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THE LION AND THE LAMB CHRIST OUR PASSOVER. In Heaven Before time Began Christ is the Word of God He...

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In Heaven Before time Began

• Christ is the Word of God• He is on the throne• He was slain from the

foundation of the world• He reigns as the ‘Alpha and

the Omega’• His head and hairs were

white like wool• His eyes were as a flame of


The ‘Lamb, the Lion of Judah

• Around God’s throne are four living creatures, the highest angels

• He is worshipped by the four living creatures.

• He is worshipped by the 24 elders Rev. (5:12)

• The Four cherubims each have four faces.

• The faces are: A Man, A Lion, An Eagle and Ox

• The each have four wings• They represent the Lamb’s lordship

over all creation.

• Lion-king of wild animals• Ox king of domesticated• Eagle king of birds• Man king of created order

Fall of Lucifer

• Lucifer’s role was to cover the throne of God

• He was the highest, most beautiful angel

• He was decorated with precious stones – sardius, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire, emerald, gold, carbuncle

• His heart was lifted up• He was cast out of heaven.

Fall of Man• Lucifer(light-bearer)becomes

Satan• He envies man, God’s highest

creation.• Mankind falls, Satan assumes

legal dominion of earth.• God promises that the ‘seed’ of

the woman would destroy the ‘serpent’

• Women don’t have seed; the word seed is masculine, singular – a miraculous conception

Satan attempts to eliminate the seed

• Cain kills Abel• Seth takes Abel’s place.

• The first generations tell the gospel in their names

• Seth – a substitute• Enos – a mortal man• Cainan – in the womb• Mahalel – praise, rejoice• Jared- coming from above• Enoch- a good teacher• Methuselah- when he dies,

it is finished• Noah –rest from the curse

Noah’s son preserves the line

• Satan attempted to assimilate mankind – the line of Seth with the world.

• God preserves Noah and his family

• Noah’s son, shem’s descendants declare the gospel of the coming Messiah in their names

• Shem-the name, God• Arphaxad- a healer• Selah –the rock, finisher• Eber – Passover• Peleg –Separation, dividing• Reu- a friend, pasture• Serug-the branch• Nahor-the breath, spirit• Abraham - father of the nations

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – The Seed, the lamb

• Abraham has a son, Isaac (laughter)

• Isaac is a ‘miracle’ child• He brings laughter• Isaac gives birth to Jacob

(Israel)• A nation, Israel (which

means ‘a prince will reign as God) is born

• Israel will be God’s sovereign territory on earth.

• The Messiah will come through Jacob’s fourth son, Judah

God meets Moses

• It is time for God to establish his heavenly law on earth

• To bring heaven to earth

• To establish a godly nation on Satan’s territory

• To bring Israel out of Egypt

The blood of the lamb saves Israel• The Israelites sacrifice a lamb and

daub the blood on the doorposts• They must take a lamb without

blemish, a male• They must gather on the 10th day

and sacrifice it on the 14th day in the evening.

• The 15th day is the feast of unleavened bread

• God brings israel out of Egypt

Heaven’s image comes to earth• God created Israel a nation under his law-the

ten commandments

• He replicates the pattern of the heavenly temple in an earthly temple with the four creatures, the elders, the lampstand and the sanctuary

The priests come before God

• The priest is covered with the same precious stones that Lucifer had.

• The image of the heavenly temple comes to earth

• God’s law is established from Mt Sinai

• The lamb is coming to redeem mankind through Israel

• The temple furniture mirrors that before God’s throne

• The lampstand and table in the holy place typify the 7 lamps before God’s throne and elders around the throne

• The golden cherubim covering the ark signify the angels spreading their wings behind the throne

Arrival of the Lamb of God, the Lion• Israel often departed from God

and were punished accordingly. The line was preserved.

• Abraham – Isaac – Jacob- Judah –Phares – Esrom –Aram – Aminadab – Naashon – Salmon – Boaz – Obed –Jesse – David –Solomon –Rehoboam – Abijah – Asa – Jehosaphat – Joram –Ozias – Jotham – Ahaz – Hezekiah – Manasses –Amon – Josias – Jechonias – Salathiel – Zerubbabel – Abiud – Eliakim – Azor – Zadok –Achim – Eliud – Eleazar –Mattan –Jacob - Joseph

• - JESUS, The Lamb of God• Jesus conceived miraculously• -He was sinless, a lamb without

blemish• - He came to Jerusalem and was

inspected and no fault found• - he was sacrificed on the 14th day of

Nisan• He was whipped• -His death was a perfect atonement,

substitution for the sins of mankind• -He restored the dominion of

mankind to those who receive him• He took the keys away from Satan
