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The Meetings Matrix Leading Your Matrix Strategic Thinking Presenter: Joshua Owen...

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The Meetings Matrix Leading Your Matrix Strategic Thinking Presenter: Joshua Owen MBA,BEc,FAICD,FCPA,CMAHRI,etc Accredited Professional Speaker with the National Speakers Association of Australia Australia’s Leading Corporate Stretch [email protected] Ph. 02 9818 6622

The Meetings Matrix

Leading Your Matrix

Strategic ThinkingPresenter:


Accredited Professional Speaker with the National Speakers Association of Australia

Australia’s Leading Corporate Stretch

[email protected] Ph. 02 9818 6622

Do you have what it takes to successfully Lead your Matrix?

Rate yourself on a scale of 1 (lousy) to10 (excellent)

1. I have strong Values and will resign, if necessary, if I am asked to lie to, or mislead, staff, customers, shareholders, etc. …

2. I have a clear Vision and Plan for the next 5 years for my life … 3. I can describe with great clarity where my organization will be in 5 years’

time under my leadership …4. I can state my organization’s Mission in words which will inspire all staff to

give of their best …5. I am known as the great communicator in my organization …6. My personal Values and Vision are in alignment with those of my

organization …7. I take every opportunity to improve my leadership skills ...8. I provide opportunities for my staff to improve their skills ...

Total score (Max 80)

Strategically Lead Your Matrix by:

• Seeing the future first and being at the right place before the right time

• Forecasting hindsight• Rehearsing the future• Starting at the end , not at the beginning -

start with a clear mental picture of where you/your organization would like to be in, say, 3 years’ time...


• MBC does not stand have to stand for Management by Crisis.

• Instead make it stand for:

• MBC – Management by Caring

• MBC - Management by Compassion

• MBC – Management by Cooperation

• MBC – Management by Coalition

Team work makes the Dream work

• Don’t be a goose and go it alone. Remember the awesome power of a team of geese flying!

• Instead of distinguishing between Leaders and Managers in your team, treat them all as VIPs (Vision Imbued Persons).

• Develop strategies to transform any bad leaders/players into Great Team Leaders/Players

Bad Leaders V Great Leaders• Bad Great• Only Talk the Talk Talk, Walk and Stalk• Create POWs Create VIPs• MBWA MABW• Walk around in 0s Pause to Think &

Act• Are Busy Are Productive• Kill Initiative Encourage Innovation• Busy Scheming Busy Inspiring

Bad V Great Leaders (contd.)• Bad Great


• Gather Information Gather Intelligence

• Single Focus only Bifocal Vision

• Attention to detail + The Big Picture

• Bottom Line only + The Top Line- Vision

• Lean and Mean Lean and Keen

Bad V Great Leaders (contd.)

Bad Great• Try to Forecast Foresee the future the Future• React to the Futures Invent the kind of

Futures created by others they want• Try to change ahead Change the times of the times• Defenders of the Past. Architects of the Future

Keep the Dream Alive

• Team Work makes the Dream Work• Teams need Shared Dreams to help all

members to pull together at the same time in the same direction

• Dreams need Teams to help make their Dreams come true

• Dream Big Dreams which are (slightly) beyond your grasp.

Vision for your Organization

• “The last thing IBM needs right now is a Vision.”Louis Gerstner, Chairman of IBM. July 1993.

• “What IBM needs most right now is a Vision.”Louis Gerstner, Chairman of IBM, stated in IBM’s 1995 Annual Report.

• Meanwhile at Microsoft Bill Gates’ Vision was:“To have our software in every computer in the world.”

Peter Drucker and others on Visions

“I do not forecast – I merely see what is visible, but not yet seen.” Peter Drucker.

“Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible.” Norman Vincent Peale.

“Where there is no vision the people perish.”

Proverbs 29:18.

What is your Vision for your organization?

• It should be as clear as your profit goals.• It should describe what your organization

will look, feel, sound, taste and smell like in, say,3 years’ time.

• It should point the way to the top of the hill.• It should meet the Goose Bump Test.• It should imbue staff with a sense of

urgency and excitement.

Difference between a Vision and a Mission Statement

• A Vision is a definite picture of a desired future.

• A Mission statement conveys to staff why we want to achieve the stated Vision. It should give staff a sense of purpose and meaning as to why they should perform their duties to the very best of their ability.

Mission statements convey your over-arching goals

• Sure you want to make money in your business. Making money is a powerful goal but if staff are to give of their best then they must feel that they are somehow helping to make a better world.

• How are you trying to make a better world?

• Does it meet the Turn On Test?

Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

• Vision: To be the premier foreign service – the vanguard of Singapore’s external interests

• Mission: To enhance the security and prosperity of Singapore through excellence in diplomacy.

UNSW Institute of Administration’s Dining Room

• Vision: To make every person feel comfortable in a homely atmosphere.

• Mission: To restore a state of well-being to all our diners through fine quality dining and friendly service.

What is your organization’s Mission

• IBM - selling computers or solutions to problems?

• The Red Cross – collecting money or helping the needy?

• Kodak – selling films or capturing memories?

• Revlon – selling cosmetics or hope?• Tidswells – selling super or peace of mind?

Suggested outline for crafting a Mission Statement

Our mission is to…………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….

through/by…………………………………..……………………………………………….……………………………………………….(aim to draft it in less than 25 words. It should

meet the 3 am Test.)

IBM Australia’s failure in the 1980s

“I guess we were too preoccupied with what we had rather than with what we could be doing. We weren’t watching closely enough to what what was happening around us.”

Brian Finn, MD of IBM Australia (February 1990)

Secret of Success

• Remember your people

• Make everyone in your team feel as if they are helping you build a cathedral and not:

just laying bricks

working for a living

putting in time

Leading Your Matrix

• Don’ just aim to survive.

• Instead choose to thrive.

• THRIVE is an acrostic for: (see the next slide)

THRIVE spells:

• Think positive, big, creative and strategic.• Helicopter: suspend judgment and RATO.• Recognition, reprimand and praise.• Involve your staff by participation, etc.• Vision: Never lose sight of the light on the

hill.• Enthusiasm: remember what the last 4

letters in the word ENTHUSIASM stand for.

The Meetings Matrix

Leading Your Matrix

Strategic ThinkingPresenter:

Joshua Owen MBA,BEc,FAICD,FCPA,CMAHRI,etc.,etc

Accredited Professional Speaker with the National Speakers Association of Australia

Australia’s Leading Corporate [email protected] Ph. 02 9818 6622
