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The Malware Menace - Cisco · The Malware Menace: From 30,000 Feet to the Microscope Session ID...

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The Malware Menace: From 30,000 Feet to the Microscope Session ID 18PT

Earl Carter

Talos Threat Researcher

[email protected]


Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Presentation_ID Cisco Public


Targeted Threats

Spear Phishing


Exploit Kits


Coordinated Response


PoSeidon, A Deep Dive Into Point of Sale Malware

Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Presentation_ID Cisco Public

PoSeidon, A Deep Dive Into Point of Sale Malware


Point-of-Sale Malware a Growing Threat

Engineers Reversed Sample

Poseidon –Installs Keylogger

–Scans Memory for Credit Card Data

–Exfiltrates Data

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PoSeidon, A Deep Dive Into Point of Sale Malware


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Defending Against PoSeidon


We encourage organizations to consider security best practices, starting with a threat-centric approach. Given the dynamic threat landscape, we advocate this threat-centric and operationalized approach that implements protections across the extended network – and across the full attack continuum - before, during, and after an attack. This approach is predicated upon superior visibility, continuous control, and advanced threat protection across the extended network and the entire attack continuum

Before – During – After

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Spear Phishing

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Phishing Landscape

Constant Ongoing Threat

Campaigns More Targeted

More Short Duration Campaigns



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Phishing for your banking info..


– Malicious Downloader

– Distributed primarily via SPAM (.zip/.rar attachments)

– Dyre(Banking Trojan) primary downloaded malware

SPAM Campaigns

– Frequent (New campaigns almost daily)

– Short lived (Usually 1 day)

– Use compromised systems

– Used password protected Rar Archive (Shown)

– Dropped PDF to display to user (Anti-Drone)


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And the Campaigns Begin…


Identified at least 15 distinct campaigns

Initial Campaign – March 31st

ZIP File Attachment

From: [email protected]

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Dyre Installed While Displaying Decoy Files


First Seen in June 2014

Steals Banking Credentials

Performs Man-In-The-Middle Attack Through Browser

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Easily Identifiable Traffic Characteristics


HTTP Plain Text

Unique User Agent

Campaign Identified in Request

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More Variations


Two more campaigns on March31st

Product Quote & 2015 Expenses

Still Using ZIP File Attachment

From Addresses

– <[email protected]>

– <[email protected]>

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A Change in Tactics


Started on April 7th

ZIP attachment gone

New Attachment – Enrypted RAR File

Password in Email

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Yet Another Shift


Started on April 16th

ZIP attachment is back

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Communication is Now Encrypted


99% of Traffic Using HTTPS

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Protecting The Customer

ESA flagged the emails as Spam even without AV detection

AMP detected activity and blocked new variants

CWS/WSA can block malicious payloads

NGIPS/NGFW signatures for network activity


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Rombertik Phishing for Everything


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Anti-Analysis Code Unpacking Code

Advance in Exploit Kits: Domain Shadowing

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Angler Lurking in the Domain Shadow


Domain Shadowing

– Using sub domains of legitimate domains

– (i.e. bad.legit.com)

– Next Evolution in exploit kits

– Advanced Evasion of blacklisting

– technologies

– Actors using random domains

– Discovered hundreds of compromised accounts

– Thousands of affected Domains

Delivered via malvertising

Multiple Tiers of subdomains being used for redirection

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Evasion Evolution

Exploit Kit Evolution

Static IP Address

Registered Domains

Fast Flux DNS

Dynamic DNS

Domain Shadowing

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Protecting The Customer

Cisco AMP & Network Security IDS & NGFW detected and blocked immediately

Defense-in-Depth is still best approach to protect your environment

Expect this technique to increase in popularity



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The Malvertising Ecosystem


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The Normal Web



26 domains

39 hosts

171 objects

557 connections

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Threat: Malvertising


Kyle & Stan

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Kyle & Stan


• Malicious ads served

on major websites

such as Amazon,

Yahoo, and YouTube

• Malware disguised as

a legitimate


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Example Attack Sequence


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Protecting The Customer

6941 domains blocked

Web Security Appliance

Cloud Web Security



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Cryptowall 2.0

Data is the new target

Ransomware – Becoming more popular

– Using more evasive techniques


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Cryptowall 2.0 Functionality


Encrypted Binary

Anti-VM check

Uses TOR for Command & Control

Runs 32-bit & 64-bit code simultaneously

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Cryptowall 3.0 Functionality


Moving to Exploit Kit Delivery

Still has Encrypted Binary

Uses TOR & I2P for C&C






No Exploits

No 32/64


No Anti-VM


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Protecting The Customer


– ESA Stops the spam which is the primary infection vector.


– AMP, NGFW, IPS in addition to CWS & WSA detect and block attempts at downloading malware.


– IPS & NGFW identify and block malware operation and spread.


Visit our blog for further analysis:


Combating SSHPsychos

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• SSHPsychos

• Brute Force SSH Attacks

• 300K Unique Passwords

• Accounted for 1/3 of all SSH Traffic

• Attack

• Brute Force System until password guess

• Login from different address space

• Drop DDoS Rootkit on server

Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Presentation_ID Cisco Public

SSHPsychos: Action Taken

• Engaged Level 3

• Sudden Pivot

• Null Routed

• Call to Action

• Effectively limited

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Common Goals

• Blacklisted Domains

• Malware Downloaders

• C & C

• Domains for Tools

• eMail & Web

• Blacklisted Address Space

• For Malware

• For C & C

• For their Tools

• Published NGIPS Detection

• Tools Activity

• C & C Activity

• Gave it to the Community – Free, Gratis, Nada

• Published AV Detection

• Tools

• Malware


Stopping The Bad Guys – A Good Thing™

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Q & A

Talos information:

– Web: http://www.snort.org/


– Blog: http://blogs.cisco.com/talos/


– Twitter: @TalosSecurity

– Labs: http://labs.snort.org


Backup Slides


Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Presentation_ID Cisco Public


• If the specified heartbeat request length is larger than its actual length, this memcpy() will read memory past the request buffer and store it in the response buffer which is sent to the attacker

• OpenSSL1.0.1 – 1.0.1f are vulnerable

• Bug was introduced in December 2011

• Approximate 534,156 services are vulnerable

• Cisco was one of the first IPS companies to provide coverage

• This IS being exploited in the wild..


Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Presentation_ID Cisco Public


Exploitation Allows Access to Device Memory Contents

• Attackers could potentially extract sensitive information

• Cryptographic keys and certificates are of particular concern

Impact of Exploitation Depends on Multiple Factors

• Role of affected device in the network

• How OpenSSL is used on the device


Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Presentation_ID Cisco Public

Cisco Response

Announced Publicly on April 7th 2014 • No industry coordination; vulnerability was disclosed before

vendors were informed

Cisco PSIRT Coordinating Response and Investigation

Cisco Security Advisory published April 9th • Cisco among the first vendors to respond

• Initial focus on accurate listing of Cisco products and services

• Updated daily as new information is discovered

Detection and Mitigation Strategies Include: • Cisco Sourcefire and Cisco IPS signatures are available

• Technology-specific guidance and best practices


Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Presentation_ID Cisco Public

Security Impact

Bigger than 443

• Any SSL service is being targeted

• Most prominent sites have already patched

• Many, many, smaller sites are not patched…

Worst case: Private keys, credentials and more leaked

• Hijacked accounts -> more exploit kits

• Embedded devices are unlikely to patch

• May enable lateral movement

• Without security monitoring there is no real way to know if you were exploited

The client side attack is also concerning


Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Presentation_ID Cisco Public



April 9 2014 8 10 11 7

April 7

Vulnerability announced

Exploit designed for QA within 6 hours of initial report

IPS Rules Developed

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April 9 2014 8 10 11 7



April 8

IPS Rules released

Public exploits surface

Initial VRT blog posted

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April 9 2014 8 10 11 7



April 9

Coverage extended to more SSL services

Client side exploitability discovered

Additional exploits released including MSF

Vendor A coverage released

Vendor B coverage released

Vendor C coverage released

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April 9 2014 8 10 11 7



April 10

Rules released to cover client side exploitation

VRT blog posted regarding client side exploitation

SEU/SRU released

Cisco rules detect to all known public exploits

Vendor D coverage released

Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Presentation_ID Cisco Public

Services Being Targeted


Destination Port/

465 (smtps)/tcp

995 (pop3s)/tcp

993 (imaps)/tcp

443 (https)/tcp

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Heartbleed IOCs

Sourcefire IPS

• 30510 - 30513 inbound connection attempts beyond a normal threshold

• 30514 - 30517 large outbound heartbeat responses (successful exploitation)

• 30520 - 30525 outbound vulnerable client traffic

Cisco Legacy IPS

• 4187-3 - inbound connection attempts beyond a normal threshold

• 4187-4 - large outbound heartbeat responses (successful exploitation)/outbound vulnerable client traffic


A match made in heaven, malvertising, exploit kits and dynamic DNS

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Fiesta Exploit Kit

January of 2014 alone over 300 companies affected

Drive by download attack


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Fiesta Exploit Kit: File Types

Malicious file types for all web content during campaign.


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Fiesta Exploit Kit: Exploits Utilized


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Fiesta Exploit Kit: Geographic Distribution


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Dynamic DNS


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Fiesta Exploit Kit: Dynamic DNS


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Dynamic Detection of Malicious DNS - Reputation





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Dynamic Detection of Malicious DNS

What are we blocking with AV?


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Dynamic Detection of Malicious DNS


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Protecting The Customer

Web security appliances / Cloud Web security

Reputation systems

Block some/all Dynamic DNS providers using RPZ

Client side protection

– Antivirus


– AMP Everywhere


For more information, see our blog entry: http://blogs.cisco.com/security/fiesta-exploit-pack-is-no-party-for-


Snow Shoe Spam

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Spam Landscape


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Snow Shoe Spam


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Spam Distribution


Spam broken down by Sender Type

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Snow Shoe Spam Mitigations

Cisco Outbreak Filters

– 14 hour lead time over traditional AV

Delay Quarantine

Intelligent Multiscan

– More detection engines can detect more spam


– Look for hundreds of hostnames using a single IP or hundreds of IPs without hostnames

Advanced Malware Protection (AMP)


For more information, see our blog entry: http://blogs.cisco.com/talos/snowshoe-flurry

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