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The Mask of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Spring 2012

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In the Spring 2012 issue of The Mask, we unmask Brother Whitney Ray as an Ordinary Brother who became an Extraordinary Hero as she works with an orphanage in Ethiopia.
Popular Tags:
The journey of a pharmacy student, Part 3 pg 6 Statue erected for Leonard Naeger pg 7 ASHP Midyear coverage pg 8 OF KAPPA PSI PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY SPRING 2012 Ordinary Brothers Extraordinary Heroes on page 4
Page 1: The Mask of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Spring 2012

The journey of a pharmacy student, Part 3 pg 6

Statue erected for Leonard Naeger pg 7

ASHP Midyearcoverage pg 8

O F K A P P A P S I P H A R M A C E U T I C A L F R A T E R N I T Y S P R I N G 2 0 1 2

Ordinary BrothersExtraordinary Heroes

on page 4

Page 2: The Mask of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Spring 2012


Spring is here and with it comes a new season of growth and development.

Not only do many chapters participate in spring pledging, we are also adding

the Epsilon Rho, Epsilon Sigma, Epsilon Tau, Epsilon Upsilon, and Epsilon

Phi chapters this spring. I look forward to great things from these chapters as

well as all of our new initiates. This growth is a direct result of your hard

work and leadership. Please continue to set an example for not only other

fraternities, but all organizations on campus and in your communities.

The Executive Committee undertook the task of realigning our Provinces.

We worked very hard to ensure the best possible future for our chapters and

our Fraternity. As we move into the spring semester, our current Provinces

will have their final meetings. These meetings will be a time for celebration

of our history as well as conducting important business.

Kappa Psi will be represented at APhA’s annual meeting where we will

award the prestigious A. Richard Bliss, Jr. Grand Council Citation of

Appreciation. This year’s recipient is Brother Past Grand Regent Tony

Palmieri, Editor Emeritus of THE MASK. Brother Tony is being recognized

for his contributions to the Fraternity and our profession.

I hope all of you have a safe and productive spring and look forward to

seeing many of you at the new Province meetings in the fall!


Kali Weaver

Kali Weaver, Grand Regent

A Season of Growth and Development


The First Word

Anthony Palmieri III,Ph.D., former Grand Regent, EditorEmeritus of THE MASK,and professor at the University of Florida,provides a lecture ongeneric drug names at the Province IV 2012 Winter Conclave.

Page 3: The Mask of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Spring 2012

Volume 109, Number 2, Spring 2012Whole Number 434

Official Publication of the Kappa PsiPharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc.Founded 1879 Incorporated 1903

A quarterly magazine maintained and published in the interests of theFraternity, College, and University by The Kappa Psi PharmaceuticalFraternity, Inc., 2060 North Collins, Suite 128, Richardson, TX 75080 Web site: www.kappapsi.org.

POSTMASTER—Send notice of undeliverable copies to Central Office,Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity,Inc., 2060 North Collins, Suite 128,Richardson, TX 75080. THE MASK isprinted in the USA by Maury Boyd andAssociates, Indianapolis, Indiana. Sendinformation for publication directly tothe Editor:

Cameron Van Dyke106 McBeth CourtSt. Clairsville, Ohio 43950(cell) 740‐350‐4641(e‐mail) [email protected]

Graduate brothers’ address corrections can be made at: http://changeaddress.kappapsi.org

Stay Connected:facebook.com/kappapsitwitter.com/kspi

MASK DeadlinesSummer 2012 7/1/2012

Fall 2012 10/1/2012

Winter 2013 12/1/2012

Spring 2013 3/1/2013

On the CoverNothing melts someone’s heartmore than a child’s smile. BrotherWhitney Ray encapsulates KappaPsi’s values as our “OrdinaryHero.” See her story on page 4!

Table of Contents

4 Ordinary Hero/Gamma Zeta Graduate Whitney Ray tells of her heartwarming journey working with orphans in Ethiopia.

6 Residency Journey/We continue with part 3 of Ryan and Christine's journey toward a residency.

11 99 HANDS/Ordinary heroes can be found throughout our chapters, read all about their exploits in 99 Hands.

47 Foundation Giving/With $10,000 in scholarships presented from the Kappa Psi Foundation see the scholarship winners for 2011 and the donors that made it happen.


Changing the boundary from ordinary to extraordinaryAs the spring semester is drawing to a close, I wanted to take the time to focus this issue on all

of the “Ordinary Heroes” that we have in Kappa Psi. You might wonder, what does he mean, by“ordinary heroes?” Well, while no one is blessed with super powers that can stop a speeding bullet or have the ability to fly, we all do dawn a recognizable super hero costume in the form ofour white coats. Our white coats represent our profession of pharmacy as trusted health careproviders and thus make us “ordinary heroes.” In our everyday lives as pharmacists or internswe touch the lives of our communities. This is achieved everyday through consultations with ourpatients and friends in the communities we serve. A simple recommendation of an over thecounter medication, a hello and a smile, or catching that dangerous drug interaction make eachof us a hero to someone. Kappa Psi brothers are consistently showing their powers of kindnessthrough all the philanthropic and community service events that we provide and take part in.Each of these events has a meaningful impact on the lives of those we touch.

In some instances, our “ordinary heroes” become “extraordinary” when we make the sacrificeto help the less fortunate not just in our country buy abroad. Brother Whitney Ray is a shiningexample of an “extraordinary hero” for her volunteerism in Ethiopia. She shares her story of volunteerism in this issue and gives us a brief glance of what it feels like to be a hero in someoneelse’s eyes.

I encourage all brothers to share their stories of going from “ordinary hero” to “extraordinaryhero” and continue promoting the virtues of Kappa Psi.


CameronEditor of The MASK

Epsilon brothers traveled to Haiti over spring break to care for over 300 patients in just 4 days (L–R): EmilyMueller, Emily Coler, Camille Lebrec, Kelly Sennet, Becky Sievers, and Rich Hauver. Strong helping hands atthe clinic improved life in rural Haiti after the destruction of the recent earthquake.


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Brothers Unmasked

Most of us have big dreams coming intopharmacy school. I know I did. But

during my fourth year of pharmacy school,my dreams and plans for my future complete-ly changed. It started with a sweet Ethiopiantoddler named Mercy. My friends, Kelly andJeremy, had a court date set for December2010 to finalize the adoption process for theirprecious little girl in Ethiopia. Due to chaosand another child at home, only one of myfriends could make the flight to Africa forcourt. I was already scheduled to travel toanother part of Africa for a rotation in January2011 so I decided to tag along with Kelly. Thedates worked out for me to accompany herduring this exciting journey through Ethiopiaon my way to Zambia. Those few days inAddis Ababa, Ethiopia, changed my life forev-er. We went to pick up Mercy at her orphan-age on Christmas Eve as soon as we landed.Walking into her orphanage, I was over-whelmed with emotions. There were smallcribs with at least two to three babies in eachone. There were flies and gnats all over thechildren’s fragile bodies. But the most heartwrenching of all was the look of desperationon the face of each child. The hopelessnesswas almost suffocating. Mercy was terrifiedat first to leave with us but slowly warmed upto her new mom and me. On Christmasmorning, I watched Mercy wake up so excit-ed about a tiny Christmas tree Kelly hadpacked in her suitcase. We had a singing hol-iday card that Mercy played out by openingand closing the card so many times. It was aChristmas like I had never experiencedbefore, watching an orphan belong to some-one for the first time, watching hope come tolife. My friends passed court, and I headed toZambia for my four-week experiential rota-tion. I knew then that wouldn’t be the lasttime my feet would walk the streets of AddisAbaba, Ethiopia.

I came home from Zambia even moredetermined to get back to Africa. I wasn’tsure when or where but knew that this conti-nent had a piece of my heart. Graduation wasquickly approaching and job opportunities

faded even quicker. But I’m so thankful theydid. Because of other closed doors, I had thechance to say YES to a call, an unexpectedphone call with news of the conditions atMercy’s old orphanage. I’m so thankful myfriend’s precious daughter was home in theUnited States by now because the reportswere that the orphanage had completely fall-en apart. They needed help. And they neededit now. They needed me to go.

I graduated, took my boards, placed mybelongings in storage and flew out toEthiopia as quickly as possible. I spent thenext four months working with a non-profit

organization called Ordinary Hero to revampthe orphanage, teach the nannies about basicchildcare, and spread knowledge to the localfamilies about basic medications. I was usingskills and knowledge I had attained in phar-macy school in a way I had never imagined. Iremember thinking I wasn’t equipped to pro-vide medical care for malnourished infants,that I wasn’t ready to care for starving tod-dlers, that I wasn’t prepared to helpteenagers dying of preventable diseases. ButI was. I had to be.

I could write pages about my experiencesin Ethiopia. There were good days, and therewere sad days. There were tears of joy whena sweet baby was placed with an adoptivefamily. There were tears of sorrow as Iattempted CPR on a tiny infant that just was-n’t strong enough to hold on. There wereemotions and experiences there that haveshaped me into who I am today, as a personand even a pharmacist.

Ordinary Hero believes every child needsa hero, wants a hero and is looking for a hero.Ordinary Hero and I believe that person isyou. You can make a difference locally,nationally, internationally. The opportunitiesand the needs are there. You just have to bewilling to say yes. I’m forever grateful that Idid.

As a member of the Birmingham Graduatechapter, I’m so excited that we’re saying YEStogether. We are collecting donations to sendwith Ordinary Hero mission teams this sum-mer; we are researching ways to impact ourlocal communities; we are finding ways tochange the world for one. I encourage eachof you as my brothers to do the same. Let’smake the decision to change the world forone as individuals, as chapters, as Kappa Psi.

Whitney graduated from Samford Universityin 2011 (Gamma Zeta). She is a current memberof Birmingham Grad chapter and resides inWinston‐Salem, North Carolina. Ordinary Hero’sWeb site is www.ordinaryhero.org. Informationcan be found there online or e‐mail Whitney [email protected].

Ordinary HeroKappa Psi brother makes a difference to the children of Ethiopia.

“You can make a difference locally,nationally, or internationally. The

opportunities and needs are there.You just have to be willing to say yes.

I am forever grateful that I did.”— Whitney Ray

by Whitney Ray, Gamma Zeta

Whitney writes: “This is Adu. He lives in Korah,the poorest part of the capital of Ethiopia. Thispicture was taken the day I met him. He was

literally shivering from the rain/cold. I put himinside my jacket to try to make his body stop

shaking from the inside out.”

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Whitney writes: “This picture was taken on Entoto Mountain inAddis Ababa, Ethiopia. These children in the picture are somewe came across on the mountainside. With the donations wehad been given, we tried our best to give each child socks and apair of rain boots. Their little eyes lit up like it was Christmasmorning when they were given their own pair of shoes.”BELOW LEFT: Mercy and Whitney. BELOW MIDDLE:Whitney writes, “This little boy, Surafeal, absolutely stole myheart. He has the most charming and hilarious personality. Heand his family live next door to the orphanage where I worked.He would wait outside by the orphanage gate every day to see my van pull up.

ABOVE: ThisEthiopian village isabout 45 minutes outside of Addis and isthe community whereMercy's birth-momlives.LEFT: Whitney writes:“This little girl literallyjust ran up to me,jumped in my armsand wouldn't let go.Even in the midst ofsuch poverty and brokenness, she has acontagious laugh andan irresistible smile.She's beautiful.”BELOW: Brother Raycared for these twobabies at the orphan-age in Addis. She wasable to give theyoungest one his firstbottle and his firstbath.

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Brothers Unmasked

Ryan’s JourneyGreetings my brothers! With Midyear over

and applications sentin, the interview sea-son has fully arrived.Luckily for me, Ihave no rotation onthis current rotationblock and I have ded-icated it solely to myinterviews. If youhave the option to dothe same I wouldhighly recommend it.In this article I wouldlike to provide youwith my strategy for mastering these residen-cy interviews.

Out of a total of nine programs that Iapplied to, I have six programs that invitedme back for an interview. As for the otherthree, I believe that everything happens for areason and I am thankful for the interviewsthat were offered to me.

My first interview required me to give apresentation, so preparation was my first pri-ority. I decided on a past case presentation,implemented that preceptor’s recommenda-tions from when I originally presented it, andthen trimmed it down to the program’s 15minute time restriction. Once I got it towhere I wanted it, as awkward as it may be, Ipresented it to my laptop and recordedmyself. By doing this I was able to critiquemyself and improve my presentation skills. Itis important to ask if you should bring hand-outs of your presentation for the interviewers.Also be prepared for questions they may askabout your presentation. If you do not know,get their email address and state you will getback to them with an answer.

Other interviews had me analyze a patientcase, create a SOAP note, and briefly presentthat SOAP note. By knowing the goals, treat-ments, and monitoring parameters of themajor disease states (easily observed on ageneral medicine rotation), one should feelwell prepared for this part of the interview.

The part of the interview that gave me themost anxiety was the actual one-on-one inter-

view. I knew I would be asked the basic ques-tions such as “why do you want to do a resi-dency” and “why do you want to do a residen-cy at this particular institution,” but I had nottaken the time to practice these questions.Thankfully my Kappa Psi Illinois Graduatebrothers were gracious enough to providemock interviews to better prepare my fellowcollegiate brothers and me. Following themock interviews I knew I had to research myown curriculum vitae in depth and practicevocalizing the stories found within my cur-riculum vitae. For example, I had to deter-mine from my curriculum vitae where I effec-tively worked on a team to accomplish some-thing and exhibit leadership, how I overcamea conflict while working on a team, and whatwas one pharmacotherapeutic recommenda-tion I made on my APPE rotations. Havingstories that show you work well on teams,exhibit leadership, and take initiative makeyou a strong residency candidate so take noteof these when they occur throughout phar-macy school.

On the day of the interview I want to be assharp as possible, so I try to get a healthyamount of sleep. Once it is game time and Iam in the interview, I just try to be as genuineas possible and tell my story. If I pretend thatI am someone I am not, I may end up match-ing somewhere that is a poor fit turning myresidency into one very long year. Utilize theinterview to have your questions answeredbecause you are interviewing the program aswell! The thank you cards should be writtento the people you spent time with during yourinterview and sent out within 24 to 48 hoursof the interview. Begin ranking your programchoices in your head in preparation for thenext stressful process… the match <insertdramatic sound effect here>. Until then, allthe best!

—Fraternally, Ryan Szynkarek

Christine’s journeySo it’s that time of year that seems ripe

with change; gradua-tion looms in thenear future and theend of a long journeyis about to come to aclose. As I write this,the moment of truthquickly approachesand the prospects forthe future draw evercloser. The applica-tions have long sincebeen submitted, anyinterviews havecome and gone, and Match submissions havebeen completed. It’s over, right? Not quite.As in most things in pharmacy (and life ingeneral), where one stress ends anothercomes along shortly to fill its place. Nowhereis that more true than with the residencyapplication process, but I wouldn’t have it anyother way!

Now it’s time to play the waiting game; butwhile I do that, I’d like to take this moment toreflect on what I’ve learned throughout thisprocess and maybe pass on some knowledgealong the way. So exactly what have I learnedin doing all this?

The residency process is STRESSFUL! It’sone of those unspoken truths that oneaccepts when taking on the task of applyingfor a residency—that there will be stress;there’s no sugarcoating this fact, my friends.With that said, however, my best advice toyou to relieve as much of this stress as possi-ble is to be prepared. Organize yourresources wisely and you can cut out a lot ofunneeded stress. The next thing I’ve learnedis to keep an open mind. Things can changevery quickly in pharmacy and being flexiblecan save you a lot of headaches as you moveforward. Lastly and perhaps the most impor-tant thing I’ve learned is to take a momentand breathe! To say I wasn’t nervous aboutwhat the future may bring would be a farstretch. But in the end, it really is over beforeyou know it, so enjoy the journey.

Behind the Scenes: The Journey from pharmacy student to pharmacy residentWelcome to part three of an eight-part series following Brothers Ryan Szynkarek and Christine Heng’s journeys through

their last academic year in pharmacy school to pursuing a pharmacy residency post graduation. Through this series, wewill follow them both through the process of what it will take to be a pharmacy resident and with any luck, they will be ableto tell about the experience of what it is like to be a resident.

Watch for your Summer 2012 MASK to find out what’s next in Ryan and Christine’s journey from pharmacy student to pharmacy resident!

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By the time you read this, the die will havebeen cast and I’m ready to face that resultwhen it comes no matter what it may be. Atthe end of the day, despite all the heartacheand headaches, I’m glad I applied for residen-cy. I’m happy to be entering a field of practicewith as many endless possibilities as pharma-cy has. No matter the outcome, I’m proud tobe stepping into a profession that so many ofmy fine brothers have helped to innovate.With that said, I thank you all for letting meshare this trip with you and I wish everyonethe very best in whatever endeavors you mayseek!

—Fraternally yours, Christine Heng

Go to www.kappapsi.org to find deadlines for the 2012 Chapter of the

Year and Foundation Scholarships.

Kappa Psi has more than 40,000 alumni who are active leaders in the

field of pharmacy and in their communities. Help us “unmask” them! Send interesting news leads, photos,

articles to: [email protected]

Dr. Robert A. Magarian, past executive director (1980–2000) of KappaPsi, an initiate of the Beta Rho (Ole Miss) chapter, and author of TheWatchman, has published his second thriller novel, 72 Hours, which isavailable by going to his website: www.robertamagarian.com (note the “a”between the names). There you can read its narrative and an excerptchapter.

The novel is about Dr. Susan Prescott, an MD-PhD scientist who is insearch of the holy grail of cancer cures and has found it in the work of agifted Russian scientist, Dr. Vladimir Sokolov, but what follows in the lableads to a string of mysterious murders, and infected U.S. Senators. Shehas 72 hours to find an antidote before the senators fall over like domi-noes. Their dying is her fault.

Brother Magarian has written two essays published as ebooks onAmazon.com (Kindle) and Barnes & Noble (Nook) titled Follow YourDream and A Journey into Faith. Anyone with an android device or computer can access theseessays, also. Information leading to these two publications is on Magarian’s website, and AJourney into Faith can be found in the Personal Note section. He is currently working on a mys-tery novel You’ll Never See Me Again.

Brother Magarian writes thriller

The St. Louis Collegeof Pharmacy todedicate a new statue of Dr. Naeger

Dr. Robert MagarianPast Executive


The legacy of the late DoctorLeonard “Doc” Naeger continues onat the St. Louis College of Pharmacyin the form of a statue erected onthe college campus.

A formal dedication of the statuewill be held on Friday, September28, during an evening ceremonythat will run in conjunction with afundraising effort for an endowedscholarship in his name. If anybrothers are interested in moredetails contact the alumni relationsoffice of the St. Louis College ofPharmacy at 314.446.8472.

Brother Naeger served KappaPsi as the Grand Historian from1972–1981 and was an active member of the St. Louis Graduatechapter and Gamma Pi chapter.

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46th ASHP Midyear Cl in ical Meet ing & Exhibit ion


The 46th ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition was held in NewOrleans, Louisiana, December 3–7. The Kappa Psi booth was a busyplace as brothers from around the country stopped by to meet membersof the Fraternity and to pick up their Kappa Psi tags. The Kappa Psireception was held on December 5 at the New Orleans Marriott. Thebrothers were introduced to the members of the Executive Committeeand brothers from the newly established chapters of the Fraternityreceived special recognition as well.

With the great turnout we had in New Orleans, wecan’t wait until next year when we will gather for the47th ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting & Expo atMandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Nevada!

ABOVE: Grand Vice Regent Eric Gupta interacts with brothers outside of theKappa Psi booth.

LEFT: Grand Ritualist Latha Radhakrishnan greets brothersto the Kappa Psi Booth at ASHP.

By Matthew Lacroix, Grand Historian

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ABOVE: Brothers of Epsilon Betaattended the Kappa Psi reception atASHP. TOP RIGHT: Brothers of BetaEpsilon enjoy the Kappa Psi recep‐tion. MIDDLE RIGHT: Brothers enjoya few appetizers during the KappaPsi reception. RIGHT: Grand RegentKali Weaver and the ExecutiveCommittee welcome brothers to the Kappa Psi reception at ASHP in New Orleans.

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Page 11: The Mask of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Spring 2012

99 Hands


� IotaMedical University of South CarolinaFounded 11/29/1927The College of Pharmacy280 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC [email protected]

The spring semester has been abusy one. We have stayed true to ourtradition of community service by kick-ing the spring semester off with ourBee Street cleanup for the Adopt-a-Highway program. We also had manybrothers attend MUSC’s “MLKBridges to Health” health fair whichwas held at the Arthur ChristopherCommunity Center. This year therewas a huge emphasis on interprofes-sional collaboration which was a wel-come change. Iota chapter also put ona health fair to benefit the kids at theJames Island Youth Soccer Club. Wehad booths set up to teach the childrenand their parents about diabetes, poi-son prevention, heartburn, hyperten-sion, and vaccinations as well as bloodpressure screenings. We raffled offsoccer balls and jerseys for the kidsand, as always, everyone had a greattime. We plan to hold another healthfair again soon. Also, Iota chapter iscontinually collecting canned goodsfor the Lowcountry Food Bank.

� Theta (Virginia Commonwealth University) Founded 7/30/1921 410 N 12th St., Box 980533, Richmond, VA 23298

The brotherly love upon which Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity thrives is common, shared, and understood by each of us.“Brothers 4 Life” will persist as a universal theme so long as our four pillars continue to stand strong. In contrast, the love thatbinds man and his significant other is of an entirely different nature. Some describe it as a deceitful curse while others liken it tofairy tales. I myself have dabbled in it over the years; however, its true identity still eludes me. Whether it’s the inescapable wrath ofPoseidon, or more like a manifestation of springtime butterflies and dandelions, the truth is that most of us simply have no idea.For this reason, we, the brothers of Theta chapter from Richmond, Virginia, have recently had many reasons to both celebrate andmourn as four of our very own have courageously taken the plunge.

We wish these brothers the best of luck in their future endeavors and hope for strength as they confront one of life’s greatestmysteries. It is expected of them to report to us with tips and tricks so we might be prepared for our own encounters. Ultimately,whatever this ‘love’ may bring, whether fortunes or mayhem, the rest of us will always stay true to the age-old proverb: “Bros before… love,” or something like that, and will always have their backs. —Justin Park, [email protected]

Luke Ogden, engaged 7/11 Brendon Muoio, engaged 12/11 Ryan Albert, engaged 8/11 John Tessarzik, engaged 2/11

Epsilon brothers participate in theAmerican Lung Association stair climb.

Beta Omicron brothers don their vests to become ordinary

heroes as they get ready toclean our recently adopted

street in Seattle, WA.

the NKF with Kidney Early EvaluationProgram screenings of underservedcommunities, staffed the student-runfree clinic dispensing pharmacy, andprovided STI talks to high schoolers.

—Nicole Grimmer

early in the semester was a huge suc-cess, and we recently participated inthe American Lung Association stairclimb, where brothers climbed 660stairs to raise awareness of respiratorydiseases. Multiple brothers helped out

� EpsilonUniversity of MinnesotaFounded 4/30/1928College of Pharmacy, 5‐130 WeaverDensford Hall, 308 Harvard Street S.E.Minneapolis, MN 55455‐[email protected]

Epsilon brothers are excited to wel-come 18 new pledges into the chapterthis spring—totaling almost 50 newbrothers for the year! We are anticipat-ing our spring break trip to Haitithrough REACHH, a new initiativesupported by Epsilon chapter to pro-vide medical outreach and vaccina-tions to a rural community. Check itout at: http://www.reachh.org/ or onFacebook. Other exciting eventsinclude our semiannual dinner meet-ing, where we all get dressed up andgo out for dinner, our very lastProvince VIII conclave, and our annualtrip to Breezy Point Resort for a funweekend of brotherly bonding.

We have also been keeping up withour philanthropic efforts. Our dinnerserved at the Ronald McDonald House

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LEFT: Donned with lab coatsinstead of superman capes, Iotabrothers come together to host ahealth fair benefiting the JamesIsland Youth Soccer Club.

Not exactly Spiderman, but Rho brothers take to the icy waters like polarbears in support of Special Olympics.

Beta Epsilon brothers prepare to be auctioned off at the charity Kappa Psi DateAuction. More than $700 was raised for the American Cancer Society.

ABOVE: Beta Lambda brothers collect trash from the side of I‐475 for Adopt a Highway. They give of their time to clean both sides of themile‐long stretch of interstate multiple times a year.

LEFT: Epsilon brothers fill prescriptionsduring clinic in Chabin, Haiti (L–R):Camille Lebrec, Kelly Sennet, EmilyMueller.

Ordinary Superheroes!

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99 Hands


We have enjoyed each other’s com-pany at social events including “Pink inthe Rink” where Iota brothers mingledwith Kappa Epsilon sorority during aCharleston Stingrays hockey gamefrom which the proceeds benefited theAmerican Cancer Society. Brothershave also had fun alongside theCharleston Grad chapter during ourIota chapter intramural softball gameswhere we are currently undefeated.Upcoming events include the annualKappa Psi Fourth-Year Roast, theannual Kappa Psi Banquet, and theIota/Charleston Grad softball game.

Congratulations also go out to Dr.William Shealy and family for theirnewborn son Liam, Dr. ChristopherDykes and family for their newbornson Colm, Dr. Romeo Abangan andfamily for their soon to be born daugh-ter, and Billy Grooms for his weddingto Julie Faulk on April 14, 2012. We areexcited about the final P3 conclave atDelta Kappa and plan to have a largeIota turnout. As we proceed throughthe fourth Province realignment inKappa Psi history, we will hold fast tothe bonds we have made.

—Brandon Barrett

� MuMassachusetts College of PharmacyFounded 3/4/1907SGA Office c/0 Kappa Psi 179 Longwood Ave., Boston, MA [email protected]

The brothers of Mu chapter proudlyinitiated seven new brothers. Welcometo: Nachiket Dabhi, Ahmed Hamdeh,Robert McGee, Thomas Simjian,Arch Patel, Parsa Khakpoor andHumza Bajwa. Mu chapter is going toplay an active role in Relay For Life

held at Tufts Medical. Additionally, allbrothers participated in a successfulcandy bar raffle.

—Kyle Kearney

� NuUniversity of ConnecticutFounded 5/17/192869 N Eagleville Road, Storrs, CT [email protected]

This year has been full of new andexciting changes. We have a newregent, Jonathan Lee (P1). We wouldlike to congratulate our 18 newestmembers: Steven Aleandri, JonAngus, Phil Benoit, ThompsonDang, Josh Dyer, Pat Dzurilla,Michael Firneno, Justin Fugal,Mario Gagliardo, Greg Greenier,Cory Heck, Jared Mangano, CodyPuzinski, Hogan Smith, Hing Sze,Justin Worth and Mark Wysocki.This was the largest pledge class wehave had in years!

We had great success with a KrispyKreme fundraiser in the pharmacybuilding for Pediatric Aids and the newProvincial Philanthropy: IntestinalFortitude. We were able to raise morethan $200 for both philanthropies.Looking forward, we expect to raiseupwards of $2,000 for both the kidsand the sufferers of Crohn’s andColitis before the year ends.

The brothers of Nu chapter are hon-ored to be able to host the finalProvince I meeting before realign-ment. A large turnout of brothers isexpected from the University of RhodeIsland and Massachusetts College ofPharmacy at the meeting. Not to men-tion, we are breaking molds atProvince I by having female brothersin attendance at the Province conclave!

Kappa Psi brothers took part in therecent APhA auction held at the phar-macy school, and were auctioned off tothe highest bidder to do odd jobs. Afaculty member was the highest bid-der, and the brothers are prepared fora hard day’s labor at her residence.

—Robert Guarino

� XiThe Ohio State UniversityFounded 5/21/1925College of Pharmacy, 500 W. 12th Ave.,Columbus, OH 43210‐[email protected]

Xi chapter is excited about our newpledge class whom we have gotten toknow quite well through philanthropyand social events. We welcomed 48new members to the Fraternity thisyear! To celebrate, the Xi family gath-ered for a nice Italian meal at theSpaghetti Warehouse following initia-tion events. We know they will be agreat addition to the Brotherhood.

Xi chapter has continued its effortsat the Physician’s Free Clinic, FaithMission Clinic, Charitable Pharmacy,and Helping Hands Clinic in our phil-anthropic endeavors. We have alreadystarted to plan future social eventssuch as baking cookies for the RonaldMcDonald House, organizing a bowl-ing team to compete next quarter, aswell as starting several teams to partic-ipate in the Crawl for Cancer.

We are looking forward to theupcoming Province meeting inWisconsin!

—Lauren Wee

� PiPurdue UniversityFounded 6/11/19281330 Heine Pharm. Bldg., Room 156,West Lafayette, IN 47906‐[email protected]

The Pi chapter had a great start tothe semester at the initiation banquetto celebrate 14 new brothers. For their

pledge class project, the newest broth-ers went to a local retirement commu-nity and visited with the residents. Ourchapter had a lot of fun interactingwith the kids at ZooBoo this pastOctober. Toward the end of the fallsemester, we had a Salvation ArmyGiving Tree that allowed students todonate gifts for children in need. So farthis year, our chapter has held twopatient counseling sessions at localpharmacies which included topicssuch as cough & cold and nutrition.We plan on holding another counsel-ing session later this semester. Wehave been raising money by sellingdrug cards to fellow pharmacy stu-dents. After having a very successful5K run/walk the beginning of lastsemester, we began planning for oursecond annual 5K run/walk for nextschool year. Our chapter has been hav-ing multiple social events which havefeatured a group dinner. We have alsobeen developing lasting friendshipswith other chapters in Province V.

—Chara Denise Dubin

RhoUniversity of KansasFounded 4/23/19322010 Becker Dr, Lawrence, KS 66047‐[email protected]

Rho chapter has been very busyover the past few months. We recentlyheld our Polar Bear Club fundraiser.Members took donations for SpecialOlympics in exchange for jumping intoa local lake in the cold of February. Wealso held a fundraising night at BuffaloWild Wings to support of SpecialOlympics. Thirty-three membersattended our Province meeting inKansas City and had a great time withour fellow brothers. We are lookingforward to our Mr. Pharmacy Pageant,a St. Patrick's Day social, and ourannual Pharmacy Formal.

—Sarah Lutz

Some Nu brothers hang out with prospective new members.

Xi Brothers Kelin Wheaton (left) and Adam Rossbach (right) show off the paddlethey made for their Big Brother, Ashraf Kittaneh (center).

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Detroit Red Wings’ Joe Louis Arena tosee them take on the Ducks. It was agreat game and a great night.

We are very excited to continue ourKeeneland Racetrack tailgate traditionand to have another Night at theBallpark this spring.

—Aaron Lyons

ChiUniversity of Illinois–ChicagoFounded 2/2/1910833 S. Wood Street, Chicago, IL [email protected]

Chi chapter has historically beenclosely involved in the community,donating hundreds of hours towardservice events, from visiting the pedi-atric ward at UIC Medical Center toassisting at events with SpecialOlympics. However, our chapter hasyet to launch an initiative that we areable to call our own—until now. Tohelp further promote our presence atthe Chicago campus and in the com-munity, Chi is proudly creating (fromthe bottom-up) a new program knownas the “Healthy Eating Initiative.”

The topic of nutrition closely com-plements the role of the pharmacist,as healthy eating is one of the keycomponents to disease prevention andmanagement. It is with this theorythat the Healthy Eating Initiative wascreated. Its mission stands to educatenot only the community about healthyeating, but pharmacy students as well.

Chi begins the Healthy EatingInitiative with great enthusiasm.Members plan to tackle a myriad oftopics, including proper exercise anddieting regimens, vitamins and miner-als, proper food preparation, how toshop and store food, as well as how toorder healthily from a menu. Withthese topics as our base, our commit-

� SigmaUniversity of MarylandFounded 3/27/1924School of Pharmacy20 N. Pine Street, Baltimore, MD [email protected]

Sigma said farewell to 2011 by visit-ing the University of MarylandMedical Center to make holidaystockings and spend some time withpediatric patients. We also hosted anUgly Sweater Holiday Party wherebrothers enjoyed a festive night com-plete with a photo booth, Secret Santagift exchange, and plenty of games.

We caught football fever together atour annual Super Bowl party, andMother Nature allowed us to go on askiing/snowboarding trip to a nearbyski resort in early February. We’vealso kicked our community serviceinto full gear. We went back to theUniversity of Maryland Center tomake Valentine’s Day cards with pedi-atric patients, and we volunteered atthe Franciscan Center of Baltimorefor the first time, serving lunches andoffering services to those in need.

With spring just around the corner,we’re looking forward to some of ourbigger events, including our DrugSpelling Bee, Formal, and Wing-A-Thon. We are especially excited aboutWing-A-Thon (a wing-eating contest),as we donated more than $5,000 tocharity last year and are hoping toexceed that amount this year.

—Jennifer Cho

� UpsilonUniversity of KentuckyFounded 4/16/1909Univ. of Kentucky College of Pharmacy725 Rose Street, Room 215, Lexington, KY 40536‐[email protected]

The spring semester is now in fullswing and it seems as if we’d nevertaken a break. Early in the semester,we held our initiation night, welcom-ing all of our new brothers. We gaveeach new brother a more seasonedbrother a week later to continue ourBig/Little tradition. We do this toensure they have a guide, tutor, andconfidant along the way.

Our Community Outreach Com -mittee has been getting our brothersout into the community to do as muchvolunteer work as classes will allow.Recently, brothers attended a sciencefair to help judge projects for childrenfrom fourth grade to seniors in highschool. Each brother who attendedsaid it was a wonderful experienceand hoped to do it again next year.Some of us meet up with the brothersof Mu Omicron Pi and Beta Lambdain Detroit to enjoy a night out at the

tee hopes to develop a strong founda-tion of information to share with bothpatients and future pharmacists.—Emily Lin, webmaster

For most of the brothers in Chichapter, winter break is about antici-pating the annual ski trip to theWisconsin Dells. This year’s trip waseven more memorable becauseEpsilon Rho chapter was in atten-dance. Activities consisted of skiing,snowboarding and/or tubing, eatingthe traditional spaghetti dinner, play-ing in an indoor water park, makingpancakes for breakfast, and grillingburgers for dinner. We also had ourski trip ritual where everyone sharedheartfelt stories one evening.

The ski trip helps to build the bondof brotherhood. Playing games suchas Mahjong, Werewolf and competingin Xbox Kinect dancing presents anopportunity for brothers to showcase

their talents and to share them withthe family of brothers. —David Kim,social chair

Brother Kelsey E. Johnson and theRockford Committee (Brothers AtitPatel, Grace Fernandez, NahomeFisseha, Quanglong Truong, DianeJavier, Kathy Tang, David Kim, andVivian Lin) were excited to witnessand play a role in Epsilon Rho’s char-tering on January 28, 2012. What agreat ending to a great new experi-ence! Working with these brotherssince the beginning of pledging untilnow has been absolutely amazing.From the study nights to potlucks,sleepovers, and volunteering experi-ences at the Chicago SpecialOlympics Soccer Competition, we hadamazing times together! We were alsothrilled to initiate and welcome DeanJerry Bauman and Vice Dean DavidBartels into our Brotherhood. What a

Pi chapter at our annual initiation banquet and includes our newest brothers.

Sigma brothers hit the slopes and enjoy an evening skiing and snowboardingtogether in early February.

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great way to initiate a chapter witheight pledges and two deans into ourFraternity on the same occasion.

Chi chapter would like to sincerelythank everyone who helped through-out this entire chartering process.Brother Kelsey E. Johnson, theRockford Committee, the pledges’ BigBrothers, regent Brent Bialik, andGrand Council Deputy Rijo Alexplayed an extremely important roles.We thank all the brothers fromaround the nation who sent specialmessages that were being read aloudat the reception. —Kelsey EugeneJohnson, Rockford emissary

� Beta GammaUniversity of California-San FranciscoFounded 9/23/1910College of Pharmacy1499 5th Ave., San Francisco, CA [email protected]

This year, Beta Gamma chapterbrothers tried out a few new pledgingevents along with our traditional scav-enger hunt and Big Red Bus BigBrother Reveal. Pledges and brothersbonded at our first ever Kappa PsiLock In. At this event, 8 to 10 pledgeswere “locked” in the s-rooms with P2and P3 brothers for several 15-minuterotations. Each room had a specificgame or activity to allow the pledgesto get to know more brothers.

Without giving all the secrets away, itwas a night many brothers andpledges will always remember!Throughout the quarter, pledges haveparticipated in community serviceevents such as habitat restoration inLands End and the Presidio, and help-ing out at the Glide Memorial SoupKitchen. There is nothing morerewarding than dedicating your timeto make a difference in your commu-nity, however big or small.

After a sweep of midterms, ��pledges planned an amazing get-together for the brothers with deli-cious food before heading out to Roenightclub for some fun and dancing.Organized as a joint event with the

Phi Delta Chi Fraternity, this year’spledge clubbing event was a hit.Normally a closed fraternity event, the2012 �� pledge class demonstratedrespect for their fellow student phar-macists, and their unity as the Class of2015 overall, as they joined PDCpledges and brothers to celebrate oneof their last nights as a pledge. Thisnon-rival attitude is refreshing.

As the winter quarter winds down,the brothers of the Beta Gamma chap-ter would like to congratulate our 65new brothers on their completion ofthe traditional initiation ceremony.

—Allison J. DePaul

� Beta EpsilonUniversity of Rhode IslandFounded 5/17/1911College of Pharmacy41 Lower College RdKingston, RI 02881‐[email protected]

With pledging and initiation behindus, our normal meeting place is filledto near capacity with 22 new brothers.

We kicked it off with our annualcharity date auction, where BrotherEthan Melillo coming out on top asthe most expensive prize. BrotherJared DeRossi has been working veryhard organizing fundraisers to helpraise money for Relay For Life asKappa Psi seeks to continue our histo-ry as the top donor. Additionally,Jared will be leading a team of run-ners in the MS 5K, a benefit to raisemoney for multiple sclerosis research.

We plan to have a large contin-gency make the trip to the finalProvince I meeting, with the anticipa-

Members of Chi chapter get together for a quick picture at their annual Whirlyball outing, one of the many social events planned for the year.

The brothers of Beta Eta pose outside their weekend getaway at Deep Creek Lake, MD, in February.

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students about the proper use ofherbals, protein and energy supple-ments, vitamins, OTC items, andanswered general questions abouthealth and fitness. We had another“Supplement Day” on February 27 aswell. March 7, we will be cooking din-ner at the Ronald McDonald House,as we did twice last semester. Perhapsthe most exciting event for thissemester is the Province II assemblyon the weekend of March 16–17 thatwe are hosting! We can’t wait to seethe brothers we met at fall Province inPhilly.

We will be having our fourth annualSchool of Pharmacy Variety Show onMarch 21, where students can sharetheir talents during an entertainingnight. Local businesses will be con-tacted for donations and gifts to be raf-fled off, and benefits will go towardthe Comfort Fund of the Mary BabbRandolph Cancer Center, which pro-vides funding to patients being treatedfor cancer. We will be participating inthe Memory Walk, which spreadsAlzheimer’s Disease awareness, inlate April. We have one more generalmeeting in March and then we closeout the semester with elections fornew officers.

—Leah Comis

� Beta KappaUniversity of PittsburghFounded 3/26/1913School of Pharmacy228 Salk Hall, Pittsburgh, PA [email protected]

To begin the spring semester, BetaKappa brothers came together for ourannual Ski Trip. This year, we traveled

tion that Beta Epsilon will be able tohost the inaugural fall conclave of theNortheast Province. Soon after thatwe will enjoy having all our sixth-years on rotations come home for theannual Beta Epsilon sixth-year roast—a chance to get to reminisce withbrothers about their years in KappaPsi. After that we will host our annualPharmacy Career Fair, where allmembers of the URI College ofPharmacy get the chance to meet rep-resentatives from different fields ofpharmacy and explore career options.

Athletically, Kappa Psi is fielding anunprecedented four intramural soccerteams in the hopes that one will beable to take home the URI title.

—Kevin Gaul

� Beta EtaWest Virginia UniversityFounded 5/16/1925Health Sciences NorthMorgantown, WV [email protected]

Beta Etas brothers kicked off thespring semester with initiation onJanuary 27. It was held in severalclassrooms at our Health SciencesCenter. We welcomed 20 new broth-ers into Kappa Psi! February 10–11,we traveled to Deep Creek Lake,Maryland, and rented a cabin for theweekend. Brothers had a relaxingtime enjoying each other’s companyand went skiing at Wisp Ski Resort.

On February 20, we held our sec-ond annual “Supplement Day” at theWVU Student REC Center. Led byBrother Joshua Stoneking, who isdeemed our expert on this topic, wepassed out handouts and counseled

to Wisp Ski Resort in Maryland for aweekend of relaxation and bonding atthe “Bear’s Den.” Several brothers hitthe slopes going skiing and snow-boarding; some went ice skating andothers stayed in to watch football.

January was busy as many brothersparticipated in events hosted duringPitt’s Pharmacy Week. We started offthe week with the annual Kappa Psivs. Phi Delta Chi football game, whichbrought out our competitive spirit forthe rest of the week. Other activitiesincluded OTC Jeopardy, a scavengerhunt, a talent show, an auction, andthe annual ASP formal. The formalwas once again a success (and onceagain planned by a Beta Kappa broth-er) as students and faculty enjoyed adelicious meal and lots of dancing.

Brothers have been busy participat-ing in various service events such asblood pressure screenings, cookingfor Family House, and visiting the vet-erans for the annual Veterans DaySalute. We also have some new ser-vice events this semester such asProduce to People and Pitt ProjectOakland, as well as preparing andfundraising for Pitt’s Relay For Lifethis April. Even with all these serviceevents, Beta Kappa has made roomfor social time with the Black & WhiteParty and Xtreme Laser Tag. We arealso in the midst of planning our annu-al Pirates tailgate and spring formal.Many brothers have registered andare eager to attend the last everProvince II assembly hosted inMorgantown by Beta Eta! We are

The proud Beta Kappa brothers football players celebrate victory over Phi Delta Chi!

Beta Nu actives Jen Hasiak, Hilary Smith, Kerri Seiser, and Parin Patel pose fora picture at a Kappa Psi social event.

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already starting to organize the firstMountain East Province assemblywhich we will host this fall.

—Sarah Ward

� Beta LambdaUniversity of ToledoFounded 5/22/1925College of Pharmacy801 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, OH [email protected]

We are not having a pledgingprocess this semester to hopefullywork internally on our chapter andour alumni relations with the chapter.We have been working on a historybook headed by our chaplain, BenjitSingh, and Wei Hu. This will hopeful-ly bring us up to date on all of our his-tory and set us up to record memoriesin the making. I would like to congrat-ulate our new regent-elect, John Scott.I know he will advance our chapter inthe next academic year. We are hav-

ing our first faculty member pledgingthis semester and he will be initiatedat our alumni weekend in April. Wewill be getting ready to make the tripto Madison for Province V weekend!We are also selling a lot of Kappa Psigear, so keep your eyes peeled for ourflip-flops and other Fraternity apparel.

—Kyle Hake

� Beta NuCreighton UniversityFounded 11/21/1914School of Pharmacy, 2500 California PlazaOmaha, NE 68178‐[email protected]

Beta Nu brothers have been busythis semester with a variety of com-munity service projects, includingPinky for Poison Control Center,Ronald McDonald House, a soda tabdrive, adoption of a park for cleanupnear Creighton’s campus, high schoolpharmacy awareness presentations,

and a diabetes drive at local pharma-cies. Recently, we had several mem-bers of Beta Nu inducted into theAlpha Alpha chapter of Rho Chi.Congratulations to Missy Bouma,Kevin Flynn, Megan Hall, SteveStackhouse, and Emily Stensrud onreceiving this outstanding honor! Wewould also like to congratulateBrother Dan Uting for winningCreighton’s Mr. Pharmacy contest!

—Jennifer M. Hasiak

� Beta XiUniversity of North CarolinaFounded 5/1/1915208 Finley Golf Course RoadChapel Hill, NC [email protected]

With the addition of 17 new broth-ers last semester, all of our activitieshave risen to a new and exciting level.Recruitment included a list of funactivities that allowed us to bond as

brothers and mingle with the futurepledges. The �� Jellyfish triviaexperts took third place at TomatoJake’s trivia night. We had a chance toshow the rushees the house when weinvited them to make Valentine’s Daydecorations for the Ronald McDonaldHouse, play board games, and watch aCarolina basketball victory. The ice-skating social was very fun, eventhough most of the brothers fell downa lot! For our annual brotherhoodspring formal, Beta Xi will be takingover Atlantic Beach for a weekend offellowship and relaxing on the beach.

Community service has been veryrewarding this semester. We continueto volunteer at the food bank inDurham, North Carolina, and Adopt-a-Highway. We have been hosting char-ity nights at several restaurants in ourcommunity that donate to theAmerican Cancer Society on ourbehalf while we get to enjoy theirfood! We have also been brainstorm-ing for new ideas involving the MillionHearts Initiative in our future projects.

In late March, the Beta Xi chapterwill be co-hosting a golf tournamentwith Kappa Epsilon as a fundraisingproject. This is a great opportunity forus to network with our peers and havea fun afternoon on the golf course.Other recent projects have includeddata collection for a workflow systemfor UNC hospital and taking ticketsand checking bags at the UNC basket-ball games. We plan to host a dinnerat our house and give out door prizessuch as gift cards, jewelry, and a cashgrand prize to raise money for RelayFor Life. This will be held the samenight as our 32nd annual Tunnel Partyon April 14. So, brothers planning toattend Tunnel Party, bring some extracash because this will be a greatopportunity to win some prizes andhelp a great cause!

We have been hard at work perfect-ing the cardboard tunnel maze to pre-pare for Tunnel Party on the 14th. Theparty will include the Joshua Long

The official Kappa Psi Beta Lambda chapter intramural basketball team!

Beta Xi chapter hosts an ice skating rush event.

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� Beta PiWashington State UniversityFounded 4/18/1916College of PharmacyWegner Rm. 155, Pullman, WA 99164‐[email protected]

The Beta Pi chapter wrapped up abusy 2011 with a bang—a $5,000Target grant that was acquired andused to put on community healthfairs. We put on two different healthfairs: one at the Community ActionCenter in Pullman, Washington at theend of November and one at the RiverPark Square mall in Spokane duringMartin Luther King, Jr. Day. At bothof these health fairs, brothers admin-istered influenza vaccines and testedblood pressure and blood glucose.These were both very successful.

To start off the new year, we heldour annual Winter Formal, along withthe Professional Pharmacy StudentOrganization, at Banyans, a nicerestaurant/golf course in Pullman.Brothers and other fellow pharmacystudents were treated to a nice dinnerand dancing.

Recently, we had our Province Xconclave in Seattle. Beta Pi had morethan 40 brothers in attendance. It wasa lot of fun meeting other brothersfrom our Province.

At the beginning of the year, weselected a charity to be the benefactorof some of our fundraiser and commu-nity service events: Candlelighters ofthe Inland Northwest. This charityhelps out local families who have chil-dren that have been diagnosed withcancer. To support them, we have apoker tournament and NCAA March

Band—back again for a third time, aDJ, and plenty of fun! We hope lots ofbrothers from other chapters canmake their way to Chapel Hill to enjoythis tradition with us!

� Beta OmicronUniversity of WashingtonFounded 4/15/1916School of PharmacyP.O. Box 357631, Seattle, WA [email protected]

The brothers of Beta Omicronwould like to congratulate all of thenew pledges of 2011. We initiated 22brothers this year and we’re all veryproud of them. At the beginning of2012, Beta Omicron hit the slopes ofMt. Baker for our annual ski trip.Some brothers took the opportunity tobond by playing board games andwatching movies together, while oth-ers skied and snowboarded down thepowdery slopes. After that, BetaOmicron had to prepare itself for thefinal Province X conclave, and wespent the months of January andFebruary planning, prepping, and set-ting up. On Presidents Day weekend,we welcomed more than 200 brothersfrom Province X to the biggest con-clave we’ve ever seen. It was atremendous success and we’d like tocongratulate our own Brother Ciprian“Chip” Pascu for doing a tremendousjob. That month Beta Omicron alsotook the opportunity to Adopt-a-Streetas part of our community service.Brothers took to the one-mile stretchof road to clean up and keep our newstreet attractive. Hopefully, we’ll soonbe adoptive parents of our very ownstreet in Seattle. Beta Omicron has alot planned in the next three months,as we’ll be having our annual varietyshow and holding officer elections.

—Eddy Ho

Madness bracket, with all proceedsgoing to this organization.

Another event we have planned isintended to help out pre-pharmacystudents at Washington StateUniversity. We will be putting onmock interviews, giving CVhelp/advice, and having a questionand answer session for these studentson March 19.

—Briana Wenke

� Beta SigmaNorth Dakota State UniversityFounded 4/25/192411345 N. University Drive, Fargo, ND [email protected]

The brothers of Beta Sigma havebeen quite busy this spring semester.To kick it off, we had a blast duringRush Week: wallyball, bowling, ser-vices, and a snacks & games night alljoined us together with the potentialnew members. We are happy to have15 new pledges this semester. Alongwith the excitement of the new

pledges, we have been enthusiastical-ly volunteering at numerous places.We have continued our High RiseMeal Service in which we cook andserve food to families in need and doblood pressure screenings; helpingout at the Ronald McDonald House;participating in Giving Hearts Day aswell as volunteering for Cares for KidsRadiothon in which money is donatedto the Sanford Children’s Hospitalwith help from advertisementsthrough local radio stations.

We wanted to reach out to otherpharmacy organizations and studentsso, we held an Organization Potluck atour house. The turnout was great! Wewere able to socialize with studentswho share the same passion as we do.

Our campus held their annualGreek Awards night as well. We areproud to announce that JeradBinstock was named 2011 FraternityChapter President of the Year.

—Sayuri Yang

Beta Omicron brothers and the newinitiates of 2011.

Beta Pi ladies at the chapter Winter Formal.

Beta Chi Brothers Erica Janning andStephanie Keca following activation.

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� Beta UpsilonButler UniversityFounded 2/27/19304600 Sunset Avenue, Indianapolis, IN [email protected]

We have continued strengtheningour ties with the nearby Pi chapter atPurdue University. Several memberswent to the Pi chapter initiation andgained insight into the traditions ofour nearby Pi brothers. That and read-ing the winter edition of THE MASKhas given our Brother StephanieSamuels the idea of hosting an initia-tion ball next year as a new membertradition. We are excited about bring-ing new traditions into our chapter,especially ones which have such greatpotential at increasing brotherhood!

We haven’t forgotten our duty tothe community. Brother HannahMorgan has gone to her third polarplunge to support the SpecialOlympics. Not content to make this asolo act of giving, she has invited thechapter to participate with her eachyear and has gotten more support andmore members to take that icyplunge. This year the group stumbledupon Hulk Hogan and Co. (see pic) orat least some volunteers dedicated tothe cause and costume competition! Ifthat weren’t enough, another dedicat-ed brother, Carrie Honigford, hasorganized a Kappa Psi team for theButler University Relay For Life event.So far we have raised nearly $1,000 tofight cancer!

—Brittany Moser

� Beta PhiUniversity of CincinnatiFounded 2/12/1927College of Pharmacy, Mail Location #4,Cincinnati, OH [email protected]

Beta Phi chapter had a Valentine’sDay event for the Ronald McDonaldFoundation and raised more than$500 to help with their communityoutreach. We are also currently get-ting the College of Pharmacy involvedin the Relay For Life to help supportthe American Cancer Society. Ourchapter is actively involved in volun-teering at the Drop Inn Center Shelterby providing our pharmacy servicesand donating OTC products. KappaPsi brothers played in an intramuralbasketball league at the universityagainst other UC fraternities. Wewere ranked first in the regular sea-son in our division! We are in theprocess of planning the College ofPharmacy Spring Formal as a socialevent.

—Melanie Wunder

Beta ChiDrake UniversityFounded 5/3/1930College of Pharmacy, Cline Hall, 2507 University Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50311‐[email protected]

Beta Chi chapter continued our tra-dition of Activation/Courtesy Weekwith a baby picture recognition game,a Kappa Psi history Jeopardy game,and roller skating with our pledges.Along with our 23 new members, wealso added a new faculty member!There is always an array of activitieswith which Beta Chi members can beinvolved—from volunteering at theAnimal Rescue League to helping fam-

ilies out at the Ronald McDonaldHouse, and offering blood pressurescreenings at the Drake UniversityStudent Health Fair. We led the phar-macy school in participation at thesecond annual Belize DanceMarathon this past February. Moneyraised from this campus-wide eventsends Belize children to high schooland also funds the building of gradeschools there. Some members of BetaChi have rotations at the HillsideClinic in Belize and will be able to seethe new grade school being built as aresult of the funding from the firstannual Belize Dance Marathon! OnValentine’s Day we sold crush bottlesas a fundraiser and played “UndercoverCupid” within our chapter. We aregearing up to host conclave in 2013and look forward to forming newfriendships and traditions within theNorthern Plains Province.

—Joseph Lutgen

� Beta PsiUniversity of WisconsinFounded 12/6/1919School of Pharmacy, 615 North Lake St. #2, Madison, WI [email protected]

Beta Psi brothers have been anx-iously planning the final touches ofthe last Province V meeting here inMadison, Wisconsin. We have beenfundraising for quite a while, and nowwe are making sure everything is inorder. We are proud to announce thatover the winter recess, our regent,Aimee Heili, got engaged in LasVegas to Adam Zold. Adam is a KappaPsi alumnus from Delta Tau chapter.Adam and Aimee met at the GCC inClearwater Beach, Florida, and we arevery excited about their engagement.

Beta Upsilon Brothers Hannah and Allison prepare for the plunge with the Hulk.

Beta Sigma Brothers Matt Dohman, Jerad Binstock, Ashlee Randklev, ChadKeller, and Kristin Rowe enjoy homecoming at North Dakota State.

Newly activated Beta Chi Brother Ty Drake with Joe Lutgen (dad) and DuncanSmith (granddad).

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RIGHT: Gamma Etabrothers used theirsuperpowers to organize a raffle/bake sale to raisemoney to assist families strugglingwith pediatric cancer.More than $1,650was raised in just twodays.

RIGHT:EpsilonKappa BrothersBelindaHong,NormanMang, andJackieNguyendressed upto help out at the RonaldMcDonaldhouse.

Ordinary Superheroes

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This February, our school hosted avideo contest where we were encour-aged to show our creative side by act-ing in, directing, recording, and edit-ing a video about anything we wanted.The Beta Psi chapter submitted avideo and won the category for bestpicture! Every winter, Kappa Psi isproud to tutor middle school studentsin the Science Olympiad, a nationwidecompetition that tests student knowl-edge in many different subjects of sci-ence. We enjoy working with areaadolescents and encouraging them topursue their interest in the sciences.We also participate, along with a cou-ple of other student organizations, toprovide a weekly study hall to helpother pharmacy students with school-work and studying tips.

—Maribeth Davis

� Beta OmegaTemple UniversityFounded 5/22/19301247 W. Allegheny Avenue,Philadelphia, PA [email protected]

The first week of December wasthe Temple University School ofPharmacy’s Winter Formal, where the�� brothers were in full effect. Weorganized transportation to and fromthe dance for all guests, had a greatturnout at the dance, and, most impor-tantly, took home the annual fraternitydance off! We won by a landslide inthe voting. This same week markedthe initiation of the new class of eightbrothers.

In December, the chapter volun-teered at a toy drive and lunch forchildren of families affected by can-cer. The brothers wrapped up toysthat were collected throughout the fallsemester and distributed them to thechildren, and served food. This was agreat way to spread holiday spirit andcontribute to the community.

In the spring semester, we havebeen busy with numerous projects. Anew e-board was elected in earlyFebruary. Extensive renovations are

We are proud to announce that AdamZold (Delta Tau) and Aimee Heili,Beta Psi regent, got engaged over theholidays in Las Vegas.

ABOVE: Gamma Epsilon members participate in the Skate‐a‐thon for Parkinson’s Disease. LEFT: Mu Omicron Pi brothers don’t need super powers to be someone’s hero as they helped collect and deliver food to the underpriv‐iledged during the holidays. L–R Top: David Ly, Chris Hanai, Greg Kozmor,Michael Wodecki, Jung‐Won Soh. Bottom: Shaun Saboo, Fouad Boulbol.

ABOVE: Delta Upsilon brothers spent time with senior citizens at the NoreenMcKeen assisted living facility. BELOW: Delta Delta Brothers Amanda Woods,John Herman, and Yaneth Carranza help put together C.U.R.E Kits for Kids.


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�� Gamma ZetaSamford UniversityFounded 3/20/1935800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL [email protected]

Gamma Zeta has been very busy.Many of the brothers went to winterconclave in Gainesville. They had awonderful time and were able to get toknow many of our brothers fromother chapters. Gamma Zeta is veryproud of the eight collegiate brothersand alumni who have been newlyelected for numerous positions withinProvince IV.

Additionally, on February 16,Gamma Zeta was excited to initiate 18new brothers into the chapter. Thechapter celebrated their initiation atRojo Restaurant in Birmingham,Alabama. Gamma Zeta also celebratedValentine’s Day by visiting SouthHaven Nursing Home. All of thebrothers made Valentine’s Day cardsfor the residents and were able tospend time with everyone at thehome. Some upcoming events includethe third annual Trivia Night,Apothecary Ball, chapter elections,and a White Water Rafting Trip.

—Meredith Schafer

�� Gamma EtaUniversity of MontanaFounded 6/4/1920Dept. of BMED 244, Missoula, MT [email protected]

Gamma Eta ended 2011 in style,hosting our second annual winter for-mal full of good food, dancing, and amasquerade theme. In addition, weorganized a community-wide BoneMarrow Drive registering more than200 community members.

being done to the �� house as theweather improves. We are also atwork organizing a spring formaldance for the school, which will be afundraiser for Shriners Hospitals forChildren. On a side note, Kappa Psihas high expectations for the springsemester’s intramural season. TheBeta Omega boys will take to the soft-ball diamond with vengeance. We alsolook to dominate dodgeball.

—Zack Woods

�� Gamma DeltaOhio Northern UniversityFounded 3/20/1920Ohio Northern UniversityRaabe College of Pharmacy525 S. Main St., Ada, OH [email protected]

January was filled with fellowship.First, brothers enjoyed ice-skatingtogether at a local rink. Later in themonth, brothers enjoyed each other’scompany while eating at East ofChicago and seeing a movie.

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, thebrothers hosted a luncheon for theCollege of Pharmacy staff. In addition,the Philanthropy Committee collectedHeart Healthy Foods for the Ada FoodPantry. For a professional event,brothers counseled students aboutmeningitis outside of the cafeteria.Also in February, 10 brothers wereinducted into Mortar Board! We arevery proud of them!

The rest of the spring semesterlooks to be eventful with a SpringFormal to celebrate Founders Day.Also in March, we co-hosted a MiniGolf Tournament to raise money forUnited Cerebral Palsy.

—Amanda Lanker

�� Gamma EpsilonUniversity of NebraskaFounded 3/20/1920Univ. of Nebraska College of Pharmacy,985025 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE [email protected]

This semester Kappa Psi membersparticipated in a 24-hour skate-a-thonfor Parkinson’s disease. UNMC isunique in the fact that it has a skatingrink on campus. Our largest philan-thropy of the year is set for the end ofMarch and is a 3-on-3 basketball tour-nament known as Hoops for Healing.The proceeds of this tournament sup-port Camp Floyd Rogers, a summercamp outside of Omaha for childrenwith diabetes. Preparations are cur-rently underway with members active-ly promoting the tournament andreceiving donations for the camp fromlocal businesses.

—Allysa Zoucha

We didn’t end there though! Thepast few months have brought out theMartha Stewarts of Missoula. Overthe holidays our crafty brothers con-structed “Holiday Mail for theHeroes” through the Red Cross bymaking holiday cards for veterans,active duty members, and their fami-lies. Soon after, our brothers put ontheir baking hats to organize a raf-fle/bake sale for the Cash HydeFoundation, a local foundation inMissoula to assist families emotionallyand financially who are strugglingwith pediatric cancer. We raised morethan $1,650 in only two days!

More than 25 Gamma Eta brothersattended Province X in Seattle lastmonth where we won farthest chaptertraveled for the second year in a row.

We are eager to be planning theNorthwest Province in Missoula nextFebruary and extend a Montana wel-come to other Province chapters inhopes to double the number of broth-ers in attendance.

We are busy planning our annualSpring Fling, Juvenile DiabetesResearch Foundation walk, end of theyear appreciation barbecue, teacherappreciation breakfast, making din-nersmonthly at the Ronald McDonaldHouse, and preparing our nextHabitat for Humanity project as soonas it stops snowing. We are hittingfundraising hard this semester andare actively improving the officerresponsibilities within our chapter.

—Mackenzie Clark

The new Beta Chi brothers celebrate after activation

Beta Psi vice regent Kellie Freund and Brothers Joe Wenninger, NickBenzschawel, and Callie Crotty celebrate the holidays Kappa Psi style.

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�� Gamma ThetaUniversity of Missouri-Kansas CityFounded 5/17/19572411 Holmes St., M3‐C19Kansas City, MO [email protected]

Gamma Theta hosted a successfulProvince VII in Kansas City. Variouschapters attended to learn more aboutKappa Psi and share ideas. We thankeveryone who traveled and worked sohard to put the event together! Ourchapter is successfully participating invarious philanthropic and socialevents. We are excited to host ourannual Volley for Charity sand volley-ball tournament this April. All pro-ceeds will be donated to the AmericanCancer Society in honor of our fellowbrother, Wes McIntire.

�� Gamma KappaSouth Dakota State UniversityFounded 10/18/1958College of Pharmacy, Box 2202CBrookings, SD [email protected]

The brothers of Gamma Kappahave had an extremely busy start tothe spring semester. As the host ofthe final Province VIII conclaveassembly, many of the brothers havestepped forward to assist with theplanning of this event. Toward theconclusion of this past semester,Gamma Kappa raised money througha “Penny War” competition to assistthe needs of the local domestic abuseshelter, as well as supply gifts for thelocal underprivileged through theAngel Tree program during the holi-day season. The P2 class won thePenny War competition and as aresult, was read a “unique” Christmas

poem from one of our faculty brothersdressed in a Santa suit. On top of allthis excitement, Gamma Kappa hascontinued with the regular traditions.This spring, we have five new mem-bers working through the pledgingprocess.

More recently, Gamma Kappa tookpart in a campus-wide health fair,hosting an organ donation booth. Thisbooth allowed visitors of the fair tobecome registered organ donors.Following the fair, a few brothers tookon the task of constructing a Putt-Putthole to support the local Children’sMiracle Network campaign. TheGamma Kappa hole took home thehonors of most technical hole as wellas the most creative hole. We look for-ward to seeing all of you at “Farewellto Province VIII” April 20–21, 2012, inBrookings, South Dakota.

�� Gamma NuUniversity of the PacificFounded 9/17/1960751 Brookside Rd., Stockton, CA [email protected]

After a relaxing winter break, wereturned to the start of a new rushseason. Before we got too caught upwith rush, we drove out to Modestoand enjoyed a day together paint-balling. This proved to be a great wayto blow off some pent-up steam fromlast semester’s finals.

The month of January marked ourchapter’s first blood pressure screen-ings at Walgreens. In what we hope tobecome a regular or annual communi-ty outreach event, our whole fraternitygot together to make this happen. OurGCD, Dr. Adam Kaye, opened up hispharmacy at Walgreens as a venue forthe screenings. Undergraduate broth-ers helped advertise, and brothers inpharmacy school performed the bloodpressure screenings. It has been a bigsuccess with a great turnout.

Rush season has been hectic asalways. This year we decided to havea “sports night” and “casino night.”Potentials were invited to play dodge-ball, basketball, and various casinogames. Rush banquet this year was aluncheon at Wine & Roses in Lodi.Alumni from across the nation were inattendance and we had a great timecatching up and introducing them tothe potential brothers.

—Jarrett Chang

�� Gamma OmicronUniversity of OklahomaFounded 2/3/19231110 N. Stonewall, Suite CPB211Oklahoma City, OK [email protected]

The brothers of Gamma Omicronhave been busy with service events,fundraisers, and social activities. Weorganized a drive for packing suppliesfor Blue Star Mothers, an organizationthat sends out care packages to troopsoverseas. Brothers also organized a

The new officer team of Gamma Delta for 2012 year.

Gamma Eta Brothers Ondrea Cowserand Hannah Delaney peak throughbeautiful masks at our Winter FormalMasquerade.

Gamma Theta brothers attend the Province VII meeting.

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bowl and spoon with a recipe for chili.We also sponsored a bone marrowdrive on campus this past year and areplanning our Kappa Psi Formal thatwill take place this spring.

Kappa Psi graduate AnastasiaRoberts teaches a new class calledIndigent Populations—Focus onHealth Literacy at STLCOP, and twobrothers take the class. The classgives presentations to the residents atGateway Homeless Shelter, and our

group to give back to our communityduring the University of Oklahoma’sBig Event. Plans are underway to mixphilanthropy with a fun at our annualGolf Benefit for Muscular Dystrophy.

As part of a Health Sciences Center,Gamma Omicron is able to representour profession to students in differentmedical fields. This spring, brothersare joining forces with the Universityof Oklahoma’s Rx for Fitness organi-zation to host a volleyball tournamentthat is open to the entire campus. Thisfundraising event will be an opportuni-ty to foster relationships with studentsfrom other professions.

Amidst all of these activities, thebrothers of Gamma Omicron still findtime for fellowship. The brothers loveto attend local sporting events such asBarons hockey games and Thunderbasketball games. The brothers alsomeet every month to have dinnertogether.

—Amanda Higgins

�� Gamma PiSt. Louis College of PharmacyFounded 3/19/19464588 Parkview Place, St. Louis, MO [email protected]

We are planning to visit the St.Louis Area Foodbank again duringspring semester as part of theChaplain’s Winter Break ServiceProject. We have processed 400 casesand 13,200 pounds of food, providing10,776 meals for the hungry in metroSt. Louis. The chapter has decided tomake this an event we do once asemester and once over summer/win-ter break.

Our chapter has also put togetheran intramural soccer team. We spon-sored another Red Cross Blood Driveearly this semester and everyone whodonated received a Red Cross soup

chapter has donated $150 toward pro-viding dinner at an upcoming presen-tation as well as collected personalhygiene items to make “care kits” forthe residents to distribute after thepresentation.

The Gamma Pi chapter is creating anationwide Kappa Psi cookbook. Wewould love for you to participate inthis fundraiser. If interested, pleasesubmit recipes (both ingredients anddirections for preparation) with your

name, location/chapter, and any pic-tures of the completed recipe to [email protected] by June 1.Our goal is to work on creating a finalversion of the cookbook by the end ofthe summer and have them ready tosell in the fall and available to fellowbrothers by the Christmas season.

—Stephanie Suhany

� Gamma RhoUniversity of New MexicoFounded 2/16/1948College of Pharmacy MSC 0953602502 Marble NE, Albuquerque, NM [email protected]

The new pledge class of theGamma Rho chapter recently set up ablood drive for the entire University ofNew Mexico Health Science Center tobenefit the United Blood Service. Wealso had a blast bowling in day glow atour last social. In our downtime, weput on an educational event for theUniversity of New Mexico undergradsabout immunizations before headingout on their spring break vacations.All our efforts this spring semester

Gamma Zeta collegiate and alumni brothers enjoy Province IV Winter Conclave 2012.

Gamma Nu brothers take some time off to spend a day paintballing in Lodi.

A handful of the Gamma Phi brothers hang out in the Gamma Phi house.

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are going into preparing for the lastProvince IX meeting, which will beMarch 23–25. We are anxiously wait-ing for all of our Province IX brothersto head to New Mexico one final time.

—Keenan Ryan

�� Gamma SigmaUniversity of FloridaFounded 4/28/1949College of Pharmacy, Dept. of PharmacyPractice, Box 100487, Gainesville, FL [email protected]

Gamma Sigma, hosted the regionalconclave January 6–8. It was an excit-ing way for students, faculty, pharma-cists, and associates to begin 2012.Meghan Arwood, Gamma Sigma viceregent, said, “These gatherings arealways great opportunities to network

and socialize with other brothers,pharmacy students and pharmacists,who you already share a deeper tiewith, which is beyond words.”

Although Florida is included inProvince IV, which also encompassesAlabama, The Bahamas, and Georgia,roughly 300 people attended from allover the United States. Since ProvinceIV is soon to be repartitioned, themeeting served as the last in whichthese areas will congregate. KaliWeaver, Kappa Psi Grand Regent,also joined in winter conclave. As agraduate of Samford University, shewas originally from Province IV.

The assembly was put up in down-town Gainesville’s Hampton Inn andprovided evening socials on Fridayand Saturday at Sharab and :08 night-

clubs, respectively. A luncheon andmeeting took place on Saturday at UFCollege of Public Health and HealthProfessions.

Gator Nation professor and former�� Grand Regent, Anthony PalmieriIII, Ph.D., delivered a continuing edu-cation seminar regarding genericdrug names. Dr. Palmieri will soon bereceiving the A. Richard Bliss KappaPsi Grand Council Citation ofAppreciation award. This is the high-est brotherhood award the Fraternityoffers.

The conference finished with a for-mal dinner that filled the joint estab-lishments, Zuzu and Jolie. After lunchat The Swamp Restaurant on Sundaymorning, Kappa Psi affiliates dis-persed back to their hometowns.

In the aftermath of it all, AlanByard, Gamma Sigma regent, said,“Planning this event was a veryrewarding experience. It was great tohost such a large event and get tomeet Kappa Psi brothers from all overProvince and country.”

Gamma Sigma brothers look for-ward to a Valentine’s Day party tobenefit the American Heart Associa -tion, March’s Special Olympics, andthe Shands Children’s Hospital’sSpring Golf Tournament.

—Joseph Ladd

�� Gamma UpsilonUniversity of ArizonaFounded 3/20/1950University of Arizona/COP, Tucson, AZ [email protected]

Since our last update, we havestarted a brand new philanthropy sup-porting the Muscular DystrophyAssociation (MDA). We have spon-sored a child with muscular dystro-phy and his family and are also plan-ning an MDA jazz concert fundraiserfor our sponsored family. We areholding the event not only to raisemoney but also for the family to havea night of fun and relaxation. Then onApril 7, our chapter will be participat-ing in the MDA Walk. We are alsogetting involved in ProjectImmunization with APhA and makingsure we have brothers at the immu-nization booth for every health fair.We will be continuing our MarchMadness fundraiser for Be TheMatch and our End of the YearBanquet. The banquet signifies thetransition of officers and is also a timeof farewell for our outgoing third-years. We wish them much luck ontheir fourth-year rotations.

Gamma Upsilon is also working onnew social events! We organized anouting to our school’s Icecats hockeygame, the first of several we hope.Several brothers attended, includingone pharmacist and Kappa Psi broth-er! Our next social is our biannualkickball event in April.

Most importantly, we look forwardto meeting our Delta Eta brothers inNew Orleans for the APhA AnnualMeeting. Then two weeks later, wewill be meeting our Gamma Rhobrothers in New Mexico for the verylast Province IX meeting. This is avery important time of celebration aswe become the Pacific West Provinceand a time of sorrow and reflection aswe say farewell to the Gamma Rhochapter. They will become part of theSouthwest Province. It will be a veryspecial meeting for us, as we will betaking a bus to New Mexico with our

The brothers of Gamma Psi at VIP Day.

The University of Florida’s St. Petersburg chapter, Epsilon Sigma, stands to have its first pledge class recognized at Province IV 2012 Winter Conclave.

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goal, and the brothers will have towork hard together in order to meetand hopefully exceed expectations.We will also be bringing back our hit“Boxers and Blazers” party thissemester to raise money to benefitRelay For Life. This party is always amassive success and a huge turnout isexpected. We are also looking forwardto the 2012 APhA Annual Meeting andExpo in New Orleans. The brothers ofGamma Phi will also be traveling toGatlinburg, Tennessee, in March forour annual spring formal.

�� Gamma PsiMercer UniversityFounded 3/16/1953School of Pharmacy, 3001 MercerUniversity Drive, Atlanta, GA [email protected]

The new year got off to a fast startas the brothers of Gamma Psi madethe trip to Gainesville, Florida, for win-ter conclave. At this meeting, a num-ber of Gamma Psi brothers, includingDr. Marvin Smith and Dr. AndrewCrowe, were recognized for their hardwork and dedication to the Fraternity.The following week, we traveled toPigeon Forge, Tennessee, for ourannual Ski Trip where more than 80brothers, pledges, and their familiesattended. Brothers once again tookthis opportunity to fellowship withother chapters and enjoy events suchas skiing, shopping, go kart racing,and laser tag.

Delta Sigma brothers fromMidwestern University in Phoenix.Hope to see you all in New Orleans!

—Shannon DeGrote

�� Gamma PhiUniversity of GeorgiaFounded 5/23/1951College of Pharmacy1880 S. Lumpkin St., Athens, GA [email protected]

Gamma Phi kicked off the semesterby attending Province IV conclave inGainesville, Florida. It was exciting forus as Brother Bryan Summerford waselected to serve as the new ProvinceGCC Alternate Delegate.

Following conclave, we got schooloff to good start by hosting our annualWelcome Back Party. We had a greatturnout and it provided students fromall over the pharmacy school a chanceto relax and catch up after winterbreak. In addition, each guest whoattended brought a canned food item,which was later donated to a localfood bank. Nearly 100 pounds ofcanned goods were collected.

Recently, the brothers of GammaPhi selected six first-year ladies tobecome our Little Sisters. We are veryexcited for our new additions to thefamily and for them to be a part of thechapter. To celebrate we treated themto dinner and a night out on the town.

The chapter put together a blacklight themed party. Participants camedressed in white or brightly coloredneon clothing. All the partygoers hadfun and also brought items to bedonated to a local charity in Athens.The turnout was great, but moreimportantly, the brothers are proud tohave been able to help out membersof our community.

We will be holding our secondblood drive for the 2011–2012 schoolyear. As with every blood drive, theRed Cross has set an extremely high

As the new semester started, thebrothers were busy kicking off RushWeek by mentoring and developingprospective pledges. The main rushevent was a complete success withevery on-campus brother as well asour beloved alumni brothers fromAtlanta Grad, Ringgold Grad, and SEFlorida-Bahamas Grad in attendance.

Brothers attended the GeorgiaPharmacy Association’s VIP Day. Thisannual event allows pharmacists andpharmacy students from all over thestate of Georgia to convene at theGeorgia State Capitol,to meet withlawmakers and stay current on legisla-tion that affects our profession. Thosein attendance had the opportunity tohear from a number of lawmakers andeven to be pictured with the governor.

�� Delta GammaAuburn UniversityFounded 2/24/1963Harrison School of Pharmacy2316 Walker Building, Auburn, AL [email protected]

Brothers of Delta Gamma enjoyed aweekend of fellowship and learning atthe Province IV winter conclavewhere Brothers Samantha Pelhamand Grant McGuffey were elected asProvince IV officers for 2012. Wethank the brothers of Gamma Sigmafor their hospitality. The followingweekend brothers attended the annu-al Ski Trip in Pigeon Forge,Tennessee, hosted by Gamma Psi.

Brothers have come to expect greatthings from the Ski Trip, and this yearwas no exception! We continue tohold our monthly Boykin AdultDaycare Center birthday parties aswell as our monthly blood drives.Brothers are also busy planning aspring health fair, an elementaryschool outreach project for PoisonPrevention Week, and fundraising forour Relay For Life teams. Our“Dynamic Duos” social was a hugesuccess with pairs such as Romy andMichele, Salt and Pepper, and Marioand Luigi in attendance. Brothers lookforward to our spring camping trip aswell as our Spring Formal. We areexcited to have a very motivated andactive group of pledges this year. Weappreciate their eagerness to beinvolved not only in our local activi-ties, but also in Province activities.Brothers and pledges continue to holdbowling nights and dinners to get toknow each other better.

—Courtney Watts

�� Delta DeltaUniversity of HoustonFounded 2/28/1963College of Pharmacy4800 Calhoun Boulevard, 141‐SR2Houston, TX 77204‐[email protected]

Amidst a hectic semester, DeltaDelta initiated 42 new brothers andbestowed them our colors on JerseyNight. Our second annual Mr.

Gamma Upsilon brothers enjoy the cool weather and sunshine during the biannual kickball game.

Delta Delta’s Azizat Agbetoba and herLittle Amy Kelleh at Jersey Night.

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Pharmacy Pageant, hosted byBrother Jessica Stover, attractedeight contestants from each one ofour pharmacy organizations. As aresult, $450 was raised toward ProjectC.U.R.E Kit for Kids to buy suppliesand to cover shipping costs overseas.In February, our brothers made morethan 100 peanut butter and jelly sand-wiches and brought them over to thekids at Star of Hope TransitionalLiving Center. Brother JerodBraschler also led the reading of thebook If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,which was received with joy andlaughter from the kids. Three broth-ers, Erin Chartier, Amy Kellah, andJackie Shiao, took part in the weeklyHOMES Clinic program which helpsbring much needed medical servicesto the less fortunate. With the moneywe raised, the Delta Delta chapterwas able to send 50 C.U.R.E Kit forKids boxes and five Nokero solarpowered light bulbs overseas to fami-lies with children in developing coun-tries. A special thanks goes to our UHAlum Dr. Steve Tran for donatingmany of the items included in thesekits.

—Bo Pang

�� Delta EpsilonDuquesne UniversityFounded 2/24/1967Duquesne University Mylan School of Pharmacy410 Mellon Hall, Pittsburgh, PA [email protected]

In November, Delta Epsilon induct-ed eight new brothers into our chap-ter. We started off the spring semes-ter recruiting new members at our

Meet the Greeks and received a lot ofinterest from potential new brothers.

February has been full of serviceprojects. Some of our brothers volun-teered at the Jubilee Soup Kitchen,assisting the staff in feeding thehomeless. We made Valentine’s Daycards for a local assisted living facilityin Shadyside, which was a big hit withthe residents. Putting smiles on theirfaces really warmed our brothers’hearts. After that, the brothers heldtheir annual Healthy Heart program.They performed blood pressurescreenings on campus to increaseawareness of participants’ knowledgeof their blood pressure and promoteheart healthy habits.

We are looking forward to the lastmeeting of Province II.

—Gena Bickhart

�� Delta ZetaUniversity of IowaFounded 12/12/1968University of Iowa College of Pharmacy115 S Grand Ave, Iowa City, IA [email protected]

Despite the stress of tests andschool projects, brothers had theopportunity to take in a RoughRidershockey game in Cedar Rapids.Additionally, many brothers had theopportunity to attend the Iowa vs.Wisconsin men’s basketball game. Itwas a very exciting event as theHawkeyes upset the Badgers.

Brothers also enjoyed the opportu-nity to give back to the community.For philanthropy, the chapter pre-pared and served a meal for familiesstaying at a Ronald McDonald Houseassociated with the University of Iowa

Children’s Hospital. The team hasmultiple philanthropy events comingup including Relay For Life and theRonald McDonald House Run!

Brothers provided free blood pres-sure screenings for the community atthe Iowa City Public Library andhelped to raise awareness of hyperten-sion. The chapter also held a sale forCollege of Pharmacy sweatpants as afundraising event.

Everyone is looking forward tofuture events including the lastProvince VIII conclave in Brookings

—Mallory Breuker

�� Delta ThetaTexas Southern UniversityFounded 3/27/19733100 Cleburne Avenue, Houston, TX [email protected]

Delta Theta brothers attended thePleasantville Health Fair in the NorthHouston area. Brothers conducted“brown bag” services where individu-als brought their medications and weexplained to them the clinical signifi-cance, potential side effects and druginteractions they may have.

On December 12, 2011, the broth-ers set out on a mission to give backto those who are less fortunate. Theywent to Bread of Life Inc. in Houston,Texas, to donate clothes for individu-als who are homeless. On any givennight in the city of Houston, approxi-mately 10,000 women, children, andmen find themselves homeless. TheBread of Life Inc. provides solutionsto these problems through sustaining,equipping, and transforming the for-gotten with compassion.

Delta Delta pledge master Danny Harper hands his Little Tony Ohonba a jersey. Brothers of Delta Gamma at Province IV Conclave in Gainesville, FL.

Delta Kappa Brothers Addo, Gallien, Wadley, Tsuyuki, and Wiley enjoy theHeart 2 Heart Ball.

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food boxes for families with specialdiets who can’t afford them. InFebruary, we visited Food & Friendsand helped prepare meals for individu-als who are immunocompromised.

On January 27, Delta Kappa SpringLine celebrated their anniversary bythrowing a “Bakin’ Bacon BirthdayBash.” The menu for the event con-sisted of dishes that only includedbacon. The next day the brothers sup-ported a fundraiser for the Class of2014 by participating as bachelors andbachelorettes in a date auction. Theevent opened the pharmacy school tothe entire campus to meet and bid onthe College of Pharmacy’s most eligi-ble singles. Later that evening, thechapter went out for a night at themovies. On February 4, Kappa Psi andKappa Epsilon hosted the annualHeart to Heart Ball, which bringsawareness to the fight against cardio-

vascular diseases in women. Thebrothers gave donations, and partici-pated in a dance performance andfashion show.

—Kenneth Wiley

�� Delta LambdaCampbell UniversityFounded 4/23/1988School of PharmacyP.O. Box 1090, Buies Creek, NC [email protected]

Brothers attended the annualApothecary Ball with gusto. Thisevent was open for the entire Schoolof Pharmacy including students, facul-ty, and staff and was organized by ourSocial Committee member, MaryCates Houston. The night offered agreat networking opportunity forpharmacy students and was also anessential source of fundraising for thecommunity outreach events.

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Delta Theta also helped completeblood pressure screenings for theyoung students as well as their par-ents. During the screenings, weobtained details from the participantsregarding their history of chronic dis-eases, what medications they weretaking, their eating habits, how andwhen they took their medications ifapplicable, and if they had diabetes,hypertension, or any disease state thatwould warrant regular monitoringhabits. With these facts we were ableto relay information concerning eachindividual’s health state.

Brothers Samuel Ubanyionwu,Karin Davis, Kingsley Nwogu,Gwendolyn Burgess, and CeliaFenceroy attended the last ProvinceVII conclave in Kansas City, Missouri,before the realignment. It was a greatconference and we look forward towelcoming new chapters intoProvince VII. Lastly, Delta Theta hasheld two outings for P1–P4 studentsincluding Bowling Night and KaraokeNight.

—Celia Fenceroy

�� Delta KappaHoward UniversityFounded 4/19/1986College of Pharmacy, 2300 4th Street NWWashington, DC [email protected]

Delta Kappa is honored to host thelast official Province III conclaveMarch 23–25 before the realignmentmakes us a part of the Mountain EastProvince.

We have been busy providing quali-ty programming and community ser-vice to the D.C. area. On December15 and February 17, we partneredwith Thrive DC to help prepare andserve meals at a local homeless shel-ter. Also in December, we participatedin our annual Secret Santa giftexchange program.

Delta Kappa didn’t lose any steamcoming back from the holiday breakas we participated in patient counsel-ing with University of Maryland andShenandoah University pharmacy stu-dents at the American HeartAssociation booth during the annualNBC4 Health and Fitness Expo. OnJanuary 23, the brothers providedGED test preparation tutoring to highschool dropouts. On January 24, wewent to Marie H. Reed RecreationCenter and helped paint and rejuve-nate the facility so it can continue tobe utilized by the youth in the com-munity. On January 26, the chapterparticipated in “Byte Back” which is aprogram to teach older adults thebasic functions of the computer sothey are competitive in the job searchmarket. At our final service project ofthe month on January 27, we part-nered with “Food for All” to help pack

Pledges from Delta Chi used the grad dinner as a bonding opportunity with their Big Brothers.

Delta Kappa Brothers PorschaJohnson and Clarice Carthon struttingtheir stuff on the red carpet at theHeart 2 Heart Ball.

Delta Zeta celebrates initiation of 15 new brothers. Following initiation, brothers enjoyed treats provided by Iowa Grad.

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In January, three rush events wereorganized by the rush committeechair, Tyler Bradshaw, and her com-mittee members. Bids were given outa couple of days later and we obtainedfive pledges.

In February, several brothers par-ticipated in the eighth Krispy KrèmeChallenge to raise money for theNorth Carolina Children’s Hospital.Participants had to run two miles fromthe North Carolina Belltower to theKrispy Krème store, eat a dozendonuts, and run back to the Belltowerin one hour. We had a couple of broth-ers who came very close in complet-ing the challenge. In the spirit ofValentine’s Day, all the brothers cametogether to prepare Valentine’s Daycards for residents at the Brookfieldassisted living center and also volun-teered to distribute cards, serve food,and help elderly people.

After spring break, brothers willtravel to Washington, D.C., and repre-sent Delta Lambda at the Province IIIspring conclave, participate in theRelay For Life campaign to supportcancer research and treatment and aroadside cleanup.

—Madhav Bhatt

�� Delta NuMidwestern University at ChicagoFounded 3/12/1994College of Pharmacy, 355 31st StreetDowner’s Grove, IL [email protected]

For the past three months, DeltaNu has been focusing on charteringKappa Psi’s up-and-coming RooseveltUniversity chapter, Epsilon Upsilon. Acore committee of Delta Nu brothers,headed by Allyson Greenberg andNicholas Zare, have selflessly dedicat-ed months to leading and nurturing

Delta Theta brothers enjoy the last Province VII meeting.

our soon-to-be brand new brothers.Allyson writes, “I am extremely proudof the Delta Nu brothers who have setan outstanding example of leadershipand brotherhood for the 19 pledges atRoosevelt University!” In the pastweeks, Delta Nu brothers have createdsocial events such as Karaoke Night,Laser Tag, and multiple team buildingactivities. Furthermore, Delta Nu hasdemonstrated our national goals andobjectives by guiding the Alpha Classinto the community to volunteer atClearbrook Plaza in their Resale Shop.Additionally, the Alpha Class has illus-trated their understanding of theimportance of maintaining strong tiesbetween Kappa Psi and their campusby hosting their first Ping-PongTourney fundraiser. Epsilon Upsilonwill be initiated on March 31, 2012.

Delta Nu is also in the process ofplanning our Founders Day celebra-tions, and with more than 110 brothersin the area, we’re going to try some-thing new this year. Delta Nu wasfounded in March of 1994, and thisyear we’re going to take advantage ofthe proximity of our founding day toSt. Patrick’s Day and make sure allbrothers stick together for a day of funand brotherhood. Starting with a goodbreakfast of green pancakes andorange juice hosted by Brother RyanChasseur, Delta Nu brothers are goingto take a trip downtown to appreciatethe traditions of this city we love andwatch the Chicago River dyed greenbefore spending the day together hav-ing fun and enjoying brotherhood.We’ve made up shirts for the day,green shamrocks emblazoned with“LUC��.” We couldn’t agree more!

Something else Delta Nu brothershave to look forward to is the annualformal we throw at the Carlisle inLombard, Illinois. This year’s theme is“Viva Las Vegas!”

—Brittany Taunton

�� Delta XiShenandoah UniversityFounded 9/13/1997Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy1775 North Sector CourtWinchester, VA [email protected]

We are starting off the new yearwith 17 pledges! On February 2, 2012,the Delta Xi brothers hosted our annu-al rush event; the theme this year wasWinter Ski Lodge. The brothers trans-formed the cafeteria into a cozy wintergetaway equipped with a s’mores sta-tion, mountain scenery, and a “fire-place.”

On February 23, 2012, we hostedour second annual BJD Got Talentshow. Special thanks to the Sigmabrothers who came to support us! Thisyear the talents included violin duet,slam poetry, stand-up comedy, poi, andsong performances. We gave awaymore than $250 in prizes. Thanks toHoulihan’s Restaurant and Bar, GloryDays, Sweet Frog, The Alamo,Martins, Walmart, Chipotle, CiCi’sPizza, IJ Canns, Frosted Crumbs, andMcDonalds. Congrats to Brother RosaLee for winning first place in the talentshow this year with her amazing violinperformance. Please visit ourFacebook page https://www.facebook.com/KappaPsiDeltaXi for more pic-tures and videos.

On February 24, the Delta Xi broth-ers went to Ashburn, Virginia, for a funnight of eating and ice-skating. Thenext day we attended the annualCommunity Wellness Festival at theApple Blossom Mall. The Delta Xibrothers taught the community how tofill the Vial of L.I.F.E. forms from theAmerican Red Cross and gave outmore than 500 vials this year. InMarch, a few of the Delta Xi brotherswill be helping out in Buena Vista,Virginia, for Remote Area Medical. We

Delta Pi brothers take part in Heart Awareness Day.

Delta Phi Iron Chef judges Sanaz Farhadian, Kellie Kocher, Lindsey Mann,Linda Ngo, and Kevin Mee take a break from their taste testing duties to pose atthe Delta Phi social.

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Kathleen Ubina, Delta Pi informedour Facebook friends by posting heartawareness facts as our Facebook sta-tuses. A number of brothers wore redto school to promote the beginning ofHeart Awareness Month. We also rana Val-o-gram fundraiser, selling candywith all the proceeds benefiting theAmerican Heart Association.

Thanks to the brothers who helpedout with the Medical School HealthFair. Delta Pi volunteered their timeto educate the public about glaucomaas a part of our Disease Awarenesscampaign. Thank you BrotherMichael Yee for organizing a relaxingevening of eating out and bowlingafter a round of exams. Delta Piextended helping hands to the localHabitat for Humanity in Amarillo,Texas. This was great way to giveback to the community. Thanks to thehard work of many brothers in theLegacy Committee, Delta Pi present-ed various projects at Province VII,including a scrapbook, a family treeconnecting the Big Sib/Little Sib rela-tionships, and a video showing high-lights from various events. Delta Pisent off 16 brothers to Province VII inKansas City, Missouri.

—Sharon Samuel

will be doing free blood glucose andblood pressure screenings.

—Chung Ling Liao

�� Delta OmicronWilkes UniversityFounded 11/7/1997Nesbitt School of PharmacyWilkes‐Barre, PA [email protected]

Delta Omicron has been planning alarge-scale skin cancer awarenessevent. The first “Here Comes the Sun”event will provide Wilkes Universitystudents with vital information aboutskin cancer and the new sunscreenlabels that are taking effect. The eventwill feature a mixture of information,entertainment, and interactive gamesto benefit the campus community.

Although “Here Comes the Sun”has been a major focus of the semes-ter, we have also been involved in sev-eral other professional projects.During the university’s PharmacyWeek, we participated in a campus-wide health fair and provided smokingcessation information. Several broth-ers also participated in a surprise“Phlash mob” dance on campus to apharmacy-related parody of “PartyRock Anthem.” The chapter also host-ed a volleyball tournament as a fun,social event for all pharmacy studentsand faculty during Pharmacy Week.

Brothers, faculty, and graduatebrothers recently took the time tocatch a local Wilkes-Barre/ScrantonPenguins hockey game on a Saturdaynight. It was the first time DeltaOmicron went to support the localteam as a group, and it turned out tobe an enjoyable night. Brothers willalso participate in Relay For Life,Kappa Psi Formal, and a brother vs.faculty softball game.

—Theresa Scaramastro

�� Delta Pi Texas Tech UniversityFounded 11/14/1997School of Pharmacy, 1300 S. Coulter St.Amarillo, TX [email protected]

Brothers participated in a chapter-wide Secret Santa to end the year.Delta Pi celebrated its 14th year atTexas Tech by inviting faculty andstaff to the annual Founders Daywhich included a potluck competition.This was an excellent way for broth-ers so show off their culinary skills. JiWoo’s Korean Curry took first placefor best entrée while Lily Pham-Smith’s Vietnamese dessert won bestdessert. Thank you, brothers, formaking this year’s Founders Day adelicious success. In February, DeltaPi took an active role in promotingHeart Awareness. Thanks to Brother

� Delta RhoNova Southeastern UniversityFounded 11/13/19988951 North New River Canal Road, 1A Plantation, FL [email protected]

Fall semester wrapped up withHope Phones, a charity in which peo-ple donate their old cell phones tomedical clinics in developing coun-tries around the world to assist themin providing medical care to those inneed in remote areas. Thus far DeltaRho has collected more than 50 cellphones for the cause. Chapters inter-ested can learn more athopephones.org.

Pledges did us proud hosting afundraiser for Crohn’s and Colitis atMenchie’s yogurt shop where theyraised more than $200. The pledgesocial event themed “Hollywood” wasalso a star-studded success withbrothers and pledges making theirappearance as the Spice Girls, KatyPerry and Russell Brand, Snooki, andmore.

Keeping with themed events, broth-ers were ready to get dressed upagain for our first inter-fraternalfundraiser called “Ugly ChristmasSweater.” Kappa Psi and Phi Delta Chi

The brothers of Delta Nu getting ready to meet new students at the StudentOrganization Fair.

Delta Omega brothers take a breakat the Habitat site.

Delta Omicron and Pocono Grad brothers mingle during a Wilkes Barre/Scranton Penguins game.

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Ordinary Superheroes!RIGHT: Beta Pi Brother

Joe Tran performs a bloodpressure screening at the

MLK day health fair.

LEFT: One of the residentsof the Brookfield NursingHome wrote a beautifulpoem thanking DeltaLambda brothers for continuing to brighten their days. Shown with her is Brother Julie Dattero.

Delta Kappa Brother Nana Addo cleans the tablebefore preparing meals for the homeless at

Food and Friends.

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Glendale, along with brothers fromGamma Upsilon and students fromthe University of Arizona College ofPharmacy, promoted the profession ofpharmacy to the legislators, senators,and representatives of Arizona at theannual Pharmacy Day at the Capitol.We demonstrated that pharmacistscan practice blood glucose screen-ings, blood pressure monitoring,immunizations, and medication dis-posal safety. We rounded out our phil-anthropy events with our quarterlyroad cleanup.

Delta Sigma is proud to congratu-late its own brothers who were elect-ed to all executive positions of APHA-ASP, ASHP-SSHP, and AMCP chap-ters at MWU. Good job brothers! Wealso enjoyed watching the PhoenixCoyotes in a hockey game, and wealso faced off against Phi Delta Chi insome friendly games of bowling.

—Huan Nguyen

�� Delta TauRoseman Univ. of Health SciencesFounded 1/10/200311 Sunset Way, Henderson, NV [email protected]

On January 7, 2012, Delta Tauproudly welcomed 31 new brothers toour ever-growing family after monthsof dedication to the principles and tra-ditions of Kappa Psi, and we couldn’tbe prouder!

Delta Tau also actively participatesin philanthropic events in the LasVegas area. On January 21, brothersvolunteered at the Lied AnimalShelter in Las Vegas. Spread out overacres of land, Nevada’s largest animalshelter and adoption center houses arange of animals, from pigs and hors-

brothers made sure to bring the Santahats, bells and, of course, the ugliestsweater they could find to the eventwith each fraternity collecting morethan $200.

Gator Swamp was the theme whenmore than 20 Delta Rho brothersjumped into their cars and made thesix-hour drive to Gainesville for winterconclave hosted by Gamma Sigma.Delta Rho brothers chose green asthis year’s color to represent ourchapter as we excitedly mingled andcaught up with our fellow Kappa Psibrothers of Province IV. Soon after wereturned we proudly initiated 32brothers into our chapter. Our newbrothers have taken part in fundrais-ers such as our annual rose sale forValentine’s, making sure Kappa Psiwas represented at the annualCommunity Fest, and assisting in theValentine’s Mary Kay sale that raisedmoney for Pediatric AIDS.

We look forward to continuing tomake preparations for our largestevent of the year, Dance Marathon,which raises money for the ElizabethGlaser Pediatric AIDs Foundation.Delta Rho hopes to continue to raiseawareness of the foundation in hopesof one day eliminating pediatric AIDS.Money raised thus far for the causetotaling more than $15,000. Chaptersinterested in this cause can visitwww.pedaids.org. We are also lookingforward to raising money for testicularcancer whereby guys will pay to seegirls wear ties to school to raiseawareness of the disease.

—Jessica Ruiz

�� Delta SigmaMidwestern University-GlendaleFounded 9/9/2000College of Pharmacy—Glendale19555 N. 59th Ave., Glendale, AZ [email protected]

Delta Sigma ended 2011 with adopt-ing a family and giving them aChristmas they would not have other-wise had. We purchased groceriesand gift cards to grocery stores for theparents and warm clothes and toys forthe children. We finished the holidayseason off with an ugly sweater party.Some brothers got very creative withthis year’s sweaters including one thatlit up and one that smelled just awful.

The brothers of Delta Sigma startedoff 2012 with 21 brothers volunteeringat the medical tent at the annual P.F.Chang’s Rock ’n’ Roll Marathon. Thisyear we were positioned right afterthe finish line and were swamped bythe exhausted, blistered, and victori-ous runners. We also had four broth-ers complete the marathon. Our chap-ter and students from MidwesternUniversity College of Pharmacy,

es to cats and dogs. We walked theanimals and helped with the dailymaintenance of the shelter, such aspulling weeds and folding towels. Atthe end of the event, one dog and acat went home with two of our broth-ers! More than 20 brothers bowledthe night away at our most recentsocial event. Upcoming events includethe Faculty Auction, a silent auctionwhere faculty members provide foodand refreshments to the students whobid the most on them! Kappa Psi facul-ty member Dr. Gary Levin is gener-ous enough to offer four students theopportunity to dine on his boat whilecruising around Lake Mead!

More than 20 brothers are planningto represent Delta Tau at the upcom-ing Province.

—Jessica Huey

�� Delta UpsilonPalm Beach Atlantic UniversityFounded 5/3/2003Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy901 S. Flager DriveWest Palm Beach, FL 33401‐[email protected]

We are so proud to have 11 newamazing brothers join our chapter.Thank you Brother Jigna Patel andBrother Danny Fernandez for yourhard work during the pledge process.

Delta Xi regent Keith Fairall and a pledge hand out Vials of Life.

The girls of Delta Rho gather during the 2012 Province IV Winter Conclave to take in some Gainesville sunshine.

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Delta Upsilon was well represented atthe past Province IV winter conclavehosted by Gamma Sigma. Seventeenactive and graduate brothers attendedconclave. Special thanks to theGamma Sigma brothers for makingthe last Province IV conclave unfor-gettable.

Congratulations to Brother LeahSautman for her new position asProvince IV Treasurer and toBrothers Samantha Schmidt andSteven Bessler for their induction intoPhi Lambda Sigma—future leaders ofpharmacy, we are very proud of you!

Every year we participate in severalspring events. At the Martin Luther

King Challenge, our brothers spenttime with senior citizens, doing vari-ous fun activities. We do differentactivities to fundraise for theAmerican Cancer Society and partici-pated in Relay For Life.

Delta Upsilon will be supportingour Delta Rho brothers in their yearlyDance Marathon; it is always a greattime while benefiting the ElizabethGlaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.

With our annual Golf Tournamentand Grad Dinner around the corner,we are really excited to see many gradand fourth-year brothers.

—Diana Duran

�� Delta PhiUniversity of California-San DiegoFounded 8/8/20039500 Gilman DriveLa Jolla, CA 92093‐[email protected]

Just before winter break, we wel-comed the new pledges with a mas-querade-themed party that included aphoto booth and a scrumptious mask-shaped cake! We had plenty of eventsthat included speed pledging, inter-view partying, and pledge partying.We even had a new mascot, Harveythe fish! Speed pledging was a get-to-know-thou-brother type of event.

Stations included everything fromorigami to the Pepsi challenge!

Interview partying was an eventwhere brothers could truly buildstrong bonds and strong bridges.Groups gathered in teams to engineerthe best bridge made from just tape,glue, and popsicle sticks. ChaplainMichelle Hughes slowly added heavywater bottles to each bridge to seewhich one was strongest. The pledgeparty was kindergarten-themed andhad everything from “Heads Up, 7Up” to a piñata!

Philanthropy events this quarterwere fun and unique. One includedhelping clean up after the Puppy Love5K Run/Walk, a race that allowed doglovers and their dogs too. Anothergreat event was educating K-seventhgrade students about immunizations.These events were put together byour amazing philanthropy chair,Denise Harano. Be on the lookout forour annual Battle of the Bands eventin the spring! We also had anothersuccessful Vietnamese sandwich salethat was organized by our awesometreasurer, Karen Wu.

Our fun social chair, Carissa Chan,also put together an Iron Chef eventthat had judges grinning from ear toear! Congrats to Brothers DeniseHarano, Karen Wu, and ChristineMarie for making the best three-course meal with the secret ingredi-ent—raisins!

Please go to ky-dp.sdsc.edu for moreinformation on joining or just to findout what we’re up to at UCSD!

—Danny Huynh

� Delta ChiUniversity of New EnglandFounded 11/19/20011716 Stevens AvenuePortland, ME [email protected]

As a budding chapter, we havebeen occupied with the intake of ourfirst class, establishing traditions, andlaying down the foundation of ourchapter with programs such as help-ing at philanthropic events at the localhospital. Our grad dinner was a hugesuccess with a variety of dishes thatexemplified Kappa Psi’s core ofIndustry, Fellowship, Sobriety andHigh Ideals with cupcakes, fish tacosand skewered “Lambda.” As we dou-ble in size with our new class, we lookforward to establishing our roots asthe premier pharmaceutical organiza-tionat the University of New England .

—Thuan Vu

Epsilon Beta brothers and pledges volunteer for Any Baby Can service.

Brothers of Delta Sigma prove that pharmacy is more that just pills and bottles.

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of cleaning, categorizing items,arranging displays, and handlingincoming/past donation loads.Hopefully, the chapter will be consis-tently able to help the countless folksin Savannah without homes. BrotherSwayam has organized the philan-thropic shift of the chapter to theAlzheimer’s Association. Most of thechapter’s future projects will center onraising awareness about the debilitat-ing disease and money for the cause.

The Fundraising Committee sold T-shirts in light of St. Patrick’s Day. Theshirt sale was made available to thestudents on campus and brothersthroughout Province IV and was ahuge success. We held a luncheon forthe faculty brothers to show themappreciation for what they have done

�� Delta PsiUniversity of Minnesota-DuluthFounded 7/10/2005School of Pharmacy1110 Kirby Drive, Duluth, MN [email protected]

We have been extremely busy vol-unteering and helping out in our com-munity. Several brothers reached outto the community with an Adopt-a-Family event where they helped afamily of seven repair their home dur-ing the holidays. We also purchasedgroceries and gifts for theirChristmas. The family was extremelygrateful and their children were ableto have a wonderful Christmas.

During the month of January, sev-eral Delta Psi brothers went to theLutsen ski resort in northernMinnesota for two nights. There theyenjoyed cross-country skiing, down-hill skiing, card games and relaxing inthe hot tub. Kappa Psi brothers alsoco-sponsored a pharmacy formal ballwith Phi Delta Chi this past February.With more than 100 people in atten-dance, this event was a success by anymeasure.

Delta Psi plans on participating in aRelay For Life fundraiser, puttingtogether a Kidney walk team, volun-teering at a local soup kitchen, andholding a lock-in at the local YMCAfor our Delta Psi brothers.

Lastly, we look forward to the finalProvince VIII conclave in Brookingsbefore realignment occurs.

�� Delta OmegaSouth UniversityFounded 12/10/2005School of Pharmacy, 709 Mall Blvd.Savannah, Georgia [email protected]

Delta Omega brothers and pledgesrode down to Gainesville for an awe-some weekend of the final P-IV winterconclave. Thanks to the host chapter,Gamma Sigma. Not long after con-clave, the family was reunited at theGamma Psi Ski Trip in Pigeon Forge,Tennessee. Our Delta Omega broth-ers relished the extended vacationwith other brothers before gearing upfor the challenges of winter quarter.

January proved to be an eventfulmonth. The chapter organized andmade final preparations to receive 18new brothers into our belovedFraternity.

Philanthropy committee chair,Brother Swayam Patel, established arelationship with the local sect ofHabitat for Humanity for a new contin-ual focus of charitable efforts. Manybrothers came ready for some hardlabor to the Restore project in earlyFebruary. The project site consisted

for the Fraternity. We are forevergrateful for all of their help!

—Phung Dang

� Epsilon BetaUniversity of the Incarnate WordFounded 4/12/2008Felk School of Pharmacy4301 Broadway, San Antonio, TX [email protected]

A major part of the Epsilon Betachapter’s spring semester centersaround pledging. We started off withour final rush event, Speed Rush.Speed Rush is a twist on Speed Datewhere rushees get to interact withbrothers as they move from brother tobrother. Brother Kathy Lao-Chhatsaid, “It was a very busy evening, but Ihad lots of fun getting to know our

potential pledges.” Brothers passedout bids in the form of handmadeKappa Psi capsules to 22 deservingpledges. On January 23, we organizedour famous Scavenger Hunt for thepledges. This was a great way forthem to explore the heart of SanAntonio, and challenge them to worktogether as well. The best part of thepledging process is the Big/LittleReveal. During lunchtime, the pledgeswere lined up in the hallway eagerlyholding a picture of one half of aniconic pair—a clue that would eventu-ally link them to their Big Brothers.Once inside the room, the pledgessearched for their Big Brother whowas holding the other half of the pair.Lots of gifts were given and manygreat memories were captured.

Epsilon Mu brothers at the Welcome Back Picnic.

The brothers of Epsilon Gamma held the Initiation dinner for the Theta class on February 16, 2012.

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Brother Adrianna Dimando,Community Service chair, has workedtirelessly to sign brothers up for sev-eral community events. For one of ourservice opportunities, brothers volun-teered their time at the Goodwillstore. They toured the facility, hungup clothes, and helped price items. OnJanuary 21, seven brothers assistedFriends of Animal Care Services byhanding out information to the sur-rounding neighborhoods to promotespaying and neutering of pets, as wellas free services that the animal shelteroffers, such as rabies vaccinations. OnJanuary 28, eight of our brothers,including our Grand Council Deputy,Brother Dr. David Maize, volunteeredat Haven for Hope to help the SanAntonio Food Bank serve dinner tothe residents. On February 18, broth-

ers and pledges volunteered theirtime at Habitat for Humanity. We hadfun working as a team not only tobuild homes but also to build hopeand help these families create a foun-dation for a better life. On February27, brothers and pledges volunteeredfor “Any Baby Can,” by providingsupervision for children while theirparents attended counseling, parenteducation, or support groups. BrotherKim-Ly Nguyen commented, “Thekids were so adorable. I’m so glad wewere able to help these families inneed.”

The chapter headed to the 2012Province VII conclave in Kansas City,Missouri, where 13 brothers had theopportunity to share a weekend of funand fraternal bonding. It was an amaz-ing experience, and we will definitely

be back next year! Epsilon Betaproudly took home the title for 2012Chapter of the Year, in addition toreceiving the Philanthropy Award andthe Presentation Award.

We are looking forward to movingto the Southwest Province. Good-byeProvince VII. Before the semesterends, we are looking forward to ourFounders Day formal, initiation,Award’s Dinner, and our annual golftournament.

—Anh Phung

�� Epsilon GammaWestern University of Health SciencesFounded 7/28/2007College of Pharmacy, 309 E. Second St.Pomona, CA, [email protected]

The brothers of Epsilon Gammaheld their Initiation Dinner for 13 newadditions to the Kappa Psi family onFebruary 16 at Buca di Beppo in

Claremont, California. Although theevent took place on a busy weekday,many brothers drove through horren-dous LA traffic to attend.

Initiates this year include SuluckChaturabul, Vanessa Diaz, CoreyEdwards, Carla Espinoza, JeffFajardo, Brian Lee, Una Lee,Jaclyn Maya, Kate Miyamoto,Maureen Ngo, Thomas Schuetz,Katie Tang and David Truong.

Three of the new initiates puttogether a hilarious dance perfor-mance to the song “Single Ladies.”Everyone got a really good laugh outof it and even asked for an encore per-formance. Brian Lee also gave aspeech on behalf of the 13 new broth-ers and presented them each a per-sonalized embroidered Kappa Psigym bag, a coffee mug with a pictureof the Theta Class on it, and a bunchof goodies.

—Ariel Na

Epsilon Lambda Brothers (L to R) Aya Fukuda, Beth Kiper, and Will Walkerpreparing for LUCOP’s Got Talent!

Epsilon Iota brothers organize for a chapter picture.

Brothers of Epsilon Epsilon come together to assemble 600 candygrams for ourValentine’s Day fundraiser.

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bowling night. We also took this timeto celebrate three of our brothers’birthdays with gifts and cupcakes.

Significant changes are underwayat Epsilon Epsilon. As we continue togrow in numbers, our capabilities as achapter are beginning to expand.We’ve been focusing a great deal ofattention toward rewriting our bylawsto accommodate new officer positionsand committees. We’re also laying thegroundwork for the purchase of ourvery own Kappa Psi house for futurebrothers. To streamline the process ofcollecting dues from our P4 brothers,our Webmaster has created an onlinepaying system featured on our chap-ter Web site. In the future, we plan touse the same system to set up anonline store for our Kappa Psi gear.

�� Epsilon EpsilonTexas A&M UniversityFounded 8/23/2008Rangel College of PharmacyMSC 131 1010 West Ave. B, Kingsville, TX [email protected]

Epsilon Epsilon brothers have hadour hands full with numerous social,philanthropic, and fundraising activi-ties. We’ve also began to branch outin Kappa Psi at a national level, withseveral brothers attending GCC aswell as several conclaves outside ofProvince VII.

In addition to our ongoing projectssuch as the “Project Lifeline” blooddrive and Communities in Schools,brothers have started three new ser-vice events, the first of which is enti-tled Kappa Psi Kares. During thisevent, brothers teamed up with thecity of Kingsville to renovate the localKleberg Park by painting all thepark’s amenities and providing somemuch needed cleanup. Our nextundertaking was a collection drivebenefiting the Honduras Good Worksprogram. For this drive, brothersdonated items such as shampoo,soaps, hand sanitizer, and OTC med-ications to help Honduran locals fulfillneeds that would otherwise be unmet.Our last project was an Adopt-a-Highway program which is still in theworks; however, we have received ourdesignated roadway and alreadyscheduled multiple litter cleanupsspanning the next two years.

Our chapter’s fundraising thissemester has been record-setting!We’ve experienced great successeswith our multiple T-shirt and KappaPsi gear sales. During our annualValentine’s Day candygram sales, webroke our previous record by selling,making, and distributing more than600 candygrams! Despite this, ourgreatest success has come via ournewest fundraiser—the ILR College ofPharmacy’s first class yearbook. Forthis fundraiser, we offered full-pagespreads to graduating classmates andcollege organizations. Thus far, we’vealready surpassed our fundraisinggoals while still having two of ourmost profitable events left to go.

In late January, brothers cametogether for their third annual SuperBowl Party and Wings Competition.With the game playing on fourscreens, eleven varieties of wings, andtons of brothers in attendance, youcouldn’t ask for a better time. Specialcongratulations go out to this year’swing contest champion, JustinRedding, with his original mangohabanero wings. The following week,Epsilon Epsilon held a membership

One of our most recent changesincludes the implementation of a pointsystem to measure brother involve-ment. The brother with the mostpoints earned each month receivesthe designation of Brother of theMonth and is featured on the EpsilonEpsilon Web page.

During the last weekend inFebruary, the chapter convened inKansas City for the final Province VIIconclave. While it was quite a journey,we managed to bring 28 brothers tobid Province VII its final farewell.Brothers were ecstatic to walk awaywith the Man-Mile Award after travel-ing a cumulative distance of morethan 26,000 miles!

—Grantlan L. Goodale

�� Epsilon EtaLECOM-BradentonFounded 3/28/2009School of Pharmacy5000 Lakewood Ranch Blvd. Bradenton, FL [email protected]

Epsilon Eta chapter played a keyrole in earning LECOM School ofPharmacy national recognition as awinner of the National ConsumersLeague’s Script Your Future patienteducation campaign. This campaignfocused on promoting medicationadherence, and we worked with all ofthe clubs on campus to bring the mes-sage to the people.

Many of our brothers attended win-ter conclave, hosted by GammaSigma, and we want to thank them for

Epsilon Xi chapter members: Theresa Nguyen, Sara Quach, Jenny Dang, Helen Lu, Jeannie Paek, Hana Camarillo,Kimberly Nguyen. Bottom left to right: James Huang, Tony Lo, John Ryan Kubota, David Kim, Christopher Lau, MichaelLu, Jonathan Bui.

Welcome Epsilon Rho to the brotherhood of Kappa Psi.

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showing us the true meaning of fel-lowship!

Eight brothers attended LegislativeDay in Tallahasee to show the statelegislature the importance of the phar-macist’s role in healthcare. We arestill hopeful that the state will allow

pharmacy interns to administer vacci-nations in the near future. A bigthank-you goes out to our Delta Iotabrothers for showing us a good timewhile we were there.

We have 19 pledges, and pledge-master Chris Popun is shaping them

into quality brothers Their UNITYgets stronger every day. In an effort topromote the high ideals of Kappa Psi,we’ve instituted a mandatory weeklystudy session for the pledges. We’dlike to hear from other chapters aboutways to promote scholarship withinthe chapter.

We want to congratulate BrotherKunal Kanani on his appointment asGCC Delegate for Province IV as wellas his acceptance to a fellowship withBayer at Rutgers University.

—Robert Schmidt

�� Epsilon IotaCalifornia Northstate College of PharmacyFounded 6/27/200910811 International DriveRancho Cordova, CA [email protected]

Early January marked our secondannual Lake Tahoe trip where broth-ers got a chance to solidify theirbrotherhood while getting ready foryet another semester at CNU.

In the month of February, theProfessional Committee had orga-nized various community serviceevents with American HeartAssociation in the Sacramento area.They organized a Valentine’s Day-

Potluck Dinner where P4 brotherswho finished their APPE’s were invit-ed to share their experiences. Thisround-table session had a greatturnout as young P1/P2 brothers tookthe most advantage while P3 brotherseagerly seeked answers to their ques-tions. Another successful event waswhen the majority of the brothersattended the CPHA outlook that tookplace in our backyard—Sacramento,California.

The chapter launched another suc-cessful cookiegram sale during theweek of Valentine’s Day. All the broth-ers worked together to bake cookies,including some of their own specialfavorite recipes that made each cookiebox much more meaningful for thelucky recipients. The students at CNUwere delighted to receive one or more‘boxed sweet love’ with a personalnote from fellow classmates and wereappreciative of each other’s encour-agement and care. The biggestfundraiser of the semester will takeplace on March 31, when Epsilon Iotais planning to host its second golftournament at the Lincoln Hills GolfClub. This event was successfully exe-cuted in the spring semester of 2011;each brother is currently doing theirbest to recruit as many sponsors as

Mu Omicron Pi Intramural football team: (L–R Top): Greg Kozmor, Nick Abud,Ronnie Kendall, Michael Wodecki, Josh Ballnik, Jung-Won Soh. (Bottom):David Ly, Shaun Saboo, Fouad Boulbol, Chris Hanai

Epsilon Omicron’s 2012 pledge class with pledge master Mike Overholt.

The entire Epsilon Nu chapter posing with each other.

Epsilon Eta brothers in Tallahassee during Legislative Day.

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the opportunity to help six very spe-cial kids have a wonderful Christmasthrough the Angel Tree Program. Thechapter had a great time shopping,wrapping and delivering to the fami-lies; there is no greater gift than see-ing a smile on a child’s face!

We started the spring semester offwith a long overdue pledge classsocial event and a Nashville Predatorshockey game, where our newestbrothers got another opportunity tomingle with the chapter. We are nowbusy planning our second annualLUCOP’s Got Talent. This year isexpected to be even better than lastwith more acts planned and biggerprizes! Other upcoming events for thechapter include our annual FamilyOlympics (complete with cornholeand wheelbarrow races!) and formalat Monell’s at the Manor which is sureto be a fun night.

We’ve worked on several serviceprojects throughout the semester,including finishing our last Adopt-a-Highway pickup! We have severalmore projects planned; the next onour calendar is a cleanup at localRadnor Lake for the university’s annu-al Service Day.

—Annie Grimes

possible to make this event thebiggest and most memorablefundraiser for the chapter and to sur-pass the success from last year.

Epsilon Iota continues to havemonthly lunch dates with brothersand bond over a quick bite of food.Several brothers will attend ProvinceIX in New Mexico. In April, new offi-cer elections will take place. We lookforward to our end of the year ban-quet on April 14. We will have a spe-cial honorary ceremony for ourGamma Class as they leave the cam-pus to start their last year rotations.

—Ami Chudawala

�� Epsilon KappaBelmont UniversityFounded 2/21/20101900 Belmont Blvd., Nashville, TN [email protected]

Epsilon Kappa has been workingdiligently to expand our Brotherhoodand recently pinned 14 qualitypledges. The brothers and pledgeshave worked together throughout thissemester and organized a SouperBowl Cookoff, an ’80s Roller SkatingNight, a Bowling Night, and muchmore. We have also been sorting foodfor the homeless a few evenings amonth for a charity called Hands onNashville.

In October of 2011, the EpsilonKappa chapter hosted an AspirinDrive for Cambodia. This event wasintended to collect bottles of 81 mgbaby aspirin for the Sihanouk Hospitalof Cambodia. A few of our brothershad the opportunity to serve at thishospital during the summer of 2011along with students and faculty fromBelmont University School ofNursing. While there, they wereinformed of the tremendous need formany common cardiovascular medica-tions, including aspirin. Many heartpatients go without these vital medica-tions and their treatment is compro-mised. The Aspirin Drive was a greatsuccess. In all, there were more than23,000 aspirin pills donated, with morethan $250 to go toward the cause.Belmont University School of Nursingplans to deliver the aspirin on theirtrip to Cambodia, summer 2012.

Upcoming, we have our secondannual Masquerade Ball on April 20.

—Shannon McVeigh

�� Epsilon LambdaLambda UniversityFounded 8/13/2010One University Park DriveNashville, TN [email protected]

Epsilon Lambda finished out wintersemester on a high note when we had

�� Epsilon MuUniversity of Florida-OrlandoFounded 11/12/2010University of Florida‐OrlandoMid‐Florida Research and Education Center2725 S. Binion Rd., Apopka, FL [email protected]

Epsilon Mu had a wonderful andmemorable 2011! On November 11,we welcomed 15 new brothers to ourfamily: James Love, Phuong Tran,Pamela Vaval, Rubiel Alvarez,

Pamela Nguyen, Timmy Do,Courtney Willis, Adrian Brown,Marissa McInnis, Michael Walsh,Bhavin Patel, Laurie Eng, JayHazelcorn, Joel Rivera and EmilyHill.

We began spring 2012 with aWelcome Back Picnic, where newbrothers were given their nicknamesand jerseys. The picnic served as botha reunion after a long break and anouting to discuss the future goals of

Buffalo Grad brothers at the Buffalo Grad/Epsilon Omicron pledge mixer.

Arizona Grad brothers enjoy the annual Ugly Sweater party.

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the chapter as the P3 brothers antici-pate the start of their rotations. We’vealso maintained a close relationshipwith the Orlando Grad chapter. Notonly do we have a softball team, butwe also have established a co-ed kick-ball team involving the graduatebrothers.

Many Epsilon Mu brothers attend-ed Province IV winter conclave andhad a great time! (A special shout-outto Gamma Sigma for hosting a memo-rable conclave!) Shortly after, a hand-ful of collegiate and graduate brothersattended the annual Kappa Psi 2012Ski Trip that was hosted by GammaPsi in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Wehave a great time bonding and meet-ing new/old brothers from otherchapters and we were able to hit thesnowy slopes of the mountains!

We hosted a campus-wide careerday info session in which we promot-ed Industry. We had brothers fromdifferent aspects of pharmacy shareinsightful information and experi-ences of their internships. Spring willbe an exciting semester as we will behosting a send-off social for our AlphaClass, and numerous volunteer andsocial events with our shared campusfraternity, Kappa Epsilon.

—Timmy Do

�� Epsilon NuUniv. of Maryland Eastern ShoreFounded 1/27/2011School of Pharmacy Somerset Hall1 Backbone Rd., Princess Anne, MD 21853 [email protected]

The brothers of Epsilon Nu ended2011 with a philanthropic feeling bymass collecting dental hygiene prod-ucts and donating them to a local

homeless shelter. Honoring AmericanHeart Month, brothers coordinated afundraiser in which we prepared andsold our annual chocolate roses forValentine’s Day. Afterward, a gener-ous portion of the profits was donatedto the American Heart Association.Currently, the officers are in the midstof planning the adoption of a local lit-tle league baseball team in hopes ofpromoting a healthy lifestyle whilesimultaneously hosting blood pres-sure clinics for the parents. EpsilonNu recently celebrated the firstanniversary since being charteredJanuary 27, 2011. We celebrated bygorging on pizza and cake!

The entire Epsilon Nu chapter willbe attending the Province III gather-ing in Washington, D.C., hosted byDelta Kappa!

—Belynda Sanders

�� Epsilon OmicronD’Youville College School of PharmacyFounded 5/7/2011320 Porter Avenue, Academic Ctr. Bldg. 328Buffalo, NY [email protected]

The spring 2012 semester startedout with a bang for Epsilon Omicronwith our very first pinning ceremony.We pinned 27 prospective pledges,including two faculty members. Thepledges have done a great jobthroughout the entire pledge process.

Initiation of our new members willbe taking place with an initiation andawards banquet to follow at PearlStreet Grill. The pledges to be initiat-ed are Jonathan Allen, DarrylAndrzejewski, Jenna Andrzejewski,Kofi Asante, Aaron Barczak, JacobBardak, Danny Basri, Rose

Bindert, Renée Clapp, ChristineCollins, Jovic Coughlin, JoshDepew, Lan Dinh, ChristinaGuarino, John Jiles, Jr., JanelleJuda, Preety Kaur, Ally King, EricKummer, Dr. Robert Leopold, Dr.Mudit Mudit, Amanda Pinski,Amanda Pughakoff, Amanda Ryan,Ariana Savovic, Candace Villeneuveand Mary Frances Wilkie.

Future endeavors for our chapterinclude a weekend trip to Storrs,Connecticut, for the Province I assem-bly March 23–24, 2012. Plans are alsoin the works to sponsor a Brown Bagevent for the neighboring communi-ties around our school. EpsilonOmicron members will also be partici-pating in Relay For Life, sponsored bythis year’s pledge class.

—Laura Pochylski

�� Epsilon PiIdaho State University-MeridianFounded 11/12/20111311 E. Central Drive, Meridian, ID [email protected]

With the opportunity to have a sec-ond pledge class, we wasted no timehaving a rush event and aligningprospective pledges. The pledge classconsisted of eight brothers. Epsilon Pinow has 22 active collegiate brothers.Please welcome our new brothers:Lisa Anderson, Amy Butz, AlisonChamberlin, Lindsey Hunt, AndreaKelley, Jared Muai, Erik Ponce andJenifer Ward. Their dedication andhard work were admirable. Amongother events, they hosted a successfulclothing and book drive with all dona-tions benefiting the Idaho YouthRanch.

As the spring semester unfolds, ourchapter is developing more philan-thropic, fundraising and chapter activ-ities. One activity that we are going to

make an annual event is “Pi Day,”which will occur yearly on March 14.This year we are having penny wars.One faculty member and one brotherwho raise the most money will be get-ting a pie in the face. Epsilon Pi hasalso formed a team to play in the ISCIndoor Soccer League.

We would like to extend our thanksand appreciation to Beta Omicron atthe University of Washington for host-ing the Province X conclave. We had15 brothers from our chapter in atten-dance. —Dane D. Gonzales

� Epsilon RhoUniversity of Illinois at RockfordFounded 1/28/2012School of Pharmacy1601 Parkview Ave., Rockford, IL [email protected]

We could not have wished for a bet-ter start to the spring semester.Epsilon Rho has become a chapter ofKappa Psi, the greatest pharmaceuti-cal fraternity! This most importantevent took place on Saturday, January28, 2012, when we were chartered atthe University of Illinois College OfPharmacy at Rockford. We welcomedeight new collegiate brothers and onetransfer collegiate brother to EpsilonRho. This new chapter of Kappa Psinow has for its members ElizabethM. Berthel, Brenton Bialik, ChiHye (Janet) Kim, Sylwia Kulik,Kevin Y. Lee, Lori D. McGuire,Theresa L. Terpstra, Tuan D. Vuand Damian Wolak. In addition, wewere privileged as students to havebeen initiated next to new graduateBrothers Dean Jerry L. Baumanand Vice Dean David W. Bartels,both of the University of IllinoisCollege Of Pharmacy. The charteringceremony was breathtaking and we,the brothers of Epsilon Rho, were the

Illinois Grads, Delta Nu regent, and a few Epsilon Upsilon pledges.

DC Grad brothers at Howard University’s Heart to Heart Ball.

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During the winter break, MuOmicron Pi held its annual footballgame, followed by a large potluck con-sisting of savory dishes. Each brotherbrought a unique ethnic dish to createa diverse array of foods. This was easi-ly accomplished given the fact thatour chapter consists of a very diversegroup of men.

On January 14, 2012, we organizeda paintballing event for the first time.Everyone had a blast, and we willsurely do it again. On January 27, weheld a pajama themed party at theRadtke House. Although not everyonein attendance was wearing pajamas,those who did made it a fun andunique party. We look forward to hav-ing similar social events in the future.

Finally, the walkway leading to themain entrance to the Radtke Househas been recently renovated. As partof the fall 2011 pledge project, NickAbud and Josh Ballnick decided to putdown new cement. With some assis-tance from other brothers, the difficulttask was accomplished. The projectrequired us to break apart the oldcement, remove it, place gravel alongthe walkway, and evenly distribute thenew cement from the cement truck. Itrequired patience, but we were deter-mined to get it done. We think it is anotable renovation to the RadtkeHouse, and we are pleased to havemade the graduate chapter proud ofour efforts.

—Shaun Saboo

Ada GradFounded 10/23/[email protected]

Ada Grad recently held their springmeeting in conjunction with theGamma Delta Founders Day week-

main focus of the day. Preparation forthis main event was a long time com-ing, and it was spectacular. Weenjoyed every minute of the processthat led us to celebrate this extraordi-nary day.

During the pledging process, wewere glad to be part of a volunteerevent for the Special Olympics. Thisevent brought us even closer aspledge brothers, and we were able tostrengthen our bonds while helping toserve the community. Epsilon Rho’svision is to strive for excellence.Epsilon Rho is already planningevents that will fortify ourBrotherhood, which is for life.

Epsilon Rho was graciouslyembraced at our initiation and charter-ing by welcoming letters from manybrothers and at the delightful recep-tion attended by many guest brothers.Grand Vice Regent Eric Gupta, GrandRitualist Latha Radhakrishnan,Province V Satrap Wesley Miller,Province III Supervisor Paul S.Knecht, and Dr. Jenny Donaldsongathered on this sunny winter day inRockford, Illinois, to welcome us intothe Brotherhood. They were joined byImmediate Past Province V Treasurerand Master of Ceremonies for theevent Dr. Neil Patel, plus many broth-ers from Illinois Graduate, Chi, andDelta Nu chapters. We would like toextend special thanks to the Chi chap-ter, Dr. Radhakrishnan, and Chi chap-ter’s Rockford Committee for supportand assistance throughout theprocess of initiation and chartering ofEpsilon Rho chapter into Kappa PsiPharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. Weare truly grateful to be able to call youall our brothers.

—Sylwia Kulik

��� Mu Omicron PiWayne State UniversityFounded 5/14/1927719 Virginia Park, Detroit, MI [email protected]

MOP continued to stay activethroughout winter break. We partici-pated in a Christmas food drive heldby St. Theodore Church. There,boxes of various food items weredelivered to the homes of those inneed. It was once again very hearten-ing to aid the underprivileged duringthe holiday season.

Following the Christmas food drive,MOP held a food drive for theCoalition on Temporary Shelter(COTS). A donation bin was placed inthe college, which was filled within aweek. Cumulatively, our project raisedmore than 400 pounds of food. Wegive much thanks to Dean LloydYoung for his generous donation andmaking it a very successful project.

end. Alumni and collegiates enjoyedcatching up and sharing stories aboutwhat is taking place on campus cur-rently and events of the past. Thefocus of the meeting was on our long-term financial planning and on home-coming. Our next meeting will beJune 8–10 in Ada and homecoming isOctober 5–7. We would love to seeyou at either or both of these events.Finally, if you are an ONU alum andon Facebook, contact Cameron VanDyke at [email protected] to beadded to our Ada Grad group tobecome reconnected with theBrotherhood.

—Cameron Van Dyke

Arizona GradFounded 3/20/[email protected]

This past December, Arizona Gradcelebrated the holidays by engagingin the best two holiday traditions: gift

giving and wearing ugly sweaters. Atthe AZ Grad annual holiday party,brothers came together to commitfashion atrocities while putting togeth-er a gift package for our “Adopt-a-Family” project. Each brother wasresponsible for contributing gifts,food, and clothing to help brighten alocal family’s holidays.

During the upcoming months, AZGrad is looking forward to spendingsome time outdoors by attending anMLB spring training game and partici-pating in the 4.2 mile Pat Tillman run.

—Dan Watterson

Athens GradFounded 6/16/[email protected]

The brothers of Athens Graduatechapter started out 2012 by attendingthe Province IV winter conclave inGainesville, Florida. The brothers inattendance had a wonderful time as

Iowa Grad brothers meet in Galena for their Winter meeting, January 2012.

Iowa Grad, Delta Zeta, and Beta Chi at the Iowa Pharmacy Association Legislation Day.

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we enjoyed a weekend of fun and fel-lowship.

In February, several of our brotherswere able to attend PharmacyLegislative Day at the Capitol buildingin Atlanta. There, they were able tomeet with their state elected officialsand discuss the issues vital to pharma-cy in the state of Georgia.

Some of the brothers of AthensGrad are looking forward to severalevents such as the upcoming APhAconvention as well Province meetingsacross the nation.

—Abe Duncan

Auburn GradFounded 2/27/[email protected]

Auburn Grad was on hand at theProvince IV winter conclave inGainesville as we celebrated one ofour last Conclaves together in the cur-rent Province alignment. We are look-

ing forward to the Class of 2012 grad-uates from the Harrison School ofPharmacy joining our chapter soon.We would like to extend a warm wel-come to the newly chartered graduatechapters in our Province—Birmingham Grad and Tampa Grad.

—Andrea Smith

Birmingham GradFounded 1/7/[email protected]

Birmingham Grad is excited to beone of the newest graduate chaptersin Kappa Psi. Megan Brafford, AndreaSmith, and Beau Rader representedthe chapter at its chartering at theProvince IV winter conclave inGainesville. The Grad brothers areexcited to work together with theircollegiate brothers of Gamma Zeta.The two chapters are in the planningstages of their first combined event,tentatively scheduled for May.

Buffalo GradFounded 4/14/[email protected]

Though here in Buffalo, after one ofthe mildest winters ever, it seems as ifwinter never actually came (not byour standards, anyway). But BuffaloGrad has remained as active as ever.We are currently in the process offinalizing our annual dues mailing andpreparing for our annual ContinuingEducation program, slated for mid-May. We also are continuing to do ourbest at our primary goal for exis-tence—supporting all the local colle-giate brothers of our great Fraternity.

In the fall, many of us attendedGamma Iota's Initiation Banquet atwhich we awarded our annual NewBrotherhood Award to Brother NickLadziak. We also organized a success-ful outing with Epsilon Omicron to aBuffalo Bandits lacrosse game. OnMarch 2, we welcomed many newbrothers, also to the Epsilon Omicronchapter, with our participation in theirinitiation activities. We also are contin-uing to plan our involvement in manylocal philanthropic events, includingthe "Ride for Roswell" to aid RoswellPark Cancer Institute, our nationalphilanthropy project for the AmericanRed Cross, and our annual support ofthe American Diabetes Association'sStep Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes.We're also proud to tell you that ourparticipation in the ADA Walk in 2011was the most successful ever, raisingnearly $2,400 and garnering us the topspot for Club/Organization fundrais-ing groups!

As always, we look forward to see-ing you all at upcoming events, includ-ing the last ever Province V meetingin Madison, Wisconsin, in April. And,

as always, our doors are open to allbrothers across the country. If you’rea grad looking to get back in touchwith Kappa Psi, feel free to chooseBuffalo Grad no matter where youlive. You can contact me directly [email protected] for moredetails.

—Matthew Sciara

Buies Creek GradFounded 1/27/[email protected]

After a somewhat uneventful win-ter, the Buies Creek Grad chapter islooking forward to some excitingevents in the spring. We hope to spon-sor a team in the Campbell UniversitySchool of Pharmacy and HealthSciences Alumni and Friends GolfTournament. The tournament is heldannually to raise money for studentscholarships. We are also excitedabout celebrating a big milestone—the 25th anniversary of CampbellUniversity School of Pharmacy andHealth Sciences. A black-tie gala willbe held in April, and many brotherswill be attending.

—Erin Bastidas

Central Michigan GradFounded 10/24/[email protected]

Several brothers attended theMichigan Pharmacists Meeting thispast February, where we got plenty ofCE and were able to catch up withsome of the Gamma Chi brothers.We're very excited to be attending thelast Province V meeting in Madison,Wisconsin, in April, an upcomingGamma Chi reunion party in June,and help Gamma Chi host the firstGreat Lakes Province meeting in BigRapids, Michigan, this fall. Hope tosee you all there!

—Lindsey Ghiringhelli

Conn ecticut GradFounded 1/26/[email protected]

At the risk of being proven terriblywrong, during March, the Land ofSteady Habits is experiencing the win-ter which almost wasn’t. After a freak,non-seasonal snowstorm in lateOctober which shut down most powerin the state for the second time in twomonths, Connecticut has experiencedonly one 6+ inch snowfall and is onpace for one of the top 10 driest win-ters on record. Although the situationcould change in a heartbeat, it hasbeen a most enjoyable snowy weatherhiatus.

Graduate chapter election of offi-cers has been scheduled too late tomake this issue of THE MASK andresults will be shared in the summer

Savannah Graduate brothers at Delta Omega’s initiation.

Brothers of Pittsburgh Grad along with Beta Kappa and Delta Epsilon brothersenjoy dinner together at Burgatory in Pittsburgh.

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monetary value or even surpass it.Look for the names of the brotherswho won the scholarship in theupcoming issue of THE MASK .Illinois Grad is also engaging in somefundraising such as hosting a bowlingnight in which members of I-Grad,Chi, Delta Nu, Epsilon Rho, and(when chartered) Epsilon Upsilon willbe able to have a night of fun andbrotherhood.

The chapter has also been busyparticipating in chartering two newchapters, Epsilon Rho and EpsilonUpsilon. In January, Illinois Gradtreated the pledges of Epsilon Rho,along with the committee members ofChi, to a night of Chicago’s famousstuffed pizza at Giordano’s. Therewere about 20 brothers and pledges atthe event. The following day com-menced with the chartering of EpsilonRho and we had the honor of induct-ing the deans of UIC–Chicago andUIC–Rockford, Drs. Jerry Baumanand David Bartels, respectively. Manybrothers from across the countryattended the chartering, includingExecutive Committee members, andIllinois Grad would like to thank themall for their support!

Epsilon Upsilon is set to be char-tered at the end of March, and IllinoisGrad is preparing to host the dinnerfor the pledges and committee mem-bers of Delta Nu. To do something abit different, the chapter is actuallygoing to barbecue for them.

—Neil Patel

Iowa GradFounded 4/27/[email protected]

We held our winter meeting theweekend of January 20–22 at theEagle Ridge Resort in Galena, Illinois.We rented a cottage and 10 brothers

issue. Of course, dues of $50 will beaccepted anytime and brothers areencouraged to forward them to trea-surer Kevin Sweeney to ensure thatfunds are available for the annual Nuchapter scholarships.

—Karl Nieforth

District of Columbia GradFounded 5/23/[email protected]

Greetings from D.C. Grad! D.C.Grad continues to support and mentorthe Delta Kappa chapter. During thefall, we awarded our second annualBook Scholarship to Delta KappaBrother Octavia Jordan. We are hop-ing to expand next year to give multi-ple scholarships. During February, wesupported the fifth annual Heart toHeart Ball presented by Kappa Psiand Kappa Epsilon at HowardUniversity. The funds raised at thisannual event support the AmericanHeart Association’s "Go Red forWomen" campaign. Brother AllisonHill was the mistress of ceremoniesand Brother Samori Swygert donatedgift cards for the raffle. We are look-ing forward to supporting Delta Kappain hosting the final Province III meet-ing in March.

Good news to share: BrotherMelanie Sangobowale welcomed anew addition to her family in January.

—Allison Hill

Georgia GradFounded 4/16/[email protected]

The brothers of Georgia Grad havehad an excellent start to 2012. Severalbrothers traveled to Gainesville,Florida, to join in great fellowship withthe brothers of Province IV. Severalbrothers were recognized at theProvince IV banquet for their out-standing contributions to the Provinceas graduates. Lastly, Georgia Gradassisted in welcoming several newbrothers into the order by attendingthe initiation ritual of the Gamma Phichapter along with brothers from theAthens Graduate chapter. We are veryexcited to have them join our ranksand welcome them to theBrotherhood.

—Jason Milton

Illinois GradFounded 1/19/[email protected]

Illinois Grad has been working onthe annual scholarship application tosend out to the Chi and Delta Nuchapters. Last year, the chapter pro-vided two scholarships of $250 to eachchapter. The chapter hopes that thisyear it will be able to sustain the same

braved the winter weather to attendthe meeting as the Midwest was hitthat weekend with the first snowstormin weeks. We discussed the usualbusiness at the meeting with focuseddiscussions on collegiate developmentand relations to our two chapters inIowa (Beta Chi and Delta Zeta), andWeb site updates. In particular, wewant to thank Brother Anna Peck forall of her outreach as our graduateliaison to the local Delta Zeta chapter.She has attended many of their eventsand provided delicious baked goodsfor pledge pinning and initiation. Withregard to philanthropy, we collected$115 to donate to the RonaldMcDonald House of Iowa City. Thehighlight of the weekend was a greatbanquet style dinner and a relaxingevening of hot tubbing and playinggames by the fireplace. On a moresomber note, one of our collegiatebrothers from Delta Zeta joined us forthe weekend and sustained an injuryupon arrival to the cottage. The Kappa

Psi ideals of fellowship and brotherlylove were strongly evident that week-end. We are happy to report that sheis on the road to recovery. Overall, itwas a great weekend of brotherhood!

Our summer meeting and secondannual Founders Day cookout will beheld the weekend of June 2 in centralIowa with details forthcoming. Lastly,we are always seeking any interestedbrothers who would like to join IowaGrad. If you are interested in joining,please visit www.iowagrad.org andcontact one of the officers.

—Deanna McDanel

Los Angeles GradFounded 3/1/[email protected]

LA Grad recently held elections atthe beginning of March and the newchapter officers are: Kevin Lau,regent; Doug Chang, vice regent;Sandra Chiang, secretary-treasurer;Eric Gupta, chaplain; and PatrickChan, historian. We are excited for

Southeast Florida and Bahamas Grad Brothers Jenny Carillo, Kylie Webb, RyanHowerton, and Michael Nunes exploring Seattle for Province X conclave.

Southeast Florida Bahamas Grad brothers enjoy their February meeting in West Palm Beach, FL.

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these new officers and look forward toall the great things they will accom-plish! The upcoming quarterly busi-ness meetings were set and the datesare April 2, June 25, September 24,and December 10. We will have othermeetings as needed, and the locationof the meeting rotates due to ourbrothers living in various parts ofSouthern California. The April meet-ing will be held at vice regent DougChang’s house, and we are hoping tohold the June meeting at the MagicCastle in Los Angeles. We are gettinga more robust communications infra-structure built up to keep our broth-ers informed about chapter eventsand to find more graduates in the LosAngeles area. If you are interested injoining LA Grad, then please feel freeto contact Kevin Lau ([email protected]) or Eric Gupta ([email protected]). We recently added CarlyPaoli (Beta Gamma, Province IX ViceSatrap) to the chapter and are lookingforward to the upcoming Province IXassembly in Albuquerque!

Middle Tennessee GradFounded 7/15/[email protected]

We are working hard to become anactive graduate chapter and supportthe local collegiate chapters of EpsilonKappa and Epsilon Lambda. We lookforward to the new graduates joiningour ranks. The officers have beenmeeting on a regular basis via confer-ence calls and, hopefully, will havesome solid events planned in the nearfuture.

Thanks to Gamma Theta chapterfor hosting a fantastic final ProvinceVII meeting. We are looking forwardto being a part of the new Gulf CoastProvince.

Brothers interested in gettinginvolved in this new graduate chaptershould contact regent Pete Phillips [email protected]. We are lookingfor more graduate brothers to makethis chapter as successful as possible.

—Melissa Hunt

Minnesota GradFounded 4/13/[email protected]

It seems as though winter nevercame for Minnesota Grad chapterbrothers. We hearty Minnesotansmissed our sub-zero snowstorms,cross-country skiing, and ice fishing.We barely had enough snow to evenshovel! Even without our wintersports, we found ways to pass thetime. Many Grad brothers escaped tothe Big Easy for the ASHP MidyearClinical Meeting. It was wonderful toconnect with other brothers fromacross the country at the Kappa Psireception. More recently, weacknowledged our Epsilon chaptercollegiate brothers who had perfectattendance at the chapter meetingslast year. Dawn Erdman graciouslyopened her home, and the grads pro-vided a fabulous Italian-themed dinnerfor those always present for roll call!

Our numbers keep growing as twomore MN Grad brothers are expect-ing bundles of joy this spring.Speaking of increasing membership,

our spring meeting is just around thecorner. We’re hopeful to entice thenew graduating brothers to join ourranks come May. The switch from col-legiate to graduate can be a bit over-whelming, but remaining an activemember of Kappa Psi can help easethe transition. We’re a close-knitbunch, always eager to lend a hand,offer advice, or proofread a job appli-cation!

If you want to be in the know aboutthe in and outs of MN Grad, contactChristy Askew at [email protected] be added to the listserve.

—Katie Hines

Orlando GradFounded 1/7/[email protected]

Greetings from Orlando Grad! Weare very excited to officially be one ofthe newest grad chapters in ProvinceIV. Our journey began at the charter-ing of our chapter during the ProvinceIV winter conclave on January 7, 2012.We have hit the ground running andhave been very active since.

We started off with our first com-munity service event where a few ofour brothers served as judges for alocal science fair. One of OrlandoGrad’s primary goals is to form astrong brotherhood with the brothersof Epsilon Mu and have them join ourchapter. Although we started buildingthese bonds prior to chartering, thefirst Orlando Grad/Epsilon Mu activi-ty is underway. We are playing on akickball league together everyThursday where two Orlando Grad

brothers and at least seven collegiatebrothers participate. Our grad chapterhas started its first yearly tradition—afarewell sendoff for the P3s prior torotations. Approximately 15 brothersgot together for a home cooked mealand quality time over a Miami Heatgame. Last but not least, we finishedoff this quarter by attending the char-tering of the Epsilon Sigma chapter.It’s wonderful watching ourBrotherhood grow.

Our first meeting is scheduled forthe end of March. All interested grad-uate brothers are invited to attend ourevent, and all collegiate brothersshould join now as P4s!

—Jennifer Cortes

Pacific GradFounded 12/15/[email protected]

The introduction of a new year pro-vides opportunities for success andprosperity. Pac Grad members wereinvolved with the annual Gamma NuRush Brunch and San Joaquin ValleyPharmacists Association Crab Feedevents with fellow brothers.

The annual SJPhA Crab Feed eventcreates a fun environment where tablemanners get thrown out of the win-dow. Pharmacists throughoutCalifornia roll up their sleeves and getelbow deep in fresh crab. ManyPacific Graduate members areinvolved in the planning and produc-tion of the dinner, and there is consis-tently a strong Kappa Psi presence.

Rush Brunch allows brothers fromvarious regions of the country tocome together and rejoice, whileexemplifying what Kappa Psi brother-hood means to the rushees of GammaNu. Brothers in attendance include:Andrew Abe, Nola Akilo, ChrisAmaral, John Apostolo, Sunny Bains,Aarondeep Basrai, Ross Bauman,Irwin Chow, Dipam Doshi, DerrickEgi, Mike Evangelista, Jonathon Fat,Donald Floriddia, Eric Gupta, RobertHalliwell, Kevin Han, Jon Hashimoto,Michael Ignacio, Adam Kaye, DanyKhloth, Jay Kim, Ouoc La, Kevin Lau,Tony Luu, Denis Meerdink, ThanhNguyen, Michael Pastrick, DeanPham, Avinesh Raman, Roger Santos,Matt Serna, Amal Thakarsey, JamieTobitt, Andrew Truong, ChristopherTsui, Ki Vacca, Sujeev Vhan, MarkWalberg, and Scott Wong.

The Pacific Graduate chapter alsoheld elections prior to the RushBrunch. We would like to thankBrothers Chris Amaral (regent),Ethan Anderson (vice regent), DonaldFloriddia (treasurer), Jon Hashimoto(secretary), and Neemah Yamin-Esfandiary (historian) for their ser-vice. We welcome Brothers Amal

New Brothers celebrate the recent chartering of the Delta Chi chapter in Portland, Maine

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Pharmacy and Materials Managementat the William W. Backus Hospital inNorwich, Connecticut. In this expand-ed role, he has the responsibility ofoverseeing not only the pharmacy andits personnel, but also purchasesmade for the entire hospital. After sev-eral years of service, the PGC alsowishes to congratulate Brother ScottJacobson who was promoted to theposition of vice president of pharmacyoperations for Rite Aid Corporation attheir home office in East PennsboroTownship, Pennsylvania. In the acade-mic arena, Past Grand Regent DrNorman A. Campbell received theUniversity of Rhode IslandDistinguished Alumni AchievementAward in October 2011 for his out-standing contributions over the yearsto the university and his students.Another Past Grand Regent, BrotherAnthony Palmieri, will be honored atthe Kappa Psi Reception during theMarch APhA meeting in New Orleanswith the prestigious A. Richard Bliss,Jr. Grand Council Citation ofAppreciation Award for 2012.

The PGC will be holding its annualmeeting on Friday, March 16, at theOutback Steakhouse in Warwick,Rhode Island, when we will elect anew slate of officers for 2012 and planboth the annual Founders Day andAwards Banquet and our annual Gradvs. Undergrad softball game.

—Karl Kehrle

Ringgold GradFounded 6/20/[email protected]

Brothers, it is with great pride Iwrite from the big city with greetingsfrom the Ringgold Graduate chapter!The brothers have been enjoyinggreat fellowship over the past fewmonths. Attendance at the finalProvince IV conclave was a greathonor. Brothers Andy Asberry,Andrew Crowe, and Seth Hammondswere honored at the winter conclavebanquet for their service and dedica-tion to the Brotherhood and commit-ment to Province IV. We look forwardto joining our new Atlantic Province inAugust. We have been fellowshippingwith the various Provinces as much aspossible as we look forward to thisamazing transition.

Several brothers and family met atApplebee’s in Chattanooga for a win-ter meeting. We had a great time rem-iniscing about collegiate days and set-ting an agenda for the upcoming year.We look forward to the upcomingsummer months and hope to spendsome time with the collegiate chapterat Mercer as they progress in theirstudies.

Thakarsey (regent), Avinesh Raman(vice regent), Donald Floriddia (trea-surer), Derrick Egi (secretary), andEthan Anderson (historian) as officersof the Pacific Graduate chapter. Welook to continue our previous successand achieve new goals.

As the Gamma Nu chapter preparesfor the upcoming pledge process, thePacific Graduate chapter looks for-ward to once again assisting in devel-oping these pledges into strong broth-ers of Kappa Psi. We look forward towelcoming new brothers in theupcoming months who will carry onour traditions and legacy.

—Neemah Yamin-Esfandiary andEthan Anderson

Pittsburgh GradFounded 6/19/[email protected]

Pittsburgh Grad has been meetingregularly and making plans for thesummer. Currently, we're working ona picnic/barbecue at Schenley Parkcomplete with games and fun con-tests. We're also going to arrange aPittsburgh Pirates tailgate this season.If any brothers in the Pittsburgh areaare interested in joining up with thechapter, please contact Liz (Poole)Van Dyke ([email protected]) forinformation on our upcoming events.

—Liz Van Dyke

Pocono GradFounded 11/20/[email protected]

The Pocono Graduate chapter willbe hosting the annual John ViercinskiMemorial Golf Tournament onAugust 3 in memory of a belovedbrother. The tournament will be heldat Edgewood in The Pines Golf Clubin Drums, Pennsylvania. Please con-tact any Pocono Graduate brother ifyou would like to help or participate inthis event. We are also looking for-ward to celebrating our 35th anniver-sary with a dinner dance on April 14.Happy 35th anniversary Pocono Grad!

—Kimberly Metka Welch

Providence GradFounded 6/25/[email protected]

After observing the 100th anniver-sary of the undergraduate chapter lastyear with the brothers of BetaEpsilon, the brothers of theProvidence Graduate chapter areproud to be celebrating another mile-stone for Kappa Psi in Rhode Island aswe begin our 99th year. True to ourcore principles, we wish to congratu-late the industry and success of sever-al of our members. Brother Eric Arliawas just promoted to associate admin-istrator, Clinical Operations,

Two events we are looking forwardto are the Great Strides event to fundresearch for cystic fibrosis and theMusic City Marathon where we arejoining a team to support an orphan-age in Haiti. We look forward to cele-brating together for both the athleticand philanthropic accomplishments.

Furthermore, we have been fortu-nate to attend several rush events forthe Gamma Psi collegiate chapter atMercer University. We look forwardto the annual Gamma Psi FoundersDay Banquet in March with the broth-ers and pledges as well.

—Seth Hammonds

San Diego GradFounded 6/25/[email protected]

February included a special treatfor San Diego Graduate. Linda Ngoand Sanaz Farhadian participated asjudges for the affiliated Delta Phi’sannual �� Iron Chef competition.The night brought together goodfriends and good food as we deter-mined which team mastered cookingwith the secret ingredient—raisins.Next year, we may consider puttingtogether our own team to competeand win! We are planning events thatwill offer a much needed break for ourbusy working Grad brothers.

—Sanaz Farhadian

Savannah GradFounded 6/18/[email protected]

It has been a busy time for the gangdown here in Savannah. One of themain focuses of Savannah Grad was tohelp out with the pledging and initia-tion process of the Delta Omega chap-ter. Many hours and assistance wentinto growing the Brotherhood. We

have also helped out the communityby offering free blood pressure check-ups at different pharmacies duringFebruary for Heart Awareness Month.The Grad brothers have also had a lit-tle fun with hosting a Super Bowlparty and helping to organize a flagfootball game with brothers inSavannah. We will keep you updatedas we continue to grow and have moreactivities in the Savannah area.

South Dakota GradFounded 4/19/[email protected]

SD Grad will hold its spring meet-ing in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, toelect delegates to Province VIII con-clave, discuss the future of theGamma Kappa house, how to imple-ment the new Graduation Ritual for2012 graduates, and how to assist withthe planning and hosting of the lastProvince VIII conclave. The HouseCommittee continues to study thefuture of the Gamma Kappa house.Regent Van Riper and vice regentKutscher met with the SDSUFoundation to discuss a processwhereby a portion of donations to afund for remodeling or building a newhouse would be tax deductible. Anumber of brothers have beeninvolved in various community events.

—Gary Van Riper

Southeast Florida & Bahamas GradFounded 8/7/[email protected]

We began the year with half of ourchapter’s brothers making the roadtrip up to Gainesville, Florida, for thefinal Province IV winter conclave.During our productive stay, we wereable to enjoy a CE presented by Past

Iota brothers Tebowing in front of Tim Tebow’s Heisman statue in Gainesville,FL during the PIV meeting.

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Grand Regent Brother Tony Palmierias well as much fellowship with bothour collegiate and graduate brothers.At the beginning of February,Brothers Michael Nunes, RyanHowerton, and Marvin Smith attend-ed Province X conclave in Seattle. As aresult of a very eventful meeting at theRuth’s Chris in West Palm at the endof February, we have begun planningto assist our surrounding collegiatechapters with their upcoming philan-thropy events: Delta Rho has theirannual dance marathon supportingthe Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDSFoundation on March 31, and DeltaUpsilon has their annual golf tourna-ment on April 21. If you are a graduatebrother living in South Florida or theBahamas and would like to join us,please contact Ryan Ritchie [email protected] or MarvinSmith at [email protected].

—Ryan Ritchie

St. Louis GradFounded 5/24/[email protected]

St Louis Grad brothers recentlyreturned from the final Province VIImeeting in Kansas City. Thanks toGamma Theta chapter for hosting agreat event. Many St Louis Gradbrothers have held Province VIIoffices, including current SatrapMelissa Hunt and Treasurer EricMcClain. While we are sad to seeProvince VII end, we are excited tojoin the new Mid-America Province.We hope that the shorter travel dis-tance will encourage more participa-tion on the Province level.

The annual Polar Bear Plunge washeld this past month to raise moneyfor the Special Olympics. The CWEOpen was recently held in conjunctionwith the local Phi Delta Chi chapter toraise money for St. Jude Children’s

Research Hospital for cancer researchand treatment.

We’re also working with Gamma Pichapter to create a Kappa Psi cook-book. To submit recipes, e-mail [email protected] with name,chapter, recipe steps and ingredients,and if possible, pictures of the recipe.Please submit recipes by June 1. Thegoal is for the cookbook to be readyfor sale in the fall.

Plans are underway for more socialand professional events. A group ofbrothers is planning a trip to Aruba inMay. Brothers will make the trek toChicago for the annual Cubs versusCardinals baseball game. Plans areunderway for the annual Float Trip inconjunction with Gamma Pi, as well asa River City Rascals minor leaguebaseball game.

If you are interested in these or anySt Louis Grad chapter events, pleasecontact Brother John Hamilton at [email protected].

—Melissa Hunt

Province [email protected]

The brothers of Province I met atthe Massachusetts College ofPharmacy, hosted by Mu chapter, fora very successful fall conclave. Wewere very lucky to host brothers ofEpsilon Omicron as well as two mem-bers of the Grand Council, MichaelCournoyer and Matthew Lacroix.Among the highlights of our agendawas a Province-wide philanthropicproject set forth by current Mu chap-ter regent, Stephen Ivanoski, and cur-rent Mu chapter vice regent, Kieran

Doctor, known as “IntestinalFortitude.” This is a recently recog-nized charitable foundation that helpsfund research for Crohn’s and Colitis.Each chapter has been required toraise at least $250 to bring to the nextProvince meeting hosted by NuChapter, and I am pleased to reportwe are well on our way to surpassingour modest goal. In addition, we arepleased to welcome the new Delta Chichapter recently chartered inPortland, Maine. Further, we congrat-ulate and announce that the BostonGraduate chapter was voted the bestgraduate chapter in the country, andwe anticipate similar accomplish-ments with Mu Brother Erick Sousaas regent. In conclusion, we look for-ward to a smooth transition into theNortheast Province and expect suc-cess in any future endeavors.

—Samuel Trask

Province [email protected]

The brothers of Province III con-tinue their travels! Many brotherstraveled to New Orleans, Louisiana,for the ASHP Midyear ClinicalMeeting in December to learn moreabout residency programs and to net-work with pharmacy professionals.Good luck to all those who enter theMatch! We also met up at the KappaPsi reception. It was great to recon-nect with brothers we met at GCCand through our other travels. InJanuary, seven of us traveled toGainesville, Florida, for the ProvinceIV assembly to meet some of thebrothers who will be in our newProvince. Many thanks to GammaSigma for hosting! We also had abrother travel to Kansas City,Missouri, for the Province VII meet-ing. Lastly, we had a strong showingby Iota, Charleston Grad, and DeltaLambda at the Phi Lambda SigmaNational Leadership Conference heldin Charleston, South Carolina. Welook forward to celebrating ourBrotherhood at the last Province IIImeeting in Washington, D.C., hostedby Delta Kappa. Hope to see youthere!

—Melissa Buchanan

Province [email protected]

The brothers of Province V havebeen busy since we last reported. As aProvince, we would like to congratu-late and welcome the new brothers ofEpsilon Rho from the University ofIllinois–Chicago at Rockford. We arealso very excited about the charteringof Epsilon Upsilon from RooseveltUniversity that will be taking place onSaturday, March 31 this year.

The brothers of Province I demonstrate unity and fellowship at the Fall Province assembly hosted by Mu chapter of theMassachusetts College of Pharmacy in Boston.

Province X Brothers Chad Seely, Alex Pfeiffer, Sherry Whitley, Thomas Harris,Marvin Smith, Janice Louie, and Amy Wetch enjoy the Air Hockey Tournament.

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The brothers of Province VIII areexcited for our spring conclave, whichwill be hosted by Gamma Kappa inBrookings, South Dakota, April 20–21,2012. We extend an invitation to allbrothers and would love to have agreat turnout. Province VIII hopes tosee you in Brookings!

—Elizabeth Keltner

Province [email protected]

Though the winds of change areupon us, brotherhood within ourProvince remains strong and we wel-come the future realignment withopen arms.

The Gamma Rho chapter hostedthe final assembly for Province IXMarch 23–25, 2012. This was our lastProvince meeting with our brothersfrom Gamma Rho, as New Mexicohas been realigned with Texas andOklahoma. Selfishly, we wish forthem to stay. At this final Province IXassembly, we spent time with our oldfriends and, as always, we were excit-ed to meet new brothers.

—Matthew Bertsch

Province [email protected]

Beta Omicron chapter of ProvinceX just hosted the most successful con-clave to date in Seattle, Washington,with more than 200 registered broth-ers in attendance! Brothers near andfar arrived in bustling downtownSeattle to get down to business, meet,and attend leadership and residencyworkshops. It should also be notedthat this was the first conclave inwhich delegates from all chapterswere present, which is a great accom-plishment in itself.

Are you already feeling a sense ofloneliness now that conclave is over?Do not worry. Just remember to makeroom for another fabulous meetingand rendezvous of brothers at nextyear’s conclave, which will be hostedby Gamma Eta, in the heart of GrizzlyCountry. Yes, we are definitely talkingabout Missoula, Montana! Excitingnews does not stop there—on August1, 2012, Province X will undergo aname change and will becomeProvince Northwest.

Many congratulations go out to thefollowing newly elected Province Xofficers: Shane Johnson, Satrap;Kaylyn Johnston, Vice Satrap; NicolleRychlick, Secretary-Treasurer;Theresa Nguyen, Historian; AlexPfeiffer, Webmaster; and BlazeParacuelles, Chaplain. These officersare already hard at work making plansfor a summer social. Keep your eyesout for dates and locations soon!

—Theresa Nguyen

Congratulations are in order for Chichapter for their continued success inthe Philanthropy Challenge. Theyhave logged the largest number ofphilanthropy events and hours for themonths of November, December andJanuary. Beta Psi has been carefullyplanning and preparing for the upcom-ing spring assembly, which will beheld in Madison, Wisconsin. ProvinceV has spent much time discussing thenew Province realignment and, over-all, we are motivated to maintain ourlifelong friendships with the currentchapters in our Province and eager todevelop new relationships with thenewly realigned Province chapters.

—Danielle Maila

Province [email protected]

A great time was had by all at thisyear’s Province VII conclave inKansas City in February. GammaTheta was the host for the weekendand did a great job organizing themeeting. A big thank-you to all whomade weekend a success.

Special thanks go out to all thebrothers who traveled from otherProvinces to be in Kansas City, espe-cially to the Grand Officers who wereable to make it— Matthew Lacroix,Latha Radhakrishnan, Eric Gupta,Johnny Wong, E. Ben Welch, andJohnny Porter. There were also sixGCDs in attendance.

Three committee meetings wereheld as was a special meeting regard-ing Province realignment that willtake effect August 1, 2012. ProvinceVII will be split among four newProvinces. Brothers also participatedin a philanthropy project during theweekend. Safe sex kits were puttogether for a local free health clinic.It was a great opportunity for brothersto socialize while helping a localcause.

Awards were given to chapters torecognize their work and dedicationto Kappa Psi. The Best Oral ChapterReport was given to Epsilon Beta;Delta Delta received the award forBest Written Chapter Report; EpsilonEpsilon won the Man-Mile Award; andGamma Pi won the Most ImprovedChapter award. Finally, Epsilon Betawas awarded Chapter of the Year.

—Jessica Mosiman

Province [email protected]

We are happy that some ProvinceVIII brothers were able to meet up atthe ASHP Midyear Clinical Meetingin New Orleans. Delta Zeta brothersand Beta Chi brothers were also ableto meet up at IPA Legislative Day inDes Moines, Iowa.

Russell D. Poisson (Beta Epsilon) receives his scholar-ship from from Past Grand Regent Norman Campbell.

Nicolle E. Rychlick (Epsilon Xi) receives her scholarship from Executive Director Johnny Porter.

Pfizer Scholarship winner Christyn Mullen (Delta Kappa) receives her scholarship from

Dr. Robert Magarian.

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Thank you, Donors!


2011 Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Foundation, Inc.

Donors and Scholarship RecipientsListed are the Kappa Psi brothers from across the country who helped support the Kappa

Psi Pharmaceutical Foundation in 2011. This list does not include the brothers who participat-ed in the 2011 Kappa Psi Golf Tournament; those brothers are listed in a separate article in thisissue of THE MASK.

��‐Pfizer Scholarship ($1,500)Christyn Mullen (Delta Kappa)

��‐Reisetter‐MME Scholarship ($1,500)Ciprian B. Pascu (Beta Omicron)

��‐Scholarships ($1,000 each)Thomas Berta (Beta Epsilon)Russell D. Poisson (Beta Epsilon)Lindy Quarterman (Delta Nu)Nicolle E. Rychlick (Epsilon Xi)Allison J. Veire (Epsilon)Mike J. Waldt (Epsilon)Daniel M. Yarabinec (Beta Kappa)

President’s Club ($500)Jerome DelaneyPaul HillerJohnny PorterMichael Ira SmithMeagan Wilson

Director’s Club ($250)James BarnettNathan CharpentierAdam & Shawna GreggRonald Jordan

Bicentennial Club ($100)Beta Xi ChapterPatrick DoughertyKenneth KirkPaul KnechtAstrid MazariegosVan NguyenJoseph RoneyEric Wong

General Donation($5,000 or more)Brett RathiBrian Reisetter

General Donation($500 – $1,000)Province VIII

General Donation($200 – $499)Beta Xi ChapterDawn ErdmanDelta Delta Chapter

General Donation($100 – $199)Anonymous DonorEpsilon Beta ChapterIllinois Graduate Chapter

General Donation(Up to $100)Christina AskewBrett BarkerBeta Chi ChapterBeta Epsilon ChapterChi Chapter

Delta Gamma ChapterDelta Nu ChapterDelta Omicron ChapterDelta Upsilon ChapterLauren EllisonGamma Kappa ChapterGamma Phi ChapterKarl KehrleJohn KilbournJohn MacDonaldDeanna McDanelDan McGrawMarsha MillonigLatha RadhakrishnanZach RussellChristine TranPatrick Verdun

The Foundation Board of Directors wants to thank all of these brothers for their support.Anyone wishing to donate to the Foundation can send a check to Kappa Psi PharmaceuticalFoundation and mail it to P.O. Box 11723, St. Louis, MO 64105-0523. Contributions also arereceived via PayPal. All contributions are tax-deductible.

The Foundation awarded $10,000 in scholarships in 2011. The brothers who receivedthem are listed below:

Ciprian B. Pascu (Beta Omicron) receives theReisetter-MME Schloarship from Past Grand

Regent Brian Reisetter.

Daniel M. Yarabinec (Beta Kappa) receives hisscholarship from from Past Grand Regent Norman


Lindy Quarterman (Delta Nu) receives her scholarship from from Kappa Psi Foundation

Board Member Brett Rathi.

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Non-Profit Organization


Permit No. 426Midland, MI

The Central OfficeKappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity2060 North Collins Ste 128Richardson, Texas 75080

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2011 Kappa Psi Foundation Golf Tournament Raises More Than $7,000 for Future Scholarships

Once again, the annual Kappa Psi PharmaceuticalFoundation’s golf tournament proved to be a successfulfundraiser for future Kappa Psi scholarships. The 2011tournament was held August 5, 2011, at the Poplar CreekGolf Course in San Mateo, CA, immediately precedingthe start of this year’s Grand Council Convention held in San Francisco. Kudos go to the Tournament Chair,Brother Brett Rathi, a member of the Foundation’sBoard of Directors. Listed below are the individual brothers and individual chapters and provinces that participated in this year’s tournament in some capacity,either by playing or by purchasing a tee sign or tee marker. Thanks to everyone who helped support thetournament.

Individual BrothersTeresa Anderson‐

HaagPeter BrodyLawrence B. BrownNorman CampbellCharles CardenPaul CyprusDerrick EgiCelia FenceroyDarren FererMina GeorgyJohn GrossomanidesEric GuptaPaul HillerMelissa HuntSandra JohnsonMatthew LacroixRobert MagarianDavid MaizeRobert ManciniJoey MattinglyChristopher MillerJohn O’DwyerAnthony Palmieri IIIJohnny PorterLatha RadhakrishnanBrett RathiEdward RocheMatt SciaraAudry SherryMichael SherryMichael Starvaggi

Allison StrobelAndrew WeaverKali WeaverBen WelchLouis WilliamsMeagan Wilson

ChaptersAda GraduateArizona GraduateAthens GraduateBeta KappaBuffalo GraduateGamma DeltaGamma IotaGamma PhiIowa GraduateMinnesota GraduatePacific GraduateProvidence GraduateProvince IProvince VIIProvince VIIIProvince XSan Diego GraduateSouth Dakota

GraduateSt. Louis GraduateTexas Graduate
