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THE LORD’S PRAYER: FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS€¦ · Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our...

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LEVEL GROUND MENNONITE CHURCH AT-HOME WORSHIP (MARCH 29) THE LORD’S PRAYER: FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS ... SETUP Provide copies of The Lord’s Prayer, A Litany Amidst The Covid-19 Outbreak, and song lyrics for everyone in your group (3 pages in total; see below) Before beginning, cue up the song (see below) on your internet device so that it can be played with minimal distraction. Gather participants in a comfortable environment: around a kitchen table, in the living room, backyard, etc. As a group you can include additional Scripture to be read, either Scripture of your own choosing or passages suggested in the devotional (see below). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - READ ALOUD TOGETHER The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:9-13 (see below) DEVOTIONAL Have one person read this out loud or divvy up paragraphs among the group: With everything that is going on, its hard to believe that Easter is only two weeks away. Lent is nearly over, and we are close to the end of the Lords Prayer. This Sunday we receive the phrase And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” As we reflect on this portion of the prayer, you are invited to consider how it resonates with you and meets you where you are at. These days we are all feeling the burden of debt to some degree. Many of us have lost income or employment due to the restrictions that are in place. Some of us have incurred higher expenses at this time. The debts are not only financial though. Many of us intuitively tally wrongs or slights done to us. We keep track of violations and offenses. At a time when social distancing presses us into close quarters with loved ones, the weight of these debts can separate people far beyond the four walls they share together. How does the Lord’s Prayer shape us for such a time as this? ... Forgive us our debts ...The first half of this verse addresses the relationship between the pray-er and God. To be forgiven is to be freed: freed from payment, freed from burden, freed from guilt. All is cancelled, the debt no longer binds. There are no provisos or qualifications stated: all debts unto God are forgiven by God. We tend to hide our debts. This prayer directs us to get honest about the violations we have inflicted. Unresolved debts make for a heavy burden, and Jesus wants to release us from the weight of our wrongs. Because we are not made to carry debts. Over time we break down and suffer under the strain of it all. The good news is that rest is the reward for those who acknowledge their burdens and turn them over to Jesus. (Matthew 11:28-30)
Page 1: THE LORD’S PRAYER: FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS€¦ · Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but



SETUP Provide copies of The Lord’s Prayer, A Litany Amidst The Covid-19 Outbreak, and song lyrics for

everyone in your group (3 pages in total; see below)

Before beginning, cue up the song (see below) on your internet device so that it can be played with minimal distraction.

Gather participants in a comfortable environment: around a kitchen table, in the living room, backyard, etc.

As a group you can include additional Scripture to be read, either Scripture of your own choosing or passages suggested in the devotional (see below).

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The Lord’s Prayer – Matthew 6:9-13 (see below)

DEVOTIONAL Have one person read this out loud or divvy up paragraphs among the group:

With everything that is going on, it’s hard to believe that Easter is only two weeks away. Lent is nearly over, and we are close to the end of the Lord’s Prayer. This Sunday we receive the phrase “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” As we reflect on this portion of the prayer, you are invited to consider how it resonates with you and meets you where you are at. These days we are all feeling the burden of debt to some degree. Many of us have lost income or employment due to the restrictions that are in place. Some of us have incurred higher expenses at this time. The debts are not only financial though. Many of us intuitively tally wrongs or slights done to us. We keep track of violations and offenses. At a time when social distancing presses us into close quarters with loved ones, the weight of these debts can separate people far beyond the four walls they share together. How does the Lord’s Prayer shape us for such a time as this? “... Forgive us our debts ...” The first half of this verse addresses the relationship between the pray-er and God. To be forgiven is to be freed: freed from payment, freed from burden, freed from guilt. All is cancelled, the debt no longer binds. There are no provisos or qualifications stated: all debts unto God are forgiven by God. We tend to hide our debts. This prayer directs us to get honest about the violations we have inflicted. Unresolved debts make for a heavy burden, and Jesus wants to release us from the weight of our wrongs. Because we are not made to carry debts. Over time we break down and suffer under the strain of it all. The good news is that rest is the reward for those who acknowledge their burdens and turn them over to Jesus. (Matthew 11:28-30)

Page 2: THE LORD’S PRAYER: FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS€¦ · Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but

“...As we also have forgiven our debtors ...” In the same way that we are not made to carry debts, we are also not made to impose debts upon others. Holding onto offenses done to us may ultimately do more harm to us than to our debtor. Holding out for restitution can isolate and separate, placing us in a prison just as restrictive as the actual debt itself. Keeping score of wrongs means we always lose. As the saying goes, “Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” To forgive someone is to let go of the offense as well as the resentment it has generated. To forgive and to be forgiven is to find freedom. While the Lord’s Prayer is certainly communal (spoken in terms of “us” and not “me” or “I”), this is the first and only time other people are directly mentioned in the prayer. And surprisingly, it is people who are – at least in our own eyes – not in good standing with us. We are prompted by Jesus to treat those who have incurred a debt to us the same way we want to be treated by God.

(Matthew 18-21-35) The pardon of a debt does not mean that everything is restored and as it should be. But it does mean that bill of payment is no longer yours to hold. It means that you are freed from resentment to love, to experience peace, and to embrace hope. “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” How does this prayer shape your posture and perspective today?

REFLECTION Take a few minutes to reflect on this portion of the Lord’s Prayer personally. In preparing for sharing and responding, consider how you might respond to these questions:

What debts has God forgiven in my life? What burdens do I presently carry? How can I respond to God’s mercy and compassion with trust, worship, or gratitude today?

Who are the debtors in my life, the people I keep score with? How have I been wronged, what is owed to me? How might Jesus be leading me into a new way of living? What do I need to let go of?

What are the debts of those around me? How could God be prompting me to lighten my neighbour’s burdens?

SHARING Respond to the Scripture focus and the reflection questions, taking turns to express how the passage resonates with you. Perhaps you have a seen a prayer request filled, perhaps the text connected with you or you have observation that you would like to share with the group.


In quietness turn what was shared into prayer. Take a moment or two of silence to contemplate, to express gratitude for God’s provisions, to intercede for matters shared, to worship.

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Play Matt Maher ”Lord, I Need You” (lyrics below) www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuvfMDhTyMA


A Litany Amidst The Covid-19 Outbreak by Michael Kurth (see below) This is a reader response prayer. Either have one person in your group read the sentences in plain text (and everyone else responds with the bold italicized text). Or, take turns going around in a circle line by line, giving each person multiple opportunities to read a portion of the plain text. Give space for anyone who wants to respond to the reader response prayer, whether it be a response of gratitude or confession, a reflection of encourage and hope, etc. If there a leading to respond with song, consider singing the Doxology together (below) before reading the benediction.


Read in closing: Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. (Colossians 3:12-14) -----------------

OPTIONAL: SING THE DOXOLOGY As a way of concluding your time together you could sign the doxology.

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow Praise Him, all creatures here below Praise Him above, ye heavenly host Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

OPTIONAL: DAILY ACTION As a way of taking The Lord’s Prayer into your everyday life, you can recite The Lord’s Prayer every time you wash your hands

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The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. (Matthew 6:9-13)

A LITANY AMIDST THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK God the Father, Have mercy on us. God the Son, Have mercy on us. God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us. Most merciful God, we come to you in this time of anxiety and uncertainty surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19. As the sorrows of our heart and mind increase, we ask you to save us from all trouble and fear. Cast away all works of darkness. Be our rock, a castle to keep us safe. For the Lord is our stronghold and sure defense, and he will be our Savior. For all who have died: receive them into the arms of your mercy, grant them eternal peace, and surround those who mourn with your healing grace. Lord, hear our prayer. For those directly infected with the virus: help them recover in good health and restore them in body, mind and spirit. Lord, hear our prayer. For those at high risk of infection, especially the elderly; for those with underlying illnesses; the poor, and the marginalized: keep them healthy and free from all sickness. Lord, hear our prayer. For those in quarantine, the shut-in, and the infirmed: help them find peace, keep them in good health, and renew their mind and spirit. Lord, hear our prayer. For all hospitals, doctors, nurses, and staff: protect them as they minister to the sick, relieve all stress, and provide the resources and space to meet the needs of all the infirmed. Lord, hear our prayer. For first responders: guard them from all harm, and grant them strength and courage as they respond to all calls for help. Lord, hear our prayer. For service industry workers and those forced to work as their community shuts down: keep them healthy, bestow the resources to best care for themselves and their families, and assure them in times of financial and medical anxiety. Lord, hear our prayer.

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For those experiencing financial loss and uncertainty of resources: have mercy on them, alleviate any fear, and provide for them daily bread and wage. Lord, hear our prayer. For the leaders of this nation and the world: help them make sound and safe decisions to best secure the future of our planet. Lord, hear our prayer. For all schools, students, teachers, administrators and school staff: as schools remain open, keep them healthy and in good spirit to learn; as schools close, feed those who will go hungry without guaranteed meals and shelter all students have no place to live. Lord, hear our prayer. For all scientists and those working to find a cure: inspire them towards your truth, and help them discover and disseminate a vaccine and cure. Lord, hear our prayer. For all media and journalists: protect them from all harm in their reporting, and move them to be a vector of truth and certainty, and never fear or panic. Lord, hear our prayer. For all places of worship: embolden them to be beacons of hope and love, and help us to gather however and wherever we can – be it in person or online – to give you praise. Lord, hear our prayer. For the leaders of our church: help them minister to their flock; fortify them to be faithful pastors, to persevere in prayer, and to build up the family of God in new and creative ways. Lord, hear our prayer. For the young: spare them from harm and fear, and keep them a joyful sign of your love and light. Lord, hear our prayer. For all parents: build in them strength and fortitude for the time ahead, and give them the words and witness to be wise counselors and compassionate caregivers. Lord, hear our prayer. For calm amidst the storm: as the waves toss our boat and we wonder “do you not care?”, remind us to not be afraid, that with you all things are possible, and that even the wind and sea obey you. Lord, hear our prayer. Stir up in us a spirit of compassion and resilience for the time ahead. Amen. Move us to check-in with those who are alone or vulnerable, and those in quarantine. Amen. Ease our fear and anxiety, that we may share our resources rather than hoard them, and extend a helping hand to those in need. Amen. Inspire us to share the Good News of your love, hope and peace. Amen. All this we ask through your son Jesus Christ our Lord: healer of the sick, ruler of the stormy sea, and Savior of the world. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (EVERYONE) Christ, have mercy.

Source: Michael Kurth (https://earthandaltarmag.com/posts/a-litany-amidst-the-covid-19-outbreak) – slightly adapted

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"Lord, I Need You" (Matt Maher)

Lord, I come, I confess Bowing here I find my rest

Without You I fall apart You're the One that guides my heart

Lord, I need You, oh, I need You

Every hour I need You My one defense, my righteousness

Oh God, how I need You

Where sin runs deep Your grace is more Where grace is found is where You are

Where You are, Lord, I am free Holiness is Christ in me

Lord, I need You, oh, I need You

Every hour I need You My one defense, my righteousness

Oh God, how I need You

So teach my song to rise to You When temptation comes my way

When I cannot stand I'll fall on You Jesus, You're my hope and stay

Lord, I need You, oh, I need You

Every hour I need You My one defense, my righteousness

Oh God, how I need You

You're my one defense, my righteousness Oh God, how I need You

My one defense, my righteousness Oh God, how I need You
