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The poetic Journey of a Zen Disciple
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The Last Song



From From From From The MasterThe MasterThe MasterThe Master

ToToToTo His DiscipleHis DiscipleHis DiscipleHis Disciple




Beginning!!! Wonderful it would have been, Whoever would have seen it must be the first prayerful being. One can’t stop, One can’t resist the first coming of the godly light atop. It takes you along, With it, to the heights, to the source of the First Monk. The Light is fresh like love which is an eternal tomb, Whoever enters inside is filled with the peace of the First Monk. Beginning has no meaning other than hope, Hope is the real beginning of beginning, Hope itself eternal having no cover or robe, Hope is dynamic and still having infinite patience but falling. Once there was a drop of water, Being born for the first time from the womb of the mystery. Blue was its name, salty was it, Alone it was in the middle with sun on the top and shade below. Useless it was, small its being; Flowed few inches under the Sun. Outrageous and courageous was its being, As it ignored the request of Sun to not to move, Child must it be, As all children acts in the presence of horsy hooves. The shade became its first friend; Trying to cover it all round from the merciful Sun. Drop moved another inch and the sun starts pulling it up. Shrieks came, “No!!!, Don’t take me! Nothing I have seen, No one I have talked to of something serene. Just came, how I don’t know, Just learnt to flow, how I also wonder, I had to show my gratitude to my first friend for his support, Don’t take me now, come afterwards.”


Clouds immediately opened their first pore, Came down our Blue!!! Short memory it had, short life the cause? Still nothing changed much. One sun above and below the same shady touch. Grew for months, increased its size to that of two drops, Amazed was Blue, but never thanked the another dew crop. Sun ignored this first mistake, shade congratulated its growth. With size of Blue, memory didn’t grew much, With size of Blue, its power grew above proportion. Saints says, “When one’s power grows in excess, The past memory of one’s helpless state becomes feeble.” Similar to the saying happened with our Blue pal, Forgotten all the Sun’s mercy, its own beggar’s call. With growth in size, ‘I’ grows and ‘We’ becomes weak, If the practice to keep the memory fit, Is put off for more than a moment, don’t talk of weeks. Merciful is Sun, the Light, It had already sent its messenger in the name of Shade. Shade is opposite to Light, And hence the perfect messenger. A beggar is the perfect representative of King, Who can sing the songs of praise for the King. The gap between the beggar and the king is big, Th gap between the shade and the King is Huge, immeasurable Hence the devotee never stops singing in praise of his King. His first song is his Last song, Because he knows the extent of his misery; Because he knows the extent of his treachery.


Truly, the shade is the prefect messenger of Sun. Since, he knows that the divide is unbridgeable, That the journey is not possible, So he forgets completely the chance of cleansing his sins. He remains as a shade in a true sense--- “Wherever there is Sun, Anyone who is interested in taking a rest, Can come under the shelter of shade.” Since no one can stay under the shade forever, Hence no one can become its friend forever, The shade is like a fair weather friend. “Under the sun it can give you protection, Under the mighty darkness the shade won’t be of much help.” Our Blue pal doesn’t understand this. He considers Shade as his first and the last friend, Shade itself has no memory of its slavery like state, Shade is tied to the sun, Wherever the sun goes shade moves along with it. If something obstructs its movement, It stays there for sometime till the sun wishes. Hence, How it can free others like Blue? Blue in his power, had no idea of the source of its power’s power, It has no idea that the shade is a fair weather friend, And it can leave it anytime under the mercy of Mighty Sun. Blue once had a desire to extend his Empire, One was given to it extra still it wanted few more, Shade accompanied in its mission. Both travelled a lot, On the way saw some slippery shining road, Thinking it to be a challenge, Jumped on it, realizing later it to be a pool of oil. No one can help it now, They have to go down to the bottom of pool.


Shade said to the Blue “I will accompany you, If you come above somehow. In the mean time I wait, if possible, somehow.” Unable to bear the immense pressure, Felt like all dreams going to disappear. It wishes to die but can’t, The surrounding environment doesn’t have that easy provision. Nothing to do much, Can’t think of worse than this, this being too much. His short memory came handy, From which came a verse said by a Saint, “God doesn’t burden anyone beyond his capacity” A support of any kind comes handy in time of helplessness, This can surely reduce some of the restlessness. Blue became a bit easy, Still thinking further how to prevent oneself from becoming crazy. Oil being so silent, Remains unbothered about the existence of any small Blue planet. The Blue thought, “There is no one beside me on this Planet, No one is stronger than me, And if I can’t do it, No one can help me, My friend can’t help me.” Slowly, slowly blue imbibed the silence of oil, Oil was unaffected as before. Days passed, many things entered inside the pool, Both remained silent witnessing the changes happening at speed.


And lo! The goose is out, Blue came out. How? Blue didn’t revealed the secret, Kept it inside the heart. Shade again congratulated Blue “O Courageous! I know, you can do it one day.” Blue said, “There is someone who is more powerful; There is a place which is more beautiful. There is someone who is a friend of everyone; There is someone who can help anyone. Do you, O Shady! do you know that place or that person?” Shady replied, “I have travelled a lot and I haven’t seen such a place, where a person of such kind lives” Blue said, “May be, you have travelled not much, and you might have missed that place or person” Shade shouted, “I am saying the truth, you small child. You haven’t travelled much in life as I had. Trust me. I am your first friend.” Blue said, “May be, there is a higher truth In which your truth is also included.”


Shade turned its back to Blue, “ I am leaving you alone, And I am sure in my absence no one can guide you, No one can protect you.” Blue said with tears, “I can’t explain to you, But I have sure indications, About a place, about someone’s gentle presence. He is watching me; He is very close to me, may be inside me, I don’t know now. May be, He doesn’t want to reveal himself. It may not be the right time or the right place. But I am sure I am under his supervision, And I will sooner or later reach to him. I don’t know why I want to meet him, Or to reach at that mysterious place. I have no memories or relations with that place or person, I can’t figure out the need for that, But the pull is beyond my comprehension. It is as if I am being pulled by that person from inside. And one most important aspect is, I love this pull; I can’t live without this pull. I am in love with this mysterious pull and the puller, Or is it The puller is in love with me. I am grateful to the pool of oil, Where I imbibed the mysterious quality--- The silence, surrender and carefree nature. I feel as if that accident was preplanned by that mysterious person To bring me closer to him. And I don’t need protection. I am happy in his presence, I feel inside,


That much grace of his over me is more than sufficient in this life, If life remains, I will surely search him, To express gratitude, For this gift to a wrong person, an undeserving person. I am grateful to you, Shady, For showing your real concern for me, May be, your existence, And your friendship with me is also preplanned by him. And may be, Your such act of leaving me in the hour of need, Must have some inherent goodness for you and me. Good Bye, my dear first friend.” The shade moved and the Blue stood in silence, Watching the shade being completely invisible. The moment the final touch of shade left the Blue, The unexpected happened. Blue got hold of the hand of the shade, It was frightening enough for a small drop to live without a cover. Came back the full shade again over the Blue, Shady said, “What happened? I told you that there is no one. There is no one besides you and me. Where had all you feelings gone. Now you don’t want to go to that place or to meet that person. How stupid were you. You were ready to break the relations with me, Whom you know by birth, For someone whom you just felt when in troubles. How mean you have become.” Blue said, “I don’t know what happened to my brain, It was as if I was drunk. Till the last moment I had doubts, I was not sure completely,


And I feel it is safe to live in certainty rather than uncertainty.” The Sun smiled, “My all blessings to you my dear Blue. You went back from the last step, May you come again to me.” Blue sung, “First time friendship is closer to me, I can’t break this for strangers. May you forgive me.” And they both travelled a lot, Conquered many places, Killed many, pushed many to the verge of rot. The overwhelming nature of friendship, Can make one forget many other precious relations. First friendship is dangerous, One may become blind and possessive. One may become insensitive, and closed to surroundings. The day was of monsoon, never ever known to Blue and shady, Light was all around above, the same white clouds hovering. Something touched Blue in succession, Shady again disappeared from the middle. Blue unable to decipher the falling of look-alikes. Whether one should smile or one should moan, It can’t understand. Its friend had never told of this world. And lo! The drop is now chained with other blue drops, The feeling of being chained, being entrapped is dreadful, Particularly to someone who had experienced freedom before. Soon the whole place was converted into an Ocean. A drop in a Ocean !!!


Blue recalled and analysed immediately, “What a destiny I have!!! when I was in the oil pool, The surrounding was not even touching me, The surrounding was carefree. And now, Every other drop, my look-alike is ready to swallow me, kill me, What do I do? I am losing my identity, how do I know, Who am I? How do I now who am I if I mix up with this bundle of enemies? The power of drop was getting weaker day by day; The voice of drop, the analyzing mind was dying every moment. The dying Blue drop looked around for a while and saw, Everyone, every other drop in some or the other act of creation. Creation after destruction of oneself, In favour of someone. Blue requested to one society of drops, “Sire! What are you doing?” The cluster replied, “We are supporting this Ocean, In which you are just a drop. If you have any respect for this Ocean, Join us in our work.” Blue was humbled by the answer. “How nice are these societies, Who are supporting this big Ocean. Without them this ocean will die and Stupids like me will die doing nothing. I must join them.”


Being innocent and being the one who believes in the first answer The Blue, joined. The society said, “Do this, don’t do that. Never ever question that action. Always answer in yes to these questions. And if you want to go out from this society. We all will become your competitors, your enemy.” Blue said hesitantly, “Yes Sir” From that day Blue was known singing bluesy songs, Walking like a king in the day, sleeping like an ass in the night. Made new friends and also acquired unknowingly new enemies. From the first day Blue was under the pious impression of society, ‘The one who is supporting the Mighty ocean’. Soon it discovered the other truth about that society, The one who is trying to support itself on ocean’s support; The one who is fighting with other societies for this scarce support; The one who is exploiting its members for its existence; The who is not at all bothered about the miraculous existence of Ocean’ Entrapped once again, into much deeper layers of societies Blue felt like dying, But due to the new family like associations, It can’t, on moral grounds. It started living in a pensive mood One day, a family member came close to it and said


“Hey! Our family have grown big” On moral grounds, Blue jumped with joy and exclaimed, “Wow! What a joyful news” Soon sadness engulfed him and the same society, The same fight, the same Yes SIR. As time passed by, a meditative drop met him in the crowd, So serene, so calm that his silence reminded Blue about his past. Blue Asked him, “Who are you? You are not an ordinary drop like others. What are you doing here in this mad crowd? The meditative drop said, “I showed my misery to kings and beggars. I tried everyone and had seen everyone. In the end I came to know, God is great.”

Blue asked, “Who is God? I have never heard about him. Can you tell me about him, O Godly sent being!” The saint said, “He is your absence” Blue asked, “How do I cut myself?” The saint replied, “By ignoring all your activities of mind, By ignoring all desires, By coming untouched, high above the society”


Blue humbly asked, “O Master! Tell me the way” The Master said, “Meditation” Disciple asked, “Please tell me about it.” The Master said, “Sit and do nothing, Till you stand and can do everything.” And then the Master left the place after blessing the disciple. The Disciple meditated for years and years, One day he was passing the market where he saw a butcher. He entered inside the butcher shop and said, “O Respected Person! Please don’t kill any innocent life. Leave this profession for god’s sake.” The Butcher told, “I told you that day. Sit and do nothing Till you can stand and do everything” “Master! You are a butcher!!!” exclaimed the disciple.


“Don’t give suggestions to anyone, Till anyone ask you. Leave immediately, The shop owner would come here soon and will throw you out”, Said the Master butcher. The disciple became more humble and calm. After few years he was in the festival of the society, He saw few looters hiding behind the wall. He ignored them once and for all. Thanked one of the looters to him for his kind gesture. While coming back he met the butcher Master again, He narrated the incident to the Master--- The Master said, “How insensitive! Blue! You have few obligations towards the society, You should have reported to the authority. Don’t go to the other extreme Come in the middle. Go and now onwards, Sit and do nothing, Till you can stand and can do every Right thing.” Since then the Master and the disciple never met. Hence, No suggestion, no advice from the Master, As, No mistake, no error from the disciple.


Blue said the first word after its enlightenment, “Long is the night to the sleepless; Long is the league to the weary. Long is worldly existence to fools who knows not the sublime Truth.” While crossing the borders of the society, His old friend tried to stop him--- “Have you gone mad? Don’t you know the rules of this society? Your all friends will turn foes, They will burn you from your top to toes. I’m your friend, listen to me. Previously you didn’t listened me and you only came back to me. This time also I am saying the truth. Don’t cross this boundary.” Blue replied “My friend! I crossed all the boundaries few days back. You could have stopped me before my last moment, But now I am not under my control. He is controlling me.” Shady said, “Your eyes have changed; Your words have changed. I won’t stop you now but before you go Answer the mysterious question to me.”


Blue said, “I will try, To make you understand. Rest is His will, Ask my first friend, your question.” Shady said, “From the Beginning till the End; From the Sky to the Earth, Who is the One who everytime survives In Whom all that is possible, still remains as it is? What is That that never haves That which is never far from its caves? Who is the One who is never drunkard When One’s whole life is immersed in the multiple oceans of colourful wines? When the first song emerges from Him Why then He calls it the Last Song? The Last Song. The Last Song!!!” Blue said, “Before I answer your question Let me tell you something. ‘You and me are similar outside, You and me are one inside.’


Now your question--- ‘From the Beginning till the End; From the Sky to the Earth, Who is the One who everytime survives In Whom all that is possible, still remains as it is?’ Mind has one bad habit of jumping form the past to future. Avoid this. There is no need to know about the beginning or the end. Let scientists do this job. Meditators should try to be in the present, If the question is really important, then listen. In the beginning there was the Word and the Word was God. In the end there would be Word and the Word will be God. The God is the one who will survive, From the beginning to the end, From the sky to the earth. Earth is very small, talk of in every possible type of birth, Anytime, anywhere. Earth can just be a station where God is much talked of issue, Everywhere else He is accepted. Hence the Cosmic Silence. It is not humans or animals dies or survives.

It is just a great experiment of God, Of how to teach humans the word of God. ‘In Whom all that is possible, still remains as it is?’ In God everything is possible and still He remains as it is. He also changes but also remains as it is. He changes from outside but remains same from inside. Further, if what is outside doesn’t last long, Then we can say He remains as it is always. Hence, God survives from the Beginning to the End, From the sky to the Earth.


He has infinite possibilities, Still he remains as it is. Whatever appears to be changing is because of your limitations; Your perceptions has limitations, And for this you should find ways to correct them. ‘What is That that never haves, That which is never far from its caves?’ It is contentment that is satisfied and has no more desires, Even though it can reach out to the things, Through the caves of minds. Caves are the passages used by the minds to reach out somewhere But when there is no desire left inside, Then the means like caves become useless. Caves actually are the various senses of the human body. If you observe, you will find that, It is the human body that is running for things through five senses, Desired by the mind which is controlling the body-caves. Hence, the contentment of the mind, Puts the mind to a halt and the caves to a standstill. The control comes through the awakening, The awakening of one’s eternal Self. ‘Who is the One who is never drunkard When One’s whole life is immersed in the multiple oceans of colourful wines?’ Contentment stills the mind. In this stillness one can see the bottom of the mind, Over which the mind was supported. It is like self-illumination. Whenever the water in the bucket is in turbulence, It is difficult to see the bottom. Once the water is still, The bottom becomes clear very easily. It is the core, the self which is never drunkard.


It is steadfast in the contemplation of the Almighty. Disturbance of the periphery is not the disturbance of the core. Similarly, disturbance of the mind is not the disturbance of the self, Mind is capable of going drunk; But even in that state who knows that one is drunk. Mind creates colourful multiple oceans of wines, Wines being the objects of pleasure. And out of overwhelming nature of senses, A consequence of uncontrolled mind, It jumps into those oceans. But even in that condition, From where comes the feeling of guilt, the state of repentance. It is the sane state of self in the midst of multiple oceans. Hence, the self is never drunkard, The possibility of going drunk is with mind and not with the self. ‘When the first song emerges from Him Why then He calls it the Last Song? The Last Song. The Last Song!!!’ On regaining the sane state The self is established in the Almighty, the Self. Then only one understand the importance of sense organs. Misuse of sense organs had happened many times Now it should be used wisely and hence use of words. Gestures, tears are sublime indications Beyond comprehension of uncontrolled minds. The use of words are the most influential As compared to other means of expressions of body.


Whatever comes from this mode is a song, The First song. Whatever came out previously from this were full of with desires They were actually woes and not song Song comes automatically from a healthy state of mind Woe is a forced ill-word. This first Song is for the Master, the God. It is the Master only who sings through the new flute. Flute has no capability to sing. This first song is the song of gratitude. ‘Why then He calls it the Last Song? The Last Song. The Last Song!!!’ First is followed by second, third and so on, But this assumes that there is another chance to sing on and on. But the First Song is the indication that journey is complete. And hence the Last Song. It’s the First and the Last Song. Not many completes this human journey, From the water to the Sun. This completion of journey makes this song, The Eternal Song. It’s a privilege to sing this Eternal Song.” Blue Said further, “May you understand, I will request our Lord to have mercy on you as he had over me.”


Shady said, “Long Live, my First Friend!” Master Blue crossed the physical boundary, It invited reactions from all directions, so powdry. The Ocean now appeared like Ocean. No more segregated societies, just one Ocean. No more two, just One. The other society invited Master Blue to their society. Master Blue said, “ I will come to say something and then I will move to next society. What I will say is upto me. If you are willing to accept I come else don’t bother about me.” New society thought, “We have already many glib talkers in our society, One more won’t make any difference. Let us allow him to come inside. This will make our reputation high in the eyes of other societies.” They said to Master Blue, “Please come. We will raise no objections to whatever you say.” As if a new and fresh air entered the suffocating house, Master Blue graciously entered the new society. At the entrance gate the Master said the first word. “No society is worth giving respect, Only Individuals are worth respecting.” Everyone was shocked to listen such words never ever heard, As society is their protector.


So, they consider the ones outside their territory as their enemy, As vultures which are ready to eat them if allowed to move in. But no one said anything to the Master. The Master continued, “We should dissolve all societies immediately and make it as one” Now it was enough to bear, Hence, they all threw the Master out of the Society respectfully. But the Master saw in the mob one drop, Who came close to him and whispered in his ears, “I’m grateful to you for giving me this insight. Please tell me what can I do for you?” The Master Blue gave him the small white paper On which it was written-- “Meditate. How? Sit and do nothing, Till you stand and can do every RIGHT thing.” The Master while giving the paper to the drop said to it, “I came for you only. Now that you are safe I am sure this society is safe.” The Master stood up prayerfully outside the boundary, And showed gratitude to the society, For giving food, shelter and security to one of his disciple.


Soon the Master had made few disciples from each society, Everybody thought him to be crazy. As the Master was everytime thrown from the gate of every society No body can understand the reason, Why the Master wants insult everytime, When respect could have been given in abundance from each. After touching each society the Master stopped. He at once went to his first society. The gatekeeper asked, “Master! Please turn back, It hurts us to hurt you, we don’t know why.” The Master said, “I have nothing to say now. Whatever I wanted to say I had said. Now there is no need to say. I request you to give me a place to pass my remaining moments. I want to teach nothing. I will just answer few questions that you want to know. In case you don’t have any questions I will remain silent. I promise.” The gatekeeper did the needful and soon opened the gate. The Master was given a place, That was far away from heart of the society. Soon the place was being visited by thousands of new drops; Some thirsty, some inquisitive, some tired and some travellers. The place was soon transformed into the most beautiful place of the society, How it happened, no one knows, but this was a reality. Daily questions were the bricks of that place; Daily answers given were the cement in those bricks.


The Master once got the question “ Beloved Master! Who are you? Why you take so much of trouble for strangers like us?” The Master said “I am a part of the Ocean. You are also a part of Ocean. Isn’t this necessary for you to know? And we have forgotten the Ocean completely. I know something about the Ocean, And I am free, nothing to do much except getting stones from your societies and that’s an easy work. I don’t have to do anything. Everybody else have to make effort for this work of mine. So, I thought that I should talk, in the mean time, of this Ocean to you of which all of us are a part. We had remained as individuals but not as a society. We should remain in society and give respect to one’s society” The chief of the society sitting in the audience was happy. The chief asked, “Beloved Master! Why didn’t you said these words before? Had you been favour of societies before nobody would have thrown you out.” Master said, “I was not as intelligent as you are. Now being in your company for few days, I had learnt few important lessons.”


Soon the society had stopped bothering about the Master, And they started ignoring him. They opened the gates of their society for the other societies. Other societies also opened their gates for the Master and disciples. This happened for the first time in the history of societies. The Master was saying nothing and still changes were happening in the societies. One of the Master’s first disciples was unhappy with him, He wrote a letter to the Master--- “ Beloved God! Initially you were against the pattern of societies and now you have changed completely. I hate this society and I wish if you change yourself completely.” The Master said, “ My beloved! If you say, I will change from this very moment. But do you want to change yourself in this life or the next life? I can be of some help if I am physically in touch with you all. Otherwise it will take too long. I was against the societies before not because I hate societies, But that the courageous beings like you get attracted to me. By hating or loving this pattern brings no changes in your consciousness. I am not interested in changing this society but I want to remove your hatredness.


If something can bring change in your being, it is Meditation. Remember, the first small white paper given to you by me. It was written on it--- ‘Sit and do nothing, Till you stand and can do every RIGHT thing.’ My actions appears wrong to you but they are right in my eyes. I wish to help you and I can only help you if I am in your society. Words are useless if they doesn’t bring complete transformation, Transformation in your being. Societies know that a letter sent by an ordinary man liked me is of no value, And hence I have chosen this medium. Don’t bother about constant changes in me, You follow the simple suggestion which was given to you. It is the same that was given to me by my Master when I was just like you, Rather I was less intelligent and less courageous than you. Help will come to you at the right time somehow! You go and attend to your Meditation, Without which I can be of no much help to you.” The disciple wrote back, “ Beloved God! Please forgive me. I misunderstood you.” The Master wrote back, “Beloved Blue! It is rare in the life of a disciple when he doesn’t misunderstand the Master. It was expected. Now onwards, till you become silent don’t come to me.”


The Master left the body the same day. The whole society gathered for attending his funeral. One small white paper slip was found; From his so soft and fresh hand, On it was written-- “My Beloved Blues! Sit and do nothing, Till you stand and can do every Right thing.” The first disciple never came to know, Missed the chance to say, Oh No! Practicing every day, every moment, How to give to his Master, The most desired, the Present. He knows he doesn’t deserves the Love of the Master, Still he continues to grab every chance to flatter. He became the most famous one who gives charity, But no one gave him the Clarity. He was passing the street where he met a perspiring blue drop. On being asked The drop said, “ I am born twice In the same house. I know my two past lives, A great saint in the first, And a pauper in this life full of unquenched thirst. No one is powerful than God. He sees every action of every tenant or Landlord.”


The disciple laughed and said to himself, “ I was thinking I am the greatest disciple ever born; My progress is the fastest ever registered; My Master loves me the most. But this pauper Had received more grace than me by the Master. This street-man is much higher than this arrogant ladder.” The Pauper continued, “I can tell beforehand about the gender of the child, Still breathing in the womb of the Mother drop so kind. My God informs me, And I pass it on to the people of this world. I do this humble service to this mankind. What do you do O sloven mind?” The Disciple was about to answer, When something came to his mind like a flower, “He is under the control of the powers he gained last time. There is no need to talk to him. Attend to your meditation. Go now.” The disciple thanked that person, And the person went ahead with his foolish walk. The disciple was still under the control of his undeveloped mind, On reaching his rest-place, his memories did rewind. Again came the flower, Pulled him under the salty shower.


The disciple sung,

� Where do You live, in whom do You breathe, Tell me O my Master; I have yet to see my wisdom teeth. Many servants of yours are travelling faster, Why have you forgotten, tell me O my Master.

� One place to sit, one place to sleep, Every other place You make me walk like a dumb sheep. All other sheeps are more close to you, O Shepherd! I fear, I am the lost sheep, unknown to you, find me soon O my Master! The Sun smiled again and said, “This is how I can bring you close to me, This is how I can also find you, O my lost sheep!” The disciple didn’t saw the smile of Sun engraved inside him deep, Instead, he went to horse like sleep. Months passed and nights went like this. Every night the Sun smiles; Every night the Sun waits, For the disciple to see the distance he covered in few months, From millimeters to miles. Prayers continued, Flowers kept flowering uncontrolled.

� This world so sweet, you sweeter, Sweetest you must me. No one so big O my Master. The sweetness of this world is short-lived, Goes along for eternity your sweetness, says all the long-lived.


Come to me O my Master! I am now useless. I can’t help anyone; I can’t heal anyone. Surrounded I am with drunkards, They keep falling like the house of playing cards. My house is burning, Still I can’t understand who is the one Still dancing while singing.”

� Bitter is me; worst is my past, Pure you are, the White light your Cast. Small is me; stinking is me from past to present, The darkest night has knocked at my door; Why are you O my Master, till now Silent.

� Just like the words leaves my mouth, Brushing the tongue, mind, intellect, heart and soul. Why didn’t you touched me so deeply, When you left this world, my Master. Accept me, I have nothing to offer, Give me the most desired coffer. I have done nothing, I can’t do what you said I sit for a moment; I stand for a while But fall in the other second. What is right what is wrong, I can’t discriminate. No one beside you indicated me this, No one visible here who can carry me to the Home of bliss. I am lonely without you. Come again in some other form, I will recognize you immediately, To never to leave you, the highest, the most loving, Valley.


The Sun listened and said “Here I am, Let me see whether you can recognize me or not” The disciple opened his eyes, Stood up, showed gratitude to the Master. The moment he was about to leave the room, He saw another drop at the door, Standing with hands folded. The small drop, the small house; The smaller the growth, the bigger the showoff. And lo! The disciple lost his awareness that moment, It Asked, “Who are you?” The drop laughed And after paying deep gratitude it said, “Come with me.” The disciple again asked, “Who are you?” The Guest at the door replied, “I was asking this question from everyone Whosoever I meet. Noone has given me the answer. And now after meeting you, I have got the answer. I just came to see you from the garden of dew, O the first disciple of Great Blue! With faith I came at your holy station, That you will surely answer my last question. And the moment I heard you, My question disappeared suddenly. Your question was the perfect answer for my question.


I am grateful to you, O My Saviour! Now if you allow me, I must return or else I stay here at your holy service.” The disciple stood there like a statue. The enlightened drop returned gracefully to its source And the disciple experienced the state of deep remorse. Unable to understand the laughter and the highest degree of respect, Given to it for no reason by a familiar looking ‘Shining’ guest. The sun smiled, “I came on time, But you almost missed me. In case you again wish to see me I will come again in a different form and at the same time. You became the cause for Me to unfold in that Shining guest. The first question from a famous sage like you, Answered the residual question of my beloved dew. Your second question called for compassion on his part. He asked you to move along with him, But you remained in the state of sleep Never believing your doubt that arose when you saw- ‘The Ultimate had happened to someone at your very door’. Till you wake up from the dreams, You will keep on missing me so close in your realms. I am also grateful to you, O the Saviour of one of my dew!” The nights of the disciple became more of the nights of lover, Who is suffering from the disease of love, for his Beloved Saviour.


Every night receives gifts, Every moment before the dawn is honoured. No time goes without listening the call of this strange person, Every night sun plans to shuffle its duties with moon. The call to the sun, The plea of the longing son; Birds forget to fly, Small children forget to cry. The songs full of love for the Master, The prayers drenched with the blood of the Night-Fighter.

� Someone came to me but somehow reached You, Someone asked me the question but still he listened You. Have mercy on me, I am unable to reach to You, Don’t make others call me their Saviour, it hurts, You only is the Saviour, My Saviour is only You.

� Blue is pleading to Blue; the only one I know who only Flew, Same is our outer colour, same our garden of dew. Why so delay in revealing our same inner colour, Why so unfriendly behaviour by not giving me the Art to decipher.

� Birds show sympathy at my helpless state, funny I am to dogs, Rainbows try to console me, clouds hugs me in the form of fogs. In emergency cases you are infamous for clearing all roadblocks, No one able to help me, You also don’t come. Am I an unrepairable clock?


� Shady was your first friend, you ditched him Blue! You left him in the dark streets of the world, never then enquired. I am your first disciple, will you also ignore my small dew, How worldly ones like is your behaviour, O Dead! Years became months, months into days, Days flew in seconds, the disciple prayed inspite of holy rays. The Mountain was reducing in size, Pebbles appearing like mountains to the disciple becoming nice. The Master inside outside the disciple, The words coming outside were full of respect and were purple. Everyone around remained the same, He was the only one flying high, once a lame. The tests of the Master continued, The first friend of the Master, shady, Met the disciple at a high altitude. Shady asked, “O the first disciple of my friend Blue! Sit under my cover for a while. Unburden your stress at my door.” The disciple gazed at him like a friend and replied, “I express my gratitude at your feet, Please accept it. You are the one who helped my Master when He was like me, Wandering here and there in search of Truth. Also the society is indebted to you for asking from the Master, The answer for the mysterious question.” Shady humbly said from a distance, “My question was very small, But the answer was very big. I feel even if the question is irrelevant, The Great Masters like Great Blue makes it appear as a relevant question. Please don’t make me feel great, I am very small.


Your Master and my friend is the only one who is Great. The only lesson I learnt from my friend is-- To not to give shade to travellers forever; To not to give old answers to new questions; To not to boast of my restful nature as I am still in unrest; To not to be compassionate to the travellers like that of my Friend; To not to be with just one traveller But also with others in right proportions without discrimination; To not to come over someone who doesn’t need me; To not to let anyone becoming aware of my presence over oneself; And to leave immediately the moment one become aware of me As the possibility of another Great Blue has arisen inside him. And I don’t want to create any obstacle for him As I have heard somewhere “The first Master is visible in every Master thereafter.” And I want to ask for forgiveness from my Friend Who never ever returned once He was absorbed by the Sun, The day He replied your last letter.” The disciple was unaware of this possibility till this moment, Listening to which he felt as if the last hope, the last shade had left. The degrees of plus equaled the degrees of minus at the same instant; Hope and hopelessness cancelled each other in that very second; The pendulum after swinging from right to left Came to a halt in the middle; The clouds disappeared, the night snakes turned into ropes; The present became visible for the first time, Past and future together became famous jokes. Shady said, “A small white paper was found from his holy hands.”


Disciple asked, “What was written on it, Please tell me.” Shady showed him the paper and said, “ This paper was considered useless by the members of the society They threw it and somehow it came to me, I don’t know why. If it is of some use to you, then you can take it. Here it is. Take it O Traveller!” The disciple took it and unfolded the paper. The moment it saw the paper Tears came down in a flash as if rivers moving towards oceans The message on the paper--- “ My Beloved Blues! Sit and do nothing, Till you stand and can do every Right thing.” The last anxiety of the disciple seems to breathe its last breath, The desire to meet the Master died in the hands of shade. Silence joined his anxiety-less being, The only sign of becoming the Bird’s wing. Shady witnessed a sudden transformation in the disciple, The same eyes, the same gesture as seen in the Master Blue. Without missing a single moment, Shady fell on the feet of the King and said the following verse-- “Why did you left me in the middle? Why have you forgotten me, your first friend? Now that you have come, please forgive me for all my sins I committed on you.”


The King said, “There is no sin, no virtue. Howsoever one acts does it so because of its revealed nature. It’s not your fault, you have to act in that way only, Else how could I have been so lucky thousands of years back. Instead I must apologize for expressing my intent to leave you But I never left you--- I was in the form of guest, over whom you were the only shade, Who never left you whether it is night or day; Then I was with you in the form of words on a white paper, Which came under you cover when there was no protection over it; And the moment the words left you I came in my second real form. But you should understand one thing that You are a shade and you have to wait, Till you stop giving shade and asking questions. If you can do it then something can happen Else wait for some more time.” Shady said, “How can I change my nature? I can’t do it. To give shade is in my nature And I can’t go against my nature. This is what all Masters emphasize.” The King compassionately replied, “That which is impossible is the first possibility, That which is possible became unknown to the realms of probability. How can you say that your nature is fixed and can’t be changed? Everything is changing. Nothing is fixed, nothing ever remains constant. Only He remains the same; Only His love remains the same; Only the essence of all ways reaching to Him remains the same.”


Shady begged, “ Show me the light” The King returned the white paper back to Shady and said, “This paper was of no value when it came to you on its own, This paper is of immense value now onwards. Whatever is written on it is the most valuable asset one can ever possess; Whatever is not written on it should be ignored as soon as possible. Nothing remains to be said. Everything that needs to be emphasized has been emphasized; Whatever is not emphasized doesn’t deserve to be emphasized. I whisper it in your ears Listen to it— My Beloved Blues! Sit and do nothing, Till you stand and can do every Right thing.” Shady enquired, “My beloved Master! Have mercy on me. Explain me this mysterious blessing, The mysterious message, That I can’t understand even in my learned prayers.” The Master said, “Before I answer your question, Let me tell you something. “Everyone is lost and, The lost one is the most loved one by the only Beloved Hand.””


Now ask your question… Shady repeated the question, “My Beloved Blues! Sit and do nothing, Till you stand and can do every Right thing.” The Master answered, “The Master loves all and He is the Beloved of all. This earth is known as earth because it has blue water. The blue colour is the friendly colour. And hence indirectly Master is addressing his friends. And all are his friends. Friends one may have, But to understand the meaning of friendship is a different aspect. The Master understands the sensitivity in this relation And hence without saying any irrelevant words, he so mentions. The first condition for friendship is that No one should be separate, Both should be like two bodies and one life, one breath, one soul. And it depends on the way, how one friend achieves this rare feat. Drop by drop one can fill an Ocean, Of evil or of purity is the only thoughtful consideration. Neither evil is right nor purity is correct, The optimum state is only the worthy state. Hence, Sit!!! To sit means to relax from the intense desires of mind; To sit means to stop running after moons so unkind; To sit means to know what it means to lose one’s mind;


To sit means to know that there is someone stronger, Who sees forward from behind And remains like the seer and the perfect blind. To do something may take sometime, To do nothing may take eternity, And still you may not do it. It is the measure of your faith; It shows the measure of your fragile power in the mean time; It throws you from one action to another opposite dimension; It transforms you from the world of clock to the life of a pendulum, Burning all your plans to a state Of witnessing all extremes with ever increasing awareness; It prepares you for every possible uncertainty By giving you the only gift of One Certainty Which swallows all doubts and uncertainties Of past, present and future; To sit and to do nothing, Is the beginning of a journey from all things to no things. It is just the first alphabet, The middle and the end is a bit far from the beginning of this set. Many rivers, many heavens, many hells, many ditches Will come before your Pure Land. Something is there for sure before you merge in nothing; Something is everywhere around you, Nothingness will be visible only after you; Something will keep increasing daily, every moment But nothing will keep knocking, the only omnipresent; Something will only try to prove its existence Nothing will never, as it is the only Is’s substance. Something will love you so like an actor, Nothing will see you like a distant star; Something will talk to you in the form of a word, Nothing will talk to you in the form of a sword;


Something will ask for your help to elongate its stay, Nothing will answer your only immortal pray. If lucky, Then before the end, Something will know its real substance. If not before, Then if lucky at the end time Nothing will reveal its true face to something. If not even at the end time, Then better luck next time, everytime. Something never thought about what it is, Why it is, what is all around, why we have oceans and seas. Once it thought while walking, The walk became short, signs of trembling started rising. Nothingness started haunting something; Everything of something started disappearing; The real nature, the true form of nothing started unfolding, So big, that it seems that sky is falling. To stand is not a joke, to stand with grace is His will; To stand is not easy, as mind is to be kept at the bottom of the Hill; To stand is the proof of never sitting back at any cost; To stand is the sign, a mighty iceberg shows to a passing frost; To stand is to avail the chance to sing for every form; To stand is to dance with every falling thunderbolt or a storm; To stand is to help the ones who are disabled; To stand is to heal the wounds of every mind or heart That had bled, That had at least seen the sand in white or red. To stand is the natural effect of sitting and doing nothing.


To sit and to do everything is the life of the disciple, To stand and to do every Right thing is the life of the Master. The disciple can never do intentionally the Right thing Once or twice it may happen through him, But game of dice doesn’t impresses many. He always swings like a pendulum from the wrong to correct Always goes past the right in the middle. It is Meditation that connects the disciple to the Master; It only pushes the disciple to the realms of the Master. For the disciple the word Right is associated with direction This association makes him to turn against the non-right direction. For the Master Right is not associated with any direction He makes its own way with every passing moment What may be wrong for the passing moment, May be the only possible right option in the coming moment. To see the Right in the mixture of corrects and wrongs; To see in the hazy light; Is the effect of light burning high above, everywhere, Which helps in seeing the middle In the midst of the world losing the midas touch of care. To see the right and to do it are two different actions Even a drunkard can see a ditch But to avoid falling in it is not under his control. Hence the emphasis on doing the Right thing To do what you see is Right is the only test for the Masters And the Masters pass this test everytime in one stroke This is what the Master means, To see the way across every unknown street full of white smoke. In short, It is a call to Rejoice. Way is full of doubts and confusion, Only Meditation can erase all evil and moral directions, Under the guidance and grace of the Master.


May you understand, May you become a disciple. May you merge with the Master. The heaven is inside you, May you start searching now at this very moment The journey full of songs From the First song to the Last Song.” Shady was being pushed to the never traversed heights, As he had never talked to the residents full of Golden Light Unable to comprehend the discourse Further it asked, “Neither I am born as human nor I am born as animal; Neither I am a tree nor I am a bird; Neither I am the first devil nor I am a saint; Neither I am steady nor I move on my will; How can I then get rid of my chains? Neither I am able to talk to the Sun nor the moon above and below; Nor I am able to hear the songs of holy men or breezing air. Neither I can’t sit nor can I stand. Neither is my existence dependent on the sorrows of worldly ones, Nor my death gives rich joys to anyone. How can I then meditate? How can I then heal my self-caused wounds? All my actions are not mine, But the interplay of Sun and earthly objects. Everything of my something is also not mine. I also depend on the existence of Sun and earth, Without which my existence is impossible.


In my case, So different from humans, what can be done, O Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient!!!” The Omnipresent indicated, “O Lucky one! You are so lucky that you don’t have to do anything And you know this very well. Humans are not so lucky like you, There very nature forces them to do something Sometimes, something of their something comes under their control, Sometimes not. Nothing of your something is under your control And you know this and this is a gift of Sun, A state of very high human disciple. You know a lot, You have seen a lot, You had travelled many uncharted places, You had also heard from the Distant Ones!!! One more lesson for you O wise sage! Listen. “He who sits, sleeps and walks alone Will find Me.” The company with False Knowledge creates a sense of loneliness. It demands someone to unburden else it is suffocating. True knowledge is self-sufficient. It rather illuminates the whole world if it comes closer to it.


The world appears like a bubble to both. The one with the false knowledge becomes afraid and avoids it, The true one attains peace. The false knowledge intensifies the passions, The true knowledge pacifies all ever-rising passions. The one with false knowledge explains the teaching in letter, The true one explains it in both letter and spirit. The former shines in the day while stinks in the night, The latter one shines resplendent all day and all night. In your case, All your knowledge is false and it changes every hour. It requires updation in every rush hour. Hence, Your walk is weary, Understanding so hairy. Your sleep is heavy, Perception so teary. You know that your existence is a gift from sun and earth, Then why do you feel proud of your actions? You know that you can’t help anyone, Then why do you feel proud when you help someone? You know you are a drop in this world of oceans, Then why do you feel proud of your insignificant motions? Now, meditate on this. Nothing else is needed and you will cross the world. My all blessings to you.”


Shady became more aware than before The gentle light touched its hot light in the core. Melting happened and the much awaited magic unfolded, It became watchful and the Golden light descended. It disappeared with the descent of Light, All its diseases disappeared with the birth of the Holy Sight! Someone had said, “Song of true knowledge is truly the First Song, It ends everyone’s final grief, Lingering no matter for how long.” Shady asked, “Lord, where will you go now?” The Lord answered, “There are hundreds of disciples waiting for me, Many of them are on the verge of sublimation and can fall anytime. They know me not, Many of them are unaware of my presence on this earth. I must go and see them.” Shady humbly asked, “Lord, if you allow, Can I also come along with you?” The Lord said, “As you wish. It’ll be a privilege to have you with me, O Shady! If I can be of any help to you on the way or anytime Do tell me, O First friend of my Master Blue!”


Shady said, “You are my only source of help, You only can help me.” They both came down. One with the Light beacon on the top, The other with the attraction for the mysterious cop. While crossing the river down the hill, Shady asked, “Lord, please have mercy on me. Do tell me about the first step to be taken towards the Highest.” The Lord replied, “The first step will be different for everyone, It depends on what is that which attracts one to this path. Someone is attracted by the philosophy, the dress code, the fame; Some by the new Principles, the idea of freedom, Expression of the Master’s love for God, or The Supreme Intelligence of the Master. And some are attracted by the ever-expanding feelings, Of brotherhood and love for all humanity, Inside the heart of the Master. Renunciation of power by the Master or the immense courage of the Masterhood can be the other attractors. It varies everytime, But the reason for the attraction towards the Master, remains the same. --- Saving one’s Self-Importance. --- Whatever attracts one to this path, One should resolve to understand that into its totality, Before one can really step on the first step towards the Highest;


Without which one can never touch the other steps. The authentic first step starts with the body, The discipline of body, The cleanliness and care of the body, The love and respect for one’s body, The truthful assumption being--- The body is the temple of God. Just like one’s love for this flowing river is useless, If one doesn’t have the same love, For the land, the stones and the creatures moving inside. Love should have a definite base. Without any base, love disappears in a fraction of second, No matter it is for God or something else. And since everything and everyone is related If you make one thing or someone as the base, Somehow you have to love everything and everyone, Else your love will fail one day or the other. Similarly, One should start developing love and respect for one’s body, Extending it equally, To the other humans and every kind of bodies, Of the past, present and future, creeping or flying, dead and alive. As the person inside the room can go out only through the gates, Similarly, the one who had mastered the first step, Only he can take the second step, Else one will fall back now or then. The boat can’t reach the middle of the vast ocean, If its rope is not still untied, once tied at the shore.” Shady asked, “I can’t understand, Have mercy on me and please explain to my undeveloped mind.”


Lord replied, “Beloved shady, I take your example. You have one duty, to give shade to others. So, if I ask you what is that on which you are dependent?” Shady replied, “ My Master, It is the others, to whom I give shade. ” Lord said, “ True. And if I take these ‘others’ from you, Then what remains near you?” Shady said, “ My Master, only I remain near to me, if the ‘other’ is taken away from me.” Lord said, “ Similarly, the reason, the logic on which you are dependent, Has to be taken from you, Before you can come close to yourself. The logic is other than you. You are not the logic. And the other can only reflect your image. But it is you who have to see yourself, No one else can do this for you.” Shady asked, “My great Master, Have mercy on this small being. Please tell me how it is that, that you, the ‘other’ for me, can be taken from me. I can’t even imagine anyone who can take you away from me. You are ingrained inside me. You are the only idol inside me.


You are the only one whom I worship every moment. There is no need to see myself, when I am so in deep bliss on seeing you so close.” The Lord said, “You love me so deep that anyone unaware can misguide you. It always happens whenever two souls are in love with each other. Both become blind to each other. Rather, the lovers are perfect blind. But the love between the disciple and the Master, Is of the highest level. The Master has eyes and the disciple is blind. The disciple feels bliss in his state of blindness. But the lover never lies. He tells the truth that the disciple is not in bliss. But the truth of a blind and the seer are totally different, Both are close but the former is lower and the latter is higher. Hence, I say, you are still dreaming, you are not wide awake. I can see this and if your love for me has taken you new heights, Then it is you who have to drop the logic and have to soon jump. The jump from belief to faith. Belief was necessary to take you from your first stage to this stage. Faith is the only option for everyone at this stage. No one can move above without faith on the Master at this point. Only you have to jump. And the love between the Master and the disciple is so strong, That even if disciple wants to go, the Master will now or then, bring him towards Him. You are true. No one can take me away from you, but you are blind to yourself, and it is you who is taking yourself away from me.


No one else can do it beside you, my blue. It’s time. Jump!!! Forget about the steps, no need for that for you atleast. The information about the steps is for the intellectuals, For the lovers, jump is required, the first and the final jump. Meditators can’t jump till the last moment, but the lovers jump in the very beginning. Your wait for me has made you the lover, The meditators can’t wait, they want to do something or the other. The lovers only wait, hence you forget about the white paper. Your silent waiting for me is your only possible holy meditation. Meditation is aggressive; Waiting is a feminine nature, natural. Meditation is different from your nature; love is closer than it. Meditation is not so intelligent; love is very intelligent. The meditators can become silent sooner than the lover; The lovers keep on testing, hence they are always found waiting. Meditators reach sooner than the lovers; The lovers take lot of time in developing faith on each other. Faith is actually a momentarily phenomenon, but belief always precedes it for either a short or long duration. Meditators walk slowly but take small steps every moment; The lovers take only one jump, that too in one moment, but they wait for hundreds of centuries in taking that jump. They are very lazy. Love is always lazy. It also makes the other in love very lazy. But the true love makes you watchful and not lazy. Meditators become too much watchful, they suffocate themselves, They take lot of time in getting the optimum balance. Intellect and heart are the two wings, which needs to flutter simultaneously, for the ultimate flight, of the ever-flier, to happen.


The flight of the bird with one wing is never ever heard, Neither it satisfies the intellect nor the heart. The intellect searches for the balance, the complete perfection; The lover will wait near the bird till someone makes the bird fly. The bird can become a peg, which can hook the meditators for centuries, The lovers will forget about the God, till the bird is being healed. Finally, Meditators become lovers and the lovers become meditators. Both become watchful of these two wings of God, Both come in the middle, as they ultimately merge back into the divine Ocean, the God.” Shady asked, “My beloved Master, How can I develop more faith on you, When I already have full of it on you?” The Lord replied, “The faith you are talking of is not faith. For you deep inside it is a sort of an agreement. You are waiting for me to do all for you in return for your love. You are dependent on me. Lovers are not parasites, they are birds who respects freedom. Lovers try to force themselves but fail in the end and then separate. Avoid this mistake my Blue! The homework which you should do, you expect me to do it. And this is not a sign of a good lover. Lovers never disturbs his lover. It is you who have to jump, I can’t jump for you. I jumped for myself and have reached the Other shore. I can only repeat ‘jump’, in different ways and at different times, but unless you jump how can you know yourself completely. Your full faith is full in your eyes, In my eyes it is not even the beginning. You should take one condition as the benchmark


To see whether you are growing in the right direction or not—

“You are not lazy anytime, anywhere, anyhow. You are not be affected by anyone too much.

You become more and more watchful. You are more and more relaxed than ever before.””

The Master looked into the eyes of the shade and said, “This is sufficient for you for your rest of the lifetime. You should go now and leave me alone.” Shady bowed down, received the blessings of the Master, and as he turned back to return, the Master said, “Come with me, O shade, Now there is no need for you to go anywhere, You can live with Me forever. Let others search for you. Let everyone learn to live without a shade for a change, The change that is forever. This change is the best Gift all can have from your awakening. If anyone drunk is searching for Me will find you automatically, And anyone searching for you will also find Me immediately.” Shade puts the white paper having the message, In the hands of the wind. Winds were kind enough to take it. They took it to far and distant places. They entered with that message in a new society, Where it touched another blue. The blue-traveller opened it and on it was written--- “My Beloved Blues!


Sit and do nothing, Till you stand and can do every Right thing.” ….and the new journey began once again.

“My Beloved Blues! Sit and do nothing,

Till you stand and can do every Right thing.”
