manila. Dave’s role in our Community is to support us in living out our community life and helping us stay connected with the broader life of the Sword of the Spirit Community (of which we are a full member community). He also works especially with the leaders to promote unity and gives what wisdom he can from an outside perspective. This visit, Dave has been to Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Blenheim, and Christchurch. He has been very blessed with the hospitality shown, but will not be drawn on which is the best wine region. On this trip, we have asked him to specifically help with wisdom for how to support those in their walk with the Lord, who have just entered the workforce. In the Auckland branch, they have a group of 25+ people in this category who are meeting together. Some of them made their underway commitment to the community late last year. Dave’s input to the group and also to the wider community in Auckland has been very beneficial. Mon is the National Director of Ang Lingkod Ng Panginoon, the area of the Manila Community that works with the workers’ age group. “Ang Lingkod Ng Panginoon “ means Servant of the Lord and the Manila Community (Ang Ligaya Ng Panginoon) have been working successfully in this area for 30 years. Mon is spending six days in Wellington and Auckland. Our thanks to Mon for his availability to come and assist us.


Roger and Dave visit our brothers and sisters in the Lamb of God Cornerstone Nadi for 4 and five days as we continue to support them and work with other Pastors in the Nadi area. Tom and I visited Melbourne for two days to meet with a team from the Ang Ligaya Community and members of the Melbourne community Families for Christ who are being assisted in their formation. We are identifying what support the Lamb of God will be able to give. I have been very blessed in our recent gatherings in Christchurch, in particular with some of the prophetic words. In two recent gatherings, we had several words on God adding to our number and also encouraging us in the area of Spiritual Warfare. When I visited Auckland, the same two words were given during the time of worship at the Pastoral Leaders Workshop. It is important that remain open and vigilant for God to work in and through us at this time. I really get encouraged by other members sharing about their lives in God. Lisa Borkus and Kath Murray both shared at a gathering that when taking a flight, they were reminded of Anton Colella’s talk. Kath’s anticipation built over many days on to have the disappointment of having a seat to herself and not getting a chance to share the gospel. Lisa shared how she was quite fatigued but the Lord was able to use her, and she seemed to grow in energy rather than feel more drained. On both trips, the women she spoke to were very open to sharing their lives, with one keen to follow up the contact. (NB If you haven’t had a chance to see Anton’s presentation it is worth seeing, let me know if you would like to view.) Steven Homes shared in prison ministry how he had sensed the need to speak very directly to a person about making a full commitment to their faith. He later saw the person in the local community, and they witnessed how that word had worked in their heart, and they were now fully participating in a local church. Mission is so important for us in NZ at present. We have a small percentage of people regularly committed to attending churches, and we can see the nation turning more away from God’s ways. This month I had a lightbulb moment, well certainly an enlightening moment. I was thinking of the one lost sheep in Jesus’s story: Luke 15: 3 – 7 So he told them this parable: “Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbours, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” I felt that in NZ, there are likely many more lost than one sheep per 100. Then I looked at the final verse how heaven rejoices when a sinner repents and returns to the Lord. In thinking about this I sensed as we enter into mission, we will experience this wonderful joy of heaven, as we encounter people repenting and turning to the Lord. That is something to look forward to! Please let me know if you have personal instances of sharing God’s word with others, I find it really encouraging, and I am sure others will, too.

God bless, Mark Challies



With sadness, yet confidence in the Lord, we remember: Karin and Robert van Doorn and family [Christchurch], as Karin’s father has died.

Rina and Ronnie D’Souza and family [Auckland], as Rina’s mother passed away.

Aly Fernandes and family [Wellington], as Aly’s grandfather [and Momsie’s dad] died recently.

Coila Kay [Christchurch], who passed away late last year.

Pat Twose [Blenheim], as Pat’s mother has gone to her resting place.


WELLINGTON BRANCH – ROUND THE BAYS 2017 FUN RUN Twelve brothers and sisters from the Wellington Branch huffed, puffed, competed, and finished the race in the Round the Bays 2017 Fun Run on 19 February. There were three categories: the half-marathon [21 kms], the 10 km run, and the 6.5 km run. Most of the brothers and sisters participated in the 6.5 km run, and a few younger and braver ones participated in the 10 km run. The sky was overcast, and there were a few drops of rain, but overall it was a good day to run together. The event was part of the BOB [Bond of Brothers] activities lined up for the year, and participating in the event encourages brothers and sisters to be physically fit, whatever their age may be. Although the event was aimed mainly at the brothers, some sisters also walked, jogged and ran with the rest. It was the 40th birthday for the Round the Bays run in Wellington, and a record 14,300 registrants participated in the event.

AUCKLAND BRANCH NEWS “The Lord wants a transgenerational community.” In Onehunga, the different generations gathered: Baby Boomers, Generations Xers and Millennials for a workshop given by Dave Hughes on Building a Transgenerational Community. In the community, we have all three generations, each with their way of thinking. Dave gave us the example of their differing approach towards technology. Baby Boomers try to master it, Generation Xers’ enjoy it and Millennials employ technology. With technology, peer structures and the nature of the fast-paced world we live in, less time is being spent


between the generations. But God calls us to live in community, often where different generations exist. When building a transgenerational community, Dave stressed that humility and avoiding judging the different generations is important. Bridging the transgenerational divide requires three things: 1) listening to understand 2) appreciating the good things about the generations and 3) meaningful engagement. Above all, building a transgenerational community requires help and grace from Lord. The Lord transcends any sociological attempt to bridge the gap. That was only the first part of the workshop which had three parts in all. As you can tell, Dave provided an in-depth and insightful workshop that will aid the pastoral leaders in their pastoral leadership during 2017.

- By Winona D’Costa After a refreshing break, the Auckland branch resumed back its activities for 2017 on Sunday 12th February, ready to embrace the year ahead. The meeting began with Rohan D’Souza leading us into a spirit filled time of Praise and Worship. This was followed by Harry Lowe presenting us with the mission for this year, which had a heavy focus on outreach and service. He confronted us with three words: Converse, Convert and Commission.

* Converse – Take time to speak to God and listen to what he has to say * Convert – The need for God’s presence within us, to renew our hearts and minds * Commission – To share the good news that we have received, with others

New Zealand’s outside coordinator Dave Hughes, then gave a talk on ‘Moses and the Burning Bush encounter.’ He raised two main points:

* The first being the type of person God chooses to work with. Moses at that time was 80 years old and a shepherd (low economic and social status), yet God chose him to lead his people. Similarly, God chooses those who we least expect to do great things.

* Second, we can truly witness God not through his wonders, but through worship and prayer. Even after God showed them his power through signs and miracles, He then led them to the desert and showed them how to praise and worship, so that they could truly experience Him.

The meeting was concluded with the celebration of Dominic Schryvers and Laura Green’s engagement, ahead of their wedding on 1st April. We are excited for what God has planned for us in 2017 and are ready for Him to use us to do His will.

- By Aidan Misquita


CHALLENGES IN LIVING TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY Resource for House Group Discussion by Tom Caballes

Joy and Happiness Are An Inside Job - March 2017

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:10B ESV)

What is your basic attitude in life? Do you often look at life as half-empty or as half-full? What will make you really happy – ten million dollars? Fame and fortune? A rock star career? The fact is that everything that your earthly life offers to you is only temporary – fleeting joy that will come and unfortunately will also go. Sometimes the things that we think can make us truly happy are already here – our family, friends, our jobs and our homes. Sometimes we need to see the good and the blessings rather than the bad and imperfections of our families, jobs, and homes. I believe that true joy and happiness comes from inside – especially if you are following the Lord. You have an inheritance awaiting you – and it can never rust, spoil or be stolen. One day, you will realise how tremendously blessed you are with God in heaven. How can you ever be happier? So How Do You Become Happy and Stay Happy? 1. Have an attitude of gratitude to God in life, in spite of your current challenges and problems. Enjoy the blessings that you already have. See and appreciate the big and small miracles in your daily life – many times we take things for granted once we get what we want. Be thankful for all that God has blessed you with, big and small. Count them! Every week, thank God for your week – the good and the bad. 2. Enjoy the things that you have rather than think of and complain about the things that don’t have. We tend to compare ourselves with people who have more than we have, but the reality is that we already have been blessed by God tremendously in our different way. Be happy for what others have and be mindful of others who do not have anything. See Philippians 4:8. Learn to be content; avoid greed and the desire to have more and more money and possessions. Godliness with contentment is a great gain, says 1 Timothy 6:6. 3. Don’t let any person, circumstances or situation rob you of the joy and peace you have inside. You are the only person who can allow yourself to be angry, resentful, fearful or worried about things. Learn to surrender things you cannot control to God, who is in control of everything. He knows the past, present, and future. 4. Value and invest your life in your relationships. We are social beings; long and lasting happiness usually occurs in the context of relationships. Yes, you can be extremely happy with a brand new phone, car or any other gadget, but that happiness will only last for a while. Good relationships bring lasting joy. 5. Seek and obey Gods’ will for your life. No matter how much you struggle or pout against God, you can never be truly happy if you are outside of God’s plan and will for your life. Surrender your life fully to God. 6. Guard your mind against negativity, hopelessness, lies, and other destructive thoughts. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says we should take every thought captive to obey Christ. So we should filter our minds from all negativity. 7. Have an eternal perspective about things in life. Do not sacrifice long-term values for short-term pleasures. 8. The key to true and long-term happiness is to be at peace with yourself and God. Learn to love and appreciate your gifting and talents, even if you know very well your weaknesses. Strive to live a life pleasing to God. OTHER SCRIPTURE PASSAGES: 1. Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:4-7 ESV) 2. Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! (Psalms 34:8 ESV) 3. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 ESV) 4. Other references: Ecclesiastes 3:12-13; Galatians 5:22-23; 1 Timothy 6:6-12; and Proverbs 16:20. FOR REFLECTION OR SHARING: 1. In a scale of 1 to 10 with one being the saddest and ten being the happiest, how happy are you? Why? 2. What attitudes and way of thinking do you need to change for you to be joyful now – and stay joyful?



Kairos New Zealand Schedule of Events for 2017/2018 28 to 30 April 2017 BLAST 2017 in Wellington [for high schoolers and up] 9 to 11 July 2017 Winter Oasis 2017 in Auckland [for high schoolers]

1 to 3 September Get Set 2017 in Auckland [for tertiary and singles] 7 to 11 January 2018 Summer Oasis 2018 [for high schoolers and up]



KAIROS South Pacific Web Site – check it out at www.kairossp.com You can network and chat with other young people by going to this website:

http://www.kairossp.com/kairosspnzchatroom.htm We designated every Friday night at 10 pm as a time to meet other young people.

Go and visit the International Kairos Media website: http://www.kairos-media.org/

We updated our Lamb of God website– www.lambofgodcommunity.net. We also have two new domain names which point to the same website: www.lambofgod.nz and

www.lambofgodcommunity.nz. Try them!

The Sword of the Spirit website is www.swordofthespirit.net. This website is where we can know more what is happening in our communities around the globe. The Lamb of

God is a community of the Sword of the Spirit.

Sign up [free] for Youth Culture Newsletter The most recent edition of the Youth Culture Newsletter is now available online. Please visit the website below:

http://www.kairos-na.org/youthculturenewsletter.htm This link is a recommended Sword of the Spirit publication for youth and parents.

Living Bulwark Sword of the Spirit – Highly Recommended! This Sword of the Spirit on-line publication has received more than 43,000 visits (an average of 135 visits each day) in its first year. All back issues for the past 12 months are available at http://www.swordofthespirit.net/bulwark/archives.htm. To view the current issue of the online magazine, go to www.swordofthespirit.net/bulwark/index.html.


Branches are encouraged to email news, photos, happenings and snippets to Tom Caballes at [email protected]. We close on the 20th of the previous month.


IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT OUR RECORDS Membership Records and Data: Branch leaders are responsible for keeping updated records and then emailing all new attendee additions, deletions, address, phone changes, births, deaths, transfers, etc. to: Tom Caballes – email: [email protected]

BIRTHDAY INFORMATION [Day and month, but the year is optional.] Branch leaders are asked to keep updated records and email all new attendee additions to: Tom Caballes – email: [email protected]

GETTING CHRONICLE & OTHER NEWS BY EMAIL [1] If you are receiving The Chronicle as an electronic edition, we just need to hear if and when you change your email address. Notify [email protected]. [2] If you are receiving this by hard copy but you have an email address, please send your email address to [email protected]. [3] The Chronicle has a national and international mailing schedule. If you want to add an email address we can send the Chronicle, please notify [email protected].

Wedding Anniversaries - Happy Anniversary! NAMES DATE BRANCH

John & Dora Tham 03/03 Auckland

Tony & Lisa Borkus 06/03 Christchurch

Tom & Ginetta Petersen 09/03 Blenheim

Nui & Lisa O'Malley 11/03 Central

John & Kathleen Murray 16/03 Christchurch

OG & Riza Gueco 25/03 Central

Birthdays for This Month - Happy Birthday! NAMES BIRTHDAY BRANCH

Wendell Fernandes 02/03 Auckland

Debbie Anngow 03/03 Christchurch

Kerry Fordham 03/03 Christchurch

Antacia D'Costa 05/03 Auckland

Jun Briguera 05/03 Central

Dwayne Lobo 06/03 Auckland

Terry Greig 07/03 Central

Therese Sison 07/03 Central

Renita Martis 08/03 Auckland

Paul James 08/03 Central


Judith Rodgers 08/03 Blenheim

Adam Lyons 09/03 Christchurch

Rosalie Barber 10/03 Nelson

Lisa O'Malley 10/03 Central

Lisa Borkus 11/03 Christchurch

John Murray 11/03 Christchurch

Malaika Sequeira 11/03 Christchurch

Terry Westbury 11/03 Nelson

Kaitlyn Fernandes 12/03 Auckland

Ray Muollo 12/03 Nelson

Bernard Forster 14/03 Christchurch

Gidget Mendonca 14/03 Auckland

Brian Hewer 14/03 Blenheim

Peter O'Connell 14/03 Nelson

Gareth Mendonca 15/03 Auckland

Mark Jackson 15/03 Blenheim

Christine O'Neill 15/03 Blenheim

Shalini Saldanha 19/03 Auckland

Kathleen Black 21/03 Christchurch

Sophie Lyons 22/03 Christchurch

David Ashfield 22/03 Auckland

Colleen Gorman 23/03 Ch/Ashburton

Joshua Tham 24/03 Auckland

Leslie D'Mello 24/03 Auckland

Ishaan Castelino 25/03 Auckland

Grace Challies 25/03 Christchurch

Patrick Morais 25/03 Auckland

Glory D'Mello 25/03 Auckland

Roger Foley 26/03 Christchurch

Nathan Lowe 26/03 Auckland

Rina D'Souza 27/03 Auckland

Fleur Carvalho 28/03 Auckland

Sarah O'Malley 30/03 Central

PRAYERWATCH SOLDIERS OF CHRIST, ARISE Fight the good fight. Reinforce the guard, station the watchmen, prepare an ambush! The Lord will carry out his purpose, Jeremiah 51: 12 NIV SOLDIERS OF CHRIST - SACRIFICE Over the last six months of last year, I have looked at the characteristics of a soldier and how they apply to us as Soldiers of Christ. I have covered Discipline, Self-Control, Commitment and Perseverance or Endurance with the next characteristics of a good soldier, being Sacrifice. We all know that a soldier has to sacrifice his freedom to be at the beck and call of his commander and in serving as a soldier may have to give his life for the cause. Living in New Zealand we will be aware of the celebration of ANZAC day as we acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice of many soldiers. As parents, we all make sacrifices for our children, and as children, they, in turn, sacrifice for their parents, particularly as


they grow older. Sacrifice then is a part of everyday life for us all and often is not noticed unless we are asked to do something different or bigger. This goes for many members of the Lamb of God Community who have sacrificed one hour a week for the Prayerwatch at the same time week after week, year after year. During that hour they pray for the needs of Lamb of God and its people. Since starting in 1992, the foundation warriors at an hour a week have totalled over 1250 hours or 52 days in service, an important contribution to the life and growth of the community. For those who have served for ten years the total is 520 hours sacrificed or 21 days, or if it is five years, it is 260 hours or 11 days. Jesus in his time on earth was an example of sacrifice for us as he always responded to the needs of people, whether they were sick and needed healing. Even those who came asking questions and often disputing who Jesus was, were given time and answers. Jesus final act on earth was to sacrifice his life on the cross for each one of us so we would be forgiven our sins. This sacrifice also gives us life forever with Jesus if we believe that he is the son of God and is our Saviour. We need to follow Jesus life of sacrifice as we live our lives as his disciples always being available to whoever calls and helping as we are able. We hear much of “ruling and reigning with Christ” – and this is true – but before the crown comes the cross! Jesus is calling for soldiers to join His army, not holiday-makers to join His tour group. Soldiers of Christ, Arise, and put your armour on! If you have any comments or questions concerning the Prayerwatch, then please send them to me or give them to one of your branch leaders to send to me. God bless and watch over you all.

Alan McKenzie - National Coordinator, Prayerwatch


SPIRITUAL WARFARE Against strongholds of Apathy, Witchcraft, Confusion and other named spirits. INTERCESSORY PRAYER COMMUNITIES Protect and bless the life and mission of SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, Patmos & Cornerstone Lamb of God [Fiji], Families for Christ [Melbourne], Vanuatu Group, Light of Christ [Nelson], The Covenanted Community For Christ, [Penang & Taiping],


Auckland: Yvonne D'Souza, Central: Jun & Angie Briguera, Henri & Cutie Zalamea, Joel & Tiza Sison, Robert & Ethel Caballes, Tom & Mhel Caballes, Peter & Stephanie O’Connell, Blenheim: Mark & Mary Jackson, Mike & Cheryl Garrett, Christchurch: Roger & Veronica Foley, Robert & Karin Van Doorn, Darren & Julie Humphries, Tai & De Stirling, Niul & Coila Kay, Lyn Keane, Pauline Marsden, John & Monica Haughey, Annette Sargisson, Chris & Maureen Lyons, Ian & Pārbati Hamilton, Trevor Wall, Southern: John & Janet MacManus, Mike & Judy Prendeville,



Auckland: Clifton & Anora D'Costa, Southern: Florence & Susan Quigley,


Auckland: Central: Ron Blackwell, Blenheim: Carol Cullimore, David Aberhart, Christchurch: Mary Anngow, Robin Corbett, Trevor Wall, Marie Fredericks, Southern: Christine May,


Auckland: Collin Sequeira, Maryanne Hall, Central: Paul Oliver, Blenheim: Chris Fredericks, Philip Middlemiss, Christchurch: Dorelle Ham, Undine Cavanagh, Niul Kay, Andre’a Forster,


Auckland: Winona D'Costa, Mira D'Souza, Peter D'Souza, Fr John Rea, Maria dos Anjos D'Souza, Thomas Hong, Vimath Sequeira, Alwin D’Souza, Joan Lobo, Alfred Saldanha, Shalini Saldanha, Allan D’Souza, Simone D'Mello, Karyn Coutinho, Cheryl Lobo, Central: Stephanie O’Connell, Jacob Muollo, Henri Zalamea, Aly Fernandes, Jojo and Ellamae Jalandoni, Cutie Zalamea, Blenheim: Peter Greig, Josiah Grieg, Grace Weston, Mike Garrett, Anita Fredericks, Judith Rodgers, Barbara Ryan, Jamie Rodgers, Micah Rodgers, Chris Fredericks, Christchurch: Lisa Borkus, Karin Van Doorn, Chris Aston Grieve, Veronica Foley, Siobhan Forster, Bernie Black, John Murray, Chris Lyons, Monica Haughey, Bronwyn Harborne, Pauline Marsden, Ian Hamilton, David Black, Southern: Fr Merv McGettigan, Daniel MacManus, Steven & Judy Homes & Family, Rhoda Woodfield, Alan McKenzie, Judy Prendeville, Richard May, Others: Julianne Masilomani,


Auckland: Ronnie & Rina D'Souza & family, Blenheim: Pat Twose, Christchurch: Karin & Robert Van Doorn & Family, COVERING PRAYER National Council, Kairos Ministries, Branch Life, Lamb of God Centre, Branch Visits, Clustering in Auckland, Ministry of Fr John Rea, Employment of Members, Light of Christ Special Ministry, Wellington branch [sickness among extended family], and the Ashburton Group in Christchurch.

“I have made you a Watchman” Ezekiel 33: 7
