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The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

Date post: 17-Oct-2014
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While the limited bandwidth of FM radio facilitated widespread adoption of mainstream music preferences and spending habits, new digital music technologies recommend and feature music based on personalized user profile data. Whether this includes tracking purchase history, song “likes”, users’ emotions, or otherwise, the shift from majority-based music recommendation to individual-based is a recent and relatively unexplored development in the music industry. The purpose of this study is two-fold: to determine the most influential factors shaping users’ choice of music technology, and the extent to which these new technologies affect music preferences, spending and engagement. Focusing on iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube, purpose-built surveys examine the reasons users choose each service and how they perceive the technologies have affected their music consumption. Additional survey questions seek patterns and correlations between demographics, musical experience, music preferences, and music listening environment. 125 college students voluntarily completed the survey, revealing strong correlations between variables currently ignored by music recommendation technology. By enhancing our understanding of how new music technologies impact individual users, this study may guide how music applications can improve user profiling, personalization, and the user’s music-listening experience as a whole.
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The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube: New Technology Shaping Music Preference and Spending Andrew D. Penrose Program in Science, Technology, and Society Stanford University The author wishes to thank his advisors Professor Robert McGinn and Professor David Voelker at Stanford for their valued feedback and guidance on this project. Additional thanks to all survey respondents, interview volunteers, Professor Fred Turner for the lecture that inspired this study, and all others who contributed support. Correspondence concerning this paper can be sent to Andrew Penrose, 675 Lomita Drive, Stanford, CA 94305. Address email to [email protected] .
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The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube:

New Technology Shaping Music Preference and Spending



Andrew  D.  Penrose  

Program  in  Science,  Technology,  and  Society  

Stanford  University  




The  author  wishes  to  thank  his  advisors  Professor  Robert  McGinn  and  Professor  David  

Voelker  at  Stanford  for  their  valued  feedback  and  guidance  on  this  project.  Additional  

thanks  to  all  survey  respondents,  interview  volunteers,  Professor  Fred  Turner  for  the  

lecture  that  inspired  this  study,  and  all  others  who  contributed  support.  



Correspondence  concerning  this  paper  can  be  sent  to  Andrew  Penrose,  675  Lomita  Drive,  

Stanford,  CA  94305.  Address  email  to  [email protected].  

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube   Penrose  



While   the   limited  bandwidth  of   FM   radio   facilitated  widespread   adoption  of  mainstream  

music   preferences   and   spending   habits,   new   digital  music   technologies   recommend   and  

feature   music   based   on   personalized   user   profile   data.     Whether   this   includes   tracking  

purchase  history,  song  “likes”,  users’  emotions,  or  otherwise,  the  shift  from  majority-­‐based  

music   recommendation   to   individual-­‐based   is   a   recent   and   relatively   unexplored  

development  in  the  music  industry.    The  purpose  of  this  study  is  two-­‐fold:  to  determine  the  

most  influential  factors  shaping  users’  choice  of  music  technology,  and  the  extent  to  which  

these  new   technologies   affect  music  preferences,   spending  and  engagement.   Focusing  on  

iTunes,   Pandora,   and   YouTube,   purpose-­‐built   surveys   examine   the   reasons   users   choose  

each   service   and   how   they   perceive   the   technologies   have   affected   their   music  

consumption.   Additional   survey   questions   seek   patterns   and   correlations   between  

demographics,   musical   experience,   music   preferences,   and  music   listening   environment.  

125   college   students   voluntarily   completed   the   survey,   revealing   strong   correlations  

between  variables  currently  ignored  by  music  recommendation  technology.  By  enhancing  

our  understanding  of  how  new  music  technologies  impact  individual  users,  this  study  may  

guide  how  music   applications   can   improve  user  profiling,   personalization,   and   the  user’s  

music-­‐listening  experience  as  a  whole.  


Keywords:  digital  music  technology,  the  Long  Tail,  music  preferences,  profiling,  multivariate  music  recommendation,  iTunes,  Pandora,  YouTube,  internet  radio  



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Table  of  Contents  



METHODS  (10-­16)  SAMPLING  CONCEPTS  Demographics  Musical  Experience  Music  Preferences  Listening  Environment  Music  Service  Features  and  Effects  


RESULTS  (16-­60)  MUSIC  PREFERENCE  AND  DETERMINING  FACTORS  Song  Preference  Genre  Preference  Determining  Factors  in  Music  Preference  

Correlations  Between  Genres  Demographics  and  Genre  Preferences  Musical  Experience  and  Genre  Preferences  Listening  Environment  and  Genre  Preferences  

 MUSIC  TECHNOLOGY  PREFERENCE  AND  DETERMINING  FACTORS  Factors  in  Music  Technology  Preference  

Favorite  Feature  Demographics  and  Music  Technology  Preference  Musical  Experience  and  Music  Technology  Preference  Music  Preference  and  Music  Technology  Preference  


Listen  More  Wider  Range  of  Genres  Deeper  Within  Familiar  Genres  More  Sharing  Music  

Effects  on  Spending  More  Buying  Buying  Different  Music  Buying  Concert  Tickets  Music  is  Bigger  

DISCUSSION  (61-­65)  


APPENDIX  (67-­75)    


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It’s   your   last   high   school   gym   class   before  moving   to   college.   You   return   to   your  

locker   to   find   the   lock   broken   and   someone   has   stolen   your   iPod   and   entire   music  

collection  out  of  your  backpack.  Fearing  you  may  turn  to  a   life  of  digital  piracy  and  cyber  

crime,   your   parents   purchase   the   new   32GB   iPod   Touch   that   holds   7,000   songs   and  

connects   to   the   Internet.  Having   lost  all  of  your  music,  you  research  some  popular  music  

applications.  It’s  May  20,  2012  and  as  of  April  30th,  the  iTunes  store  offered  over  28  million  

songs.  How  do  you  choose  which  0.025%  to  buy?  Do  you  instead  rely  on  the  endless  stream  

of  YouTube  videos  your  friends  share  on  Facebook,  or  do  you  create  a  Pandora  station  like  

the  150  million  other  Americans  that  enjoy  personalized  music  recommendations?  

The  limited  bandwidth  of  AM/FM  radio  necessitated  a  popularity  contest  for  songs,  

but   the   technical   constraints   of   terrestrial   radio   don’t   apply   to   digital   music.   The  

combination   of   nearly   unlimited   music   choice   and   a   wide   variety   of   music   sites   make  

modern  music  experiences  vastly  more  personal  than  terrestrial  radio.  The  proliferation  of  

song  recommendations,  shared  playlists,  and  music  blogs  attest  to  the  power  of  the  digital  

music  experience.  

After  a  particularly  inspiring  lecture  on  digital  media  by  Professor  Fred  Turner  last  

year,  I  designed  and  conducted  a  survey  on  Pandora  use  for  a  Communication  course  at  

Stanford.  Asking  112  respondents  if  they  had  ever  bought  an  unfamiliar  song  after  hearing  

it  only  once  on  Pandora,  59  students  equaling  53%  of  the  sample  indicated  that  they  had.  

Even  more  surprising,  15  students  (13%)  indicated  they  had  bought  an  entire  album  after  

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hearing  a  song  from  it  for  the  first  time  on  Pandora.  Although  I  recognized  that  the  Stanford  

students  that  made  up  the  survey  sample  were  not  representative  of  Pandora’s  entire  user  

base,  it  seemed  likely  that  a  significant  percentage  of  Pandora’s  users  were  purchasing  

unfamiliar  music  as  well.  I  wanted  to  know  how  these  new  transactions  would  affect  the  

music  industry,  amidst  declining  sales  and  a  torrent  of  illegal  filesharing  applications.    


Literature  Review  

The  Long  Tail  of  Digital  Music:  New  Technology  Revealing  Niche  Preferences  

After   Chris   Anderson   published   his   article   “The   Long   Tail”   in  Wired   magazine   in  

October  of  2004,   it  quickly  became  the  most  cited  article   in  Wired’s  history,  and  his  book  

became   one   of   the   most   influential   business   books   of   the   decade   (Anderson).   Using   e-­‐

commerce   data   that   had   been   historically   restricted   to   executives,   the   book   outlines  

Anderson’s  theory  that  the  Internet  has  expanded  the  range  of  effective   inventory  from  a  

limited  number  of   “hits”,   as   seen  on  WalMart   and  Blockbuster   shelves,   to  nearly   infinity.  

Since   the   post-­‐WWII   era   of   TV   and  

radio,   businesses   have   traditionally  

capitalized  on   the  power  of   the   top  

100   or   even   100,000   mainstream  

products,   ignoring   all   the   books,  

songs,   and   goods   that   didn’t   make  

the   charts   (Figure   1).   But   as   both  

                     Figure  1  

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Anderson  and  Lessig  point  out,   the   recent   success   stories  of  Amazon,  Netflix,   and   iTunes  

prove   that   the   companies   providing   customers   with   the   most   choices   and   the   most  

effective  ways  to  navigate  them  can  earn  as  much  as  40%  of  their  revenue  from  products  

along  “the  long  tail.”  

During   the   age   of   FM   radio   and   record   stores,   limited   inventory   and   constrained  

choice   contributed   to   widespread   adoption   of   popularized  music   preferences.     Retailers  

optimizing   limited   shelf   space   and   FM   radio   DJs   seeking   to   maximize   listenership  

reinforced  a  culture-­‐wide  fascination  with  top  charts  and  superstars.    However,  as  digital  

music   technologies   continue   to   proliferate,   the   seemingly   unlimited   number   of   musical  

choices   and   their   innovative   recommendation   systems  are   shaping   listeners’   preferences  

and  consumption  patterns  in  new  ways.    Although  the  possible  ramifications  of  unlimited  

choice   and   user   profiling   are   numerous,   I   expect   these   technologies   to   both   widen   and  

deepen  the  music  preferences  of   their  users.     In  other  words,   the  unique   features  of  new  

music  services  will  not  only  enable  the  tracking  of  the  Long  Tail,  but  also  shift  demand  to  

make  it  even  longer.    The  purpose  of  this  study  is  two-­‐fold:  to  determine  the  most  salient  

factors  that  shape  listeners’  music  preferences  and  choice  of  music  service,  and  to  enhance  

our  understanding  of  new  music  technologies’  impact  on  users.  

Throughout  history,   from  Mary  Shelley’s  Frankenstein   to  George  Orwell’s  Nineteen  

Eighty-­Four,   the   idea  of  technological  determinism  has  caused  society  to   irrationally  view  

and   fear   technology   as   an   autonomous   juggernaut,   sometimes   causing   the   restriction   of  

tools   that   extend   humanity’s   potential   (McGinn).     A   technological   determinist  might   use  

phrases   like   identity   theft,   violation  of   privacy,   and   entertainment  piracy   to  describe   the  

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Internet’s  relationship  with  its  users.  In  his  book  Remix,  Lessig  argues  that  the  digitization  

of   culture   and   the   economy   is   a   positive   change   to   be   embraced   and  understood,   rather  

than   restricted   and   criminalized.   He   protests   against   outdated   copyright   laws   now  

criminalizing  creative  actions,  calling  for  copyright  law  reform  to  realize  the  full  potential  

of   the  new  hybrid   of   commercial   and   sharing   economies.  After   detailing  both   economies  

individually,  he  argues  that  the  Internet’s  new  hybrid  economy  is  a  fusion  of  both  voluntary  

collaboration   and   traditional   commerce.     He   provides   several   examples   of   companies  —  

including  Netflix,  Amazon,  Google,  YouTube,  and  Second  Life  —  and  mechanisms,  such  as  

user   reviews   and   recommendations,   crowdsourcing,   and   Anderson’s   Long   Tail   principle,  

that   support   his   argument   that   the   new   hybrid   economy   is   “a   model   of   success,   not   a  

compromise   of   profit.”   McGinn   also   testifies   to   the   vital   importance   of   resisting  

technological  determinism,  acknowledging   technology  and  society  as   interdependent  and  

co-­‐evolutionary,   and   monitoring   the   unique   powers   associated   with   each.     These   ideas  

guided   this   study   throughout   the  various   stages  of   literature   review,  data   collection,   and  


Contrary   to   technological   deterministic   perspectives,   more   and   more   IT-­‐based  

media  channels  and  corporations  are  capitalizing  on  their  control  over  technology  to  shape  

user   interactions   online.     Amazon’s   book   recommendation   feature   is   one   example   of   a  

navigational   tool   intended   to   both   maximize   profit   and   cater   to   users’   preferences.     As  

Anderson  points  out  in  the  first  chapter  of  The  Long  Tail,  Amazon’s  pairing  of  the  best  seller  

Into   Thin   Air   with   the   lesser-­‐known   Touching   the   Void   via   its   recommendation   feature  

created   a   powerful   positive   feedback   loop   of   both   interest   and   revenue.   By   categorizing  

media  based  on  similarity,   rather   than  —  or   in  addition   to  —   listing   them  by  popularity,  

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these   institutions   and   corporations   better   serve   both   the   user   and   the   long   tail   of   the  


In  his  book  The  Wisdom  of  the  Crowds,  author  James  Surowiecki  explores  the  notion  

that  a  large  group  of  people  is  more  innovative  and  better  at  problem  solving  than  a  small  

elite   creative   team,   concluding   that   this   technique   of   “crowdsourcing”   has   enormous  

potential   and   has   already   begun   to   shape   online   interaction   (Surowiecki).     Taking  

Surowiecki’s   advice,   the   popular   online   DVD   rental   service   Netflix   conducted   a   nearly  

three-­‐year-­‐long   public   competition   for   an   improved   Netflix   recommendation   algorithm,  

making   Netflix   usage   data   freely   available   in   an   effort   “to   substantially   improve   the  

accuracy  of  predictions  about  how  much  someone  is  going  to  enjoy  a  movie  based  on  their  

movie   preferences”   (http://www.netflixprize.com).   The   winning   team’s   algorithm   is   yet  

another   user-­‐centered   tool   used   to   connect   niche   market   products   and   media   to   their  

customers,  directly  facilitating  the  expansion  of  the  long  tail.  

Studying  Music  Preference  

  Many   researchers   have   conducted   studies   revealing   correlations   between  

demographical   information,   such   as   age,   gender   and   education,   and   music   preferences.    

LeBlanc   et   al.   created   an   overall   music   preference   index   to   measure   subjects’   total  

preferences   across   genres   and   compared   responses  between  different   age   groups.     After  

surveying   2,262   respondents,   the   researchers   found   that   the   music   preference   index  

declined  in  elementary  students,  rose  from  high  school  to  college,  and  declined  after  college  

(LeBlanc   et   al.,   1996).    While   these   findings  may  not   provide   a  means   to   improve  music  

recommendation   algorithms,   statistically   significant   correlations   between   age   and  

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preferences   for   specific   songs,   artists,   and   genres   would   certainly   help   predict   listener  

reactions.     Although   surveys  may   be   able   to   determine   linkages   between   age   and   genre  

preferences   (as   this   study  will   show),   this  method   is  obviously  not   feasible   for   collecting  

larger  data  sets  regarding  artist  or  song  preference.    However,  this  is  one  of  many  examples  

of   how   digital  media’s   growing   trend   of   “thumb”   or   “like”   feedback   could   be   utilized   by  

companies  like  iTunes,  Pandora,  and  YouTube.    

While  most  music   recommendation   sites   focus   on   users’   preferences   and  musical  

similarities   between   songs,   several   Taiwanese   researchers   (Suh-­‐Yin   Lee   et   al.,   2009)  

investigated  the  use  of  emotion-­‐based  music  discovery  within  the  context  of  motion  picture  

scores.     Constructing   an   original   algorithm   called   the  Music   Affinity   Graph-­‐Plus,   Suh-­‐Yin  

Lee  et  al.  achieved  an  impressive  85%  accuracy  in  matching  queried  emotions  with  music  

of  the  same  emotions.  While  these  results  and  the  growth  of  music  recommendation  sites  

like  Stereomood  and  Music  for  Emotion  prove  the  potential  of  emotion-­‐based  song  sorting  

and   recommendation,   such   an   approach   has   yet   to   draw   a   fraction   of   the   audience   of  

iTunes,   Pandora   or   YouTube.     In   acknowledgement   of   its   potential,   this   study   will   also  

survey  respondents  on  their  level  of  demand  for  emotion-­‐based  music  recommendation.  

In  2009,  Gaffney  and  Rafferty  conducted  a  study  investigating  users’  knowledge  and  

use  of  social  networking  sites  and  folksonomies  (user-­‐generated  taxonomies),  focusing  on  

the  potential  of  social  tagging  to  aid  in  the  discovery  of  independent  music.    Examining  the  

four  music   discovery   sites  MySpace,   Lastfm,   Pandora   and  Allmusic   through  user   surveys  

and  interviews,  they  found  that  although  respondents  use  social  networking  sites  for  music  

discovery,   they   are   generally   unaware   of   folksonomic   approaches   to   music   discovery.  

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Furthermore,  those  who  do  use  and  contribute  to  folksonomies  are  mostly  self-­‐serving  in  

their   motives   (Gaffney   and   Rafferty,   2009).    While   Gaffney   and   Rafferty   state   that   their  

study  rests  upon  the  assumption  that  music  recommendation  and  social  networking  sites  

push  users  and  revenue  toward  the  Long  Tail,  they  make  no  attempt  to  quantify  the  impact  

of  any  particular  site  on  the  time  or  money  users  spend  on  Long  Tail  songs.    Additionally,  

the  landscape  of  music  discovery  sites  has  changed  dramatically  since  they  conducted  the  

study,  especially  in  the  case  of  Pandora’s  rapid  growth.  

Unfortunately,   the   vast   majority   of   studies   involving   music   preferences   use   a  

nomothetic  approach  to  choose  one  or  two  particular  factors  to  test,  whether  for  simplicity  

or  convenience.    Christenson  and  Peterson  built  upon  earlier  studies  of  gender  and  music  

genre   preferences   by   including   many   “metagenres”   previously   disregarded   by   social  

scientists.     Consistent   with   similar   studies,   they   found   convincing   evidence   that   gender  

predisposes   people   to   certain   music   preferences;   for   example,   that   females   gravitate  

toward  popular  music   and  males   gravitate   away   from   it.    While   this   study   contributes   a  

piece   of   the   music   preference-­‐mapping   puzzle,   Christenson   and   Peterson   admit,   “the  

underlying  structure  of  music  preference  cannot  be  accounted   for  by  reference  to   two  or  

three  factors,  but  is  multivariate”  (Christenson  et  al,  1988).    At  this  point,  the  need  for  an  

idiographic  approach  to  music  preferences  is  clear.  

This   study   is   partially   driven   by   the   lack   of   a   multivariate   or   idiographic   study  

comparing   the   relative   impacts   of   age,   emotion,   social   network,   choice   of   digital   music  

service,   and  more   factors,   on  music   preference.   iTunes,   Pandora   and   YouTube   certainly  

have   a   wealth   of   data   on   their   services’   use   and   users,   but   data   points   like   relative  

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preference   between   services,   musical   education   and   experience   of   users,   and   listening  

environment  are  often   ignored.  Not  only  do  I   find  this   information   intriguing,   I  suspect   it  

could   prove   incredibly   relevant   to   both   music   marketing   strategies   and   music  

recommendation   technology.   In   addition   to   enabling   the   examination   of   underlying  

patterns   between   these   variables,   the   collected   surveys   provide   a   basis   for   predicting  

economic   shifts   in   the  music   industry.     It   is   expected   that   by   aligning   recommendations  

with   each   unique   users’   profile   rather   than   the   most   popular   songs,   new   music  

technologies  like  iTunes,  Pandora,  and  YouTube  both  please  users  and  support  more  artists  

further   down   the   Long   Tail.   Furthermore,   the   findings   presented   in   this   study   reveal  

significant   relationships   between   variables   that   have   thus   far   been   excluded   from  music  

recommendation  algorithms.  




Given  my  interest  in  the  college  student  demographic  and  my  immediate  network  of  

friends   and   family,   I   focused   my   recruiting   efforts   on   three   different   colleges:   Stanford  

University,   Glendale   Community   College   (GCC),   and   Arizona   State   University   (ASU).  

Stanford  was  the  first  and  most  convenient  sampling  frame  for  me  as  a  Stanford  undergrad,  

providing   38   respondents.   My   parents,   both   professors   at   Glendale   Community   College,  

invited  their  students  to  take  the  survey  and  added  71  students  to  the  sample.    Last,  I  sent  a  

brief  Facebook  message   to   recruit  ASU  students   from  my  high  school  network.  Response  

and   completion   rates   were   lowest   at   ASU,   with   9   students   completing   the   survey.   The  

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shortage   of   both   time   and   funded   incentives   ruled   out   a   random   sampling   of   college  

students,   but   I   minimized   potential   biases   by   recruiting   from   several   different   schools.  

While  a  realistic  distribution  between  schools  would  have  been  preferable,  the  number  of  

college  students  who  volunteered  for  my  unpaid,  20-­‐minute  survey  was  significantly  higher  

than  I  anticipated.    


The  first  page  of  the  survey  addressed  respondents’  demographics,  including  age,  

gender,  hometown,  current  school,  and  competence  with  computers.    Free  response,  or  

open-­‐ended,  answer  formats  will  be  used  for  age,  hometown,  and  current  school,  while  

gender  and  computer  competence  will  use  closed-­‐ended  questions.    The  question  “Please  

categorize  your  competence  using  computers”  will  include  the  options  “Advanced”,    

“Average”,  “Basic”,  and  “None\Very  Little.”  These  items  were  carefully  chosen  for  clarity  

and  appropriateness,  to  ensure  optimal  accuracy.  The  demographic  variables  were  chosen  

for  potential  to  influence  both  music  preference  and  music  technology  preference.  

  The  second  page  of  the  questionnaire  features  units  of  analysis  addressing  

respondents’  musical  experience,  in  order  to  gauge  how  each  influences  music  preference.    

Each  concept  will  contribute  to  an  index  summarizing  overall  musical  experience,  assigning  

quantitative  values  to  qualitative  responses  where  appropriate.    First,  subjects  were  asked  

the  open-­‐ended  question  “Approximately  how  many  hours  per  week  do  you  spend  listening  

to  music?”  Next,  respondents  selected  the  option,  “Which  best  describes  the  frequency  of  

your  online  music  listening?”  from  the  list:  “Rarely”,  “Sometimes”,  “Often”,  and  “All  the  

Time.”  Then,  using  a  check-­‐all  question  format,  respondents  indicated  the  school  years  

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during  which  they  took  at  least  one  music  class,  with  the  options  “Elementary  (K-­‐8th)”,  

“High  School”,  “College”,  and  “None”.    Next,  subjects  indicated  how  many  years  they  have  

taken  musical  instrument  lessons  (outside  of  school)  with  free  response.    Finally,  the  

closed-­‐ended  question  “Do  you  currently  play  an  instrument?”  was  followed  by  the  

contingency  question  of  “How  many  years  have  you  played  an  instrument?”    In  order  to  

maintain  both  accuracy  and  the  respondent’s  attention,  these  questions  and  question  

formats  were  chosen  based  on  their  clarity,  relevance,  and  brevity  for  each  unit  of  analysis.    

Both  the  index  and  individual  units  of  analysis  will  be  used  in  determining  the  most  salient  

factors  in  music  preference.  

The  next  page  of  the  survey  investigated  subjects’  music  preferences.    For  the  

purposes  of  this  study,  music  preferences  were  defined  as  genres  that  an  individual  simply  

enjoys  listening  to.    As  mentioned  earlier,  genres  are  the  most  feasible  unit  of  analysis  for  

music  preferences  using  a  survey,  given  the  large  numbers  of  artists  and  songs  in  existence.    

Using  a  matrix  question,  participants  were  asked,  “What  are  your  attitudes  toward  the  

following  music  genres?”    In  addition  to  operationalizing  this  concept  with  multiple  levels  

of  enjoyment  (dislike,  neutral,  like,  and  love),  the  list  of  genres  included  those  common  

throughout  all  three  music  services  in  question  (see  Appendix  for  full  survey).    The  primary  

issue  carefully  controlled  in  this  question  was  the  respondent’s  understanding  of  music  

genres.    For  this  reason,  the  selected  genres  were  pragmatically  selected  for  distinctness  

from  one  another.    While  this  potential  confound  has  been  minimized,  it  cannot  be  fully  

eliminated  without  including  potentially  distracting  full  definitions  of  each  genre.  

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Although  the  varying  levels  of  preference  within  genres,  or  the  “depth”  of  music  

preference,  have  been  accounted  for  with  the  four  options  listed  on  this  genre,  the  

following  questions  utilized  a  different  approach  to  measure  the  same  concept.    After  

subjects  indicated  their  favorite  genre  from  the  same  list,  they  were  asked,  “Within  your  

favorite  musical  genre,  approximately  what  percentage  of  artists  and  songs  that  you  know  

do  you  like?”  with  the  options  “0-­‐20%”,  “21-­‐40%”,  “41-­‐60%”,  “61-­‐80%”,  and  “81-­‐100%”.    

Next,  the  questionnaire  asked  the  closed-­‐ended  question,  “Of  all  the  “top  40”  popular  music  

you’ve  heard,  you  like:”  where  subjects  chose  between  “All  or  almost  all”,  “Most”,  “About  

half”,  “Some”,  “None”,  and  “I  don’t  pay  attention  to  top  40  charts”.    Finally,  the  matrix  

question  format  asked  respondents  about  the  importance  of  the  following  attributes  in  

determining  whether  or  not  they  like  a  song.    These  attributes  included  “familiarity”,  

“popularity”,  “fits  my  mood”,  “artistic  talent”,  “lyrics”,  and  “friends’  preferences”,  and  were  

classified  as  either  “Not  important”,  “Somewhat  important”,  “Very  important”,  and  

“Extremely  important”.    Again,  these  closed-­‐ended  questions  ensured  that  respondents  

measure  their  perspectives  by  the  same  standards,  which  was  one  of  the  primary  reasons  

for  using  the  online  survey  approach.  

The  next  page  of  the  survey  examined  the  respondent’s  music  listening  

environment.    Using  the  matrix  question  format,  the  respondents  indicated  how  often  they  

listen  to  music  in  each  of  the  following  environments  and  activities,  including  “At  home”,  

“In  the  car”,  “At  work”,  “By  yourself”,  “With  a  few  friends”,  “At  a  party”,  “While  studying”,  

and  “While  sleeping”.    Potential  responses  utilized  the  Thurstone  scale,  and  included  

“Never”,  “Rarely”,  “Sometimes”,  “Often”,  and  “Always”.    While  these  activities  and  locations  

may  have  overlapped  somewhat,  each  item  was  chosen  for  relevance  and  potential  to  

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influence  music  preferences.    Perhaps  the  most  pivotal  of  the  entire  survey,  the  next  matrix  

question  asked  respondents  to  rank  their  “Favorite”,  “2nd  Favorite”,  and  “3rd  Favorite”  

music  services  between  iTunes,  Pandora,  and  YouTube;  respondents  could  also  select  a  

fourth  option,  “Never  use  it”.    These  music  services  were  selected  because  they  are  widely  

used,  legal  alternatives  to  music  piracy  and  because  I  wanted  to  understand  how  they  are  

reshaping  the  music  industry  from  individual  users’  perspectives.    

The  following  three  pages  contained  contingency  questions  depending  on  whether  

respondents  use  the  services  iTunes,  Pandora,  and  YouTube.    Using  similarly  structured  

matrix  questions,  these  pages  sought  to  ascertain  the  perceived  impact  of  each  service  on  

users’  music  preferences  and  spending  habits  based  on  the  Likert  scale.    For  example,  

respondents  were  asked  to  indicate  various  levels  of  agreement/disagreement  with  the  

statements  “As  a  result  of  using  Pandora,”    “I  listen  to  music  more  often”,  “I  listen  to  a  wider  

range  of  genres”,  “I  listen  to  more  music  within  the  genres  I  like”,  “I  share  music  with  my  

friends  more”,  “I  buy  more  music”,  “I  buy  different  music  than  I  would  have  otherwise”,  “I  

have  bought  concert  tickets  that  I  wouldn’t  have  otherwise”,  and  finally  “music  plays  a  

bigger  role  in  my  life.”    Because  these  questions  directly  apply  to  the  hypothesis  of  this  

study,  they  did  not  contain  negative  answers  or  answers  that  might  bias  results,  and  there  

were  several  different  units  or  elements  intending  to  measure  the  same  concept.    The  final  

question  on  each  page  asked  respondents  to  choose  their  favorite  feature  of  each  service,  

choosing  between  “customizability/personalization”,  “its  interface”,  “its  wide  selection  of  

music”,  “playlisting  and  song  recommendation”,  and  “Other:  Please  Specify”.    The  Likert  

scale  was  chosen  both  for  its  speed  and  appropriateness  in  this  case,  and  the  use  of  similar  

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questions  on  the  pages  for  all  three  music  technologies  will  ensure  a  common  standard  of  

measurement  and  enable  a  closer  comparison  of  their  relative  impacts  on  users.    

Additional  measures   taken   to   ensure   accuracy   of   questionnaire   responses   include  

carefully   ordering   the   questions   in   ascending   order   of   difficulty,   eliminating   double-­‐

barreled  questions,  providing  questionnaire  instructions,  and  pretesting  the  questionnaire  

on  a  number  of  classmates.    Wherever  possible,  questions  with  similar  potential  responses  

were   grouped   as   matrix   questions   to   quicken   response   times   and   maintain   a   higher  

response  rate.    Furthermore,  to  improve  the  relevance  of  the  questionnaire,  the  questions  

that  may  not  apply  to  all  respondents  have  been  formatted  as  contingency  questions.  

Coding  and  Data  Analysis  

In  order  to  analyze  the  results  of  the  online  questionnaire,  I  downloaded  the  CSV  file  

of  raw  data  for  138  respondents  from  www.rationalsurvey.com  and  imported  it  into  SPSS  

Statistics,   which   I   purchased   through   Stanford   Software   Licensing.   Preparing   the   survey  

data  for  analysis  involved  several  steps,  the  first  of  which  was  removing  the  incomplete  and  

age-­‐inappropriate  cases.  After  deleting  the  few  cases  of  respondents  who  were  no  longer  in  

college   or   hadn’t   completed   the   survey,   I   ended   up   with   125   total   respondents.   Next,   I  

defined  each  of   the  variable  properties  by   classifying   them  as  either  ordinal,   nominal,   or  

scale.     I  then  used  a  number  of  coding  techniques  to  enable  tests  of  correlation,  assigning  

numeric   values   to   all   textual   responses.   For   example,   “Never”   =   1,   “Rarely”   =   2,  

“Sometimes”  =  3,  and  so  on.  Next,  I  assigned  corresponding  labels  to  the  numeric  values  to  

facilitate  my  interpretation  of  statistical  procedures.  Due  to  the  relatively  large  number  of  

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questions,  73  in  total,  the  various  strategies  used  to  assign  numeric  values  will  be  discussed  

in  tandem  with  the  results  and  analysis  of  each  variable.  


  Due   to   the   financial   and   temporal   constraints  of   this   study,   the  online   survey  was  

distributed  to  a  convenient  sample.  Of  the  125  college  students  who  completed  the  survey,  

66   (53%)   were   male   and   59   were   female.   Since   I   was   targeting   the   college   student  

demographic,  respondents  had  an  average  age  of  21.43  with  a  standard  deviation  of  4.1.  In  

response   to   the   third  question  of  hometown,  63   respondents   (50%)   indicated   they  were  

from  Arizona,   40  of  which  were   from  Phoenix.  Another  26   respondents   (21%)  hail   from  

various  cities  in  California,  and  the  remaining  subjects’  hometowns  included  18  states  and  

4   locations   outside   the  United   States.   Although   the   survey’s   findings  may  have   a   slightly  

southwest/west   coast  bias,   I   found   this   geographical   spread  acceptable  given   the   study’s  




  While  the  online  questionnaire  consisted  of  five  sections,  analysis  of  results  was  

divided  into  three  sections:  music  preference  and  contributing  factors,  choice  of  music  

technology  and  contributing  factors,  and  impacts  of  each  music  technology  on  preference  

and  spending.  Each  of  the  three  sections  contains  several  different  variables  that  measure  

similar  ideas  to  reinforce  findings.  Since  nearly  all  variables  were  coded  into  numeric  

values  and  most  of  these  were  ordinal,  a  simple  function  in  SPSS  created  a  spreadsheet  of  

all  correlations  between  variables  and  designated  those  of  significance  at  the  .05  and  the  

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.01  levels.  Because  the  survey  was  distributed  to  a  convenient  sample,  statistically  

significant  correlations  cannot  be  generalized  to  larger  populations.  However,  these  

findings  may  be  used  to  speculate  about  how  college  students  consume  music  online  and  

how  technology  influences  their  preferences.  Due  to  the  length  and  comprehensiveness  of  

the  survey,  the  three  results  sections  include  only  the  most  significant  and/or  surprising  



Music  Preference  and  Determining  Factors  

Song  Preference  

  Perhaps  the  most  direct  question  addressing  the  factors  affecting  music  preference,  

question  16  asked  respondents  to  indicate  the  importance  of  six  attributes  in  determining  

whether   or   not   they   like   a   particular   song.   In   the   interest   of   saving   respondents’   time,   I  

selected  attributes  that  were  highly  likely  candidates  of  influence.  Based  on  my  experience  

with  music  and  friends’  preferences,  I  expected  popularity  and  friends’  preferences  to  rank  

the  highest.  After  all,  it  seems  like  the  two  most  persuasive  reasons  to  check  out  a  new  song  

are  that  friends  love  it  or  everybody  else  does.  I  also  speculated  that  lyrics  would  receive  

polarized  ratings  of  importance,  and  that  “fitting  the  mood”  would  rank  as  more  important  

than  most   of   the  other   attributes.   In  hindsight,   the   attribute   “artistic   talent”   should  have  

either   been   reworded   as   “musicianship”   or   juxtaposed   with   “producer’s   talent”;   as   it  

stands,  it  seems  hard  to  believe  many  respondents  would  indicate  that  they  don’t  care  if  the  

artist  is  talented.  

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  The   results   for   these   six   attributes   were   fairly   surprising,   and   have   tremendous  

implications   for   the   improvement   of  music   recommendation.   First,  my  predictions   about  

popularity   and   friends’   preferences   were   almost   completely   wrong;   respondents   rated  

both   lowest,   between   “somewhat   important”   and   “not   important”,   on   average.  

Furthermore,   average   responses   for   familiarity   were   positioned   just   above   “somewhat  

important”,   illustrating   users’   comfort   with   music   exploration.   Next,   lyrics   ranked   third  

with  an  average  response  just  above  “very  important”,  in  contrast  with  my  expectation  that  

some  respondents  preferring  instrumental  music  or  songs  by  Justin  Bieber  would  consider  

lyrics   of   minimal   importance.   Interestingly   enough,   importance   of   lyrics   was   negatively  

correlated  with  preferences  for  electronic  music  and  positively  correlated  with  R&B/Soul,  

both  of  which  make  sense.  Although  I  guessed  “fitting  the  mood”  and  “artistic  talent”  would  

rank   fairly   high,   I   didn’t   expect   them   to   rank   highest   overall   with   an   average   response  

between  “very  important”  and  “extremely  important.”  While  these  findings  don’t  prescribe  

an   ideal   way   to   incorporate   each   attribute   into   song   recommendations,   they   do   suggest  

that   the   traditional   mechanisms   of   music   discovery   are   far   less   effective   than   new  

recommendation  technologies  that  utilize  this  information.  

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Figure  2  

  Admittedly  these  findings  are  self-­‐reported  and  it’s  entirely  possible  that  people  

simply  don’t  want  to  recognize  how  much  a  song’s  popularity  or  their  friends’  tastes  

influences  their  own  preference.  To  approach  the  question  of  how  popularity  impacts  song  

preference  from  a  different  angle,  I  examined  the  frequency  of  responses  for  question  15  

that  addressed  feelings  toward  top  40  music  (Figure  3).    The  average  response  was  halfway  

between  “Some”  and  “About  Half”,  suggesting  that  the  previous  findings  were  correct.  

Furthermore,  a  significant  portion  of  respondents,  reaching  almost  20%  of  the  sample,  

state  that  they  either  don’t  pay  attention  to  top  40  charts  or  they  like  none  of  the  songs  on  

them.  This  implies  that  although  many  users’  music  tastes  are  still  influenced  by  top  40  

music  charts,  these  indicators  of  popularity  may  be  losing  the  power  they  once  held  over  

AM/FM  radio  audiences.  










Familiarity   Popularity   Fits  Mood   Artistic  Talent  

Lyrics   Friends'  Preferences  

Not  Im

portant                                            Very  Im


Determining  Factors  of  Song  Preference  -­  Mean  Response  

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 Figure  3  


Genre  Preference  

The  survey’s  first  and  simplest  measure  of  respondents’  music  preferences  entailed  

rating  fourteen  distinct  music  genres.  The  rating  scale  included  “dislike”  =  -­‐1,  “neutral”  =  0,  

“like”   =   1,   and   “love”   =   2.     Rock,   Alternative,   and   Hip   Hop/Rap   scored   the   highest   on  

average   among   the   125   respondents,   with   Latin   and   World   ranking   lowest   (Figure   4).  

Additionally,   the   ratings   for  Hip  Hop/Rap  and  Country  were   the  most  polarized,   yielding  

standard  deviations  over  1.    

0   5   10   15   20   25   30   35   40  

I  don't  pay  attention  to  top  40s  



About  half  


All  or  almost  all  

Preference  for  Top  40  Music  

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Figure  4  

After  seeing  how  respondents  ranked  each  genre  independently,  I  wanted  to  know  

how  genres   clustered   together  based  on   these   ratings.  Using  multidimensional   scaling   in  

SPSS,  I  determined  the  coordinates  for  each  genre  to  create  a  Euclidean  distance  model  that  

provides   a   visualization   of   the   similarities   between   genres   based   on   the   respondents’  

rankings  (Figure  5).  Though  the   interpretation  of   the  axes   is  essentially  meaningless,   this  

graph   is   simply   a   way   to   visualize   perceived   similarities   between   genres   according   to  

respondents.  For   the  most  part,   these  groupings  of  genres  make  sense  when  considering  

musical  similarities,  probable  listening  environment,  and  several  other  characteristics.  






Genre  Preferences  -­  Mean  

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Figure  5  

Next,  respondents  indicated  their  favorite  genre,  choosing  from  these  fourteen  and  “Other”  

(Table  1).  Consistent  with  Christenson  and  Peterson’s  findings,  the  “Other”  category  ranked  

fourth   largest   with   14   respondents,   verifying   the   importance   of   accounting   for  

“metagenres”  and  subgenres  in  music  classification  and  recommendation.  However,  for  the  

purposes  of   this  analysis,  metagenres  and  subgenres  were   ignored   to   facilitate  quick  and  

accurate  responses.    

Favorite Genre Respondents Favorite Genre Respondents

Rock 29 Pop 6

Hip Hop/Rap 18 Reggae 5

Alternative 16 Dance 4

Other 14 Classical 2

Country 13 Jazz 2


Dance  Pop  





Hip  Hop/Rap  R&B/Soul  




Reggae  Vocal  

Derived  Stimulus  ConSiguration  -­  Euclidean  Distance  Model  

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R&B/Soul 7 Vocal 2

Electronic 6 Latin 1 Table  1  

While  the  average  genre  ratings  and  favorite  genre  for  all  respondents  are  informative  and  

fairly  interesting,  these  metrics’  true  function  is  to  provide  a  basis  for  correlations  between  

subgroups  of  the  college  student  sample.  These  subgroups  are  drawn  from  four  categories  

of   variables:   music   preferences,   user   demographics,   musical   experience,   and   listening  


Factors  in  Music  Preference  

Correlations  Between  Genre  Preferences  

  By   having   almost   daily   conversations   about   music   preferences   with   friends   and  

strangers  for  at  least  ten  years,  I  developed  a  few  theories  regarding  relationships  between  

genres.  I  got  the  sense  that  people  who  listened  to  at  least  one  niche  genre  tended  to  like  

almost   all   others   as  well,   and   people  who   preferred   popular  music   had  much   narrower  

tastes   for   genres.   While   portions   of   the   Euclidean   distance   model   conveyed   similar  

information,   the  best  way   to   test   this  claim  was   through  bivariate  correlations.  Using   the  

spreadsheet  of  Spearman  correlations,   I   calculated   the  number  of   significant   correlations  

between  genres  and  found  two  groups  of  genres  separating  from  one  another.  I  created  one  

table  using   the  genres  with  many  positive,   significant   correlations   (Table  2)  and  another  

for   those   with   fewer   positive   correlations   and   more   negative   correlations   with   other  

genres  (Table  3).  


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                 Table  2  

Significant  Correlations  With  Other  Genres  Mostly  Niche  Genres  

Positive   Negative  Reggae   7   0  Vocal   7   0  Latin   7   0  World   7   1  Classical   7   1  Jazz   7   1  

Alternative   5   0  R&B/Soul   5   0  


                 Table  3  

Significant  Correlations  With  Other  Genres  Mostly  Popular  Genres   Positive   Negative  

Hip  Hop/Rap   6   2  Dance   4   1  

Electronic   3   0  Pop   3   1  Rock   2   1  

Country   2   1    

  These  tables  provide  strong  evidence  supporting  my  claim  that  users  who  like  one  

niche   genre   are   likely   to   enjoy  many  more.  Not   only   does   it   show   that   niche   genres   are  

positively  correlated  with  many  others   (Table  2),   the  more  popular  genres  have   twice  as  

many   negative   correlations   (Table   3).     Hip   hop/rap   was   the   one   genre   positioned   in  

between  the  distinct  groups  but  was  included  in  the  second  table  because  it  had  the  most  

negative   correlations.   These   findings   seem   to   confirm  my   hypothesis   that   fans   of   niche  

genres  have  wider  preferences  and  fans  of  popular  genres  have  narrower  preferences.    

Demographics  and  Genre  Preferences  

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  I  predicted  a   few  demographical  variables   from  the   first  page  of   the  survey  would  

correlate  with  genre  preferences  so  I  examined  their  Spearman  correlations.    As  I  expected  

based  on  Christenson  and  Peterson’s  study  and  my  own  experience,  gender  was  negatively  

correlated   with   preferences   for   Dance,   Pop,   and   Country.   Since   I   assigned   the   values  

“Female”  =  1  and  “Male”  =  2,  this  means  that  females  are  more  likely  to  enjoy  these  three  

genres  and  males  are  less  likely.  While  this  isn’t  an  especially  groundbreaking  conclusion,  it  

both   makes   sense   and   matches   up   with   Christenson   and   Peterson’s   findings,   adding   a  

degree  of  confidence  to  other  correlations  with  genre  preferences.    

I   found  another   fairly  predictable  correlation  between  age  and  preference   for   jazz  

and   classical   music.   Since   the   correlations   were   both   significant   and   positive,   we   can  

conclude   these   two   genres   are   more   appealing   to   older   respondents.   While   this   isn’t  

incredibly   surprising,   it’s   interesting   to   consider   that   the   standard   deviation   of  

respondents’  age  was  only  4.1.  This  means  that  just  a  few  years  of  age  separates  the  fans  of  

classical  and  jazz  from  those  who  enjoy  these  genres  much  less.  It’s  difficult  to  determine  

whether   this   is   caused   by   a   generational   difference   or   perhaps   a   difference   in  maturity  

levels,   but   simply   knowing   the   correlation   could   improve   song   recommendations  


  On   the   other   hand,   I   found   an   unexpected   correlation   between   competence   using  

computers   and   preferences   for   electronic   music   at   the   .01   level.   Put   simply,   the   more  

experience  respondents  had  with  computers,   the  more   likely   they  were   to   like  electronic  

music.     While   this   correlation   makes   sense   because   the   creation   of   electronic   music  

requires  digital  signal  processing,  I  was  surprised  that  electronic  music  was  both  the  only  

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genre   correlated  with   computer   skills   and   it  was   significant   at   the   .01   level.  Again,   these  

correlations   at   the   .01   level   can’t   be   generalized   to   the   population,   but   instead   indicate  

particularly   strong   correlations   between   variables   for   the   college   students   in   the  

convenient  sample.  This  particular  correlation  between  a  genre  preference  and  computer  

skills,  a  characteristic  seemingly  unrelated  to  music,  begs  the  question  of  how  many  other  

personality-­‐based  characteristics  correlate  with  music  preference.  

Although   I  was   expecting   a   greater   number   of   correlations   between   demographic  

information  and  genre  preferences,  those  that  I  found  present  convincing  evidence  for  the  

implementation   of   demographics   in  music   recommendation   technology.   iTunes,   Pandora  

and   YouTube   already   attain   demographic   information   and   incorporate   it   to   varying  

degrees  when   serving  up   recommendations.  But   the  more  personality-­‐based   information  

these  services  can  capture  without  annoying  users,  the  more  they  can  measure  correlations  

and   target   recommendations.   Whether   this   implementation   involves   data   mining   from  

public  social  media  profiles  or  building  extended  social  profiles  within  a  music  application,  

it   has   potential   to   dramatically   improve  music   recommendation.   The   key   is   to   convince  

users   they   are   benefitting   each   time   they   build   out   their   profile   and   use   A/B   testing   to  

ensure  that  recommendations  improve.  

Musical  Experience  and  Genre  Preferences  

  I  expected  the  survey  questions  addressing  musical  experience  to  correlate  strongly  

with  genre  preferences.  I  based  this  hypothesis  on  two  observations  of  my  own  experience  

with  music.  First,  the  more  time  I  spent  listening  to  music,  the  more  I  got  bored  listening  to  

the  same   few  genres  and   tended   to  explore  unfamiliar  genres.  Second,  playing  guitar  has  

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had  a  tremendous  impact  on  my  music  preferences  and  listening  habits,  and  I  expected  this  

trend  to  hold  true  for  other  people  regardless  which  instrument  they  play.  The  plethora  of  

studies  on  the  effect  of  music  education  on  preferences  also  motivated  me  to  include  these  

measures   in   the   study   (LeBlanc).   To   my   knowledge,   the   music   recommendation  

technologies   of   iTunes,   Pandora,   and   YouTube   don’t   take   users’  musical   experience   into  

account  and  I  felt  this  represented  an  opportunity  for  improvement.  Although  genres  were  

the  only  feasible  metric  of  music  preference  for  the  purposes  of  this  analysis,  future  studies  

may  address  correlations  between  musical  experience  and  song  preferences.  

  Upon  examining  the  spreadsheet  of  bivariate  correlations  generated  in  SPSS,  I  found  

four   variables   of   musical   experience   that   correlated   strongly   with   several   genre  

preferences.  First,   listening  hours  per  week  correlated  positively  with  electronic  and   jazz  

music   at   the   .05   and   .01   levels,   respectively.   Although   correlations   with   other   genres  

weren’t   statistically   significant,   all   were   positive   except   country  music.   This   proves   that  

listening   to   music   more   often   facilitates   a   wider   range   of   preferences   and   correlates  

strongest  with  electronic  and  jazz.    

  Next,   I   examined   how   musical   education   in   both   schools   and   private   lessons  

correlated  with  genre  preferences.  I  expected  the  two  metrics  to  have  similar  correlations  

with   genre   preferences,   and   hypothesized   that   higher   levels   of   music   education   would  

correlate  positively  with  preferences  for  niche  genres.  As  it  turned  out,  “musical  education  

in  school”  correlated  positively  with  classical  at  the  .01  level  and  with  jazz  and  world  at  the  

.05   level.   On   the   other   hand,   “years   of   private  music   lessons”   correlated   positively  with  

preferences  for  classical,  world,  and  rock,  but  negatively  with  country.    While  none  of  the  

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other  genres  had  statistically  significant  correlations,  I  noticed  a  general  trend  of  negative  

correlations   between   musical   education   and   preferences   for   popular   genres   like   dance,  

pop,   hip   hop/rap,   and   country.   Additionally,   I   found   statistically   significant   positive  

correlations  between  years  of  experience  playing  an   instrument  and  preferences   for  rock  

and  classical,  with  six  more  genres  producing  positive  correlations  that  were  above  the  .05  

level.   These   findings   generally   confirmed   my   hypotheses   and   show   that   music  

recommendations  may  be   improved  by  accounting   for  users’  music   experience,   though  a  

more  thorough  study  using  song  preference  is  necessary  to  substantiate  these  conclusions.  

Listening  Environment  and  Genre  Preferences  

  The  final  category  of  variables  I  analyzed  in  conjunction  with  genre  preferences  was  

respondents’   listening  environment.     I   examined  respondents’  views  across  eight  distinct  

listening   environments   according   to   the   following   coded   indicators   of   how   often   they  

listened   to   music   in   each:   “Never”   =   1,   “Rarely”   =   2,   “Sometimes”   =   3,   “Often”   =   4,   and  

“Always”   =5.   The   average   responses   and   their   standard   deviations   are   represented   in  

Figure  6.  

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 Figure  6  

  Again  I  explored  the  spreadsheet  from  SPSS  that  highlighted  significant  correlations  

between  these  eight  metrics  and  genre  preferences.  In  much  the  same  way  that  

correlations  between  genres  divided  the  genres  into  two  distinct  groups  (Tables  2  and  3),  

the  variables  for  listening  environment  separated  into  three  separate  groups  (Table  4).  The  

first  group  of  listening  environments  included  “In  the  Car”,  “Studying”,  and  “Sleeping”,  and  

more  frequent  listening  in  these  environments  was  correlated  with  higher  ratings  in  

several  genres,  with  no  negative  correlations.  The  next  group  consisted  of  “At  Home”,  “By  

Yourself”,  and  “At  Work”,  and  had  one  or  fewer  correlations  with  genre  preferences.  The  

final  group  of  environments  was  more  social  than  the  other  two,  and  had  an  equal  or  

greater  number  of  negative  correlations  than  positive  correlations.  





4.07  3.63  











At  Home   In  the  Car   At  Work   By  Yourself  

With  Friends  

At  a  Party   Studying   Sleeping  

Never    Rarely    Som

etimes    Often    Always  

Frequency  of  Listening  in  Environments  and  Activities  

+1  σ  


-­‐1  σ  

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Table  4  

Significant  Correlations  With  Genres  Listening  Environment  

Positive   Negative  In  the  Car   Rock,  Hip  Hop/Rap,  R&B/Soul,  Country   0  Studying   Jazz,  Latin,  Classical,  Reggae,  Rock   0  1  Sleeping   R&B/Soul,  Latin,  Classical     0  At  Home   Hip  Hop/Rap   0  By  Yourself   Pop   0  2  At  Work   0   0  

With  Friends   Hip  Hop/Rap   Classical,  World  3  

At  a  Party   Dance,  Pop,  Hip  Hop/Rap   Classical,  World,  Vocal    

  At   first  glance,   the   first  and  third  groups  of  Table  4  might  appear   to  be  a  DJ  guide  

indicating  which   genres   should   and   shouldn’t   be   played   in   each   environment.   However,  

these   are   only   correlations   between   frequency   of   listening   in   eight   environments   and  

ratings  for  genres;  respondents  were  not  asked  directly  which  genres  they  listen  to  in  each  

environment.   But   since   they   follow   such   a   logical   pattern,   it’s   clear   that   listening  

environment  plays  a  pivotal  role   in  determining  which  genres  users   listen  to.  At   the  very  

least,   these   correlations   provide   evidence   that   music   services   using   recommendation  

technology   should   experiment   with   allowing   users   to   adjust   for   different   environments,  

especially  in  lean-­‐back  music  experiences  like  Pandora.    


Choice  of  Music  Technology  and  Determining  Factors  

Although   forcing   respondents   to   choose   one   favorite   service   may   have   made   for  

simpler  analysis,  I  assumed  most  people  use  more  than  one  of  the  three  music  services  in  

question.   So,   I   asked   respondents   to   rank   the   three   of   them   in   order   of   preference   and  

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included  the  option  “Never  use  it”.  I  then  organized  the  results  into  a  simple  bar  graph  for  

comparison  (Figure  7).  


Figure  7  

The  first  conclusion  these  results  present  is  that  the  majority  of  college  students  use  

several   music   services,   whether   for   different   situations,   genres,   moods,   or   for   other  

undiscovered  reasons.  The  three  technologies  I  explored  are  some  of  the  most  popular,  but  

if   Anderson’s   long   tail   theory   applies   to  music   services   as  well   as   songs,   the  majority   of  

users   also   occasionally   take   advantage   of   other   niche   music   sites.     Responses   were  

relatively   balanced   between   the   three,   with   50   survey   respondents   (40%)   indicating  

Pandora  as  their  favorite.  Another  39  college  students  chose  YouTube  as  their  favorite  and  

the  remaining  36  respondents  chose  iTunes.  YouTube  performed  the  best  overall,  ranking  

highest   in  both   the  2nd  Favorite  and  3rd  Favorite  categories   thanks   to   the   fact  only  6%  of  

respondents  never  use   it.  After  determining   the  music   apps’   relative   rankings   across   the  

entire  sample,  I  explored  trends  among  subgroups  using  the  crosstabs  function  in  SPSS  as  

well   as   bivariate   correlations.   Using   this   information,   I   speculated   about   causal  








1st  Favorite   2nd  Favorite   3rd  Favorite   Never  use  it  


Music  Technology  Preference  

iTunes  Pandora  YouTube  

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


relationships   between   respondents’   preferred   music   service   and   all   other   collected  

variables  and  set  out  to  determine  their  relative  influence.  


Factors  in  Music  Technology  Preference  

Favorite  Feature  

Arguably  the  most  logical  factor  influencing  the  choice  between  iTunes,  Pandora  and  

YouTube  was  respondents’  favorite  feature,  which  I  examined  first.  For  each  service,  survey  

questions   asked   respondents   to   choose   their   favorite   feature   from   the   following   list:  

“customizability/personalization”,   “interface”,   “wide   selection   of   music”,   “playlisting   and  

song  recommendation”,  and  “Other:  Please  Specify”.  Using  these  canned  responses  and  the  

option   of   free   response,   the   three   music   applications   could   be   easily   compared   while  

capturing  any  features  missing  from  the  list.  Results  for  favorite  feature  of  the  three  music  

services  are  visualized  in  Figure  8.  

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  



Figure  8  

When   inspecting   Figure   8,   it’s   important   to   keep   in  mind   that   respondents   chose  

their   single   favorite   feature,   and   those  with   fewer  votes   aren’t  necessarily  poor   features.  

YouTube’s   clear   favorite   feature  was   its   wide   selection   of  music,   earning   69   votes.   This  

result  held  true  with  my  expectations;  not  only  does  YouTube  offer  the  widest  selection,  it’s  

also  the  only  free  on-­‐demand  service  of  the  three.  Had  I  anticipated  Spotify’s  entrance  into  

the   US   when   I   designed   the   survey,   “wide   selection   of   music”   would   have   been   an  

interesting   metric   with   which   to   compare   Spotify   and   YouTube.   Respondents’   favorite  

feature  of  Pandora  was  understandably  playlisting  and  song   recommendation,   though   its  

customizability/   personalization   and   wide   selection   of   music   also   ranked   high.   The  

simplicity   of   its   interface  may   account   for   Pandora’s   lower   score   on   this  metric,   but   this  

also  makes  Pandora  especially  user-­‐friendly,  likely  contributing  to  it  earning  the  most  votes  

for   favorite   music   service.   Respondents’   votes   for   favorite   feature   of   iTunes   were   fairly  










Customizability  /  Personalization  

Interface   Wide  Selection  of  Music  

Playlisting  and  Song  




Favorite  Feature  




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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


evenly  distributed,  with  wide  selection  of  music  and  interface  ranking  highest.  Almost  20%  

of   respondents   also   used   the   free   response   option   for   iTunes,   attesting   to   its   variety   of  

useful  features.    

Based  on  these  results,  I  came  to  three  conclusions  regarding  the  features  of  iTunes,  

Pandora   and   YouTube.   First,   college   students   go   to   YouTube   first   to   find   any   song   that  

exists.   These   findings   are   consistent   with   my   own   personal   experience,   and   more  

respondents  chose  wide  selection  as  their  favorite  than  the  other  four  features  combined.  

Second,  Pandora  has  the  strongest  song  recommendation  and  personalization  of  the  three  

music  apps  under   review.   In  an   increasingly   fast-­‐paced  world,  users  appreciate   the  easy,  

personalized   lean-­‐back  experience   that  Pandora  offers   for   free.  Third,   iTunes   is   the  most  

robust  and  comprehensive  music  service  of  the  three  and  its  intuitive  interface  has  set  the  

industry   standard.   Though   it   seems   unlikely   that   any   one   service   could   outcompete   the  

others  on  all  four  features,  iTunes  appears  to  be  the  only  one  trying  out  of  the  three.  

Besides  favorite  feature,  the  factors  that  I  anticipated  to  have  the  greatest  influence  

on  choice  of  music  service  fell  into  three  categories:  demographics,  musical  experience,  and  

music   preferences.   I   also   hypothesized   that   listening   environment   would   influence   the  

choice   between   iTunes,   Pandora   and   YouTube,   but   there   were   almost   no   significant  

correlations   between   them.   Additionally,   the   primary   reason   I   inquired   about   listening  

environment  was  to  explore  how  it  correlated  with  music  preference,  not  music  technology  




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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


Demographics  and  Music  Technology  Preference  

  First,  I  hypothesized  that  respondents’  age  would  influence  their  choice  between  

iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube.  Although  respondents  were  college  students  with  an  

average  age  just  over  21  and  a  standard  deviation  of  only  4.1,  there  was  enough  variation  

to  distinguish  between  the  preferences  of  younger  and  older  respondents.  My  instincts  told  

me  that  YouTube  would  appeal  to  younger  respondents  because  they  were  more  social  

media  savvy,  already  familiar  with  YouTube  from  viral  videos,  and  more  intentional  in  

music  selection.  On  the  other  hand,  I  guessed  that  as  people  get  older  they  were  more  likely  

to  use  Pandora  to  DJ  in  the  background  whether  for  familiar  songs  or  exploring  

personalized  recommendations.    Additionally,  I  expected  older  respondents  to  favor  iTunes  

for  its  functional  interface,  expansive  media  store,  and  library  for  organizing  CD’s.    

As  it  turned  out,  my  intuitions  were  fairly  accurate.  The  correlation  between  

respondents’  age  and  their  preference  for  YouTube  was  positive  and  significant  at  the  .01  

level.  Since  lower  values  for  music  service  indicated  stronger  preference,  this  meant  that  

younger  ages  correlated  with  stronger  preference  for  YouTube.  Next,  preference  for  iTunes  

was  negatively  correlated  with  respondents’  age,  significant  at  the  .05  level.  In  other  words,  

older  respondents  were  more  likely  to  rate  iTunes  as  their  favorite  service.  And  while  the  

correlation  between  rating  of  Pandora  and  respondents’  age  wasn’t  statistically  significant,  

it  was  also  negative.  Even  though  all  three  music  apps  collect  users’  age  upon  creation  of  

new  accounts  and  have  quite  a  few  more  data  points  than  my  survey,  it’s  unlikely  they  

track  users’  relative  preference  for  the  other  two  options.  And  since  most  college  students  

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


use  at  least  three  music  sites,  it’s  important  to  know  which  they  prefer  in  order  to  speculate  

and  test  why  they  do.  

Next,  I  explored  gender  as  a  determining  factor  of  favorite  music  service.  Based  on  

conversations  with  friends  and  DJs  from  Stanford  and  Phoenix,  I  predicted  that  females  

would  gravitate  toward  YouTube  slightly  more  than  males,  but  that  males  would  prefer  

iTunes  more  than  females  would  due  to  its  emphasis  on  customization  and  playlisting  

features.  Last,  I  expected  Pandora’s  audience  to  be  more  balanced  between  genders.  Using  

the  crosstab  function  in  SPSS,  I  organized  the  results  and  made  several  pie  charts  for  visual  

comparison  (Figure  5).  


Figure  9  

Simply  looking  at  the  two  groups  of  respondents’  first  favorite  service,  it’s  clear  that  

iTunes  was  most  popular  among  males  and  Pandora  was  the   favorite   for   females  (Figure  

9).   Thus   my   hypothesis   regarding   males   was   correct   but   I   failed   to   accurately   predict  

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


female   behavior,  which  wasn’t   incredibly   surprising.   YouTube  won   both   the   second   and  

third  favorite  categories  among  both  males  and  females,  as  a  result  of  so  few  respondents  

indicating   they  never  use   it.  Even   though   the  only  statistically  significant  correlation  was  

between   females   and   stronger   preference   for   Pandora,   surveying   a   larger   sample  might  

confirm   that   iTunes   tends   to  be   the  primary  service   for  males  and  YouTube   is  more  of  a  

secondary  service  for  both  genders.  

The   third   factor   in   favorite  music  service   that   I  explored  was  respondents’   school.    

Though   I   focused  my   efforts   on   three   schools,   a   number   of   students   from   other   schools  

found  my  survey  either  on  Facebook  or  Twitter.  For  simplicity’s  sake,  I  analyzed  the  three  

schools   I   targeted   (ASU,   GCC,   Stanford)   and   put   all   others   into   an   “other”   category   for  

analysis.  I  anticipated  YouTube  and  Pandora  would  be  most  popular  at  GCC,  which  was  the  

largest  group  of  respondents  (71).    I  also  predicted  Stanford  would  favor  iTunes,  and  ASU  

would   have   a   balanced   distribution   between   the   three   services.     As   it   turned   out,  

respondents’   schools   had   a   substantial   impact   on   their   preference   between   iTunes,  

Pandora  and  YouTube.    

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  



Figure  10  

Partially  due  to  ASU’s  sample  being  too  small,  music  technology  preference  varied  

widely  between  the  three  targeted  colleges.    iTunes  easily  won  the  position  of  ASU’s  

favorite  service,  while  Stanford’s  favorite  service  was  split  between  iTunes  and  Pandora.  

Furthermore,  the  correlation  between  preferences  for  iTunes  and  respondent’s  school  was  

positive  and  statistically  significant,  meaning  that  students  from  Stanford  and  ASU  were  

more  likely  to  prefer  iTunes.  One  possible  explanation  for  iTunes’  strong  performance  in  

these  two  colleges  is  Apple’s  strong  brand  presence  on  both  campuses.  Apple  has  large  

offices  near  both  Stanford  and  ASU,  and  tends  to  hire  students  from  both  schools.  On  the  

other  hand,  GCC’s  favorite  service  was  balanced  between  Pandora  and  YouTube.  As  a  

community  college,  GCC  most  likely  has  a  greater  percentage  of  students  living  on  a  budget,  

which  may  explain  why  the  two  free  services  rank  highest  among  them.  Whether  these  

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


companies  care  about  how  they  stack  up  among  these  colleges,  these  findings  present  

unique  insights  into  the  diffusion  of  music  technology  in  different  schools.    

The  fourth  potential  factor  in  music  service  preference  that  I  analyzed  was  the  

respondents’  perceived  competence  with  computers.  When  asked  to  categorize  their  

competence  using  computers,  the  largest  group  of  respondents  indicated  they  were  

“Average”,  totaling  67.  Another  38  indicated  their  computer  competence  was  “Advanced”,  

16  chose  “Expert”,  and  4  chose  “Basic”.  “None/Very  Little”  was  also  among  the  possible  

categories  of  competence  with  computers,  but  unsurprisingly  no  respondents  selected  it.  

Admittedly  I  didn’t  expect  respondents’  competence  using  computers  to  correlate  with  

their  favorite  music  service  as  closely  as  other  factors,  but  I  did  expect  Pandora  and  

YouTube  to  perform  strongest  in  the  Basic  and  Average  groups  due  to  their  simple  

interfaces.  I  also  predicted  Advanced  and  Expert  computer  users  to  prefer  the  playlisting  

and  organizational  features  of  iTunes.  As  it  turned  out,  the  relationship  between  

competence  with  computers  and  favorite  music  service  wasn’t  statistically  significant.  

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  



Figure  11  

In  terms  of  respondents’  1st  Favorite  music  service,  Pandora  ranked  highest  among  

Average  and  Advanced  computer  users,  while  YouTube  performed  best  in  the  Basic  and  

Expert  groups.  But  beyond  that,  it’s  difficult  to  see  any  patterns  between  competence  using  

computers  and  favorite  music  service.  The  spreadsheet  of  Spearman  correlations  from  

SPSS  confirms  this,  showing  no  statistically  significant  correlations  between  the  two  

variables.  However,  stronger  preferences  for  Pandora  correlated  with  higher  computer  

skills,  just  above  the  .05  level.  In  this  case,  the  concentration  of  responses  in  the  middle  two  

groups  suggests  an  inadequacy  in  the  wording  of  the  question  for  computer  skills.  Not  only  

is  the  wording  general  and  vague,  responses  are  self-­‐reported  and  may  not  be  accurate  for  

this  variable.  

Musical  Experience  and  Music  Technology  Preference  

I  used  two  questions  on  the  survey  to  address  the  music  listening  habits  of  

respondents.  The  first  asked  respondents  how  many  hours  per  week  they  spent  listening  to  

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


music  with  an  open-­‐ended  response  format.  On  average,  respondents  indicated  they  listen  

to  music  18.9  hours  per  week  with  a  standard  deviation  of  16.5  and  a  range  of  1  to  98  

hours.  For  this  variable,  I  decided  to  analyze  only  respondents’  favorite  music  service  and  

determine  the  average  user’s  listening  hours  per  week  for  each  service.  Though  all  three  

services  have  ways  to  track  their  users’  listening  hours  more  accurately  and  on  a  larger  

scale,  my  methods  provide  the  college  student  perspective  on  the  relative  strengths  and  

weaknesses  of  each  service  in  comparison  to  the  other  two.  I  predicted  that  the  more  

engaged  listeners  would  favor  iTunes  and  Pandora  as  their  top  choice,  since  these  services  

are  geared  more  towards  lean-­‐back  listening  experiences.  In  my  experience,  YouTube  is  the  

search  engine  of  choice  for  recalling  or  discovering  a  particular  song,  or  for  sharing  DJ  

responsibilities  with  several  friends.  However,  as  it  is  an  on-­‐demand  and  therefore  user-­‐

controlled  experience  I  would  expect  the  respondents  who  primarily  use  YouTube  to  spend  

less  time  listening  to  music.  

The  second  listening  habits  question  asked  students  to  categorize  how  often  they  

listen  to  music  online,  choosing  from  “Never”,  “Rarely”,  “Sometimes”,  “Often”,  and  “All  the  

Time”.  Besides  the  difference  that  the  first  question  addresses  music  listening  in  general  

and  the  second  addresses  online  music  listening,  the  former  is  a  scale  variable  and  the  

second  is  ordinal.  I  expected  having  both  scale  and  ordinal  variables  would  prove  useful  for  

visualizing  listening  habits  and  provide  a  second  measure  to  verify  interesting  differences.    

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  



Figure  12  

  Average   listening   hours   per   week   turned   out   to   be   a   much   better   metric   than  

frequency  of  online  music  listening,  but  both  provide  visual  evidence  of  Pandora’s  tendency  

to  attract  heavy  users.  Users  who  selected  Pandora  as  their  favorite  music  service  tended  to  

listen   to   music   more   often   both   in   general   and   online.   Furthermore,   the   correlation  

between   stronger  preferences   for  Pandora   and  greater   frequency  of   online   listening  was  

statistically   significant   at   the   .05   level.   This  makes   sense   because   Pandora   requires   very  

little   effort   to   start,   continues   playing   similar   music   for   several   hours,   and   continues  

indefinitely   if   the   user   gives   occasional   feedback.   YouTube   also   offers   somewhat   similar  

playlisting   but   this   is   a   secondary   feature   and   lesser   known   among   respondents.   iTunes  

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


supports   long   listening  sessions  but  requires  more  effort  by  the  user  to  manage  playlists,  

not  to  mention  buy  or  own  the  music  in  the  first  place.  

  The  second  portion  of  musical  experience  that  I  expected  to  influence  music  

technology  preference  was  musical  education.  Three  similar  questions  measured  

respondents’  levels  of  musical  education  in  school,  years  of  private  lessons,  and  years  spent  

playing  an  instrument.  Though  my  only  expectation  regarding  the  first  measure  was  that  

Pandora  would  attract  those  with  more  music  education  in  school,  I  was  uncertain  how  

music  technology  preference  would  correlate  with  private  music  lessons.  I  expected  

respondents  who  played  an  instrument  to  favor  YouTube  with  its  wide  selection,  tendency  

to  include  lyrics  in  songs,  and  because  so  many  musicians  use  it  as  a  platform  to  showcase  

their  music.  I  also  hypothesized  that  preference  for  Pandora  would  be  stronger  among  

experienced  musicians  because  of  its  personalized  song  recommendation  and  

implementation  of  professional  musicians’  ratings.  Results  for  music  education  in  school,  

private  lessons,  and  years  playing  an  instrument  are  displayed  in  Figures  13,  14  and  15,  



Figure  13  

0  5  10  15  20  25  30  35  

0   1  Level   2  Levels   3  Levels  

Choice  of  Music  Service  vs.  Music  Education  Levels  




Page 45: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


  To  measure  music   education   in   schools,   surveys   asked   respondents   to   select   any  

school  levels  during  which  they  took  at  least  one  music  class,  choosing  from  “Elementary  (K  

–   8th)”,   “High   School”,   and   “College”.   The   number   of   checked   boxes   for   each   respondent  

became  their  number  of  music  education   levels,   totaling  between  0  and  3.  My  hypothesis  

about   musicians   tending   to   prefer   YouTube   was   incorrect,   possibly   because   of   the  

distinction   between   using   YouTube   to   listen   to   music   and   using   it   to   upload   their   own  

material.   The   spreadsheet   of   bivariate   correlations   revealed   that   stronger   preference   for  

iTunes  was  correlated  with  more  years  of  music  education,  while  stronger  preference  for  

YouTube  was  correlated  with  fewer,  both  at  the  .05  level.  A  possible  explanation  for  these  

trends  is  that  musicians  prefer  greater  control  over  their  music  and  enjoy  making  playlists.  

More   experienced  musicians   also  might   be  more   inclined   to   pay   for   their  music   because  

they   appreciate   it  more.   Regardless   of   the   reasons  why,   it’s   clear   that  music   experience  

plays  a  substantial  role  in  determining  which  music  applications  college  students  prefer.  

 Figure  14  

  Using  the  compare  means  function  in  SPSS,   I  calculated  the  averages  and  standard  

deviations   of   respondents’   years   of   private   music   lessons   in   salutation   to   which   music  


2.02   2.55  








iTunes   Pandora   YouTube  


Favorite  Music  Technology  vs.  Years  of  Private  Music  Lessons  

+1  σ  Mean  -­‐1  σ  

Page 46: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


service   was   their   favorite.   Respondents   choosing   iTunes   as   their   favorite   showed  

significantly   higher   levels   of   experience  with   private  music   lessons,   and   this   correlation  

was  statistically  significant  at  the  .05  level.  Although  a  larger,  random  sample  is  required  to  

substantiate  these  findings,  the  similar  results  of  music  education  in  school  add  a  degree  of  

confidence  in  this  case.  


Figure  15  

  I   distinguished   between   years   of   private   music   lessons   and   years   playing   an  

instrument   because   I   personally   have   played   guitar   for   over   ten   years   and   only   took  

lessons  for  about  two  of  them.  I  wondered  how  my  choice  in  music  service  might  have  been  

affected  by  continuing  lessons  throughout  the  ten  years,  or  if  I  hadn’t  played  an  instrument  

at  all.  Once  again,   iTunes  was  especially  popular  among  the  more  experienced  musicians,  

while  preference   for  YouTube  was  correlated  with   fewer  years  of  playing  an   instrument,  

both   significant   at   the   .05   level.     I   found   this   interesting   because   I   used   iTunes   almost  

exclusively   throughout  high  school  and  started  using  Pandora  and  YouTube  more  when  I  

wanted  to  explore  music  that  was  similar  or  that  my  friends  had  shared  with  me.    

2.22  1.76  







iTunes   Pandora   YouTube  


Favorite  Music  Technology  vs.  Years  of  Playing  an  Instrument  

+1  σ  Mean  -­‐1  σ  

Page 47: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  



Music  Preference  and  Music  Technology  Preference  

  The   final   group   of   variables   I   predicted   would   influence   music   technology  

preference   included   genre   preference,   feeling   toward   popular   music,   and   determining  

factors  of  song  preference.  I  was  curious  which  preferred  genres  would  correlate  with  each  

music   application   and   guessed   that   niche   genres   would   be   rated   higher   among   heavy  

iTunes  users,   and   that  preferences   for  YouTube  and  Pandora  would   correlate  with  more  

popular  genres.  I  based  these  predictions  on  my  observations  of  friends  using  each  service;  

iTunes  was  the  first  choice  for  creating  playlists  of  songs  that  had  personal  significance  and  

not  necessarily  musical  similarity,  as  with  Pandora.  YouTube  seemed  to  be  the  social  music  

discovery  application  of  choice  and  my  friends  used  Pandora  to  listen  to  stations  based  on  

their  favorite  hit  artists  or  songs.  I  used  the  compare  means  function  in  SPSS  to  determine  

each  genre’s  mean  rating  depending  on  respondents’  favorite  music  service  (Figure  16).  

Page 48: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  




Figure  16  

  As  it  turned  out,  only  a  limited  number  of  genres  correlated  significantly  with  music  

service  preference.  Respondents  who  rated  dance  higher  were  less  likely  to  choose  iTunes  

as  their  favorite,  and  more  likely  to  choose  YouTube.  On  the  other  hand,  fans  of  rock  were  

much   more   likely   to   prefer   iTunes   and   not   YouTube.   Interestingly,   only   one   genre  

(R&B/Soul)   correlated   with   Pandora   and   it   was   barely   significant   at   the   .05   level.  

Additionally,  YouTube  was  correlated  with  stronger  preference  for  hip  hop/rap  and  Latin  

music.  Given   that   all   three  music   services   offer   a  wide   range  of   genres,   the   lack  of  more  

significant  correlations  is  understandable.  

  The  other  two  topics  within  music  preference  that   I  hypothesized  would   influence  

choice   of  music   technology   turned   out   to   be   almost   completely   unrelated.   The   first  was  

feeling  toward  music   from  top  40  charts.  Once  again   I  expected  Pandora  and  YouTube  to  










-­‐1  =  Dislike          0  =  Neutral        1  =  Like        2  =  Love  

Favorite  Music  Technology  vs.  Genre  Rating  (Mean)  

iTunes  Pandora  YouTube  

Page 49: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


correlate  with  positive  feelings  toward  top  40  charts.  While  these  predictions  turned  out  to  

be  accurate,  the  correlations  weren’t  statistically  significant.  The  second  topic  was  factors  

in  song  preference,  measured  by   the  six  variables   from  Figure  2.  The  single  variable   that  

was  correlated  with  any  of  the  music  technologies  was  popularity,  associated  with  weaker  

preference  for  iTunes  and  significant  at  the  .01  level.  The  collection  of  these  three  measures  

of  music  preference  did  align  with  my  expectations,  but  the  lack  of  statistically  significant  

correlations  suggests  that  a  larger  sample  should  be  tested.  

Music  Technology  Influencing  Preference  and  Spending  

  Although   the   questions   addressing   how   the   three   music   services   affect   music  

preferences  and  spending  were  placed  at   the  end  of   the  survey,   I  view   them  as   the  most  

significant  to  the  future  of  the  music  industry.  The  first  statistical  procedure  I  carried  out  to  

analyze   the   results  was   a   simple  descriptive   function   in   SPSS,  which  produced   the  mean  

responses  and  the  standard  deviations  for  all  125  respondents.  To  facilitate  visualization  of  

the   results,   responses   were   coded   as   follows:   “strongly   disagree”   =   1,   “disagree”   =   2,  

“neutral”  =  3,  “agree”  =  4,  and  “strongly  agree”  =  5.  Since  the  question  format  was  identical  

for  the  three  services,  comparing  the  results  by  service  revealed  interesting  trends.  

Page 50: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  



Figure  17  

On  average,  respondents  indicated  that  all  three  services  make  them  listen  to  music  

more  often  and  listen  to  more  music  within  genres  they  like.  Pandora  and  YouTube  users  

also  indicated  they  listen  to  a  wider  range  of  genres,  share  music  with  their  friends  more,  

and  that  music  plays  a  bigger  role  in  their  life.  Although  the  other  average  responses  don’t  

rise  above  Neutral  (=  3),  their  standard  deviations  show  that  many  respondents  agree  that  

they  buy  more  music,  buy  different  music,  and  even  buy  concert  tickets  as  a  result  of  using  

iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube.  The  differences  between  each  music  service’s  ratings  along  

these  metrics  present  interesting  considerations  regarding  contributing  factors.  


Effects  on  Preference  

Page 51: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


More  Listening    

The  first  measure  of  impact  on  music  preferences  was  the  most  basic;  respondents  

indicated  whether  they  agreed  or  disagreed  with  the  statement  “I  listen  to  music  more”  as  a  

result  of  using  each  music  service.  Pandora  ranks  the  highest  on  this  metric,  with  “strongly  

agree”   almost  within   one   standard   deviation.   YouTube   and   iTunes   then   follow   Pandora,  

and   all   three   services   rank   between   “agree”   and   “strongly   agree”   with   one   standard  

deviation  above  the  mean.    


Figure  18  

This  order  may  be  explained  by  the  relative  ease  of  use  of  each  music  service.  First  

time  Pandora  users   enter   an   artist,   song,   or   genre   to   start   listening   to   a   station,   and   the  

music   automatically   starts   for   returning   users   upon   revisiting   the   site.   Similarly,   using  

YouTube   simply   requires  knowing   the  artist  or   song  name  and  one  more   click   starts   the  

music.  While   iTunes  has  plenty  of   the   same   tricks   to   speed  up   the   time   it   takes   to   find  a  

song,   artist   or   playlist,   users   may   perceive   iTunes   as   requiring   more   time   and   effort.  

However,   the   discrepancy   between   services   along   this   metric   is   likely   influenced   by   a  

3.21  3.76  








iTunes   Pandora   YouTube  

Disagree            Neutral              Agree   I  listen  to  music  more  

+1  σ  Mean  -­‐1  σ  

Page 52: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


number   of   other   factors.  Most   importantly,   these   findings   confirm   that   all   three   services  

facilitate  and  increase  music  listening  to  a  greater  extent  than  other  music  technologies.    

Wider  Range  of  Genres  

Next,  respondents  indicated  their  level  of  agreement  with  the  statement  “I  listen  to  a  

wider   range  of  genres”  as  a   result  of  using   iTunes,  Pandora,   and  YouTube.  This  metric   is  

significant   because   services   that   expand   their   users’   range   of   genres   are   shifting   both  

listening   hours   and   revenue   toward   songs   and   artists   that   would   have   remained  

undiscovered   otherwise.   Again,   Pandora   ranked   highest   with   68%   of   respondents  

indicating  either  “agree”  or  “strongly  agree.”  YouTube  was  ranked  second  with  an  average  

score   just   over   “neutral”   and   iTunes   scored   a   full   point   below   Pandora  with   an   average  

score  leaning  toward  “disagree”.  


Figure  19  

Pandora’s  higher  rank  in  this  area  isn’t  particularly  surprising  given  that  the  Music  

Genome  Project,  its  core  technology,  recommends  new  songs  based  on  400  attributes  and  

occasionally  serves  up  songs  from  neighboring  genres.  Similarly,  YouTube’s  personalized  










iTunes   Pandora   YouTube  

Disagree            Neutral              Agree  

I  listen  to  a  wider  range  of  genres  

+1  σ  Mean  -­‐1  σ  

Page 53: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


“Recommended  Videos”  and  “Suggestions”  both  surface  songs  that  may  fit  within  other  

genres  than  the  original  song.  Furthermore,  the  sheer  size  of  YouTube  Music  provides  the  

widest  selection  and  its  heavily  used  social  functionality  increases  cross-­‐genre  exposure  on  

Facebook  and  elsewhere.  While  iTunes  has  almost  as  wide  a  music  selection  as  YouTube,  

songs  on  iTunes  must  be  purchased  to  hear  more  than  a  preview  and  users  must  be  slightly  

more  proactive  to  find  unfamiliar  music.  The  two  most  likely  explanations  for  these  

rankings  are  the  differences  in  primary  mechanisms  for  discovering  new  music  and  the  

relative  emphasis  on  musical  “horizon  widening”  by  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube.  

Deeper  Within  Familiar  Genres  

The  next  measure  of  impact  on  music  preferences  flows  logically  from  the  previous  

metric.  Respondents  chose  their  level  of  agreement  with  the  statement  “I  listen  to  more  

music  within  genres  I  like”  as  a  result  of  using  each  music  service.  While  expansion  across  

genres  certainly  benefits  both  the  user  and  the  industry,  exposure  to  new  music  within  

familiar  genres  has  a  stronger  impact  and  is  more  likely  to  inspire  the  user  to  purchase.  On  

average,  the  surveyed  college  students  indicated  that  all  three  services  deepen  their  

familiarity  with  music  genres  they  like.  Pandora  won  its  third  category  in  a  row  with  73%  

of  respondents  selecting  “agree”  or  “strongly  agree”.  YouTube  ranked  second  with  a  mean  

of  3.53,  followed  closely  by  iTunes  averaging  just  above  “neutral”  at  3.18.    

Page 54: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  



Figure  20  

Pandora’s  Music  Genome  Project  uses  a  combination  of  musicologists’  ratings  and  

user  feedback  to  create  personalized  radio  stations  themed  by  artist,  song,  or  genre.  As  a  

result,  this  technology  deepens  users’  knowledge  and  appreciation  of  familiar  genres  by  

definition,  so  it’s  understandable  Pandora  ranks  highest.  Again,  YouTube  ranks  second  in  

this  measure,  which  is  likely  a  byproduct  of  its  personalized  recommendations,  similar  

video  suggestions  bar,  and  social  features.  However,  it’s  surprising  respondents  didn’t  rank  

iTunes  as  high  with  its  Genius  playlisting,  iTunes  Essentials  mixes,  and  purchase  history-­‐

based  song  recommendation.    While  it’s  possible  these  features  are  lesser  known  compared  

to  YouTube’s  prominent  next  videos,  a  more  likely  explanation  is  that  respondents  

associate  iTunes  with  music  they  already  own.  In  this  way,  these  users  are  more  likely  to  

explore  and  discover  music  on  a  free  streaming  platform  and  perhaps  switch  to  iTunes  to  

buy  tracks  they  particularly  like.  Regardless,  it’s  clear  all  three  music  technologies  are  

helping  users  find  good  music  and  artists  find  new  fans.  



3.99  3.53  







iTunes   Pandora   YouTube  

Disagree            Neutral              Agree  

I  listen  to  more  music  within  genres  I  like  

+1  σ  Mean  -­‐1  σ  

Page 55: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


More  Sharing  Music  

Historically,  music  discovery  has  been  a  profoundly  social  experience  and  I  wanted  

to  measure  and  compare  college  students’  opinions  on  the  social  features  of  iTunes,  

Pandora  and  YouTube.  For  this  metric,  respondents  indicated  their  level  of  agreement  with  

the  statement  “I  share  music  with  my  friends  more”  as  a  result  of  using  the  three  services.  

YouTube  ranked  highest  among  respondents  in  this  area,  with  over  62%  of  respondents  

agreeing  or  strongly  agreeing.  Pandora  had  the  second  highest  rating  along  the  sharing  

dimension,  with  an  average  score  just  above  neutral  and  “agree”  within  one  standard  

deviation.  On  the  other  hand,  the  average  respondent  said  they  didn’t  share  more  as  a  

result  of  using  iTunes  and  only  26%  indicated  otherwise.  


Figure  21  

According   to   YouTube’s   press   page,   Facebook   users   watch   over   500   years   of  

YouTube  videos  everyday,  and  over  500  YouTube  links  are  tweeted  every  minute.  YouTube  

Music  makes   up   approximately   31%  of   all   videos,   and   it’s   likely   a   greater   percentage   of  

shared  videos  are  music   related.    Sharing  music   from  YouTube   is  both  easy  and  popular,  

2.69  3.07  








iTunes   Pandora   YouTube  

Disagree            Neutral              Agree  

I  share  music  with  my  friends  more  

+1  σ  Mean  -­‐1  σ  

Page 56: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


especially   for   the   college   student   demographic.   Last   summer   Pandora   underwent   a  

complete  site   redesign   into  HTML5  and   introduced  a  number  of   social   features   including  

the  ability   to   follow   friends’  music   activity,   view  a  personalized   stream  of  music   activity,  

and   share   songs   or   stations   through   Pandora,   Facebook,   or   Twitter.   As   respondents  

showed,   these   features  put  Pandora  ahead  of   iTunes  on  social   functionality,  but   still  well  

behind   YouTube.   iTunes   also   introduced   a   social   feature   called   Ping   in   late   2010   but   it  

seems   to   have   been   fairly   ineffective,   at   least   with   college   students.   As   these   music  

applications’  social  integration  becomes  more  intuitive  and  familiar  to  users,  the  process  of  

sharing  music  will  continue  to  scale  and  improve  both  engagement  and  spending.  

Effects  on  Spending  

More  Buying  

The  first  measure  of  the  three  music  technologies’  impact  on  spending  was  perhaps  

the  most  important  question  of  the  survey,  at  least  to  the  music  industry.  The  proliferation  

of   illegal   filesharing   applications   like  Napster,   Kazaa,   and  Limewire   has   caused  upheaval  

among  record  labels  and  artists,  and  for  good  reason.  While  there  are  important  benefits  to  

free   exchange   and   many   artists   are   experimenting   with   free   mixtapes   and   similar  

promotions,  most  musicians  struggle  to  make  a  living  even  without  having  to  worry  about  

digital   piracy.   This   portion   of   the   survey   was   intended   to   measure   the   impacts   of   legal  

music   applications   on   individual   users’   spending.   Respondents   indicated   their   level   of  

agreement  with   the   statement   “I   buy  more  music”   as   a   result   of   using   each   application.  

Consistent   with   the   industry-­‐wide   trend   of   declining   sales,   all   three   services’   averages  

ranked   between   disagree   and   neutral,   with   iTunes   ranking   highest.   Pandora   followed  

Page 57: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


iTunes  with  17%  of  respondents  buying  more  music  and  YouTube  ranked  third  with  only  

15%  in  agreement.  


Figure  22  

As   the   only   music   service   of   three   with   a   fully   integrated   music   store,   it’s  

understandable   iTunes   ranks   highest   in   this  metric.   A   likely   contributing   factor,   iTunes’  

personalized   “Genius”   song   recommendations   are   shown  prominently   in   both   the   offline  

application  and  the  home  page  of  the  iTunes  store.  All  songs,  artists  and  albums  within  the  

offline  library  link  to  the  iTunes  store  to  facilitate  the  music  shopping  process,  and  iTunes  

also   recently   increased   song   preview   time   limits,   presumably   for   the   same   purpose.  

Despite   these   features,   the  average  college-­‐aged  respondent  doesn’t  buy  more  music  as  a  

result  of  using  iTunes.  While  the  wording  of  the  question  prevents  us  from  knowing  if  users  

are   buying   less,   it’s   reasonable   to   assume   that   the   30%   of   respondents   who   strongly  

disagreed  are  buying   less.  Pandora  and  YouTube  both   feature   links   to  purchase  music   in  

iTunes  and  elsewhere,  but  the  findings  of  this  survey  show  that  only  a  small  percentage  of  

users  actually  click  through  to  music  stores.  

2.61   2.46   2.38  







iTunes   Pandora   YouTube  

Disagree            Neutral              Agree  

I  buy  more  music  

+1  σ  Mean  -­‐1  σ  

Page 58: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


Buying  Different  Music  

Second  only  to  buying  more  music,  this  metric  has  tremendous  implications  for  the  

music   industry   and   directly   addresses   the   primary   inquiry   of   this   study.   In   an   effort   to  

explore  the  consequences  of  transitioning  from  AM/FM  radio  to  digital  music  applications,  

the   survey   asked   respondents   whether   they   bought   different  music   as   a   result   of   using  

iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube.  Although  iTunes  ranked  highest  on  the  buying  more  music  

metric,  Pandora  ranked  highest  for  buying  different  music,  and  YouTube  slightly  edged  out  

iTunes   for   second  place.   “Agree”   fell  within  one   standard  deviation  of  Pandora’s   average  

response,   with   over   35%   of   respondents   agreeing   or   strongly   agreeing,   compared   to  

YouTube’s  16%  and  iTunes’  18%.  


Figure  23  

The  most   intriguing  aspect  of   these  findings   is  not  that  Pandora  ranks  higher  than  

iTunes,  but  that  Pandora’s  average  response  for  the  “buy  different  music”  metric  is  higher  

than   its   average   response   for   “buy   more   music”.   Though   the   majority   of   users   don’t  

perceive  Pandora  as  increasing  their  music  purchases,  a  significant  portion  believe  Pandora  

2.31  2.88  








iTunes   Pandora   YouTube  

Disagree            Neutral              Agree  

I  buy  different  music  

+1  σ  Mean  -­‐1  σ  

Page 59: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


is   redirecting   their  music   spending.   It’s   also   important   to   note   that   Pandora   pays   artists  

both   performance   and   composition   royalties   every   time   a   song   is   played,   regardless   of  

whether  the  user  skips  it.  In  this  way,  users  indirectly  support  unfamiliar  music  simply  by  

using  Pandora,  whether   they   end  up  buying   or   not.   As  mentioned   earlier,   iTunes  Genius  

and  YouTube’s  recommended  videos,  social  functionality,  and  links  to  iTunes  all  contribute  

to  the  portion  of  respondents  who  say  they  are  buying  different  music,  though  the  majority  

indicate  otherwise.    

Buying  Concert  Tickets  

The   third  possible   effect   on   spending   that   the   survey  measured  was  users  buying  

concert   tickets   that   they   otherwise  wouldn’t   have,   as   a   result   of   new  music   technology.    

Based  on  my  preliminary  study’s  findings  for  a  Communication  course  at  Stanford,  I  didn’t  

expect   more   than   a   handful   of   respondents   to   agree   for   any   of   the   services.   While   this  

metric   did   measure   the   lowest   on   average   for   all   three,   both   Pandora   and   YouTube  

performed  much   better   than   expected.   Respondents   ranked   Pandora   highest   once   again  

with  over  17%  agreeing  or  strongly  agreeing.  YouTube’s  agree  and  strongly  agree  groups  

were  even  at  6%  each,  and  iTunes  had  5%  indicating  agree  and  none  for  strongly  agree.  

Page 60: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  



Figure  24  

There  are  a  number  of  possible  explanations  for  Pandora  and  YouTube’s  albeit  slight  

victory  over   iTunes   in   this  measure.  First,  both  services  monetize   through  advertising  on  

pages   with   content   that   is   either   mostly   or   completely   music-­‐based.   This   makes   both  

services   prime   locations   for   concert   advertising.   Second,   two   of   the   primary  motives   for  

attending  concerts  include  discovering  new  music  and  sharing  the  experience  with  friends,  

both   of  which   Pandora   and   YouTube   users   enjoy   online.     iTunes’   lower   ranking  may   be  

explained  by  the  fact  it  now  sells  live  albums  in  the  iTunes  Store,  reducing  some  users’  need  

to  attend  in  person.  

Music  is  Bigger  

The  final  measure  of  impact  on  spending  was  admittedly  vague,  asking  respondents  

to  indicate  their  level  of  agreement  with  the  statement  “music  plays  a  bigger  role  in  my  life”  

as  a  result  of  using  the  three  music  apps.  Although  its  implications  are  difficult  to  quantify,  

it  addresses  the  idea  that  new  music  technology  brings  users  closer  to  their  favorite  songs  

and   artists,   which   benefits   everyone   in   the   industry.   While   Pandora   ranked   highest   on  

1.82  2.43   2.25  







iTunes   Pandora   YouTube  

Disagree        Neutral            Agree  

I  buy  more  concert  tickets  

+1  σ  Mean  -­‐1  σ  

Page 61: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


average,  respondents  had  more  polarized  opinions  of  YouTube,  bringing  its  upper  standard  

deviation   above   Pandora’s.   iTunes   scored   an   average   just   under   neutral,  with   over   33%  

agreeing  or  strongly  agreeing.    


Figure  25  

Due   to   the   abstract   nature   of   the   question   and   the   closeness   between   the   three  

services,   analyzing   any   causes   for   difference  would   be   purely   conjecture.     However,   this  

particular  metric  suggests  that  at  least  half  of  college  students  are  more  engaged  in  music  

as   a   result   of   using   the   three  music   apps   in   question.   In   constructing   this   portion   of   the  

survey,   the  previous  metrics   followed  a  general  order  of   increasing   levels  of  engagement.  

By  placing  this  metric  at   the  end,   it’s  possible  I  primed  some  respondents  to  select   lower  

levels   of   agreement   than   if   I   had   placed   at   the   beginning.   One   could   argue   that   the   first  

metric,   listening   to   music   more,   would   qualify   as   music   playing   a   bigger   role   in  

respondents’  lives,  despite  the  latter  scoring  lower  overall.  


2.96  3.35   3.30  







iTunes   Pandora   YouTube  

Disagree            Neutral              Agree  

Music  plays  a  bigger  role  in  my  life  

+1  σ  Mean  -­‐1  σ  

Page 62: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  



My  love  for  music  and  new  recommendation  technologies  drove  me  to  explore  how  

other  college  students  navigate  the  unlimited  choice  of  digital  music.  Growing  up  I  noticed  

how  often  people  complained  that  the  radio  only  played  the  same  ten  songs.  But  after  a  few  

failed  attempts  at  DJ-­‐ing  parties  with  family  and  friends,  I  understood  that  radio  stations  

could  only  take  a  limited  number  of  risks  in  terms  of  unfamiliar  or  irrelevant  music.  I  also  

quickly  learned  that  my  parents  and  their  friends  didn’t  enjoy  hard  rock  the  same  way  that  

my  garage  band-­‐mates  and  I  did.    Witnessing  the  fundamental  power  of  music  in  my  own  

life,  I  became  especially  curious  about  how  music  preferences  are  formed  and  transformed.  

Through  this  study,  I  was  able  to  answer  many  of  the  questions  I  had  pondered  about  

individuals’  tastes  in  music,  and  also  came  up  with  several  new  questions  to  explore  in  the  


In  my  analysis  of  the  six  factors  impacting  song  preference,  I  was  fairly  surprised  by  

how  low  respondents’  ranked  the  importance  of  popularity  and  friends’  tastes.  These  two  

factors  arguably  played  the  biggest  roles  in  determining  song  preference  prior  to  the  

Internet,  and  now  seem  to  be  of  secondary  importance.  The  two  most  important  factors  in  

song  preference  turned  out  to  be  “fitting  the  mood”  and  “artistic  talent,”  the  former  of  

which  may  be  served  by  emotion-­‐based  music  recommendation,  user-­‐generated  tags,  or  

Pandora’s  themed  radio  stations.  The  much  greater  perceived  importance  of  “artistic  

talent”  compared  to  “popularity”  seems  to  represent  a  growing  trend  among  younger  

generations.  Adolescents  subscribing  to  this  “hipster”  attitude  assume  that  popular  songs  

are  rarely  made  by  artistically  talented  artists,  and  also  that  the  fewer  people  that  have  

Page 63: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


heard  of  their  preferred  artists  or  songs,  the  better.  Those  with  a  strong  desire  for  

unfamiliar  music  tend  to  spend  hours  searching  various  obscure  music  sites  and  blogs,  

while  others  are  content  with  the  occasional  unfamiliar  song  on  Pandora  or  Genius  

recommendation  on  iTunes.    New  music  technologies  that  account  for  varying  degrees  of  

the  hipster  mindset  will  serve  college  users  better  at  the  very  least,  and  may  also  widen  the  

musical  horizons  of  older  generations  accustomed  to  AM/FM  radio  and  other  traditional  

music  media.  

The  vast  majority  of  my  examination  of  music  preferences  focused  on  variables’  

correlations  with  genre  preferences.  I  found  that  users  who  liked  at  least  one  niche  genre  

were  much  more  likely  to  enjoy  several  more  genres,  whereas  more  popular  genres  like  hip  

hop/rap,  dance,  and  pop  were  associated  with  much  narrower  tastes  in  music.  There  were  

also  a  number  of  significant  correlations  between  genre  preferences  and  demographic  

information  like  age,  gender,  and  computer  skill  level.  While  music  technologies  currently  

track  user  demographics,  this  study’s  findings  suggest  that  their  recommendation  

algorithms  should  alter  suggestions  for  different  demographical  groups.  Additionally,  

further  research  should  explore  correlations  with  artist  and  song  preferences,  and  also  

examine  how  personality-­‐based  questions  relate  to  music  tastes.  For  example,  users  who  

play  baseball  may  be  especially  likely  to  enjoy  Jimmy  Buffet’s  music.  

Both  musical  experience  and  listening  environment  also  impacted  respondents’  

music  preferences,  revealing  a  need  for  further  inquiry  and  possibly  the  incorporation  of  

this  data  in  recommendation  systems.  Musical  experience  generally  showed  a  predictable  

trend  of  being  positively  correlated  preference  for  niche  genres,  which  almost  undoubtedly  

Page 64: The Longer Tails of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube

The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


applies  to  lesser  known  artists  and  songs  as  well.  Despite  the  brevity  of  the  survey’s  section  

on  music  listening  environment,  it  uncovered  interesting  relationships  between  genre  

preferences  and  the  location,  state,  and  activity  of  music  technology  users.  Once  again,  the  

width  of  topics  that  the  survey  addresses  and  non-­‐random  sampling  prevent  definitive  

conclusions  in  these  areas,  warranting  additional  study.  

I  personally  use  at  least  seven  different  music  sites  and  services  on  a  weekly  basis,  

and  I’ve  always  loved  hearing  how  others  find  music  online.  In  this  study  I  selected  the  

most  popular  and  purely  legal  music  applications,  narrowing  down  the  list  to  my  three  

favorites  for  more  focused  analysis.  Though  Pandora  turned  out  to  be  respondents’  

favorite,  most  students  indicated  that  they  use  all  three  services  and  probably  use  several  

more.  The  most  relevant  question  on  the  survey  regarding  the  reasons  to  choose  one  

service  over  another  asked  respondents  their  favorite  feature.  Results  showed  that  users  

favor  YouTube  for  its  wide  selection  of  music,  Pandora  for  its  song  recommendation  and  

personalization,  and  iTunes  for  its  interface  and  range  of  features.  Although  iTunes’  

apparent  balanced  effort  between  features  appealed  to  many  respondents,  Pandora  and  

YouTube’s  domination  of  one  or  two  core  features  seemed  to  elicit  more  passionate  

responses  from  users.  

Besides  preference  for  core  features,  respondents’  demographics  played  an  

important  role  in  the  determination  of  music  technology  preference.  First,  younger  

respondents  favored  YouTube  while  older  respondents  favored  iTunes.  These  correlations  

may  be  due  to  differences  between  age  groups’  size  of  music  collections,  budgets  for  music,  

music  preferences,  or  other  causes.  Next,  females  were  significantly  more  likely  to  rank  

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


Pandora  as  their  favorite,  while  males  were  slightly  more  inclined  to  favor  iTunes.    The  

surveyed  college  students  from  Stanford  and  Arizona  State  University  were  significantly  

more  likely  to  prefer  iTunes,  while  students  from  Glendale  Community  College  tended  to  

prefer  Pandora  and  YouTube.  Stanford  and  ASU  students’  preference  for  iTunes  is  likely  a  

result  of  Apple’s  strong  brand  awareness  on  both  campuses,  while  GCC  students’  

preference  for  Pandora  and  YouTube  may  be  a  result  of  these  being  free  sources  of  new  

music.  Three  out  of  the  four  demographic  variables  that  I  analyzed  were  significantly  

correlated  with  preference  for  one  or  more  music  technologies.  

Musical  experience  and  musical  education  both  influenced  choice  of  music  

technology  as  well,  to  varying  degrees.  Respondents  who  chose  Pandora  tended  to  listen  to  

music  more  often  both  in  general  and  online.  In  terms  of  music  education,  respondents  who  

had  taken  more  music  classes  in  school  or  more  private  instrument  lessons  were  more  

likely  to  use  iTunes  and  less  likely  to  use  YouTube.  This  was  surprising  because  I  expected  

musicians  to  use  YouTube  to  showcase  their  work,  but  it’s  likely  that  experienced  

musicians  have  a  greater  appreciation  for  music  and  are  therefore  more  willing  to  pay  for  

it.  Additionally,  musically  experienced  individuals  listen  to  a  wider  range  of  genres  and  

appear  to  prefer  iTunes’  interface  that  provides  greater  control  over  their  listening  

experience.  Keeping  these  trends  in  mind,  music  services  like  Pandora  and  YouTube  might  

test  and  implement  new  subscription-­‐based  features  that  acknowledge  users’  musical  

experience  and  education,  whether  this  means  tweaking  recommendation  algorithms  or  

using  an  alternative  interface  for  improved  control.  

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The  Longer  Tails  of  iTunes,  Pandora  and  YouTube                                                                                                                                Penrose  


While  knowing  the  factors  that  influence  college  students’  choice  of  music  and  music  

technology  is  valuable,  determining  the  effect  of  these  technologies  on  music  preference  

and  spending  was  the  primary  goal  of  this  research.  I  predicted  that  the  shift  from  AM/FM  

radio  to  digital  music  would  reshape  demand  in  the  music  industry  to  lessen  the  

domination  of  hit  artists  and  open  up  opportunities  for  lesser-­‐known  artists.  As  one  might  

expect,  the  simple  answer  is  that  it’s  complicated.  All  three  new  technologies  that  I  studied  

benefit  the  music  industry  by  increasing  users’  engagement  and  expanding  their  

preferences  both  within  and  across  genres.  Pandora  was  the  clear  winner  in  terms  of  

causing  users  to  consume  music  more  often,  listen  to  a  wider  range  of  genres,  listen  to  

more  music  within  familiar  genres,  and  buy  different  music.  In  this  way,  Pandora  does  the  

most  to  support  artists  further  down  “the  long  tail”.  On  the  other  hand,  YouTube  appears  to  

enhance  social  music  sharing  better  than  Pandora  or  iTunes,  and  iTunes  understandably  

facilitates  music  purchase  more  than  the  other  two.  Future  research  may  examine  each  

service’s  effect  in  greater  detail,  and  include  other  new  music  technologies  as  well.  

Despite  my  best  attempts  to  balance  comprehensiveness  and  manageability,  the  

survey  may  have  missed  some  factors  that  influence  music  tastes  and  choice  of  technology.  

On  the  other  hand,  with  a  completion  rate  under  16%,  the  survey’s  appearance  or  length  

clearly  dissuaded  most  potential  respondents  from  completing  it.  After  I  finished  designing  

the  survey,  several  new  music  applications  like  Spotify  and  8tracks  became  prime  

candidates  for  similar  research,  making  me  wish  I  could  start  over  again.  However,  this  

study’s  multivariate  approach  contributed  original  and  significant  findings  that  

demonstrate  the  potential  of  new  music  technology  to  benefit  college  students,  artists  

along  “the  long  tail,”  and  the  music  industry  as  a  whole.  

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Beer,  David.  "The  Pop-­‐Pickers  Have  Picked  Decentralised  Media:  The  Fall  of  Top  of  the  Pops  and  the  Rise  of  the  Second  Media  Age."  Sociological  Research  Online  11,  no.  3  (2006).    

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1.  Full  Survey  



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2.  Survey  Recruitment  Email  

From: Andrew Penrose [email protected]

BCC: Stanford email lists, my parents’ students at Glendale Community College, ASU friends

Subject: Andrew's Brief Music Technology Survey (could change your life)

Hi Everyone, I'm writing my honors thesis on digital music technologies and I'm surveying college students to better understand the usage and effect of iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube. Please do me a favor and take 15 minutes to share your experience with online music and support my research. https://www.rationalsurvey.com/s/1524 Go ahead and forward this if you love good music and want to make it easier to find. :) I really appreciate it! Thanks, Andrew -- Andrew Penrose Science, Technology and Society, B.A. Honors Stanford Class of 2012 [email protected] | (602) 451-0150 | @apenrose3  
