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The Legend of the Wolf (Scattered Chapters)

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  • 8/3/2019 The Legend of the Wolf (Scattered Chapters)


    The Legend of the Wolf

    By: Daniel Andrs Berreles

  • 8/3/2019 The Legend of the Wolf (Scattered Chapters)



    As I lay there, I remembered my life. It all passed in a flash, but something stood out that

    made sense to me. It was a poem someone wrote in English class back in high school. I dont

    remember the author or the title of the poem, but I do remember the words.

    Will it be Quick and Painless?

    I Fear the feeling of pain,

    but I fear it may be too quick.

    Will it be Slow and Torturous?

    I Fear it may be too slow,

    but it gives me time to reflect on my life.

    Will it be Valiant and Heroic?

    I Fear dying,

    but not if its for others Safety.

    Will I be Alone?

    I wish to surrounded by friends and family,

    but only if theyre Alive.

    How will I Die?

    If it is for the one I Love,

    then Death may come for me,

    but if it is against my Will,

    then I am sorry my Love.

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    I didnt know why I remembered that poem so well, but it must have meant something. I

    started to think of my life during the end, during the war. It was a dark time. I was full of rage,

    sorrow, agony, and fear. The only thing that made me feel happy was her. She was my light.

    As I lay there, all I could think of was her. I wanted to hold her again; feel the comfort of

    her touch, the warmth in her lips, see the sparkle in her eyes, the wind blow through her hair, and

    hear the beauty in her voice. I wished I could have spoken my last words to her.

    I love you and Im sorry. Goodbye.

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    The night was silent. The quiet surroundings made me uneasy. The moon casted light on

    the ground below me. I scanned the forest around me. No sign of them. The cold, powerful, night

    wind made the trees bend to its will. The snowless ground made me forget that it was winter. The

    cold took over me. I tried to stay strong and focused, but the temperature was getting colder.

    I rubbed my hands together and breathed on them in an attempt to keep warm. A sound

    came from behind me. The door to the inside swung open. It had to be someone I knew. The

    many strangers inside did not want to talk to me. Light poured out of the doorway and onto the

    floor of the roof. The heat from the inside eased my body. A familiar face from my past stepped

    out onto the roof.

    Are you cold? she asked. She raised her arms holding a coat.

    I walked over and took the coat from her arm. I put the coat on, even though it was way

    too big for me.

    Thanks Rose, I said, smiling.

    I had found Rose earlier that morning, covered in blood, with torn clothes. Her red-brown

    hair was wild, her brown eyes filled with tears, and her naturally tan skin dirty. Wed met two

    years ago in school. We had the same math class. We didnt really talk much, except when she

    needed help. The days we talked were the best days. Her voice was like a sirens to me. I was

    enchanted by her voice. She wasnt in choir, even though many of her friends suggested it. She

    was kind of like all the other popular girls; she wasnt involved with any school activities, but

    what set her apart was that she wasnt a snob.

    I remember thinking about the last time I saw her when I found her. It was the second

    month of our senior year. She was having an argument with her boyfriend. The argument was

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    getting a little physical. He grabbed her and was shaking her in anger. I wasnt far and, when I

    saw him do that, I sprinted over to stop him. I grabbed his arm and told him to let go. He did and

    punched me. I took the punch, and thought better me than her. She broke up with him after that

    and thanked me for helping. She had looked beautiful that day. It was her birthday.

    When I found her, she was a mess. I was driving to a friends house when I found her.

    She didnt ask for a ride. I pulled by and told her to get in. The world was in chaos, and she was

    just walking down the road. She didnt say a word the entire time. When I drove everyone to the

    base, where I am guarding now, she didnt get out. I opened the passenger door and reached out

    my hand, offering my assistance. She took it and got out. She looked the worst out of everyone,

    so I led her to the bathroom. She took one look in the mirror and knew why I had brought her

    there. I left her alone and helped the others. Now, she stood before me looking clean: no dirt and

    no makeup.

    No. Thank you, for everything, she said. She bowed her head. I tried to think of

    something to say, but nothing came. I stared at her, waiting for her to make the first move. I

    noticed that the ground had wet spots on it, but it wasnt raining. I saw drop after drop fall from

    her face to the ground.

    Rose, I said softly. She raised her head and wiped her eyes. I didnt know what to say,

    or what to do, to comfort her. Her memories were killing her, and I couldnt help her get through

    the pain.

    Promise me something? She focused on me and didnt wait for me to answer. Promise

    me you wont ever leave. She waited for me to answer.

    How could I promise something that I had no control over? I promise, I said. If that

    was what she needed to hear, then Id say it.

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    Im sorry. Ill leave you alone now. She walked toward the door. I watched her get

    closer to the door, then remembered the Plague werent easily distracted. I turned and focused on

    the surrounding area, searching for the enemy.

    By the way, Wolf.

    I thought she had left. I turned around and found her standing just outside the doorway.

    I liked your old name better. She smiled and left.

    It was nearly three oclock. The temperature had remained steady for a while now. The

    darkness showed signs of fading. I was almost home free. I picked myself up and paced around a

    little more. Walking around kept me warm. I scanned the area for what seemed like the billionth

    time. The place still looked the same.

    I walked from one end of the roof to the other. Nothing looked any different. Walked

    toward the left end of the building and saw something in the tree. I raised the shotgun and

    pointed it at the place of movement. I got closer. I stepped on the ledge and moved the small

    branches with the end of the shotgun. Nothing was there. I thought it was just nerves or my brain

    telling me I was tired. I turned around and headed to the right end of the building.

    After taking at least five steps away from the tree, I was shot. The bullet pierced my

    shoulder and remained in me. I didnt expect it to hurt the way it did. It stung for a little bit, and

    then it was nothing. I fell to my knees and held myself up with the shotgun. After a few seconds

    of pain, I recovered and faced the tree. Without hesitation, I fired. The small branches and leaves

    exploded. The tiny remains fell to the ground. I peered closer and found nothing.

    I examined my wound. I could see the back of the bullet. I acted without thinking and

    pulled the bullet out. It hurt more than when it went in. The bullet wasnt like any bullet Id ever

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    seen. It was like a tranquilizer, but it was smaller. I looked to see what was inside the bullet, but I

    couldnt tell. It was a purple liquid that glowed.

    I studied it for a while, then put it in my bag and set it by the door. Id get a better look at

    it later. When I got back to the ledge, the area had changed. In the distance was a small group of

    Plague. There were six Sins and one Death. They usually travel all together, every species. The

    Silences were already out. They were in the trees.

    I backed up against a wall and constantly shifted my focus on both sides. I was not going

    to let them shoot me again, without getting shot in return. The trees to the right and left of me

    moved constantly. I was getting nervous. How was I going to kill them, if I couldnt even see

    them? ? I thought about it for a second, and then remembered the grenades. I had four grenades. I

    reached into my bag and pulled out two grenades. I pulled the pins and launched them to the left

    and the right. The explosions were larger than they should have been.

    A large streak of purple light came from both sides of me, and a loud screech filled the

    area. I must have killed them. The damn things never make a sound until they die. I became

    momentarily blinded and deafened by the effects of killing the Silences. I knew the others would

    hear and come see what had happened. I had to work fast and kill them all.

    After regaining my sight and hearing, I grabbed my bag, pulled out another grenade, ran

    to the ledge, jumped off, pulled the pin, and launched the grenade under me. The explosion

    helped cushion my fall, but it also provided me with a wound. I quickly got up and hid behind a

    destroyed car at the side of the dirt road. The Plague had gotten closer. The Sins began firing at

    me. The Death waited in the back, to see if I would make it past the Sins.

    I sat against the car and searched for a bandage from my bag. I pulled out the piece of

    metal embedded in my leg and bandaged it up. I looked to see what other items were in my bag. I

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    had one grenade, 24 shotgun shells, the Silences bullet, a hunters knife with a holster, and a

    9mm pistol. I grabbed the holster, strapped it to my leg, and placed the knife in it. I grabbed and

    reloaded the shotgun, and put some of the remaining shells in my pockets with the grenade. I laid

    the bag down; it would slow me down. I clutched the shotgun close to me. I had to prepare

    myself for what I was about to do.

    I quickly got up and fired from behind the car. I fired rapidly at what was in front

    of me. I killed four of the Sins. I ran toward the remaining Sins. They continued to fire at me.

    Their weapons were nothing like anything Ive seen. They didnt run out of ammo. I ran past the

    rear of the car and got my bandage snagged on a piece of metal sticking out. My torn leg was

    bare, but I didnt stop. I fired at the closest Sin, killing it. The last Sin caught me by surprise and

    ran out in front of me. I bashed it in the face with the back of the shotgun, and then blew its face


    The Sins blood splattered all over me. It was all over my leg. It stung, but I pushed

    through the pain. The Death was all that was left. I slowed down and walked to it. It had no

    weapons, but its fists. I stood before it. The ugly beast focused all three of its eyes on me. I

    gripped the shotgun tighter. This wouldnt be easy.

    I quickly aimed the gun at the Deaths face and fired. It charged at me, enraged. I dodged it and

    ran around it. I continued to run around the creature and fire at its head. Deaths arent the

    smartest creatures. Theyre slow and dumb, but they make up for it with their size and strength.

    I reloaded as I circled the creature, but as I put the fourth shell in, my legs stopped. I fell

    to the ground, paralyzed. I couldnt get up. I tried with all my strength to move my legs, but

    nothing. I was going to die.

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    The Death reached its giant hand over me and picked me up. I still held the shotgun, but I

    couldnt move my arms because of the paralysis and the Deaths grip. It brought its hand to its

    face and roared at me. Slime, spit, and an odor of rotting corpses came from its mouth. I was

    staring into the face of Death. This is where I would die. All I could think of was Rose. I was

    breaking my promise. I wished I could tell her I was sorry.

    The Death started squeezing me. I could hear bones snapping, but I couldnt feel where.

    The paralysis would make this death painless. I still struggled to move. I was not going to go

    down without a fight. I could feel pain in my shoulder and leg. Then pain in my ribs. My arm

    slowly started moving. I still held the shotgun. The Death didnt notice my movement. I freed

    my arm and pointed the shotgun at it. It didnt even know what was going on.

    You may have killed hundreds before me, but you wont kill me! My body began to

    realize the pain, as I spoke. GoToHell! I fired and blew out its middle eye.

    It threw me to the ground, screamed in pain. It was stumbling around, hands on its face,

    screaming. After a minute, it stopped and fell to the ground. It lay motionless. I tried to get up,

    but couldnt. I looked around and saw the destruction caused. It wasnt much, compared to what

    the Plague would have done. I crawled to the car, and as I got closer, the doors to the base

    opened. The doors were massive steel doors. It took two people to open them.

    Rose sprinted to my aid with another girl. They came with a medical kit. I thought about

    what could be in that bag that could help. I was broken.

    Its not over, a strangers voice said. I didnt recognize it, but it sounded kind of


    I searched around for the source of the voice, but there was no one. Rose and the other

    girl were by my side now. Rose grabbed the bandage and started wrapping my leg. The other girl

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    just knelt beside me. She seemed anxious. I watched Rose work and tried to gather the words I

    would use, just in case I didnt make it.

    Im coming for you, the voice said again. I searched around again. Rose and the other

    girl didnt look surprised. Didnt they hear the voice?

    Rose watched me and looked worried. She had to be worried; I was looking around like a

    crazy person. The other girl stood up and began to pace around. She was scared. Rose didnt

    know what to do once she finished with my leg.

    Shoulder, I muttered. She instantly got to work. She lifted me up and pulled of my

    jacket. Then she tore at my shirt, revealing my upper arm and part of my chest. She poured

    alcohol on the wound and then bandaged it. I focused on her, ignoring the pain.

    She will die, the voice spoke again. I listened to what it said this time, fearing for

    Roses safety.

    I tried to move my feet. They moved slightly. I would have to use all of my strength to

    get up. I tried sitting up more and getting Rose to release me. She thought she was hurting me.

    We have to get inside, I muttered.

    She looked at me, confused, and tried to calm me. The other girl agreed with what I said.

    She was frightened.

    Lets go! We need to get back inside! she said, hysterical.

    Dont worry. Im almost done, Rose said. She was calm now. She was focused on what

    she was doing.

    No! We need to go, now! I dont wanna die! We need to go right n- She stopped

    talking. She stood motionless for a few seconds. A large bump appeared on her forehead. Rose

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    looked at her in awe. I held Rose, keeping her close. The girl fell. A pool of blood formed around


    Rose got up and helped me to the car. We hid behind it, but it didnt matter. It was a

    Silence that had killed the girl. It would be beside us in a second. Rose began to cry, and I held


    Rose. We need to get inside. Grab my bag.

    She grabbed the bag that lay beside her.

    Take the pistol and make sure its loaded.

    She took out the clip and shoved it back in.

    Now, youre going to help me up, and were going to go to the door as fast as possible.


    She nodded. She was terrified. I put my arm over her shoulder; she swung my bag over

    her other shoulder, and then we both stood. We hobbled to the door, but I knew we werent

    going to make it. She would make it without me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the last

    grenade. Rose glanced at it.

    What are you going to do with that? she asked.

    Pull the pin, I ordered. She did so, and I threw it over my shoulder. We quickened our

    pace, so we wouldnt get caught in the explosion. The grenade exploded, and smoke shrouded

    us. We were hidden from the Silence.

    We made it to the door. I removed my arm from her shoulder and opened the door. I held

    it open as long as I could. Rose got in and pushed against the door to keep it open.

    Come on! she called. Get in!

    Get in! the voice commanded. Save yourself! We have things to do.

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    I couldnt leave, not yet. I pushed the door closed on her. The door slammed shut. I could

    hear pounding on the other side.

    I lowered my head. Im sorry, I said and limped to the open.

    Foolish! the voice said. You wont die, not yet! it said.

    I stood there and waited for the Silence to attack, but my vision faded, and I was

    engulfed in darkness. We have much to do, Wolf. Our story has just begun.

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    I awoke in what looked like a hospital room. It was the medical wing of the base. I didnt

    move right away, instead I tried to remember what happened. I remember everything that

    happened, until I got Rose back into the base, but after that everything is blank. What happened?

    I scanned the room. No one was around. I then studied my wounds. Everything seemed

    fine. I looked toward the window, and noticed that I wasnt alone.

    She sat in a fold-up chair; her body was hunched toward the bed, and her beautiful head

    resting beside my wounded leg. She was fast asleep. I didnt want to wake her. She looked

    peaceful. I envied that. She can sleep and dream of good things, but I could only dream of

    horrors. She deserves to have a place to escape to when life gets hard. I hope the nightmares of

    this world never reach her.

    I watched her sleep for I dont know how long. Her hair was a mess again, and her cheeks

    were a little red. Was she crying? She must have been worried. I didnt break my promise, not

    yet, but I cut it close. Ill have to be more careful next time.

    In the hallway, I could hear footsteps. Someone was coming. I turned my head to the

    door. When the door opened, I wasnt surprised by who it was. Rob, my best friend, entered with

    a bag and the smell of French fries.

    Hey Tough Guy, I brought you lunch. He said happily and loud. I raised my hand to

    my mouth and extended my finger upward. He looked at Rose and understood. He put the bag on

    a small stand next to the bed, and sat in the fold-up chair next to it. How you feelin? He asked

    in a whisper.

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    Okay, I think, I answered. I didnt really know if I was okay or not. What happened?

    I asked.

    Wish I knew, he said, Rose is the one that dragged you into the base. No one knows

    anything else. Youll have to ask her. I turned to her. She was still asleep. Hows about we

    wake Sleeping Beauty and get some answers?

    No! I said a little too loud. I looked back at her. She was still asleep. Let her sleep.

    Whatever. Im hungry. Lets eat. He opened the bag and pulled two Big Macs, two

    large fries, and two bottles of Mountain Dew from it.

    Where did you get this? I asked confused.

    In town, he said nonchalantly. I found someone who worked at McDonalds, and got

    him to come with me to get some food. He made a shit load of food and I got a lot of soda, and

    we came back without a scratch. We didnt even see any of the ugly basterds.

    Was it just the two of you? I asked concerned.

    Yeah. Why? He looked at me puzzled.

    Next time, if there is a next time, get more people to go with you; the more the better. I

    didnt like that they risked their lives for fast food. If more people went with, I would have felt

    better about it, but not as much.

    Next time, youre coming with. I wanna see them basterds mess with you. You gave

    them an ass-whoopin last time. Theyd be crazy to mess with you again, Rob joked.

    I looked down at my wounds, then at Rose. I was lucky.

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    Rob stopped with the jokes, and handed me my fries. I tried to eat lying down, but it

    wasnt working out. I slowly pushed myself upright. It was a miracle she was still sleeping.

    I grabbed the Big Mac box, opened it, and pulled out the burger. I couldnt remember the

    last time I had a Big Mac. It smelled, looked, and probably tasted the same as always. Rob was

    already stuffing his face, and if I didnt take a bite now hed take mine.

    There better be one for me, I looked down at my legs and saw the beautiful brown eyes

    staring at me, or maybe she was staring at the burger.

    Did we wake you? I asked.

    No, it was the fries, she replied smiling.

    Sorry, Rob said with a full mouth.

    Give me some and well call it even, she bargained. She seemed happy and laid back.

    Was she trying to accept what the world had become, and live with it?

    Im out, Rob said, shoving the last couple of fries in his mouth. And Wolf needs to

    eat, so you cant take his, Rob joked. His jokes were funny to people who knew when he was


    I tore the Big Mac box in half. I gave Rose the top and poured half of my fries in it. Then,

    I ripped the burger in half, and gave her the bigger half. She grabbed her half of the burger and

    traded it for my half.

    You need to eat, she said and smiled.

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    I smiled back at her. We ate in silence. Rob stared at us, and when I looked at him, he

    winked at me. I ignored him. He could be just as embarrassing as a parent.

    Well, Im thirsty. Ill go find a vending machine. What you guys want to drink? I could

    tell he was just finding an excuse to leave. He made it so obvious.

    Water, Rose said in a monotone voice. What happened? She was happy a second ago.

    You know what I like, I said. I just wanted him out of here. Rob knows I dont care

    what he gets me.

    Yeah, I know, he said with a wink and a smile. As soon as he left, I focused my

    attention on Rose.

    I stared at her garbage. I didnt know what to say. I wanted to know what was wrong, but

    I didnt want her to tell me just because I asked. She should want to tell me, but what if shes

    waiting for me to ask. Damn it!

    Whats the matter? I asked.

    Its nothing, she said. If she doesnt want to tell me, then I shouldnt push her.

    You sure? I cant push, but I can nudge.

    No, her voice was more of a whisper, and I could sense the tears coming. Its just

    thatIm scared. I dont know what to do.

    Were all scared. All we can do is overcome our fears and survive, I put my hand on

    her shoulder. She raised her head and revealed her tears. Everything will be fine, I assured her,

    I wont leave, I promise.

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    Thanks, she smiled. I removed my hand from her shoulder, and placed it at my side.

    She lifted her hand and placed it on mine. You know, Rob is really obvious.

    I know, I said with a smile. She laughed.

    After a few minutes, Rob returned with our friend, RJ, and two cans of Cokes, a can of

    Sprite, and a can of Lemonade. Sorry, the machine didnt have water.

    Thats okay, she didnt mind. I doubt she wanted water.

    Rob and RJ passed out the drinks. I noticed when Rose was trying to open her can that

    we hadnt let go of each others hand. She couldnt open her can with her left hand, so I opened

    it for her. Rob and RJ smiled and winked at me. I got some friends.

    You ready to get out of this bed, Boss? RJ asked. He emphasized Boss. Why did he call

    me Boss?

    You should stay in bed until youre better, Rose was concerned for my health. I knew I

    should stay in bed, but there was a lot of work to be done.

    Dont worry, I said assuring her, Ill be fine. I swung my legs to the side of the bed,

    and sat on the edge of the bed for a second. I pushed myself up and stood, for a moment. I fell

    back on the bed. Rob and RJ laughed. They didnt bother to help me up. I pushed myself up

    again. I began to fall back, again, but someone grabbed my arm and held me up. It was Rose.

    You call this fine? She mocked. I grabbed her shoulder, trying to stabilize myself, so

    we both wouldnt fall. It wasnt meant to be a kind of hug, but thats what it turned into. I held

    her tight, not wanting to let go. She didnt want to move anymore than I did.

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    That moment was so long ago, now. I wish I could relive that with her. I wish I could

    hold her the way I used to. Ive wished for a lot of things, but they never came true. I lied. One

    came true. I wished to live and I did.

    Rob and RJ exited the room, smiling and laughing. I released Rose. We both left the

    room together. Her arm was linked to mine. I assumed it was so I wouldnt fall, but maybe there

    was another reason.

    We walked down the pale, grey hallways of the base in silence. Rob and RJ were ahead

    of us by a few feet. I glanced to my right a few times, just to see her. She did the same. We were

    becoming friends, and thats how it should have stayed. I was too much of a fool to realize the

    pain I was preparing for her and everyone else.

    I thought about last night. Was it last night when the Plague came? Whatever. I thought

    about what happened the night they came, and I tried to remember what happened. I couldnt

    figure it out. I had to ask Rose.

    As I opened my mouth to ask the question that plagued my mind, the sound of our

    footsteps faded and darkness clouded my vision. I was trapped; engulfed in nothingness. The

    state that I was in seemed familiar.

    Have you an answer for me? The voice from the other night asked.

    Answer to what? I asked confused. He never asked a question.

    Youve forgotten. I thought you were strong. Maybe I was wrong. If you can remember

    my name then I was right about you. What is my name, Corpse?

    I hesitated for a second. This person had a name? I dont know. When did you tell me?

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    You know when I introduced myself. You were just filled with questions. You thought I

    was the moronic Lucifer. What a joke! He laughed.I told you my name after I killed the Silent

    one for you. He killed the Silence? He saved me? What was his name?

    I concentrated on that night. I thought about everything. I thought about the voice, the

    Plague, Rose. Focus on the Plague and the voice!

    Rage, I said firmly.

    Good job. You are strong. You can withstand my presence. Most Corpses forget about me

    after a few visits, but not you. You are my new Corpse Why did it continue to call me Corpse?

    What was your question? Im having a hard time remembering that part. I had to lie to

    him. I didnt have any idea what the question was. His name just came to me, like an old friend.

    Very well, Ill ask you again. Are you willing to accept your fate? He asked as if he

    already knew what was to become of me.

    What do you mean? I asked.

    Exactly as it sounds; can you accept your fate, Corpse? I was getting angry that he kept

    calling me Corpse.

    Stop calling me that! What are you talking about?! My anger got the better of me.

    I am just stating the truth. Your fate isnt a pleasant one, but it is your fate, none the less.

    Accept it. Death comes for all of us. He came for you the other night, and you spat in his face.

    Unfortunately, for you that wont stop him from coming. You will die. I will kill you.

    No! I yelled. I was filled with anger. I never felt so much anger before.

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    Yes! Get angry. Get mad. Make it easier for me to take control. I will use all of that rage

    against you. He taunted me.

    Show yourself! I commanded. The anger in my voice tore at my throat.

    All in good time, Corpse. I havent the energy yet. I promise you, we will meet in person.

    In the meantime, keep that rage and bottle up all the others you have. It will fuel me. It will make

    me great. The nothingness began to dissipate. My senses returned. I could hear the voice

    laughing as it vanished.

    I regained consciousness and found myself looking up at the ceiling. I lay there for a

    moment. I didnt want to move just yet. My body felt weak, and I didnt want to risk falling


    Wolf! Rose called. She ran to my side. I sat up and stared at her blankly. Are you


    I dont know. How long was I out? I asked. I guessed around three minutes. It didnt

    seem too long, but who knows how fast time passes when the lights go out?

    What are you talking about? You just fell. Did you hit your head? She was worried; so

    was I. I could have sworn I blacked out. I was talking to a voice. How is it that our entire

    conversation happened within a split second?

    I dont know, I said as I stood. My strength returned to me. I didnt feel like I was

    going to fall.

    She stared at me, concerned.

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    Im fine. Dont worry. She didnt have to know about the voice; about Rage.

    We continued down the hall. Rose filled me in on everything that happened. Everything

    she said was sort of a blur. It was a lot of information to take all at once. I can only recall bits

    and pieces of what she said; the main thing being our situation.

    When everyone heard about what you did, they gained respect for you. They all trust

    you. Thats why we want you to be our leader. Rose said with a smile.

    What? This was something I wasnt prepared for. I couldnt lead them. I didnt really

    want to. What was I going to be leading them to anyway?

    We need someone to lead us. We want to fight. We want our homes back. Youre the

    only person that can help us. That was a lot of work. I had no idea what to do. If I accepted the

    responsibility, I wouldnt know where to begin.

    Okay, I said, Ill do it.

    Her face lit up and she jumped into my arms. Thank you. She was ecstatic. I didnt

    know why. This was nothing to be happy about. We were going to war.

    She led me down the hall and into the main entrance. The giant, steel doors from that

    night stood ahead of me. The grand room was pale and boring like the rest of the place. Everyone

    that had come to this base for safety was assembled into this room. It was crowded. Everyone

    was searching around for who they thought was their leader. Only a handful of people in the base

    knew who I was, and I had to lead all of these strangers. Some of these people were older than

    me. I scanned the room and found a dozen men well into their thirtys. This was a task that I

    didnt expect to accomplish.

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    I stood beside Rose, Rob, and RJ. We stared out at the mass crowd. RJ nudged my

    shoulder. You ready for this? He asked.

    You gotta lead these people, Rob said. Id hate to be you right about now. Basterd!

    My hands began to shake. Sweat formed on my neck. Id be lying if I said I was nervous.

    I was freaking out. I began to imagine all the different ways I could mess up. I was about to go

    back to bed, but the warmth of a gentle hand stopped me. Roses hand held mine.

    You can do this, she said. I gripped her hand a little tighter. She squeezed back. I


    I led Rose to the far, right wall with me. We both stood on a row of crates that raised us

    above the crowd. I looked at her. She was scanning the crowd quickly and nervously. I gently

    squeezed her hand. Her gaze shifted to me. I smiled. She smiled back.

    Ready? I asked. I wouldnt be ready until she was.

    She nodded and stared back at the crowd. I gave RJ the signal. Im not the kind of guy to

    raise my voice, but RJ was the definition of loud.

    Shut your face! He yelled. The room went silent. Your leader has something he wants

    to say. Go ahead, Wolf.

    I took a deep breath. I could feel Roses hand tighten. We both didnt like people staring

    at us. Good morning. I looked at clock behind me. Well, good afternoon would be more

    accurate. Im Wolf. I am the guy that you made your leader. The crowd began to argue. They

    didnt know they just made a seventeen year old their leader. I know Im not what you

    expected. To be honest, I didnt expect to be made a leader. That title doesnt really fit well with

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    me. I paused. The crowd silenced. I didnt ask for this. You gave it to me. Now, I accept the

    challenge. I will do my best to lead you, as long as I am able to. I turned away from the crowd

    and began to lead Rose off the crates. I stopped myself and turned back to the crowd. One more

    thing, she is my second in command. Her name is Rose. Thats all. I quickly led Rose off the

    platform and into the crowd.

    They made a path for us. Rose and I didnt look at them. We didnt want to see their

    faces. They must have had high expectations, and we thought the disappointment was written all

    on their faces.

    Captain Wolf! A voice from the crowd chanted. More joined in the chanting. Soon the

    entire crowd was cheering my name, as Rose and I left the grand room.

    I didnt know where I was going. I just couldnt stand being in that room anymore. Those

    people had no idea what they just did. They put their lives in the hands of a teenager. Has the

    world really gone shit?

    Wolf. I heard a faint voice say. I stopped walking, and looked behind me. Rose looked

    at me a little surprised. Why did you make me second in command?

    I dont know, I said truthfully. I trust, maybe thats my reason.

    Rose smiled.

    Also, you can keep an eye on me, and keep me from doing something stupid. I said

    with a smile. She punched my arm playfully, and walked ahead of me. I stood where I was and

    watched her walk away.

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    She turned around. You coming? She asked. I hurried beside her. We continued

    walking around.

    Where are we going? I asked.

    I dont know. You were leading me, remember? I forgot about that.

    Lets go find the Captains quarters, I said lightly.

    Ill race you! Rose called as she ran passed me. I smiled and ran after her.

    This corpse will do me well. He is strong, agile, smart, and brave. He will complete my task

    easily. The only problem is his heart. His heart is too strong.

    I must to crush it!

    There must be a way to show him the darkness. I must fuel his anger. Make him give me strength.

    I need more strength. I must take control.

    Get angry!

    This girl will have to go. She keeps him stable. He must lose her. Death is always an option. No.

    Not death. Rage. You will lose her, Corpse. Your rage will end you.

    I will kill you!

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    I awoke in my new room. It felt weird, being in a room that I had never once thought to

    be my own. The room is mine, but I dont think of it that way. Its just a room I use for the time

    being. It was larger and a lot nicer than the others.

    When I found it with Rose, Rob, and RJ, they were all jealous. RJ and Rob wanted to

    fight me for it. Rose just wanted to sleep over sometimes. I thought she was joking, but she

    wasnt. It was obvious that we both liked each other, but at that time, we couldnt really do

    anything about it. It wouldnt be right to act on it. I thought it was better this way. When the

    worst happened, it wouldnt hurt as much.

    I got out of bed and put on my ripped jeans, dirty t-shirt, blood-stained socks, and old

    shoes. I grabbed the army jacket Id found in the room, and took it with me as I exited. I rushed

    out of the room and bumped into Rose and knocked her down.

    Im sorry. Are you all right? I asked while helping her up. I felt like an idiot.

    Yeah. Im fine, she said with a smile. Nice jacket.

    Thanks, I said smiling.

    We walked together down the hall. I didnt know what it was I had to do. What did

    Captains do? Maybe I should just walk around and try to help, or tell people what they should

    do. The only thing I really knew how to do was fight. I helped people, but it was done through

    fighting. Ordering people around was what I did when people got in the way of a fight. I knew

    this Captain thing wasnt for me.

    Are you okay? Rose asked as we neared the garage.

    Im not sure, I said honestly. I dont know what I should do. What do Captains do,


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    She stopped just a few feet from the door to the garage. I halted at the door and turned to

    face her. She stared at me, but she may have actually been thinking.

    I think a Captain is supposed to do what he thinks is best for the people he leads. He

    should protect them, be brave for them, help them in whatever they need, and show no fear when

    really hes just as scared as everyone else. Thats what I think a Captain is supposed to do.

    I closed the gap between us. She looked up at me. I put my arms around her.

    Thank you, I said.

    I moved my face closer to hers. She was still. I moved my lips closer to hers; nearly

    touching. Her eyes closed. I pressed my lips against hers. In that moment, we kissed in a way

    that was gentle and new. It was the first kiss. I pulled away, my face still close to hers. She

    opened her eyes after a moment and smiled. I smiled back, and suddenly forced our lips back

    together. The second kiss was more forceful and, for lack of a better word, passionate. She

    pushed herself away, smiling. She walked by me and grabbed my hand, leading me through the


    The garage was loud and busy. We walked in holding hands, but when people started

    glancing at us every few seconds, we had to let go.

    I scanned the room, searching for a friend.

    Who are you looking for? Rose asked.

    Wolfman! a voice called through the noise.

    Found him, I said and pointed him out to Rose.

    My friend from auto class walked toward us. He was a short, round, smart redneck. He

    knew how to make some vehicles that were different. He knew his way around an engine. One

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    time, we were given a car that we were told had about ten things wrong with it. Our instructor

    said it would take the whole week for us to fix it. He fixed the car in two days, by himself.

    Hey, Trevor! I called back to him.

    He ran up to me and pretended to box. He reached out his hand, I grabbed it, and we gave

    a good shake.

    How you been, Wolfman? he asked loudly.

    Im doing okay. What about you?

    Im good. What you guys need, besides a room? he said with a chuckle.

    Trevors humor was always a bit sexual and sexist and racist and vulgar. Trevors humor

    is what makes him him.

    Im here to offer you a proposition.

    Thats a big word for you, he joked. What is it?

    You are in charge of the garage, I said bluntly.

    Are you serious?! Hell, yeah! Im in! He grabbed my hand and shook and patted me on

    the shoulderthe bad shoulder.

    Great. Now, I have something I want you to work on, I said and noticed Rose got a

    little interested. Well talk about it later.

    No problem. See ya around, Captain. He chuckled and went back to work.

    I walked to the hallway. Rose followed close behind. I could tell she wanted to ask me


    What is the thing you want him to do? she asked, curious.

    I want him to build me a toy, I said, jokingly but truthful.

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    Rose stared at me, not understanding. She gave up trying to figure it out and we

    continued on our way. We walked down the halls and into the medical department. The rooms

    were either for patients needing treatment or labs for experimentation and tests.

    I was looking for a friend. She helped me out when I was dying. I didnt find out until

    last night, when Rob told me.


    You know, Alice is the one that patched you back up? He said.

    Really? I asked surprised.

    Yeah. Her dad was a surgeon, and her mom was a scientist. She knows a lot about

    science and medical stuff.

    That will help out a lot.


    You know Alice is the one that patched you back up? he said.

    Really? I asked, surprised.

    Yeah. Her dad was a surgeon, and her mom was a scientist. She knows a lot about

    science and medical stuff.

    That will help out a lot.


    I looked into every room, searching for Alice. I had an offer for her. I found her in the

    last room of the hall. She had her head down on a desk, crying. I knocked on the open door.

    She jolted up and wiped the tears from her face. Good morning, Captain, she said.

    Good morning, Alice, I said.

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    I sat in the chair in front of the desk. Rose stood behind me, and Alice sat at the behind

    the desk.

    Id like to thank you for what you did. If it wasnt for you, Id be dead.

    No thanks is needed. You saved us, so I just returned the favor. She smiled.

    Alice was a very nice girl. She was at the top of our class in high school. She was the

    exception to the dumb blondes stereotype. There were two things that I liked about Alice; One,

    she saved my life. Two, she saved Robs life.

    How have you and Rob been?

    Good. I actually asked him to give me some space because of.well, you know. She

    was dealing with a lot. She is one of a handful of us who saw her parents die.

    I do, and Im sorry. To be honest, I didnt come here for small talk.

    I figured. She smiled

    I came here to offer you something that will help everyone out. I want you to startup and

    lead the Medical and Research department. I want you to bring this hall of ghosts to life.

    Did you just promote me in rank? she asked.

    Yes, I said, smiling.

    Oh my God! Thank you so much! I wont let you down! I cant wait to get started! She

    was ecstatic.

    Good, but I also have something we need to talk more about later. I want you to prepare

    the testing areas and give me a list of things youll need. We can steal from the hospitals later in

    the week. Stealing was the right word for it, but it was understandable.

    Great! she said merrily and began to clean up the office.

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    I turned to leave the room and saw that Rose was getting suspicious. I couldnt tell her

    what was going onnot yet. Its my secretmy burden to bear.

    We continued down the hall to make one more stop and a few more positions. Rose

    didnt question me about the little things I was having some friends do.

    Why are you assigning people different duties and putting them in charge? Rose asked,


    Im not good at a lot of things. Im good at fighting. Mechanics, medical, science, and

    other things, Im no good at. Giving people the ability to lead in what they excel at will not only

    help us, but them, too. Trevor is an amazing mechanic; he knows a lot, and thats why I put him

    in charge of the garage. Alice is the only person around who knows a lot about science and

    medicine; we need her to teach others.

    Who are we going to see now?

    Rob and RJ, I said bluntly.

    Rose looked at me, confused.

    RJ is a talker; you know that. I want him to get involved with communication with other

    people in other towns. I paused for a moment. Rob is just my best friend. I trust him with my

    life. I know that, ever since hes been with Alice, hes changed. I am willing to give him the

    responsibility to defend this base. Im going to promote him to Head of Defense.

    Rose smiled. She liked what I said. What about me? she asked smiling at me. What

    am I good at? What will I be doing?

    You are good at being a friend. You will be aiding me and everyone here. I cant be

    everywhere, so when multiple people need me, you will aid them. Hows that sound?

    Eh. She smirked.

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    We turned the corner and bumped into the two people we were searching for. I bumped

    heads with Rob, and Rose was cushioned by RJs belly. Rose appeared tiny, compared to RJ, but

    then again, a lot of people were tiny compared to him.

    Whats the big idea?! Are you fucking blind?! Rob asked, annoyed. He was rubbing his

    head and not looking at who he was talking to.

    No Im not fucking blind, but I do have a few scrapes from battle a few nights ago, I


    Rob moved his hand away from his face, saw me, and shifted his gaze downward. Damn


    Not the best way to greet yourCaptain, I joked.

    Rob laughed and pushed me.

    Whats going on? Where you going? RJ asked.

    We were looking for you, Rose said. You can let me go, RJ.

    RJ held her by the shoulders, probably caught her after the bump.


    Yeah, so I want you guys to do something for me. The both looked at me, very

    interested. RJ, I want you to be in-charge of all communications. Rob, I want you to work on

    building our defenses. You up for it? I was quick about it because, knowing them, theyd say

    some shit.

    Wait! You want me to be in-charge of communications? Does that mean Im the boss of

    people that just talk or something? RJ asked.

    I want you to command the people who I assign to be in the Communication

    Department. I want to make some alliance with neighboring towns.

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    Cool! RJ was up for it.

    What the hell do you mean by building our defenses? Rob asked, confused and


    I want you to train the people who get assigned to your Defense Department, and make

    sure our base is well-defended with traps and other shit.

    So you just want me to be your guard dog?

    No. I want you to make this base an impenetrable fortress.

    Rob genuinely didnt like his leadership role, but I didnt know what else to give him.

    This is the only thing I could do for him. I didnt want him to be another soldier that I never saw.

    I wanted all the people I cared about to be close by, so I could keep an eye on them.

    Fine. At least its easy, he joked.

    Great. Now I want you to meet me in my office in an hour. Tell Alice and Trevor

    because I forgot to. I smiled.

    Forgetful Captain, dont you think? RJ said to Rob.

    Damn straight! Rob answered.

    They ran off before I could do anything. Rose and I were left alone again. We had

    nothing to do. I had done what Id wanted to do for now. I an hour, Id have more to do, but until

    then, I was free.

    So now what? Rose asked.

    I dont know. What do you want to do?

    She shrugged.

    We stood in silence for a while. When someone walked by, we made it look like we were

    having a conversation, but the small talk didnt last.

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    Why dont we go to your office and wait? Rose suggested.

    Sounds good. It would be better than this.

    We walked in silence to my office, which was pretty much just the room next to my room. It

    wasnt a long walk, and it wasnt too awkward. We made it to my office, and Rose just wandered

    around. I stood at the doorway and watched her examine every little thing. Most of the crap that

    was in there didnt belong to me, but some of it did. It was the stuff that didnt belong, like the

    CDs and DVDs and books.

    A Long Way Gone? I never heard of it. Is it good? she asked, not facing me.

    Its really goodone of my favorites. I think youll like it. I said honestly.

    You have The Book Thief, Fallen Angels, Fahrenheit 451, The Dark Knight, Finding

    Forrester, Zombieland, Breaking Benjamin, Killswitch Engage, Muse, Lupe Fiasco, Flogging

    Molly, and Duke Ellington. This is not what Id expected to find in a Captains office. Well,

    maybe Duke Ellington. She smiled.

    What would you expect to find?

    Knives, guns, ammo, grenades, and a bunch of other things for battle, she listed.

    I walked to the Duke Ellington CD and pulled it off the shelf. Behind it was a small

    switch. Flip it, I told her. She did. The book shelf that was in front of us shifted to the right and

    rested against the door that connects to my room. It revealed a small storage space for weapons

    and ammo. It had two 9mm, a shotgun, a SMG, three knives, two frag grenades, a smoke

    grenade, a flash grenade, and plenty of ammo.

    Is this better? I asked.

    Yeah, that works, she giggled.

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    I flipped the switch, and the shelf moved back to its rightful spot. I put the CD back and

    pulled out Zombieland.

    Wanna watch? I asked with a grin.

    Rose nodded.

    I put the disc in the DVD player that rested on the shelf on the other side of the moving

    book-shelf. Rose was by my side the entire time. She didnt sit on the small couch by the door,

    facing the TV.

    I turned the TV on, grabbed the remotes, and put them in my jacket pocket. I turned to Rose. She

    smiled at me and waited for me to move so she could follow. I decided to do something

    unexpected. I grabbed her and pulled her into my arms. She was shocked and didnt know what

    to do. She began to breathe heavily, so I laughed. I put her arms over my shoulders.

    You ready? I asked.

    She looked at me, confused. I quickly forced her up, she breathed heavier, and I carried

    her to the couch. I laid her on the couch and was going to stand back up, but she held me down,

    close to her face. She smiled.

    Are you ready? she repeated my question.

    She pressed her lips to mine. I can honestly say I have no idea how long it lasted. It could

    have been a few seconds, but it felt a helluva lot longer than that.

    She pulled away and smiled. I stood, moved her legs from the other cushion, and sat

    down. I put my arm around her, and she rested her head on my chest.

    The movie started, and we laughed at how ridiculous it was. When it got boring, we

    talked about random things that didnt matter anymore, like school stuff and some of the drama

    before the world went to hell. We only talked about one thing that was actually important.

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    Your heart is beating really fast, Rose said out of nowhere.

    Okay, I said with a laugh.

    Why is it beating so fast? she asked.

    I dont know, I said. I thought about it for a second. Maybe because Im with you.

    She lifted her head from my chest and kissed me. She smiled and quickly rested her head

    back on my chest.

    It is not because of her that you heart beats as it does. It is because of me. Your body is

    trying to exterminate me, but it will not succeed.

    Not now.

    Yes, now; Now, and until you have dissipated into nothingness. These feelings you have

    for this female are disgusting. It is a horrible waste of energy. When will your meeting begin, so

    I can meet my first victims?

    Knock, knock, Rob said, Were here.

    Rob, Alice, Trevor, and RJ entered. Rose and I quickly stood and greeted them. Rob and

    Alice moved into our seats and began to watch. RJ sat on the arm of the couch, and Trevor sat on

    the floor against the wall. Rose and I looked at each other and smiled. These were our friends.

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    A Small Thought of an Ending

    Rage was beginning to get a hold of me. I could feel his presence grow more and more

    each passing day. He would whisper to me when I was alone about what he would do to

    everyone, and how I would be helpless. What could I do to prevent him from taking over?

    I had given it a lot of thought for days, but one day it just came to me out of nowhere.

    The answer was obvious, but I was oblivious to it. I over looked it and for good reason. It had to

    be done, no matter how the others might feel. I had to talk to Rose first. Maybe she could come

    up with a better idea.

    Rose! I called out from the balcony to the people below in the entrance hall. She

    walked out of a small crowd and into my sight. I need to speak with you, I said. No one was

    surprised. We spent nearly all of our time with each other. In fact, they may have been surprised

    that she wasnt with me to begin with.

    I waited in my office for her to arrive. I began to play out how the conversation would go

    in my mind. Unfortunately, Rose was unpredictable. I could never guess what shed say or how

    shed react. Thats the best thing about her, though.

    Hey, Wolf. Whats going on? she said as she entered.

    I have to talk to you about you-know-who. I want to know if you can help me. We both

    know I rarely ask for help, but I think I need it. Havent had too much luck figuring things out by

    myself. I let it all out; most of it.

    Okay. Im glad to help. She smiled. What do you have so far?

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    Telling her now wouldnt be the best thing. Shed freak out and we wouldnt get anything

    done. I was hoping you could help me think up a plausible idea.

    Okay. Well, I dont know much about him. No one has. All we have to go on is what

    you say. Its really unbelievable to, be honest. I became unexplainably angry with what she


    You dont believe me, I said angrily. You think that Im going through all these damn

    tests for the fun of it. You think Im somehow making myself sick. I couldnt stop. It was like

    he was taking control of me.

    I didnt say that. She turned from my gaze. Is this what happens when you lose


    I caught myself. I could feel the anger slip away. Her sadness, her sorrow, brought me

    back. Im sorry. I dont know what came over me. I looked at her. She wouldnt face me. I

    guess, I know what I have to do. I said to myself.

    What? she asked. I thought she didnt hear, but she did.

    An idea came to mind and youre not gonna like it, but I was hoping you could help me

    come up with a better idea. She looked up at me. Her eyes were begging for me to tell her. I

    didnt want to, but I had to. Rage is a disease and hes slowly killing me. I dont want to go

    through that pain and I dont want anyone to see me like that. The only thing I can think of is

    killing myself.

    No! she commanded. If you do it then Ill never forgive you and hate you forever!

    Tears began to fall from her eyes. You cant do it. I wont let you!

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    Rose. I stood, went to her side, knelt down, and took her hand. I didnt know what to

    say, but I wanted to comfort her, somehow.

    Do you really think thats a solution?! She pulled herself away from me, and went to sit

    at the couch. She put her face into the pillow and cried.

    I sat beside her and pulled her off of it. She struggled, but, eventually, gave in. She stared

    into my eyes and I lost myself in hers. When she couldnt take it any long, she buried her face in

    my chest and continued to sob.

    What do you expect me to do, Rose? I said, softly, as I held her.

    Live. One simple word. Thats all she had to say.

    I pulled her from my chest and gazed into her eyes again. Can you handle seeing me in

    excruciating pain, and being around me when I become a different person?

    She didnt hesitate. Yes. She smiled a tearful smile.

    I wasnt so sure.

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    The pain left behind never quite heals. We live, we die. Whether you feel pain when you die

    depends on how it happens. Everyone who lives on will have to cope with the pain. Death comes

    for all of us some sooner than others.

    It was another day; Another day in this hell-hole. We wake up and, if were lucky, we

    wont have to fight for our lives. That day, we werent so lucky.

    Rob, Trevor, RJ, Rose, and I were headed into one of the towns nearby. It was a standard

    supply run. We were prepared for anything, but preparation means nothing in this new world.

    We talked and joked as usual. It was a little too loud. Trevor was driving, with RJ riding

    shotgun. Rob, Rose, and I were in the back of the truck with the supplies. Trevor had a Zack

    Brown Band CD blasting, and RJ was complaining because it wasnt Lil Wayne. Rob talked to

    Rose and me. I pretended to pay attention, and I think Rose did the same. We just wanted to get

    back to base. Rose had told me earlier she had a bad feeling about today. I had the same bad


    Hey, guys, RJ called back, Well be at base in twenty minutes. Dont let your guard

    down just yet.

    I never do.

    Hey, RJ. Why dont you put some good music on? This hick music is torture, Rob


    Screw you, Rob! Trevor yelled back with a not-so-polite hand sign.

    Everyone laughed. Everyone but me.

    You enjoying your last moment with your friend? He will die. It wont be long now.

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    Shut up, I mumbled to myself. No one heard me.

    The truth is hard to handle. You should get used to me being right. There is nothing you

    can do to save him.

    Who is it? I asked in a whisper.

    Rose glanced over at me. Shed heard.


    A large explosion came from under us, and made a crater behind us. The back end of the

    truck fell into it. I grabbed Roses hand before she could fall out of the back with the supplies.

    Rob gripped the side to keep himself up. Trevor floored it, trying to get us out. RJ opened his

    door and jumped out.

    Throw her to me! he commanded me.

    I looked at Rose. She nodded. I swung her back, and forcefully threw her up toward RJ.

    He caught her and staggered back. Now you! Jump! he ordered.

    I turned to Rob. He was about to jump from the other side.

    He glanced back at me, winked, and jumped. He landed and rolled. Wolf! Jump! he


    I scanned back into the truck. Trevor was still trying to get the truck out. It was a lost

    cause. I could feel the truck falling back more and more. I banged on the glass. Get out! I


    Trevor nodded and jumped out. Trevor is a fairly wide guy, so it was surprising that he

    was able to jump farther than anyone expected.

    I was the last one in the truck.


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    If I die here, so do you, I mumbled.

    If you die, then so do they all of them. If you live, then they might not die as soon.

    The car jerked down and stopped. I was below the surface. The car was being held up by

    some exposed large tree roots. I would have to jump upward now.

    Jump now!!

    Damn it! I said to myself.

    I put all of my force into jumping upward toward the exposed roots. I grabbed onto a

    long, thick tree root and climbed.

    Good. Now you can witness his demise. Death has come for him. It is his destiny.

    I reached the surface and was caught in the middle of a war zone. A platoon of Sins had

    attacked. Trevor and Rob were fighting on one side of the crater the truck had fallen in, and Rose

    and RJ were fighting on the other. I pulled myself up, onto my feet, and aided Rose and RJ.

    There were only a dozen or so Sins. Usually, this many Sins caused a lot of trouble. In

    our last battle against about ten Sins, wed lost two soldiers. I didnt expect any of us to have a

    problem with Sins. We knew what we were doing, but the ones wed lost were clueless. The Sins

    here reminded me of those soldiers. They were clueless, and they werent very strong. We took

    care of them too easily. I began to worry.

    That wasnt so bad, RJ said with a chuckle. He was proud of himself for killing so

    many Sins.

    Is that all of them? Rose asked. She must have been worried because of the number of

    Sins there were.

    We never once fought just a small amount like that, and never just Sins.

    I hope not. I was just getting warmed up. RJ always did enjoy a good fight.

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    Rob! Trevor! I called. You guys okay?

    Im good, Rob confirmed. Trevor, not so much.

    Whats wrong? I asked, concerned. As long as Ive known Trevor, Ive never seen him

    get hurt or show it, at least.

    What do you think?! Trevor yelled. My truck just fell to the center of the earth!

    Rob and RJ laughed. Rose smiled. I shook my head.

    Well get you a new one later, I said, trying not to smile.

    I want a Hummer! he yelled back and began to laugh.

    We all walked forward and joined in the laughter. We met at the end of the crater. RJ and

    Rob took point as we walked home. We talked a little bit to calm ourselves and get rid of the


    Death comes! You cant escape him!

    Rage kept said I would see one of my friends die. The Grim Reaper was coming for one

    of them. The Crater and Sins didnt do it, so what was he talkiNo!

    Weve been walking for a while, RJ began, you think were almost there?

    A large explosion came from behind us. We all turned and found nothing. I was more

    fearful than the others. I knew I had a demon looking out for me, but they were vulnerable, and I

    knew what was coming.

    Its probably the truck, he said nonchalantly and continued forward.

    We started walking again and found that RJ had gone ahead. He was out of sight and

    alone. I started to run.

    Wolf? Rob and Trevor said confused. Rose didnt question it; she just followed me.

    You wont make it. Hes going to die.

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    I ran faster. Rose had a hard time keeping up with me. I had to get to RJ. I needed to

    prove Rage wrong.

    None of us were going to die.

    We were going to make it out of this.

    You will all die!

    I sprinted around the corner, and found RJ and a Death.

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    The First of the Fallen


    Why do they fear so much? They fear darkness, soaring above the ground, the distance

    between them and the ground, the morons in paint and costumes, and death.

    To die

    What a privilege. Ive lived longer than time. Time is nothing. Dying is impossible. I

    cannot die because I do not live.

    I will take all of them to the depths of oblivion, of nothingness. He is the first.

    Good luck banishing me, Corpse.

    To stare down Death is a frightening thing. I know. Ive done it before. I thought that was the

    most horrifying of all, but it isnt. Seeing a friend stare down Death is the worst of all.

    RJ stared down a monstrous Death. They both stood motionless. The Death didnt make

    an attempt to attack. RJ didnt try to run. Rob, Rose, Trevor, and I were frozen where we stood. I

    knew I had to do something, but I couldnt bring myself to. The fear that the Death would kill

    my friend where he stood swept over me like the Plague.

    Trevor roared and started firing his SCAR-L machine gun. He was blindly shooting; he

    wasnt aiming at the Death. RJ ran to the side, toward the trees. The Death followed. Rob began

    to fire his M16, and Rose fired her AK-47. I was hesitant to fire my ACR, but did so when the

    Death moved into the forest.

    Trevor quickly reloaded and continued to fire blindly at the Death. He was so focused on

    killing the Death that he forgot RJ was in the forest, too. Rob tackled Trevor to the ground and

    knocked him out. It was aggressive, but needed.

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    Rob, stay here in case they come back out! I ordered.

    He nodded.

    I turned to Rose. Lets go! I commanded.

    We moved into the forest, cautiously but quickly. The Death left a clear trail; trees were

    left in wreckage and footprints left the ground quaking. I scanned the area ahead and noticed

    there was no danger in sight.

    I turned to Rose and winked at her. She shook her head and called after me, but she was

    too late. I sprinted after the Death and RJ. When I run my hardest, no one can catch me. Thats

    one of the ways I got the name Wolf.

    The trees were a blur, and the sound of the wind silenced all that was around me. The

    vibrations of the Deaths footsteps ahead of me echoed through the forest. The air smelled of

    blood. My heart raced as I grew nearer to the monster.

    I ran into the clearing and halted at a sight that was surprising. RJ and the Death were in a

    fist fight. Its hard to describe. It was nothing I had ever seen before. I became the only audience

    of the spectacle, for the time being.

    RJ smashed his fists into the torso of the Death. A Deaths fists are four times the size of

    a humans. When it slammed its fist to the ground, missing RJ, I feared the worst. Before I fired

    my weapon, Rose came from behind me.

    Oh my god, she whispered.

    I turned around to face her. She was in shock. She struggled to aim her weapon. She was

    panicking. I grabbed her shoulder. She looked at me.

    Calm down. Everything will be fine.

    She nodded.

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    Stay here, I ordered, Ill go around to the other side; when I give the signal, fire at it.

    She nodded again.

    I went back into the forest and ran around the clearing. I ran faster than I ever had before.

    RJ was putting up a good fight, but I knew he couldnt win. Where was his gun?

    When I reached the other side of the clearing, I found a large clump of metal that

    resembled RJs gun. I picked it up and examined it.

    He will be next.

    No, he wont, I whispered.

    I watched as RJ and the Death continued their fight. RJ used his speed and size to his

    advantage. RJ was a big guy, but he was also very fast, and, compared to a Death, he wasnt very

    big. The Death was struggling in the fight. RJ was getting cocky, though.

    RJ dodged the massive right hand of the Death and struck its side. It winced. RJ went

    between its legs and climbed its back. The Death roared and stretched its arms to try to grab RJ.

    RJ made it to its neck, pulled out his knife, and stabbed its throat multiple times. The Deaths

    roar weakened. RJ jumped off and rolled to the trees. The Death staggered for a minute.

    No! Kill him!

    You were wrong. No one will die today.

    There will be a body!

    I smiled at RJs accomplishment and Rages lies. It was a smile that came too soon.

    The Death turned toward Rose. It blindly charged: a Death Charge. When a Death knows

    its going to die, it will charge toward anyone close by and kill them.

    I stupidly began to run and shoot. I put a few bullets in it, but once they start the charge

    they cant be stopped.

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    Rose! Run! I shouted.

    She was frozen where she stood, but I heard gunshots. She must have thought she could

    kill it. I would do the same, but I wish she wouldve run.

    The Death was closer to her, and it was like I was miles away.

    I couldnt lose her like that. Not now.

    When I knew the Death was at killing range, I closed my eyes hard. Tears fell from them.

    I didnt stop running.

    I heard her scream.

    Rose! I yelled.

    The Death collapsed and the trees, near where Rose stood, fell with it. I opened my eyes

    and ran toward the body. I noticed RJ wasnt anywhere in sight. Did he run away?

    RJ! Rose! I called.

    No one answered.

    I grabbed at the massive arms of the Death and tried to pull them off of whatever lay

    under it. There was a lot of blood. I became frantic and did my best to quickly move the body of

    the Death.

    Rose! Rose! I continued to call for her.

    I managed to move the body onto its right side. I found a body under it.

    My legs were weak, and I fell to my knees. I grabbed the hands of the soldier the hands

    of a dear friend, whom I loved. Tears streaked my face. I could feel the hands squeeze my hands



    Hey, I replied.

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    I killed it. The blood within the throat made it hard to speak.

    Yeah. You did. You did a good job.

    He did his best to laugh.

    I smiled.

    Can I tell you a secret? He didnt wait for me to answer. Im scared, he said with

    tears in his eyes.

    We all are, but you dont have to anymore. Youre going to a better place. I smiled.

    Is Rose okay? he asked as he began to cough up blood.

    I scanned the area for Rose. I saw her reddish-brown hair spread out wild amongst the

    broken branches.

    I think so, I answered.

    Go check on her, he ordered.

    I obeyed. I ran to Roses side and tried to wake her. She groaned like she was being

    awakened for school.

    Rose. Get up, I said, softly but urgently.

    She looked up at me and smiled.

    Hey you, she said.

    Hey, I repeated with a smile.

    She enjoyed the moment, but then remembered what had just happened. Quickly, she got

    up and searched for her savior. When she spotted him, she ran to him.

    RJ! she called, with tears forming in her eyes.

    Youre alive, he said with a bloody smile. I thought you died and left this poor bastard

    all alone with Rob and Trevor, he joked.

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    Yeah, she said with a tearful smile.

    Rose, its okay. Im ready now. I did my job, right? I mean, no one can live forever. I

    had a good run. I have no regrets. He reached for her hand and mine. He put them together.

    You guys need to look after each other. Ive known about you two for a while now. Your

    secrets safe with me. He winked.

    I turned to Rose, removed my hand from hers, and put my arm around her shoulder.

    Good, RJ said, struggling to breathe.

    We wont forget you, RJ, Rose sobbed.

    We never forget our fallen, I said strongly.

    RJ made his final smile and closed his eyes. Rose held onto his hand, even after he was

    gone. She never let go. I pulled her away from him, and she cried her eyes out into my chest. I

    held her tight, and silently cried.

    Rob and Trevor arrived nearly twenty minutes after our friend had fallen. Trevor

    removed his cap to pay his respects. Rob reached over and took RJs dog tags he got from the

    mall. He pocketed them and smiled at his good friend.

    See you on the other side, Big Guy.

    We sat there and mourned our friend for an hour. Trevor decided it was time to move on.

    Rob took point, and Trevor tailed behind. I held Rose in my arms as we found our way back to

    the road and walked the small distance back to the base.

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    Over the past few months, we had grown stronger. RJs death inspired others to work

    hard and stay strong. They decided it was time to fight. Finally, I had my army. They werent

    fully ready for battle, but soon they would be.

    It was a gloomy day when they arrived. It had rained for two days straight, and the shifts

    for watch were dwindling because of simple illnesses, like a cold or the flu. Rob decided he

    would go solo until dusk; hed started at 9:30am. I assumed he was just doing me a favor, but

    later I realized it was because hed gotten in a fight with Alice. Theyd been getting into a lot of

    fights lately. It must have been the stress. This new life wasnt supposed to be easy. It would

    always be hard.

    Around noon, we got a visit from some travelers. Rob spotted them walking toward us.

    There were four of them, and they all wore grey cloaks. They walked side by side in a straight

    line. They looked like they could be trouble.

    Rob grabbed the short-wave walkie-talkies that wed stolen and called it in. One of the

    walkie-talkies is on the roof at all times, and the other is with whoever is in charge at the base at

    the time.

    Hey, Wolf. We got Walkers approaching the main gate, 200 meters out. What you want

    me to do?

    Handle it, I said, busy. I was working on my secret project with Trevor.

    What if they want to speak to you? he asked.

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    Then Ill handle it! I was a little annoyed. Some of the parts werent fitting together as

    planned, and I unintentionally took it out on Rob.

    He must have been pissed. He did handle it, though; in an hour, he called again.

    They want to speak to you, Wolf.

    Im on my way, I said as I grabbed my rifle and headed out of my room. I quietly

    exited my room so I wouldnt wake Rose; shed fallen asleep on the couch.

    I walked by a group of college guys on my way to the main gate. There were four of

    them, and they were all armed; the tallest had a SMG, the shortest a shotgun, and the other two

    had pistols. I stopped, turned around, and approached them.

    Excuse me, but what are the rules about weapons when in the base? I asked in an

    authoritative voice.

    Sir! They all straightened up and put out their cigarettes.

    The rule is that no guns are to be out, unless headed out on duty, Sir, one of them


    Good. Now, follow me, I ordered with a grin.

    They looked at each other, confused, but they obeyed. I lead them to the main gate, and

    ordered the elderly man Id put in charge of the gate, to open the doors.

    Sir, what is it were doing? a different one asked.

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    Were going to meet some travelers, and I want this to be as peaceful as possible.

    Understood? I asked in a threatening voice.

    But Sir! Theyre Walkers! the tallest one stated.

    I glared at him and pulled out my knife from my inside jacket pocket. He backed down.

    My threat was understood.

    The doors opened, and the Walkers, who stood fifty meters away from us, remained still.

    They didnt seem hostile, but there was something about them that made me uneasy. We began

    our approach; I took point, and the four college guys lingered behind.

    Be on your guard, I warned in a whisper.

    I looked over my shoulder and saw Rob with a sniper, just in case. I didnt bother to

    check on the college guys because I knew they were probably scared or worried.

    As the distance between us and the Walkers lessened, we began to walk slower. We

    stopped five meters from the Walkers.

    We wish to speak with the one in charge of this facility, the one in the middle said


    Start talking, then, I ordered.

    You are the one in charge? You are a child, the one on the left end stated mockingly.

    If you wish to speak to the oldest one here, then Ill send him out. All he knows is how

    to work the gate you see before you. If you want to talk to the strongest man here, well, then

    youre a little late because most of them are dead. I am the one who was put in command of this

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    base by the people who call it home. Its my job to keep them safe, and you Walkers dont seem

    to be too safe. Youre not welcome in my home, but I will point you in the direction of the

    nearest friendly town and give you some food and water, but thats it.

    The one in the middle took a step forward and removed his hood. He was an older man,

    maybe in his forties. He wore round glasses over his green eyes, his hair was curly and blonde,

    and he had a birthmark on the right side of his chin that looked like the number four.

    I am Alex. What is your name? he asked in a soft voice.

    Wolf. Captain of the First Organized Resistance of the 13th

    District, I stated proudly.

    You are the young captain Ive heard stories about. It wasnt a question. May we

    come in? There are matters we must discuss.

    I studied him and his companions for a moment. What did they want to discuss with me?

    Did it have to do with my assembling a resistance? You may come, but they must wait out

    here, I commanded.

    You will have my men wait where the Plague can get them? he questioned.

    Theyre under good watch, and my men will stay, also. I could hear the sighs and

    groans of the men behind me.

    Alex nodded in agreement and followed me into the base. I led him to my office, and

    remembered that Rose was asleep on the couch.

    Wait here, I said and went into the room. Rose was fast asleep. She was tired from the

    all-nighter shed pulled, covering three shifts. I picked her up off the couch and took her to the

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    other room through the shortcut door as she called it. I lay her on my bed, and she didnt even

    wake. She curled herself into a ball and mumbled something. I smiled and went back into the


    I opened the door and allowed Alex to enter. He sat on the chair in front of the desk. I

    took my place behind the desk.

    What was it you had to do in here before allowing me access? he asked, trying to make


    I had to take care of a few things that the eyes of a Walker dont need to see, I said


    Alex smiled. He leaned back in the chair and enjoyed the comfort of sitting.

    What is it you need to talk to me about? I asked annoyed.

    Of course. Ill make this simple. My boss wants to do business with you. He has heard

    stories of a Wolf leading his pack and killing armies of Plague. He bestowed upon me the

    mission to find this Wolf. I am to make a deal with you. Simple, really; you scratch our back, we

    scratch yours. What do you say?

    I thought about what he said for a moment. He said it all kind of fast. I had to process all

    of it in a hurry. I needed more information before I could make my decision. I want to meet

    your boss, I stated.

    You know how to do business, Alex chuckled. Ill make an appointment for you, and

    return to retrieve you, he said with a smirk.

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    I was hoping his boss would come here, but I bet the boss was an old man. Id have to go

    to him.

    Fine. I had no choice.

    Perfect. He stood. Ill be back in a week or two. He walked to the door, opened it,

    and turned around. He stared at me for a brief second. It felt like he was studying me; taking a

    mental image.

    It knows something. Kill it!

    I put my hand to my head. Lately, when Rage spoke, it felt like a headache. I noticed

    Alex had a curious look on his face.

    Now! Do it now!

    He smiled and left. The door closed behind him. I reached for the walkie-talkie on my

    desk. Rob, the leader should be out in three minutes. If it takes longer than that, kill his men.

    Got it! Rob said, excited.

    I slammed the walkie-talkie down. My head was throbbing. I reached for my left side

    drawer, and pulled out some pain killers and a flask of rum. I downed a few pills with a swig,

    and lay back on my chair. I closed my eyes.

    You have a visitor, Corpse.

    I opened my eyes and saw Rose staring in awe at the doorway to my room. I stood and

    she slowly walked to me. I did not move as she put her right hand on my cheek. The warmth of

    her touch made me feel better. I looked into her eyes and saw that she was hurt. Before I could

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    speak a word, a sharp, warm pain struck my cheek where her hand used to be. I could feel my

    cheek turn red. I was in shock for a second, and then I looked at Rose. She held her right hand

    that was now beat red. Her eyes were watery, but she stayed strong.

    Stop! she commanded and left.

    After a few minutes of standing there, I grabbed the pills, crushed them, and threw them

    in the garbage. I grabbed the flask and threw it into the garbage with the powdered pain killers. I

    would have to deal with the pain. I could hear Rage laughing at me in the back of my head.

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    The Boss

    It had been two weeks since wed seen the Walkers: Alex and his men. Hed said that

    within two weeks, hed be back. He was a man of his word. He returned in exactly two weeks.

    Rob was on duty again when they came.

    Wolf, I heard Rob say through the walkie-talkie.

    Yeah, I said. I was bored in my office. I had nothing better to do than to watch movies.

    I was watching Clash of the Titans.

    The Walker is back, and he brought more friends. They got an armored truck.

    Rob didnt like when theyd first visited. When I told him about what they wanted, he

    instantly wanted to kill them the next time he saw them. I convinced him everything would be

    fine, and I just wanted to see what they were after. His suspicions werent put at ease.

    Ill be right out, I said as I grabbed my jacket and exited my office.

    Bring security, Rob insisted.

    I instinctively thought of RJ, but he wasnt here anymore. He couldnt help me. I

    approached the armory and decided the first person I saw in there would accompany me. I

    entered and saw Rose. Perfect. Her headphones were blasting out music as she took inventory. I

    snuck up behind her. She didnt see me coming. I put my hands on her hips. She jumped,

    surprised, grabbed a knife on the shelf, and blindly tried to stab me.

    I blocked it by putting forearm to forearm. Didnt expect that, I said, smiling.

    Her eyes widened. She dropped the knife and took a step back.

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    Great reflexes, but youre a little slow. Maybe its time I train you on blades. I picked

    up the knife and put it on the shelf. She was motionless against the wall. Whats wrong? I


    I nearly killed you, she said softly.

    Not even close, I chuckled.

    She glared at me and couldnt help but smile. Dont do that again! she commanded

    trying not to laugh.

    Okay. You want to help me with something? I asked.

    What? she asked as she put down her clipboard.

    Going to meet up with the Walkers boss, and Ill need backup, I stated.

    Sounds like fun. When do we leave?

    Now. Grab what you need, I said as I grabbed two 9mm and an extra knife. She also

    chose two 9mm, but also a smoke grenade and flash-bang. All of which were just in case. Rose

    knew my rules about leaving the base, the most important rule being, never leave the base

    without a weapon, no matter what.

    Once we had everything we needed, we left the armory and headed down the hall to the

    entrance gate. I saw some wandering eyes on Rose and me, and heard whispers all around us.

    They were afraid we were going to die, or that we would abandon them. I didnt know what was

    going to happen, so I couldnt reassure them. All I could do was what I felt was right.

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    I told the Doorman to open the gate. He was the only one who wasnt looking at us

    strangely. He released the lever, and the gate began to open. When it was fully opened and we

    were about to leave, he grabbed my arm. I looked at him.

    Be careful, he whispered.

    I nodded. Put the base on lockdown as soon as the gate is closed, I commanded.

    He smirked and nodded.

    Rose and I walked out to meet our escorts. I already knew one of them. He greeted me as

    if we were old friends.

    Wolf. It is nice to see you again. How have you been? Alex approached me as if he was

    going to give me a hug, but I stared him down, and instead he grabbed my hand to shake it.

    Ive been better, I said as I rubbed my forehead. I could feel a headache coming.

    Enough small talk; lets get going! I ordered.

    Dont! They cannot be trusted!

    Okay, then. Say goodbye to your friend and get in the truck. Alex grinned.

    Goodbye? Shes coming with! I stated.

    Let them have her! Stay away from them! They mean to do us harm!

    It goes against my orders. She cant come. Were only here for you, Alex said


    I turned to Rose.

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    Dont go, she whispered, I dont trust them. You shouldnt be alone with them.


    Ill be fine, I said, faking a smile. I promise. I grabbed her hands and pressed them to

    my heart, as I always did when I was going somewhere she couldnt. I kissed her cheek, waved

    to Rob, and entered the vehicle.

    This is a mistake! Leave now!

    Quiet, I mumbled to myself. The driver of the truck turned to me and looked away,

    shaking his head.

    Trust me on this! They mean no peace! They will cause more problems than solve them!

    I wasnt going to tell Rage again. He knew I didnt like talking to him in public. The pain

    in my head slightly eased. He must have decided to give up pestering me.

    Alex and his men entered the vehicles, and, without even a second thought, we were on

    the road. Alex and I sat in the same vehicle. I felt like we were being politicians or something

    because our truck was in the
