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THE LEGENDS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION WINTER HOME ASSIGNMENT FOR THE SESSION 2014-2015 Book-work to be done with the help of parents. Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers. WHA 2014-2015 7 th Dear Parents, Asalamualaikum Kindly adhere to: The notes are to be transcripted on the fair notebook maintained for each subject from classes I st to 7 th leaving two pages blank after every chapter. The students from the classes Pre-Nursery to UKG will complete the winter home assignment on separate note books other than the fair note books. These notebooks should be submitted to the school for proper checking/ corrections as per d following schedule. The notebooks shall be returned to the students after reopening of the school. No WHA/Note-books will be accepted if not submitted on the scheduled date which will lead to the reduction of marks: Day and date Class Timing I st working day Pre-Nursery to UKG ------------- 12/02/2015 7 th ,6 th and 5 th 10:30 to 2:00 13/02/2015 4 th and 3 rd 10:30 to 2:00 14/02/15 2 nd and I st 10:30 to 2:00 Every year winter comes and the winter goes but what stays is the memories, knowledge and the learning which your child acquires within a time frame of three months which he entirely spends out with his family. So family is the first social institution wherein a child is shaped out. This winter make a best use of the holidays to furnish your child’s capabilities and follow the assignments and tasks stated below as a winter work for your child. Language development: Language is partly innate and partly learned as children interact with other people and environment. Help your children to learn better language by following methods: Improve their listening skills:


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015


Dear Parents,


Kindly adhere to:

The notes are to be transcripted on the fair notebook maintained for each subject

from classes Ist to 7th leaving two pages blank after every chapter.

The students from the classes Pre-Nursery to UKG will complete the winter

home assignment on separate note books other than the fair note books.

These notebooks should be submitted to the school for proper checking/

corrections as per d following schedule. The notebooks shall be returned to the

students after reopening of the school. No WHA/Note-books will be accepted if

not submitted on the scheduled date which will lead to the reduction of marks:

Day and date Class Timing

Ist working day Pre-Nursery to UKG -------------

12/02/2015 7th, 6th and 5th 10:30 to 2:00

13/02/2015 4th and 3rd 10:30 to 2:00

14/02/15 2nd and Ist 10:30 to 2:00

Every year winter comes and the winter goes but what stays is the memories, knowledge

and the learning which your child acquires within a time frame of three months which he

entirely spends out with his family. So family is the first social institution wherein a child

is shaped out. This winter make a best use of the holidays to furnish your child’s

capabilities and follow the assignments and tasks stated below as a winter work for your


Language development:

Language is partly innate and partly learned as children interact with other people

and environment. Help your children to learn better language by following


Improve their listening skills:


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

Initiate a conversation with your child taking up any topic in the surroundings.

Explain some stories like Greedy dog, thirsty crow, the hen that laid golden

eggs, unity is strength etc and evaluate their morals.

Ask questions at the end of the story telling phase to judge his presence of

mind while listening to it.

Improve their speaking skills

Give your child an environment where he can put his feelings into correct

words. Some children tend to develop language and speak in spurts while

others show more slow and steady growth. So make your child acquaint

with the following words, explain their meaning and ask him to speak

them out whenever required.

Action words: eat, drink, go, stop, run, walk, catch, blow, cry, throw,

swing, colour, draw, smile, dance

Location words: up, down, hot, cold, loud, quiet, dirty, clean, wet, soft,

tasty, boring

In addition to these focus on the most widely spoken words like more, please, thank you, hi/help,

bye, again, sorry, yes, no, okay, good-bye. Give your child a flexible and humorous environment

where he would speak with ease without stammering.

Improve their reading skills

Recognition of words is an important aspect of language learning. Make

your child to read the words and alphabets from the daily newspapers,

candy wrappers, eatable packagings etc so as to visualize his reading


Writing skills

Handwriting is an important part of writing skill. A good handwriting is an asset

which a child acquires after practicing. Make your child to write one page daily.

Recreation time

Do not bore your children into books for whole day. Give his some time to

play and watch out cartoons and good movies which will add to his

knowledge of quest and learning.


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

Maintain a sketch book and ask your child to draw a simple object daily

and colour it.

Other important guidelines and assignments

o Raise your childs morality by making him understand the values of

respect, unity and harmony. Ask your child to develop a habit of

greeting people with ‘Asalamualaikum’ and good

morning/afternoon/evening/night at the appropriate times.

o Give him/her religious teachings to enhance his values and develop

a habit of offering the salah 5 times a day.

o Complete the following project works:

‘Rain water harvesting is an important approach towards saving of

water’. Explain and comment and draw a model of it.

Make a model of volcano.

Make a simple electric circuit wherein a bulb glows when switched ‘on’.

Write an essay in your own words on the following topics:

o Should parents decide the career of their children

‘Mobile phones can raise the standard of living of the people.’ Prepare a

debating speech either in favour or against the topic.

Class: 7th

SstUnit Ist includes:

Periodisation and major developments We and our government Our environment Interior of the earth

Topic: Periodisation and major developments1. Identify the religious movements/new religious idea of the medieval period.

a. This period witnessed many religious movements and new religious ideas. Theyare:

i. Many important changes occurred in Hinduism and these wereworshipping of new gods, construction of new and large temples.Brahmans and priests became important in society.

ii. Idea of Bakti emerged during this period.iii. Many new religions like Islam and Zoroastrianism were brought to India

by traders.


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

2. Which new castes emerged during the period?i. The new castes that emerged during the period are Brahmans, Kshatriyas,

Vaishyas and Shudras, but there existed thousands of subcastes as well.Every jati had its own panchayat to regulate the behavior of its members,

3. Name some regional empires of medieval India.a. Some regional empires of medieval India are

i. Cholasii. Khalijis

iii. Tugluqsiv. Mughals

4. State the technological developments during the period.a. During this period a number of new technologies made their appearences like the

Persian wheel, in irrigation, the spinning wheel in weaving and fire arms in wars.As a result, this was a period of economic, political, social and cultural changes.

Topic: We and our government1. Why do people live in society?

a. Man is a social animal. He cannot live in isolation. Many of our social, economic,political and cultural needs get fulfilled in society. Besides, society providesadequate opportunity for all round development of a person.

2. What is your role in society?a. We as member of society should believe in mutual help and cooperation. We

should strive for well being of society and should follow the rules of society.3. In which type of society you want to live?

a. We want to live in a society which fulfills basic needs of life, looks after thewelfare of mankind and develops the personality of individual.

4. What is the purpose of government in society?a. Government is responsible for the overall welfare of society and to bring about

social reforms. Its purpose is to provide social security and to establish equalityand justice in society.

5. What are the various forms of government?a. The various forms of government are:

i. Democracy: wherein power of electing government lies in the hands ofpeople.

ii. Dictatorship: wherein there is a single ruler who is not restricted by anyconstitution or opposition.

iii. Monarchy: wherein the supreme ruler inherits the authority.6. What type of government is in India?

a. In India, there is democratic form of government. The head of the country that isPresident is the nominal head.

Topic: Our environment1. What is environment?

a. The environment is the surroundings of an organism. It is a life supporting systemwhich surrounds us with air, food, water and land.

2. What do you mean by physical environment?a. The physical environment is the prevailing natural conditions comprising of:


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

i. Mountains, plains, plateausii. Vegetation and wild life

iii. Climateiv. Water bodies

3. What are the major components of environment?a. The three major components of environment are:

i. Land—Lithosphereii. Water---Hydrosphere

iii. Air----Atmosphere4. Why should we protect our environment?

a. We should protect our environment because:i. It is our basic life supporting system. It provides the air we breathe in. The

water we drink the food we eat and land where we live upon.ii. It provides us natural resources such as wood, fuel, energy and minerals.

iii. We should also protect our environment to control further damage to theenvironment.

Topic: Interior of the earth1. Name the layers of earth.

a. Crust, mantle and core are the three layers of the earth.2. Name the major components of the core of the earth.

a. Nickel and ferrous are the major components of the core of the earth.3. What is a rock? Name any three types of rocks.

a. The solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth is called a rock.On the basis of origin, rocks are of three types—Igneous rocks, Sedimentaryrocks, Metamorphic rocks.

4. What do you mean by rock cycle?a. The endless process by which rocks are formed, destroyed and formed again is

called rock cycle.5. What are the uses of rocks?

a. Rocks are useful to us in many ways:i. The hard rocks are used for making roads, houses and buildings.

ii. They are store houses of minerals.iii. Rocks are parent material for the soil formation.

Unit IInd includes: The Delhi Sultans The making of our constitution The changing face of the earth Life in the desert

Topic: The Delhi sultans

1. Who was the first women ruler in India?a. Raziya Sultana was the first women ruler in India.

2. Which ruler first established his/her capital at Delhi?


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

a. Tomara Rajputs was the first ruler who established his/her capital at Delhi.3. What was the language of administration under the Delhi sultan?

a. Persian was the language of administration under the Delhi sultan.4. What is Iqta?

a. When the officers were given the revenue of the land and any region in place ofsalary it was known as Iqta.

5. According to ‘Circle of Justice’ why it was important for military commanders to keepthe interest of the peasantry in mind?

a. According to ‘Circle of Justice’ it was important for military commanders to keepthe interest of the peasantry in mind because peasantry was the main source ofsupply of food and other things to the fortified areas of kings.

6. What is meant by the internal and external frontiers?a. The interest of peasantry was protected so that they could continue to supply the

good and other things their settlements. This is the internal frontier. In externalfrontier, army of the sultanate, used to carry horses, elephants and slaves andcarried away precious metals with them.

7. What were the steps taken to ensure that Muqtis performed their duties?a. Muqtis were the land holders of that l.and which was given to them by sultans.

Accounts were maintained to check that revenue collected by them. Sultanate wasensuring the Muqti’s should collect only those taxes which were levied by thestate. They were paid with the salaries and were required to keep prescribednumber of soldiers.

8. What was the impact of the Mongol invasion on Delhi Sultanate?a. During the reign of Allaudin Khalji and early years of Mohammad Tughlaq, they

increased their attacks on India. That is why both the rulers were forced to keeplarge standing armies in Delhi so that this attack could be evaded. The matter ofkeeping large standing army in Delhi created a huge administrative challenge forsultanate.

9. Do you think the authors of Tawarikh would provide information about the lives ofordinary men and women?

a. We do not think the author of Tawarikh would provide information about thelives of ordinary men and women because of the following reasons:

i. The authors have written mainly about the life of kings so that they couldget rich rewards.

ii. These people were living mainly near the areas of Delhi or in the cities.They hardly had visited the villages. So they were unable to give anaccount of common men.

10. Why were Delhi sultans interested in cutting down forests? Does deforestation occur forthe same reason today?

a. Delhi sultans were interested in cutting down forests because they did not want todamage crops of peasants as they were the main suppliers of food and othermaterials. For expedition of armies they needed land and for this sultan were busycutting forests. Today deforestation happens for fulfilling luxurious needs ofovergrowing population.


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

Topic: Making of our constitution1. What is meant by constitution? When did it come into force?

a. Constitution means a set of basic rules which provide guidelines for forminggovernment and governance. It contains national goals such as Secularism,Democracy, Republic etc. it contains all the fundamental rights and duties ofcitizens. It contains the rules regarding the powers and functions of all branchesof the government.

2. What is the meaning of preamble?a. The preamble of constitution contains the basic principles on which the

government is based. It is the soul of a constitution.3. India is a democratic country. Why?

a. India is a democratic country. Every citizen enjoys equal political rights. Thegovernment is run by the representatives of the people. Any citizen who is above18 years of age has a right to vote.

4. In what sense is India a republic country?a. India is a republic because the head of the state is elected by the people for a fixed

term.5. Explain how India is a secular country.

a. India is a secular country. It means that there is no state religion. Every person isfree to adopt practice and preach any religion he likes. The state does notdiscriminate against any person on the ground of religion.

6. Explain the nature or type of our state.a. India is a democratic, secular and republic state. The government is responsible to

the people because they are the source of all power.7. Explain the following:

a. Sovereignty: A nation which is free to decide its policies both internal andexternal. There is no interference from anyone, is called a Sovereign nation e.g.India

b. Justice: justice is for the good of the whole society. Our constitution professes tosecure all its citizens social, economic and political justice. Social justice impliesthe condition to remove discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, race etc.Economic justice ensures equitable distribution of wealth. Political justice meansequal opportunities to participate in the government.

c. Liberty: One requires freedom or liberty to express his opinions, thoughts and todevelop his personality. It is mentioned in our constitution that every citizenshould be given this right and it is not incorporated as one of our fundamentalrights.

d. Fraternity: The preamble of our constitution encourages every one of us to treatour fellow beings in the spirit of brotherhood. It also ensures the dignity of anindividual.

8. What are the principles?a. Part IV of the constitution states certain principles. These principles are ideals,

direction which the government should aim to achieve. These principles should befollowed both in administrative matters and in making laws. But the directiveprinciples cannot be put into effect by the courts, like the fundamental rights.


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

Topic: The changing face of the earth1. What are endogenic and exogenic forces?

a. Endogenic forces are those forces that act within the earth’s interior and exogenicforces are those forces that act on the surface of the earth.

2. Definea. Earthquake: It is a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface.b. Epicenter: It is the point of the earth’s surface directly above the focus.

3. What is a volcano?a. A volcano is a ventor or opening in the earth’s crust. Clouds of molten materials,

gases, ash etc come out of it.4. What is weathering?

a. Weathering is the breaking down of rock soil and minerals as well as artificialmaterial through contact with the earth’s atmosphere, biota and waters.

Topic: Life in the desert1. In which continent is the Sahara desert located?

a. Sahara desert is located in the African continent.2. Name the countries that are located in Sahara desert.

a. Algeria, China, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Moracco, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia andWestern Sahara.

3. What is the main vegetation found in Sahara desert?a. Places where the water is near the surface some cacti and shrubs grow. Apart

from these Date palms are also found.4. What are climatic conditions of Ladakh desert?

a. Ladakh is the cold desert. The climate is extremely cold and dry. The daytemperature in summer is about 300C and night temperatures are about zerodegrees. In winters temperature may remain below -400 for most of the times.

5. What mainly attract tourists to Ladakh?a. Gompas, trecks, meadows and glaciers and festivals are the main attractions in

Ladakh.6. Name the main crops that grow in Ladakh.

a. Wheat and barely are the main crops grown in Ladakh. During summer fruit treeslike apples, apricots, almonds, walnut pears and peaches are also grown. Pasturesare also found on slopes.

EnglishUnit I includes:

The story of Dhurva The grasshopper and the cricket Essay writing: My best friend Letter writing: Letter to your brother describing annual day celebration.

Topic: The story of Dhruva1. Why did Suruchi treat Dhruva badly?

a. Suruchi ill treated Dhruva because she was afraid that the king might change hismind one day and give his throne to Dhruva instead of her son.

2. How did she trouble him?


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

a. Suruchi troubled him by putting pebbles under Dhruva’s mattress so that he couldnot sleep well. She squeezed bitter gourd juice into his food and added salt to hisdrinking water. She rubbed the soles of his footwear with butter so that he wouldslip and fall. She even put a thorn under the saddle of his horse so that it wouldthrow him off when he went riding.

3. Read the following lines and answer the questions:a. ‘His being alive offends me’

i. Who said this and to whom?1. Suruchi said this to Suniti.

ii. Why did the speaker say so?1. Suruchi said so because Suniti asked her why she was being so

nasty to her son and what he had done to offend her.2. What did the speaker want to prevent?

a. The speaker did not want the king to become fond ofDhruva and give him the throne.

b. ‘I do not want to be king.’i. Who said this and to whom?

1. Dhruva said this to Suruchi.ii. Why did the speaker say so?

1. The speaker said so because he understood what Suruchi desired.iii. What was the only thing the person wished for?

1. The only thing Dhruva wanted was that Suruchi should leave hismother alone and not torment her.

Topic: On the grasshopper and cricket1. Why are the birds faint? What is meant by faint here?

a. Birds faint because it is too hot to fly about. The meaning of faint here is that theyfeel the heat and stop singing or chirping.

2. Whose voice do you hear on summer afternoons? Where does he go when he is tired?a. We hear a grasshopper’s voice on summer afternoons. He rests beneath some

pleasant weed when he is tired.3. Which insect takes over from the grasshopper in winter?

a. The cricket takes over from the grasshopper in winter.4. Why does the poet say, ‘The Poetry of Earth is ceasing never’? Explain.

a. The poet says this because when the birds stop singing in summer afternoons, thegrasshopper takes over. When the summer is over and the grasshopper hasstopped singing, the cricket takes over. During the winter when the birds haveflown away to warmer lands and the cold has made the grasshopper stop singing,a cricket which is hiding behind a warm stove starts singing. So summer orwinter, day or night, the earth is never completely silent.

Essay writing:My Best FriendIt is good to have friends. One’s life without a friend is unpleasant. Even kings do have friends.One can share one’s joys and sorrows with a friend. But to have a true friend is not easy.I am fortunate enough to have a true friend. She is------, my classmate. She has all the virutes ofa true friend. She is my best guide and companion. She is my best friend. She is of my age. Sheis tall, intelligent and handsome. She comes of an educated and well cultured family. She always


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

helps the poor and the needy. She always smiles. Anger does not touch her. She believes insimple living and high thinking. Everyone speaks highly of her. She is loved and respectedeverywhere.Ms-----is a good player of football. She also plays other games. She is healthy and strong. Shehelps me in studies. We go to playground everyday in the evening. She is liked by our teachers.She is good at studies and extra-curricular activities. She has won many certificates of merit. Iam proud of her. She is a gem. May she live long!Letter writing:Letter to elder brother describing annual day celebration.Examination Hall,17 November 2014

Dear Brother,I was glad to receive your letter. It was pleasant to know that you are enjoying winter vacationsat mamaji’s place in Delhi. You have asked about the annual function held in our school.Well the annual day function of my school was held on 2nd August Monday. A stage was builtup. Three big shamiyanas were fixed. Our education minister was the chief guest for the day. Acultural show was arranged in which one act plays, folk dances and songs were presented. Afterthe cultural show, the principal read the annual report. The chief guest distributed prizes tomeritorious students and the best performers. He praised the efforts made by our school inpreparing the students for the annual function. The function ended after a tea party. It was aproperly and well arranged function.Convey my regards to Mamaji and Mamiiji.Yours loving,ABC

Unit IInd includes:The boy with a catapultSomebody’s motherTask for Formative AssessmentStory writing: The missing nailEssay writing: Women educationTopic: The boy with a catapult

1. What kind of boy was Bodh Raj? Pick the words from the text that describe him.a. Bodh Raj was a callous boy who derived pleasure in hurting others. Everybody

was afraid of him. He was cruel to his classmates. He was also heartless towardsanimals. Je tortured and killed them mercilessly. Infact, his mother called himRakshasa—a demon. The words that describe Bodh Raj are odd, vindictive andcallous.

2. Why did the narrator’s new home appeal to Bodh Raj?a. Bodh Raj liked the narrator’s new house because he found it a good hunting

ground. The garden was full of trees and shrubs and many birds and animals likemonkeys, mongooses, pigeons and mynas lived in it.

3. Why did the narrator’s mother tolerate his friendship with Bodh Raj?


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

a. The narrator’s new house was far from the city and his friends seldom came tovisit him. Since he was lonely and needed company, his mother tolerated BodhRaj.

4. Why was narrator afraid of taking Bodh Raj to the store room in his new house? Did hisfears come true?

a. The narrator was afraid because he feared that Bodh Raj would destroy the nests,pull out the bird’s feathers and break their legs. Though Bodh Raj begindestroying a nest of myna chicks, he ended up rescuing them.

5. What change did the narrator notice in Bodh Raj while Bodh Raj was hunting the mynachicks?

a. Bodh Raj was set upon destroying the nest of the mynas and perhaps even killingthe myna chicks. But when he saw that the kite was going to harm the chicks, achange came over him and he tried to protect them.

6. How did Bodh Raj saved the myna chicks?Bodh Raj aimed at the kite with his catapult and shot pebbles at it. He handed the catapultand pebbles to the narrator and told him to keep hitting the kite and not let it sit down.Meanwhile he climbed up and reached the nest. Then, he gently lifted the nest, slowlystepped down and placed the nest in a box in the garage. He made sure that the chickswere safe and that their parents would find them. Then he fed the chicks some water butdid not touch them.

Topic: Somebody’s mother1. Describe the old woman’s clothes, posture and looks.

a. The woman was old and feeble. She was too weak to even walk. She lookedlonely and tired and wore ragged clothes. She was bent with cold.

2. What kind of day was it?a. It was cold day. It had snowed and the snow was piled deep on the roads.

3. What did people in the streets do for the old woman?a. The people in the streets went past the old woman without helping her.

4. Did anyone pay attention to her?a. No one paid attention to her.

5. What are the lines that describe how the people in the street behaved?a. ‘Past the woman so old and grey’

‘She stood at the crossing and waited longAlone, uncared for, amid the throngOf human beings who passed her byNor heeded the glance of her anxious eye.’

6. Why was the old woman afraid to move?a. The street was wet with the recent snow and she was too meek and afraid to

move, lest she would slip on the wet street and come under a carriage’s wheel orhorse’s feet.

7. What did the school boy do for her?a. The school boy helped her to cross the road.

8. What did the old woman say in her prayers that night?a. The old woman asked God to be kind to the noble boy who had helped her.


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

Topic: Formative Assessment IListen to the poem by Robert Frost and answer the questions that follow:

1. Can you pick out all the rhyming words from the poem?a. Away-day, door-more, me-key,wrong-song

2. Why is the rhyme-scheme used by the poet in this poem?a. Aabbccdd

Answer the following questions:1. One morning in june 1943, Coustean went to the Railway station at Bandol, to collect a

wooden case, sent from Paris. Explain with reference to the context.Cousteau went to the railway station at Bandol, to collect a wooden case sent from Paris.In it was a device—compressed air-diving lung—the result of years of struggle anddreams. This was invented by a friend of his and himself.

2. Describe the device that arrived in the wooden case.a. The device consisted of three moderate sized cylinders of compressed air linked

to an air regulator about the size of a alarm clock. From the air regulator were twotubes, joined to a mouth piece.

3. How did Coustean plan to test the apparatus?a. Coustean wanted to go down to the depths of the ocean in order to test the

apparatus.4. What were Dumas and Simone’s roles in the experiment?

a. Dumas, the best goggle diver in France, was to stay on shore, ready to dive in andhelp Coustean if he got into trouble. Coustean’s wife Simone wold swim on thesurface and watch him through a snorkel mask. If anything seemed wrong, shewould signal immediately and Dumus would dive.

5. Based on your reading of the poem, answer these questions:a. In the first stanza, what does the poet mean by ‘lose the glory of the form’?

i. The poet means to lose his youth and beauty.b. What is the poet worried about in the second stanza?

i. The poet is worried that old age will not only take away his youth, but alsohis strength.

c. Describe the changes that take place when a person grows old.i. The person growing old begins to lose his youth and strength. The person

becomes weak and each limb in the body begins to get stuff. Old age takesaway energy and vigour from a person and makes him/her quite and sober.

d. What had the poet never thought would happen to him?i. The poet has never thought that he would be mellowed and softened.

Story illustrating moral: A stitch in time saves nineThe missing nailA rich man was about to set on a journey. His horse was saddled. His servant found a nailmissing from the horse shoe. He pointed it out to the rich man. The rich man was in a hurry toleave. He paid no attention. He said that he had only a short distance to go.He set out on his journey. On the way the horse shoe fell off. The rich man did not pay anyattention to it. The horse walked without shoe. Suddenly a thorn pierced the foot of the horse.The horse started limping. He could not carry the weight of the rich man. The rich man had toget down from the back of the horse. He had to walk and lead the horse.


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

It grew dark. The rich man was attacked by robbers. They made off with his money. The richman repented his folly for not getting the horse shoe repaired.Moral: A stitch in time saves nine.Essay writing: Women educationIndia is the second largest country in the world, so far as population is concerned. But so far aseducation is concerned it is a backward country. In past, women did not receive any education atall. They were not allowed to come out of the four walls of their houses. Domestic works weretheir only education.Man and woman are like the two sides of a coin. Without one, the other cannot exist. They helpeach other in every sphere. So education should be given to both man and woman. Further,woman are the mothers of future generation . If women are uneducated, the future generationswill be uneducated. For this reason the Greek warrior napoleon once said, ‘Give me a feweducated mothers; I shall give you a heroic race.’In day to day life, the real problems are faced by women and then the same problems areconveyed to men for solution. If the women are educated, they can solve all the problems of theirhouses.Very often, the working men of some families become handicapped in unfortunate accidents. Inthat situation, the complete burden of the family rests on the shoulders of the women in thefamily. Women can be teachers, doctors, nurses, lawyers and administrators. Educated mothersare good mothers.Education of women can be helpful in eradicating many social evils such as dowry problem,unemployment etc. Social peace can easily be established.

Subject : ScienceUnit Ist includes:

Nutrition in plants Nutrition in animals Physical and chemical changes

Topic: Nutrition in plants1. What is nutrition?

a. The process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body iscalled nutrition.

2. What are stomata? Where they are normally found?a. Stomata are the tiny pores present in plants through which carbon dioxide enters

into plants. Stomata are located on the lower side of leaves.3. What factors are essential for photosynthesis to take place?

a. The factors are essential for photosynthesis to take placeare:i. Carbon dioxide

ii. Wateriii. Chlorophylliv. Sunlight

4. How does insectivorous plant absorb nutrients from and insect trapped by it?a. Insectivorous plants like pitcher plant modify its leaf to form a pitcher like

structure with a lid. An insect gets trapped inside this structure. The cells of thepitcher plant secrete digestive juices to digest the insect. In this way nutrients areabsorbed by the plant from an insect.


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

5. Why is nitrogen fertilizer not added in soil in which leguminous plants are grown?a. In the roots of leguminous plants Rhizobium converts atmospheric nitrogen into

soluble form, that plants can absorb. So there is no need of adding nitrogenfertilizer in soil in which leguminous plants are grown.

6. How does a saprophyte digest its food?a. Saprophytes secrete digestive juices on the dead and decaying matter. These

digestive juices convert solid matter into a liquid. They then absorb the nutrientsfrom this liquid.

1. Differentiate between autotrophs and heterotrophs, giving two examples of each.Autotrophs HeterotrophsThey prepare their own food fromsimple inorganic materials.

They do not prepare their food butdepend on autotrophs for food.

They contain green structures calledchloroplast.

Chloroplast is absent here.

All green plants and blue green algaeare the examples.

All animals, fungi and bacteria are theexamples.

2. How will you test a leaf for starch? Mention any precautions you will take.a. To test a leaf for starch, pluck a leaf from a plant which has been exposed to

sunlight. Place it in a test tube containing alcohol. Place the test tube in a beakerof water and warm it until the alcohol begins to boil gently. But be cautious thatthe water in the beaker does not boil to the extent that it destroys the chlorophyll.Wash the leaf in warm water to remove the alcohol. Place the leaf out on a whiletile and pour iodine solution on it. Remove the leaf from the iodine and wash itwith water. Hold it up against light. We will observe that parts of the leaf becomeblue-black because of presence of starch in the leaf.

3. How do plants get nitrogen to synthesize proteins?a. Plants obtain nitrogen to synthesize proteins by two ways:

i. Some nitrogen fixing bacteria like Rhizobium convert atmosphericnitrogen into soluble forms, which are absorbed by the plants.

ii. Nitrogen is also obtained by plants from nitrogenous fertilizers added to it.4. All animals whether herbivores, carnivores or omnivores depend on plants for their food.

Discuss.a. Herbivores are those animals which obtain their food directly from plants e.g.

cow, sheep etc. whereas carnivores obtain their food from herbivores like tiger,lion etc. omnivores are those animals which eat both plants and animals for theirfood. Herbivores depend directly on plants, carnivores inturn depend onherbivores and omnivores depend on both the two. Thus in other words allanimals depend on plants for their food.

5. Explain the following with help of an example for each.a. Saprophytic nutrition: It is that mode of nutrition in which organisms obtain their

food from dead and decaying organic matter e.g. bacteria, fungi etc.b. Symbiosis: It is that mode of nutrition in which two different organisms are in

mutual relationship with each other and both the organisms are benefitted e.g.rhizobium bacteria lives in symbiotic association with rice crops.


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

c. Parasitic nutrition: It is that mode of nutrition in which organism lives in or onother living organisms and derives their food from them e.g. dodder plant sucksfood from another plants using root-like structures.

6. Why are manures and fertilizers added to the soil?a. Manures and fertilizers are added to the soil to increase amount of nutrients

available to the crop for proper growth and development. Manures are rich inorganic wastes like animal dung, while as fertilizers provide essential nutrientslike nitrogen, phosphorous etc.

7. Distinguish between parasites and partial parasites in plants giving examples.a. Plants that totally depend on other living organisms for their food are known as

parasitic plants e.g. dodder plant. Whileas, partial parasitic plants contain greenleaves and can synthesize their food, but they grow on other trees, from whichthey absorb water and minerals e.g. mistletae plant

Topic: Nutrition in animals1. How does a frog catch its prey?

a. The frog catches its prey with the help of its long sticky tongue.2. How does a spider digest its food?

a. A spider digests its food by injecting digestive juices into the blood of the insect,which digest the body parts of the insect. The spider then sucks up the digestedfood.

3. Name the organs that make the human alimentary canal.a. The organs that make the human alimentary canal are:

i. Mouthii. Food pipe or Oesophagus

iii. Stomach’iv. Small intestinev. Large intestine

vi. Rectum4. What is the difference between milk teeth and permanent teeth?

a. Milk teeth are first set of teeth and are 20 in number, while as permanent teeth arereplacements of the milk teeth and are 32 in number.

5. What is saliva and where is it produced?a. Saliva is a digestive juice and it is produced by three pairs of salivary glands in

our mouth.6. What is the function of taste buds?

a. Taste buds detect all tastes –sweet, sour, bitter and salty.7. How long does food stay in stomach?

a. The food stays in the stomach from a few minutes to a few hours depending onthe type of food eaten.

8. How does the presence of acid in the stomach help?a. The acid in the stomach kills bacteria present in the food and also helps in

digestion of proteins.LONG ASNWER TYPE QUESTIONS

1. List and explain in one sentence each, the various processes involved in nutrition inanimals.

a. The various processes involved in nutrition in animals are:


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i. Ingestion: It is the process of taking in food through the mouth and eatingit.

ii. Digestion: It is the process of breaking down food into simple, solubleform with the help of digestive juices in the body.

iii. Absorption: It is the process by which the food in the soluble form passesinto the body fluids such as blood.

iv. Assimilation: It is the process of using the absorbed food to produceenergy and for growth.

v. Egestion: It is the process of elimination of undigested solid parts of thefood.

2. Explain through diagram ingestion of food in amoeba and hydra.a. Amoeba: It engulfs tiny particles of food by throwing its false feet known as

pseudopodia around it. The pseudopodia join to form a small cavity known as afood vacuole.

b. Hydra: It has a number of tentacles around its mouth, which are used for ingestionof food. The tentacles entangle small aquatic animals and kill them with theirstinging cells. They then push them into the mouth.

3. Name the four types of teeth in your mouth. What are their functions?a. The four types of teeth in our mouth and their functions are:

i. Incisors : These are used for biting and cutting.ii. Canines: These are used for tearing pieces of food such as meat.

iii. Premolars: These are used for crushing food.iv. Molars: These are used for grinding and chewing food.

4. What is the peristalsis? Explain with the help of a diagram.a. The muscular movement of a contraction and expansion to push food down in the

oesaphagus to our stomach in a wave like action is called peristalsis.5. What is the function of saliva bile juice and pancreatic juice?

a. Saliva helps to break down starch of the food into sugar that is easy to digest andmakes food softer and easier to swallow by making it wet and slippery. Thefunction of the bile juice is to break up fats into tiny droplets that can be digestedand absorbed more easily. The function of pancreatic juice is that it changesstarch into simple sugars in the small intestine and proteins into amino acids.

6. What happens to food in the stomach and small intestine?a. Food in the stomach: Stomach secretes mucous hydrochloric acid and digestive

juices. The acid kills bacteria that enter alongwith the food and also help indigestion of proteins. The digestive juices break down proteins to simplersubstances. Thus food gets partly digested in the stomach.

b. Food in the small intestine: The muscles in the small intestine mix food with moredigestive juices from its walls. Some form liver and some from pancreas. Bile anddigestive juice from intestinal walls together act fats and break it into simplestform as fatty acids and glycerol. Pancreatic juice changes starch into simplesugars and proteins into simpler compounds called amino acids. Thus digestioncompletes in small intestine and then it is absorbed by the intestinal wall.

7. Explain how digested food is absorbed into the blood.a. The digested food is absorbed into thousands of small finger like projections in

the inner walls of small intestines. These projections called ‘villi’ increase the


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

surface area of absorption of digested food. Each villi has a network of fine bloodcapillaries close to the surface. So the food absorbed on the surface of the villuspasses into the blood in the capillaries.

8. Briefly explain the process of digestion in ruminants.a. Ruminants have stomach consisting of four chambers. Food that is swallowed

goes into the first chamber called the rumen. Here it is partially digested and iscalled cud. Then it goes to the second chamber from where it is returned to themouth for thorough chewing. This process is called rumination. After chewing,the food is swallowed for a second time and then digested further in the remainingchambers. Absorption of the nutrients is done in small intestine.

Topic: Physical and chemical changes1. Why are water pipes galvanized?

a. Water pipes are galvanized to prevent them from rusting.2. When water is frozen it forms ice that has different properties. Why do we say that

freezing is a physical change?a. Ice has different physical properties from water that is different physical

properties. But both have the same chemical properties. Therefore freezing is aphysical change.

3. Give one example each chemical reaction showing characteristics:a. DO IT YOURSELVES

4. Distinguish between endothermic and exothermic reactions.a. Exothermic reactions are accompanied by release of heat. While as endothermic

reactions are accompanied by absorption of heat.Cao + H2O Ca (OH)2 + Heat (Exothermic )C + 2S CS2 – Heat (Endothermic)

5. What is a combination reaction? Give one example.a. When a compound is formed from its elements or from simpler substances, the

reaction is called combination reaction.Mg + O2 2MgO

Magnesium oxide6. When is a substance said to be reduced in a chemical reaction?

a. A substance said to be reduced in a chemical reaction when it loses oxygen oradds hydrogen.

7. What is crystallization?a. The process by which crystals of common substances like salt or alum are

obtained from a solution of these substances in water is called crystallization.LONG ASNWER TYPE QUESTIONS

1. Discuss the methods by which rusting can be prevented?a. Rusting can be prevented by the following methods:

i. By coating iron with oil, grease or paint.ii. By depositing a layer of zinc or chromium on the iron.

iii. By avoiding the contact of iron with water.2. Which gas is given off when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to the calcium carbonate?

How will you test the gas? Write the chemical equations for the both.


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

a. When dilute hydrochloric acid is added to the calcium carbonate, carbon dioxidegas is released.CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

We can test the gas by passing it through transparent lime water, which turns milky whiteafter passing carbon dioxide in it.

Ca (OH) + CO2 CaCO3 + H2 O3. Explain the steps involved in preparing the base magnesium hydroxide from the metal

magnesium.a. The following steps are involved in preparing the base magnesium hydroxide

from the metal magnesium:i. Take a small piece of magnesium ribbon. Clean its tip with sandpaper.

Hold it with a pair of tongs and bring it near a flame. It burns with adazzling white flame. A powdery ash that does not look like magnesium isformed. Collect the ash, mix it with a small amount of water in a test tubeand stir. When magnesium oxide dissolves in water, it forms magnesiumhydroxide.

4. A decomposition reaction is the opposite of decomposition reaction. Explain with thehelp of examples.

a. If combination reaction is denoted by A + B AB, thendecomposition reaction is denoted by AB A + B.

e.g. 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) 2 H2O (l) is a combination reaction.Then 2 H2O (l) 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) is a decomposition reaction.In combination reaction compound is formed from simpler substances whereas in

decomposition reaction, a compound breaks up into two or more substances.

5. Under which two conditions do decomposition reactions normally take place? Give twoexamples.

a. Decomposition reactions normally take place under two conditions. They arei. By heating the substances

HeatCa (OH)2 Cao + H2O

ii. By passing electricity through the solutionElectricity

2H2O (l) 2H2 (g) + O2 (g)

6. What is a displacement reaction? Which rule governs displacement reaction of anelement in a compound by another element. Explain with an example.

a. The chemical reaction in which one element replaces another element is known asdisplacement reaction. The rule of displacement reaction is that a more, reactiveelement replaces a less reactive element from its compound.A + BC AC + BCuSo4 + Fe FeSo4 + Cu

Iron is more reactive element than copper. So iron displaces copper from copper sulphate.

7. What is a double decomposition reaction? How many types of double decompositionreactions do you know of? Give one example of each.


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

a. In a double decomposition reaction two compounds react by exchanging theirradicals.AB + CD AD + CBThese are of two typesPrecipitation reactions:Nacl + AgNo3 AgCl + NaNo3Neutralization reactionH2So4 + 2 NaOH Na2 So4 + 2H2O

8. Explain the terms oxidation and oxidizing agent.a. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that involves addition of oxygen and removal of

hydrogen from a substance e.g.C + O2 CO2

H2S + Cl2 S + 2HClOxidizing agent is a chemical species that oxidizes the other substances byproviding oxygen to them or by removing hydrogen from them.

9. What is a supersaturated solution?a. The state of a solution which is unable to saturate any extra solute in the solvent is

known as supersaturated solution.

Unit II includes: Acids, bases and salts. Motion and time Transportation of materials in plants and animals

Topic: Acids, bases and salts1. What is an acid-base indicator? Give an example.

a. The substances which can be used to test if a given substance is an acidic or basicin nature is known as an acid-base indicator.

2. Name one of each acidic, basic and neutral substance.a. Acidic: Lemonb. Basic: Vegetablesc. Neutral: Common salt

3. What happens when dilute sulphuric acid is added to zinc?a. When dilute sulphuric acid is added to zinc hydrogen gas is produced along with

zinc sulphate.4. How can carbon dioxide be prepared from an acid?

a. Dilute acid reacts with carbonate such as calcium carbonate to form salt andcarbon dioxide gas.

5. Give two examples each of strong acid and weak acids.a. Examples of strong acids are:

i. Nitric acidii. Sulphuric acid

Examples of weak acidsi. Lactic acid

ii. Acetic acid.


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6. Why does a base applied to your skin give relief from an ant bite?a. Ant bite injects formic acid inside the skin and thus skin irritates for some time.

To get relief a base is applied to neutralize the acid. The irritation ends withforming salt and water and provides relief.

LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS1. Give two uses of each

a. Sulphuric acid:i. It is used to manufacture fertilizers such as ammonium sulphate and super

phosphate.ii. It is used in automobile batteries.

b. Hydrochloric acid:i. It is used in the oil industry to dissolve oil bearing rocks.

ii. It is used to purify salts.c. Nitric acid:

i. It is used to manufacture fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate.ii. It is used to manufacture explosives such as TNT and nitroglycerine.

2. What do you mean by a neutralization reaction? How can a neutralization reaction beused to prepare common salt?

a. The reaction of an acid with a base to form a salt and water is known asneutralization reaction. The reaction gets its name because the acid and the basecancel out each other’s properties to produce a solution which is neutral i.e.neither acidic nor basic.

3. Some acids are dangerous, others are not. Explain, giving examples.a. Some acids are dangerous, others are not. Concentrated mineral acids like

sulphuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid are strong acids. They can causeskin burns, thus are considered dangerous acids. Organic acids like citric acid,lactic acid, acetic acid and amino acids are not at all dangerous.

4. What are bases? What are their physical properties?a. Bases are hydroxides of metals. Their physical properties can be summed up as

under:i. They have a bitter taste.

ii. They turn red litmus blue.iii. They have a soapy touch.iv. Bases react with acids to form salt and water.

5. Give two main uses of eacha. Calcium hydroxide:

i. It is used as a substituent for coment in low cost construction.ii. It is used to manufacture bleaching powder.

b. Ammonium hydroxide:i. It is used for manufacturing fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate.

ii. It is used for manufacturing nylons, plastics and dyes.c. Sodium hydroxide:

i. It is used to manufacture soap.ii. It is used to manufacture paper, rayon, textiles, medicines etc.

6. State two methods by which salts can be prepared. Give one example each.a. The two methods by which salts can be prepared are:


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i. Reaction between an acid and a base e.g. common salt can be prepared bythe reaction of sodium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid.NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O

ii. Reaction between an acid and a metal. A metal displaces hydrogen forman acid to form a salt.Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2

7. What is soap? How can you make soap in the laboratory?a. Soaps are actually sodium salts of some acids. Soap can be prepared in the

laboratory by boiling vegetable oil or animal fat with caustic soda (NaOH). Take20ml of castor oil in a beaker. Other oils such as coconut oil can also be used.Prepare sodium hydroxide solution in water. Mix the oil and the sodiumhydroxide solution. Heat the mixture and let it boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Stircontinuously. The reaction that occurs isOil + Sodium hydroxide Soap + Glycerine

To separate soap form the solution add a teaspoonful of salt to the beaker and stir.On cooling, solid soap separates out on the surface of the solution.

8. How are salts formed? Give two examples.a. The name of the salt is derived from the name of the metal contributed by the base

and the radical contributed by the acid. E.g.i. Sulphates are obtained from sulphuric acid (H2SO4 ) e.g. sodium sulphate

(Na2SO4).ii. Carbonates are obtained from carbonic acid (H2CO3) e.g. calcium

carbonate (CaCO3).iii. Acetates are obtained from acetic acid (CH3COOH) e.g. sodium acetate

(CH3COONa).Topic: Motion and time

1. Why are the standard units used in measurement?a. Standard units are used in measurements because they can be uniformly used by

everyone.2. The discovery of which principle made accurate measurement of time possible? What is

the principle?a. Discovery of the simple pendulum by Galileo made accurate measurement of time

possible. The principle is ‘If a weight hung from a string is made to swing, italways completes one to and fro motion in exactly the same time.

3. What do you mean by ‘time period’ of a pendulum?a. The time taken by a pendulum for one to and fro one oscillation is called ‘time

period’ of a pendulum.4. Give an example of a periodic change related to the earth that can be used to measure

time?a. Rotation of the earth on its own axis is periodic change related to the earth that

can be used to measure time. It is because of this rotation that we see sunrise andsun set.

5. What principle are modern electronic watches based?


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a. Modern electronic watches have the crystals of a substance called quartz. Thesecrystals can vibrate very fast and at a precise rate. These vibrations are used tomeasure time accurately.

6. When is an object said to be in uniform motion?a. An object is said to be in a uniform motion if it completes equal distances in equal


1. What is the SI system of units? Name two other systems of units.a. In 1960, the General Conference of weights and measures recommended that a

common system of measurement should be used all over the world. This systemwas named as the SI system. SI means ‘Systeme international d’unit’ in French.SI unit of length is metre and time is second.

The other two systems of units are the FDS (foot, pound, second) and the CGS(Centimetre, gram, second).

2. (2 to 8 Do numerical with the help of parents or guardians).3. Distinguish between uniform and non-uniform motion.

Uniform motion Non-uniform motionIn this type a body covers equal distance inequal interval of time.

In this type a body covers unequal distancein equal interval of time.

Speed on body does not change. Speed of body keeps changing.4. Do Q6 and Q 7 yourselves with the help of parents.

Topic: Transportation of material in plants and animals1. In what ways are xylem and phloem important for transportation of materials in plants?

a. Plants have a transport system consisting of xylem which carries water andminerals from the roots to the stem and leaves whereas phloem carries food fromthe leaves to all parts of the plant.

2. What is transpiration?a. The process of losing water in the form of water vapour from the leaves of a plant

is known as transpiration.3. What is translocation?

a. The process of transport of food from the leaves to other parts of the plant isknown as translocation.

4. Name the system responsible for transportation of materials in humans. Which organsconstitute this system?

a. Circulatory system is responsible for transportation of materials in humans. Itconsists of blood, blood vessels and the heart.

5. What prevents the blood from going in the wrong direction in the heart?a. Valves are present inside heart in between chambers which prevents the blood

from going in the wrong direction in the heart.6. What is the relationship between the rate of heartbeat and pulse rate?

a. The stretching and relaxing of the arteries with each heartbeat is felt as athrobbing called pulse.

7. Why does the rate of heartbeat increase after running?a. After running, the body needs more oxygen for extra energy. To support the

requirement the rate of heartbeat increases after running.


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

8. What is excretion? Why is it important?a. The process of removal of metabolic wastes from the body is known as excretion.

This is important because accumulation of these wastes beyond a level inside thebody is harmful to the body.

9. How is urine examination useful to the doctor?a. Urine examination is useful to the doctor because it tells a lot whether various

organs in the body are functioning normally. E.g. the presence of sugar in theurine indicates that the person may be suffering from diabetes.

10. What is dialysis?a. Dialysis is the removal of body wastes from the blood when the kidneys no longer


1. Discuss the process of absorption of water by root hairs.a. Root hairs are outgrowths from the layer of outer cells of the root. The root hairs

increases the surface area of the root for absorption of water. This absorption ofwater takes place by a process called osomosis. The root hairs are in direct contactwith water surrounded by the soil particles. Normally, water molecules are morecrowded outside the root hairs than inside. So they move into the root hairs byosomosis. The water then moves through the root tissue to the xylem in the root.

2. What role does transpiration play in the transportation of water in a plant?a. The process of losing excess water in the form of water vapour is called

transpiration. It creates a suction pull, which pulls water up the plants from theroots. As water is given out by transpiration, more water is absorbed. This pull isstrong enough to force water up high trees.

3. Discuss the importance of transportation of various materials in the human body.a. In humans, food, oxygen, waste products and so on have to be transported from

one part to another. Food and oxygen are transported to all the cells in the bodyfor respiration and growth. Waste products are transported from the cells to theorgans that excrete them.

4. What does the circulatory system consist of? Give the main functions of each.a. The circulatory system consist of the blood, the blood vessels and the heart.

i. Function of the blood:1. It transports digested food from the small intestine to all parts of

the body.2. It transports oxygen from lungs to the body cells and carbon

dioxide from body cells to the lungs.3. It transports liquid wastes from the body to the cells of kidneys for

removalii. Function of blood vessels:

1. They circulate blood through the body.iii. Function of the heart:

1. It pumps blood to all parts of the body.5. Differentiate between arteries and veins. What is the importance of capillaries in the

circulatory system?a. Functions of the arteries:


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i. They carry blood away from the heart.ii. They have thick elastic walls.

iii. Pulse can be felt in arteries.iv. They generally carry oxygen mixed pure blood except the pulmonary

artery.b. Functions of the veins:

i. They carry blood towards the heart.ii. They have thin walls.

iii. They generally carry carbon dioxide mixed impure blood except thepulmonary vein.

c. Capillaries have very thin walls through which oxygen, digested food, carbondioxide and other waste products are exchanged between the blood and thesurrounding cells. Arteries branch into capillaries and again the capillaries join upto form the veins.

6. If you observe a drop of blood under a microscope, which cells would you see? What arethe functions of these cells?

a. If we observe a drop of blood under a microscope, we would see RBC’s, WBC’sand platelets.

i. Function of RBC: They contain a red coloured protein calledhaemoglobin, which absorbs oxygen and transports it to the cells all overthe body.

ii. Function of WBC: They fight against diseases by destroying harmfulbacteria and other foreign materials.

iii. Function of platelets: They help blood to clot whenever there is a woundon the body.

7. With the help of a labeled diagram trace and explain the path of blood circulation in thehuman body.

a. The blood enters the right side of the heart and is pumped to the lungs where itgives carbon dioxide and takes up oxygen. This oxygen rich blood travels back tothe left side of the heart. It is again sent to all other parts of the body and theprocess is repeated again and again. (Draw the labeled diagram)

8. Draw a labeled diagram of urinary system yourselves.9. What process takes place during the period when the blood enters the kidneys till the

urine leaves the body?a. The blood gets filtered through the nephrons. They filter out excess water, salts

and urea from the blood as it passes through them. The clean blood leaves thekidneys and continues its circulation in the body. The wastes removed by thekidneys from a liquid called urine. It passes from the kidneys through two tubescalled ureters into an elastic sac called the urinary bladder. The bladder stores theurine until it is excreted from the body through the urethra.

Subject: ComputerUnit Ist includes:

Computer and its parts Searching in windows 7

Topic: Computer and its parts.1. What do you mean by software?


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

a. The term software refers to a set of sequential instructions that are required to runor operate a computer effectively. Software is classified into two main categories:

i. System softwareii. Application software

2. What is hardware?a. The hardware represents to all the physical units of a computer system. A

computer hardware has following units:i. Input devices

ii. Output devicesiii. Processing devicesiv. Storage devices

3. How many types of programming language translators are there?a. The programming language translators are of three types:

i. Interpreter: It interprets instructions written in a high level language andconverts these into machine codes. They execute translated instructionsimmediately.

ii. Assembler: It interprets instructions written in symbolic language intomachine codes.

iii. Compiler: It interprets instructions written in high language into machinelevel language. It compiles whole set of instructions at a time.

4. Define utility programs.a. Utility programs help user in computer maintenance tasks. Some of the essential

utility programs are as:i. Anti virus utility program

ii. Back up utility programiii. Disk compression utilityiv. Disk formatting utility

5. How many kinds of hardware are there?a. There are four kinds of hardware.

i. Input devicesii. Output devices

iii. Processing devicesiv. Storage devices

Topic: Searching in Windows 71. How can you access library in Windows 7? Name the type of libraries in Windows 7.

a. Library Windows 7can be accessed by clicking windows explorer on taskbar.There are four types of libraries

i. Documentsii. Music

iii. Picturesiv. Videos

2. How can you move through your content in Windows 7?a. To move through the contents of windows 7, the windows explorer option is used.

3. Write the steps to add folders to existing libraries.a. To add the steps to add folders to existing libraries are:

i. Select the Folder from Navigation Page


Book-work to be done with the help of parents.Paste or draw relevant pictures against the answers.WHA 2014-2015

ii. Click the Include in Library menu in the Tool boxiii. Select the desired library

4. Write the options a search filter may include.a. Depending on the library search filters might include Type, Data modified, Tag,

Authors etc.

Unit 2nd includes: Charts in MS Excel 2007

Topic: Charts in MS Excel1. Name the short cut key to Print a chart or worksheet.

a. CTRL + P is the short cut key to Print a chart or worksheet.2. Name the components of a chart in MS Excel.

a. Plot area, value axis, category axis, data points chart area and the legend3. Name the three types of charts present in MS Excel.

a. The three types of charts in MS Excel are:i. Column chart: it is used either to display data changes or to compare

different items.ii. Bar chart: A bar chart displays the comparison among individual item.

iii. Line chart: A line chart displays changing trends in data at equal intervals.4. Name the shortcut key to show print preview of a chart.

a. CTRL + F2

5. Write the advantages of representing data in chart form.a. The two advantages of representing data in chart form are:

i. Charts represent data and information in an attractive manner.ii. Charts make easier to understand and recall data.

Subject: MathsPractice Unit I and Unit II on separate note books or loose sheets.
