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The Last Darkmoon Fair

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Fan fiction set up in the World of Warcraft universe. The story of a fortune teller travelling on Azeroth with the Darkmoon Fair as disturbing events plague each fair with dire consequences.
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The last Darkmoon Faire Chapter 1. Flawless Victory Chapter 2. The Thief Chapter 3. Back to Business Chapter 4. Nice meeting you Chapter 5. Déjà-vu Chapter 6. The Heralds Chapter 7. Through the Grapevine Chapter 8. The Heralds’ Fate Chapter 9. Time Wardens Chapter 10. A Grim Future Chapter 11. Time is a Killer

The last Darkmoon FaireChapter 1. Flawless Victory

Chapter 2. The Thief

Chapter 3. Back to Business

Chapter 4. Nice meeting you

Chapter 5. Dj-vu

Chapter 6. The HeraldsChapter 7. Through the Grapevine

Chapter 8. The Heralds Fate

Chapter 9. Time Wardens

Chapter 10. A Grim Future

Chapter 11. Time is a Killer

Chapter 1. Flawless VictoryI will not make the same mistakes, I have seen it happening so many times. Underestimated them. Mocked them. Ignored them, and in the end, defeated by them. They are coming now. They shall have a warm welcome in the Caverns of Time.

Theres so few of them, theyre so small that one the anchor is among them.

Here, that one behind a shield.I must ignore him, I must leave him the last to die.

Dark eyes scrutinized every one of them. Slowly, carefully studying each intruder.There he is. This one has nature healing powers.

Its time to dismember him. But firstFire erupted from a gigantic mouth, bathing the grounds of the cave, as the intruders spread out, seeking refuge behind every rock they could reach.

At first his black claws, darker than the steel of their armours, were covered in blood. By the time the one with the shield died, the upper half of his body had turned from a shining bronze colour into red.

The adventurers' torn bodies lay scattered over the sandy grounds of the Caverns of Time.

And now, lets see how my brother fares he said. The mighty dragon lifted his left paw, and focused his gaze on an invisible point in space.

A tiny hole appeared, expanding rapidly to become a large enough hole for him to walk through. On the other side, a perfectly mirrored image of the Caverns of Time appeared.

The dragon watched as his brother, in a different timeline, faced the same group of adventurers entering the cave.This will soon be over, he thought.

The anchor has fulfilled his role, come the next Darkmoon Faire, there will be a perfect match.

At last, free from the Titans curse.

Chapter 2. The Thief

The worn out wooden steps cracked under his weight, as Martin climbed into the fortune-teller caravan. He read the sign, above the door:

The longer you wait, the less future you have for me to foretell

Ahhhh, welcome friend!

An elderly, small green-skinned woman, wearing large golden earrings and round, pink glasses welcomed her guest.

Seat here young man, make yourself comfortable! she said.

Martin grabbed the frail chair in front of him, and carefully sat down, unsure if it would carry his weight or not. Candles lit up the inside of the caravan, but all he could see was a large number of objects that he could not quite recognize. Perhaps without the thick layer of dust, some would have revealed their purpose. I can already tell that you are a strong and wise man, what is it that you do for a living? Hmm? Let me guess, youre a blacksmith, arent you?- Im a mason, madam. I live near Goldshire. Its where I grew up. Lived there all my life.

- And what do you seek?- I wanted to know if am I going to get rich someday? And live in the city? Or will I stay here for ever?

The fortune-teller smile widened, and her golden teeth sparkled in the dim light of the caravan.

One of my favourite assignments she replied. I have become an expert in the field, and trust me, only the crystal ball is capable of telling the truth. Many will tell you its in the cards, or the tealeaves. Lies!! Its all lies, she said.She waved at him to come closer, and in a whisper, she added:Trust me, young man, only the crystal can tell the future, and only I can see it.

She grabbed an object, covered by a purple cloth, and put it on the table between them.

As she un-covered it, a small cloud of dust took off, forcing Martin to hold his breath for an instant. She quickly cleared the round crystal ball with the palm of her hand.

There we are let us see, what destiny has in store for you.

Gosh, keeping the poker-face is hard with this one she thought to herself.

Cant believe it so many idiots roaming this village, seriouslyI see hmmm I see something she said in a whisper.Martin drew his chair closer to the table, his eyes scrutinizing the crystal ball.

Young man, before I forget about it, do you have a few coins for me?

Martin looked surprised.

Why gold? Yes, Madam, I have some.

And he put a small purse on the table. Mentally, he began to countdown five, four, threeOh good, lets focus on the job now. Because I see something

Suddenly the fortune-tellers eyes opened wide.

Hey, I see something!The old sorceress hands began to shake, and her heart went racing.

I do see something in there! Now thats quite she said.

-What does it look like? Martin asked.But the fortune-teller could hardly speak, as for the first time, she was truly seeing a vision right in the centre of the crystal ball. She began to describe:

I see a caravan in a forest someone is walking towards it.

Its a man its hey look at this, its you!Youre opening the door now.

And here look its me, just a moment ago!!

I can see myself greeting you, dont you see it? she asked him.

Martin looked hesitant. He had lost his momentum, and wasnt sure anymore when to strike.I didnt pay for you to tell me what just happened, I wanted the future!The woman did not pay attention to him. Her eyes were firmly locked on the vision in the crystal ball. Her expression changed.Swiftly, she put her right hand under the table, and grabbed the loaded pistol hidden underneath. Without a pause, she looked up on Martin, and placed the tip of her gun against his forehead. She pulled the trigger.

The blast nearly obliterated the young mans head, whose body went rolling in the back of the caravan.

Slowly, she walked up to his remains, and opened the sleeve of his arm.

A small blade was attached onto his forearm.She thought, Well this one wont slit my throat open now!, then, pointing an menacing finger at the crystal ball, she yelled Never mind what you say, Im alive, and hes very dead!

Chapter 3. Back to BusinessAngie! Are you alright?

Gelvas Grimegate smashed the door open.

Yes dear, Im fine. This thief wont try to rob another old lady, I tell you that.

Gelvas looked on the floor, stunned at the sight of the beheaded body lying here.

Did you do that? Did you just blow his head off?

- I had to, the man had a knife, and was just about to stab me.

- He was about to? What do you mean? Did he hurt you?

- Well. No. but he was about to, she said.

Angie looked confused. She knew Gelvas, they had been married for many years, way before they all had to leave Kezan.

Gelvas would be upset, thats for sure. Goblins dont want dead people, they want live customers.

I know, dead people cant buy anymore, but I had no choice, I swear!

- How? Just tell me how it happened.

- Well, I was doing my little show, with the crystal ball and the visions, but then

- Then, he pulled a knife?

- Then I saw something in the crystal!- You what?

- I saw a scene, played in the centre of the crystal, I cant explain you, Gelvas, but its the truth.

Gelvas shook his head in disbelief.

No really, I saw this man coming here, to see me, as he did the moment before, and then I saw him killing me.

- I saw myself dying, right on the floor while he ran away.

Angie was shaking, making an effort to not burst into tears. Gelvas took her in his arms.

Its okay, youre safe now. Dont you worry your pretty head about it.

Kerri and all the others will be here tomorrow, well have plenty of things to do.

Angie did not sleep well. Visions of herself dying in a pool of blood haunted her, and she greeted her friend Kerri the next day with an exhausted face. Keeri, also known at the Faire as the strongest woman in the world, was a shoulder to cry on, and listened patiently to Angies encounter last night.

Dear, this week Ill stick to you just like glue, and trust me anyone that raises on eyebrow on you will have his teeth pull out, she said.

Angie smiled at her. A bodyguard like her was perhaps a good thing.Gelvas appeared, accompanied by an old man, walking slowly on his cane.

Hey sweetie, I got someone here that wants to meet you Gelvas said.The man, looking like a Goldshire famer, could not stand up straight anymore.

He asked the fortune-teller: Good morning, I am looking for some advice, from someone who can see the future, can you help? the old man asked.

Gelvas replied for her:

Of course she can, youre about to meet with the greatest fortune-teller in Kalimdor, my friend. If she cant see into your future, then nobody can.

Gelvas listened as he closed the door of his wifes caravan.

Im 92 years old next month, and I know you wont believe me, but Ive found the love of my life. Now luck was on my side lately, and I won the Grand City Lottery last week too! Id like to know how many years I still have ahead of me- How wise of you to come seek advice Angie replied.

Trust me, theres many fortune-tellers out there, all telling you a different story, but only the Darkmoon Cards are capable of telling the truth, and only I can read them properly. Some will tell you its in the tea leaves or some crystal ball lies!

Gelvas smiled, closed the door and silently walked away.

Chapter 4. Nice meeting youMartin pulled out the blade, and a stream of blood poured out the fortune-tellers neck. She died quickly.

He looked all around, all these strange objects no value at all, he thought. He looked at her distorted face. Noticed the golden teeth. He lifted her lip and put the dagger firmly in his hand.

Noooooooooo! Angie woke up in a scream.

Gelvas jumped off the bed, and caught the gun hidden under his pillow.

He switched on the light.

Its been almost a week, and the nightmares wont go away Angie said, struggling to catch her breath.

Angie put on a nightgown, and walked outside. It was the darkest night of the month, although the sky was completely clear.

She walked to the old caravan, where the thief had come, almost a week ago.

Hesitantly, she stepped inside, and sat down in front of the table, where Martin was shot. Her crystal ball was still there, untouched since the attack.

Angie looked inside. Almost instantly, a scene appeared in the centre of the crystal. She saw herself lying in her bed, next to Gelvas.

She saw herself waking up screaming as she did just a moment ago.

This is insane, she said aloud.

She watched as herself-in-the-ball walked outside, and looked up in the dark night of Elwynn Forest. Herself-in-the-ball then walked up to the old caravan, repeating the motions Angie had done, merely a few seconds ago.

Angie watched, sweat pouring down her forehead, as her image sat down in a chair, right where she was sitting now.

Her image scrutinized the crystal ball.

After a moment where time seemed to stand still, herself-in-the-ball began to speak:

Hey! You in that crystal ball thingy, who the hell are you?

There was an intense spark of light. Angie closed her eyes, turning her face away.

The only thing left of the crystal ball was a small puddle of hard, molten glass. The following day, the Faire in Elwynn Forest ended, and following the usual leaving party, they all went their way. Such was the life of the travellers of the Darkmoon Faire.They bid each other farewell, and safe journey until next month, where theyd all meet up again, in a different place. Chapter 5. Dj-vuFour weeks later, the Grimgates were on the road with Gelvas, on their way to Mulgore. They passed through the split open Barrens Lands, crossing west of the huge scar that cut open the land into the Northern and Southern Barrens.

An immense canyon had been created following the cataclysm that the corrupted Dragon Aspect Neltharion, now called Deathwing, had unleashed upon Azeroth.They travelled silently, as they left the canyon behind and headed for the massive Tauren-built gates protecting the entrance to Mulgore. That path had always been free, but the slaughtering of Camp Taurajo took the Taurens by surprise, and now, fearing for the safety of their homeland, they sealed off access to their prairies. The Orc stationed at the watchtower knew Gelvas and Angie very well. He had been a regular visitor in the past, and she had predicted to him an exceptional future as the greatest shaman of his clan before the next winter would come. Its been almost a year now, and hes still looking out on top of the watchtower, through the wrong end of a spyglass, but, oh well you cant always get it right.As they approached Bloodhoof village, Angie turned and looked back at the large gates they were leaving behind.

"Haven't we been through this before?" she asked her husband.

- Yes and no. Depends really what you mean by "before".

- Just a strange feeling of dj-vu." she said.

They decided to make a stop at Bloodhoof village, before reaching the fields near the Tauren capital city, where they would set up the next fair.

The strange feeling that is called dj-vu. Someone sees something, anything, then says hey, dj-vu! as they believe they recall a souvenir of the moment they have just seen. This was a feeling so common these days

Angie Grimegate, just like everyone else, had those moments. She thought about the time people first brought up the topic in their conversations. It first came up during the Northrend Campaign. Many soldiers answered the call to arms, and thousands went to fight the Scourge armies on top of the world, in the frozen continent of Northrend.

The Lich King was eventually defeated, and the Scourge menace disappeared, with him.

But those strange feelings of dj-vu, they did not go away. They became more and more frequent, in fact. Lately, there wasnt a single day without a situation where Angie would not think of a dj-vu situation.As Angie and Gelvas passed the large gates of Mulgore, he looked at her as they waved at the soldier on duty. Again, she felt that unique feeling of dj-vu.

Not the previous months or the previous years, but recently.That same clumsy soldier on the watchtower, with his hand holding the spyglass in his own unique way.

She had seen all this just before. Literally, just minutes before.Chapter 6. The Heralds

Two heralds settled in Thunder Bluff, Ogrimmar, Undercity, Stormwind, Silvermoon and Darnassus. They were messengers of the Great Dragon Aspects.

Shortly after the demise of the Lich King, the five Dragon Aspects called all the leaders of the different races living on Azeroth. This was the time all people of Azeroth were informed of the death of the Lich King by the hands of brave heroes who ventured into his icy citadel, defeated all the abominations he created, and finally put an end to his reign.

Alexstrasza the Life Binder, Ysera the Dreamer, Malygos the Spell-Weaver and Neltharion the Earth Warder summoned the leaders of all races and the greatest heroes of Azeroth, those who had fought and killed the Lich King himself. As often, Nozdormu the Timeless One sent an ambassador, as he was unable to attend the gathering.

The Aspects expressed their desire to change forever the way they would address mortal races. Heralds were chosen among the bravest soldiers, and each Dragon Aspect sealed a magical a bond with one of them.

When the gathering was over, all of the heralds travelled in the various capital cities, hence allowing a permanent presence of the Great Dragons among all mortal races.Angie Grimegate was standing still, and the great lift took off from the plains of Mulgore, into the Tauren city of Thunderbluff.As she headed for the Spirit Rise, she saw from afar the crowd in front of a large hut. The herald of Malygos and Neltharion were just there. Chapter 7. Through the grapevine

The next day, the Grimgates left Bloodhoof village and headed for the prairies near Thunderbluff.

The following Darkmoon Faire was very good for business. Most of the Faires in Mulgore were among the most visited of all. Gelvas believed just the presence of the Taurens was the reason for the crowds to pay a visit to this particular event. The Taurens, once a nomadic people of hunters, shamans and warriors, decided to settle down years ago in the northern part of Mulgore. A strong Tauren warrior would weight about three times the weight of a human, and was heavier than ten goblins. With their heads resembling that of a bull, their massive stature and appearance was enough to inspire awe in the heart of most troublemakers, thieves and assassins of all kind.

We must find a way to get some more of them to follow us, Angie. Nobody in his right mind messes with a Tauren. Look at Stamp. Gelvas said.

In front of them, a group of people where standing if front of the hut where a Tauren was selling food. Stamp Thunderhorn was the only Tauren that joined them in their unique lifestyle of endless travels around Azeroth. Angie looked at the tiny Gnome standing behind Stamp. Every time she thought she had seen it all at the Faire, she had been proven wrong.

The Gnome, reaching the height of Stamps knee, was wielding a sword the size of a Tauren kitchen knife. With all his strength, he kicked in the Taurens ankle and shouted on top of his squeaky voice Surrender, and give me all your money!

A huge noise erupted from the throat of the food vendor, as he burst out in laughter soon joined by the people witnessing the odd attempt of robbery.

Angie looked at Gelvas and smiled.

Wrong, my dear! The fierce Gnome warrior, despite his womanly strength and edible size, he is certainly messing with Stamp!

Hey you green-skinned witch! I heard that! Kerri shouted.

Kerri walked through the crowd and stood in front of Stamp, arms crossed, looking severe. Think you can handle it, big guy? If not, me and my womanly strength would be glad to help she said. She looked back and winked at Angie.

The Gnome looked at the newcomer who had spoken.

Theres no need to call for reinforcement. The more of you approach, the more of you die unless you give me all your money now!!!! he said.

A shaft of sunlight lit up the wine in a bottle, on a table nearby. Angie detached her focus from the scene for a moment. The bottle was perfectly still, its content clear, almost transparent. It shone thought the rays of light in the sunset.

She stepped closer. Inside the bottle, she saw an image materialising.

Not possible

She closed her eyes a brief moment and tried to compose herself.

She saw the Faire from above, as it was happening now. Kerri, Stamp, the Gnome.

The picture closed in on the Tauren. She could not hear what the Gnome was saying, but she clearly saw the Tauren raising both his arms, and then slowly getting down on his knees. The Gnome took something out of his pocket, and fixed it on the Taurens back. Kerri stepped back, and the Tauren grabbed a purse from under the table.

The vision closed in further. A pair of malicious eyes looked back as the Gnome stepped away from the group. His mouth opened as if he was laughing.

Angie could see he held something very small in his hand.

Suddenly, Stamp launched himself towards Kerri, and pushed her away from him in a mighty blow. Kerri went flying back towards Angie.

An explosion was the last thing she saw, before the bottle exploded.

Angie took in as much air as her small Goblin lungs would allow, and yelled over the crowd.

Gnome sapper! Booooooooomb!! Stamp towering head turned towards Angie and their eyes met. Her face showed nothing but one expression of panic.Survival instinct kicks in instantly. His move was fluid, his coordination, flawless.

With a grace unexpected for his mass, the Tauren executed a spin, bent one knee and put his hoof down right next to the Gnome. He arched his back and extended his right arm, grabbing the Gnome around the waist with just one hand. His massive left arm went pointing to the sky, then circled down, as his throwing arm catapulted the Gnome up in the air.Woooooosh. The Gnome took off from the ground as if he had been expelled from a canon. Maxima Blastenheimer, the Darkmoon Faire official cannonner, let go a scream of anger.

That is my job, Stamp! You have no right to make Gnome-launches as long as I am here!Her complain was interrupted by a mighty blast in the distance, as the Gnome exploded in a small cloud of dust.Chapter 8. The Heralds Fate

Angie made her way through the crowd at the Spirit Rise. As many others did, she was often coming to hear of any news the heralds had to tell, and she was particularly keen on visiting those in Thunderbluff, as they were messengers of the Dragon Aspects of Earth and Magic.

Thats where the show was at, everybody knew. Darnassus can keep the Herald of Ysera, she thought, where they only hear about the Emerald dream, and people reportedly fall asleep during the heralds speech.

Not so much in Thunderbluff, where you could expect an impressive display of the Dragons immense power, if only through their messengers.

Leaving the rope bridge leading to the Spirit Rise, she saw the herald of Neltharion, a human magi wearing Dalarans initiate dress, levitating just above the audience. It had already begun.

His eyes were closed. Upon opening, they revealed two black orbs instead of human eyes. A gentle breeze picked up, and people took place to sit down.

The other herald soon took off to reach the same height as his counterpart.

His eyes opened, revealing a pair of electric blue eyes reflecting the colour of Malygos the Spell-Weaver.Through his messenger, Malygos addressed the crowd underneath him.

People of Thunderbluff, hear the message of Malygos, protector of all magic on Azeroth.

Together, we protected the World Tree from Archimonde.

The corruption of the Orcish race, tainted by demonic blood, we removed.

The reign of Kael Thas, Prince of the Blood Elves nation, ended, and KilJaeden pushed back into the Twisting Nether.

Recently, the Lich King died in Icecrown from the focused assault of the Red and Black dragonflights, aided by mortal hands who delivered the killing blow to the Lich King themselves.The messenger of Neltharion continued:

Meanwhile, I have restrained the relentless assaults of the Old Gods, trapped under the Earth by the Titans. This battle is ongoing, one that even I will not see ending, for the Old Gods cannot be destroyed, but only restrained within their prisons.

This is my task, the powers given to me for that sole purpose, so that no one may suffer anymore from the maddening whispers of the Old Gods.

Malygos continued:And yet, it seems our planet is yet again facing a great enemy. Perhaps mightier than any foe Azeroth has ever seen. It is with much shame however that we must tell you what we have unveiled

The herald paused briefly, then looked at his counterpart.It appears that I, the Earth Warder, at one point in time, have failed in my mission to protect every one in Azeroth from the Old Gods corruption.

There was no sound, no deflagration, no warning signs

Just the horrible smell of burnt skin, blood covering the nearest, and small pieces of flesh dispatched far over the Rise, as the bodies of the two heralds were blown up into oblivion, their remains slowly falling over the crowd gathered to hear their message.

Hidden deep within the Caverns of Time, a giant bronze dragon watched the events unfold, and smiled.

As always, just in time.

Chapter 9. Time WardensStamp Thunderhorn walked straight to Angie.

I know youre a skilled fortune-teller, theres no denying, but how exactly did you figure out he was carrying a bomb?

- I saw it in the

She pointed a hand at the table, but all there was to see was small bits of glass.

Angie looked up at the large Tauren.

I recognized him, I saw him earlier today, I thought he was looking suspicious.

- Well done, my friend, it was a close call, but thanks to you, everybodys okay he replied.

Gelvas scrutinized his wife carefully. He followed her as she walked away.

I can tell when its a lie, sweetie.

- They wouldnt believe me. Myself, I dont quite believe it.

- Tell me whats happening Angie, youve been troubled since last month, when this thug attacked you. Still having those nightmares?

- No, its not that, but okay, Ill tell you if you keep it to yourself. Deal?

- Deal.

- There was a bottle of wine on that table, over there. Well I saw something in the liquid, through the glass of the bottle. Do you remember when I saw something in the crystal ball?

- Dont tell me you see stuff in wine bottles now.- I told you that you wouldnt believe me!- Calm down, calm down I believe you. Go on.

- I saw the Gnome, Stamp, Kerri, he took some money, and ran away. Just before the bottle exploded, I saw him fiddling with some device he had. I guessed it was a bomb.

Gelvas thought carefully about his next phrase.

Tell me, I have a friend, here in Thunderbluff, hes very knowledgeable in magical things, and natural remedies too. Think you wanna have a chat with him?Archmage Shymm was best known for his teaching skills. Angie greeted the Archmage accompanied by Stamp and Kerri.Trying to keep her emotions in check, Angie did her best to explain what had happened to her in the past weeks. The mage listened, seemingly undisturbed by the unusual description he was being told.

Your visions may well be someone elses reality, Angie. he said.

I will spare you the details, but from your story, I think there is a chance you might in fact see bits of another timeline of history, another thread of fate, so to speak.

- Whats a thread of fate, Archmage? I dont have the slightest idea what you are talking about.- I tell my students to understand that as the footprint that each of their life is making in the timeline we live in. Significant beings, Kings, powerful mortals, they leave a large mark through their accomplishments. Most mortals, however, they barely make a dent through their entire lifespan.

Have you heard of the Bronze dragonflight? They are the wardens of Azeroths timelines, and Nozdormu the Timeless One, is their leader.

Their duty is to preserve the timelines of our planet, to keep it simple. They can travel through any timeline they wish to explore the mage said.

Looking down into the nearby pool, he added:

For whatever mysterious goal they are seeking.

You dont trust them, do you? Kerri asked.- Of course not. I think even the Titans didnt trust fully them. With such an immense power, they had to be restrained somehow. They showed the leader of the Bronze his own death, to make sure he would never feel too godly, I suppose.And yet, I fear this is not enough. There are many voices among us that call for a relocation of Dalaran to Tanaris, near the Cavers of Time.

- But why is this happening to me only? Why do I see those horrible things just before they happen? I dont get it.

- This, Id like you to tell me when you figure it out. I guess you could go to the Caverns of Time and seek help over there.

Angie turned to her companions. The expression on their faces did not need words, and she knew she would not be travelling alone.

The Archmage continued.

Ill make a portal for you to travel to Dalaran. From there, you can easily go to the Caverns of Time using the portal in the Violet Citadel.

He grabbed a piece of parchment and whispered a spell. Letters appeared in black ink, one by one.

Take this, and show it to Archmage Aethas, its a request to get an escort. I know a young mage there whos been studying the Bronze dragons.

- Thank you for that, Archmage. I am grateful for your help, if theres anything I can do to repay you, just ask. Angie said.

As they headed for the portal, the Archmage appeared somewhat troubled.

While in Dalaran, you should probably also look for a druid.Chapter 10. A Grim FutureNozdormu watched, as every one of them marched in, gathering at the centre of the large cavern. The Caverns of Time appeared to be split open on one side, and another perfectly mirrored Caverns of Time was visible through was looked like the shimmering surface of a pool.

The dragon thought the shock on their faces was most amusing, as they peered thought the open passage into the other timeline, the one where they had already died.

Welcome to the Caverns of Time, brave adventurers. He said.

The massive bronze dragon was standing all the way in the back of the cavern. Between him and the group of adventurers, a large hourglass standing taller than the dragons head was raised in the middle of the cavern.

By all means, do not let my brothers work distress you.Turning his head on the side, another gigantic bronze dragon revealed himself. Identical to the first one in every way, with just one exception: he seemed covered in blood from his head down to his back legs. He held something in his right paw.

Nozdormu addressed his visitors:

You are lucky, mortals, you should feel honoured. Before you, no one of your kind has ever seen one of the passages that I use to travel through the timelines of Azeroth.

As you may have guessed, what you are seeing through the passage is a future version of myself and of you too or, shall we say, what remains of you.Lifting up his paw for all to see, the other bronze dragon crushed the plate-covered torso of a Tauren, whose head had already been severed.

Of all my fellow Dragon Aspects, our creators have gifted me with the strangest of all powers, did you know?

Angie, Stamp and Kerri grouped together, as they watched the dragon silently devour bits of their arms, legs, and heads, in the alternate timeline. The dragon standing in front of them seemed to enjoy watching the horror in the expression of his future victims.

I am the Timeless One, as my creator declared. I can open gates from one timeline to another, and travel through the countless threads of fate as I please.

There is nothing that I cannot discover about this world, if I just care to look.

There are no mysteries I have not unveiled, no destiny that I am not aware of.

Even my own death is not a secret to me. Neither is the circumstance leading to that unpleasant event.

Do you know what that means? It means that I can postpone it.

It just so happens that I have no intention of dying at any time, and I have found out how. My destiny is tied to this world, as every single timeline leading to my demise reveals.

Of the multitude of events that lead to my death at one point in time, the people of Azeroth are the one common ground. One way or another, it is beings like you, mortals, which somehow manage to end my existence.

You are mistaken, almighty Lord of Time.

We do not come to end anyones existence! Gelvas said.Will you surrender without a fight, then? That choice is yours, indeed.Kerri could hardly control her breathing. They were doomed. They were about to be eaten alive, just like on the other side of the passage.

I must buy some time. she thought.

Mighty dragon, what is this hourglass doing here?

- You seek knowledge, as youre facing a certain death. How pitifully of you.

The dragon stepped forward, out of the shadows. He was huge by any measure, way larger than Stamp, or any warrior Kerri had seen.

The hourglass represents the flow of time. As you seem so interested, perhaps I may share some of the vast knowledge I have obtained.I have explored many of Azeroths timelines. Such variety, such uniqueness, I have spent centuries watching events that your imagination could not conceive.

Yet, I have found incredible similarities, in most of them. As I moved further away from the singular event splitting a timeline, I figured most of your existences remain unchanged, regardless of the outcome that caused that timeline to split.

Whether a kingdom falls or strives has in fact little implications in the overall pattern of your existences in all subsequent timelines.This is the key to my success, this particularity I discovered allowed me to set up the greatest weapon this world has ever seen. But I am forgetting the most basic teachings: did you know that nothing could exist at the same time and same position in two different timelines?Chapter 11. Time is a Killer

Angie looked at the hourglass.You change the flow of time, she said.

You use an alternate timeline where things are close enough in space, and you manipulate a timeline so that it super-imposes with another.

Do you know what happens when there is a perfect match? When you superpose two layers of time and space on top of each other?

-They merge together. Angie replied.

The dragon exulted in pride.

They fuse together in a final blast of glory, as you, most certainly, have already witnessed.

The heralds the bottle of wine the crystal ball. Thoughts went racing in Angies brain.

This cant be was that the reason of all? she thought.

"Given the right anchor in time and space, countless mortal lives may merge with another alternate timeline." Nozdormu said.The dragon pointed a claw at Angie.

You, the old fortune-teller, do you know how many lives you influenced since you were born? You are the most common thread of fate to all mortals currently alive, regardless of which timeline I study. You are my anchor in space.It took me years to adjust every detail of your miserable life, but come the next Darkmoon Faire, this timeline will merge with many others, and all beings that had a contact with you, at some point in their life, will be precisely at the same place as their counterparts in another timeline, because of what you told them at one moment.

It won't be just an object or some unlucky messengers, this time it be all those whose life crossed your thread of fate!It will be a perfect match of unprecedented proportions!- But, that means you have to let live until the next Faire! How can you expect us to even make one knowing what we know now? Angie said.

You are not as important as you think. There is another you, in a different timeline that did not choose to come to the Caverns of Time. She is my time bomb. the dragon replied.

You, however, may die here and now

Angie grabbed Stamps arm. The Tauren was shocked from the vision of his body torn apart in the near future.

She whispered to him:

I got an idea, Stamp. Theres something to be done with the hourglass.- How can you even think look there, this is what remains of you, cant you see that?

- Perhaps we also can postpone our death. Angie said.

She turned to the mage they enrolled in Dalaran.Come over, listen.

Do you see the dragon in the future timeline? Hes standing right next to the hourglass now.

- Yeah, I believe hes busy with my anyways. Do you have a plan?

- Do you think you can reach him from here?

- Reach him, I can, but, have you seen whats left of us? This is our future, over there, and it does not look very bright.- I want you to freeze him where he stands now, for as long as you can.

Angie watched, as the mage tried to understand her intention.

Do it. Now!

The mage focused on creating the strongest spell he had ever done, rejecting any second thoughts about the size and power of his target.Angie ran to the hourglass.

She looked up at the gigantic dragon standing all the way at the back of the cave.

Very kind of you to inform us of the extent of your powers, and even kinder to let us know of our fate.

Now, I have no idea how you speed up the flow of time, but I have some idea about how I can slow it down.

She began to push the giant hourglass to the side. It began to rock gently at first, and then gained amplitude with every push.

A thundering roar was heard from the other Cavern of Time. The other bronze dragon watched in shock, as his feet got firmly fastened in a solid block of ice. He roared furiously while trying to move his legs, but to no avail.

The mage, still alive in the alternate timeline, had succeeded doing his part.

Nozdormu took off and went gliding towards the centre of the cavern.

Let go of that thing, it is useless to you

Angie rocked the hourglass as hard as she could. Large swings were shifting the sand flow inside the hourglass from left to right. Stamp! Get to the other hourglass, go turn it around! she yelled at the Tauren.

He crossed the passage, entering the other cave.

Stamp began to push the hourglass into swing, looking back into the cavern he just left.

He saw the other hourglass in full swing, Angie pushing as hard as she could.

Every time the sand flow slowed down, time slowed down in the cave, and Angie, Nozdormu in his flight, both appeared to be slowing down in their motions.

Angie called him, but the speech was terribly distorted, coming to him in chunks.

Turn it around... stop flow

The Tauren grabbed the lower end of the hourglass, and pushed it as hard as he could.The massive hourglass turned, and brought the sand flow to a halt.

Angie let go of the hourglass. A few more swings, and it came back into its upright position. Nozdormu landed next to her, his claw up, ready to split her in two. Angie jumped back, landing heavily, but out of reach of his deadly grasp.The mage looked at the frozen timeline. "Angie! Towards us ! Move!" he yelled.

Crawling on the floor, she moved aside, and checked the position of the frozen Nozdormu.

"Just a bit closer!

- Now!" she said.The mage released his spell, and instantly ice began to form on the dragons feet.

The mighty dragon felt head down, his legs frozen to the ground.

Nozdormu turned his head, and watched in horror as he saw his counterpart frozen in time next to the hourglass, in the future timeline, which now had no time flow anymore.

Angie looked into his eye and said:How long before you and your brother meet up? I cant wait to see if you fuse in a final blast of glory.
