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The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK world 32pp... · 2010. 3. 26. ·...

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www.ipa-uk.org Vol 55 No.1 2010 The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK Hope in our Hearts Martin Doherty reports from Norway Munro Mariners 2009 A Year in the Life... Colin Brocklehurst tells of his first year’s experience The Arthur Troop Scholarship Tom’s Adventure A story of a transglobal journey
Page 1: The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK world 32pp... · 2010. 3. 26. · Vol 55 No.1 2010 Features Regulars News 19-23 National News A round up of the news

www.ipa-uk.org Vol 55 No.1 2010

The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK

Hope in our HeartsMartin Doherty reports from Norway

Munro Mariners 2009

A Year in the Life...

Colin Brocklehurst tells of his

first year’s experience

The Arthur Troop Scholarship

Tom’s AdventureA story of a transglobal journey

Page 2: The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK world 32pp... · 2010. 3. 26. · Vol 55 No.1 2010 Features Regulars News 19-23 National News A round up of the news

4 Working on Your BehalfPage 4 is a new spot for the National President’s Column

6 Members Selected to Represent UKStephen Jefford reports from Poland

7 Stay at the Home of GolfA review of the IPA House St Andrews, Scotland

8 Ride a-long in HarlemPaul Cheetham visits the NYPD

9 Tribute to Old GuardDyfed Powys Branch visit Holland

10 Munro Mariners 2009A kayak expedition up the Gironde and Garonne rivers

12 Tom’s AdventureTom recalls his epic transglobal journey

13 A Year in the Life...Colin Brocklehurst tells of his first year’s experience as a member

14 The Arthur Troop ScholarshipMary Anne Valardi Feinstein reports from Gimborn

17-18 SportA round up of forthcoming sporting events

25 Competition PageWIN a copies of ‘Jack the Ripper’ by M.J Trow

and Blackstones Police Investigators Manuals

26-27 Diary datesBranch and regional dates and events

28 LettersMembers have their say

30 ClassifiedsHoliday lets in the UK and around the world

ContentsVol 55 No.1 2010



News19-23 National News

A round up of the news from the British Section

24 International NewsInternational diary dates and more



Lee Hemmingse-mail: [email protected]

Deadline for article submission for the next edition is 10 May 2010


Elizabeth Howgilltel: (+44) 0115 981 3638e-mail: [email protected]

General enquiries

IPA, BSAC, Arthur Troop House, 1 Fox Road,West Bridgford,Nottingham. NG2 6AJ

tel: (+44) 0115 981 3638fax: (+44) 0115 981 3349e-mail: [email protected]

Printed by

Warwick Printing LtdCaswell Road, Leamington Spa.Warwickshire. CV31 1QD


Membership is open to all serving and retired members of any civil Police Service. (Some conditions apply - seewww.ipa-uk.org for full details).

Joining the IPA costs just £30 andannual renewal is £25.

To apply either visit www.ipa-uk.org orrequest an application form from the general enquiries team.

ISSN No: 0032-261X

Police WorldThe magazine of the International PoliceAssociation, Section UK

A guide to

1 - Scotland

2 - Northern Ireland

3 - Northern England

4 - Wales

5 - Midlands

6 - Central London

7 - South West England

8 - East Anglia

9 - North West London, Beds & Herts

10 - North East London & Essex

11 - South London & South East England

• Welcome refreshments • Sandwich lunch and Cash bar • IPA Memorabilia from across the IPA World

• Significant historical archive materials on display • IPA Motorcycling Group display • IPA Caravanning and Camping Group display

• IPA Shop • Raffle • Free parking available • Meet the Staff and IPA volunteers – find out what they do

• Meet old IPA friends and make new ones! • Free Tour of Trent Bridge Cricket Ground*

• Free Tour of Nottingham City by Blue Badge Guide* • Free Tour of the Nottingham Council House and Mayor’s Parlour*

* Spaces are limited on all free tours and places must be booked in advance

For more details and to book visit: www.ipa-uk.org/openday

Extend your stay- Gala Dinner Dance Hosted by IPA Nottinghamshire Branch at Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club, Trent Bridge,

West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 6AJ

Saturday 24 July 2010, 7 pm – 12 midnight, £25.95 per head. For more details visit: www.ipa-uk.org/gala-dance

Contact: [email protected] Tel: 077477 66045

Page 3: The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK world 32pp... · 2010. 3. 26. · Vol 55 No.1 2010 Features Regulars News 19-23 National News A round up of the news

4 Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010 5

An Update from the NEC

Page 4 is a new spot for the National President’s column; after many years of speaking tothe membership on the opening right hand page of Police World, the Communications Teamhas suggested I lead a regular feature in which we share information about what’s beingdone by members on behalf of members.

The reason behind this feature is three-fold: first, it makes the membershipaware of the national strategy; second,

it acknowledges the role members areplaying in making things happen; and finallywe hope to encourage all members to offerfeedback, and where possible, get involved.

We should never become complacent to thework that members carry out, in their owntime and with no remuneration, on behalf ofthe Association. Whether it’s a member whogives just a few minutes of their time toanswer a question from an overseasmember, or a member prepared to spendmany hours a week on IPA matters – withoutsuch members the Section would collapse.

In recent months I have represented theSection at the funeral of two members whofell into the latter category. Roger Lincoln,who died in October 2009, joined IPA in 1971and held various National, Regional andBranch posts – most significantly, he servedon the National Executive Committee from1991 until 2006. A keen advocate of IBZGimborn, Roger made many friends at aninternational level. Roy Sheppard, who diedin January of this year, had a membershipstretching back to 1957 and his contributionto IPA was of a different kind. Roy owned aproperty in NW5 and from 1958 – 2007offered B&B accommodation (at minimalrates) to hundreds of IPA visitors fromoverseas. He will also be remembered forraising, single handedly, £3,000 for theInternational Conference hosted in Blackpool– that was back in 1964!

The Working Party looking into changes toRule 2 (eligibility for membership), met in

December. Tom Crozier, Secretary General,chairs the Working Party and and hasprovided a summary of the group’sdeliberations on page 20. Tom has alsooverseen the changes taking place to thestaffing provision at the British Section

Admin Centre (BSAC). Speaking about thechanges, Tom said “For many years the threestaff, i.e. the full-time Executive Officer (LibJones) and the two part-time administratorsunder her supervision (Liz Howgill and DianaJames) undertook all support functions frombasic administration: financial management:estates management: supplies: publicity toweb development etc. In addition LeeHemmings has been engaged on atemporary basis since September 2008 tosupport the communications side of thebusiness. At the point Diana intimated herintention to retire in November 2009, Lib andthe NEC, set about the task of examining theappropriateness of the staffing structure thatprevailed.” (See page 31 for a breakdown ofwho’s who and who does what at BSAC).

Plans for the forthcoming Open Day atBSAC are progressing well with the

assistance of IPA members Phillip Powell andBill Brown who are looking into the display ofmemorabilia, and Notts Branch who areorganising the evening dinner dance. LibJones, Communications Manager, who isoverseeing the plans for the Open Day said“I’m lucky to have such an enthusiastic andwilling group of helpers – all the staff basedat BSAC are really excited about getting thebuilding ready for visitors and the opportunityto meet and chat with them on 24 July. Ishould also mention two other peoplehelping – Vivianne Powell and Sara Luke –for ‘helping’ their husbands in their roles(Phillip Powell in his role of Archivist, andMick Luke of Notts Branch)”.

Michele Rai, Business OperationsManager, received a baptism of fire

when she met with National Treasurer, FredBoyd, and the Finance Sub Committee withina few weeks of starting her new role. Thedraft year end accounts for 2009 arecurrently showing a net loss of approximately£12,000. ‘There’s still a lot we can do to

reduce our costs and generate income beforewe resort to putting up membership fees”,said Fred Boyd. Mick Luke, Vice President,who chairs the Comms Team is working withvolunteers Roger Cave and Mark Faunt,appointed to the roles of IT Advisor andNational Supplies Officer respectively toachieve these aims. Asked to comment onthe new website and memberbase launchedin 2009, Mick said “Realising the fullbenefits of investment in technology willcome eventually but we’ve listened tofeedback and know we have to do more tohelp members use the facility. We now haveRoger on board to act as intermediarybetween the NEC and IT companies involved.Mark is busy identifying new items ofsupplies and the new e-bay shop created alot of interest in the first few weeks of its launch”.

Another area being developed to generateincome is the ‘pay-per-click’ bannersappearing on Section UK’s website. VicePresident, Bryn Jones has been identifyingcompanies and adding them to the site.

Plans for the Diamond Jubilee celebrationscontinue. Vice Presidents Bryn Jones and

Mark Kernohan, who have been liaising withevent organisers over recent months reportthat bookings for some events are coming inquicker than for others. “It’s important thatmembers get behind these events as quicklyas possible. It’s a pity to see any eventcancelled through lack of interest; membersdon’t always appreciate the amount of effortput into arranging such show-case events onthe Section’s behalf”.

Two people deserving of a mention here areEdwin Sutton and his partner Kerry who areworking with the NEC on the arrangementsfor the National Council Meeting and the IPAService, Guildford Cathedral, Friday 18thJune 2010. Edwin and Kerry have movedhouse and have just had a new baby girl,

named Emily Kaitlyn, born onFriday 12th March. – so theirdedication to IPA at this time is outstanding.

Steve Connor, President

(Editor’s note: we knowthere’ll be somebody we’ve notmentioned, or some activitywe’ve not included. Please letus have your feedback on anypart of the article whether it’sabout national strategy,volunteers or what’shappening on your Region and Branch.)

Dear IPA member,

IPA Service, Guildford Cathedral, Friday 18th June 2010.

As everyone is well aware 2010 marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of

our Association, that currently comprises 60 National Sections, and a worldwide

membership of over 360,000. The largest friendship association in the world!!

To mark this special anniversary, the organisers of this year's NCM have

arranged what I would describe as the key event in our year long celebrations: the

service of re-dedication to be held at Guildford Cathedral on Friday 18th June.

Guests to arrive from 10am with the service beginning at 11am.

Guildford Cathedral is a most appropriate venue for such a service. The Cathedral

is home to the IPA Stained Glass Window that was originally dedicated in 1977

to the late Sir Peter Matthews, while Chief Constable of Surrey Constabulary. Sir

Peter, who retired in 1982, was President of the British Section, IPA for six years,

becoming the International President in 1966, an appointment he held for the

next four years.

Invitations have been extended to a number of Chief Police officers, staff

associations, police charities, politicians and a variety of celebrities who have all

given support to the IPA or UK policing more generally. We are also very hopeful

that a member of the Royal Family will honour us with their presence at the

service. The Permanent Executive Bureau, and many National Presidents and

members from overseas have confirmed their attendance, as has Arthur Troop's

son Kevin.

Lord Peter Imbert, the former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service, will

say a few words about his friend, the late Sir Peter Matthews and assist in the

unveiling of a specially commissioned commemorative plaque.

Other highlights will include the Metropolitan Police Choir, a display of vintage

police vehicles and a 'special' peel of the Cathedral bells.

At the conclusion of the service refreshments will be provided within the confines

of the Cathedral, affording an opportunity to mix with the invited dignitaries and

other guests.

An invitation is extended to you, the members of this Section, your families and

friends to join in this celebration of our Association. Serving officers are

encouraged to attend in uniform where possible.

Should you intend to participate in this event or should you require further

information, please notify the British Section Administrative Centre,

tel. no. 0115 981 3638, or email me on [email protected]

Yours in friendship

Tom Crozier, Secretary General

If you have not yet explored the membersarea of the website then here is a step-by-step guide on how to gain access includinghow to log-in, change your password and howto update your personal details such as youremail address.

Step 1Go to www.ipa-uk.org in the ‘Log-in’ panelenter your member ID and password andclick on the ‘log-in’ button.

You will now notice (see areas highlightedwith red circles) that the area title has nowchanged to ‘logged in’ and a new tab hasappeared entitled ‘UK Members’, click onthis tab. The Plan is in the future this willopen up into a new members homepage. An update on this will be published in thenext edition.

You are now able to access the membersonly area of the website which includes fullaccess to the useful documents, events infoand booking, and the office holders directorypages and more.

Step 2Now that you are logged in you can changeyour password. To do this click on the tab onthe left hand side entitled ‘ChangePassword’. Simply follow the on screeninstructions that appear. (see below).

Step 3You can also amend your personal detailssuch as updating your email address byclicking on the tab entitled ‘Edit Profile’.

Again follow the on screen instructionsthat appear and click save.

If you are experiencing problems usingthe website then please email us foradvice and support at:

[email protected]

Look out for further mini-guides in futureeditions of Police World.

Working on Your Behalf

Join the growing number of memberssaving the Association’s funds byupdating their own record and optingto view Police World on-line.

Edwin and Kerry

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Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010


6 Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010




When Scottish IPA member George Simpsonand his wife spent 11 weeks in Australia, theyused the IPA House in Pascoe Vale South, 10km north of Melbourne. They found the facility,and the hospitality, first class.

“If you’ve never spent a holiday in a shop,

then this would be your chance”, reported

George. “The front shop is the meeting

room, whilst the backshop/storeroom

forms the accommodation. It has just

about everything including a bar. The only

exception – there is no view”.

Whilst at the House, Victoria Region treatedGeorge and his wife to a meal before invitingthem to join in with their meeting at which apresentation on the Bali bombing was given by

Greg Haugh, Inspector with the CounterTerrorism Unit. George also met Michelle Harris,President of Section Australia and presented anAyrshire Branch pennant to Chris Ferguson,Victoria Region Chairman.

For more information about the IPA Housecontact: [email protected]

This commemoration and celebration wasto take place over several days with morethan 21 different countries invited to

represent the IPA.

Stephen was greeted at Warsaw Airport, by IPAfriends, Eva, Magda, Patrick and Marcin whoprovided a warm greeting interspersed by thenews that there was a bomb threat and theairport was to be evacuated! A novel way to markhis first visit to Poland. After the slight delayStephen travelled on to the Police TrainingCollege in Legionowa, where he was to stay, andmet with Bryn later that first day.

Stephen remarks: “The hospitality was beyondexpectation. The whole event must have taken aconsiderable amount of planning and time andwe are indebted to our host, the President of thePolish Section, Arkadiusz Skrzypczak and hisdedicated team who made this a very specialfirst IPA experience for me; it is probably fair tosay that all 21 nations represented were verywell looked after.”

“We also spent quite some time in No1’s - don’tdo that very often these days back home! I wasstruck by the variety of the uniforms, the vibrantcolours of the San Marino crew to the veryimpressive Pakistani uniform worn by Murktah,as well as the flamboyant characters wearingthese uniforms; did I mention the San Marinocrew! As ever, our uniform, specifically thehelmet is seen as unique to the ‘British bobby’and is synonymous with policing around theglobe; so Bryn and I were often placed in thelimelight for photo opportunities.”

The second day centred around joining thePresident of the IPA, Mr Michael Odyseoss on an

official visit to Plonsk where they marchedthrough the old town after a generous welcomefrom the Mayor and the Police Commander. Itwas during this trip that Stephen noted withinterest the Polish police motorcyclists, who usetwo types of motorcycle, a Yamaha 250cc and a1000cc. No fluorescents, no gloves and noprotective jacket with short sleeved shirts beingthe dress code of the day. A little different fromthe UK!

Later that same day Stephen took theopportunity of a helicopter flight, his first.

The following day, Friday, Stephen and Brynattended in full No1’s in the main square inWarsaw along with over 2000 dignitaries andofficers on parade; all taking part in the mainceremony held to recognise the 90th year ofpolicing in Poland.

Stephen adds: “This was a superb spectaclewith the mix of historic buildings and somemodern architecture as a backdrop combinedwith the variety of colours and styles of uniformon show. This special occasion made it clear inmy mind that our hosts are ‘proud to be Polishand proud to be police officers’.”

On the final day of our stay Stephen and Bryntook the time to visit the tourist sights of Warsawand enjoyed a trip along the Vistuala river,followed by sightseeing including the RoyalCastle, Wilanow Palace and the old town, all verybeautiful. Stephen was particularly struck by theold town atmosphere and architecture.

The day ended with a farewell dinner wherespeeches and an gifts were exchanged. Stephengave a Hampshire Police helmet to hiswonderful host, Arkadiusz. During dinner

Stephen sat down next to a friend and colleaguefrom Germany who like him just happened to bein the Traffic Police.

Stephen recalls: ”We all know the world is arelatively small place ; we got talking and he toldme that over 30 years ago he spent time inSouthampton as a teenager [I live nearby andworked in Southampton] on an exchangeprogramme and it was during this brief time herethat he was influenced sufficiently to decide heto wanted to be a police officer; he now has over25 years service”.

“It was fun and interesting to chat with other IPAfriends along the way, it is always intriguing tohear how policing and laws can be so different.In Finland, if you get caught speeding, I am ledto believe that the officer has immediate accessto your tax details and you will get finedaccording to means; some have been fined tensof thousands of pounds for such offences!“

“This was my first IPA experience and it was farbeyond my expectations; our Polish friends andhosts know how to party and look after you -thank you to all of you and to Bryn and theBritish IPA for the opportunity.”

Stephen Jefford, Hampshire Branch

Stephen Jefford and Bryn Jones were selected to represent the IPA and UK Police at the Polish Police Foundation 90th Jubilee.

Members selectedto Represent UK

IPA Scotland is proud to have the only IPA House in the United Kingdom. At present, the onehouse is located in the "Home of Golf" - St Andrews, Scotland.

Stay at theHome of Golf

Stephen Jefford and Bryn Jones mix with other representatives from around the World

For availability and booking details pleasesee the IPA Houses website for informationand contact details.

Current rates are GBP 13 per person per nightfor IPA members and £15 for non-members. Forchildren 5-16 the charge is £6 per night, under5’s are free. The flat is completely selfcontained and is located above the local PoliceOffice. There are 3 bedrooms which can sleepup to 8 people (one family room and two twinrooms) and there is a shared toilet and showerroom, living room and kitchen.

St Andrews is a wonderful place to visit. It's agolfer’s paradise with access to numerous golfcourses close by as well as the world famous StAndrews Golf Course. There is more on offer forall the family as St Andrews also has good

beaches, a picturesque harbour, castle and acathedral to explore as well as the BotanicGardens and Sea Life Centre.

The University of St Andrews is situated in thetown and it's the oldest university in Scotland.Most recently it was in the media spotlight asbeing where Prince William studied andgraduated from.

Fife also has superb watersports facilities,scenic coastal walking, cycling, horse-riding,excellent fishing and of course more golf - it's allthere in abundance. More information on whatFife has to offer can be found at:www.visitfife.com

All this and the local IPA hospitality too! If yourequire any further details please get in touch.Email: pauline [email protected]

...or stay Down under

Donationto COPSIPA Scotland has kindly donated aweek's accommodation at StAndrews for the COPS ball auctionwhich will take place at ChatsworthHouse (see page 31 for details).

If you want to attend please visit:www.ukcops.org

The 7th,National PoliceMemorial DayThis will take place on Sunday 26thSeptember 2010 at The WaterfrontHall, Belfast at 2.00pm.

It is held every year on the nearestSunday to St Michaels Day, thePatron Saint of Policing.

Since modern policing began some180 years ago more than 4000officers have sacrificed their lives inorder to make our communities asafer place to live and work. Yet thisamazing dedication to duty untilrecently went largely unrecognised.

The Patron HRH Prince Charlesattended the Service in Liverpool in 2008.

Chris Ferguson, Victoria Region Chair receivesthe Ayrshire Branch pennant from George

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The visit was arranged with Rich Chen,who is an IPA member and a sergeantwith NYPD. Paul and Gail made their way

to Sergeant Chen’s station in Harlem, wherehe gave them a guided tour of the precinct.

Paul states that,

“We were introduced to murder

squad detectives, who explained

that their murder rate had fallen

from a record high of 2,245 in

1990 to an all time low of 461

this year. They put this trend

down to the zero tolerance

initiated by Mayor Guiliani

during his reign”.New Yorkers are experiencing their lowestcrime levels since records began.

Paul and Gail were introduced to the StreetCrimes Team, which deal with the gangs ofNew York. This was an area of particularinterest to Paul Cheetham as his current roleis a Field Intelligence Officer with theNottinghamshire Police dealing with organisedcrime groups in the city. During theirconversations the NYPD officers expressedtheir admiration of the powers the BritishPolice have with obtaining search warrantsand our stop and search powers. Apparently

New York state laws make searching homesand persons much more difficult. They werealso envious of British CCTV, which they havevery little of. NYPD officers feel this wouldmake their job a lot easier.

Paul and his wife Gail stated they were treatedsuperbly made to feel very welcome. Gail wasparticularly amused that the Detectivedepartment had holding cells within theiroffice. The officers exchanged gifts, whichincluded a British Bobby’s helmet and a NYPDSergeant cap. Sergeant Rich Chen informedPaul that if any other officer from Britainvisiting New York wishes to visit his precinct he would be only too happy to assist where he can.

Paul recommends that any officer wishing tovisit the NYPD arrange their visit well inadvance. By doing so they can apply with theNYPD ride-along programme. This will enablevisiting officers to experience a regular mobilepatrol with NYPD officers. Remember there isa bit of form filling to do and disclaimers tosign all in the interest of safety and justice.

For contact details email the IPA BSAC officeat: [email protected]

Paul Cheetham and his wife Gail recently visited New York . Whilst there Paul and Gail visited the NYPD at 26th Precinct.

Ride a-long

Paul Cheetham with Rich Chen

Police World Vol 55 No.1 20108


Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010



A ‘young bunch’ of members from Dyfed Powys Branch, along with family and friends,visited Holland for a long weekend of site seeing. There was also time to enjoy greathospitality and friendship from Dutch colleagues.

Lunch at an old field hospital

Dyfed Powys branch members

Tributeto old guard

Stopping at Eindhoven, the trip started with a free day and sometraditional Dutch culture – a sing-along of Welsh songs,accompanied by member Alan Williams on guitar - in an Irish Bar!

The overall theme of the tour was ‘Operation Market Garden’ and so it wason the second day the group travelled to Oosterbeek to meet up with theirtour guide. First on the itinerary was Arnhem Bridge – ‘A bridge too far’,followed by battlefields and the Airborne War Cemetery with its 1392British, 32 Canadian, 4 Australian, 4 New Zealand, 73 Polish, 8 Dutch and246 unknown soldiers. An old field hospital provided the venue for lunch.

Later, at Nijmagen, another guide showed the party the battlefields,including Nijmagen Bridge. After an exhausting day, there was still someenergy left for more traditional Dutch culture – Karaoke!

The Dutch IPA members finally met up with the group on Sundayafternoon, following a visit to the Phillips Stadium – home to PSVEindhoven. Section Netherlands pulled out all the stops to make theweekend a memorable one and Dyfed Powys are grateful to Toon Strick,his wife, and colleagues for the hospitality and generosity. The Dutchmembers provided welcoming drinks and museum entry tickets for theparty when they arrived at the Wings of Liberation Museum. They alsoorganised lunch and a four-course evening meal. Another trip to the 20acre German war grave in Lommel was amazing. Rob Griffiths, BranchSecretary said, ‘the scale of the cemetery – with 20,000 headstones and40,000 buried soldiers – blew us away.’

The Branch decided to organise the tour based on a successful trip toBelgium in 2008. There’s a trip to the Somme being planned for 2010.

Contact [email protected] for details of how you can join in with theactivities of the Branch. Apparently, they’re a young bunch – the Dutchparty were surprised that they were mainly serving officers and ‘how youngthey were’! To learn more on Operation Market Garden visit:http://www.rememberseptember44.com/

Article submitted by Rob Griffiths

Why not join members from Section UK and Section

Ireland when they attend the Airborne March and hand

over the IPA Diamond Jubilee Flag to another founding

Section, Section Netherlands.

The Airborne March, the world's largest one-day

marching event features military, police, scouting and

civilian groups and individual participants from over 17

different countries.

The routes are laid out through the several villages of

the municipality of Renkum in the

Netherlands, along the battlefields and drop zones of

the operation Market Garden of September 1944.

For more information on attending contact:

[email protected] or visit:


The 64th Airborne March

& Ceremonial handover of the Diamond Jubilee Flag

Saturday September 4, 2010

Paul Cheetham withhis wife Gail

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Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010 11


Members of the IPA Bournemouth Branch, including Phil Austen-Smith,took part in an IPA sponsored charity event, Munro Mariners 2009,between 27/11/2009 to 02/12/2009.

day (more night than day!)endeavouring to attain the skillsthrough experience rather thanluck during a test period.

All paddlers paid for their owntuition, specific winter dry tradingkit, glow sticks, and more. Thecost to each individual memberof the team, as well as the hugeamount of time committed totraining was extensive –especially as it was all done onrest days and leave.

Doug Forsyth, Asst. TreasurerBournemouth Branch adds:

The team pulled off a major featof endurance, not only inpaddling against the elements forover 70 miles of the mightyGironde, but also in pullingtogether and organising such amammoth task. This expeditiontook over 18 months to plan andexecuted by a team of willingvolunteers and enthusiasticpaddlers, some of whom had noprevious experience.

This Expedition has given us allthe opportunity to see, at firsthand, the task before the originalCockleshell Heroes, and the realsense of debt still felt by theFrench in this region, for theselfless sacrifice of OperationFrankton, both for this and otheractions by the British forcesleading to their liberation. I forone felt at times almostoverwhelmed by their generosityand friendship. Our new friendsof the “Frankton souvenir”deserve our special thanks. Weare also most grateful for thehelp given by the BordeauxBranch IPA for their kind help,

sadly our hectic scheduleprevented us from meeting withthem on this occasion, but I seethat as a pleasure deferred.

Mr and Mrs Pipe of “TinityKayaks” and Island residents onthe Gironde were the mostdelightful and generous hosts to21 dirty cold and wet teammembers, their time andunstinting generosity will long be remembered.

The IPA’s donation, whicheffectively gave the expeditionthe funds to achieve their goal bycovering the cost of transport toand from the real work of theExpedition, has also served togenerate new and vibrant bloodwithin the organisation, and toshow others that the IPA is notabout a few old coppers swingingthe lantern in a pub, but aboutyoung and active officers seekingnew goals and being rewarded inthe satisfaction of a magnificentteam effort and helping our local communities.

The initial goals of the Expeditionhave now been achieved and ouroriginal financial targets reachedfor our three Charities. It wouldbe wonderful to completelysmash the targets, I implore youto go to our website,www.munrosmariners.com andmake whatever donation you can,to assist the Dorset PoliceBenevolent Fund, The PooleHospital neonatal Intensive CareFund and the Special BoatServices Association. Without theassistance from IPA Section UKand IPA Section France the teamwould have struggled to get the

event off the ground. Thegenerous donation from IPASection UK of a week’s stay atthe IPA House at St Andrews, wasa welcome donation and I amsure raised a good amount ofmoney at the Charity Auction.

The final total raised was £9,412.This figure will rise again whenthe result of the charity auction is published.

What to do now? Phil states:

The team are now all wonderingwhat on earth they will do withthemselves, when you think theyhave trained together now sincethe 1st Monday back inSeptember 2008 and had atleast five long weekends awayplus several training courses andnot forgetting the actualexpedition, it's no wonder really. I have no doubt there are manywives and partners waiting with alist in one hand, a drill in theother (boats with holes don'tpaddle nearly as well!). The factI've mentioned the wives now isno mistake, they are the silentmajority in this expedition, manyof whom have all hated me atsome point I have no doubt, Ithank you for keeping it bottledup! They have all howeverconsistently supported theirrespective paddlers 100% and inso doing supported the team andthe expedition, they have lent metheir husbands for a good chunkof the last 16 months... They alldeserve a big thank you, this wasno normal challenge and thecommitment shown by thepaddlers, has without doubtechoed through their families.

Thank you one and all for yoursupport. It was, and is, genuinelyappreciated. I hope your rewardwill be the sense of pride youhave for your partners, they did atremendous job all round.

Phil sums up

The team have other interestingplans for next year and beyond(don't tell their wives yet please!).It will be nice to embark on otherchallenges in the future withoutthe sense of the sometimesrelentless pressure that was veryevident during this specificchallenge. Munro’s mariners wasestablished to honour a man, myfriend and my mentor, Neil Munroand to raise money for threeworthy causes in his memory. Wehave achieved this goal withoutdoubt, but more than that theteam has become a group ofclose friends. What better tributeto my friend and colleague, I cantimagine. Rest in peace mate.

Munro's Mariners 2009 was a kayakexpedition up the Gironde andGaronne rivers to Bordeaux to raise

funds for 3 chosen charities.

This expedition was in memory of PoliceInspector 770 Neil Munro of the Dorset Policewho tragically died on March 13th 2008. NeilMunro was a serving Dorset Officer and anactive member of Bournemouth Branch. Thisnew expedition also honoured the heroicefforts of the marines who successfullyundertook the original expedition in 1942. Aroute was chosen that loosely retraced theoriginal route taken by Operation Franktonduring the Second World War. An operationpopularised by the 1954 film "CockleshellHeroes".

The expedition consisted of 10 paddlers the

majority of whom were serving Dorset Policeofficer’s who used their own leave allocationin order to paddle the 70 miles, over 4 days,from the Bay of Biscay to Bordeaux.

The story behind Munro's Mariners

Phil and Neil met in 2000 while competing inthe ‘Three Peaks Challenge’ and workedtogether for several years in Bournemouth,where they remained good friends until Neil’sdeath in the spring of 2008. His death had aprofound effect upon Phil, to the extent that hefelt the need to take steps to make somethingpositive emerge from something almostincomprehensible. The idea was to undertakea challenge that Neil would have approved of and to raise money along the way for people who Neil would agreed were worthy beneficiaries.

The money raised from the challenge will go to 3 beneficiaries:

1 The Royal Marines – due toclose local links and their outstanding efforts worldwide.

2 The neonatal intensive careunit at Poole Hospital. Theunit were close to Neil’s heartas they provided care tohis son Jack when he was born.

3 The Dorset Police Benevolent Fund – which assists andsupports widows ofpolice officers.

The reason behind the choice of expeditionwas a desire to maximise the fund raisingpotential. Phil wanted to achieve somethingsignificant in Neil’s memory while raising asmuch money as possible.

The idea was discussed with the proposedteam; this in itself was a daunting task notleast because organisation of something onthis scale was something Phil had neverundertaken before.

Phil’s fears also included that look on peoples’faces when you suggest something that isperceived as ridiculously stupid – a ‘you wantus to do what?’ reaction! To Phil’s absolutedelight the majority of the team he had hopedwould be involved were instantly raring to go.The support team volunteers soon cameflooding in.

The expedition was, without doubt, a big askof anyone and the team were under noillusions regarding the scale of the event andthe commitment required to complete the tasksafely and on time!

The paddling team was assessed over twelvemonths at regular intervals by a British CanoeUnion (BCU) coach, Steve O'Donoghue. Heinstructed the team so that they could reachthe standard of BCU 4* (four start grading)along with extended periods of rescue andrecovery tuition.

There was a lot to be organised before thestart of the expedition, not least the trainingand practice schedule! The team used the oldethos ‘train hard, race easy and that meantthey were out in almost all weathers, night and

Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010

Munro’sMariners 2009


1 We paddled for 56 'almost'consecutive Mondays (I gave them August off!)

2 We have paddled well over 2million paddle strokesbetween us - don't shakeany of our hands!

3 We have all accepted a teddy bear within the group -Fudgemeister

5 We have all remained largely unable to speakFrench - sorry!

6 We must have collectivelyeaten Gaz’s body weight injaffa cakes since we started- addiction is an issue

7 We all know how torecognise a GermanShepherd dog by its bark in the dark - woof dill woof

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Little did I think that a chance remarkduring a tea break would change my life.The remark was “I think I will retire from

the police and ride a motorcycle round theworld”. The next thing I knew I was sitting in theBMW dealer taking delivery of the machine thatwould take me on the19,000 mile adventure. Ithought that doing such a crazy thing wouldrealise a personal dream and give somethingback to people that could only look on such aproject as a dream. I decided on a theme…Challenge and Charity. It was a personalchallenge and the charity would be CapabilityScotland. Through a friend I hadseen the fantastic work beingcarried out by this charity andheard the personal statementsfrom parents and carers aboutthe help they had received from Capability.

The preparation for such ajourney is immense andcombining it with fundraisingturned it into a full time job.Getting the bike was the easybit. I then went aboutresearching the experiencesof the other mad people whohad undertaken such anadventure. There were visas,equipment, maps, planes,ferries, costings and athousand other things tothink about. I soon becamea semi-nocturnal creaturejumping out of bed in themiddle of the night after thinking of a ‘goodidea’ or to note down something important andthe lure of the internet and the information itcontained kept me up into the wee small hourson more occasions than I would like to remember.

One of the best ideas was to involve the IPA as Ithought it would be of benefit to me on thejourney as well as being able to make contactwith police officers all over the world. The localand national branches were contacted andshowed great enthusiasm for the project. SoonI completed a presentation to the Scottish AGMand the plans were hatched. Head Office in theform of the wonderful Lesley contacted theGermans, Polish, Hungarians, Ukrainians,Russians, Japanese and Americans. Soon thefirst invitation came from the Germans in

Wolfsburg and the first meeting was set.

Through the charity, Capability, I was luckyenough to be contacted by an inspirationalcharacter called David Burdus who expressedan interest in coming along. He then told me hewas paralysed from the waist down which afterbeing involved in a motorcycle accident 21years ago just before his 21st birthday and Iassumed David would be in a car. He explainedthat he would be riding a three wheeledmotorcycle based on a BMW called the MartinConquest and is the first production bike builtfor disabled people. Soon I became aware ofDavid’s mission in life …

To overcome his disability and‘Get on with it’. In the followingweeks he asked if he couldcome as far as France… thenGermany and I began to think hewould suggest the wholejourney? He wanted to do his‘World Tour of Europe’ as hecalled it. Fortunately a lifelongfriend, John Boyle, hadvolunteered to assist by bringinghis car as far as Berlin then assistDavid on his return to the UK.David was onboard.

Fundraising followed andpresentations to Rotary Clubs,displays at shopping centres, can-rattling, raffles and even a night in

the pub with the bikes (inside) started thefunds rolling in for the charity.

Soon my garage filled with equipment for thetrip and I often looked at the bike andthought…. One day soon I will have to try and fitthis lot onto the bike? Needless to say I soonhad to revise the equipment list.

On 9th May 2009 we gathered at CapabilityScotland. We were joined by family, friends,sponsors, Capability’s Chief Executive andother bikers from the police and community. At 10:00 hrs the adventure began.

In the next edition– The adventure continues!

Tom McInally, a recently retired Inspector from Edinburgh,circumnavigated the planet from West to East challenginghimself and raising £27,000 for charity.

Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010

After attending the 2008 Tall Ships Rally, as a guest, I was soimpressed that I decided to join the IPA. So in 2009, armed withthe full programme of rallies, I was off!

It started with me attending my first rally atSpalding for the flower festival and parade. Iwas made to feel very welcome by all the

other members, so much so I then had the taskof remembering everybody’s name that hadgreeted me.

In Spalding I was entertained by the musicalfountains, brass band and later on the fantasticfloats in the flower parade. Back on site, acommunal BBQ took place on one nightfollowed by a ‘Jacob’s Join’ on the next. Thereseems to be a well practiced theme to therallies of communal get togethers andfriendship; whether in a local pub, fish and chipshop or round the camp fire, this ethos shines through.

Littlehampton Cricket Club was the next venueto meet even more new people - (more namesto remember!) The bus trip along the coast toBrighton and Portsmouth is a must. Afterwatching a keenly contested game of Croquet,the evenings were spent in the clubhouse andsome of us enjoyed the real ales that were on tap.

After a short break at home I then travelled toBelbroughton, a little village in Worcestershire. Imet some more new faces but thankfully therewere also a few old ones, so my memory wasnot overly strained. We all enjoyed the usualplease yourself days and get-together eveningsin the local club.

It was then onto Liskeard in Cornwall for a totalof 3 weeks. We were all fortunate to have anelectric hook-up here and were entertained withcream teas and cider and pasties and an 18thbirthday party to celebrate the Group’s numberof visits to the site. The trip was rounded offwith a very competitive Boules competition.

The next rally was at Grindon Moor inStaffordshire. Here there were even more newfaces and even more names. The days werefree to visit the area and in the evenings we all

got together to socialise.

From Grindon Moor we went to Ludlow. Againthere were new faces but we soon got to knowthem at the evening gathering with Bucks Fizzand homemade cake. The days had a few visitslaid on including the Farmers’ Market and thelocal brewery; walking distance luckily! OnSaturday night there was a American supperand a Chinese raffle which took about an hourand half.

Finally it was on to the rallies at KnaresboroughCricket Club and Eden Camp with a two daybreak between them. On arrival we were met bythe steward (the Group Chairman no less!) andshown to our pitch.

The days were laced with a trip to the PoliceMuseum in Ripon followed by an ancientceremony in the town square interspaced by afish and chip supper. On the Saturday night itwas Murder in the clubhouse as we wereentertained with ‘Who Dunnit?’ with the addedbonus of a superb Yorkshire supper.

After a break of two days it was on to the ExPOW Eden Camp where we spent the next threedays exploring the camp huts and the entiremuseum, which was excellent . Saturday night itwas WW11 themed fancy dress night and I washonoured by a visit from the Prime MinisterWinston Churchill or was it Kevin Hullah?

This is just an abridged version of what goes onduring the IPA rallies, but from my point of viewif you enjoy caravanning and camping and liketo meet a constant flow of new faces, then joinus on the next trip!

Yours in friendship, Colin Brocklehurst, Liverpool

To find out more, contact the group byemailing: [email protected]/ or turn to page 26.

A Year in the Life...

Tom McInally with the BMW R1200GS Adventure

Left to Right- Graeme Bruce (IT Support), Tom McInally, John Boyle (Euro Back-Up Car)and David Burdus on the Martin Conquest

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The Arthur TroopScholarship

Mary recalls her journey:

As a member of the IPA, I had the

honour of winning one of the Arthur

Troop scholarships from the

International Board of the IPA. The trip

included a course in “International Security

and Personal Rights in Conflict Possibilities

and Restrictions on Modern Information-

gathering and Digital Surveillance” at

Gimborn . I have been a member of the IPA

since joining the Suffolk County Police

Department in 1991 and I am currently

assigned to the “Airport Operations Unit” at

Long Island MacArthur Airport in

Ronkonkoma, New York.

I have had many opportunities over the years

to experience what the IPA is all about. My

first memories go back to my visit to Ireland

and Great Britain. The members of those

Sections showed me that, no matter where

you enforce the laws of your land, they are all

more than happy to show fellow officers a

truly memorable time. My experiences have

ranged from chance meetings of members of

the IPA in Austria to planned trips to Spain.

My first stop was in Munich where I met an

IPA colleague, Erich Schock and Josef Boiger,

both members of the Munich branch. They

were hosts to Suffolk County Region 15’s trip

to Munich in March, 2008. It just so

happened that my trip coincided with the kick

off of Oktoberfest. What a great opportunity

to see one of the biggest beer festivals in the

world, along with some behind the scenes

police strategies of what it takes to make it

safe. I had the opportunity to meet a few of

the four hundred officers that are assigned to

Oktoberfest. These officers come from all

over Germany because some officers from

outside areas speak French or Italian more

fluently than officers located in Munich. The

next sixteen days brought six to seven million

visitors to Oktoberfest from all over the world.

With fourteen beer tents that were set up to

hold ten thousand people each, this

department was incredibly busy.

The command post is now a permanentbuilding set up with numerous surveillancecameras in place around the festivalgrounds. I had the opportunity, along with apolice officer from Ohio, Cory Freadling, tohave a tour and an explanation of lawenforcement duties given to us. Germanpolice officers Thomas Straber and AndreaRoehricht gave us some insight into whattheir job entails. They wanted to know whatpolicing in America was like. Well, everyonehas their story or two to tell especially to anew audience. After a few Oktoberfest beersit was now time to move on to Gimborn. Cory,to both our surprise, was also taking thesame class and was also a recipient of theUS IPA section’s scholarship. We were bothput at ease to know a fellow American officerwas going to be attending Gimborn at thesame time.

My week at Gimborn provided an opportunityto meet colleagues from Germany as well asNew Zealand, Ireland, Austria, Sri Lanka,Canada, and Cyprus. I also had theopportunity to live in the castle at Gimborn

Mary Anne Valardi Feinsteinwas overjoyed to be selectedfor the scholarship in 2009.Even the longest Gimborncourse title in living memorycould not dent her excitement .

for the week. My room was located on the topfloor and there were no elevators. Theclassroom is set up to allow a free flow ofconversation and ideas. This is the first time Ihave had the experience to sit in a classroomwith provided translators. We usedheadphones that had translators which wouldeither translate German to English or Englishto German. This allowed all of us tocommunicate our questions and experienceswith each other.

The course I sat through was on the subject of

public surveillance and what types are used. It

was interesting to learn that many countries

are moving towards high tech surveillance

camera systems. Also the subject of the rights

to monitor the public became the topic. The

police have the right to monitor public

movement but in Germany there are strict

laws that protect the privacy of its citizens.

After listening to our lecturers from Germany

and Austria, I’ve learned the police in Europe

have more stringent guidelines they must

follow than those in the US. A quote repeated

over and over by the Germans was;

The public are protected by human dignity

legislation. For example maximum prison

sentences cannot exceed fifteen years but will

have a review in the fifteenth year to

determine whether to release or keep that

prisoner. Most times the review will not allow

the prisoner to leave. But as the prisoners

grow old it is against human dignity beliefs to

die in prison as an old person.

After class ended for the day many of us had

the opportunity to visit some of the towns

close to Gimborn or hike some of the local

trails around the castle. One night, we went to

Leiberg, a small town approximately twenty

minutes from Gimborn. The town was typical

of the types of small towns in this area. It was

filled with local shops and restaurants.

As the week came to a close, it was time to

say good-bye to my classmates. It was truly a

great week that contained great classroom

discussions and some great nights at the bar

and wine cellar located within the castle. Our

colleague from Ireland, John Dineen, sang us

some amazing Irish songs and our New

Zealand classmate, Paul Merrett, serenaded

us on a guitar. My friend, Shiela Weber from

Canada, turned out to be a wine officinado,

just like me.

After the week at Gimborn concluded, I moved

on to Cologne. My husband, Alan, also an IPA

Region 15 member, joined me in this majestic

city. While in Cologne, I had the opportunity to

visit with the German Federal Police that

patrol their railway system. That same

weekend we met with colleagues of Tom from

all over Germany. These officers were all high

ranking members from German State or

Federal Police assigned all throughout

Germany. They were having their annual

weekend together within Cologne. We had a

great time with them. In fact some of them

were also IPA members. They took us to great

places to eat in Cologne and we joined them

for a guided city tour. Thomas also took us to

Dragon Rock, a mountain that is

approximately one hour from Cologne and

overlooks the Rhine River. We hiked the

mountain that day with many other tourists,

German residents and their dogs. The incline

o f the path up this mountain was

approximately at 45 degrees. Half way up the

mountain was a castle Cinderella could have

lived in.

We continued our trek onward to the top to

find a great view that overlooked the Rhine

River and had ruins of a medieval castle.

Legend had it that a king slayed a dragon on

this mountain and bathed himself in its blood

to make him strong. While at the top of the

mountain, amongst the ruins, I stumbled upon

my fellow classmate from Gimborn, Sheila

Weber and her IPA guide. We laughed at this

chance meeting since we were an hour from

Cologne and on top of a desolate mountain.

My husband and I really enjoyed the city of

Cologne both, on foot and on bicycle. Cologne

is a city that takes you back in time and

Mary Anne with her husband

The class gets together at Gimborn

“You are nothing, your people are everything.”

Castle Gimborn


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Police World Vol 55 No.1 201016

Sporting Events

Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010 17


Diamond JubileeFootball Tournament 2010

10 Region Golf TournamentThe event will be held at Brett Vale Golf Club

Raydon, near Ipswich Suffolk on

Thursday 13th May 2010


For more information contact

Steve Hunt at: 10 [email protected]

To be held in York on

17th and 18th September 2010

at York University.

There will be places for 32 teams, the cost of entry is

£100 per team with a maximum of 8 players per team.

Accommodation will be at York University

at a cost of £35 per person per night.

A cafe and bar will be opened

for us to use. For further information please contact

Jonathan Griffiths at:

[email protected]

The Peter Goodwin Memorial IPA Trophyin association with Mallory Park (motorsport)

Ltd & Ford Racing UK

Come and join IPALeicestershire Branch, at Mallory Park,Leicestershire onSunday 18th July 2010

Enjoy a day of competitive motorracing, Club Formula Ford and Ford XR challengewith the use of a hospitality suite.

For 2010, the cost of entry will be £1 per person over the age of 16, toinclude entry into a free raffle. Once again we will have the use of theHailwood Suite, and as last year, there will be NO refreshments availablewithin the suite.We have been allocated 200 tickets for the event. Thisyear large group bookings cannot be accepted.

Mallory Park is known as the friendly circuit. The venue offers a fullrange of refreshments on site, at the Lakeside cafe, where tea, coffee,snacks, breakfasts and lunches, are available, as well as the usualburger vans etc.

There are also facilities for Caravans and Motor Homes within the park. Please note, no animals are allowed within Mallory Park.

Information on the Club Formula Ford and Ford XR challengeChampionship may be viewed at www.clubformulaford.info

In order to avoid disappointment, please contact Bob Gunnell by e-mailat [email protected] write to BSAC, Arthur Troop House, 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford,Nottingham, NG2 6AJ for ticket availability.

Once booked, your tickets will be reserved for you, and available forcollection on the day, at a point just inside the main entrance to thecircuit, between 10.30am and 12.45pm

Mallory Park is located in the village of Kirkby Mallory just north of Hinckley, between the A47 and the A447.

It is comprehensively signed, and the nearest motorway exit is on the M69 Junction I.

The 28th World Police Indoor Soccer Tournament11 - 15 October 2010

in Eibergen/ Groenlo and Zieuwent in the Netherlands(men’s, men’s 35+ and women’s competitions)

The Tournament will be played over three days. 180 teams (men/ men 35+ & women)

Over 45 countries will compete. This year we expect participants from Europe, Australia,

Africa, Asia, North and South America.

TOURNAMENT ENTRY FEE 125 Euro per team (To be paid by the 5th July 2010).

For more information please look to our website www.wpist.nlor the website of Marveld resort. www.marveld.nl

through history. The city itself is built upon Roman ruins which you can

see throughout the city.

My final days of Germany were spent in Frankfurt. My husband and I

boarded Germany’s high speed ICE train and arrived in Frankfurt within

the hour. Frankfurt is a very unique German city. It is the only city that

contains a skyline. While in Frankfurt, we met up with another fellow

IPA member and FBI National Academy graduate, Gregor Engbers, a

high ranking Police supervisor of the Federal Police assigned to the

Frankfurt Airport. Gregor gave us a tour of Frankfurt Airport. This airport

is notably one of the largest in Europe. We were taken to the Police

communications and surveillance center, arrest processing area and to

the passport identification center. This identification center contained

some of the most interesting technology I have seen to date on the

electronic recognition of tampered and fraudulent passports and

identification paperwork. This section is responsible for getting

information, obtained at passport control stations, distributed to all

police jurisdictions throughout Germany. In fact, they usually get this

information out within a four hour period.

While touring the airport with Gregor, the three of us had the

opportunity to put our Emergency Medical Technician skills to use.

While waiting for an inter-terminal tram to arrive, a German citizen had

an epileptic seizure in front of us. Since Gregor was in uniform,

everyone on the platform turned to him for assistance. Gregor, my

husband and I rendered our assistance until medical personnel

arrived. Along with first responders, a doctor arrived. In Germany, they

have Doctors that respond with paramedics. Gregor advised us that,

due to immense size of the airport, they have their own hospital on

airport property. Once the patient had adequate aid, we continued our

tour of the airport.

Overall, my journey through Germany was quite eventful and

memorable. I appreciate the opportunity given to me, through the

scholarship awarded to me, by the IPA. It gave me an opportunity to

visit Germany and attend a rather unique school at Gimborn. I met

some wonderful new counterparts along the way who enlightened my

understanding of worldwide policing. I hope this article will persuade

other IPA members to apply for these scholarships. It truly is a huge

benefit that this organization offers and should be applied for by

our members.The Cinderella Castle overlooking the Rhine

Mary Anne with members of the Passport Identification Centre at Frankfurt Airport

Applications are invited for the ArthurTroop Scholarship 2011The closing date for receipt ofapplications by the IAC is 30thSeptember 2010. The Scholarship must be taken between1st January and 31st December of theyear following the grant of theScholarship.Application forms can be found at:www.ipa-uk.org/Documentsor by emailing [email protected]

Apply Now for 2011

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IPA News

Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010 19Police World Vol 55 No.1 201018

Sporting Events

Organising a Kart Grand Prix was anidea to try something that ScarboroughBranch had never tried before and thatthe Branch Committee felt might appealto younger members and attract newmembers.

How could we encourage our members totake part? With grateful thanks to Region3 who provided financial support, wesubsidised the entry fee for our members.Any non members would have to pay fullprice. As an aside, we considered the eventwould also be an opportunity to raise funds for a worthwhile cause andwhat else was close to the heart of every cop in Yorkshire, the YorkshireAir Ambulance. If teams gained sponsorship for every complete lap, wethought there was a good chance of raising a couple of hundred pounds.

Despite the subsidy though, it was still hard work making sure that wehad enough teams on the starting grid to make the event viablehowever, with a target of eight teams, we managed to cajole and bully atotal of seven teams.

The day soon came around and 34 drivers arrived at F1 Racing at theJMD Raceway at Monks Cross, York. We had our pre-race briefing and then set off for practice and qualifying laps in our8bhp 240cc Honda powered karts at the indoor circuit.

After 2 hours of intense and very competitive racing, most teams hadcompleted over 200 laps when the chequered flag finally fell. Thewinning team, “Get Karter” are all serving officers from Scarborough.Not only had we attracted young serving officers (male and female) butalso a wide range of members, families and friends of all ages. It was

the best fun most of us had had all year. Even those spectators whocame to support the event enjoyed the sights, noises and smellgenerated by the karts. It was a great spectacle.

So did we achieve our aim? We think we did. We had a plan and itseemed to work. We now have four new members, all serving officers,directly as a result of this event and another two who need their armstwisting just a little bit more so that part of the event has certainly beena success.

What we did not expect though was to raise £1,500 pounds in aid of theYorkshire Air Ambulance Charity. That is sufficient to maintain ahelicopter on three or four emergency flights and has certainly gone waybeyond the Branch’s expectations.

Would we do it again? Of course we would. We have learned a lot andwould perhaps do things a little bit different but we have a winningformula – perhaps not Formula 1 but nevertheless a formula that works.

For further information please contact Scarborough Branch SecretaryChris Charlton at [email protected].

A Winning Formula IPA Style

You know you have a true friend when youwatch a soon-to-be-vicar desperately tryingnot to cower as your hosts show off theirimpressive range of firearms!

As a much better French speaker than me,John Godfrey had mainly come to act astranslator and had certainly not banked onbeing faced with more firepower than aBritish citizen is ever likely to see in the UK.

We had arranged to meet Gérard Hanat, vicepresident of the Calvados branch of the IPA,during our holiday in Normandy in August. Weleft our wives minding the children, includinga very annoyed 6 year old who couldn’t understand why he couldn’tcome, so that we could enjoy an afternoon learning more about theFrench police system.

Having only expected a short tour of the hotel de police, we were metwith great hospitality. As can be imagined, French police stations aremuch the same as their British counterparts the major difference wasthe armoury! The amount of firepower available, both lethal and non-lethal, was impressive. Considering the array of weapons, I wassurprised to learn they are very seldom used. The presence is usuallyenough. The Armourer told us that no one has fired a gun in anger foryears and a taser has only been used once in 5 years.

Having extracted ourselves from under the mound of guns, tasers andrubber bullets, we continued to the fingerprint room. All prisoners arefingerprinted, photographed and have their DNA taken when in custody.These details are entered onto the French equivalent of the PNC. Whenwe entered the room, a prisoner was being dealt with much to John’s

surprise! Unusually, the fingerprint room wasnot in the cellblock but up two flights of stairsand down a corridor, which must make securitya real issue. The thought of dragging somewildly struggling prisoner around half thebuilding to get his prints was an interesting onebut space in the cellblock was at a premiumand there was no room for the machine. Theequipment used was exactly the same as thatof West Midlands, i.e. Live Scan with DNA beingtaken via mouth swab.

We enjoyed talking about our different activitiesthroughout the afternoon. Not only were these

stories eye opening for my trusty-but-sheltered interpreter, but showedthat police officers the world over are the same breed! However, wedon’t all have the same experiences; Caen CID were surprised at theextent of cannabis cultivation in the UK and the lengths to whichsuppliers will go to establish such factories.

Just before we left the Police station we were delighted to meet thedirecteur departmental of the police in Calvados, Madame YvesLaguillami. I am very grateful to Madame Laguillami for allowing me tosee all around Caen Hotel de Police and for the time she spent talking tous. After swapping gifts with Gerard and Madame Laguillami, Gerardtook John and I first to meet his wife who is also a police officer andthen to the home of the local IPA president, Alain Rene and his wife. Alovely end to what had been a very interesting visit. Considering thelimited time to arrange our visit, our hosts had clearly gone toconsiderable trouble.

Mike Rhodes

French Hospitality

Left to right: John Godfrey, GerardHanat, Mike Rhodes and Alain Rene

National GolfTournament

Organised by Section UK

Thursday 27th May 2010

Wrotham Heath Golf Club

Seven Mile Lane, Borough Green, Kent, TN15 8QZ.3 Person Team Stableford event

Individual Stableford eventIndividual Stroke event

Maximum 3 players per region – in the event of more than 3 persons per region applying then a

regional qualifier will be required to be held.

Prizes includeThe IPA Trophy for the best stroke score

and the Team prize is a Return Flights/travel toDublin – Two nights’ accommodation – one day’s

Golf as guests in Section Ireland’s annual GolfTournament on 26th August 2010.

Lots of other prizes on the day

Hotel Accommodation available at a reasonable rate.

Contact: [email protected] for more information.

Dates toRememberFor further information visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog/SportYukon River Quest 2010.

Ian Tyers is trying to organise an international police team totake part in the Yukon River Quest canoe race fromWhitehorse to Dawson City in Canada, starting on 30 June2010 (see www.yukonriverquest.com).

Police Sport UK National Badminton Championship.

IPA is offering a sports voucher of £50 each to the highestfinishing male and female competitors in the abovementioned championships. To take place on 23 - 24 April2010 in Aberdeen, Scotland. Conditions of entry are as follows:

• You must be an IPA member to compete for the sports voucher.

• Send confirmation of your place in the Championshipsto [email protected] by 1 April 2010.

• Send confirmation of your finishing scores [email protected] by 30 April 2010.

• You must agree to your story and photo appearing in Police World, IPA Website and IPA publicity materials.

8th Seven-a-sideInternational Police Football

Competition Tarragona - Spain 2, 3 and 4th September

Price is 155 euros, p.p. in a double room:

This includes: Registration fee, 3 days (Nights of Thursday, Friday & Saturday)

with breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Closing evening dinner and party on 4th September.

Trophies for every team & player.

Transportation between the hotel and stadium included

Hotel is only 5 meters from the beach,

(Extra day: 30 euros p.p. in double room, in single room 55 euros)

For details contact:[email protected]

Visit www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog

for more detail.


23rd - 27th June

Five-a-side football,

Swim, Skate, 500m

Road Race and Fun

Bike Ride.

The venue is the Velvet


(Ancona), Italy.

Deadline for bookings

is 30th April

For details contact:[email protected]

or visit www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalogfor the full programme.

Page 11: The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK world 32pp... · 2010. 3. 26. · Vol 55 No.1 2010 Features Regulars News 19-23 National News A round up of the news

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IPA News

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IPA News

Following a very successfuland enjoyable visit to IPA Hof;Bournemouth Branch membersfelt that IPA Hof Chairman;Alfred Eiber, should have somerecognition for his tirelesswork in promoting ourorganization. Alfred was the co-founder of the IPA branch in Hof;formed in 1984. He was theBranch Secretary for nine yearsuntil becoming the Branch Chairman in 1993. Heremained as Chairman until 2008. It was down toAlfred’s determination and support, that soonafter the opening of the border a number ofbranches in former East Germany were founded in 1990.

Alfred has freely given 24 years of dedicated workto the association. His main drive always being theNational and International friendship. Alfred is wellknown for his unforgettable trips abroad for hisBranch members. The first trip, of many, was toIPA Joensuu in Finland, where a very closefriendship was established and still remains today.The trip was followed by many journeys throughoutthe UK and Europe. Alfred never involves a travelagent, preferring to organise everything himself.He even goes as far as traveling to the country orregion, which he is planning to visit, beforehandwith his family, in order to check everything out indetail. His trips are always fully booked.

A very special moment for Alfred was meetingArthur Troop in May 2000 at the IPA WorldCongress 50th Anniversary event in Bournemouth.O nly paralleled by an IPA visit to Rome, where hehad an audience with The Pope.

Alfred publishes the local IPA Branch magazine‘IPA Hof Extrawärscht’, issued four times a year.He started and maintains the IPA Hof websitewww.ipa-hof.de and supports the International IPAYouth Exchange programme.

In 2004, he organised the Hof 20th Anniversaryevent, when many of his IPA friends from allover the world visited. There were members from11 different countries. In addition, there weremembers from 20 different German branches,who came to celebrate 3 unforgettable days withhim. IPA Germany has awarded his work with theSilver and Gold IPA Needle, as well as the SilverIPA Medal. In 2005 Alfred was awarded the Medalof the Bavarian Prime Minister for his commitment

to IPA Hof, this was also in recognition of hisinternational and border crossing work.

IPA Hof appears to be one of the most activebranches in the world, all due to Alfred’s efforts.He has a very hard working person, who hasdedicated his life to the police and IPA work, hehas always wanted to help and please. Of coursenone of this would have been possible without thelove and support provided by his wife Imugard.Written by Paul Smith - Bournemouth BranchGabi Eiber - Alfred’s daughter

The debate within this Section about wideningthe membership has been to the forefront forsome years now. To my knowledge there arethree occasions that the matter has gone to avote at National Council in the last five or six years.

On each of the first two occasions the vote wasdefeated by a narrow margin. The last of thosethree debates was at the NCM last year. Theproposal on that occasion was on both theprinciple and the nature or category ofmembership that ought to be afforded tomembers who were not 'warranted' policeofficers or retired officers.

Essentially the debate had moved on. Theproposal that was voted on and accepted byCouncil tacitly accepted the notion of wideningthe membership, while seeking to limit the rightsof non-police members to hold office, i.e. a newcategory of Associate or Affiliate Member.

The NEC put that proposal to World Congress butfell foul of the rules around submission times,and the proposal was not admitted.

However a separate proposal was debated atWorld Congress. That proposal sought to allowmember Sections to determine for themselves

what roles may be considered as part of the'Police Service', given the differences in policingacross the IPA community. That proposal wascarried by a large majority.

In the spirit of the change to International Statuteand Rules, this Section set up a small workinggroup to review the membership criteria ascurrently defined in Section UK, and to prepareproposals that could be considered by memberRegions and voted upon at the NCM 2010.

The working group has concluded that to placeone 'catch all' proposal before National Councildoes not do the debate justice. i.e. two previousproposals that attempted to include all of theroles that might be considered eligible in awidened membership were narrowly lost. Theproposals were not necessarily lost becausemembers did not accept the principle. They werelost because members could not agree or werenot content that all of the defined roles describedin those proposals should be considered for membership.

Last year's vote accepting the principle appearsto support that view. That being so, the workinggroup has decided upon the following approach;

• An overarching proposal will be presented to

National Council that proposes theacceptance by Council of the principle of extending the membership.

• If accepted, each role will thereafter be putforward as a separate motion, thus avoidingthe all or nothing approach of earlier motions.

i.e. Council might accept all or some / rejectall or some of these proposals, but in that circumstance they will be won / lost on their own merits, and not through an all or nothing approach.

The posts / organisations that may feature infuture proposals includes those detailed in themotion put forward by 7 Region in 2008, namely:PCSO's; Investigative Staff; Call Handlers;Enquiry Office Staff; Police Trainers; DetentionOfficers: Scenes of Crime Officers; OperationalANPR Staff; Camera Safety Operators; CCTVOperators: Licensing Officers: Human ResourcesStaff: Serious & Organised Crime Agency:Yeomen Warders.

Tom Crozier, Secretary General

Martin Doherty from Lincolnshire Branchreports on his recent trip to Norway, anddiscovers how helpful IPA contacts can be.It’s just a shame that even the IPA cannoteffect the outcome of a football match.

Dear BSAC, I just thought it was time to updateyou on my recent trip to Norway....I say recent,but apparently it has been a while! I havechanged posts within the Police, and with allthat has been happening, time just appears tohave slipped away. Oh, yes, that, and sky divingdown the North Face of the Eiger helps towaste some organising time too...but that'sanother story!!

Anyway, after all your fab help, myself and mybetter half, Claire (also a member...you see, noone gets away!), set out for Norway with hopein our hearts that Scotland would be victoriousin the World Cup Qualifier, and that we mighthave to seek out further contacts in SouthAfrica. Well, I thought this, but as Claire isEnglish, she just hopes that the wind doesn'tblow too strongly whilst I'm in the kilt...she isfairly long suffering that way!

We had needed a Norwegian address to gettickets to the game, and without saying toomuch that might incriminate anyone, this wasable to be sorted through the IPA contacts, andwhilst in Oslo, we met up with Jan Eirik, and hisbetter half too, who could not have been nicerto us.

They initially came to our hotel when we arrivedafter our flight with tickets in hand, not only forus, but for my sister and her hubby too,turningit into a great family affair. And they arranged afew things for us to do whilst we were there,albeit for a short while.

The next day was the day of the game in theevening, and Oslo town centre sounded farmore like a Scottish city than anywhere else,and the colourful sight of all that Tartan was agreat feeling. We seem to be incredibly luckywhen we travel with the Scottish footballsupporters, and there were no problemsthroughout the city, and some great fun washad between the locals and the Scots allenjoying the occasion. A lot of the Norwegians

came to the game in Vikingstyle helmets, whilst theScots had their usualvariation of 'Jimmy' hats andvarious tartan and militaryheadgear....somehow, this allseemed to get all mixed up,and before you knew it, menin kilts had Jimmy hats withhorns sticking out of them,and not always in the rightangles, whilst there alsoseemed to be a largenumber of Viking hornscovered in ginger wig hair.I won't elaborate more!

On the IPA side of things,many many thanks to allwho helped andvolunteered their helpthroughout. Without you allit would not have been possible.

On a Policing side of things,what a difference. In theentire day before the gamewe saw no Police at all,except those who weregiving directions. At theground we saw a total of 4Police Officers at each endof the ground, and in town afterwards, we saw2 Police Officers in the main streets. We didn'tsee any problems or trouble at all. (I hopeothers don't know different.)

On a friendship side of things, it could not haveworked out better, with joint offers of furthervisits made on both sides. Jan Eirik said thathis only disappointment of the trip was that wedidn't have longer so that he could have takenus to his station and around the area some more.Yours in friendship, Martin, Lincs Branch

If you’d like help with an overseas tripcontact BSAC for advice and relevant forms.

Tel: 01159813638 or Email: [email protected]

Changes to Eligibility

Recognition for Alfred

Hope in our Hearts

Lothia n and Borders Branch of the IPA heldtheir second Burns Supper celebrating thework and life of the Scottish Bard, RobertBurns, on Saturday 23rd January 2010 at 28York Place (The Police Club) in Edinburgh.

The event was once more a sell out and thosethat were lucky enough to secure ticketsenjoyed a fantastic night with great food, greatentertainment and a dram or six. The haggiswas piped in by Grant Rolland, who alsoentertained the guests with a set of pipe tunes

after the wonderful meal of traditional haggis,neeps and tatties. The Address to the Haggiswas expertly recited by Peter McCulloch.

And once again the evening’s entertainmentwas provided by the superb "Soopna" (PeterMcCulloch, Norman Gore and Kenny McDonald),with some witty repartee and a wonderfulrendition of Holy Willie's Prayer. And after themeal some rousing Scottish Folk Songs finisheda wonderful, if all too quick, evening.

Thanks to Alister McDermott for once againarranging the event and here's hoping for thesame success next year.

Burns Night Edinburgh

DiamondStories!Are you celebrating your own DiamondJubilee or have you an interesting storyabout diamonds to tell. In edition 4 we arelooking to publish stories that we can relateto the Jubilee celebrations. If you havesomething you wish to share then email tome at: [email protected] by 25th October 2010.

Why not enter you stories on the websiteforum! Infact if you have anything you wishto share with other members then visit theforum: www.ipa-uk.org/forums

2 FreeGimbornPlacesSection UK is offering a prize to two nonmembers per year. This prize comprises offree membership to Section UK plus freeparticipation at a Gimborn Seminar duringthe year of enrolment. (see page 27 forcourse details)

There's just two prizes on offer each year.The winners will have to attend either thesummer or autumn seminar and will beselected on receipt of a completedapplication form/direct debit to becomean IPA member, plus a 200 word piece onhow they felt the seminar would benefitthem in the workplace.

Visit: www.ipa-uk.org/IPA-Training-Gimbornfor more about Gimborn or contact BSACat [email protected], Tel: 01159 813628


Alfred Eiber with his UK Presidential Award at Gimborn

Holy Willie, saying his prayer

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IPA News

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IPA News

New MembersThere are 53 new members who have joined the

Association since the last edition of

Police World.

Congratulations to all the

branches that successfully

recruited new members.

The website lists all new members,

you can find this list at:


A Northumbria officer with more than 30 years in the job had a taste oflife in the Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) after securing the 2009 IPA GaryWaine Tour Award.

Hexham based Sgt Marty Abbott, who has been a member of theInternational Police Association (IPA) since 1990, said: "I was delighted toreceive this award."

Dominated by the huge rock, the island of Gibraltar is a self governingBritish Overseas Territory covering three square miles and with a populationof about 30,000 people.

The RGP has 230 staff and along with the Gibraltar Customs is the principallaw enforcement agency on the island. It's the oldest police service in theCommonwealth outside the UK having formed more than 170 years ago.

Today, the RGP includes a uniform response, Marine Section, Firearms Unit(ARV‘s), CID, Special Branch, SOCO Investigation, Traffic Department andan Operations Division. In the last financial year the RGP dealt with 4,063incidents. The force has never had an unsolved murder!

Arriving in Gibraltar Marty was taken to the IPA Social Club to meet otherIPA members and both the IPA President of Gibraltar C/Insp John Barabichand Vice President D/Insp Maurice Napoli. After finding out about the RGP,IPA Assistant Treasurer Insp Jimmy Golt took Marty on a a tour of the ‘Rock’.

The next day Marty met the Marine Section looking at the force's launches

and theconfiscated ribsand jet skies fromdrug smugglers. Hewas taken out on alaunch which waslater involved in intercepting a boat suspected of drug smuggling.

"The five hours in the ’rib’ was one of the most exciting and terrifying thingsI've ever done. The RGP has had tremendous success with these vesselswith impressive captures and hauls of illegal substances and tobacco,"Marty explained.

Marty also met Custody staff and had the chance to discuss the technology,including AIRWAVE, used by the RGP.

"I was impressed by my RGP colleagues who, like many police servicestoday, are often faced with difficult challenges and I realised that despitethe UK and Gibraltar being intrinsically linked they are infact two differentcountries."

The Gary Waine Tour Award is open to all serving IPA members withinRegion 3. The successful candidate in 2010 will win a trip to Cyprus.

(Thank you to Fiona Ward of Northumbria Police for the article).

New members were surveyed regarding their thoughts on the newmember pack and the enrolment process. The feedback was, on thewhole, consistent, positive and included some useful insights on howthe process could still be improved.

The survey was conducted amongst 100 members who had joined IPAduring 2009. Eighteeen members replied.

When asked to comment on packaging pack, everyone felt it wasadequate or more than adequate. Five members commented they felt thepackaging was fit for purpose, with little excess waste in terms of postage,and with recycling in mind, wrapping. This ‘green’ theme will now be anarea for further thought in the coming months.

The consensus over the welcome letter was it was adequate or more thanadequate. Based on feedback, BSAC will in future issue additionalinformation on how to access the website and what members can expectto find there, ie their branch contact details in the directory section andmost current edition of Police World.

Over the past 18 months, a ‘free gift pack’ containing four items has beenpromoted and issued to all new members. There was unanimity of feelingthat the lapel badge and pen were useful, but a mixed reaction towards

the rucksack (6 felt it was not useful) and the keyring torch (3 felt it wasnot useful). All agreed that taking into consideration the membership feethe gifts were either adequate or more than adequate.

It was interesting to note comments from four members: ‘free gifts notnecessary’; ‘I did not join to receive the free gifts’; ‘all gifts areconsidered token and not wasted’; ‘reason for joining was to meet othermembers, not receive free gifts’. As the free gifts are dependent on fundsraised from sponsorship and the NEC is currently seeking a new sponsor,a decision on the future of free gifts will be made by the NEC based onfeedback and the impact the packs have had on enrolment figures.

Commenting on the general enrolment process which can take up to twoweeks, all members felt the time to process – from point of application toreceipt of enrolment pack – was adequate. BSAC will however look intoways of improving communication with the member during the enrolmentprocess.

The Communications Team is grateful to those members who respondedto the survey.

Police Sport UK Ladies GolfChampionshipsIPA is offering a sports voucher of £50 each to the highestfinishing competitor in the above mentioned championships. Totake place on the 22 - 23 August 2010 at Berkshire Golf Club.Conditions of entry are as follows:

• You must be an IPA member to compete for the sports voucher.

• Send confirmation of your place in the Championshipsto [email protected] by 22 June 2010.

• Send confirmation of your finishing scores [email protected] by 30 August 2010.

• You must agree to your story and photo appearing in Police World, IPA Website and IPA publicity materials.

Consultation with new members

IPA on the Rock

Ulster Friendship WeekWe're delighted to report that over 70 people have now booked into theUlster Friendship Week planned for 31 July - 7 August 2010.

There are however still some places available.

There are still quite a few tickets available for the Gala Dinner on Thursday5 August; you don't have to attend the whole week. Tickets for the dinneralone are £30 and accommodation at a reduced rate is available. There'salso the possibility to join in on individual day trips. For more details contactthe organisers on: [email protected]

As part of the IPA Diamond Jubilee celebrations a 4 peak Hillwalk hasbeen organised when members and guests will climb one of the fourhighest mountains in the UK on the same day.

This is your chance to scale Ben Nevis, Snowdon, Scafell Pike orSlieve Donard and also an ideal opportunity to raise money for acharity of your choice through sponsorship.

To become involved choose your mountain and contact the relevant coordinator:

[email protected], [email protected]

[email protected], [email protected]

For more information visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Programme-of-events

ElectionsNational Council Meeting (NCM) 2010.National Executive Committee (NEC) Elections

The current three year tenure of Vice Presidents Bryn Jones and MarkKernohan ends at the NCM 2010, and the positions are now open to nominations.

The deadline date for agenda items for the NCM, including nominations for the posts of Vice President is 22nd May 2010, i.e. Candidates offeringthemselves for election to the National Executive Committee, shall notify theSecretary General at least 28 days prior to the National Council Meeting andsubmit a CV for circulation with the agenda. After the 28-day limit, nonominations shall be admitted.

In the event there is no candidate for an office at the time of the elections,nominations for such office may be submitted at the National Council Meeting.Candidates may not be nominated or elected without their consent.

At the time of going to press, VP Bryn Jones has indicated that he will not beseeking re-election; VP Mark Kernohan will be seeking re-election. In timespast Vice President roles were designated according to the specific and fixedresponsibilities that were attached to the role, e.g. VP (Administration), VP(Sports & Leisure) etc, thereby allowing candidates to specify the role theywanted to contest.

These specific roles have now been dispensed with. VP's responsibilities arenow project driven and not defined along strict demarcation lines. Thereforecandidates are asked to specify which of the VP roles they wish to stand for byconfirming that they want to contest: (a) VP - both positions, (b) VP (incumbentBryn Jones) or (c) VP (incumbent Mark Kernohan).

4Peak HillwalkIPA Diamond Jubilee

Sunday 12th September 2010

Calling allPhotographersThe International Police Association is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee and the British Section - the founding Section - is marking the occasion with events throughout the length and breadth of the United Kingdom.

The Communications Team have a task of capturing and recordingthese events – through photographs and on occasion, video recordings.

If you’re a keen photographer, or user of a cam-recorder, and wouldlike to get involved we’d love to hear from you. A list of theDiamond Jubilee events planned already is shown on the website,so it would be useful to say which event you could cover. There’salso a need to have good quality photos taken at other non-Diamond Jubilee events, so if you’d like to put your name down asa possible photographer for any event which might occur in yourlocality, then let us know.

Also, the Section is running a repeat of the photo competition held last year.

There are three categories.

Open Competition A digital camera + £75

Police Theme £75

IPA Theme £75

Terms and conditions can be found by visiting: www.ipa-uk.org/News/Calling-all-Photographers- or contacting theBSAC office at [email protected] or 0115 9813638


Page 13: The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK world 32pp... · 2010. 3. 26. · Vol 55 No.1 2010 Features Regulars News 19-23 National News A round up of the news


1. Useful (7)

2. Evidently (7)

3. Semiprecious quartz (5)

4. Comments (7)

5. Vibrated (5)

6. Woody plants (5)

9. Eight-legged creatures (9)

14. People who rule (7)

15. Set up (7)

16. Nearest (7)

19. Ghost (5)

20. Sinks (anag) (5)

21. Cover with liquid (5)


Competition Page

Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010 25

IPA News

GERMANY 25th Anniversary of IPA Verbindungsstell Nordfriesland - GermanyIPA Verbindungsstell Nordfriesland - Germany - warmly invites you tojoin them in celebrating their 25th Anniversary and 4th InternationalMotorcycle Meeting. This will take place from Friday 10th of June toMonday 13th June 2011. For further information please e-mail: [email protected] or visit Homepage: www.ipa-nordfriesland.de

POLANDIPA Underground SoccerTournamentThis will take place in a salt mine in Wielicka, Poland on the 8th - 12thSeptember 2010. IPA Branch Krakow would like to invite you toparticipate in this event which takes 125 metres underground.Entrance fee per team: 100 Euro. For further details please contact:[email protected] or visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog.

LITHUANIAThe 6th Cup Amateur Soccer Tournament will be held in Lithuania'scapital, Vilnius. The Tourment will be held from 16th to 19thSeptember 2010. The event is being organised by the IPA VilniusBranch, together with the Lithuanian Police Department. The hostingside will cover your dining and living expenses and will organize localexcursions as well as other attractions. More information concerningthe tournment will soon be provided on the web site: www.ipafootball.ltor contact Vytautas Pliuskus, President of Lithuanian Section IPA onemail - [email protected]

ROMANIAThe Danubius Cup Ten-pin Bowling contest will take place from 22ndto 25th April 2010 in Galatz. Prices are 280 euro per person and 280euro per couple. Price includes 3 nights accommodation at 5 star VivaClub Hotel Galatz with all meals included, free access to the pools andsaunas and fitness centre, free internet Deadline for registration is20th April, a deposit of 50 euro is required. For further details contactvisit: www.ipagalati.ro,www.vivaclub.ro or download the programme atwww.ipa-uk.org/forms

USAThird Annual Friendship Fiesta. 2nd - 4th May, USA Region 25 willhost an event – Rock in Las Vegas with Region 25. The cost is $110 fortwo nights (up to two people per room) and includes several extras. Toview the these extras and for more information please visit: www.ipa-uk.org/event-catalog

IPA 2012 Canadian Rocky Mountain Tour. The three IPA Canadaregions in Alberta are once again hosting an exciting IPA friendshiptour. This tour is tentatively scheduled for June 2 -14, 2012. This coachtour will spend 2 nights in Calgary, 2 nights in Banff, 2 nights inWaterton and 2 nights in Edmonton. While in Edmonton our tourguests will join the IPA Canada Annual General Meeting delegates fromacross the country for joint social events.

The prices of $1,800 CAD for the Alberta tour or $2,400 CAD for thefull tour terminating in Vancouver are per person based on doubleoccupancy. Tour details will be updated onhttp://ipa.ca/events/rockymountaintour2012.php

Cajun Country and the Great River Road on November 10 - 16, 2010.The Motor Coach Trip departs from Region 57 near St. Louis. Join us aswe journey into the Deep South for an awesome historical and culturalexperience.Open to all IPA members and friends. Cost: Double $1230Single $1625,Triple $1100, Quad $1040. Deposit of $25 due at timeof booking. Final payment due Sept. 24, 2010. For more details andbooking visit: www.ipa-usa.org/region57

Crossword& SudokuIn this edition we are giving you the chance to win a copy of ‘Jack the Ripper Quest for a Killer’ by M. J. Trow in our crossword competition. In our new sudoku competitioncopies of Blackstone’s Police Investigators’ Workbook and Manual 2010. Solve the puzzles then send them in, the lucky winners will be drawn from a hat.

Books supplied by Pen & Sword Books Limited and Oxford University PressFor similar titles visit www.pen-and-sword.co.uk, www.blackstonespolicemanuals.com

Send the completed crossword to: IPA, Communications Manager, Arthur Troop House, 1 Fox Road,West Bridgford.Nottingham. NG2 6AJ. Please include your name, address and membership number.The deadline for entries is 10th May 2010.

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8


10 11

12 13

14 15 16

17 18

19 20 21

22 23

24 25

9 46 1 8 5 78 5 3 9

51 8 6 2

31 2 4 5

5 7 9 4 62 9


7. Praise (6)

8. Restraint (6)

10. Easily shaped (7)

11. Arose from slumber (5)

12. Unattractive (4)

13. Garments for the feet (5)

17. Planet (5)

18. Fossil fuel (4)

22. Prodded (5)

23. Grows larger (7)

24. Possessons (6)

25. Supporting frames (6)

About the booksJack the Ripper: As featured in theDiscovery Channel documentary.The book indentifies a previouslyunknown prime suspect and provesthe ripper killed seven women - notfive. It outlines a new motive for thekillings and uses behavourialpsychology, modern forensic techniques and murdermapping. It is written in a historical whodunit styledestroying fanciful conspiracy theories.

Blackstones’s Police Investigators’ Manual and Workbook 2010: These are the only official studyand refererence text books for the NationalInvestigators’s Exam (NIE) which is taken as part ofphase 1 of the Initial Crime Investigators’ DevelopmentProgramme (ICIDP). These books are written in apractical and accessible style, with keynotes throughoutthe text breaking up the law and procedure to provideclear and concise analysis of complex topics

Edition 5 Winner:Congratulations to Derek Fisher from 7 Regionwho sent in the lucky winningentry, which was drawn fromthe hat.Derek wins copies of ‘Darkerthan Death’ and ‘Foul Deeds& Suspicious Deaths inGlasgow.

3rd International IPA-Friendship WeekMeeting - Bork / Germany

23rd July - 1st August 2010Among an exchange of experiences, workshops and discussions there

will be an extensive recreational-program, with soccer, tennis, swimmingamong the many activities available.

Bring the family, children are more than welcome.We would also like you to bring along your Police uniform.

Please register your interest in the event by the 15th May 2010.The full programme is available at:



To include a cruise on the Rhone river organised girardot

travel. For people who already in Paris, an option is available

to go to Martigues and start the cruise there.

Departure date on Sunday, September 12th 2010 arrival date

on Monday, September 13th 2010 in the end of the afternoon

and back to Lyon at the end of the cruise.

The full programme with pictures can be found on the IPA

France website.

www.ipafrance.org or by visiting:


International IPA Campertreff 2010 in The Netherlands - District Baronie van BredaIn 2010 IPA Nederland will organise the International IPA Campertreff.This will take place from Thursday 19 August through Sunday 22 August. The event will be held in a large field owned by the minicamping DeMunnikkenhof, at Munnikenhof 21, 4844 Terheijden, a small villagebordering on the well-known Nassau and Orange city of Breda and only afew kilometers away from the national park De Biesbosch. All the facilitiesof the minicamping are at the disposal of the guests.From this minicamping various trips will be organised. They will be of acultural, informative yet relaxing nature and a visit to the historic city ofBreda will part of them. The oganisers intend to have a small exhibition ofpolice vehicles and to have a hobby and swap meet.Please contact the oganisers below if you are interested or if you requirefurther information on the event and ‘minicamping’.Ton and Berny Fransen e-mail: [email protected] Ketelaar email: [email protected]

Visit www.ipa-houses.infoThe IPA offers great value accommodation in morethan 40 IPA houses in 20 different countries.

Details of all international events can be found on-line: www.en.ipa-iac.org/online-diary/en_diary-events.htm

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Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010

Diary dates



ry d


12-16 AprilFamily liaison issues – victim support after crimes and/ordisasters (English)

14-18 MayPolice Missions- experiences of multinational co-operation –new tasks for members of national police forces (English)

5-9 JulyNew forms of violence – Bullying, Stalking, Rage killings –Demands on Police and social institutions / Neue Formender Gewalt - Mobbing, Stalking, Amok – Anforderungen anPolizei und soziale Institutionen [target group: Young Policeofficers up to 35 years of age] (English/German)

13-17 SeptemberMore safety on the roads – new initiatives on a European

level Mehr / Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr – neue Ansätzeauf europäischer Ebene (English/German)

4-8 OctoberTrauma and stress – how to cope with extreme experiences- with special reference to policing (English)

Visit: www.ipa-uk.org/IPA-Training-Gimborn

IBZ Gimborn Course List for 2010

The IPA Motorcycling Group is planning a trip that includesdestinations in Germany, Prague and Poland. Starting on

11th July and concluding on 24th 2010The highlights of the tour include:

La Coupole - Site of the V2 rockets.

IBZ Gimborn - IPA Training Centre

Colditz - notorious prisoner of war camp

Church of Bones - Featured on Long Way Round

Nurburgring - racing circuit

Luxembourg American Cemetery -

Last resting place of General PattonAuschwitz - speaks for its self.

The group plan to meet up with as many IPA sections

on the tour around eastern Europe.

If you are interested in this trip and what more detail visit:


or email:[email protected]

MototcyclingGroup - Poland Trip

Price per person in a double room Є195 *Single room supplement: Є45

*Booking confirmation deposit: Є100 per personThe price includes:

● Accomodation in a good 4* hotel in Chianciano Terme

● Welcome drink ● Full board, including dinner of the first day and breakfast of the last day;lunches according to the programme

● Drinks during the meals ● Assistance.

For informations and/or bookings contact:

Ufficio prenotazioni I.P.A.

Tel. 0039 0578 62561 – fax 0039 0578 62597

e-mail [email protected] visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-catalog/motorcycling

for more information and programme

Motorcycling Tour of TuscanyDiscovering the green heart of Italy

10th June – 13th June 2010

August 21th - 28th, 2010This fantastic trip includes stop-offs in


returning to VENICE

For more information visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog

IPA Section Italy - CRUISE on the MAGNIFICA

April5 Region - Staffordshire Branch, 8th April: Evening meal at the DraytonManor Golf Club (time and coach details tofollow). Contact [email protected] forfurther details.

8 Region - Cambridgeshire Branch AGM. To be held at 7.30pm on Monday 12th Aprilat Thorpe Wood Police Station,Peterborough. For further information pleasecontact [email protected]

8 Region - Cambridgeshire Branch Eveningat the Dogs. Always a popular event, we'regoing to the dogs on Wednesday 14th April.

"The bell sounds, the lights dim, the trapsburst open and six greyhounds pound thesand in pursuit of the mechanical 'hare'... Theexcitement builds, the atmosphere becomeselectric, everyone cheering their ownselections... The greyhounds race past thefinishing post and the tickets are held high injubilation and anticipation of the payout.

Enjoy a full evening of dog racingentertainment from the comfort of your ownreserved seat in the restaurant with waitressservice and tote betting from your seat.Entry, race programme and a two-coursemeal costs just £11pp (includes £2 discountfor IPA members and close family).

The doors open at 6.30pm and the first racestarts at 7.30pm.

To book your place contact:[email protected]

7 Region - Avon & Somerset (South)Branch, Ten-pin bowling evening – Monday19th April. Venue: Hollywood Bowl,Tauntonat 4pm. Contact:[email protected] for more details.

8 Region - Cambridgeshire Branch.The Cambridgeshire Branch April Sundaylunch will take place at 1pm on Sunday 25thApril 2010 at the Golden Pheasant, Etton,Peterborough. Deadline for booking 15th April.

To book your places contact:[email protected].

May 10 Region - Golf Tournament, 13th May,The event will be held at Brett Vale Golf ClubRaydon, near Ipswich Suffolk. To view thevenue visit - http://www.brettvalegolf.co.uk.For more information contact Steve Hunt at 10 [email protected]

5 Region - Staffordshire Branch, 13th May: Mystery Night at the ArrivaSports and Social Club, St Leonards Works,Stafford. Contact [email protected] further details.

7 Region - Avon & Somerset (South) BranchExchange to Denmark – 13th - 17th May.Contact:[email protected] formore details.

4 Region - North Wales Branch. On Sunday16th May members and friends are invitedto join in a 2hr. leisurely walk along thebanks of the River Dee at Eccleston Village,Chester. This walk is suitable for all ages, nosteps or hills, ending with a meal at a local pub.

For full details and to book your placecontact Charles Fox [email protected] Tel.01745 817100

The Motorcycling Group are planning a tripto Holland. An outline of the itenary isavailable at: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog/Motorcycling

Members are to meet in France on Thursday20th May 2010, and meet with a branch ofIPA France. Contact:[email protected] more details.

June 5 Region - Staffordshire Branch, 10th June: Canal Trip (to be confirmed).Contact [email protected] for further details.

IPA Section Italy - Motorcycling Tour ofTuscany 10th - 13th June 2010. See page27 for details.

National Council Meeting 17th - 20th June

The dates for the National Council Meetingare the 17th-20th June, 2010. The venue isThe Felbridge Hotel, East Grinstead, WestSussex. For enquiries please [email protected]

Guildford Cathedral Service - 18th June2010. Guests to arrive from 10am with theservice beginning at 11am. Visit www.ipa-uk.org/Programme-of-events for more info.

5 Region Birmingham Branch Charity CycleRide, 20th June. Taking part in the BritishHeart Foundation London to Brighton CycleRide 54 miles of leisurely cycling!

Anyone wishing to join in contact Chair orSecretary for details, all welcome:[email protected]

July5 Region Staffordshire - Bowls night, 8thJuly. A game of bowls for all withStaffordshire police bowls section. Contact: [email protected]

The Motorcycling Group have arranged atrip to Poland, 11th - 24th July:

If you are interested in this trip and wouldlike to know more or would like to book aplace than contact: [email protected]

BSAC Open Day, 24th July: see page 2

AugustDurham Friendship Week on Sunday 1stAugust to Sunday 8th August, 2010. The full itinerary can be found at:http://www.ipa-uk.org/write/documents andbooking forms at: www.ipa-uk.org/Forms

4 Region - North Wales Branch, Sunday 1stAugust: Are having a BBQ in conjunctionwith the family day at Chester Racecourse.Further details to follow.

Contact: [email protected]

The Motorcycling Group is celebrating its1st birthday party on the 21st August atGarth Farm Hull Road Cliffe, Selby, Yorkshire,YO8 6NH. Camping pitches will be available,and a hog roast is planned too. For furtherdetails contact Dave Taylor [email protected]

SeptemberTour of Founding Sections with Len Washer -6th – 15th September. Contact [email protected] for more information.

IPA Diamond Jubilee handover of flag toSection Netherlands, 4th September. Visit:www.ipa-uk.org.Programme-of-events for more information.

IPA Diamond Jubilee 4 Peak Hillwalk, 12thSeptember. See page 23 for details .

National Police Memorial Day, Belfast -26th September. The venue isThe Waterfront Hall, Belfast at 2.00pm.

Caravanning and CampingGroup Rally List 2010

• Tulip Rally 29th April to 4th May 2010.Venue: Pilmoor Lane, Low Fulney, SPALDING,Lincolnshire, PE16 6QP. Organiser: MikeCroson. E-mail: [email protected]

• Seaside Rally 4th May to 11th May.Venue: The Sportsfield, Berry Lane,LITTLEHAMPTON, West Sussex, BN17 6DL.Organiser: Adrian BonifaceE-mail: [email protected]

• 60th Anniversary International 29thApril to 4th May. Venue: Merseyside PoliceSports Club, Riversdale Road, Aigburth,LIVERPOOL, L19 3QN. Organiser: Dave HardyE-mail: [email protected]

• Diamond Jubilee Caravan Rally 27 May –1 June. at the Merseyside Police Sports andSocial Club, Riversdale Road, Liverpool L193QN. Organiser: Dave HardyContact: [email protected]

• Pasty and Cream Rally 7th July to 14thJuly. Venue: Liskeard, Cornwall. (Extendedstay possible). Organiser: John TuckerE-mail: [email protected]

• Barton Marina Rally (New) 30th July to4th August. Venue: Barton under Needwood,BURTON UPON TRENT, Staffordshire, DE138DZ. Organiser: Dave AshleyE-mail: [email protected]

• Ice Cream Rally 4th August to 8thAugust. Venue: Red Lion Farm, Haughton,STAFFORD, ST18 9JG. Organiser: Bob LeaE-mail: [email protected]

• Suffolk Rally 25th August to 31stAugust. Venue: Thorpeness, ALDEBURGH,Suffolk. Organiser: Mick AshtonEmail:[email protected]

• Clacton Rally 25th August to 31stAugust 2010. Venue: Homestead Caravans,Clacton on Sea, Essex. Organiser: Ray HansenEmail:[email protected]

For more information on these events visit:www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog/Caravanning-Camping-Group

Fully Booked


Page 15: The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK world 32pp... · 2010. 3. 26. · Vol 55 No.1 2010 Features Regulars News 19-23 National News A round up of the news

Wallets only £12.50 inc P&P

Leather multi sectioned credit card

wallet with an enamel IPA logo inside.

Size is 11cms x 8cms when closed.

Rucksackonly £8.50 inc P&P

Blue, black and grey nylon bag with

IPA Section UK logo printed on the

front. Comes with a mesh bottle

pocket on the side.

IPA Pens only £3.00 inc P&P

Pack of 5 blue and white pens

with the website address printed

on the side.

Baseball Cap only £5.99 inc P&P

High quality in navy with the

IPA logo embroided on the

front. British section

embroided on one side and

the Union flag on the other.

Notepads only £4.50 inc P&P

Pack of 10 white pads with the

IPA Section UK logo on each page.

Car Windscreen Sticker only £1.70 inc P&P

IPA logo sticker for car windscreens.

Golf Tees only £1.00 inc P&P

Pack of 10 wooden golf tees with

the website address printed on

the stem.

Lanyards only £1.00 inc P&P

Blue nylon strap with metal clip.

Website address repeat printed

along length.

Golf Umbrella only £12.00 inc P&P

Large blue and white canopy with

wooden handle. IPA Section UK

logo appears on one side.

Mail Order should include payment in advance with cheques made payable to IPA and sent to BSAC,

Arthur Troop House, 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 6AJ.

Merchandise can now be purchased online, visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Shop - and click the ebay link.

Payment can then be made via a PAYPAL account.

28 Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010

Official Merchandise

Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010 29

Letters Page

In each edition the ‘Star Letter’ will be awarded an

IPA baseball cap, so what are you waiting for, write

in and have your say!

Dear EditorI am Lawrence Wright and I joinedthe IPA in 1963 and I am aCommittee member with theCambridgeshire Branch and No. 8Region. My wife Susan and I recentlyspent two weeks in Malta and throughthe International Office, made contactwith members of the Malta Branch. It was arranged that we should meet them on a certain day,which we did. We went to their Police Headquarters at Floriana nearValletta. We were met by their Treasurer Sgt Joe Mamo and shown aroundtheir wonderful Police Museum showing the history of the Police in Malta.This was followed by a visit to their "Black Museum" showing the grusomereconstructions of famous crimes in Malta. We also met with theirSecretary General Romeo Micallef and National President Dione Bugeja.Royalty could not have had a more friendly welcome. We were shownaround their magnificent Headquarters, a beautiful building in itself. TheOfficers certainly have a building and a Police Force to be proud of. Thephoto shows from left to right the Officer who is the Musuem Curator,Dione, Romeo, Susan and Lawrence Wright and Joe Mamo.

Anyone thinking a going to Malta, should certainly make contact with thisBranch and will be shown great friendship. Anyone who is not an IPAmember does not realise just what they are missing. Well done Malta andmany, many thanks.

Dear EditorOn 14 October 2009 I received an emailinforming me that Hong Kong Sectionmember Brian Kwan, who is a servingChief Inspector in the field of trafficmanagement, would be visitingNewcastle and Swindon on a trainingprogramme.

I later learnt that Brian's son is studying at Newcastle University. The IPAcontacts Brian made in Newcastle have promised to keep an eye on Brian'sson. Well done Region 3!

I made contact by email with Brian and learnt the dates he would be stayingin Swindon and the name of his hotel. I then passed this information on tothe Branch and IPA member Liz Millington, a serving Detective Constable atSwindon's Gablecross Police Station, agreed to assist.

As Brian was attending a traffic management course during the day therewas little time for sight seeing, this was Brian's first visit to the UnitedKingdom. However all was not lost because one evening Liz collected Brianfrom his hotel and drove him to Gablecross Police Station where sheintroduced him to IPA member Sergeant John England who works with theRoads Policing Unit. John took Brian out on patrol including a drive on theM4 motorway.

Thank you Liz and John for your assistance. I know that Brian appreciatedyour friendship which is what the IPA is all about.

Due to circumstances and other commitments it was not possible toarrange a social function so that Brian could meet other members of theWiltshire Branch. As a compromise one evening John England drove Brianto Devizes where I was able to meet Brian face to face. We enjoyed anexcellent meal in one of the local pubs.

Brian is hoping to re-visit Wiltshire, in hopefully the not too distant future,so that I can show him some of the famous landmarks such as Stonehenge

and Salisbury Cathedral.

No doubt Brian will want to renew his friendship with Liz and John.

Yours in friendship, Peter Spencer, Region 7.

Dear EditorThe word police is derived from two greek & latin words police & politia.Polis means state & politia means organization, so police is an organizationof the state which maintains and enforces law & order of the government.Prevention & detection of crime is the duty of police.

Other useful meanings derived from the word police which shows thequalities of police personnel is,

P = polite ( with the needful )

O = obedient (to seniors )

L = loyal ( with country )

I = intellectual ( in investigations )

C = courageous ( in encounters)

E = efficient ( in response & turn out )

With best compliments for ipa uk from IPA Pakistan.

From Khomer Walter Masih, sub inspector, Section Pakistan

Dear EditorAn email was sent to the Sri LankanIPA telling them about our plans toholiday in Sri Lanka. This wasacknowledged straight away with akind offer to host us with a family inColombo. We stayed with the Diasfamily for one week. Mr Dias was aretired senior Superintendent withlots of contacts through the IPA.

After a long flight with Qatar Airways we initially joined an independentlyorganised Tea Tour for two weeks exploring various parts of the Island bybus with a small group of American tea importers. This was an experiencein itself and gave us an opportunity to visit places where tourists often donot go. The tea auction house in Colombo was an example where speedytransactions took place (allegedly in English), then onto a tea plantation upin the hills where we were allowed to stay in an estate bungalow overnightand be spoilt by domestic staff before having a proper tour of the bustlingtea factory. The tea pluckers cover the lush hillsides and we were luckyenough to taste an assortment of the best unblended varieties of CeylonTea. A bumpy jeep safari tour of the Yala National Park followed, which hasa highest density of leopards in the world. In addition to leopards we sawelephants, crocodile, buffalo, sloth bear and a spectacular range of birds allin their natural habitat. A trip to the Elephant Orphanage was alsoorganised along with an International Tennis match and a visit to a localGolf Club. I had not understood however that we were riding Elephantsthrough the bush and into a river! Cricket, it seemed, was not on the Agenda.

An IPA friendship week is planned for August 2010 and I would encourageanyone thinking of attending to book soon. The price is very competitiveand now that the Civil War and elections are over it would be an excellenttime to visit. We would recommend that you take out good travel insuranceand do not hire a car in Sri Lanka as the driving standards and roads arevery poor. A web site that may be worth looking at is:www.srilankantourism.org.uk

From Heidi & Peter Morse, Somerset


Jubilee Tie Pin only £1.00 + P&P

Tie pins celebrating the 60th

Anniversary of the International

Police Association

The image is that of the longest

serving member, Len Washer,

member no.4

Taken from the limited edition

print by the renowned police

artist Jedd, backed by

a diamond.

Jubilee Mug only £7.00 + P&P

Ceramic mug celebrating the 60th

Anniversary of the International

Police Association

The image is that of the limited

edition print by the renowned

police artist Jedd

Jubilee Art Print only £25 inc P&P

This artwork is available to buy

as an A2 print with the cost

being £25 including the

postage and packing.

Please contact [email protected]

if you wish to purchase any ofthe Jubilee memorabilia as

they are not available via Ebay.

Page 16: The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK world 32pp... · 2010. 3. 26. · Vol 55 No.1 2010 Features Regulars News 19-23 National News A round up of the news



3 bedroom, 2 bathroom & WC. Available 10

June - 11 July 2010. Sleeps 6 people. Min stay

10 nights. R6,000 per day.

Contact [email protected] or:

cell 0027843333288

CRETE HOUSE:House with two Bedrooms, two Bathrooms,fully equipped, Air Conditioned, TV/DVD, wihPool, in a Village Location, with Shops,Tavernas. Ten minutes to the Seaside. A Car isessential.Telephone: Grahame on 01484305155

CYPRUS: Stunning 3 bedroom luxury villa (sleeps 9) atSecret Valley, Paphos. Superb accommodationand location. Private pool, Paphos airport 10minutes. IPA member. Tel: 07711 848048www.rentmycyprusvilla.com

CZECH REPUBLIC: Luxury holiday cottages and guided tours inSouth Bohemia. Three weeks for price of two in2010 and 20% discount for IPA members. CallCindy on 01629 650122www.bohemiabreaks.cz

BRITTANY: 3 bedroom house close to beaches, great baseto explore this lovely region. Close toports/airport. IPA member. Email: [email protected] Tel: 01945 480840


Fully furnished 3bed/2bath villa within gated

community with pools hot tub. TV package/wifi.

£300 per week for IPA members. Close to

Orlando attractions. Email:

[email protected].

Telephone 01603 781951


2 bedroom / 2 bathroom villa in unique setting

in Sarasota, Florida. 15% discount from June

till December annually. Please visit our website

at: www.timberwoods.us. Email

[email protected]

or Telephone 01206 240281


Mobile Home with terrace, sleeps 4/6 a private

site situated in 220 acres of forest woodlands,

2 fishing lakes and spring fed swimming lake.

1 hour from Paris, 40 minutes to Disneyland.

IPA member. Contact: Jennie/Malcolm on 020

8658 3711


Superb family apartment on French/Swiss

border. Winter: 650k of great skiing. Summer:

alpine walking, biking, canoeing. IPA member.

www.alpsnownsun.co.uk E-mail:

[email protected] 01227 275879


Mobile home with veranda sleeps 4 to 5

people. Private site with pools and a restaurant

bar, with beaches nearby. Near Monaco, St.

Tropez. No pets allowed. Tel: 07990 785836

(M) or e-mail: [email protected]


Paradise Island in the Indian Ocean. Imani

Beach Villa run by young english couple. 8 en-

suite rooms, ideal for group hire. Www.imani-


AccommodationUnited Kingdom


Modern Flat in the beautiful Meon Valley

Sleeps 2. Easy reach of Winchester, New forest,

Southampton and Portsmouth (ferries).

Discount to IPA members, ideal for a quiet

holiday. Contact 01395 516111 or email:

[email protected]


Near Pickering, North Yorkshire. The Old Forge.

S/C and B&B, private parking. Bargain Breaks.

01751 477399



Award winning B&B, C16th Lakeland House, en

suite rooms, lounge, central heating/log fire,

large private garden, parking. Within

walking distance of the village. Also self


Discount for IPA Members

Tel 015394 36219 www.walkerground.co.uk


Thimble Cottage, sleeps 4. 2 bathrooms,

dishwasher/washing macine. 7 mins walk from

sea. No pets. Discount for IPA. Tel: 01395

516111 OR email: [email protected]


ST IVES –CORNWALL: Detached 3 bedroom

Bungalow at ‘Riviere Towans’ Hayle. 100 yards

from a long sandy beach. Large lounge

TV/DVD, Patio, BBQ, sleeps 5.From £300

weekly. Contact Christine or Fred on 07840

761869. www.cahayabintang.co.uk


South Coast, classic car self drive hire from

Nostalgic Motoring. MGB and Triumph TR6

available, visit www.nostalgicmotoring.co.uk for

more information or phone 07870 114704.



East Midlands Regions. Patios, Decking,

Driveways, Pathways, Conservatories, Steps,

Car Parks, Pool surrounds etc., Sealing,

Painting and application of Anti-Slip Coatings

(H&S). Commercial & Industrial work also

undertaken. (Full Insurance). Discounts for IPA

Members. Telephone: 0781 0808600

(Matlock, Derbyshire) E-Mail: mayco-

[email protected] Website: www.mayco-scs.co.uk


A new social networking site for all serving and

former members of the Emergency Services.


Wanted! Your News and PhotosHave you got any interesting news and photos

that could feature in this magazine and even the

front page? We always want to hear your IPA news

no matter how big or small. Please send these to

the editor: [email protected]

If sending digital pictures, please make sure they

are high resolution (300dpi) and ideally in JPG

format. If you need any assistance with this

please get in touch.

Please limit the number of images sent to a

maximum of ten and send a caption key.

Moving house?Retiring?Please remember to let BSAC know if you are

moving house as we have no way of tracing you. If

BSAC have been using your station address

(particularly relevant to members from PSNI) then

you need to remember to contact us when you’ve

retired. Please phone us on 0115 981 3638

Or email: [email protected] or use the update form

on Section UK’s website at www.ipa-uk.org

Do you want your ad to reach at least

30,000 people? With us you could do

just that.

Classified words ........................................................






Total words ............

Our classified section costs £139.99 (inc VAT) for up to 30 words

which will appear in the quarterly magazine and on the website.

To include photo and link to your own website add £20 extra. All

adverts must be paid for in advance. Send us your advert in three

easy steps:

1. Fill in the form above using CAPITAL letters and number of

words used.

2. Select payment method (below).

3. Send the completed form, with payment method indicated, to:

Classifieds, IPA, Arthur Troop House, 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford,

Nottingham, NG2 6AJ

Please tick method of payment.


BACS: Sort Code 542147 Account number: 22097864

Account name: International Police Assn

Swift (Bic) Code: NWBK GB 2L

IBAN GB70 NWBK 5421 4722 0978 64

Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010


Police World Vol 55 No.1 2010 31


As a result of a formal review into the

staffing structure at BSAC, the role of

Executive Officer has been dispensed with

and the creation of two supervisory roles of

equal standing, overseeing the distinct

functions of Operations and

Communications, have been created.

Business Operations Manager (Full-time):

Michele Rai: e-mail: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant (22 hours):

Liz Howgill: e-mail: [email protected]

Administrative Support (10 hours):

Zerrin Tilan: e-mail: [email protected]

Communications Manager (26 Hours):

Lib Jones: e-mail: [email protected]

Asst. Comms Manager (22 Hours):

Lee Hemmings: e-mail:

[email protected]

Telephone number for all contacts is:

0115 981 3638

Michele is the lead officer in relation to

membership services and support,

membership database maintenance and

development, finance, IPA shop, estates

management and general administration.

Liz supports Michele in these functions, and

specifically attends to matters of general

administration, travel and routine member


Zerrin also supports these functions and

assists with member base support

and training.

Lib has moved across to manage the

communications and marketing side of our

business, with responsibility for Police

World, Website, publicity and marketing.

Lee is principally involved in the production

of Police World and all publicity materials.

It is important that when contacting BSAC

that members distinguish between the

respective roles and direct enquiries to the

relevant staff.

Who's Whoand Who Does What at BSAC?

In aid of CCare of Police Survivors (COPS)

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Friday 11th June, 2010


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Page 17: The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK world 32pp... · 2010. 3. 26. · Vol 55 No.1 2010 Features Regulars News 19-23 National News A round up of the news
