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the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english

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Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum) Degree

in English Language Studies


Ana Humardhiana

Student Number: 166332027






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Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum) Degree

in English Language Studies


Ana Humardhiana

Student Number: 166332027






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A Thesis on





Ana Humardhiana

Student Number: 166332027

Approved by

Dr. J. Bismoko


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A Thesis on




Presented by


Student Number: 166332027

Defended before the Thesis Examination Committee

and Declared Acceptable


Chairperson : F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D.

Secretary : Dr. J. Bismoko

Members : 1. Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko, M.A.

2. Paulus Sarwoto, Ph.D.

Yogyakarta, 18 July 2018

The Graduate School Director

Sanata Dharma Universit


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“Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me

that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly.” –

Arnold Edinborough


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Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Ana Humardhiana

Nomor Mahasiswa : 166332027

Demi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan

Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah yang berjudul:




beserta perangkat yang diperlukan. Dengan demikian saya memberikan hak kepada

perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam

media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara

terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan

akademis tanpa perlu meminta izin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada

saya selama mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di : Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal : 30 Juli 2018

Yang menyatakan,

Ana Humardhiana


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Reflecting on my journey in completing this thesis, there were people who

had helped me through thick and thin. And for that, I would like to express my

gratitude to them. But first of all, everything would have not been completed

without the blessings from Allah SWT. I know I am nothing without You.

I would like to send my deepest gratitude to my inspiring lecturer, Dr. J.

Bismoko, who was kindly willing to be my thesis advisor. He is such a brilliant

lecturer who gave me improving feedbacks and encouraged me to finish my thesis

soon. The way he guided me inspired me a lot. My thankfulness also goes to all of

my thesis reviewers and examiners, F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D., Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko,

M.A., and Paulus Sarwoto, Ph.D. for their time and valuable comments on my

thesis so that I could better it up and make it finally declared acceptable. My regards

and gratitude are also presented to Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo, Dr.

Emanuel Sunarto, M.Hum., Rm. Budi Susanto S.J., and Rosalia Hening

Wijayanti, M.Hum for their fruitful lectures and insights. My friends at English

Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University, also have a room in my heart. I

would like to thank them for their time to make memories which I cannot elaborate

one by one here. I hope they know I owe them a lot.

I would also like to express my special gratitude to my co-researchers, Nada

(pseudonym), Damar (pseudonym), and Agni (pseudonym). They were wonderful

students who kindly let me think what they thought and feel what they felt. Without

them, I would not have been able to write this thesis. It is not just a piece of writing


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nor something to fulfil my degree, but it is my door to a completely new world, the

new me, the one who seeks to understand rather than sit back and assume. Millions

of thanks would never be enough to express my gratitude to them. My gratitude

also goes to the teachers and the headmaster of the school where I conducted this

study. With their patience and kindness, they guided me to explore the school and

gave me a chance to feel being in classes with my co-researchers.

Last but not least, I dedicated this thesis along with its journey of the writing

to my parents and family. They knew my efforts in finishing this thesis and they

were always there through my ups and downs, which I believe they will always do.

Words cannot describe how much I love them.

Ana Humardhiana


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TITLE PAGE ......................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGE .............................................................................................. ii

DEFENSE APPROVAL PAGE .......................................................................... iii

MOTTO ................................................................................................................ iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .................................................................... v


UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS ............................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xi

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................ xii

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................... xiii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xiv

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ xvi


A. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................ 1

B. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION ........................................................................ 5

C. PROBLEM DELIMITATION ........................................................................... 7

D. RESEARCH QUESTION .................................................................................. 8

E. RESEARCH GOAL ........................................................................................... 8

F. RESEARCH BENEFITS .................................................................................... 8


A. THEORETICAL REVIEW .............................................................................. 11

1. Lived Experience .......................................................................................... 11

2. Visual Impairment and Schools for the Visually-Impaired .......................... 21

3. Junior High School in Indonesia .................................................................. 23


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4. Second Language Acquisition, Individual Learner Differences, and

Learning Styles ............................................................................................ 24

5. Visually-Impaired Students Learning English ............................................. 26

6. Transition ...................................................................................................... 28

B. REVIEW OF RELATED RESEARCH REPORTS ......................................... 29

C. FRAMEWORK OF PRE-UNDERSTANDING .............................................. 32


A. RESEARCH METHOD ................................................................................... 33

B. RESEARCH PROCEDURES .......................................................................... 36

C. DATA GATHERING ....................................................................................... 41

1. Research Participants or Co-Researchers ..................................................... 41

2. Nature and Source of the Data ..................................................................... 42

3. Data Gathering Instrument and Technique .................................................. 43

D. DATA ANALYSIS .......................................................................................... 44

E. TRUSTWORTHINESS .................................................................................... 46


A. CO-RESEARCHERS’ BACKGROUND ........................................................ 48

1. Nada (pseudonym) ....................................................................................... 49

2. Damar (pseudonym) ..................................................................................... 52

3. Agni (pseudonym) ........................................................................................ 55

B. DESCRIPTION AND INTERPRETATION ................................................... 59

1. Transitions .................................................................................................... 59

2. Lack of School’s Media and Facilities ......................................................... 64

3. Auditory Learners ......................................................................................... 67

4. Motivational Issues ....................................................................................... 68

5. Achievements ............................................................................................... 70

6. Near Future Plans ......................................................................................... 72

7. Visually-Impaired or Blind? ......................................................................... 75


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A. CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................. 77

B. IMPLICATIONS .............................................................................................. 80

C. RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................. 82

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 84

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 88


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Table 1. Two Sets of Procedures in Hermeneutic Phenomenological Research .. 36

Table 2. Organizing the Data Using Simple Codes .............................................. 41

Table 3. Preparing the Data by Transcribing ........................................................ 44

Table 4. Coding the Data ...................................................................................... 45

Table 5. Coding to Build Description and Themes ............................................... 45


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IDEA : Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IDs : Individual learner differences

Kemenag : Kementerian Agama (the Ministry of Religious Affairs)

Kemendikbud : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (the Ministry of

Education and Culture)

SLA : Second Language Acquisition

SLB : Sekolah Luar Biasa (special education school)

UDHR: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

UUD ’45 : Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 (the 1945 Constitution)

VI : visual impairment

VIS : visually-impaired students


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APPENDIX 1: Formulir Persetujuan Rekan Peneliti (Nada) ............................... 89

APPENDIX 2: Formulir Persetujuan Rekan Peneliti (Damar) ............................. 90

APPENDIX 3: Formulir Persetujuan Rekan Peneliti (Agni) ............................... 91

APPENDIX 4: Interview Guidelines .................................................................... 92

APPENDIX 5: Nada’s In-Depth Interview Transcript Day 1 ............................... 93

APPENDIX 6: Nada’s In-Depth Interview Transcript Day 2 ............................. 110

APPENDIX 7: Damar’s In-Depth Interview Transcript Day 1 .......................... 124

APPENDIX 8: Damar’s In-Depth Interview Transcript Day 2 .......................... 146

APPENDIX 9: Agni’s In-Depth Interview Transcript Day 1 ............................. 161

APPENDIX 10: Agni’s In-Depth Interview Transcript Day 2 ........................... 183


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Humardhiana, Ana. 2018. The Lived Experience of Visually-Impaired Junior

High School Students in Learning English. Yogyakarta: English Language

Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”

(Aristotle, 384-322 BCE) reminds us that building empathic understanding is as

essential as building cognitive understanding. Students who are deprived of certain

physiological abilities likely need better empathic understanding, junior high

school students with visual impairment being no exempt. There are a lot of studies

about visually-impaired students conducted around the globe to improve cognitive

understanding, but only a few to promote empathic understanding. Such research

is necessary with the formulated question as follows, “What is the lived experience

of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning English like?”

The goal of this research is to describe and interpret the lived experience

of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning English. Accordingly,

hermeneutic phenomenology was appropriately chosen as its method. The data

were reflective texts taken from three visually-impaired junior high school

students’ lived experiences through semi-structured in-depth interviews. I

conducted the one to one interviews to the students twice outside the school time

in their dormitory. To enrich the data, I did some class observations and casual

conversations. The interviews and observations were video-taped for detailed

description. The three co-researchers go to the same special education school for

visual impairment which has a dormitory for boys and for girls. The students are

all totally impaired. The data gained from the interviews were transcribed and

analyzed using the six steps of data analysis proposed by Creswell (2012). Since

the interviews were conducted in Bahasa Indonesia, there was a need for the

English translation before being interpreted and coded in themes. The data and

results of the study were rechecked by the co-researchers in order to improve the


The results of this study are in the form of emergent themes which reflect

the meanings of the visually-impaired junior high school students’ lived

experience in learning English. The emergent themes are Transitions, Lack of

School’s Media and Facilities, Auditory Learners, Motivational Issues,

Achievements, Near Future Plans, and Visually-Impaired or Blind?. Besides

documenting their lived experience in learning English, this study also generates

several benefits. For the students, not only does this study serve as self-reflection,

but it also accommodates their voices to be heard and their feelings to be

understood. For the improvement of education, this study can become a reference

for teachers when they meet these special students so that the teachers can

understand better the difficulties encountered by the students from the students’

perspectives. For the government, this study proposes some suggested media and

facilities told by the students’ themselves. For English Language Studies of Sanata


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Dharma University, the findings elaborated in this study will hopefully give good

references for further research or similar research. For the readers, this study is

expected to open a new horizon of understanding which will build their empathic

understanding for a better human civilization.

Keywords: lived experience, visual impairment, learning english, hermeneutic

phenomenological research


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Humardhiana, Ana. 2018. The Lived Experience of Visually-Impaired Junior

High School Students in Learning English. Yogyakarta: Kajian Bahasa Inggris,

Universitas Sanata Dharma.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”

(Aristoteles, 384-322 SM) mengingatkan kita bahwa membangun pemahaman

empatik sama pentingnya dengan membangun pemahaman kognitif. Siswa yang

kekurangan kemampuan fisiologis tertentu cenderung membutuhkan pemahaman

empatik yang lebih baik dari orang-orang sekitar, termasuk siswa sekolah

menengah pertama (SMP) yang tunanetra. Ada banyak penelitian tentang siswa

tunanetra yang dilakukan di seluruh dunia untuk meningkatkan pemahaman

kognitif, namun hanya sedikit penelitian yang bertujuan untuk membangun

pemahaman empatik. Penelitian semacam ini diperlukan dengan pertanyaan yang

dirumuskan sebagai berikut, "Bagaimana pengalaman hidup siswa sekolah

menengah pertama (SMP) yang tunanetra dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris?".

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan

menginterpretasikan pengalaman hidup siswa SMP tunanetra dalam belajar Bahasa

Inggris. Oleh karena itu, fenomenologi hermeneutik dirasa tepat digunakan sebagai

metode dalam penelitian ini. Data yang digunakan merupakan teks reflektif yang

diambil dari pengalaman hidup tiga siswa SMP tunanetra melalui wawancara

mendalam semi-terstruktur. Saya melakukan wawancara satu per satu kepada tiga

siswa tersebut dua kali di luar jam sekolah di asrama mereka. Untuk memperkaya

data, saya melakukan beberapa kali observasi kelas dan percakapan santai.

Wawancara dan observasi direkam dengan video untuk pendeskripsian secara detil.

Ketiga rekan peneliti tersebut bersekolah di sekolah yang sama yaitu sekolah

pendidikan khusus untuk siswa tunanetra yang memiliki asrama untuk siswa laki-

laki dan perempuan. Para siswa dalam penelitian ini semuanya mengalami

gangguan penglihatan total. Data yang diperoleh dari wawancara ditranskripsikan

dan dianalisis menggunakan enam langkah analisa data yang diusulkan oleh

Creswell (2012). Karena wawancara dilakukan dalam bahasa Indonesia, data

diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris sebelum ditafsirkan dan dikodekan dalam

tema. Data dan hasil penelitian diperiksa lagi oleh rekan peneliti untuk memvalidasi


Hasil dari penelitian ini bersifat tematik yang mencerminkan makna

pengalaman siswa SMP tunanetra dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Tema-tema yang

muncul adalah Transisi, Kurangnya Media dan Fasilitas Sekolah, Pembelajar

Auditory, Masalah Motivasi, Prestasi, Rencana Masa Depan, dan Tunanetra atau

Buta?. Selain mendokumentasikan pengalaman hidup mereka dalam belajar Bahasa

Inggris, penelitian ini juga memberikan beberapa manfaat. Bagi para siswa,

penelitian ini tidak hanya sebagai refleksi diri, tetapi juga memberikan wadah agar

suara mereka didengar dan perasaan mereka bisa dipahami. Untuk peningkatan

pendidikan, penelitian ini dapat menjadi referensi bagi guru-guru yang mengajar


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siswa tunanetra sehingga mereka dapat lebih memahami kesulitan yang dihadapi

oleh siswa dari sudut pandang siswa itu sendiri. Untuk pemerintah, penelitian ini

mengusulkan beberapa media dan fasilitas yang disarankan oleh para siswa

tunanetra. Untuk Kajian Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma, temuan yang

diuraikan dalam penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan referensi yang baik

untuk penelitian lebih lanjut atau penelitian serupa. Bagi para pembaca, penelitian

ini diharapkan dapat membuka cakrawala pemahaman baru yang akan membangun

pemahaman empatik mereka untuk peradaban manusia yang lebih baik.

Kata kunci: pengalaman hidup, tunanetra, belajar bahasa inggris, penelitian

fenomenologi hermenutik


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The first chapter of this thesis aims to ensure us about the justification,

relevance, and feasibility of this research. It provides the background information

in conducting the research, the elaborated problem identification, and the limited

scopes of the research which are presented in the problem delimitation. The

research question is also discussed in this chapter along with the research goals.

This chapter ends with some research benefits spelled out in this thesis.


Education, as one of the basic human rights, is perceived as a site of struggle

of human development. It allows and guides individual to develop their passions,

critical thinking, compassion, and orientation towards wisdom for timely action.

Thus, the right to education is protected in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration

of Human Rights (UDHR), saying:

Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free,

at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary

education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional

education shall be made generally available and higher

education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of

merit. (UDHR, 1948)

In Indonesia, this right is preserved in Article 31 Paragraph 1 of the 1945

Constitution (Undang-Undang Dasar 1945) that says “Setiap warga negara berhak

mendapat pendidikan” (every citizen has the right to education) (UUD ’45: page

15). Protected by 1945 Constitution and supported by UDHR, every individual in

Indonesia, without any exceptions or discrimination, shall get the access to


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education, including people with disabilities. In order to promote humanity which

is the ultimate goal of this research, the word ‘disabilities’ is later substituted with

‘different abilities’ and the word ‘disabled’ is substituted with ‘differently-abled’

or ‘with special needs’, except when the words come from the quoted theories.

People with different abilities shall get equal education as well as those without and

the roles of the government are to protect, respect and fulfill their right to education

(Laws of the Republic of Indonesia number 8 of 2016 concerning people with

different abilities).

In order to give equal right for people with different abilities, the government

has constructed a curriculum for special education. This curriculum is implemented

along with the 2013 Curriculum by the Ministry of National Education which puts

the emphasis on the character education (Mayasari, 2016: 4). With strong palladia

to education, people who need special education can go to special education schools

or inclusive schools. Some go to inclusive schools for the sake of equality and social

development. Others go to special education schools with the consideration of

better facilities and appropriate approaches since the special education schools are

designed for people with special needs because of their different abilities. As stated

in the Curriculum for Special Education, people with special needs are those who

possess disabilities physically, emotionally, mentally, cognitively, and/or socially

(Kemendikbud, 2014: 2).

One of the special needs mentioned in the Curriculum for Special Education

is visual impairment (Kemendikbud, 2014: 3). According to the Individuals with

Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1997, a visual impairment refers to “an


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impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s

educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness”. Thus,

visually-impaired students need to be appropriately accommodated, from the

learning environment, tool, training material, to the supporting service aspects

(Efstathiou, 2015: 68). These accommodations should be provided in either special

education schools or inclusive schools.

Related to the subjects they learn at schools, visually-impaired students (VIS)

get more or less the same subjects as what students without visual impairment (VI)

do. There are compulsory subjects that they learn at schools, such as Math, Social

Science, Natural Science, Civics, Physical Education, Indonesian Language,

English, and special programs that fulfill individual’s needs. There are also some

local content subjects that the schools provide, such as Javanese Language and

Batik Art, depending on in which region the schools are. Regarding the English

subject’s status at school, there is a difference of the status in elementary level and

in high school levels. In elementary school, English subject is perceived as

extracurricular, generally given to the fourth graders and higher; while in junior

high school, English is started to be given as a compulsory subject.

According to Kachru’s classification of English as a World Language,

Indonesia lies in the expanding circle where English does not have any special

intranational status or function (Kachru, 1992). In the expanding circle countries,

English is generally not a local medium of communication and does not affect the

country’s internal communication. And in Indonesia, English is taught as a ‘foreign’

language, as the most useful vehicle of international communication. Even though


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English is not a compulsory subject in elementary school, it is taught in junior high

school as one of the compulsory subjects. Many junior high schools in Indonesia

allocate four hours per week for English lessons. It goes the same as that in inclusive

schools and special education schools.

The VIS who go to inclusive or special education schools gain the same

portion of English language as what students without VI do. Many teachers and

experts have conducted research with the goals to find the best methods and media

to teach English to VIS. However, there is not a single study conducted in order to

understand the meanings of VIS’ lived experience in learning English that can be

found today around the globe. This kind of study is as essential as other kinds of

study since it does not set aside the participants’ opinions, beliefs, feelings, and

other aspects which are related to their beings. In fact, it accommodates the

participants’ opinions and expressions. In other words, it advocates their right to

freedom of opinions and expressions which everyone lawfully has as stated in

UDHR Article 19:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this

right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and

to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any

media and regardless of frontiers. (UDHR, 1948)

A lived experience study sees the participants as subjects, not the objects of

a research. Since it views subjectivity as a part of a human being and does not seek

to objectify people for any reasons, it has risen my awareness and simultaneously

my interest to conduct a research on this field. A study based on people’s lived

experience is under the umbrella of phenomenology. According to Moustakas


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(1994), phenomenological studies typically involve asking participants broad

general questions involving what they have experienced in terms of the

phenomenon and the contexts that surround participants’ experiences related to the

phenomenon. Since the same event or experience may have different meaning for

different people, even for different VIS, it is not conducted to improve cognitive

understanding, but to build empathic understanding. It is necessary to highlight that

building empathic understanding is as important as building cognitive

understanding. Can we imagine a human civilization with weak or, to an extreme

degree, without empathic understanding?


There are some problems identified that had risen my awareness to conduct

this research. The first problem identified is that VIS are perceived to not face

significant problems when learning a language, in this case English, since the four

language skills assessed (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) do not really

involve sight much. People believe they are auditory learners and can benefit from

it when it comes to learning a language. Is that true? Are all VIS auditory learners?

In educational settings, when learning something, we use our senses in order to ease

the process of learning. According to Pediaopolis, sight/vision (ophthalmoception),

hearing (audioception), taste (gustaoception), smell (olfacoception or olfacception),

and touch (tactioception) are the five senses traditionally recognized (Pediaopolis,

http://udel.edu/~bcarey/ART307/project1_4b/). Clearly, students with VI fail to use

their visual sense to learn something. They face significant difficulties in the areas


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of education (Beaty, 1994). In addition, VIS who lost their sight just a few months

or years ago cannot be strongly said that they are auditory learners. In this research,

I attempted to seek the truth from the perspectives of the students themselves.

The second problem is that junior high school students who are in the first

grade undergo the transition of English subject from extracurricular status to

compulsory status. This situation may give different experiences to those who

already had English lesson in elementary school and those who did not have English

lesson at all. The atmosphere in the English class may bring different feelings for

them as well as the degree of the difficulties. It becomes a problem when not many

people are aware of how the transition is felt from the junior high school students’

perspectives. The transition is also gone through by the eighth and ninth graders but

in different cases. However, we do not know what truly happens to the students and

what they really think and feel about it. It is necessary to know the truth from the

first-hand account in order that we can be more well-rounded in making decisions

or policies related to their education.

As the international language learned in the expanding circle country,

English is taught by competent teachers and professionals, and certified teachers

are assigned to teach in some special education schools for VI. The teachers apply

certain strategies and approaches based on what the students need and what lesson

the teachers have to teach. The government also work together with the schools to

provide media, facilities, and supporting services for the schools in order to ease

the learning process of the VIS. Some of those strategies, media, facilities, and

supporting services may be successfully effective and some may not. It depends on


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whether the students with VI make any progress or not. There is a tendency that

everything is based on cognitive understanding of the students and is built to

improve cognitive understanding of people in general. It takes account as the third

problem identified to conduct this research. People need to know the truth of

something from the perspectives of the people who experience the event themselves

so that they can build empathic understanding in order to minimalize the

misunderstanding occurring.


To make this research focused, there are some boundaries made for it. The

very first delimitation in this research is visual impairment (VI). There are many

kinds of different abilities that require special needs recognized by this country as

stated in Article 4 Kurikulum Pendidikan Khusus (Special Education Curriculum);

they are visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech impairment, mental

retardation, neuro-muscular impairment, emotional and social behavior disorder,

learning difficulties, slow learning, autism, motoric disorder, drug abused, and other

different abilities that affect the learning process. This research does not focus on

other different abilities, but VI.

Special education schools for VI are considered as the second boundary

made in this research. Inclusive schools are excluded due to the fact that there might

be very few respondents found in those schools. This research also focuses on junior

high school students since they have English as a compulsory subject for the first

time. Thus, junior high school students are considered as the third delimitation.


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In this research, I focused on a concept or phenomenon and seek to

understand the meaning of experiences of individuals who have experienced or

“lived” the phenomenon (Creswell, 2007). Since the same event or experience may

have different meaning for different people, I, as the researcher, focused on

visually-impaired junior high school students’ experiences who learned English.

Thus, I formulated the question that would be answered in this research as follows,

“What is the visually-impaired junior high school students’ experience in learning

English like?”.


As any other phenomenological studies, this research was not conducted to

improve cognitive understanding, but to promote empathic understanding. Thus,

given the formulated research question above, this research was conducted to get

the objective of the research, which is to describe and interpret the lived experience

of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning English. The

description of their lived experiences would lead to the discovery of the meaning

of their lived experiences in learning English. The objective was sought in order to

invite general people to understand better the visually-impaired junior high school

students learning English.


There are several benefits that can be taken from this research. The direct

benefit goes to the students with VI. This research served as self-reflection for the


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students. In addition, since this research acts to advocate the visually-impaired

junior high school students, by sharing their lived experience, the students’ voices

are heard and their feelings are understood. If the students are heard and understood

better, hopefully they can learn English better. Eventually, by understanding them,

people can empower them to make them have self-actualization. Along with it, the

equity is upheld.

This research will also give benefits to the improvement of education,

especially the one that deals with students with special needs, particularly VI. It will

give certain consideration to the educational development in teaching English to

students with VI, especially those who are in junior high school. The lived

experience told by the visually-impaired junior high school students will be a

reference for teachers when they meet these special students so that the teachers can

understand better the difficulties encountered by the students from the students’

perspectives. This will later lead the teachers to find out the appropriate methods of

teaching English to them. And for the government, this study proposes some

suggested media and facilities told by the students’ themselves.

For English Language Studies of Sanata Dharma University, this research

is beneficial for the students who would like to conduct a lived experience study or

any other kinds of study that are related to VIS or junior high school students. The

theories used and/or the findings elaborated in this research will hopefully give

good references for further research.

For the readers, this research is expected to open a new horizon of

understanding. By reading this research, they can know how visually-impaired


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junior high school students think, act, and feel when learning English. It will later

build their empathic understanding and minimize the misunderstanding among

people, particularly regarding with the experiences of those who are marginalized,

who are, in this case, the visually-impaired junior high school students learning



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The second chapter of this thesis consists of three major sections. The first

section is theoretical review which clarifies the concepts of this study by presenting

the theories underlying it. The second section is the review of some previous

research conducted on topics related to the study. The last section elaborates the

framework of pre-understanding that was bracketed to support the trustworthiness.


This section elucidates the concepts used in this research, namely Lived

Experience; Visual Impairment and Schools for the Visually-Impaired; Junior High

School in Indonesia; Second Language Acquisition, Individual Learners’

Differences, and Learning Styles; Visually-Impaired Students Learning English;

and Transition.

1. Lived Experience

Lived experience is a term that is closely related to phenomenology. It

covers two kinds of definition which are consistently used to define somebody’s

past experience. According to Oxford Dictionary, lived experience is “personal

knowledge about the world gained through direct, first-hand involvement in

everyday events rather than through representations constructed by other people. It

may also refer to knowledge of people gained from direct face-to-face interaction

rather than through a technological medium”. This definition seems to be used a lot

by common people to refer to their experiences told by themselves. Historically,


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lived experience has a thorough definition. This term has been very popular since

German philosophers such as Edmund Husserl, Wilhem Dilthey, Georg Wilhelm

Friedrich Hegel, and Martin Heidegger used it in their phenomenological studies.

Hence, knowing the origins of the term is necessary to obtain the clear definition of

what lived experience is.

The term ‘lived experience’ is derived from two words, ‘lived’ and

‘experience’. There are two German words that define the word ‘experience’ in

distinguished concepts. The first word is erfahrung and the second word is erlebnis.

The former refers to the traditional word for ‘experience’. Van Manen (1990) adds

that erfahrung is the more general term; it is ‘life experience’, the accumulation of

lived experiences and the understandings and sense we may have made of these

experiences. For instance, we may say that a person has had many experiences

(erfahrungen) in life.

The latter word, erlebnis, is a much more recent innovation. The noun

erlebnis comes from the verb erleben which means ‘to live’ or ‘to survive’. The verb

erleben has existed for quite some time, but its noun form Erlebnis, appeared

relatively recently, and it seems it made its first appearance in a letter by the famous

German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Gadamer, 2016: 53), who

lived from 1770–1831.

Since Erlebnis is a secondary formation from the verb erleben,

which is older and appears often in the age of Goethe, we must

analyze the meaning of erleben in order to determine why the new

word was coined. Erleben means primarily "to be still alive when

something happens." Thus, the word suggests the immediacy with

which something real is grasped—unlike something which one

presumes to know but which is unattested by one's own


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experience, whether because it is taken over from others or comes

from hearsay, or whether it is inferred, surmised, or imagined.

What is experienced is always what one has experienced oneself

(Gadamer, 2016: 53)

Van Manen (1990) gives more simple definition of erlebnis. He defines erlebnis as

lived experience – experience as we live through it and recognize it as a particular

type of experience.

The global spread of the term itself did not emerge until “phenomenology

reached France via Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and more importantly, when it was

reworked by Simone de Beauvoir. She titled Volume II of her highly influential

feminist manifesto The Second Sex “L’Experience Vecue,” which is the French

translation of Erlebnis. That title of the volume was originally made into English as

“Woman’s Life Today,” but once its debt to phenomenological language was better

appreciated, it was re-rendered as “Lived Experience”.” (Hoerger, 2016). In

feminism, the term ‘lived experience’ is used to describe the first-hand accounts and

impressions of living as a member of a minority or oppressed group. It can be said

that Beauvoir brought more influence than any other in spreading the term ‘lived

experience’ not only into discussions of gender and sexuality but then eventually

also to race, medicine, disability, and more in the U.S. and sooner in the other parts

of the world.

In this study, the term ‘lived experience’ refers to the first-hand accounts of

involvement in events as members of a minority group, i.e. the differently-abled

group, the visually-impaired junior high school students. It is an experience that they

live through and recognize as a particular type of experience. So, it is not the


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accumulation of perceptions after a series of life experiences, but the experience

where the participants lived and survived and made a reflection upon. There are

several discussions related to lived experience that will be elaborated as follow.

a. Against Objectification and Dehumanizing

Lived experience studies are expected to open a new horizon of

understanding to people in general. In Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology,

the key point of understanding has become ontological; it is not separable from

mood, nor on the other hand is it imaginable without ‘world’ or ‘meaningfulness’

(Palmer, 1977).

The term “WORLD” in Heidegger does not mean our

environment, objectively considered, the universe as it appears to

a scientific gaze. It is closer to what might be called our personal

world. World is not the whole of all beings but the whole in which

the human being always finds himself already immersed,

surrounded by its manifestness as revealed through an always

pregrasping, encompassing understanding (Palmer, 1977: 132).

Thus, it is totally antithetical to Heidegger’s conception to conceive of world as

separate from the self since it would presuppose the very subject-object separation

which itself arises within the relational context called world. Palmer (1977) adds

world is prior to all ‘objectivity’, all conceptualizing; it is therefore also prior to

subjectivity, since both objectivity and subjectivity are conceived within the subject-

object schema.

The philosopher Immanuel Kant is perceived to agree to the notion of

inseparable subject-object schema by being against objectification. He views

“objectification involves the lowering of a person, a being with humanity, to the


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status of an object (McKay, 2013). Nussbaum in McKay (2013) identifies seven

features of objectification: (1) instrumentality; (2) denial of autonomy; (3) inertness;

(4) fungibility; (5) violability; (6) ownership; and (7) denial of subjectivity.

Instrumentality as the treatment of a person as a tool for the

objectifier’s purpose; denial of autonomy is the treatment of a

person as lacking in autonomy and self-determination; inertness

involves the treatment of a person as lacking in agency and

perhaps also in activity; fungibility occurs when a person is

interchangeable with other objects, and violability is the treatment

of a person as lacking in boundary-integrity. Ownership is the

treatment of a person as something that is owned by another

which can be bought or sold and denial of subjectivity takes place

when a person’s experiences and feelings are not taken into

account. (Nussbaum in McKay, 2013).

Langton (2009) adds three more features of objectification, i.e. reduction to body,

reduction to appearance, and silencing. Reduction to body (to reduce someone to

their body) involves identifying a person with their body or body parts. Reduction

to appearance (to reduce someone to appearance) means to judge a person by

physical appearance. Silencing is treating a person as if he or she lacks the capacity

to speak.

Unlike other studies which take people as objects who are separated from their

consciousness, from their beings, this study does not separate humans’ attributes

from their own selves. It treats humans as “subjects”, as persons (the term refers to

the uniqueness of each human being), who are incomparable, unclassifiable,

uncountable, and irreplaceable. In other words, it attempts to humanize people and

is against objectification of human beings which is similar to dehumanizing them.


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b. Reflected Experience

Reflection is very crucial to “generate learning from experience” (Amulya,

2012, as cited in Malatji & Wadesango, 2014). It is for those intellectual and

affective activities in which individuals engage to explore their experiences in order

to lead to new understandings and appreciation. It may take place in isolation or in

association with others. Reflection is the basic aspect in this study. Even so, it

develops singularity among other kinds of studies in terms of who does the

reflection. As a study based on lived experience with hermeneutic approach, it is

very unique in the way that not only it accommodates reflection through sharing

lived experience for the participants or co-researchers, but also it accommodates

reflection for the researcher herself/himself, as stated in Laverty (2003):

When a decision to engage in research of a particular experience

from a hermeneutic or phenomenological perspective is made, the

researcher begins a process of self-reflection. For the

phenomenologist, this is typically part of the preparatory phase of

research and might include the writing down of these reflections

for reference during the analysis process (Colazzi, 1978;

Polkinghorne, 1989). The purpose of this reflection is to become

aware of one’s biases and assumptions in order to bracket them,

or set them aside, in order to engage the experience without

preconceived notions about what will be found in the

investigation. This awareness is seen as a protection from

imposing the assumptions or biases of the researcher on the study.

Bracketing, which phenomenologists know as epoche is a key concept in

phenomenological studies. By bracketing his/her subjective assumptions and

beliefs, the researcher lets the phenomenon present as itself in the world of the

participant(s). However, in hermeneutics, it is conducted to quite a different end. It

is rather embedded and essential to interpretive process. Laverty (2003) adds that


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the researcher is called, on an ongoing basis, to give considerable thought to their

own experience and to explicitly claim the ways in which their position or

experience relates to the issues being researched. The final document may include

the personal assumptions of the researcher and the philosophical bases from which

interpretation has occurred (Allen, Cotterill & Letherby in Laverty, 2003).

Researchers keep a reflective journal that will assist them in the process of reflection

and interpretation.

c. Meaning Appropriation

Van Manen (1990) believes that the aim of phenomenology is “to transform

lived experience into a textual expression of its essence – in such a way that the

effect of the text is at once a reflexive re-living and a reflective appropriation of

something meaningful: a notion by which a reader is powerfully animated in his or

her own lived experience”. He adds lived experiences gather hermeneutic

significance as we (reflectively) gather them by giving memory to them. Through

meditations, conversations, day dreams, inspirations and other interpretive acts, we

assign meaning to the phenomena of lived life.

A lived experience study must be able to unearth something ‘telling’,

something ‘meaningful’, something ‘thematic’ in various experiential accounts; it

works at mining meaning from them. There are five fields of lived experience to

seek the meaning of it, i.e. understanding, belief, feeling, intention, and action.

Understanding refers to knowing something in individual version (Dufrenne in

Kurniawan, 2016: 13). It is supported by Munhall as cited in Kurniawan (2016: 13)


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who states that understanding is knowing what something is about or something is

like. Belief is principle of some statements or the reality of certain phenomena (Tatto

and Coupland in Ferianda and Mukarto, 2017: 47). Unlike understanding, belief is

relatively static and difficult to change (Tumijo, 2008). Feeling is defined as the

expression of a particular object (Patton, 2002). It is closely related with emotions.

Intention is defined as what people expect about something and related with the

result of thinking (Willis, 2001). It refers to what people intend to achieve. Action

is related to how people behave or act toward their reflection (van Manen, 1990). It

is what someone can do with intention.

One clear example of seeking meaning by van Manen (1990: 86) is in a given

‘normal’ incident where parents left their child in someone else’s care while going

on a vacation. This incident can acquire the significance of a big drama for the child

from the child’s point of view. The probable meanings of the illustrated incident can

be simplified in themes such as: (1) being left is the experience of vulnerability,

insecurity, incompleteness, (2) being left provokes feeling left and abandoned, (3)

being left can be experienced as a form of betrayal, (4) being left is given trust and

independence, and so forth.

The meaning or essence of a phenomenon is never simple or one-

dimensional. It is multi-dimensional and multi-layered which can never be grasped

in a single definition. Human science meaning can only be communicated textually

– by way of organized narrative or prose; and that is why the human science

researcher is engaged in the reflective activity of textual labor. To do human science

research is to be involved in the crafting of a text. In order to come to grisps with


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the structure of meaning of the text, it is helpful to think of the phenomenon

described in the text as approachable in terms of meaning units, structures of

meaning, or themes. Reflecting on lived experience then becomes reflectively

analyzing the structural or thematic aspects of that experience.

A common rhetorical device in phenomenological writing is the use of

anecdote or story. According to van Manen (1990), anecdote or ‘story’ means

narrative, something depicted in narrative form. Webster defines anecdote as “a

usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident”.

Biographers and historians value anecdotes for their power to reveal the true

character of persons or of times which are hard to capture in any other manner

(Fadiman in Manen, 1990). The anecdotes can be taken from sources such as

interview, close observation (participating in the lifeworld of the persons), literary

sources (poetry, novels, stories, plays, etc), diaries, journals, logs, or even art

(painting, sculpture, music, cinematography, etc).

d. Lived Experience Indicators

There are four fundamental existential themes in phenomenological studies

that can be differentiated but not separated (van Manen, 1990). They all form an

intricate unity which we call the lifeworld – our lived world. The four fundamental

existential themes, which become the lived experience indicators, are spatiality,

corporeality, temporality, and relationality or communality.

Spatiality (lived space) is concerned with felt space. The space in which we

find ourselves affects the way we feel. Here are some examples: the huge spaces of


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a modern bank building may make us feel small, the wide-open space of a landscape

may make us feel exposed but also possibly free, and just the opposite from the

feeling we get in a crowded elevator.

Corporeality (lived body) refers to the phenomenological fact that we are

always bodily in the world. In our physical or bodily presence, we both reveal

something about ourselves and we always conceal something at the same time – not

necessarily consciously or deliberately, but rather in spite of ourselves. For example,

under the critical gaze, the body may turn awkward, the motions turn clumsy; while

under the admiring gaze, the body surpasses its usual grace and its normal abilities.

Temporality (lived time) is dealing with subjective time. It is the time that

appears to speed up when we enjoy ourselves, or slow down when we feel bored

during an uninteresting lecture or when we are anxious, as in the dentist’s chair.

While, relationality or communality (lived human relation or lived other) refers to

the lived relation we maintain with others in the interpersonal space that we share

with them. As we meet the other, we approach the other in a corporeal way: through

a handshake or by gaining an impression of the other in the way that he or she is

physically present to us. Even if it is indirect relationality (by letter, telephone, or

book), we often already have formed a physical impression of the person which later

may get confirmed or negated when we find out, to our surprise, that the person

looks very different from the way we expected.


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2. Visual Impairment and Schools for the Visually-Impaired

Visually-impaired students (VIS) or students with visual impairment (VI)

are those who have disability to see. Panek (2002) describes blindness and VI as

complex. The sense of sight interacts with other senses and has an impact on the

physical and psychological aspects of a person’s development. Panek states that “a

well-functioning person uses all the senses and body functions as an integrated

whole when interacting with the environment” (Panek, 2002: 157). If one sense

does not work, it usually burdens the person’s ability to interact with the

environment or just to do the day to day routines. These include learning a subject.

Blindness and VI do not share the same definition. Visual impairment is

defined in terms of visual acuity and residual field of vision (Panek, 2002). Visual

acuity measures an individual’s ability to see objects clearly and visual field

measures how wide of a range a person can see (Center for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC) in Joseph, 2010). While, blindness is defined as “the total loss

of sight” (Panek, 2002: 157). In educational settings, according to the Individuals

with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1997, a visual impairment refers to “an

impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s

educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness”. In

this study, the term visual impairment (VI) describes a wide variety of conditions

that affect vision abilities, from partial impairment to total impairment, which

cannot support someone’s educational performance.

The functional limitations of the eye(s) can result from congenital (e.g.,

prenatal or postnatal trauma, genetic or developmental abnormalities), hereditary


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(e.g., retinitis pigmentosa or Stargardt's macular degeneration), or acquired

conditions (e.g., ocular infection or disease, trauma, age-related changes, or

systemic disease) (AOA, 2007).

There are four classifications of VI in educational context (NICHCY, 2004),

namely partially-sighted, low vision, legally blind, and totally blind. Partially

sighted indicates some type of visual problem has resulted in a need for special

education. Low vision generally refers to a severe VI, not necessarily limited to

distance vision. Low vision applies to all individuals with sight who are unable to

read the newspaper at a normal viewing distance, even with the aid of eyeglasses

or contact lenses. They use a combination of vision and other senses to learn,

although they may require adaptations in lighting, the size of print, and, sometimes,

Braille. Legally blind indicates that a person has less than 20/200 vision in the

better eye or a very limited field of vision (20 degrees at its widest point). While,

totally blind students, who learn via Braille or other non-visual media.

In Indonesia, the government has constructed a curriculum for special

education for people with special needs, including VI. This curriculum is

implemented along with the 2013 Curriculum. The curriculum is utilized in both

inclusive schools and special education schools. As stated in the Curriculum for

Special Education, people with special needs are those who possess disabilities

physically, emotionally, mentally, cognitively, and/or socially (Kemendikbud,

2014: 2). They can go to either inclusive schools or special education schools. In

Indonesia, there are six types of special education school, namely special education

school for visual impairment (SLB A), special education school for hearing


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impairment (SLB B), special education school for mental retardation (SLB C),

special education school for neuro-muscular impairment (SLB D), special education

school for emotional and social behavior disorders (SLB E), and special education

school for multiple impairments and/or disorders (SLB G). The number of these

schools is below 1% from the total number of all schools in Indonesia and the

majority is located in Java Island and the capitals of the provinces.

Sekolah Luar Biasa A (SLB A) or special education school for VI in

Indonesia serves elementary and high school age youth who have disabilities to see.

The students are taught by teachers who have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in

special education. To ease the teaching-learning process, the school is usually

equipped with media and facilities which are tactual and auditory since the VIS use

their tactual and auditory senses to learn. The media provided are Braille texts,

embossed images, realia, audio recordings, and JAWS (Job Access With Speech)

software. In order to help the students do daily activities around the school or

outside, the school provides Orientation and Mobility program which focus on

instructing the students with safe and effective travel through their environment and

how to use the cane. This program is usually delivered by O&M specialists.

3. Junior High School in Indonesia

Education in Indonesia is run under the responsibility of the Ministry of

Education and Culture (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan/ Kemdikbud)

and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama/ Kemenag) which is in

charge of Islamic schools’ operation. All citizens in Indonesia are required to


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undertake twelve years of compulsory education, which consists of six years in

primary level (elementary school), three years in secondary level (junior high

school), and three years in high school level (senior high school and vocational high

school) (Jakarta Post, 2016). People with special needs can opt to enroll in a special

education school, or in an inclusive school with the same leveling system. As soon

as they graduate from high schools, people in Indonesia generally either pursue

higher degrees of education or apply for a job. Since 2013, Indonesia has gradually

implemented the Curriculum 2013, which emphasizes on character development of

the students. The school year is divided into two semesters.

As the secondary level of education, there are approximately 40,000 junior

high schools in Indonesia. Junior high school comprises three grades, namely the

seventh grade, the eighth grade, and the ninth grade. The typical ages of the students

enrolling in this school are 12 – 15 years old. There is a prominent difference of the

English subject status in junior high school and elementary school. In elementary

school, English is not a compulsory subject. Therefore, some elementary schools

offer English as an extracurricular subject and some do not have English subject at

all. While, in junior high school, English subject is considered mandatory with 4

hour allocated time.

4. Second Language Acquisition, Individual Learner Differences, and

Learning Styles

In the expanding circle countries like Indonesia (Kachru 1992), English is

seen as a foreign language since the role of it is not as significant as the first and


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the second languages used in daily communication in this multi-ethnic country.

Whether a language is the second or the third or the fourth language of the learner,

the process of acquiring it is elaborated in Second Language Acquisition (SLA).

According to Ellis (2008), second language acquisition refers to the acquisition of

any language after the acquisition of the mother tongue. Thus, the study of English

acquisition is deeper explained in SLA.

There are many factors influencing learners’ second language acquisition.

They can be external factors such as teaching methods, media, facilities and sorts,

or internal factors that come from the learners themselves. These internal factors

are called the individual learner differences (IDs), such as intelligence, working

memory, language aptitude, learning style, motivation, anxiety, willingness to

communicate, and personality (Ellis, 2004b: 530). Like other IDs, learning style

plays significant role in how a learner acquires English.

According to Keefe in Ellis (2008), learning style refers to “the

characteristic cognitive, affective, and physiological behaviors that serve as

relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with and respond to

the learning environment”. He adds learning style is a consistent way of

functioning, that reflects underlying causes of behavior. Berman (1998) simplifies

the definition of learning style; it is how people take in information with. There are

four types of perceptual learning styles distinguished by Reid in Ellis (2008),

namely visual learning, auditory learning, kinesthetic learning, and tactile learning.

Visual learners take information mainly through the eye (Brewster et al,

2004: 34), for example reading and studying charts. Auditory learners take


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information mainly through hearing (Brewster et al, 2004: 34), for example

listening to the lectures or to audio tapes. Kinesthetic learners learn something

through movement and manipulating things (Brewster et al, 2004: 34), involving

physical responses. While, tactile learners benefit from hands-on learning, as in

building models or reading in Braille. In addition, Reid distinguishes two social

learning styles, group preference (learning with other learners) and individual

preference (learning by oneself).

5. Visually-Impaired Students Learning English

Learning styles involve senses that people possess. In other words, people

learn through multiple senses, even though they are often only aware of using one

or two of the senses in specific situations, and even though they sometimes prefer

to emphasize the value of one or two senses in specific learning contexts (Gardner,

1993). Most learners depend on their visual and auditory senses when studying a

foreign language. The role of the visual and audio materials in foreign language

teaching is apparent; however, when a learner fails to use one or both of their senses,

they are likely to replace it with another sense (Kochyigit and Artar, 2015).

Students with VI are incapable to use their visual sense when learning

English. Mangal’s (2007) definition for VI in educational settings may provide a

departure point for the discussion. As he mentions “educational definition of visual-

impairment emphasizes relationship between vision and learning and shows

difficulties, and deficiencies exhibited in the children, which make them different

from children with normal vision to the extent of attention, requiring special


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education provision”. When students are incapable to use their vision as an

educational tool, they must rely predominately on their remaining sensory

functions, such as the auditory and tactile senses.

As learners of English, VIS need learning aids. Most visually-impaired

learners use various compensational aids in order to be able to gain information

which other people can perceive visually, in other words which they can see.

“The choice of an aid or aids depends on the type of impairment

and the preferences of the users if there are more options. Partially

sighted people, people with low vision and legally blind ones

have a wider variety of aids to choose from than totally blind

people have. There are non-optical aids (enlarged text either

printed out or displayed on a computer screen in various colour

combinations of the text and the background, illumination, pens

and markers with thick marks), optical aids (non-illuminated or

illuminated pocket magnifying glass,), electronic aids (digital

magnifiers for visually impaired, e.g. Optron, Prisma,

Andromeda) and aids for communication and information

technology (PC and specialized software, the Braille line, Picht

typewriter etc.)” (Galetová, 2012).

From the teachers’ point of view, it is not surprising to imagine how demanding it

could be when there is a visually-impaired student in their class. Whereas all

teachers are expected to tailor their teaching to serve the needs of different learner

styles, teaching a visually impaired student in a regular classroom may stand out as

a challenge for a teacher with no experience of teaching or perhaps even no previous

social contact with such individuals (Kochyigit and Artar, 2015). Teachers have to

embrace the belief about their VIS that being visually-impaired does not mean

being unsuccessful language learners (Başaran, 2012). Discovering their strong

sides is crucial in facilitating their foreign language learning experience as a


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teacher. Thus, it is very important to vary the tasks and activities in a class of VIS

so that they can make use the remaining senses to learn English.

6. Transition

The participants or co-researchers in this study are visually-impaired junior

high school students. They are given English lesson as a compulsory subject for the

first time. However, they might have gotten English lesson in their elementary

school as an extracurricular subject. Whether they had it or not in the previous

school, there is some kind of transition that the students feel when learning English

as a compulsory subject in their junior high school. This study attempts to

understand their lived experience regarding this transition, as well.

Schlossberg in Evans, Forney, and Guido-DiBrito (1998) defines a

transition as any event or non-event that results in changed relationships, routines,

assumptions, and roles. It is important to note that perception plays a key role in

transitions as an event, or non-event, meets the definition of a transition only if it is

so defined by the individual experiencing it. In order to understand the meaning that

a transition has for a particular individual, the type, context, and impact of the

transition must be considered. There are three types of transition, i.e. anticipated

transitions, unanticipated transitions, and non-event transitions.

Anticipated transitions occur predictably, such as graduation from college.

Unanticipated transitions are not predictable or scheduled, such as divorce or

sudden death of a loved one. While, non-event transitions are transitions that are

expected but do not occur, such as failure to be admitted to medical school. Non-


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event transitions are divided into four categories, namely: personal non-event

(related to individual aspirations), ripple non-event (felt due to a non-event of

someone else), resultant non-event (caused by an event), and delayed non-event

(anticipating an event that might still happen). Schlossberg also identifies four

major sets of factors that influence a person's ability to cope with a transition,

namely situation, self, support, and strategies, which are also known as the 4S's

(Evans, Forney, and Guido-DiBrito, 1998).


There have been several studies on students with VI around the globe. Those

studies were conducted in the three circle countries and applied different methods

to meet the objectives. The objectives are varied, but studies focusing on the lived

experience of VIS learning English are not found yet. The followings are some

research related to VIS conducted in the three circle countries, the inner circle

countries, the outer circle countries, and the expanding circle countries.

The first study by Mary-Anne M Joseph was conducted in Ohio, in the year

of 2010. This study entitled “A Phenomenological Study Exploring the

Educational, Vocational and Social Experiences of College Educated Individuals

Who Are Visually Impaired” is a qualitative phenomenological study to explore the

educational, vocational and social experiences of college educated individuals who

were visually-impaired in order to determine how these experiences impacted them

educationally, vocationally and socially. The participants of the study were 16

individuals who were visually-impaired, nine were college students and seven were


Page 48: the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english


college graduates. Semi-structured phone interviews were conducted to gather the

data. The findings of this study fell under three primary themes: 1) Self Advocacy

and Acquiring Accommodation, 2) Work Related Experiences, and 3) Reactions to

Visual Impairment.

The second study was conducted in Stellenbosch, South Africa, in 2016.

Written by Faine Bisset, the study entitled “The Lived Experience of University

Students with Visual Impairments and Their Sighted Partners’ Participation in

Inclusive Social Ballroom Dance” was aimed to give a voice to the lived experience

of visually-impaired dancers and their sighted partners who participate in inclusive

social ballroom and Latin American dance. The nine participants (four visually-

impaired dancers and five of their sighted partners) were members of the

Differently-abled Dance Class that was held by the dance society of a university

situated in the Western Cape, South Africa. The processes of data collection and

data analysis were conducted according to the principles of interpretative

phenomenological analysis. Semi-structured, in-depth, individual interviews were

utilized as the data gathering instrument. The findings of this study were divided

into two primary themes, visually-impaired university students’ experience of

participating in an inclusive ballroom dancing class and sighted university

students’ experience of participating in an inclusive ballroom dance class

alongside visually impaired dancers.

The third study was conducted in one of the expanding circle countries,

Brazil. An article entitled “Visually-Impaired Brazilian Students Learning English

with Smartphones: Overcoming Limitations” was written by Miriam Sester Retorta


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and Vera Lúcia Lopes Cristovão to investigate the role of smartphones in teaching

the English language to a population of fifteen, visually-impaired Brazilian

students. The study published in July 2017 chose classroom ethnography as the

methodological design and used data generated from classroom observations,

didactic materials that were made and posted on apps, and two questionnaires. The

results show that at the beginning of the course, students had little to no ability to

use smartphones, including apps such as WhatsApp and Facebook mobile. After

two years of formal language and smartphone instruction, all students learned how

to use their mobile phones, and were able to post and listen to podcasts and written

texts on WhatsApp and Facebook mobile in both their native language and in

English. The students also engaged in real-life communication events with peers in

Brazil and other parts of the world. Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL)

helped these students enhance their social and cultural capital.

The three previous studies focused on different levels of VIS. The first one

was on visually-impaired college students and graduates. The second one was on

visually-impaired university students and their sighted peers. The last one was on

high school level of VIS. Even though the first two studies investigated the VIS’

lived experience, they did not delimit the discussion on learning English.

Meanwhile, the last study was on learning English but it did not investigate the VIS’

lived experience. Hence, this study is expected to balance the population of

cognitive understanding and empathic understanding studies on VIS learning



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In Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology, understanding is a basic form

of human existence in that understanding is not a way we know the world, but rather

the way we are (Polkinghorne, 1983). In order to know the way a person is, we have

to know his/her history or background which includes what a culture gives him/her

from birth and is handed down, presenting ways of understanding the world. And

according to Heidegger (1927/1962), pre-understanding is a structure for being in

the world. This pre-understanding is the meanings or organization of a culture that

are present before we understand and become part of our historicality of

background. In other words, it relates to part and whole understanding as what

Alvesson and Skoldberg (2000: 65) state that “the meaning of a part can only be

understood if it is related to the whole”. Additionally, Palmer (1969: 87) states that

“by dialectical interaction between the whole and the part, each gives the other

meaning; understanding is circular, then. Because within this “circle”, the meaning

comes to stand, we call this hermeneutical circle”.

Pre-understanding in this research is dealing with pre-understanding of

visually-impaired junior high school students’ lived experience in learning English

in general. The pre-understanding that is based on the theories presented in the

theoretical review above comes out as pre-figured themes. The pre-figured themes

are Auditory Learners; School’s Specific Media and Facilities for Learning

English; Transition; and Motivation. The pre-figured themes were bracketed in

order to let the lived experience present as itself.


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This chapter, which aims to ensure that this research is valid, is divided into

four sections. The first section is the research method. The second section

elaborates the procedures conducted in this research. The third section is the data

gathering that deals with the research participants, the nature and source of the data,

and the data gathering technique followed by the research instrument. The fourth

section is the data analysis which explains the method of analyzing the data. This

chapter ends with the trustworthiness of the study.


The goal of this research is to discover the meaning of the visually-impaired

junior high school students’ lived experience in learning English. By discovering

the meaning of their lived experience, this research is expected to open a new

horizon of understanding to the readers. Myriads of studies have been conducted to

improve cognitive understanding. This number does not balance the number of the

studies conducted to build people’s empathic understanding on these special

students. Building empathic understanding is equally important since people need

not only to know other people as objects but also to understand them as human

beings who have thoughts, desires, anxieties, feelings, and so forth.

People’s lived experience on learning something is seen as a phenomenon

in educational settings since one’s experience on the same event is not the same as

another’s. Hence, phenomenology was chosen as the most appropriate method for

this study. Phenomenology is a qualitative research method first initiated by Husserl


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(1859-1938) as a radically new way of doing philosophy (Kafle, 2011: 181). Later

theorists, such as Heidegger (1889-1976), have recast the phenomenological

project, moving away from a philosophical discipline which focuses on

consciousness and essences of phenomena towards elaborating existential and

hermeneutic (interpretive) dimensions (Finlay, 2009). Phenomenology is an

umbrella term dealing with phenomena: their nature and meanings (Finlay, 2009).

When applied to research, it focuses on the way things appear to us through

experience or in our consciousness where the phenomenological researcher aims to

provide a rich textured description of lived experience (Kafle, 2011). Moustakas

suggests (1994) phenomenological studies typically involve asking participants

broad general questions involving what they have experienced in terms of the

phenomenon and the contexts that surround participants’ experiences related to the

phenomenon. Grbich (2007) offers a more simplistic definition of phenomenology

which is an approach to understand the hidden meanings and the essences of an

experience together.

As an umbrella term of method dealing with phenomena, it has a range of

research approaches, such as transcendental, hermeneutic, and existential approach.

Transcendental phenomenology is a school of phenomenology conceptualized by

Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) of which basic premise is to adhere to the notion that

experience is to be transcended to discover reality (Kafle, 2011). Hermeneutic

phenomenology which was first founded by Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), a

disciple of Husserl, puts an effort to get beneath the subjective experience and find

the genuine objective nature of the things as realized by an individual (Kafle, 2011).


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The last is existential phenomenology by Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) which

stresses on the description of everyday experience as it is perceived by the

consciousness of the individuals (Kafle, 2011).

Since this research attempted to interpret the lived experiences of visually-

impaired junior high school students in learning English, I employed hermeneutic

(interpretative) approach to conduct the study. A hermeneutic phenomenological

study intertwines the interpretations of both the participants and the researcher

about a lived experience to uncover layers of details and to identify the core essence

of that lived experience (van Manen, 1990). Moustakas (1994) adds that

hermeneutics is the art of interpreting; it is the philosophy in the original sense of

world, the love of wisdom, the search for as comprehensive an understanding of

human existence as possible. By using hermeneutic phenomenology, it was my role

as the researcher to collect and interpret descriptions of students’ experiences to

determine the structures or essences that comprised those experiences. The use of

hermeneutic phenomenology created a space for the writer as a researcher to explain

meanings and assumptions of participants’ experiences based on the writer’s own

theoretical and personal knowledge (Ajjawi & Higgs, 2007). The aim is to

illuminate lived experiences because the meanings of lived experiences are usually

not readily apparent (van Manen, 1990).


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There are several sets of procedures in conducting studies based on lived

experience. Nevertheless, every method in human science research, such as

phenomenology, is open-ended. There are no definitive or exclusive requirements.

Each research project holds its own integrity and establishes its own methods and

procedures to facilitate the flow of the investigation and the collection of the data

(Moustakas, 1994: 104). Here are the two common sets of procedures developed by

two scholars concerned with hermeneutic phenomenology.

Table 1. Two Sets of Procedures in Hermeneutic Phenomenological Research

Max van Manen (1990) Clark Moustakas (1994)

1) Turning to a phenomenon which

seriously interests us and commits us

to the world.

2) Investigating experience as we live it

rather than as we conceptualize it.

3) Reflecting on the essential themes

which characterize the phenomenon.

4) Describing the phenomenon through

the art of writing and rewriting.

5) Maintaining a strong and oriented

pedagogical relation to the


6) Balancing the research context by

considering parts and whole.

1) Discovering a topic and question rooted

in autobiographical meanings and

values, as well as involving social

meanings and significance.

2) Conducting a comprehensive review of

the professional and research literature.

3) Constructing a set of criteria to locate

appropriate co-researchers.

4) Providing co-researchers with

instructions on the nature and purpose

of the investigation, and developing an

agreement that includes obtaining

informed consent, insuring

confidentiality, and delineating the

responsibilities of the primary

researcher and research participant,

consistent with ethical principles of


5) Developing a set of questions or topics

to guide the interview process.

6) Conducting and recording a lengthy

person-to-person interview that focuses

on a bracketed topic and question. A

follow-up interview may also be


7) Organizing and analyzing the data to

facilitate development of individual

textural and structural descriptions, a


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composite textural description, a

composite structural description, and a

synthesis of textural and structural

meanings and essences.

From the two common sets of procedures above, I decided to employ the

procedures suggested by Moustakas (1994). The decision was made on the

consideration that I felt the procedures suggested by Moustakas were easier to

understand so that I could apply all the steps in a more reliable way. Below are the

steps I conducted in this research that I discussed thoroughly.

1) Discovering a topic and question rooted in autobiographical meanings and

values, as well as involving social meanings and significance.

The first topic that I thought of was about code-switching in English

language class. However, this topic seemed to already get massive attention from

other scholars, resulting in myriads of studies on this topic have been done in a wide

range of scopes. Then, when I was in the early days of Semester 2, some friends of

mine who are the graduates of Sanata Dharma University, shared their experiences

when doing their theses. They mentioned a term of a research method that raised

my curiosity since it was the first time I heard about it. It was phenomenology. They

told me that it was about lived experience. I began to browse what phenomenology

and lived experience were. I found out that this method would suit me perfectly

because I enjoy listening to people’s experiences. By listening to their stories, I

believe I can learn a lot of things and I am given the opportunity to know a piece of

their real personality. Yet, I started to have difficulties in finding the right topic.

Then, one day I had an idea to conduct a phenomenological research to English


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graduates who have to teach elementary school subjects other than English since I

have some friends who would potentially be my research participants. However,

when I googled for related studies, I found out that there had been so many studies

conducted from the teachers’ perspectives. I wanted something different, something

unique, and meaningful. Then, I continued my searching until one day I observed

my friend teaching English to a visually-impaired student. The student was one of

two VIS who took a private class in my work place. She was a lively girl who would

like to share everything to her teacher, even about someone she liked or disliked,

despite her limitation in seeing the person she was talking to. I saw there was

something unique, something that I did not know much. From that time, I knew my

long journey of finding the right topic was over. I just discovered the right topic

that not only will bring benefits to a lot of people but also uncover meanings of the

lived experience in learning English to those who are marginalized, the visually-

impaired students.

2) Conducting a comprehensive review of the professional and research literature

(see Chapter II and III).

After I got a topic of my interest, I began to collect some literature related

to lived experience, hermeneutic phenomenology, VIS, and learning English.

Some sources were in the forms of previous articles, journals, theses, and

dissertations. Some were in the forms of old books and recent books that I

borrowed from the campus library. The theories I got from the old books are

considered still reliable because they are still applicable for today’s society. This

step was a bit difficult for me because I had to study a lot of things about


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hermeneutic phenomenology from zero. Fortunately, I have some friends and

lecturers who were very helpful in guiding me to the right track so that I did not

get lost.

3) Constructing a set of criteria to locate appropriate co-researchers (see Chapter


In this research, I located three visually-impaired junior high school students

as my co-researchers. The co-researchers had to be in grade 7, 8, and 9 and study

in a special education school for VI in Yogyakarta. They can be partially-impaired

or totally impaired. In order to make a balanced sampling, I chose those who were

considered smart, average, and below average. However, I had to highlight that only

those who were willingly involved in this research could be my co-researchers.

4) Providing co-researchers with instructions on the nature and purpose of the

investigation, and developing an agreement that includes obtaining informed

consent, insuring confidentiality, and delineating the responsibilities of the

primary researcher and research participant (co-researcher), consistent with

ethical principles of research (see Appendix 1 – 3).

Before the interviews, I developed a form of agreement to be involved in

this research for my potential co-researchers. The form was in Bahasa Indonesia so

that the potential co-researchers could understand the nature and the purpose of this

research clearly. After I read it to them, I asked those who willingly participated in

this research to sign the agreement. Fortunately, all my three potential co-

researchers were willingly to be involved.


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5) Developing a set of questions or topics to guide the interview process (see

Appendix 2).

After I developed a form of an agreement, I moved on with developing the

interview guidelines. Since they were only guidelines, the questions made were not

too detailed. They were only triggering questions which I was able to benefit from.

By asking this kind of questions, I was able to explore my co-researchers’ lived

experience entirely, from various aspects.

6) Conducting and recording a lengthy person-to-person interview that focuses on

a bracketed topic and question. (see Appendix 5 – 10).

I conducted the interviews twice to each of my co-researchers. The first

student I interviewed was Nada (pseudonym). The interviews took place on 15

February 2018 and 24 March 2018. Then, I interviewed Agni (pseudonym) on 28

March 2018 and 17 April 2018. The last person I interviewed was Damar

(pseudonym). The interviews took place on 8 April 2018 and 19 April 2018. All

the interviews were video-taped in order that I could replay the interviews and see

their faces or gestures on certain utterances when I did the data analysis.

7) Organizing and analyzing the data to facilitate development of individual

textural and structural descriptions, a composite textural description, a

composite structural description, and a synthesis of textural and structural

meanings and essences (see Chapter IV and V).

After I finished each interview, I made the transcription to allow me to do

the data analysis easier. Then, I organized the data by using simple codes to indicate

the day, the speaker, and the line of the utterance in the transcript.


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Table 2. Organizing the Data Using Simple Codes

D2R01 Trus tadi teksnya dari mbaknya?

D2A01 Iya.

D2R02 Oh berarti mbaknya udah bisa Braille, huruf Braille?

D2A02 Enggak. Huruf awas.

D2R03 Oh tadi huruf awas?

D2A03 Iya. Mbak-mbaknya itu kan baca pake bukunya sendiri, kalau enggak

ya pake buku kami.

D2 means the second day when I interviewed the student. R means the researcher

or me. A means Agni (pseudonym). And 01, 02, 03 are the lines of the utterances

in the transcript.


There are three elements in the data gathering process in this research,

namely the research participants or co-researchers, the nature and source of the data,

and the data gathering instrument and technique.

1. Research Participants or Co-Researchers

General considerations for locating and selecting the research participants,

in this thesis I call them my co-researchers, included grade, gender, and level of

intelligence. While, essential criteria include “the research participant has

experienced the phenomenon, is intensely interested in understanding its nature and

meanings, is willing to participate in a lengthy interview and (perhaps a follow-up

interview), grants the investigator the right to tape-record, possibly videotape the

interview, and publish the data in a dissertation and other publications” (Moustakas,

1994: 107). Additionally, in phenomenological studies, the research participants are

seen as the co-researchers.


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Each participant was informed not only of the true nature of the

study but was encouraged to become a research participant on

equal footing with me. An active attempt was made to recognize

the participant as a co-researcher. Each participant was

encouraged to join with me as a truthful seeker of knowledge and

understanding with regard to the phenomenon of presence

(Fraelich in Moustakas, 1994: 108).

In this study, the co-researchers were three male and female students who go

to a special education junior high school for VI. The small sampling was basically

concerned with the nature of hermeneutic phenomenology itself, which

emphasizes on individual’s lived experience. The issue was quality, not quantity,

and given the complexity of most human phenomena (Smith et al., 2012: 51).

Those who were either partially-impaired or totally-impaired could participate to

be my co-researchers. However, in this study, I could only find three students with

total impairment who were willingly involved. The causes of their impairments

were accidents, pre-natal birth, and illnesses.

2. Nature and Source of the Data

As stated by van Manen, the aim of phenomenology is “to transform lived

experience into a textual expression of its essence – in such a way that the effect of

the text is at once a reflexive re-living and a reflective appropriation of something

meaningful: a notion by which a reader is powerfully animated in his or her own

lived experience” (1990: 36). Thus, the nature of this research is text, meaning that

the data is presented in the form of text or narrative. The narratives were taken from

the visually-impaired junior high school students’ lived experiences. Lived

experience is experience that has been gone through; it is an experience that one


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puts into retrospect only after having gone through it and then reflecting upon it.

“Lived experiences gather hermeneutic significance as we (reflectively) gather

them by giving memory to them. Through meditations, conversations, day dreams,

inspirations and other interpretive acts we assign meaning to the phenomena of

lived life” (van Manen, 1990: 37). The source of the data in this study was the

experience told by the three co-researchers gathered through in-depth interviews.

3. Data Gathering Instrument and Technique

This research employed three instruments to gather the data, namely class

observations, casual conversations, and semi-structured in-depth interviews. The

class observations and the interviews were video-recorded. Video recording of the

meetings with the co-researchers was utilized to enrich the data. Casual

conversations were done to build close relationship with the co-researchers, prior

to the semi-structured in-depth interviews. In hermeneutic phenomenology, semi-

structured in-depth interview is a significant instrument. It has very specific

purposes. First, it is used as a means for exploring and gathering narratives (or

stories) of lived experiences. Second, it is a vehicle by which to develop a

conversational relationship with the co-researchers, in this case the visually-

impaired junior high school students, about the meaning of the experience. This

may be achieved through reflection with the participants on the topic at hand (van

Manen, 1997). Interview also allows participants to share their stories in their own

words. The type of the interview was semi-structured. It was considered to be

effective for a phenomenological study since it let my co-researchers explore their


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experiences and help them to stay on track when they met difficulties in telling

them. The questions in the interview were in Bahasa Indonesia and included five

aspects of lived experience, i.e. understanding, belief, feeling, intention, and action.


To analyze the data, I used the six steps for data analysis proposed by

Creswell, namely preparing and organizing the data, exploring and coding the data,

coding to build description and themes, representing and reporting qualitative

findings, interpreting the findings, and validating the accuracy of the findings

(2012: 261-262).

The first step was preparing and organizing the data. In this step, I began

with transcribing all the interviews that I already video-taped. The transcription was

in Bahasa Indonesia since the interviews used Bahasa Indonesia. In the

transcription, the gestures, the voice tones, and the facial expressions were written

in brackets.

Table 3. Preparing the Data by Transcribing

Nada.. tau gak kalo pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMP itu wajib?


Hu um, tau gak?

Gak tau haha (menggeleng dan tertawa)

The second step was coding the data. After I transcribed all the interviews,

I made simple codes to allow me to analyze the data easier. The codes were very

simple. I used codes D1 and D2 to indicate on what day I conducted the interview

with each of my co-researchers. After coding the days, I placed letter N, D, A, or R

to indicate the speaker in the transcription. N refers to Nada (pseudonym); D refers


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to Damar (pseudonym); A refers to Agni (pseudonym); and R refers to Researcher,

in this case it was me. Then, the code ended with the line number of the utterances

of the interviewer and the interviewee. The coding is shown below.

Table 4. Coding the Data

D1R36 Nada.. tau gak kalo pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMP itu wajib?

D1N36 Wajib?

D1R37 Hu um, tau gak?

D1N37 Gak tau haha (menggeleng dan tertawa)

The next step was coding to build description and themes. Besides being used

to develop descriptions, codes were also used to develop themes that were presented

as abstraction. Some codes to develop themes were T (Transitions), L (Lack of

School’s Media And Facilities), AL (Auditory Learners), M (Motivational Issues),

AC (Achievements), NFP (Near Future Plans), V (Visually-Impaired or Blind?),

and B (Co-researchers’ Background). These codes can be found in the


Table 5. Coding to Build Description and Themes

D1R210 Oh kenapa?

D1D210 Karena.. apa ya... kan saya juga baru pertama kali belajar

Bahasa Inggris. Belum memahami, yaa.. lebih familiar kalau

pakai Bahasa Indonesia.


D1R211 Oh gitu.. Damar tahu gak Bahasa Inggris-nya H?

D1D211 Umm (berpikir) apa yaa.. saya kadang tahu, tapi sulit


The highlighted utterances support the emergent themes and the bolded words show

the key words for the theme Transition. Then, I took the utterances as the excerpts

of the transcription. Then I translated them into English and presented them in


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Chapter 4 under the theme Transition as shown below, which allowing me to move

on to the next step, representing and reporting qualitative findings.

“(I prefer spelling words in Indonesian to in English) because..

how to say it.. I’m learning English for the first time here. I

still can’t absorb it well, so I prefer spelling words in Indonesian.”


The qualitative finding reports and representation is shown and elaborated in

Chapter 4: Description and Interpretation. In this chapter, which also becomes the

place where I interpreted the findings (the fifth step of data analysis), the description

and the interpretation of the themes are not separated in two different sections since

description and interpretation are inseparable. Finally, the accuracy of the findings

was validated by my co-researchers through member-checking.


In order to ensure the trustworthiness in this qualitative study, I used the

four criteria of trustworthiness constructed by Lincoln and Guba in Cohen and

Crabtree (2006). The criteria are credibility, transferability, dependability, and

confirmability. Credibility deals with the confidence in the truth of the findings. To

fulfill the credibility, in this study I conducted triangulation, from the theory

triangulation (using more than one theoretical scheme) to methodological

triangulation (using more than one method to gather the data, such as interviews

with the co-researchers, class observations, and talks with the teachers).

Transferability shows that the findings have applicability in other contexts. In this

study, I made a purposive sampling by interviewing three female and male VIS who

have good, average, and bad competences in English and tried to give detailed


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information about them in order to maintain transferability. The third criterion is

dependability which requires the findings to be consistent and repeated. It can be

fulfilled with inquiry audit. In this study, the inquiry audit was done through the

examination from my advisor and lecturers. The last criterion to ensure

trustworthiness is confirmability which deals with a degree of neutrality or the

extent to which the findings of a study are shaped by the respondents/participants

and not the researcher’s bias, motivation, or interest. In order to maintain

confirmability, I included the raw data (the interview transcriptions) and video-

taped the interviews and class observations.

In this study, I also conducted member-checking to improve the

trustworthiness. According to Creswell (2012), member-checking refers to “the

process in which the researcher asks one or more participants in the study to check

the accuracy of the account”. Two of the students had the member-checking via

WhatsApp and the other one had it in the school dormitory as I read the findings to



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This chapter is the description and interpretation of the participants’ lived

experience. It is divided into two major sections, namely Co-Researchers’

Backgrounds and Description and Interpretation. Co-Researchers’ Background

provides brief information about the research participants’ profiles. The Description

and Interpretation section elaborates the seven emergent themes, which are

Transitions, Lack of School’s Media and Facilities, Auditory Learners,

Motivational Issues, Achievements, Near Future Plans, and Visually-Impaired or

Blind?. In the emergent themes, the lived experience of the participants is described

and interpreted thoroughly as how the experience shows itself.


This section provides some information about the research participants’

profiles. In this study, the three research participants are called as the co-researchers

since they were the subjects of this research and took an equal position as I did.

Nevertheless, pseudonyms are necessary to protect their identities since the object

of this study is their lived experience; they were considered as the subjects of this

study. The three co-researchers are not originally from Yogyakarta, so they have to

live in the school’s dormitory, where I conducted the interviews with them. The

dormitory is basically attached to the school’s building.


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1. Nada (pseudonym)

Nada is a 15-year-old girl who just graduated from an Islamic junior high

school for VI in Yogyakarta. She has one older brother and is interested in singing

and playing the guitar. The interview with Nada was conducted on 15 February

2018 and 14 March 2018. Nada was born in Cilacap, Central Java, in where she

spent her entire elementary school years. She was born sighted but had to undergo

visual degradation when she was a fourth grader due to illnesses, such as glaucoma

and toxoplasmosis. She was totally-impaired when she was a sixth grader, 2 weeks

right before the National Examination for elementary schoolers.

Nada’s right eye-sight got its degradation when she was 10 years old, in the

fourth grade of elementary school. Glaucoma was responsible for her sight loss.

She recalled what happened to her right eye and told me about it in our second

meeting, 15 February 2018. She had her 15th birthday a month later.

“(I was) sighted when (I was) born. Yes, it (the sight loss) took

stages and the process was... was long. The right eye-sight

degradation began... (when I was) in the fourth grade. Yeah,

(when I was) in the fourth grade. It was because of glaucoma.

Did you know it (glaucoma), Mbak?” (D1N208 - 209)

“Yes, that’s it. It got my eye ball. (The eye ball) already got

surgically taken out and replaced with an artificial eye.”


She was strong enough to tell about her first sight loss that just happened not so

long time ago. She seemed to get used to it as she could control herself not to shed

a tear. She was so strong that she could continue her story.

“Yes... And then the left eye sight began its degradation (when

I was) in the sixth grade. It was because of, like I said on the

other day, toxo (-plasmosis). The toxo could be handled at first...

and (I was) recovered.. yes, recovered. But because I.. because at


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that time I.. the blood vessel got swollen, Mbak. And yeah the

blood vessel got swollen. Then right 2 weeks before the National

Exam, my relatives came. Then, how to say it.. it got bumped..

got bumped.” (D1N215 - 216)

After being partially-impaired for almost 2 years, Nada had to face the

reality that she had to lose her left eye sight as well. She was diagnosed with

toxoplasmosis. She said that it might have been because she kept many cats in her

house, which somehow led to an infection by toxoplasma parasite. At first, the

doctor could cure it. But then, the blood vessel in her left eye got swollen. One day

when her relatives came, her left eye accidentally got bumped by her cousin while

they were playing. Her remaining sight started to blurry. When her parents took her

to the hospital, they found out that her left eye’s blood vessel just burst, causing her

to be totally-impaired just 2 weeks before the National Examination.

Nada is a strong-willed girl who strives in her life. It can be seen from one

of her important life events where she had to face the National Examination without

her sight for the first time. She described that she did well in the National

Examination when she said “Alhamdulillah, (it was) good” with a smile on her face.

She could pass the exam even though she just lost her sight 2 weeks prior. Hence,

she did feel sad and shocked knowing she could not see anymore. She voiced her

feelings below.

“(I was) down for sure. For sure. For sure. It was not because I

used to be sighted but now I can’t see anything. Not because of

that. But umm.. knowing my parents.. if I know my parents sad, I

feel sad too. And I felt sadder when they had to find a school for

me because there weren’t any inclusive schools (in my

hometown). So, that’s the hard thing. (I) tried to register here

and there, even though I got sufficient scores or stuff, I still

couldn’t be accepted.” (D1N226)


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She revealed that becoming a visually-impaired student was a sad thing she had to

adapt with. It is not because that she is visually-impaired now, but that she feels

she may cause her parents to be sad and in difficulties for being visually-impaired.

She does not want her parents to join in her sadness, but reality speaks differently.

It gets worse knowing that it is not easy for VIS to get formal education since there

are not many inclusive or special education schools that can be found in every city

in Indonesia. When her parents tried to find her a school in her hometown, not a

single school accepted her even though she had sufficient scores. It was a tearful

moment for her to see that her parents had to struggle to find her a school which

was willing to accept her as a visually-impaired student, a student as she is. Hence,

she had to move out from her hometown to pursue formal education in a special

education school in Yogyakarta.

In relation to English competence, Nada is relatively good at English. She is

the smartest student in English class. When I met her for the first time (that was

the day when I had a casual conversation with the whole members of her class

since the teacher asked me to be there to have a talk with them because she had to

go to a student’s funeral outside the town), her friends said that Nada was smart.

It was approved by the teacher who said Nada always got the highest English

scores in class. In fact, Nada likes English and thinks it is easy compared to other

school subjects.

“I like it (English).” (D1N04)

“Umm... I think it’s easy because...How to say it?.. I

never..never..never [shaking her head while finding the words]. I

used to be a sighted student, Mbak. So, in English class, I never


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find difficulties with the theories. Besides, I used to watch...

What is it?... that kind of movies. Yeah, I found the ease because

of that. It helped me with the vocabulary. Yes, that’s it.” (D1N10

- 11)

Nada understood that vision helps a lot in learning a language, English specifically.

Being a student who used to be able to see makes her have visual memory. Her

strong visual memory eases the process of learning English. Moreover, when she

was still able to see, Nada used to watch English movies. She believed it had

supported her vocabulary.

2. Damar (pseudonym)

My second co-researcher is Damar. He was in his second year of junior high

school when I interviewed him on 8 April 2018 and 19 April 2018. Damar is the

second child of four siblings. His father works as a civil servant and his mother is a

junior high school teacher. Damar was born in Yogyakarta 15 years ago but spent

his childhood with his family in Bengkulu. He was born sighted but 3 months

premature, causing him to lose his sight at the age of 4.

“Yes. Umm if I’m not mistaken, it happened when I was 4 years

old. And it happened just like that” (D1D31)

“My family started to learn it when they saw me playing. I usually

played lively, but that day I walked and bumped myself here and

there.” (D1D35)

“Umm let’s see. (There are) no (visual) memories left.

[laughing]” (D1D33)

In the excerpts above, Damar recollected the first time when he began to lose his

sight. He was no older than 4 years old when it began. His family was wondering

what happened to him when they saw him bumping himself around the house while

walking. He used to be a sprightful kid, but that day he was so different that his


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family took him to the doctor’s. Then, they learned that he became partially-

impaired, and soon totally-impaired eventually. The stages were so quickly that he

remembered a little. The doctor explained it was due to a premature birth. His

mother was only in her six-month pregnancy when she had to deliver him. Starting

to lose his sight at the age of 4, Damar stated that he no longer had any visual

memories left.

“It can be said that at first I didn’t realize that I was visually-

impaired. I began to learn that I’m visually-impaired in the

elementary school, Mbak” (D1D37 - 38)

“It was when... how to say it... when they were chatting, they were

telling me, my mom was telling me as well.. She told me many

times in fact, about things like how I was when I was a baby. The

stages (when I became visually-impaired). And yeah, I finally

understood but not fully understood because I still had remaining

sight at that time, a little though.” (D1D42)

“Umm let’s see. (There are) no (visual) memories left.

[laughing]” (D1D33)

Damar revealed that at first he thought he was still like the other kids, nothing

was wrong with him, until he began his elementary school years. His parents sent

him to an elementary school for VI in Bengkulu. He started to realize that he was

visually-impaired when people around him told him about his condition. In fact,

his mom patiently told him many times about the process of his sight loss. Little

Damar could not fully understand it because he was still partially-impaired at that

time. He thought he was still like the other kids who could see. Time went by and

he finally could fully understand that he was visually-impaired when he totally lost

his sight.

Before Damar graduated from elementary school, he intended to continue

his study in Java Island, and his family helped his plan.


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“Actually I... long before I graduated, I had a plan... I mean I’m

planning to continue my study in Java.” (D1D154)

“I began to have such a plan when I went to Bandung for a quiz

contest.” (D1D156)

“I happened to meet my teacher’s friend. He offered me to study

in East Java, in Surabaya, if I’m not mistaken. He said, “How

about that?”. I talked to my parents. And they finally said, “It’s

all up to you.”. I thought about it again. I thought about it and then

I decided to study in Jogja (Yogyakarta) because I have relatives

here. After that, my sister tried to find me a school here and found

this school finally.” (D1D159)

The excerpts above tell how Damar decided to continue his study in a special

education junior high school in Yogyakarta. He stated that when he was still an

elementary school student, he often joined school competitions and contests and

was sent to Bandung one day. From his experience in one of the cities in Java

Island, he wanted to continue his study in Java after he graduated. Then, he

expressed his plan to his parents. Since he has relatives in Yogyakarta, he decided

to continue his study in the City of Education with the help of his older sister who

studies in one of the universities in Yogyakarta.

Even though Damar lost his sight a long time ago, when he was four, he

still could not fully accept his condition. He still feels unconfident until now,

especially around his own family, as he said below.

“It was... yeah... Most people think that those who lost their vision

since childhood tend to be able to accept their condition. I

personally still can’t I guess. Because I realized (that I still can’t

accept it) when I was 12 years old, turning to a teenager, I kept

thinking “Why should I become like this? Why should I become

different from others?”. Now, I can accept it but I still feel

unconfident when I’m around my family.” (D1D108 - 111)

The excerpt infers that Damar is still unable to completely accept his condition.

There is a feeling of acceptance, but it is not much because he still does not feel


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confident being around his family when he goes home on school holidays. He feels

more comfortable living in the dormitory with his friends than being different

among his family members in his hometown. He stated that one reason that made

him unconfident around his family was due to the low frequency of meeting them.

He said that he met his family in Bengkulu only once a year, every Eid al-Fitr

holiday. He meets his older sister who studies in Yogyakarta once a week though.

In English class, Damar is an enthusiastic student. When I observed his class,

he looked very attentive and was not afraid to ask questions to the teacher.

Although Damar is not as smart as Nada, he is eager to learn English, as we can

infer from these excerpts.

“Yeah.. the grades are pretty close to the average.” (D1D236)

“...For me, English is quite challenging.” (D1D239)

Basically, Damar is a student who has an average competence in English. He stated

that his grades are about average. Even so, he thinks English makes him feel

challenged and he wants to be better than that.

3. Agni (pseudonym)

Agni was my last co-researcher. She is 21 years old and was in the seventh

grade when I interviewed her on 28 March 2018 and 17 April 2018. She has one

older brother and her parents work as palm farmers in Riau. Agni was born in

Gunung Kidul but she moved to Riau with her family when she was 3 years old.

She was born sighted and went to an elementary school for sighted children in Riau

for 3 years.


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“I once went to an elementary school for sighted children for

2 years.. 3 years.” (D1A13)

“I registered in the elementary school when I was 6 years old.”


“(I spent) grade 1 (for) 2 years, grade 2 (for) 1 year. [laughing]”


“After that, I began to lose sight.” (D1A21)

Agni is a lively girl. She told her story with big smiles and laughs. In the excerpts

above, she stated that she started her elementary school years as young as 6 years

old, but she spent her first grade for 2 years and second grade for as normal as 1

year. After 3 years in elementary school for sighted children, she had an accident

that caused her an optical defect.

“That was because... what is it ya? They said (it was because) I

fell, but I don’t remember.” (D1A22)

“(I fell down) from the bed.” (D1A25)

“Yes, and the optic nerves got broken off.” (D1A23)

“(I) got surgical operations twice.” (D1A24)

“Yeah, the first (stage) was I could see people and objects, but

wasn’t sure what they were.” (D1A32)

“Yes. Then, the second (stage) was only lamps.. lights and sorts.”


“Finally, (I’m) totally-impaired.” (D1A35)

Agni completely forgets how she became visually-impaired but people

around her said she fell down from the bed one day when she was about 9 years

old. She fell down hard and her family took her to the hospital. They learned that

her optic nerves got broken off, leading to a surgical operation but it did not work

much. Agni mentioned that there were phases of her visual loss. In the first phase,

she still could see people and objects even though they were not clear. In the second

phase, she could only differentiate between light and dark. In the last phase, there


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was no light perception, which is where she is in now. She said that what she could

recognize was only light now.

“My eyes (can see) only light, no matter if there’s a blackout or

it’s dark, for me (it’s) always light.” (D1A37)

“(Even if I) close my eyes, (it’s) still light. [laughing]” (D1A43)

“Because there’s cloudiness on my (left) eye. Can you see it,

Mbak? (On) the dark part.” (D1A45)

She told me what happened to her eyes after the accident. She explained it

in a lively way so that I could not notice if she was sad or not. After she fell down

from the bed and got surgically operated, she got a cataract on her left eye lens. It

caused her to be unable to differentiate between dark and light. There was this white

cloudiness covering her left eye lens, causing her to see only light. Then, she

continued with what happened to her right eye below.

“No. The right eye is just an artificial eye.” (D1A48)

“I just got (the second) surgical operation.... in grade 7, semester

1.” (D1A49, D1A50)

“It was because of glaucoma.” (D1A56)

“It was always... always watery and dazzled, even when I closed

my eyes. It was still dazzled.” (D1A60)

At first, I thought both of her eyes got cataracts, but soon I realized it was only her

left eye. She mentioned that she had to go under the blades for the second time,

when she was in semester 1 of the seventh grade, due to glaucoma that she had since

she was in grade 5. She explained that her right eye was always watery and dazzled,

even when she closed her eyes. It was so painful for her that she decided to get a

surgical operation to take out her right eye and replace it with an ocular prosthesis,

just like what Nada, my first co-researcher, got before.

“(I) stopped for some years. Umm how many years ya? From

2006 until 2013, if I’m not mistaken.” (D1A91 - 92)


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“(I) just stayed at home, keeping the grocery store.” (D1A95)

“Yes. I was watching TV... watching TV.. There was this kind of

religious talk. A talk inviting visually-impaired children. After

that, I asked to be sent to school (to my parents). Then, my uncle

tried to find one (school). At first, I was about to be sent to an

Islamic boarding school because we didn’t know there was a

school for visual impairment. But then, my uncle’s friend said that

he had an acquaintance named Pak Salim.” (D1A110)

The excerpts above show that little Agni once stopped going to school after

she lost her sight when she was about 9 years old. She stopped for quite a long time,

from 2006 to 2013. After staying home for a long time, keeping the grocery store,

she had the urge from inside to continue her study when she saw a talk show

program on TV which invited children who were visually-impaired. She talked

about it to her family and her family approved it. Then, she was about to be sent to

an Islamic boarding school due to the lack of information about special education

schools for VI. But then, her uncle’s friend said that he had an acquaintance named

Pak Salim (pseudonym), who is the chairman of the school foundation where she

goes to now.

During school, Agni has a tough relationship with English. She has never

found English as a pleasurable school subject to study, as described in the excerpts


“In my opinion.. how to say it? [laughing] Because (I) don’t like

it, (it’s) difficult.” (D1A289)

“It’s hard. How to say it? For me, it’s difficult. It’s hard to

memorize (words). Well, almost all (English lessons) that I find

difficult.” (D1A171 - 72)

She does not like English from the beginning. She thinks it is such a real bear to

face. She also assumes that she cannot deal with it since memorizing words is her


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weakness. Hence, she never gets good scores for English and gives up most of the



In this section, the three co-researchers’ lived experience in learning English

is described and interpreted in anecdotes. The anecdotes are rich of stories and

meanings. They are classified into seven emergent themes, namely, Transitions,

Lack of School’s Media and Facilities, Auditory Learners, Motivational Issues,

Achievements, Near Future Plans, and Visually-impaired or Blind?. Some of the

themes were based on subjective experience and some were derived from inter-

subjective experience.

1. Transitions

My three co-researchers used to be sighted children. They somehow

undergo some transitions in various aspects that may affect their attitudes towards

anything they encounter, including studying. As of what Nada has experienced

when she had English lesson in class. She recollected her experience as follows.

“(I got English for the first time when I was in) grade 2 if I’m

not mistaken. Yeah, I didn’t have it in grade 1. The lessons in

grade 2 were only the beginning, such as learning English

alphabets.” (D1N15 - 16)

Nada remembered she had English lessons for the first time when she was still in

elementary school. She started learning English when she was a second grader, it is

only as an extracurricular subject though. She recalled that the lessons were as easy

as learning English alphabets. It can be inferred that Nada had been learning English


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for 5 years before she learned English in junior high school. Hence, when she first

learned English in junior high school, she underwent this anticipated transition

where she could predict what the lesson would be like.

“I didn’t get any difficulties because in the earlier meetings we

didn’t directly discuss about texts or sorts. But the teacher

diagnosed our competence by “Now please write as many

(English) words that you know as possible”. I felt comfortable

there.” (D1N43)

Nada explained that she could enjoy the first meetings of English class in

junior high school because she liked her teacher’s approach which was not too

demanding for her, for a seventh grader. Her teacher’s approach to diagnose the

students’ competence made her feel comfortable in class and get no difficulties with

the lesson. She thought English was not difficult. She understood that being a

student who used to be able to see somehow gave her the ease to learn English. The

excerpt below shows other reasons why she believed English was easy.

“Umm.. I think it’s easy because.. what is it.. I never..never..

[shaking her head]. I used to be sighted, Mbak. So, the theories

in English.. I never.. never face any difficulties with them. And

I used to watch these (English) films. I found it easy there. It helps

me out with the vocabulary. Yes, like that.” (D1N10 – 11)

When I asked her about whether English was easy or difficult, she replied firmly.

She said it was easy. She believed it was not difficult because she used to be

sighted, so learning a language, English specifically, was not a big deal for her.

She could relate the theories in English and lessons on English vocabulary to her

visual memory. Moreover, she used to watch western films in English from which

she subconsciously learned some new words. Thus, when her teacher asked her to

mention as many English words as possible, she could do it well.


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Due to the fact that Nada had been learning English since she was in grade

2, she showed attitudes towards English just like the other subjects that she also

had been learning since elementary school. It is because she did not realize that

English was compulsory in junior high school until I told her about it.

“Compulsory? I didn’t know it! Haha [shaking her head and

laughing].” (D1N36-37)

Her expression of surprise she gave me in the first interview on 15 February 2018

revealed that she just knew English was compulsory in junior high school after she

had been learning it for almost 3 years.

It is slightly different from Damar, who was in the eighth grade when I

interviewed him. He did not know if English was an international language until he

was in the second semester of grade 7.

“Well actually, in the beginning I wasn’t challenged.. wasn’t

challenged at all. At first I just.. how to say it.. I just took it as a

difficult lesson, quite difficult. Not only because of the difficulties

I mentioned earlier, but also I thought it was not hehe [giggling]

not important. Yeah, it was because I didn’t know that

English was actually the international language.” (D1D241 –


“I knew it (for the first time) when I was in grade 7, semester 2.”


Damar, who never had English lessons in elementary school before, recollected

his transition of getting English subject in junior high school in the excerpts above.

It can be inferred that Damar did not take learning English as seriously as he does

now because at first he did not understand the significance of learning English.

The first time he had the lesson in semester 1 of grade 7, he treated it as any other

languages he was learning at school. For him, it was more difficult than other


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languages he was learning, but that was just it, nothing more. He realized that it

was the international language 6 months later. This transition changed his attitude

towards English, making him feel challenged to learn it.

However, Damar is still in a transition where he has to accustom himself

to English speaking. He is still comfortable to learn English words using spelling

in Indonesian language rather than in English itself.

“(I prefer spelling words in Bahasa Indonesia to in English)

because.. how to say it.. I’m learning English for the first time

here. I still can’t absorb it well, so I prefer spelling words in

Bahasa Indonesia.” (D1D210)

Since Damar did not get English lessons when he was in elementary school, he

undergoes this transition requiring him to adjust himself to English. So, whenever

he learns new words, he feels comfortable if his teacher spells the words in

Indonesian language, he understands spelling words in English is important

though, as what he mentioned below.

“Umm I think spelling words in English is important so that

we can get ourselves used to English.” (D1D220 – 221)

Besides undergoing anticipated transitions dealing with learning English,

Damar also underwent another transition which was unanticipated, a transition as

a result of losing his vision.

“It was... yeah... Most people think that those who lost their vision

since childhood tend to be able to accept their condition. I

personally still can’t I guess. Because I realized (that I still can’t

accept it) when I was 12 years old, turning to a teenager, I kept

thinking “Why should I become like this? Why should I become

different from others?”. Now, I can accept it but I still feel

unconfident when I’m around my family.” (D1D108 - 111)


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We can infer from the excerpt above that becoming a visually-impaired child was

so hard for Damar that he had to struggle with the feelings of being different, being

unconfident, being inferior for quite a long time. He even still feels unconfident

sometimes now. The feeling of being different often gets greater when he is with

his family that he meets at least once a year in his hometown, Bengkulu, since he

is the only member who is visually-impaired.

A similar unanticipated transition was also undergone by Agni, who was,

like the other co-researchers, born sighted. She started to lose her sight when she

was in the third grade of elementary school and decided to quit studying for quite

a long time.

“(I) stopped for some years. Umm how many years ya? From

2006 until 2013, if I’m not mistaken.” (D1A91 - 92)

“(I) just stayed at home, keeping the grocery store.” (D1A95)

Agni recollected she stopped going to school after she lost her sight when she was

about 9 years old. She stopped for quite a long time, from 2006 to 2013. It must

have been a great shock for Little Agni. Nine years old is the time where children

are very enthusiastic to go to school or play with friends. However, everything

changed in a blink of eyes when she fell down from the bed, causing her to become

visually-impaired. She drew herself out from the society, quitting her study and

just staying at home and keeping the grocery store. This transition has shaped Agni

to be ignorant to people since she did not have enough interaction with them after

she drew herself from school.


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2. Lack of School’s Media and Facilities

Learning a foreign language is difficult for many sighted students. It can

be even more difficult for VIS. Hence, teaching and learning media and facilities

play significant roles to ease the process and help forming the outcomes. Some

schools in Indonesia are still in need of sufficient media and facilities for learning

English. Nada, who was a ninth grader and facing the National Examination in a

couple of months, recollected that she had to figure out a way to cope with the

limited media and facilities that her school had.

“In my opinion, we lack media and facilities. If we didn’t lack

them, I wouldn’t be in need of someone to help me learning. We

even don’t have any dictionaries in Braille. Everything is limited.

So unlucky [laughing]. Oh and the Braille text books, I don’t

think we have them either. Well, we once had a book in Braille,

but it was the last year National Examination compilation. And

there was only a single copy of it handed to students of 9A, B, C.

Can you imagine it? Surely we had to share.” (D1N162 - 163)

The excerpt above shows that there were not enough media and facilities in Nada’s

school. As a visually-impaired student, Nada really needed text books and

dictionaries in Braille. Unfortunately, her school did not provide them. She

mentioned there was only one Braille book of the last year National Examination

compilation that had to be shared to students of three different classes. If one

student has finished reading it, she or he has to hand it in to another student, which

is complicated and can be possibly not in an optimal use. Thus, Nada needed

someone who could give her lessons that she might have not learned them due to

the lack of media and facilities. She understood that without sufficient media and


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facilities her learning process could hardly get somewhere. And even though self-

learning is still possible for VIS, it is multiple times harder than we ever think.

“Yeah. Not all visually-impaired students can operate

Android-based phones. Maybe there are (only) one or two (who

can operate Android-based phones). So, if there were books in

Braille, we would be helped a lot.” (D1N168)

“Audio tapes do help with the pronunciation too.” (D1N170)

Nada stated that there were some of her friends who could not operate

Android-based phones for self-learning. She has an Android-based phone and can

operate it quite well, but she understands that without Android-based phones she

might be in difficulties to learn English by herself, especially when there are

limited media and facilities for learning. Her school does not even have audio tape

players along with the tapes to learn how to pronounce words correctly and

improve their listening skill. Hence, she tried to voice up how important those

media and facilities are for learning English in the previous excerpt.

Damar, who never had English subject before in his elementary school,

experienced the difficulties possibly due to the absence of audio tape players in his

class. He could not pronounce some alphabets and simple words correctly. Below

is his experience when he had to read a word.

“Yes, I have (the experience). That was when I read an English

word, ‘please’.” (D1D229)

“It is written ‘please’, but I read it ‘ple-a-se’ [laughing].”


Damar is a student who is not very familiar with English pronunciation since he

started learning it in junior high school. Therefore, it is very important for him to

have as much English pronunciation exposure as possible so that he will not


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mispronounce any words. Besides listening to his teacher’s speaking in English,

listening to English native speakers through audio tape players will help him out.

Unfortunately, there were no audio tape players in his school, so his teacher helped

him correct his pronunciation. It also happened when he had to pronounce some

alphabets. When I interviewed him on 8 April 2018, I tested his pronunciation out

a little.

“Damar, did you know how to pronounce ‘H’?” (D1R211)

“Umm [thinking] let me see... I sometimes remember, but it’s

hard to say it.” (D1D211)

“/eks/” (D1D216)

Damar seemed to be unable to pronounce English alphabets correctly even though

he was already in grade 8. Instead of pronouncing it /eij/, he pronounced it /eks/.

This will certainly bring a misunderstanding between him and other people who

speak English. One of the possible factors of his mispronunciation is the absence

of audio recordings that can provide him good models of native English


Like Nada, Damar also experienced the difficulties when learning English

without any text books in Braille. He recalled his experience below.

“Umm if I’m not mistaken it was a Wednesday. On Tuesday

morning, we were informed that there would be a test on the

following day.” (D2D206)

“I finally just studied from what I had written, what I had known

only. Yeah, so I didn’t study from other sources (such as text

books in Braille).” (D2D209 – 210)

“(The result was) not satisfying.” (D2D212)

Damar recollected his experience when he got an unsatisfying result in an English

test due to the absence of Braille books. He had to study from sources that might


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have been not reliable enough since he could not consult what he had written to

English text books in Braille. And because of the absence of these books, the

reading lesson has to turn into listening lesson with the teacher reading the texts

aloud to the class, as what Nada experienced below.

“For daily tests.. they’re not that often in our English class

actually. If we have a test, the teacher will only give us the

items (read us the texts and question items), but the teacher

won’t score us. Umm how to say it? The testing system here is

like this. So, Ms. Indah gives us the items (reads us the texts and

question items) and we will answer them using our fingers. If we

answer A, we have to raise one finger, for B we raise two fingers,

for C we raise three fingers. Then, she will tell us whether our

answer is correct or incorrect. So, she sees it (our competence)

from that.” (D1N156)

Nada said that in an English test her teacher, Ms. Indah (pseudonym), would

read the texts and the question items so that the students could answer the questions

using their fingers. From Nada’s experience above, we can infer that reading

lesson in Nada’s school are not delivered well since the students cannot read the

texts by themselves due to the lack of text books in Braille. Unfortunately, this is

what the school can do since they do not have any budgets allocated for media and

facilities for learning English.

3. Auditory Learners

People in general learn through multiple senses, even though they are often

only aware of using one or two of the senses in specific situations (Gardner, 1993).

Most learners depend on their visual and auditory senses when studying a foreign

language. However, when a learner fails to use one or both of their senses, they

are likely to replace it with another sense (Kochyigit and Artar, 2015). Visually-


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impaired students (VIS) fail to use their visual sense to learn. Hence, they rely on

their second most prominent sense, the auditory sense. Yet, it does not apply for

Agni, my third co-researcher who was still in the seventh grade.

“How to say it? Since the beginning, I’ve had the difficulties in

memorizing (words), Mbak. Well, there are a lot actually that I

found difficult.” (D1A172)

“How to say it? If I learn English, I need to use my tactile sense

and be taught. But if I have to learn with my auditory sense, I

will never get it.” (D1A168)

Agni, who dislikes English so much, always faces difficulties when learning

it. She said it was because that every time she learned English in class, she had to

use her auditory sense to learn while she felt she would never learn anything

without using her tactile sense. It became a pain for her during the English class

because she could not make use her tactile sense due to the absence of text books

in Braille and had to learn something that she hated using her auditory sense, which

she was even weak of. It can be inferred that not all VIS are auditory learners. Agni

appears to be one of them.

4. Motivational Issues

Similar to the previous theme, this theme emerges as a subjective theme

coming from Agni’s lived experience. She stated that she hated English. It seems

that until now she has not gotten any motivations at all to learn it. Despite the fact

that there is a compulsory English lesson called Brailliant outside school hours

given by the volunteers, she shows up in the class with low motivation. When I

came to her dormitory on 17 April 2018, she did not tell me that she was having a

Brailliant class. When she knew I came, she preferred having the interview to


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learning in class because she did not know what to do in class, just like what she

expressed in the excerpts below.

“I was playing the paper [laughing]. That’s why every time I

have a Brailliant class, I often play the paper. I don’t know

what to do.” (D2A05 – 06)

When I saw her in class, she was holding a sheet of paper. I thought she was

reading something, but she revealed that she was just playing the paper. It can be

inferred that her motivation is so low that she usually keeps silent or pretends to

read something whenever she is in an English class.

Agni also stated that there was not a single lesson of English that she found

easy. All English lessons are difficult and the teaching-learning process is never


“Not fun. Because I don’t like English.” (D2A13)

When I asked her what things could possibly make English interesting to her, Agni


“(If I’m) comfortable with the teacher, (English will be

interesting).” (D2A20)

“(I liked studying with Mr. Haris) because he was a relaxed

person. And he didn’t place himself as a teacher and me as a

student. So, we were like friends.” (D2A24)

“He never got angry, never complicated things, he was patient.”


She recollected that she once enjoyed an English class when she was in elementary

school. It was in Mr. Haris’ class. She enjoyed his class because Mr. Haris

(pseudonym) treated his students like his friends and he was very patient. Even

though it was still hard for her to learn in class, she believed that if she got private

lessons from a teacher who she was comfortable with, things would be different.


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“(To make me understand the lesson) I have to get a private

class.” (D2A69)

“First, I need to feel comfortable with my teacher. Then, if I’m

comfortable enough, those four skills that you mentioned

(reading, writing, listening, and speaking) could be practiced.”


It can be inferred from the excerpts that Agni needs to get a private class with

someone who she is comfortable with, who can motivate her with his/her patience.

Otherwise, she will never learn anything.

5. Achievements

Despite the fact that my co-researchers are visually-impaired and they learn

English in a limited way, they still have some achievements in their lives, proving

that they are capable to compete with anyone and the most important thing is with

themselves. Their achievements are in varied aspects elaborated as follow.

“A speech competition in a school’s anniversary. That was a

senior high school’s anniversary. So, they held some

competitions. One of them was this four-language speech

competition. And I chose English.” (D1N122)

“Although I didn’t win it, for me it was such... (an

achievement).” (D1N124)

The excerpt above is taken from Nada’s interview transcript. It reveals that

Nada once joined an English speech competition when she was in the seventh

grade, when she became totally-impaired for less than a year. She recalled that it

was a competition held for a senior high school’s anniversary. Thus, she had to

compete with other students outside her school who were either visually-impaired

or sighted. Despite the fact that she did not win the competition, she felt it was one


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of the big events in her life since it had proven her and other people around her

that she was capable of something bigger, something greater possibly.

Like Nada, who joined a competition outside her school, Damar also got the

chances to prove that he was able to compete with others who were sighted, outside

his school.

“I once won the second runner-up. In an Undang-Undang

Dasar reading competition. It was on a Saturday.” (D2D238 –


“What occasion was it? [thinking] Umm commemorating

Teachers’ Day if I’m not mistaken. There were about 40

contestants from all over Special Region of Yogyakarta. I forgot

where it was, but it wasn’t in this school for sure. At first, I wasn’t

confident enough because there were a lot of competitors and they

were all sighted.” (D2D243 – 247)

“At first, I wasn’t confident enough. But then I endeavored, I did

what I had to do. At the announcement time, I couldn’t believe it.

I thought I would’ve never won a place. I was very proud.”

(D2D250 – 251)

Damar had actually joined competitions many times when he was still in

elementary school and mostly they were national scaled. However, he always

failed there. Thus, when he won the second runner-up for an Undang-Undang

Dasar (Constitution) reading competition in junior high school, he was very proud.

The previous competitions where he always failed once got him unconfident to

win one. But he understood that once he committed to join a competition, he had

to endeavor, he had to strive, which he actually did in that Constitution reading

competition and won a place. Although it was not an English competition, it was

an unforgettable experience and a success for him.


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Agni has similar experiences. She won some competitions in her school.

Most of them were wudhu (ablution) competitions. She recollected her experiences

as follow.

“In this school, (I won) some competitions in religious

retreats. I became the winner of wudhu competitions. Yeah, for

4 times.” (D2A267 – 270)

“Correct. With the last one in this school, so I won for 5 times

[laughing].” (D2A272)

“How to say it, Mbak? I was happy. That’s all [laughing]”

(D2A282 – 283)

Even though Agni might seem to be hopeless in English, she could make some

achievements in other aspects, such as religious aspect. Until now, she has won

ablution competitions for five times, which is amazing. She was happy every time

she became the winner of those competitions, but that was all about it. It seemed

she had not realized that she had made great records in her life.

6. Near Future Plans

This theme is an inter-subjective theme that emerged from the data

analysis. It reflects human beings with their own purposes and dreams in their

lives. The purpose of including this theme in the study is to encourage readers to

see people, VIS specifically, as holistic beings with the desires in learning specific

things and the desires in bettering themselves in various aspects of life.

After being a while in a special education school, my three co-researchers

are eager to have a change for their future. They would like to enroll in an inclusive

senior high school and compete with sighted students. Damar revealed his

intention below.


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“I myself have a plan to continue my study in an inclusive

senior high school.” (D1D273)

“The thing that makes me believe I can is the chances. The

chances of students with different abilities to go to inclusive

senior high schools (are getting bigger).” (D1D279)

Even though Damar was still in the eighth grade when I asked him about his near

future plan, he revealed that he wanted to continue his study in an inclusive senior

high school in Yogyakarta. He said he was preparing for it and he believed that he

could continue his study there. His belief was based on the fact that nowadays there

are more and more schools that welcome children with special needs as their


Agni, who was a seventh grader when I interviewed her, also expressed her

willing to study in an inclusive school. Yet, she would prefer to enroll in an

inclusive vocational high school.

“After I graduate from this junior high school, I want to go to

a vocational high school.” (D2A329)

“Which program? Umm the one which was like Debby’s. Debby

was an intern here.” (D2A331 – 332)

“That’s what I think. I prefer enrolling in a vocational high school

because after I graduate I can get a vocational high school’s

certificate which is easier to use to get a job. A senior high

school’s certificate is harder to use (to get a job).” (D2A336)

The excerpts reveal that Agni believes if she graduates from a vocational high

school, it will be easier for her to get a job. It will be a different story if she

graduates from a senior high school. She has not decided which program she will

take, but right now she is interested in the one that is like Debby’s, an intern in her

school some time ago. It seems Debby has motivated Agni to continue her study


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in a vocational high school. However, Agni still feels worried about studying in a

new school.

“I’m worried because..what is it? I’m a typical person who is

difficult to adapt with new people. And I’m also.. how to say it?

Ignorant. And I don’t know how to change it. Yeah, that is the

only thing I’m worried about [laughing]. (I’m) worried if I don’t

have any friends.” (D2A364)

In the excerpt above, Agni revealed that her ignorant and unadaptable personalities

might make her difficult in getting new friends in her future school, which made

her worried. Moreover, she did not know how to change her personalities.

The urge to enroll in an inclusive school is also felt by Nada, who just

graduated from a special education junior high school when I was working on this

research’s findings. She expressed that it was her own plan to continue her study

in an inclusive school.

“Well, not really. My parents never set any goals for me.

Everything is all up to me. And I personally want to enroll in

an inclusive school.” (D1N238 – 239)

“Because I believe I can (enroll in an inclusive senior high

school).” (D1N241)

“Which school am I aiming to? 1 Sewon Senior High School,

insha Allah.” (D2N152)

We can infer from the excerpts that Nada’s parents never burden her with goals

that they want. They let her daughter decide for her own future. Hence, it is Nada’s

own willing to pursue education in an inclusive senior high school and she wants

it to be 1 Sewon Senior High School. Nada revealed her reason of her willing to

continue her study in an inclusive school below.

“... My main reason is to continue my study from junior high

school to senior high school. I don’t want to stop in junior high

school level [laughing].” (D2N160)


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“... Because I want to develop myself academically... I believe I

can engage myself in inclusive classes. (I want) to compete

(with sighted peers).” (D2N162 - 163)

She said that she did not want to stop her study only until in junior high school

level. She wanted to develop herself academically. She wanted to pursue good

higher education where she could compete with other sighted peers. And she

believed she could. That was the most important thing.

7. Visually-Impaired or Blind?

The last theme is a subjective theme that came from Damar about the terms

visually-impaired and blind. It is a result of my own curiosity towards the term

which visually-impaired people prefer for themselves. This curiosity first appeared

when I saw a show on TV where they had some guests who were deaf and mute. In

that TV show, the guests corrected the presenters for calling them people with

hearing impairment and speech impairment. They did not like being called as

hearing-impaired and/or speech-impaired people. They preferred the terms deaf and

mute. It was because they did not want people in general only focus on the word

‘impairment’ which actually has the same meaning as ‘damage’, which apparently

is not what they favor at all. Hence, I was wondering whether it also went the same

to people with VI. Then, I asked Damar in the interview on 8 April 2018 and he

surprisingly knew that deaf and mute people preferred to be called that way.

“.... some days ago, I also knew it from my friend, my senior

here.” (D1D288)

“I personally... about those kinds of terms umm.. don’t mind them

at all, visually-impaired, difabel, as long as the language is nice

to hear, I’m okay with them.” (D1D292)


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“In my opinion, (the term blind) it is not appropriate for me.”


The excerpts above shows that Damar does not favor the term ‘blind’, unlike deaf

and mute people. He thinks it is not appropriate to call visually-impaired people

‘blind’ since it may offend them. From this talk with Damar, I learned that not all

people with VI favor to be called ‘blind’ or maybe all visually-impaired people do

not favor the word ‘blind’ attached to them. They want people to respect their favor

and call them visually-impaired instead.

Even though this emergent theme is not directly related to VIS learning

English, it is very related to them as human beings, who can get affected by simple

thing like this. We may think that the word ‘blind’ is just a word, but it may give a

huge impact for those who do not like it to be labelled to them. Teachers and other

parties involved in the educational settings are expected to be more sensitive with


The description and interpretation of the three visually-impaired junior high

school students above was approved through member-checking. Two of them had

the member-checking via WhatsApp. I translated the findings into Indonesian

language and sent them to Nada and Damar during 11 July 2018 – 29 July 2018.

And they confirmed the accuracy through WhatsApp voice messages. While, Agni

had the member-checking in the school dormitory on 29 July 2018. I read the

findings which I had already translated into Indonesian language to her and she

confirmed the accuracy.


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The last chapter of this study consists of three parts. The first is Conclusions,

which presents the conclusions of the research on the visually-impaired junior high

school students’ lived experience in learning English. The second part is

Implications. It describes the implications of the research to broader aspects. The

last is Recommendations, which attempts to give some recommendations related to

this study.


Visually-impaired students (VIS) are those who are unable to use their

visual sense to learn and rely on other senses, such as auditory and tactile senses.

When learning, some VIS can function well with their auditory sense, some can

only function with their tactile sense, and the rest can use both interchangeably. VIS

as human beings have the rights to equal education and freedom of opinion and

expression as stated in UDHR Article 26 and Article 19.

VIS can go to either common schools or special education schools. In those

schools, one of the subjects to study is English. English as a foreign language in

Indonesia is taught to junior high school students as a compulsory subject, there are

some elementary schools that give extracurricular English lessons though. Some

basic media to learn English for VIS are audio tape players and text books in Braille.

VIS who learn English in junior high school may undergo some transitions related

to English subject and/or their conditions. They may also have their own way of

learning it.


Page 96: the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english


This study attempted to illuminate visually-impaired junior high school

students’ lived experience in learning English. The participants, who are called as

the co-researchers in this study, were three VIS of a special education school in

Yogyakarta. The three co-researchers were in grade seven, eight, and nine when I

interviewed them. The findings of this study are in the form of description and

interpretation. When I described the experience, I also interpreted it. Hence, the

description and interpretation are combined into one and merged into themes. Some

of the themes are subjective and some are inter-subjective. These themes reflect the

essences or meanings of their lived experience. Below are the explained meanings

in brief.

First, VIS undergo transitions in their lives dealing with English in junior

high school and their condition. Students who already got English lessons in

elementary school can adapt well with the lessons in junior high school, unlike those

who learn English in junior high school for the first time. These students have to

undergo transitions for some time, which may make them incapable to perform

well, not to mention the VIS’ transitions of becoming visually-impaired.

Second, media and facilities in learning English are crucial for visually-

impaired junior high school students. However, not all of them can get these media

and facilities in their schools. My co-researchers who study in a special education

school that lacks these media and facilities have to struggle more to learn English

since there are not enough English text books and dictionaries in Braille and audio

tape players.


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Third, since VIS cannot learn using their visual sense, they learn using their

auditory and tactile senses. Some VIS can use both interchangeably, some can only

perform well using one sense. From the lived experience shared by my co-

researchers, one co-researcher explained that she was more on tactile learning than

auditory learning. However, the English class she had was mostly taught using

auditory approach. It clearly did not accommodate her learning style, reducing her

motivation to be engaged in class.

Fourth, some VIS may be prominent in English class and some may not.

One thing for sure is everyone must have some achievements in his/her life. As

reflected from their lived experience, no matter how small or big these

achievements are, these students have proven that they have fighting spirits which

fit to certain aspects of life. These fighting spirits play roles in allowing them to

have dreams and plans for their future. All of my three co-researchers have plans to

study in an inclusive school so that they can compete with their sighted peers. But

the most important thing is they have this belief and they want to know how far

their own competence will go.

Lastly, people with special needs have their own preference to be called.

Hearing-impaired and speech-impaired people choose to be called ‘deaf and mute’,

while visually-impaired people dislike the term ‘blind’, one of my co-researchers

for example. He does not like the word ‘blind’ used to describe him. He prefers the

words ‘visually-impaired’ and ‘diffable’ (differently-abled). He thinks it is not

appropriate to call visually-impaired people blind since it can be offensive.


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Those meanings were extracted from the seven emergent themes elaborated

in the previous chapter. These emergent themes apparently reflect the pre-figured

themes which I had bracketed before. I set aside these pre-figured themes and let

them alone while I did the analysis. The pre-figured themes that match the emergent

themes are auditory learners, school’s media and facilities for learning English,

transition, and motivation. The rest emergent themes appeared from the empirical

truth only.


There are some major implications drawn from this study. First, teachers of

VIS should understand the students’ impairment background and its transitions that

have shaped them into who they are. English teachers in junior high school should

also help the students be aware of the fact that English is compulsory and why it is

necessary to be learned by junior high school students.

Another implication is visually-impaired junior high school students need

media and facilities in learning English. Basic media and facilities, such as audio

tape players and text books in Braille, are necessary to support self-learning and

give models of native English pronunciation. If the school does not provide them,

VIS cannot perform well. The school where I conducted the research in is a

religious-based special education school under the supervision of Ministry of

Religious Affairs. This school lacks the basic media and facilities, leading to

unsatisfying results that most students get. It can be implied that not all schools

under Ministry of Religious Affairs’ supervision are well taken care of.


Page 99: the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english


Third, even though VIS can rely on their other senses, such as auditory sense

and tactile sense, it does not mean that they can function well using both of them.

When learning something, English specifically, they tend to choose one of those

senses to perform well. And teachers must understand this and give variation of

approaches used in class so that they can accommodate each student’s learning


Fourth, some VIS have motivational issues that hinder them to perform well

in English class. These issues can be related to their confidence of their condition,

their school, their teachers, their friends, and/or their family. In order to know the

reason of why students appearing unmotivated, teachers can try come to them and

talk with them as friends to understand what they think and feel.

Fifth, some VIS may be prominent in English class and some may not. One

thing for sure is everyone must have some achievements in his/her life. No matter

how small or big these achievements are, these students have proven that they have

fighting spirits which fit to certain aspects of life. Teachers and people around them

should show some appreciations in order that they can feel appreciated as well as

motivated to achieve something bigger.

The last implication is not directly related to learning English, but to the

students as human beings. As human beings, VIS need better supports in ups and

downs in other aspects of life. People around them (teachers, friends, families, and

others) should not be in doubt in showing any supports they have to them. They can

try to be appreciative and supportive to VIS’ dreams and future plans. They can


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also try to be more respectful towards VIS’ preference to be called so that VIS can

feel understood and welcomed in the society.


This study was conducted in a special education junior high school under

the supervision of Ministry of Religious Affair which lacks media and facilities for

learning English. It makes the teaching-learning process monotonous and appear to

be unable to accommodate VIS learning styles. Thus, a change is recommended for

the English classes. Teachers can start every English class with some

encouragement for the students to speak English in class. The students can use

simple words and are allowed to make grammatical mistakes. They will be helped

by the teachers later as long as they keep using English in class.

Since the school cannot provide media and facilities, it would be better if

the teachers used their cell phones or laptops with small loud speakers to give the

students models of native English pronunciation. Teachers can also try to

accommodate tactile learners with realias or other objects they can find in their

school. Teachers can also make use of the only Braille text book they have by

allowing each student to read each paragraph of a text to the end. After that, the

teachers can give them questions related to the text to check the students’

comprehension. In that way, the reading class will stay a reading class, not a

listening class.

Besides recommending a change for English teaching-learning process, I

would also like to present some recommendations for future studies. Since this


Page 101: the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english


study was conducted in a big scope, it is recommended that future studies have

smaller-scoped discussions. Future researchers can conduct a study on how VIS

learn certain English skills. They can also design supplementary material to

improve certain skill, such as reading or speaking. Another recommendation may

also include pedagogical equity involving two parties, the VIS and the teachers.

Last but not least, future researchers can also develop teaching-learning media to

learn English.


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Formulir Persetujuan Rekan Peneliti

Universitas Sanata Dharma

Departemen Kajian Bahasa Inggris

Penasehat: Dr. J. Bismoko

Peneliti: Ana Humardhiana

Judul Penelitian: The Lived Experience of Visually-Impaired Junior High School

Students in Learning English

Dengan hormat,

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengalaman hidup Anda

dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris dan menemukan maknanya. Tujuannya diupayakan

untuk refleksi diri dan agar masyarakat umum dapat lebih memahami siswa SMP

tunanetra yang belajar Bahasa Inggris.

Studi berbasis pengalaman hidup ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan

fenomenologi hermeneutik. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif terbuka yang

mengharapkan Anda untuk menjawab serangkaian pertanyaan dalam wawancara

semi terstruktur mendalam. Wawancara akan dilakukan di luar jam sekolah baik di

sekolah ataupun di rumah/ di asrama dan setiap wawancara akan berlangsung

selama 45 - 60 menit. Sebagai peneliti, saya akan melakukan 2 - 3 kali wawancara

yang akan di-video-rekam. Selain wawancara, saya juga akan melakukan observasi

kelas dan percakapan santai untuk mendukung penelitian ini. Perlu diketahui bahwa

di penelitian ini nama Anda akan disamarkan agar identitas Anda terjaga.

Ada beberapa keuntungan yang bisa Anda dapatkan dengan berpartisipasi dalam

penelitian ini, misalnya penelitian ini akan menjadi refleksi diri, suara Anda akan

didengar dan perasaan Anda akan dipahami, dan pada akhirnya Anda akan

diberdayakan untuk memiliki aktualisasi diri.

Yogyakarta, ...................

....................................... Ana Humardhiana

Partisipan/Rekan peneliti Peneliti

Kajian Bahasa Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma


Page 108: the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english



Formulir Persetujuan Rekan Peneliti

Universitas Sanata Dharma

Departemen Kajian Bahasa Inggris

Penasehat: Dr. J. Bismoko

Peneliti: Ana Humardhiana

Judul Penelitian: The Lived Experience of Visually-Impaired Junior High School

Students in Learning English

Dengan hormat,

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengalaman hidup Anda

dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris dan menemukan maknanya. Tujuannya diupayakan

untuk refleksi diri dan agar masyarakat umum dapat lebih memahami siswa SMP

tunanetra yang belajar Bahasa Inggris.

Studi berbasis pengalaman hidup ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan

fenomenologi hermeneutik. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif terbuka yang

mengharapkan Anda untuk menjawab serangkaian pertanyaan dalam wawancara

semi terstruktur mendalam. Wawancara akan dilakukan di luar jam sekolah baik di

sekolah ataupun di rumah/ di asrama dan setiap wawancara akan berlangsung

selama 45 - 60 menit. Sebagai peneliti, saya akan melakukan 2 - 3 kali wawancara

yang akan di-video-rekam. Selain wawancara, saya juga akan melakukan observasi

kelas dan percakapan santai untuk mendukung penelitian ini. Perlu diketahui bahwa

di penelitian ini nama Anda akan disamarkan agar identitas Anda terjaga.

Ada beberapa keuntungan yang bisa Anda dapatkan dengan berpartisipasi dalam

penelitian ini, misalnya penelitian ini akan menjadi refleksi diri, suara Anda akan

didengar dan perasaan Anda akan dipahami, dan pada akhirnya Anda akan

diberdayakan untuk memiliki aktualisasi diri.

Yogyakarta, ...................

....................................... Ana Humardhiana

Partisipan/Rekan peneliti Peneliti

Kajian Bahasa Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma


Page 109: the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english



Formulir Persetujuan Rekan Peneliti

Universitas Sanata Dharma

Departemen Kajian Bahasa Inggris

Penasehat: Dr. J. Bismoko

Peneliti: Ana Humardhiana

Judul Penelitian: The Lived Experience of Visually-Impaired Junior High School

Students in Learning English

Dengan hormat,

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengalaman hidup Anda

dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris dan menemukan maknanya. Tujuannya diupayakan

untuk refleksi diri dan agar masyarakat umum dapat lebih memahami siswa SMP

tunanetra yang belajar Bahasa Inggris.

Studi berbasis pengalaman hidup ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan

fenomenologi hermeneutik. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif terbuka yang

mengharapkan Anda untuk menjawab serangkaian pertanyaan dalam wawancara

semi terstruktur mendalam. Wawancara akan dilakukan di luar jam sekolah baik di

sekolah ataupun di rumah/ di asrama dan setiap wawancara akan berlangsung

selama 45 - 60 menit. Sebagai peneliti, saya akan melakukan 2 - 3 kali wawancara

yang akan di-video-rekam. Selain wawancara, saya juga akan melakukan observasi

kelas dan percakapan santai untuk mendukung penelitian ini. Perlu diketahui bahwa

di penelitian ini nama Anda akan disamarkan agar identitas Anda terjaga.

Ada beberapa keuntungan yang bisa Anda dapatkan dengan berpartisipasi dalam

penelitian ini, misalnya penelitian ini akan menjadi refleksi diri, suara Anda akan

didengar dan perasaan Anda akan dipahami, dan pada akhirnya Anda akan

diberdayakan untuk memiliki aktualisasi diri.

Yogyakarta, ...................

....................................... Ana Humardhiana

Partisipan/Rekan peneliti Peneliti

Kajian Bahasa Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma


Page 110: the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english



Interview Guidelines

Personal Information Questions:

1. Namamu siapa?

2. Usiamu berapa?

3. Kamu kelas berapa?

4. Kamu tinggal dimana?

5. Berapa saudaramu?

Building Up Good Relationship Questions:

1. Apa hobimu?

2. Apa makanan/minuman/musik kesukaanmu?

3. Apa yang biasa kamu lakukan di waktu senggang?

4. Apakah kamu suka berolahraga?

Lived Experience Questions:

Mohon menjawab pertanyaan berikut dengan mengingat kejadian yang pernah

kamu alami. Ceritakanlah secara detil yang kamu ingat.

1. Pengalaman apa yang berkesan ataupun yang tidak terlupakan ketika belajar

Bahasa Inggris di kelas/di rumah/di kelompok belajar?

2. Di samping karena mata pelajaran wajib, adakah alasan lain kamu belajar

Bahasa Inggris?

3. Topik Bahasa Inggris apa yang sekiranya susah dan mudah kamu pelajari?

Lalu skill apa yang mudah dan susah untuk kamu perbaiki?

4. Apakah menurutmu selama ini belajar Bahasa Inggris itu menyenangkan?


5. Apakah menurutmu fasilitas di sekolah sudah menunjang untuk

pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

6. Kapan pertama kali kamu mendapatkan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

7. Bagaimana caramu dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris?

8. Bagaimana kamu sehari-hari berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar?

9. Prestasi apa sajakah yang telah kamu raih? Mohon ceritakan.

10. Apa yang akan kamu lakukan untuk meraih nilai bagus dalam Bahasa

Inggris? Dan apa yang ingin kamu lakukan setelah lulus Mts?


Page 111: the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english



Nada’s In-Depth Interview Transcript Day 1

Date : 15 February 2018

Time : 20.15 – 21.00

Place : 9C Classroom

R = Researcher; N = Nada (pseudonym); T = Transitions; L = Lack of School’s

Media and Facilities; AL = Auditory Learners; M = Motivational Issues; AC =

Achievements; NFP = Near Future Plans; V = Visually-Impaired or Blind?;

********* = the name of the school

D1R01 Pelajaran apa yang disukai?

D1N01 Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, PKN.

D1R02 Kenapa suka PKN?

D1N02 Unik aja, banyak hafalannya.

D1R03 Oh suka yang hafalan ya?

D1N03 Iya (ketawa kecil)

D1R04 Suka pelajaran hafalan ya... (mencatat)

Teruuuss...ummm.. Nah kalo pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

D1N04 Suka. B

D1R05 Sukanya tapi gak banget ya? Biasa?

D1N05 Gak, suka aj..suka...suka aja (lirih)

D1R06 Iya, berarti gak..gak suka...(terpotong oleh Nada)

D1N06 Oh, kalo banget,, yaa...

D1R07 Iya, biasa aja ya sukanya?

D1N07 Yaa.. iyaa, biasa aja (lirih)

D1R08 And then.. kalo menurutmu pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu

susah ato mudah?

D1N08 Mudah.

D1R09 Mudah?

D1N09 (mengangguk)

D1R10 Mudahnya kenapa?

D1N10 Umm... menurut saya mudahnya itu karena apa sih yaa.. saya

tuh gak gak gak (menggeleng) gak pernah... Kan dulu saya

awas gitu ya mbak..


D1R11 Hu um..


Page 112: the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english


D1N11 Jadi kalo semisal Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Inggris gitu saya

gak pernah.. teorinya gimana2 gitu... jadi.. udah dulu

sering liat apa namanya.. kaya film2 kaya gitu jadinya.. ya

itulah mudahnya dari situ, jadi terbantu vocab. Seperti itu..


D1R12 Mudah karena dulu terbiasa nonton film (mencatat)

D1N12 Iyaa

D1R13 Berarti selama ini kaya udah ada basic-nya sedikit ya?

D1N13 Iyaa

D1R14 And theeen... Kalo pas SD dulu dapet pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris gak?

D1N14 Iyaa, dapet..

D1R15 Mulai kelas berapa?

D1N15 Kelas 2 kalo gak salah. T

D1R16 Hah? Serius?

D1N16 Iya soalnya kelas 1 waktu itu gak..gak ada (geleng2). Kelas 2

itu baru awal2 banget, pengenalan abjad gitu..


D1R17 Hu um. Tak pikir kelas 4 ato 5 SD..

D1N17 Enggak..

D1R18 Itu sekolah apa? Nama sekolahnya apa?

D1N18 Oh, sekolah.. SD N Negeri Karangtalun 3.

D1R19 SD N...

D1N19 Karangtalun 3

D1R20 Karangtaruna?

D1N20 Karangtalun 03.

D1R21 Karang apa?

D1N21 Talun.

D1R22 Talun?

D1N22 Iya.

D1R23 Cilacap ya?

D1N23 Iya.

D1R24 Sampai kelas 6?

D1N24 Sampai kelas 6.

D1R25 Berapa minggu sekali itu?

D1N25 Apa? Bahasa Inggris?

D1R26 Pelajarannya.

D1N26 Satu minggu sekali.

D1R27 Satu minggu sekali itu berarti berapa menit?

D1N27 Satu jam.

D1R28 Satu jam?

D1N28 Iya (lirih, mengangguk).

D1R29 Satu jam pelajaran apa...?

D1N29 Enggak...iyaaa. Satu jam pelajaran, bukan satu jam normal.

40 menit.

D1R30 40 menit?


Page 113: the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english


D1N30 Iya.

D1R31 Teruuss... umm.. kalo pas SMP ini.. pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

berapa kali seminggu?

D1N31 2 kali.. 2 kali dalam seminggu.. tapi 2 jam pelajaran.

D1R32 2 kali seminggu ya?

D1N32 Iyaa.. satu harinya 2 jam.

D1R33 2 jam pelajaran?

D1N33 Iya. 80 menit.

D1R34 Oh 80 menit.

D1N34 Iya.

D1R35 Umm.. hari apa aja?

D1N35 Hari Senin sama hari Selasa.

D1R36 Nada.. tau gak kalo pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMP itu


D1N36 Wajib? T

D1R37 Hu um, tau gak?

D1N37 Gak tau haha (menggeleng dan tertawa) T

D1R38 Kalo pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SD itu masuknya tidak

wajib, jadi ekskul ya.

D1N38 Oh iya..

D1R39 Nah kalo untuk SMP itu udah wajib. Nah menurut Nada

gimana.. apa.. jadi perbedaan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SD

dan di SMP dengan status wajib enggaknya itu.. aaa... apa

yang Nada rasakan?

D1N39 Kalo di... mungkin dari.. dilihat dari proses pembelajarannya

itu ya Mbak.. Kalo di..

D1R40 Proses pembelajaran?

D1N40 Iya, kalo di SD itu..menurut saya... tapi enggak.. keliatannya

sama2 aja dink kl di SD juga dapat LKS trus kaya pelajaran

biasa2 gitu.. suruh artiin suruh nulis tapi mungkin...

D1R41 Tapi mungkin dari beban mata pelajarannya itu sendiri


D1N41 Oh dari beban iya.. kalo itu.. kalo di SD dulu itu cenderung

suruh mbaca.. mbaca2 doank gitu loh.. terus.. um.. kalo kalo

di SMP ini kan suruh nyari teks ato suruh ngartiin teks dan

lebih2 yang kaya2 gitu loh..

D1R42 Oh berarti ada ngartiin juga gitu ya kalo di SMP?

D1N42 Iya.. lebih sering gitu.

D1R43 Ohh.. laluu... pas awal2 belajar Bahasa Inggris di SMP itu

kesulitan gak?

D1N43 Kalo kesulitan sih enggak. Karena awal2 itu gak langsung

nganuin teks ato gitu tapi umm.. gurunya itu mengasah

kemampuannya itu dengan cara “Coba kamu nulis kosakata

yang kamu tau sebanyak2nya”.. jadi ya itu enak aja..



Page 114: the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english


D1R44 Oh iyaa...

D1N44 Iya jadi gak mematok gitu..

D1R45 Oh iyaa,, jadi awal2 dulu...

D1N45 Mengukur kemampuan..

D1R46 Mengukur kemampuan saja ya..

D1N46 Iya..

D1R47 Kemampuan dalam bidang perbendaharaan kata ya?

D1N47 Iyaa..

D1R48 Lalu menurut Nada,, Bahasa Inggris,, belajar Bahasa Inggris

itu penting gak?

D1N48 Penting. Karena umm.. kalo saya tinjau dari.. untuk ke

depan2nya gitu loh mbak pasti kita akan ketemu Bahasa

Inggris2 gitu loh.. entar bakal2 ketemu dari entah pelajar..

apa.. entah perkuliahan gitu kan.. pekerja2 kaya gitu pasti

yang dinilai.. kalo ke IT itu Inggris-nya..

D1R49 Jadi penting ya?

D1N49 Iya..

D1R50 Nada.. bisa tak tutup dulu yaa.. (menutup pintu kelas agar

tidak terganggu suara hujan di luar)

D1N50 Iya..

D1R51 Oke.. Teruss.. Umm.. menurut Nada yang menarik dari

belajar Bahasa Inggris itu apa?

D1N51 Yang menarik dari belajar Bahasa Inggris itu.. kata2nya

suka.. maksudnya kalo dibandingkan dengan Bahasa

Indonesia itu kebalik2 gitu sih.. Jadi...

D1R52 Itu malah menarik ya? Kalo kebalik2 gitu malah menarik ya?

D1N52 Iyaa.. terus sama.. karena bukan bahasanya sendiri jadi yaa..

ada tantangan tersendiri..

D1R53 Oh gitu.. Nah sekarang bagaimana.. kalo yang.. apa yang

tidak menarik dari Bahasa Inggris?

D1N53 Yang tidak menarik dari Bahasa Inggris itu ucapan sama

itunya beda.. (ketawa)

D1R54 Oh iyaa.. jadi gak menarik ya itu ya.. (ketawa) susah

mungkin itu ya..

D1N54 Iya...

D1R55 Tidak terbiasa.

D1N55 Iya.. (ketawa)

D1R56 Umm.. Nah.. Nada selama belajar Bahasa Inggris di SMP ini

nilainya bagaimana? Apakah bagus? Ato jelek? Ato biasa


D1N56 Biasa aja.

D1R57 Misalnya dapat berapa biasanya?

D1N57 Biasanya...

D1R58 Di rapot..


Page 115: the lived experience of visually-impaired junior high school students in learning english


D1N58 Oh di rapot,, di rapot loh ya mbak.. di rapot itu 80,, mentok2


D1R59 80.. 85 ya?

D1N59 Iya.

D1R60 Kalo di ujian sendiri.. pernahkah Nada mendapatkan nilai

jelek dalam Bahasa Inggris?

D1N60 Mentok2nya itu.. ujian? Ujian.. ujian.. ujian.. (mengingat2)


D1R61 Pernah? Kira2 berapa?

D1N61 Kira2 70.

D1R62 70 itu jelek? (ketawa)

D1N62 Yaa.. di bawah 70 juga pernah sih

D1R63 Oh berapa itu?

D1N63 Umm.. 38 pernah.

D1R64 38 pernah yaa?

D1N64 Iya.. jelek2nya segitu.

D1R65 38 itu pas kapan?

D1N65 Pas tryout! (ketawa)

D1R66 Tryout kelas 3 ini ya?

D1N66 Iya (ketawa)

D1R67 Masih inget gak berapa.. apa... hari yang lalu?

D1N67 Tanggal... (mengingat) 7 kemarin.

D1R68 Tanggal 7 Februari ya?

D1N68 Iya.

D1R69 Tanggal 7 Februari kemarin tryout-nya 38.

D1N69 Yeess

D1R70 Untuk tryout ya?

D1N70 Iya (ketawa)

D1R71 Umm.. apa yang kamu rasakan waktu itu?

D1N71 Yang saya rasakan waktu itu...mungk..yaaa... kalo untuk

nyesel enggak karena emang dari cara belajar saya juga

kurang gitu loh.. jadi menyadari gitu looh.. sadar diri

(ketawa kecil)

D1R72 Umm.. kira2... umm.. faktor selain kurang belajar pas waktu

dapet nilai yang jelek.. faktor apa lagi yang bikin nilainya


D1N72 Banyak pikiran (ketawa)

D1R73 Banyak pikiran?

D1N73 Karena banyak pelajaran yang harus... emang harus dikuasai

gitu looh... kalo mau ujian kan gitu... jadi pikirannya terbelah


D1R74 Apakah itu umm.. banyak pikiran itu maksudnya umm pas

banyak materi Bahasa Inggris yang perlu dikuasai ato karena

ada mata pelajaran lain yang juga tryout ato gimana?


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D1N74 Yaa itu kaya gitu.. banyak mata pelajaran yang gitu lah


D1R75 Mata pelajaran lain ya? Yang juga tryout waktu itu..

D1N75 Iyaa..

D1R76 Kalo umm.. nilai yang bagus? Pernah gak dapat nilai yang


D1N76 Oh selain Bahasa Inggris?

D1R77 Ho oh.. oh enggak maksudnya... (terpotong)

D1N77 Oh masih Bahasa Inggris..

D1R78 Hu um, masih Bahasa Inggris.

D1N78 Yaa tadi itu mbak

D1R79 Ujian 85 itu tadi ya?

D1N79 Iyaa..

D1R80 Ujiannya loh ya?

D1N80 Iyaa,, di rapot segitu..

D1R81 Oh di rapotnya juga 85.. nah untuk ujiannya 85 itu masih

inget gak kapan?

D1N81 80 itu paas.. enggak.. enggak inget (geleng2) itu pas UAS

waktu itu..

D1R82 Waktu itu kelas berapa?

D1N82 Kelas 9 tapi tanggal2nya gak inget.

D1R83 Pas UAS ya?

D1N83 Iya pas UAS..

D1R84 Yang Nada rasakan waktu itu gimana?

D1N84 Seneng karena sesuai dengan perjuangan (senyum)

D1R85 Sesuai dengan perjuangan ya?

D1N85 Iyaa..

D1R86 Karena waktu semalam sebelumnya belajar kah? Ato...

D1N86 Ya iyaa karena kalo pas UAS-UAS itu kan yang harus

dikuatkan.. dipelajari itu kan cukup yang kelas 9 semester 1

gitu kan.. jadi gak begitu banyak.. kalo yang sekarang2 ini

kan harus dari kelas 7.

D1R87 Oh gitu..

D1N87 Iyaa

D1R88 Umm.. lalu Nada pernah gak merasa malu ato kurang

percaya diri ketika sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris?

D1N88 Enggak. (geleng)

D1R89 Enggak yaa? Di kelas enggak?

D1N89 Enggak karena menurut saya itu bukan bahasa saya sendiri

kalo salah2 juga maklum (ketawa)

D1R90 Jadi cukup percaya diri ya?

D1N90 Iyaa.. Biasa aja..

D1R91 Umm.. Lalu yang Nada percaya diri tadi belajar bahasa..

sejauh mana kepercayaan diri Nada ketika belajar Bahasa


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Inggris? Apakah percaya dirinya dengan selalu bertanya

atokah selalu memakai Bahasa Inggris di kelas? Ato


D1N91 Umm.. itu apa namanya...yaa yang tanya tadi itu iyaa... terus

kalo semisal.. ya iya sih.. semisal sama temen2 gitu biasanya

sok2 pake kaya gitu... (ketawa)

D1R92 Oh pake Bahasa Inggris ya?

D1N92 Iyaa..

D1R93 Itu sebenernya bukan sok sih. Bagus malahan.. perlu

diacungi jempol kalo pake Bahasa Inggris di kelas..

Nah pas.. ketika merasa kesulitan belajar Bahasa

Inggris...umm ini gak spesifik ke kelas aja loh yaa..

maksudnya di luar kelas pun juga demikian.. Apakah Nada

mempunyai... ummm.. seseorang yang bersedia membantu?

D1N93 Nah itu mbak.. saya tuh belum..belum.. jadi tuh waktu.. agak

cerita sedikit ya mbak..

D1R94 Gak papa gak papa..

D1N94 Waktu kelas 8 itu kan ada.. sama kaya embak Ana itu..kaya

meneliti Bahasa Inggris gitu..

D1R95 Kenapa? Kenapa?

D1N95 Meneliti Bahasa Inggris gitu.. itu kalo gak salah dari UII..

nah dia itu keliatannya kaya serius banget gitu loh.. kaya

serius gitu kan.. ini orang kayanya mau bantu saya gitu yaa..

apalagi kelas 8 itu kan keliatanya umm.. kelas yang paling

menentukan gitu kan pelajarannya materi2nya lagi

banyak2nya.. keliatannya ini saya perlu seseorang untuk

mengurangi beban gitu loohh... membantu saya.. terus saya

apa.. istilahnya nembung.. ke mbaknya gitu.. “mbak kalo

mbaknya bantu saya kalo pas ada kesulitan aja gitu loh mau

pa gak mbak?”.. terus mbaknya bilang “ya gak papa dek tapi

habis saya ujian”.. nah habis selesai ujian itu gak ada

kontaknya yang bisa dihubungi lagi.. nah dari situ saya

“yaaaah gimana sih ini?” (ketawa)

D1R96 Yaah.. kehilangan seseorang buat nganu yaa.. membantu

yaa.. Tapi gak ada kontaknya sama sekali?

D1N96 Enggak... maksudnya dia enggak menghubungi saya lagi..

D1R97 Oh gituu..

D1N97 Iyaa..

D1R98 Sebentar yaa.. tak pas-in dulu ini kok hapenya susah..

(membetulkan posisi kamera) Okee.. jadi.. tapi pernah gak

Nada menghubungi mbak-nya?

D1N98 Ya pernah, tapi gak dibales.. Ya itu..

D1R99 Oh gak dibales... sayang sekali yaa..


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D1N99 Iyaa.. jadi yaa gimana yaa.. apa sih... di sini kan terbatas..

bisa dibilang terbilang terbatas kalo untuk pembimbing2

kaya gitu kan...

D1R100 Ya nanti kalo Nada butuh nanti kamu bisa.. apa namanya..

umm.. WA aku to,, bisa pake suara juga.. nanti tak sempetin

datang ke sini.. kalo enggak sempet dateng ke sini, tak

jelasin lewat WA..

D1N100 Iyaa.. apalagi ini deket2 ujian gitu kan mbak...

D1R101 Oh iyaa... boleh2.. teruss.. umm.. berarti gak punya

seseorang untuk membantu ya?

D1N101 Enggak.. Belum..belum punya.. jadi tumpuannya hanya

adalah kamus aja..

D1R102 Kamus ya?

D1N102 Kamus mbak..

D1R103 Kamus sama guru ya?

D1N103 Iyaa..

D1R104 Oh ada telpon.. diangkat aja..

D1N104 Iyaa (ambil hape) ah gapapa lah mbak (matiin hape)

D1R105 Diangkat dulu aja sih (ketawa)

D1N105 Gak papa gak papa..

D1R106 Oh ya.. umm.. nah pas ketika Nada... (terpotong)

D1N106 (membuka hape dan mendengarkan pesan di hapenya) gak

papa mbak.. sambil ngomong aja.. ntar saya...

D1R107 Itu lagi telpon kan?

D1N107 Iyaa...

D1R108 Saya tunggu aja gakpapa..

D1N108 Gak papa?

D1R109 Ho oh, gak papa..

D1N109 (sedang telepon)

D1R110 Temennya?

D1N110 Iya.

D1R111 Temen asrama ato..?

D1N111 Temen asrama.

D1R112 Oh.. Nah ketika Nada merasa berhasil nih belajar Bahasa

Inggris.. maksudnya dapet nilai bagus.. dapet juara apa gitu..

umm.. adakah.. pernahkah ada seseorang yang memuji gak?

Memuji keberhasilan Nada gitu..

D1N112 Ada..

D1R113 Biasanya siapa?

D1N113 Paling.. paling itu orangtua

D1R114 Orang tua?

D1N114 Iya.. orang tua itu pasti.. sama guru mbak pastinya.. karena

yaa.. yang membimbing itu kan beliau gitu jadi..


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D1R115 Dulu ingat gak apa yang mereka ucapkan waktu itu? Mereka

ini.. orang tua dulu yaa..

D1N115 Yaa orang tua itu..

D1R116 Bapak? Ibu? Ato dua2-nya?

D1N116 Iya dua2nya,, itu... yaa pertama kali diucapkan... ihh mbak

gakpapa ini mbak gak riya’ ini? (ketawa)

D1R117 Gakpapa (ketawa).. ini malah justru dikeluarkan aja

semuanya biar plong..

D1N117 Yaitu.. bilang yaa pinteerr gitu lah..

D1R118 Pinter.. terus?

D1N118 Ya dikembangkan bakatnya..

D1R119 Kalo guru bilangnya gimana?

D1N119 Kalo guru.. yaa sama sih gak jauh beda sih.. ya namanya

ucapan selamat yaa kaya gitu2 aja..

D1R120 Oke.. um.. pas waktu apa sajakah Nada merasa berhasil

dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris?

D1N120 Waktu lomba pidato Bahasa Inggris.

D1R121 Oh pernah?

D1N121 Pernah.. waktu kelas 7 itu..

D1R122 Oh pidato untuk apa itu?

D1N122 Pidato saat milad-nya itu.. ulang tahunnya sekolahan

Nurul Umma.. ya itu kan ngadain lomba2 kaya gitu.. nah

ada lomba empat.. pidato empat bahasa.. nah saya pilih yang

Bahasa Inggris.. walaupun.. (terpotong)


D1R123 Bahasa apa aja itu?

D1N123 Bahasa Arab, Indonesia, Jawa, sama Inggris.

D1R124 Trus Nada pilihnya yang Bahasa Inggris?

D1N124 Bahasa Inggris.. ya walaupun gak menang tapi menurut

saya.. itu udah bener2..


D1R125 Kesuksesan tersendiri..

D1N125 Iya lah.. karena banyak banget yang harus dihafalin.. udah..

D1R126 Itu yang bikin pidatonya Nada?

D1N126 Dari sana teksnya.

D1R127 Dari?

D1N127 Dari yang mengadakan lomba..

D1R128 Oh jadi pidatonya dari orang yang..

D1N128 Udah disediakan..

D1R129 Oh udah disediakan.. oke.. and then..itu pas kelas 7 yaa.. pas

acara apa tadi?

D1N129 Ulang tahun sekolahan Nurul Umma..

D1R130 Nur..?

D1N130 Nurul Umma.

D1R131 Nurul Umma.

D1N131 Yaa.


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D1R132 Nurul Umma itu sekolahan...?

D1N132 Itu.. MA..Madrasah Aliyah.

D1R133 Oh Madrasah Aliyah itu SMA ya?

D1N133 Ya,, SMA.

D1R134 Masih ada relasi dengan ini yaa.. SMP *********?

D1N134 Enggak sih..

D1R135 Sama Madrasah Tsanawiyah ********* masih ada relasinya


D1N135 Relasi maksudnya gimana mbak?

D1R136 Relasi.. hubungan..

D1N136 Hubungannya? Enggak sih

D1R137 Oh beda ya?

D1N137 Beda.

D1R138 Itu umm.. nganu.. apa namanya.. yang orang2 awas ato


D1N138 Umum? Iyaa.. (batuk)

D1R139 Kamu kedinginan?

D1N139 Enggak.

D1R140 Kalo kedinginan tak matiin. (kipas anginnya masih hidup)

D1N140 Enggak

D1R141 Gak papa?

D1N141 Gak papa.

D1R142 Umm.. kalo.. itu kan pas merasa berhasil ya.. kalo pas

merasa gagal itu pas kapan? Ada gak?

D1N142 Ada. Lha yang kemarin itu mbak

D1R143 Yang pas dapet 35 itu ya? Itu gagal banget ya?

D1N143 Iya banget.

D1R144 (ketawa)

D1N144 Karena itu sih..

D1R145 Malu enggak?

D1N145 Apa?

D1R146 Dapet 35 malu enggak?

D1N146 Enggak. (ketawa)

D1R147 (ketawa) kenapa gak malu?

D1N147 Ya perjuangan sendiri kok.

D1R148 Oh ya oke. Kalo temen2 yang lain juga dapet jelek ato


D1N148 Kurang tau ya.. soalnya itu kan dianunyakan.. dihubungi ke


D1R149 Oh jadi kalo ujian itu.. umm.. gak diumumkan di kelas..

D1N149 Enggak.. tapi dikirim ke hape masing2, misalnya dikirim

lewat japri..

D1R150 Oh gitu?

D1N150 Yes. Semua dihubungi.


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D1R151 Semua? Semua mata pelajaran? Semua ujian?

D1N151 Iyaa..

D1R152 Raport pun juga demikian?

D1N152 Enggak. Itu cuma yang tryout2 gitu.

D1R153 Ho oh... kalo yang ujian yang kelas biasa? Bukan tryout...

D1N153 Oh yang UAS gitu?

D1R154 Ho oh, kaya UAS ato ujian harian biasa gitu..

D1N154 Oh ulangan harian?

D1R155 Hu um..

D1N155 Iya kenapa?

D1R156 Itu score-nya di.. lewat hape ato diumumkan di kelas ato

diberikan di kelas..?

D1N156 Kalo ulangan harian itu.. kalo Bahasa Inggris itu jarang e

mbak.. paling cuma gurunya itu ngasih soal tapi gak dikasih

nilai, tapi langsung.. oh ya gimana sih.. kalo di sini tuh kan

pembelajarannya kan misal.. Ms. Indah itu kan ngasihin

soal gitu ya.. nanti kita tuh njawabnya pake tangan gitu

loh.. kalo semisal A itu ngacung satu, B itu dua, C itu tiga.

Nanti kalo semisal kamu bener,, ini salah, ini salah,, gitu loh

mbak.. jadi diliat dari situ.


D1R157 Ohh jadi soalnya kalo ujian harian itu soalnya..

D1N157 Lisan.

D1R158 Lisan.. oh iyaa..

D1N158 Iyaa.. cenderung lisan.

D1R159 Dan seringnya ulangan2 di sini.. tugas2 di sini seringnya

lisan ato juga ada yang..?

D1N159 Enggak sih.. ada yang tertulis.

D1R160 Ada yang tertulis juga?

D1N160 Iya..

D1R161 Umm.. nah sekarang kita ngomongin tentang fasilitas nih.

D1N161 Yaa.

D1R162 Fasilitas yang ada di sekolah. Umm.. menurut Nada fasilitas

yang ada di sekolah ini bagaimana? Untuk program Bahasa

Inggris aja ya.. bukan apa.. yang lain2nya..

D1N162 Kalo untuk.. yaa menurut saya ya kurang.. kenapa saya

bilang kurang.. yaa makanya saya itu perlu orang untuk yaa

membantu karena itu.. untuk kamus yang Braille juga gak

ada.. gitu sih.. terbatas lah mbak pokoknya memprihatinkan



D1R163 Text books sendiri gimana? Text books Braille untuk Bahasa


D1N163 Oh kalo itu.. keliatannya juga gak ada deh, soalnya

cuma.. pernah dapet sih pernah.. tapi itu soal UN tahun

kemarin gitu loh.. Soal UN tahun kemarin di.. itu juga cuman



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dipinjemin satu untuk kelas 9 A, B, C. Coba bayangkan.

Jadinya kan barengan2 gitu kan..

D1R164 Tapi itu soal UN nya itu bentuk Braille?

D1N164 Iya.. Braille.

D1R165 Tapi cuman satu dan dipake barengan gitu.. gimana itu ya?

D1N165 Sekarang dimana?

D1R166 Maksudnya gimana.. bagaimana..?

D1N166 Oh gimana itunya.. ya kalo semisal sini udah selesai, sana

minjem yaa harus dikasihin sana gitu sih.. yaa jadi harus


D1R167 Ohh.. oke.. umm jadi kalo yang Nada mau fasilitas yang

model bagaimana?

D1N167 Yang saya mau itu yaa untuk kamus ada.. karena yang


D1R168 Kamus Braille ya?

D1N168 Iya.. yang namanya tunanetra itu kan gak semuanya bisa

Android, gak semuanya bisa hape gitu.. mungkin ada satu

ato dua.. jadi semisal kalo ada buku yang Braille-nya itu

mungkin lebih terbantu kali yaa daripada...gitu sih..


D1R169 Kamus aja?

D1N169 Ya enggak.. kamus buku2 kaya gitu

D1R170 Kamus, buku, lalu apa lagi?

D1N170 Mungkin audio ya untuk tau cara membacanya.. L

D1R171 Audio.. terus adakah yang lainnya?

D1N171 Udah sih. Kemungkinan itu..

D1R172 Nah di sini. Di sekolah ini ada umm support service gak sih

dari pemerintah? Maksudnya dari.. (terpotong)

D1N172 Oh bantuan? Apa sih? Bantuan?

D1R173 Support service itu jadi ada orang utusan dari pemerintah

untuk mendampingi siswa2 yang membutuhkan

pendampingan khusus..

D1N173 Enggak.

D1R174 Gak ada?

D1N174 Gak ada.

D1R175 Oke.. Nah, Nada sendiri pengen gak?

D1N175 Pengen.

D1R176 Kenapa pengen?

D1N176 Ya itu biar untuk memperbaiki nilai2 (ketawa, menutup


D1R177 Oke (ketawa) umm.. pernahkah Nada merasakan

kemarahan,, kemarahan dulu ya.. apakah pernah Nada

merasakan kemarahan pas belajar Bahasa Inggris?

D1N177 Pernah.. pernah.

D1R178 Waktu kapan itu?


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D1N178 Waktu itu suruh.. ya itu suruh apa itu namanya.. kaya kaya

itu ulangan eh apa enggak ulangan sih.. suruh nge-list soal2

kan dan jawaban gitu.. tapi biasanya tuh bisa.. tapi waktu itu

gak tau kenapa bener2 salahnya banyak banget. Itu rasanya

kaya hiiii...sebel gitu (ketawa)

D1R179 Itu berarti marahnya ke siapa? Apakah marah ke diri sendiri

atokah marah ke ini tugasnya.. soalnya?

D1N179 Ke diri sendiri aja.

D1R180 Ke diri sendiri?

D1N180 Iya..

D1R181 Umm.. itu waktu kapan ya?

D1N181 Ya sama kelas 9.

D1R182 Kelas 9.. umm pernahkah Nada merasakan kecewa ketika

belajar Bahasa Inggris?

D1N182 Kecewa.. kecewa.. kecewa.. (mengingat2) enggak sih.. ya

pernah sih mbak ya yang itu pas..

D1R183 Dapat nilai jelek itu ya?

D1N183 Iyaa..

D1R184 Selain itu gak ada? Maksudnya yang bukan tentang ujian

loh.. yang tentang bukan menghadapi ujian.. yang belajar

Bahasa Inggris di kelas gitu..

D1N184 Oh pernah sih kecewa... oh yang belajar?

D1R185 Hu um,, yang belajar Bahasa Inggris di kelas itu pernah

merasa kecewa?

D1N185 Umm merasa kecewa.. ya cuma gitu2 aja sih.. kalo semisal

kurang nguasain trus kalo gak bisa jawab gitu2 aja sih..

D1R186 Oh jadi kecewanya terhadap siapa ini?

D1N186 Ya terhadap saya dan soalnya (ketawa)

D1R187 (ketawa) oke.. umm.. nah kira2 karena Nada sudah pernah

mendapatkan nilai 35 dan mendapat nilai 85 itu.. apa yang

Nada akan lakukan di kedepannya?

D1N187 Kalo untuk yang nilainya yang segitu yang bawah itu.. yang

30 itu..untuk itunya sih yaa belajar lagi.. belajar dan gimana

caranya.. alhamdulillah-nya sih yang saya kemarin bilang ke

mbak itu yang program itu ada Brailliant2 itu bener2 harus

saya manfaatkan untuk..

D1R188 Itu sangat membantu ya?

D1N188 Ya sangat sih menurut saya untuk nambahin di luar sekolah.

Jadi gak belajar di sekolah doank.

D1R189 Umm.. untuk.. ini sekarang membahas future yaa

D1N189 Iya..

D1R190 Apa yang Nada percaya umm.. di kedepannya Nada percaya

bahwa Nada bisa menjadi seperti apa? Menjadi apa gitu..

Nada ke depannya percaya bisa menjadi seorang apa gitu..


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D1N190 Ya itu tergantung dari usaha yang saya lakukan hari ini sih

maksudnya kalo semisal sayanya emang bener2 gitu ya..

bener2 ngelakuin bener2 kerja keras itu.. kalo untuk percaya

ya itu pasti paling jadi yang lebih baik gitu..

D1R191 Umm.. misalnya apa? Contoh kongkritnya bisa menjadi apa


D1N191 Apa ya mbak? (ketawa menutup muka)

D1R192 Oh ini gak harus berhubungan dengan Bahasa Inggris kok..

D1N192 Oh..

D1R193 Ke depannya bisa menjadi apa gitu?

D1N193 Apa sih? (ketawa menutup muka) apa ya?

D1R194 Oh aku percaya.. kan Nada ini cukup percaya diri kan

maksudnya orangnya? Apakah besok di masa depan “aku

percaya kalo aku bisa mampu bisa menjadi..” seperti yang

gimana.. yang Nada percayai.. Nada mampu menjadi sese..

umm orang yang bagaimana? Orang.. apakah sebagai guru..

apakah sebagai..?

D1N194 Ah mbak belum kebayang.

D1R195 Belum kebayang ya?

D1N195 Iya.

D1R196 Kalo Nada sendiri pengennya jadi apa?

D1N196 Saya pengen jadi... dulu2 tuh saya pengen jadi penulis (lirih)

D1R197 Pengen jadi gubernur?

D1N197 Penulis (ketawa)

D1R198 (ketawa) oh dengernya gubernur. Penulis ya? Penulis apa

itu? Penulis novel kah ato penulis...?

D1N198 Lha kalo novel enggak. Saya cenderung ke cerpen aja .

D1R199 Cerpen?

D1N199 Iya.

D1R200 Ohh.. nah itu dulu ya? Pas masih jadi awas ato gimana?

D1N200 Ya dulu sampe sekarang sih.

D1R201 Sampe sekarang ya? Masih pengen jadi penulis..

D1N201 Iya.

D1R202 Penulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia ato Bahasa Inggris?

D1N202 Yaa.. saat ini Bahasa Indonesia.

D1R203 Saat ini Bahasa Indonesia ya?

D1N203 Yaa..

D1R204 Nanti ke depannya bisa Bahasa Inggris..

D1N204 Semoga..

D1R205 Aamiin.. umm ini pertanyaan terakhir dulu..

D1N205 Yaa..

D1R206 Umm.. kata Nada.. Nada kan tadi cerita dulu jadi orang awas

ya? Maksudnya dulu orang awas..

D1N206 Iyaa.. itu pas jadi orang awas..


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D1R207 Bagaimana akhirnya Nada bisa menjadi seorang.. (terpotong)

D1N207 Tunanetra?

D1R208 Hu um,, itu bagaimana ceritanya lebih detilnya? Waktu

kapan dan bagaimana?

D1N208 Awas dari lahir..Ya itu bertahap sih dan prosesnya emang..

emang lama.. kalo untuk mata yang kanan itu.. itu dari

kelas 4.


D1R209 Dari kelas 4?

D1N209 Iyaa.. itu dari kelas 4 itu.. kena glukoma tau gak mbak? B

D1R210 Glukoma tau..

D1N210 Iyaa..

D1R211 Itu glukoma itu (terpotong)

D1N211 Tekanan darah.. eh tekanan darah (ketawa kecil) tekanan

bola mata yang terlalu tinggi..

D1R212 Terlalu dini?

D1N212 Tinggi.

D1R213 Tinggi.. oke..

D1N213 Nah itu.. kena bola mata itu udah dioperasi dan udah diganti

mata aksesoris juga..


D1R214 Mata aksesoris itu mata yang bagaimana?

D1N214 Mata.. palsu..

D1R215 Oh gitu..

D1N215 Iyaa.. trus yang kiri itu menyusul pas kelas 6. Itu saya

kena.. ya itu yang saya udah pernah bilang..tokso..


D1R216 Hu um..

D1N216 Toksonya waktu itu udah sempat pernah tertangani.. dan

udah sembuh sih.. udah sembuh.. tapi karena saya.. karena

saya waktu itu.. pembuluh darahnya itu membesar gitu loh

mbak..dan.. iya pembuluh darahnya membesar.. terus waktu

dua minggu sebelum ujian itu sodara saya datang.. terus

itu apa namanya.. ke apa sih.. kejedot apa..kejedot..


D1R217 Kejedot?

D1N217 Iya kejedot itu..

D1R218 Kejedot apa?

D1N218 Kena matanya itu loh..

D1R219 Oh.. jadi pas sodaranya Nada datang.. (terpotong)

D1N219 Kan main.. nah terus itu..kena itunya..

D1R220 Kena apanya itu?

D1N220 Matanya..

D1R221 Maksudnya umm..

D1N221 Sodaranya kena apanya? Kepalanya.

D1R222 Oh sodaranya.. sodaramu kena kepala.. (terpotong)

D1N222 Ngepala-in eh ngepalain (ketawa menutup muka) maksudnya

kepalanya sodara saya kena mata saya gitu loh..


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D1R223 Itu pas lagi main apa?

D1N223 Waktu itu sempet lebih.. gak sengaja sih lagi main.. cerita2

aja..nah terus habis itu.. ya itu apa namanya.. kok apa..kaya

burem gitu ya.. kok bisa tambah2 burem gitu tambah gak

jelas kenapa..ya ternyata pas cek ke.. apa cek ke dokter lagi

ternyata emang bener pembuluh darahnya pecah terus

retinanya putus..

D1R224 Aduuh.. oke.. terus..

D1N224 Ya udah dari situ mau gak mau.. saya bener2 harus tegar

karena 2 minggu lagi ujian nasional..

D1R225 Oh gituu.. terus akhirnya pas ujian nasional itu bagaimana?

D1N225 Alhamdulillah bagus (tersenyum)

D1R226 Alhamdulillah bagus.. umm waktu pertama kali akhirnya gak

bisa melihat semuanya itu perasaan Nada sendiri bagaimana?

D1N226 Pastinya terpukul. Pastinya. Pastinya. Itu terpukulnya

enggak gara2 apa2 sih mbak gak gara2 saya dulu bisa

melihat trus sekarang enggak.. cuman umm.. liat orangtua

aja.. kalo orang tua itu keliatannya sedih.. kasihan gitu..terus

apalagi kalo nyari2 sekolahan gitu ya.. kan belum terlalu

inklusi.. jadi ya itu susahnya di situ..jadi ndaftar sana-sini

walaupun nilainya mencukupi ato gimana gak bakal..

gak diterima gitu..


D1R227 Soalnya gak semua sekolah ada inklusi ya?

D1N227 Iya..

D1R228 Ya jeleknya itu sih...Berarti dulu pernah.. pengen ndaftar ke

sekolah inklusi tapi.. (terpotong)

D1N228 Iyaa udah.. udah..

D1R229 Tapi di Cilacap gak nemu?

D1N229 Udah..udah sempet ndaftar

D1R230 Dimana? Cilacap?

D1N230 Iya..

D1R231 Terus?

D1N231 Katanya itu.. gak punya guru pendamping sama gak ada


D1R232 Oh gitu.. nah itu susahnya kalo dari pemerintah gak ada guru

pendampingnya ya itu..

D1N232 Iya..

D1R233 Umm.. terus akhirnya?

D1N233 Akhirnya waktu itu ayah saya gimana caranya ini ya harus

sekolah karena waktu itu saya masih SD.. masa stuck di situ..

terus habis itu cari2 di.. ya cari2 informasi di internet.. terus

alhamdulillah dapatnya di internet..

D1R234 *********?

D1N234 *********.. udah..


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D1R235 Dapet langsung.. umm kan ada 2 tuh kenapa milih yang ini

yang madrasah.. kenapa gak yang di SLB sebelah sana?

D1N235 Karena IQ saya memadahi untuk kesini.. kalo di SLB

********* itu kan.. maaf banget loh mbak itu buat yang di

bawah rata2..

D1R236 Oh gitu..

D1N236 Ya gitu lah kalo dari SD semisal IQ-nya memadahi itu

masuknya MTs tapi kalo di bawah rata2 masuknya SMP gitu

loh.. kalo lulusan MTs bisa ngelanjutin ke SMA inklusi..

D1R237 Oh gitu..

D1N237 Gitu..

D1R238 Oh bagus sih.. nah apa.. umm..sejauh ini karena udah kelas 9

ya.. itu sudah terpikirkan mau sekolah dimana di SMA-nya?

Cari2 SMA inklusi.. mungkin orangtuanya ngasih tau Nada

“Nduk, besok ke sini”..

D1N238 Enggak sih, orangtua saya gak pernah menargetin itu

enggak..yang.. yang terserah saya aja.. ya itu.. saya sih

maunya di...


D1R239 Apakah di... masih di sekolah.. ini kan sekolah khusus ya..

apakah masih pengen di sekolah khusus ato sekolah yang


D1N239 Inklusi mbak.. NFP

D1R240 Inklusi ya pengennya?

D1N240 Iya..

D1R241 Kenapa pengennya di inklusi?

D1N241 Yaa... saya ngerasa saya bisa aja sih NFP

D1R242 Bagus sih.. bisa ya.. bisa membaur.. dan bisa belajar.. dan

bisa apa namanya.. berkompetisi dengan orang awas yang


D1N242 Iyaa..

D1R243 Oke.. karena sudah jam 9.. jadi saya akhiri dulu..

D1N243 Ya gakpapa

D1R244 Soalnya ntar takutnya kemalaman.. tapi kok hujannya gak

selesai2.. (ketawa)

D1N244 (ketawa) gak bawa mantol mbak?

D1R245 Tak matiin dulu.. (mematikan kamera)


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Nada’s In-Depth Interview Transcript Day 2

Date : 24 March 2018

Time : 20.10 – 20.50

Place : 9C Classroom

R = Researcher; N = Nada (pseudonym); T = Transitions; L = Lack of School’s

Media and Facilities; AL = Auditory Learners; M = Motivational Issues; AC =

Achievements; NFP = Near Future Plans; V = Visually-Impaired or Blind?;

********* = the name of the school

D2R01 Oke umm so.. saya bacakan ya ini yang ada di sini. Mohon

Nada menjawab pertanyaan berikut dengan mengingat

kejadian yang pernah Nada alami. Terus ceritakanlah secara

detil yang Nada ingat. Oke?

D2N01 Tentang apa mbak? (wajah serius)

D2R02 Tentang pengalaman (tertawa)

D2N02 Terusan? (tertawa)

D2R03 Ini fokus tentang pengalaman belajar Bahasa Inggris saja sih


D2N03 Oh ya.

D2R04 Umm.. kemarin kan, yang dulu, yang wawancara pertama

Nada sudah pernah menceritakan pengalamannya tentang

belajar Bahasa Inggris ya. Nah kalau sekarang mungkin ada

hal, ada pengalaman lain yang mungkin Nada ingat tentang

umm belajar Bahasa Inggris yang berkesan ataupun yang

tidak terlupakan saat belajar Bahasa Inggris di kelas... di

kelas dulu deh kalau sekarang di kelas dulu.. ada gak kira-

kira yang berkesan? Berkesan di sini dalam artian yang

menyenangkan, menyedihkan, atau mengecewakan, atau

umm membuat marah gitu.. kira-kira ada gak?

D2N04 Ada. Umm waktu itu kan di kelas itu kan ada giliran suruh

baca teks gitu. Nah waktu itu apa namanya.. bacanya kan

juga masih gimana gitu.. masih kurang bisa Bahasa Inggris.

Nah waktu itu juga disuruh itu apa.. disuruh membacain

sekaligus disuruh diktein ke temen-temen. Nah.. (terpotong)


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D2R05 Nyeritain?

D2N05 Iya. Dikte.

D2R06 Oh diktein.

D2N06 Nah terus habis itu yang yang yang bikin menegangkan ya di

situ aja sih,, yang belum bisa tapi disuruh itu.. dan diktenya

juga gak boleh dieja satu-satu ABC gitu. Pokoknya harus

apa.. sesuai dengan per kata per kata kaya gitu. Nah gitu sih.

D2R07 Sesuai dengan ucapan katanya ya.

D2N07 Iya. Hu um. Takutnya kalau saya yang salah ucap kan

temen-temen juga salah nulis.

D2R08 Oh gitu. Waktu itu gimana perasaan Nada?

D2N08 Tegang. Takut. Tapi ya udah deh. Udah dulu kok (tertawa).

D2R09 Oke. Umm. Menurut Nada, Nada sukses gak dalam

mendiktekan umm apa teks tersebut kepada temen?

D2N09 Ya kurang kan. Karena saya belum terlalu menguasai dan

saya belum terlalu bisa juga.

D2R10 Nah menurut Nada, kenapa Nada belum begitu menguasai?

D2N10 Karena teksnya itu juga baru dikasih. Kalau misalnya ya apa

namanya udah udah kemarin-kemarin yang ngasih kan bisa

saya umm apa namanya.. pelajari dulu. Kalau itu kan

enggak. Ya begitu aja sih, belum terlalu itu..

D2R11 Nah dari peristiwa itu apa yang Nada inginkan ke depannya?

D2N11 Umm bisa lebih itu lagi sih.. bisa lebih terbiasa lagi sama

teks-teks.. biar enggak... maksudnya dengan teks-teks baru

itu biar enggak kaget.

D2R12 Itu dalam artian apakah Nada sendiri yang harus terbiasa

ataukah umm guru harus umm memberikan teksnya umm

lebih.. atau guru harus membiasakan umm muridnya dengan

teks tersebut atau bagaimana?

D2N12 Ya mungkin pertama-tama dari diri saya sendiri, terus habis

itu apa namanya baru apa namanya biar guru.. apa namanya

ya saling berkesinambungan aja sih. Saya belajar juga guru

selalu ngasih itu biar berlatih.

D2R13 Gitu.. nah sejauh ini apakah pemberian teks tersebut sering

atau kurang atau cukup atau bagaimana?

D2N13 Kalau untuk ujian ini... sekarang kan ujian-ujian terus mbak

jadi gak ada pembelajaran yang terlalu... jadi.. tahun

kemarin.. kaya tahun kemarin lumayan sering sih.

D2R14 Oh tahun kemarin lumayan sering. Tahun ini?

D2N14 Enggak. (lirih)

D2R15 Enggak. Tahun ini cuma belajar tentang ujian aja.

D2N15 Ya nanti gurunya bacain kurang lebih kaya gitu.

D2R16 Oh bukan muridnya?

D2N16 Hu um.


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D2R17 Berarti gurunya yang membacakan. Kalau tahun kemarin

muridnya juga membacakan.

D2N17 Iya.

D2R18 Umm terus kira-kira ada gak pengalaman yang membuat

Nada.. kalau tadi kan tegang ya, tegang takut gitu.. nah kalau

yang membuat Nada sedih ada gak kira-kira?

D2N18 Umm sedih sih enggak ada. Biasa aja sih.

D2R19 Kalau yang membuat Nada gembira? Selama ini ya.. gak

yang cuman kelas tiga aja sih, selama Nada bersekolah di


D2N19 Ya ada yang pas itu lomba pidato.

D2R20 Itu yang pas bahagia ya?

D2N20 Iya. Bahagia. Ya bahagia hu um. (datar)

D2R21 (tertawa) bahagia apa sedih itu?

D2N21 (tertawa) ya bahagialah.

D2R22 Bahagia ya. Nah kalau yang sedih?

D2N22 Iih gak ada mbak. (tertawa)

D2R23 (tertawa) gak ada ya, oke. Umm itu kalau di kelas. Nah kalau

di asrama sendiri ada gak.. di asrama atau di kelompok.. kan

Nada ikut kelompok belajar ya, Brailliant itu, ikut terus kan?

Rutin kan?

D2N23 Iya.

D2R24 Nah ada gak pengalaman yang berkesan di pas belajar

sendiri, maksudnya sendiri dalam artian sendiri, asrama, atau

sendiri di luar jam sekolah, misalnya ikut kegiatan Brailliant


D2N24 Ada. Waktu itu kan pengampunya itu kan cerewet banget.

Pengampunya itu cerewet juga gitu lah pokoknya. Nah

sekelas saat itu kan,, itu kan per kelas mbak.

D2R25 Oh per kelas. Satu kelas ada berapa anak?

D2N25 Empat.. ada yang empat, macam-macam sih.

D2R26 Tapi bermacam-macam tingkat kelasnya ya

D2N26 Hu um. Apa namanya... waktu itu sekelas tuh pada diem-

diem semua. Waktu itu juga masih pada baru-baru gitu loh

mbak. Tapi gurunya.. gurunya itu dikasihnya yang kaya gitu.

Jadi kalau belajar itu pada diem semua jadi kalau dianu ya

gak nyantol. (tertawa)

D2R27 Oh gitu. Jadi gurunya cerewet. Nah terus (terpotong)

D2N27 Anaknya diem.

D2R28 Oh berarti umm biar bisa nyantol itu harusnya gimana?

D2N28 Ya harusnya gak terlalu gitu banget gitu loh. Keliatannya tuh

terlalu gimana gitu. Jadi beda.

D2R29 Hu um. Waktu itu ngajar tentang materi apa?

D2N29 Waktu itu keliatannya tentang undangan gitu


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D2R30 Undangan. Materi tentang undangan ya? Masih tentang

Ujian Nasional ya?

D2N30 Enggak. Itu apa namanya kelas 8.

D2R31 Oh waktu kelas 8? Pas kelas 8 juga?

D2N31 Hu um.

D2R32 Oke. Itu masih ingat gak kira-kira harinya hari apa?

D2N32 Hari Selasa.

D2R33 Hari Selasa. Jamnya?

D2N33 Jamnya jam 18.30an

D2R34 18.30 sampai jam?

D2N34 19.30.

D2R35 19.30. Model pembelajarannya bagaimana? Apakah

digrupin, jadi sekelas 1 grup 4, atau 2-2, atau 1-1?

D2N35 Ya itu kalau setiap periode beda-beda

D2R36 Kalau pas yang itu tadi,, peristiwa yang itu tadi?

D2N36 Oh kalau yang itu,, pas itu apa namanya umm sesuai dengan

jenjangnya masing-masing. Misalkan SMA,, SMP sendiri.

Kalau yang sekarang ini kan kelas 9 dijadiin satu kelas.

Kalau dulu kelas 9 dijadikan 3 kelas, 2 kelas gitu.

D2R37 Oh gitu. Umm waktu itu Nada pernah ngomong langsung

gak sama gurunya? “Misi, Miss, pelan-pelan” atau gimana


D2N37 Enggak pernah. Malu.. kan masih gimana gitu sama


D2R38 Oh baru pertama kali ketemu sama gurunya atau gimana?

D2N38 Iyaa.. baru pertama kali.

D2R39 Oh terus setelah itu ketemu sama gurunya itu lagi atau ganti


D2N39 Kan satu kelas itu kan ada dua.. dua dua itu..

D2R40 Dua guru?

D2N40 Hu um.. dua guru. Apa itu namanya yang itu jarang masuk

jadi digantiin sama mbak-mbak yang lebih kalem.

D2R41 Oh gitu. Berarti mbaknya yang cerewet itu tadi yang jarang

masuk ya? Sekalinya masuk, hening..

D2N41 Iya soalnya itu apa namanya.. pembelajarannya terlalu target

gitu loh, jadinya diem gitu.

D2R42 Oh.. jadi harusnya dibawa santai aja gitu ya..

D2N42 Iya.. harusnya sesuai dengan kemampuan kita..

D2R43 Jangan terlalu sepaneng gitu ya..

D2N43 Hu um

D2R44 Nah disamping karena mata pelajaran wajib, Bahasa Inggris

itu kan mata pelajaran wajib ya,, adakah alasan lain Nada

belajar Bahasa Inggris?

D2N44 Apa sih ya mbak,, bingung (tertawa)


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D2R45 Gakpapa diungkapkan aja

D2N45 Ya itu kalau sekarang ini kan karena itu,, mungkin kalau

besok-besok saat saya udah masuk ke dunia pekerjaan atau

apapun mungkin akan berguna gitu.

D2R46 Jadi menurut Nada itu suatu bekal ya?

D2N46 Hu um.

D2R47 Meskipun gak wajib pun tetap pengen belajar Bahasa


D2N47 Iya.

D2R48 Nah topik Bahasa Inggris apa yang sekiranya susah Nada

pelajari? Misalnya ini ngomongin ke semuanya ya, kelas 7,

kelas 8, yang pernah Nada pelajari di kelas 7, kelas 8, kelas

9 ini kira-kira topik Bahasa Inggris apa yang Nada susah


D2N48 Tentang teks yang itu apa namanya yang semisal kaya

mendeskripsikan suatu tumbuhan yang kaya Biologi gitu

tapi pakai Bahasa Inggris. Jadi kan semisal istilah-istilahnya

itu kan susah. Gitu yang sampai sekarang masih berat.

D2R49 Pernah gak umm.. Nada masih ingat gak kejadiannya ketika

pelajaran tersebut dan Nada merasa kesusahan?

D2N49 Kemarin itu baru TPM yang itu. Yaa gimana mbak


D2R50 Jadi.. tadi kan menurut Nada umm mata pelajaran eh topik

ya topik Bahasa Inggris yang susah itu yang

mendeskripsikan tumbuh-tumbuhan karena kosakatanya

kurang ya menurut Nada. Nah Nada masih ingat gak

kejadian pas pelajaran tersebut? Pelajaran pas topik tersebut

pas Nada pas merasa kesusahan.

D2N50 Yang pasti pas kemarin tryout-tryout itu banyak keluar

tentang gitu..

D2R51 Umm dari kesusahan tersebut menurut Nada apakah apa

yang disampaikan oleh guru sudah cukup atau belum?

D2N51 Belum.

D2R52 Belumnya gimana? Apakah belum menyentuh topik tersebut

atau..? (terpotong)

D2N52 Iya jarang banget gitu ngulas tentang teks tersebut.

D2R53 Teks yang tentang deskripsi tumbuh-tumbuhan ya,, atau

cuman atau tentang tumbuh-tumbuhan aja atau tentang

deskripsi semuanya?

D2N53 Enggak sih. Cuman tentang tumbuh-tumbuhan aja karena

istilahnya itu susah.

D2R54 Oh gitu. Jadi belum disentuh ya? Belum tersentuh.. Nah itu

yang susah.. umm lalu apakah ada topik Bahasa Inggris yang


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menurut Nada mudah dipelajari umm oleh seorang umm

tuna netra? Yang mudah dipelajari oleh seorang tuna netra?

D2N54 Umm sebenarnya kalau Bahasa Inggris itu kan bahasa ya

mbak jadi gak terlalu menggunakan penglihatan. Ya menurut

saya tergantung orangnya aja sih. Jadi topik semuanya juga

bisa.. bisa dipelajari, mudah. Tergantung orangnya aja mau

atau enggak.

D2R55 Jadi karena bahasa itu tidak terlalu memerlukan penglihatan

jadi cukup mudah ya sebenernya dipelajari?

D2N55 Iya.

D2R56 Nah kalau untuk skill,, kan Bahasa Inggris ada skill reading,

listening, speaking, writing, nah kira-kira skill apa yang

susah bagi Nada untuk dipelajari?

D2N56 Reading.

D2R57 Kenapa bisa dijelaskan?

D2N57 Karena lebih sering ndengerin daripada mbaca.

D2R58 Oh I see.. Oke. Bagaimana agar Nada bisa membaca lebih


D2N58 Membaca lebih banyak (berpikir) Ya itu (terpotong)

D2R59 Apakah ada yang Nada inginkan biar.. (terpotong)

D2N59 Ya ada, tapi udah udah terpenuhi sih kaya umm dikasih buku

panduan apa soal-soal yang kemarin, dibaca sendiri, ya itu

cukup membantu sih.

D2R60 Itu dalam bentuk braille apa..?

D2N60 Hu um braille.

D2R61 Oh itu berapa lembar? Banyak banget?

D2N61 Oh banyak ho oh mbak, tebel banget.

D2R62 Tebelnya seberapa?

D2N62 Ya paling segini lah.. (mempraktekkan)

D2R63 Oh tebel banget.. kaya buku skripsi. Itu kira-kira kumpulan

berapa tahun segitu itu?

D2N63 Itu satu, satu tahun mbak. Hu um semisal UN tahun kemarin

itu ya tahun kemarin aja gitu.

D2R64 Oh tapi tebelnya segitu ya..

D2N64 Hu um.

D2R65 Berarti itu se..tebel segitu itu kira-kira 60 soal ya biasanya?

60 soal kan?

D2N65 Apanya?

D2R66 Soal UN 60 soal kan?

D2N66 50.

D2R67 Itu setebel itu 50 soal ya? Itu aja baru cuman satu tahun ya?

D2N67 Hu um.

D2R68 Gitu. Dan apakah itu cukup?

D2N68 Ya menurut saya cukup.


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D2R69 Hanya 1 tahun aja dengan cuman 50 nomor saja? Apakah itu

cukup untuk modal untuk dipelajari?

D2N69 Ya kalau banyak soalnya lumayan mbak membantu juga

buat panduan. Daripada kita minta yang muluk-muluk tapi

hasilnya nihil. Kaya kamus, kaya dulu penelitian juga “Mbak

ini butuh kamus, ini, ini, ini”.. “Oh ya besok saya buatkan.”

Tapi enggak gitu.. yang penting kita... (terpotong)

D2R70 Kalau saya sih gak ingin menjanjikan untuk membuatkan sih

cuman karena ini penelitiannya tentang pengalaman jadi

tidak berani untuk menjanjikan itu..

D2N70 Nah makanya itu mending yang ada aja dibahas dulu.

Penelitiannya gitu aja.

D2R71 Kalau saya hanya bisanya ya itu membantu langsung gitu.

D2N71 Iya.

D2R72 Oke umm soalnya susah itu kalau mau bikin kamus,, kamus

braille yaa..

D2N72 Iya susah banget itu mbak, tebel banget juga itu..

D2R73 Iya makanya. Soalnya kemarin aja pas Bu.. Ms Nina aja

cerita “Bayangkan mbak kalau satu teks aja di-braille-in, di-

braille-kan itu bisa selembar lebih, berlembar-lembar,

bagaimana kalau itu soal satu tahun?” nah gitu. “Oh iya ya

Bu ya.”.. “Ya itu mbak, itu susahnya di situ”.

D2N73 Hu um itu.

D2R74 Nah itu, itu salah satu apa namanya tujuan penelitian saya

sih. Saya kan orang awam ya, maksudnya bener-bener blank

gitu tentang... nah biar bener-bener tahu, nah dari situ saya

“oh ya ya”. Nah ini penelitian ini saya ingin umm

melakukan penelitian ini agar orang-orang yang di luar sana,

yang tidak sedang melakukan penelitian ini, tapi bisa tahu

bener-bener dengan membaca skripsi saya seperti itu sih

tujuannya. Reading ya itu tadi? Kalau yang mudah?

D2N74 Yang paling mudah itu tuh nulis, writing.

D2R75 Writing? Kenapa umm menurut Nada itu yang paling


D2N75 Kan sering dibacain. Sering diejain juga jadi terngiang-

ngiang gitu.

D2R76 Terngiang-ngiang ejaannya ya? Spellingnya..

D2N76 Hu um..

D2R77 Saya kira malah speaking. Speaking... speaking susah?

D2N77 Ya susah juga sih.. ya susah.

D2R78 Lebih mudah writing ya?

D2N78 Gak mudah juga sih mbak. Mandan mending.

D2R79 (tertawa) mandan mending. Mandan itu apa?

D2N79 Agak mending.


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D2R80 Agak ya. Umm.. Apakah menurut Nada selama ini belajar

Bahasa Inggris itu menyenangkan? Di kelas ya, di sekolah

ini dari kelas 7, kelas 8, kelas 9.

D2N80 Gurunya sama ya menyenangkan.

D2R81 Sama menyenangkan gurunya atau bagaimana?

D2N81 Sama. Gurunya sama loh dari kelas 7.

D2R82 Oh sama Ms. Nina terus?

D2N82 Iya.

D2R83 Apakah selama ini menyenangkan atau bagaimana?

D2N83 Iya menyenangkan.

D2R84 Menyenangkan dalam artian?

D2N84 Dalam arti gak terlalu mengekang gitu mbak.

D2R85 Ohh. Nah sekarang,, ini tadi tentang sekolah ya, sekarang

saya ingin tahu nih bagaimana Nada sehari-hari berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar?

D2N85 Ini lepas dari Bahasa Inggris?

D2R86 Hu um ya.. ini sih cara Nada bersosialisasi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.Lepas dari Bahasa Inggris. Dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari apakah Nada berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar di luar asrama ini?

D2N86 Jarang. Jarang keluar.

D2R87 Seandainya pas keluar itu pas kira-kira pas sedang ngapain?

D2N87 Kalau ada acara gitu. Itu pun gak sendirian, sama temen-

temen asrama yang lain.

D2R88 Sama temen-temen asrama yang di sini?

D2N88 Hu um iya..

D2R89 Apakah ada orang awasnya? Salah satu dari temen-temen itu

apakah ada orang awasnya atau enggak?

D2N89 Ya ada. Itu mbak Ibu asrama.

D2R90 Oh Ibu asrama. Oh berarti pernahkah Nada keluar sendirian?

D2N90 Pernah.

D2R91 Pas ngapain?

D2N91 Ya pas.. ya pengen aja keluar tuh ngapain gitu.

D2R92 Terus waktu itu bisa tolong ceritakan? Yang Nada ingat


D2N92 Umm ya pernah sih. Dulu kan pernah waktu ke pasar


D2R93 Ke pasar di sekitar sini pasar mana?

D2N93 Oh Prawirotaman. Waktu itu kan apa namanya.. Um.. waktu

itu mungkin dari sini,, masih daerah-daerah sini itu

maksudnya aman-aman aja gitu ya. Pas menuju jalan raya

itu, kan saya bawa tongkat tuh. Habis itu apa namanya ada

perempatan gitu, tapi tuh gak diseberangin.

D2R94 Gak diseberangin sama orang-orang ya?


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D2N94 Iya. Kan habis itu ada orang,, tapi tapi orangnya itu emang

lagi ngomong sih jadinya saya gak berani,, dan itu juga agak

jauh juga dari saya.. dan habis itu apa namanya..

D2R95 Itu pas mau menuju ke pasar?

D2N95 Kan habis itu jalan.. ya alhamdulillahnya sih bisa gitu..

D2R96 Oh berarti menyeberang sendiri? Bisa?

D2N96 Bisa kan didengerin maksudnya kalau ada motor atau apa


D2R97 Oh bisa.. terus setelah itu gimana perasaan Nada?

D2N97 Ya kaget aja sih. Tau tau ih kok gak ada yang nyeberangin.

D2R98 Jadi perasaannya kaget?

D2N98 Iya.. maksudnya iya.. kok aneh banget. Maksudnya takut

kalau ada apa-apa gitu loh mbak ada kendaraan yang lewat..

D2R99 Kaget dalam artian kecewa atau sedih atau..?

D2N99 Enggak. Enggak sedih, biasa aja.. ya karena udah biasa.

D2R100 Kecewa?

D2N100 Ya mungkin mereka juga gak tau, gak melihat saya jadi


D2R101 Umm terus sampai di pasar itu bagaimana?

D2N101 Ya itu udah mulai ada orang yang nuntun sih udah mulai ada

perhatian “mau kemana?” gitu sih.

D2R102 Terus?

D2N102 Waktu itu saya cari buah.

D2R103 Kenapa?

D2N103 Cari buah.

D2R104 Buah apa?

D2N104 Buah pisang.

D2R105 Untuk?

D2N105 Ya untuk makan. (tertawa)

D2R106 (tertawa) maksudnya siapa tau untuk pengobatan atau apa


D2N106 Enggak.

D2R107 Oh gitu.. Keluar.. itu waktu Nada ke pasar itu, apakah umm

jadi ini keperluan yang mendesak atau Nada iseng aja?

D2N107 Enggak. Itu cuman ngecek mental aja berani enggak.

D2R108 Oh ya ya. Dari situ Nada merasa berani enggak atau gimana?

D2N108 Ya berani.. ya buktinya berani (tertawa)

D2R109 Berarti mau keluar sendiri lagi?

D2N109 Iya.

D2R110 Nah saat kembali lagi ke pasar itu gimana itu? Kan harus

nyeberang lagi tuh..

D2N110 Oh itu udah.. udah mulai ada orang yang nyeberangin.

D2R111 Oh berapa orang yang nyeberangin?

D2N111 Satu lah mbak.. Kaya apa aja.. (tertawa)


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D2R112 Ya.. kan pengen tau (tertawa) apakah seorang perempuan?


D2N112 Perempuan.

D2R113 Perempuan muda? Setengah baya?

D2N113 Ibu-ibu.

D2R114 Oke. Terus diseberangkan. Masih ingat gak itu hari apa?

D2N114 Minggu.

D2R115 Hari Minggu. Jamnya?

D2N115 Jam setengah 8.

D2R116 Pagi ya..

D2N116 Hu um..

D2R117 Nah itu kan pas mau ke pasar ya? Nah kalau ini dalam

kegiatan sehari-hari, misalnya cuci baju, itu apakah Nada

bawa ke laundry atau cuci sendiri atau..?

D2N117 Mulai kelas 9 ini saya laundry, tapi kalau sebelum kelas 9

saya cuci sendiri.

D2R118 Oke cuci sendiri, kalau nyuci sendiri apakah kamar

mandinya bergantian atau gimana?

D2N118 Di tempat cucian mbak..

D2R119 Oh ada ya?

D2N119 Iya ada.

D2R120 Gak pernah antri?

D2N120 Ya antri, tapi kalau sekarang-sekarang mungkin selo ya

karena banyak yang laundry jadi tempatnya itu kosong gitu

loh.. Gak terlalu banyak yang makai.

D2R121 Kalau laundry tuh kemana? Di luar sini?

D2N121 Iya di luar sini.

D2R122 Di daerah?

D2N122 Di daerah.. Barat..

D2R123 Nama laundry-nya tahu?

D2N123 Gak tahu (tertawa)

D2R124 Siapa tahu dikasih tahu sama pemiliknya. Ini maaf ya ini

tanyanya bener-bener detil, soalnya emang harus detil

penelitiannya,, jadinya pengen menggali lebih dalam lagi.

D2N124 Ya gak papa mbak.

D2R125 Jadi biar saya bisa merekonstruksi kejadiannya seperti apa

gitu loh. Nanti ketika saya tuangkan ke thesis-nya jadi bener-

bener pembacanya membaca seolah-olah dia merasakan..

nah jadinya harus detil seperti itu.. Ya sebenarnya itu sih

tujuannya agar pembaca itu bisa kaya walking in your shoes

lah.. Walking in your shoes jadi umm ya jadi bisa merasakan

menjadi seorang Nada itu bagaimana.

D2N125 Iya.


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D2R126 Oke. Umm sering ngobrol gak sama ibuk pemilik laundry


D2N126 Cuman selewat-selewat aja mbak,, gak pernah,, ya ngapain..

D2R127 Tiap hari apa biasanya me-laundry?

D2N127 Selasa sama Sabtu..

D2R128 Tiap kali saya ke sini saya sering ketemu Gunawan (tertawa)

D2N128 (tertawa)

D2R129 Sering banget. Pertama kayanya yang saya ketemuin

Gunawan. Pas masuk loh bener-bener pas masuk, dia keluar.

Atau pas saya masuk, dia juga masuk. Sering. Tiap kali. Tiga

kali kan saya ke sini.

D2N129 Iya mbak.

D2R130 “Halo. Ini Ana. Namanya siapa?” “Gunawan.” Gitu..

D2N130 (tertawa)

D2R131 Ketemu terus.. Trus tadi tak tanyain “Oh, Gunawan. Kelas

berapa?” “Kelas 9.” Gitu trus “Oh, 9 apa? A, B, C, D?”gitu

trus.. “Oh udah disatuin sekarang” gitu trus “Oh, berarti

sekelas sama Nada?” “Iya” gitu “Oh ini mau ketemu Nada.”

“Oh iya mbak” (tertawa) Tiga kali ke sini ketemu terus loh..

D2N131 (tertawa)

D2R132 Tapi baru tahu namanya Gunawan itu pas hari ini,, tadi..

D2N132 (tertawa)

D2R133 Dia kayanya sering laundry ya?

D2N133 Gak tahu.

D2R134 Kayanya tiap kali ketemu pasti bawa apa.. bawa plastik

laundry-an kayanya..

D2N134 (senyum)

D2R135 Kalau makan ada di sini ya? Sudah disediakan..

D2N135 Iya..

D2R136 Umm berarti kalau keluar itu hanya untuk laundry saja..

D2N136 Seringnya laundry..

D2R137 Seringnya laundry. Trus kalau enggak tuh pas sama ibu asuh

asrama.. Itu kira-kira kemana kalau sama ibu asrama itu?

D2N137 Ya di luar mungkin kalau diundang ngapain gitu

D2R138 Biasanya kaya pengajian atau apa?

D2N138 Macam-macam sih,, kadang diundang itu apa makan,,

kadang apa nyanyi gitu..

D2R139 Oh nyanyi? Bisa nyanyi juga Nada?

D2N139 Enggak. Ya dikit lah mbak gak tau..(malu)

D2R140 Kalau suka nyanyi kapan-kapan tak ajak karaoke. Soalnya

aku suka nyanyi. Tapi suaraku emang jelek sih..

D2N140 (tertawa) ya mbak jangan gitu..

D2R141 (tertawa) suka gak? Kalau suka nanti tak ajak karaoke..

D2N141 Yaa.. (terpotong)


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D2R142 Boleh gak sih diajak keluar gitu?

D2N142 Ya gak papa, tapi kalau sekarang-sekarang jangan dulu..

D2R143 Jangan dulu ya,, besok aja ya kalau setelah ujian ya?

D2N143 Hu um.

D2R144 Oh,, ini kayanya sepertinya pertanyaan terakhir..

D2N144 Iya..

D2R145 Umm apa yang akan Nada lakukan untuk meraih nilai bagus

dalam Bahasa Inggris?

D2N145 Pertama belajar, kedua doanya ditambah,, ya pokoknya

ibadahnya juga, dan mesti kuat. Trus.. ya paling itu aja mbak

belajar sama berdoa.

D2R146 Oke.. belajar sama berdoa,, sama itu ya ikut klub Brailliant

itu ya..

D2N146 Iya. Itu belajar juga..

D2R147 Umm setelah lulus Madrasah ini, apa yang Nada ingin

lakukan? Boleh loh ini diceritakan yang muluk-muluk

gakpapa.. Gakpapa loh ini. Serius..

D2N147 Ah enggak.. apa maksudnya gimana?

D2R148 Maksudnya apa yang ingin Nada lakukan setelah lulus

Madrasah? Lulus Madrasah di sini..

D2N148 Apa.. (tertawa)

D2R149 Ceritakan saja.. Gak perlu “Ah karena gini, kayanya gak

mungkin” gak usah, gak usah kaya gitu.. jadi ceritakan aja

yang sesuai yang Nada inginkan setelah lulus Madrasah ini

“Nada ingin ini mbak”

D2N149 Ya mungkin lebih pengen tau bakatnya di mana sih jadi gitu

loh.. Jadi mungkin kalau di SMA awas itu kan mungkin

kalau untuk gitu-gitunya lebih terbuka gitu loh cabang-

cabangnya, kaya apa, nah itu mungkin saya bisa tahu tempat

saya di situ gitu.. mungkin bisanya gitu..

D2R150 Berarti setelah lulus madrasah Nada ingin ke umm inklusi


D2N150 Hu um.

D2R151 Sudah ada pilihannya? Di Jogja atau balik lagi ke sana, ke

kampung halaman?

D2N151 Inginnya sih, insyaAllah di Jogja. Ya..

D2R152 Kira-kira yang Nada sasar.. yang Nada sasar,, dituju kira-

kira dimana?

D2N152 Mau dimana gitu? Di SMA N 1 Sewon insyaAllah. NFP

D2R153 Itu inklusi ya?

D2N153 Iya..

D2R154 Di Jogja ini yang inklusi mana aja sih?

D2N154 Ada SMA 3 Yogyakarta, SMA 6..

D2R155 SMA 6, SMA-ku.. (tertawa)


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D2N155 Oh iya mbak? (terkejut)

D2R156 Iya, SMA 6, SMA-ku. Tapi dulu waktu dulu sih gak ada..

maksudte gak ada istilah yang inklusi inklusi gitu jadi

inklusinya aku baru denger akhir-akhir ini.. ya gak akhir-

akhir ini sih.. (terpotong)

D2N156 Tapi pernah denger itu bakal inklusi?

D2R157 Pas jamanku umm belum ada kabar-kabar inklusi gitu sih..

soalnya dulu pas jamanku kan belum ada, belum gencar ini

ya apa umm sekolah pendidkan khusus gitu belum terlalu

gencar. Belum ada malahan ini inklusi,, jadi hanya sekolah

itu cuman ada sekolah formal, sekolah apa namanya yang

awas, sama sekolah yang special, sekolah pendidikan khusus

ini itu aja cuman ada dua gitu. Nah kan trus ada apa

namanya kurikulum baru ya itu kan terus ada masuk ke

inklusi.. itu kayanya setelah aku kuliah.. ada inklusi gitu, jadi

pas SMA belum.. Kenapa pengen ke SMA 6? Karena inklusi

itu.. (terpotong)

D2N157 Eh bukan SMA 6, SMA 1 Sewon.

D2R158 Iya,, oh iya ding,, SMA 6 cuman inklusinya.. Oh iya, SMA 1

Sewon, SMA 3, SMA 6 (terpotong)

D2N158 SMA Muhammadiyah ya Muhammadiyah 4, trus MAN 2,

MAN 2 Sleman. Sebenarnya sih Jogja itu harusnya...ya

harusnya inklusi semua, karena kan pemerintah juga itu kan..

D2R159 Kurikulumnya juga mendukung kan untuk inklusi. Hanya

saja mungkin apa namanya umm sumber daya pendidiknya

itu kan mungkin guru-gurunya tidak dibekali dengan

misalnya cara pendampingan ABK bagaimana.. trus

fasilitasnya juga masih... dari situ.. nah mungkin..


D2N159 Jadi takut.

D2R160 Dari situ mungkin SMA 6 ini udah ada lah sedikit

fasilitasnya dan udah ada beberapa guru yang sudah dibekali

dengan apa pendidikan khusus, sama yang lain-lainnya,

SMA 3, SMA 1 Sewon. Kalau SMA 1 Sewon itu umm

sekolahnya sepupu saya dulu. Sekarang dia udah kerja. Oke..

umm itu ya berarti pengen lanjut ke inklusi agar tahu

bakatnya Nada dimana gitu ya..

D2N160 Ya enggak gak gitu,, tujuan utamanya enggak itu sih..

Tujuan utamanya ya kan melanjutkan pendidikan dari SMP

ke SMA.. Masa cuman sampai SMP (tertawa)


D2R161 Jadi dari SMP ke SMA, tapi kenapa memilih inklusi?

D2N161 Enggak yang itu?

D2R162 Hu um..

D2N162 Ya biar.. apa sih ya mbak. Masa yaa.. Ya biar lebih

berkembang aja gitu loh secara akademik. Kalau di SLB kan



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akademiknya kan ya sesuai dengan itu apa namanya

basisnya basis SLB jadi gak tau kemampuan.. terlalu mudah

gitu loh mbak. Dan saya kan ya intinya maksudnya yang

bener-bener bisa mengikuti kaya yang lain gitu..

D2R163 Mudah-mudahan bisa bersaing dengan yang lainnya gitu ya?

D2N163 Hu um. Bersaing.. NFP

D2R164 Karena Nada sendiri merasa Nada mampu ya?

D2N164 Iya..

D2R165 Okay. I think that’s all. Thank you very much, Nada.


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Damar’s In-Depth Interview Transcript Day 1

Date : 8 April 2018

Time : 14.00 – 15.00

Place : Library

R = Researcher; D = Damar (pseudonym); T = Transitions; L = Lack of School’s

Media and Facilities; AL = Auditory Learners; M = Motivational Issues; AC =

Achievements; NFP = Near Future Plans; V = Visually-Impaired or Blind?;

********* = the name of the school

D1R01 ... umm Damar asalnya dari mana?

D1D01 Bengkulu.

D1R02 Dari Bengkulu. Umm nama lengkapnya?

D1D02 Eko Damar Prasetyo (pseudonym)

D1R03 Eko Damar Prasetyo. Trus dipanggilnya Damar. Itu di rumah

dipanggil Damar juga, di sini juga dipanggil Damar?

D1D03 Enggak sih. Kalau di rumah dipanggil Eko.

D1R04 Oh gitu. Kenapa di sini gak dipanggil Eko?

D1D04 Karena di sini ada juga temen saya yang namanya Eko. Jadi

biar gak keliru, dipanggilnya gitu.

D1R05 Oh gitu. Itu temen sekelas atau temen yang...? (terpotong)

D1D05 Itu... sekelas sih.

D1R06 Ohh.. eh perasaan sekelas yang namanya... (terpotong)

D1D06 Ituu.. oh iya sebenernya itu satu angkatan sama saya kan.

Kemarin-kemarin itu kan masih dipisah. Sekarang kelasnya


D1R07 Oh gitu... sekarang digabung jadi... jadi... (terpotong)

D1D07 Jadi satu.

D1R08 Berapa murid sekelas? Kemarin kan 3 ya?

D1D08 Kalau kemarin iya cuman 3. Kalau sekarang, kalau digabung

jadi 10.

D1R09 Oh banyak banget. Trus ruangannya di...?

D1D09 Sini.

D1R10 Oh di sini. Umm masih sama Pak Supri?

D1D10 Enggak. Udah beda.

D1R11 Trus sama siapa?


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D1D11 Kalau Pak Supri itu masih... masih.. Kalau Pak Supri itu kan

kita ada 2 jadwal Bahasa Inggris. Hari Selasa dan Sabtu.

D1R12 Hu um, Selasa sama Sabtu.

D1D12 Kebetulan Sabtu-nya Pak Supri gak bisa, jadi hari Selasa.

Dan hari Sabtunya dipegang sama Ms. Indah.

D1R13 Oh gitu.. Hari Selasa kemarin jam berapa ya? Jam 10...? eh..

D1D13 Hari Selasa itu jam 8.20.

D1R14 Oh iya. Jam 8.20 sampai jam 9.20 ya? 9.40?

D1D14 9.40 sih.

D1R15 Iya, 9.40. Trus kalau yang hari Sabtu?

D1D15 Hari Sabtu.... sama.

D1R16 Sama?

D1D16 Iya.

D1R17 Oke. Hari Sabtu itu sama. Umm yang ngajar tapi berbeda


D1D17 Iya.

D1R18 Di kelasnya sama kan? Kelasnya juga di sini kan?

D1D18 Iya, kelasnya di sini.

D1R19 Oke.. Trus di Bengkulu berapa lama Damar tinggalnya di


D1D19 Ituu.. sejak kecil.

D1R20 Dari lahir sampai..? (terpotong)

D1D20 Sebenernya sih gak dari lahir, bisa dikatakan sih paling

semenjak umur 1 tahun sih udah di Bengkulu.

D1R21 Oh gitu.. Tapi lahirnya di?

D1D21 Jogja.

D1R22 Berarti orang Jogja to? Wong Jogja. Oke. Jadi di Bengkulu

mungkin sekitar umur 1 tahun ya, sampai umur berapa?

D1D22 Yaa sekitar 12 tahun lah.

D1R23 12 tahun. Sekarang Damar umur berapa?

D1D23 15.

D1R24 Umur 15. Oke.. umm terus di Bengkulu masuknya di SD

mana kalau Bengkulu?

D1D24 SD LB.

D1R25 SD LB.. ohh berarti umm apa namanya... tidak bisa

melihatnya itu dari lahir atau..?

D1D25 Dari umur 4 tahun.

D1R26 Dari umur 4 tahun. Umm dari umur 4 tahun kenapa itu...?

D1D26 Umm karena prematur.

D1R27 Prematur? Oh dulu lahirnya prematur atau gimana?

D1D27 Yaa.. prematur hitungannya. Kurang umm apa ya.. kurang

bulan hehehe.

D1R28 Oh ya, berarti lahirnya prematur ya dulu?

D1D28 Iya..


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D1R29 Um usia berapa bulan lahirnya?

D1D29 6.

D1R30 Usia 6 bulan lahir, tapi bisa melihat to itu?

D1D30 Iya, masih bisa melihat.

D1R31 Bisa melihat... tapi trus lama-lama tidak bisa melihat atau..?

D1D31 Iya. Umm kalau seingat saya waktu 4 tahun dulu langsung



D1R32 Oh langsung gelap gitu? Gak ada tahap-tahapan, tahapan

tadinya blur atau gimana gitu?

D1D32 Gak ada.

D1R33 Gak ada, langsung. Tapi masih punya memori tentang apa...

pas keadaan pas masih bisa melihat itu gak? Masih ada

memorinya gak?

D1D33 Umm masih gak ya. Udah gak ada (tertawa kecil) B

D1R34 Udah gak ada ya, oke. Soalnya juga masih muda kan ya 4

tahun itu. Oke umm terus masuk ke SD LB... oh masih inget

gak dulu pas awal-awal umm tidak bisa melihat itu sekitar

umur 4 umm 5... sekitar umur 5 tahun lah, itu ada kesulitan

beradaptasi gak?

D1D34 Kalau dulu sih masih kecil, jadi santai aja.

D1R35 Mungkin cerita orang-orang gitu..

D1D35 Yang heran tuh kalau keluarga itu kok biasanya saya tuh

main tuh lincah, tapi sekarang tuh sering nabrak-nabrak gitu



D1R36 Oh gitu. Trus dari situ, baru dibawa ke dokter?

D1D36 Iya, berkali-kali itu dibawa ke dokter ternyata baru


D1R37 Hu um.. terus pas pengalaman beradaptasi waktu pertama

kali masih inget gak?

D1D37 Waktu dulu itu bisa dikatakan bahwa saya belum tahu kalau

saya tunanetra.


D1R38 (tertawa) oh dulu ya pas awal-awal itu ya...

D1D38 Saya tahunya saya paham kalau saya tunanetra tuh masuk

SD itu mbak..


D1R39 Pahamnya pas di situ ya? Pas waktu umur berapa itu masuk


D1D39 Yaa berapa ya 7 tahun 8 tahun lah..

D1R40 7 tahun. Oh berarti isitilahnya gak telat juga ya masuk SD-

nya. Kan masuk SD minimal 7 tahun kan?

D1D40 Iya.

D1R41 Oke. Sekitar 7 tahun baru sadarnya itu bagaimana


D1D41 Yaa itu sadar tapi ya...apa ya... belum paham sepenuhnya.

Masih nganggep saya tuh biasa gitu, sama kaya orang lain.


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D1R42 Pas peristiwanya bisa tolong diceritakan secara detil ketika

Damar mengetahui kalau “Oh ternyata saya tunanetra” itu

tuh pas moment apa... pereistiwanya?

D1D42 Itu pas moment... apa ya. Maksudnya itu pada saat moment

cerita-cerita gitu sih diceritain... ibu saya juga. Ibu saya juga

berkali-kali sih nyeritain tentang.. apa ya... waktu saya bayi

itu gimana. Tahap-tahapnya itu loh. Yaa.. ya itu akhirnya

saya paham... tapi yaa belum paham sepenuhnya soalnya

saya masih ada sisa penglihatan gitu ya, sedikit..


D1R43 Oh yaa yang waktu itu ya.. masih ada sisa penglihatan. Oke,

tapi sekarang sudah gak inget ya?

D1D43 Iya.

D1R44 Oh gitu. Oke trus pas pertama kali masuk di SD LB di sana

itu bagaimana keadaannya? Di Bengkulu ya itu?

D1D44 Saya itu keadaannya itu kaya..itu pas saya disuruh pakai

tongkat itu, itu saya belum tahu tuh gunanya buat apa,

kenapa disuruh pakai tongkat itu. Ya saya kira buat mainan

biasa lah (tertawa) ternyata.. apa.. saya paham lah kok

disuruh pakai tongkat gitu.

D1R45 Buat jalan. Umm waktu itu pas pakai tongkat itu jalannya

berapa meter? Maksudnya berlatih jalannya?

D1D45 Saya tuh pakai tongkat tuh apa ya... masih asal-asalan, gak

pakai teknik apa-apa gitu. Dipegang aja kalau saya sih.

D1R46 Oh berarti kalau pakai tongkat itu ada tekniknya?

D1D46 Ada.

D1R47 Bisa mungkin tolong jelaskan biar pembaca thesis saya tahu

atau bagaimana gitu?

D1D47 Tekniknya itu ya.. umm.. tekniknya.. susah (tertawa)

D1R48 Hehe jadi.. bagai... kan... oke...gitu.. trus bagaimana?

(tertawa) Trus apakah ke kiri dulu? Habis itu ke kanan.

Apakah ke depan dulu atau ke..?

D1D48 Umm apa ya.. diketuk tapi ke kiri duluan gitu loh..

D1R49 Oh yaa.. misalnya ini nih tongkat ya (memberikan pulpen)

D1D49 (memegang pulpen) ini megangnya seperti ini, lalu seperti

ini (mempraktekkan)

D1R50 Oh jadi ke kanan dulu atau..?

D1D50 Ke kanan.. ke sini (mempraktekkan)

D1R51 Hu um. Trus ?

D1D51 Trus ya.. ya itu, begitu seterusnya. (tiba-tiba hape Damar

berbunyi) Yah lanjut mbak..

D1R52 Oh tak pikir mau ditelpon. Ya.. sampai mana tadi... Oh ya

tadi pakainya dari kanan ke kiri kanan ke kiri gitu ya? Jadi

gak harus ke depan, belakang..

D1D52 Kalau gak, nyeberang tuh ada tekniknya juga.


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D1R53 Oh gimana tekniknya?

D1D53 Jadi tekniknya kalau pas nyeberang tuh tongkatnya tuh

dinaikin ke atas gini (mengangkat pulpen)

D1R54 Oh gitu.. fungsinya untuk?

D1D54 Supaya kan ditongkatnya itu ada tanda hitam, eh hitam,

merah sama putih. Nah kalau kita angkat begini tuh biar

pengendara itu lihat dan mengurangi kecepatan lah paling

gak gitu.

D1R55 Oh gitu. Itu kalau mau menyeberang ya?

D1D55 Iya.

D1R56 Oke. Kalau umpamanya kalau di tikungan jalan gitu,

tikungan gitu kaya gimana?

D1D56 Itu... masih tetep biasa aja sebenernya bisa.

D1R57 Nah um.. sejauh ini apakah Damar pernah keluar memakai

tongkat sendirian?

D1D57 Iya, pernah.

D1R58 Sering?

D1D58 Ya sering.

D1R59 Oh keluar kemana?

D1D59 Bahkan saya pernah tuh nge-Trans, naik Trans.

D1R60 Trans? Naik Trans??

D1D60 Iya. Iya.

D1R61 Ke?

D1D61 Ke YAP.

D1R62 Oh ya, sama temen-temen kan?

D1D62 Sendiri sih udah pernah, 3 kali.

D1R63 Oh sendiri pernah? Itu ada acara apa ke YAP?

D1D63 Saya kursus komputer.

D1R64 Oh kursus komputer. Umm setiap hari apa?

D1D64 Jumat, Sabtu.

D1R65 Jumat sama Sabtu. Berarti kemarin juga?

D1D65 Enggak. Lagi... sedang libur. (tertawa)

D1R66 Ohh (tertawa) All right. Jadi umm kema... jadi Jumat Sabtu

ke YAP naik Trans. Umm nyetopnya gimana itu?

D1D66 Itu.. tadi.. di... yaa kan ada haltenya, nanti pas tiba di

haltenya itu dibantuin sama yang jagain itu. Jurusannya apa

yang datang gitu, nanti dikasih tahu..

D1R67 Oh dan berhentinya juga pas di Trans, pas di depan YAP itu


D1D67 Iya, di haltenya. Di halte deket YAP berhentinya. Trus nanti

saya jalan sendiri.

D1R68 Iya.. Umm selama ini... Itu udah... kira-kira udah berapa kali

umm Damar keluar ke YAP?

D1D68 Kurang lebih itu 3 kali.


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D1R69 3 kali ya sendirian?

D1D69 Iya.

D1R70 Kalau selebihnya sama-sama temen-temen ya?

D1D70 Iya.

D1R71 Oke.. Oh yaa..pas ke YAP itu apakah ada pengalaman yang

tak terlupakan? Pas sendirian ya ini ya.. pas sendirian.

D1D71 Pengalaman itu.. ada.

D1R72 Ya misalnya?

D1D72 Saya pernah itu sekali itu pas bagian yang ke-3-nya. Pas

bagian saya pergi ke-3 kalinya.

D1R73 Itu pas hari apa, tanggal berapa inget gak?

D1D73 Itu pas hari... itu kalau gak salah itu Jumat.

D1R74 Ya Jumat. Bulannya inget gak?

D1D74 Itu bulannya saya gak inget deh.

D1R75 Oh ya oke. Tahun ini?

D1D75 Maret kayanya. Ya, tahun ini. Itu saya nyasar gitu loh.

D1R76 Nyasar? Trus?

D1D76 Iya. Jauh banget tuh. Itu saya awalnya udah merasa itu “Wah

ini kok jalannya beda ya”

D1R77 Oh nganu ya... lama ya?

D1D77 Enggak. Malahan lebih deket.

D1R78 Oh malah lebih deket? Berarti berhentinya sebelum nyampe

ke YAP ya?

D1D78 Enggak. Itu pas saya pulang.

D1R79 Oh pas pulang. Oh oke..

D1D79 Iya. Itu saya diseberangin sama orang. Karena saya merasa

pas sudah sampe. Di seberang saya tanya, karena saya

paham kan lingkungan di ********* itu. “Pak, di sekitar sini

ada angkringan gak?”. “Gak ada”. Wah ini bener saya

kesasar. Trus saya diseberangin lagi, akhirnya saya disuruh

lurus ke... saya gak tahu ke arah Barat apa Timur itu, disuruh

lurus saja. Nah setelah saya lurus tuh ada... saya ketemu

bapak-bapak. Dan saya dianterin naik motor itu sih ke


D1R80 Oh itu bapak-bapaknya bilang....

D1D80 “Mau kemana?” gitu

D1R81 Damar nyasar sampe mana gitu dikasih tahu gak?

D1D81 Saya nyasarnya tuh sampe Jokteng Kulon kalau gak salah.

D1R82 Ohh jauh banget yaa (tertawa) Itu kan ********* itu kan

Selatan Jokteng Wetan.

D1D82 Iya.

D1R83 Trus dianterin sama bapaknya gitu ya..

D1D83 Iya.


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D1R84 Oke, umm gimana perasaanmu waktu itu? Waktu nyasar


D1D84 Saya cerita sama temen-temen itu. “Wah itu biasa itu.” Itu

kalau temen-temen itu udah ngerasain semua itu, biasa. Udah

ngerasain itu..

D1R85 Trus waktu itu pas tahu kalau Damar nyasar gitu

perasaannya gimana? Apakah seneng atau kah malah sedih?


D1D85 Kalau saya perasaan itu biasa aja ya karena saya sendiri

umm apa ya... pengen gitu bisa kemana-mana gitu. Tapi

kendalanya itu. Kendalanya di keluarga sebenernya.

D1R86 Oh, di keluarga emang kenapa?

D1D86 Belum... belum yakin kalau saya bisa kemana-mana.

D1R87 Oh gitu. Ya mungkin karena masih SMP ya?

D1D87 Ya gak juga sih, gak ngaruh juga sih SMP. Gak ngaruh.

D1R88 Oh gak ya. Oh mungkin nganu apa namanya... umm


D1D88 Yaa belum yakin.

D1R89 Tapi kalau udah terbiasa kan... ya nyasar itu kan salah satu

ini juga sih ya.. apa.. umm.. cara... jadi dengan nyasar kita

bisa tahu mengatasi masalah.

D1D89 Iyaaa.

D1R90 Untung ada bapak-bapak yang baik hati itu ya.

D1D90 Iyaa..

D1R91 Tapi seandainya gak ada bapak-bapak itu bagaimana nanti

Damar bisa pulang sendiri?

D1D91 Mungkin saya ambil inisiatif bertanya gitu. Kalau tidak ya

kebetulan saya sepertinya membawa hape ya jadi bisa

menghubungi temen-temen.

D1R92 Atau umm.. bisa gak sih menghubungi umm apa namanya

ibu asrama gitu?

D1D92 Bisa aja.

D1R93 Bisa kalau pas keadaan yang genting banget ya. Oke.. umm

trus itu kan pengalaman yang ini ya... keluar... kalau selain

ke YAP kemana lagi?

D1D93 Kalau saya lingkungan yang baru saya pahami di Jogja itu di


D1R94 Oh yang belum dipahami?

D1D94 Yang baru saya pahami.

D1R95 Ooh yang baru dipahami.

D1D95 Iya.

D1R96 Soalnya sering ke situ ya?

D1D96 Iya.


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D1R97 Oke. Umm kalau yang di sekitar sini? Sering keluar-keluar


D1D97 Iya, sering.

D1R98 Oke. Sini kan banyak gang-gangnya tuh, itu paham?

D1D98 Paham.

D1R99 Oke. Biasanya keluar di sini kemana saja Damar?

D1D99 Kalau biasanya saya itu keluar ya paling ya cari makan apa

apa sama temen-temen itu.

D1R100 Umm cari makan ya.

D1D100 Nongkrong aja (tertawa)

D1R101 Oh nongkrong (tertawa) Biasanya ber-berapa itu kalau


D1D101 Ya bisa 5, 4 gitu.

D1R102 Oh 5, 4.

D1D102 Bahkan 10 pernah.

D1R103 Oh gerudukan (tertawa)

D1D103 Satu kamar itu (tertawa)

D1R104 Oh satu kamar? Satu kamar ber-10 orang?

D1D104 Satu kamar itu kalau tempat saya ber-12.

D1R105 Oh kamarnya besar banget. Sebesar apa sih? Seluas ini kah?

D1D105 Kamarnya itu paling yaa... paling ya seaula itu ada.

D1R106 Aula di depan ini?

D1D106 Iya di depan itu. Depan Mts itu. Paling ada segitu.

D1R107 Oh situ. Besar juga ya? Di atas kan? Atau di mana?

D1D107 Di bawah.

D1R108 Oh ya ya..Oke terus umm kembali lagi ke pas yang masa-

masa Damar ini apa namanya umm baru pertama kali tidak

bisa melihat, lalu baru menyadari bahwa Damar itu tunanetra

itu bagaimana perasaannya Damar?

D1D108 Waktu itu yaa... kebanyakan orang bilang kalau tunanetra

dari kecil itu cenderung bisa menerima keadaan.


D1R109 Hu um.

D1D109 Kalau saya pribadi ya belum po yo. B

D1R110 Oh belum ya.

D1D110 Karena... saya mulai agak itunya tuh pas umur 12 tahun,

beranjak remaja itu saya mulai berpikir “Wah kenapa ya

harus seperti ini? Kenapa beda dari yang lain?” gitu.


D1R111 Itu berarti sampai sekarang Damar belum bisa menerima

keadaan atau bagaimana?

D1D111 Udah bisa, tapi masih agak minder gitu kalau sama... kalau

semisal saya di lingkungan keluarga gitu.


D1R112 Di lingkungan keluarga malahan?

D1D112 Iya.. jujur saya itu masih agak minder.


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D1R113 Kenapa kalau di lingkungan keluarga agak minder? Apakah

karena jarang ketemu keluarga atau..?

D1D113 Ya itu salah satu penyebabnya itu..

D1R114 Oh itu.. umm memang berapa kali sebulan ketemu keluarga?

D1D114 Bisa setahun sekali.

D1R115 Setahun sekali? Pas apa?

D1D115 Pas lebaran.

D1R116 Pas lebaran. Berarti pas lebaran pas pulang gitu?

D1D116 Iya.

D1R117 Oh ya. Umm biasanya liburnya berapa lama itu pas lebaran?

D1D117 Paling sekitar 2 sampai 3 minggu ya. Tergantung juga sih...

D1R118 2 sampai 3 minggu ya, di Bengkulu?

D1D118 Dimana? Di SMP-nya?

D1R119 Di ini-nya apa liburan.. di Bengkulu ya?

D1D119 Iya.

D1R120 Oke. Umm minder... minder sama keluarga. Umm jadi

apakah Damar mempunyai saudara?

D1D120 Iya.

D1R121 Umm berapa bersaudara?

D1D121 4.

D1R122 4?

D1D122 Iya.

D1R123 Damar nomer berapa?

D1D123 2.

D1R124 Nomer 2, berarti yang pertama?

D1D124 Yang pertama ya ada kuliah di sini.

D1R125 Kuliah di sini. Namanya? Eh namanya, umm gak perlu

disebutkan namanya, cuman apakah dia lelaki atau


D1D125 Perempuan.

D1R126 Perempuan. Dimana kuliahnya?

D1D126 Di UII.

D1R127 Di UII, jurusan?

D1D127 Komunikasi.

D1R128 Oh berarti sering ketemu sama mbaknya?

D1D128 Seminggu sekali ketemu.

D1R129 Seminggu sekali ya? Hari Minggu?

D1D129 Gak tentu. Pokoknya seminggu sekali.

D1R130 Gituu... Trus yang ke-2, Damar kan? Yang ke-3?

D1D130 Ada adik itu kelas 4 SD.

D1R131 Cowok atau cewek?

D1D131 Cewek.

D1R132 Cewek. Trus yang ke-4?

D1D132 Yang ke-4 itu TK. Cowok.


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D1R133 Cowok. Trus yang terakhir? Masih bayi?

D1D133 Enggak. Belum (tertawa).

D1R134 Kan 5 bersaudara ya?

D1D134 4. 4.

D1R135 Oh 4, kirain 5 bersaudara hehe. Oke, semuanya bisa melihat


D1D135 Iya. Semuanya.

D1R136 Tapi kalau orang tuanya Damar apakah masih lengkap?

D1D136 Alhamdulillah masih lengkap.

D1R137 Alhamdulillah. Pekerjaan ayah Damar apa?

D1D137 Bapak saya PNS. Di kantor.

D1R138 Bengkulu?

D1D138 Iya.

D1R139 Kalau Ibu?

D1D139 Guru. Guru SMP.

D1R140 Guru SMP? Waah biasanya kalau apa namanya... orang

tuanya salah satunya ada yang guru itu pendidikan terjamin.

D1D140 Yaa, aamiin. InsyaAllah.

D1R141 Jadi bisa dididik dengan baik. Okee umm SMP di Bengkulu

ya? Sudah berapa lama kerja sebagai guru itu?

D1D141 Sepuluh tahunan mungkin ada.

D1R142 Sepuluh tahunan mungkin ada. Nah selama sekolah... apa...

di SD LB, pas di Bengkulu itu ada kesulitan-kesulitan


D1D142 Ada.

D1R143 Apa saja?

D1D143 Kalau kesulitan itu ya..

D1R144 Oh SD LB-nya khusus tunanetra kan?

D1D144 Enggak. Campur itu (tertawa)

D1R145 Oh campur.

D1D145 Itu lah kesulitannya.

D1R146 Kirain khusus tunanetra.

D1D146 Ada yang ngajak bicara itu anak umm tuna rungu itu ngajak

bicara. Saya bingung. Trus juga waktu guru lihat saya belum

paham sama hape bicara, Talk itu, saya belum paham gitu.

Saya tahu tapi saya belum paham gitu.

D1R147 Dulu SD pegang hape juga ya?

D1D147 Pegang hape. Tapi tombolnya masih dikasih tahu.

D1R148 Oh gitu.. Jadi dulu pas di SD LB punya temen deket gak?

D1D148 Temen deket. Gak ada.

D1R149 Gak ada ya. Soalnya mungkin dari background yang beda-

beda ya.

D1D149 Iya.

D1R150 Oke umm sekelas berapa orang itu?


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D1D150 3.

D1R151 3 orang. Yang satu...

D1D151 Itu tunanetra semua.

D1R152 Oh tunanetra. Untung tunanetra ya, jadinya... maksudnya gak

nganu, gak kecampur-campur. Oke, ada pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris gak?

D1D152 Gak ada e.

D1R153 Umm terus masuk umur 7 tahun ya? 7 atau 8 tahun. Umm

lalu selesainya apakah tepat 6 tahun?

D1D153 Iya, tepat 6 tahun.

D1R154 Tepat 6 tahun ya. Nah setelah lulus dari SD LB itu umm apa

yang tadinya direncanakan Damar?

D1D154 Saya tuh sebetulnya sebelum... jauh-jauh hari sebelum lulus,

saya merencanakan... maksudnya merencanakan untuk

sekolah merantau di Jawa.


D1R155 Sorry?

D1D155 Merantau di Jawa.

D1R156 Emang keinginan Damar atau bagaimana?

D1D156 Itu sebenernya saya awalnya itu berawal dari saya lomba

cerdas-cermat di Bandung.


D1R157 Di Bandung. Pas SD ya itu ya?

D1D157 Iya. Trus saya... (terpotong)

D1R158 Ada berapa orang ikut?

D1D158 Yang pesertanya?

D1R159 Ho oh. Ikut yang sesekolahan sama Damar.

D1D159 Wah kalau sesekolahan saya gak tahu. Itu kebetulan saya

ketemu sama temennya guru saya. Trus saya ditawarin untuk

sekolah di Jawa Timur, di Surabaya kalau gak salah itu. Nah

itu “Mau apa gak?”. Saya omongin sama orang tua saya. Itu

ya... akhirnya orang tua saya bilang “Terserah kamu aja”.

Saya pikir-pikir saja lagi. Saya pikir-pikir trus akhirnya saya

punya rencana untuk sekolah di Jogja aja karena kan di sini

juga ada keluarga. Nah akhirnya dicariin sama kakak saya,

ketemulah ********* (sekolah) ini.


D1R160 Umm gitu.. Jadi umm... berarti emang dari keinginan Damar

sendiri ya, bukan dari keinginan orang tua. Oke umm.. lalu

waktu pertama kali datang ke sini itu gimana perasaan


D1D160 Bingung ya.

D1R161 Bingungnya bagaimana?

D1D161 Ya itu awalnya saya itu belum mengenal Talks ya..

D1R162 Belum mengenal apa?

D1D162 Belum mengenal hape bicara.

D1R163 Oh yaa..


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D1D163 Itu kok mereka pada bisa pegang hape. Pada bisa main

laptop gitu. Trus mereka kok pada bisa melakukan sendiri

gitu... (terpotong)

D1R164 Oh ada yang bisa mainan laptop juga?

D1D164 Ada.

D1R165 Oh ya?

D1D165 Iya.

D1R166 Pakai ini juga, Talks apa..?

D1D166 Sama. Sama. Iya sama.

D1R167 Tapi kan kalau hape kan bisa disentuh, nah kalau laptop itu

bagaimana? Dipencet tombolnya?

D1D167 Ya sama kaya orang-orang pada umumnya.

D1R168 Oh gitu.. ohh bagus ya...

D1D168 Kok bisa gitu ya? (tertawa)

D1R169 Damar punya?

D1D169 Belum mbak.

D1R170 Oh belum punya. Di sini ada berapa yang punya laptop?

D1D170 Berapa ya... gak tahu saya kalau itu... yang kuliah-kuliah itu

pasti punya. Yang mahasiswa-mahasiswa..

D1R171 Oh gitu... oh enggak, maksudnya yang temen-temennya

Damar ada yang bawa laptop gitu di sini?

D1D171 Sepertinyaa.. setahu saya ada satu..

D1R172 Satu orang. Nah itu biasanya dia fungsikan untuk apa?

D1D172 Jarang saya perhatiin ya soalnya kalau di MTs ini ya laptop

tuh kurang ya.. kurang... maksudnya ya dibutuhkan tapi tidak

begitu ya. Yang lebih dibutuhkan itu hape. Nah mungkin

kalau kita udah SMA gitu yang dibutuhkan laptop.

D1R173 Tapi Damar sendiri tahu gak waktu dia menggunakan laptop

itu dia gunakan untuk apa?

D1D173 Gak tahu (tertawa)

D1R174 Oh yaa (tertawa) Oke, gak papa. Umm jadi bingung ya awal-

awal karena banyak yang pakai hape, bahkan ada yang pakai

laptop juga.

D1D174 Kalau selebihnya itu... apa ya... ya, ada. Itu waktu pertama

kali datang ke asrama ini... gimana ya... kurang betah lah.

D1R175 Kurang betah, kenapa?

D1D175 Apalagi waktu itu saya belum punya temen kan, ya paling

kenal-kenal aja. Trus lama-kelamaan, pada sekarang ini

temennya makin banyak, makin banyak kan. Bahkan udah

punya temen deket juga to pada saat ini.

D1R176 Ada berapa temen deketnya?

D1D176 Satu.

D1R177 Satu. Siapa?

D1D177 Seangkatan saya.


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D1R178 Oh ya oke, trus?

D1D178 Nah itu, kini saya bahkan lebih betah sini ya...

D1R179 Daripada di rumah?

D1D179 Iyaa, bisa dikatakan seperti itu (tertawa)

D1R180 Ooh (tertawa) ya jadi itu adaptasinya Damar ya? Jadi untuk..

apa namanya... biar betah di tempat baru itu agak lama gitu


D1D180 Yaa sebenernya gak lama-lama banget sih.

D1R181 Itu seberapa lama?

D1D181 Seminggu.

D1R182 Oh cuman seminggu saja ya? (tertawa)

D1D182 Soalnya kalau orang luar lainnya tuh, selain mereka

beradaptasi dengan lingkungan, mereka juga beradaptasi

terhadap bahasa, Bahasa Jawa.

D1R183 Ohh ya waktu itu kan Damar belum bisa Bahasa Jawa, atau


D1D183 Saya sudah bisa.

D1R184 Oh udah bisa. Dari kecil?

D1D184 Iya.

D1R185 Soalnya?

D1D185 Soalnya Bapak saya orang Jawa.

D1R186 Oh ya (tertawa) ngomongnya pakai Bahasa Jawa ya?

D1D186 Jadi saya kecil itu udah paham Bahasa Jawa, tapi saya gak

pernah ngomong pakai Bahasa Jawa. Saya di sini itu

kaya..membiasakan berbicara Bahasa Jawa aja. Udah paham

kan, jadi bisa.

D1R187 Kalau di rumah kan.. apa.. Damar membiasakan dengan

mendengar Bahasa Jawa ya?

D1D187 Ya, itu.

D1R188 Kalau di sini membiasakan dengan berbicara Bahasa Jawa

karena langsung terjun sama orang-orang yang berbicara

Bahasa Jawa. Oke.. Kalau untuk beradaptasi dengan

sekolahan... maksudnya apa namanya... umm lingkungan

sekolahan itu bagaimana? Maksudnya kela... apa... ruang

kelas ini di sini, trus kamar Damar di sebelah sana, kitchen-

nya di sebelah sini, itu gimana?

D1D188 Itu... apa ya.. untuk adaptasi lingkungan di sekolah itu, kalau

masalah menghafalkan lingkungan alhamdulillah gak ada

masalah. Tapi ya.. kalau jadwal paling berat, jadwal

pelajaran itu... saya... istilahnya itu agak.. kurang terbiasa. Di

SD itu saya pulang jam 11.30, sementara di sini saya pulang

jam 13.30. Belum lagi ekstra...

D1R189 Oh gitu, oh banyak ya. Lebih banyak pelajarannya di sini.

Oke.. umm dulu waktu lulus SD, Damar umur berapa?


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D1D189 12.

D1R190 Umur 12. Sekarang 15 ya?

D1D190 Iya.

D1R191 Oke.. trus waktu pas pertama kali, kan di sini Damar tahu

banyak yang pakai hape, waktu itu Damar gak pegang hape,

itu sampai berapa lama?

D1D191 Waktu itu.. saya sempet dibeliin hape sebenernya.

D1R192 Oh pas waktu per.. (terpotong)

D1D192 Dua hari setelah saya masuk sini. Tapi saya belum paham.

Ya akhirnya saya.. udah.. ya diambil lagi hapenya.

D1R193 Oh diambil lagi? (tertawa)

D1D193 Hehe dijual lagi. Nah terus saya enggak, saya pegang hape

tapi Nokia biasa.

D1R194 Oh Nokia biasa.

D1D194 Nah itu berlangsung...

D1R195 Yang gak bisa buat WA ya atau gimana?

D1D195 Iya, Nokia senter, Nokia biasa lah.

D1R196 Oh ya ya..

D1D196 Itu sekitar kurang lebih satu tahun... Setelah itu saya beralih

ke Nokia lagi, tapi E63. E63 itu udah pakai Talks, saya

sudah paham. Trus sekitar setengah tahun, kurang lebih pada

akhir 2017 kemarin, saya ganti dengan yang saya pegang itu.

D1R197 Yang itu apa?

D1D197 Ini.. J-one.

D1R198 J-one, oh ya Samsung ya? Oke... umm..berarti istilahnya

umm waktu pertama kali datang ke sini pun Damar sudah

dipegangin hape gitu ya?

D1D198 Iya.

D1R199 Sudah dipegangin hape. Umm nah apakah ada pengalaman

yang berkesan umm dan tidak terlupakan ketika Damar

belajar Bahasa Inggris? Karena Bahasa Inggris kan bisa

dikatakan baru pertama kali Damar dapatkan di SMP ini


D1D199 Iya.

D1R200 Gimana dulu waktu pertama kali mendapatkan pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris? Gimana perasaannya?

D1D200 Perasaannya sih ya... sebenernya biasa-biasa aja. Tapi pas

waktu pertama kali belajar, saya sudah menemukan


D1R201 Oh pertama kali belajar langsung menemukan kesulitan,

umm misalnya?

D1D201 Itu bukan cuman kesulitan saya aja, tetapi juga dialami oleh

beberapa temen-temen saya. Itu dalam menulis dan



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D1R202 Dalam menulis dan membaca. Berarti kalau dalam

mendengarkan, listening, sama speaking bisa ya, berbicara?

D1D202 Kalau speaking mungkin...umm apa ya...kurang terbiasa.

D1R203 Kurang dilatih gitu ya?

D1D203 Iya kurang dilatih.

D1R204 Oke.. trus kesulitannya gimana itu kalau yang... umm dalam

writing, menulis, sendiri?

D1D204 Kalau penulisan itu kalau seumpama guru tidak

mendektekan satu, misalkan kosa kata, tuh kita harus.. apa

ya istilahnya.. didektekan gitu, misalnya seperti apa..

D1R205 Umm dan guru itu mendektekannya dalam Bahasa Inggris

atau Bahasa Indonesia, misalnya... (terpotong)

D1D205 Indonesia.

D1R206 Jadi kalau A disebut /a/ gitu bukan /ei/ gitu ya?

D1D206 Bukan.

D1R207 Umm apakah itu keinginan dari murid sendiri?

D1D207 Enggak itu guru sendiri. (tertawa)

D1R208 (tertawa) oohh. Kalau menurut Damar, apakah enak kalau

didektekan.. umm apa namanya... pendekte-an Bahasa

Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris?

D1D208 Kalau saya sih.. gimana ya mbak.. enakan Bahasa Indonesia-



D1R209 Lebih enak dengan Bahasa Indonesia-nya?

D1D209 Iya.

D1R210 Oh kenapa?

D1D210 Karena.. apa ya... kan saya juga baru pertama kali belajar

Bahasa Inggris. Belum memahami, yaa.. lebih familiar

kalau pakai Bahasa Indonesia.


D1R211 Oh gitu.. Damar tahu gak Bahasa Inggris-nya H? L

D1D211 Umm (berpikir) apa yaa.. saya kadang tahu, tapi sulit



D1R212 Kalau Bahasa Inggris-nya C?

D1D212 /si/

D1R213 Oke. Kalau Bahasa Inggris-nya E?

D1D213 E itu /i/

D1R214 Hu um. Kalau Bahasa Inggris-nya G?

D1D214 G itu... /ji/

D1R215 Oke. Nah setelah /ji/ apa?

D1D215 (berpikir) umm

D1R216 (tertawa) /eij/

D1D216 /eks/ L

D1R217 /eij/

D1D217 /eij/ oh iya.. (tertawa)

D1R218 Bukan /eks/ tapi /eij/ ya. Umm kalau Bahasa Inggris-nya Y?


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D1D218 Y itu /wai/

D1R219 Hu um. Nah umm.. menurut Damar penting gak sih belajar

spelling dalam Bahasa Inggris? Spelling itu pengejaan.

D1D219 Pengejaan?

D1R220 Hu um. Penting gak belajar pengejaan dalam Bahasa


D1D220 Umm kalau pengejaan dalam Bahasa Inggris penting ya. T

D1R221 Pentingnya bagaimana?

D1D221 Ya kan apa ya.. bisa membiasakan terhadap Bahasa Inggris



D1R222 Oke. Bisa membiasakan terhadap Bahasa Inggris. Oke gak

papa. Umm ada lagi pertanyaan. Jadi yang susah itu writing


D1D222 Iya, writing.

D1R223 Writing itu susahnya di? Susahnya dalam menulis ejaannya

atau gimana?

D1D223 Menulis ya membaca, karena ketika kita bisa menulis, belum

tentu kita bisa membaca.

D1R224 Nah susahnya yang pas dalam menulis tadi itu ejaannya ya

atau gimana?

D1D224 Yang sulit itu umm kalau ejaan sih...

D1R225 Ejaan kan tadi sama guru pakai Bahasa Indonesia kan ya?

D1D225 Iya.

D1R226 Nah selain itu, susahnya dimana lagi?

D1D226 Umm susahnya sih, kosa kata juga kesulitan, menghafal.

D1R227 Oh belum hafal kosa katanya. Nah kalau untuk reading

sendiri, membaca itu gimana kesulitannya?

D1D227 Ya itu terkadang tulisan sama ucapannya beda. Terkadang

itu kan...

D1R228 Oh ejaan sama pengucapannya beda.

D1D228 Kadang... kadang juga kita baca sesuai tulisannya itu kadang.

D1R229 Hu um, misalnya pernah gak suatu ketika Damar itu salah

membacakan katanya?

D1D229 Pernah. Itu pas saya.. semisalkan umm.. Bahasa Inggris-nya

katanya please misalnya...


D1R230 Peace?

D1D230 Please.

D1R231 Please.

D1D231 Nah itu kan tulisannya please, saya bacanya ple-a-se.



D1R232 (tertawa) oh yaa waktu itu gimana reaksi guru dan temen-


D1D232 Yaa biasa saja sih (tertawa) yaa dibenerkan gitu.


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D1R233 Dibenerkan sama guru ya.. oke... Selain itu ada yang lagi

gak? Yang Damar salah-salah itu?

D1D233 Apa yaa..(mengingat-ingat)

D1R234 Kalau gak umm apakah ada pengalaman yang... itu kan

pengalaman yang susah yaa, maksudte susah tapi ada yang

lucunya juga (tertawa), nah apakah ada pengalaman yang

menyenangkan dan membanggakan ketika mengajar Bahasa

Inggris di kelas?

D1D234 Umm yang paling membanggakan itu apa yaa.. (berpikir)

umm... (mengingat-ingat)

D1R235 Misalnya dipuji guru atau menang lomba apa gitu... Atau

dapat nilai yang bagus gitu... Pernah gak?

D1D235 Mungkin dalam hal ulangan.

D1R236 Dalam hal ulangan, hu um, misalnya?

D1D236 Yaa itu nilainya sih... umm mendekati rata-rata sih.. B

D1R237 Mendekati rata-rata.. itu waktu kapan itu?

D1D237 Itu apa yaa... kalau gak salah kelas 7.

D1R238 Waktu Damar masih kelas 7 ya? Umm mendekati rata-rata...

dan perasaannya waktu itu bagaimana?

D1D238 Kalau dulu umm.. biasanya kalau soal ulangan, semisalkan

saya bener satu nomor gitu... Kalau semisalkan bener satu

nomor itu merupakan kebanggaan sendiri bagi saya.

D1R239 Oh oke.. Bangganya bagaimana? Apakah bisa menjawab


D1D239 Ya, salah satunya itu karena bisa menjawab, sama yaa... bagi

saya Bahasa Inggris itu sedikit menantang.


D1R240 Oh menantangnya di? Karena belum pernah dapet pelajaran

itu sama...?

D1D240 Iyaaa.. belum pernah mendapatkan pelajaran... pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris.

D1R241 Sama? Umm ada hal lainkah yang membuat Bahasa Inggris

itu menantang?

D1D241 Ya, sebetulnya.. pada awalnya saya belum tertantang ya...

sebelumnya saya belum tertantang... Ya saya pada saat

pertama kali itu hanya.. apa...istilahnya menganggap Bahasa

Inggris itu sulit lah, cukup sulit.


D1R242 Oh kenapa?

D1D242 Karena... ya itu sih... ya kesulitannya yang saya sebut di atas

tadi. Terus yaa.. apa yaa... saya ngerasa kurang hehe

(tertawa) kurang penting lah.


D1R243 Kurang penting ya.

D1D243 Ya. Karena dulu saya belum mengetahui kalau Bahasa

Inggris itu sebetulnya bahasa internasional gitu.


D1R244 Oh dulu pas waktu pertama kali.


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D1D244 Hu um... Pertama kali, iya, belum mengetahui kalau Bahasa

Inggris bahasa internasional gitu.

D1R245 Taunya pas kapan itu?

D1D245 Itu saya... tahunya pas... kelas 7 juga itu, semester 2. T

D1R246 Baru semester 2 ya? Baru tahu kalau Bahasa Inggris itu

bahasa internasional.

D1D246 Iya.

D1R247 Pas semester 1 belum tahu berarti? Berarti cuman kaya

Bahasa Jawa gitu berarti?

D1D247 Iya, kaya bahasa biasa.

D1R248 Oh gitu. Oke.. jadi Bahasa Inggris menantang ya buat

Damar. Lalu, itu kan di kelas ya? Kalau di rumah... eh di

rumah.. di rumah belajar Bahasa Inggris enggak?

D1D248 Enggak.

D1R249 Kalau pas di asrama?

D1D249 Iya.

D1R250 Pas apa itu belajar Bahasa Inggris-nya? Di asrama apakah

belajar sendiri atau...?

D1D250 Enggak. Itu ada kegiatan Bahasa Inggris.

D1R251 Brailliant?

D1D251 Iya.

D1R252 Jadi semua... semua...?

D1D252 Semua anggota asrama itu ikut, iya.

D1R253 Oh begitu. Umm itu pengalaman apa yang tidak terlupakan

ketika belajar di Brailliant?

D1D253 Itu... pengalaman yang tak terlupakan itu... pada saat... apa

ya..main games lah istilahnya.

D1R254 Main game?

D1D254 Permainan. Jadi dibuat 2 kelompok kan, yang satunya

ngomong Bahasa Inggris, yang satunya ngomong Bahasa

Indonesia. Gitu kadang. Banyak juga sih temen-temen saya

yang lemah. (tertawa)

D1R255 Oh gitu. Game-nya modelnya bagaimana?

D1D255 Jadi umm semisalkan kelompok satu mengucapkan Bahasa


D1R256 Kelompok satu tuh ada berapa orang?

D1D256 Itu wah kurang tahu saya. Paling 2 atau 3 orang lah. Itu

mengucapkan Bahasa Inggris. Yang kelompok dua

mengucapkan Bahasa Indonesia. Nah nanti sebaliknya gitu.

D1R257 Oke. Semisal saya di kelompok satu nih ya. Misalnya saya

bilang umm... berbicara.. nanti langsung Damar di kelompok

dua langsung menjawab atau gimana?

D1D257 Iya langsung.

D1R258 Apa berbicara?


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D1D258 Speaking.

D1R259 Iya, speak bisa, talk bisa. Talking bisa, speaking juga bisa.

Oke.. umm berarti itu menyenangkannya di situ ya karena

ada permainan?

D1D259 Iyaa hehe

D1R260 Selain itu?

D1D260 Umm belum ada.

D1R261 Kalau pengalaman yang sedih, sedih sedih banget ada gak

ketika belajar Bahasa Inggris di kelas maupun di luar, di

asrama? Umm sedih yang sampai.. “Ah gak mau, gak mau

belajar lagi.” Atau bagaimana?

D1D261 Umm apa ya... Kalau selama ini sih belum ada.

D1R262 Selama ini belum ada ya?

D1D262 Belum.

D1R263 Oke. Umm kalau disamping karena mata pelajaran wajib,

kan Damar akhirnya tahu kan kalau Bahasa Inggris itu mata

pelajaran wajib, baru sekitar kelas 7 semester 2 ya? Nah

disamping karena mata pelajaran wajib, adakah alasan lain

Damar belajar Bahasa Inggris?

D1D263 Karena yaa... Bahasa Inggris itu yaa istilahnya umm berguna

lah bagi... biasanya untuk melanjutkan pendidikan. Karena

saya melihat apa ya... dari keluarga saya sendiri... itu paman

saya. Itu beliau S2 di Inggris dan S3 di Amerika. Saya

melihatnya di situ, di situ bisa membantu dalam proses


D1R264 Keren ya. S2-nya di Inggris itu jurusan apa? Tahu gak?

D1D264 Gak tahu.

D1R265 Sekarang... sekarang lagi menempuh S3 di Amerika?

D1D265 Sudah selesai.

D1R266 Sudah selesai. Berarti sekarang jadi dosen?

D1D266 Iya jadi dosen.

D1R267 Di?

D1D267 UGM.

D1R268 UGM, jur... ngajar jurusannya tahu gak?

D1D268 Enggak tahu (tertawa)

D1R269 (tertawa) oke. Jadi istilahnya pamannya Damar itu jadi role-

model dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris ya?

D1D269 Iya.

D1R270 Oke. Umm nah dari situ apakah ada yang direncanakan sama

Damar untuk setelah, untuk ke depannya setelah lulus dari

sini? Dari MTs.

D1D270 Rencana?

D1R271 Hu um.

D1D271 Apa ya?


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D1R272 Kalau enggak ya yang diinginkan Damar setelah lulus MTs

ini, apakah melanjutkan ke SMA inklusi? SMA *********

itu ada ya?

D1D272 Ada.

D1R273 Nah atau pindah ke kota yang lain atau bagaimana?

D1D273 Kalau saya sih... ya rencananya mau melanjutkan ke

SMA inklusi.


D1R274 Umm apakah masih di Jogja?

D1D274 Iya. Masih di Jogja.

D1R275 Oke. Umm nah untuk Damar sendiri, apakah Damar sudah

mempunyai persiapan secara bathin? Kan kalau masuk ke

SMA inklusi kan ketemu temen-temen yang awas lainnya,

dan apa namanya.. mungkin keadaannya akan berbeda

dengan.. apa...MTs ini... di ********* ini. Apakah Damar

sudah mempersiapkan bathin dan mental dan...?

D1D275 Kalau untuk persiapan bathin, saya sudah... saya sudah siap.

D1R276 Sudah siap?

D1D276 Sudah.

D1R277 Oke. Dan mentalnya nanti..?

D1D277 Ya, sudah siap (senyum)

D1R278 Sudah siap ya. Umm apa yang membuat Damar sangat siap?

Apakah Damar sangat yakin bisa masuk ke SMA inklusi?

D1D278 (tertawa) Ya, yakin lah.

D1R279 Yakin. Apa yang membuat Damar yakin?

D1D279 Yang membuat saya yakin... apa ya... yang membuat saya

yakin adalah... peluang. Peluang bagi sekolah SMA untuk

menerima difabel sebagai murid, siswa SMA.


D1R280 Jadi.. apa namanya.. karena Damar melihat banyak sekali

SMA sekarang yang mulai inklusi, jadi Damar melihat

peluang di situ.

D1D280 Iya.

D1R281 Oke... umm oh ya... ini terakhir, terakhir.. Tapi mungkin

nanti saya akan melakukan interview lagi tapi di hari

berikutnya. Kira-kira Damar yang senggang hari apa?

D1D281 Kalau saya untuk seminggu ini saya senggang.

D1R282 Senggang seminggu ini?

D1D282 Soalnya libur.

D1R283 Oh libur?

D1D283 Iya hehehe.

D1R284 Serius?

D1D284 Iya.

D1R285 Oh asik ya. Soalnya ini ya... kelas 3 ujian?

D1D285 Ujian.


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D1R286 Oh ya ya ya. Berarti mungkin kalau gak Selasa ya Rabu gitu

umm sebenarnya Rabu saya ada janjian sama murid yang

lainnya yang di sini juga. Itu yang kedua kalinya. Trus

mungkin sama Damar... ya mungkin nanti saya WA saja ya?

D1D286 Iya.

D1R287 Oke umm ini pertanyaan terakhir. Umm beberapa hari yang

lalu saya melihat acara di sebuah TV. Itu sebenernya bukan

saya yang melihat, cuman saya kebetulan saja melihat. Itu

kan acara favoritnya bapak-ibu saya, dangdut dangdut gitu

lah. Nah pesertanya itu ada yang... eh bukan peserta ding, itu

kaya semacem umm apa namanya... tamu saja. Nah ada tamu

itu bukan tunanetra, tapi dia tuna wicara. Tuna wicara, tidak

bisa berbicara, sama pendengarannya sedikit gitu. Trus..

umm apa namanya... waktu itu dia bilang... oh waktu itu

pembawa acaranya bilang... umm menyebutnya sebagai tuna

rungu. Tuna rungu gitu kan. Nah trus tamunya ini, dia bilang

dia gak suka dipanggil tuna rungu karena... eh dia gak bis...

gak mau dibilang sebagai tuna wicara, karena dia lebih

prefer dipanggil bisu atau tuli.

D1D287 Nah itu... (terlihat antusias)

D1R288 Kenapa? Oh.. kalau Damar sendiri bagaimana?

D1D288 Umm kalau masalah disebut, saya kurang paham, soalnya

saya juga... beberapa hari yang lalu saya juga baru

mengetahui dari teman saya, kakak saya.


D1R289 Oh kakak.. kakak siapa? Kandung?

D1D289 Kakak kelas.

D1R290 Oh kakak kelas.

D1D290 Itu kayanya ya... anak tuna wicara dan tuna rungu itu lebih

suka dipanggil bisu atau tuli. Tapi saya belum mengetahui

penyebab pastinya itu apa.

D1R291 Kalau waktu itu di acara itu dia menyebutkan dia... karena

istilah ‘tuna’ itu kan artinya rusak. Tuna itu artinya... katanya

itu ya waktu itu ya.. si tamunya itu. Dia bilang kalau ‘tuna’

itu artinya rusak. Nah padahal dia merasa kalau dia itu gak

rusak. Karena dia memang terlahir seperti itu. Terlahir

seperti itu... dan gak ada hal sesuatu pun yang rudak di.. apa..

di tubuhnya dia. Dan dia gak ingin diekspos kata tuna, kata

rusak itu, terus-menerus sama orang. Jadinya dia lebih

memilih untuk dipanggil sebagai bisu atau tuli karena bisu

dan tuli itu selain... apa namanya.. membuat dia lebih

menerima dirinya apa adanya, dia juga merasa.. umm apa

namanya.. gak menerima istilah itu... tanpa belas kasihan

gitu loh. Kalau tuna rungu, tuna wicara itu, menurut dia itu

cuman untuk istilah yang didasari oleh kasihan gitu. Kata si


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tamunya ini. Nah kalau Damar sendiri lebih memilih kata

tunanetra atau buta atau difabel atau bagaimana?

D1D291 Kalau saya itu...

D1R292 Atau tidak masalah dengan istilah-istilah tersebut atau


D1D292 Kalau saya sih... kalau tentang istilah-istilah itu umm tidak

masalah ya, tunanetra, difabel itu yaa... asalkan bahasanya

enak itu juga gak papa.


D1R293 Nah kalau umpamanya kata buta sendiri enak didenger atau


D1D293 Kalau menurut saya itu... kalau bagi saya itu kurang pas.

D1R294 Kurang pas. Oke. Nah berarti emang apa namanya..

tergantung pribadi masing-masing ya... maksudnya ada

kalanya terdengar satu istilah ini terdengar pas, ada kalanya

satu istilah ini tidak terdengar pas di setiap individu kan.

Kalau yang itu tadi, yang tamu di acara itu tadi, malah

memilih dipanggil bisu dan tuli. Oke. Gak papa. Umm yak

itu dulu ya Damar. Terima kasih banyak.



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Damar’s In-Depth Interview Transcript Day 2

Date : 19 April 2018

Time : 19.30 – 20.30

Place : Library

R = Researcher; D = Damar (pseudonym); T = Transitions; L = Lack of School’s

Media and Facilities; AL = Auditory Learners; M = Motivational Issues; AC =

Achievements; NFP = Near Future Plans; V = Visually-Impaired or Blind?;

********* = the name of the school

D2R01 Umm oh ya kalau Damar melihat... umm masuk ke ruangan

ini, umm merasa terang atau gelap?

D2D01 Terang.

D2R02 Terang. Oke. Berarti kalau siang sama malam, terang?

D2D02 Yaa..

D2R03 Soalnya pas kemarin saya interview... apa.. siswa yang lain

itu dia bilang.. umm dia.. jadi dia tidak gelap gitu, tapi selalu

terang. Soalnya ada apa namanya... di matanya ada... apa ya

namanya... katarak apa apa ya lupa aku.. pokoknya yang

menutupin ininya... itu jadi pagi pun.. eh malam pun dia tetep

terang. Jadi tidak bisa membedakan antara gelap dan terang


D2D03 Saya juga kesulitan membedakan mbak.

D2R04 Oh gitu. Berarti ini yang Damar tahu ini terang atau gelap?

D2D04 Terang.

D2R05 Terang. Kalau mati lampu?

D2D05 Kalau mati lampu kadang ya.. kalau di... (terpotong)

D2R06 Gelap atau terang?

D2D06 Kalau di rumah kesulitan saya, jadi saya kalau mati lampu,

saya kadang menyalakan kipas untuk mengetahui.

D2R07 Mendengarkan kipas?

D2D07 Iya. Kipasnya saya nyalain. Jadi kalau kipasnya hidup kan

berarti lampunya nyala.

D2R08 Ohh. Enggak, maksudnya kalau ini...apa... itu kan kalau

listrik ya.

D2D08 Iya.


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D2R09 Kalau ininya.. maksudnya.. penerangannya itu dimatiin itu

Damar tahunya itu tetap terang atau gelap?

D2D09 Umm kalau saya itu... tetap terang.

D2R10 Tetap terang. Umm berarti... apa namanya.. meskipun

menutup mata gitu tetap terang ya?

D2D20 Kalau menutup mata... (menutup mata dengan tangan)...

umm ya beda lagi.

D2R11 Bedanya agak gelap?

D2D21 Kalau menutup mata malah gelap.

D2R12 Gelap?

D2D22 Iya.

D2R13 Ohh berarti membuka mata terang?

D2D23 Iya.

D2R14 Umm ya ya. Oke dulu karena apa? Dulu pernah cerita


D2D24 Prematur.

D2R15 Prematur ya. Oke. Nah terakhir kali pertanyaannya tentang

Damar belajar Bahasa Inggris itu karena mata pelajaran

wajib saja kah atau karena alasan yang lain? Terus Damar

menjawab, masih ingat gak Damar menjawab tadinya karena

mata pelajaran wajib ya? Maksudnya harus belajar. Tapi

semakin ke sini baru sadar kalau itu penting ya?

D2D25 Hu um.

D2R16 Oke. Lalu pertanyaan berikutnya, topik Bahasa Inggris apa

yang sekiranya bagi Damar susah untuk dipelajari? Umm

boleh... apa namanya... boleh diinget-inget dulu. Saya kasih

waktu beberapa menit mengingat topik-topik yang dipelajari

sama Damar di kelas 7 sampai kelas 8 ini.

D2D26 Ada sebenarnya.

D2R17 Apa itu?

D2D27 Menerjemahkan.

D2R18 Menerjemahkan. Oke. Damar, boleh gak saya tutup?

D2D28 Iya mbak.

D2R19 Soalnya nanti ndak ini... suaranya... (menutup pintu) Oke

berarti yang susah itu yang menerjemahkan ya?

D2D29 Iya.

D2R20 Tapi kan sebenarnya kalau menerjemahkan di semua topik

ada tuh menerjemahkan, iya kan?

D2D20 Iya, ada.

D2R21 Umm yang saya maksud topik-topik ini tuh misalnya umm

pelajaran hari ini tuh mendeskripsikan orang. Trus pelajaran

besok itu mendeskripsikan tempat. Trus pelajaran besok

tentang kartu ucapan misalnya. Nah itu maksud saya, topik-


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topik itu. Pelajaran berikutnya lagi tentang warna misalnya.

Pernah diajarkan tentang warna belum?

D2D21 Belum.

D2R22 Oke. Umm kalau mendeskripsikan orang?

D2D22 Umm mendeskripsikan... Mendeskripsikan tempat kalau gak

salah, eh benda ding benda.

D2R23 Ya topik-topik semacam itu. Nah kira-kira topik apa yang

bagi Damar itu susah dipelajari?

D2D23 Umm yang paling susah itu...

D2R24 Kalau gak ingat di materi yang kelas 7, bisa dipilih dari

materi di kelas 8 yang sudah Damar pelajari. Kira-kira yang

paling susah itu yang pas pelajaran apa gitu?

D2D24 Umm penggunaan kata, atau penempatan kata.

D2R25 Penggunaan kata atau penempatan kata. Umm bisa tolong

ceritakan satu kejadian dimana Damar merasa kesulitan atas

ini... apa... atas topik tersebut.

D2D25 Umm semisalkan...

D2R26 Itu pas hari apa, kalau gak ya jam berapa? Pas pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris kah? Dengan guru siapa gitu.

D2D26 Iya, pas pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Kalau pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris ya kalau Kamis gurunya Ms. Indah.

D2R27 Oh berarti barusan ini ya?

D2D27 Iya.

D2R28 Trus? Harinya lupa ya? Jamnya?

D2D28 Harinya kalau gak salah tuh hari apa ya... Sabtu kalau gak

salah. Sabtu sekitar jam 8 lah.

D2R29 Lalu bisa tolong ceritakan kejadiannya pas akhirnya Damar

menyadari “Oh ini ternyata materinya susah”.

D2D29 Ya sebenarnya sih kita waktu itu disuruh menghafalkan

sekitar 25 kosakata. Nah di situ ada satu kata tapi

penggunaannya beda. Misalkan eat-ate-eaten. Nah itu kan

satu arti, tapi penggunaannya sama penempatannya kan beda.

Eat digunakan misalnya untuk saat apa, ate pas saat apa. Nah

itu, agak sulit sih.

D2R30 Nah waktu pas itu, pas kejadian tersebut, umm bisa tolong

diceritakan kronologis ininya umm aktivitasnya.

D2D30 Sebenernya pada saat itu kita gak disuruh umm membuat

umm menempatkan kata-kata itu. Kita hanya disuruh

menghafal gitu ya. Setelah saya mengetahui bahwa

sebenernya kata-kata tersebut punya satu arti tapi beda

penempatannya itu, saya langsung merasa kesulitan.

D2R31 Dijelaskan gak sama guru waktu itu? Maksudnya begini loh

cara menggunakan eat, begini loh cara menggunakan ate,

begini cara menggunakan eaten.


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D2D31 Belum. Kita bru disuruh untuk menghafal saja dulu.

D2R32 Ohh waktu itu baru disuruh menghafalkan saja ya

kosakatanya. Oke. Itu Damar merasa kesulitan. Oh berarti itu

berhubungan dengan kata kerja. Kata kerja dalam Bahasa

Inggris kan ada bentuk pertama, bentuk kedua, sama bentuk

ketiga. Bentuk pertamanya tadi yaitu eat. Bentuk kedua?

D2D32 /at/

D2R33 /eit/ bacanya /eit/. Kalau /at/ nanti artinya di sini, di tempat

ini. /eit/

D2D33 /at/

D2R34 /eit/

D2D34 /eit/

D2R35 Hu um. Sama eaten. Nah itu nanti kalau yang eat digunakan

untuk kebiasaan, jadi umm kebiasaan sehari-hari misalnya

Damar, Damar nyebutnya I ya. I eat rice every day. Saya

makan nasi setiap hari. I eat rice every day. Jadi itu kalau

bentuk pertama untuk kebiasaan, rutinitas ya. Jadi emang

kebiasaannya Damar makan nasi gitu. Kan gak makan roti

kaya orang-orang bule di luar gitu. Kalau orang Indonesia

kan rice gitu ya. Oke. Itu cuman salah satunya. Terus yang

lain ada gak? Materi yang lain yang susah?

D2D35 Kalau saya baru itu.

D2R36 Baru itu ya. Kalau yang mudah?

D2D36 Apa ya? (berpikir)

D2R37 Belajar pengucapan mungkin atau belajar tentang...

D2D37 Kalau pengucapan sih lumayan mbak.

D2R38 Atau belajar ini... apa namanya... belajar surat ucapan,

greeting cards. Ada gak?

D2D38 (berpikir)

D2R39 Susah ya? Susah? Trus yang mana yang mudah bagi Damar?

D2D39 Umm mendeskripsikan mbak.

D2R40 Itu mudah?

D2D40 Umm mudah sih.

D2R41 Mendeskripsikan apa?

D2D41 Benda.

D2R42 Benda. Umm mendeskripsikan benda, misalnya? Bisa tolong

ceritakan kejadian di kelas ketika Damar belajar

mendeskripsikan benda dan “Oh ternyata ini mudah.”.

Kronologi kegiatannya seperti apa?

D2D42 (mengingat-ingat)

D2R43 Itu hari apa? Sama siapa? Jam berapa gitu? (tertawa) Karena

ini tentang pengalaman jadi paling gak harus ada ini...

Mungkin hari Sabtu, atau hari apa.

D2D43 Kelas 7.


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D2R44 Oh itu pas kelas 7? Oh yaudah. Oke gak papa. Harinya gak

ingat ya?

D2D44 Enggak.

D2R45 Gurunya masih inget kan?

D2D45 Masih.

D2R46 Sama?

D2D46 Pak Adam (pseudonym).

D2R47 Hu um, trus?

D2D47 Umm waktu itu kita diberi tugas untuk mendeskripsikan

suatu benda. Kalau Pak Adam (pseudonym) itu teknik

mengajarnya tuh, kalau semisalnya kita.. apa ya istilahnya..

belum mampu untuk menyelesaikannya dengan Bahasa


D2R48 Belum mampu apa?

D2D48 Menyelesaikannya dengan Bahasa Inggris.

D2R49 Belum bisa menyelesaikannya dalam Bahasa Inggris.

D2D49 Kita bisa menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dan nanti dijadikan

Bahasa Inggris pas pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

D2R50 Oh gitu. Berarti di luar sekolah, maksudnya setelah diluar

jam pelajaran, dibikin Bahasa Indonesia-nya dulu. Trus di

kelas baru... (terpotong)

D2D50 Diterjemahin di Bahasa Inggris.

D2R51 Oh gitu. Dan waktu itu Damar mendeskripsikan apa?

D2D51 Kalau gak salah pohon pisang.

D2R52 Pisang, pohon?

D2D52 Pohon pisang.

D2R53 Oh pohon pisang ya. Bagaimana kamu mendeskripsikannya?

D2D53 Yaa..

D2R54 Ditulis Bahasa Indonesia-nya, Damar menuliskan


D2D54 (tertawa) apa yaa.. Umm pendeskripsiannya sih...

D2R55 Waktu itu yang Damar tulis apa? Yang Bahasa Indonesia-

nya. Kalau Bahasa Inggris-nya mungkin udah lupa ya? Kalau

Bahasa Indonesia-nya?

D2D55 Kalau Bahasa Indonesia-nya itu umm licin ya.

D2R56 Hu um. Pohon pisang licin.

D2D56 Iya.

D2R57 Trus?

D2D57 Trus apa ya..

D2R58 Tidak kasar gitu atau gimana?

D2D58 Yaa halus lah.

D2R59 Halus. Daunnya?

D2D59 Daunnya lebar.

D2R60 Oh daunnya lebar. Kurang lebih seperti itu ya?


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D2D60 Iya.

D2R61 Umm nah waktu apa namanya... Damar menuliskan Bahasa

Indonesia-nya itu tuh Damar sembari meraba pohon

pisangnya atau bagaimana? Apa sudah pernah...?

D2D61 Membayangkan. Soalnya dulu saya juga pernah pegang.

D2R62 Oh gitu. Umm ini berarti memakai ingatan Damar ketika..

apa... apa namanya.. Damar sudah tidak bisa melihat ya?

D2D62 Iya.

D2R63 Berarti pas Damar sudah tidak bisa melihat, trus Damar

pernah meraba pohon pisang, lalu mengingatnya trus

dituliskan gitu ya?

D2D63 Iya.

D2R64 Oke. Nah trus waktu itu, pas di kelasnya kan diartikan dalam

Bahasa Inggris. Itu masih ingat gak gimana Damar

mengartikannya? Meng-Inggris-kannya.

D2D64 Umm.. aduh.

D2R65 Kalau gak inget gak papa.

D2D65 Udah lupa.

D2R66 Oh udah lupa. Oke. Nah itu kan sekitar... kan pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris sekitar satu setengah jam kan ya?

D2D66 2.

D2R67 2 jam. Oke. 2 jam itu ada berapa kalimat yang Damar bikin.

Maksudnya ada berapa deskripsi yang Damar buat? Pohon

pisang, sama ada lagi gak?

D2D67 Enggak. Hanya satu.

D2R68 Hanya satu, pohon pisang aja. Dan itu waktunya habis?

D2D68 Iya.

D2R69 Oke. Berarti mem-Bahasa Inggris-kannya dibantu sama Pak

Adam (pseudonym) ya?

D2D69 Iya.

D2R70 Oke. Dan dinilai gak?

D2D70 Iya.

D2R71 Berapa dapetnya?

D2D71 Gak tahu ya.

D2R72 Kok gak tahu (tertawa)

D2D72 (tertawa)

D2R73 Katanya dinilai.

D2D73 Kadang ada yang gak dikasih tahu juga.

D2R74 Oh gitu. Bagaimana Damar tahu kalau itu dinilai?

D2D74 Karena kan saya tahu kalau segala suatu umm mulai dari

akhlak sampai prestasi, pemahaman pelajaran di kelas itu

juga dinilai.

D2R75 Hu um. Nah tapi bagaimana Damar tahu kalau pada waktu

itu Pak Adam (pseudonym) menilai?


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D2D75 Ya karena... apa ya.. apabila kita mengerjakan tugas sekolah

itu kan juga termasuk dinilai kan, sudah termasuk dinilai itu


D2R76 Umm maksud saya pas waktu itu saja. Bagaimana Damar

tahu kalau itu dinilai?

D2D76 Yaa... (berpikir)

D2R77 Apakah karena Pak Adam (pseudonym) bilang “Sudah saya

nilai” atau gimana? Kan Damar gak tahu nilainya.

Masalahnya Damar gak tahu nilainya.

D2D77 (tersenyum) Ya mungkin apa ya... (berpikir) yaa..

D2R78 Pak Adam (pseudonym) bilang atau gimana?

D2D78 Ya enggak sih. Ya menurut saya ya sepertinya Pak Adam

(pseudonym) nilai.

D2R79 Oh enggak. Jadi itu menurut Damar saja ya? Ya gak papa.

Berarti Damar umm setahu Damar dinilai. Oke. Dan

biasanya memang seperti itu kan?

D2D79 Iya.

D2R80 Oke. Umm lalu... nah sekarang Damar tahu gak kalau di

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu ada 4 skill, skill itu keahlian.

Ada... tahu gak?

D2D80 Belum.

D2R81 Tapi mungkin sebenernya Damar udah tahu. Tapi tidak

sering disebutin saja. Jadi dalam Bahasa Inggris ada 4 skill.

Skill itu keahlian. Skill yang 4 keahlian ini adalah

mendengarkan, listening... skill listening, mendengarkan...

berbicara, skill speaking... speaking skill ya.. umm lalu

reading atau membaca, jadi reading skill.. lalu berikutnya

adalah writing, menulis.

D2D81 Menulis. Oh ya.

D2R82 Tahu kan?

D2D82 Tahu.

D2R83 Nah sebenernya Damar tahu. Nah dari ke-empat skill ini,

listening, speaking, reading, sama writing, kira-kira bagi

Damar yang mudah yang mana?

D2D83 Yang mudah tuh... umm listening, mendengarkan.

D2R84 Itu mudah kenapa?

D2D84 Umm apa ya.. karena hanya mendengarkan saja.

D2R85 Itu mudah, oke. Lalu skill yang paling susah itu apa? Susah

untuk dikembangkan bagi Damar gitu.

D2D85 Sebenarnya ada dua sih yang paling susah sih. Oke, bisa

tolong disebutkan?

D2R86 Membaca dan menulis.


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D2D86 Membaca dan menulis. Oke. Damar ingat gak peristiwanya

ketika sedang membaca gitu trus merasa “Aduh ini kok susah

banget ya?” gitu.

D2R87 Ingat gak peristiwanya?

D2D87 Enggak hehe.

D2R88 Kalau menulis?

D2D88 Kalau menulis itu. Saya yaa itu.. setiap kata yang guru

ucapkan, pasti didektein, dieja. Jadi belum bisa menulis

sendiri, menulis tanpa dieja.

D2R89 Oh gitu. Berarti belum bisa menulis tanpa dieja. Misalnya

kalau saya menyebutkan kata ‘cupboard’ gitu Damar belum

tahu tulisannya gimana ya? Harus dieja dulu.

D2D89 Iya.

D2R90 Oke. Umm. Apakah menurut Damar selama ini belajar

Bahasa Inggris itu menyenangkan?

D2D90 Umm. Kurang.

D2R91 Kurang menyenangkan. Umm bisa tolong dikasih satu

peristiwa dimana Damar tidak begitu senang belajar Bahasa


D2D91 Ya karena ya itu, pada saat saya pertama kali belajar Bahasa

Inggris kan... (terpotong)

D2R92 Itu di... itu pas MTs bukan?

D2D92 Iya. Pas pertama kali baru belajar Bahasa Inggris sih kaya

itu... belum tahu apa-apa... gimana sih Bahasa Inggris.. ya

pas pelajaran Bahasa Inggris belum paham Bahasa Inggris.

Jadi mungkin pertama kali terasa sulit karena pada saat

sebelum pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, saya membayangkannya

Bahasa Inggris itu mudah.

D2R93 Tapi ternyata susah?

D2D93 Iya hehe.

D2R94 Sebelum pertama kali mendapatkan Bahasa Inggris itu

Damar pernah mendengarkan...maksudnya pernah

mendengarkan lagu Bahasa Inggris gitu gak?

D2D94 Iya.

D2R95 Pernah to? Nonton umm film Bahasa Inggris gitu?

D2D95 Iya.

D2R96 Berarti maksudnya ada sedikit asupan Bahasa Inggris gitu

hehe. Oke. Umm Sebentar. Apakah menurut Damar, fasilitas

di sekolah sudah menunjang pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

D2D96 Belum.

D2R97 Sebentar. (membetulkan posisi kamera) Oke. Kenapa belum


D2D97 Ya, penyebabnya belum menunjang ya mungkin.. apa ya.. ya

mungkin kaya fasilitas lainnya sudah memadai. Yang belum


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memadai itu umm modul atau kamus dalam huruf Braille. Itu


D2R98 Kurang ya. Braille books-nya kurang

D2D98 Iya kurang.

D2R99 Terus apa lagi?

D2D99 Umm ya mungkin setahu saya itu.

D2R100 Yang paling penting itu adalah textbook Braille ya?

D2D200 Iya.

D2R101 Kalau audionya sendiri bagaimana?

D2D201 Untuk audio sepertinya belum ada.

D2R102 Umm pernahkah suatu ketika Damar sedang belajar Bahasa

Inggris di kelas dan apa.. apa namanya.. karena kendala

fasilitas itu Damar jadi tidak maksimal belajarnya?

D2D202 Pernah.

D2R103 Bisa tolong ceritakan peristiwanya?

D2D203 Oke pada saat umm...

D2R104 Hari apa itu?

D2D204 Kalau dua itu... di kelas saya itu pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu

kalau gak Selasa, Rabu.

D2R105 Itu pas kelas 7 kan?

D2D205 Iya kelas 7.

D2R106 Kelas 7, oke.

D2D206 Oh umm kalau gak salah itu hari Rabu ya. Itu kita pas Selasa

paginya itu, itu kita diberi tahu kalau besok kita ada ulangan.


D2R107 Ulangan harian atau...?

D2D207 Harian.

D2R108 Harian?

D2D208 Ya.

D2R109 Oke.

D2D209 Itu akhirnya saya hanya mempelajari apa yang saya catat, apa

yang saya ketahui saja.


D2R110 Oh berarti Damar belajar hanya dari catatan Damar saja?

D2D210 Iya. Jadi saya tidak mempelajari dari sumber lain. L

D2R111 Oh gitu. Trus habis itu pas ulangan gimana hasilnya? Dan

bagaimana Damar mengerjakannya? Apakah kesusahan atau


D2D211 Kesulitan.

D2R112 Kesulitan. Nah hasilnya sendiri bagaimana?

D2D212 Kurang maksimal. L

D2R113 Dapat nilai berapa kira-kira?

D2D213 Duh berapa ya? Lupa..

D2R114 Lupa, oke. Yang jelas kurang maksimal gitu ya untuk Damar

karena kendala fasilitas yang ada. Oke. Umm.. kalau dengan


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cara mengajar guru sendiri bagaimana? Apakah Damar sudah

puas atau belum? Kan ada 2 guru ya?

D2D214 Iya. Iya, sudah puas.

D2R115 Sudah puas. Dua-duanya sudah puas?

D2D215 Iya.

D2R116 Umm yakin?

D2D216 Iya.

D2R117 Oke. Terus adakah pihak pemerintah, umm kalau dalam

Bahasa Inggris-nya ini Disability Support Service, jadi

service untuk menunjang anak-anak dengan... anak-anak

difabel gitu, dalam belajar misalnya kalau seandainya dia

kesulitan dalam mobilitas, nanti dia dibantu gitu. Atau

seandainya dia umm kesulitan dalam pendengaran dia nanti

juga dibantu atau kalau tidak... pokoknya umm kesulitan-

kesulitan yang si anak ini alami ketika belajar itu yang tidak

bisa di.. umm apa... dibantu guru kelas, nah nanti biasanya

pemerintah akan menyediakan Disability Support Service,

yaa itu... apa namanya... pendamping lah, guru pendamping

seperti itu. Kaya semacam guru pendamping. Nah adakah

pihak pemerintah yang umm mengirimkan guru pendamping

di sekolah ini?

D2D217 Guru pendamping?

D2R118 Hu um.

D2D218 Setahu saya belum ya. Belum ada.

D2R119 Setahu Damar belum ya. Kalau OM sendiri itu dapet...

maksudnya diajari sama guru Yayasan atau...?

D2D219 Guru sekolah.

D2R120 Guru sekolah. Bukan guru Yayasan?

D2D220 Bukan.

D2R121 Guru sekolah itu maksudnya yang gimana?

D2D221 Ya jadi di sekolah kita itu ada pelajaran OM gitu ya.

D2R122 Berarti guru sekolah itu yang ngajar di SLB sama di MTs

gitu atau gimana?

D2D222 Tidak. MTs saja.

D2R123 Oh MTs saja. Umm. Nah ini berhubungan dengan cara...

(terpotong karena tiba-tiba ada murid lain yang masuk ke

ruangan) Nah ini berhubungan dengan cara belajar Damar

dalam Bahasa Inggris. Damar sendiri kalau belajar Bahasa

Inggris bagaimana sih? Maksudnya ada gayanya Damar

sendiri gak? Ketika di kelas gimana? Ketika di asrama

gimana, maksudnya ketika belajar sendiri bagaimana gitu?

Ada gaya tersendiri gak?

D2D223 Ada.

D2R124 Misalnya? Bisa tolong ceritakan?


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D2D224 Jadi pada waktu kita menulis, misalkan ada guru yang


D2R125 Ada guru yang apa?

D2D225 Misalkan guru mendektekan suatu materi. Nah itu kita

menulis. Setelah itu kita disuruh baca ulang. Pas saya... Pada

saat temen-temen.. misalkan saya itu... misalkan ada teman

sebelah saya itu ditunjuk lebih dulu, pada saat temen saya

membaca itu, saya juga mengikuti gitu dalam hati.

D2R126 Oh dalam hati. Dibathin gitu ya?

D2D226 Iya, paling gak saya udah mengetahui gimana point-pointnya,

oh ini bacanya gimana, oh ini bacanya gimana.

D2R127 Nah itu kalau di kelas. Kalau di luar jam kelas sendiri

gimana? Misalnya besok ada ulangan, Damar belajarnya

gimana? Atau ada PR itu Damar belajarnya gimana kalau

dengan gayanya Damar?

D2D227 Kalau belajar itu... aduh...

D2R128 Kalau mengerjakan PR bagaimana? Kalau belajar untuk

ulangan bagaimana gitu?

D2D228 Kalau mengerjakan PR itu browsing.

D2R129 Kenapa?

D2D229 Browsing.

D2R130 Browsing. Oh browsing. Oke. Berarti kalau ngerjain PR

browsing. Itu browsing itu dalam artian menggunakan

Google Translate atau Google Browser?

D2D230 Google Browser.

D2R131 Oh oke. Google Browser ya. Umm Damar bisa tolong

tunjukkan ke... tunjukkan ke saya gimana caranya pakai

Google Browser? Ini kan sedang saya video gitu kan nanti

biar pembaca skripsi saya itu jadi bisa tahu “Oh gini to

caranya?” gitu.

D2D231 Dideskripsikan atau gimana?

D2R132 Oh bukan dideskripsikan. Kan Damar bawa hape ya?

D2D232 Iya.

D2R133 Nah bisa tolong tunjukkan aja gitu. Misalnya cari kata apa

gitu. Bentar saya videoin ya.

D2D233 (Damar menunjukkan cara menggunakan Google Browser)

D2R134 Oke. Jadi caranya seperti itu. Nah kalau ulangan sendiri

bagaimana? Kalau belajar untuk ulangan sendiri? Itu kan tadi

untuk mengerjakan PR ya?

D2D234 Iya. Umm saya hanya membaca sekiranya apa yang bisa saya


D2R135 Umm apa pun itu ya?

D2D235 Iya.


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D2R136 Apakah itu catatan, dibaca. Pokoknya yang berhubungan

dengan Bahasa Inggris.

D2D236 Iya.

D2R137 Umm prestasi apa sajakah yang selama ini Damar telah raih?

Selama di MTs.

D2D237 Prestasi?

D2R138 Hu um.

D2D238 Saya pernah juara tiga. AC

D2R139 Juara tiga apa?

D2D239 Lomba. AC

D2R140 Lomba apa?

D2D240 Membaca Undang-Undang Dasar. AC

D2R141 Oke. Bagus-bagus. Itu pas bisa tolong ceritakan?

D2D241 Pas hari Sabtu. AC

D2R142 Hari Sabtu. Pas kelas berapa?

D2D242 Kelasss... delapan.

D2R143 Kelas delapan. Dan itu dalam acara apa?

D2D243 Acara apa ya? Umm memperingati Hari Guru atau apa ya... AC

D2R144 Hari Guru, oke. Trus waktu itu Damar ikut lomba membaca

Undang-Undang Dasar. Ada berapa peserta?

D2D244 Itu sekitar 40-an se-DIY. AC

D2R145 Oh se-DIY. Bagus ya. Se-DIY, trus lombanya dimana?

D2D245 Lombanya di... umm.. duh lupa dimana. AC

D2R146 Pokoknya gak di sekolah ini kan?

D2D246 Enggak. AC

D2R147 Oke. Trus waktu itu peristiwanya bagaimana?

D2D247 Ya pada awalnya sih saya agak kurang pede. Soalnya

saingannya banyak dan itu anak-anak awas semua.


D2R148 Oh berarti yang tunanetra cuman dari ********* aja atau


D2D248 Setahu saya iya.

D2R149 Cuman ********* aja. Ada anak-anak difabel selain

tunanetra gak?

D2D249 Sepertinya gak ada.

D2R150 Gak ada. Cuman yang tunanetra aja, oke. Trus?

D2D250 Awalnya saya agak kurang pede. Trus saya ikhtiar aja, saya

jalani aja. Pas pengumuman itu gak nyangka sebenernya

saya. Saya kira gak juara.


D2R151 Apa yang Damar rasakan waktu itu?

D2D251 Wah bangga banget. Umm saya bangga lah istilahnya.

Soalnya dari dulu sebenernya udah beberapa kali ikut yang

nasional, lomba.


D2R152 Nasional ya? Kalau ini kan tadi...

D2D252 DIY.


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D2R153 Se-DIY. Pernah juga yang nasional. Dan?

D2D253 Jadi saya agak kaget “Oh saya menang.” Tapi di nasional

saya gak sanggup, gugur.

D2R154 Kenapa?

D2D254 Selalu kalah. Selalu gugur.

D2R155 Gimana? Kalau di..?

D2D255 Kalau di Bengkulu itu kan saya selalu... apa ya... selalu

mendapat juara. Tapi di Jogja... eh gak di Jogja tapi di tempat

lain juga lah, di luar Bengkulu. Nah itu saya umm istilahnya

belum beruntung. Sebenernya dari situ juga saya untuk

menyemangati diri sendiri. Nah udah apa ya istilahnya... cita-

cita saya juga untuk mencetak prestasi di luar Bengkulu gitu.

D2R156 Trus akhirnya? Jadi ingin menciptakan prestasi di luar

Bengkulu ya? Membawa nama baik Bengkulu ya?

D2D256 Iya.

D2R157 Waktu itu menang lomba ini itu perasaannya senang,


D2D257 Iya, senang, bangga.

D2R158 Trus apa yang Damar dapatkan dari lomba itu? Apakah ada


D2D258 Iya. Piala.

D2R159 Piala sama?

D2D259 Sama uang tunai.

D2R160 Uang tunainya sejumlah berapa?

D2D260 Seratus lima puluh ribu.

D2R161 Seratus lima puluh. Dan Damar gunakan untuk apa itu


D2D261 Apa ya.. lupa e mbak (tertawa)

D2R162 Oh lupa oke. Nah selain itu ada prestasi yang lain gak?

Selama MTs..

D2D262 Selama ini yang baru saya ciptakan ya itu...

D2R163 Kalau untuk Bahasa Inggris sendiri? Prestasi di sini bukan

berarti harus memenangkan lomba gak. Maksudnya prestasi

tersendiri, bisa tentang umm apa.. nilai-nilainya bagus

banget, paling bagus gitu.

D2D263 Hehe belum ada.

D2R164 Belum ada ya. Oke. Umm bagaimana Damar sehari-hari

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar? Kalau di lingkungan

asrama bagaimana? Kalau di luar asrama bagaimana?

D2D264 Ya.. kalau di asrama ya mungkin biasa saja mbak.

D2R165 Biasa.

D2D265 Sama kaya anak-anak seperti biasa.


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D2R166 Hubungan Damar dengan teman-teman bagaimana? Apakah

baik? Apakah Damar tidak suka dengan beberapa temen?

Atau bagaimana?

D2D266 Baik.

D2R167 Baik. Kalau dengan keluarga sendiri bagaimana?

D2D267 Ya, baik.

D2R168 Baik juga. Kalau dengan guru?

D2D268 Iya.

D2R169 Semuanya baik?

D2D269 Iya.

D2R170 Gak ada yang gak baik... maksudnya gak ada yang gak

disukai gitu?

D2D270 Enggak.

D2R171 Oh ya. Oke. Umm berikutnya. Selama ini dengan nilai yang

sudah Damar raih di pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang tertinggi


D2D271 Berapa ya?

D2R172 Pernah dapat 8?

D2D272 (tertawa) Kalau masalah nilai saya gak ingat..

D2R173 Oh oke. Kalau ujian-ujian apa.. kenaikan kelas gitu gak inget


D2D273 Aduh.. kalau Bahasa Inggris itu saya dapat berapa ya?

Aduh... gak ingat lagi.

D2R174 Oke. Lupa ya?

D2D274 Sekitar 70 lah.

D2R175 Sekitar 70. Umm dengan nilai 70 itu apakah Damar sudah

merasa puas?

D2D275 Iya.

D2R176 Sudah merasa puas?

D2D276 Iya.

D2R177 Apakah Damar masih ingin mempertahankannya atau ingin

lebih lagi?

D2D277 Iya, saya ingin lebih lagi.

D2R178 Trus bagaimana... umm apa namanya.. Apa yang akan Damar

lakukan untuk mempertahankan nilai dan untuk menaikkan


D2D278 Aduuh..

D2R179 Nilai Bahasa Inggris ya.

D2D279 Yang saya pertahankan yaa mungkin umm...apa ya...


D2R180 Ya apa yang akan Damar lakukan?

D2D280 Menambah kosakata paling.

D2R181 Menambah kosakata. Trus?

D2D281 Akan saya apalagi ya... pengucapan juga.


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D2R182 Trus?

D2D282 Itu... pengejaan (tiba-tiba ada murid masuk mengambil

barang di laci meja)

D2R183 Itu temennya Damar ya?

D2D283 Iya.

D2R184 Namanya siapa?

D2D284 Rian (?)

D2R185 Sekelas?

D2D285 Iya.

D2R186 Umm itu tadi kan untuk... jadi untuk mempertahankan sama

menambah ini... Damar ingin memperbanyak kosakata sama

pengucapan ya?

D2D286 Iya.

D2R187 Memperbaiki pengucapan. Umm apa yang Damar ingin

lakukan setelah lulus?

D2D287 Melanjutkan SMA.

D2R188 Kemarin sudah saya tanyakan ya?

D2D288 Umm udah belum ya?

D2R189 Iya kan kayanya? Melanjutkan SMA ini kan... inklusi ya?

D2D289 Iya.

D2R190 Terus... dan apa... pamannya Damar itu jadi motivator lah

begitu ya?

D2D290 Iya.

D2R191 Oh iya, udah saya tanyakan. Oke Damar, sepertinya sudah

cukup itu saja. Umm besok-besok... kayanya cukup ini saja

sih Damar. Tapi seandainya saya butuh apa.. wawancara lagi

mungkin saya akan hubungi lagi. Tapi semoga sih enggak ya.

Soalnya tinggal ini saja sih sepertinya. Trus apa namanya...

nah mungkin... umm ini saya matiin dulu. (mematikan



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Agni’s In-Depth Interview Transcript Day 1

Date : 28 March 2018

Time : 19.30 – 20.30

Place : Library

R = Researcher; A = Agni (pseudonym); T = Transitions; L = Lack of School’s

Media and Facilities; AL = Auditory Learners; M = Motivational Issues; AC =

Achievements; NFP = Near Future Plans; V = Visually-Impaired or Blind?;

********* = the name of the school

D1R01 Agni nama lengkapnya siapa?

D1A01 Agni.

D1R02 Agni aja?

D1A02 Iya. A-G-N-I

D1R03 A-G-N-I

D1A03 A-G-N-I

D1R04 Agni. Oke. Agni umurnya 21 tahun ya tadi ya?

D1A04 Iya. Besok bulan Juli.

D1R05 Bulan Juli? Wow. Tanggal berapa?

D1A05 24

D1R06 Berarti masuk Leo ya? Zodiaknya Leo.

D1A06 (tertawa) Iya.

D1R07 Tau kan zodiak?

D1A07 Tau.

D1R08 Nah saya juga Leo.

D1A08 (tertawa)

D1R09 Tapi saya bukan Juli. Agustus. Agustus tanggal 2.

D1A09 Tanggal 2?

D1R10 Iya. Sama zodiaknya. Oke umm lahirnya dimana Agni?

D1A10 Di Gunung Kidul.

D1R11 Gunung Kidul?

D1A11 Hu um.

D1R12 Berarti asalnya Gunung Kidul ya?

D1A12 Iya.

D1R13 Pas SD itu juga langsung di sini atau gimana?

D1A13 Pas SD pernah di SD awas 2 tahun, 3 tahun. B


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D1R14 SD awas 3 tahun?

D1A14 Iya.

D1R15 Dari kelas?

D1A15 Kelas 1, 2 tahun. Kelas 2, 1 tahun (tertawa) B

D1R16 Kelas 1, 2 tahun. Kelas 2, 1 tahun.

D1A16 Iya.

D1R17 Oke. Umm lalu setelah di SD awas ini.. umm di SD awas-

nya ini di Gunung Kidul atau di Jogja?

D1A17 Di Riau.

D1R18 Oh di Riau. Kok bisa sampai di Riau?

D1A18 Ya kan kedua orang tua saya merantau di Riau.

D1R19 Oh gitu berarti setelah Agni lahir... (terpotong)

D1A19 Usiaku 3 tahun.. kalau gak 3 tahun itu, trus merantau di Riau.

D1R20 Merantau ke Riau, kerja di sana orang tuanya, terus masuk ke

SD umur berapa?

D1A20 Masuk ke SD-nya 6 tahun. B

D1R21 6 tahun. Trus kelas 1-nya 2 tahun, kelas 2-nya 1 tahun.

Setelah itu?

D1A21 Setelah itu kan gak bisa lihat. B

D1R22 Oh itu berarti apa alasannya? Apa penyebabnya maksudnya..

D1A22 Itu karena apa ya... Kalau katanya sih jatuh, tapi aku gak



D1R23 Oh iya, kan masih kecil kan ya.

D1A23 Iya, terus putus syaraf. B

D1R24 Oh..

D1A24 Udah dioperasi 2x B

D1R25 Jatuhnya jatuh dari apa?

D1A25 Dari tempat tidur. B

D1R26 Oh tempat tidur?

D1A26 Tengkurep.

D1R27 Tengkurep jatuhnya? Tapi gak ngglebak kan ya, tapi

tengkurep gitu?

D1A27 Iya.

D1R28 Kepalanya yang kena to?

D1A28 Gak tahu (tertawa)

D1R29 Terus langsung di bawa ke rumah sakit, terus dioperasi ya?

D1A29 Iya.

D1R30 2x operasinya?

D1A30 Iya.

D1R31 Dan itu umm mulai gak lihat itu tuh langsung gak lihat atau


D1A31 Bertahap.

D1R32 Bertahapnya bagaimana?


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D1A32 Ya yang pertamanya kaya masih bisa lihat orang sama benda,

tapi gak tahu itu apa itu.


D1R33 Bayangan ya? Kaya bentuknya.. bentuknya tapi kurang jelas

gitu ya?

D1A33 Iya. Trus keduanya nanti lampu thok. Cahaya-cahaya gitu. B

D1R34 Cahaya. Bisa tahu kalau ini gelap ini terang gitu ya?

D1A34 Iya.

D1R35 Trus?

D1A35 Trus akhirnya total. B

D1R36 Akhirnya total. Berarti ini Agni.. ini gelap aja ya?

D1A36 Enggak, terang.

D1R37 Oh tahu kalau ini terang?

D1A37 Mataku cuman terang. Tapi kalau seumpama mati lampu

atau gelap gitu bagiku terang.


D1R38 Oh gitu..

D1A38 (tertawa)

D1R39 Berarti gak ada.. maksudte gak ada gelap ya sebenarnya?

D1A39 Enggak. Cuman kalau lihat apa mendung,, lihat-lihat langit

gitu thok putih.

D1R40 Kalau lihat ini terang? Kalau lihat kelas ini terang?

D1A40 Iya, semua itu terang.

D1R41 Terang. Pagi, siang, malam terang ya?

D1A41 Iya.

D1R42 Walaupun gak ada lampu juga terang?

D1A42 Terang.

D1R43 Umm jadi pas gelapnya pas apa itu? Pas mata tertutup atau


D1A43 Mata tertutup tetep terang (tertawa) B

D1R44 Oh berarti sebenarnya.. soalnya orang-orang di luar sana

berpikiran kalau orang yang tidak bisa melihat itu yang

(dilihat) yang gelap aja gitu loh.. Berarti malah kebalikannya

ya? Malah terang ya?

D1A44 Terang (tersenyum)

D1R45 Oh gitu..

D1A45 Karena mataku ini kan ada putih-putihnya to mbak? Yang



D1R46 Oh gitu..

D1A46 Iya. Jadi membuat terang semuanya.

D1R47 Oh I see. Umm tapi itu kayanya cuman yang sebelah kiri aja.

D1A47 Iya.

D1R48 Kalau sebelah kanan kayanya masih ada,, kayanya gak ada


D1A48 Enggak. Kalau sebelah kanan itu kan mata palsu. B

D1R49 Oh gitu? Itu pas operasi pertama atau gimana?


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D1A49 Operasi baru aja ini kemarin. Pas aku kelas 6. B

D1R50 Oh..

D1A50 Eh enggak dink. Kelas 7 semester 1. B

D1R51 Oh gitu.. umm berarti selama ini Agni udah operasi berapa


D1A51 Dua kali.

D1R52 Yang pertama pas jauh hari itu ya? Pas awal-awal itu ya?

Dioperasi untuk memulihkan penglihatannya ya?

D1A52 Iya.

D1R53 Tapi ternyata gak bisa.

D1A53 Gak bisa.

D1R54 Terus habis itu.. Itu langsung ada putih-putihnya atau


D1A54 Gak tahu.

D1R55 Oh gitu.. Terus habis itu kenapa barusan ini apa maksudnya

barusan ini yang dapat operasi... (terpotong)

D1A55 Yang kanan?

D1R56 Hu um.

D1A56 Itu karena glukoma. B

D1R57 Oh karena glukoma.

D1A57 Iya kalau yang kanan.

D1R58 Kalau gak dioperasi nanti...?

D1A58 Kalau gak dioperasi nanti sakit.

D1R59 Oh sakit ya?

D1A59 Iya.

D1R60 Oh gitu...

D1A60 Selalu ini... selalu berair terus silau. Padahal udah pejam pun

tetep silau.


D1R61 Oh gitu ya?

D1A61 Iya.

D1R62 Oh ya ya. Jadi kalau glukoma itu selalu berair gitu ya?

D1A62 Iya.

D1R63 Ohh.. Terus itu operasinya dimana?

D1A63 Yang mana?

D1R64 Yang mata kanan operasinya di sini?

D1A64 Hu um di YAP.

D1R65 Di YAP. Trus itu pakai mata aksesoris ya?

D1A65 Iya.

D1R66 Mata aksesoris itu yang bagaimana sih?

D1A66 Kaya atom. (tertawa) gimana yaa...

D1R67 Umm bukan dari donor ya tapi ya?

D1A67 Bukan. Cuman benda biasa.

D1R68 Tapi aman ya?

D1A68 Aman.


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D1R69 Oke. Terus.. nah kalau operasi itu kan pake BPJS atau


D1A69 Aku pribadi.

D1R70 Oh gitu. Mahal dong?

D1A70 Gak tahu (tertawa)

D1R71 Mahal banget kalau pribadi. (obrolan terputus karena ada

orang yang masuk di perpustakaan). Oh itu berarti biayanya

pribadi dari bapak-ibu?

D1A71 Iya.

D1R72 Oh oke. Berarti bukan dari sekolah atau dari manapun?

D1A72 Bukan.

D1R73 Berapa lama itu operasinya?

D1A73 Berapa lama gimana?

D1R74 Maksudnya durasi dioperasinya berapa lama? Apakah Cuma

satu jam?

D1A74 Oh dua.

D1R75 Dua jam?

D1A75 Iya.

D1R76 Dibius total?

D1A76 Iya. Kalau yang kanan kan pribadi karena aku di sini to.

Terus kalau anaknya di sini, orang tuanya di Riau itu tetep..

Kalau katanya pemerintah, kalau anaknya gak di Riau ya

pemerintah gak mau tanggung jawab.

D1R77 Oh gitu..

D1A77 Kalau yang kiri itu kan dibiayai sama pemerintah karena

operasinya aku di sana.

D1R78 Waktu kecil gitu ya?

D1A78 Iya. Di Riau. Tapi maksudnya kan aku masih ada di Riau,

tapi dirujuk di Jakarta.

D1R79 Oh gitu. Umm gimana perasaannya sebelum dan setelah

operasi? Operasi yang pertama dan yang barusan ini.

D1A79 (tertawa) takut banget mbak karena udah gede to.

D1R80 Takut ya pas awal-awal mau operasi itu? Tapi setelah itu..

setelah operasi gimana perasaannya?

D1A80 Umm gak tahu. Campur aduk (tertawa)

D1R81 Campur aduk (tertawa). Seneng gak?

D1A81 Ya, seneng karena sembuh. Gak, karena gak punya mata.


D1R82 Masih kok (tertawa) kan yang dioperasi sebelah kanan,

sebelah kiri masih ada.

D1A82 (tertawa)

D1R83 Itu glukoma itu tuh keturunan, pola hidup, atau bagaimana?

D1A83 Enggak kalau keturunan. Saya glukomanya baru lulus kelas 5

kemarin kok. Baru satu tahun.


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D1R84 Ya berarti karena apa?

D1A84 Karena apa ya.. nggak tau... katanya pertama kali diperiksa

itu kaya ada luka gitu di dalam.

D1R85 Oh gitu.. Umm, oke. Berarti itu pas kemarin kelas 7 kemarin


D1A85 Iya..

D1R86 Masih ingat gak di bulan apa?

D1A86 Bulan.. umm apa ya.. awal September kalau gak November,

eh.. Oktober ding. Kalau gak September, Oktober, antara itu.

D1R87 Yang ngantar bapak ibu?

D1A87 Enggak. Bapak ibu di Riau.

D1R88 Berarti yang ngater...?

D1A88 Budhe.

D1R89 Oh punya Budhe di Jogja?

D1A89 Punya.

D1R90 Oh gitu.. Umm.. nah itu setelah di SD awas selama 3 tahun.

Habis itu lanjut ke...?

D1A90 SLB sini.

D1R91 Oh berarti ketika jatuh terus gak bisa melihat itu kan berarti

gak bisa sekolah ya?

D1A91 Berhenti beberapa tahun. T

D1R92 Berhenti berapa tahun itu?

D1A92 Umm berapa tahun ya? Dari tahun 2006 sampai tahun 2013

kalau gak salah.


D1R93 Dari 2006 sampai 2013,, berarti berhenti sekitar 7 tahun ya?

D1A93 Iya.

D1R94 7 tahun.. umm nah ketika berhenti selama 7 tahun itu Agni

masih di Riau ya?

D1A94 Iya.

D1R95 Masih di Riau. Apa yang Agni kerjakan waktu 7 tahun itu?

D1A95 Cuman di rumah, jaga toko. T

D1R96 Umm orang tua kerja apa?

D1A96 Manen.

D1R97 Manen?

D1A97 Di kelapa sawit.

D1R98 Oh, bapak dan ibu juga?

D1A98 Iya.

D1R99 Punya saudara kah?

D1A99 Punya.

D1R100 Saudaranya berapa?

D1A100 Cuman dua sama saya.

D1R101 Ohh.. adik atau kakak?

D1A101 Mas.


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D1R102 Mas. Masnya sekarang udah berkeluarga sendiri atau masih

sama orang tua?

D1A102 Pacaran aja gak pernah mbak (tertawa)

D1R103 Oh pacaran gak pernah? Kenapa?

D1A103 Karena masih pengen kerja.

D1R104 Oh gitu. Masnya kerja dimana?

D1A104 Dimana ya? Di Jogja tapi gak tau dimana.

D1R105 Oh gitu... Tapi sering ke sini kan ya?

D1A105 Iyaa.. Kalau ngirimin uang aku kan lewat Mas-ku

D1R106 Oh gitu..

D1A106 Iyaa..

D1R107 Terus berarti ibu bukan ibu rumah tangga ya?

D1A107 Bukan.

D1R108 Manen juga ya?

D1A108 Iya.

D1R109 Umm.. Setelah... dapat info sekolah ini dari mana?

D1A109 Itu dari Pakdhe.

D1R110 Dari Pakdhe. Trus Pakdhe bilang “Eh itu di Jogja ada nganu


D1A110 Iya. Tadinya kan saya nonton TV. Nonton TV tuh... apa.. ada

kaya ceramah gitu loh. Ceramah mengundang anak

tunanetra. Habis itu aku minta sekolah. Pas minta sekolah,

dicariin sama Pakdhe. Tadinya saya mau dimasukin ke

pesantren. Kan gak ngerti itu.. apa... kalau ada sekolahan

tunanetra. Pesantren. Habis itu, temannya Pakdhe waktu itu

ngomong dia punya kenalan, Pak Salim (nama samaran).


D1R111 Pak Salim itu Kepala Sekolah-nya ya?

D1A111 Bapak Yayasan sini. Gitu. Trus sama temennya Pakdhe itu

trus dikenalin.

D1R112 Oh gitu. Umm masuk di sini 2013. Ada tesnya nggak sih?

D1A112 Tesnya gak tau, gak ada kayanya.

D1R113 Gak ada. Langsung masuk, kelas 7 gitu ya?

D1A113 Enggak, SLB.

D1R114 Oh SD?

D1A114 Iya, SD.

D1R115 SD yang sebelah sana berarti?

D1A115 Iya..

D1R116 Oh.. yang sebelah sana bisa asrama enggak sih? SD yang

sebelah sana bisa asrama enggak?

D1A116 Enggak. SD-nya di sini. Gerbang sebelah sini.

D1R117 Oh tapi nama SD-nya apa?

D1A117 SLB A *********.

D1R118 SLB A *********. Ini kan sebenernya gabungan kan ya?

D1A118 Iya gabungan.


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D1R119 Yang satu, sana, yang pemerintah ya? Dari... dibawah

Depdiknas ya?

D1A119 Iya.

D1R120 Yang sini... apa... madrasah ini kan di bawah Departemen

Agama ya?

D1A120 Iya.

D1R121 Oh, maksudnya yang sana?

D1A121 Iya.

D1R122 Itu langsung masuk kelas berapa?

D1A122 Masuk kelas 1 SD tapi cuman 3 tahun.. eh 3 bulan (tertawa)

habis itu langsung lompat kelas 3.

D1R123 Oh, kelas 1 3 bulan langsung lompat kelas 3. Trus?

D1A123 Apa.. lulus, kelas 4, 5, 6, trus kelas 7.

D1R124 Kelas 7. Itu setahun setahun ya. Oke. Trus kelas 7-nya berarti

mulai tahun 2017 kemarin ya?

D1A124 2017.

D1R125 Pas di SLB sana, pas SD, itu juga asrama gak?

D1A125 Asrama.

D1R126 Di sini juga?

D1A126 Iya.

D1R127 Umm.. nah ketika pertama kali ke sini itu kan otomatis

tempatnya berbeda ya? Maksudnya berbeda dengan di

rumah. Kalau di rumah kan udah terbiasa ya, ya mungkin

jalan-jalan kemana pun bisa gitu loh, ya kan?

D1A127 Iya.

D1R128 Tanpa tongkat pun bisa. Nah pas awal-awal ke sini gimana


D1A128 Ya takut (tertawa)

D1R129 Takut, trus?

D1A129 Takut trus gak tahu.

D1R130 Pakai tongkat terus atau enggak?

D1A130 Enggak. Sering dituntun.

D1R131 Sama temen asrama tunanetra atau...?

D1A131 Iya, sama temen tunanetra.

D1R132 Oh ada temen ya pas waktu itu ya. Punya temen deket?

D1A132 Punya.

D1R133 Siapa namanya?

D1A133 Mbak Arini.

D1R134 Mbak Arini itu yang awal-awal bantu itu?

D1A134 Enggak. Kalau yang awal-awal di sini itu enggak deket


D1R135 Oke. Trus pernah enggak suatu ketika pas lagi ini ya

beradaptasi dengan tempatnya itu kan gak pake tongkat tuh...

awal-awal emang gak pake tongkat kan?


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D1A135 Enggak.

D1R136 Gak pernah pake tongkat atau gimana?

D1A136 Gak pernah.

D1R137 Tapi punya?

D1A137 Enggak. (tertawa) Punyanya udah setahun kemudian baru


D1R138 Oh pas awal-awal itu belum punya. Berarti sekarang punya


D1A138 Punya.

D1R139 Nah dulu pas awal-awal itu pernah gak suatu ketika kejadian

dimana Agni umm apa namanya terjatuh, atau nabrak yang

agak fatal gitu loh?

D1A139 (tertawa) sering

D1R140 Kalau nabrak biasa “aduh” gitu kan “bruk” gitu kan cuman

biasa ya? Maksudnya yang agak fatal gitu pernah gak?

D1A140 Oh itu pernah.

D1R141 Ingat gak kejadiannya kapan dimana trus bagaimana?

D1A141 Kalau kapan gak ingat.

D1R142 Tapi yang jelas itu belum ada setahun di sini?

D1A142 Belum.

D1R143 Lalu bagaimana ininya apa.. kejadiannya?

D1A143 Kejadiannya ya itu nabrak...nabrak uwit. Trus mental.

D1R144 Umm pohon yang mana?

D1A144 SLB (tertawa)

D1R145 Di SLB. Sekarang pohonnya masih ada?

D1A145 Masih. Yang... eh gak tau ding itu masih atau enggak.. Yang

itu loh yang di depan lab, lab komputer SLB.

D1R146 Oh,, nabrak, mental, benjol..

D1A146 Nabrak (tertawa) trus tengkurep gitu loh.

D1R147 Umm nangis gak waktu itu?

D1A147 Enggak.

D1R148 Umm terus perasaannya gimana waktu nabrak itu?

Maksudnya habis nabrak “duk” perasaannya gimana?

D1A148 Yaa mangkel.

D1R149 Sebel ya? Sebel pada siapa? Pada pohon? “Ini kok pohon ada

di sini?” atau pada orang-orang? “Ini kok gak ada yang

bantu?” atau pada diri sendiri?

D1A149 Ya pada orang-orang juga sama pada diri sendiri juga.

D1R150 Pada diri sendiri gimana?

D1A150 Kalau diri sendiri gak bisa lihat (tertawa). Kalau sama orang-

orang itu kan dulu tuh ada ibu-ibu sih. Ibu-ibu murid gitu

tapi mereka tuh jutek gitu. Jadi... (terpotong)

D1R151 Oh pas kejadian ada ibu-ibu murid. Berarti itu pas siang-

siang ya?


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D1A151 Iya. Tiga atau dua orang sih itu ibu-ibunya duduk di situ, trus

sama salah satu guru di SLB, tapi sekarang jadi pengawas,

dah gak di situ.

D1R152 Oh gitu, gak ada yang bantuin ya?

D1A152 Enggak.

D1R153 Tapi akhirnya berdiri dibantuin orang to?

D1A153 Ho oh.

D1R154 Umm terus kalau kejadian lucu ada gak?

D1A154 (tertawa) gak ada.

D1R155 Gak ada ya kalau kejadian lucu ya? Umm nah itu terus

kalau... ini kan bersosialisasi dan beradaptasi dengan

lingkungan sekolah dan asrama ya... kalau naik tangga itu


D1A155 Naik tangga? Ya bisa.

D1R156 Awal-awal?

D1A156 Awal-awal bisa karena dulu kan saya udah mbayangin.

D1R157 Oh gitu..

D1A157 Udah pernah liat tangga.

D1R158 Oh yaa.. Umm tapi kan... umm maksudnya ini setiap tangga

kan beda-beda ya ukurannya. Maksudnya panjangnya sekian,

lebarnya sekian, itu bisa langsung cepet adaptasinya?

D1A158 Itu kan pertama kali dituntun. Habis itu trus kedua sampai

selanjutnya sendiri.

D1R159 Umm kalau jalan gini menuju ruang satu ke ruang berikutnya

itu apakah mengingat langkahnya, berapa langkah atau


D1A159 Enggak. Kalau aku mainnya... aku dulu kan pertama kali

orangnya penakut kan, itu harus ditun... tanganku yang kiri

dituntun, tanganku yang kanan megang tembok.

D1R160 Kalau sekarang?

D1A160 Kalau sekarang enggak.

D1R161 Sekarang itu bisa tahu jarak antara ruang satu dengan ruang

berikutnya bagaimana? Mengingat langkah atau bagaimana?

D1A161 Kalau yang sekarang?

D1R162 Hu um.

D1A162 Gak tahu. Tahu aja.

D1R163 Oh gitu. Karena sudah terbiasa ya?

D1A163 Iya.

D1R164 Berarti gak pernah menghitung langkah ya?

D1A164 Enggak (tertawa)

D1R165 Dulu pas awal-awal juga gak pernah menghitung langkah?

D1A165 Enggak. Kalau aku mainnya perabaan.

D1R166 Perabaan. Oh gitu. Pas di... waktu di Riau pun pas waktu

kecil, awal-awal itu juga perabaan ya?


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D1A166 Iya.

D1R167 Umm nah kalau mempelajari sesuatu ini lebih enak langsung

dimengerti dengan meraba atau dengan pendengaran?

D1A167 Ini khusus apa mbak?

D1R168 Misalnya belajar sesuatu yang baru. Misalnya.. oke belajar

Matematika atau belajar Bahasa Inggris. Belajar Bahasa

Inggris nih. Belajar Bahasa Inggris itu lebih enak kalau

belajarnya dengan meraba atau dengan mendengarkan?

D1A168 Gimana ya... Kalau Bahasa Inggris harusnya ya meraba tapi

ya diajarin. Tapi kalau lewat audio malah gak mudeng.


D1R169 Oh gitu.. Lebih enak... lebih leluasa dengan meraba ya?

Maksudnya kalau ada teks yaudah dibaca dengan meraba

saja ya?

D1A169 Hu um.

D1R170 Oke. Umm terus sekarang kan.. oh ya.. nah selamaa.. belum

ada setahun ding ya ini kelas 7-nya... ini menurut Agni

bagaimana pelajaran Bahasa Inggris-nya?

D1A170 Angel (tertawa)

D1R171 Susah ya?

D1A171 Susah. AL

D1R172 Susahnya apa saja? Maksudnya pelajaran apa yang susah

bagi Agni dan pelajaran apa saja yang gampang bagi Agni?

D1A172 Apa ya.. Kalau saya itu kan awalnya gimana ya mbak...

sulit.. angel gitu loh untuk mengingat. Ya hampir... banyak

sih mbak yang tak pikir sulit.


D1R173 Apa? Apa saja yang sulit? Apa? Pelajaran apa saja?

D1A173 Kalau... kecuali Bahasa Indonesia sama Bahasa Jawa aja.

D1R174 Oh Bahasa Jawa sama Bahasa Indonesia mudah?

D1A174 Mudah mudah enggak (tertawa).

D1R175 Susahnya pas ketika apa kalau Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa


D1A175 Susahnya kalau suruh mbuat.

D1R176 Menulis gitu? Atau bagaimana?

D1A176 Membuat pantun sendiri atau apa gitu.

D1R177 Oh gitu. Bahasa Jawa juga ada pantun?

D1A177 Ada. Parikan (tertawa). Parikan.

D1R178 Oh iya parikan. Umm oke. Sebelum beralih ke Bahasa

Inggris, saya ingin tahu dengan ini... umm kan Agni sudah

bisa beradaptasi dengan lingkungan di asrama, bagaimana

dengan lingkungan di luar asrama?

D1A178 Kalau saya orangnya belum bisa.. apa yaa.. dibilang tuh

belum.. belum.. bisa apa namanya umm.. sosial.. sulit

(tertawa). Karena tuh apa yaa.. aku tuh orangnya penakut...

gak gak.. berani (tertawa).


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D1R179 Malu atau gak berani atau..?

D1A179 Semuanya itu (tertawa).

D1R180 Tapi pernah gak apa namanya keluar... di luar asrama gitu

sendiri pernah gak?

D1A180 Kalau sendiri enggak.

D1R181 Kalau sendiri enggak,, biasanya sama?

D1A181 Sama temen.

D1R182 Sama temen. Biasanya keluar kemana?

D1A182 Keluar ya... keluar kemana-mana. Tapi itu gak pernah


D1R183 Ya, biasanya kemana?

D1A183 Kalau sama temen biasanya kemana?

D1R184 Kemana yaa mbak... ya jajan (tertawa)

D1A184 Jajan. Jajan snack gitu ya?

D1R185 Iya.

D1A185 Oke. Kalau laundry? Kalau nyuci itu, nyuci sendiri atau

laundry atau..?

D1R186 Kadang laundry kalau memeng nyuci.

D1A186 Tapi lebih seringnya laundry atau nyuci sendiri?

D1R187 Dua-duanya. (tertawa)

D1A187 Oh (tertawa) terus kalau laundry gitu berarti keluarnya sama

temen ya?

D1R188 Iya.

D1A188 Sama-sama nglaundry juga temennya?

D1R189 Iya.

D1A189 Terus diambil sama-sama temen juga?

D1R190 Iya. Kadang ditelpon suruh ngampirin ke sini.

D1A190 Oh gitu.

D1R191 Mbak laundry.

D1A191 Oh bisa ya? Baik hati ya mbaknya.

D1R192 (tertawa)

D1A192 Jauh gak sih dari sini?

D1R193 Enggak sih.

D1A193 Bisa tahu laundry-an,, ada laundry-an deket sini dari mana?

D1R194 Dari mbak-mbaknya.

D1A194 Mbak-mbaknya yang laundry itu?

D1R195 Enggak. Dari sini.

D1A195 Dari mbak-mbaknya asrama.

D1R196 Ohh,, sesama tunanetra kah?

D1A196 Iya.

D1R197 Oke. Umm berarti belum pernah keluar asrama pake tongkat

sendiri ya?

D1A197 Belum.

D1R198 Trus tongkatnya...?


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D1A198 Kecuali kalo ujian.

D1R199 Ujian apa?

D1A199 Ujian OM

D1R200 Oh ada OM juga?

D1A200 Ada.

D1R201 Itu umm seminggu berapa kali?

D1A201 Ya kalau ujian thok kalau aku sendiri.

D1R202 Oh berarti ada pelajaran OM kan? (batuk)

D1A202 Ada.

D1R203 (batuk) seminggu berapa kali? (batuk)

D1A203 Satu kali kalau seminggu.

D1R204 (batuk) hari apa itu?

D1A204 Setiap hari Senin.

D1R205 (batuk) berapa jam?

D1A205 Cuman 3 jam.

D1R206 Dari jam berapa sampai jam berapa?

D1A206 Mulainya... kalau jam asli jam 11.

D1R207 (batuk) tapi? Kok ada jam asli, ada jam... ? (terpotong)

D1A207 Ya enggak. Maksudnya jam pelajarannya itu jam ke-7.

D1R208 Hu um.

D1A208 Jam ke-7 itu jam 11.

D1R209 Ohh. Umm itu guru pengampu OM-nya dari sini atau dari

luar? (batuk)

D1A209 Dari sini. Itu Bu Siti Sa’adah.

D1R210 (batuk) oh Bu Siti. Bu Siti juga tunanetra kan?

D1A210 Iya.

D1R211 Oh oke. Tapi udah ahli ya.

D1A211 (tertawa)

D1R212 Terus ujian OM-nya itu biasanya ngapain?

D1A212 Umm seringnya praktek.

D1R213 Paktek di luar sini?

D1A213 Iya. Di luar.

D1R214 Misalnya praktek jalan, atau praktek... (terpotong)

D1A214 Praktek jalan.

D1R215 Umm pakai tongkat gitu?

D1A215 Iya.

D1R216 Berapa meter jalannya biasanya?

D1A216 Umm ya nanti di-ini-in sama gurunya. Nanti habis dari

gerbang ini trus lurus, habis itu nganan gitu gitu. Sampai

menemukan gerbang ini di-ini-in.

D1R217 Bagaimana Bu Siti tahu kalau anaknya berhasil? Muridnya


D1A217 Biasanya yang total itu disuruh jalan duluan, habis itu yang

low vision disuruh ngawasin, tapi diem aja.


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D1R218 Oh gitu. Terus pernah gak ada murid yang gagal?

D1A218 Yang gagal? Yang gagal ujian OM?

D1R219 Hu um.

D1A219 Aku (tertawa)

D1R220 Oh pernah? Gagalnya gimana?

D1A220 Pas... pas kelas 3. Ya gak sampai (tertawa)

D1R221 Oh gagalnya tuh gak sampai?

D1A221 Enggak.

D1R222 Trus Bu Siti bisa tau ya karena ada...? (terpotong)

D1A222 Enggak, itu pas waktu itu kan pas Pak Walidi. Kalau aku di

SLB Pak Walidi.

D1R223 Pak Walidi itu orang awas?

D1A223 Awas.

D1R224 Berarti pas ujiannya Bu Siti berhasil terus ya?

D1A224 Hu um (tertawa)

D1R225 Oke. Agni sendiri kegiatan di luar sekolah itu ngapain sih?

D1A225 Di luar sekolah?

D1R226 Hu um. Maksudnya di luar jam sekolah.

D1A226 Kalau kursus iya kursus. Tapi kalau pas... (terpotong)

D1R227 Oh ikut Brailliant?

D1A227 Huh?

D1R228 Kursus apa?

D1A228 Kursus komputer.

D1R229 Oh siapa pengampunya?

D1A229 Pengampunya Pak At. Itu di luar.

D1R230 Relawan kah?

D1A230 Bukan. Guru... guru kursus. Di deket YAP sana.

D1R231 Oh gitu, umm di deket YAP? Berarti diantar?

D1A231 Enggak. Nge-trans.

D1R232 Nge-trans?

D1A232 Iya.

D1R233 Sama?

D1A233 Sama temen-temen. Sama Aida.

D1R234 Ada orang awasnya?

D1A234 Enggak.

D1R235 Oh bisa?

D1A235 Bisa. Aida kan masih low vision. Nur Eko masih low vision.

D1R236 Oh.. Nah pengalaman perjalanan naik Trans ke ini ke YAP

itu gimana? Ada pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan kah?

D1A236 Pengalaman tidak terlupakan...

D1R237 Iya, yang berkesan, tidak terlupakan. Berkesan di sini bisa

berkesan bahagia, bisa sedih, bisa kecewa, bisa marah.

D1A237 Di sini atau...? (terpotong)


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D1R238 Pas ini pas kan kalau ke YAP itu naik trans, nah terus kan itu

otomatis ketemu banyak orang awas tuh di luar. Ada

pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan gak?

D1A238 Enggak.

D1R239 Enggak ya selama ini? Sudah berapa lama ikut kursus?

D1A239 Baru Januari kemarin.

D1R240 Berapa kali seminggu?

D1A240 Kalau seminggu dua kali.

D1R241 Oke. Kursus. Terus selain kursus, yang lain... (terpotong)

D1A241 Selain kursus ya biasa aja main.

D1R242 Suka olahraga gak?

D1A242 Olahraga... gak suka (tertawa)

D1R243 Sama (tertawa) gak suka. Oke, trus kalau masak-masak ini

ibu panti ya? Pernah gak Agni masak sendiri? Kalau nyuci

kan bisa ya nyuci sendiri. Kalau masak sendiri bisa gak?

D1A243 Pernah kalau ujian. Tapi di SLB.

D1R244 Waktu SD ya itu?

D1A244 Iya.

D1R245 Pakai komputer gas? Eh komputer, kompor maksudnya

(tertawa). Kok komputer sih, kompor gas.

D1A245 (tertawa) Iya

D1R246 Bisa ngidupinnya?

D1A246 Diajarin.

D1R247 Masak apa waktu itu?

D1A247 Masak omelet, masak gorengan, macem-macem.

D1R248 Tahu kapan itu sudah matang, kapan itu belum?

D1A248 Iya.

D1R249 Dari?

D1A249 Ya diraba pakai itunya..

D1R250 Eh kok diraba, panas dong.

D1A250 (tertawa) diraba pakai itunya... kaya sendoknya. Udah garing

atau belum.

D1R251 Oh gitu.

D1A251 Iya.

D1R252 Kirain pakai menit. Tapi kan kita gak tau... oh iya, kita tahu

ding ya apinya sebesar apa gitu. (membersihkan

tenggorokan) Itu masak omelet. Umm dan masak yang lain


D1A252 Cuman omelet, gorengan.

D1R253 Itu grup atau per-orang?

D1A253 Kalau ujian per-orang.

D1R254 Waktu itu dapet nilai berapa?

D1A254 Gak tahu (tertawa)

D1R255 Tapi lulus kan?


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D1A255 Lulus.

D1R256 (membersihkan tenggorokan) Berarti sehari-harinya gak

masak sendiri?

D1A256 Enggak.

D1R257 Oke. Selain itu... kalau makanan nih, sukanya makanan apa


D1A257 Apa ya... (tertawa) nasi goreng.

D1R258 Oh nasi goreng. Sama kaya Nada ya, Nada kemarin juga

suka nasi goreng. Trus kalau minuman?

D1A258 Kalau minuman selalu teh.

D1R259 Selalu teh?

D1A259 Iya.

D1R260 Ada gak sih pantangan makanan, pantangan gitu?

D1A260 Kalau pantangan gak ada. Kalau yang gak disuka banyak.

D1R261 Misalnya?

D1A261 Apanya?

D1R262 Yang gak disuka misalnya apa aja?

D1A262 Kalau makanan apa ya (tertawa) ya banyak. Aku tuh

orangnya pilih-pilih soalnya.

D1R263 Pilih-pilih ya?

D1A263 Kalau sayuran aku gak suka.

D1R264 Kalau saya semuanya suka, asal makanan (tertawa, lalu ada 2

orang masuk untuk mengambil sesuatu dari laci meja, setelah

itu mereka keluar) Yah semoga suka lah dengan makanan

yang tak bawa. Cuman roti, makanan-makanan kecil biasa


D1A264 (tersenyum)

D1R265 Umm kan di sini ada kursusan Brailliant ya dari relawan


D1A265 Iya.

D1R266 Agni ikut gak?

D1A266 Itu kan karena ada kegiatan Bahasa Inggris gitu kan mbak

setiap malam Rabu.

D1R267 Oh gitu? Agni ikut? Berarti semuanya ikut?

D1A267 Semuanya ikut.

D1R268 Wajib kah?

D1A268 Wajib.

D1R269 Oh itu termasuk wajib ya? Loh ini hari Rabu kan?

D1A269 Enggak. Maksudnya pas malam Rabu, hari Selasa, malam


D1R270 Oh jam berapa itu?

D1A270 Habis Magrib.

D1R271 Oh kemarin to? Untung kemarin gak jadi ya? Soalnya kalau

kemarin jadi kan ngganggu anu.. pelajaran di sekolah. Oke.


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Umm sekarang saya ingin bertanya tentang ini.. umm

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ya. Umm mohon menjawab

pertanyaan berikut dengan mengingat kejadian yang pernah

Agni alami. Ceritakanlah secara detil yang Agni ingat.

Misalnya itu hari apa, kalau gak ingat mungkin sekitar bulan

apa, trus jam berapa, kalau gak ingat ya apakah itu pagi,

siang, sore, atau malam. Lalu orang-orangnya siapa saja gitu.

Jadi, pengalaman apa yang berkesan ataupun yang tidak

terlupakan ketika belajar Bahasa Inggris di kelas?

D1A271 (tertawa) humm yang berkesan, yang berkesan apa ya... di

kelas.. di kelas itu maksudnya selama MTs gitu?

D1R272 Hu um. Selama kelas 7 ini.

D1A272 Kelas 7...

D1R273 Berarti belum pernah diajari sama Pak Supri ya?

D1A273 Pak Supri, belum.

D1R274 Gurunya ada berapa sih? Tiga ya?

D1A274 Guru apanya?

D1R275 Bahasa Inggris.

D1A275 Dua.

D1R276 Oh cuman Pak Supri sama Bu... (terpotong)

D1A276 Indah.

D1R277 Humm berarti belum pernah. Umm adakah pengalaman yang

mengesankan, dalam artian tidak terlupakan?

D1A277 Umm enggak. Gak ada.

D1R278 Gak ada?

D1A278 Enggak.

D1R279 Kalau ini,, pengalaman yang membuat Agni sedih pas belajar

Bahasa Inggris?

D1A279 (tersenyum) itu yaa.. ya karena aku gak bisa.

D1R280 Ingat gak kejadiannya di... pas pelajaran apa, pas topik apa?

D1A280 Semuanya.

D1R281 Semuanya?

D1A281 Hu um (tertawa) selalu sedih terus (mukul pangkuan) pas

Bahasa Inggris.

D1R282 Oh ya? Mungkin yang terakhir, yang deket-deket ini yang

mungkin Agni masih inget?

D1A282 Oh yang paling sedih banget gitu?

D1R283 Iya yang paling sedih ya.

D1A283 Yaa disuruh... suruh itu loh.. kan dikasih kosakata itu 40

berapa gitu disuruh ngapalin, sedangkan aku satu pun belum

ada yang hafal. (tertawa)

D1R284 Oh gitu. 40 kosakata itu ada Bahasa Inggris ada

terjemahannya gitu ya? Itu apakah suruh ngapalinnya dalam

bentuk Braille gitu...?


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D1A284 Iya, dalam bentuk Braille.

D1R285 Oh jadi gurunya memberikan teks isinya kosakata-kosakata

gitu. Terus Agni dan teman-teman harus menghafalkan.

Dalam kurun waktu berapa ini?

D1A285 Sebenernya sih.. apa.. dari hari Rabu itu ditulisin. Hari Kamis

harus hafal.

D1R286 Oh gitu. Berarti bisa menghafalkan di luar jam sekolah kan

ya? Di asrama, pas mau tidur, sebelum tidur atau gimana.

D1A286 Iya.

D1R287 Humm itu padahal sudah Agni baca itu ya?

D1A287 Udah, tapi tuh... (terpotong)

D1R288 Berulang-ulang?

D1A288 Enggak.. apa ya saya tuh sulit untuk membaca Bahasa

Inggris itu.

D1R289 Umm sulitnya karena emang... menurut Agni Bahasa Inggris

bagaimana sih?

D1A289 Menurut aku gimana yaa (tertawa) karena gak suka jadi apa

yaa.. ya sulit. Karena artinya sama tulisannya dalam Bahasa

Inggris itu kan beda mbak.


D1R290 Dulu pas SD dapat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris gak?

D1A290 Dapet.

D1R291 Pas SD di SLB ya dapetnya? Kalau pas di Riau?

D1A291 Enggak.

D1R292 Oh gitu.. pas kelas 1 itu dapatnya pas di SLB?

D1A292 Enggak, dari kelas 5.

D1R293 Oke. Itu pas waktu disuruh ngapalin 40 itu di hari Rabu, trus

Kamis-nya harus inget ya?

D1A293 Iya.

D1R294 Itu minggu ini, eh minggu kemarin atau...?

D1A294 Bulan November.

D1R295 Bulan November ya. Trus gimana perasaan Agni waktu di

kelas gak bisa terucap satu kata pun yang diinget?

D1A295 Ya gak papa terus lanjut.

D1R296 Trus reaksi guru bagaimana?

D1A296 Ya cuman ngasih tau aja kalau dimana pun kita sekolah,

diusahakan harus bisa.

D1R297 Jadi guru menasehati ya? Jengkel gak waktu itu?

D1A297 Jengkel (tertawa)

D1R298 Jengkelnya kepada siapa?

D1A298 Sama.. ya sama saya. Sama diri sendiri.

D1R299 Sama diri sendiri. Oke, itu pengalaman yang paling

menjengkelkan ya. Bikin marah ya? Bikin marah gak sih itu?

D1A299 Enggak. Cuman tak bathin aja.


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D1R300 Cuman dibathin. Berarti Agni kalau tiap kali marah dibathin

atau gimana?

D1A300 Iya.

D1R301 Kenapa gak diungkapkan saja? “Aku gak suka loh ini” gitu

D1A301 (tertawa) enggak. Kalau diungkapkan kalau orang yang

diungkapin itu tadi kalau marah atau gimana nanti jadi


D1R302 Pernah gak sih suatu saat itu Agni ungkapin kalau “aku

marah nih”? Pernah gak?

D1A302 Pernah.

D1R303 Ke siapa?

D1A303 Ke siapa ya? Ke siapa pun kalau itu udah kebangeten.

D1R304 Waktu Agni ini yang terakhir kali..?

D1A304 Yang terakhir kali?

D1R305 Hu um. Ngungkapin “aku marah” gitu.

D1A305 Aku marah... terakhir kali ya sama temen-temen satu kelas.

D1R306 Oh waktu apa itu? Masih ingat?

D1A306 Itu pas waktu yaa...pas waktu itu ngledekin aku. Aku kan

orangnya ini mbak gak bisa ngomong T atau D atau S..

kemarin mereka... (terpotong)

D1R307 Itu bisa itu.

D1A307 (tertawa) itu cuman kadang, kadang enggak. Ada kalanya

enggak kan.

D1R308 Diledekinnya mereka bilang gimana?

D1A308 Bilang gimana... ya cuman nyanyiin lagu yang apa, apa

ngomongin apa yang hurufnya itu, hurufku (tertawa)

D1R309 Hurufku?

D1A309 Hu um, huruf yang gak bisa aku ucapkan.

D1R310 Trus waktu itu kamu bilang gimana?

D1A310 Ya gak bilang gimana-gimana. Cuman apa ya.. ya muring


D1R311 Muringnya gimana? Muringnya “mbok udah to!” atau


D1A311 Ya.. ya muring. (tertawa)

D1R312 Gak papa diceritakan saja sama saya, ini nanti saya

rahasiakan. Muringnya gimana bilangnya “Mbok uwis to!”

D1A312 Ya enggak. Ya muring aja. Oh dasar apa apa apa rempong.

D1R313 Oke. Umm itu kan pengalaman yang waktu jengkel ya waktu

belajar Bahasa Inggris. Kalau... ada gak pengalaman yang

berkesan? At least paling gak agak termotivasi sedikit untuk

belajar Bahasa Inggris.

D1A313 Ada. Tapi pas waktu SLB.

D1R314 Bisa tolong ceritakan?

D1A314 Pas waktu SLB?


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D1R315 Hu um.

D1A315 Senengnya karena apa gitu?

D1R316 Hu um. Kapan? Hari apa?

D1A316 Aduh (tertawa) gak inget.

D1R317 Oke. Pas kelas berapa?

D1A317 Pas kelas 6. Trus bulan apa ya? Kalau gak November,

Oktober deh. Itu kan ada mbak-mbak KKN. Mbak-mbak

KKN kan ya penelitian Bahasa Inggris tapi tuh suruh mbaca,

apa ya ngajarin gitu loh, kaya ngajarin gitu. KKN apa PPL

sih kalau kaya gitu di sekolah?

D1R318 Kalau ngajarin itu PPL

D1A318 Nah (tertawa) itu yaa nggak tau seneng aja sama dia.

Maksudnya cara ngajarinnya itu lebih dari guru,, iya sih

masalahnya kan yang diperhatiin cuman aku.

D1R319 Oh gitu?

D1A319 Iya. Kan cuman 1 anak 1 ini..

D1R320 Oh 1 guru 1 anak. Oh berarti waktu itu.... (terpotong)

D1A320 Iya, 1 guru 1 anak gitu.

D1R321 Oh berarti waktu itu di kelas, pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu

banyak gitu gurunya? Ada banyak orang, mahasiswa PPL?

D1A321 Iya.. terus milih-milih. Ini sama ini. “Kamu sama saya trus

kamu sama saya” gitu..

D1R322 Ingat gak PPL-nya dari mana?

D1A322 Dari itu.. dari UNY.

D1R323 Dari UNY. Waktu itu sekelas ada berapa?

D1A323 Sama, ada 4. Eh gak ding, kalau sekarang 6. Empat berarti.

D1R324 Dulu ada 4 ya? Oke umm waktu itu senengnya, waktu itu

mbaknya ngajarin apa sih?

D1A324 Ngajarin cara mbaca. Trus cara ngingetnya gimana. Cara

ngafalinnya gitu loh.

D1R325 Masih inget gak ini... kosakata yang dipelajari?

D1A325 Kosakata yang dipelajari...

D1R326 Hu um, waktu itu.

D1A326 Kaya itu loh apa.. kaya percakapan gitu.

D1R327 Misalnya “What is your name?” gitu?

D1A327 Hu um.

D1R328 Trus njawabnya gimana?

D1A328 Lupa (tertawa)

D1R329 (tertawa) “My name is Agni”.

D1A329 (tersenyum)

D1R330 Oh berarti lebih suka pelajaran yang model percakapan?

D1A330 Kalau aku? Kalau Bahasa Inggris?

D1R331 Hu um.


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D1A331 Enggak. Tergantung sama orang yang ngelatih aku aja


D1R332 Dan lebih seneng kalau privat ya?

D1A332 Iya, kalau apa yang gak aku bisa itu kalau aku apa.. orang itu

biar bisa membuat aku seneng itu ya apa.. cuman kalau


D1R333 Privat ya? Privat satu-satu gitu ya? Jadi lebih... (terpotong)

D1A333 Lebih nyaman.

D1R334 Oh gitu.. Umm itu yang bikin Agni seneng Bahasa Inggris.

Umm.. nah setelah itu, balik lagi udah gak seneng?

D1A334 (tertawa)

D1R335 Oke. Nah umm itu kan di kelas. Kalau di asrama ini ada gak

pengalaman belajar Bahasa Inggris di luar jam sekolah yang


D1A335 Enggak.

D1R336 Di Brailliant pun juga gak ada?

D1A336 Gak ada. Kalau ada Brailliant aku malah diem. (tertawa)

D1R337 Loh kok diem kenapa?

D1A337 Enggak mbak, kalau dia ngomong apa, aku disuruh ngartiin

itu males (tertawa)

D1R338 Oh gitu. Modelnya jadi kaya gitu ya? Suruh ngartiin gitu ya?

D1A338 Yaa.. kadang kalau dia ngomong pakai Bahasa Indonesia,

trus kita ngomong pakai Bahasa Inggris kaya gitu-gitu. Tapi

kalau yang.. ini kan mbaknya beda lagi kan ganti-ganti..

D1R339 Tiap meeting?

D1A339 Enggak. Setahun sekali.

D1R340 Setahun sekali.

D1A340 Iya. Kalau kemarin itu mbaknya ini yaa,, ya biasa, malah

kaya apa yaa, kaya enggak Brailliant, kaya temen gitu, jadi

yaa aku seneng.

D1R341 Oh gitu. Jadi gak kaya belajar yang kaya di kelas gitu?

D1A341 Gak kaya yang bertahun-tahun (tertawa)

D1R342 Oh ya.. oke. Umm karena disamping mata pelajaran wajib,

Bahasa Inggris itu kan mata pelajaran wajib ya di SMP,

adakah alasan lain Agni belajar Bahasa Inggris?

D1A342 Alasan lain belajar Bahasa Inggris?

D1R343 Hu um, alasan lain Agni belajar Bahasa Inggris, selain

karena Bahasa Inggris itu wajib.

D1A343 Kalau Bahasa Inggris gak ada.

D1R344 Gak ada? Hanya karena mata pelajaran wajib maka belajar


D1A344 Iya (tertawa)

D1R345 Apa sih.. umm kenapa sih menurut Agni kita harus belajar

Bahasa Inggris?


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D1A345 Karena itu wajib ujian UN.

D1R346 Oh itu. Itu saja atau..?

D1A346 Iya. Itu aja.

D1R347 Oke. Topik Bahasa Inggris apa yang sekiranya susah untuk

Agni pelajari?

D1A347 Susah untuk dipelajarin?

D1R348 Kalau di kelas 7 ini topiknya tentang apa? Greeting cards ya?

Pas saya observasi itu kayanya greeting cards kan?

D1A348 Iya.

D1R349 Trus yang sudah Agni pelajari ini kan gak cuman Greeting

cards. Nah topik apa yang kira-kira susah, paling susah


D1A349 Paling susah itu gak ada e mbak, semuanya susah (tertawa)

D1R350 (tertawa) oke. Semuanya susah ya. Kalau yang paling

mudah? Gak ada juga? (tertawa)

D1A350 Enggak.

D1R351 Gak ada. Umm kalau skill? Skill itu keahlian. Itu kan kalau

di Bahasa Inggris ada 4 skill, skill mendengarkan atau

listening, skill berbicara atau speaking, skill menulis atau

writing, skill membaca atau reading. Nah dari 4 skill ini kira-

kira yang paling susah yang mana? Mendengarkan,

berbicara... (terpotong)

D1A351 Berbicara, paling susah.

D1R352 Nah kalau reading, membaca?

D1A352 Membaca... kalau telaten itu diajari membaca ya ini bisa.

D1R353 Kalau writing, menulis susah gak?

D1A353 Menulis, enggak.

D1R354 Enggak ya?

D1A354 Gak susah, cuman kalau di sana ngomong apa, trus

tulisannya apa ya aku bingung.

D1R355 Oh gitu. Berarti menurut Agni itu speaking. Kenapa speaking

itu susah?

D1A355 (tertawa) gak bisa ngomong pakai Bahasa Inggris.

D1R356 Gak bisa ngomong Bahasa Inggris-nya apakah gak diajarkan


D1A356 Gak tahu. Gak pede.

D1R357 Tapi gurunya sudah mengajarkan?

D1A357 Sudah.

D1R358 Oh gitu. Oke. Ini sementara ini pertanyaannya sampai itu

dulu, soalnya... Agni sudah makan malam belum sih?

(mematikan video)

D1A358 Sudah.


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Agni’s In-Depth Interview Transcript Day 2

Date : 17 April 2018

Time : 19.40 – 20.40

Place : Hall

R = Researcher; A = Agni (pseudonym); T = Transitions; L = Lack of School’s

Media and Facilities; AL = Auditory Learners; M = Motivational Issues; AC =

Achievements; NFP = Near Future Plans; V = Visually-Impaired or Blind?;

********* = the name of the school

D2R01 Trus tadi teksnya dari mbaknya?

D2A01 Iya.

D2R02 Oh berarti mbaknya udah bisa Braille, huruf Braille?

D2A02 Enggak. Huruf awas.

D2R03 Oh tadi huruf awas?

D2A03 Iya. Mbak-mbaknya itu kan baca pake bukunya sendiri,

kalau enggak ya pake buku kami.

D2R04 Oh jadi mbaknya baca pake buku orang awas ya, trus yang

tadi Agni baca Braille kan ya? Itu Agni yang nulis?

D2A04 Aku diem aja.

D2R05 Tapi kan Agni pegang sesuatu, kaya sedang membaca.

D2A05 Aku mainan kertas. (tertawa) M

D2R06 Oh mainan kertas? Tak pikir itu baca. (tertawa) Tak pikir itu

bagian dari ininya... pelajarannya.

D2A06 Makanya aku kalau setiap kali ada Brailliant itu sering

mainan kertas gitu. Apa... bingung gitu loh..


D2R07 Oh gitu.. tak pikir itu membaca e. Ya dah gak papa. Oke,

umm kemarin pertanyaannya sampai topik Bahasa Inggris


D2A07 Iya.

D2R08 Terakhir itu kan saya bertanya tentang topik Bahasa Inggris

mana yang mudah. Trus jawabannya Agni masih ingat gak?

D2A08 Gak... gak mudah.

D2R09 Gak mudah? Semuanya susah ya? Oke. Satu pun gak ada

yang mudah?

D2A09 (diam)

D2R10 Gak ada ya? (tertawa)


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D2A10 (tertawa)

D2R11 Trus kemarin kayanya yang terakhir pertanyaannya skill.

Skill itu keahlian. Keahlian misalnya reading, membaca,

speaking, berbicara, listening, mendengarkan, sama writing,

menulis. Nah dari 4 skill itu paling susah jawaban Agni

masih inget?

D2A11 Susah semuanya (tertawa).

D2R12 (tertawa) semuanya susah. Oke. Umm sebentar. Nih

selanjutnya, apakah menurut Agni selama ini belajar Bahasa

Inggris menyenangkan?

D2A12 Karena gak suka ya enggak. (tertawa)

D2R13 Sama sekali gak menyenangkan?

D2A13 Enggak. Karena aku gak suka. M

D2R14 Karena Agni-nya gak suka ya. Selama ini pas pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris, selain diajar sama Ms. Indah, belajar sama

siapa lagi?

D2A14 Selama ini?

D2R15 Hu um, kalau di sekolah ini.

D2A15 Kalau di Mts cuman Ms. Indah.

D2R16 Oh ibu itu di kelas 7 ya? Berarti baru bertemu sama Ms.

Indah. Trus di SD?

D2A16 Di SD sama Pak Triyanto?

D2R17 Oh cuman satu orang?

D2A17 Oh enggak, sama Pak Haris juga, dua.

D2R18 Nah dari ketiga itu semuanya susah? Maksudnya semuanya

tidak menyenangkan?

D2A18 Kalau pembelajarannya iya.

D2R19 Semuanya tidak menyenangkan?

D2A19 Iya (tertawa) karena gak suka sama pembelajaran.

D2R20 Trus pembelajarannya tidak menyenangkan. Trus yang bikin

Agni menyenangkan apa?

D2A20 Nyamann sama gurunya aja. M

D2R21 Nyaman sama guru ya. Oke. Dari apa.. ketiga guru itu yang

paling suka sama siapa?

D2A21 Pak Haris.

D2R22 Pak Haris itu waktu kelas?

D2A22 Kelas 5.

D2R23 Kelas 5 SD?

D2A23 Iya.

D2R24 Kenapa bagi Agni menyenangkan belajar sama Pak Haris?

D2A24 Karena apa ya... beliau itu santai, trus... ya gak

memposisikan sebagai guru dan murid. Jadi temen.


D2R25 Oh gitu..

D2A25 Temen belajar, trus ya.. enak.


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D2R26 Umm maksudnya tidak memposisikan dia sebagai guru,

tetapi memposisikan maksudnya sebagai temen bagaimana?

D2A26 Maksudnya tuh gak.. apa ya... orangnya itu gak tegang,

trus... ya tegas tapi gak pernah tegas kalau di kelas karena

kelasku tuh nakal-nakal semua. (tertawa)

D2R27 Nakal semua ya waktu itu. (tertawa) Trus berarti sama Pak

Haris dibawa santai gitu?

D2A27 Iya. Santai orangnya.

D2R28 Santai dalam artian gak pernah marah-marah atau


D2A28 Gak pernah marah-marah, gak pernah mempersulit, sabar. M

D2R29 Umm gitu. Sebentar ya (membetulkan posisi kamera) saya

deketin dulu biar agak terdengar, soalnya kipas anginnya

kenceng banget. Oke. Umm itu pembelajarannya tidak

menyenangkan. Maksudnya apakah aktivitasnya atau

bagaimana? Yang dimaksud dengan pembelajarannya tidak

menyenangkan apakah aktivitas/kegiatan mengajarnya atau

bagaimana yang dimaksud tidak menyenangkan?

D2A29 Pelajarannya.

D2R30 Pelajarannya?

D2A30 Iya, karena aku gak suka Bahasa Inggris.

D2R31 Berarti kalau pelajarannya itu dikemas dengan games,

permainan, itu tetap tidak menyenangkan atau gimana?

D2A31 Tetep.

D2R32 Tetep tidak menyenangkan? (tertawa)

D2A32 (tertawa) Iya.

D2R33 Tidak menyenangkan ya... Umm nah apakah menurut Agni

fasilitas di sekolah sudah menunjang untuk pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris atau belum?

D2A33 Sudah.

D2R34 Sudah? Misalnya? Bisa tolong Agni jelaskan?

D2A34 Maksudnya gimana tho?

D2R35 Jadi fasilitas yang ada, misalnya...kalau...namanya juga

pembelajaran Bahasa ya, maksudnya harus ada kaya radio,

tape-nya, umm terus ada... sampai kamus. Umm terus ada

text book Braille-nya. Trus ada berbagai macem lah,

berbagai macem yang menunjang umm pembelajaran Bahasa

Inggris. Nah menurut Agni apakah fasilitas di sekolah sudah

menunjang atau belum?

D2A35 Ya sudah. Sudah lengkap sih menurutku.

D2R36 Berarti selama Agni belajar, Agni mendapatkan textbook

Braille itu?

D2A36 Iya.

D2R37 Umm Agni juga mendapatkan audio juga?


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D2A37 Iya. Ja.. tapi cuman didengerin thok kalau di sekolahan.

D2R38 Oh gitu. Itu memakai alat dari sekolah atau dari guru?

D2A38 Dari... gak tau dari guru atau dari sekolah. Tapi

didengerkannya di dalam kelas sama guru.

D2R39 Oke. Umm lalu kalau alat-alat teknologi sendiri apakah juga

disediakan sama sekolah?

D2A39 Yang seperti laptop itu po?

D2R40 Ya seperti laptop, komputer, yang bisa dipakai untuk belajar

Bahasa Inggris.

D2A40 Iya yang di sekolah.

D2R41 Pernah?

D2A41 Iya.

D2R42 Waktu itu kapan?

D2A42 Apanya?

D2R43 Waktu belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan


D2A43 Menggunakan teknologi... waktu itu pas SLB sih kalau

menggunakan sendiri to? Iya itu waktu pas SLB.

D2R44 Kalau pas waktu MTs ini?

D2A44 Enggak. Itu yang nyetel malah guru.

D2R45 Oh gitu.

D2A45 Iya.

D2R46 Nah sekarang kita fokusnya ke MTs aja. Nah menurut Agni

yang di MTs ini fasilitasnya sudah lengkap? Sudah cukup

lengkap? Di MTs ini...

D2A46 Di MTs ini gimana ya... kalau dibilang iya ya enggak,

dibilang enggak ya iya...

D2R47 Kalau dibilang enggak ya iya itu maksudnya gimana?

D2A47 Umm kalau kamus atau buku-buku gitu toh itu tuh kalau

Braille gak ada. Cuman gurunya baca-in, kitanya nulis


D2R48 Oh gitu. Berarti textbook Braille-nya gak ada.

D2A48 Enggak.

D2R49 Kalau audio?

D2A49 Kalau audio, gurunya punya tapi muridnya enggak.

D2R50 Oh gitu, jadi hanya didengarkan pas pelajaran tersebut.

D2A50 Iya.

D2R51 Kan ada grup WA gitu kan? Untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris

ada enggak?

D2A51 Enggak.

D2R52 Umm lalu umm kalau teknologi sendiri, misalnya laptop atau

komputer ada gak?

D2A52 Kalau laptop enggak, tapi kalau komputer ada.


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D2R53 Terakhir kali untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris masih inget


D2A53 Enggak. Gak belajar Bahasa Inggris sih. Gak dipakai belajar

Bahasa Inggris. Cuman dipakai kalau pelajaran TIK aja.

D2R54 Ooh berarti tidak dipakai untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

Umm... Agni masih ingat gak terakhir kali ketika guru

menggunakan audio untuk belajar di kelas?

D2A54 Apa yaa.. Kalau gak September ya November-an akhir.

D2R55 Umm itu pas pelajaran apa?

D2A55 Bahasa Inggris.

D2R56 Ya maksudnya topiknya masih ingat?

D2A56 Apa ya.. percakapan kaya gitu.

D2R57 Dialog ya? 2 orang? 3 orang?

D2A57 2 orang.

D2R58 Umm itu dialog dimana apakah di sekolah? Di pasar? Di...?

D2A58 Dialog di... apa ya...kaya pribadi... kaya pengalaman...

Pengalaman orang itu apa.. gitu gitu... Itu apa maksudnya?

Nah apa maksud ini?

D2R59 Pengalaman? Umm experience?

D2A59 Gak tahu (tertawa)

D2R60 Oh.. mungkin itu di rumah ya?

D2A60 Kayanya.

D2R61 Itu sekitar September atau November gitu?

D2A61 Iya.

D2R62 Umm cukup lama ya?

D2A62 (tertawa)

D2R63 September kan udah hampir satu semester.

D2A63 Iya.

D2R64 Nah waktu itu Agni merasa seneng gak didengarkan


D2A64 Enggak. (tertawa)

D2R65 Kenapa gak seneng?

D2A65 Ya gak mudeng.

D2R66 Oh tetep gak mudeng ya?

D2A66 Iya.

D2R67 Gurunya mengartikan enggak?

D2A67 Mengartikan.

D2R68 Hu um. Berarti ketika gurunya mengartikan Agni memahami


D2A68 Gimana ya... Cuman memahami sih... gak paham. (tertawa)

D2R69 Memahami sih.. gak paham (tertawa) oh gitu, menurut Agni

bagaimana agar Agni bisa paham? Kira-kira dengan cara


D2A69 Dengan cara diprivat. M


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D2R70 Diprivat. Oh ya ya kaya yang kemarin.. diprivat.

D2A70 (tersenyum)

D2R71 Nah privatnya langsung dipraktekkan atau diberi contoh?

Atau bagaimana?

D2A71 Privatnya ya... pertamanya tuh... (terpotong)

D2R72 Apa diterjemahkan atau bagaimana?

D2A72 Pertamanya kan pa... apa.. merasa nyaman dulu antara aku

dan guruku. Trus nanti kalau udah nyaman... udah anu

terus... apa ya.. 4 itu tadi loh yang embak bilang yang ada

membaca, ada itu... trus semuanya dipraktekkan.


D2R73 Oh gitu. Berarti harus nyaman dulu baru semuanya

dipraktekkan. Maunya seperti itu ya?

D2A73 Iya.

D2R74 Harus ada game-nya gak sih?

D2A74 Gak ada mbak.,, kalau game-game-an aku gak suka.

D2R75 Oh malah gak suka ya kalau bermain gitu malah gak suka


D2A75 Enggak.

D2R76 Oh ya ya. Oke... Nah kalau untuk textbook sendiri, textbook

Braille to? Agni tadi bilang gak banyak ya? Satu pun gak

dapat juga ya?

D2A76 Enggak.

D2R77 Sama sekali enggak ya?

D2A77 Enggak.

D2R78 Oke. Berarti guru belum pernah ngasih textbook Braille?

D2A78 Belum. Cuman suruh nulis aja, jadi buat diri sendiri.

D2R79 Ohh.. Nah ketika guru menyuruh Agni menulis itu... kan

habis itu guru menyuruh Agni untuk membaca tulisan Agni

sendiri kan?

D2A79 Iya.

D2R80 Itu Agni paham gak apa yang ditulis?

D2A80 Paham.. kan... kalau untuk saat ini sih... itu kalau gurunya

ndektein itu... jadi per-huruf, nanti... eh.. ho oh per huruf,

nanti apa... C /si/ terus U /yu/... kaya gitu kaya gitu.

D2R81 Oh pakai Bahasa Inggris mengejanya?

D2A81 Ho oh.

D2R82 Oke. Dan Agni sudah hafal pakai Bahasa Inggris ABC gitu?

D2A82 (tertawa) oh ya kalau dibilang hafal sih hafal,, tapi cuman


D2R83 Misalnya Bahasa Inggris-nya H apa?

D2A83 H itu apa ya? (berpikir) H /he/ apa?

D2R84 H /eij/

D2A84 /eij/ (tertawa)

D2R85 Iya /eij/. Kalau Bahasa Inggris-nya K?


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D2A85 /kei/

D2R86 /kei/

D2A86 Nah itu /kei/

D2R87 /kei/ hu um. Oke... umm... nah.. sekarang adakah pihak

pemerintah yang membantu Agni dalam belajar Bahasa

Inggris? Misalnya tuh biasanya kalau ada murid yang di

sekolah pendidikan khusus seperti ini ada murid yang butuh

bimbingan secara lebih mendalam itu biasanya dibantu sama

pihak pemerintah. Nah ada gak?

D2A87 Melalui apa membantunya?

D2R88 Jadi membantunya jadi dari sekolah, maksudnya sekolah

mendatangkan umm seseorang dari pemerintah untuk

membantu Agni belajar.

D2A88 Ohh enggak, gak pernah.

D2R89 Bisa juga membantu Agni dalam... misalnya kalau Agni

susah dalam... maksudnya kalau untuk berjalan gitu masih

susah itu nanti dibantu dari pihak pemerintah gitu.. ada gak?

D2A89 Enggak. Kalau gitu malah sama guru.

D2R90 Oh sama guru?

D2A90 Iya.

D2R91 Berarti selama ini Agni dibantu sama guru?

D2A91 Iya.

D2R92 Masih inget gak terakhir kali... (terpotong)

D2A92 Apanya?

D2R93 Dibantu yang Agni sebutkan tuh dibantu pas apa?

D2A93 Dibantu pas apa ya... Maksudnya tuh semuanya tuh yang ini

tuh guru sama temen. Kalau ndatangin pemerintah itu gak


D2R94 Oke. Jadi kalau Agni kesusahan gitu larinya ke guru atau ke

temen ya?

D2A94 Iya.

D2R95 Umm... Nah sekarang kita tidak... ya bisa membicarakan

tentang yang di kelas, yang di luar kelas pun juga sama.

Bagaimana cara Agni dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris sendiri?

D2A95 Belajar Bahasa Inggris... gimana yaa... kalau gak ada PR, ya

gak belajar mbak (tertawa).

D2R96 Oh kalau gak ada PR, gak belajar.

D2A96 Kalau Bahasa Inggris loh.

D2R97 Nah selama ini guru sering memberikan PR gak?

D2A97 Iya.

D2R98 Bisa tolong ceritakan pengalaman Agni terakhir kali

mengerjakan PR Bahasa Inggris?

D2A98 Maksudnya pengalaman yang gimana?


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D2R99 Yang terkahir kali yang Agni inget pas Agni mengerjakan

Bahasa Inggris itu kapan PR-nya?

D2A99 PR-nya apa trus kapan?

D2R100 Umm kapan pas mengerjakan PR...

D2A100 Pas kapan?

D2R111 Hu um, terakhir kali.

D2A111 3 minggu yang lalu.

D2R112 Itu tentang apa PR-nya?

D2A112 PR-nya tentang apa ya... Kaya itu lohhh memberi selamat,

kartu ucapan. Itu apa namanya?

D2R113 Greeting cards.

D2A113 Nah ho oh.

D2R114 Berarti greeting cards. Umm disuruh ngapain?

D2A114 Yaa.. anu disuruh mbuat,, dari Bahasa... apa.. dua bahasa,

Bahasa Indonesia sama Bahasa Inggris.

D2R115 Apakah itu ditulis?

D2A115 Tulis.

D2R116 Ada berapa nomer? Harus ada berapa?

D2A116 Kalau nomernya tuh terserah kita sih. Cuman minimal 5.

D2R117 Minimal 5. Waktu itu umm Agni membuat berapa?

D2A117 Membuat 2 thok (tertawa).

D2R118 Membuat 2 thok. Dan itu bagaimana cara Agni membuat itu?

Sendirian di kamar atau bagaimana?

D2A118 Di-Google.

D2R119 Di-Google. Jadi sendirian?

D2A119 Iya.

D2R120 Di kamar?

D2A120 Iya.

D2R121 Ini Agni Google, googling ya? Trus..?

D2A121 Tulis.

D2R122 Trus ditulis.

D2A122 Kalau Bahasa Inggris ya tak eja.

D2R123 Dieja?

D2A123 Hu um. Kalau Bahasa Inggris-nya. Kalau artinya ya terus,

dibaca terus.

D2R124 Umm maksudnya? Pas di-googling itu...?

D2A124 Itu kan bisa dieja per huruf kalau Bahasa Inggris.

D2R125 Oh gitu. Jadi nanti pas googling diset ejaan dulu?

D2A125 Ho oh.

D2R126 Nanti kalau spasi gitu?

D2A126 Ngomong.

D2R127 “Spasi” gitu?

D2A127 Iya.

D2R128 Ohh berarti gitu... terus habis itu ada translate-nya?


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D2A128 Ada.

D2R129 Ohh pakai Google translate maksudnya?

D2A129 Hu um.

D2R130 Oh ya ya ya. Okee.. dan waktu itu Agni bikin dua nomer itu,

bikin ucapan apa saja?

D2A130 Kartu penikahan sama selamat ulang tahun.

D2R131 Umm oke. Trus berapa lama Agni mengerjakan PR?

D2A131 (tertawa)

D2R132 2 nomer itu berapa lama?

D2A132 2 nomer, 2 minggu. (tertawa)

D2R133 Eh?? Serius? (tertawa)

D2A133 (tertawa) Serius.

D2R134 Katanya... (terpotong)

D2A134 Itu aja karena opo yo... karena dikejar-kejar sama gurunya.

Kalau gak dikejar-kejar ya paling 1 bulan baru selesai


D2R135 Jadi..

D2A135 Paling males aku mbak kalau Bahasa Inggris.

D2R136 Jadi itu umm.. dikumpulinnya hari apa?

D2A136 Dikumpulinnya... gak dikumpul.. ditulis gitu. Tapi kalau

udah selesai, dibaca sendiri di kelas. Didengerin gurunya.

D2R137 Oh gitu. Dan waktu itu Agni menyerahkan tugasnya ke guru


D2A137 Yaa dua minggu yang lalu juga.

D2R138 Itu hari apa?

D2A138 Itu hari... Rab... hari Kamis.

D2R139 Hari Kamis.. bikinnya hari Kamis.. eh maksudnya

melaporkan ke guru hari Kamis.

D2A139 Iya.

D2R140 Trus bikinnya?

D2A140 Itu pun lagi yang selamat ulang tahun. Yang kartu

pernikahan belum selesai. (tertawa)

D2R141 Oke. Yang selamat ulang tahun itu ngumpulinnya hari

Kamis, trus ngerjainnya dua minggu sebelumnya? Atau


D2A141 Ngerjainnya?

D2R142 Ngerjainnya bukan hari Rabu-nya?

D2A142 Ngerjainnya baru tadi malam e.

D2R143 Oh Rabu-nya kan ya?

D2A143 Ho oh. (tertawa)

D2R144 Oh ya ya. Berarti guru menugaskan 2 minggu sebelumnya?

D2A144 Ho oh.

D2R145 Oh ya ya ya gitu maksudnya. Oke umm nah sekarang

terlepas dari pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Bagaimana cara Agni


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dalam... eh sorry bagaimana Agni sehari-hari berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar?

D2A145 Maksudnya?

D2R146 Maksudnya mau keluar... keluar dari asrama misalnya. Eh

pertama-tama ini saja, di asrama ini dulu. Umm bagaimana

Agni berinteraksi dengan teman-teman di sini? Dengan guru-

guru di sini, dengan ibu asrama, apakah interaksinya bagus?

Atau bagaimana? Pernahkah ada bentrok?

D2A146 Ya kalau bentrok ada.

D2R147 Itu waktu kapan?

D2A147 Bentrok sama siapa dulu mbak?

D2R148 Umm misalnya sama guru pernah?

D2A148 Sama guru pernah.

D2R149 Itu masih inget gak, bisa tolong diceritain? Tentang apa, hari


D2A149 Tentang apa, hari apa.. (berpikir) Aku gak inget hari, bulan,,

ingetnya tahun.

D2R150 Oh tahun. Tahun kapan?

D2A150 Tahun kapan ya..

D2R151 Di MTs loh ya, bukan di SLB.

D2A151 Aku pas waktu SLB, tapi gurunya guru MTs. (tertawa)

D2R152 Oh kok bisa?

D2A152 Ya bisa. Kan guru MTs kan pembimbing.

D2R153 Oh berarti guru... guru... (terpotong)

D2A153 Bu Danik itu kan sebagai pembimbing asrama juga sebagai

guru MTs.

D2R154 Oh Bu Danik itu yang gimana?

D2A154 Yang pengajaran Fiqih.

D2R155 Gimana... Umm Agni kira-kira bisa mendeskripsikan

orangnya gak sih? Maksudnya...

D2A155 Orangnya ciri-cirinya seperti apa gitu?

D2R156 Ho oh.

D2A156 Kalau tingginya se-aku, tapi dia kecil badannya. Badannya


D2R157 Umm bagaimana Agni bisa tahu?

D2A157 Hah? Dari orang.

D2R158 Dari kata-kata orang?

D2A158 Hu um. Tapi kalau tingginya sama badannya tak pegang aku.

D2R159 Oh gitu?

D2A159 Hu um.

D2R160 Jadi ibu asrama ya?

D2A160 Bukan. Cuman mbak pembimbing.

D2R161 Pembimbing asrama?

D2A161 Iya.


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D2R162 Oh tak pikir ibu asrama. Oh beda ya?

D2A162 (tertawa) bukan, beda.

D2R163 Makanya kalau ibu asrama kan gak kecil.

D2A163 Enggak.

D2R164 Gendutan dikit. Umm kalau yang masa-masa MTs ini? Itu

kan pas Agni SLB ya? Kalau pas masa-masa MTs ini ada

pernah bentrok gitu gak?

D2A164 Kalau bentrok gak pernah.

D2R165 Sama temen juga gak pernah?

D2A165 Kalau sama temen sering.

D2R166 Oh sering? (tertawa)

D2A166 (tertawa)

D2R167 Bisa ceritakan terakhir kapan?

D2A167 Terakhir kali... umm berkali-kali e. Ya dua minggu

sebelum... (terpotong)

D2R168 Ya mungkin yang paling umm teringat sampai sekarang gitu,

yang paling berkesan.. maksudnya... (terpotong)

D2A168 Selama MTs?

D2R169 Ho oh. Selama MTs ini.

D2A169 Selama MTs yang paling berkesan... (berpikir) November.

D2R170 Berkesan dalam artian karena bentrokkannya sangat dahsyat

(tertawa) sangat ini.. bener-bener nyebelin atau gimana gitu..

D2A170 Iya itu November.

D2R171 November kemarin? Tahun kemarin?

D2A171 Iya.

D2R172 Itu masalahnya kenapa?

D2A172 Ya apa ya.. pada... apa sih.. Bahasa Jawa-nya ngece itu apa...

mbully po?

D2R173 Ho oh. Bully bisa. Itu Agni di-bully apa?

D2A173 Ya aku kan gak bisa ngomong S, D, sama T.

D2R174 Oh yang kemarin diceritain itu.

D2A174 Ho oh. Iya.

D2R175 Oh ya ya ya. Itu sama satu orang atau dua orang?

D2A175 Ya semuanya.

D2R176 Temen sekelas?

D2A176 Ya sebagian. Ho oh.

D2R177 Kelas 7 ini?

D2A177 Hu um.

D2R178 Satu, dua, tiga ya? Ada tiga?

D2A178 Apanya? Kelas 7-nya?

D2R179 Umm kelas 7-nya yang sama Agni, temennya ada 3 to?

D2A179 6,, 6 aku.

D2R180 Waktu itu saya cuman lihat 4 soalnya itu. Oh berarti 2 gak



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D2A180 Palingan.

D2R181 Itu kelima-limanya mbully Agni?

D2A181 Enggak sih, cuman Nur Eko thok yang enggak.

D2R182 Eh?

D2A182 Cuman Nur Eko thok.

D2R183 Nur Eko thok. Nur Eko saja yang enggak?

D2A183 Hu um. Iya.

D2R184 Waktu itu dia belain Agni gak?

D2A184 Enggak. Cuman diem.

D2R185 Cuman diem. Nah gimana perasaan Agni waktu itu? Waktu

dibully itu.

D2A185 Apa yaa... ya jengkel tapi ya lucu.. Ya gimana ya.. ya gak

tahu, aneh.

D2R186 Trus itu mempengaruhi... apa.. umm semangat Agni dalam

belajar di kelas itu gak?

D2A186 Kalau itu... kalau mempengaruhi semangat dalam

pembelajaran enggak. Kalau mempengaruhi mood iya.



D2R187 Mempengaruhi mood ya?

D2A187 Ho oh.

D2R188 Umm bagaimana akhirnya bentrokan itu berakhir?

D2A188 Bentrokan berakhir... apa ya mbak... gak inget akhirnya apa.

D2R189 Tapi sekarang udah gak ngece-ngece lagi?

D2A189 Enggak.

D2R190 Umm, apakah dimarahin sama guru?

D2A190 Enggak.

D2R191 Apakah Agni yang marah?

D2A191 Kalau aku apa ya... biasanya kalau aku marah, diem sih.

D2R192 Oke.. Nah itu kan kalau interaksi di sekolah ya, di

lingkungan sekolah ya. Kalau di lingkungan luar sekolah,

sama temen di luar asrama itu gimana?

D2A192 Bagaimana... gimana?

D2R193 Umm apakah Agni merasa interaksi dengan tetangga-

tetangga di luar sini bagus?

D2A193 Apa ya... kalau aku orangnya kurang bersosial sih mbak.

(tertawa) Jadi kalau di luar ya diem. Kalau ada orang di

depan ya cuman “Misi..” gitu aja.

D2R194 Oh jadi gak ada orang yang di luar sini yang Agni kenal?

D2A194 Enggak.

D2R195 Dan Agni udah di sini berapa lama?

D2A195 Sudah 5 tahun.

D2R196 5 tahun. Sebelumnya di SLB ya?

D2A196 Iya.

D2R197 Oke.. umm kalau dengan guru gak ada ya?


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D2A197 Guru apanya?

D2R198 Umm.. interaksi yang bermasalah dengan guru gak ada ya?

D2A198 Enggak ada.

D2R199 Sama sekali?

D2A199 Cuman saling suka apa gak suka gitu.

D2R200 Banyak gak guru yang Agni suka?

D2A200 Kalau yang suka banyak. Tapi kalau yang gak suka cuman

satu aja.

D2R201 Siapa?

D2A201 Miss. (tertawa)

D2R202 Ms Indah?

D2A202 Ho oh.

D2R203 Kenapa?

D2A203 Gak tahu sih, orangnya itu... (terpotong)

D2R204 Karena pelajaran Bahasa Inggris apa karena orangnya?

D2A204 Bukan, karena orangnya juga.

D2R205 Oh orangnya bagaimana?

D2A205 Kalau menurut aku tuh. Enggak menurut aku sih, anak-anak

juga pada bilang semua kok. Itu... Satu, dia.. apa ya... pilih-

pilih gitu loh. Pilih-pilih anak. Kalau yang pinter dia

unggulin, tapi kalau gak pinter... apa ya... ya didiemin.

D2R206 Diunggulinnya dengan cara?

D2A206 Ya dipuji.

D2R207 Dipuji.

D2A207 Iya, kalau gak ya dipanggil, atau apa.

D2R208 Tapi kalau enggak pinter, itu didiemin. Itu kalau di dalam

kelas loh. Tapi kalau di luar kelas, aku gak tahu kalau

mereka. Tapi kalau akunya... apa ya.. gak pernah tuh di-ini

dia tuh,, kalau dipanggil.. (terpotong)

D2A208 Maksudnya diajak ngobrol?

D2R209 Pernah. Cuman “Halo, Agni.” Gitu thok.

D2A209 Tapi bisa dihitung dari pertama kali aku masuk MTs sampai


D2R210 Berapa kali?

D2A210 Cuman 2 kali.

D2R211 Pas di luar kelas?

D2A211 Hu um.

D2R212 Ohh.. umm terus.. masih inget gak peristiwa terakhir kali

interaksi dengan Ms. Indah yang menurut Agni itu enggak..

gak mood bikin belajar gitu?

D2A212 Tiap kali sih. Kalau pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, tiap dia

masuk, aku diem. Gak pernah omong-omongan.

D2R213 Trus pernah gak... maksudnya masih inget gak terakhir kali

yang bikin Agni itu.. gak suka sama Ms. Indah? Pas di kelas.


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D2A213 Apa sih... cuman wataknya aja.

D2R214 Ohh.. kalau watak itu kan bisa dilihat berulang-ulang ya.

D2A214 Hu um..

D2R215 Nah katakanlah... kalau umm... diambil dari satu peristiwa

saja yang bikin Agni tahu oh wataknya Ms. Indah itu seperti

ini, jadi Agni gak suka. Jadi ingat gak peristiwanya pas


D2A215 Maksudnya... maksudnya gimana to mbak? (tertawa)

D2R216 (tertawa) maksudnya kan kalau watak kan bisa diobservasi

dari sepanjang ngajar kan ya? Sepanjang di kelas kan ya?

Nah pilih salah satu contoh peristiwanya.

D2A216 Contoh peristiwanya... (berpikir)

D2R217 Hu um. Peristiwa di dalam kelas tuh Ms. Indah ngapain

sehingga Agni gak suka.

D2A217 Kalau itu gak ada. Karena setiap pembelajaran... (terpotong

karena tiba-tiba ada relawan Brailliant masuk yang mengira

saya juga relawan)

D2R218 Umm tadi apa ya jadi lupa (tertawa)

D2A218 (tertawa) Setiap panjang di kelas itu gak apa ya setiap.. yaa

pokokmen setiap pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris tuh aku selalu


D2R219 Dan Ms. Indah selalu gitu ya?

D2A219 Hu um. Selalu ya gitu tadi... ya cuek.

D2R220 Oh ya ya...

D2A220 Tapi kalau umpamanya ada pembelajaran yang harus suruh

ngapalin, tapi akunya gak apal-apal. Paling cuman


D2R221 Dinasehatin gimana?

D2A221 Ya dinasehatin.. kalau apa.. “Meskipun kamu gak suka

Bahasa Inggris, tapi dimana pun kamu berada ya ada

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.” gitu. “Walaupun SMA, walaupun

kuliah, jadi harus suka.” Kaya gitu. Tapi kalau aku ya gak

masuk. (tertawa)

D2R222 Oh gitu.

D2A222 Makanya kan aku pernah masuk BK.

D2R223 BK? Kenapa?

D2A223 Ya karena itu.. karena Miss.

D2R224 Oh bisa tolong ceritakan itu peristiwa masuk BK-nya?

D2A224 Masuk BK-nya karena apa ya... yang minta kan guru BK-

nya, Bu Siti.

D2R225 Masuk ke BK itu khusus anak-anak yang nakal atau gimana?

Biasanya kalau di... (terpotong)

D2A225 Enggak. Kalau masuk BK itu cuman apa ya.. istilahnya..

kalau kita tuh curhat gitu.


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D2R226 Oh gitu..

D2A226 Curhat masalah apa.

D2R227 Umm guru BK-nya siapa?

D2A227 Bu Siti.

D2R228 Oh Bu Siti itu yang guru Agama?

D2A228 Bu Siti guru Bahasa Indonesia, guru BK, sama guru OM.

D2R229 Kalau guru Agama itu siapa? Bu Atun ya?

D2A229 Guru Agama Bu Atun sama Bu Danik.

D2R230 Oh belum pernah bertemu Bu Siti saya. Oke. Curhatnya

sama Bu Siti itu pas waktu kapan?

D2A230 Kalau harinya Rabu, kalau bulannya Maret apa Februari ya,

antara itu.

D2R231 Trus.. pas pelajaran Bahas Inggris itu?

D2A231 Enggak. Pas udah pada pulang.

D2R232 Oh udah pada pulang.

D2A232 Jam pulang.

D2R233 Oh jam pulang, terus disarankan sama Ms Indah?

D2A233 Enggak. Akunya sendiri yang minta. Kalau mau curhat kan

harusnya yang mau curhat itu yang minta sama guru BK-


D2R234 Kenapa kok tiba-tiba Agni pengen curhat?

D2A234 Ya gak ngerti (tertawa).

D2R235 Waktu itu apa yang terpikirkan sama Agni sehingga “Iya ah

aku pengen curhat aja”.

D2A235 Ya apa ya... aku cuman pengen tahu aja itu.. Ms Indah kaya..

apa.. kalau sama ku kaya gimana, itu karena apa, trus opo

ya... beliau tuh sering ngomong apa, kan kalau di kantoritu

kan seminggu sekali, setiap hari Senin gitu kan, apa.. kaya

absen murid... kaya apa ya.. nanti gurunya itu ditanyain satu-

satu. “Kalau kam... kalau Agni sama kamu itu gimana

pembelajarannya? Kalau Agni sama kamu gimana

pembelajarannya?” kaya gitu-gitu. Jadi aku tanya kaya gitu.

Aku tanya kalau Ms Indah itu ngomongin apa, trus gimana..

kaya gitu.

D2R236 Umm jadi berarti yang setiap Senin itu ada... Jadi ada...

Setiap Senin ada satu waktu dimana murid bisa tanya ke

guru atau gimana?

D2A236 Enggak. Jadi apa ya... Kepala Sekolah yang tanya sama


D2R237 Oh Kepala Sekolah. I see. Jadi Kepala Sekolah tiap Senin itu

menanyakan... (terpotong)

D2A237 Persentasi kaya gitu loh..

D2R238 Oh ya ya.. Progress gitu ya? Peningkatan gitu ya?

D2A238 Hu um.


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D2R239 Oh.. Dan waktu itu hari Rabu ketika ketemu Bu BK, Agni

menanyakan itu ya? Trus jawabannya Ms Siti, Bu Siti


D2A239 Ya jawabannya ya emang wataknya seperti itu. Trus ya

emang.. emang apa sih.. emang beda sama guru-guru lain,

emang dia tuh emang opo yo... individual.

D2R240 Individual??

D2A240 Gitu lah, pokoknya tuh beda banget gitu loh, sama temen-

temen, maksudnya sama temen-temen guru. Gitu gitu

banget... membedain sendiri.

D2R241 Oh gitu.. dalam artian tidak ramah atau gimana?

D2A241 Kalau ramahnya sih ramah. Gimana yo... Yo kadang

semaunya.. trus cuek, trus apa yo... yo kaya gitu (tertawa)

Aku gak bisa njelasin, tapi aku masuk.

D2R242 Oh gitu ya... Trus akhirnya nasehat apa yang Agni dapatkan

dari Bu Siti?

D2A242 Yaa.. ya harus sabar.. Trus apa yaa.. emang apa ya... emang

watak manusia itu beda-beda. Ya gitu-gitu..

D2R243 Umm gitu.. Trus setelah bimbingan BK itu Agni merasa


D2A243 Gak ada hasilnya sih.

D2R244 Gak ada hasilnya (tertawa) Tetep gak ada hasilnya?

D2A244 (tertawa) Ho oh, gak ada hasilnya.

D2R245 Tapi plong to? Curhat-curhat gitu plong to?

D2A245 Iya.

D2R246 Berarti ada hasilnya, enak curhatnya tersampaikan gitu?

D2A246 Oh kalau itu iya (senyum)

D2R247 Oh oke umm..

D2A247 Dan bahkan malah kalau temen-temen yang.. umpamanya

yang pinter-pinter tuh loh... anak-anak yang pinter itu kan

pada disukai sama Miss... apa... ya sering ngobrol... sering

main bareng... gitu-gitu to sama Miss... mereka malah opo...

canggungnya sama Bu Nia.

D2R248 Canggungnya sama Bu Nia? Bu Nia itu siapa?

D2A248 Bu Nia itu Kepala Sekolah. Tapi.. (terpotong)

D2R249 Canggung? Ada itu Ibu Kepala Sekolah?

D2A249 Ada.

D2R250 Setahuku cuman Pak Kepala Sekolah aja.

D2A250 Itu udah diganti.

D2R251 Oh sebelum Pak ini.. (terpotong)

D2A251 Sesudah.

D2R252 Oh sekarang udah.. (terpotong)

D2A252 Bu Nia.

D2R253 Baru kapan? Baru ini?


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D2A253 Baru ini sih. Baru satu bulan yang lalu.

D2R254 Oh lha kenapa Pak Kepsek, Kepala Sekolah-nya diganti?

D2A254 Yaa.. gak tahu. Dipindah aja, dipindah di SMP mana gitu.

D2R255 Oh sekarang berarti Bapak Kepala Sekolah udah gak ngajar

di sini?

D2A255 Enggak.

D2R256 Ohh wah belum sempet ini... apa... say goodbye sama

Bapaknya, kan dulu saya ke sini kan minta ijinnya sama

Bapaknya itu. Oh yaa.. berarti sekarang udah jadi Bu Nia ya?

D2A256 Hu um.

D2R257 Trus kenapa anak-anak yang pinter itu umm malah canggung

sama Bu Nia kenapa?

D2A257 Ya Bu Nia kan wataknya judes, galak gitu, teges... apa..

tegas gitu loh.

D2R258 Nah kalau Bu... eh kok Bu.. kalau Agni sendiri?

D2A258 Enggak. Malah biasa kalau sama Bu Nia.

D2R259 Oh gitu...

D2A259 Cuman kan... kalau menurutku loh.. apa.. beliau itu tegasnya

tegas apa dulu.. Kalau emang muridnya itu salah ya salah.

Gak membeda-bedakan gitu loh.

D2R260 Oh gitu. Nah Agni malah suka ya?

D2A260 Iya.

D2R261 Itu gurunya juga ngajar gak?

D2A261 Ngajar.

D2R262 Ngajar apa?

D2A262 IPS.

D2R263 Nah sekarang Agni jadi suka IPS gak?

D2A263 Kalau IPS sih dari dulu suka gak suka.

D2R264 Gak suka?

D2A264 Hu um (tertawa)

D2R265 Oh sedengan gitu ya? (tertawa)

D2A265 Ho oh sedengan.

D2R266 Oh ya.. meskipun gurunya sudah ganti Bu Nia tetep

sedengan ya?

D2A266 Hu um.

D2R267 Ohh.. Nah prestasi apa sajakah yang Agni telah raih di MTs


D2A267 Di MTs ini sih kalau cuman lomba-lomba itu... lomba-

lomba apa... pesantren kilat aja.


D2R268 Hu um.. Itu dapet juara berapa?

D2A268 Juara satu terus. Wudhu. AC

D2R269 Oh lomba wudhu ya?

D2A269 Iya.

D2R270 Itu berapa kali?


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D2A270 Itu udah 4 kali. AC

D2R271 Yang terakhir bisa tolong ceritakan peristiwanya?

Kejadiannya, kapan trus dimana..

D2A271 Oh.. di sini terus. Kan setiap tahun, setahun sekali. Terakhir

aku kelas 6.

D2R272 Oh itu kan SLB ya?

D2A272 Ho oh, kalau di MTs ini terakhir kemarin... berarti 5 kali

ding. (tertawa)


D2R273 (tertawa) oh udah 5 kali jadi juara. Trus.. Ya oke.. Bisa

tolong ceritakan yang ke-5?

D2A273 Yang ke-5.. ya ya wudhu.

D2R274 Kronologinya maksudnya.. ini hari apa, jam berapa,

pesertanya siapa saja..

D2A274 Oh.. pesertanya semuanya.. apa ya.. meliputi semua sih, SLB

sama MTs.

D2R275 Oh berarti ini saja? ********* saja?

D2A275 Hu um. Cuman putra sama putri disendirikan. Trus waktunya

habis... beda-beda sih. Kalau tahun kemarin habis Magrib.

D2R276 Habis Magrib?

D2A276 Iya.

D2R277 Oh berarti guru-guru di sini? Atau cuman satu guru?

D2A277 Guru-guru.. gak tahu.

D2R278 Oh pesantren kilat ding ya?

D2A278 Ho oh. Yang tak lihat itu kemarin tuh cuman apa ya.. cuman

beberapa thok. Gak tahu kalau pas waktu itu di sini, di


D2R279 Oh ya.. terus itu terakhir kali kapan masih inget?

D2A279 Kemarin. Puasa kemarin.

D2R280 Puasa kemarin?

D2A280 Hu um.

D2R281 Itu puasa kemarin Agni sudah MTs?

D2A281 Sudah.

D2R282 Oh ya... Umm terus gimana perasaan Agni? Waktu lomba,

waktu mengikuti lomba itu.

D2A282 Gimana ya mbak... ya seneng. AC

D2R283 Hu um.. trus?

D2A283 Ya udah (tertawa) AC

D2R284 Seneng aja gitu?

D2A284 Ho oh.

D2R285 Agni ceritakan enggak sama keluarga?

D2A285 Enggak.

D2R286 Kenapa?

D2A286 Gak tahu. Aku tuh kalau sama keluarga gak cerita-cerita sih.

Opo yo.. ya gak tahu... gak nyaman aja. Canggung.


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D2R287 Umm Agni berapa bersaudara?

D2A287 Dua.

D2R288 Dua bersaudara. Ada masnya?

D2A288 Iya, punya mas.

D2R289 Hu um. Kenapa canggung?

D2A289 Gak tahu.

D2R290 Karena jarang ketemu atau gimana?

D2A290 Ya sering ketemu.. tapi kan apa ya.. kalau saudara tuh

sepantaran aku tuh gak ada e.

D2R291 Enggak. Maksudnya dalam lingkungan keluarga inti, bukan

yang paman gitu enggak. Keluarga inti yang sama bapak,

ibu, mas itu canggung gak?

D2A291 Iya.

D2R292 Kenapa?

D2A292 Gak tahu. (tertawa)

D2R293 Apakah karena Agni merasa minder?

D2A293 Ya gak sih, cuman apa ya.. ya ma Mas karena beda, dia

cowok, trus kalau Mamak sama Bapak yo opo yo.. yo gak

pernah curhat aja sih. Gak tahu.

D2R294 Berarti selama ini ketika Agni memenangkan lomba gitu gak

pernah cerita?

D2A294 Enggak.

D2R295 Gak pernah ngasih tahu?

D2A295 Enggak.

D2R296 Umm dan ketika dapet juara gitu apakah ada pialanya, uang

tunainya, atau ada.. ada hadiahnya gak?

D2A296 Cuman biasa aja. Hadiahnya cuman apa gitu.. cuman kaya

kado gitu.

D2R297 Oh gitu.. terkahir kali dapet hadiah apa?

D2A297 Terakhir kali tuh dapat apa yo... kaya kaos sih.

D2R298 Oh gitu.. oh ya ya. Oke, itu pesertanya ada berapa orang?

D2A298 Aduh ada berapa orang ya? Meliputi semuanya mbak.

D2R299 Agni bangga gak?

D2A299 Ya iya..

D2R300 Bangga ya?

D2A300 Iya.

D2R301 Selain prestasi lomba wudhu itu ada yang lain kah?

D2A301 Gak ada. Belum pernah.

D2R302 Nah kalau keluar-keluar dari asrama ini Agni mobilitasnya

bagaimana? Sama temen-temen atau sendiri?

D2A302 Sama temen.

D2R303 Pernah gak sendirian?

D2A303 Enggak.

D2R304 Kalau ke.. umm ikut les ini gak sih... les komputer di YAP?


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D2A304 Iya.

D2R305 Itu juga sama temen-temen?

D2A305 Iya.

D2R306 Naik trans?

D2A306 Hu um.

D2R307 Oke. Itu setiap hari apa?

D2A307 Setiap hari Selasa sama Kamis.

D2R308 Ini tadi ke YAP gak?

D2A308 Enggak.

D2R309 Kenapa?

D2A309 Lha perutku sakit e mbak.

D2R310 Oh yaa (tertawa)

D2A310 (tertawa)

D2R311 Tapi temen-temen ke YAP?

D2A311 Ke YAP.

D2R312 Menyenangkan gak di YAP?

D2A312 Iya sih, asik gurunya tapi gak asik komputernya. (tertawa)

D2R313 Kenapa komputernya gak asik?

D2A313 Ya bahasanya Inggris, jesnya Inggris.

D2R314 Oh gitu, tapi ketika Agni gak tahu, dikasih tahu gak sama..


D2A314 Iya.

D2R315 Oh. Agni yang bilang?

D2A315 Hu um.

D2R316 Nyebutnya apa Mas apa Pak?

D2A316 Pak.

D2R317 “Pak, ini bagaimana?” gitu?

D2A317 Iya.

D2R318 Umm belajar apa sih, ngetik apa..? (terpotong)

D2A318 Iya. Belajar ngetik.

D2R319 Sama?

D2A319 Sama ngafalin yaa cara-cara.. Cara-cara apa mbuat surat apa

mbuat apa gitu..

D2R320 Oh gitu... sejauh ini Agni sudah bisa?

D2A320 (tertawa) Bisa bisa enggak.

D2R321 Bisa bisa enggak.

D2A321 Aku kan orangnya pelupa-an mbak.

D2R322 Oh ya. Nah ini yang terakhir nih. Umm apa yang akan Agni

lakukan untuk meraih nilai bagus dalam Bahasa Inggris?

D2A322 Kalau Bahasa Inggris aku pasrah (tertawa) Pasrah, aku blok.

D2R323 Terakhir-terakhir nilai yang paling jelek dapat berapa?

D2A323 Bahasa Inggris sih jadi gak pernah tak baca.

D2R324 Umm paling jelek gak inget?

D2A324 Enggak.


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D2R325 Paling bagus? Paling tinggi?

D2A325 Enggak.

D2R326 Oke (tertawa)

D2A326 Bukannya gak inget, ya gak tahu dan gak mau tahu (tertawa)

D2R327 Oh gak mau tahu ya?

D2A327 Ho oh.

D2R328 Oke. Umm dan apa yang ingin Agni lakukan setelah lulus

dari MTs?

D2A328 Umm pengen SMA.

D2R329 Bisa tolong ceritakan lebih detil. Misalnya SMA mana,


D2A329 Oh SMA mana ya mbak.. Kalau aku sih tak pinginku

habis opo..habis MTs itu mau SMK. Cuman SMK...


D2R330 SMK Kejuruan apa?

D2A330 Hah?

D2R331 Kejuruan apa?

D2A331 SMK jurusan..opo yo.. kaya Debby tuh loh NFP

D2R332 Debby itu siapa?

D2A332 Debby itu yang PKL di sini kemarin. NFP

D2R333 Oh tentang? Jurusan apa?

D2A333 Jurusan opo yo..lupa aku mbak.

D2R334 Kenapa kok pengen kaya Debby?

D2A334 Gak tahu. Seneng aja.

D2R335 Seneng sama orangnya apa..?

D2A335 Seneng sama... ya seneng aja kalau SMK gitu kan nanti

kalau lulus SMK kan bisa kerja apa gitu. Kalau SMA kan


D2R336 Umm itu yang diceritakan sama Debby?

D2A336 Enggak.Akunya. Aku tuh senengnya kalau SMK tuh kaya

gitu gitu loh. Kalau lulus itu kan dapet apa ya.. Kalau ijasah

SMK gampang gitu loh kayanya kalau cari kerja apa gitu

loh. Kalau SMA kan agak sulit.


D2R337 Berarti Agni pengennya SMK ya?

D2A337 Hu um. Ya tapi aku juga pengen SMA di MAN. Jadi gak

tahu besok.

D2R338 SMA apa?

D2A338 Di MAN.

D2R339 Di MAN? Oh MAN.

D2A339 MAN Maguwoharjo.

D2R340 MAN Maguwoharjo? Itu MAN berapa?

D2A340 MAN 5 kayanya.

D2R341 MAN 5. Kenapa pengen masuk sana?

D2A341 Karena di sana.. gak tahu karena apa.

D2R342 (tertawa)


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D2A342 (tertawa)

D2R343 Ya Agni yang tahu.

D2A343 Ya karena pengen aja, gak tahu karena apa.

D2R344 Kenapa Agni bisa tahu ada MAN 5?

D2A344 Ya temen-temen kan jurusannya banyak yang itu.

D2R345 Banyak yang pengen ke situ juga?

D2A345 Enggak. Temen-temen di asrama itu loh. Itu banyak yang di


D2R346 Oh di asrama ini tuh ada yang anak SMA?

D2A346 Hu um. Di asrama ini kan SLB, MTs, SMA, dan kuliah.

D2R347 Oh ada yang kuliah? Sekarang kuliah dimana?

D2A347 Kuliah di UNY, di UIN, banyakan di situ, dua itu. Di UGM

ada, tapi cuman satu thok.

D2R348 Temen ini kan temen tunanetra kan?

D2A348 Ho oh.

D2R349 Oh udah sampai itu. Namanya mbak siapa?

D2A349 Kalau di UNY itu Mbak Dina, sama.. sopo yo jenenge.. mas

kok. Mas sopo to (mengingat-ingat)

D2R350 Mereka cerita enggak gimana pengalaman mereka di

universitas yang umm.. bersaing sama orang-orang awas?

D2A350 Enggak.

D2R351 Enggak pernah cerita?

D2A351 Enggak.

D2R352 Trus kalau di SMK, eh di SMA MAN itu kan berarti sama

orang awas ya belajarnya?

D2A352 Iya, semuanya orang awas.

D2R353 SMK juga?

D2A353 Iya.

D2R354 Umm Agni gak papa belajar sama orang awas?

D2A354 Ya gak papa.

D2R355 Berarti berani bersaing ya?

D2A355 Iya (tertawa)

D2R356 Umm kenapa Agni merasa gak papa?

D2A356 Gak papa gimana?

D2R357 Gak papa belajar sama orang awas.

D2A357 Ya mau gimana lagi. Gak ada yang khusus kok kalau SMK.

Kalau SMK dan SMA itu gak ada yang khusus. Ada di SLB

situ tapi kan SMA LB (tertawa). Bukan SMA biasa gitu loh.

D2R358 Masih pengen tetep belajar di inklusi ya?

D2A358 Ho oh.

D2R359 Biar merasakan pengalaman baru atau gimana?

D2A359 Ya.. iya.

D2R360 Berani Agni?

D2A360 Ya insyaAllah (tertawa)


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D2R361 InsyaAllah (tertawa) Ada gak perasaan takut?

D2A361 Kalau takut sering sih, semua orang, semua anak juga


D2R362 Maksudnya takut.. perasaan takut masuk SMA inklusi ada


D2A362 Ada.

D2R363 Takutnya karena apa?

D2A363 Itu saya?

D2R364 Ho oh.

D2A364 Takutnya karena apa ya... aku kan orangnya apa ya..

adaptasinya sama mereka itu kan.. eh sama orang itu kan

sulit gitu loh. Trus aku orangnya juga apa yo... diem.. kaya

ju.. cuek kaya gitu loh.. itu cara merubahnya kaya gimana

gitu. Ya itu yang aku takutin cuman kaya gitu. (tertawa)

takut kalau gak punya temen.. apa kaya gitu..


D2R365 Sejauh ini ada usaha apa yang Agni lakukan biar dapet ke

SMA tersebut?

D2A365 Itu.. belum ada usahanya. Kan baru kelas 7.

D2R366 Oh baru kelas 7, jadi baru terpikirkan saja pengen ke situ.

D2A366 Iya.

D2R367 Oke. Yang penting belajar dengan baik gitu ya?

D2A367 Iya.

D2R368 Oke. Makasih, Agni sudah mau sharing, curhat-curhat.

Maaf-maaf kalau ada kesalahan kata ya.

D2A368 Iya (tersenyum)

D2R369 Oke. Terima kasih banyak, Agni.

