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The lion code

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This training is change your life
The Lion Code
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The Lion Code

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The Lion Code

Introduction Welcome. It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this training here today. Now this is what we call the Lion Code training and what you have here is very dear to my heart. I have been a keen believer in the power of what we are going to be sharing with you over the next one or two hours. You are sitting in front of a computer screen somewhere - I'm standing in front of cameras in England and we are recording this in 2012 and I am very proud to be here because this is a long journey for me. I've been involved in the area of personal and professional development for most of my adult life, really. I got involved in a sales environment. One of the things I learnt there was that it’s really all about self-development and professional development and communication skills. It is about influencing skills and all of those activity-based skills are very powerful but without what I am going to share with you today, the Lion Code, none of it will necessarily be driving you in the right direction in terms of you achieving your success. Now this is something that I have trained literally thousands of people on and the effect this has on people's lives is nothing short of

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extraordinary. We’re talking about something that works no matter who you are, where you come from, if you are a man or a woman, old or young, rich or poor, this stuff that I am going to share with you today, the Lion Code, will have the chance to change literally everything and take it to another level. If you are already successful it will help you become more successful and if you are not as successful as you want to be it will be the first steps in that journey forward for you. Now what it is? It is a process and a system that helps you get direction and focus. This is a process and a system that will then get you started on the success you want to achieve and the aspirations that you have. And I swear to you that everything I am sharing with you today has been proven in the test of battle, in the test of life, by many, many people. Now, some of these things will be familiar to some of you but it depends on what your background is and where you are coming from but what I do know is that this works a little bit like a key in a lock. What I mean is that if you're watching this program chances are that you have not achieved everything that you want to achieve, you have not got everything you want to have, or you are involved in a journey where you really know that you want more and you may be open-minded enough to look at something that is new or something that has a different slant. It is kind of like active participation here. If you want to get the most out of this program or this particular training then it is active participation that counts. What you have to do is sit and listen actively. It is no good to sit and drift off and kind of slip away and relax too much and come back here in forty five minutes time and press STOP. What this is, is a process where you sit, make notes, and participate

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and some of the things I am going to share with you later they are very very much an active learning process. Now, it is also, if you are familiar with this from before in a different context, is a process like a combination lock. So you get one thing right then the second thing right and then the third thing right. But it’s only when you get all digits to the right code, to the right number, to the right combination that the lock clicks and open. So it might be that you are sitting and just one thing that I say here today, one thing that you listen and take note of that will be the thing that unlocks the combination lock for you and actually unblocks you and helps you to move forward. So this is a very important point. It is you looking for those golden nuggets.

1. Overview We are looking at a five-step training. We are going to be going through the overall process and give you an insight into why and how this whole thing works in our introduction that I am going to start in a moment. I am going to go into the actual and specific components of this process and give you an overview of the big pieces that fit together here. I am also going to do the process with you. In other words, I will take you through a participation exercise where you have pen and paper, make notes and work on something. It sounds old-fashioned in our digital age, I know, but you need pen and paper. You will actually draw and write things down of what you are looking for, so if you don't have pen and paper, go and get pen and paper now! Press pause and come back here in a second.

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So, now I'm assuming that all of you have pen and paper and what I want you to do with it comes later but anything that sparks off an idea in your mind, anything I say that you think, oh God! that really hits the spot and you can get something from it, just jot it down - active participation is what we calling for here. A sharp pencil is better than a long memory because you will not remember. We are talking about two hours worth of training here and I will be saying a lot of things and some of them will be amazingly profound. Now, the other thing that we are going to do is we are going to then take the process and the result of that process that we've achieved, and we are going to stress test that for ecology. What I mean when I say that is that we are then going to see if there is any trouble-shooting that we can do to help you feel safe and safeguard that you actually get the results are you looking for. We are going to do a little bit of a stress testing, in the nicest possible way, afterwards. And finally, were we going to go through using this and following through. The devil is in the details and what we have to do is really make sure that we can have something that is more than a vague theoretical concept and something that is tangible, specific, and exists in the real world, and something that you can use and get benefit from. So we are going to be talking a lot towards the end about using this and following through on the process. Now, why have we called it the “Lion Code”? I am going to explain that here, especially in the aspect of the code, but we are part of LEO so of course there's a connection to a lion there, but it is also something to do very much with the entrepreneurship program,

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in the sense that we want you to establish a goal to do with Learning. The key to life is to learn new things and you start to die is when you stop learning new things. So a learning goal is very very important. The second goal we want you to have is equally important in another way, which is to have an Income goal or a financial goal or an equity goal of some sort. Something that has to do with income, with finances, with worldly resources. We are all people, we are not greedy people and we are not people who are just in it for the money, nor are you someone who would measure your results just in terms of the financial cash you got from it. However, let’s live in the real world and consider the choices available to someone with no money and the choices available to someone with money. With money you can do things so an Income goal is very important. And the third goal that we want to set is to do with the Ownership because one of the mistakes that entrepreneurs make is to have goals to do with income but have no goals to do with owning something. Now, that means that we in LEO, we want you to get very focused on where you go with this in terms of what is it you want to own and this could be property, could be assets, it could be worldly goods, it could be something that symbolises all of those things for you in terms of an expensive toy. I know people who get extremely motivated at the thought of the car they want to own etc. The final goal is something that is a bit of a catchall to do with Nurturing. It might be that after you've done your Learning, your Income and your Ownership goals there is room left for a family goal, there is room left for a goal to do with other people,

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and this is social goal. Maybe there's something to with spirituality there, or might be something to do with creativity. Something that in some sense would nurture you. So L I O N is the shorthand for what we are talking about here and then why “Code”? Well this is a word that symbolises what it is that you are after and is also a shorthand or a code, an icon if you like, for what this means for you in terms of how you can hang it up, in terms of how you can think about it, how you can summarise it in a meaningful way to you. But I will talk more about it as we go forward and actually do the process. Now where does “Code” comes from? It is an English noun and it is an assortment of letters or numbers or wherever it might be, but in some way it’s shorthand for something much larger and greater than the word that you designate to stand for this. Now, the second meaning of Code is code as in what you write to a computer to instruct the computer - to give instructions to a piece of hardware through software code - and in that sense the Code is a very valuable part of this process that does more than just set a goal. We need to have some set of instructions to the brain that helps it and I will explain more as we go forward. And, finally, it has a meaning to do with ‘Code of Conduct’, a set of rules that define acceptable behaviour for an individual or in terms of an organisation etc. In that sense the Code we are looking for is a code for you to act and live by and through. So the Lion Code has all of these things that I mentioned built into it. There is more here than just setting some goals - it's a much deeper process.

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Now, the components that we are talking about, the things that go into the entire Lion Code process are connected with many different things. I am going to go through a few headlines of what's important for this to really work for you. And the first one is that I want you to understand how this works, if you like, because it is one of the most extraordinary things in life, how some people achieve all of their goals, set greater and bigger stretching goals and achieve those as well and then they go on to do extraordinary things! Now, which came first, the chicken or the egg? The goal or the goal-setting, or the achievement of the goal? Well, in my world they are all interlinked. If you consider how when you were a little person, a baby, you have the inherent promise of the world build into you. In other words, the software and hardware of a little baby, between babies and babies and babies and babies, it’s all the same. The capacity, the potential and the unrealised potential this is all the same for everyone and then what people do with that potential is the real killer question, really. Why do people achieve such varying results when, in my world, everyone has the same potential and can achieve exactly what they set out to do and in unexpected and delightful ways. But there is no inherent difference between people and it's all the same kind of God stuff, if you like. But what is the difference between old people and young people? Typically, young people dream much bigger and young people have much bigger goals, but gradually over a life your goals, your dreams, your vision for what you want to do, it will narrow down and start to become a very narrow band. Just living with very very much limitation around you, if you like. Whereas for a young person, a baby, a young

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child, the sky is the limit. They are going to be an astronaut, they are going to be a doctor, they are going to be a successful businessperson, they are going to be a multi-millionaire, multi-billionaire. They are going to have this car, they are going to have a rocket to fly to the moon. They are going to do all of these extraordinary things and then gradually that changes. And what is built into that is some sort of sense of resignation: I will cut my cloth to suit the potential I see before me. Whereas a child does not do that. The child focuses first on what it is that is an extraordinarily motivational thing and then moves towards it and does not worry too much if it is realistic or not realistic. I think that's a very important part of what happens to you, because at the end of the day you going to be dead for a very long time. And as far as we know this is the only life you are going to have, so why not fill it with as much wonder and as much brilliance as you can possibly squeeze into it? Depending on how you define that for yourself. The other thing there is very important for you to understand is that a lot of this stuff is unconscious. It is not things that we think about every day, is not things that live within our conscious radar of any process. We kind of just put one foot in front of the other. We wake up one morning, go and do a job and come back home and before we know it a week has gone by and another week gone, months gone by, a year’s gone, a decade’s gone by, and suddenly when we look back we see how much of our life is slipping by without you actually doing anything to change it and it’s a terrifying prospect! What I want you to really get is that what's driving all of this stuff is unconscious habits, that become unconscious

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programs, that become unconscious things that by definition you are not aware of. If you are fortunate to stumble across this material early on in life, it becomes again what you do unconsciously and, like ‘much rain wears the marble’, eventually after a year, after five years, after ten years, your life can be so diametrically different as opposed to someone who hasn't lived these processes. Because it's not about going and thinking about these things all day long - it's about creating a habit-set that supports your achievement or your fulfillment or your ultimate destiny, if you like. But it is unconscious in the same way that everything in your life that you do is unconscious. You can speak languages, you can speak multiple languages, you can speak three or four languages and you don't have to think about how you string words together. You just do it unconsciously. You ride a bicycle, you walk, you talk, you do what you do, and all of it is done unconsciously. In the context of the Lion Code, there are things that you should be doing that you are not doing, because you were never taught that it is important. In the context of what we doing here, I'd like to help you by setting up a process that, if you keep focus on it for a short period of time, will also become something that you do without thinking about it. It will become something that is unconscious; something that just is part of the repertoire of who you are as a human being; and becomes what you do without thinking about it; totally unconsciously with competence and flair and skill.

2. Goal Setting

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It’s a little bit like goal-setting and setting objectives and setting targets and verbalising your dreams, defining a vision, working out what is that you want and making a decision that that's what you are going to have. It is a little bit like playing golf. I have always used this metaphor and I have used it many many times. It's like going to a golf course and standing there. I've never played golf in my whole life. I can honestly say that I have not played golf, because I know that if I did, it would take over my life. I have that sort of personality, I am quite addictive and I like the things where you achieve, and you achieve a little bit more, and develop your skill sets, and get better and better at driving the ball and putting the ball, and then you can measure this with your handicap. I just know that if I started playing golf it would take over my life because it just ticks all the boxes for me, really, for the process I see around it. So I stayed well clear of golf but I know that the first time I play golf I would be brilliant! I would hit that ball and hit it hard and I would hit it crooked, I would hit it off track, I would go all over there, then I will go over there, but eventually, every single time, I would get that ball in the hole! I might take twenty shots, I might take thirty shots, I might take forty shots but eventually I would get it in the hole every single time, which means that every single time I picked up a club, whacked the ball about, I would get that ball in the target. Without the hole, without the target, my game would be a pleasant walk, hitting a piece of plastic with a piece of metal. Now, that in itself might be creative and fulfilling however this is one of the reasons why goal-setting is so important because if you don't know where you are going you have no chance to calibrate, course

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correct, or workout if you are moving any closer - moving towards it or moving away from it. You need to set that target; you need to set that goal; you need to define what it is that you are trying to get the ball into. So, in that sense, golf is a brilliant metaphor for what this process does for you because it helps you become targeted; it helps you become specific; it helps you become someone who is driving toward something; and is walking; is travelling; is living with purpose. It helps you become a person who's a meaningful specific rather than a wandering generality. It helps you become a person who is waking up in the morning with a purpose and who can work a long day and a long week and a long month and a long year because you know that you are moving toward something that for you is meaningful. Or your option is, if you are a person who does not set goals, if you are a person who does not bother about working out your Lion Code, you become a person who finds it increasingly difficult to wake up in the morning, become a person who finds it difficult to start doing exercise, a person who does not have a disciplined approach to anything - from saving, to relationships, to fun in life if you like. It's all about if you set those targets for yourself and become a person who says, ‘This is what I'm going to do. This is what I am going to achieve.” If you have been waiting and getting ready to get ready, for a long time, I give you permission to stop that. I give you permission to just start. No matter what is going on in your life, no matter how traumatised you are about your circumstances, no matter how difficult it is, from this point forward you have permission to Act. If you're waiting for a sign, this is it. If you were waiting for something to tell you to get on with it - this is it. If you’re waiting for

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some burning bush, if you waiting for a sign, if you waiting for a signal, if you are waiting for something mystical to happen - this is it. Right here, right now, between you and me. When I recorded this, and when you're sitting there, this is a moment when you can say, “Enough.” This is your sign. And then make a mental decision to Go Big. Why do small? Do Big, whatever Big means for you. You don’t have to become Steve Jobs, you don’t have to become Bill Gates, you don’t have to build a software empire, you don’t have to build a hardware empire. What you can do is Go Big in the context of your life and the framework around you. Do what you want to do and do it now. Give yourself permission to finally let go of all the past and move forward. The final component is reality check, is discipline. That means that you can't achieve anything in life unless you apply labour and hard work to it in a directed and hopefully intelligent fashion. If you are going to build something wonderful in terms of architecture and houses or what you want to build is a legacy to mankind - that will take skill-sets and discipline and years and years of effort. If you want to build a successful business, that is exactly the same. There are a lot of people selling to you that you can do something incredibly fast and yes, if you think two or three or four years is incredibly fast, then we have an opportunity for you here as well. But what I am saying to you is that it's not a magic. It's not something that will happen for you easily. What you have to do, whatever it is that is worthy to achieve, is going to take some effort. If you want to become a black belt in Aikido - I wanted to once upon a time become a black belt in Aikido - it takes three or four years to become black belt in Aikido,

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Karate, Judo. Funny that. How long does it take to become a chartered accountant? Three or four or five years. How long does it take to become a good lawyer? Something similar. How long to become a doctor? How long does it take to become a successful business person? Something similar. It is something that measured in terms of three or four or five years, every single time, if you want to be successful at something. And that means that this is no different; that means that you have to learn something about an industry; that you have to learn something about what is that you want to achieve. If it is creative fulfillment you have to learn how to write, you have to learn how to paint, you have to learn how to do whatever it is you want to learn how to do and it’s going to take you some time. You need to come and stake out an area, a discipline, a passion that you want to own, and then live there for a bit, move in for a bit and get good at it. You learn from your peers, you learn from your masters, you learn from your teachers, and then over time, gradually, miraculously, you become better at it. It's as simple as that. So nothing great is achieved just by luck - nothing great is achieved just by luck. Great things are achieved by disciplined hard work and effort and moving in a direction with purpose. So none of that changes just because you have done the Lion Code. But what the Lion Code will do, it will help you become deliberate about what is it that you want to achieve. And the final component in this puzzle, the final component is that you actually have to have fun. If this is just insane hard work, discipline, goal-setting, grinding your way through to it, what will happen is this: one, the joy will be taken out of your

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achievement completely; two, you will probably start to self-sabotage. If you are not having fun it's a signal from the inside that you’re doing it wrong or you’re doing the wrong thing. If you're not enjoying what you are doing, stop and go off and do it differently. Go off and follow your heart, follow your gut-feeling, follow your soul as it communicates to you through your feelings. If you are not enjoying it, stop and have some fun. If you not enjoying it, take a break and go off and meet some friends. If you are on the wrong road, measured by the fact it is difficult to get up in the mornings, measured by the fact that you not motivated to actually do it, you are on the wrong road. Fun is the measure, is the calibration, is the feedback that you are doing what makes your heart sing. If you are not laughing about it, no matter how you laugh - aloud or quietly inside - if you not having fun, you are doing the wrong thing. So, it’s a very very important barometer, it’s a lighthouse, it’s your True North, it’s your North Star that you should be following. If you are enjoying it then you are on the right track. If it doesn't fill you with little goose-bumps, if your body is not reacting in some way, that is, enjoying what you’re talking about, what you’re thinking about, what you are doing, you’re doing the wrong thing. Find something that really floats your boat, find something that you can put all your energy and passion into, and hard work and perspiration and tears and blood, sweat and tears. Because you enjoy it. Nothing heroic will be done unless you find something that you enjoy doing 24/7, whatever that is. It’s the barometer, it’s the compass, it’s the direction that you should move in. Follow your passion. Follow your fun.

3. The Process

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What are we going to do now is the actual process. You can do this again because it’s captured on this film and you can come back and revisit this is many times as you like. Now what is important for this exercise is that you do it and you have your pen and paper. It’s also important that you do it quickly and that you don't use critical analysis to paralyze yourself. You don’t have to go and research because what we are looking for is plugging into deep inner resources so you have to get inside you and get into your heart and get into your passion and get into your soul and get into real essence of who you are and what you really want. A lot of us have issues where we are following someone else’s plan. You should be wanting to do this because it’s a worthy thing to do and it’s what your family has always done, it’s what your teachers tell you that you are good at so you should do it. People will say that you should do this and you should do that. What you should do is to follow what’s inside of you. THE END! If your career is moving in this direction and your heart is telling you to move into this direction, pay attention and listen, because life is short. In the context of this training and this process that we are doing here now, we are doing the LION Code process and all I want you to do is do it quickly without thinking about it and just follow what seems to be the input of the moment. Critical analysis is not allowed. You are just jotting things down on a piece of paper in the spirit of having fun and playing with it, not in the spirit of doing a test. This is just between you and me. So clear some space around you, clear some time around you, make sure that you are doing this after the children have gone to bed and not before. Do this when you are not going to

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have your partner looking over your shoulder and asking you about what you are doing. Do this in a moment of privacy between you and me and this computer screen and the piece of paper in front of you. What I also want to caution you because I have been around for a long time and I have seen people who are too cool to get engaged, they are too cool to get involved, they are too professional, they are too this, they are too that and they stand back with their arms crossed and their legs crossed and their eyes crossed and they are resisting to get engaged and what they hope to achieve I have never figured out, but I suppose it’s a little self defense mechanism, its kind of a thing that I-am-not-going-to-risk-getting-hurt, I-am-not-going-to-risk-rejection, I-am-not-going-to-risk-making-a-fool-of-myself, so I am going to be a little bit cooler and I am going to stand back and look down my nose and look a little bit like I-am-not-going-to-get-involved. What I want you to do is to do opposite of that because I want you to engage, I want you to participate, I want you to actually do this thing because it’s you, it’s your code, it’s your life and that means that there’s no one else here. I’ll never know what you’ll write down. I’ll never know what you will put on the piece of paper in front of you. But you will. If you do it right, you will know it for the rest of your life. First, we are going to start with four major objectives. I want you to start with L for Lion, the first letter in lion is L, and L stands for Learning. Now, as I am talking to you, where does this take your brain? What is it that you have always wanted to learn? What is it that has been at the back of your mind? What is it that at the back of your head? What was it when you were a little person that you thought, “I want to learn how to do that”. For me, I

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remember distinctly that I saw someone stand on stage somewhere and I thought if he can do that I can do it. I want to learn what he is doing. If he can do it, I can do it. And it was such a moment of truth for me over twenty-three years ago and it became a theme that I followed with a vengeance and I followed with passion. Now for you, what is it that you want to learn? Not what you should learn, not what fits your career development plan and not what fits your CV, but what is it that you really want to learn. Is it another language? Do you want to learn how to speak Italian so that you can go and speak to all those sexy Italian girls? If it is, write it down. Do you want to get a Ph.D? Do you want to study law? Do you want to learn how to do a business plan? Do you want to do ABC, 123? What is it that if you look in the mirror, you would be proud to say, “I did that. I learnt how to do that.” Or what is it that you think is more fun than anything to learn? And seriously, it doesn’t have to be high flying because if you want to learn how to do Latin ballroom dancing, who knows where that leads? If you want to learn how to play chess, who knows where that leads? If you want to learn Italian, who know where that leads? You don’t have to worry about what’s useful and what’s not useful, what you have to worry about is that what’s true for you, what is it that you’d love to learn? Write that down. Write now. Just a word, a key phrase. You don’t have to write an essay. You just have to write something down on a piece of paper. Write now. Quickly. Three, two, one. Finished. Now then, the second area of the LION Code. I for Income. I for financial. I for money. How much money do you want to earn? How much money do you want to have in the bank? How much assets, how much investments, and how much income do you

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want to have? People often go wrong here and they think, “I got to have so much money”. It’s not about the money, but it’s about having choices available to you. In other words, enough money to be free, however you define that. But having said that, if you want to be a millionaire, a multi-millionaire, a billionaire, by all means write that down. All I care about is that it’s true for you. So if your annual income is x, then may be 2x is the right number for you. If you income is y, then may be 10y or a 100y is the right number for you. But in terms of income, in terms of finances, in terms of assets, what is it that you want to achieve? If you want to feel security, if you want to feel successful, if you want to feel that you have done well, what is that number for you? Write it down. Three, two one. The third area of the lion code is Ownership. This is different from income in the sense that it’s what you want to have in your life. It doesn’t have to be toys, it doesn’t have to be unworthy. It could be that you want to own your own house, it could be that you want to own a house to give to your mother. I don’t know, I don’t make any judgments. It could be that you want to own a car. It could be that you want to own an expensive Rolex watch. Again, it doesn’t matter to me. It might be that you want to have shares in Facebook. It might be that you want to have ABC, 123. If you could say that you had this thing in your life and it was yours. Something that you would have in your life, something that you could will on to your children something that you could share with your family. Whatever it is, what is it that you want to own for the third letter in lion, O. What’s you Ownership goal? And whatever it is is the right answer, whatever is popping into your brain right now write it down. Three, two, one.

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Excellent. Now, finally, N, the fourth letter in lion and N stands for Nurturing. Now, the LION Code is about Learning, it’s about Income, it’s about Ownership, but it’s also about Nurturing. If it was only just the three areas there, it would be a little bit lopsided, a little bit unbalanced, because you need more in life than just those kind of goals. That means that what we are looking at here is something that would nurture your soul, something that would nurture you and energise you and give you joy. It could be a family goal, it could be a relationship goal, it could be to get married, it could be to get divorced! Joke! But it could be anything to do with your children, it could be anything to do with having fun, it could be toys. If your true heart felt passion is to have a Ferrari, write it down. Own it enough that you could put it on a piece of paper, between you and this piece of paper sharing it there. You don’t have to share it with anyone else. What is your nurturing goal? It could be a very very deep and profound thing, it could be sense of spirituality and what you have to do to make peace with the spiritual side of your life. We are not going into religion here but everyone has got a spiritual base and spiritual center, no matter how they would deny it, but they still do in my world and that means that it could be something to do with that. It might be that you want to go to a place of worship and get more involved. It could be a social goal, it could be a contribution goal. One of the things that will nurture your soul more than anything else would be to give to others. One of the things that you could do no matter how little money you have is share of your time and to do things that contribute to other people around you. So it is not necessarily a trivial thing a nurturing goal. It could be to plant a garden. It really doesn’t

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matter but when I prompt you for these different things, where does this take your mind? Where do you go with that? What is it, if you are really honest, that you could write down on a piece of paper, that would describe for you your nurturing goal. Three, two, one. Well done. So what you have now is four things written on a piece of paper in front of you. If you don’t, well then shame on you, pause the tape and rewind it, pause this film or rewind it and go back to the beginning where I started this process and don’t think about it anymore and don’t be too cool to not do it. Stop the tape if you haven’t done it and do it right now. But for those of you who have done it and those of you who are engaged and participating, here’s what you have. You have four things. Now, you can have, and I truly believe this, you can have anything you want in life, but you cant necessarily have everything. You can have anything you want in life, but you cannot necessarily have everything. Now if we had a magic genie here, we rub this thing, we got this genie, this spirit to come out and grant you wishes. Here’s the trick: he is not going to give you four. How many is he going to give you? He is going to give you three. So that means that you have to look at your list and say, “Which one shall I give up?” Now, if in your nurturing goal you wrote something about your family or girlfriend or husband or wife, and you think when you look at it that it’s not the most important thing, that’s okay. I will not tell. Look at your list and just put a little minus sign next to one that isn’t the most important. If you have to choose one to let go of, which one would you choose to let go of? If you can have the other three guaranteed, which one would you let go?

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So, now, you have got three goals that matter to you a little bit more. You have done a bit of sorting process and you have actually got down to the top three wishes that this genie could give to you. Now here’s the trick. This genie is a cheapskate. He will only give you two. Cross one off that he is not going to give you. You can only have that one and that one. You can only have two. Which are the two that you are going to keep. Cross one off. Now you have got two. Now, don’t feel too hard done by. If you can have these two, would it make your heart sing? Would it make you happy? And probably, for most of you, the answer is yes. If the answer is not yes to that question, if they wouldn’t make you happy, then go back and do the process again because these are the things that should make your heart sing. It’s not something that I’d be cool about if I haven’t got that. I want to you to be more engaged than that, I want you to dig deeper. Now, if I ask you brutally that you can have only one. You are guaranteed to get that one. You will get that one thing. Its your favourite desire, if you have to choose just one of this list of four things. What would it be? Would it be you Learning goal? Would it be your Income goal? Would it be your Ownership goal? Or would it be your Nurturing goal? Bearing in mind that some of those will kind of include the others in some sort of roundabout way. If your goal was to become a billionaire, then I guess it would take care of some of your ownership goals. I guess it would take care of some of your financial security goals. I guess that would be inclusive but for most of us, we are going to have a conflict here. It’s quite a tough thing to do. Which is the one out of those four things that you would keep? Learning, Income,

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Ownership or Nurturing? Put a big circle around it and claim your territory, claim your goal, claim your LION Code. Cool. Now when I have done this before to audiences up and down the lands, from Asia to Europe to South America, every time I have done this exercise, at this point when people have to choose one, they actually get a little bit uncomfortable and you can see an audience, when I am doing this at an audience level, they start to get a little but uncomfortable and they run screaming around and that’s a good thing because if you didn’t feel discomfort it would mean that you are picking the wrong things. In other words, what you should have is a process that engages you in your body, in your feelings, in your emotions. But now you have got the one thing that really, today, matters more to you than anything else. And if it’s well chosen you will be amazed how powerful it is. So here is the test. This is the goal. Imagine I was with you and you said to me and although I will never ask you what your goal is and that’s why we have a code process that goes on behind this but if I asked you that if you could achieve this thing and you achieved it by the end of your life would you die with a smile on your face? Would you be happy? Would this be something that would make your heart sing? Would this be something that would give you fulfillment? Or would you want something more and is that not enough? Here’s the thing. If it doesn’t fill you with a feeling of contentment, then maybe you were thinking about it just a little too small and you might need to dig deeper and think, “OK. Once you have achieved that, what would be behind that?” See, if you do ask me about this, when I was twenty-three years old, before I started in direct selling and I was still a carpenter, one of the things, I don’t know why

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and I don’t know where the idea came from, but I wanted to have a Suzuki Swift. For some reason, I saw this white Suzuki Jeep. It was called Swift. I don’t know if they are still around. It had a little zigzag thing, a lightning strike on the door, and I thought at 23, I thought it was the coolest coolest thing. But, if you said to me’ “You’ve got your Suzuki Swift. Are you happy? Can you die with a smile on your face?” I’d say, “No. I actually wanted a bit more than that.” So, behind that goal was a BMW and a Mercedes and a Porsche and an Austin Healey and all sort of wonderful cars that I wanted. And again, in the same context here, I want you to have something that is powerful, that motivates you, that gets you thinking, “Yes, this is what I want.” And you should literally, if you think about it, pull a deep breath in and you should feel the little hairs on your arms stand up. It should give you that reaction. That’s the test. If it doesn’t give you that reaction, dig deeper and get more engaged because it should, if it’s your goal, not something someone else told you to do, it should motivate you.

4. The Code Now that you have your Lion Code; now that you have identified the one thing out of the four that you really want to have in your life, your goal for now and this thing excites you - that's all very well and good and we've started a process now. Now we choose the Lion Code because L I O N signifies one of the four areas of life where this could be really powerful and important for you, but the second part of the exercise is to create a Code. Now, I learnt this

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from a very very good friend of mine and I think it is a very profound piece of knowledge here, because at the end of the day you don't want to go around like a goal-setting, goal-seeking machine. That's not the purpose of the exercise. It is a little bit like setting up an icon on your desktop. For instance, when you look at an icon on the desktop of your computer, you take your mouse, you double-click on it and then everything unfolds from that symbolic representation of the software behind it. The Lion Code works exactly the same way. And what I mean with that, then, is that what we're going to do now is to assign a word to describe your Lion Code - without going into the detail of the goal that you’re seeking to achieve. Rather, what we are going to do is just create some sort of symbolic representation for this. Now, this should be a word that has meaning for you, a word that in some way connects to the goal the lies behind it, to the objective that lies behind it. So if, for arguments sake, you wanted to make a thousand friends, “1,000” would be a great representation of that goal. It could be that if you wanted to go to visit a far-flung place and setup home on a beautiful desert island somewhere, then “Hawaii” or “Maui” or whatever is the island that works for you. If you wanted to have a Porsche 911 turbo 1980 model, red with black leather, you don’t have to say all of that. You can just say “911”. You know what that means and from that place, if you double-clicked on it you can go into the detail, but what I want you to do is to just take a moment, look at the fourth area, the area that you chose, the goal that is the Lion Code that represents it, what would be the symbolic word, just one word, that would describe that for you, that would have meaning for you, that would give you

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that sense of ,”Well here is the Code for my dream. It is the code for my objective it is the Code for my life's purpose,” however big you are thinking about this. So what word would that be for you? Take a moment and just write down something that comes to mind, because when I prompt you for these things, when I elicit these things for you, you should be getting an internal “Oh! I can hear that, I can see that!” You can see the word, you can hear the word and then this is the right one for you when you get that feeling. Yes! So, now, if you have a word that goes with your goal then you can also choose to, if you are more of a visual person, you can also choose to give that some sort of image that goes with it. One of the most powerful things that you can do with goal setting is you can create imagery that goes with it. One of the most powerful exercises that you can do is to create something called a vision-board where you collect images from magazines, from the Internet, from photo libraries, from books. You create a collage or mosaic of pictures that represent these things. What I want you to do is I want you to just find a symbol for it. If, for arguments sake, your goal was to do this far-flung travel, maybe a ‘dolphin’ would represent that for you. So what you now should end up with, as you go through this process, you should have a word and something symbolic representating that word that you can have as an image in your mind or even on a piece of paper or even on your computer screen. So this then becomes the codified representation of your Lion Code. The idea being that you don't have to walk around and carry this whole specific thing with you, but what you do is you have a symbolic representation of it. So when I meet you at one of

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our events, when Aitf meets you at one of the events, he would be able to ask you, “What's your Lion Code?” You don't tell him what you are after, because that is private, but what you do is you are able to say to him that,”My Lion Code is ‘Hawaii’.” He might get a representation of Hawaii but only you know what that means. So, in that sense, this is a thing that you keep to yourself that’s kind of private. You don't necessarily share it with people because it’s kind of between you and your Maker, between you and your inner feeling, between you and your heart, that this has value, this process. Because once you've identified it, once you have a Code for it, once you have specified it in those terms, you then have something that can motivate you all the time. And my Lion Code is very very specific. I know what it is and when I'm feeling a little bit down in the dumps, when I'm feeling a little bit de-motivated, I can pull this thing up and it makes me do things. It helps me to get engaged and motivated and moving on stuff and that's the purpose of this exercise for you. Because once you've named it, you can then use it and that's kind of the trick here.

5. Ecology So the next step in the Lion Code process is that you’ve identified it, you’ve got four goals but out of these four one of them is The One. So you’ve identified it in that sense. You still have another three there that might excite you. You've given it a name, a label if you like and you’ve created a symbolic representation of it in visual terms. So you now have your Lion Code and it's a word and a symbolic representation of it. What we now going to do is we are going to test it. This is

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kind of part of the discipline where I come from, where we come up with a notion, we come up with the training and we then test it on audiences, if you like, and from the response that I get from an audience I will know during the testing phase, if this is the right way that I have done the training or not, if this is the right way that I have structured it, is this the right way I have sequenced it? And I test test test. You should test test test. Now what I want you to do is. if you like, ‘run’ the achievement. to run the achieving this goal of yours - this Lion Code of yours -because in the mental achieving of that goal, in the pretend, in an imaginary sense, you can test that you're on track with this and what we want to do is to spend some time looking at the Ecology of this goal to help you sort of, if you like, stress-test it, to beta-launch a piece of software to see what problems there still are with it. So what I want you to do is: I want you to in the privacy of where you are now, in front of your computer screen, in front of where you listen to this thing with me, I want you to actually just close your eyes and listen to me, ideally on headphones, or if you are in private obviously over your speakers. But I want you to listen to me and I want to just run this past you. So trust me enough to do this and close your eyes. And now imagine that we are - close your eyes now - imagine we are a few years down the future and you are just about to get this thing, you are just about to achieve your Lion Code, you are just about to get it in your life and you know without a doubt this is coming to you in the next few hours, the next few days, in the next couple of weeks. In anticipation of getting your Lion Code realised in the real world, right here, right now, how does that make you feel? Does that cause you to feel happiness? Does it make you excited? Does it give

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you a positive feeling? Is this something that, like as I said before, is this something that makes your heart sing? Is this something that engages you? If you have this realisation that you are about to achieve this thing, how does that make you feel? Do you get the little tingles? Do you get little butterflies in your stomach? Do you get the feeling that goes with something potentially life-changing? Now open your eyes! Now, if you did that exercise with me, how did you feel about it? Most people or many people would feel there is this real tingly thing going on here. This is really quite cool as some of you were feeling quite energised, some of you are feeling, “Oh I can’t wait to get going on this thing,” and that is right. That is the kind of response that we looking for. Here's the thing: as I was talking, as I was eliciting this little internal fantasy, if you like, what was going on if it was not a positive feeling? What was the thing that was happening instead? Were you getting an internal dialogue or were you getting some sort of critical voice? Were you getting some problem with it, if you like? Were you getting some sort of lack of belief? Were you thinking that this was all nonsense? What was it that engaged with you and stopped you from going to a positive-feeling place? What stopped you from engaging in a spirited playfulness? And whatever that is, that should give you some sort of idea of where you might be having some problems with this process because, listen to this, if you can't engage it does not mean there's anything wrong with the process, it does not mean there's anything wrong with the objective, it does not mean there’s anything wrong with your Lion Code. It could be that there’s something holding you back. I am going to try to

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help you understand where the block might be for you, because the thing I've noticed is that people can identify what it is that they want, but they are not usually as clear on why they self-sabotage. Typically, people can with the power and the talent and the energy that they have, they can achieve anything they want in life but they choose not to. They kind of get to this place where they get really close to their achievement, and then they pull back. They kind of have a door open, an opportunity presents itself to them, and then they don't walk through it. They kind of hold back and there is some sort of self-preservation wiring going on, some sort of ecology-thing going on where they're scared to achieve their thing, because they think that it has implications on other things that are held really dear to them. For instance, you might have a financial objective and you want to be a multi-millionaire, you want to be a person who owns things, you want to own your business, but you also have people in your life that you care deeply about. You have family, you have children, you have your mother, your father, your cousin, your brother, and for some reason the notion that you could be successful and more successful than them, somehow holds you back because you think that these are mutually exclusive. If you go here and your family can not come with you, how does that make you feel? And especially in Asian cultures it is a very big thing because we work as hard as we do to provide for our families, yet if we somehow feel that our success on our journey will distance us from our family we will tend to self-sabotage and not go there. Now, how do you overcome a conflict? At the end of the day, this is a conflict of interest and how you overcome that? Well, you need to understand and unravel how the

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achievement of your Lion Code will not detract anything, if you have chosen the right one, from you and anyone else but would only add more to it. The more successful you are, the more you can contribute to your family; the more successful you are, the more you can give back to society; the more successful you are, the more you can do. As long as you don't have a misunderstanding that it separates you in any way. So, what you have to do is make sure that the achievement of your goal is congruent with who you want to be and who you see yourself as, and this ecology-check is very very important. Look at your Lion Code! Look at the thing behind it that you want to achieve and see how this changes things for you. If it is having a fancy car, imagine that you get this wonderful car, that is much better than any car you ever had before - you have achieved this thing. Now, any reason that you might have to self-sabotage yourself and not achieve this beautiful car, what would be behind that? Well, it could be that you have a fear of exposing yourself. It might be that you don’t feel that it’s a worthy goal. You might be concerned with how other people think about it and you. Now, if you want to stress-test your Lion Code, what you do is this: you run the achievement. And we will do that straight away now. Imagine that you've achieved it - look at the people around you now, who are the most important to you, your family, your loved ones, your colleagues, the people that you respect or who you hope respect you at work. When they see you with this achievement, in your imagination, how does it change your relationship with them? And many times people report to me and say, “Yes, I have got it. When I saw myself getting that amazing car, suddenly I had an internal representation that they looked at me

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differently. They saw me in a different light, they became jealous. They thought I was somehow leaving them behind.” And so you refuse to engage on this thing because you felt that it would change your relationship with people, and so you have a conflict. You might have a values-conflict, you might have a values conflict in the sense that you really want to have the car but on the other side you feel it’s not a worthy goal. You might have two sides of your character that are in conflict, because on the one hand I want this, on the other hand I'm not worthy to have that. On one hand, I want this done, on the other hand, this is not a worthy aspiration. And the more you tie yourself up in knots about this sort of stuff, the more you are guaranteeing that you will stay in the same place and do nothing to achieve your goals. You've got to sort all of this thing out because until you do, you will get so close to your objective, you will get so close to your Lion Code, and then you will pull back if you’re not careful. And what you have to do, typically, is to chunk - this is from another part of the training - but you have to chunk up to a higher value. A higher value in this sense: that you look at the car not as a status symbol, not as something where you are showing the world how wonderful you are, but more as a symbol that represents, for instance, freedom. Once you then have this car, you are actually manifesting to other people and yourself that you can have more in your life and that then becomes a good and worthy aspiration - I am giving you one example. What would be a good and worthy outcome of you having more money in your life? Well, that would be that you can contribute more to other people, from the people you care about through to people that

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you haven't even met yet. One of the joys of having money is that you can give more. So then money doesn't become a greedy self-serving objective of Lion Code. What money becomes is something where you can give back more, but until you have it, you cannot give it. So you need to chunk through any conflict that you feel about your Lion Code. You need to run the achievement, you beta-test it, you kind of run it in your mind, you stress-test it, you sort out any conflict and you have to do this in an active way. This is not what will just happen - you have to actually use your brain, use your powers of the imagination and get to a stage where you process this and act upon it and change it for you, so you hold it in a different way. You can bet your last money in the world that people who achieved wonderful and great things, they didn't do it from a place where they felt guilty about doing it. They did it from a place where they were fully congruent and aligned with achieving these things and didn't worry, didn't have the worry that this was in some way wrong, in some way unworthy, somehow something that they didn't feel was up to their standards. No, they got to the other stage where they thought that this is what I want because this is who I want to be - and that's what you need to do in terms of you achieving your Lion Code as well.

6. SMART If you have got over that first step of the ecology. If you have got over the first step of making sure that this will work for you without you agonising about it or feeling guilty about it, then the next step is to get a little bit more specific. What I mean with that is we

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will use in the process we are doing here, we will use here something that some of you have come across many times before which is the SMART process. You make your goal S.M.A.R.T. You make it Specific, you make it Measurable, you make it Achievable, you make it Relevant, and you make it finally Time-bound. Now SMART is something that I have trained many companies on and many managers and executives leaders in terms of team work and goal settings for the group, for business objectives, and by going through these five specific things we end up with a goal that’s real and not fluffy. So by making it specific you get it into being something that's not vague, something that’s not unspecified, something that’s not loose. You want to get really specific with things so that you can actually measure them. If you like, one of the things we learnt in NLP was that you must make things tangible enough that you can put them in a wheelbarrow. Now, that might be going too far in terms of your goal but specific in this sense: I want to be happy is not specific. Being happy is a very vague subjective state of mind, which is hard to measure. But it’s also really not specific. So what you want to do with your objective is to look at it and does it suffer from vagueness does it suffer from looseness? Is it a bit fluffy? Is it a little bit intangible? And if it is find out what is it that you really want and define that specifically. Your goal, your LION Code has to be specific. The second thing is that your LION Code will have to be measurable. It has to measureable in the sense that you know if you've achieved it. You have to know that you can put a number to it, put a timeframe on it, to put some sort of measurement on it. It could be a comparative measure that it’s

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better than it was before. So that you have some to specific measurable difference in stats. So it has to be something that you could put measurement to. Now money is very easy to measure, worth is very easy to measure, a diploma in education as a learning goal is very easy to measure. Fluency in language is relatively easy to measure. At least you can say I want to be fluent in French and that is both specific and measurable, at least according to some sort of internal standard of yours. If you are not fluent you know that you are not. So specific, measurable and then achievable. It's very little point of saying that you are going to, if you are a fifty two year old man like I am at the time we are filming this if I said I want to go into the boxing ring and beat the world champion of boxing, the heavyweight champion of the world of boxing at my age fifty two. I don't think it’s going to happen. That then will not be an achievable goal. If it’s not an achievable goal then what happens? What happens is that I don't engage. I come up with this vague fluffy idiotic idea. I will not achieve it, my unconscious knows I will not achieve it, and why would I even engage in the training. So if I said I'm going to run a marathon next week having done no training and being unfit and to do a four hour four and a half hour five hour run it's not realistic. I would not even start. I would not engage. My whole psyche would not engage because is not achievable. But what is achievable is tomorrow I will run and I will run as far as I can and then I run home or I run as far as I can and then walk home. That's achievable and that's something that I can do with the view to run a marathon in six months time then I might engage in the process.

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If your objective and your goal and your dream and your desire and your LION Code is to become a multi-millionaire, how many million? What currency? And then we can get into some of the specificity around that. Specific, measurable, achievable. It’s got to be something that you believe in. And I tell you what it’s going to be. If you have a comfort zone around you - imagine that there's an invisible line around you - your achievable goal in terms of this criteria should be you should be just on a bit of stretch goal on the outside edge of what you think you can do but not a hundred yards in that direction. If it's too far outside of what you believe that you can do, this goal-setting thing, the LION Code will not work for you. It has to be within reach. If you stretch. Then Relevant. It’s got to be something that is relevant to what you want to achieve as a person, what you want to be as a person. Hopefully, through the elicitation process that we did when we went through the L I O N process, we came up with something that was really relevant to you. If you are setting a goal for yourself that is not relevant to what you’re trying to achieve with your life, with your family, with your stuff, again you want to engage because yeah that's sounded like a great exercise and I did that thing but I'm not really connected to it and a lack of relevance will have a lot to do with whether or not you engage with this. If you don't feel engaged is probably because no matter how socially acceptable the LION Code of yours might be, if it's not relevant to you as a person you will not engage.

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Finally your LION Code has to be Time-bound. It has to be something that is measured in time in the sense of a date, in the sense of a period of time before you want to achieve it, in the sense for some date in the calendar, either next week, next month, next year, and something then that again is a stretch. There's no point setting a hundred year goal for yourself unless you are really thinking big. But it’s really going to be something that you could say I want to reach it by then and then step back to the halfway point and the halfway of the halfway point so that you end up with steps that you can take. If it's something that is too big and too out there, it’s unrealistic probably and probably going to the irrelevant state, so what you have to do is set a date when will you achieve you LION Code. I would suggest that a good framework for it is within one, two or three years. Along the lines of what we said earlier, how long does it take you to learn a significant skill, how long does it take to build a significant business, how long does it take to learn anything significant? You are looking at one, two, three, four maybe five years, but that's the scale that a human being can manage his imagination. Most of us can't see where we will be in ten years' time, although some of us can, but many of us can stay on a disciplined path for three years. We start today and in three years' time, then I am going to achieve my LION Code. The final thing I'd like to add here on this area of ecology is this, it’s where we start by putting a stake in the ground, by measuring it. Your LION Code should have some sort of aspect that you can measure. There should be something that you can track and keep track of, on a daily, weekly, monthly,

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quarterly, six monthly, and yearly basis. And this is no different from a business that sets up business objectives in terms of profitability, in terms of production, in terms of market expansion, in terms of anything else that they can measure. If your goal was, if your LION Code was to emigrate and move to another country, then that might be a long indeterminable process where you don’t know all the variables until you start to walk that path but you can break it down, break it down, break it down, and you can assign a percentile to things, for instance, so that means that if your goal when it was 100% achieved was to achieve X, then you can define the milestones and the steps and the activities that will lead to X and you can say in two months time I am ten percent towards achieving my LION Code. If your goal was financial and you wanted to have resources and money in the back and you say that I want to have a million in three years' time then after half that period maybe you need to have four hundred thousand, after half of that period maybe you need to have a hundred thousand, so that means that in three months time maybe you need ten thousand. So you can then create stepping-stones, measures, milestones that you can track. If your objective, your LION Code is to write a book, your average book goes through one process when you write the raw materials and then you have another process where you edit it and then you typically have another process where you really hone it down and do the final polishing and edit . A book typically has fifty thousand words, for argument sake, depending on what you want to write, you can then set a daily goal for yourself to write a thousand words a day. A thousand words, if you are really writing, will take you about an hour to write. That means that you can

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set yourself a goal today: I am going to write tomorrow, I am going to write every week, write five thousand words. That means in ten weeks I have written fifty thousand words and I've got my first draft done. Then I take two months to edit, then I will take two months to polish, then I will start to submit it to authors or publishers or whatever I do. If you can then create measures for this, you start taking this step to treat your goals almost like a business and treating them like a disciplined endeavor that you are doing. Why would you go through all of this work? Well, it’s your life. I can't tell you why you were born. I can't tell you why you should be doing this. But I know that if you follow this thing of starting to make things measurable, you start to become accountable. Once you become accountable you can look in the mirror at the end of the day and say, “Today, I took a step towards my goal, yesterday I did not, tomorrow I will again.” For making things measurable and then turning them into a project plan is a huge part of this process. If you don’t know what the steps are to achieve your goal, if you don't know what the measures are, here is what you can do. You can make it your goal, your LION Code to go and find someone so that you pick their brains. I am going to call two people tomorrow who can help me define my goal and objective for me. I will recruit some people to help me build this business that I want to build. I can go off and find out more about it. I am going to spend two hours a day on the Internet researching everything I need to know to achieve my LION Code.


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The Lion Code

So, are the most important thing that you can do is the process of putting a stake in the ground and then measuring to that stake and using that to timeline your LION Code. And what that means is that today, we are here and in a year's time we need to be here. You define what is it that you want to achieve in a year’s time or two years' time or ten years' time, it doesn't really matter but one year is a good example. In half of that period we are at the six months point. In six months where do we need to be? Well, we can take about six months and we can move that to a new timeline and say today, six months time, half that again, three months. Stretch that out and now you have a three months timeline. Where do you need to be at the end of the first month your second month and your third month? Now, if you then have thirty days here for a month, stretch that out to a new timeline. You have thirty days that then can tell you what you need to do this week, next week, the week after and the final week of that month. This is the full first week - what you are going to do today, tomorrow, the next day etc. You have seven days of activity planned out. It started from today, and a year, it ends up in day-tight compartments. You run your goal-setting, you run your business objectives, you run your LION Code in day-tight compartments. If you don't do it today that's fine, but at least at the end of today know if you took any steps towards achieving your LION Code or not. If you did, tick a box. And when I say that you should be able to measure it, you should be able to timeline it, I am saying that what you should have is some sort of diary with a mental or physical tick box. Today, I did what I said I would do to achieve the life I dream of. Today, I did what I said I would

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The Lion Code

do when I was looking at achieving what I wanted to achieve. And it is very important that you can define it in such a way, because then you can be honest with yourself. Otherwise you'll end up as a drifting generality wondering why you didn't achieve all the things that you dreamed about. It is not enough to dream. There are very very powerful unconscious processes that engage certainly when you define your dream, when you define your Code, but that’s not enough. You actually have to use the analytical, logical, rational, roll up your sleeves kind of hard-work practice here as well. You cannot achieve anything unless you roll up your sleeves and go to work in a disciplined fashion. Once you get into the discipline of doing it you'll discover how much joy there is in becoming a self-actuating living human being that deliberately goes out to get what he or she wants to achieve. And that in a sense is where this stuff is really going to change you. If you, like most people, start and listen to this LION Code without much thought about it, without much training in this, you will be amazed on how much more resources you have and what happens is, if you start to do this stuff, you start to become a different person. I saw this transformation many times in martial arts, for instance, where someone came off the street and joined the dojo and started to practice and is a white belt and knows nothing about anything really and starts to practice and gradually over time their belts change colour. They get the blue belt, the orange belt, the brown belt and then before they know it a few disciplines practiced every week, discipline in this case being to train two or three nights a week, after three years they became a black belt. Now, then they walk tall, they are centered, they have self-confidence somewhere in

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The Lion Code

their stomach, they can look you in the eye and then they're not scared anymore and this transformative experience has been something that it wasn’t what they did, it wasn’t what they learnt, it was how they changed as people. Because what the discipline does is that brings out the inner resources that you have. In that sense the LEO business you are looking at, the LEO products we have, they are all about unleashing that power that you have inside you. What it is letting, if you like, if you forgive me for using a metaphor, is letting your inner Lion come out and play. If you engage in pursuing your LION’s Code, it's not achieving the Code that's the important thing, what's important is becoming the Lion that’s inside you. It's becoming the sort of person that says, “This is what I am going to do - this is what I want to accomplish” and then taking the steps to do it and you will find amazingly that people will come, resources will come, luck will come. Things that you need to achieve your objective and your LION Code will come. That’s because you changed, you have become a magnet, by growing as a person, by filling out from the inside. It is not about getting the suit, it’s not about getting the car, it is about becoming a person that is worthy of the suit, who can carry it well. Who can drive the car well, who can fill up the car. It’s about becoming a person that grows from the inside out by becoming everything that they could be. The inherent promise in everyone is: if you see someone has done something that you admire, you too can do that. Every single one of you can do what every single person on the planet has achieved. There is no difference in the hardware, there's only a difference in how you apply the software, how you apply the engagement if you like.

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The Lion Code

So that’s where the LION Code fits into the scheme of things. You define for yourself and choose for yourself what it is that you want to accomplish and then you take the steps to make it so and in that process you become someone that you can look in the mirror and think: “I didn't realise there was a Lion behind there.” A Lion looks back at you once you start to go down that road. So I wish you every success and every joy with this, I wish you God speed, I wish you fair winds and I wish you the courage to pursue your LION Code. Good luck and God bless.
