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The LIft September

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Six days after receiving the request to support a

new production build in Saskatoon, Canada, I turned the

alarm off at 4:35a to catch a 6:23a flight. Little did I

know, that this trip would not meet my first preference

on trips, “uneventful.” Hopefully, it does fulfill the

second preference, that the number of safe landings

equals the number of safe takeoffs.

The first indication should have been when I

checked into the hotel Tuesday evening and they

upgraded me to a master suite. This always happens

when I am by myself. I never seem to get that lucky

when Robin is with me. Once, I even stayed in the

“Presidential Suite” in Arkansas, you guessed it, alone.

Then when she said my room number was 401, but the

key said 501, and when I opened the door to 501 and the

swing latch was swung, the nice man in the room was

very understanding. When I chose the wrong x-ray line,

well, I should’ve known. After that I was looking at the

monitor, and seeing my flight was cancelled,

hmmmmm. Then getting the good news I would get to

stop in Memphis on the way to Minneapolis, at least the

final arrival time was only two hours later than planned.

For the first time on a flight, the attendant

requested a medical professional to assist them with a

passenger, flashes of all kinds of bad things pass

through my mind. (The person was OK and walked off

the plane). I knew something was urgent when we

made a quick landing, different from the usual long

slow decent that accompanies a Memphis landing.

When we took the turn off the runway on two wheels, I

knew the pilot was in a hurry. I can tell you the airport

fire trucks are really pretty, but I prefer not seeing them

with the red & blues on next to the plane when we

stopped. There is some good in all of these events. I

was able to get a 6 oz. serving of BBQ beans from

Interstate BBQ for breakfast!! Nothing better!

Upon arriving at the departure gate, outside on

the tarmac was another beautiful fire truck, but it also

had its’ red & blue lights flashing. Looking around, I

noticed them attending to a passenger at my gate.

Whoa! This is the first time I have ever seen one of the

fire trucks, not one, but two. Hmmm, something’s, up.

Looking back at the occurrences, I could have

nicely requested for the double bedroom I had booked, I

did not need the extra large living area. I really like

bumping into the bed in a smaller room. That triple-size

bathroom! I like hitting the bathroom door getting out

of the shower!! Or when they told me my flight was

cancelled, I could have stomped my feet and demanded

they get that plane here and put me on it. That is the

one I paid for, and to be two hours late at my destination

was unacceptable. I can see the nice man behind the

counter very nicely saying “get on board the aircraft to

Memphis, or stay in OKC.”

Folks, these kinds of occurrences happen to us

all the time, what makes us as Christians different, is

how we react to these unavoidable circumstances. What

really shows our true colors as believers, is when we

perceive them to be unavoidable.

In our church lives many things change, what

Jesus is asking, is will we accept these for our good,

knowing he has a purpose in each one, whether it be to

work out some sin in our life, or to conform us to His

likeness. If we follow, he will bless. If we curse His

blessings, he will not take us forward until we go back

to that point of our disobedience in not accepting His

change, ask forgiveness, and accept it. Usually, the

only person you are hurting is yourself. That flight

attendant did not care if I got on that plane. In fact, me

not getting on the plane would have given him the

opportunity to give the next person on the waiting list

my seat and made them happy. So, who is enjoying

your blessing because you did not “GET ON BOARD”

and accept God’s changes, or you could spend three

days in the belly of a big fish.

God wanted to bless Nineveh by bringing

revival to the city. He prepared his servant Jonah for

that task. However, Jonah disobeyed God’s

commandment, sinned, and ran in the opposite

direction. When he decided to follow God’s command

and do the job he was prepared to accomplish, God

poured out a blessing and many people in the city of

Nineveh were saved.

What function of God’s plan has he prepared

you to do and you said “No!” These decisions boil

down to one basic question, “Will I obey God, or go my

own separate way?” He is waiting for our answer.

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Pray Constantly by Illa Moore

Our theme this month is getting on board for Fall. Last month I talked about finding ways to read your Bible. This month, as we are approaching the cooler temperatures, I want to suggest that prayer is another important thing to get on board with in our life as Christians. In the Bible

I Thessalonians 5:17 says to: Pray

constantly. As a widow, you might think that I have all kinds of time to just sit and pray. That’s just not the case for me, though. The way I keep from missing my husband, is to keep busy. I’m always looking for ways to keep myself on the go and just love serving others, keeping my yard in good shape, and working at the church. I even take time to pamper myself with a pedicure and manicure once in awhile. I also love to travel. So, when do I find time to pray? I have to admit that is sometimes hard to do. I’m going to list some times that I think you and I both can hope to find time to pray.

1. When we first wake in the morning 2. When we’ve had our bible study, whether it’s morning, noon, or evening 3. When we are ready to call it a night 4. At meals 5. When driving to and from work(Remember to keep your eyes open)

Would you ask a friend over and

over for the same thing? I think we would consider that rude. Did you know that Jesus encourages us to come to God’s throne with the same request as often as we need to.

I have been attending a prayer group for almost 12 years now. The group came about when my husband Glen was in California after the transplant of his heart and lungs. It didn’t look like for awhile, that Glen would be able to come home. Things were just not looking good for him. A group of people here at the church decided to meet together and request of God that Glen could get well and come home. At first, they met every night. Then when Glen made some improvements, they met a few times a week. They were asking over and over of God that He would let Glen come home. That prayer was answered. Now that group has a regular Tuesday night meeting and over the years we have prayed constantly for different things. We have seen so many prayers answered, that we come back time and again with the same petition. Some prayers have not been answered yet, (God says “wait on me”) so we will keep on praying. Remember his time is not our time.

As school starts, and we go from the business of Summer activities to Fall and Winter, see if you can’t find more time to pray. The best way to see results, is of course, to keep a journal. I’m always glad to hear of answered prayer, so share your good news anytime with me.

The Senior Adults here at the church will be starting up the monthly Luncheons. The first one will be September 8th and will be the Green Team. They’ve already told me that they will have Salads and Desserts. So plan on attending and bring a friend. We have some other plans, not finalized yet to do a day trip or two soon. I’ll be getting the word out about them soon.†


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7 7

We are only a little while from continuing the construction of our Falls Creek

Cabin. We WILL BE needing your help this Fall to finish the work. Watch for

more details on when the drywall, painting, cleaning, and prep will be


Will you consider a donation? Naming opportunities STILL AVAILABLE!!!

Will you consider a monthly pledge? Your gift can help save eternity for

thousands of youth, young adults, men and women as they gather at camp

using our cabin.

Team Champions 2010 Co-ED Slow Pitch Softball

Church League

Falls Creek Total Project Cost $750,000 Construction Loan from Exchange Bank $450,000 $300,000 Pledges and Donations given to date $129,461

Remaining to Pay $170,539

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Important Dates:

Oct. 3-6

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Train Up by Robin Andrew

Train up a child in the way he

should go, and when he is old he will

not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6.

When our son was a child, he

would say “When I grow up I want to

be a train robber!!” We watched a

Winnie the Pooh video several times

where Tigger was a train robber. I told

Luke that was probably not a good idea,

as it was against the law, and that maybe

he should be a train engineer! Even

after my encouragement, he still kept

saying “train robber”. Sometimes when

we are young, we don’t quite

understand the things we do and words

we say, usually repeating what we have

heard. So that’s why we, as adults,

teachers and youth, should always be on

guard as to what we might say. A child

is always watching and a lot of times

copying what we do and say. As we get

“on board” for Fall activities, school

and cooler weather (praise the Lord!),

let’s always remember to be “on guard”

with our words and actions.

As our children prepare for

homework, sports, band, field trips and

assemblies, let’s also prepare them for

Sunday school and church attendance,

prayer, quiet times, bible memory, bible

study, and just “plain” being good!!

It’s always funny how children (&

adults) love trains. It doesn’t matter

what our age, we are captivated by

trains of all kinds. We always had a

small electric train around our

Christmas Tree each year, and everyone

enjoyed watching it. We even took our

senior adults to a train museum in Enid

this year (I went too!) and that was

enjoyed by all! I think here in

Oklahoma, we look at trains as more of

a “fun ride”, where it’s more of a

“working man’s ride” in other cities,

and especially other countries. Stan & I

have ridden trains as transportation in

European & Asian countries. They are

not very nice trains, but they are very

useful for carrying many passengers

from place to place. Let’s praise God

for His wonderful creation of man, who

He created with the wisdom to design a

train for all of us to enjoy, and ride,

either for fun or transportation.

As we’re preparing to go into this fall

season at our church and in our lives,

let’s “get on board” and make our best

effort to attend Sunday school, church

and Wednesday night activities more

faithfully, and especially pray for each

other, our families, our church, our

town, and our Country. May God bless

each of us in a mighty way for

“training” ourselves and our children up

to be more like Christ!


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