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The Laurel Letter, Issue 3

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  • 8/9/2019 The Laurel Letter, Issue 3


    The Official Newspaper of Camp Laurelwood


    The Karate Kid and Ice Skating Cap Off 48-Hour Heat WavBy Ethan KwassmanAs published in Issue 2)

    Rainy day schedules are a giveneach year at Camp Laurelwood.However, as we all learned veryquickly this summer, there is anothernatural factor which could trigger amassive change of schedule. On the

    6th and 7th of July, the Tuesday andWednesday of the second week ofcamp, the sun beamed down onLaurelwood with as much authorityas could fry an egg on the side of theoad. Even though Laurelwood in

    Madison, Conn. was only amicroscopic fraction of the East CoastHeat Wave, the temperatures andhumidity levels reaching absurdamounts made all of its residents

    weat like never before, forcing waterbottles to become a fixture on theclutches of their arms as a desire toeave our magic bubble was

    unanimously unpreventable.On the morning of July 6th,

    Barnett Goldman greeted the entirecamp with the news that a heat wavewas among us. Camp Director RuthAnn Ornstein assured everyone that

    Volume 73, Issue 3 Sunday, August 15th, 2

    The Laurel Letter laurelletter.tumblr.com

    Inside this issue

    Counselor Vs.Camper

    Dress the


    On Tour withMatisyahu

    Talk from Tank

    Camper Corner 9

    Unearthed: TheLaurelwood Ledger


    Ask MosesTravel &Theoretical

    Tech Talk: iPhone 4

    Satire Surprise

    Brain Teasers

    they would try to get all camp out ofthe bubble that day, to a place thatwas cooler and something thateverybody would enjoy. In themorning, the Seniors went iceskating at Northford Ice Rink, whilethe rest of camp stayed back to doactivities which attempted to subduethe heat wave, like dipping in thepool or kayaking in the lake. Bylunchtime, it was apparent that withthe temperature reaching 100 Fand over and people sweating fromhere to kazoo, Laurelwood had mettheir match with the Heat Wave andpleas to leave camp for a day wereanswered.

    ...Continued on page 5


    TheLaurel Letter


    Going HomeEdition

    Summer 2010 Starts on a DimeBy Ethan Kwassman(As published in Issue 1)

    When you look around campthis summer, what do you see? Doyou see the 3:1 camper to staff ratio?Do you see a more larger, yet close-knit camp that encompasses all of thecamp grounds from periods 1 through

    6? Indeed, those are appearances of!

    the camp, but they aren't whatSummer at Camp Laurelwood 20is all about. What you should beseeing is 9-time Executive DirectoRuth Ann Ornstein sharing herenthusiasm and love of Judaism weveryone.

    ...Continued on pag

  • 8/9/2019 The Laurel Letter, Issue 3


    Campers Clobber Counselors, Gladiators Garnish Game of Dodgeb

    2 The Laurel Lettelaurelletter.tumblr.com

    Volume 73, Issue 3

    y Ethan KwassmanAs published in Issue 2)

    The first Shabbat ataurelwood in 2010 was met withompetition as the annualounselors vs. Campers Day took

    lace following Morning Services.his year began no different thanrevious years, with the typicalmack talk from the Counselors,rying to avenge the defeats ofrevious years. As always, theounselors were handicapped inarious events. Even so, theampers were primed to dominate

    he Counselors despite havingeveral advantages. It would only

    e later in the day that theampers would meet their match

    n Barnett Goldman's AmericanGladiators.

    Morning events includedunior Bunks 1,2 and 3 racing theirounselors in Wacky Waterompetitions while Junior Bunks 4nd 5 challenged their counselorsn a game of Water Polo.

    Counselors were unable to score ormake saves with their hands,which forced them to come up withcreative ways of scoring andblocking shots on net. Seniormorning events consisted of

    Capture the flag, Kickball, Softballand Wacky Races at Girls Field.The challenges only got morecomplex for the Counselors atthese events. For example,Counselors had to get two flags tothe Campers' one as well as beingrequired to use their oppositehands and feet in Kickball. Forone, Campers got to see their

    Counselors at their athletic was coordination was at an all-low while the hilarityentertainment value of it all wan all-time high.

    Before lunch, Junior B

    1,2 and 3 got an opportunity tall over their Counselors in Soand Junior Bunks 4 and 5 dasaround the bases as theirCounselors struggled to fieldcleanly in Kickball. Seniorsparticipated in Water Eventsagainst their Counselors and challenges only heightened foopposition. Head Staff had a of a time watching the Couns

    swimming with shirts and shon, unable to use their arms tmake their way across the lenthe pool. Super Seniors Rightbunks took their turns outsmtheir Counselors in a Pop CulChallenge while Super Seniorgot their turn flexing their muin Wacky Races at Girls Field

    ...Continued on p


    Campers Go Wild for Dress the Counselors NightBy Ethan Kwassman(As published in Issue 1)

    Mike Fitch, a B5Counselor, had his first 2010day off planned since lastsummer. Thinking that he wasdefinitely going to be chosen forhe cross-dressing fashion show,

    he penciled in Dress the

    Counselors Night as his first dayoff. Whatever the date of Dresshe Counselors Night was goingo be, Fitch wanted no part of it.

    And you can't blame him. All ofhe counselors chosen to be

    dressed in clothes of theopposite gender dreadedparticipating in some way oranother. But after all, it is a

    Laurelwood tradition. Andtraditions are not to be broken.

    A couple days into the firstweek of the camp, Dress theCounselors Night took place inthe Rec Hall. The junior andsenior girls' bunk drafted themale counselors first and then,the boys' bunks did the same for

    the female counselors. Thecounselors who were spared tooktheir campers and chosencounselor back to their bunks tobe dressed in their finest clothesof course, and to prepare a littleact for the show. When all thedressing and show preparationwas done, everybody returned tothe Rec Hall for the competition.

    Much to everyone's amazement, tchosen counselors seemed to fit intheir new roles quite well, with, ocourse, a little exaggeration from campers who dressed them.

    Cameras flashed as the chocounselors showed off their ensemand moved to the beat of the musHilarity ensued as the participant

    exaggerated aspects of the opposigender, with everything frommannerisms to speech. The judginwas based on the ensemble and thact that came with it. The winnerswere determined by the audienceapplause to each of the acts. In thend, Barbara Harding and JonRubik's Cube Scheiber werevictorious.

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

  • 8/9/2019 The Laurel Letter, Issue 3


    ...Continued from page 2After Rest Hour, Juniors

    -3 and Juniors 4-5 tookdvantage of their handicappedounselors in Kickball and Wacky

    Races, respectively. Theounselors didn't do much better

    n Senior events such as Ultimaterisbee, Nuke 'em, Pop Culturehallenge and Dodgeball, either.

    When you can only use one hando throw a Frisbee or a volleyball,

    can certainly make a difference.t definitely seemed likeounselors vs. Campers Day waslso a day for everyone to reallyppreciate their God-giventtributes. Counselors definitelyearned that the hard way whenompeting in events. Supereniors got their turn to dip in theool after Rest Hour as theounselors came up on the shortide in Water Races and Waterolo.

    In the final events of the day,it was pretty clear that this yearwasn't going to be any different frompast competitions. Campersdominated Junior events like WackyRaces and Dodgeball. In the WackyRaces, Counselors complained abouthaving to do the Dizzy Izzy RelayRace with almost 3 times as manyspins, but it was a lost cause. It wasdefinitely a day for all the Campersto shine. Campers would close outthe day dominating Super Seniorevents like Kickball, Pop CultureChallenge (Super Senior Left) and aGaga challenge. Yet, all along acertain group of Staff had beenforming an army and were set tochallenge the Campers' capabilitiesby night's end.

    In the Whole Camp Activityat Girls Field later that evening, thearmy of Staff referred to as TheAmerican Gladiators led by Barnett

    Goldman came ready to dodge, duck, dive and dodge. That's rigyou guessed correctly: the 5 D's Dodgeball! The American Gladicame dressed all out in red, whiand blue from their bandanas dto their high socks. In addition tdodgeball, campers challenged tGladiators in tug-a-war and obscourses. The dodgeball game bewith 10 campers versus 10Gladiators but eventually evolveinto all the campers versus theGladiators and several competitcounselors. It was definitely all-mayhem, but it was nothing mothan organized chaos and fun foThe day concluded with Havdallled by the Super Senior Girls at Playground. In the end, winnersthe day were the Campers, but tGladiators galvanized all in thenightcap.

    The Laurel Letter laurelletter.tumblr.com

    Volume 73, Issue 3

    Campers Clobber Counselors, Gladiators Garnish Game of Dodgeb

    Summer 2010 Starts on a Dime...Continued from page 1

    What you should be seeing isBarnett Goldman's amazing abilityo organize some of the mostwesome campwide activities suchs inflatable obstacle course racesnd the always fun andntertaining game of dodgeball.

    What you should be seeing isxactly why you came toaurelwood this summer. Youame for the people, for the

    xperience, for the memories youave and the ones that willistinguish this summer from thethers.

    Indeed, Laurelwood in '10 isestined to be one to remember.taples of Laurelwood like brothers

    Craig and Josh Barrows return ontaff for their gazillionth summer,nd five continents are represented

    by staff members this year. Places

    such as Colombia, South Africa,France, Israel, England, Hungaryand Scotland are some of the placesthat foreign staff members callhome. At camp, you've come toknow Ilana as the guitarist. You'vecome to know Barnett as the leaderof the Gladiators ( la Campers vs.Counselors day). In addition, Joshand Alyia have become a majorforce in Upper Camp. Of course, the

    staff core forms a powerful nucleusof foreigners, veterans, first-timersand a substantial amount of juniorcounselors.

    The list of junior counselors(which would run off this page)may be long, but their knowledge ofcamp traditions and ability to makethis summer as enjoyable aspossible is just as rich as any staff


    In addition to the peoplepopular destinations such as thoctagon gaga pit on Boys' Fieldthe beach volleyball court on GField have provided campers thopportunity to improve theirathletic agility and to takeadvantage of the summer sun. Yhave to look at all that Laurelwhas to offer you and make the mof it. That may involve impress

    Hazel by zipping through the rocourse in Pioneer Village, orshowing off to Pete by kayakingextra lap across the length of thlake. However, it has to besomething that makes you say,Look at what I just did! You myour summer at Laurelwood mthan anyone. Here's to Laurelwin '10!

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

  • 8/9/2019 The Laurel Letter, Issue 3


    Volume 73, Issue 3

    Inside Interview:Amir's Adventures Traveling

    on Tour with Matisyahuonducted by Ethanwassman

    ead Editor Ethanwassman caught up withunior Boys Division Headmir Norman to discusss on occasion year-roundb as the videographer forasidic Jewish reggaertist Matisyahu'souTube channel,atisyahuTV, and his adventures traveling on tour withatisyahu.

    than Kwassman: How did you get started as thedeographer for MatisyahuTV and touring withatisyahu?mir Norman: In 2005, I got an email from Rabbimcha Levenberg, the Chabad Rabbi at Umass-Amherst.e told me that he needed some friends and me to tapeis piece. He didn't say what it was, but we agreed to doIn early October, we shot a short skit for Matisyahu. It

    as based off of Ask a Ninja, a famous skit off YouTube.atisyahu liked the full-length version of the video. Then,

    e asked us to shoot a full-length concert at UConn. Andter on, he asked us to shoot a festival in Florida for him.

    ecause of the scheduling of the concert being in March006, I was the only one of my friends to come on down.e really liked my work so I shot live music videos andur journals for the YouTube channel from then on from

    me to time. Then, I joined the tour and would sleep one tour bus, going from town-to-town. A basic day on theur bus would consist of wake-up, have breakfast, startming the guys walking in town and basically followatisyahu around, sound checks, create radio promos,

    ave dinner, and usually the show starts around 7-7:30m, when I would then film bands warming up andming Matisyahu praying or davening. I also filmatisyahu practicing his vocals, which he calls his

    abies. I would shoot that and then he goes on around00-9:30 pm. I usually film the whole show or one or twongs. Filming the whole show depends on the night ande crowd.K:What is Matisyahu like on an daily basis?N:A lot of people ask about that. He's a very nice guy.m lucky enough to work for him. He's like a normal guy.e're both really big Phish fans, so we talk about that at. We're always discussing their shows and

    erformances. Even though he's my boss, we hang out at on the tour bus. We saw Phish perform together last

    (To the tune of Let it Be by The Beatles)

    Adapted for camp purposes by Chelsea Roffm(Also the winning song for Camp Alma Mater in Big

    2010)Packages and Overnights

    Fireworks on the Fourth of JulyLaurelwood this is what you are to me

    Staying in on rainy daysSleeping in on Saturdays

    Laurelwood this is what you are to me

    06443, 06443Laurelwood this is what you are to me

    Meeting international stafffreeze gopher, try not to laugh

    I don't wanna stack!Counselor please

    Singing songs by the fire placeFeeding Tank by the lower lake

    Laurelwood this is what you are to me

    06443, 06443Laurelwood this is what you are to me

    Running from an angry beego to the infirmary

    What's for lunch today?Mac and Cheese

    Shavua tov, Shabbat ShalomLaurelwood, Our summer home

    Going to Havdalah, come with me

    Lai lai lai...(etc.)Laurelwood this is what you are to me

    ! !06443

    (As published in Issue 2)


    New Year's Eve in Miami.EK:A question on many people's minds is how doesMatisyahu balance religion and music?

    AN:Well, he davens three times a day and keeps koshIt's easier for him now since he eats more organically. more of a vegetarian now, than a vegan, though. Thereisn't a kosher restaurant everywhere he goes, so he bria lot of the food with him. After a show, he always getsminyan (quorum of ten men), where there's an eveninprayer for a Ma'riv Service. It's cool because fans get to

    meet him up-close. If he can swing it, he'll play a showlocal Chabad House or synagogue. Lately, he's beengetting more publicity with his song, One Day being theme song for the Olympics. It was also part of thesoundtrack for the World Cup. He tries to do his besfulfill requests while also observing the holidays andShabbat. Sony, his record company, books his show. Bsometimes he'll do unbooked shows, such as a secret sat Smith College/UMass, by request of myself and theChabad Rabbi. They had to turn away 500 people becait wasn't much publicized.

    Continued on page

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

    4 The Laurel Lettelaurelletter.tumblr.com

  • 8/9/2019 The Laurel Letter, Issue 3

    5/18The Laurel Letter laurelletter.tumblr.com

    Volume 73, Issue 3

    ...Continued from page 1By the afternoon, the Sweat

    ay Schedule was in full effect.ne of the running jokes of theay was: I bet it is hotter here

    an wherever the Bonim are inosta Rica right now. In theternoon, the Super Seniors and

    uniors went to Cinema 12 Moviessee one of the hottest flicks ofe summer, The Karate Kid.any comparisons were made toe original The Karate Kid, afteratching the film, as most movie-oers felt the 2010 version withaden Smith and Jackie Chan

    followed the same plot lines as itsprecedent with alterations here andthere, but ultimately that theoriginal was slightly superior. Eitherway, with the camp taking up an

    entire movie theater, everyone gotinto the action-packed film, and notto mention, also enjoyed thepopcorn, soda and the surroundsound air-conditioning.

    By the time everyonereturned back to camp fordinnertime, the Heat Wave hadsubdued for the time being. ButMother Nature was only preppingherself for July 7th. The next day, the

    high temperature was only 96 Fmany remarked that it sure felt lit was a lot more than that. TheSuper Seniors and Seniors swapptrips as the Seniors went to see

    Karate Kid and the Super Seniowent to Northford Ice Rink. TheJuniors stayed at camp to cool oplaying as little dry sports as poswhile spending most of their timthe water and inside cool facilitieAfter 48 hours, Mother Nature phalt to her East Coast Heat Waveand the Super Seniors were able take their planned biking trip toHamanasset Beach without mucdifficulty.

    The Karate Kid and Ice Skating Cap Off 48-Hour Heat Wave

    nside Interview:Amir's Adventures Traveling on Tour with Matisya

    ..Continued from page 4EK: Give us an idea of what aypical crowd is like at a Matisyahuoncert.

    AN: Since I began, it's actuallyhanged. It used to be more of a jam

    and and hippies kind of crowd, butnow it's more younger and it's moref a scene group. It's more of a

    mix of non-Jews and Jews thanefore. He's broadened hisudience. He has said that his musics for everyone.

    EK:What are some of the venues,laces and countries you've been to

    while touring with Matisyahu?AN: I've mostly only been to venuesn North America like Canada andn the U.S. Such venues and places

    nclude House of Blues inCleveland, Detroit and The Armoryn Rochester. On the way back from

    Rochester in December 2009, itnowed and the bus got stuck inyracuse, so that was quite andventure. In a few weeks, I'm goingo a great venue in Vermont called

    The Higher Ground. It's always soldut there for Matisyahu. He's alsolaying near my graduate school in

    Northampton, Massachusetts, in thenear future.

    EK:What are some of the videosor MatisyahuTV, the YouTubehannel, that you've worked on, orppear in, that we can check out?

    AN: Death of a Juicer is the onlyvideo I appear in on the channel. I'vefilmed some of the videos on thechannel, especially those on the tour.The majority of the 2009 tour is a lotof my stuff. They were either done byme or Nosson Zand, a Jewish Hasidicrapper.EK: Matisyahu has been referred toas The King of Social Media in themusic world with his use of Twitter,

    Facebook, YouTube, Ustream andother sites. What would you attributethat success to?

    AN:Well, he's really big on socialmedia and tweeting for expanding hisfan base and communicating withcurrent fans. He's actually got me intoTwitter. He loves Ustream too. Healso has a legit Facebook fan page.During one show, he was live-chatting

    with fans on Ustream. Like I said, he'sa huge Twitterer. I'll be on my phonenext to him and I'll see a tweet by him.He'll also at-reply me for my videos onTwitter, which is pretty cool.EK: There is a guy named Nosson,

    who appears in a lot of the videos on

    MatisyahuTV. What is his positiowith the Matisyahu Tour?AN:Well, that's Nosson Zand, thJewish rapper, like I mentioned

    before. He is sort of a videographtoo. He would come on stage in t

    New England area. He has a CDcoming out soon. I would say thaMatisyahu and him are musicacquaintances.EK: In the last school semester, sister attended a Matisyahu concat her university, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts. W

    you on that tour and how does auniversity concert differ from ageneral public one, if there is adifference?

    AN:Yes, I was on that tour. I film

    a full-length DVD for that one toYou can get that one online. Youfind a live version of One Day fthere on my YouTube account,Smear Productions, as well. Theralso a bunch more videos from thtour on my account too. There'susually just me and two camerastour. The difference betweenuniversity and general publicconcerts is that the universityconcerts have more kids presentSometimes it's just free for them

    Sometimes university kids don'tknow him, so if he can win themover, it's an amazing concert.

    Continued on page


    Sunday, August 15th, 2

  • 8/9/2019 The Laurel Letter, Issue 3


    Volume 73, Issue 3

    Issue 1 & 2 are now online!Check out the first two issues of

    The Laurel Letter in PDF form athttp://laurelletter.tumblr.com.

    Be sure to check out this issue and future issues online as

    LaurelwoodLingo of the Week

    Brought to you by theLaurelwood Library

    Freeze Gopher!

    Verb; phrase used to command peopleto freeze in place; used as a game

    during meals to determine who's stacking.

    (After reading Freeze Gopher! above, youshould freeze in place until you're told to Unfreeze

    ie.: Counselor calls Freeze Gopher! (Johnny mhis arm

    and Counselor actually sees him move). Counstells

    everyone to Unfreeze and says, Okay, so fJohnny is stacking.

    Then, counselor puts his finger on his nose(Never mind that, we'll

    leave that game for another time.)

    ..Continued from page 5saw him once play in Worcester,

    Mass.; he did a three-hour set on aTuesday night.He plays longer sets on Saturdaynights, after Shabbos. If he wins overhe crowd, it goes on longer.

    EK:What can we expect to see fromMatisyahu in the future?AN:Well, he's doing another Live atStubb's album, which would be his

    th total album. It's going to be calledVolume 2. He'll be recording it inhe next three months. He's going to

    be touring to play songs from hisLight album. There will be a new

    DVD, which I think I'll be a part of. Inerms of music, he's going to stick

    with the reggae and hip-hop.EK: Is there a specific name for

    Matisyahu touring people yet?AN: I haven't really heard anything

    bout that. That would be kinda cool,hough.

    EK: How does Matisyahu transition

    from Shabbat to performing each week?AN: On Friday nights, he does aservice somewhere either at a ChabadHouse or a local synagogue. Like inFlorida, for example, he did a serviceat a Chabad House there and then he

    walked to the hotel because it was

    close by. Then, on Saturday morning,he went to the service at a localOrthodox synagogue. The Saturdaynight concert in Florida was part of afestival. He's only performed once onFriday night and that was in Alaska,

    because the sun didn't go down yet.In terms of Shabbat on the road,Matisyahu is always covered.EK:What are some of Matisyahu'sclosest friends in the industry?

    AN: He recently recorded somethingwith Akon. He also recently did

    something with K'naan. He's donestuff with Crystal Method andInfected Mushroom. He's a big fan ofand also good friends with InfectedMushroom. He flies over to Israel to

    perform with and open for them.EK:What is the general role andof people on tour with Matisyahu

    AN:Well, there's myself, who dovideo. There's a tour manager, bamates plus Matisyahu, a soundtechnician, equipment manager,

    band tech crew who tunes the guiand fixes things. He also has a gunamed Zalman Whircberg, who isJewish advisor, and tells him whatimes to pray and stuff like that.Zalman also leads the Chabad-Lubavitcher style dancing on tourZalman's dad is one of the mostfamous rabbis in the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.EK: Finally, do you foreseeMatisyahu performing at CampLaurelwood any summer in the n

    future?AN: I tried to get him to come thsummer, but with the schedule anall, it's really hard. But, it's definia possibility sometime soon.

    nside Interview:Amir's Adventures Traveling on Tour with Matisya

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

    Crossword Solutionfrom Issue 2

    6 The Laurel Lettelaurelletter.tumblr.com

  • 8/9/2019 The Laurel Letter, Issue 3


    Volume 73, Issue 3

    The Laurel Letter laurelletter.tumblr.com

    Conducted by Daniel Unger, B9

    Interviewer:Where do you live?Tank: The Lower Lake.

    Interviewer:Where by the lower lake?Tank: Under the dock.

    Interviewer:What kind of turtle are you?Tank: A snapping turtle!

    Interviewer:When do people come to feed you?Tank: After lunch.

    Interviewer: Do you like it when the kids come andfeed you?Tank:Yes, they make me feel appreciated.

    Talk from Tank: Life in the Little Laurelwood Lake

    Conducted by Jake Pappas, B6

    Interviewer: How much do you eat?Tank:A lot.

    Interviewer: How old are you?Tank: 79 years old.

    Interviewer:Would you rather be a turtle or ahuman?Tank: A turtle!

    Interviewer: Do you know what you are?Tank: Yes.

    Interviewer: Do you want anything to change in yolake?Tank:Yes, Less pollution.

    Interviewer: Do you know who Jackie Chan is? Hemy mentor.Tank: No.

    Interviewer:What is your favorite food?Tank: Pizza.

    Interviewer:Are you a Ninja Turtle?Tank: Uh, totally!

    Interviewer: Do you know any mermaids?Tank: Yes, I do.

    Interviewer: Can you speak Mermish?Tank: Sometimes, I can.

    Conducted by Noah Emrick, B12

    Interviewer: Tank, how old are you?Tank: I'm 73 years old.

    Interviewer: Do you ever come out of the water?

    Tank: No, I never have.

    Interviewer:What do you mainly eat everyday?Tank: Mostly bread and fruit.

    Interviewer:Are you a male or a female?Tank: I'm a female.

    Interviewer:Where do you live?Tank: I live at the Lower Lake.

    Interviewer: How does it feel to be a legend?.Tank: I still feel like any other snapping turtle.

    Interviewer: Do you ever eat the fish?Tank: Yes, I do.

    Interviewer: Do you like the Teenage Mutant NinjaTurtles?Tank: Yes, I like them a lot. They tell me I can doanything I put my mind to.

    Interviewer:What do you do during the winter?Tank: I have a big sleepover with my friends.

    Interviewer:What is your favorite video game?Tank: I like to play Halo a lot.

    Conducted by Josh Gagne, B7

    Interviewer: Tank, how would you like your lakechanged?Tank: The other turtles and I all wish for a cleaner amore refined lake.

    Interviewer: If you were a Ninja Turtle, which onewould you be?Tank: Michealangelo, for sure.

    Interviewer: Do you consider yourself overweight Tank: No, I see myself as average.

    Interviewer:Are you in any relationships at themoment?Tank: Yes, with a blonde bass.

    Interviewer: Have you ever gone outside CampLaurelwood?Tank:Yes, when I go to Wal-Mart.

    Tank: The Legend of The Little Laurelwood LakeBy Joseph Levin, B9

    If one day during a free period, you decide to walk down to the dock down by the Mess Hall, you will find aturtle commonly known as Tank. This turtle is one foot by one foot on estimate and his weight is unknown. On wadays, he will appear at the dock during Lunch time waiting to be fed. His usual diet consists of whatever happens tobe present after the meal. One of my friends takes an extra bun from sloppy joe day and enjoys feeding it to Tankafter the meal. Although Tank is quite a large turtle, he causes no harm to the ecosystem or people. No reports ofinjury caused by him have been reported. So one day if you're bored, or want to see Tank in action, or just have astrong curiosity, Tank is someone who can always entertain.

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

  • 8/9/2019 The Laurel Letter, Issue 3


    Volume 73, Issue 3

    By Hannah Bienstock, G8, and Lexie Kelleher, G8

    What we are looking forward to at Laurelwoodis going to Lake Compounce because of all the rides!

    We are also looking forward to all of the fun things wedo such as boating, swimming, gaga and ropes. Thebest part of Laurelwood is meeting new friends andseeing old ones.

    What we are looking forward to at Camp Laurelwood this summer(Articles written at the beginning of summer.)

    By Jane Levin, G10

    I am really excited to start camp, but there aresome things I can't wait to do! I really can't wait to goon the zipline. For years I've been afraid but I know Ican do it. I'm not sure why I wasn't brave enough last

    year, but now I can. I think we'll be going to the ropescourse some time this week. I'm pretty sure my wholebunk will at least try it, and the other campers too!

    How do you go on the zipline? Well, there is alarge tree to climb on and it leads to a wooden platformto stand on. Then, you get ready and go! The zipline isvery fun and I can't wait to try it! If you want to try ittoo, go to the ropes course!

    By Lucy Frenkel, G10

    This summer at Camp Laurelwood I am mostlooking forward to Laurelwood's Got Talent. Why isthis? Because I'm really looking forward to seeing thecool things that people can master, or at least try.Another reason is that I can't help but see the funnythings people will perform. This wonderful camp-friendly event will take place on Thursday, the 29th.'Laurelwood's Got Talent' basically consists of peopledoing skits, playing instruments, singing, and dancing.How can you be in this spectacular event? On the 26th(after Lunch) there was sign-ups outside the mess hall,and you have to confidently know what your going todo, because then again, you are going to be on stage.

    The performers will be performing in the Chuppa.

    By Lydia Cooper, G12

    This year at camp, I am looking forward toseeing old friends from previous camp years. I am alsolooking forward to making many new friendships withlots of different people. One last thing I'm look forwardto is catching up with friends and talk about what youdid over the year.

    By Natalie Aronson, G8

    This year at Camp Laurelwood, I am lookingforward to seeing my old friends and getting to know

    them better and then meeting new friends!!! I am allooking forward to all of the activities that I enjoyedlast year and learning how to do new things this yearcan't wait until the Big-O and Maccabiah this year tosee how it has improved from the previous years!!!

    By Brie Gershoni, G12

    This year at Camp Laurelwood I am lookingforward to many things. For the most part, I amlooking forward to having a blast with all my

    bunkmates and friends! Other than that, I am lookin

    forward to becoming independent and being able towake up early!

    By Jodi Teitelman, G12

    Looking ahead, looking ahead of nowLake Compounce, Maccabiah, who knows

    Who knows when these wishes will be memories

    Looking behind, looking behind of nowBig O, Laurelwood Idol, much fun

    I remember when these memories were wishes

    Looking now, in present time, looking now in presetime

    Laurelwood's Got Talent, can't waitI can't wait for these wishes to be memories

    Soon they will be

    Looking ahead, behind, and nowLooking for wishes

    Looking for memoriesLooking for fun

    By Jenny Kramer, G8, and Sammy Horowitz, G8

    This summer we are looking forward to Augu8th. We are going to Lake Compounce and can't waitgo on the daring upside-down and water rides. Sommemories of us are still left on Boulder Dash whilepieces of our life are still on the upside-downs andturns of Scat. We love the pictures that we take with our friends on the rides.

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

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    Stay in Contact with Fellow CampersBy Maximillion Head, B9

    Hey, it's the last week of camp. Some peopleare psyched, some people are sad, and others are goingto miss their new and old friends. But maybe, there's away to stay in contact with them. Get your friend'sphone number or email address to always stay intouch. But word of advice: just don't be the type thatwants to know were you are every second. So it's okayto be sad, but always stay in touch with your friends.

    Camper Corner

    Drawn by Hannah Applebaum,G11, August 3rd, 2010

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

    A Day in the Life at Camp LaurelwoodBy Emily Morrissey, G11

    Bzzzz.... You wake up in the morning and rush to get tothe den. What will be going on? It's hot and youreexcited for an amazing day. You go down to the MessHall and eat a delicious breakfast. French toast sticksand syrup. We go back to the bunk and clean up. Thenyou leave and go to first period. Will it be Volleyball orBoating? Then you go to swim. It might beinstructional swim or mandatory free swim. Thirdperiod is another fun activity. After all the hard coreplay, you go down to Lunch. Will it be grilled cheese ormac and cheese? What delicious food. After Lunch, wehave to get a good rest so we have rest hour. Then wego to our next fun activity. Today I went to lacrosse.

    Then, we go to free swim and splash around. When wego to electives, we do what we like. There's sometimesboating, gaga, journalism and many more. Right now Iam in journalism. When we go to dinner, it fills us upfor our evening activity. Sometimes it is counselorhunt, which is a popular one, or capture the flag,another fun camp activity. After that, we go to bed andget a good night's sleep.

    Senior Girls Start Their Own ScrapbookBy Lucy Frenkel, G10

    At night on August 10th, the senior girls madescrapbooks. Hazel had everyone grab a couple ofmemories from their bunk, and then everyone wentdown to the mess hall to start their own scrapbook. Tsupplies consisted of markers, paper, stickers, glitterpens, ribbons, magazines, scissors, and more. Thougalmost nobody finished, it was a fun experience for everyon

    Senior Girls Bunks Compete in a Scavenger Huntby Lucy Frenkel, G10

    On August 9th, at night, the senior girls had ascavenger hunt. They had a half hour to complete it.Each senior girl bunk was given a list of things rangifrom litter to taking pictures of things or people. Thehunt started on girls campus. When the scavenger hu

    began, each bunk went their separate ways. In the enG11 got the most items.Senior Girls Compete by Spoofing Popular Songs

    By Lucy Frenkel, G10

    At night on August 2nd, Senior girls had an awesomeactivity on girls campus. One counselor from eachbunk was chosen to pick a popular song out of a hat.With a 30-minute deadline, each bunk was to work as ateam to change the lyrics of the song to lyrics that arefunny and silly (and true) about Girls Campus. G8 didthe spoof of 'California Girls.' G10 did 'Billionaire'. G11did 'Dynamite'. G12 did 'Don't Stop Believin'.' But inthe end, G12 took the gold for the best (and new)Senior Girls' Campus song.

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    Volume 73, Issue 3

    Camper Corner

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

    Senior Girls Take Time out to Tie-Dye ThingsBy Lucy Frenkel, G10

    At night on August 3rd, the Senior Girls had thewonderful evening activity of tie-dye. The tie dyeactivity was outside the Arts & Crafts hut. In tie-dye,

    we tie-dyed shirts, underwear, pillow cases, shorts, andmore. First we wet our things with water, then, wefolded up our things, we put them in the dye, and then

    we let it rest for a short time. Finally we put them outto dry. We did this because we wanted to learn how totie-dye things, and we had a ton of fun.

    Senior Girls Sharpen their Tie-Dye SkillsBy Lexie Kelleher, G8, and Haley Applebaum, G13

    At night on August 3rd, the Senior Girls did tie-dying for our evening activity. Our first step for tie-dying was to go to our bunk and get white clothing totie-dye. The second step was writing your name (firstand last) with a sharpie on the clothing. Then, wesoaked our materials in water and then, we had to

    wring it out all the way. After, we folded it the way wewant our design and attached rubber bands to it, we,then, put on clear, rubber gloves. Then, we filed into along line of campers waiting to create their colorfulshirts. On the table of dyes, girls sprayed, dunked andpainted their T-Shirts. We wait 15 minutes before we

    hanged them on the line and waited for them to dry,only to be collected the next day by Avi. We were thenfree to wear them and show 'em off! Some clever ideasincluded a pillow case, sports bras, and socks!

    Senior Girls Bunks Create TheirOwn Silly Versions of Songs(as written on August 3rd)

    By Haley Applebaum, G13

    Last night, the Senior Girls had a veryinteresting evening activity! All the Senior Girls onGirls Campus had to choose a song out of Hazel's whcup without looking. Then, the excited Seniors rush

    back to their bunks to change the words of the song

    be about Girls Campus. They had to do this in underminutes!

    For example, G13 had the song, Love StoryTaylor Swift. Here are some of the lyrics used: We w

    just 8 when we first started, I open my eyes and the

    years went flyin', summer home, Camp Laurelwood

    all we've ever known.Even though all the performances and lyricswere true and silly, bunk G12 won! That means thattheir song will be the Girls' Side cheer! Their song w

    Don't Stop Believin! Their prize was a pizza party secret location on campus.

    That same night, Hazel awarded the cleanestbunk award! The award was given to bunk G13. G13gets an ice-cream party or a pizza party. Well, that's

    for today, folks! Thanks for reading!

    Lives of LaurelwoodersNew Baby in the House

    Interview article conducted by Erica Horowitz, G12

    On July 14th, 2009 at 12:49 pm, the Miller

    family had a wonderful addition into the family. It wasa girl and her name was Jacqueline Walmsley Miller,born in Milford, Conn. Jacqueline was the 3rd child inthe family as Breezie has one more younger brothernamed Forrest, who is 9 years old.

    Jacqueline is 1 years old now and fitting inperfectly. She is a great baby and doesn't cry often. Allof the Millers help take care of Jacqueline. Breezie is agreat big sister. Breezie and her brother, Forrest, firstfound out about their baby sister in Hanukkah of 2008.They all love her and enjoy taking care of her.

    Lives of LaurelwoodersGetting A Dog

    Interview article conducted by Breezie Miller, G1

    Three years ago, Erica Horowitz ofLongmeadow, Massachusetts, got a special surpriseshe'll never forget. It was a dog. To be specific, they a chocolate Lab called M&M, Emmie for short.

    Her neighbor offered the dog because she wagoing back to school and having both of her dogs wo

    be too much work for her. It all started with Erica

    selling Girl Scout cookies. That's when her family saEmmie, when he changed their lives forever. At first

    Erica's father wasn't really into the idea of having a but they soon became best friends.

    Some more information about Emmie is thatis quite mellow, sleeps often, and is very protectiveover his toys. He expresses this protection by licking

    the toys.Overall, the whole Horowitz family loves

    Emmie and he is a wonderful addition to their famil

    0 The Laurel Lettelaurelletter.tumblr.com

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    Unearthed: The Laurelwood Ledger (2008

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

    In 2008, before the time of the Laurel Letter, another camp newspaper existed.Remnants of this newspaper, the Laurelwood Ledger, have been accidentally discove

    on an eMac in the Computer Lab. Without further delay, here is some news that thLaurelwood Ledger covered in 2008, presented with minimal changes.

    Summer Fashion at campBy Erin Marlor and Leah Roffman

    From new summer trends to the old, many of the

    clothing we wore back then we still wear today. Such as

    the amazing Soffee shorts we wear almost everyday in

    the summer, which are made of thousands of colors

    from red to blue to even tye dye. Think back to the

    1980s when they always leggings were popular, now

    they have just recently made a big comeback and now

    they are a hot item to own. You can wear them with a

    skirt, dress, or just by them selves with a cute top. Inthe 1990s everyone wore ripped jean shorts and today

    almost everyone owns a pair. Whether from Hollister,

    Abercombie and Fitch, or another popular store, jean

    shorts are in for the summer. Don't forget about those

    Hanes Tees or under shirts because here at Camp

    Laurelwood they are worn everyday with shorts, jeans,

    pants, skirts, anything, which is one of the more

    popular trends. No one can forget plain old denim jeans.

    How long have they been around? Well, since over the

    years jeans have become more and more popular they

    came out with newer and newer kinds of them. Such as

    jeans with flares, rips, capris, and last but not least a

    summer favorite skinny jeans. Skinny jeans are used for

    many occasions-- you can either dress them up or dress

    them down and they are always cute to wear and fit

    every body type. All of these types of clothes are used

    everyday in our summer clothing so read our tips and

    advice to find your own summer fashion!

    Dear Laurel Wood By Leah Roffman

    Sandy says: Im new here at camp and I am getting

    very homesick, what should I do?

    Laurel Wood says: That is common for new camper

    be homesick on their first year (or maybe other yearshere at Laurelwood. The best thing to do is to get you

    mind off of home and get active. Hang out with peoplefrom your bunk and make new friends. Another thing

    do is do an activity you know you will like. If you wer

    on a basketball team back at home then play basketbaand just have a good time and try and keep your mind

    off home.

    Bob says: I always stack at breakfast, lunch, and dinn

    What should I do to help me stop stacking?

    Laurel Wood says: For the nose game the easiest way

    not stack is to not always look down the entire meal. Mfriend was eating and was looking down almost the

    entire meal and when my friend looked back upeveryone had their hand on their nose and they were

    the last one. As for freeze gopher try not to be in a haposition to freeze in. Such as when someone had to hoa jug of water up high in the air, or a cereal container.

    Also in freeze gopher you should try not to laugh or iyour counselor tells you to pass something or talk to

    you do not do it until they say you can unfreeze! GoodLuck :)



    By Emily Opper

    Sammt Krevalin, Leah Roffmanand Missy Cohenthree right sidesuper seniorshave been comingto Camp Laurelwood for a total of15 years between the three ofthem.

    EO- How long have you been coming

    to camp here?

    MC- 6 Years

    SK- 5 Years

    LR- 4 yearsEO-What is your favorite thing to do

    at camp?

    All- Gaga and Boating

    EO-What is your favorite meal?

    All- Grilled Cheese

    EO-Where do you hang out?

    MC and SK- the tree swings

    LR- Chuppah

    EO- How has Laurelwood changed

    over the years?

    SK- you have to wear white on


    MC- various places on camp have

    been renovated and they look

    amazing!EO- Any advice to new campers?

    MC- Stick it out longer because thi

    is the place where you will meet

    your new family and these friends

    you will have for life.

    EO- Do you want to come back as a


    All- I know I will.

  • 8/9/2019 The Laurel Letter, Issue 3


    Volume 73, Issue 3

    Unearthed: The Laurelwood Ledger (2008

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

    Jabbin with Jess By Jessica Twain

    Hey Campers and Staff! My name is Jessica Twain andthis weeks interview is about Olivia. She is one of theGeneral counselors in SSGL. This is her first year at

    camp and she is loving every moment so far. I decided tointerview her because she was new and I really wantedto know her point of view. Also you will able to learnmore about her.

    JT. What is your name?OC. My name is Olivia, but people call me olive.JT.How old are you?OC. I am 18 years old.JT. How did you find this camp?OC. I found this camp online and the camp Americaprogram.JT Do you like this camp so far?OC I do. I love it so far!

    JT.Is it hard being away from home?OC. Sometimes.JT.Where do you live?OC. I live in Brighton UKJT. What are your favorite shops there?OC. I love to shop at Top Shop, H&M, and PrimarkJT. How did out get to camp?OC. I drove 2 hours to Heathrow then took at plane thatlasted 7 hours. Then I drove a 1/2 hours to a hotelovernight. When I got up the next day I took a ShuttleBus that lasted an hour. Then I took a 2-hour train rideto New Haven, and another train for a 1/2 an hour toMadison. Then when I finally got there, Alli Ashford andMark Herman picked me up and dropped me off at

    Camp Laurelwood and here I am!

    By Aviva Doery

    I am From Laurelwood

    I am from the welcome sign to Summer Hill Rd.

    From the flagpole at the Office to the flagpole on GirlCampus

    I am from Get UP in the mornings to Shut up! Im

    trying to sleep!

    I am from the bench by the pool to the benches by th

    Mess Hall

    I am from mice in the bunks, to squirrels in the Rec H

    From flying ants in Left Side to shrieking

    I am from Battle of the Sexes to beating the boys

    From Shabbat dinners to singing our hearts out

    I am from being a Lower to an Upper

    From Right Side to Left Side

    I am from fake break to the real Big O

    From the start of the race to the first rope burned

    I am from the Sing Down to the Alma Mater

    From old Friendships to new ones made

    I am from Get out of the bunk! to Chuppah Hang-

    outs over!

    Participate in activities!

    I am the Green Wall to Probus

    From being camp sick to homesick

    I am from Sailing Down the River to getting candles

    From tearstained faces and joyful reunions

    I am from the best camp ever and the memories Ive


    I am from Camp Laurelwood

    TOP TEN TIPSForNew Campers

    10. Do not stay up too late. You willregret it in the morning.9. Get to know your bunkmates andCounselors.8. Do not share hairbrushes, eye makeup, or hats.7. Participate in activities even if itmeans trying something new.

    6. Do NOT skip showers and make suryou brush your teeth.5. Always wear bug spray and sun tanlotion.4. Listen to your staff. Their word is LA3. Stay Hydrated!2. If you are homesick plan a bunkactivity and keep your self busy! You

    will end up camp sick when you gethome!1. Have fun and make amazingmemories.

    Poll of the

    WeekBy Alex


    My name is Alex

    Schwaber and I

    ook a survey on

    various activities

    hat campers and

    staff like the most

    here at camp. Out

    of 60 people, here

    are the results.

    What is your

    favorite activity

    at Camp


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    Advice & Self Help

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

    How to Survive Laurelwood Heat(as written in July)

    By Chris P. Bacon

    1) Drink! If you keep hydrated throughout the day, you'll feel cooler and healthier!

    2) Be prepared! Ask your counselor your morning and afternoon schedules. If you have an activity in

    the sun, wear a hat or sunglasses.

    3) Wear sunscreen! You can get a tan without being burnt.

    4) Take advantage of your time at the pool! Free swim is a great time to cool down and have fun.

    5) Participate! Sitting on the sidelines won't keep you any cooler, you might as well have fun!

    Dear Moses,

    This isnt my first year at

    camp, but, I am so homesick!

    What should I do?


    Dear Homesick,

    I know how it feels to

    be away from home also.After all, I traveled through

    the desert for 40 years! Just

    think about all the good

    times youre having at

    camp. Enjoy every second

    you have here, because,

    who knows? You might

    actually miss camp once

    you get home. Having a

    great time at camp will

    definitely take your mind

    off of missing home.


    Dear Moses,This is my first year at

    Camp Laurelwood. I still have

    NO idea when I haveactivities. What do I do?

    - New Kid

    Dear New Kid,

    I have been in thissituation MANY times.

    What you should do is ask

    someone, maybe in your

    bunk, who has been here

    before. Also, your

    counselors probably have

    a schedule, and your

    division head probably

    has a list of what activities

    that you have.


    Ask Moses (as asked and answered by Super Seniors electives core in Ju

    Dear Moses,I have a problem. I am

    always homesick at night. I

    want to go home but my

    friends want me to stay. Wh

    should i do?


    Dear Homesick,

    Many people gethomesick at camp; it's

    normal. Try to surround

    yourself with fun things t

    do that will take your min

    off home.


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    Volume 73, Issue 3

    Lake Compounce Creates Memories for LaurelwoodersBy Teddy Maranets, B7

    At the beginning of the last week of camp, we

    went on an all-camp trip to Lake Compounce. Tons ofkids went on the rides there and created memories toshare with their fellow friends. Some kids took therides they were comfortable with and the others took tothe feats like Zoomerang and Enterprise. Some went onthe water rides and some chose not to. We all talkedafterward about Boulder Dash, Downtime, Wipeout,and all the other rides the campers went on. As theystarted boarding the bus back to camp, kids laughedwhen they saw the big prizes others won. We all had aton of fun to start the final week of Camp Laurelwood2010.

    Travel & Theoretical Thinking

    Adventures at Lake CompounceBy Jordan Macfadden, G10

    There were a lot of rides at Lake Compounce. Myfavorite ride was the Pirate Ship. The other activity Iloved was going down the Lazy River. I had lots of sodaand I also got a air brush tattoo at the amusementpark.

    If I was camp director for a day...By Max Hoffman, B9

    I would create a whole day of electives. On the

    schedule, I would have ropes, extra canteen,computers, archery, soccer, gaga, woodwork building,swim, dodgeball, kickball, baseball and I would installa Zero-gravity chamber. I would also install a ziplinearound camp for getting to the activities.

    Campers Enjoy Jewish Festival

    By David Weinstein, B6

    On the second Sunday of second session, a surprise was lurking in Camp Laurelwood. There were rumorsabout leaving the "bubble." Campers were jokingly told that we were going to a worm museum. Some peoplebelieved that and others thought this was a lie. I thought it was a lie too. As I was talking to my friend andCornerstone member Noah Falconer, he told me that we were going to a Jewish Festival. When I heard this, Iinitially thought I would not have fun. One of my friends, Ian Whitman, thought he would not have fun too. Butwhen I got there, I knew this would be a fun experience. They had great food and cool Arts and Crafts. There wasalso awesome live music. The band was called Pey David. At the end of the day, I felt that this was a good experienin Jewish culture. It was the first but not the last time we would leave the "bubble" during second session.

    If I was camp director for a day...By Breezie Miller, G12, Danielle Rubin, G12, and Er

    Horowitz, G12

    Camp Laurelwood... Madison, CT.... Summer2010. I was the camp director for the day. I started oby waking up in a nice, cold, air conditioned room.With a TV by my side. It was the COMPLETE opposiof yesterday's wake-up. My first order of business-

    breakfast. Walking down to the mess hall from a newangle, from staff road. I see all the campers lined up

    bunk by the flagpole like any morning. Except thismorning was different. This morning, I was the campdirector. Breakfast begins. Counselors all rush to thekitchen right after the prayer is over to grab food fortheir tables. As we finish the thank you prayer, I thinof who I should call to leave first. I call G12, B5, B12,

    Bonim, then Juniors, Seniors, Right Side, and finallyLeft Side. Then my day starts! Clean up time awaits!walk around to the bunks to make sure they are dointheir job because new campers are arriving today! ThI head to the office to take phone calls from arrivingcampers' parents. I got there with the luxury of my vown golf cart, with the roof providing shade over myhead.

    Pretty soon it is Lunch time and I head downI'm a few minutes late but luckily my wonderfulassistant director, Barnett, has already called thecampers inside. As soon as I arrive, we begin the pra

    and the meal has begun. Kids fly to the salad bar witfriends by their side. At the finish of Lunch, childrenrace to canteen. Potato chips are crunched and cheesdoodles are munched. Rest hour begins but usually none actually rests as the camp is as lively as ever. Asfourth period comes around I see each bunk going thdifferent ways. I go to the pool to take pictures. Itseems hot out so I take a dip in the water. Everyoneseems to be having a great time!

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

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    From the Layout DeskSome Thoughts on Camp Ending

    by Jon Rubik's Cube Scheiber

    Its that time again, the end of the summ

    Long gone is the packed mess hall andoverflowing amount of the infamous, yevery tasty, mac and cheese.Even that will be over, sadly.

    Yet still, we must hold on toour memories as we can stilluse them to not forget.

    Many times before, we have eachexperienced an occurrence to where we

    go off on a vast new journey. As usual wan adventure like this, just remember tnever forget where you came from.

    What I am looking forward to at Camp Laurelwood thissummer...

    By Teddy Maranets, B7

    Camp Laurelwood is an area of joy and tears, while camperscome and go. I myself can tell the excitement in all of thecampers when they come here ready to have some fun. The spirit

    of this camp is a constant.The first week of second session will be blazed with fun,new campers settling in and getting used to all the activities andmeals. I'm looking for all of the talents that will be displayed atLaurelwood's Got Talent, biking trip for all campers, and justthe regular schedule days for all of the bunks. Saturdays willdefinitely be fun for all, no doubt. I hope the rest of the summerwill be most enjoying to all campers and counselors. I'm lookingforward to all the activities that we will do at camp, The MemoryMaker.

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

    Use Your Head:A Piece of Maximillion's Mind(as written on August 3rd)

    By Maximillion Laurent Head

    Hey everybody, I'm going to tell youabout songs I've been hearingconstantly over and over againeveryday. One is California Gurlsand yes, that's how it's spelled.Don't Stop Believin is another.There's nothing wrong with it, butevery single day don't you get a littletired of hearing it over and over? Iheard California Gurls thismorning, it was fine to sing it, but just not all the time.


    On Field Interview:Spotlight on Rachel Copel,

    the Drama SpecialistConducted by Jeffrey Maser

    Jeffrey Maser: Favorite color?Rachel Copel: Blue.

    JM: If you were an animal, what would yoube?RC: Giraffe.

    JM: So I hear you like cheese...RC: I do actually. How did you hear that?

    bet you didn't hear that.

    JM: How 'bout them wooden floors?RC: Really great. Hypoallergenic.

    JM:You have a choice. Unicorn, centaur, ogargoyle who do you take to the mall?

    RC: The centaur. Because they speak England they could probably help me make wellinformed fashion decisions.

    JM: How is your production coming alongRC: Beautifully.

    JM: If you could live anywhere in the worldwhere would you live?RC: London.

    JM: Aloha, Rachel and Goodbye.*she waves goodbye*


    Visit the online campcommunity at Bunk1.com

    http://tinyurl.com/LaurelwoodBunk1Register today to check out the latest photos of this summer!

  • 8/9/2019 The Laurel Letter, Issue 3


    Volume 73, Issue 3

    Jacks RiddlesBy Jack Lawson, B9

    1. What has eyes all over but only two of them casee?

    2. A rooster lays an egg on the Eastern tip of abarn roof. The rooster is facing North and thewind is blowing North at seven miles an hour. Throoster is also flapping its left wing. What side othe roof does the egg fall?

    3. Imagine you are in a big black box with noopenings and nothing in it except for a table, twochairs, a sofa, and an orange crayon. How do yoget out?

    4. What gets bigger the more you take from it?

    5. What's black and white and red all over?

    6. You are in a house and all four sides are facingsouth. You look outside and see a bear. Whatcolor is the bear?

    7. What was the tallest mountain in the worldbefore Mt. Everest was discovered?

    peacock(orMr.PotatoHead).oostersdontlayeggs.oustopimagining.holeintheground.newspaper. White(itsapolarbear). Mt.Everest.

    Answers:(Turn upside-down to read.)

    Tech Talk: The New iPhone 4By Shea Belsky

    The newest invention by Apple, the iPhone 4, has taken the world by storm, as the iPhone is the world's besselling smart phone. Millions of pre-orders have been placed on the phone, and millions havealready been sold. There are many Apple stores where lines are out the door and where peoplehave set up camps to wait for the iPhone 4.

    But the real question is: what's so great about the iPhone 4? It has 2 cameras, one in back

    and one in the front, for video calling. The iPhone 4 has a crystal clear display, 10 times betterthan the iPhone 3GS display. It has a redesigned shell and exterior, multitasking, the ability to seta wallpaper for the main screen (called the Springboard) which was originally only available byhacking the phone, the ability to use a password instead of the regular 4-digit passcode, a unifiedmailbox for all email accounts set into the iPhone, improved Bluetooth and wireless capabilities,redesigned game play experiences, a faster internal hard drive, redesigned internal apps, theability to make "app folders," or groups of apps (a folder is already made for you the first time you use the iPhone 4software), a built-in GPS system, a digital compass, up to 7 hours of talk time on 3G calling, 14 hours with 2G, up t300 hours of battery, 6 hours of 3G internet, 10 hours of Wi-Fi internet, 10 hours of video playback, 40 hours ofaudio playback, and over 100 other GUIs, or Graphical User Interfaces.

    You may be asking "You can fit that much stuff into an phone?!" With an iPhone, anything is possible.


    Sunday, August 15th, 2

    On Field Interview:Spotlight on Ilana Silverman,

    the Music SpecialistConducted by Jeffrey Maser

    Jeffrey Maser: How are you doing today?Ilana Silverman: I'm good! *she giggles*

    JM: How do you like music?IS: I love music!

    JM: How 'bout them rocks on the ground?IS: I hate when kids play with them. I always threaten thatthey have to stack G4.

    JM:I hear you're a big fan of rice...IS: No...not really. I mean, rice is okay. Nothing special.

    JM: Nothing special?! 'Tis rice! You don't find ricespecial??IS: Not particularly. Unless it is with Chinese food...I likesticky rice.

    JM:Are you a fan of Justin Bieber, Taylor Lautner, orRobert Pattinson?IS:All three.

    JM:You are such a teenage girl.IS:Well I happen to be 16, so that makes sense.

    JM: Thank you for your time and may the Schwartz bewith you.IS: The what? Is that like the force, but Jewish?

    JM: It's from a movie called Spaceballs, Ilana.IS: I'm sorry! I didn't see it!

    JM: It's okay. Peace out, girl scout.IS: Let's jam, space man.

    6 The Laurel Lettelaurelletter.tumblr.com

  • 8/9/2019 The Laurel Letter, Issue 3


    Little Lake ActuallyUsed for Something,

    Tank Migrates toFlorida for Winterby Camp T. Fire, Page E5

    Barnett Runs Out ofBirthdays to

    Announce, CakeSpared & Thankful

    by Free Z. Gopher, Page G4

    Golf Cart ShortageCauses Head Staff toExercise More, Orde

    More Golf Cartsby Lay Z. Ride, Page I8

    SpongeBob StealsMaccabiah Victory,Unsuccessful Teams

    Forced to Wear SquarePants

    by Banana Man, Page R4

    Staff Slowly Adapts toOther Beverages AfterKitchen Runs Out of

    Green Teaby Tea N. Crumpets, Page H7

    Chuppas Name Changeto Basketball Court wit

    Canopy Due to Constan

    Mispronunciationby John-Jacob Jingleheimer

    Smith, Page N4

    Big-O Spawns

    Miniature Little-OSpin-Off, Medium-O

    Consideredby Big OBrian, Page Q6

    Editorial: StaffMembers Should Also

    Get Canteenby Mess E. Hall, Page B3

    After Paint Tag

    Success, Glue Tag,Staple Tag, and Gimp

    Tag Plannedby Arts Z. Crafts, Page X8

    Tetherball Pole Movedto Ropes, Gets

    Constantly Tangledby Ricochet Smith, Page Y1

    Exclusive:Laurelwood Library


    Contains Booksby Reeds A. Lott, Page C9

    Frank the Tank Forcedto Change Name Due t

    Confusion with Tank

    the Turtleby Drake The Fake, Page K5

    Camp Laurelwoods Finest Satirical* News Source

    FREEVolume 0, Issue 0 Sunday, August 15th, 2

    The Laurel Letter laurelletter.tumblr.com

    TheLaurel etterB


    the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridiculeto promote awareness and change, particularly in

    the context of politics and other topical issues.

  • 8/9/2019 The Laurel Letter, Issue 3


    Head Editor:Ethan Kwassman

    Layout & Design:Jon Rubik's Cube Scheiber

    Super Senior Camper Editor:Shea Belsky

    Senior Camper Editor:Teddy Maranets, B7

    Senior Camper Head Writer:Breezie Miller, G12

    Photo Credits to Barnett Goldmanand the CL Bunk1.com photographers.

    CreditsWe would like to thank Shea Belsky, Teddy Maranets andBreezie Miller for their contributions in gathering, writingand typing up articles. We also like to thank the office staffr collating, distribution mechanisms and letting us use theircomputers whenever we needed them. We also extend our

    thanks to Barnett Goldman and all the CL Bunk1.comphotographers for letting us use photos taken from their

    cameras for this issue. In addition, we deeply appreciate thefforts of Laura, the Programming Director, for enabling us touse the Laurelwood Library and for scheduling time devotedo journalistic work. Finally, we would like to thankYOU, thereaders, for supporting us from the beginning and reading

    this very issue today.

    Brain TeasersVolume 73, Issue 3

    This issue has been created by the Journalism Elective S

    Follow us on Twitterand like us on Facebook!


    Max's Masterful TriviaBy Max Hoffman, B9

    . What does "hemidemisemiquaver" mean?

    . What does S.W.A.T stand for?. What does BMW stand for?4. In the Apple iTunes logo, what is the current color

    f the music note?. What is the value of pi to the 10th decimal?

    6. How many pounds are in a ton?. How do you say newspaper in hebrew?

    8. What does SNES stand for?. What middle school houses the oldest runningchool newspaper in America and where is it?0. What does the E stand for in eMac? (education)

    1. What is he capital of Djibouti?2. What is the oldest amusement park in America?

    1.asixty-forthnoteinmusic. 2.specialweaponsandtactics.


    (Turn upside-down to read.)

    Riddles from the Rubik's CubeBy Jon Rubik's Cube Scheiber

    1) Fannee Doolee

    Fannee Doolee likes certain things, but doesn't like others. job is to figure out why.

    Fannee Doolee likes spoons, but doesn't like forks or knivFannee Doolee likes trees, but doesn't like bushes.

    Fannee Doolee likes swimming, but doesn't like divingFannee Doolee likes bees, but doesn't like bugs.

    Fannee Doolee likes bubbles, but doesn't like soap.Fannee Doolee likes jelly, but doesn't like grapes.

    Fannee Doolee likes Skittles, but doesn't like candy.Fannee Doolee likes Hannah, but doesn't like Montana

    Fannee Doolee likes hammers, but doesn't like nails.Fannee Doolee likes the mall, but doesn't like to shop.

    Fannee Doolee likes when it drizzles, but doesn't like when it raFannee Doolee likes eggs, but doesn't like yolks.

    Fannee Doolee likes doors, but doesn't like windows.Fannee Doolee likes slippers, but doesn't like shoes.

    Fannee Doolee likes sleeping, but doesn't like resting.

    Why do you think that is?

    2) The Room with the Buckets

    You are trapped in a room with only four things inside. Tthings are:

    A 3 gallon bucket A 5 gallon bucket A hose with unlimited water

    A drain to pour out extra water

    To open the lock on the door, you need to measure outexa4 gallons of water. No more, no less. The buckets have nmeasuring lines, and no markings other then their size

    How would you do it?

    Sunday, August 15th, 2

