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The Mastery of Life, 1943

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A n

Admonish m en t R ea d C arefu lly , E ach P ag e, 

 E ach P ar ag rap h

Place yourself in a quiet, restful

mood, alone if possible, and permit  

the author to reveal to you the pic-

ture, the plan, the purpose leading

to attainment, power, success, and—Illu m ination . Th e value of this book-

let cannot be obtained by skimming

over the pages.

This Booklet is gladly given to

you. It carries with it the cord ial

invitation to attune yourself with

The Invincible Empire those who

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m ) t 

i t l a s t e r p o f   H i k 


Privately Issued by Permission of  

The Department of Publication  

of the Supreme Grand Lodge of 

®t)e Ancient anb jHpsttcal<0rber &osae Cruets,

3 T u r t s f o t r t i o n o f   M ovti) a n b ^ > o u t t ) A m e r i c a

Rosicrucian Park San Jose, California


Official Pub lication N u m b er Eigh teen

Se co n d E d i tio n . C o p y r ig h t e d 1 9 43 , A M O R C

1-43 Pr in t ed in U. S . A . ( S u p r e m e G r a n d L o d g e )

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s te r ^ o r Be in |

O A +

H ^ H IRT Y years ago, a young doctor sat by a desper'

ately ill baby on her deathbed. Th e parents were

frantically begging for help, every treatment failing to

aid. Th e p arents became grief'Stricken to th e point of 

death. I am the doctor wh o had tha t exper ience.”

“This experience created a desire in my mind toknow why people are born and why Nature allows

such a great difference between members of the human

race. Th e hunger for knowledge drove me to labora"

tories and libraries for the answer — but I am still

searching and determined to know."

These are the words of a p rom inen t physician. Un*

intentionally he has spoken for millions of men and

women who today harbor the same thoughts.

This inequality of man is apparent to most of us.

You know persons who are radiant with health from

birth , and seemingly immu ne to disease. You know

others who have their lives preyed upon by numerous

ailments which rob them not only of enjoyments but of 

simple comforts. A lso ther e are those men and women

wh ose every p lan becomes a successfu l ventu re. Each

enterprise they enter turn s into a golden op p ortun ity—

as if they had the touch of the fabled King Midas.Around them, however, a multitude of unfortunate be

ings live and struggle.

W h a t makes one man m ore successful than another?

Is it training in  ju st on e lin e? You know tha t is not true!

You cannot make a good business man out of a youth

who has been taught nothing more than buying and

selling. You cannot make a good p hysician ou t of a

man, or woman, who has been taught only the prin^

Th e R o s ic ru d an s —

an august fraterni ty

whose doctrines, hinted

at by the earl iest phi -

losophers, are still a

mys tery to the un -

worthy. I do not blame

them for their discre-t ion .  — Lor d E dw ard   B u lw er L y t ton . (A


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ciples included in the restricted four years in medical

college. Th er e seems to be some unknown element  

which some seem to possess, or have discovered.

In your youth  y ou feared things which you later

came to recognize as harmless and really useful.

In your days of developing observation, you were

p u lle d by the un know n elements in life. It seemed to

you tha t there w ere more elements of the u nknow n than

of the known.

It is always the unknown in every day’s activities

that causes us worry, concern, perplexity, and even suf

fering. In years since you r you th , you hav e become well

acquainted w ith things once unknow n. Tod ay youi \ now them; you can see them, sense them,  prepare for  

them; it is a power no one can take from you. Bu t even

now, are you fully prepared to meet all of the obstacles

of life, to sweep them aside, or surmount them easily?

If not, begin now to investigate further the still un-

known elements of your existence—the mysteries that

make for the inequalities between men.

Real knowledge by man about  man is, today, thegreatest power any man can possess.

Tlie I liorou gh f are o f Life

In our sanctuary al l

the hidden Mysteries

are preserved intact ,

they have never beenprofaned. . . Our sci '

ence is the inheritancepromised to the Elect.

 — C ou n ci llor V on Ec\ * hartshausen. (A Ros i '

crucian . )

Page Four 

Let us begin w ith existence as we know it. Lit

thoroughfare upon which we find our

selves trav elers. Behind us is ou r irrv

mediate beginning— birth. It is a vast

etern ity. Ah ead of us is still an otherinevitable vast eternity— death. It is a

mystery which either instills fear or is

accepted with understanding—depend

ing up on th e exp eriences we have along

this course of life. W e did not ask for

this life, yet, we could not have re

e is a

Every intel l igent t raveler knows from whence

he came and w hither he goes. Th e span of li fecan he so much more free of obstacles and en

 joy ab le , if all o f its p u rp os es an d w ay s are u n -

derstood and used.

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fused it. H ow , then, shall we react to it—w hat shall

we do with this period of consciousness which the years

afford us?

Many men and women resign themselves to the in-

fluences of their environ m ent. Th ey allow themselvesto be drawn or impelled along this causeway of life.

They are like balls of snow, rolling at a furious rate of 

speed down the side of a great moun tain. On e moment

they are free, out in the open, encountering few or no

obstacles, and they are un concerned . Th e next moment

they have collided with unanticipated events and hap-

penings. Th ey are at a loss to avoid these cond itions, or

to rise above them. Thu s they travel throu gh the years,

sometimes wondering if the vicissitudes of life, the bit-

terness, the pains, are worth the price, worth the occa-

sional pleasures and snatches of peace of mind which

come th eir way.


Certa inly a t some time you must have asked yourself 

as you looked back upon your past activities and like-

wise contem plated you r futu re: "Is this haphazard ex-

istence my destiny? W h y are w e here?"  Also, is there

a mother who has never gazed down on the innocent

babe nestled in her arms, and w ond ered : “ W h a t does

this span of existence hold for him?”

Is it not time that humanity ceases plunging into the 

unknown along this thoroughfare of life, hoping to

grasp the skirts of passing opportunity? Would life not

be entirely different for you if you could control your

moods? If you could form desirable habits and break those not desired; if you could know how to see in the

events happening about you the trends of tomorrow,

would you not be more assured and confident in the

strength of such knowledge? If you knew how to de-

velop your will power sufficiently to meet the demands

upon you, and to make the right decision, would not

many of your troubles, the result of indecision, disap-

pear? If you could reach into a dep endable source and

The Cosmic influences are invisible, but

they act upon man.

Heat and l ight are in -tangible and incorporeal; nevertheless, they

act upon man, and the

same is true of otherinvisible influences. —Paracelsus. (A Rosi


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Th e Ad ep t on l y co n -

verses at his best with

the adept . Arou nd

him is a sacred circle,and within i t only the

Elect are allowed to

enter . The Brotherhood of ConsecratedLives admits all who

are worthy, and al l

who are excluded ex-

clude themselves. —

" Fra.” Elbert H ubbard. (A R o s ic ru c ian . )

produce helpful, constructive, intelligent ideas at a time

when an important thought, a useful plan, meant the

difference between discouragement and achievement,

would you not feel equal to any circu m stance? Certa in -

ly such a life would be far superior to the one you

now know.


Do not be deceived by some inadequate philosophy.

Millions of humans tiy to excuse their perplexity or

helplessness during this earth ly span by saying to th em -

selves and others that they are dependent upon the

decrees of fate. These fatalists proclaim that infinite

powers have predestined their every act, and it is use-

less for them to intervene. Th e fata list, by such a belief,

damns his divine heritage, his power to reason, his will

and faculty of choice. W h y w ere these and other facu l-

ties, which so few men understand and use, given to

us, if we are ju st pu ppets? W h y do we possess the

pow er of thou gh t and the attr ibu te of d ecision — if 

every human act and step along this span of life has

been ordained for us in advance?

Th ink a moment! Is it even reasonable th at weshould believe that a Supreme Being or God has con-

ceived a complete plan for the universe—even for this

life—and yet man must blunder on like a moth at-

tracted by the ligh t? Does it seem par t of an in telligent

design that man must stumble through a mortal exist-

ence, make mistakes, and learn through suffering alone?

Does it seem just that man must search for truth, hap-

piness, and peace of mind—like hunting for a needle

in a haystack—and hope to find it before the end of 

the span, or death? Does anyone comp liment the Di

vine Intelligence by such reasoning? Th is is no t a re-

ligious qu estion; it is a philosophical qu estion, one that  

concerns you and your life.

Success in life means mastership, and mastership

means utilizing every inner force and power of the be-

ing, as well as every outer force. M an ’s creat ive abilities

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do not rest in the muscular strength of his body, nor his

fertile imagination. H e must be able to bring his mental

imagining in to material expression daily, hou rly. To do

this, he must be able to use other faculties than simple

visualization. Furth erm ore, he must use these pow ers

according to the purpose for which they were intended.

A Bl ue P r in t o f L iv ing

Since a Supreme or Divine Intelligence created an

orderly universe, with its majestic and immutable laws,

above and below, then there also exists for man. as part

of this great Cosm ic scheme, a tru e purpose in life. Byknowing this purpose, by relating it to his existence

each d ay, man d iscovers himself. H e becomes the right

ful master of his dominion—this world—and relegates

suffering, misery, and ignorance to their proper places

—and apart from himself.

Certainly you have instinctively felt that there was

more to life than you h ave already experienced . Let

us assure you that there is a true blueprint of  living.

Even those occu rren ces w hich h ave been p ainful to you

have a place, a useful cause—when you know and un-

derstand them. Those who continuously suffer misfur

tunes, and whose lives are not as progressive or inspir-

ing as they would want them, are living outside of the

Cosmic pattern.

Did you ever stop to think why you do the things

you do? Is it not often because you had no altern a-

tive—because there seemed nothing else to do, and youtook the chance that it

might turn out for the

best? Million s of hu -

mans throughout the

civilized world today

live just like that, tak-

ing blind chan ces —

Life is w hat you make it. An

intelligent plan well directed can

provide personal power and at -ta inment .

True happiness con

sists not in the kn ow l-

edge of good things,

but in good life; not inunders tand ing bu t in

living understandingly.

Neither is it great

learning but good will

that joins men to God.

— Cornel ius A grippa. (A Rosicruc ian . )

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and these same millions often wonder, therefore, if the

life they live is really worthwhile.


W ith in m an there are constru ctive creative forces

always at work and always attuned with the most per-

fect wisdom of the imm ortal self. These forces mu st re-

pair the damage done to the body, overcome the strains

and stresses upon the mental system, and guide the inde-

cision of man’s mind in th e right d irection. From the

natural forces operating throughout the universe, cer-

tain harmonic vibrations, ethereal energies, and vitaliz-

ing powers contact man’s being and change the nature

of his physical body, or react upon his mental efficiency.

Thus man is hourly a complex being, influenced by

forces and potent principles of a serious and important


Man must understand these things, if he is to become

a success in life and use his fr eedom to act  in a wise man-

ner. Man mu st either live com pletely in harm ony w ith

the forces in and around him, or at variance with them.

There is no middle course.

Understanding of the natural, spiritual, and mentallaws is the only m eans of mastership of life. For h un-

dreds of years, the Rosicrucians have been able to prove

this to men and women through their remarkable


W h at this blue print of life, this plan for mastery is,

and how it may be obtained, will now be revealed to


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P a r t T w o

Tlie G old en SecretV A V

Q e v e r a l thousand years ago, in ancient Egypt, man

^ first began h is investigation o f those mysteries

w hich surround ed him. Th e first and most stupend ous

discovery he made was the duality of self. He learnedthat in addition to his physical body, with its limbs

and organs, there was some ethereal nature or ele

ment of his being. M an then became, for the first

time, truly selfconscious, or rather conscious of  the 

great inner self.

Whence came this ethereal essence of his nature or

self ? It could no t be affected by th at w hich p ained

the body— by heat, cold, or hunger. It could be active,

thin\ and con ceive, while the body was at rest or even

asleep. Moreov er, w ha t would happ en to it at the end

of life— or death? W a s it ind estru ctible? Did it sur -

vive? W ith such questions as these confound ing the

minds of the early Egyptians, and yet intriguing them, 

man began a search that has never ceased, on the part

of intelligent men and women everywhere.

In the common phenomena of everyday life—in an

observation of the coming and going of the seasons,in the ebb and flow of the tides, and the waxing and

w aning of the m oon, these early men d iscovered the law

of cycles, the periodic-

ity of all natu re. W ith

the seasonal death of 

plant life and its re-

Art is t ' s concep t ion o f Nean

d e r th a l M a n ( Sto n e A g e ) s t a n d 'ing between a row of monoliths

making a salutation to the r ising

sun . Th is phenomenon was one

of the earliest mysteries to man.

N o b u s in e s s , n o

movement, no activity

on the part of man ora group of men can

become any greater

t h a n t h e t h i n k i n g

minds and consciousness of the people who

are back of the move-

m e n t .— D r .  H . S pen cer  

 Lew is . (A Rosicru


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current rebirth in the spring, they found the

resurrection of nature — a st ran ge im m ort ality  

in living things. In the regular jou rn ey of the

silvery specks or planets, and th e app arent p ath

of the sun across the heavens, men discerned

the infallibility of nature, and the suggestion

of a great universal order pervading all things.

All of this heightened their inquisitiveness.

T h e A n cie n t W is d o m Sch o o ls

In the great temples

o f t h e N i l e , t h e

brotherhood met sec

retly as a school of ar

cane wisdom.

He who knows mostgrieves m ost for wasted

time.— D an te. (A Rosicrucian.)

W h a t w as m an’s relation to th e heavens

and th e ear th? Did these forces affect his daily

affairs and the cycle of his existence? These

further questions, like great spades, served

man to dig beneath the surface of his own conscious-

ness. Since as remote a period as 5000 B. C ., certain  

men and women have sincerely, and without fear or

prejudice, probed not alone into the earth or scanned

the heavens above, but have investigated the mysteries

of their minds and selves. They formed themselves into

arcane or mystery schools for th e acquisition and study

of such knowledge—and for the mastery of life.Much of the startling wisdom they acquired was re-

duced by them to writing on stone tablets and papyri

rolls—but the greatest portion was secretly conveyed

from one to an other by w ord of mouth. Sir E. A. Wallis

Budge, renowned Egyptologist, in one of his learned

works, relates with respect to these mystery schools:

“There must have been a progressive development in

the 'mysteries’ and it seems as if some of them w ere en-

tirely unkn ow n und er the old kingdom. It is impossibleto dou bt th at there w ere "mysteries’ in th e Egyptian

rites, and this being so, it is impossible to think that the

highest order of the Kheri Hebs (Masters) did not pos-

sess esoteric (inner) knowledge which they guarded

w ith the greatest care. Each, if I read the evidence cor -

rectly, possessed a "gnosis,’ a "superiority of know ledge’

which they never did into writing, and so were enabled

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to enlarge or diminish its scope as circumstances made it

necessary. It is, therefore, absurd to exp ect to find in

Egyptian papyri, descriptions of the secrets which

formed th e esoteric knowledge of the Kheri H ebs.1’

The disclosures of these ancient investigators areastounding, even to the scientific world today. Th e

eternal truths they u nveiled— the facts, the h itherto mv

known laws of nature—made them “masters” of fear,

and liberated them from the undependable elements of 

socalled chance and luck. W h a t they were able to ac'

complish in their lives, to do for friends and members

of their families, how they were able to utilise nature’s

forces to do their bidding, were the cause of the legends

that have come down to us today about the ancient  m iracle w orkers. To the uninitiated, to th ose still steeped

in ignorance, and who have dw elt in darkness and doubt,

these sages and mystics seemed to be performing miracles.

To those of the mystery schools who knew, these

demonstrations were not magical processes, but rather

the sim ple application of a \ n ow ledge by which man can

direct the laws of nature and the faculties of his own

being. W ith the same un derstanding, w hat they did,

 y ou can do.

1 lie Sup p ressed Know ledge

T ruth ma\ es men free. Consequently, those who

sought it and attempted to expound it to their fellows

becam e the objects of persecu tion by tyran ts. Th e ty

rants were the ancient dictators who sought to donv

inate the lives and thinking of men and women to fur-

ther th eir personal gain or their be

liefs. For example, the Rom an Em

peror Justinian was one of these.

H e w as a misguided religious zealot

who issued an edict in the Sixth

Century seeking to abolish all the

mystery schools. H e considered

Socra tes , grea t Athenian phi '

losopher , condemned to d ie by

drinking the poison hemlock, be-cause he taught the esoteric ( in

, ne r) wisdom wh ich set m en'sPage Eleven minds free

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Be persuaded first to

apply thyself to the

Ete rna l Mind, ent rea t '

ing Him to grant theeu n d e rs ta n d in g ; t h e n

seek knowledge with

diligence and thou

sha l t never repent hav '

ing taken so laudable

a resolution.  — Fran cis   B arr et , F.R .C . ( A R os 'icrucian.)

men and women who had acquired personal power and

great confidence in themselves, by the unusual knowh

edge they had discovered, a menace to the orthodox and

often sup erstitious d ogmas w hich he w ished to p romote.

Thus it became necessary that this wisdom be secreted  

and kept for the inquiring, courageous few out of every

thousand persons.

This amazing knowledge, which secret brotherhoods

have preserved, is available today to the seeker for per'

sonal power, and the mastery of life.  It exists for y ou ,

if you h ave an open mind. Its efficacy, its grea t power,

can be applied to the affairs of your life with startling

beneficial results.

St range Expe r i ences

Let us face facts. You r life is influenced by many in '

explicable things—phenomena, happenings, that you

sometimes cann ot qu ite exp lain or overcome. You may

call them uncanny. Perhap s you seek to push them into

the backgrou nd of you r consciousness. You may even

laugh abou t them to others. Yet nevertheless they are

often the direct or indirect factors in preventing youfrom realizing some ideal, something you are seeking to

attain or accomp lish, or freeing you rself from w orry and

strife. H av e you, for examp le, had these strange ex'

periences? You have m et persons for the first time w ho

have been presentable in appearance and in speech—

and yet immediately a wave of distrust and dislike for

them w ould sweep over you. W h y ? It is a man ifest

tation of  the human aura—an invisible, magnetic radi'

ation from the human body which we can detect, andwhich either repels or attracts—and it is scientifically

dem onstrable. Th is eman ation also has a most p ractical

m ystical pow er which was known to the students of the

mystery schools, to the sages and adepts of yore, for


Have you ever entered a room that greatly depressed

you? Th e room, p erhap s in a home, hotel or office bu ild '

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ing, might have been clean, orderly, and even attrac-

tively furnished, yet while in it you were unable to ac-

complish your best work or feel at ease. Do you know

that intense emotional outbursts, hatred, jealousy, and

anger, can and do affect material substances so thatevery room in which they occur takes on a depressing

environment? These are not superstitions—not sup-

positions—but the effects of little known natural laws

around us. Obv iously, und erstanding them as do those

wh o have this esoteric know ledge, makes for the m astery  

of such circumstances.

U si n g Y o u r I n t u i t i o n

You have often had the experience of an intuitive 

impression, a hunch or idea that was most enlightening

and th at seemed to com e from now here. Do you know

that intuition can provide an answer for almost every

question, a solution to many predicaments in which

you find yourself? Do you know th at it can aid you

in keeping the affairs of your life in ord er? Do you

further know that this intuitive \ nowledge is part of 

the great Cosmic intelligence which pervades the en-tire universe and every cell of your

being, and that you can command it

to serve you—that you can draw upon

it as you will? W h ile m illions of men

and women rely solely upon their brains

and the training which is given to them

through education, those who know the

esoteric wisdom wait for no hunches.

They do not rely solely upon their outer

minds, but are able to draw upon the

vast pow ers they possess, and w hich also

exist in the Cosmic forces around them.

Psychologists today say th at man uses

only ten per cent of the inherent powers

with which he is imbued as a human

Man is often a s tranger to himself.W ithin him is a great invisible influ-

ence, an intuitive self which he little

understands, and thereby denies i t exPage T hir teen pression.

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Life is a mission.Every other defini t ion

of life is false, and

leads all who accept it

astray . Religion , sci '

e n c e , p h i l o s o p h y ,

though st i l l at vari '

ance upon many p oin t s ,

all agree in this, that

every existence is anaim. — M az z in i. (A


being. Th e secret brotherh ood s have know n for cen

turies how to command and use the other ninety per

cent, to round ou t and enjoy an enriched life. H u n -

dreds of the socalled mysteries are understandable and

workable laws of the universe to those who master this

esoteric (inner) knowledge.

“W h y ,” you may ask, “is not th is knowledge gen

erally and widely disseminated to mankind today?

W h y , if such illuminating tru ths exist and are avail-

able to man, is he dep rived of them ?” W e have shown

what occurred in ancient times when the attempt was

made to teach man these simple tru ths. Th ey w ere

often suppressed. Even today, such knowledge cann ot

be tau gh t to everyone. To those w ho are sincere in bet-tering their own lives and advancing humanity, such

knowledge becomes a pow er for good. On the other

hand, in the hands of the selfish and the bigoted, the

same knowledge might become a factor for misuse

and further persecution of the ignorant and the help-

less. Bu t today, as we have said, it has survived because

of the careful guardianship of the brotherhood mys-

tery schools and societies.

The oldest of these humanitarian societies, world-

wide in extent, and not a religious sect, is the Rosicru

cians. It offers to you this know ledge as old as time

for the fullness of life, free of any religious intolerance

or political or other prejudices or biases.

Attune yourself with those who are successful and

happ y. Coop erate w ith n atu re’s laws and revel in the

power that comes into your being with the dawn of 

each day, and abides like an unseen guest in your home,your office, your places of meditation and pleasure.

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were reluctant todiscuss or admit strangep h e n o m e n a in th eir

lives. Exp erien ces, hap

p e n in g s, a n d e ve n ts

which could not he ex

plained by the limitedknowledge of their period

were le ft unsa id— and un in

vestigated. Ignorance and

prejudice relegated the not

unders tood func t ions of the

mind and of the inner facultiesof man to the category of super

na tura l ism— and myste ry .

The courageous , the th inkers , t he  

lovers of truth during such times

had to make their inquir ies into the

secrets of nature behind closed

doors. Th ey feared a bigoted p ublic


Today, this sham, hypocrisy and

prejud ice are abolished. M an y welcome

truth wi th open a rms; they no longer look 

upon her with suspicion or as an unwanted

guest. These un ique truth s wh ich once

had to be concealed and well guarded in the

age of darkness, are now brought to l ight  by

the Rosicrucians. Strange hap pen ings are

made understandable, useful laws, which make

for greater mastery and en joym ent of l ife by

the individual.

T here is no supernaturalism . Everything oc -

curs by Cosmic, natural law. There are no mysteries,

except as our ignorance and misunders tanding make

them ap pear so. The re is no greater thr il l than

explor ing the na tu re of you rse lf— and the universe in

which you live. There is no greater confidence thanthat which is born from un derstan d ing. The re is no

greater power by which you can achieve, than that

which arises from a useful knowledge such as the Rosicru

cian teachings contain . No w , in the  pri v acy of your home,

the na ture of   all such phenomena, not just the few illus-trations shown above, will be revealed to you in an intelligent,

simple, and fascinating way.















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Pharaoh Amenhotep

IV, Trad i t iona l Grand

Master o f the Ancien t

Egyptian Brotherhood

o f 13 50 B. C.

In our Monastery l i -

brary the sacred, se-

cret manuscripts of the

Rosicrucians furnish aneverfail ing supply of  

rare knowledge; the

supply seems to be in-

exhaustible in its rich■ ness of illum ination.

 — Fr iar D u dley E v er sleigh. (A Rosicru

c ian . )

P a r t T h r e e

1lie A g eO ld Rosicru cian s


ln p H E R o s i c r u c ia n s are a fraternal order. Th ey are a

body of progressive men and women, interested in

exhausting the possibilities of life by a sane and sensible

use of their heritage of esoteric knowledge and thefacu lties wh ich they possess as hu man beings. Th is

knowledge which they cherish, and to which they add

further contributions, embraces every realm of human

end eavor and every phenom enon of the universe known

to man.

They are men and women such as you would meet

in any gathering of thinking, openminded, and inquir

ing people—yet they are to be found in every walk of 

life, from the hum blest to the highest. You r nextd oor

neighbor, perhaps the man or woman who works in

the office or shop with you, may be a Rosicrucian.

The Rosicrucian traditions which have come down

by word of mouth, and those which are so often related

in literary reference works, tell how the Order had its

birth as one of the mystery schools of secret wisdom

in ancient Egypt during the 18th Dynasty, or the reign

of Ph araoh A m enh otep IV , abou t 1350 B. C. Its  fas* 

cinating symbolism and rituals relate it definitely to

the illuminating wisdom of the sages of Egypt and the

great cen ters of learning of the ancient lands of the East.

Its first memberstudents, it is further traditionally re-

lated, met in the secret cham bers of the Grea t Pyram id .

In the magnificent temples, as candidates, they were

initiated into the great mysteries. These legends also

recount how its adepts, its great masters and teachers,

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imparted some of their wisdom to the builders of King

Solomon’s magnificent and sym bolic temple. M an y

tomes, rare books, and documents of several centuries

ago, reposing in the archives of the Rosicrucian Order

in this country and in Europe, describe its early spread

from the Orient to that continent in ancient times, and

the great influence it had upon the minds of men and

women thirsty for knowledge.

Some of the world’s most celebrated writers, such as

Swedenborg, Dumas, and Lord BulwerLytton, have

written of its history and its renowned accomplish


W ith the spread of printing in Eur ope du ring the

Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, nu-merous pamphlets appeared telling of the Rosicrucians

and their great work, notably the Fama Fraternitatis

Rosae Cru cis in 1610, and th e Confessio R '• C • Fra -

tern itatis in 1615. Th e celebrated Sir Francis Bacon is

conceded to have been their au thor. Th is sudden ap-

pearance of the literature of the Order caused many

writers and people of the day to believe, erroneously,

that the Rosicrucians had just come into existence as a

brotherhood during that period.

1 lie W es te rn W or ld Ros icru c ian s

The Rosicrucians first came to America and to the

W ester n W orld in 1694. A small band of members

under the leadership of Johann Kelpius, a Master of 

one of the Rosicrucian Lodges of Europe, who sought

 freed om of thin kin g and of speech and the right tosearch for truth wherever it might be found, desired the

liberty of the new land to th e west. Th ey

landed in what is now the great city of 

Philadelphia, and their first colony was

located in what became the famous

Fairm oun t Park of th at city. Th eir de-

scendants built a colony at Ephrata,

The picturesque old dormitory usedby the unmarr ied women members o f  

the Rosicrucian Colony established atEphrata, Pennsylvania, nearly a cen*

Page Seventeen tury and a half ago.

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Wh en n a t u re ' s m an y

mysterious activities areunderstood, man is able

to conquer the socalled“evil influences” which

beset his path in life.

— R ev . G eo rg e B an n -

ing. (A Ros icru cian . )

Page Eighteen

Pennsylvania, and there they constructed the first as-

tronomical observatory in America and the Western

W or ld , also the first pap er mill; th ey organized the

first American symphonic orchestra and developed the

first bo tan ical gardens. Th eir later leaders and mem-bers actively participated in the founding of the

United States of America as a nation.*

N ot a Relig ion — N on Po l it ica l

Since its earliest inception, the Rosicrucian Order

has kept free of religious sectarianism and affiliations,

desiring rather that each member follow the dictates of his own conscience in religious matters. It has never

been involved in political controversies, and has con-

sistently fought superstition , ignorance, and fear, as

the greatest enemies of man and the obstacles to his

mastery of life.

Today the Rosicrucian Order, as a vast, progressive

movement, has Lodges and fraternal Temples through-

ou t the ent ire civilized w orld . It no longer has to besecret in the sense th at it conceals its iden tity. A t the

North and South American Headquarters of the Order

in beautiful Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California, it

maintains for its research, and  for the ben efit of its 

vast membership wherever they are located, a research

library, science laboratories, a planetarium for astro-

nomical studies, a museum of Egyptian antiquities, a

research institute and sanitarium, and extensive admin-

istration buildings.

It is today known by its traditional and authentic

complete title, the  A n cien t M yst ical O rder R osae 

Crucis, abbreviated A M O RC , and used in that manner

for simplicity.

* Th e fol lowing are bu t a few of the m any well know n, imp art ial li terary

and reference sources referring to the Rosicrucian history and current act ivi t ies

of the A M O RC . The references appear und er the subject of “Ros icrucian .”

Encyclopedia Br i tan nica , 14 th Edi t ion ; Encycloped ia Am ericana; W ins ton ' sCumulat ive LooseLeaf Encyclopedia and Dict ionary ; Funk and Wagnal l s ' New

Standard Dict ionary, 1938.

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A w N w n n S uu , In A xs p u n i f l n P U IS SA N C E SU P R E ME  


P A I X — T O L E RA N C E U N I O N !

ti& tHetreth. t Wa i r

JJinnt the JTl <f... u u th I ts &■\ i f ■ r t n i ' St t   in

th r Ua l lcy oF it fa ti O o &e , W t f o m l a , i s ili* x>nly auti% oriz*2t

 f c e t u v p f  t l\ e a n r ie n t t f r a te rn i i y o f iHo$* ie ru r iani# perpetua ting"

th? t rwe t rad i t i on ;* an& p rmr fp te jt f o P t h r i n T lo r tn anfr

J J o u t k . A m e r ir a .u j it h a u t k e n t i r ii x i r e c o t f i z e b by a l l t l i ? a i t r im t

Oru t ia t i r O r b e r a form ing th is ( fo n ri f3«ferni»t»oi' i» lim& 

t^Ff^hereFore,  /Jte said S.- .S- . a »d it s Um p e r ab r ^i/iU- 'A). Tftr... JffL. <F r a l r r S f t .

S p e n c e r L e # i s .R '.f i L C ~ .3  J ‘66 's s ;s .. I ., a n d h i ? J ie r e d J t a r / s u cc e s so r s s f o /t   

be t he exc l us i ve r epr ese n t a t i v es andSov er ... Of f i cers f o r JYor t h oedSou t h J t mer icas  

and t he i r «/f i t u>t *d coun t r i es , o f  a l l t h e J n i /i a t i c Or d e r s c o m p o s in g t h e F U DOE S t . 

wdh aMffrori ty to est ablish an d mai n t ain such Orders in the afoersaut countries.

Tins decree tras tenommeus/yendorsedty vole t f 'a#  fhejov: O/fwers end redound  delegates o f the fourteen Orders eemtwin^ 6ve fODOES/ a tils In tpmationo/ Canrfnf/on w


A signed and sealed Manifesto issued in Brussels, Belgium,

by the F.U .D .O .S.I., a federation of the auth entic, historical,

mystical brotherhoods and Ord ers of the world. It d eclares

the A .M .O .R.C . to be “the only authorized sector ot the An

cient Fraternity of Rosicrucians perpetuating the true traditions

of the R + C in N orth and South Am erica. ’ The full size

original is one of the many documents in the archives of 

A M O R C which establish its wor ld'w ide affiliation w ith the

Traditional and Ancient Rosicrucian Order.

Seek not too eagerlyafter the grace of de-votion, sensible sweet-

ness, and tears; but let

thy chief care be to re-

main inwardly uni tedto God by good will in

the intel lectual part of 

the Soul . — A Iber tu s 

Magnu s . (A Ros icru -cian. )

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1. General Administration Building.

2. Planetarium and Astronomical Museum.

3. Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum.

4. Amenhotep Memorial Pylon.

5. Obelisk and Sphinx in Rosicrucian Park.6. Research Library.

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P a r t F o u r

W lia t Rosicru cian M em ber -

ship Provides You



^ p H E R o s i c r u c ia n s offer you the opportunity to re'

■* shape your life, to add to it those necessary elements

which make for personal satisfaction and full living.

They can help you find yourself, so that each day be'

comes a joyful experience and not a haphazard exist'

ence or an ordeal. You are required to make no changesin your usual business or social affairs to receive this

age'dd yet ever new  personal gu idan ce of the Rosicru'


Regardless of creed, social conditions, religion, or

where you live, you can share the privileges of personal,

 private membership. Furth er, regardless of how mu ch

you have read, what colleges or universities you may

have attended—or even if you have never attended any  —the Rosicrucians offer you through their teachings

a message of hope, fellowship, and a dependable, unique

source of knowledge not obtainable elsewhere.

Can you spare just a little time to give to personal

fascinating reading which requires no laborious study  

or tedious memorizing? Ca n mail reach you on ce a

week? If so, then you are well situated to receive the

many following membership benefits:

God is a Number

endowed with motion,

which is felt but not

demonst ra ted .— Balz ac.  (A Rosicruc ian . )

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There is no chance, no

destiny, no fate

Can ci rcumvcnt , or

hinder or cont rolThe firm resolve of a

determined soul.— E lla W h e e le r W i l -

cox. (A Rosicrucian. )


R o s ic r u c ian Sy s t em o l G u id an ce

The Rosicrucian monographs or lessons constitute

a fascinating revelation of the mysteries of life. H ow 'ever, this great human engineering done by the Rosi'

crucians, this building of lives, and this implanting in

them of the factors of confidence, success, and happi'

ness is not accomplished by any impersonal, correspond'

ence'course method of merely extending knowledge to

the m ember. Each lesson also takes into consideration

the need for the quickening of the consciousness of the

individu al. It seeks to aw aken his d orm an t talents and

to develop his personal powers rather than to cram his

mind with cold and oftentimes useless facts.

The member, in the privacy of his own home, is made

to realize that he is comprehending and mastering his

env ironm ent and affairs, as well as ju st learning. N o

one is accepted or permitted to remain as a mere stU'

dent of a system of study.


The supreme executive of the Rosicrucian Order,

known as the Imperator, decided that the Rosicrucian

teachings for this private, personal kind of membership

could not be put in book form like texts on account'

ancy or mathematics, which infrequently change. Any

method for issuing the Rosicrucian

teachings must he fyept flexible. This

is so that new truths and discoveries—

which the Rosicrucian researchers are

ever bringing forth—may be included,that members may enjoy the benefits

w hich they m ake possible. Th u s these teachings are

issued in manuscript form, one issued weekly to a mem'

ber. Th eir w ord ing is in large, easy'tO'read type. Suit'

able illustrations are included with them whenever it

is necessary to make a top ic especially clear. N o ex'

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pense is spared by the Rosicrucian staff to assure the

member of getting the utmost from his membership.


Educators have often highly praised the presentation

of the personal, private Rosicrucian instructions at

home. An yon e able to read and understand his daily

newspaper would be able to comprehend with great

pleasure the marvelous but most simply presented

truths which these lessons contain. The mastery of 

any subject, the Rosicrucians know, is shown in stating

it simply, and in this Rosicrucian monographs, or les

sons, excel.


The student is introduced to each topic in its order.

Gradually and simply one truth, the solution of a mys

tery, vital knowledge, a useful fact or bit of informa-

tion, merges into another. Th e member

is not plunged  into a maze of terms and

phrases which he cannot understand

and wh ich annoy and fatigu e him. Th e

lessons are arranged by degrees and

grades, each follow ing in its p rop er order. Th e lessons

or monographs are mailed to the member weekly in

sealed envelopes by firstclass mail.


You will only be required to devote one hour to one

hour and thirty minutes once a week to obtain the 

vital value from the lessons. Du ring the rest of the

week, while walking, riding, or even working, you will

find that without interference with your affairs, you

can try some of the principles you read . In fact , youcan use them frequently in mastering daily problems.

As Brethren of the

Rosy Cross our per-

sonal endeavors, ourminds, our laboratories,

clinics and institutes

are devoted to the re-

building of the human

race and the advance-

ment of civilization. — D r. H . S pen cer Lew is , 

(A Rosicru cian . )

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Below are ind icated but a few of hundreds of fasdnat'

ing subjects taught and thoroughly explained as part of 

the Rosicru cian system of guidance. Th e limits of space

herein make it impossible to list more of these topicsof truth which will be extended to you as easily under'

standable lessons.

W ha t t he Mas t er s o f t he Or i en tT a u g h t .

Human Aura and I t s Vibratory Effect .

Regenera t ion— Heal th and Add i ng

Years to Your Li fe.

Rosicrucian Mystics and the Creative

Power o f Mi nd .

Exper iments on Thought Transmission.

Discourse on Exper im ents in Creat ing

Life out of NonLiving Mat ter .The Creat ive Power , the Cosmic Mind.

Exper iments wi th Color , Thought Vi -

brations, Sound, and Light.

Human Emot ions and Inst incts , Thei rRelation to Personali ty.

How to Improve the Affairs of Daily


Inqu i ry In t o t he Nat u re o f Sou l .

The above subjects are all in'

eluded in the Rosicrucian teach'

ings, but they are presented to

the member in a different orderthan they appear here.

• S E C O N D

A Lod g e A t H o m e

A unique method of Rosicru'

cian  person al, priv at e member'

ship is "'the Lodge at Home."

You r kistud y corn er”— or a part

of your sleeping room—may be'come your temple, your Lodge,

without expense or interference

with the interests of any member

of your family. You select one

A Lodge N ight at home. Man y husbands and

wives enjoy the oppor tuni ty for m en t a l com pan -

ionship which mutual Rosicrucian study affords

them. How ever , a Rosicrucian m ember may al-

ways have individual, private “Lodge” sessionsat home if he or she so desires.


Perfecting the Physical Body.

Tru t h Abou t Vi b ra t i ons and Thei r Ef -fect Upon Us.

In t u i t i on Through Cosmi c At t unemen t .

How to O pera te the Pow ers of Mindat W ill .

The Myster ies of Time and Space.

The Five Senses of Man.

The Human Consc i ousness .

Th e Developm ent of the Inner Sel f.The Principles of the Mystical Laws.

Powers and Facul t ies of the Inner Man.

Mys t ery o f M at t e r— Cohes ion , Adh e -s ion, Magnet i sm.

True Meaning of Ancient Symbol ism.

At taining Cosmic Consciousness .

Fundamen t a l s o f Men t a l At t unemen t .

Page Tiveti t jiFour Developm ent of Persona l Ma gnetism .

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night a wee\  — any night will suffice,

Thursday night preferred — and that

becomes T ou r Lodge J\ light. At tha t

time you review and contemplate the

wonderful disclosures which are ineluded in your lessons.


D em on st ra t ion s —

S i m p l e E x p e r i m e n t s

There is nothing that establishes con'

fidence in what is offered as a fact or as

a principle of nature like being able to test it personallyand experience its “working" yourself. True knowledge

is experience, for you never truly know a thing until

you experience it. Thus wherever pos

sible every Rosicrucian lesson making

some emphatic declaration that a thing

“is,” or “does,” has some simple little

experiment w hich you — w heth er a IlfSpr ]

housewife or a business man — can

perform to prove to yourself the accuracy of the state-

ments made. Th ese experiments requ ire no scientific

equipment or knowledge of science, and will take but

a few m inu tes to perform each w eek. Ma ny are not of 

a physical nature but rather are mental experiments.

As these laws of nature perform at your command, you

immediately begin to sense a newfound power, and you

know you are on the path to the mastery of life.

Rosicrucian alchem-

ists in the Middle Agesconducted exper iments

secretly in garrets to

avoid persecution byt h e s u p e r s t i t i o u s

masses. Th eir discov'

eries have advanced

knowledge. The results

of their labors consti-

tu te our her i tage of  

useful information to-



Si gns of Recog n it ion

You will receive a membership card establishing your

affiliation with the North and South American Juris-

diction of the Rosicrucian Ord er, A M O RC . You will

^ be instructed in the traditional signs of 

recognition, and you will be given the

passwords and grips which will entitle

you to admission into the var ious Lodges

Men who are devoid

of the power of spir -

itual perception are

unable to recognizeany th ing tha t canno t

be seen externally. —

Paracelsus. (A Ros i -crucian. )

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and Chapters of the Order throughout the world.

Wherever you go you will be recognized in Rosicrucian

Lodges and Chapters by such signs, and greeted as a

Frater or Soror of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae

Cru cis (A M O R C ). Likewise, you will be given mostinspiring, impressive, symbolic initiations into the var'

ious degrees of the Or d er. These beautiful yet simple

ceremonies have a moral which will linger long in your

mind as a happy experience.


F as cin a t in g M o n t h l y M ag az in e

Th e “Rosicru cian D igest ,'’ official publication of the Rosicrucians, is issued  free to you each month as

one of you r many membership privileges. It is a lead'

ing periodical for self'improvement . It

contains welhwritten. simply presented

articles which contain useful facts, facts

which you. regardless of your station in

life, can apply with much benefit to

yourself. Its articles on natu ral phe'

nomena, mental and physical science,

occultism, travel, and its unusual photographs of an'

cient cultures and peoples, contributed from through'

out the world, will fascinate you.

Good always flows

in the channels i t has

once selected. —  L. C. S I X T Hd e S a m t ' M a r t m . ( ARosicrucian. )

Person a l A t t en t ion

A system for determining  y ou r person al progress 

and understanding throughout the degrees or gradesof the Rosicrucian guidance has been established.

Simple examinations will be given to you periodically,

by the results of which ways and means of further aid'

ing you in you r use of the teachings are prepared. Re '

ports on your personal welfare are requested from time

to time. By them the Ros icru cian staff will always be ac'

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quainted with your needs and requirements, and thus

be able to extend you any special services within its



Var iou s D ep ar tm enta l l 'ac i li t ie s

Facilities of the various departments of the Rosicru

cian Ord er are at you r disposal as a member. Each de

partment has, as its ideal, the contributing to your per-

sonal enlightenment, and that perfection which is your

right as a hum an being. Su ch departments include that

of correspondence for answering your communications

and necessary questions, the Council of Solace to aid

you with certain personal problems, the Research Li-

brary that arranges to provide you with special infor-

mation which you may need, the cultural assistance of 

the Rosicrucian Egyptian, Oriental Museum, the re-

search activities of the various laboratories of the Rose

Croix University of the A M O RC . T hey provide use'  

 fu l in form at ion and fact s in sim ple lan gu age. How you

can use, as your membership privileges, these facilitiesand others too numerous to mention in this limited

space, will be fully explained to you as a member.

 L ef t : Th e RoseCroix Univers i ty . Un iqu e research is

conducted here and the findings passed on to members

in sim ple langu age which they can use to enlarge their

personal power and scope of l iv ing.

 B el ow : Th e Rosicrucian Research Library. I ts in

formation on nearly all subjects is made available to

members— in ad di t ion to the teachings— by a un ique

plan, no matter where they res ide throughout the wor ld .

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As a Rosicrucian member, you will be associatedwith the largest and oldest  fraternity in the world de

voted to man's personal development through the util-

izing of his natural powers of mind, and the simple and

yet little known laws of the universe. M an y are the

prominent men and women in history who were proud

to disclose their Rosicru cian m embership. You w ill be

come united in thought and purpose with thousands of 

individual members and those in Lodges and Chapters

throu ghou t the world. Th is association with those of 

like mind, with its exchange of ideas, is a valuable bene

fit, for it causes us to grow inwardly and in accom p*

lishment  as we become stronger in our convictions.

You will also have the opportunity of  personal asso'  

ciation in a Rosicrucian assembly or temple with others

when you have reached a certain stage in the Teachings

of the Order.

 L ef t : The Supreme

Temple at RosicrucianPark, where f raternal

convocat ions of the

Supreme Grand Lodge

are held.

Page TwentyEight  

 B el ow : One o f t he

a n n u a l I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Rosicrucian Conven

tions held at Rosicrucian Park, San Jose,

Cal i fornia. Members

from all over the world

a t t end . At t endan ce a ta Convention is not

necessary, however, to

derive the full benefit

of Rosicrucian mem-


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The illustrations above show, reduced, the interior and exterior of the week

ly lesson sent to each studen t. In addition to personal letters—as many as are

needed to answer your questions pertaining to the studies—the lessons are

accompanied by all necessary charts and diagrams to further explain and make

perfectly clear the interesting subjects. You are also given certain experi

ments and tests whereby you can p r o v e   and DEMONSTRATE to yourself the

efficacy of the p rinciples and teachings. Th e lessons are printed in large

typewriter style type, easy to read, and graded so as to advance step by step.

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Ignorance is the true

original sin. Men a rebankrup t mora l l y be -

cause th ey do not know

the gold mine that is

in them . —  B ri efl y . 

(A Rosicrucian. )

A Personal In v ita t ion



V ou are not being solicited .to stud y some course of 

* lessons. You are being cour teou sly inv ited by theapplication, which should be attached inside the back 

of this book, to affiliate with the historical, renowned

Rosicrucian Order—known throughout the world as

the An cient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (A M O RC ).

W h en your app lication is accepted by the M ember

ship Committee, you immediately become a member of 

an Order which has been the wisest and leading move-

ment in the tutelage of mankind for centu ries. Con se-

quently. all the privileges and benefits, many of which

have already been enumerated on preceding pages, are

made available to you at once.

Free Lessons and Ins t ruc t ions

 Let us again rem in d y ou that a unique feature of 

Rosicrucian membership is that all the fascinating, use-

ful. informative lessons and graded instructions you

will receive are extended to you as a benefit of mem-

bership. Th e Rosicru cians are 7iot a mere school issuingstud ies by mail. Th e lessons and teachings can no t be

pu rchased or contr acted for. Th e teachings, therefore,

are extended freely to every active member. In fact,

there are many members who have long since com-

pleted the studies but retain membership for its many

other benefits.

P a r t F i v e

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Fees and Dues

Th e O rd er is strictly a brotherhood, op erating in that

sense as do other fraternities. Mem bership in th e Rosi'

crucian Brotherhood carries with it the many benefitsdistinct to all fraternities and man y others quite unique. 

As in fraternities, there are membership dues, payable

monthly. An d a nominal “registration fee.” Th is fee

and monthly dues of small amount are the donations

on the part of members to the general operating funds

of the Order, and take care of its extension expenses,

its building funds, national and international humani'

tarian activities, and donations to many scientific expe

ditions and methods of research and investigation.

In addition to these general activities of the Order,

the Rosicrucians conduct the courses mentioned on

previous pages. Th ese courses of stud y are given  freely  

and without charge or fees of any kind to members of 

the Ord er. Ther efore, we wish you to keep in mind

that the study and instruction work is a separate and

distinct feature of the Order, not found in any other  

 fratern al organ iz ation , and for which, in reality, ourmembers do not pay.

The Supreme Council has purposely made the “Reg'

istration Fee” ver y nominal. It is five dollars, payable

w ith app lication. Mon th ly dues are tw o dollars, pay

able on the first of each month. T hese fees in clude all 

the beyiefits of the O rder s activit ies. T here are n o other  

 fees, n or assessm ents, n or bool^ s w hich m ust be pu r'  

chased in order to study , and no limitations to the de'  gree of adv an cem en t that m em bers may m a\ e in t heir  

studies. The monthly magazine, the “Rosicrucian Di'

gest,” is also given free to all members taking the

studies by correspondence from the Rosicrucian Grand


T h e m on thly dues are to be paid by m em bers only  

so long as they are act iv e m em bers of the O rder sharing 

in all its m anifold benefits.

The Ete rna l Tru thsare revealed through

spir i tual medi ta t ion,

and m ake al l m en w ho  

receive them the Magi

of their t ime .— S ir E d -ward  Kelly. (A Rosi

c ruc ian . )

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lHinal In st ru ctions

The one r emains ,

th e ma n y change andpass; Heav en's l ight

forever shines; ear th 's

shadows fly. — Shelley. 

(A Ros icrucian . )


The re are several way s in w hich this booklet may have come

into your han ds. It is intend ed for careful and d iscreet distri-

bution only to those who seem worthy of admission into the

Order .

It may h ave been h anded to you by someone who w ishes you

to realise that there is something vital in life that may answer

your desires and end you r qu est. It may have been passed

along to you by a friend or acquaintance who feels that it will

arouse an inquiry in you r mind. Ther efore, there may be no

ap plication blank or letter of invitation enclosed. In that case,

if you feel interested, write at once to the Grand Secretary

and ask for an a pp lication form . If your inqu iry appears to be

sincere the Secretary will invite you to file an application withhim.

You may have written to the Rosicrucian Order for this

booklet and it may have come to you accompanied by a letter

and w ith the App lication Blank attached in the booklet. It is

then a direct inv itation for y ou t o becom e a m em ber, issued

after your request has been properly considered.

How to Proceed

FIRST: Ca refully fill ou t the Ap p lication Blank. Th e

answer to each question is important and will be treated asstrictly confidential.

SECOND: Having answered all the questions in the Ap-

p lication Blank , sign it accur ately. Enclose with it the Reg-

istration Fee of Five Dollars.

THIRD: Mail your Application and Registration Fee

prom ptly to the Grand Secretar y. Register your letter if it

contains cash, and if you send a check or money order make

it payable to A M O RC FUN DS.

Acknowledgment should reach you within ten days or less.

If you do not hear from the Secretary in that time, write tohim in detail. If your application is rejected for any reason

whatsoever your Registration Fee will be returned to you with

a frank explanation.

Address all ?nail to


R o s i c r u c i a n P a r k , S a n J o s e , C a l i f o r n i a

Long Distance Telep hon es: Ballard 8295, 8296

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o?tU' VLntctsi

The matter contained in this booklet is

officially issued through the Supreme

C ou n cil o f A M O R C . T h e A n cien t

Name and Symbols of the Rosicrucian

Order are Registered and Protected by

The United States Patent Office

exclusively in the name of 


( T h e I n i ti a ls A .M .O .R.C . i n d ic at e t he

authent ic Rosicruc ian Order . )

Member o f  

" F U D O S r

(Federation Universelle des Ordres

et Societes Init iat iques)
