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The Macedonians and the Hellenistic Age · 3 Name: _____ Date: _____ Greece Directions: Using pgs...

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1 Unit 3 Ancient Greece Name: _____________________________


Unit 3

Ancient Greece

Name: _____________________________



Name: ________________________ Date: ______________

Greece Directions: Using pgs 121 and 124 of your textbook, color the areas that represented Greece around 750 BC. Label the following items:

Macedonia, Peleponnesus,

City-states: Athens, Sparta, Olympia, Knossos, Crete, Rhodes, Mycenae, Byzantium, Troy, Thebes

Seas: Ionian Sea, Aegean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea



very _______________


Poor ____________

Natural _______________

_________________ city-states formed __________=Greek city-state

o Each formed their own ____________ and ________ o Lack of _____ often led to _________ and ______ for

control o Only a few _________ people lived in Greece at a time


Minoan Civilization

• located on the island of____________

• flourished from __________________________

• Named after ruler: _________________________

Mycenaean Civilization • located on the ________________portion of

_________________ ____________________

• flourished from 2000BC to 1100 BC

• Traded with ________________

• Civilization ended a few years after the _________ _________Conflict

The Dark Ages (1100 BC- 750 BC)

• time of __________________

• The _____________invaded from the north and took over what was left of __________________ civilizations

• _________________ stopped for over 350 years

• __________________and ___________nearly stopped completely

• little ____________ _____________during this time


City states:

Emerged around _______

Fundamental ____________ unit of ancient Greece

Made up of a __________ and its ______________ ______________

Home to fewer than __________________ residents

The geographically isolated city-states were ruled by many different forms of _________________

These independent city-states were often ___________

• tyranny

• aristocracy

• oligarchy

• monarchy

• democracy


Activity Sheet!

A. Vocabulary Builder: Use the vocabulary from the box to fill in the correct blank.

A blind man named 1. _____________ was the greatest storyteller of the Dorian Age. He composed a 2. ____________ called the Iliad. The Iliad tells about a long siege of the city of Troy during the 3._________________. The Iliad is one of the sources of Ancient Greek stories called 4. ___________________.

B. Use your textbook to answer the following questions.

1. Why was access to sea important to the Greeks? (p. 123, par. 3)

2. How did the land’s mountainous terrain influence Greek political life? (p. 123-124)

3. What geographical factor may have prompted the Greeks to seek colonies? (p. 124, par. 1)

4. How did the moderate climate affect Greek life? (p. 124, par. 2)

Epic: Narrative poem celebrating heroic deeds Homer: Greek poet who composed the Iliad and Odyssey Myths: traditional stories Trojan War: Ten-year war in which Mycenaean attacked the city of Troy



Developed the first form of _______________ o _____________________________________

A citizen



___________________ ____________, _____________, and ______________ were

excluded from citizenship and had few rights

___________ democracy= citizens cast their own vote in the assembly

___________ democracy= elect officials to represent citizens in assemblies

Military Service:

men ages __________

Education: to develop ____________ (mental, physical and moral)

only ______ from __________ families received formal education

studied _______________________________________________ _________________________________

received training in __________ and ________ (public speaking)

part of the day spent on _______________ activities

Role of Women:

educated at home by mothers and other females in the household o learned how to become _______________and ___________


1. Prefix and its meaning

4. related words

2. Root word and meaning

3. Meaning of entire word


Activity Sheet

A. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Use your textbook. 1. Why was Athens considered a limited democracy? (p. 128, par. 5)

2. How did life differ for girls and boys in Athens? (pp. 128-129)

B. Ancient Greece: Social Structure of Athens

Society in Athens was very structured. Athenian citizens had many rights, including having a say in government. However, not everyone who lived in Athens was a citizen. To qualify for citizenship, a person had to be a free man whose parents were Athenian. Decide if each person described below could be a citizen of Athens. Write C for citizen and N for noncitizen on the line. 1. _____ a craftsman who moved to Athens from Sparta 2. _____ the wife of a wealthy Athenian citizen 3. _____ a former slave who bought his freedom and became wealthy 4. _____ a poor free man whose parents both came from Athens 5. _____ an Athenian senator

C. Compare and Contrast Athenian democracy to democracy in the United States using

page 120 of your textbook.

What are two differences? Athenian Democracy American Democracy

What are two similarities? 1. Athenian and American democracy both __________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Athenian and American democracy both __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ How has Greece influenced governments of today? ___________________________




• _____________ part of Greece known as _____________


• ______________ neighboring Messina

• peasants were forced to _______ ______________________________

• outnumbered Spartans ___ to____

Military State:

• each individual owed __________________________________

• those who were weak were ______________

• boys became soldiers at age ___

Individual Expression

• ____________________

• _______________________ ________________

Role of Women

• received some ________________________

• _________________________ during the absence of husband


Athens vs. Sparta: A Comparison Directions: Check the city state that the question best describes.

Statement/Question Athens Sparta

1. Which had the largest population?


2. Which had a direct democracy?

3. Which was a military oligarchy?

4. Which had two kings?

5. Which had an assembly?

Social Structure:

6. Which had aristocrats as the upper class?

7. Which had foreigners as the working class?

8. Which had slaves?


9. Which was the leader of the Delian League?

10. Which was the leader of the Peloponnesian League?

Military Strengths:

11. Which had the strongest Navy?

12. Which had the strongest army on land?

Lifestyle and values:

13. Which had militaristic views?

14. Which had democratic values?

Role of Women:

15. Which limited women’s roles in politics?

16. Which gave the most freedom to women?


17. Which valued poetry and music?

18. Which valued athletics?

19. Which gave more education to girls?

20. Which gave more education to boys?

Cultural Achievements and Legacy:

21. Which had achievements in science and medicine?


Topic Athens Sparta

Population Approximately 140,000; Approximately 40,000 were men citizens; and slaves (about 40,000.) Athens had the most populist city-state in Hellas. In Athens and Attica there were at least 150,000 Athenians, around 50,000 aliens and more than 100,000 slaves.

Approximately 8,000 Spartiates (adult male citizens) ruled over a population of 100,000 enslaved and semi-enslaved people.

Government: Athenian government: usually classified as a “direct democracy” Elected officials including 10 generals, magistrates and others. Council of 500 was charged with administrating decisions made by the Assembly. The Assembly was open to all citizens. They passed laws and made policy decisions. During the time of Pericles, citizens were paid for jury service so not only the wealthy could participate. Women did not participate in the political life of Athens.

Spartan government: usually classified as an oligarchy, but had elements of monarchy, democracy, and aristocracy. Two kings who were generals in command of the armies with some religious duties. Five overseers were elected annually ran the day to day operations of Sparta. They could veto rulings made by council of assembly. Council or Senate: 28 councilmen (men over 60 and elected for life by citizens) and the 2 kings. They acted as judges and proposed laws to citizens’ assembly. The assembly of all Spartan males aged 30 or over could support or veto the council’s recommendations by shouting out their votes. Women did not participate in the political life of Sparta.

Social Structure:

Freemen were all male citizens divided into social classes.

Aristocrats: large estates and up of Calvary

Middle ranks were small farmers

Lowest class was thetes (urban craftsmen and tiresome rowers)

Slaves were the lowest class but were less harshly treated than in most Greek cities. Slaves had no rights.

Women were rarely seen outside the home and had no rights in the Athenian democracy.

3 classes Spartiates: military professionals

who lived mostly in barracks and whose land was farmed by serfs; they served in the army and could vote

Perioeci: “neighbors/outsiders” who were freemen, included artisans, craftsmen, merchants, they could not vote or serve in army.

Helots: serfs descended from the peoples who had resisted subjugation by Sparta and were constantly rebelling. They were treated like slaves and gave ½ of their produce to the Spartan citizens.

Women had few rights, but were more independent in Sparta than elsewhere in Greece.



Delian League: (with Athens clearly the most powerful); Athens taxed and protected other city-states.

Peloponnesian League: (with Sparta clearly the most powerful.)

Military Strengths: Strong Navy Strong army, best and most feared fighters on land.

Lifestyle and values:

Democratic values for citizens. They believed in participation in government as a civic responsibility,

Militaristic values.

Role of Women: Athenian women and girls were kept at home with no participation in sports or politics. Wives were considered property of their husbands.

Girls were educated in reading and writing and could participate in sports; they were treated more like equals. Citizen women were free to move around and enjoyed a great deal of freedom.

Education: Boys: schools taught reading, writing, and mathematics, music, poetry, sport and gymnastics. Based upon their birth and the wealth of their parents, the length of education was from 5 to 14, for the wealthier 5-18. Girls: received very little formal education. They were generally kept at home and educated on spinning, weaving and other domestic art.

Boys: Boys were taken from their parents at age 7 and trained in the art of warfare. They were educated in choral dance, reading and writing, but athletics and military training were emphasized. Girls: Girls were educated at age 7 in reading, writing, gymnastics, athletics and survival skills.

Cultural Achievements and Legacy:

Art, architecture, drama and literature, philosophy, science, medicine, etc. Government: democracy, trial by jury

Military supremacy and simple lifestyle are the major inspiration behind the philosopher Plato’s book, The Republic, the first attempt to formulate an ideal community.



• Most famous sports festival – ___________________ Games

• Series of athletic competitions among city-states of __________________________

• Games honored _____________ {father of all Greek Gods/Goddesses}

• Games were held in _________________

• Records first kept track in ________ B.C. – Games ended in ________ A.D.


• Held every _______ years (there were _______ Ancient Olympic Games)

Basis for today’s modern day __________________ GAMES


• During the games - an __________________ was enacted so that athletes could travel

from their countries to the games in safety

• Prizes for winners were _______________________________

• Olympics also featured _______________________ celebrations and artistic


• _________________________ at Olympia was counted as one of the seven wonders of

the ancient world

• Running events, a pentathlon (consisting of a jumping event, discus and javelin throws, a

foot race, and wrestling), boxing, wrestling, pankration, and equestrian


The Persian wars were between ___________________ and the _______________________ empire.

In _________ B.C. the Persians with ____________________ men sailed across the

_____________________ Sea and landed in _______________________________, northeast of

Athens. ___________________ Athenians defeated the Persians. A young Athenian (Pheidippides) ran

the ______ miles from Marathon to Athens to bring the news of the victory. This heroic act inspired

the marathon race which is still held at each Olympics games.

______________- Greek foot soldier _____________________

o Foot soldiers known as _______________, stood side by side, each holding a

___________ in one hand, and a _________ in the other

Important battles

o Battle of ___________

The Persians, led by _________________, came to a narrow mountain pass at

________________________________. There __________ Greeks, including _______

Spartans blocked his way. The Greeks stopped the Persian advance for ____ days, the

Spartans held the Persians back while the other ______________ forces retreated – all

______ Spartans were killed. The fierce ______________________ of the Spartan-led

army gave Athens _______________________ time to prepare for a decisive battle that

would determine the _________________ of the war. The Greek victory at the Battle of

__________________ destroyed the Persian navy and forced ___________________ to

retreat back to Asia.

o The ___________________

Result: new sense of _____________ and ____________

o Led to the __________________ of Athens


Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age What is a golden age? ___________________________________________________


____________: wise and able statesman who led __________ through much of its golden age (461-429 BC.) Period is known as the Age of Pericles.

Skillful ________________

Inspiring ______________

Respected _____________

Pericles’ 3 Goals

Strengthen Athenian Democracy

Hold and strengthen the empire

Glorify Athens


___________ was the leading city-state for achievements. Developments: Science: Archimedes

o Estimated the value of _____ o Explained the ______________

Mathematics: ______________ and Euclid o Formed the basis for _________________

Medicine: Hippocrates o ______________ oath- traditionally taken by doctors

swearing to _________ practice medicine

Developments in ___________________: ________________

o Wrote the tragedy- _______________ Euripides

o Wrote The Trojan Women- illustrated the __________________________

_____________ o Wrote the epics ___________________

Herodotus o _____________________________ o Wrote about the ______________ wars


3. Which part of the oath speaks to keeping things


A. "...all such should be kept secret."

B. "I will not cut persons laboring under the


C. "I will impart a knowledge of the Art to my


D. "I swear by Apollo the physician."

4. "I will give no deadly medicine to any one if

asked" would be a promise to prevent _____.

A. euthanasia

B. flu

C. strep throat

D. high expenses

The Hippocratic Oath (Original Version)

I SWEAR by Apollo the physician, A Esculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods

and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this


TO RECHON him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share my

substance with him, and relieve his necessities if required; to look up his offspring in the same

footing as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee

or stipulation; and that by precept, lecture, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a

knowledge of the Art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to disciples bound by a

stipulation and oath according the law of medicine, but to none others.

I WILL FOLLOW that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I

consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and

mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel;

(next phrase omitted for purpose of these questions)

WITH PURITY AND WITH HOLINESS I will pass my life and practice my Art. I will not

cut persons laboring under the stone, but will leave this to be done by men who are practitioners

of this work. Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and

will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption; and, further from the

seduction of females or males, of freemen and slaves.

WHATEVER, IN CONNECTION with my professional practice or not, in connection with it,

I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as

reckoning that all such should be kept secret. WHILE I CONTINUE to keep this Oath

unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the art, respected by all

men, in all times! But should I trespass and violate this Oath, may the reverse be my lot!

Document Caption: This is believed to be the original wording of the Hippocratic Oath, minus

one omission. More modern wording is used today, although the basic ideas remain true to the



1. The Hippocratic Oath would be taken by _____.

A. physicians

B. actors

C. teachers

D. the president

2. An oath is a (n) _____.

A. promise

B. fee

C. license

D. lottery


GREEK PHILOSOPHERS: After the __________________________________ many began to question values

• Greek Thinkers tried to use ________________________ and ___________________ to

understand why things happened

• Greeks called these thinkers Philosophers “lovers of ______________________”

• There were 3 famous Greek Philosophers:

1. S_____________________________

2. P _________________

3. A ___________________

Use pg. 138-139 in your text book to fill out the following graphic organizer.




Activity: Ancient Greece: Writers and Thinkers Many of Ancient Greece’s greatest thinkers and writers lived in Athens. Some of these men are listed in the box. Match each name with the correct description below. Write the correct letter on the line.

1. _____ philosopher; developed a method of inquiry made up of questions and answers, known today as the Socratic method

2. _____ philosopher; considered the founder of western science; favored a rational approach to the world, based on observation

3. _____ philosopher; studied under Socrates, taught Aristotle 4. _____ physician; considered the father of medicine 5. _____poet; credited with writing the epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey 6. _____ first historian of the western world

The Fall of Ancient Greece

_________________________ Wars (431- 404 BC)

Known as the “________________________”

__________ and ____________ fought a series of wars that severely


Spartans were jealous of ______________ being the

___________________ of Greece

__________________ claimed victory in 404 BC

o but the wars ________________ Greece

o Opened Greece to _________________

a. Aristotle c. Homer e. Plato b. Herodotus d. Hippocrates f. Socrates



The Macedonians and the Hellenistic Age Macedonia:

Kingdom located just ___________________________________ Looked down on by the Greeks- thought they were _____________ __________________________________________

____________ II (359 BC- 336 BC) Conquered the ______________________________________ in 338 BC Used _________________ formation to defeat enemies in battle Respected _____________ of Greece Assassinated by ____________ guardsmen

Alexander the Great (334 BC-323 BC) Became ___________ of Macedonia at age ____ Spent entire ruling career ______________________________; made it as far

as ________ before the troops demanded to return home Upon Alexander’s death, _______ generals fought for and gained control

of _______________________

Hellenistic Culture: Blending of ______________ culture with ____________, __________, and

_____________ influences (____________________________) Combining served to __________ Greece After Alexander the Great died in 323 BC, Greece _____________ and led

to the ________________ of _____________

Macedonia split after Alexander Antigonus- became ____________ of Macedonia and took over the Greek

city-states Ptolemy- took control of ______________; became a pharaoh Seleucus- created Seleucid kingdom (site of the old __________________



(Found on pages 144 and 145 of your textbook)

1. How many years are represented on the timeline? ________

2. How old was Alexander when he arrived in Egypt? ________

3. How many years after Alexander entered Anatolia did he die? _______

1. The continents that Alexander’s empire spread were _____________, ________________, and _____________


Name: ________________________ Ancient Greece Review Sheet

1. What is Greece’s geography like?

a. How did Greece’s geography influence/impact the society of ancient Greece?

2. What were the names of the earliest Greek civilizations (2000BC-1110 BC)?

3. What is a polis?

4. Compare and contrast Athens and Sparta?

5. What type of government did Athens have?

6. What was the Persian War? And what did it lead to?

7. What were some achievements of the ancient Athenians?

8. What did Homer write?

9. Who were Socrates, Plato and Aristotle?

a. What were their philosophies?

10. What war weakened Greece’s city-states and led to its downfall?

11. Where is Macedonia?

12. Who is Philip II?

13. Who is Alexander the Great? And what did he do?

14. What is Hellenistic Culture?

15. What happened to Alexander’s kingdom after he died?

16. Define the following forms of government.

a. Tyranny- b. Aristocracy- c. Oligarchy- d. Monarchy- e. Democracy-















Classical Greece Crossword

Down 1. Aristotle's most famous pupil

2. Rule by a few powerful people

3. Kingdom north of Greece 6. Piece of land that extends into a body of water 8. Center of Hellenistic culture

9. Ruler of Athens during its golden age

10. Greek city-state 11. Narrative poem celebrating heroic


Across 1. Key battle site of Persian Wars 5. Rule by the people 7. Birthplace of democracy 9. Southern part of Greece 11. Greece's greatest storyteller 13. Presented geometry propositions and


14. Rival to Athens

15. Taught using a question-and-answer approach

Word Bank:
















