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The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.). (Lebanon ...'job pf; 1 L'lv One; H. Tear STINK...

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'job pf; 1 L'lv One ; H. Tear STINK TERMti $ , JLyiit v SUBSCRIPTION. Publlshers EBANO.N EXPRESS Jot Pristim Errry Dsns duser!;-o- f ca :rl Lli Ctix M.uiths i. . 1 TUre. Months...... ... . to Legal Blanks, Business Cards. TERMS (F A DVERTISINQ. f lltQAL.) Letter Beads, Bill Heads, ' ; Cms square. Drat hweJUon 41 00 Each additional insertion 1 90 Circulars, Posters, Ett 1 IIjOCA.L.1 VOL. I. LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1887. NO. 21. Local Noticed, ter thle IS cents Executed in food style and at lowest hrint prices. ' Regular adertisiint8 inserted upon liberal terms. SOCIETY NOTICES. YOUNG COLIN. ABOUT FALSE HAIR. WEALTHY NEGROES. So they went at once to the place WARNING TO FARMERS. Or. W. SMITH, Oregon Lebanon, -- DEALER StoTes an(lTmware,Irou,Piims,&c. .MANUFACTURER OF., The Latest Dodge Devised for the Purpose , ' of swindling; Affricnltarurts. The confidence man who lies in wai - for the unsuspecting farmer is a versa-- ; tile being who does not confine hinw -- self to traffic in lightning rods or Bo hemian oats, but resorts to other ' methods when conditions seem favora- ble. A pair of these plausible rascali ' have lately been endeavoring to prac- tice their profession in Wayne County, - Ind. In the course of their peregrins tions, one in the guise of a wealthy citizen from Virginia called upon Mr- - Isaac Doddridge, a well-know- n and well-to-d- o farmer of that county, and represented himself as desirous ol purchasing a stock farm for his son. He wanted a large farm, would not fee J a stickler as to price, would pay cash, and was favorably impressed with the land which Mr. Doddridge owned. After some chaffering an engagement was made to look over the ground on day, and at the hour appointed the wealthy - stranger was on hand with a horse and wagon- - He proposed fthat they go first to a remote part of Tin, Copper. Sheet-Iro- n Ware, t 13VJE HlOU1 ISte. All kinds of Repairing Also keep Tlio WOVEN the land, and Mr. Doadndgc suspect- - - ing nothing wrong of a gentleman so affable and apparently prosperous, ; " readily consented, remembering later, however, that the tract ki question was distant from the public highway and from neighbors. As they were about to turn into these fields a second i stranger, in a light wagon, came driv- - i : ing up rapidly and hailed them, but ' upon receiving Mr-- Doddridge's assur- - ?T T. S. PILLSBURY, Brownsville, Oregon. ance that he did not know the man, stranger No. 1 said that as he himself never saw him before the business ; i could not be important, and they would I I Urive on. On arrival at a retired spot, : a . Practical . Watchmaker. it was found that stranger No. had "t-- followed them. He introduced Mm- - i self as an advertising agent of a South- - 1 era lottery, and that he was not selling 1 tickets, but merely wished to secure I the names of two or three responsible men in each countyj who would be al- lowed to draw large prizes simply on - the fact that they publish the fact in the papers. Then, with charts and , i papers, he undertook to show the fair,- method in which the lotterywaa operated, and the impossibility of fraud in its workings. Stranger No. .DEALER Watches, Jewelry, A COMPLKTK Lais' aiiGeits'- - JEWELRY. RiiEs, Bracelets, 1 become deeply interested in the scheme, and when it was presently . proposed that they try their luck then s and there, readily agreed, and on the - first trial drew $5, which he was al- - ' lowed to keep on condition that he j would show an equal amount. Mr. X. 2 Doddridge, having been a reader of the " papers to some purpose, had before this tame realized the situation, but be-- - " lieving silence to be the part of discre ROGERS & BROS.' SILVERWARE. i Alt da jnaranterd. All Work. Warranted. tion, offered no objection when urged to try his chances and laid down $5, taking pains at the same time to show that this, with a little change, was all the money in his pocket-boo- k. The ' first stranger then drew $3,500, and on exhibiting some $4,000 or $5,000 of his own, - received the prize. Mr. Dod- dridge then drew $3,500, also, but upon First Doer M of tie City Hall, Main Street MITCHELL & LEWIS CO., Limited. Faet.ry: Karlae. Wl. Material Progress Made by Represents. tires of th. Colored Race, John W. Cromwell, a negro journal ist in Philadelphia, has compiled an exhibition of tho business condition oi his race in American. The Carolinas take the lead in the number of wealthy negroes. Nortb Carolina, has twenty who are worth from f 10,000 to $30,000 each. In South Carolina the negroes own 110,000,000 worth of property. In Charleston fourteen men represent f 200,000. Thos. R Smalls is worth fl8,000, and Chas.C Leslie is worth f 12,000. The family of Noisettes, truck farmers, are worth f 150,000. In the city savings banks the negroes have f 124.936 So on di osit. One man has over $5,000. He recently bought a $10,000 plantation and paid $7,000 in cash. In Philadelphia, John McKee is worth half a million. He owns four hundred houses. Several arawprth $100,000. The negroes of New York own from four to six million dollars' worth of real estate. P. A. White, a wholesale druggist, is worth a quarter of a mil lion, and has an annual business of $200,000. Catharine Black is worth $150,000. In New Jersey the negroes own $2,- - 000,000 of real estate. Baltimore has more negro home-owne- rs than any other large city. .Nineteen men are worth a total of $800,000. John Thomas, the wealthiest, is worth about $150,- - 000. Less than 100 negroes in Wash ington are worth a total of $1,000,000. In Louisiana the negroes pay taxes on fio.uw.ouu in ew Orleans ana $30,000,000 in the State- - lone Lafon a French quadroon, is worth $1,000,000- - The Morcer Brothers, clothiers, carry stock of $300,000. Missouri has twenty-seve- n citizen, worth a million dollars in amount, ranging from $200,- - 000 to $260,000. The richest colored woman of the South is Amanda Eubanks, made so by the will of her white lather; she is worth $400,000, and lives near Augusta, Ga. Chicago, the home of 18,000 col ored people, has three colored firms in business, whose proprietors represent $20,000 each, one $15,000 and nine $10, 000. A. J. Scott has $35,000 invested in the livery business, and is worth $100,000, including a well-stock-ed farm in Michigan. Messrs. John Jones and Richard Grant are worth $70,000 each. A. G. White, of St. Louis, formerly purveyor to the Anchor bne of steam ers, after financial reverses, has, since the age of forty-fiv- e, retrieved his for tunes and accumulated $30,000. Mrs. M. Carpenter, a San Francisco colored woman, has a bank account of $50,000, and Mrs. Mary Pleasant has an income from eight houses in San Francisco, a ranch near San Mateo, and $100,000 in Government bonds. In Marysville, Cal., twelve individuals are the owners of ranches valued in aggregate at from $150,000 to $180,000. One of them. Sirs. I srgy Brenan, has besides a bank account of $40,000. These statistics show that the brother in black is making some headway in the world- - He is learning to 'tote his own ski let" Ni Y. Witness. PUNCH AND JUDY. The Original Version of a Story Familiar In Many lands. The romantic story of Punch and Judy is, in its original form, as follows: Mr. Punch, a gentleman of great per- sonal attract i on. is married to Miss Judy, by whom he has a lovely daugh ter. To the babys no name Is given in the piece, the infant being too young to be christened. In a fit of horrid and demoniac jealously Mr. Punch, like a second Zeluco, strangles his beautiful offspring. Just as he has completed his dreadful purpose Mrs. Punch enters, witnesses the brutal havoc, and exit screaming; she soon returns, however, armed with a blud geon, and applies it to her husband's head, "which to the wood returns a wooden sound." Exasperated by jeal- ousy and rage, Mr. Punch seizes an other bludgeon, and lays her prostrate at his feet; then seizing the murdered infant and expiring mother, he flings them both out of the window into the street. The dead bodies having been found, polis officers enter the dwelling of Mr. Punch, who flies for his life, mounts his steed, and the author, neglecting. like other great poets, the conflicting unities of time and place, conveys his hero into Spain; where, however. he is arrestd by an officer of the ter- rible inquisition. After enduring the most cruel tortures with incredible for titude, Mr-Tunc- by means of a golden key, a beautiful and novel allegory, opens his prison door and escapes. The conclusion of the affecting story is satirical, allegorical and poetical. The hero is at first overtaken by weariness and ' laziness in the shape of a black dog, whom he fights and conquers; dis- ease, in the guise of a physician, next arrests him, but Punch through the thin pretense," and dismisses the doctor with a few derogatory kicks. Death at last visits the fugitive, but Punch lavs about his skeleton carcass so lustily, and makes the bones of his antagonist rattle so musically, that Death his death's blow then received. Last of all comes the devil; first, un der the appearance of a lovely female, but afterward in his own natural shape, to drag the offender to the in fernal regions in purgatory to expiate his dreadful crime. Even this attempt fails, and Punch is left triumphant over doctors, death and the deviL The curtain falls amid the shouts of the conqueror. Irish Times. A little boy wanted to stay at home from school, and knew his mother wouldn't let him unless he was sick. So his mother said: "Why, my little man, are you sick this morning?" The little man not knowing a whole vo- cabulary of ailmer' ' select from, on the spur of the - . .. vYes, ma am; my "Bo; Jones to Hampshr rich kiwr relal An Effort at Orthographical Consistency Young Colin chants a mournful lay, While guiding of his plough. And not tar olT, beneath the hedge, A di.msol milks her cough. "Who's yonder f" cries the rustic swain; ""Ms Mollle, sure enough. I needn't from so sweet a girl Kxpoct a rude rebough." Across the Held he stoutly plods, Nor looks to left or right ; Shy Molly Hushes like 'he rose, And then her cheek grows w night. "Dear lass," says he. In accents low, "Among your other beaux You have not one as fond and true As Colin, goodness kneaux t "So, though you t'other day refused. To heed a suitor's sigh, I ask once more Will you be mine The bride for whom I'd dlghT' Persistent wooing wins a maid tier heart grew soft as dough; And soon a whispered "Yes" replaced Fair Molly's former "Nough." Leslit'i Budget. WHAT AILED HIM. Sad Story of a Bey Sick With "Nostalgia." Fanner Connover strode Into the hotiso, took off his fur cap anil thick mittens, am! unwound numerous kinks of retl woolon comforter from his ample throat. Then he sat down by the warm wimm! tire and said to his wife: "Seems like I had sometliiu' to tell ye, fciiiry Ann, but 1 can t lor the life of me rvitinlir it noow." "Was it soniflxHlr cot married?" in quired Mi-s- . ConnoTt-r- , who wa9 bustling about setting the tabhj for 6iijiH-r- . o, tlidn t Wfm as 'twas. Lemme think," and he pressed a meditative forefinger on that portion of his fore-ltea- d where he seemed to locate the faculty of memory. Is anybody dead that we are ac quainted with?" mNo, no, tain t evether marry-in- ' or dyin as I kin see. Ourus how 1 do for get things sometimes. "We ain't heard from Ben for quite awhile," suggested Mrs. Connoyer. "That's it!" cried the farmer, jump ing to his feet as sprightly as a log. "Tain't from Ben, leastwise it ain't his handwritiu', but it's a letter. 1'ye got it right here in my pocket." Io tell! said his wife, dropping the dishes she was holding in a promis cuous heap. "If it am t from Hen, who is it from?" "It's writ to you," said her husband. producing it at last. !r. Connover reached tin to the clock shelf and took down her Bible- - reading ppoctacles. It sa strange hand to me, sh said, scanning it carefully, "must be some of t icely s folks. So she stepped to the door leading above stains and called at the top of hr voice: ..Vi-e-e-l-- y! "Here I am, mother," answered a sweet voice. " hat is it? For everv inflection of her good mother's voice was familiar to her, and this one bristled with exclamation point. Here is a letter in a strange hand write. Io you know who it is from? handing it to her. 'Why, it is addaessed to vou, mother. It seems to me the easiest way to find out wauld le just to open and read it." " elirthcn, do, said her mother. I'm so fidgeted thinking alout Ben off there alone that 1 can't open it." This isn t any thing aiKiut Ben, said Cicely, deftly ojening the envel ope after she had adnrired the smart. co. lege style supereription. 'It s from smie lawyer or fruitrtree agent, likely, on business." "What would he write to your mother for?" suggested Father Connover gruf fly. Cicely read it over to herself first, and at once changed color. "It is alxut Ben, mother," Bhe said, the tears rushing into her eyes and her voice, "he is sick, and this is from the doctor who is taking care of him. Oh, mother, don t cry. Ben needs you. Keep up your strength." ' hat ails hun? asked his father in an unsteady tone. Cicely read the doctor s letter. He said thas Ben was his patient, and he was doing all he could for him, but his parents had better come, as it re quired more skill than he the phys ician bad to cure him. He ended by saying that the boy was suffering from a severe attack of nostalgia. "What in the world is that? I never heard of it before," exclaimed Mr. Connover. "What is it, Cicely?" asked Mrs. Connover. Cicely was a graduate of the Normal school, nnd her parents expected her to know every thing. She shook her head. "It means that we must go to Ben jnst as soon as we can. If there had been any hope the doctor would have said so." She cried and worked at the same time. Ben, her only brother, was her idol. She had opposed his going away from hrst to last, but tuo lather was wiser. "If the boy ain't contented here, let him go to the city, ami clerk it for a year or two. He's king of two hands anywhere," said the gruff old farmer. And Ben had been ill and too proud to let them know. They took the evening train. At the depot some of their friends hail gath- ered to hear the news. Of each and all, they asked the same question. "Hev you ever heerd of Nastalgy? And none of them had ever heard of it, but all agreed that it must bo dreadful thing to have such a difficult name. When they reached the city they had cried and worried themselves sick. At least the two women had. The father, with the Stoicism of his kind, had beat a constant tatoo on the car window and whistled an accompanl ment all the time ho was crying in his heart: "Oh, Absalom! my son! my son! There was no one to meet them, as no one was interested in their coming except Ben and the doctor, and they neither of them had heard of their in where Ben boarded, a dreary house. with innumerable small, rooms, where for the entire sum that ho earned weekly Ben Connover was per- mitted to lodge. The doctor had made his hospital rounds that night and his last call was on Ben. He was a young phj'sician, and very zealous over his patients. He took an interest in the handsome, whole-soule- d country boy who was un- accustomed to close rooms and sewer gas and lonely hours, and so wrote that letter to his mother. And as they stood on the step ring- ing the grumbling bell he walked up and soon discovered who they were, and made himself known. "Oh, Doctor, is there any hope? "Doctor, will my boy get well? "Docto.r, i he still Alive?" , These were the questions that were poured into the doctor's ears. How very unfeeling of him to laugh! "Why, there is nothing in this world the matter with him! As I wrote you it's only a bad case of nostalgia." "Doctor!" said the" father sternly, "put that 'ere word in plain EngHshr' "Oh, I see," laughed the doctor. "It is the medical term for homesick-nes.- " And that was all that ailed the boy. A good deal of mental longing and worry had brought on fever, and Ben was fast becoming really ill.but the sym- pathetic young doctor had diagnosed his case correctly. He was a soldier who was not sick from any fatal mal- ady. He was homesick. "Now that we're here we'll stay and eee the sights, Sary Ann," Mr. Con- nover said to his wife, "and you can coddle Ben all you want to." And Ben was very willing to be cod- dled. But it was strange that after ex- plaining that big medieal word, the doctor still kept coming. It worried the old couple a little, because they thought Ben must be in danger after all. But it was the doctor who was in danger now. He had transferred his interest in the brother to the sister. And no word was big enough to diag- nose his case. But it all came out right Only Ben, must have tonics and directions, and at last the doctor went out there and established a practice, leaving out the Latin words. And he was right. There is no more insidious disease than homesickness. When the Swiss soldiers the bravest fighters in the world hear the familiar Ran des baches they lean on their car bines and weep for their loved glaciers and mountain pines, and often die of that hidden wound of the heart whose classical name is nostalgia, and which freely translated means "sickness for home." Detroit Free Press." CLEAN-SHAVE- N FACES. Why Blowers and Speakers Fhonld Not tirow tirmrtts or Maatatrhes. A gentleman who has paid consider able attention to Uie human voice con tends that hair around the mouth tends to impair the utterance in song and speech. lhe sounds are broken or muffled as they are projected from the mouth. Most of the famous lawyers. ministers and Parliamentary orators have been claan shaven. Among these may be mentioned Lord Mansfield, of whom Junius said that he considered him the most dangerous man in En- gland, because the most talented; Wilkes, the noted demagogue; Lord Erskine, Lord Jeffrey, the reviewer; the Earl of Beaconsfield, Mr. Glad stone, Lord Macaulay, Richard Gorden, John Bright, Key. Mr. Chalmers, Key. Edward Irving, the rnend of Mrs. Car- - lyle, and Rev. Mr. Spurgeon. Actors, as a general rule, are clean faced, un less when representing historic charac- ters, like King Lear. In our own country Patrick Henry, Rev. Henry Ward Beeeher, Wendell Phillips, Ed ward Everett, Daniel Webster, Rufus Choatc, William Lloyd Garrison and Charles Sumner did not have beards or mustaches. Now every other minister looks as tierce in the pulpit as a dra- goon in a saddle, ready to draw saber for an onslaught. Foreign singers, to a man, are hairy about the mouth. Americans as well as British have copied the men of tho Continent of Europe in the matter of hair about the mouth during the past fifty be fore that a bearded American or Brit isher was rarely seen. Now almost everv one who can raise a bearu has one. It is not known whether Demos thenes or Cicero wore beards, but we suppose Peter the Hermit, who preached the first crusade, and W alter the Penny Iwss, were bearded, because they could not spare time to shave. Boston Globe. Old Lady "How often sloes this elevator come down?" Elevator Boy "Between tip-trip- s, ma am. He "What arc you thinking of? She "Nothing." He (absent mind- - edly) "You flatter me." I'id-Dit- s. Do all tho jokes about restaurant pie come under tho classification of "Humors of the Stomach?" Zlercliani Traveler. A young lady in Summcrdale is so very tender-hearte- d, that she refuses to pare tliwpotatoes for her mother. She says slio is afraid she might injure their eyes. Drake s Travcllcrr Magazine. It bothers the man who has earned success by faithful, honest, brainy work to hear his friends say among themselves: "What an infernally luoky fellow Jack is!" Journal Education. What She Is. My love lsgnot an angel, With thoughtsn ta.avenly scenes, She's Just a ce.unon Boston girl. And dotes on pork and beans, Somcrville Journal. "I have a bit of good news for you. John," said a fond young wife. "Yes? remarked John, expectantly. "Yes. You remember that two weeks ago hot house grapes were quoted at f8 pound? Well, I bought some to-d-ay for 6!" N. Y. Bun. "You put your toot In it nicely to- night," said Mrs. Sweetspeech. "How was that?" asked her husband. 'When you told Mrs. Fourthly that you were sure her husband would nev er go the way he sasftoUior people, "Well, and what ef fha?" "Why, her husband is a cher." "Great Scott! I thought he was a sheriff." Dealer Tells Where It Comes From, and How It Is Obtained. "Nearly all the false hair that is sold n this country," said a dealer, recent ly, "is brought from France and Ger many. It is obtained in those coun- tries from tho peasant girls. The Ber- lin and Paris merchants send their agents out through the country dis- tricts, and, whenever one of these agents meets a lass with a fine crop of hair, he immediately begins to bargain with her. As a rule the peasants know so little of the world, and are so utterly ignorant of the value of things, that they generally sell their hair at the most ridiculously low prices. It is nothing uncommon to see a French peasant girl dispose of the most mag- nificent suit of hair,- - a suit that would sell for seventy-fiv- e dollars, for a worthless ear-rin- g or a string of bright- - looking beads. If these merchants meet a girl on the road whose hair at- tracts them, they never give the poor girl time to think, or opportunity to go home and consult her parents, but the moment she says 'yes,' out come their shears and off goes her magnificent hair, and the poor child's only return is a worthless trinket. It seems sad, but such is life at least hair-mcrcha- nt life. After the hair has been all collected and brought into Paris and Berlin, it is then put through a cleaning process and assort- ed and arranged. On all hair as it comes from the head, there is, no mat- ter how clean a person tries to keep her or himself, more or less dandruff. The hair is passed throngfi a sort of wire net or chain, the wires of which are so close together that the hairs themselves can scarcely pass through. You would think this would cut the hair, but it does not. It only gets the dirt off, and it does so most effectually. After the hair is thus thoroughly clean ed, it is assorted in proper colors, qual ities and lengths. Then the black hair is again run over and three more piles are made of it the long black hairs. the medium and the short. The light hair is similarly assorted. Then the dealers mix the black and light hairs together and make from them differ- ent shades. By mixing a jet black, for instance, with a color two shades lighter than jet black you get a color exactly ont shade lighter, and this is the rule all through the different combina- tions of hair colors. - A color mixed with another color that is two shades lighter than Itself will produce a color one shade lighter, and a shade that ap pears to be perfectly natural. If the hair is mixed with a color that is more than two shades it will produce a streaky combination, which is, of course, to be avoidexl; but when the mixing is properly done not even an expert can tell the difference between the real color and the color that is the result of this skillful manipulation The French are the most expert hair-- mixers in the world, and many a blonde or brown suit of hair that looks bo per fectly natural Is, in reality, the product of two different heads, and all the re sult of the ingeniausFrench hair-mixer- s. What does a head of hair cost? Well, of course, there is in hair, as in every thing else, an immense variety of kinds, and consequently an im mense variety of prices. Heads of hair can be bought as low as fifteen dollars, and there are many that bring seventy-fiv- e dollars. For this latter price I should say tha the very best suit of hair that can be Ion d in Boston can be purchased. It does not cost a woman, or, I should probably say in order to keep m the fashion. Mrs. Lady, as much to purchase her hair now as it did three or four years ago. The Mrs. Ladies do not wear near so much hair now as they did then, as any one, even a Mr. Gentle- man, can see by glancing at one of their heads. Consequently, while It formerly cost a fashionable female from one hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars to perfectly adorn her head, supposing, of course, that she had no hair at all to start with, the same female can now buy the very best head gear in Boston at from fifty to seventy-fiv- e dollars. Is there much false hair worn in Boston? Oh, an im- mense deal of it. I indulge in no exag geration when I say that there are no" five women in one hundred who do not wear some false hair. Boston Herald. ' Smarter Than He Looked. The smart young clerk who tried to raise a laugh at the expense of a"conn- - try cousin," illustrated the truth of the old aphorism in regard to looks being very deceptive. He received his les son. "See that country cousin over there by the stove?" Inquired a Harlem clerk of another, as a rural-appeari- ng custo mer entered and glanced curiously about the store. "Yes, I see him. What of it?" "Watch me take him down. Say, mister," the cute clerk continued, ad- - drcsssing the supposed greenhorn, "we don t keep whisky." . "Wall, sonny, all I've got ter say is that It'd save you a pile of trav'l ef yer did, was the prompt reply. Youth s Companion. The man who thinks he never did a foolish thing isn t wise enough to know what folly is. Boston Journal of Education. Qncen Yictoria attended a circus the other day for the first time in thirty years. Yet she easily recognized "the jokes of the clown as old acquaint ances. Omaha Dame And so, my daugh ter, you are engaged to Mr. Da Goode. I am delighted. He comes of a splen did family. Charming Daughter i es, be proposed last night and l ac cepted. "Do you love him?" "No, but that horrid Miss Pert does.' Omaha World. "Did you see .that woman in Ben- - hanan's pew this morning with all her mind centered on her new bon net?" asked the deacon. No, dear," replied his wife, sweetly, "I was too much tjfken. up admiring the Iran in Shelah's pew with his whobf soul Pxeof-u- his new gloves." Tb icon tried to talk about mon.-.Bur- deJ. ' LEBANON LOPOK. NO. 44. A. P A. M : MU at uwir arw nail, m Masonic Block, on Saturday eveuuix. on or Pel ore uw lull moon. J WASSOH.W. M. LEBANON LODOK. NO. 4". I. O. O. r.: Morts 8at-nrtt- .venuic of each week, at Odd Fellow's Hall. Main street; visiting brethren onli;vlly inviuil to auena. j.j. uuAKLToa, n. u. HONOR IOIX5K NO. S8, A. O. TT. W., Tyhsnon, Oregon: Meets every first and third Thursday even- ings in tlx month. F. H. ROSOOIS. M. W. J. S. COURTNEY, M. D.f PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON, LEBANON ORKOON. Office la Ir. Powells Residence. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public and General Insurance Agt, LEBANON. OREGON. I Collections sod other business psomptly attested s. Office on Main street. DR. A. H. PETERSON, , SURGICAL DENTIST, Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty. LEBANON. OREGON. Otflce fn rwideBcs. on Main street, next door n 1 of o. B Montague's new residence. All work warrar . Tables Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. Bampl. Tfow and the Ttest Arrrarnnodatfons for GENERAL STAGE OFFICE.- - J. O. ROLAND, Lrbasti, res;". lTA(Tl'm 1WD Dliui is Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Wbips, Spurs, .jure- au... Goods In the Saddlery Line. Harness and Saddle Repaired Promptly and at LOW PRICES. Meat Market RI HL . KELLGIBERCER. Prsnritrt. Fresh and Salted Beef and Pork, MUTTON, PORK, SAUSACE, BOLOGNA and HAM. tea and Larl always on Hand. Main Street, Lebanon, Or. J. I. Cowan, J. M. Ralbton, J. VV. Cusick, BANK OF LEBANON Lebanon, Oregon, Transacts a General Banking Business. . Accounts Kept Subject to Check. EXCHANGE SOLD ON Hew Tort, San Francisco, Portland aid iiEuuF, Oreion. Collections Made on Favor Termsl. able . MAXCFACTCRERS OF THE MITCHELL FARM AND SPRING WAGONS. his assurance that he had not an equal sum npon his person to show, disappointment was visible in the faces of both strangers. He was urged to give a check, but protester! that he had no blanks. It was then arranged - that he drive to Richmond with the ' wealthy Virginian, draw the money " and return to the place where they thea were, the second stranger to remain in -- waiting. Up to this time Mr. Dod- - ,v d ridge had expressed ho doubts, but ' - . IN Done at Short Notice. in stock WIRE I31i:T. IN. Optical Goods. ASSORTMENT OF. ROYAL ALLOY THIMBLES, T. A PTES' Cuff and Collar -- SETS, Chains, Pins, Etc. XJi'oAviisville, Or. Branch: Peril and. Or. Portland, Oregon. & CO., Hardware Dealers, Lebanon, Or, and . Jeweler. Plated Ware and Optical Goods. FOB ... FORD O O O O O O O WATCHES EXACTING SERVICE All Work Guaranteed mm TUB! In principal MU)WQ o o o o o o o Jewelers), wtLk rOB THI.... Machines & Machine Supplies, OREGON. .T is a ssi his silence and hesitation had probably aroused his companion's suspicions, as before arriving at a village in the vicinity, and at which place Mr. Dod- dridge hoped to secure the arrest of the rascal with him, this "man of wealth" suddenly decided to go no further, said he believed the tiling was a fraud, and that he would go back and return the cash he had drawn and have no more to do with the matter. Mr. Doddrige willingly assented, was set down at his own door, and now enno"ra.hVlt.es himsplf that hfa rf . Z- - ready money at a critical time saved c him from assault and perhaps saved his life. The rascals on this eoasiaa- - THE MITCHELL WAGON. made a mistake in selecting their vie-- ' tim, as it is not a part of their scheme to waste time on men who read the ; newspapers and are posted as to the m ways that are dark of the confidence Log, Header and Trucks; Dump, Hand and Road Carts; Open and Top gentry. In these days when gas booms r. Buggies, Phaetons, Carriages, Buckboards, and General A (rents for Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Road Scrapers, Gale Chilled Plows. I .teal Feed Mills ar.d Wind Mills, Knowl-to- n Hay Rakes, Horse Power Wood Saws. Feed Cutters, etc We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Vehicles on the Northwest Coast. All onr work is built especially for this trade and fully warranted. Send for new 1897 catalogue. are "on, and the rural citizen, as well as the dweller in the eity, is excited by hopes of future wealth, and even by the sudden accumulation of moder- - ate riches, the scoundrel who seeks what he may devour in the way of un- sophisticated grangers is abroad in the land in a variety of disguises. In the shape of a wealthy stranger who wants to buy every thing in sight for cash, .. ffltcbelTtfi Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194 Front Street, Onr goods are aold by F. II. ROSCOE he is, perhaps, more irresistible than T" in any other form, and it is of the wealthy stranger, therefore, with whom a few thousand dollars more or less xsryr v of little account, that the carefuL-- L - G-- . E. HARDY, atchmakcr .- -. ....DRALKK IX.... Hoosier should beware, The "m.-v- n from Virginia" who Wants to buy a farm should be asked to give his ref- erences or be properly introduced. Indianapolis Journal. Tne results of a day at Monte Carlo to the proprietors of the Casino and to the Principality of Monaco are testified in the boxes, weighted with gold, car- ried away before the very eyes of the Itsers. It is said that each table wins from 1,500 to 2,000 a day, which shows a gross gain from the eight tables of from 12,000 to 16,000. These sums must be multiplied by S65 to show the probable yearly income. Court Journal. A 'Kussian peasant employed as watchman on an estate near Odessa aroused the ng of Jews by im pounding their s tray cattle. The Jews decoyed him into a barn, where they immersed their victim several tames in s caldron of boiling water, and then flong him out into a neighboring field. The unfortunate peasant lingered three in great aeonv and then die- d- io Times.,- - Watches. Clods. Jewelry. Silver ..AGENT ROCK o o o o o o o Quick-Trai- n unequalled Repairing' a t .J' MmuiffijffiSffy l.i J.. . ITT Hn a Specialty. tb 17. a. if t . . COMt Hnr.11 . ir . 8. Naval Ob o o o o o o o (ilaftOPss sanrf othfV ItAawajrnea. Ihty ..ALSO AG INT Jl.Fi & H. A. Singer Sewing LEBANON . 1WaSSBBBBBSW JSmgmarwrnm i, J H iM mrm a a m 77 JW tentions. . BurdtlU. ' 1.
Page 1: The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.). (Lebanon ...'job pf; 1 L'lv One; H. Tear STINK TERMti $, JLyiit vSUBSCRIPTION. Publlshers EBANO.N EXPRESS Jot Pristim Errry Dsns duser!;-o-fca:rl

'job pf;1 L'lv


; H.





Publlshers EBANO.N EXPRESS Jot Pristim



duser!;-o- f

ca :rl LliCtix M.uiths i. . 1

TUre. Months...... ... . to

Legal Blanks, Business Cards.TERMS (F A DVERTISINQ.f lltQAL.) Letter Beads, Bill Heads, ' ;

Cms square. Drat hweJUon 41 00Each additional insertion 1 90 Circulars, Posters, Ett

1 IIjOCA.L.1 VOL. I. LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1887. NO. 21.Local Noticed, ter thle IS cents Executed in food style and at lowest hrint prices. 'Regular adertisiint8 inserted upon liberal terms.



StoTes an(lTmware,Irou,Piims,&c.


The Latest Dodge Devised for the Purpose , 'of swindling; Affricnltarurts.

The confidence man who lies in wai -

for the unsuspecting farmer is a versa--;tile being who does not confine hinw --

self to traffic in lightning rods or Bohemian oats, but resorts to other '

methods when conditions seem favora-ble. A pair of these plausible rascali '

have lately been endeavoring to prac-tice their profession in Wayne County, -Ind. In the course of their peregrinstions, one in the guise of a wealthycitizen from Virginia called upon Mr--Isaac Doddridge, a well-know- n andwell-to-d- o farmer of that county, andrepresented himself as desirous olpurchasing a stock farm for his son.He wanted a large farm, would not fee Ja stickler as to price, would pay cash,and was favorably impressed with theland which Mr. Doddridge owned.After some chaffering an engagementwas made to look over the ground on

day, and at the hour appointedthe wealthy - stranger was on handwith a horse and wagon- - He proposedfthat they go first to a remote part of

Tin, Copper. Sheet-Iro- n Ware,t

13VJE HlOU1 ISte.

All kinds of Repairing

Also keep


the land, and Mr. Doadndgc suspect- - -

ing nothing wrong of a gentleman soaffable and apparently prosperous, ;


readily consented, remembering later,however, that the tract ki question wasdistant from the public highway andfrom neighbors. As they were aboutto turn into these fields a second istranger, in a light wagon, came driv-- i :ing up rapidly and hailed them, but '

upon receiving Mr-- Doddridge's assur-- ?T

T. S. PILLSBURY,Brownsville, Oregon.

ance that he did not know the man,stranger No. 1 said that as he himselfnever saw him before the business ; icould not be important, and they would I IUrive on. On arrival at a retired spot, : a .Practical . Watchmaker. it was found that stranger No. had "t--

followed them. He introduced Mm-- iself as an advertising agent of a South-- 1

era lottery, and that he was not selling 1

tickets, but merely wished to secure I

the names of two or three responsiblemen in each countyj who would be al-

lowed to draw large prizes simply on -

the fact that they publish the fact inthe papers. Then, with charts and , i

papers, he undertook to show the fair,-method in which the lotterywaaoperated, and the impossibility offraud in its workings. Stranger No.


Watches, Jewelry,A COMPLKTK

Lais' aiiGeits'--


RiiEs, Bracelets,

1 become deeply interested in thescheme, and when it was presently .

proposed that they try their luck then s

and there, readily agreed, and on the -

first trial drew $5, which he was al-- 'lowed to keep on condition that he jwould show an equal amount. Mr.



Doddridge, having been a reader of the "

papers to some purpose, had beforethis tame realized the situation, but be-- - "

lieving silence to be the part of discreROGERS & BROS.' SILVERWARE.i

Alt da jnaranterd. All Work. Warranted.

tion, offered no objection when urgedto try his chances and laid down $5,taking pains at the same time to showthat this, with a little change, was allthe money in his pocket-boo-k. The 'first stranger then drew $3,500, and onexhibiting some $4,000 or $5,000 of hisown, - received the prize. Mr. Dod-

dridge then drew $3,500, also, but upon

First Doer M of tie City Hall, Main Street

MITCHELL & LEWIS CO., Limited.Faet.ry: Karlae. Wl.

Material Progress Made by Represents.tires of th. Colored Race,

John W. Cromwell, a negro journalist in Philadelphia, has compiled anexhibition of tho business condition oihis race in American.

The Carolinas take the lead in thenumber of wealthy negroes. NortbCarolina, has twenty who are worthfrom f10,000 to $30,000 each. In SouthCarolina the negroes own 110,000,000worth of property. In Charlestonfourteen men represent f200,000. Thos.R Smalls is worth fl8,000, and Chas.CLeslie is worth f12,000. The family ofNoisettes, truck farmers, are worthf150,000.

In the city savings banks the negroeshave f124.936 So on di osit. One manhas over $5,000. He recently boughta $10,000 plantation and paid $7,000 incash.

In Philadelphia, John McKee isworth half a million. He owns fourhundred houses. Several arawprth$100,000.

The negroes of New York own fromfour to six million dollars' worth ofreal estate. P. A. White, a wholesaledruggist, is worth a quarter of a million, and has an annual business of$200,000. Catharine Black is worth$150,000.

In New Jersey the negroes own $2,- -

000,000 of real estate. Baltimore hasmore negro home-owne- rs than anyother large city. .Nineteen men areworth a total of $800,000. John Thomas,the wealthiest, is worth about $150,--000. Less than 100 negroes in Washington are worth a total of $1,000,000.

In Louisiana the negroes pay taxeson fio.uw.ouu in ew Orleans ana$30,000,000 in the State- - lone Lafona French quadroon, is worth $1,000,000--The Morcer Brothers, clothiers, carry

stock of $300,000. Missouri hastwenty-seve- n citizen, worth a milliondollars in amount, ranging from $200,- -000 to $260,000.

The richest colored woman of theSouth is Amanda Eubanks, made so bythe will of her white lather; she isworth $400,000, and lives near Augusta,Ga. Chicago, the home of 18,000 colored people, has three colored firms inbusiness, whose proprietors represent$20,000 each, one $15,000 and nine $10,000. A. J. Scott has $35,000 investedin the livery business, and is worth$100,000, including a well-stock-ed farmin Michigan. Messrs. John Jones andRichard Grant are worth $70,000 each.A. G. White, of St. Louis, formerlypurveyor to the Anchor bne of steamers, after financial reverses, has, sincethe age of forty-fiv- e, retrieved his fortunes and accumulated $30,000. Mrs.M. Carpenter, a San Francisco coloredwoman, has a bank account of $50,000,and Mrs. Mary Pleasant has an incomefrom eight houses in San Francisco, aranch near San Mateo, and $100,000 inGovernment bonds. In Marysville,Cal., twelve individuals are the ownersof ranches valued in aggregate at from$150,000 to $180,000. One of them.Sirs. I srgy Brenan, has besides abank account of $40,000.

These statistics show that the brotherin black is making some headway inthe world-- He is learning to 'tote hisown ski let" Ni Y. Witness.

PUNCH AND JUDY.The Original Version of a Story Familiar In

Many lands.The romantic story of Punch and

Judy is, in its original form, as follows:Mr. Punch, a gentleman of great per-sonal attract ion. is married to MissJudy, by whom he has a lovely daughter. To the babys no name Is given inthe piece, the infant being too youngto be christened. In a fit of horridand demoniac jealously Mr. Punch,like a second Zeluco, strangles hisbeautiful offspring. Just as he hascompleted his dreadful purpose Mrs.Punch enters, witnesses the brutalhavoc, and exit screaming; she soonreturns, however, armed with a bludgeon, and applies it to her husband'shead, "which to the wood returns awooden sound." Exasperated by jeal-ousy and rage, Mr. Punch seizes another bludgeon, and lays her prostrateat his feet; then seizing the murderedinfant and expiring mother, he flingsthem both out of the window into thestreet.

The dead bodies having been found,polis officers enter the dwelling of Mr.Punch, who flies for his life, mountshis steed, and the author, neglecting.like other great poets, the conflictingunities of time and place, conveyshis hero into Spain; where, however.he is arrestd by an officer of the ter-rible inquisition. After enduring themost cruel tortures with incredible fortitude, Mr-Tunc- by means of a goldenkey, a beautiful and novel allegory,opens his prison door and escapes.The conclusion of the affecting story issatirical, allegorical and poetical. Thehero is at first overtaken by wearinessand ' laziness in the shape of a blackdog, whom he fights and conquers; dis-

ease, in the guise of a physician, nextarrests him, but Punch throughthe thin pretense," and dismisses thedoctor with a few derogatory kicks.Death at last visits the fugitive, butPunch lavs about his skeleton carcassso lustily, and makes the bones of hisantagonist rattle so musically, that

Death his death's blow then received.Last of all comes the devil; first, un

der the appearance of a lovely female,but afterward in his own naturalshape, to drag the offender to the infernal regions in purgatory to expiatehis dreadful crime. Even this attemptfails, and Punch is left triumphantover doctors, death and the deviL Thecurtain falls amid the shouts of theconqueror. Irish Times.

A little boy wanted to stay at homefrom school, and knew his motherwouldn't let him unless he was sick.So his mother said: "Why, my littleman, are you sick this morning?" Thelittle man not knowing a whole vo-

cabulary of ailmer' ' select from, onthe spur of the - . .. vYes,ma am; my

"Bo;Jones toHampshrrich kiwrrelal

An Effort at Orthographical ConsistencyYoung Colin chants a mournful lay,

While guiding of his plough.And not tar olT, beneath the hedge,

A di.msol milks her cough."Who's yonder f" cries the rustic swain;

""Ms Mollle, sure enough.I needn't from so sweet a girl

Kxpoct a rude rebough."Across the Held he stoutly plods,

Nor looks to left or right ;Shy Molly Hushes like 'he rose,

And then her cheek grows w night."Dear lass," says he. In accents low,

"Among your other beauxYou have not one as fond and true

As Colin, goodness kneaux t

"So, though you t'other day refused.To heed a suitor's sigh,

I ask once more Will you be mineThe bride for whom I'd dlghT'

Persistent wooing wins a maidtier heart grew soft as dough;

And soon a whispered "Yes" replacedFair Molly's former "Nough."

Leslit'i Budget.


Sad Story of a Bey Sick With"Nostalgia."

Fanner Connover strode Into thehotiso, took off his fur cap anil thickmittens, am! unwound numerous kinksof retl woolon comforter from his amplethroat. Then he sat down by thewarm wimm! tire and said to his wife:

"Seems like I had sometliiu' to tellye, fciiiry Ann, but 1 can t lor the lifeof me rvitinlir it noow."

"Was it soniflxHlr cot married?" inquired Mi-s-. ConnoTt-r-, who wa9bustling about setting the tabhj for6iijiH-r-


o, tlidn t Wfm as 'twas. Lemmethink," and he pressed a meditativeforefinger on that portion of his fore-ltea- d

where he seemed to locate thefaculty of memory.

Is anybody dead that we are acquainted with?"

mNo, no, tain t evether marry-in- ' ordyin as I kin see. Ourus how 1 do forget things sometimes.

"We ain't heard from Ben for quiteawhile," suggested Mrs. Connoyer.

"That's it!" cried the farmer, jumping to his feet as sprightly as a log."Tain't from Ben, leastwise it ain'this handwritiu', but it's a letter. 1'yegot it right here in my pocket."

Io tell! said his wife, droppingthe dishes she was holding in a promiscuous heap. "If it am t from Hen,who is it from?"

"It's writ to you," said her husband.producing it at last.

!r. Connover reached tin to theclock shelf and took down her Bible- -

reading ppoctacles.It s a strange hand to me, sh

said, scanning it carefully, "must besome of t icely s folks.

So she stepped to the door leadingabove stains and called at the top ofhr voice:

..Vi-e-e-l-- y!

"Here I am, mother," answered asweet voice. " hat is it?

For everv inflection of her goodmother's voice was familiar to her, andthis one bristled with exclamationpoint.

Here is a letter in a strange handwrite. Io you know who it is from?handing it to her.

'Why, it is addaessed to vou, mother.It seems to me the easiest way to findout wauld le just to open and read it."

" elirthcn, do, said her mother.I'm so fidgeted thinking alout Ben

off there alone that 1 can't open it."This isn t any thing aiKiut Ben,

said Cicely, deftly ojening the envelope after she had adnrired the smart.co. lege style supereription. 'It s fromsmie lawyer or fruitrtree agent, likely,on business."

"What would he write to your motherfor?" suggested Father Connover gruffly.

Cicely read it over to herself first,and at once changed color.

"It is alxut Ben, mother," Bhe said,the tears rushing into her eyes and hervoice, "he is sick, and this is from thedoctor who is taking care of him. Oh,mother, don t cry. Ben needs you.Keep up your strength."

' hat ails hun? asked his father inan unsteady tone.

Cicely read the doctor s letter.He said thas Ben was his patient, and

he was doing all he could for him, buthis parents had better come, as it required more skill than he the physician bad to cure him. He ended bysaying that the boy was suffering froma severe attack of nostalgia.

"What in the world is that? I neverheard of it before," exclaimed Mr.Connover.

"What is it, Cicely?" asked Mrs.Connover. Cicely was a graduate ofthe Normal school, nnd her parentsexpected her to know every thing.

She shook her head."It means that we must go to Ben

jnst as soon as we can. If there hadbeen any hope the doctor would havesaid so."

She cried and worked at the sametime. Ben, her only brother, was heridol. She had opposed his going awayfrom hrst to last, but tuo lather waswiser.

"If the boy ain't contented here, lethim go to the city, ami clerk it for ayear or two. He's king of two handsanywhere," said the gruff old farmer.

And Ben had been ill and too proudto let them know.

They took the evening train. At thedepot some of their friends hail gath-ered to hear the news.

Of each and all, they asked the samequestion.

"Hev you ever heerd of Nastalgy?And none of them had ever heard of

it, but all agreed that it must bodreadful thing to have such a difficultname.

When they reached the city they hadcried and worried themselves sick.

At least the two women had. Thefather, with the Stoicism of his kind,had beat a constant tatoo on the carwindow and whistled an accompanlment all the time ho was crying in hisheart:

"Oh, Absalom! my son! my son!There was no one to meet them, as

no one was interested in their comingexcept Ben and the doctor, and theyneither of them had heard of their in

where Ben boarded, a dreary house.with innumerable small,rooms, where for the entire sum that hoearned weekly Ben Connover was per-mitted to lodge.

The doctor had made his hospitalrounds that night and his last call wason Ben. He was a young phj'sician,and very zealous over his patients. Hetook an interest in the handsome,whole-soule- d country boy who was un-

accustomed to close rooms and sewergas and lonely hours, and so wrotethat letter to his mother.

And as they stood on the step ring-ing the grumbling bell he walked upand soon discovered who they were,and made himself known.

"Oh, Doctor, is there any hope?"Doctor, will my boy get well?"Docto.r, i he still Alive?"

, These were the questions that werepoured into the doctor's ears.

How very unfeeling of him to laugh!"Why, there is nothing in this world

the matter with him! As I wrote youit's only a bad case of nostalgia."

"Doctor!" said the" father sternly,"put that 'ere word in plain EngHshr'

"Oh, I see," laughed the doctor."It is the medical term for homesick-nes.- "

And that was all that ailed the boy.A good deal of mental longing andworry had brought on fever, and Benwas fast becoming really ill.but the sym-pathetic young doctor had diagnosedhis case correctly. He was a soldierwho was not sick from any fatal mal-

ady. He was homesick."Now that we're here we'll stay and

eee the sights, Sary Ann," Mr. Con-nover said to his wife, "and you cancoddle Ben all you want to."

And Ben was very willing to be cod-dled. But it was strange that after ex-

plaining that big medieal word, thedoctor still kept coming. It worriedthe old couple a little, because theythought Ben must be in danger afterall.

But it was the doctor who was indanger now. He had transferred hisinterest in the brother to the sister.And no word was big enough to diag-nose his case.

But it all came out right Only Ben,must have tonics and directions, andat last the doctor went out there andestablished a practice, leaving out theLatin words.

And he was right. There is no moreinsidious disease than homesickness.When the Swiss soldiers the bravestfighters in the world hear the familiarRan des baches they lean on their carbines and weep for their loved glaciersand mountain pines, and often die ofthat hidden wound of the heart whoseclassical name is nostalgia, and whichfreely translated means "sickness forhome." Detroit Free Press."


Why Blowers and Speakers Fhonld Nottirow tirmrtts or Maatatrhes.

A gentleman who has paid considerable attention to Uie human voice contends that hair around the mouth tendsto impair the utterance in song andspeech. lhe sounds are broken ormuffled as they are projected from themouth. Most of the famous lawyers.ministers and Parliamentary oratorshave been claan shaven. Among thesemay be mentioned Lord Mansfield, ofwhom Junius said that he consideredhim the most dangerous man in En-

gland, because the most talented;Wilkes, the noted demagogue; LordErskine, Lord Jeffrey, the reviewer;the Earl of Beaconsfield, Mr. Gladstone, Lord Macaulay, Richard Gorden,John Bright, Key. Mr. Chalmers, Key.Edward Irving, the rnend of Mrs. Car- -

lyle, and Rev. Mr. Spurgeon. Actors,as a general rule, are clean faced, unless when representing historic charac-ters, like King Lear. In our owncountry Patrick Henry, Rev. HenryWard Beeeher, Wendell Phillips, Edward Everett, Daniel Webster, RufusChoatc, William Lloyd Garrison andCharles Sumner did not have beards ormustaches. Now every other ministerlooks as tierce in the pulpit as a dra-goon in a saddle, ready to draw saberfor an onslaught. Foreign singers, toa man, are hairy about the mouth.Americans as well as British havecopied the men of tho Continent ofEurope in the matter of hair about themouth during the past fifty before that a bearded American or Britisher was rarely seen. Now almosteverv one who can raise a bearu hasone. It is not known whether Demosthenes or Cicero wore beards, but wesuppose Peter the Hermit, who preachedthe first crusade, and W alter the PennyIwss, were bearded, because they couldnot spare time to shave. Boston Globe.

Old Lady "How often sloes thiselevator come down?" Elevator Boy"Between tip-trip- s, ma am.

He "What arc you thinking of?She "Nothing." He (absent mind- -

edly) "You flatter me." I'id-Dit- s.

Do all tho jokes about restaurantpie come under tho classification of"Humors of the Stomach?" ZlerclianiTraveler.

A young lady in Summcrdale is sovery tender-hearte- d, that she refuses topare tliwpotatoes for her mother. Shesays slio is afraid she might injure theireyes. Drake s Travcllcrr Magazine.

It bothers the man who has earnedsuccess by faithful, honest, brainywork to hear his friends say amongthemselves: "What an infernally luokyfellow Jack is!" Journal Education.

What She Is.My love lsgnot an angel,

With thoughtsn ta.avenly scenes,She's Just a ce.unon Boston girl.

And dotes on pork and beans,Somcrville Journal.

"I have a bit of good news for you.John," said a fond young wife. "Yes?remarked John, expectantly. "Yes.You remember that two weeks ago hothouse grapes were quoted at f8pound? Well, I bought some to-d-ay

for 6!" N. Y. Bun."You put your toot In it nicely to-

night," said Mrs. Sweetspeech. "Howwas that?" asked her husband.'When you told Mrs. Fourthly thatyou were sure her husband would never go the way he sasftoUior people,"Well, and what ef fha?" "Why,her husband is a cher." "GreatScott! I thought he was a sheriff."

Dealer Tells Where It Comes From, andHow It Is Obtained.

"Nearly all the false hair that is soldn this country," said a dealer, recent

ly, "is brought from France and Germany. It is obtained in those coun-tries from tho peasant girls. The Ber-lin and Paris merchants send theiragents out through the country dis-tricts, and, whenever one of theseagents meets a lass with a fine crop ofhair, he immediately begins to bargainwith her. As a rule the peasants knowso little of the world, and are so utterlyignorant of the value of things, thatthey generally sell their hair at themost ridiculously low prices. It isnothing uncommon to see a Frenchpeasant girl dispose of the most mag-nificent suit of hair,- - a suit that wouldsell for seventy-fiv- e dollars, for aworthless ear-rin- g or a string of bright- -looking beads. If these merchantsmeet a girl on the road whose hair at-tracts them, they never give the poorgirl time to think, or opportunity to gohome and consult her parents, but themoment she says 'yes,' out come theirshears and off goes her magnificenthair, and the poor child's onlyreturn is a worthless trinket. Itseems sad, but such is life atleast hair-mcrcha- nt life. After thehair has been all collected and broughtinto Paris and Berlin, it is then putthrough a cleaning process and assort-ed and arranged. On all hair as itcomes from the head, there is, no mat-ter how clean a person tries to keepher or himself, more or less dandruff.The hair is passed throngfi a sort ofwire net or chain, the wires of whichare so close together that the hairsthemselves can scarcely pass through.You would think this would cut thehair, but it does not. It only gets thedirt off, and it does so most effectually.After the hair is thus thoroughly cleaned, it is assorted in proper colors, qualities and lengths. Then the black hair isagain run over and three more pilesare made of it the long black hairs.the medium and the short. The lighthair is similarly assorted. Then thedealers mix the black and light hairstogether and make from them differ-ent shades. By mixing a jet black,for instance, with a color twoshades lighter than jet blackyou get a color exactly ontshade lighter, and this is therule all through the different combina-tions of hair colors. - A color mixedwith another color that is two shadeslighter than Itself will produce a colorone shade lighter, and a shade that appears to be perfectly natural. If thehair is mixed with a color that is morethan two shades it will produce astreaky combination, which is, ofcourse, to be avoidexl; but when themixing is properly done not even anexpert can tell the difference betweenthe real color and the color that is theresult of this skillful manipulationThe French are the most expert hair--mixers in the world, and many a blondeor brown suit of hair that looks bo perfectly natural Is, in reality, the productof two different heads, and all the result of the ingeniausFrench hair-mixer- s.

What does a head of hair cost? Well,of course, there is in hair, as in everything else, an immense variety ofkinds, and consequently an immense variety of prices. Headsof hair can be bought as low asfifteen dollars, and there are many thatbring seventy-fiv- e dollars. For thislatter price I should say tha the verybest suit of hair that can be Ion d inBoston can be purchased. It does notcost a woman, or, I should probablysay in order to keep m the fashion.Mrs. Lady, as much to purchase herhair now as it did three or four yearsago. The Mrs. Ladies do not wearnear so much hair now as they didthen, as any one, even a Mr. Gentle-man, can see by glancing at one oftheir heads. Consequently, while Itformerly cost a fashionable femalefrom one hundred to one hundred andfifty dollars to perfectly adorn herhead, supposing, of course, that shehad no hair at all to start with, thesame female can now buy the very besthead gear in Boston at from fifty toseventy-fiv- e dollars. Is there muchfalse hair worn in Boston? Oh, an im-

mense deal of it. I indulge in no exaggeration when I say that there are no"five women in one hundred who donot wear some false hair. BostonHerald.

' Smarter Than He Looked.

The smart young clerk who tried toraise a laugh at the expense of a"conn- -

try cousin," illustrated the truth of theold aphorism in regard to looks beingvery deceptive. He received his lesson.

"See that country cousin over thereby the stove?" Inquired a Harlem clerkof another, as a rural-appeari- ng customer entered and glanced curiouslyabout the store.

"Yes, I see him. What of it?""Watch me take him down. Say,

mister," the cute clerk continued, ad--

drcsssing the supposed greenhorn,"we don t keep whisky." .

"Wall, sonny, all I've got ter say isthat It'd save you a pile of trav'l efyer did, was the prompt reply.Youth s Companion.

The man who thinks he never dida foolish thing isn t wise enough toknow what folly is. Boston Journal ofEducation.

Qncen Yictoria attended a circusthe other day for the first time in thirtyyears. Yet she easily recognized "thejokes of the clown as old acquaintances.

Omaha Dame And so, my daughter, you are engaged to Mr. Da Goode.I am delighted. He comes of a splendid family. Charming Daughteri es, be proposed last night and l accepted. "Do you love him?" "No,but that horrid Miss Pert does.'Omaha World.

"Did you see .that woman in Ben- -

hanan's pew this morning with allher mind centered on her new bonnet?" asked the deacon. No, dear,"replied his wife, sweetly, "I was toomuch tjfken. up admiring the Iran inShelah's pew with his whobf soulPxeof-u- his new gloves." Tbicon tried to talk about

mon.-.Bur- deJ.'

LEBANON LOPOK. NO. 44. A. P A. M : MUat uwir arw nail, m Masonic Block, on Saturdayeveuuix. on or Pel ore uw lull moon.


LEBANON LODOK. NO. 4". I. O. O. r.: Morts 8at-nrtt-

.venuic of each week, at Odd Fellow's Hall.Main street; visiting brethren onli;vlly inviuil toauena. j.j. uuAKLToa, n. u.

HONOR IOIX5K NO. S8, A. O. TT. W., Tyhsnon,Oregon: Meets every first and third Thursday even-ings in tlx month. F. H. ROSOOIS. M. W.




Office la Ir. Powells Residence.



Notary Public and General Insurance Agt,


Collections sod other business psomptly attested s.Office on Main street.



Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty.


Otflce fn rwideBcs. on Main street, next door n 1

of o. B Montague's new residence. All work warrar .

Tables Supplied with the Best the MarketAffords.

Bampl. Tfow and the Ttest Arrrarnnodatfons for


J. O. ROLAND,Lrbasti, res;".

lTA(Tl'm 1WD Dliui is

Harness, Saddles, Bridles,

Wbips, Spurs,

.jure- au...

Goods In the Saddlery Line.

Harness and Saddle Repaired Promptlyand at




Fresh and Salted Beef andPork,




tea and Larl always on Hand.

Main Street, Lebanon, Or.

J. I. Cowan, J. M. Ralbton, J. VV. Cusick,


Lebanon, Oregon,

Transacts a General BankingBusiness. .

Accounts Kept Subject to Check.


Hew Tort, San Francisco, Portland aid

iiEuuF, Oreion.

Collections Made on FavorTermsl.able .



his assurance that he had not an equalsum npon his person to show,disappointment was visible in thefaces of both strangers. He was urgedto give a check, but protester! that hehad no blanks. It was then arranged -

that he drive to Richmond with the '

wealthy Virginian, draw the money "

and return to the place where they theawere, the second stranger to remain in --

waiting. Up to this time Mr. Dod- - ,vdridge had expressed ho doubts, but ' - .


Done at Short Notice.

in stock

WIRE I31i:T.


Optical Goods.ASSORTMENT OF.



Cuff and Collar-- SETS,

Chains, Pins, Etc.

XJi'oAviisville, Or.

Branch: Peril and. Or.

Portland, Oregon.& CO., Hardware Dealers, Lebanon, Or,

and . Jeweler.

Plated Ware and Optical Goods.

FOB ...




Guaranteedmm TUB!

In principalMU)WQ o o o o o o o

Jewelers), wtLk

rOB THI....

Machines & Machine Supplies,


.Tis a ssihis silence and hesitation had probablyaroused his companion's suspicions,as before arriving at a village in thevicinity, and at which place Mr. Dod-

dridge hoped to secure the arrest ofthe rascal with him, this "man ofwealth" suddenly decided to go nofurther, said he believed the tiling wasa fraud, and that he would go backand return the cash he had drawn andhave no more to do with the matter.Mr. Doddrige willingly assented, wasset down at his own door, and nowenno"ra.hVlt.es himsplf that hfa rf . Z- -

ready money at a critical time saved c

him from assault and perhaps savedhis life. The rascals on this eoasiaa- -

THE MITCHELL WAGON. made a mistake in selecting their vie-- '

tim, as it is not a part of their schemeto waste time on men who read the ;newspapers and are posted as to the m

ways that are dark of the confidence

Log, Header and Trucks; Dump, Hand and Road Carts; Open and Top

gentry. In these days when gas booms r.

Buggies, Phaetons, Carriages, Buckboards, and

General A (rents for Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, RoadScrapers, Gale Chilled Plows. I .teal Feed Mills ar.d Wind Mills, Knowl-to- n

Hay Rakes, Horse Power Wood Saws. Feed Cutters, etc Wecarry the largest and best assorted stock of Vehicles on the NorthwestCoast. All onr work is built especially for this trade and fully warranted.Send for new 1897 catalogue.

are "on, and the rural citizen, as wellas the dweller in the eity, is excitedby hopes of future wealth, and evenby the sudden accumulation of moder--ate riches, the scoundrel who seekswhat he may devour in the way of un-

sophisticated grangers is abroad in theland in a variety of disguises. In theshape of a wealthy stranger who wantsto buy every thing in sight for cash, ..

ffltcbelTtfi Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194

Front Street,Onr goods are aold by F. II. ROSCOE

he is, perhaps, more irresistible than T"

in any other form, and it is of thewealthy stranger, therefore, with whoma few thousand dollars more or less xsryr vof little account, that the carefuL-- L -

G-- . E. HARDY,atchmakcr .-


....DRALKK IX....

Hoosier should beware, The "m.-v- n

from Virginia" who Wants to buy afarm should be asked to give his ref-erences or be properly introduced.Indianapolis Journal.

Tne results of a day at Monte Carloto the proprietors of the Casino and tothe Principality of Monaco are testifiedin the boxes, weighted with gold, car-ried away before the very eyes of theItsers. It is said that each table winsfrom 1,500 to 2,000 a day, whichshows a gross gain from the eighttables of from 12,000 to 16,000.These sums must be multiplied by S65to show the probable yearly income.Court Journal.

A 'Kussian peasant employed aswatchman on an estate near Odessaaroused the ng of Jews by impounding their s tray cattle. The Jewsdecoyed him into a barn, where theyimmersed their victim several tames ins caldron of boiling water, and thenflong him out into a neighboring field.The unfortunate peasant lingered three

in great aeonv and then die- d-

io Times.,- -

Watches. Clods. Jewelry. Silver


ROCKo o o o o o oQuick-Trai- n


at .J' MmuiffijffiSffy

l.i J.. .ITT Hn aSpecialty. tb 17. a. if t. .COMt Hnr.11 . ir .

8. Naval Ob

o o o o o o o(ilaftOPss sanrf othfVItAawajrnea. Ihty


Jl.Fi & H. A. Singer SewingLEBANON


JSmgmarwrnm i, JH iM mrma a m77 JW

tentions. . BurdtlU.

