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THE LANCASTER J NATIONAL BANK, · Prtc© 25ceuts. Mrs.Clarence Brewington was iu Bal¬ timore last...

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RELIG10US APPOINTMENTS. MBTHODI8T. Hir. C. B. James, Paator. Irrington, First and Thlrd Sundays. 11 A. M Secondand Kourth Sendaya. ni»rltt ** Prayermoetinic Wednesday nu/iitM. whiteStoue. First and Thlrd Sundays.* I*. M. " 8evond aud Fourth Sundays.11A.M.' rleet'a Islaod, Sooond Sunday, 3 P. M. Thlrd Suuddy uljfht. Poplar Neck. Fourth Suiw.\> , .i p. >|. BAPTIST. B«y. t. W. Cuatbrook. Paator. Irvirujrton.Srcond andFour? hBa n ln nll BBT BJ First and Thlrd Sundays, 8 P. H. m.. . (Preachina or Pray<r ,,»,-#.» jr,.-). Wleomlco. First aud Thlrd Sundays. UA.M. Kilmarnock. sovm-.d aud Fourth Buneaje, 11 Bluff Point Chapei. Fourth Sunday 7;30 p. M. Kar. G. Y. Bkadi.kv-. Pastor. WeUe Stone, First aud Thlrd Simdavs at 11 A. M.; Sevoud aud Fourth Sun days s p. m. rleets Island, BasMMM and Fourth Sunduys at 11 A. M.: First aud Third Sun¬ days 3 p. m. PRESHYTKitlAN. Kkv. H. L. Wai.ton. Pastor. Weoms, Seeoml and Fourth Sundavs 11 A M and 7:d0 P. M. * A' **' METHODI8T PHOTKSTANT. Krr. J. W. Paki8. l'astor. Wicomieo. First aud 1 lnni Sundays at 3-.TU p ll'X8*MOUd *nd *ourth suodays at Smyrna First a'nd'Thlid Sundays at 11 A M Sampsou's Wharf. Bchool HoSe, s, o..,u and k ourth Suudavs at o.At p. M. KPISCOPAL. Kkv. Baiamm lt. Micor. rBBtai Whltethapel. Firstand Thlnl Sunduvs.ll A M. Iriulty. First and Third Sund*vs, ~:m p. m Fourth SuiKlaj, Jl A. M. Grace, Seeond Sunday, II A. M.. Fourth Sun- *1H*, .> I . M. LOCAL MENTION. r, L. W»)jui>r, Edltor Local Correapondenee. All communicatlons ahould be addressed to tbe Yikqinia CITIZK.N, Irvlutctoii, Va. Carroll Hardtng was in Notfolk this week. Dr. L. M. Irvlng was ia Baltlmore tbe past week. Stopa the Cong-h and Work* off the Cold. T*xattve nromo Qulnine Tablets eure a cold In 0110 day. No Ciro, no Pay. Prtc© 25 ceuts. Mrs. Clarence Brewington was iu Bal¬ timore last week. Epworth Leagne Social to-nigbt (Fri¬ day) at Chesapeake Academy. Cherry Ulyerrtne. tlie new m>-to-date and great apecific for couRhs. To uso tt oaae means alwaya. Ile eonvincejl aud try It.- Mlss Mary Dodson, of Wilmirgton, Del., is visiting Mrs. Job. Georgc. a W. McD. Let is on a flying trip this week to Philadelpbia, Washington and Richmond. TO ll'RE A CUt.D IN ONK 1)AV Tako Laxatlve Ilronio yuinine Tablehs. All ZF&V* refu«'d the money 11 tt tatls tocure. K. w. Orovcsalrfiiature Ia on eaeh box. 25e. Wayland Wilder droppcd down from Baltimore this week to wear off an at¬ tack of the grip. W. Henry George, of Pbiladelphia, was visiting friends and relativcs here a few days this week. Tpleg-raph Toot li-.\«lie llropx Cure* tooth-achc by bottloU e>itriolty. us It were. Urand suceess. Only H> ets. Jas. Bally &Son. Ilultimore, Md. Parties were given this week at the bomca of Mra. Roberts, Mrs. Kdwin Ru6- aclla and Robt. George. Mcsdatnca Garry 1*. Mcasick and R. L. Willing and Messrs. Elijah Haydon.Grif Garner and Ed. Rarkcr are in Raltimore this week. If trouMcd wltha weak dlircstion. Ix-K-hintr. sour stomacli, or ITyou feeldull ultcr rntitur. try QBBBBBB iuinV St<>m:uli and I.iver Tahlets. Priee.Sk cvnts. Satnples freoat T. J. Willing & Co"s., Irvinjrton; Geo. W. Sander'a. White Stouc; W. H. Hardlntr & ttro's., Weeins. Miss Eliza Mitchcll is this week with rolativea in upper Lancaster and visit¬ ing her hrother, Dr. L G. Milctull, of Downinga, who Is sirk. Mrs. Harry Tignor and two little children, who have been visiting rclativta at Wlcomlco Church, took stcamcr heie Wcdneaday nit;hl enroule to their home tu Orangc. Cut tbtn out aud take it to T. J. Wlllinit A- Co'a.. Irvlntrion: Oeo. \V. SandcrV. White Stone; W. 11. llard n>t & llio's.. Wei ms; atores and trct a free Mimple <>f Chamber- laln'a Stomuch nnd I.lver Tahleta, the iwst phyxlo. They alao eure diaorders of the atoraac'h.hlllousneas and heudache. Steamer Clara Ellen came up Saturday night from CapeCharles having on board Capt. J. F. Bnssells and family, W. A. Leland, Charlie Milligan and others. They returued the followiug night. Messrs. Lee and Wagner will be at Lancafter court Monday to transact buaiuess for the Viboinia Citizen, The Free Lance, Lancaater National Bank and Northern Neck Mutuul Fire Associa¬ tion. Btop that 1* »ln By going to the old Drug Stand and getttng what la needed. Also cures for couith?, colda, general dobtllty, woHknosscs, ebllla, dyspopsia, plles, aorea. neuralgla J kiduey and bladder throubles. We havo I.ydla K. Pinkham'a. Dr. King'a and Dr. Pleree's raodiclnea aud Swarop Hoot aa speclalties, so como and be tiealed. T. J. Haydon & So.v. Irvlngton. Va. Capt. Edwin Bussells left his steamer, Dorothy F. Wacker, last week in Baltl¬ more and came home on account of sick- ness, bnt has rccovered and returned. Capt. Geo. W. Hoffman tvent up to aa- sume command during Capt. Bus«ells' absence. STThe old Southern Hostelry, the Maltby Ilonae, Ualtimore, was never tn better trlm to eotertaln guests. It la uere that all Vir- giniana eoiigregate when visltlng the Monu- meDtal City. Steaiuers from Raltimore under the present achedule come into Irvington and Weema only on Monday, Tueaday and Saturday morniugs Roats to Ralti¬ more every afternoon but tiuuday. From Millenbeck to Raltimore every afternoon butThuraday and Sunday. lllown to Atoirts. The old idea that tho body somet Imcs needs a powerfu!, drastle, purgative pill haa been oxploded; for Dr. Kina's New Life PIHs, which are perfectly harmleas, gontly stlmulat© liver andbowelstoexpel poisonous matter. cieanao the aystem and absolutely cure Constipation and 81ck Hoadache. Only 36c at T. J. Haydon a Son's, Irving-ton; L. D. Hioneham's. Mohi9k; T. C. Bland's, Uehoboth ». hurch. 1901 JANUARY 1901 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fri. Sat. 14 21 28 _8_ 15_ 22 29 _9_ 16. 23_ 30 17 24 31 11 18 25 MOON'S PHASES. -O, Full A 7:13 JB.KCW Villoon *±. p. m. ^Mnon gr Thlrd -, n 3:38 -». rtrat 12^ 19 26 (LCjuartcr 12 p. in. 3:38 p.m. W(Mn 20 a.'m H P*"«t 07 _9Q.uarter Zl a.m The Citizbm feels grateful for tbe patronage exteoded it on Monday (coort- day) last by tbe people of Nortbumber- land. Bttddcs good collectious ouj" rep- resentative secured U new subscribers. We are williug to risk it as an unluckv number, eveiy time, in such caaaa. Visitora seen here of late: W. H. Bar- rack, II. E. Robertson, .loc Ktllam.sr., 15. II. Robhtson, Capt. Geo. V. Squircs. Oscar and E. Bruce Boatfraa, Jno. A. McKenney, Misses Virgie Duntou nnd Eoltne Williaina, Jas. A. Cbnwning, Eustace Breut, Willie Cox.Mr. and Mrs. Warner Ilurst. Mr. I>avl8. of the llrracf Cai'trigbt k I>avts. Frederieksburir, (itm.ito and Marble r wlll stait on Febiu«i> Bfl nnd make a trlp tbroiiKh the eountioe ot the Nort liei n Neck; also Middiesex, Eaae.T,Kin>: & QaMaBB arvl Qata olirie. IT you would like any infoi niatioil, or thitik oT piirchaetng ir.onuments. a tard dropped tothe !'redeiiek*tMrg ofHce will bt forwarded him. A telegrani was reeelffd Mcrc Tuesday afternoon to aearch ateamer for acolorcd man by the nameof Darrah Kich, who was a fugitive from the Richmnud county officials, he being wantcd there for an assault on a young ulrl. Tho stoamer was srarched but no trace of the man wanted could be found. Theeleetlon and falrareover, but Xroas ic cominir. and those that were dtspleasod w[ h the past as well as those that v.rre will <lo well to preparo l"or the luturo. In \ :, v <>f this the old tlrm. as usiml, is hn\inir the Ktxxlles come in In advanee. s«rne nlr, sdj for use and some to aa prepand hs fri-nds may think be-t. All are .on'.iu.ly in\lte<l to come and aoe ia tiroo. but don't ali come at otuc. Yours iru'y. T. J. H.vi don & Sun. Ir\ iujrton, Va. It ia checring to know that our cxem- plaiy and valued citizen, Capt. Wm. L Mfssick, is improvlng, though it be liut alowly, and is ahortly expected home from undcr tho surgeon'a knifo in Ralti. more. We are of those who believe that all the good thiugs to be said about a man should not be reserved uutil aflcr hia granite shaft shall have been raised and we thcrcfore unhealtatingly dcclnre that Capt. Messick could have been less spared than any man in this comnnnity That he ia rccoverlng, and we hope will recover entlrely, is due iu no small nuas- nre to the conceit of prayers which aaa gone up from the people of this com- munity. It Clrdlcn The <;lo»>e. Thefame of Ilucklen's ArnieaSnlve. as the h»st in the world, oxtends ruund the e.trth. It> the one perfcet healer of Cuss. OBrMB. ilm-iis, ltruises, Sores. Sc*ld«, UoiN.tl.ir-. KpIods. Aehcs, MM and all Skln r.i uption*. Only infalll'de lMt« eure. 25c BboxasT. J. Kaydon &8onV. Irviimton: ti Tf fTTlBllBaiB**. Molusk;T. C. Illund's. Kehoboth Clunvli. Late arrivals ht the Irvlngton Beacb: R. J. Paine.B F. Hart, E<lwin Lucas, Lester Anderton, .f. W. Muse, J. W. Cbownlng, A. R. Howard, R. L. Ficklin Manry Hundley, S. Shallcross,Llewcllyn Yerby, Aug. Miller. Mr. Necly, E. O. Tbomus, H. W. TreNklr, Baldwin Blakc, L. L. Baaad. Jadga J. C. Ewell, Capt. Jack Whealton, E. II. Browne, 15 Y. M. Hundley, Zack Street, Jas. McDaniel, H. Scott, Geo. A. Dodaon, W. F. Bcl/.»J, II. W. Yobe, K. H. Claybrook, C. R. Bray, It. V. Reynolds, W. Hcnry Gcorge, G. R. Finch, J. R. Butler, J. Parkcr, L N Graves, J. A. Ketcharu, B. II. Hobinson, H. M. Gresbam, It. A. Fitzhugh, Jas. A. Cbowuing, L. L. Gorc, T. Jeromc Down ing. ^^^^^ TIIK lXHTOit AT HOME. Oreat eare should liecxrrclsed as to re-re~ iliee Rtvcn. You ean lx< your own do<tor B9t couphs, croiip, lioiirsenesa, aorc and tit-klln^ of the throat and all bronehinl troublea, by uaingCherry Olycerine. the invlnelble Couph Cure. Larire Imttlea 2T> cta. J.<s. I!aii.y\ S.)n., I'roi s., llaltlmore, Md. CAUOIITON IBI FLY. A pcnsion of |S was this week granted to Chaa. W. Lindcman, of Colonial Reach. LIccnscd ia Washinglou to marry; An- drew Grovcs, of Wcatraorcland county, and Hatlie Marders, of King George county. Long-distance hell telephoncs are be¬ ing put in the cdhecs of the Northcrn Ncck Telephone and Telcgraph Com- pany this week. There are now six prisoncrs in Wcst- moreland county jail at Montross await- iug trlal, and casea are accumulatiug for the next Icrm of court, which promiscs io be oue of the busiest for a long time. Wm. Pced, aon of Gco. Peed, of West- moreland county, three years old, was burned to death Monday last. His cloth¬ ing tmk tire while the family were out nnd when they returued he was found burnt to death and the houae on tire. Those pleaaant traveling companiona, Messra. G. R. Finch, G. N. Andcrton, T. Jerome Downing, R. A. Fitzhugh, J. R. Rutler and L. Jones carae down from Raltimore Monday morning and proceed- ed to diaperse themselvts throughout this section, most of them allghting at Irv- 'ngton. J. D. Garland, a prominent Rcpublican, luwyer and surveyor of Richmond conniy on Tuesday removed his family to Raltimore where they will reside in tho future. Mr. Garland has not parted with his flue farm near Warsaw,and will bring his family back there during the summcr months. His oajeet in going to the city Is Io belter educate his children. Tlie Motlirr'a r'avorltw. Owaateaaaaaw cough Baaaat* ai aae mother'* favortte. 11 is plcasant and safe for children to takeand ulways eures. It is ln- teuded espcctally for coughs, coitis. croup and whooping-cough. and Is the best medicine raade for these diseaaes. There is not the least dangcr iQ giving It- to children for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given aa confldently toa baiie as to an adult. For sale by T. J. Willing & Co., Irvington; Geo. W. Sanders, White Stone; W. H. Hardlng & Ilro., Weems. IN MEMORIAM, Died December 24th, 1900, at the home of hia father, in Irvington,Isaac Ileatb, jr., aged aix years and nine months. I>ear little brother thou hast left our home To go where death and pain can come uomore; Thla life was at ono time bright and dear, itut Hcaven was brigbterand doarer; Our livos have been made sad, Ili:t thino has been made glad. In Iteaven thy lifo will be bright, For thou shalt never know.t lie night: Pain will never be known to thee For we kn.w it is not felt up there. We miss thy bright and lovingsmilea, Al.so thy deur a.id fjnd caressca; But by God 't was willed For thy happy volce to beatilled, Thy vacant place does sadden otir hearta And thy abaence a burden that smarts. No more thy dear little feet will follow Loved onos on thla oarth below, Thy ehair ia left vacant Slnce see thee we cannot, Thy toys ha»o been sadly lald aslde Slnce in lleaven thou dost abide. Oarlingangcl, watching for thoso you love, In your bright and happy home abovo Thy voieo now is Joinod in singing Anthoms which in Hoavon are ringlng. Dear ones are waiting to enter near To i.he little one loved ao dear. Bright and shlning ia thy little race That once dld brighten thla oarthly place, Sometlmes we think thou art saylng softly "Oh' why are you ooming so alow? Ikey is waitfiig. Are you md comingV" ~HlS SlSTKRS. Irviinrton, Va. Thia KJRnatiiro ia on every hox of the gaaawtBi Laxativc Bromo*Quinine Tabieta the remody that cnrca n eold 1m one day Laneaster County. LANCASTKK OOUBTHOTJ! Rev. Granviile R. Micou left ti of this week for a s'lort viait to ala BMM Iu Alexatit! - Faaale Robiaaoa, of Nuusvilie. spent Saturday and Suuday in our vil- Bafaaatkagnaal >f Mr*. j. h. laiianpoiL Mrs. Jno. UaOfgO h.is returued aa her home at Millenbeck after a vhdt of sey- eral wceks to her fathcr tit this place. TaaMaleelaaa raaaaOjr nnTinlaarl ¦! the Rectory i* ptatiag to be quite in- structive as well as iuteresting. Ron I. KILMAKNOCK. II. A. w. Kallaia, of the C'i'-iwpemk§ wtn. has been quite siek for tbc past wcek. Ciilford Flippo has bai :\ spcndiog some days at his home nenr ]< Miss Louise I'ulnur is oa a visit to her sister, Mrs. M. S. Stringfellow, at Brandy Station, Va. * Willie Sniith (eolored) was before Jus- tiea EL W. Cbilton Taaadaj for druuk- enncss and was promptiy lined #10. An olber gculictnan of the same color wa« reUaead of i like aaaonai for aalaai1ar offaaae. Itob GhHioa arrived Wadaeadaj froro a sbort st:ty in Balllanom M -. aiberl NobJetl aad attai Baafc Braal spent Vfedaaadat arlta frteadaat Weems. Hetiiy 11. Kaaapa miagMoo- day algfcl from pattlefpailag in an en- tcrl:;iument at While Stone wnsilirowu out of l»is3 bnggy wbcu Cbapel and quite badly nart. IBERIS. Not havlog aecn anything in your paper from this nlace thin year because your correapondcnt died witli the nincteenth century, uOr that he has forcottcn the Yihoinia CmSBB,* hut because he han n,»t eeerd 61 aaythlag that lie taaaajat would latereet yoai readera. Taara Ia aothiag pesattfai aroaad here now but bad colds aud druramer*. Taey come rain or siiine. Mrs. Rnbetta Rrown aad duvlitcr, of Rsltitnore, are visiting Chas. L Browa, BBBI Mcnv Poii t, where she attctn'.ol t'ni raaeralol her aoa'a vrife, arbo dted letardayaad araa barted at White Marafc on Baa4a* ataaiag. Mr and Hia, Baraea kaee aaored froei Clicriy Point. Nonlium'.aa !aad COBBfy, i" Mrs. Thoa. Rrown's furin iu.tr Caa eaaler. Bdwia Broaa, jr, of Broani*i and Marbry Hopklna, of Irvii.gto:'. hcrc one day Inst week. Miss Susic Thrift, of TTlOOllCO. wi!l addiaaa tiie Vfoeaaa' ary Socicty at Waltt Marsh church next Sunday afternoon at aViB <<Y!.«k. aVa apr^i to iiic tediea of UM caateh ta take more latereel i-i this work in the new ccntuty will he made. Rev. R. L. Uentley is UtOWiag BjaHl popular with hisjM >ple. Tlps week he is vi>iting hia : iu this ucigli- borbood. J.C. KteKaaaef was atek with lafrippe last week. Robt. Raines waa htre purchasing wcir poles a few days aJl Y. WHITE BTONlt .s (Jlara Sandera and Florcure Qfaanam left Saturday to spend lome u Baltimore. J. B. McKenuey bas rcturned from Baltimore where his wife undctwent an opcratioa a few wecks ago at tbc hos^ pital. Mrs. MrKciinn's condition, which »t «>ne time was considercd crltlcal, isim- provlng and Is now tbought to be out of danger. Howard llathawny. who has been quite ill for tbe past ten daja, is convale The new dwellings of Geo. W. Sanders and Osctir Tatham are about complcted. H. M. Saudrrs 00 Saturday last was sceu by your correspondem aa4 vecmed to be in jolly spirits despite tbe sad acci- dent which bas kept him contincd to hla room tor tlie past flve wecks. Mr. Sanders is now nble to walk around tlie ioom wilb the aid of crutches and hopes tobc out within n few weaka. The C?it*.i]>(.rkt \\',itrhiintn says: "li is reported thatMr. I.< lllaflprtf[¦ Clf Wbite Btoaa, and Miss Alida liayule, of Rced- ville, were married ne-;r HaatktTtUa on Saturday, Daoambai Nik, IMO. MJti Haynie and baaa leaealng aiaaio aaai Wbite Stone finanearly avat f.ui an>te Chiistmas, when she weal home to spend the holidays. Mr. Spriggs went over later and returnt-d a Bencdict. The bride isan accomplishcd aud attractlve VOnng lad>." w. R Baadata wrs the guest ol Jadge T. R R. Wright at Tappahannock a few days last week. Mrs. R. M. Sanders has as her gueat her sister, Miss McLaurcn, of Powhatan county, who arrived Wednesday night. tjuite a crowd of young ladies and gentlemen attended the oyster roast given by Miss Pearl Dix Tuesday night at her home and riporl a liue tiinc. Miss Alleyne Krlly is visiting Miss Etlie Hathawny. Mr. Gayloid Sanders aud hride return- t,l Saturday via Raltimore froiu R'uli- mond, where they were BMITied last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lfslie Spriggs are board- iug with Mrs. Clura MeKeniu y. F.iios Merccr was in lJiliiin.irc this week. . The concert given B the town hall Blonday night was pretty good. Quitea crowd was out. Mrs. V. C. Rrown Jias another fine daaajatar. W.G.Rcynolds,another life insurance agent, was seen in our town Sunday. Miss Lucy Hayuie left for Reedville last Monday. Miss Alma Walker, of Middlesex, who has .been assisting Miss Z. M. Williams iu dressmaking, left for her homo last Sun¬ day. Mr. and Mrs. W. (). Harding left for Baltimore Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Harper id on the sick liat. a IVoiuiuenl Clneago Woman >|ir.,ks. I'rof. ltoxa Tyler, of Chlcago, Vice I'n-s ident IUinois Woman's Alllanc, , in t-poaklng of Charnberlain's I'ough llcmciij, BB] sWBerai with asctero cold this winter which throatened to ruu inio pncuinonlu. I tii.'.i htificnt reaaaaaai »>ut i aaeaaai :>> «row worse and tho mcdiclno upset my stomach. A Iritiid BtTtaai me to try ChainU rlain's Cough Beaaadj and I found it was pleasantto take and It relieved me at OBWaj I am m»« aaaareif leeaeeaaB, saved adoctor'shui, time and suffer'ng, antl I will nc\cr BC WWBeul this splendid incdicino again." For sale by T. J. Willing & Co.. IrvlnRton; tieo. W. .aaataae, wuito btaaaa 9. n. Baaaaaa & Dro., Weema. Much Reardcd Bird. Dr. K. F. Waymau is just back from Culpepper, where he killed a ld-pound wild gobbler tiiat bad Iwo beards on his Bfaaaf Bad one standing straighl BB on tlic topof the head, Dr. Wnymau bfOBgbl the head along as a curiosity..St., Xtir*. Dr. Wayrrmti is ralatcd to Mr. Jno. K. Hlakemore, of Millcnbcck, whom he haa visited several s.asons, meet- ing a nuBiber of Lancastrians. Northumberland Co KKHOKOTIlUm'KCH. Mr. and Mrs. Jaeob Shriner celebrated tbe 27th nnniver^w v of their ruarriage last Wedt csday even- ing. (juite a number of friends were preeent to partake of their bouutiful repast. All speut a inos! anionabla evening. Tbe oldest child of Mrs. Bcnjarnin (iiboney, who has been visiting his father for soinv tirui'. Kn quite eick. We truly hopo his sicknes* will beof short duration. The "Crokonole Club," tutt la.-M Weduesday night at the home of Dr. I'inckard. The program con- sisted of vocal and instrumontal tnusic by Misses lleleti and Laura Chilton, Grace l'mekard aud Carrie Carter; reading by Miss Mary Carter, and''Btnnie" Carter. The remamder of the evening was spent in playing Urokonole and other games. Tlu patty dispersed about half past ten, exprcaeing themselvea as having en- joyed tbe evcinng very much. This prttty bright venthef has pni faraert in the notion of clean- ing and okariog gttting ready to plant their ourly crops. BoanC fieldl ¦te cet b i n witta fnrrown. Ilelen Chiil m ha3 been viaithtg h r aister at Kilatnmock. . Kaa>pi ia alao vititing there. IfiatOarrie Carter is getting along verv tiicely with bei "music clas3.'* She is quite a fine perforrner and B ejttally aa gootl a ttacher. "Watch." TB1LBY. Mr. aad Mrs. Jo3eph Farmer atul two intt reeting children, BtheJ and atui win,of Wasriington,whoarevi(3it- iag the lady'a paranta, Mr. and Mrs. Thonias BjdDOr, of Kmtnerton, ac- oortpaaied by Mr. Fuller Syduor, il telatives near here recently. Capk. Bitlia Oowart waa oojitaia- .1 M u ral days last week. Her many friends are glad to rc- Mrs. Agrus Pawson aa being laaoh better after having suchalong epell of sickueos. Mr. Bnd Mrs..1. \V.'Welah, of Ooaa, have recently had an additioa to their J in the way of ¦ baby boy. Mr. uiid Mr*. j. k. Beatleyara Mippy aaet tbe adveat of a Bae dangl aad Mra. J. ELOlarkedeliaht <t tbevoaag peopla of this neigh- ¦orbooa bv giviag iheai a t;ift'y stew : of last week. Oar pnblta Fchool is being well pj.troni/.vil at prcsent. Otti Lowry, of Readfilte, whoisat- tendiag the Bbeoaadaah Imtitute, :>, Va., ipeal >.\w Ycar's uigbt with relattvea near bere on his way to Daytoa to rtaaaac hJaatadiaa. otfs is a young man much ndmircd by his many friends bere who wish him much success.J S. \V. Clark is spending some titne with hia family bere. In April he mplates leaving aguin for.South Amenea. d. A. Keyser haa just relurned from ¦ trip to Kaltimore. While tbere be Ktaatad ¦ pilot's license. Miss Kmma Chirk recently visited relatives near l.'tcdville. Aniel Cookrnan had the niisfor- tune to cut his foot very badly re¬ cently. Mi-ssrs. llandy llatniltonand Ix?on- ard Clarke visited friends near Vil- lage last w,-.k. & BOOIdUBL. 1IKATHSVILLK. We were glad to see our old f riend, C. A. Betts, in tho village Tuesday. A. K. Cralle seemsmuch improved. The new store of II. C. Kowe cSi, Son is doing a good busincss. .1.1'.. Xelmsisnow runningadouble barreled hotel.one on the f ront street and one on the back. W. W. Filchett, a merchant of this county, bni made au assignment Ifm BftifB Hall is makinganex- tended Haitin Bnltiannw,aad Mrs. A. s. Rioa areal thither also, i few dnja since. Qeofna D. Bbirlej has been con- Bned to his ronm for several wecks \\ ilh an IfgraTated catarrhal trouble, ili- lesult of a deep cold. We are glad to say he is on the road to re- oorary. The Teachcra' Institule will hold \t session on the fourth Satur¬ day (2<ith) in .January. A peculiarly .ttriactive progratn will be presented. OfQoeri wiil be elected. Much de- panda upon them, aud it isyour duty to choose and support proper persons. The advisability of having a linal en- tortainmcntwill beconsidered. There are prosperous and helpful leagues ihroughout this and other states, to which tbc best teachers belong. The preacnt century will see one in each county, pe^haps iu each district. Why be a back number? All the profeaafona havesystematic organiza- tions. Without itsimple justice can- BOt be had. Do you want longer tiiins nnd bctter pay? They will not Oocna to you. Prepare for the Con- stittitional Conventiou. The County Supeiintemlent will be on hand. Come and spend a profitable and pleasant day. In the cate of the Commonwealth vs. Lee Veney, the jury sustained the fitiding of .lustice Kichelberger after a two dnye^tnai, to wit, $25 and live months io jail. Ono Chai les Nelson was un Tues- ilay afrernoon before Justice Kichel- berger for aaenult. Ile was sent to jail for three months and fined $15. it'ouimunit'iitfd.] On Salurday, Jauuary 12th, the case of the Commouwealth against J. Ii. 8horty for illegal sale of liqnor was up for trial before Justice E. VV. Biohelberger. The prosecution was ably looked after by our able attor- aaji Lloyd T. Sruith. Walter Ilath- away appeared for the defense. The accnscd had a chair near his coun- ael and beside him sat Kaleigh Car- ter, of Kilmarnock. The tirat wit- nesa for the (,'ommonwealth was one John Turpin, colored, and a most re- luctantwitness he was. He had pur- chased nothing but ginger ale, al- though hc admilted it had the same etTVct as whiskey. Ile dtnied that he had admitted having purchased whiskey from Shorty on ISnuday. The next witness was Jim Carter. Mr. Smith ssked him some cpuestions not bearing directly upon the case, and hisinstant reply was "Ginger ale, sir, nothing but ginger ale." Mr. Clark was the next and last witness. He too Lestified to having drank gin¬ ger ale in Shorty's place and that it tasted like whiskey and had the same cffect as whiskey. The Coinmon- wealth then rested its case. The defence introduced no testimony. Af¬ ter argunient by couneel the case anjM submitted. The court tincd this "Shorty" $200. So endtd the aant ter. Jrom the evidence offered tlutv was do doubt Ia the minds of the people that Hhafty bad Bet n uelling liqaor. A few years gince Ixdtsburg district vottd iu fuvor of local option by agood oiajority. The citraeaa for tbe BBOal pa:t are a <|i:iot labef Paopla Bhetfcy dotaa*t pay lata the irtaaaan, of thla county aaa aad hi anatSaa; he came from.nob-dy knows where, and hiaeBtablJeaaaetti of thisahopat i tta kiiowing at tbe time taal local option obtained, showed aaopea disregard for law aad was ia insult to every man in the towi.ship. Thf introduction of "Lancaster Metboda" iu th'8 county wont work. We rejoice that wc have ¦ com- moawealth'p attoruev who is able, Single and alooo To hold his own against the allied legal frnk-rtiity, as was clearly demonstrated la thecele- bruted Vox tnal years ago. We re- joice also that we have a justice of the peace who has the proper sense of houor aud cournge to do his duty fearlessly. Ile iinposes heavv liues.whv? Roonnaothal istheonlv way to break up this illegal traffic, What do they caie for $10 and $90 linety The people in Lottsbtirg who nre pajgaing this matter deearet great coniinendution. They are doing all they can in thie warfare for puritj and rigbi and against tho saloon. It is a sail reflection, thongb, that ia ;:ll ages it has been n thankless task to try to make the world beibr. Soc- rates had to drink hcrulock as his potion;itissaid that Isaiah was sawed asunder; the bloody bend of the Con fessor was carried before the birth- day revelers and handed to Saloine. wh\? Becnusc the lips now silent and pale had dared to tell the truth. Ia BsMl <»nt «.r nn bWNaM of llix IVimion. A Mexicxn war vctcran and i>r«mincnt aataar wilteai "BBaaaa the aataattlaaBaaafl <>i Chatnlif ilam's Q >lic. Cholcru nnd DaBTrlMM Itemedy, I nm icminded that aa a soldler In M,odea in N7 and '48, I eonl racted Moxlcan diarrho-n and this romedy bas kepl im> rnnn rettlng an Increase in my pcn-don foron every ."ewal a dose of t raeeerae me." It U un- cpiaiied aaa avtek aara taveaaRaaaaaai k pleasant and ssfe to take. For salc by T. .T. Willing St Co., Irvinxton; Ueo. W. Saudera. White Stone: W, II. Harding B llro., Weema. Riehmond County. BHABP8 WHARF.DEATH. This commtinity was saddened be- yond e.xpression on latt Friday morn- ittg when it was lcarned of tlie death of Ifra, George Allison, who died on Friday tnoining, Jan. 11 th, 1901, at 1 o'clock at her home near this village. Sh;> v.as a great sufferer and had been conliti'd to her bed four or live months but bore her sufferings with great patieuce and without the slight- est complaint. Ilor death w;ts calm nnd peaceful nnd when the Angol of Death came she was ready aud will ing to go, having lived a pnre and consccrated Christian life. ghc was prcpared to meet her Uod. She wil! be greatly missed in her coinmiinity but most of all in her home where she exhibited so many qualities of a loving and faithful Christian. She was a consistetit inember of Jerusalem Baptist church and did all in her power to buiid up her church. The OCOtaaad was a young woniati and leaves a heart broken hubband and two it.teresting little children,as will as parents, brothers, siaters and a hosl of relatives and friends to mourn their los8. Her rcmains were laid to reston Sunday afteruoon at x' olclock in thecemetery of Jerusalem Bap¬ tist church umidst an imuienae con- course of sorrowing friends. Her pastor, Rev. Richard K<lwards, con- ducted the services. One week ago to-dny You eJoBBn your ,'\es in death, Whttaaailj waaal i>\ yaarbedatda, Aud saw you draw'yliur hsl brealh. And oii! waal paaaa ol aorroa Then came httO our hearts, As we raallaad Um lartlwta fact That \vc inust forever part. Than b ¦ grtat deal ofaiekaaai Ia onr Tillage at preeent, iii fact, some meiuher in nearly every family have been conliued to their beds with grip and colds. On iieeount of bickness Rev. II. L Walton was preveoted frooa lilliu^ his usual appointment at Weeins last Sunday. Christmus paaied very pleasantiy with us, tlie Obriataaaa axcrciaa for the Sunday tcliool on Thursday night during the bolidaya waa qaita a 8UCCC88 and very much enjoved, and tbe drama, "Old Maida' Conven¬ tion," which was rendered on New Year'a night was largely attended and every one spent a very pleasant evening. About $82 was realized. Misa Margaret Downing ia 8pend- ing several wveka with relatives in Baltimore. Mrs. Sarah Cook, of Emmerton, is visiting her son, W. B. Cook, at this place. Mrs. Walton, of Norfolk, is apend- ing aome time with her son, Rev. II. 1>. Walton, here. Mrs. lludnall, of Northumberlaiid county, alao Mr. Fuller Blaudoe, of Baltimore, recently visited their sister, Mrs. Fred Dowuing. The "Crobwelfarrived hereThurs- day night from ,James river loaded with oystersfor Mr. Dickerson. Theateamer Northumberland made her first trip on this river Tuesday. F. U. Northup spent laat week iii the village. Capt. McNamaia recently visited hiadaiifcbter, Miss Annie McNamara, of this place. L. S. lirought Oocd lortune. Aamalittem iu his own pajx r lately BtoacM *nw/.iiiKKi«»i fortune t 1 dltOrCaaia, Keitier. of the Saj/inaw tMw b. PobI Bad /...itiinjj. He and his family h <1 (iie Qrtp ii; Ita WOtBt form. Their doctor diil . honi :io jruoil. Tlien he read that Dr. KinKV. New DlBBOtetJ forOoriaump- tion, Coughaand OoMa MM a Kiiaranteed emv lor I.u Urlppc and all Throat and baag troublos; trlcd It and sajs: "Three bottlea curedtho whole family. No other BaBClaOha on earth equals it." Only MB and fl.Ouat T. J. Hayilon A. Son's, Irvin^ton; L. 1). Stono- liani'd. Moluak; T. O. Bland's, lteboboth Church. Tiiul bottlcs froe. NOTICE THESE: Read the big ad of our Home Fire As¬ sociation on this page. The Cable Piano Co , of Rlchrrond, has a new aud inUrcsting ad. Edward Akers'son, Baltimore jeweler, has a uew ¦ rj this i-<MiL' on 1st puge. Deafaena Cnmiot l»e Cur«Ml liv loaat appUvattOBS, ns they eannot reach tl.e ihsea- e<i pi.rtion of theear. 'I'here is only one araj toeur." deafDBBS, and that i.s l<\ con atitlitioiial lemedifs. Dcafncas is eaused l>y an Inttaraed condition of the btooobb iinlnor of tbeKuatBChlaa Tulw. When this tuoe K't'(s laa.au <1 you have a rnmbllnn w»mi>1 or iin ici t. cl a.-.ii Ing. and when it Is eatlrelj clused dratnt'ss |B the resiilt, imil unlcaa t iie inllaia niMti.Mi obb 1k> tauen out and th«a tube n atoredtB llHiiormal eonnition. hearinir wlll l»e dcMrii>cd lorever; niite eaaen out of BBB are CBUaed hy uMtai ih, which i.-. nnthtnir l>ut an Inflamod condition <»t' tlie iiiueous surfaecs. We will k^'c «>ne iluinircd Dollara foraaj ca « ..i i».-.»t in-.i tcauaed bp oatarrb) tbat can not beowred by llatl'a CaUuih Cure. fcend ulars, fn K. .1. eiiKNKY Si Ci)., Toledo.O. Sol.l l*> Druffgiata, TSo. Ilali's Family llllsaic tho l>eat. SOMI2 MAIMONTKACTS. The following luail routes in the eTorthera N'eck have been let by the 1*. O. Oepartmeut and made publio, Wiaraaw Ia BaaihcYilla, to l.. J, Waraer. *:>is. BJaaoaaoa to Sharp's, to L .1. Vfaraar, £367. No. 1 1,:;:><;, Karnbam to Sharp's, to LJ. Warnar, tftlft. rVaraaw to Kilanr- nock, to W. A. Kubank, $7W. No. i »,:>:;..), Waraaw to Wellford, to W. V. Mor-Hii. $121.:."). N<». 1 t.:;io, Mnudy Toiut to Lodge, B> ¦'. A. Dameron, $1<I2.50. No. I J.::::;, Fairpori to EfoftaW ville, to David Boaoh, -f 118.75. Ho. 14,.')45, Kilmarnock to Byrd- ton, to Ar.drew Barber, $74 No. 14,:U»;, Kains-wood to Haatha- ville, to Thoa. L Alderson, $«:>. No. 14,349, Kilmarnock to Irving¬ ton, to Andrew Barber, fttO, No. 14.351, KiliHaaraoeaio lleatba ville, to L. L. Yerby, $ i i *. No. 1:3,355, White Stone to Kil marnock, to B. II. B. Hubbard, jr.. $145. No. 11,359, T.ippahannock to War- saw, to II. B. Bartlett, £34!). A DSBff) .Wyntery. It Is a mystery why womoo onduro ltack- i.che, Ibada he, Nervoi-sness. BaBtpB MelaiKlioly. raintim: nnd ]>i//.v SuelN thoiisands have |>iove.l that Bm -cl iu -r.it t-is will aoicklp eure BB8B] trouble-". "I puHoi i -u for years* with kicmy tionblo." wrltoa Mrs- IMu-lieChcrloy. of l'ctcrson, Ia., nnd it lnme haek paiiud BM so I ecnild not drcsa BITBBlf. !-ut Klretrlc Hitt«-rs wholly cured me. an.i ilthouKh H years old. I now am able to do all my liouscwork." It ovcrconivs Cormt Ipal ion. ini|.roves fcpgat i(e. irives prrb-et >. OiilytJOjatT. J. Haytbm & bWb, frvti L. I». Sionehatn's. Mnlusk; T. ('. Ilaaaafa. Iteliotioth Church. LEGISLVTUltK. Tbe special aession of the Irgisla- tnre, which will be convened the SlSrdof thismonth in llichmond, will probably not last over ten days. It seern8 to be concedtd that practi- eally nothing will bedonebeyond ar- ranging for the holding of "the con- stitutional convention. Lobbyists will be here a few day8 iu advance to meet and chat with the early-comeis. The legialatora are paid >'180 for their services at an Ktra lettida, no matter how ahort or bow loag tiie term may be. Some itaiikiti;; Baalweaa1 The following is ¦ reaaaic of the baakiag businera ia Baltimore for the years 1890 atul I'.m. } by the Siur. NATIONAI. BAKI <"ar>itnl. fllJI.~s.30O IH.IUajNO Surplua and t'm'.iv id< <\ Prolits. :;j;i Loansiind IMscoums, r,»a5,s :t Meposlta, 1,415.548 STATK U\M.>.. i',oi. MM Capital. oon *l,.;:..('.' SurpluaaodUudividVI Profs ;hm<*! and Diacouuta, 2.inu,iai l»<I|>osits, l.;,K».um js.stii.aou Over-Work Weakefts Yuur Kidneys. Unhoalthy Kidneys IlaUc Impurc Blood. All the blood in year boCy pssjcs through your kidneys once eve-.y tr.r.c mlnutes, 1hc o yorr blooo pui ihers. ihcy fil- kha wajis or iatpuiiuaa Ia the blood. If they araaiok or out c( orJor, they fail to do their work. PaJaa, acaaa^andrhaa- vr.atism ccmc frr cc^s cf v:ic s.ciJ ;,i the -I'-c'.eJ kidney trouble. Kidney trouble cau.-.c3 q-.:i'-k ci u.isteady hcart beats. and makaa one fccl aa though they had heart tr^ablc. because the hcart ia over-working in DUinptaf nYck, kidney- potsoned blood through vcins and artsrles. It uscd Io be considarcd that only artoary troubles were to be traccJ to the kidneys, but now modern actenca proves that r.eariy all ccnstitutlon?! d:-.eas3s have their bsgin- ning in kidney boutie. If you are sick ycu can r.iake no miMakc by first doctoring your kidneys. "he mild and the extraordinary effect cf Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realiisd. !t stands the highost fcr its wonderfulcures of the rr.ost distressing cases and is sold on its m<:t its by all drugglsts in fifty- cent andone-dollar siz- es. You may have a" sample bottle by mail bbbm orsW-.unp.Root. free. also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bbdder trouble. Memion this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer fic Co., Einjrhamton. N. Y. rTX has brought permanent relief to a mil- lioo suffering womta who were on their way to prematuro gjravea. Mrs. Mitcheli was fast declining in health, when Win« of Cardul perforaeda"wonrierful cuw" in her casn. She suBered with the ago- uies of /aUinjr of the woinb, loucorrhoea and profuse nienstrnation. The weekly appearanceofthemensesfortwomonths sapped her vitaiity until the was a phys- ical wreck. Her nervous system gave way- .Th«n fame the trial of Wlne of Cardol and the cure. Mrs. Mitchell's expenence ought tc commend Wino of Cardui to auftaring: women In words of burning eloquence. WiMorCABDUI is wlthm the reach of all. Wornon who try it are relieved. Aslc rour druggist for a $1 bottle of Wineof Cardui, and do not take a substitute it tendered you. Mrs. WBBa Mitchcii. South Qeakae, N. c. "Wine Of Cardui and Thedford's Black- Orangbt Snave perfonaie4 a xnlraenlona <mr« In my can*. I bad boen a great salTerer with fAlliu* of tho womb and leucorrhcna, andmymensea cuit every week f«f BPO tnonths ai.d were Tory palnful. My hiis- band Indueed me to try Wlne of Cardui and Biiick-Drauffht. and now tbe loucir- rlirsa has dlaappe&red, and 1 am rcatored t > perfect beallh." Tn cases raqnlrlng sperta! diuTttona, andreaa, KiTlnt; i-vi.i|.t<>ina. "The i-u.liea' Ad- v.v>ry l<epartiiient." The < i.:«i'iinuoi(a Mfliiluaa to., i l: iti.iuooga, Tenn. COMMISSIONEH'S NOTICE. In the Circuit Court of Lancaster County: .Tohn T. Parker in his) own right, and asadminis- trator of lieltie A. Parker, }-In Cuancety. vs. Ball, et als. To the parties interested in tho above namcd eausc: Take notice that, pursuant to decrce in this cause of September IStfe, 1JXH), I shall on Wednesday, the 27th day of February, 1001, at my olllce at Lancaater, in the county aforesaid, proceed to in- qulre into and make statemcnts coucern- ing the matters mentioned In the thd decree, aud thereby referred to me as one of tbe commisatoners in cbancery of tbe said court. EapeoUlly conceming the amount of money still due and un- paid lo the party p'lnintilT from R. O. Mayo, ailministrator of It M. ftfayo, ih | apecial conunis^ioner la this oaaaa, lO» K'ether with anv other aiallwa, speeially siated, daaanaa pertlaanl i>y laa aoaa* missioncr, or tlmt may be reqalrad by anv party intert sted to be. so stntcd. Sam'i. p. OaaanaJt, Com'r ln Chauccry. $202,000 of good, live iiisiirai.ee is now being carried by the NORTKERN NECK MUTUAL FfRE ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA. (Our Home Company; Offlce, Irvington, Va.) In the four counties. of the Northern Neck.Lancaster, Northumberland, Biehmond and WeetmorelanA Insnro.! only Dwallhagaaad Fmniture, tiaros utitl Impleaients No policy for more than $1,000 on a smgie baildiag, arlush aaahci it iatpoaaibU to have aaj baatj laaa In operation live years. Only four ¦¦MMiatBai m that time, and they emall ones. UMarad pajaa small aatraaM Cat ta eaaaf ag^uta' aud oftice expaaata: he pavs no more until a loss is suslaiued, and theu only a few cents ou tacb $100 worth of property. * Has cost the insured less than one-half of old companics. No law raita. Koeses adiusted by well-known and KprfataUtifC busiuess men of the Northern Neck. Ofhckus-/JudKe Jna C- ¦..II, Fresident; A*a S. liice, V*B -President; 1 W. McDouald Lee, Secretary-Mana^, r; Dr. W. J. Newbill, Treasurer. Am.ition \L Directors: W. \V. Walker, Jno. A. Falmer and BaT. F. W. Claybrook. Write for iuformation to the Home Oflice, Irvington, Va. Jt DOl JjTO. ( . I.u i:ii. Presidont, ,lNo. F. Couldman, I . ., . afEa*K G. Nbwbiljl, Gnahier. I Ass't. Cashiera. A. Randolpu 1Iowaki>, \ice-Prtsident. Loyola Lelaxd, J THE LANCASTER NATIONAL BANK, Deposits Solicited, Negotiable Paper Discounted. ALL COUltrsi>OM>EM K II bMPTLY AXSwKKED IN Sl ALED ENVELOPES. Handsome Lithograpked Check Bocks presented to each Customer. WAI.L BUSINESS KKI T IX STJUICT CONFIDENCE.JB BANK CPEN FROM 9 A, M, TO 4 P, M._ The T. N. Brent Store is showing the most complete line of Up-to-Date Fa.ll a.r>d 'VSZinter Coods In this section of Virginia. Kverything new aud stylish in Dress Materials, Ladies' andjShildrer.'s Wraps, Ready-to-weer Skirts, Shirt- X Notions, etc. Big bargains in Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes, etc. waist Materials, Millinery, Fancy Gocd«, Notions, "etc. Big bargains in Men's and Boys' Stylish Suits, Overcoats, Ti If you naanoC reach us, gand us your orders. Vou will l»e s:ife in ordering from U8 as we guarantee satisfuction and will refund the money for auything we 8end you that docs not pleuse in every resnect. The T. N. BRENT STORE, Fredericksburg, Va. LATEST RETURNS, COMINC FROSVi ALL DIRECTIONS. Give tlie latest reports that Goldstronvs Balti¬ more Shoes are in the lead in style, quality and pricc. Your ncighbor wears them, why not you? Vou are wasting your time and money in not send- ing for a pair of their new Fall Shoea Try one pair for yourself and ehildren and your verdict will he "none but the Goldstrom Shoe for me." "Write for Cataloguc. 6REAT YELLOW FRONT SHOE HQUSE, \aw\ s. broadway, baltimore, md, WBBesbbs^ i ilMWlaniaWalllllllaBallii.ajvCTwr^.. ? ^gggajaaganBg A. BENESCH'S (407-409 S. BROADWAY, BALTIMORE. MDJ . Qrand Fall Opening and timely bargains for watchful buyers of Furniture of every description. Carpets, Oil-cloth, Linoleums, Baby Coaches, Go-carts, in fact, anything needed to furnish homes. . I can give yon I good parlor suit, covercd iu silk, tapestry or hair cloth for $|5 awl upwarda. I can give you a solid oak 10-pieee bad room suit, with large levcl glass for 20 " A good baby coach from $4 fQ $25. A good gocart from $2.50 tO $15. If any goods you may desire are not mentioned atove, write and all in- formation and prices will bo furnished at short notice. Prices guaranteed to be as low as consistent with quality. An early call solicited. Prcmpt ehip- ment and low prices guaranteed. i 407-409 S. Broadway, BALTIMORE, MD. Remembered In Death.== Tributes of love still cluster around those who have gone before, and we engrave these on enduring marble or granite for their graves. We have qnarries right here at Fredericksburg and can, conseqnently, supply you cheaper than dealers of other citiea which have none. Marble and Oranite Monuments, Vaults, Statues, Ourbing, Coping, And every Description of Cemetery Work. Call or vrite for oilicc and Works: CARTRIGHT & DAVIS, FREDERICKSBURG, VA.
Page 1: THE LANCASTER J NATIONAL BANK, · Prtc© 25ceuts. Mrs.Clarence Brewington was iu Bal¬ timore last week. EpworthLeagneSocial to-nigbt (Fri¬ day) at ChesapeakeAcademy. CherryUlyerrtne.


Hir. C. B. James, Paator.Irrington, First and Thlrd Sundays. 11 A. M

Secondand Kourth Sendaya. ni»rltt** Prayermoetinic Wednesday nu/iitM.whiteStoue. First and Thlrd Sundays.* I*. M." 8evond aud Fourth Sundays.11A.M.'rleet'a Islaod, Sooond Sunday, 3 P. M.Thlrd Suuddy uljfht.Poplar Neck. Fourth Suiw.\> , .i p. >|.BAPTIST.

B«y. t. W. Cuatbrook. Paator.Irvirujrton.Srcond andFour? hBa n ln nll BBT BJFirst and Thlrd Sundays, 8 P. H.m.. .

(Preachina or Pray<r ,,»,-#.» jr,.-).Wleomlco. First aud Thlrd Sundays. UA.M.Kilmarnock. sovm-.d aud Fourth Buneaje, 11Bluff Point Chapei. Fourth Sunday 7;30 p. M.

Kar. G. Y. Bkadi.kv-. Pastor.WeUe Stone, First aud Thlrd Simdavs at 11A. M.; Sevoud aud Fourth Sundays s p. m.rleets Island, BasMMM and Fourth Sunduys at11 A. M.: First aud Third Sun¬days 3 p. m.

PRESHYTKitlAN.Kkv. H. L. Wai.ton. Pastor.

Weoms, Seeoml and Fourth Sundavs 11 A Mand 7:d0 P. M. * A' **'

METHODI8T PHOTKSTANT.Krr. J. W. Paki8. l'astor.

Wicomieo. First aud 1 lnni Sundays at 3-.TU pll'X8*MOUd *nd *ourth suodays at

Smyrna First a'nd'Thlid Sundays at 11 A MSampsou's Wharf. Bchool HoSe, s, o..,u andk ourth Suudavs at o.At p. M.KPISCOPAL.

Kkv. Baiamm lt. Micor. rBBtaiWhltethapel. Firstand Thlnl Sunduvs.ll A M.Iriulty. First and Third Sund*vs, ~:m p. mFourth SuiKlaj, Jl A. M.Grace, Seeond Sunday, II A. M.. Fourth Sun-*1H*, .> I . M.

LOCAL MENTION.r, L. W»)jui>r, Edltor Local Correapondenee.

All communicatlons ahould be addressed totbe Yikqinia CITIZK.N, Irvlutctoii, Va.

Carroll Hardtng was in Notfolk thisweek.

Dr. L. M. Irvlng was ia Baltlmore tbepast week.

Stopa the Cong-h and Work* off the Cold.T*xattve nromo Qulnine Tablets eure a coldIn 0110 day. No Ciro, no Pay. Prtc© 25 ceuts.

Mrs. Clarence Brewington was iu Bal¬timore last week.

Epworth Leagne Social to-nigbt (Fri¬day) at Chesapeake Academy.Cherry Ulyerrtne. tlie new m>-to-date and

great apecific for couRhs. To uso tt oaaemeans alwaya. Ile eonvincejl aud try It.-

Mlss Mary Dodson, of Wilmirgton,Del., is visiting Mrs. Job. Georgc.a W. McD. Let is on a flying trip thisweek to Philadelpbia, Washington andRichmond.

TO ll'RE A CUt.D IN ONK 1)AVTako Laxatlve Ilronio yuinine Tablehs. AllZF&V* refu«'d the money 11 tt tatls tocure.K. w. Orovcsalrfiiature Ia on eaeh box. 25e.

Wayland Wilder droppcd down fromBaltimore this week to wear off an at¬tack of the grip.W. Henry George, of Pbiladelphia,

was visiting friends and relativcs here afew days this week.

Tpleg-raph Toot li-.\«lie llropxCure* tooth-achc by bottloU e>itriolty. us

It were. Urand suceess. Only H> ets. Jas.Bally &Son. Ilultimore, Md.

Parties were given this week at thebomca of Mra. Roberts, Mrs. Kdwin Ru6-aclla and Robt. George.

Mcsdatnca Garry 1*. Mcasick and R. L.Willing and Messrs. Elijah Haydon.GrifGarner and Ed. Rarkcr are in Raltimorethis week.

If trouMcd wltha weak dlircstion. Ix-K-hintr.sour stomacli, or ITyou feeldull ultcr rntitur.try QBBBBBB iuinV St<>m:uli and I.iver Tahlets.Priee.Sk cvnts. Satnples freoat T. J. Willing& Co"s., Irvinjrton; Geo. W. Sander'a. WhiteStouc; W. H. Hardlntr & ttro's., Weeins.

Miss Eliza Mitchcll is this week withrolativea in upper Lancaster and visit¬ing her hrother, Dr. L G. Milctull, ofDowninga, who Is sirk.

Mrs. Harry Tignor and two littlechildren, who have been visiting rclativtaat Wlcomlco Church, took stcamcr heieWcdneaday nit;hl enroule to their hometu Orangc.

Cut tbtn out aud take it to T. J. Wlllinit A-Co'a.. Irvlntrion: Oeo. \V. SandcrV. WhiteStone; W. 11. llard n>t & llio's.. Wei ms;atores and trct a free Mimple <>f Chamber-laln'a Stomuch nnd I.lver Tahleta, the iwstphyxlo. They alao eure diaorders of theatoraac'h.hlllousneas and heudache.

Steamer Clara Ellen came up Saturdaynight from CapeCharles having on boardCapt. J. F. Bnssells and family, W. A.Leland, Charlie Milligan and others.They returued the followiug night.

Messrs. Lee and Wagner will be atLancafter court Monday to transactbuaiuess for the Viboinia Citizen, TheFree Lance, Lancaater National Bankand Northern Neck Mutuul Fire Associa¬tion.

Btop that 1* »ln

By going to the old Drug Stand and getttngwhat la needed. Also cures for couith?, colda,general dobtllty, woHknosscs, ebllla, dyspopsia,plles, aorea. neuralgla J kiduey and bladderthroubles. We havo I.ydla K. Pinkham'a. Dr.King'a and Dr. Pleree's raodiclnea aud SwaropHoot aa speclalties, so como and be tiealed.

T. J. Haydon & So.v. Irvlngton. Va.

Capt. Edwin Bussells left his steamer,Dorothy F. Wacker, last week in Baltl¬more and came home on account of sick-ness, bnt has rccovered and returned.Capt. Geo. W. Hoffman tvent up to aa-sume command during Capt. Bus«ells'absence.

STThe old Southern Hostelry, the MaltbyIlonae, Ualtimore, was never tn better trlmto eotertaln guests. It la uere that all Vir-giniana eoiigregate when visltlng the Monu-meDtal City.

Steaiuers from Raltimore under thepresent achedule come into Irvingtonand Weema only on Monday, Tueadayand Saturday morniugs Roats to Ralti¬more every afternoon but tiuuday. FromMillenbeck to Raltimore every afternoonbutThuraday and Sunday.

lllown to Atoirts.The old idea that tho body somet Imcs needs

a powerfu!, drastle, purgative pill haa beenoxploded; for Dr. Kina's New Life PIHs, whichare perfectly harmleas, gontly stlmulat© liverandbowelstoexpel poisonous matter. cieanaothe aystem and absolutely cure Constipationand 81ck Hoadache. Only 36c at T. J. Haydona Son's, Irving-ton; L. D. Hioneham's. Mohi9k;T. C. Bland's, Uehoboth ». hurch.

1901 JANUARY 1901Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fri. Sat.






MOON'S PHASES.-O, Full A 7:13 JB.KCWVilloon *±. p. m. ^Mnongr Thlrd -, n 3:38 -». rtrat


(LCjuartcr 12p. in.3:38p.m.

W(Mn 20 a.'mH P*"«t 07 *«_9Q.uarter Zl a.m

The Citizbm feels grateful for tbepatronage exteoded it on Monday (coort-day) last by tbe people of Nortbumber-land. Bttddcs good collectious ouj" rep-resentative secured U new subscribers.We are williug to risk it as an unluckvnumber, eveiy time, in such caaaa.

Visitora seen here of late: W. H. Bar-rack, II. E. Robertson, .loc Ktllam.sr.,15. II. Robhtson, Capt. Geo. V. Squircs.Oscar and E. Bruce Boatfraa, Jno. A.McKenney, Misses Virgie Duntou nndEoltne Williaina, Jas. A. Cbnwning,Eustace Breut, Willie Cox.Mr. and Mrs.Warner Ilurst.Mr. I>avl8. of the llrracf Cai'trigbt k I>avts.

Frederieksburir, (itm.ito and Marble r

wlll stait on Febiu«i> Bfl nnd make a trlptbroiiKh the eountioe ot the Nort liei n Neck;also Middiesex, Eaae.T,Kin>: & QaMaBB arvl Qataolirie. IT you would like any infoi niatioil, orthitik oT piirchaetng ir.onuments. a tarddropped tothe !'redeiiek*tMrg ofHce will btforwarded him.

A telegrani was reeelffd Mcrc Tuesdayafternoon to aearch ateamer for acolorcdman by the nameof Darrah Kich, who wasa fugitive from the Richmnud countyofficials, he being wantcd there for anassault on a young ulrl. Tho stoamerwas srarched but no trace of the manwanted could be found.

Theeleetlon and falrareover, but Xroas iccominir. and those that were dtspleasod w[ hthe past as well as those that v.rrewill <lo well to preparo l"or the luturo. In\ :, v <>f this the old tlrm. as usiml, is hn\inirthe Ktxxlles come in In advanee. s«rne nlr, sdjfor use and some to aa prepand hs fri-ndsmay think be-t. All are .on'.iu.ly in\lte<l tocome and aoe ia tiroo. but don't ali come atotuc. Yours iru'y.

T. J. H.vi don & Sun. Ir\ iujrton, Va.

It ia checring to know that our cxem-

plaiy and valued citizen, Capt. Wm. LMfssick, is improvlng, though it be liutalowly, and is ahortly expected homefrom undcr tho surgeon'a knifo in Ralti.more. We are of those who believe thatall the good thiugs to be said about aman should not be reserved uutil aflcrhia granite shaft shall have been raisedand we thcrcfore unhealtatingly dcclnrethat Capt. Messick could have been lessspared than any man in this comnnnityThat he ia rccoverlng, and we hope willrecover entlrely, is due iu no small nuas-

nre to the conceit of prayers which aaagone up from the people of this com-munity.

It Clrdlcn The <;lo»>e.Thefame of Ilucklen's ArnieaSnlve. as the

h»st in the world, oxtends ruund the e.trth.It> the one perfcet healer of Cuss. OBrMB.ilm-iis, ltruises, Sores. Sc*ld«, UoiN.tl.ir-.KpIods. Aehcs, MM and all Skln r.i uption*.Only infalll'de lMt« eure. 25c BboxasT. J.Kaydon &8onV. Irviimton: ti Tf fTTlBllBaiB**.Molusk;T. C. Illund's. Kehoboth Clunvli.

Late arrivals ht the Irvlngton Beacb:R. J. Paine.B F. Hart, E<lwin Lucas,Lester Anderton, .f. W. Muse, J. W.Cbownlng, A. R. Howard, R. L. FicklinManry Hundley, S. Shallcross,LlewcllynYerby, Aug. Miller. Mr. Necly, E. O.Tbomus, H. W. TreNklr, Baldwin Blakc,L. L. Baaad. Jadga J. C. Ewell, Capt.Jack Whealton, E. II. Browne, 15 Y. M.Hundley, Zack Street, Jas. McDaniel, H.Scott, Geo. A. Dodaon, W. F. Bcl/.»J, II.W. Yobe, K. H. Claybrook, C. R. Bray,It. V. Reynolds, W. Hcnry Gcorge, G. R.Finch, J. R. Butler, J. Parkcr, L NGraves, J. A. Ketcharu, B. II. Hobinson,H. M. Gresbam, It. A. Fitzhugh, Jas. A.Cbowuing, L. L. Gorc, T. Jeromc Downing.


TIIK lXHTOit AT HOME.Oreat eare should liecxrrclsed as to re-re~

iliee Rtvcn. You ean lx< your own do<tor B9tcouphs, croiip, lioiirsenesa, aorc and tit-klln^of the throat and all bronehinl troublea, byuaingCherry Olycerine. the invlnelble CouphCure. Larire Imttlea 2T> cta.

J.<s. I!aii.y\ S.)n., I'roi s., llaltlmore, Md.

CAUOIITON IBI FLY.A pcnsion of |S was this week granted

to Chaa. W. Lindcman, of ColonialReach.LIccnscd ia Washinglou to marry; An-

drew Grovcs, of Wcatraorcland county,and Hatlie Marders, of King Georgecounty.

Long-distance hell telephoncs are be¬ing put in the cdhecs of the NorthcrnNcck Telephone and Telcgraph Com-pany this week.There are now six prisoncrs in Wcst-

moreland county jail at Montross await-iug trlal, and casea are accumulatiug forthe next Icrm of court, which promiscsio be oue of the busiest for a long time.Wm. Pced, aon of Gco. Peed, of West-

moreland county, three years old, wasburned to death Monday last. His cloth¬ing tmk tire while the family were outnnd when they returued he was foundburnt to death and the houae on tire.Those pleaaant traveling companiona,

Messra. G. R. Finch, G. N. Andcrton, T.Jerome Downing, R. A. Fitzhugh, J. R.Rutler and L. Jones carae down fromRaltimore Monday morning and proceed-ed to diaperse themselvts throughout thissection, most of them allghting at Irv-'ngton.

J. D. Garland, a prominent Rcpublican,luwyer and surveyor of Richmondconniy on Tuesday removed his familyto Raltimore where they will reside intho future. Mr. Garland has not partedwith his flue farm near Warsaw,and willbring his family back there during thesummcr months. His oajeet in going tothe city Is Io belter educate his children.

Tlie Motlirr'a r'avorltw.Owaateaaaaaw cough Baaaat* ai aae

mother'* favortte. 11 is plcasant and safe forchildren to takeand ulways eures. It is ln-teuded espcctally for coughs, coitis. croupand whooping-cough. and Is the bestmedicine raade for these diseaaes. There isnot the least dangcr iQ giving It- to childrenfor it contains no opium or other injuriousdrug and may be given aa confldently toabaiie as to an adult. For sale by T. J. Willing& Co., Irvington; Geo. W. Sanders, WhiteStone; W. H. Hardlng & Ilro., Weems.

IN MEMORIAM,Died December 24th, 1900, at the home

of hia father, in Irvington,Isaac Ileatb,jr., aged aix years and nine months.I>ear little brother thou hast left our homeTo go where death and pain can come uomore;Thla life was at ono time bright and dear,itut Hcaven was brigbterand doarer;Our livos have been made sad,Ili:t thino has been made glad.In Iteaven thy lifo will be bright,For thou shalt never know.t lie night:Pain will never be known to theeFor we kn.w it is not felt up there.We miss thy bright and lovingsmilea,Al.so thy deur a.id fjnd caressca;But by God 't was willedFor thy happy volce to beatilled,Thy vacant place does sadden otir heartaAnd thy abaence a burden that smarts.No more thy dear little feet will followLoved onos on thla oarth below,Thy ehair ia left vacantSlnce see thee we cannot,Thy toys ha»o been sadly lald asldeSlnce in lleaven thou dost abide.

Oarlingangcl, watching for thoso you love,In your bright and happy home abovoThy voieo now is Joinod in singingAnthoms which in Hoavon are ringlng.Dear ones are waiting to enter nearTo i.he little one loved ao dear.Bright and shlning ia thy little raceThat once dld brighten thla oarthly place,Sometlmes we think thou art saylng softly"Oh' why are you ooming so alow?Ikey is waitfiig.Are you md comingV"

~HlS SlSTKRS.Irviinrton, Va.

Thia KJRnatiiro ia on every hox of the gaaawtBiLaxativc Bromo*Quinine Tabieta

the remody that cnrca n eold 1m one day

Laneaster County.LANCASTKK OOUBTHOTJ!Rev. Granviile R. Micou left ti

of this week for a s'lort viait to ala BMMIu Alexatit!

- Faaale Robiaaoa, of Nuusvilie.spent Saturday and Suuday in our vil-Bafaaatkagnaal >f Mr*. j. h. laiianpoiLMrs. Jno. UaOfgO h.is returued aa her

home at Millenbeck after a vhdt of sey-eral wceks to her fathcr tit this place.TaaMaleelaaa raaaaOjr nnTinlaarl ¦!

the Rectory i* ptatiag to be quite in-structive as well as iuteresting.

Ron I.

KILMAKNOCK.II. A. w. Kallaia, of the C'i'-iwpemk§

wtn. has been quite siek for tbcpast wcek.Ciilford Flippo has bai :\ spcndiog some

days at his home nenr ]<Miss Louise I'ulnur is oa a visit to her

sister, Mrs. M. S. Stringfellow, at BrandyStation, Va. *

Willie Sniith (eolored) was before Jus-tiea EL W. Cbilton Taaadaj for druuk-enncss and was promptiy lined #10. Anolber gculictnan of the same color wa«

reUaead of i like aaaonai for aalaai1aroffaaae.Itob GhHioa arrived Wadaeadaj froro

a sbort st:ty in BalllanomM -. aiberl NobJetl aad attai Baafc

Braal spent Vfedaaadat arlta frteadaatWeems.Hetiiy 11. Kaaapa miagMoo-

day algfcl from pattlefpailag in an en-tcrl:;iument at While Stone wnsilirowuout of l»is3 bnggy wbcuCbapel and quite badly nart.

IBERIS.Not havlog aecn anything in your

paper from this nlace thin yearbecause your correapondcnt died witlithe nincteenth century, uOr that he hasforcottcn the Yihoinia CmSBB,* hutbecause he han n,»t eeerd 61 aaythlagthat lie taaaajat would latereet yoaireadera.Taara Ia aothiag pesattfai aroaad here

now but bad colds aud druramer*. Taeycome rain or siiine.

Mrs. Rnbetta Rrown aad duvlitcr, ofRsltitnore, are visiting Chas. L Browa,BBBI Mcnv Poii t, where she attctn'.olt'ni raaeralol her aoa'a vrife, arbo dted

letardayaad araa barted at WhiteMarafc on Baa4a* ataaiag.Mr and Hia, Baraea kaee aaored froei

Clicriy Point. Nonlium'.aa !aad COBBfy,i" Mrs. Thoa. Rrown's furin iu.tr Caaeaaler.Bdwia Broaa, jr, of Broani*i

and Marbry Hopklna, of Irvii.gto:'.hcrc one day Inst week.Miss Susic Thrift, of TTlOOllCO. wi!l

addiaaa tiie Vfoeaaa'ary Socicty at Waltt Marsh church nextSunday afternoon at aViB <<Y!.«k. aVaapr^i to iiic tediea of UM caateh tatake more latereel i-i this work in thenew ccntuty will he made.Rev. R. L. Uentley is UtOWiag BjaHl

popular with hisjM >ple. Tlps week heis vi>iting hia : iu this ucigli-borbood.J.C. KteKaaaef was atek with lafrippe

last week.Robt. Raines waa htre purchasing

wcir poles a few days aJl Y.

WHITE BTONlt.s (Jlara Sandera and Florcure

Qfaanam left Saturday to spend lomeu Baltimore.

J. B. McKenuey bas rcturned fromBaltimore where his wife undctwent an

opcratioa a few wecks ago at tbc hos^pital. Mrs. MrKciinn's condition, which»t «>ne time was considercd crltlcal, isim-provlng and Is now tbought to be outof danger.Howard llathawny. who has been quite

ill for tbe past ten daja, is convaleThe new dwellings of Geo. W. Sanders

and Osctir Tatham are about complcted.H. M. Saudrrs 00 Saturday last was

sceu by your correspondem aa4 vecmedto be in jolly spirits despite tbe sad acci-dent which bas kept him contincd tohla room tor tlie past flve wecks. Mr.Sanders is now nble to walk around tlieioom wilb the aid of crutches and hopestobc out within n few weaka.The C?it*.i]>(.rkt \\',itrhiintn says: "li is

reported thatMr. I.< lllaflprtf[¦ Clf WbiteBtoaa, and Miss Alida liayule, of Rced-ville, were married ne-;r HaatktTtUa on

Saturday, Daoambai Nik, IMO. MJtiHaynie and baaa leaealng aiaaio aaaiWbite Stone finanearly avat f.ui an>teChiistmas, when she weal home to spendthe holidays. Mr. Spriggs went overlater and returnt-d a Bencdict. The brideisan accomplishcd aud attractlve VOnnglad>."w. R Baadata wrs the guest ol Jadge

T. R R. Wright at Tappahannock a fewdays last week.Mrs. R. M. Sanders has as her gueat

her sister, Miss McLaurcn, of Powhatancounty, who arrived Wednesday night.

tjuite a crowd of young ladies andgentlemen attended the oyster roastgiven by Miss Pearl Dix Tuesday nightat her home and riporl a liue tiinc.Miss Alleyne Krlly is visiting Miss

Etlie Hathawny.Mr. Gayloid Sanders aud hride return-

t,l Saturday via Raltimore froiu R'uli-mond, where they were BMITied lastweek.Mr. and Mrs. Lfslie Spriggs are board-

iug with Mrs. Clura MeKeniu y.F.iios Merccr was in lJiliiin.irc this

week. .

The concert given B the town hallBlonday night was pretty good. Quiteacrowd was out.Mrs. V. C. Rrown Jias another fine

daaajatar.W.G.Rcynolds,another life insurance

agent, was seen in our town Sunday.Miss Lucy Hayuie left for Reedville

last Monday.Miss Alma Walker, of Middlesex, who

has .been assisting Miss Z. M. Williams iudressmaking, left for her homo last Sun¬day.Mr. and Mrs. W. (). Harding left for

Baltimore Tuesday afternoon.Mrs. J. B. Harper id on the sick liat.

a IVoiuiuenl Clneago Woman >|ir.,ks.I'rof. ltoxa Tyler, of Chlcago, Vice I'n-s

ident IUinois Woman's Alllanc, , in t-poaklngof Charnberlain's I'ough llcmciij, BB]sWBerai with asctero cold this winter whichthroatened to ruu inio pncuinonlu. I tii.'.ihtificnt reaaaaaai »>ut i aaeaaai :>> «rowworse and tho mcdiclno upset my stomach.A Iritiid BtTtaai me to try ChainU rlain'sCough Beaaadj and I found it was pleasanttotake and It relieved me at OBWaj I am m»«

aaaareif leeaeeaaB, saved adoctor'shui, timeand suffer'ng, antl I will nc\cr BC WWBeulthis splendid incdicino again." For sale byT. J. Willing & Co.. IrvlnRton; tieo. W..aaataae, wuito btaaaa 9. n. Baaaaaa &Dro., Weema.

Much Reardcd Bird.Dr. K. F. Waymau is just back from

Culpepper, where he killed a ld-poundwild gobbler tiiat bad Iwo beards on hisBfaaaf Bad one standing straighl BB ontlic topof the head, Dr. Wnymau bfOBgblthe head along as a curiosity..St.,Xtir*.

Dr. Wayrrmti is ralatcd to Mr. Jno.K. Hlakemore, of Millcnbcck, whomhe haa visited several s.asons, meet-ing a nuBiber of Lancastrians.

Northumberland CoKKHOKOTIlUm'KCH.

Mr. and Mrs. Jaeob Shrinercelebrated tbe 27th nnniver^w v oftheir ruarriage last Wedt csday even-

ing. (juite a number of friendswere preeent to partake of theirbouutiful repast. All speut a inos!anionabla evening.Tbe oldest child of Mrs. Bcnjarnin

(iiboney, who has been visiting hisfather for soinv tirui'. Kn quite eick.We truly hopo his sicknes* will beofshort duration.The "Crokonole Club," tutt la.-M

Weduesday night at the home ofDr. I'inckard. The program con-sisted of vocal and instrumontaltnusic by Misses lleleti and LauraChilton, Grace l'mekard aud CarrieCarter; reading by Miss Mary Carter,and''Btnnie" Carter. The remamderof the evening was spent in playingUrokonole and other games. Tlupatty dispersed about half past ten,exprcaeing themselvea as having en-joyed tbe evcinng very much.

This prttty bright venthef haspni faraert in the notion of clean-ing and okariog gttting ready toplant their ourly crops. BoanC fieldl¦te cet b i n witta fnrrown.

Ilelen Chiil m ha3 beenviaithtg h r aister at Kilatnmock.

. Kaa>pi ia alao vititingthere.

IfiatOarrie Carter is getting alongverv tiicely with bei "music clas3.'*She is quite a fine perforrner and

B ejttally aa gootl a ttacher."Watch."

TB1LBY.Mr. aad Mrs. Jo3eph Farmer atul

two intt reeting children, BtheJ andatui win,of Wasriington,whoarevi(3it-iag the lady'a paranta, Mr. and Mrs.Thonias BjdDOr, of Kmtnerton, ac-oortpaaied by Mr. Fuller Syduor,

il telatives near here recently.Capk. Bitlia Oowart waa oojitaia-.1 M u ral days last week.

Her many friends are glad to rc-Mrs. Agrus Pawson aa beinglaaoh better after having suchalongepell of sickueos.

Mr. Bnd Mrs..1. \V.'Welah, of Ooaa,have recently had an additioa to theirJ in the way of ¦ baby boy.Mr. uiid Mr*. j. k. BeatleyaraMippy aaet tbe adveat of a Bae

danglaad Mra. J. ELOlarkedeliaht

<t tbevoaag peopla of this neigh-¦orbooa bv giviag iheai a t;ift'y stew: of last week.

Oar pnblta Fchool is being wellpj.troni/.vil at prcsent.

Otti Lowry, of Readfilte, whoisat-tendiag the Bbeoaadaah Imtitute,

:>, Va., ipeal >.\w Ycar's uigbtwith relattvea near bere on his wayto Daytoa to rtaaaac hJaatadiaa. otfsis a young man much ndmircd by hismany friends bere who wish himmuch success.J

S. \V. Clark is spending some titnewith hia family bere. In April he

mplates leaving aguin for.SouthAmenea.

d. A. Keyser haa just relurned from¦ trip to Kaltimore. While tbere be

Ktaatad ¦ pilot's license.Miss Kmma Chirk recently visited

relatives near l.'tcdville.Aniel Cookrnan had the niisfor-

tune to cut his foot very badly re¬

cently.Mi-ssrs. llandy llatniltonand Ix?on-

ard Clarke visited friends near Vil-lage last w,-.k. & BOOIdUBL.

1IKATHSVILLK.We were glad to see our old friend,

C. A. Betts, in tho village Tuesday.A. K. Cralle seemsmuch improved.The new store of II. C. Kowe cSi,

Son is doing a good busincss..1.1'.. Xelmsisnow runningadouble

barreled hotel.one on the front streetand one on the back.

W. W. Filchett, a merchant of thiscounty, bni made au assignmentIfm BftifB Hall is makinganex-

tended Haitin Bnltiannw,aad Mrs.A. s. Rioa areal thither also, i fewdnja since.

Qeofna D. Bbirlej has been con-Bned to his ronm for several wecks\\ ilh an IfgraTated catarrhal trouble,ili- lesult of a deep cold. We are

glad to say he is on the road to re-

oorary.The Teachcra' Institule will hold

\t session on the fourth Satur¬day (2<ith) in .January. A peculiarly.ttriactive progratn will be presented.OfQoeri wiil be elected. Much de-panda upon them, aud it isyour dutyto choose and support proper persons.The advisability of having a linal en-tortainmcntwill beconsidered. Thereare prosperous and helpful leaguesihroughout this and other states, towhich tbc best teachers belong. Thepreacnt century will see one in eachcounty, pe^haps iu each district.Why be a back number? All theprofeaafona havesystematic organiza-tions. Without itsimple justice can-BOt be had. Do you want longertiiins nnd bctter pay? They will notOocna to you. Prepare for the Con-stittitional Conventiou. The CountySupeiintemlent will be on hand.Come and spend a profitable andpleasant day.

In the cate of the Commonwealthvs. Lee Veney, the jury sustained thefitiding of .lustice Kichelberger aftera two dnye^tnai, to wit, $25 and livemonths io jail.Ono Chai les Nelson was un Tues-

ilay afrernoon before Justice Kichel-berger for aaenult. Ile was sent tojail for three months and fined $15.

it'ouimunit'iitfd.]On Salurday, Jauuary 12th, the

case of the Commouwealth againstJ. Ii. 8horty for illegal sale of liqnorwas up for trial before Justice E. VV.Biohelberger. The prosecution was

ably looked after by our able attor-aaji Lloyd T. Sruith. Walter Ilath-away appeared for the defense. Theaccnscd had a chair near his coun-ael and beside him sat Kaleigh Car-ter, of Kilmarnock. The tirat wit-nesa for the (,'ommonwealth was oneJohn Turpin, colored, and a most re-luctantwitness he was. He had pur-chased nothing but ginger ale, al-though hc admilted it had the sameetTVct as whiskey. Ile dtnied thathe had admitted having purchasedwhiskey from Shorty on ISnuday.The next witness was Jim Carter.Mr. Smith ssked him some cpuestionsnot bearing directly upon the case,and hisinstant reply was "Ginger ale,sir, nothing but ginger ale." Mr.Clark was the next and last witness.He too Lestified to having drank gin¬ger ale in Shorty's place and that ittasted like whiskey and had the samecffect as whiskey. The Coinmon-wealth then rested its case. Thedefence introduced no testimony. Af¬ter argunient by couneel the case anjMsubmitted. The court tincd this"Shorty" $200. So endtd the aantter. Jrom the evidence offered tlutv

was do doubt Ia the minds of thepeople that Hhafty bad Bet n uellingliqaor. A few years gince Ixdtsburgdistrict vottd iu fuvor of local optionby agood oiajority. The citraeaa fortbe BBOal pa:t are a <|i:iot labef PaoplaBhetfcy dotaa*t pay lata the irtaaaan,of thla county aaa aad hi anatSaa;he came from.nob-dy knows where,and hiaeBtablJeaaaetti of thisahopat

i tta kiiowing at tbe time taallocal option obtained, showed aaopeadisregard for law aad was ia insultto every man in the towi.ship. Thfintroduction of "Lancaster Metboda"iu th'8 county wont work.We rejoice that wc have ¦ com-

moawealth'p attoruev who is able,Single and aloooTo hold his own

against the allied legal frnk-rtiity, aswas clearly demonstrated la thecele-bruted Vox tnal years ago. We re-

joice also that we have a justice ofthe peace who has the proper senseof houor aud cournge to do hisduty fearlessly. Ile iinposes heavvliues.whv? Roonnaothal istheonlvway to break up this illegal traffic,What do they caie for $10 and $90linety The people in Lottsbtirg whonre pajgaing this matter deearet greatconiinendution. They are doing allthey can in thie warfare for puritjand rigbi and against tho saloon. Itis a sail reflection, thongb, that ia ;:llages it has been n thankless task totry to make the world beibr. Soc-rates had to drink hcrulock as hispotion;itissaid that Isaiah was sawedasunder; the bloody bend of the Confessor was carried before the birth-day revelers and handed to Saloine.wh\? Becnusc the lips now silentand pale had dared to tell the truth.


BsMl <»nt «.r nn bWNaM of llix IVimion.A Mexicxn war vctcran and i>r«mincnt

aataar wilteai "BBaaaa the aataattlaaBaaafl <>iChatnlif ilam's Q >lic. Cholcru nnd DaBTrlMMItemedy, I nm icminded that aa a soldler InM,odea in N7 and '48, I eonl racted Moxlcandiarrho-n and this romedy bas kepl im> rnnnrettlng an Increase in my pcn-don foron every."ewal a dose of t raeeerae me." It U un-cpiaiied aaa avtek aara taveaaRaaaaaai kpleasant and ssfe to take. For salc by T. .T.Willing St Co., Irvinxton; Ueo. W. Saudera.White Stone: W, II. Harding B llro., Weema.

Riehmond County.BHABP8 WHARF.DEATH.This commtinity was saddened be-

yond e.xpression on latt Friday morn-

ittg when it was lcarned of tlie deathof Ifra, George Allison, who died onFriday tnoining, Jan. 11 th, 1901, at 1o'clock at her home near this village.Sh;> v.as a great sufferer and had beenconliti'd to her bed four or livemonths but bore her sufferings withgreat patieuce and without the slight-est complaint. Ilor death w;ts calmnnd peaceful nnd when the Angol ofDeath came she was ready aud willing to go, having lived a pnre andconsccrated Christian life. ghc wasprcpared to meet her Uod. She wil!be greatly missed in her coinmiinitybut most of all in her home whereshe exhibited so many qualities of a

loving and faithful Christian. Shewas a consistetit inember of JerusalemBaptist church and did all in herpower to buiid up her church. TheOCOtaaad was a young woniati andleaves a heart broken hubband andtwo it.teresting little children,as willas parents, brothers, siaters and a hoslof relatives and friends to mourntheir los8. Her rcmains were laid toreston Sunday afteruoon at x' olclockin thecemetery of Jerusalem Bap¬tist church umidst an imuienae con-course of sorrowing friends. Herpastor, Rev. Richard K<lwards, con-ducted the services.

One week ago to-dnyYou eJoBBn your ,'\es in death,Whttaaailj waaal i>\ yaarbedatda,Aud saw you draw'yliur hsl brealh.And oii! waal paaaa ol aorroaThen came httO our hearts,

As we raallaad Um lartlwta factThat \vc inust forever part.Than b ¦ grtat deal ofaiekaaai Ia

onr Tillage at preeent, iii fact, somemeiuher in nearly every family havebeen conliued to their beds with gripand colds.On iieeount of bickness Rev. II. L

Walton was preveoted frooa lilliu^his usual appointment at Weeins lastSunday.

Christmus paaied very pleasantiywith us, tlie Obriataaaa axcrciaa forthe Sunday tcliool on Thursdaynight during the bolidaya waa qaitaa 8UCCC88 and very much enjoved,and tbe drama, "Old Maida' Conven¬tion," which was rendered on NewYear'a night was largely attendedand every one spent a very pleasantevening. About $82 was realized.

Misa Margaret Downing ia 8pend-ing several wveka with relatives inBaltimore.

Mrs. Sarah Cook, of Emmerton, isvisiting her son, W. B. Cook, at thisplace.

Mrs. Walton, of Norfolk, is apend-ing aome time with her son, Rev. II.1>. Walton, here.

Mrs. lludnall, of Northumberlaiidcounty, alao Mr. Fuller Blaudoe,of Baltimore, recently visited theirsister, Mrs. Fred Dowuing.The "Crobwelfarrived hereThurs-day night from ,James river loadedwith oystersfor Mr. Dickerson.

Theateamer Northumberland madeher first trip on this river Tuesday.F. U. Northup spent laat week iiithe village.

Capt. McNamaia recently visitedhiadaiifcbter, Miss Annie McNamara,of this place. L. S.

lirought Oocd lortune.Aamalittem iu his own pajx r lately BtoacM

*nw/.iiiKKi«»i fortune t 1 dltOrCaaia, Keitier.of the Saj/inaw tMw b. PobI Bad /...itiinjj. Heand his family h <1 (iie Qrtp ii; Ita WOtBt form.Their doctor diil . honi :io jruoil. Tlien he readthat Dr. KinKV. New DlBBOtetJ forOoriaump-tion, Coughaand OoMa MM a Kiiaranteed emvlor I.u Urlppc and all Throat and baagtroublos; trlcd It and sajs: "Three bottleacuredtho whole family. No other BaBClaOhaon earth equals it." Only MB and fl.Ouat T.J. Hayilon A. Son's, Irvin^ton; L. 1). Stono-liani'd. Moluak; T. O. Bland's, ltebobothChurch. Tiiul bottlcs froe.

NOTICE THESE:Read the big ad of our Home Fire As¬

sociation on this page.The Cable Piano Co , of Rlchrrond,

has a new aud inUrcsting ad.Edward Akers'son, Baltimore jeweler,

has a uew ¦ rj this i-<MiL' on 1st puge.

Deafaena Cnmiot l»e Cur«Mlliv loaat appUvattOBS, ns they eannot reachtl.e ihsea- e<i pi.rtion of theear. 'I'here is onlyone araj toeur." deafDBBS, and that i.s l<\ conatitlitioiial lemedifs. Dcafncas is eaused l>yan Inttaraed condition of the btooobb iinlnor oftbeKuatBChlaa Tulw. When this tuoe K't'(slaa.au <1 you have a rnmbllnn w»mi>1 or iinici t. cl a.-.ii Ing. and when it Is eatlrelj cluseddratnt'ss |B the resiilt, imil unlcaa t iie inllaianiMti.Mi obb 1k> tauen out and th«a tube natoredtB llHiiormal eonnition. hearinir wlll l»edcMrii>cd lorever; niite eaaen out of BBB areCBUaed hy uMtai ih, which i.-. nnthtnir l>ut anInflamod condition <»t' tlie iiiueous surfaecs.We will k^'c «>ne iluinircd Dollara foraaj

ca « ..i i».-.»t in-.i tcauaed bp oatarrb) tbat cannot beowred by llatl'a CaUuih Cure. fcend

r» ulars, fnK. .1. eiiKNKY Si Ci)., Toledo.O.Sol.l l*> Druffgiata, TSo.

Ilali's Family llllsaic tho l>eat.

SOMI2 MAIMONTKACTS.The following luail routes in the

eTorthera N'eck have been let by the1*. O. Oepartmeut and made publio,

Wiaraaw Ia BaaihcYilla,to l.. J, Waraer. *:>is.

BJaaoaaoa to Sharp's,to L .1. Vfaraar, £367.

No. 1 1,:;:><;, Karnbam to Sharp's,to LJ. Warnar, tftlft.

rVaraaw to Kilanr-nock, to W. A. Kubank, $7W.

No. i »,:>:;..), Waraaw to Wellford,to W. V. Mor-Hii. $121.:.").

N<». 1 t.:;io, Mnudy Toiut to Lodge,B> ¦'. A. Dameron, $1<I2.50.No. I J.::::;, Fairpori to EfoftaW

ville, to David Boaoh, -f 118.75.Ho. 14,.')45, Kilmarnock to Byrd-

ton, to Ar.drew Barber, $74No. 14,:U»;, Kains-wood to Haatha-

ville, to Thoa. L Alderson, $«:>.No. 14,349, Kilmarnock to Irving¬

ton, to Andrew Barber, fttO,No. 14.351, KiliHaaraoeaio lleatba

ville, to L. L. Yerby, $ i i *.No. 1:3,355, White Stone to Kil

marnock, to B. II. B. Hubbard, jr..$145.

No. 11,359, T.ippahannock to War-saw, to II. B. Bartlett, £34!).

A DSBff) .Wyntery.It Is a mystery why womoo onduro ltack-

i.che, Ibada he, Nervoi-sness. BaBtpBMelaiKlioly. raintim: nnd ]>i//.v SuelNthoiisands have |>iove.l that Bm -cl iu -r.it t-iswill aoicklp eure BB8B] trouble-". "I puHoi i -ufor years* with kicmy tionblo." wrltoa Mrs-IMu-lieChcrloy. of l'ctcrson, Ia., nnd it lnmehaek paiiud BM so I ecnild not drcsa BITBBlf.!-ut Klretrlc Hitt«-rs wholly cured me. an.iilthouKh H years old. I now am able to do allmy liouscwork." It ovcrconivs Cormt Ipal ion.ini|.roves fcpgat i(e. irives prrb-et >.

OiilytJOjatT. J. Haytbm & bWb, frvtiL. I». Sionehatn's. Mnlusk; T. ('. Ilaaaafa.Iteliotioth Church.

LEGISLVTUltK.Tbe special aession of the Irgisla-

tnre, which will be convened theSlSrdof thismonth in llichmond, willprobably not last over ten days. Itseern8 to be concedtd that practi-eally nothing will bedonebeyond ar-ranging for the holding of "the con-stitutional convention. Lobbyistswill be here a few day8 iu advance tomeet and chat with the early-comeis.The legialatora are paid >'180 for

their services at an Ktra lettida, nomatter how ahort or bow loag tiieterm may be.

Some itaiikiti;; Baalweaa1The following is ¦ reaaaic of the

baakiag businera ia Baltimore forthe years 1890 atul I'.m. }by the Siur.

NATIONAI. BAKI<"ar>itnl. fllJI.~s.30O IH.IUajNOSurplua and t'm'.iv id< <\

Prolits. :;j;iLoansiind IMscoums, r,»a5,s :tMeposlta, 1,415.548

STATK U\M.>..i',oi. MM

Capital. oon *l,.;:..('.'SurpluaaodUudividVI Profs ;hm<*!

and Diacouuta, 2.inu,iail»<I|>osits, l.;,K».um js.stii.aou

Over-Work WeakeftsYuur Kidneys.

Unhoalthy Kidneys IlaUc Impurc Blood.

All the blood in year boCy pssjcs throughyour kidneys once eve-.y tr.r.c mlnutes,

1hc o yorrblooo pui ihers. ihcy fil-

kha wajis oriatpuiiuaa Ia the blood.If they araaiok or out

c( orJor, they fail to dotheir work.PaJaa, acaaa^andrhaa-

vr.atism ccmc frrcc^s cf v:ic s.ciJ ;,i the

-I'-c'.eJkidney trouble.

Kidney trouble cau.-.c3 q-.:i'-k ci u.isteadyhcart beats. and makaa one fccl aa thoughthey had heart tr^ablc. because the hcart iaover-working in DUinptaf nYck, kidney-potsoned blood through vcins and artsrles.

It uscd Io be considarcd that only artoarytroubles were to be traccJ to the kidneys,but now modern actenca proves that r.eariyall ccnstitutlon?! d:-.eas3s have their bsgin-ning in kidney boutie.

If you are sick ycu can r.iake no miMakcby first doctoring your kidneys. "he mildand the extraordinary effect cf Dr. Kilmer'sSwamp-Root, the great kidney remedy issoon realiisd. !t stands the highost fcr itswonderfulcures of the rr.ost distressing casesand is sold on its m<:t itsby all drugglsts in fifty-cent andone-dollar siz-es. You may have a"sample bottle by mail bbbm orsW-.unp.Root.free. also pamphlet telling you how to findout if you have kidney or bbdder trouble.Memion this paper when writing Dr. Kilmerfic Co., Einjrhamton. N. Y.


has brought permanent relief to a mil-lioo suffering womta who were on theirway to prematuro gjravea. Mrs. Mitcheliwas fast declining in health, when Win«of Cardul perforaeda"wonrierful cuw"in her casn. She suBered with the ago-uies of /aUinjr of the woinb, loucorrhoeaand profuse nienstrnation. The weeklyappearanceofthemensesfortwomonthssapped her vitaiity until the was a phys-ical wreck. Her nervous system gaveway- .Th«n fame the trial of Wlne ofCardol and the cure. Mrs. Mitchell'sexpenence ought tc commend Wino ofCardui to auftaring: women In words ofburning eloquence.

WiMorCABDUIis wlthm the reach of all. Wornon whotry it are relieved. Aslc rour druggistfor a $1 bottle of Wineof Cardui, and donot take a substitute it tendered you.Mrs. WBBa Mitchcii. South Qeakae, N. c.

"Wine Of Cardui and Thedford's Black-Orangbt Snave perfonaie4 a xnlraenlona <mr«In my can*. I bad boen a great salTererwith fAlliu* of tho womb and leucorrhcna,andmymensea cuit every week f«f BPOtnonths ai.d were Tory palnful. My hiis-band Indueed me to try Wlne of Carduiand Biiick-Drauffht. and now tbe loucir-rlirsa has dlaappe&red, and 1 am rcatored t >perfect beallh."

Tn cases raqnlrlng sperta!diuTttona, andreaa, KiTlnt;i-vi.i|.t<>ina. "The i-u.liea' Ad-v.v>ry l<epartiiient." The< i.:«i'iinuoi(a Mfliiluaa to.,i l: iti.iuooga, Tenn.

COMMISSIONEH'S NOTICE.In the Circuit Court of Lancaster County:.Tohn T. Parker in his)

own right, and asadminis-trator of lieltie A. Parker, }-In Cuancety.

vs.Ball, et als.

To the parties interested in tho abovenamcd eausc:

Take notice that, pursuant to decrcein this cause of September IStfe, 1JXH), Ishall on Wednesday, the 27th day ofFebruary, 1001, at my olllce at Lancaater,in the county aforesaid, proceed to in-qulre into and make statemcnts coucern-ing the matters mentioned In the thddecree, aud thereby referred to me asone of tbe commisatoners in cbancery oftbe said court. EapeoUlly concemingthe amount of money still due and un-paid lo the party p'lnintilT from R. O.Mayo, ailministrator of It M. ftfayo, ih |apecial conunis^ioner la this oaaaa, lO»K'ether with anv other aiallwa, speeiallysiated, daaanaa pertlaanl i>y laa aoaa*missioncr, or tlmt may be reqalrad byanv party intert sted to be. so stntcd.

Sam'i. p. OaaanaJt,Com'r ln Chauccry.

$202,000 of good, live iiisiirai.ee is now

being carried by the


In the four counties. of the Northern Neck.Lancaster,Northumberland, Biehmond and WeetmorelanA

Insnro.! only Dwallhagaaad Fmniture, tiaros utitl Impleaients No policy for more than $1,000 on asmgie baildiag, arlush aaahci it iatpoaaibU to have aaj baatj laaaIn operation live years. Only four ¦¦MMiatBai m that time, and they emall ones.UMarad pajaa small aatraaM Cat ta eaaaf ag^uta' aud oftice expaaata: he pavs no more until a loss issuslaiued, and theu only a few cents ou tacb $100 worth of property.


Has cost the insured less than one-half of old companics. No law raita. Koeses adiusted by well-knownand KprfataUtifC busiuess men of the Northern Neck.

Ofhckus-/JudKe Jna C- ¦..II, Fresident; A*a S. liice, V*B -President;1 W. McDouald Lee, Secretary-Mana^, r; Dr. W. J. Newbill, Treasurer.Am.ition \L Directors: W. \V. Walker, Jno. A. Falmer and BaT. F. W. Claybrook.

Write for iuformation to the Home Oflice, Irvington, Va.

Jt DOl JjTO. ( . I.u i:ii. Presidont, ,lNo. F. Couldman, I. .,.

afEa*K G. Nbwbiljl, Gnahier. I Ass't. Cashiera.A. Randolpu 1Iowaki>, \ice-Prtsident. Loyola Lelaxd, J


Deposits Solicited, Negotiable Paper Discounted.ALL COUltrsi>OM>EM K II bMPTLY AXSwKKED IN Sl ALED ENVELOPES.

Handsome Lithograpked Check Bocks presented to each Customer.WAI.L BUSINESS KKI T IX STJUICT CONFIDENCE.JB

BANK CPEN FROM 9 A, M, TO 4 P, M._The T. N. Brent Store is showing the most complete line of

Up-to-Date Fa.lla.r>d 'VSZinter Coods

In this section of Virginia. Kverything new aud stylish in

Dress Materials, Ladies' andjShildrer.'s Wraps, Ready-to-weer Skirts, Shirt-X Notions, etc. Big bargains inTrunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes, etc.

waist Materials, Millinery, Fancy Gocd«, Notions, "etc. Big bargains inMen's and Boys' Stylish Suits, Overcoats, TiIf you naanoC reach us, gand us your orders. Vou will l»e s:ife in ordering fromU8 as we guarantee satisfuction and will refund the money for auything we 8endyou that docs not pleuse in every resnect.

The T. N. BRENT STORE, Fredericksburg, Va.


Give tlie latest reports that Goldstronvs Balti¬more Shoes are in the lead in style, quality andpricc. Your ncighbor wears them, why not you?Vou are wasting your time and money in not send-ing for a pair of their new Fall Shoea Try one

pair for yourself and ehildren and your verdict willhe "none but the Goldstrom Shoe for me." "Writefor Cataloguc.

6REAT YELLOW FRONT SHOE HQUSE,\aw\ s. broadway, baltimore, md,

WBBesbbs^ i ilMWlaniaWalllllllaBallii.ajvCTwr^.. ? ^gggajaaganBg


. Qrand Fall Openingand timely bargains for watchful buyers of Furniture of every description.Carpets, Oil-cloth, Linoleums, Baby Coaches, Go-carts, in fact, anythingneeded to furnish homes. .

I can give yon I good parlor suit, covercd iu silk, tapestry or hair cloth for $|5 awl upwarda.I can give you a solid oak 10-pieee bad room suit, with large levcl glass for 20 "

A good baby coach from $4 fQ $25. A good gocart from $2.50 tO $15.

If any goods you may desire are not mentioned atove, write and all in-formation and prices will bo furnished at short notice. Prices guaranteed tobe as low as consistent with quality. An early call solicited. Prcmpt ehip-ment and low prices guaranteed.

i 407-409 S. Broadway,BALTIMORE, MD.

RememberedIn Death.==

Tributes of love still cluster around those who have gonebefore, and we engrave these on enduring marble or granitefor their graves.We have qnarries right here at Fredericksburg and can,

conseqnently, supply you cheaper than dealers of other citieawhich have none.

Marble and Oranite Monuments,Vaults, Statues, Ourbing, Coping,And every Description of Cemetery Work.

Call or vrite for oilicc and Works:

