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The Link - Issue 15

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The Link The magazine for the linked congregations and community of the West Kirk of Calder and Polbeth Harwood
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The magazine for the linked congregations and community of the West Kirk of Calder and Polbeth Harwood The Link

The magazine for the linked congregations and community of the

West Kirk of Calder and Polbeth Harwood

The Link

Rev David A Albon BA MCS 01506 870460

The Manse, 27 Learmonth Crescent

West Calder EH55 8AF

[email protected]

West Kirk Session Clerk Stewart MacRae 01506 872486 23 Westmuir Road West Calder EH55 8EX [email protected] Treasurer William Calder 01506 871281 25 Harburn Road West Calder EH55 8AJ [email protected]

Polbeth Harwood Session Clerk Marian Kinsman 01506 871125 12 Langside Crescent Polbeth EH55 8UW [email protected] Treasurer Tom Griffin 01506 438038 60 Easter Bankton Murieston Livingston EH54 9BE [email protected]

News Editor

Colin Dempster 01506 414565

140 Staunton Rise

Dedridge West Livingston EH54 6PA

[email protected]



The Link Issue 15

February 2007

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A Word From Our Minister The Manse 27 Learmonth Crescent West Calder EH55 8AF Sunday, 29 January 2007

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the first Link of 2007! I hope that through this joint newsletter folks in the West Kirk and Polbeth Harwood continue have the opportunity to keep each other informed as to what is going on and what is coming up shortly (as well as providing a place for those necessary rotas!). The seasons of Lent and Easter are quite early this year: the first Sunday in Lent is 25th February and Easter Sunday is 8th April. Do keep a look out for more information about what is going on during this special time of year in the weekly intimations and the next issue of The Link. I look forward to journeying with you through Lent to Easter again this year and hope that these weeks early on in this New Year give opportunity for both individual and collective reflection and prayer. May God’s strength be yours,

Rev David A Albon Minister of the Parish Churches of the West Kirk of Calder and Polbeth Harwood

Youth Link We are all now back after the Festive break and have fond memories of all the events, which took place at Christmas. Can we just remind you all we are always keen to welcome any new children to come along on a Sunday morning and join in with the fun.

The Youth Link are staffing the March Candy Bar on Saturday 3rd March. We will be supporting Fair Trade Fortnight at the Candy Bar. Your support on the day would be greatly appreciated.

Lorna Graham


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February 2007

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The Church Family (Parish Record)

West Kirk

Funerals 5th December – Katy Johnstone, Parkhead Gardens 21st December – Meg Woods, Meadow Bank Nursing Home 16th January – Samuel Smith, Parkhead Crescent 25th January – Ann Drummond, Harburn Road

Polbeth Harwood


29th December – Ina Drummond, Limefield Avenue

Worship in the Linked Congregations

Sunday Morning Worship will take place in the West Kirk at 9.30 am and in Polbeth Harwood at 11.15 am unless stated otherwise. 1st Sunday of Lent – Sunday 25th February 2nd Sunday of Lent – Sunday 4th March Sacrament of Communion: West Kirk – 9.30 am, Polbeth Harwood – 11.15 am

United Communion at Polbeth Harwood – 6.30 pm

Calder Craft Club

Every Tuesday (10.30 am – 12.30 pm)

Starts 9th January A wonderful new opportunity to make some time for your favourite crafting hobby, meet some new friends and enjoy a cuppa. The club is a social gathering and not a class so there is no entrance fee. Bring your own craft and share some hints and tips with fellow crafters. Adults with children, and all ages and abilities welcome. For more information contact Stephanie Vincent on 01506 870162 or email [email protected]



The Link Issue 15

February 2007

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Can anxious thought add a day to your life? Think of the lilies: they neither spin nor weave; yet, I tell you, Solomon in all his splendour was not attired like one of them.”

Luke 12:25-27 This is one of my favourite readings, probably because it speaks so directly to my anxious nature. If there was an Oscar for worrying, I would be one of the top contenders for the award. I remember some years ago studying Higher Economics at college. One day I learned that the National Debt stood at many millions of pounds. I was telling the better half all about it in the evening. “Don’t worry about it, hen,” he quipped, “I’ll put in for some extra overtime and we’ll soon sort it out.” January and February bring their usual share of winter blues and anxious watching of the sky for weather. While the newscasters prophecy global warming, I am cowardly cuddled up in a corner of the sofa wishing that it was here already, despite its dangers. And as I avoid the season’s bracing fresh air walk, the better half returns from the shopping and delivers the good news: “The snowdrops are out in the garden already.” I rush to look and, sure enough, there they are, a new crop of flowers, the blessing of winter, fulfilling the promise of a hopeful spring.

Winter Warrior Strong lance of green with steel tipped edge Pierces harsh soil beneath the hedge Breaks the back of winter’s ice Sneers at wind’s fierce and crushing vice; Scorns the stinging whip of rain Guarded by armoured blades to gain, At last, the victor’s worthy prize - Beckons the glory of Spring’s clear skies. Till, struggling through the tip of the lance A shield of ivory dips to dance: Snowdrop, dispelling dark winter’s care, Vanquishes anew the foe of despair. What Power or Will sends forth this weak And tiny flower to face earth’s bleak And endless agony, to cheer The passers by for a brave new year?

For many months in our church, there has been a mood of anxiety about the present and the future. Our minds and hearts needed a spring clean; a reminder that there are always problems but worry is not the answer. And now, as the garden is tidied outside, there are plans to renew worn-out features of the interior. Even more encouraging are plans to approach our young people in schools for their contributions and ideas about church and community. For it is they who can decide the role of religion in our lives. The words of Jesus to his disciples, then, renews our faith and hope.



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February 2007

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West Kirk Guild Report Our last meeting before Christmas was an excellent Christmas meal with catering provided by Bobby Grindlay. This was enjoyed by all, with games and entertainment to complete the evening. At our first meeting of 2007, we welcomed Father Kevin Dow from Our Lady and St Bridget’s, West Calder. He told us about how his life had eventually led him to becoming a Roman Catholic priest with entertaining anecdotes amongst the serious issues.

Dates for your diary:

Monday – 5th February Inter Organisation Quiz

Thursday – 8th February Alice Linden Trophy – Kirk of Calder, Mid Calder

Monday – 19th February Keep Fit – Matilde Peace

Friday – 2nd March World Day of Prayer

Monday – 5th March Holiday Memories

Tuesday – 13th March Spring Rally – West Kirk of Calder

We look forward to seeing you at these meetings.

Jill Murray (Joint Secretary)

West Kirk Fundraising Group Report The Christmas Candy Bar raised the excellent sum of £2794, roughly broken down as follows: Baking £444 Crafts & Soft Goods £590 Raffle £290 Whisky Bottle £53 Youth Link Tombola £25 Quiz £150 Lucky Dip £167 Kirk Session Bottle Stall £72 Dream Catchers £40 Very many thanks to all who took part, especially the cooks, stall holders, servers and anyone who worked so hard to make the event successful. We were especially touched that one of our regular customers – Nessie Munro (who sadly passed away before Christmas) had requested that money from her estate be used to buy morning coffee for her old friends at the West Kirk. Her wish was carried out at this Candy Bar. Nessie will be missed. The Candy Bar for 2006 made the wonderful total of £7181 which has gone into the redecoration fund, along with £1360 from the Knit-In and Whist Drive. A truly magnificent effort. The proceeds from February until June will also go into this fund. The February Candy Bar will have passed by the time you read this. The Youth Link and friends will run the Candy Bar on the 3rd of March. Because Easter falls in the first week of April it has been necessary to make an alteration to the usual pattern. Please note that the “April Event” will be held on Saturday the 31st of March. We look forward to seeing you throughout 2007.

Jill Murray (Convener)


The Link Issue 15

February 2007

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Life & Work – February Issue

The Editorially Independent Magazine of the Church of Scotland www.lifeandwork.org

A POLITICAL MINISTRY The Rev Ewan Aitken, the Church of Scotland minister who leads the City of Edinburgh Council, says he has no plans to stand for election to the Holyrood Parliament, following in the footsteps of his predecessor, Donald Anderson. “Right now I’m really happy doing what I’m doing. I really enjoy it. That’s what I’m focussed on. In many ways I can do more as leader of this city than I could as a back bench MSP in the Scottish Parliament”. He describes quitting his parish to enter full-time politics as “one of the hardest decisions I have every made.” RENEWABLE CHURCHES Two Orkney congregations reveal how they have used inclement weather to their advantage and reduced the size of their carbon footprint.

The congregation of Westray Parish is the first church in the country to enjoy cheap efficient heating after the installation of a ground source heat pump and a wind turbine. The sister congregation of Papa Westray are now planning to follow suit in a partnership project which could see a new wind turbine provide the island’s Kirk, surgery and school with renewable energy.

The Rev Iain MacDonald, minister of congregations, says: “On a local level it slashes energy bills and provides us with constant heating. But on a wider level it’s about creation stewardship and environmental theology – caring for God’s gifts.” FORTY DAYS OF HOPE The Moderator, the Rt Rev Alan McDonald, reflects on the gifts of Lent. THE GENEROSITY MEASURE The Rev Gordon Jamieson, the Church of Scotland’s Director of Stewardship, examines how giving can be quantified. RESURRECTING THE PAST Ron Ferguson makes a plea for a revival of the Scots language in churches. DIACONAL DIVERSITY A look at the many aspects of work of Church of Scotland deacons. HOW NOT TO BE A GRUMPY OLD KIRK R D Kernohan urges respect for the young from the Church’s older generation. And more…. monthly columns for elders and young people; book reviews; travel, finance, lively letters; news from far and near; monthly prayer; prize crosswords … all for £1.60.


The Link Issue 15

February 2007

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Christmas 2006 – Across the Pond As one half of the family were going to spend Christmas visiting in New Zealand we decided that it might be a good idea to spend Christmas with our younger son at his new home in Dover, New Hampshire just to experience what it would be like in the United States of America. Dover is the oldest continuous settlement in New Hampshire and the seventh oldest in the United States. Settled first in 1623 it straddles the Cocheco river and is a lovely sprawling township. Since our last visit to America little seems to have changed with the main headlines in the newspapers still being, Iraq, same sex marriage and abortion. During our time there however we witnessed three major items of history. There occurred the rather gruesome death of Saddam Hussein, the passing of Gerald Ford the 38th President, and the election of the first African American governor of the State of Massachusetts. We had quite a feeling of disappointment at first as we had thought that all the Shopping Malls and shops would be well decorated for Christmas but this was not so. The decorations were somewhat subdued compared to here and it was not until about the week before Christmas that more decoration became evident. Then we discovered that this period in the calendar was not referred to as Christmas as much as it was called The Holiday. It appears that at this time of year three distinct festivals take place, the Christian festival we call Christmas, the Jewish festival of Hannukah, and a fairly new African American festival called Kwanzaa, invented in 1966 by Ron Karenga as a celebration of African American Heritage. This means that unless you know a person, you dare not wish them a Very Happy Christmas! No wonder the Immigration Officer whose name I noticed was Reuben gave me a look when I said to him to have a good Christmas!! No matter this did not detract from our celebrations with Brian for his first Christmas in his own home in America. We had quite a job sourcing royal icing and marzipan for the Christmas Cake though which we found strange. Just as well we took over with us a traditional Christmas Pudding from Marks & Spencer. Eating out in Dover is quite a wonderful experience. Has anyone heard of Kobe Beef? I hadn’t but Brian persuaded me to try roasted peppers stuffed with Kobe Beef and on enquiring where this came from I thought he was spinning me a yarn but he assured me that this was beef, and here I quote , ‘Beef from the black Tajima-ushi breed of Wagyu cattle renowned for its flavour, tenderness and texture enhanced by the traditional methods of rearing the cattle – fed with hops and receiving regular massages with Japanese rice wine by dedicated Japanese men’ I ask you! We were fortunate enough to find a church just down the road from the house. This was called The First Parish Church Congregational – United Church of Christ. What a lovely building both inside and out. The Pastor was called David and his Assistant Nancy and what a great team they were. David was a bit of a ventriloquist and his dummy was a Dromedary whose name was Drama Dearie. The two were hilarious and did much to lift the service to a most enjoyable experience of worshipping in a different manner. The choir numbered 36 and were all dressed in robes. Needless to say the singing was excellent and their singing of John Rutter’s ‘Angels’ Carol was perfection. The services we managed to attend were vibrant and extremely uplifting. During the service on the Sunday before Christmas the pink candle was lit and David said that some people were wearing pink to match the candle colour. ‘How many would like to see the pink that Nancy is wearing?’ David asked. Of course all hands went up and quick as a flash Nancy whipped off her surplus and revealed her pink blouse. Can you imagine that happening in any traditional Scottish Church? A lovely touch I thought was at the end of that service all the congregation who would like to join the choir in singing Handels’ Hallelujah Chorus were asked to come to the chancel and join the choir with music provided. I did not need a second asking! What a wonderful experience. The Christmas Eve service was enhanced with the traditional decorating of the chancel with Poinsettias placed by members to commemorate a loved one. On the last Sunday of the year we were a trifle apprehensive about taking communion by going to the chancel to receive it. However it was not much different from being at home except that you took the piece of bread and dipped it in the


The Link Issue 15

February 2007

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chalice of wine. The service for the last Sunday of the year saw the choir having a holiday and the service being led by believe it or not a Blue Grass Band. Most enjoyable. The weather was one of the main topics of conversation no matter to whom you spoke as the temperatures were unseasonably high. In fact the day we flew out of Boston Logan Airport the temperature was 55°F. We certainly enjoyed walking around Dover in such high temperatures. The knock on effect was that the price of oil came down due to lack of demand for heating oil. However the latest news from Brian is that the temperature had dropped to a more normal 3°F with snow on the way. Winter had arrived! We just got home in time. We hope that in sharing our experiences we have conveyed a little insight into a different form of Christmas, as we know it.

Bill Calder

Concert Last year Mure Memorial Church Choir presented a very successful concert in memory of my mother Effie Russell. This year the annual memorial event takes place in the West Kirk on Friday 23rd February at 7.30 pm. Bill Russell and friends will provide the music. Tickets are priced £4 including refreshments and may be obtained from Bill Russell (01506 871693). The proceeds will go to the West Kirk redecoration fund and to various charities.

Land of Oz

West Kirk Pastoral Care Committee Film and Slide Show

“Land of Oz” – a journey through Australia

with Bill Russell

Friday 9th February – 7.30 pm in the West Kirk Hall. Tickets are priced £2 including refreshments (tickets will be available at the door)

West Kirk Christmas Quiz 2006 – Biscuit Answers 1 Wealthy drink Rich Tea 16 Robber Bandit

2 Scottish village Abernethy 17 Cornwall thin Cornish Wafer 3 Made with wholemeal Digestive 18 Luxury hotel Ritz 4 Sweet lotion Custard Cream 19 Shaky Rocky

5 Type of whisky Bourbon 20 Where a group could meet Club 6 Hired car Taxi 21 Reverberate Echo 7 Colour prize Blue Riband 22 Dairy decisive event Butter Crunch

8 Toffee thin Caramel Wafer 23 Period of rest Time Out 9 Have a natter Hobnob 24 Outstanding example Classic 10 Orange sweetmeat Jaffa Cake 25 Almond flavoured Amaretti

11 Spice kernels Ginger Nuts 26 One who braggs Boaster 12 Preserve shirkers Jammy Dodgers 27 Keahtrosc Shortcake 13 Flightless sea bird Penguin 28 Could come from the gorge Cheddars

14 Popular with cheese Cream Crackers 29 Inventions Creations 15 Gnaow lhewes Wagon Wheels 30 American state biscuit Maryland Cookie


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February 2007

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West Kirk – Rota Information

West Kirk Crèche Rota

18th February

Kathy Black

25th February

Shirley MacRae

4th March

Mary Calder

11th March

Olive Gibson

West Kirk Tea Rota Contact Olive Gibson 01506 871291 Note: Tea Makers, please bring milk.

18th February

May Arnott

Olive Gibson

25th February

Jill Murray

Moira McRae

4th March

Olive Gibson

Isobel McChesney

11th March

Alison Baxter

Alison McNaught

The Link Collation Rota Meet in Polbeth Harwood at 4 pm

Friday 2nd March (Issue 16 – Mar)

Jill Murray Frank Mabbutt Shirley MacRae Stewart MacRae Rosanna Rabaeijs Isobel Young

West Kirk Duty Rota

Door Duty

Car Run

18th February

Irene Grindlay

Beryl Henderson

Alan Jessiman

George Stott

25th February

Stewart Munro

Alison McNaught

Hazel Tod

Richard Bryce

Evelyn Paterson

Jill Murray

George Stott

Hugh Clarkson

Jim Allan

Juanita Allan

Angus Baxter

4th March

Victor Ferguson

Alison McNaught

Christine Nicholl

Serving Communion

11th March

Christine Nicholl

Juanita Allan

Jim Allan

Robert Hawes

West Kirk Flower Rota Arrangers: If you will be on holiday on your rota date, please arrange a swap, and if this proves difficult, please contact Margaret Greenhorn (01506 871139) for help in finding someone. If you would like to donate flowers in the 2007, please put your name against your chosen date on the calendar in the vestibule.

Given Arranged Delivered

4th February

M A Smith Katie Albon

Ivy Johnstone

11th February

Jean Graham

Isobel Graham

Irene Grindlay

18th February

Rosanna Rabaeijs

Kathleen Black

25th February

Olive Gibson

Rosanna Rabaeijs

Moira McRae

4th March

May Arnott

Evelyn Paterson

Ivy Johnstone

11th March

Margo McEwan

Margo McEwan & Margaret Douglas

Irene Grindlay


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February 2007

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Polbeth Harwood – Rota Information

Stewart Court Taxi Rota

18th February

David Prentice

25th February

Kenneth Mackay

4th March

Margaret Marr

11th March

Charlie Sturrock

Polbeth Harwood Duty Rota

Door Duty

18th February

Alice Mackay

Kenneth Mackay

Jenny Doyle

Janice Davidson

25th February

Ena Prentice

David Prentice

Wilma Dickson

Lilias Fairley

4th March

Etta Walker

Eleanor Davidson

Effie Halliday

George Halliday

11th March

Hazel Speirs

Linda Eardley

Margaret Hampson

William McCallum

The Link Collation Rota Meet in Polbeth Harwood at 4 pm

Friday 2nd March (Issue 16 – Mar)

Jill Murray Frank Mabbutt Shirley MacRae Stewart MacRae Rosanna Rabaeijs Isobel Young

Polbeth Harwood Café Rota

21st February

Effie Halliday

Grace Peace

28th February

Gordon Erskine

Chrissie McCormack

Esther Hamilton

7th March

Wilma Dickson

Jessie Kelly

14th March

Frank Mabbutt

Betty Upton

Janet Walker

Polbeth Harwood Cleaning Rota

18th February

Esther Hamilton

Pat Erskine

25th February

Linda Eardley

Hazel Speirs

4th March

Ena Prentice

David Prentice

11th March

Mary Mabbutt

Frank Mabbutt


The Link Issue 15

February 2007

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The Stages of Life

There are three stages in life:


Middle Age

“My you’re looking well”


Sermons affect people in different ways. Some rise to leave, greatly strengthened, while others awake, greatly refreshed!

Contributions for the next edition … Contributions for the next edition of The Link Magazine should be submitted by the first Sunday after the 15th of the month. For the March issue, this will be Sunday 18th February. Contributions can be sent via email, or handed in person to either Rev David Albon or Colin Dempster.

Paws… for thought

The reason that grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is that they have a common enemy

Sam Levenson
