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by ,ronisr s. c. hogan & co. mnms appeal PtTBLISBED :OAILY At WEEKLY wr JOHU S. C. HOGAN ft CO. I'KK'K OF l HM'RHrHi Dally (In dTtfT per nnnom : : 4 m per wwrtc : ; ; To ly ear ! tor less enterrrt or AltTKRTISIITO. (in. kuw iDK'rlioti fl i"1 each ivid'llauul looartlot : W m wo weswt fr no month :::::: Mr 411 advwrUsonienut considered due afire ao first slight Q a sous. e- - I! cnluuiu w sr Mai other adv Ad p attherof square fo All elau Ume be !.:, a- - jvj' ft SaSSS If No Weel: y p. asr Onr etTert ' Hut- - ncl teal may warranl U As an It it im : ah'- - BKBtEW 1 ' ' lis lit mootias-i- i J. T. No. Am site, w:; W H W. H. Bu Ho. a, eac" H. P.; H. 11. P each Th. IU.; H. the ch.-- e Olno h Jo per fTlptiftn d on 112 00 KATKa mi Weekly Sdopll Chaptsr. FCBBE4 Chaaiao. lof nonpe4vmccntlltoro iMiirralf in the b inserted In the mlv or:.' .rrecr'.ar Interval :u wUt b charged 91 per and insertion tlseiu'-at- not roafk.il fornrpe- - disc, on at th end of une 'iserrients n. siaat be pnfrf or tlermrnt w.11 atrpear Hie it at e rvqn'nit4te u heir beat i. fl'l our to lorward any item 01 news stifnclpnl Importance lo :W .' Wr.EKLT. lo net np clulM, p linve era.ec.t wlncli are low aa onr cnrreut offle expenses will admit Of: One ane year ra To cruleof r each la e or more, each 4 UO fnem m mrfve. MASONIC DIRECTORY. 1 A!fi MA SO tflC CAUMUH. . 58?:. 1 Tlart. Kith 1 nbabau 7tli January 1 Adar. stli InsanuuT I ar.li .. I Kiaan. KUi Al rtf. I lla', ath Hay,..- - 1 nvan. bJ ne I TTiaaaus, Ui I AM. SS Anunat 1 Ktat, lataapim:.r. Wednesday, i :in JaaundayTiinrsii.. Good rrtOa.-- . ' Api luaster cai5 Z HAint Aoilnaw'. tu, .Ui o4irnljBr In f.cn rasr. jalirohUif MASONIC DIRECTORY. 1SSC7. LODCaS. AJsaaBOSA. No. Mar;, Monday in every rniSUI, nnc-pei,- null (wi . i nun and Mam. litison. nee. Mourn : auh .. HeUars. W !.::. ecOTT. mourn -- HalTroi I Hamilton. So. monih isiil-K- : Wawissnw, iuol WoKliao, StsJ PaTH, month Md- r CoanM moniu ' J. ' ! I Notice to tapers. in orlcia. tpy. awrentv March U.ti Tradsr. H.T. To.n- - W. M iya:, ar :d of . Friday mt ad U. A. 'M OWBSara t'ommauatary. No. 4. Hoeu 4th Mon- - oanh Z- - m. u.. .". A Iter. A.'. A.". SCOTT TSTI am FrtnU 8t-'- i. Hiuvn Jjodge M 14t'i No. S(ai- -I Conuimnlcarl.n: of e:te'i mouth. Henry W. dar.l. SSU. . M.'.; Charles H. Carroll, 14JJ. ith has Lod.e of Mt u: o. il WertneadEyerjach ruoatli. befinte Jiel.ep.u.;aa, U.-- . J.-- . A. tL. riaMiand.id. ' nuDi'i! of -- o: Ho. 1. Ben;. j. fulieu, Sit, On Train. rtrp day jaod oonas and I MT, Pdu. Cincinnati Train trirtheArt'i I nlji'rrT.'rs, 8niraim M.. .: er of i una. .3d, M. i via Clari Sew Slal! all itlooa rm onpv MM nonl Coon York. r nook aoiia SpJx-- 1 intent even' .nurd ninst ash up Uicat nent nanus more, Jalj-- , Ash " this W. Koe s Krlday IL SUnley, Meets th ureet. Joun Mondavof each VkTUeti.er, 1 3d Hail. Monday John j iwrn-'- John AND KITK. PertBoalon, PereeUon. Meeui.'b ; CASll'ilIA Prim-- naA!em,itlJi.: JSarsh.-- . ; tsih.. .v ; i Toiu- - 3d., orulu.'. John Lies; C RAILROADS MEMPHIS AND LOUISVILLE RAILKOAD. CHANGE OF TIME- - Urnci or Uurhal srPERnmocDitMT. liluotaCeu jaajlf'llin, inj J, md after Mondaj, Ma) LOUS IM 25 noi Rs, Naabvlila LoulaviUs points Rant- - Alan, hours, aud WITHOUT CHANCE OFCARS Making cloae connections there Willi Jefferson-vill- a twtiroad FOR ALL POINTS EAST, MoarbiUK vew at p.m , being tbe Shcrie?l, iM Quickest 8ule ail ivaausrnl ii day. ILL rtlLSTS CAST, IST AMI SOUTa I.ouar'li! nnrN-dlf- route PasBc-nac.-- throoaii to wrruoi T CUAGK ot CAR XIkUI Train BJ.AU; CHUCKED TIIBOUOH IOAU. Nun livo Muiu.i at 'Ud HAIIinOAD. lTBb Kxpress s.u...i . Xfted. ' ' ' ,s ,1. Baajats ci,e. i ' tut tloBats and bo otfbof. Hit IS Diamond .HHOQUH B. elfU t. v. l I ( lueiunktl not m rn t.md Caiaaaalisl- no l u New W. J mail ..U1S7 each P. .1 J. J. of 1. P. H o.x, No. i. U. li of -- KB t. rmj fiiii. KT. in : to York :ind atroe l.rll,. r st on- or PPinK t W :i er ilomialloii, .ireet, aou - o ,.i. at ai. . ;. r3Mtl D -- ..th argi na. dif, lliHadeiiililH Granti Ion Hon - 1 It. Bit'. Ala., lu.UHt- - ouBJitect for wtiii' .rmatlon, apply lH.Ci s:i;.'t. Aget.r. XslJ.S, tslsl THURMOND, FOSTER & CO., ianaaiahaMaMi' Wafca JaaTV TOBACCO FACTORS AN O OK.N 1'jitA COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Carder realaw Optra use, 345 Seeoiad street. 1 h at . n'l . ,.a, arl V L. 11 THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. CONFECTIONERIES. SPECHT'S CONFECTIONARY REOPENED I ronfpfHonary In Every Variety, And all of th best quality, const anTy on hand -- nit. m j.ru-ei- lo ult tin- imea. A LARGE LOT OP T0Y8. WI1SS A5D CHAMPAGXBS Of upw leu irliitMce. WESDINC8 AND PARTIES -- npnltajd wlthcvwry rooolsle, on short notice a hersVifore ..lhlTtf P. H. HEINRIC7 H Sc BRO., Wholesale aud Ketall Oonfectiouera And CANDY MANUFACTURERS ! Baal t la In Imported Wines Liquors, Clears, Fruits, etc-- , No. 226 front Stret-t- , tnhlT .im MEMPHIS. TKWW. IW STTRAHTCZ AGENCIES GBaOKAIf t Life Insurance Company, 90 Broadway, New Yorfc, UUtii) WKSK.V1KJNK President. Fit siHWEJfL'l-IC- Vioe-Prei- il and sec'y. JOHN H. FRERICHS, 302 Ma.-.- Street, General vpnt fur Westc rn Tcnm ssrc. THE ST. LOUiS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assets April 1st, over : $1,500,000. D. 4. JANUARY. PriiSent. im, .its. L I. (J CAM, Yice-Pretiitlei- it. WM. T. KELBT, : : Nm-rcutr- WM. X. BEVTO, Sen-- I Agent. DIRECTORS: Jnine. If. I.r.eaa, Henry tSatusliila, aaaasj Witt, Hick, scliaef, r, Kolii. M. Knukiiooser, Wjlliata T. Onyt riiaa. ft Perk. Hoht. K Woods, Julea Valla, Leo K Kobtnaon, 'has. W. Mct 'ord, John K. Thoiulon, Ben. M. Rnnyan, rrH IS 1 i KO. if For W to Wt VKMI' a. our Ml IS III of bail : : . mh21 YV t Mem K. P. W. Jannary, J. Lewis, Hotter, fauna. lingan. Company Poltetej: he different plsnis and al a. favorable rHtes fitrj.tM'ti thla eiiy :he OFFICE IN MEMPHIS 42 JHIHSOK 8TRKKI, lleKoto Block MKIJICAI. liV.A J. S. WiilTK. M. D. W. IRWIN, A ttTIS. General A gcutsMempbis, Term., j. ArkanaaK, iiiaunuios addn iiaad. Nkwtom irrts. HERNANDO INSURANCE I COMPANY, 12 n M pUIs Company la nine to H. LAIRD, H. 'im B J. OK Willi Milii ny. here rend wail upon old and new myl AT.KT. M L'KliA David SWa, Isaac Jacob JoLn Jsmas Policy lloider. DIREC3 JRS UCNHUMK. TOWNSEM), BEN MAY. Mlvsiwtippi pptlrattoiia JfUtf-- 4 TAILC .TNG WILLIAMSON, C. THRATJl President. Secretary. COTJRING and CO. MERCHANT ;f AILORS, JEFFERifX STREET. BPLKKDIO MaUaUKX Cloths 4ras-iimeretns- t lU'celved. HOI.KIUi, formerly Messrs. found cnstomeia. MURRAY: RIDGLEY, MERCHANT TAILORS WO. 31 MADISON UTHBJST, Merthant Tailoring ioods. make every uainiui oarselvej. L'naranteeRatlafactlon SaSMk WVKM IN T1MR SWFS ilIwi., DTSING, SCOUAING. jx? -a- nd- ei Mai Lkiue al ISAAC All pal at tr ni 54 2 Jefferson Jr., all D. ea. tor or oe 8. o. 1 H. TV rreatnsas when Ansaainost tarda Ot Haneukamp, MINERS owned advantage TKKADWfcLL. Jfo. Power by ISAACS,!! Street, lets and dls- - satisfaction suarauteed ion, mar.S SALES EXTRAORDINARY! Tae stock CLOTHING Formerly owned by J. H. WAGGENER, now retailed IIKLOW Eastern OOBT. Iy aiX FRAE ARMSTBOXC, Ageatof Pnr.'li:.isers. this maaa PIBsT Must be Sold within Sixty Days Tbe who call HrM will bave tbe flnt choice. 1'ijesm.Km the limfco luuttt iven wlLbin CALL AT ONCE fit and Country TraUt lyuifiid apial Wholesale titul RttuiU BSTRACT OFFICE. BOOM NO. 1, urner Koarae Meosud tUn. Abirjut i!ldtX UKMIY tiotice wrntl" A a is oy a, its aim tSS : 0 A. C. i a A r W M. A can lie y Ilia :tni S. a. .. r.l. J ' K t In all Im i , , - T- -, t . T I-- or. rK i t : J is of Is or ,.. i m i oe ! y t ib ! t lie Ut A. i. Ii. A. K. on in on T. M to h, to lie iks and comiilete s tltnce, compiled UNfc; men la of tiliaboail Fort Vmkring, Mem pais and Shelby Cotinry Lands, at the ahoi teat on i he moat reasona- ble leiuiik ii. J. I.AMHHKLL CO., Hasoaaaom lo K,, . i'au imll. 1 of te ii will ot I otidiaoted l Madison Mrest, under HALLER. FISHER CO.. wIki aioiie are .iutiiorizei to iK hf aaxae of iliti old njin in MUi;ujeut. phi Mil. Ires aud and will ape The and HA "To Wtiom It Mbj (iiiK-i-rn.- " NrnTK-'- is hereby that J ; uAUK of Tenn., have thia day made an asatgnment of all aeete and eflectatoJ. H W ml, J. H. Taylor and J. M. i r- - Ai.1 M.lli have hell, Wm. JJoU. .Vll with utl ano, notice hlir nu John siren their parties indehu-- to said Ann of j. r Cb., will torward JKtifeesi WBfcT. TAYLOR CAR Memphis, Twui., May W, US7. General DSSSu & C. alter THEWlEWIPHlSJIPPEftL W:UMIDAV. : ::!::: J1IKK,U7 HKCVI The Japanese new rear (XimtDenem on tli rtb of lamiary. The population of Kansa, is now es- timated at $275,tMa. thonnand persona attendafl the pireu In Worcester, Mam., in two days. A Mark make iT few eifjht inches Io0r waa killed near Norfolk the other day. A number of cltiiens of Valdosta, a , propose organir.ing a lod-- r of K. of J. (Jen. 8wayne has given nolire thai no negroes will I appointed on the Mo- bile Klice. Heverml deaths from sunstroke have been reported iu Ktuiland. Onrroters are bothering night pedes- trian in Itichinoml, Va. The l'etersburg Va. Imh-- ay-th- biisiness is very rapidly iucreaainic on the 8onthide railway. A Wisconsin is about to complete her capitol at Madison at an expense of .33,(531). American capitalists are buying iarire (juautitieHof Umber in Canada. House reutH are falling in New York city rapidly, and the label " To let," is seen on all sides. The effective force of the French army has beeu set at eight hundred thousand men. - The Masons of Norfolk, Va., are imaged in raising money Tor the relief of theMOUlhem destitute. The census shows the alarming ex- cess of 730 (KVi more males than females in the I'nited States. The Prussian passed we the money, or floods the second reading of the new oustliu- - linn bill. It is stated that Chief Justice ('hage lias finally completed the appointments of registrars in bankruptcy in all the states. On Friday evening last the Kev. Henry Ward Beecher delivered a dis- course in his unurua iu Brooklyn, in which he strongly defended the release of Jeff Davis. Horse racing, base ball matches, and reports of Indian depredations are now the special excitements in Colorado. Commander J. 1). Payne, of the Mexican navy, has been ordered to take charge of an expedition against Vera Cruz. Tbe Pennsylvania oil regions have lost fully one-thir- d of their aud the number is lessened every day. The amount of drayage paid on tot- - ton received in Memphis during the sea- - -- oii is' estimated lo oe over jisi,uuu. The associated press paid sixty dol- lars lor the billowing diepatch from Lon- don by the cable "The money market has uot yet opened for the transaction of business." The Paris Edgar count v, 111. Blade learns that of a racy of thirteen persons who left Williamson county, ill., twelvo ' months ago, for the far west, eleven are dend. j A lot ol land on ritate street, Boston, I reeently sold for nearly a hundred doilais the tuuare foot. This would cover the rnitta ,ot wi,b silver dollars. ider. Norfolk, Va., sets a good example to other territorial cities, hy opening direct ! trade, on an extended scale, with Liv nplcte erpool. A public meeting in Dublin, presided over by the iord mayor, adopted a memo- rial asking that the lives of the con- demned Fenians be spared. New eas works have just lieen com pleted at Detroit, of capacity to manufac- ture one million cubic feet of gas per day. rtie present eapaeity is alsmt hundred llimwiiil feet Waily Three tiioii.-ati- il Demons are en "re out to in oteratious in Meekfeuuurg county, N. C. Crops iu Floriiia, we are glad to , learn, are exceedingly promlsuig. ftunday in Pbiladefpliia is said to be as (juiet as a cliurchyard, and water every where, Uut not a drop to drink. English merchants oomplaiu that the river navigation or China is rapidly passing under tne uuntrol in yatikees. When a Japense ruler die it takes fiftv davp to bury him and thirty more to nRlall his successor, and in the inte- rim uo business is done. A chime of forty-tw- o bells, to be placet! in tha exposition, is played like a piano, with perfect ease, to any tune. Four years were spent iu the construc- tion of the instrument. A memoir of (Jen. Jamee Oglethorpe, the founder of Lreorgia, has just appeared in London. The official statement at New York shows the arrival of nJU.OOD emigrants dm inn the present year. New Mexican papers are engaged oiim ipsily iu setting forth tlm claims of the rival cauriidates for delegate to cou- - irrese, aud abusing Gov. Mitchell ami Secretary Amy. I The internal revenue receipts for M .i r.ii.in.nui to Aiiril nr. in AYCess two half asillion of dollars. iaiintt Memphis, mining j Dr. J. P. Humbleton, of Atlauta, fin., recently given to his infant child the name of John vVilket iooth. The Richmond Enquirer says of j Sickles' diatillatiou order : We have no complaint iu the south at the order, hinder the circumstances; it was, for once, a judiciauM use of arbitrary power. At Calllpolls, Ohio, a merchant miiler holds life aud accident iMiiicie to the amount of SSOO.nOO, I The governor of Montana has ap- pointed Thomas Thoroughmiui, briga-n'ie- r general to command the territorial troops in an expedition against the Indians. An Albany tobacconist, named Mosely, claims to have discovered a way of freeing tobacco of its poisonous ele- - meut. nicotine, without injury to the leaf. The application of castor oil to new j boots, it is said, makes them as soft as a batekakin glove. 1 is also stated to be trie bent application that can be made to render a new boot water-proo- f, but oh, t the odor! ' Pope, commamier oi ! lie third district, ordered that the Mobile police should not wear a uniform iu imitation of that uui " by the late rebel army." The city council (tailing very uiiiiecetary I trouble) informed H7 M. H., by a com-- ! mittee of two of their number, the iu tended dress was not a copy of the Con-- I federate uniform, of that worn i.y fthe police of the Ceutm! Park, New York. Three gas meters explodetl slmuita-neourl- iu a shop in Portland, Maine, on Saturday, tearing away the wood work of the wiudow seat under which they were placed, aud knocking down ayuung man near by. -I- nspector-General Marey has left 8t. Louis for an official tour of the Missouri for a thousand miles, and thence over- land to New Mexico. The famous American chess player, Mornhy, is expected to take part iu the oralng chess congress at Paris. A woman in Brooklyn, Monday, gave birth to four children, weighing iu the aggregate twenty-fou- r pounds. The mother and children are doing well. California now exports teu thousand tons of copper per annum, which is five times as large as the produce of the whole United .States only ten years ago. It is calculated that it would require a column f specie Ave miles and twelve and a half of a mile high and thirteen inches iu diameter to cancel the na- tional debt. Last month ayoutiiful Australasian, aged fifteen years, bought a pistol and set up as a hush-range- r. He robbed two men sucotsssfully, but was caught in his third venture and put into prison. The various laud olnces, located at St. Augustine, Newuansville and Tampa, Florida, have discontinued and consoli- dated in the office in Tallauaneee, with A. B. Htonelake as register, and A. Mor- gan as receiver. A Mr. Durgin, of Decatur, 111., re cently played a game of billiards, in which be made a run of 4876 points, and then rav up from exhaustion. At the end of last mouth the Model lislging house association of Boston made a seiui-auuua- i uiviuenu oi nu pn cent. Of its one huudred and sixty-si- tenants only one died during the year. The Japanese government has ex- - tended a cordial reeeption to the foreign minister now ou a visit to Yokohama. Col. Robert Gamble, of Florida, died it. Kaltimora ou the 23d Inst., eighty- - aeveu years old. He was a native of Virginia, a resident of Kicnmona, tin in Si6 he removed to Florida, where he ie a aud successful cotton plantsrr. a church at Lousnes. in France, fail n during divine service on Uie lth of May. aud ten persons were Rilled aud twelve otiieis more or less seriously hurt. We learn from our exohanges the i farmers in the Connecticut valley will the cultivatipn of not go so largely Into u.fsacoo Ibis year as they did last, but will make their principal crops corn and iiotatoes. Most of lat year's tobacco mm "as lieeuaold, but at vsrylow prioes, The (irand Lodsje of (jixfA Templars of North America oonimenced its thir- teenth seseiou in Detroit on Tuesday. Tiseiitv-seve- n states and provisoes are infiiiitrv the same uay ; both nib d at the battle Chickamauga iier.u.TcSil- - the same day, ootn mane ponsiwus Uie same day, both Qev)Hj tu0 of pension the my31diww2t day- - MEMPHIS, TENN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1867. XUiilKMIPIM r HKI'(IMll VCF Tvan v i oi m Miss., May 30, lKt7. l:. tors MMnphl. Appeal : The great Hood that so recently twept over the Mississippi bottom has just retired, leaving behind it the bones of drowned hogs, horses and cattle, wasted plantations and ruined hepes. (ireat preparations had beeu made for a large corn and cotton crop; extensive pur- chases of mules, farming implements acd supplies, and labor procured for every larin. Farmers began to plow early, ami all promised well, but down came the flood, aud for nearly three months the negroes did nothing but eat, sleep, play and rtoat their canoe over the hurled plantation. The males add cattle that 'uvre saved couaumad what the negroes and when the waters subsided no- - tbinif remained Desiierate me vM.ey rwwniw river and " "mpnis is nmusiu w efThrts were made, however, soon 'y, fenc and nlowino-- : "MK"' " ,n"" "eriu imrr I iiean anew, and people Mattered them selves that after all, they would make a crop, and oat do fortune for once. Soon the corn and cotton were seen shooting up, but with them nunt millions of worms that have continued to saw down :,.e young plants, until there - very lit- tle corn or cotton to be seen. Tbe farm- ers have replanted again and again, but still the worms cut, and still the cold nights and heavy rains continue to favor them, until they have about oonenmed all the wed in the and now it is a pretty well ascertained fact, that .Mem- phis will handle twenty thousand bales less ef cotton next winter. men oosiuem oagnt to on you will leorn lhat fiftv tl.oiiaand '" Pawnawiisaj J iuvtlu uu Jjive dollars, properly applied last summer, "I V" Z,'' ' would iiave turned aside this irreat evil. an t prevented all this loss ; aud yet it is true : Iiki that sum would have nut un the Mwm iu Tunica county and kept out trJ tbe flood. . . - - ask, if we this """" you may several of mrr most beautlfu "re, why we. lid not put up the levee V l;ies number of !.r able, girls a Hut answer, we were nor are we able now, nor will we ever lie, unless parliament has i i,rrow the population, : ' has but will keep off for several years. Inot Memphis interested in this matter ? Is she not vitally concerned '.' When the war broke up, the Mississippi and Teu-- i lessee railroad onuld not be put in opera- tion without help from the merchants of Memphis to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars. And is the M ississippi and Tennessee railroad of more import- ance to Memphis than the Mississippi bottom 7 Tunic county is, I believe, williug to borrow the money if it can he had for a reasonable time, aud for a reasonable interest. It will uow take one hundred thousand dollars, as the levee has been much damaged. Tf the levee was once secure, however, a few crops would enable the peop.e to oav it without the inconveni ence, and can uot the merchants of Mem-pui- s see their interest in advancing the money ? If they ran no:, and I had the j bead anil tongue of a Pike, 1 could soon show it to them. Will not some enter-- ' prising merchant or citizen take the lead in this matter, get up the amount, and fRaj it to the txjard of iolice for Tunica county ' Certainly it is their interest to do so. And jut here I cannot but re- - mark, how much is lost to Memphis in another direction for want oi a little en- - ergy and industry on the part of her merchants aud steamboatsmen. From j the Mississippi river to Cold water through tbe Yazoo ps Isonly about sev- - j euteeu miles ; and through that pass large boats can and as proof of it, tin federal gunboats and frati'ports went through there, and down 'old water.until stopped at Greenwood by the Confedeate fort there. Well, up down Coldwa- - ter and Tallahatchie rivers, ten, and per- - haps twenty thousand bales co to New Wriest), that would go to Mem-- phis, if wars iu time to send boats iu thevo after ii , and then the people Instead of buying what they needed iu New Orleans would buy in MemphiaWJ'hese are only i . t thrown ttiewi! se and enterprising. nearlv foreotteu to mention that I had boats eau ascend I oiuwaier to me innuin oi Bank island bayou at any season of the' year, even if they draw five leet water. But I n;u!-- t fnrtiear to write more, as the things mentioned may not lie as much a natter of Interest to you or readers as to one located here, aud tdentjfje;) the country. I wish country once more prospetou can only by encouraging the cultiva- - tion of tbe soil, and the best soil at that. We are now poor, but we eau be the richest the sun shines ou if we will go to tint! ourselves, and not wait for some aus.ee "to open the way aud reap the profits. More an, if deslrauie, but if not, never more. H. of TplBCA. HAsillMdin IIIXKa.i iltlllX K WAaHtNOTOW, May J, 1807. Editors: Nets Sana Appeal : The failure of Kraser, Treuholtn Co. ia Liverpool, excites murh remark here. Tn odUiai circles there is a IMPORTANCE niakini'ardiilantinir. arrangements "enterprising it to as to i,f in. ta to :l;is is o;, suits the tutejifity Miates in comes out that important ap-th- au ehe, attorney number of Uouuij Eeeord, ki proceedings in Froiiob's decidedly to iirtrtners in couutry popular journal ble, as oi me t, on ground that the firm received immense awts of C'onfed-tiac- v never yet accounted for. This suit, of we may say there uo doubt, will extensively the blockade business, aud show extent of fortune realized the war. The state department are very uneasy about fate of Maximilian. The itn-- J pressioti In tiu deiartment is that he will be shot. Juarez ha tllforttied our gov- ernment, unofficially, that be if, .u favor of sparing Maximilian; but that as the j order to shoot the iirisoners originated with government of Maximilian, he iJuarezi cHunoi mil e .miter iu this mat-Ite- r to the wishes of his generals. It is well known, lhat some of these generals have no The expectation, there- fore, is that Maximilian will not only lose nis.Ttnpire, but his life. The ad- - vices from Mexico are by no means en- - couraging outside of military mailers. It is said the greater portiou of the wealth ' of the country, together with the church, ia opposed to tbe liberal govern- ment, and tiitl as soon as Maximiliau is overthrown, new iiiseaeions will arise. Whoever is defeated at tne flr- -t will lie prepared for a If this condition of popular chaos continue in Mexico, tho Mexi- - cau question will become one real prac- tical imiiortaiice in the politics of that i country. I have heard threeopinions ex- -' pressed Utrp recently as to what tbe policy of thiscimut.y should be. One is to let Mexico alone ; auother to protectorate; then to acquire several of the provinces, which are nut girls ears, spun this adopted. A prominent of has Mexico, is population together enjoyed myself were with numbers tne. wliitts. The republicans iiitlefHtiira- - as tbey are evidently carry first in uni- -' versal sutfraire prevails. If they carry this ion they will hopeful about their success south. .Surralt's counsel speak confidently of acquitting bifh. United .States attorney, Carriugton, is considered to have made rather ass of himself on the motion of postponement tbastriul. He stated, as reason, that the would soon end, the jury could not be continued over to tbe next when the law has ex pressly provided contrary of he said. The truth is, the tendency to put men oinces, or tuiicti in y, OI to wer grade of oiialiticatiou used to be thought necessary, is one of the signs of times, oue of the fruits of the ex- citement and of the country which seems have every thing. conspicuous illustration of this is the appointment Mr. Hay, the secretary Mr. Lincoln, to the AuairiaL hi. Now, better days of the republic, ono thought Mr. iiay, and indeed Mr., Hay would not thourlit of Due reason of state of that no person of decided irolttical status any mestige, can get coutlrma-Ho- n the senate, (jowerer, It is ' millenium for new men, siUUci sometime, Mr. ' Bancroft. vv.Ar. n.sn. The term of the court for began on the last Monday in May Judge Hanks presiding. His bon- - cbarge to tne grand jury ipuie as ienginy presitieut's annual mes- sage of instruction their political du- ties, nd altogether hiCaluting, bombastic document. The criminal thjeket would consume the week, and the civil docket Tho sales ware concludfrd on Tuesday. Nothing but real estaie was and this all by creditors nominal Tbe De Arc CreteerU says the weather: An exhorbitant quantity of raiu nas raneu pani weea, and rrom repi seuted- the omens mat tne beaveus, anniversary of that the mimIv above not the Pree Masonry in yt exhausted. addition excejseive ndiaoa was celebratsd iu ludianatiuiis rains, t he weather has cold aud un-la- st Thursday. seasonable, aud the faces of our farmers are living near Blanchester, are much elongated. We would advise Ohio, two named Ezra Ab- - people preserve buoyancy of ier Oadwalladei, who wale born the jjuit8,and trust irapllcvtly In providence, -- ame. both mustered the The past instructive company company i,, Ohio voiun- - of 143 was as backward aud of applications and game amount same left, bottom, least your willi than thia with inauspicious this. gloom overspread couutry starvation topic But the fears of people were ban- ished by an abundant crop com, pota- toes, WHITE RIVER THE Of ITS TRADE MEMPHIS. Our MercliantH Mnet Nes Lo It. IitcldfnlH by the A Plt ut Trip. NbabHea (tinMKRiv.triii.i Abe.. June 1, 1W7. ) Editor The Importance of est than it seems to be present. AriikC person lias only to ascend this beautiful and observe the great country drains to pro; rtv understand its The made for it by at, 1uiis, Louisville asd Cincinnati should surely open the eyes "of the merchants I Memphis, and otter such inducements won put oowaeUtlon oat of the question. The eMMs Memphis steamboatmen, eepeeially of Cast. Davis, or Uais steamer, to establish that between this river and Blair City which the trade commands, should receive appreciation which m oexiow But "J the tile, Commercial left Me.. phis on evening, Maw 27tb, with as partv passengers aa ever . , v. ... , knew al not and quite float, and cotton made only A Arkansas belles, and everything passed off as though tbe world was hut the abode bliss. One of tbe wedding par-- ! I have reference was that of Cap- tain C. Hauks of Scarry, who on the same Tuesday Miss Mollis Gra- - ham, well known in our city as and handsome lady. The happy air were, course, the favorites among the passengers, who paid them every attention iu their power. Of Memphis ladies were the beautiful aud accomplished Mias Lixzie Jenkins, Miss Lizzie Booker and the amiable Mrs. Ash-for- the good lady of the who was her attentions and won the love and esteem ail. By the way, let me tell you that our tw Miss Lizzies broke more hearts Arkansas than has been done this many days. Their vivac- ity and excellent conversational powers ,oite did the work. On reaching Au- gusta, the people of that beantiful little place took Captain Ashforcf ty storm, and liavingobtained very gook music dancing sxiniipeuced about ten o'clock and con- tinued in in btoad day light. There was none your exquisites in this pleasant surprise party, but one joined in aud made the try to fee! home, the Augustans doing all iu their power amuse and entertain the passengers from the Bluff The principal topie of conversation being the universal satis- faction expressed by every oue, that Commercial had been awarded the colors the late Baptist fair, aa the most pop-ule- boat of Memphis. White river from tfce mouth to Augusta almost in every place excepting Tew high biutL entirely over iU banks, and the eouseiiueuoe is the whole country is The loss of property on this ac- count will be immense and will naturally iusure the trade Memphis. The Liftle lied river ia much prettier stream than the White river, and the country around it far better than any iu this val- ley. A saw mill lias just been Slatted at Augusta, aud I was told that twenty-eigii- t or thirty houses are to be built at this place this summer. It is decidedly the most eligible site for a city on the whole and the town itself, nut only I he most pleasant but the han have yet seen this way. There are two papers at Augusta, tbe Men-tin- aud the Chronicle. The former was started some two months aso, and the . i.rc-- num ii--r the latter nnli, Iuol to tiee the '"'":" r "rr J., lie ., t is or Kill and this apreareu. --ur. Qiiiua, euiuir, in ..aititavory . ma icaoerri tnau a Arlemus Ward's willinrraeas sacrifice bis relatives for tbe great of Amer- ican unionionisni in thia wise: "Born aud raUed iu the south, and lived north ; brothers all living south, and some them haviug bled aud died in the defense what they conceive I to be her right, warrants me In tbe hope that my paper will not he objectionable to the community.'' What lo you think of that, you city editors who starved four for the name cause .' The editor of the Vhrtmice was auxious to bis suspect tnai failure more for tbe paper iti much so that, not purpirenl gelling rm .. 'ne insu- - types II. ror head t ins journal, tbe uniteu minus anything and the peudajre. I have just seen a general has advised the treasury depart- - the White Col. Jaeob ment j paper. It is the hold the this lis- - neatest and most in the ouieuerale the the which 1 ventilate the the during tbe pity. election does of assume northern anxious election which term former things Tn beeu Wy- - married the in every others Hooded. full stream, my institute equity White river valley. It ia hsntlsomt gotten up. and seems to be kind of pub- lic necessity out ibis way. We are al- most sight Mearey landing, and shall have to draw my letter to a olose, not before, however, spoken a words about the officers and of the of the Commercial in this '"'''" m-- ' ' iiiininmatidof Caiat. ..Tl. Ashford, quiet but exrjenenced iiopular commauder, who knows every tree and bush on this stream, and who is consequently proper man to trade lo any point where he may run. (.'apt. Norton, the first clerk, ia very genial, social gentleman, highly esteemed by all for his many good uifji-- i ties, and universal favorite with all tne merchants in the White river towns. He is assisted by our aid uiwusnian, irjd. Smith and Milt. Harry, both clever and social gentlemen, who leave done to pleasa the public. understand auother steamer is soon to be put in con- junction with ibe Commercial,' run between White and Memphis, and our merchants will look to their own interest if tbey foster this line, and, tbe same time, lauiif such for Uie trade as will bring and Keep it in its natural current, it belongs to Memphis, and the people pre-- 1 fer to trade with us, but w must not be by other cities. The uhamlier of commerce will find this good field for talent, aud if they give it tie time it will repay its members well. As T stop off here take little recreation, feel kind of home sick in hiiiriinir farewell our Memnhis thinly settled, l ne impression ui some ; and as their gooa-ny- e rings in my of thi; most sagacious observers here is I feel I never heard hat last policy will be charming voices or more elite company public oiiariuiter, said, re-- than that Miss Linie Booker, Mia. cently, the greatest chance of fortune Lizzie Jenkins and Mrs. Ashford. Mem was to ac'iuire properly in the northern nhii a large number of good looking provinces of as tbey would cer- - girl9, none sweeter than the Qrst two tainly annexed to tbe United iStatee and none more amiable than the latter, iu a few years. It seluem that such pleasant parties Tbe voting of Washington assemble on a steamer, 1 is in quite stir at coming munieipal never have, belter. election. This is the tlrst practical test shall remember this trip as the African of black suffrage, where the blacks traveler thinks delight on the oasis in large as compared ia of the great desert or ftanara. are to the elect lie more j The an ot a and term, statute the what intoiiupurtani a the upheaved to uusettled A of j private of in In the no would have of have himself. the of a old i ako have beeu dead like A i spring Phil- lips county or is as me to congress usually is; it is full on a very is also very full. sheriff's sold, was in cases bought in at prices. of tne urowu we conclude is introduction of to 1 There j brothers and the to day. into same furnishes lessons. lth The spring as General tbe and was a familiar uf conversation. the of etc. TO , Apal at stream bids of ii of and commerce the (bat Tues- day a or 2, of ties to J. au of captain, jneeasiug of in of at C'Ky. the at is a of some d somest I )u u i;iven a to cause never hav-iii- K of of years very get having be ly a iu of j I have few trade. a and a uraw a a nothing un-- . I to river at bids underbid a their a lit of their to a country 1 to a but be aud a the I More, anon. MltatiNMPPI ITE1IS. A uniou convention was held by the citizens of Tippah county, Miss., at Ripley on the 25th of May. The Clarion of Uie lid inst. contain,- - a pretty sharp rebuke from Col. Verger to the editor of the New Orleans Ptrnvunc, for statiug iu his paper that the MistU- - ippian had ceases! to exist. We extract the following from the letter of Col. Verger ; " The Mit'itippian has uot ' ceased to exist,' but on the contrary has extended it broad wins over a wider field, having embraced tit largely cir- culated journal known as the Vleksburg Jlerata, aim win appear auout too jiu proximo as the Mimitxippian and Daily Vickburg Herald." The American Citizen has the fol- lowing: The Clarion says that tweuty-- ! two newspapers in this state are advo-- '. eating reconstruction on tbe terms em braced :u Uie .Sbermau.bUl. we greany regret to know it, says the Natchez Courier. These terms, so iniquitous, their oulv validity from tbe assent of the neonle of the southern states. If they do uot, why ask their assent? We can eudurs, obey and submit; but it is hard to think tliat twentv-tw- o presses uf this state are ia tbs cause of radicalism, by endeavoring to vitalise what otherwise would he a mem exhibi- tion of brute power. Our aet will give the proneriare life, and ugaipst doing so, the Courier will stiU protest, were " inon the faithless, faltlitul only IU'' The Cautou Afatf says Col. J.N. Pat-ridg- e ha withdrawn from the editorial connection wiUi the Vleksburg Herald, -- Messrs. Crawford A Morlyle have purchased :ii- Jurnu the lat- ter gentleman acting as editor. From the Nathes Courier we learn that a posse ol citizens arrested, a few lays since, on the premises of Rev. W. LS. Johnson, in Jetteraon county, nine negro men. ail armed to the teeth, who were trying to capture and hang a negro in Cap'.. Thompson's employ. The lynchers were thwarted in their plans. Tne same paper, under tbe heading "The Latest Fashion, " has the al- lowing : " Black ladies at tbe gate, send-iu- g for the white woman af the house, to know if she don't want to buy blackber- ries ! eVue fashion can be seen exem-uiilie- d any day jo Natchez. The Carroll ton Conservative says an immense amount of raui has fallen iu that county during the past week. The cotton crop is badly damaged. The Meridian Qatette informs us a bridge on the Seima aud Meridian rail- road gave way Sunday evening precipi- tating the passenger and baggage oars ot the incoming train and injuring a num- ber of persons. Oue negro was so badly bruised that he died Tuesday. Onr friend, Al. Mason, the popular oouductor, was considerably bruised about the bead. LATEST TEIiEGEAPH i THK v80?o bank ATE Nkw Vokk, Jane 4. A late peeMI says tihartriam haw removed Gov. Wells aud attpotalaaWWieamaa J. IHnmt to Utat positti.n. He tsnoa Wettt political trickster aaui a tttmaiooiat. WmustoKMi. June 4 Tbe Deonle are mnch titr-s-ed in KayMtevMle im con- - IATIOIAI BANK f the military to arrest parties for shoot deserters and for other alleeed i rimes committed irioe the war. Tbe best und.-re- t analog prevails between the military and civil author! lias here. W AauiHti row, JoaeA-Hea- oi Romero, Mexican a Wastriagton, in a letter just published, says if MliiiaMliii is permittee to return to Kornae he will e a continued menace against the peace of Mexico. He dries not lavor the exe- cution of the unfortunate prince, bo believes his power to do Mexico farther miaebief should be utterly destroyed. A special aays uo oonhrrnatiou of the respited execution of Maximilian has been received here. It issaggenU. in 1 dlpsatpsli ; en roles that Juarez may de-- j termine to keep him for bh,h treason. i Omaha, June 1 Senator VTaue and party are th.ee hundred nrHes west of here. NamxTiu.. Jane 4 The argument iu ne impeacnmeut trial of Judge Fra-ze- r has bean conchaaed. The senate to- day, aiding as :, court of ironeachment rendered a verdict finding him gotltv of the charges preferred, removing hint from office, and ilisijuailfYing hum from holding any office. Tokonto, June A Jefferson Davis sr- - ived y to attend a j5tng of ene of bis countrymen. IlK HMOMi), June 4. General 8co- - , field issued a long order y for for board of registration under ' recent opinion of Attorney General Htan-berr- t'HABjJSToy, June 4. Gen. Sickles lias issued an order stating who are quail- - ned to veto and serve on juries in this department. Ralkioh, June 4. Tbe president luu made uospeech on the political situation yet. Atlanta, June 3. The following ia the substance of tbe general order just issued by Gen. Pope: L The i n ter.'erenee of the commander at Mobile with the newspapers pnbllshed there is entirely disapproved and the action reversed, 8. Declares it to be the doty of tbe military authorities to secure the utmost freedom of speech and the press consistent with law. 3. No officer or soldier in com- mand is to interfere with newspapers or speakers ou any pretext ; if a disturbance is feared, precautions will be taken as prescribed in general orders No. 25. A Treasonably utterances are not lejrili-ntatel- excused by t he plea of the freedom of discussion j but even in such cases no action will be taken exoept by direct orders from these headquarters. HARDWARE. chak i i :it STOVE EMPORIUM, tin. IN i8',.l 111 lain Ntrret. Corner of Washington. ;Sl(rn of But Coffee fot), Mr rapius, Tann. JO HIT L. EICHBERG'S heaihuautxbjb roy. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, JSr'EeaeBBBBV W . aeeeBeTI -- Afro SCJIOOLEVH PA TBS T UIERICW REFRIGERATORS. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Stoves, Grates, Hollow Ware, CUTLERY, HARDWARE, TINNER'S STOCK, ' Oil, Lamps,' Etc., Etc., Manufacturer or Tin, CoppiT and sheet-iro- n Wort. ItOOFTNII ANnsporrriNG on short notice, and at the j WK.- - r CABH PKK'EB Particular attention ia called to py new Coal Cook Stove "Triumpn,'' The Best coal Cook Stote In America. And lbs n "Charter" BEER COOLERS, Hefrigerotors, Water Coolers, lee Boxya, Bird Cages, Do Muzzles, Patent Ice Cream Freezers, Btc, Etc., Bto. ray) jqux 4 name. a, vostooxest ljfclVIE Ac CO., DEALERS IN Hay. Corn. Oats, Flour. Lime, Cement, Planter. Western Produce. No. Q Sooth Side Court Square. myil In Lumber, A lit he alov Address J. Mia., or myl lra X'OTICK rS Lumber, Lumber! atras.: 'mnish aauO i o tmi.iuj in- - Material. Il.tas) feet Dressed Flooring. ol the I lest Yellow PiDe. .. WIGUS A iu Uurnsvlue. ruwuca, WIOUH Wo. lift Maui street, Memphis, Tenn. Trutd Sale. hereby siven that a, With tstte prf.Ttatoiw aHm! urecitons o( a deed In truM ex ue l nnd deiiverr-- tr meoo iith titxv of Juir. IMS. by Richard U. Haw- lev wmi- :. deed ts of feeem tAhc Iltcorder' .iUce of Cr! t tend en conntT, Acann-i- . u:id for tbe payiaeut of tbe ooki ibexeit deMsnited. I will, on iSaturday, tbe 13th Itej of Jtily, 1W7, at'.I Mar th to the- in , town trasaa, sell taod, tbe foi- - den c nnty,Arkausaa,an Known tnat part nt lb Apaulsb Urant oriitilly owned by tb Urande estate, conveyed br William u. D. Mpsln ui (Jeorae W. lltuisraltl and laaacKnr-et- t : The south part of the so'ithwest quarter ,.r section twenlt-fon- r (l) conveyed In same dssd: Um east half of ssetioa thtrry-si- r) and the .soniheaat atiarter of asctton Ihirty-flv- e (35), all In townhlp" seven I7i, north of li t hssallueof raugeeirat (It), east of iliodth prlu-c- i ol tneridlsn. Jhe liU lo lota psvpartr is lliTed to nerrect y good. ht I sbau convey ouiy rust ee. Pan of this iano camp Mr to ns as Pianliuiuns the Military Itoad, with utu cabins, etelieing theplautatlou Xaowt aa the Brorsm elaue. near Marlon. Ark. Dayttss - U aaosYTI. Traalss N. 4 HOFFMIMER, IlllalVi "w Tobacco, Etc.. Etc., lo. 2iS froat Street, ISJtrBU, TJUIlf Always oa hand, a supply of Old Bourbon and Bye Whiskies, Also, Celebrated BAVARIAN RCBOJLPH tUDSXW, BOOK-BIXDE- K s A N LI K BKH O t' PA ItUXlia J ail sizes and deecrlptious, Xo. tsay-oe- o street, Meuophls. Tenn. Ali promptly attended my8 1AM AID BAJKniG iaSUaASCE AGENCIES WINES AND LIQUORS. BY L. . . ..I, OF MEMPHIS, SO. 90 JLAJflSOir BTMKMT. jitn am, w. i. rw., - T. a TUWIWHIt TBE XEBCBA.XT& OT MEMPHIS, rmCBBMM, IEHHIHATED JJEPOSfTOHY AMDdii 17 ciai Agamn as awn vwaaas esaraa petal a. SaVJSU. autaorlaed (J.llal.l i ! .action, nun in me city, and at ass inaai as taw nuast.and pa laiited on tne aay oi mutl, al or a awaawaawa W (IHKIIKY, : : H A. ! . l.Ai.i.i, A Vlo J.J. FRKEMAN, : Amos WoottTtaV. W. A. Capf. u. B. Uhaean, H. A. Passs. R. ttooh. M. E ocbran. A J. White, H. T. Toa-ISMo- iowa 1. Tayl. r.Jaa K. Memnau. Thoa. 8. A- - T. lwey. It. Cherry, mrti U AfEMPHIS 6BULUH SAVOttl llBTrUTION, tO. 1 AB1K BTBUf Ml M. General jBtaasJULlrLs -i- SB- Amm ieau and European EXCHANGE BTJaiNESS D. FiXTE, - ntKD. W.tK" KK, mr2 tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS, Depository and floaBcial A Kent TTxxltocl States. F. 8. DAVia, - -- a. C.BRIrfKLEY. C. P. MORRIS, T. W. JOHNST OJt, Cashier. Aaa t Uaahlar. DIHKOTOR8 : Wet. A (IWTM, A. r. BfTrtniTf, r. si. DAVIH, H. H. Us MsVoUJE, DAN AiiUS. BENJ. KIHKMAM, I. H'lWIX w. W. YOttNO, K. BK1NKL.EY, OP.ia-.RM- H. a BEAUIoT, Orni. W. TKorTEB, Hon. J. W. T.kFTWICH inyU tf BANKING. IEMTHIS IHSOHAJCE COMPANY. ORGANIZED 1844. OFTICE. 22 2 MADISON STREET. J. MURPHY, M. CASH, DIRECTORS : I. J. MITHTOY, K. M. ;"l K Ks N T. 1...- - IM J.i'. JOMNHON, Of) O. T A. Nelson. rf Kail, a oa. i t. FKa.NIC r.M.CAOH. J. T. STRATtON. of Stratton, Uoyer a Oa. Invention ta to reoalve THIS to buy and atll kxebaoason all tne "tlnelual aaaaaaemaH clMea. and lo craleel IHalU this city an tall priactpal in thi section. Rrnitl. to. h M.CAMI. tfsHaxy. MEMPHIS CITY - SAVINGS INSTITUTION. Sccceori to Ucdea, ToUy 4 Co., 5o. 16 jVffmoi Strt, Imptil, Tfnn. S. HsiTOBEY E.G. KIRK, -- a a Dral un.i.es,. r:LtiaaiTa t a. and titavlaia Uolrt, HUvt-r- , Rxr?iB.nn. (ioTpruiuvUt aiiil Uncar-ram- t Mcaey f" ( 'oli ec nous proiapUy attended to. A. J. WHITE, AMlXS h i)I a. H. TOUiiV, rahlt) tf LUKKCTOHS atiiont. !TRttToas. Oaod-wy- prepared nanaiac Securities JAS. U. IK1I113N. HKN. Lis. 4AY080 UYlUm INSTITUTION, MsBePaMa, mi nan I. Bsskine Hoatte i9 Hsdlsoi SL Tola InsUtaUOB. organlsefl tn 185. has been n coatisnoss and nucoeeafnl operation for tbe past tea yasra, ooattnase to transact a iijsHJBBAL sXCEASag AND BANKLKQ BUSINBSS. W1U Hseelrs Oeposiu, Bar and Sail Forelsn Jt lui-eai- c bHiige, Ooill. Nllver ud ucurreul losey. HKLL.S Exehanre In soma to salt paroaasaers. oa Loadoa sad all lasrMst auaa of Ua United states, as will aaace coUeasioas oa all acoaaal-Ql- e piaoas Ua rJortb and West. L A. AYSKI, Cashier. J08 u UXIXB, rrettaent. febl" GERMAN OF No. 293 SATHAX COB0X.1A, W. 00 RONS A. JCSS. 8P1X.HT, A. (XlHl-'lS- v N. iu;i':ii .Mr ; a. H. MKTTB, J. P. HOFFMAJI, 1. J. MAY, o 1 Kat I : KsHIQNAL BANK Maia Street. iABTIS-UUiriri- J.J.JUIT, MEMPHIS, : Prcsideut. : Aat't (lllllr. DIRECTORS: JOHN DUTIJHUKR, C A. MM S. .AfOK WKliLKR, MICH FRjflUH, MRTKK, AM il. KKMvEKT. :i nm. Kich-s- cf Tor oa prlntlpal cities of United States aad en all prin- cipal cities of tares. m GOMMEnt'IAL BAH OF Mmil MESjMCX'ECIS. J. W. PAflB, Jr., j Pressden,. I. B. OABTeU : r : : : : Caskler. ii - u...ii,. is. I i aa uiiict DOES A OEIfP.RAL DEPOSIT AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS; Honey (ashler. aTsraai aaaesaasaaea saasSa at aa 'Ml 'i 'wt't fti .r i ' Collections Crea all pelati aoileltrd. apt tf mm ba.k or nmmi No. 13 Madison Street F. W. SMITH. PrHsi.lsnt. D. A. IAUPHERB, : : Caadxiar- - aefwttf PI I HI BA.sK. MOT KM. IM ac oi sas with Acs 1 "gUfTT" Tenn passed bfraiiulesr Utl, ISW. Mi tlOSd an act "To expedite the dislrlbaalsn trie effents Hanks, which have or may make asHienrnents smoUK tnelr reditu ' uotlcaW rises finest bereo-- , l Ma BOsSsrs tha uolBS Of The one . u,.,,, B.v r...., . i. n,., noos, J. " M is. ua is tr sale of the unfermtr,..l. ai the Rank rn reastb villa, now aai toe arst day a January, elsbteen hundred andsuuy-nuis- , iHW), aaad celve cert!fl-at- es therefor, or tbey wUl be ever barred from any parMetpaiJon asset ot tne liana, me rjsrti if raa lu c HA A. E. jsk sSseSsssaa Aa aa of tb uie of of m, tb v- -n lo uf ai. sii. on meal Sen due Bank, f- -J O 1VT iVJ" T fit Sat X O 330" whether tendered bafeaaor after Jan HAVER. Trartee. Forwarding Merchants, LA Willi! E & 81. J0H WholesaJ Dealers S. 2 Jtm Street, Sow York, Imported atul iiomattic j W essar out earvie. for n, lUIMFS linUDRS SFGiRSi ?w&m r SaJe of Mitt large the BITTERS. Nil AtTU PKK o' 1S order to, lra M. A. 'eh.1 re--' tn lb uary, ISM. b ol is tb tb 1st of b VT In GOLD, GOVEKSMJE-- T, RAILWAY SECURITIES Only on Uorartaa, arwl a geoswal BanlilBrr and Brokerage Basinet on the most liberal taraa mlOftf JfTOICE. riiHE cxeuliorsot the estate of 8. a. Malone 1 are hereby norfled tost I have anaaaaaa. th Inaolveoey of sold estate to the Clera of the County Courtor Tipton county, l annesa, and the creditor of said estate are nolUuM to Ale their claims, duly auihenUcated, within six months front Isareof, or tnl, will be media axtbesae AMnM Apru 1st, isw. VOLUME XVII.-NUMB- ER 26 TO MY OLD FRIENDS TO THE TRADE Wmt HAM.no accepted a parmanen IAria MtnOAL a.. itAi'X tJIPAV, I the attendnn of my old fun aa a eaj. eertaia a tt&roaaii which Lhey may aaasssvassat is its least at aaivaa from, an lapovanabed u!4 Um- - of to Mr. H. h. OTIH M asmiaiad wtUx tse and ts aeret-- recomrnecaeu o paoue oar oBli-.- la at Ha. SB Madl oa ileMA.er mm room . lo(d uiooa. whae will bs hapoy to lajpart any needed Infcetnatloo u Uaoaado- - a uv ua laasraooa itiM .Irs J H. HajiAHOH. INSURANCE. Plrei and Xartaie Ma ate Iaasjnuam faaiHaai of XIW VOKAL mmm iawajaj Set-nrit- y Iiunninee Coxapauay or jew Yomr AajaU JliWW RBteTTi lae I nnsi'Aii ee C7eaMaeiy or v v: i lata Jl,u(vae or nAUTroKu, mmtm 'yuy. wall astabllahed repouuioa of tbeas 1 Own paa.kaa for prompt nod honorable deel-la- a aoo mir ,ara i.aab Aula, etiaasaai lesss to the fhvoror Baalr.esa MeraaoS -- rop erty iloidsaswno deWra .xnle mesraaee. lor ailher rlrei Marine. We : epreaent no e rett thnee dnly asibortaad bw Hteaa aaad loamleiwa. All luaaaa a, ja.tod and aaad as tbJa asecy. Linosey Vradenburg, UeBeral Ia.ar.uc Aaeula, No. 11 MBoSarea afreet las ataln, Slernp'.'.s. Tenn. apas PLANTERS' INSURANCE COmPINT OF TKvEWiE. Capital, OOtt e, 37 Froat Streen, BKTWKKH OOCKT AMD MADbrXIN. MEMPHIS TElflf K88EE. ft. a roKRevr. r P. iv.niMKP.rv W. H. DEDRICK T. F. KKNTO PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY. Office- - No. '.'( CAPITAL STOCK, st,ln Tlnildtnir. Bl.Hecretaxy. Dehoto Are now prepared to take PI re aad raaa Oaxaa Ised on Uaamh lost, as follows DIRECTORS : W. & (.RKBNI. V. JAMtS Ki.DHeJ, WW M FARUINoroy.il. W. Ot'YKR. N.S.BKL1K I UAaht- - JONKM, IOHN OVKItmw.Jk. OFPICEHS : ff.LUmUrf, - - - rresldrat. JAMB UaCK, - - A, r. Sctrrury. mh ' Sm Owen, Moore Sc West, AQKNT8 FOB THK (reorcla iiHie iHrianBrrOompan). Of Columhtia, (ia. (as taplUlaad sirplus, - m . 61 State Insurance Company, Of Nrsfo.ville, Tann. rapltal, Etna Life Invuranee Conpan). Of llrttora. Conn. UsettiOver ti IK you want yonr t.;fe or fVoperty Inmrred. asrrt see tn lodccemenia we oarer. Sates. Northwest coruar Main and Madison streets, Memphis. Tann. ian7 Ha St rt uf Cotr. TAKEN I P, one dry tW. while ann. ml. X I'aineto my lot laat wmt r. Th owner Dve properly mid CALVARY CEMETERY Ia now open FOR INTERMENTS Aura Purchase of Lots. KFIfTK sSoathWflftt mrnf r of tuii- - e?!fj4o -- Lrtt-l. Hour-- from n to :i pin. UITM heisea. a.ui-- . and HO GIFT ENTERPRISE Ur ua) oilier Ha ladle ! Milium IfB Kloi t ( AY STATB 1KB II1VA5A LtfTlRBlKa. ONLY LKaL LOTTHtlKS IN D. S. 'I'HKY 1 been drawn for over KOKTV TBI Wei an. BOuiN tuuai he and are depos uad with U.S. laasasaaw ss rseenruy. Tn riien aiw drawn public lot two sworn i omrinssinnersnppoinieo ny me In we B in tickets ure oklor not. PHIZES AI.jL OAS II . There are two state ecb day. aad two Havana llswlnsa each month. Urawlna can seen two hoars after e of lae-ha- lf tbe Tickets are Hrtsea. Prtsns paid day of uarehaa. Tick ts to 120. noeonllri. scheme. Prises I- - lotmu tou, aeeoruuii! toacberne. Pr-- . i.ipal Anent, UlLO. W. VAS VUABl, Ho. 'eljeflereon atreeA Dissolution. ri'Hi. tlmioa-RlUMB- VANaAJOtMeSe 1 I. this dy dissolved by rantnal csassaak irisby retiring. Kltner iaie nrtn autborixed receive asd ..Hrenident 5300.C KKAB, lirawlug of lb tor ill, mints their lands. W. T. tjiUi;BY JWO. W. SA 4s rV. E. JOHHRnw. The (XDTTON and rOMMISSlON HUoINESe) will be continued tinder la name and style of KVA.NSA JOH.NaKlH.at No. at front street, JHO. W. r.VA.18, May A, ISs7. a (us.Tv - my-- ii Irusteefm Sale. ol a deed of truss to me executed Hy y Tiarles T'rannenesteihl on tbs JOtn day ut ss-- Sara Per , it.,, and luiy tvontsl al the jasjasst s oizie n Reeoid Bnoa. t jaaaiBoii auu jxsub itixactB. w uoll bbbsbassb, t it r n M 2 villas K aoQuty, Tenneaa e. hesnm of Mixiv-tw- o rlr.ii dred and Thttty-tw- o IsUasslMacl owed hy aim to Jobn B. I.ee-eh-. and by anlaonty u oi" oseo tne oroasrty ioaveyd 'o ma In aid trust deed, 1 will, on tbe lSta day of jnn. .3 sen, on me prrmssa, lit is o elocSL ..in. to lb Uiabost bidder, far cask, tn deserltiea prorerty : A certain tract nr paieat of land atnaasd. lytna aad b. ins In tbe city Of Menipnis. -i eiLy I'awuly, sJaale at dwstznated on the orlrlnal plan of 11 in and tha city Mempola as part of lot three hundred ana seventy-on- e iw VI i, anal boundesi fullow. t: Ufalamag on Uss nortiit aat corner i a lot on the soatn .ids of I on sireei. riowu 'reorvw lrunxwe.s. aS Mat waMwardey irora tae tassr-eetio- of jassaeaw anu i nira stre-t- s ; rnsnce rsastwardly with tne south sis of JeoVraon street fee- - to ia termination and iatereeuion with Tnlr street tbeucesootn warily with tb wea asd of Ahird stnsst lies, feet an alley : taenre weslV trtlly with tbe uortn side of aaad iiy I US lent to east side noother ttllav thence northwardly with tbe east sbtis 1ST eskf alley h reel to tne sonin is,uaaai v Hue of tbo mud mm wen lot; ttenoa aarwardry with sals Cromwell's sooth boondary line ssW fast lo tbe soulhessrt corner ol the said lYotn well's lot ; thence noriuwardly with the east bound- ary law af taw aatd i rota wall lot UJS feat t Ihs larsinwiuj, uetba, ut all lb privileges anri spj urtei an.e. thereunto belonging. The stleat Haiti sa naaa, huT sell only aTtu.sl- - Ui rlaiu oi redemption waived. THOU, LKECH, Trust e. Mamphis. Mays.iau. uiylS trta. Cbaneen Me of leal fiitete. On Tuesday, June U, 1867. Mo. AS W. 8. D Ssaannel Tata et al. va Unr He try U t 'hsncerv tOurl A Mesa pb is. 1 virtue of au inwrlosn son as D this sense, i will sail, at nnblle aeetion, lu the hitfheat to. ids., at tbe cliy ot Memphis. Ten usees, on Tuesday. June 11, 1887, between the hours nt a m. and ne.. Lb Will received following lssentsro real estate. cer aosntaot, tain in sibelby ooouty. State of and in tbe I lib Civil IHstrtet uf a to If as on SI to ia to of uf aa lo th of et cmtsialna slant acres and foariam ha; door, la 11 ol an a, m san ; 1.11a usi norm pan ,,, lot No. IT of stilxlivlalon No. 7, a known oa ta ptaa or tbe suhdlvlaton of the John Hani-sa- vrsul uf ave ihooaaad asrea as saisltvldesi try Ii. A. Kerr and R 8. Todd. Lot sj Q sbuaa on Uuckei map marked r. Tate. Tk or Ha.' a On a exadjt of six and twel v niaastbs. notes with rood .eenrity with Interest from dsy of saie, and lien retained '111 oav naewl ofthe purchase eaoney. Anunyof mlempticu ,'aatmd. a. aluto.1 eiara and Attachment ffuit. Law (Jntrrt of Messuhsv W. & luasou A Co., plain uflk, va, J. fit. Haynle a Co , defenthtnt. A irriBAVIT for attaeiunent having tan JL made In this case in pursuance w section Hofj of tbe Code of Tennessee, aad attacliment Laving been issued and returned by the proper offlsae" levied, etc.." on tn proaarty of tb J. H- - HayaieA On,; It Ss therefore ordered that said riant avaaaw as tn tounussw us lb city of ptii. . eon., on or ueiore to second will ke taken lor oon Mem-- Monday In tassel sa IO there . .eJT.'h- - case let ror ceariDa ea iane, anu tnat a copy of UMa aeaer ba published once a week for Jbar coiuifc'.nUTe weiuu In lh Mattntna AppeaL A(py: JOHN cierk. CUlk'scimce,My 2, !?. (Ta.pp. Vane A Anderson, Attorney for ilaailliTa inajjiawtw I WOULD call tae at test Ion ol MKBXHA.NT8 sod DKAZJEBR In ALB AS I) LAGER BEES, Of my 8upenor Quality, hlcli I caa ram lab at an Oi MatMa iwnid-JJOc- ui iocs. HUT Hi I TJ O . "rgsaa Whwky. saste atoek of BA mer uaaj, and STi iHJSe irtrnKini. lAavary jy. II E !a taaamtai saw) Whnlaeaii Pi O w R . n . , vpiDITI ..' ol leBIMH ffai aa aaaa awsas asrhe- a- '? TassVT-- ? mu 7"" a a a UeebsMaa aha 10 poaobeoeevjainalca Ran ptae. Hpntma mm4 rVsaeldasa m bssfc atSTjiMaatbuI cSsta M T 111. o.r'V. Vmrr u do Ureas "oat Ijm Part tiET Pas-ta- r a aval Nesst. a 41, MSaaaka flaraiy, Paafclaa A IV. Kon,, Ptnu and uDarn-v.- ry " raab iiiIim. A rm. nsbliu Bros MS eaaka Jaekry a AJ-p- Tlt l ' do Traassm -I- n Tsasahar wtu a fnH atoaSi nrSt Ales rraaas ouniuua, noroee Usssjs sal of whicn will us oid to to. '.',' HEGIBBEN 4. BROTHER, WHOLESALE Liquor Dealers, 291 i MATM STREET : 2 fit Memphis . SIMPSON tfc CO., ' So. Dm mrett. WbOrMle Wnt-ln- d a call NEW WINSS, LIQUOBS, Etc. CASK FORD, YORK, SADDLERY Saddlery Hardware, 416 Main sat, ST. LOUIS. : MO. J. O IWRlr :., .u, Tenn. o D a Lll HI X o H. Lyons, 9! P o 0 - J. Kri. arnoatpn Q I "MfUrn,, GOODS. w Q LYONS, FIBS CO, DKALJtRS DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, B00T5 AUD SHOES, HITS, sormani SKBPB asseawawewwnty UT Ml llalsiiaa;. 4 w H 02 Tens WInas; eajaa. Mkraros US unci aCPPUES LERT WATKENS CO., COMMIMSIO DRY-GOOD- S aht 321 Xill STUT,MEMP1BS, WK DEU IIBCHANT3 TRIM KG fennessi iaiMirters CUSTOM DIXON Whole.-al- e ONLY. 1.ITJM JA1CES G. MOFFATT, 341 St, Hofltai Uaion, IMPUKTTll Trim- - Trench Qernian Battons, Fancy elajrjda. Notions, Zephyr Wonted, Worsted Patteirns, Baal Iaacea, axagbal. Hosiery, Toys, French Corsets. rassosateri Boulevard Hoop Sfeirts SOT (weditor. sieof 5. THK hereby notlfted Couuty Court Tipton county, Tennessee creditors ar ootid..! elalasa. wltfflt rnontlm hereof, or narsst J. fcu UAN.NI AdaUnatral April May . sjaddta JOHN ,rei fl: stone i , .1 1 I ice. sinistra SO TICK. K bare l TV to V a oi J on buelaaaat J. V. 8ai at afseaof J. ssttlemaatean bemtv'-aaeo- l. Rlenaxu Wairen.. tsyUtist Kfjaair tun: TA wt. H Mreeu '- - ' IT as E Kb Sc -4 O aire here. CO Sir (SAY PI. Nt-- tr St lie & TK V. TO Im O HE Male of OF Cloak d rnhlO tsar ICE. the tpi tnat bare unit the insolvency eud estate tne said estate tbalr duly aothenlicaasu, from tbe date nolle, sua aaaa EL, 1st. law. aol law. tbe Mr. y at aassk ..urit, Lion AIT ibis day H. RE. BiLAd P. iiawtrr interest Unue 'tb the stand. found Mr. san rays t I 10 i aa " d- - i .I 1H my 4 to of M. I of t the f. s of of U tb. a b ia ta ; old We of th y oi aa Im ia
Page 1: THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045160/1867-06-05/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · (in. kuw iDK'rlioti fl i"1 each ivid'llauul looartlot:

by ,ronisr s. c. hogan & co.mnms appealPtTBLISBED :OAILY At WEEKLY



I'KK'K OF l HM'RHrHiDally (In dTtfT per nnnom : :

4 m per wwrtc : ; ;To ly

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W H W. H. BuHo.

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lof nonpe4vmccntlltoro

iMiirralf in the

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wUt b charged 91 perand insertiontlseiu'-at- not roafk.il fornrpe- -disc, on at th end of une

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it at e rvqn'nit4te u heir beati. fl'l ourto lorward any item 01 newsstifnclpnl Importance lo

:W .' Wr.EKLT.lo net np clulM, p linveera.ec.t wlncli are

low aa onr cnrreut offle expenses will admitOf:One ane year raTo cruleof r each lae or more, each 4 UO

fnem m mrfve.



A!fi MA SO tflC CAUMUH.. 58?:.

1 Tlart. Kith

1 nbabau 7tli January1 Adar. stli InsanuuTI ar.li ..I Kiaan. KUi Al rtf.I lla', ath Hay,..- -1 nvan. b J neI TTiaaaus, UiI AM. SS Anunat1 Ktat, lataapim:.r.

Wednesday, i :inJaaundayTiinrsii..Good rrtOa.-- . ' Apiluaster cai5 Z

HAint Aoilnaw'. tu, .Ui o4irnljBr In f.cnrasr. jalirohUif


LODCaS.AJsaaBOSA. No. Mar;, Monday in

every rniSUI, nnc-pei,- null (wi . i nunand Mam.litison. nee.

Mourn :

auh ..

HeUars. W!.::. ecOTT.

mourn --HalTroiI

Hamilton. So.monih isiil-K-



WoKliao, StsJ

PaTH,month Md- r

CoanMmoniu '

J. '


I Notice







U.ti Tradsr. H.T. To.n- -

W. M

iya:, ar

:d of.


adU. A.


OWBSara t'ommauatary. No. 4. Hoeu 4th Mon- -oanh Z- - m. u.. .".

A Iter.

A.'. A.". SCOTT TSTIam FrtnU 8t-'- i.

Hiuvn Jjodge M 14t'i No.S(ai- -I Conuimnlcarl.n:of e:te'i mouth. Henry W. dar.l. SSU. .

M.'.; Charles H. Carroll, 14JJ.ith has Lod.e of Mt u: o. ilWertneadEyerjach ruoatli. befinteJiel.ep.u.;aa, U.-- . J.-- . A. tL. riaMiand.id.

' nuDi'i! of -- o:Ho. 1. Ben;. j. fulieu, Sit,


day jaodoonas

andI MT, Pdu.









er of i

una. .3d, M.


via Clari


Slal!all itlooa



MM nonl



r nook

aoiiaSpJx-- 1




ash up




Jalj-- ,





s KrldayIL SUnley,

Meets thureet. Joun

Mondavof eachVkTUeti.er,

1 3dHail.


j iwrn-'- John

AND KITK.PertBoalon,



CASll'ilIA Prim-- naA!em,itlJi.:JSarsh.-- . ;

tsih...v ; i Toiu- -

3d., orulu.'.

JohnLies; C




Urnci or Uurhal srPERnmocDitMT.


jaajlf'llin, inj J,

md after Mondaj, Ma)

LOUS IM 2 5 noi Rs,


points Rant- - Alan,hours, aud

WITHOUT CHANCE OFCARSMaking cloae connections there Willi Jefferson-vill- a


FOR ALL POINTS EAST,MoarbiUK vew at p.m , being tbe

Shcrie?l, iM Quickest 8uleail ivaausrnl ii





route PasBc-nac.-- throoaii to

wrruoi T CUAGK ot CAR

XIkUI Train


livo Muiu.i at 'Ud

HAIIinOAD.lTBb Kxpress s.u...i . Xfted.

' ' ',s ,1.Baajats ci,e. i '

tut tloBats and bo

otfbof. Hit IS

Diamond.HHOQUH B. elfU t. v. l

I ( lueiunktl not m rnt.md Caiaaaalisl- no l

u New W. J











o.x, No. i.U.

li of

-- KB t.




in : to





r ston- or



W :i


ilomialloii,.ireet, aou





. ;. r3Mtl D-- ..th argi na.

dif, lliHadeiiililH

Granti Ion Hon- 1 It.Bit'. Ala., lu.UHt- -

ouBJitect for wtiii'

.rmatlon, apply

lH.Ci s:i;.'t.





Wafca JaaTV


COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Carder realaw Optra use,

345 Seeoiad street.


at. n'l

. ,.a,








ronfpfHonary In Every Variety,And all of th best quality, const anTy on hand

-- nit. m j.ru-ei- lo ult tin- imea.



Of upw leu irliitMce.

WESDINC8 AND PARTIES-- npnltajd wlthcvwry rooolsle, on short notice

a hersVifore ..lhlTtf

P. H. HEINRIC7 H Sc BRO.,Wholesale aud Ketall



Baal t la In Imported

Wines Liquors, Clears, Fruits, etc-- ,

No. 226 front Stret-t- ,

tnhlT .im MEMPHIS. TKWW.


GBaOKAIf tLife Insurance Company,

90 Broadway, New Yorfc,

UUtii) WKSK.V1KJNK President.Fit siHWEJfL'l-IC- Vioe-Prei- il and sec'y.

JOHN H. FRERICHS,302 Ma.-.- Street,

General vpnt fur Westcrn Tcnm ssrc.



Assets April 1st, over : $1,500,000.

D. 4. JANUARY. PriiSent.im, .its. L I. (J CAM, Yice-Pretiitlei- it.

WM. T. KELBT, : : Nm-rcutr-

WM. X. BEVTO, Sen-- I Agent.

DIRECTORS:Jnine. If. I.r.eaa, Henry tSatusliila,aaaasj Witt, Hick, scliaef, r,

Kolii. M. Knukiiooser, Wjlliata T. Onytriiaa. ft Perk.Hoht. K Woods,Julea Valla,Leo K Kobtnaon,'has. W. Mct 'ord,John K. Thoiulon,Ben. M. Rnnyan,

rrH IS1 i



For Wto WtVKMI'


our MlIS III

of bail

: :






K. P.W.Jannary,J. Lewis,



Company Poltetej:he different plsnis and al a. favorable rHtes

fitrj.tM'ti thla eiiy :he


42 JHIHSOK 8TRKKI, lleKoto Block


A ttTIS.General A gcutsMempbis, Term.,



addn iiaad.Nkwtom irrts.


12 nM

pUIs Company la nine








WilliMilii ny. here rend

wail upon old and newmyl


David SWa,




Policy lloider.




JfUtf-- 4










Cloths 4ras-iimeretns- t lU'celved.

HOI.KIUi, formerly Messrs.found




Merthant Tailoring ioods.make every uainiui oarselvej.

L'naranteeRatlafactlon SaSMk


-a- nd- eiMai

Lkiue al


pal at



54 2 Jefferson




ea.tor or







Ansaainost tarda











lets and dls- -satisfaction suarauteed

ion, mar.S


Tae stock

CLOTHINGFormerly owned by

J. H. WAGGENER,now retailed IIKLOW Eastern OOBT. Iy


Ageatof Pnr.'li:.isers. thismaaa PIBsT

Must be Sold within Sixty DaysTbe who call HrM will bave tbe flnt choice.

1'ijesm.Km the limfco luuttt iven wlLbin

CALL AT ONCEfit and Country TraUt lyuifiid

apialWholesale titul RttuiU


urner Koarae Meosud tUn.Abirjut





ais oy

a, its aimtSS

: 0

A. C.

i a


r W M.

A can lie yIlia


S. a. .. r.l.

J ' K tIn all

Im i

, , - T- -, t .T I--



i t : J




or,.. i m

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tib !

tlie Ut A. i.

Ii. A.





T. M



to lie

iks and comiiletes tltnce, compiledUNfc;

men la of tiliaboailFort Vmkring, Mem pais and Shelby

Cotinry Lands,at the ahoi teat on i he moat reasona-ble leiuiik ii. J. I.AMHHKLL CO.,

Hasoaaaom lo K,, . i'au imll.1

of te

ii will ot I otidiaoted lMadison Mrest, under


wIki aioiie are .iutiiorizei to iK hf aaxae ofiliti old njin in MUi;ujeut.





and will





"To Wtiom It Mbj (iiiK-i-rn.- "

NrnTK-'- is hereby that J ; uAUKof Tenn., have thia day

made an asatgnment of all aeete andeflectatoJ. H W ml, J. H. Taylor and J. M. i r- -















parties indehu-- to said Ann of j. rCb., will torward


Memphis, Twui., May W, US7.







W:UMIDAV. : ::!::: J1IKK,U7

HKCVIThe Japanese new rear (XimtDenem

on tli rtb of lamiary.The population of Kansa, is now es-

timated at $275,tMa.thonnand persona attendafl

the pireu In Worcester, Mam., in twodays.

A Mark make iT few eifjht inchesIo0r waa killed near Norfolk the otherday.

A number of cltiiens of Valdosta,a , propose organir.ing a lod-- r of K.

of J.(Jen. 8wayne has given nolire thai

no negroes will I appointed on the Mo-bile Klice.

Heverml deaths from sunstroke havebeen reported iu Ktuiland.

Onrroters are bothering night pedes-trian in Itichinoml, Va.

The l'etersburg Va. Imh-- ay-th-

biisiness is very rapidly iucreaainic on the8onthide railway. A

Wisconsin is about to complete hercapitol at Madison at an expense of.33,(531).

American capitalists are buyingiarire (juautitieHof Umber in Canada.

House reutH are falling in New Yorkcity rapidly, and the label " To let," isseen on all sides.

The effective force of the Frencharmy has beeu set at eight hundredthousand men.

- The Masons of Norfolk, Va., areimaged in raising money Tor the relief

of theMOUlhem destitute.The census shows the alarming ex-

cess of 730 (KVi more males than femalesin the I'nited States.

The Prussian passed we the money, or floodsthe second reading of the new oustliu- -

linn bill.It is stated that Chief Justice ('hage

lias finally completed the appointmentsof registrars in bankruptcy in all thestates.

On Friday evening last the Kev.Henry Ward Beecher delivered a dis-course in his unurua iu Brooklyn, inwhich he strongly defended the release ofJeff Davis.

Horse racing, base ball matches, andreports of Indian depredations are nowthe special excitements in Colorado.

Commander J. 1). Payne, of theMexican navy, has been ordered to takecharge of an expedition against VeraCruz.

Tbe Pennsylvania oil regions havelost fully one-thir- d of theiraud the number is lessened every day.

The amount of drayage paid on tot- -ton received in Memphis during the sea- -

-- oii is' estimated lo oe over jisi,uuu.The associated press paid sixty dol-

lars lor the billowing diepatch from Lon-don by the cable "The money markethas uot yet opened for the transaction ofbusiness."

The Paris Edgar count v, 111. Bladelearns that of a racy of thirteen personswho left Williamson county, ill., twelvo

' months ago, for the far west, eleven aredend.

j A lot ol land on ritate street, Boston,I reeently sold for nearly a hundred doilais

the tuuare foot. This would cover thernitta ,ot wi,b silver dollars.ider. Norfolk, Va., sets a good example to

other territorial cities, hy opening direct! trade, on an extended scale, with Liv


erpool.A public meeting in Dublin, presided

over by the iord mayor, adopted a memo-rial asking that the lives of the con-demned Fenians be spared.

New eas works have just lieen completed at Detroit, of capacity to manufac-ture one million cubic feet of gas per day.rtie present eapaeity is alsmthundred llimwiiil feet Waily

Three tiioii.-ati- il Demons are en

"re out to

in oteratious in Meekfeuuurgcounty, N. C.

Crops iu Floriiia, we are glad to, learn, are exceedingly promlsuig.

ftunday in Pbiladefpliia is said to beas (juiet as a cliurchyard, and waterevery where, Uut not a drop to drink.

English merchants oomplaiu thatthe river navigation or China is rapidlypassing under tne uuntrol in yatikees.

When a Japense ruler die it takesfiftv davp to bury him and thirty moreto nRlall his successor, and in the inte-rim uo business is done.

A chime of forty-tw- o bells, to beplacet! in tha exposition, is played like apiano, with perfect ease, to any tune.Four years were spent iu the construc-tion of the instrument.

A memoir of (Jen. Jamee Oglethorpe,the founder of Lreorgia, has just appearedin London.

The official statement at New Yorkshows the arrival of nJU.OOD emigrantsdm inn the present year.

New Mexican papers are engagedoiim ipsily iu setting forth tlm claims ofthe rival cauriidates for delegate to cou- -

irrese, aud abusing Gov. Mitchell amiSecretary Amy.

I The internal revenue receipts forM .i r.ii.in.nui to Aiiril nr. in AYCess

two half asillion of dollars.




j Dr. J. P. Humbleton, of Atlauta,fin., recently given to his infant childthe name of John vVilket iooth.

The Richmond Enquirer says ofj Sickles' diatillatiou order : We have nocomplaint iu the south at the order,

hinder the circumstances; it was, foronce, a judiciauM use of arbitrary power.

At Calllpolls, Ohio, a merchantmiiler holds life aud accidentiMiiicie to the amount of SSOO.nOO,

I The governor of Montana has ap-

pointed Thomas Thoroughmiui, briga-n'ie- r

general to command the territorialtroops in an expedition against theIndians.

An Albany tobacconist, namedMosely, claims to have discovered a wayof freeing tobacco of its poisonous ele- -

meut. nicotine, without injury to theleaf.

The application of castor oil to newj boots, it is said, makes them as soft as a

batekakin glove. 1 is also stated to betrie bent application that can be made torender a new boot water-proo- f, but oh,

t the odor!' Pope, commamier oi ! lie third district,ordered that the Mobile police should notwear a uniform iu imitation of that

uui " by the late rebel army." Thecity council (tailing very uiiiiecetary

I trouble) informed H7 M. H., by a com-- !mittee of two of their number, the iutended dress was not a copy of the Con-- I

federate uniform, of that worn i.yfthe police of the Ceutm! Park, New

York.Three gas meters explodetl slmuita-neourl-

iu a shop in Portland, Maine, onSaturday, tearing away the wood workof the wiudow seat under which theywere placed, aud knocking down ayuungman near by.

-I- nspector-General Marey has left 8t.Louis for an official tour of the Missourifor a thousand miles, and thence over-land to New Mexico.

The famous American chess player,Mornhy, is expected to take part iu theoralng chess congress at Paris.

A woman in Brooklyn, Monday,gave birth to four children, weighing iuthe aggregate twenty-fou- r pounds. Themother and children are doing well.

California now exports teu thousandtons of copper per annum, which is fivetimes as large as the produce of thewhole United .States only ten years ago.

It is calculated that it would requirea column f specie Ave miles and twelveand a half of a mile high and thirteeninches iu diameter to cancel the na-

tional debt.Last month ayoutiiful Australasian,

aged fifteen years, bought a pistol and setup as a hush-range- r. He robbed twomen sucotsssfully, but was caught in histhird venture and put into prison.

The various laud olnces, located atSt. Augustine, Newuansville and Tampa,Florida, have discontinued and consoli-dated in the office in Tallauaneee, withA. B. Htonelake as register, and A. Mor-gan as receiver.

A Mr. Durgin, of Decatur, 111., recently played a game of billiards, inwhich be made a run of 4876 points, andthen rav up from exhaustion.

At the end of last mouth the Modellislging house association of Boston madea seiui-auuua- i uiviuenu oi nu pncent. Of its one huudred and sixty-si-

tenants only one died during the year.The Japanese government has ex- -

tended a cordial reeeption to the foreignminister now ou a visit to Yokohama.

Col. Robert Gamble, of Florida, diedit. Kaltimora ou the 23d Inst., eighty- -

aeveu years old. He was a native ofVirginia, a resident of Kicnmona, tin inSi6 he removed to Florida, where he ie

a aud successful cottonplantsrr.

a church at Lousnes. in France, failn during divine service on Uie lth of

May. aud ten persons were Rilled audtwelve otiieis more or less seriously hurt.

We learn from our exohanges thei farmers in the Connecticut valley will

the cultivatipn ofnot go so largely Intou.fsacoo Ibis year as they did last, butwill make their principal crops corn andiiotatoes. Most of lat year's tobaccomm "as lieeuaold, but at vsrylow prioes,

The (irand Lodsje of (jixfA Templarsof North America oonimenced its thir-

teenth seseiou in Detroit on Tuesday.Tiseiitv-seve- n states and provisoes are

infiiiitrv the same uay ; bothnib d at the battle Chickamauga

iier.u.TcSil- - the same day, ootn maneponsiwus Uie same day, both

Qev)Hj tu0 of pension themy31diww2t day- -


Tvan v i oi m Miss., May 30, lKt7.l:. tors MMnphl. Appeal :

The great Hood that so recently tweptover the Mississippi bottom has justretired, leaving behind it the bones ofdrowned hogs, horses and cattle, wastedplantations and ruined hepes. (ireatpreparations had beeu made for a largecorn and cotton crop; extensive pur-chases of mules, farming implementsacd supplies, and labor procured for everylarin. Farmers began to plow early, amiall promised well, but down came theflood, aud for nearly three months thenegroes did nothing but eat, sleep, playand rtoat their canoe over the hurledplantation. The males add cattle that'uvre saved couaumad what the negroes

and when the waters subsided no- -

tbinif remained Desiierate me vM.ey rwwniw riverand " "mpnis is nmusiu wefThrts were made, however, soon 'y,

fenc and nlowino-- : "MK"' " ,n"" "eriu imrrIiiean anew, and people Mattered themselves that after all, they would make acrop, and oat do fortune for once. Soonthe corn and cotton were seen shootingup, but with them nunt millions ofworms that have continued to saw down:,.e young plants, until there - very lit-

tle corn or cotton to be seen. Tbe farm-ers have replanted again and again, butstill the worms cut, and still the coldnights and heavy rains continue to favorthem, until they have about oonenmedall the wed in the and now it isa pretty well ascertained fact, that .Mem-

phis will handle twenty thousand balesless ef cotton next winter. men oosiuem oagnt to onyou will

leorn lhat fiftv tl.oiiaand '" Pawnawiisaj J iuvtlu uu Jjive

dollars, properly applied last summer, "I V" Z,'' '

would iiave turned aside this irreat evil.an t prevented all this loss ; aud yet it istrue : Iiki that sum would have nut un theMwm iu Tunica county and kept out trJtbe flood. . . - -

ask, if we this """"you may several of mrr most beautlfu"re, why we. lid not put up the levee V l;ies number of!.r able, girls aHut answer, we were nor arewe able now, nor will we ever lie, unless

parliament has i i,rrow the






will keep off for several years. InotMemphis interested in this matter ? Isshe not vitally concerned '.' When thewar broke up, the Mississippi and Teu-- i

lessee railroad onuld not be put in opera-tion without help from the merchants ofMemphis to the amount of one hundredthousand dollars. And is the M ississippiand Tennessee railroad of more import-ance to Memphis than the Mississippibottom 7 Tunic county is, I believe,williug to borrow the money if it can hehad for a reasonable time, aud for areasonable interest. It will uow takeone hundred thousand dollars, as thelevee has been much damaged. Tfthe levee was once secure, however,a few crops would enable the peop.eto oav it without the inconvenience, and can uot the merchants of Mem-pui- s

see their interest in advancing themoney ? If they ran no:, and I had the j

bead anil tongue of a Pike, 1 could soonshow it to them. Will not some enter-- 'prising merchant or citizen take the leadin this matter, get up the amount, andfRaj it to the txjard of iolice for Tunica

county ' Certainly it is their interest todo so. And jut here I cannot but re- -

mark, how much is lost to Memphis inanother direction for want oi a little en- -

ergy and industry on the part of hermerchants aud steamboatsmen. From j

the Mississippi river to Cold waterthrough tbe Yazoo ps Isonly about sev- - j

euteeu miles ; and through that passlarge boats can and as proof of it,tin federal gunboats and frati'ports wentthrough there, and down 'old water.untilstopped at Greenwood by the Confedeatefort there. Well, up down Coldwa- -

ter and Tallahatchie rivers, ten, and per- -

haps twenty thousand bales co toNew Wriest), that would go to Mem--phis, if wars iu timeto send boats iu thevo after ii , and thenthe people Instead of buying what theyneeded iu New Orleans would buy inMemphiaWJ'hese are only i . t thrown

ttiewi!se and enterprising.nearlv foreotteu to mention that

I hadboats

eau ascend I oiuwaier to me innuin oiBank island bayou at any season of the'year, even if they draw five leet water.But I n;u!-- t fnrtiear to write more, as thethings mentioned may not lie as much anatter of Interest to you or readersas to one located here, aud tdentjfje;)

the country. I wishcountry once more prospetoucan only by encouraging the cultiva- -

tion of tbe soil, and the best soil at that.We are now poor, but we eau be therichest the sun shines ou if wewill go to tint! ourselves, and notwait for some aus.ee "toopen the way aud reap the profits. More

an, if deslrauie, but if not, nevermore. H. of TplBCA.

HAsillMdin IIIXKa.i iltlllX KWAaHtNOTOW, May J, 1807.

Editors: NetsSana Appeal :

The failure of Kraser, Treuholtn Co.ia Liverpool, excites murh remark here.Tn odUiai circles there is a










to :l;is is o;,suits the

tutejifity Miates in comes out that important ap-th- au

ehe, attorney number ofUouuij Eeeord,

ki proceedings in Froiiob's decidedlyto iirtrtners in couutry popular journalble, as oi me t,

on ground that the firmreceived immense awts of C'onfed-tiac- v

never yet accounted for. Thissuit, of we may say there uodoubt, will extensively theblockade business, aud show extentof fortune realized the war.

The state department are very uneasyabout fate of Maximilian. The itn-- Jpressioti In tiu deiartment is that he willbe shot. Juarez ha tllforttied our gov-

ernment, unofficially, that be if, .u favorof sparing Maximilian; but that as the

j order to shoot the iirisoners originatedwith government of Maximilian, heiJuarezi cHunoi mil e .miter iu this mat-Ite- r

to the wishes of his generals. It iswell known, lhat some of these generalshave no The expectation, there-fore, is that Maximilian will not onlylose nis.Ttnpire, but his life. The ad- -

vices from Mexico are by no means en- -couraging outside of military mailers. Itis said the greater portiou of the wealth

' of the country, together with the church,ia opposed to tbe liberal govern-ment, and tiitl as soon as Maximiliauis overthrown, new iiiseaeions willarise. Whoever is defeated at tneflr- -t will lie prepared for a

If this condition of popularchaos continue in Mexico, tho Mexi- -cau question will become one real prac-tical imiiortaiice in the politics of that

i country. I have heard threeopinions ex- -'

pressed Utrp recently as to what tbepolicy of thiscimut.y should be. One isto let Mexico alone ; auother toprotectorate; then to acquire several ofthe provinces, which are nut

girlsears, spun

this adopted. Aprominent of


ispopulation together

enjoyed myself

were withnumbers tne.

wliitts. The republicans iiitlefHtiira- -

as tbey are evidentlycarry first in uni- -'

versal sutfraire prevails. If they carrythis ion they will hopefulabout their success south.

.Surralt's counsel speak confidently ofacquitting bifh. United .Statesattorney, Carriugton, is considered tohave made rather ass of himself onthe motion of postponement tbastriul.He stated, as reason, that thewould soon end, the jury couldnot be continued over to tbe next

when the law has expressly provided contrary ofhe said. The truth is, the tendency toput men oinces, or tuiictiin




wer grade of oiialiticatiou used tobe thought necessary, is one of the signsof times, oue of the fruits of the ex-citement and of the countrywhich seems have everything. conspicuous illustration ofthis is the appointment Mr.Hay, the secretary

Mr. Lincoln, to the AuairiaLhi. Now, better days

of the republic, onothought Mr. iiay, and indeed Mr.,Hay would not thourlit ofDue reason of state ofthat no person of decided irolttical status

any mestige, can get coutlrma-Ho- n

the senate, (jowerer, It is '

millenium for new men, siUUcisometime, Mr. '

Bancroft.vv.Ar. n.sn.

The term of the court forbegan on the last Monday in

May Judge Hanks presiding. His bon--cbarge to tne grand jury ipuie as

ienginy presitieut's annual mes-sage

of instruction their political du-ties, nd altogether hiCaluting,bombastic document. The criminalthjeket would consume the week, andthe civil docket

Tho sales ware concludfrdon Tuesday. Nothing but real estaiewas and this all

by creditors nominalTbe De Arc CreteerU says the

weather: An exhorbitant quantity ofraiu nas raneu pani weea, and rrom

repi seuted- the omens mat tne beaveus,anniversary of that the mimIv above not

the Pree Masonry in yt exhausted. addition excejseivendiaoa was celebratsd iu ludianatiuiis rains, t he weather has cold aud un-la- st

Thursday. seasonable, aud the faces of our farmersare living near Blanchester, are much elongated. We would advise

Ohio, two named Ezra Ab- - people preserve buoyancy ofier Oadwalladei, who wale born the jjuit8,and trust irapllcvtly In providence,-- ame. both mustered the The past instructivecompany company i,, Ohio voiun- - of 143 was as backward aud


andgame amount










inauspicious this. gloomoverspread couutry starvation

topicBut the fears of people were ban-ished by an abundant crop com, pota-toes,



Our MercliantH Mnet Nes Lo It.

IitcldfnlH by the A Pltut Trip.


Abe.. June 1, 1W7. )

Editor The Importance of

est than it seems to be present. AriikCperson lias only to ascend this beautiful

and observe the great countrydrains to pro; rtv understand its

The made for it by at,1uiis, Louisville asd Cincinnati shouldsurely open the eyes "of the merchants I

Memphis, and otter such inducementswon put oowaeUtlon oat of the

question. The eMMs Memphissteamboatmen, eepeeially of Cast.Davis, or Uais steamer, to establish that

between this river andBlair City which the trade commands,should receive appreciation which

m oexiowBut




Commercial left Me.. phis onevening, Maw 27tb, with as

partv passengers aa ever. , v. ... ,

knew al

not and quite







Arkansas belles, and everything passedoff as though tbe world was hut theabode bliss. One of tbe wedding par-- !

I have reference was that of Cap-tain C. Hauks of Scarry, who on thesame Tuesday Miss Mollis Gra- -

ham, well known in our city asand handsome lady. The

happy air were, course, the favoritesamong the passengers, who paid themevery attention iu their power. OfMemphis ladies were the beautiful audaccomplished Mias Lixzie Jenkins, MissLizzie Booker and the amiable Mrs. Ash-for-

the good lady of the whowas her attentions and wonthe love and esteem ail. By the way,let me tell you that our tw Miss Lizziesbroke more hearts Arkansas than hasbeen done this many days. Their vivac-ity and excellent conversational powers,oite did the work. On reaching Au-

gusta, the people of that beantiful littleplace took Captain Ashforcf ty storm, andliavingobtained very gook music dancingsxiniipeuced about ten o'clock and con-tinued in in btoad day light. There wasnone your exquisites in this pleasantsurprise party, but one joined inaud made the try to fee! home,the Augustans doing all iu their power

amuse and entertain the passengersfrom the Bluff The principal topieof conversation being the universal satis-faction expressed by every oue, thatCommercial had been awarded the colors

the late Baptist fair, aa the most pop-ule-

boat of Memphis.White river from tfce mouth to Augustaalmost in every place excepting Tew

high biutL entirely over iU banks, andthe eouseiiueuoe is the whole country is

The loss of property on this ac-

count will be immense and will naturallyiusure the trade Memphis. TheLiftle lied river ia much prettier streamthan the White river, and the countryaround it far better than any iu this val-

ley.A saw mill lias just been Slatted at

Augusta, aud I was told thattwenty-eigii- t or thirty houses are to bebuilt at this place this summer. It isdecidedly the most eligible site for a cityon the whole and the town itself,nut only I he most pleasant but the han

have yet seen this way. Thereare two papers at Augusta, tbe Men-tin-

aud the Chronicle. The former wasstarted some two months aso, and the

. i.rc-- num ii--r the latter nnli, Iuolto tiee the '"'":" r "rr J.,lie






and this apreareu. --ur. Qiiiua, euiuir, in..aititavory . ma icaoerri tnau aArlemus Ward's willinrraeas sacrificebis relatives for tbe great of Amer-ican unionionisni in thia wise: "Bornaud raUed iu the south, and

lived north ; brothers all livingsouth, and some them haviug bledaud died in the defense what theyconceive I to be her right, warrants meIn tbe hope that my paper will not heobjectionable to the community.'' Whatlo you think of that, you city editorswho starved four for thename cause .' The editor of the Vhrtmicewas auxious to bis

suspect tnai failure more for tbe paper iti much so that, notpurpirenl gelling rm .. 'ne insu- - types II. ror head t ins journal,

tbe uniteu minusanything and the peudajre. I have just seen a

general has advised the treasury depart- - the White Col. Jaeobment j paper. It is the

hold the this lis- - neatest and most in theouieuerale


which 1


the during







anxiouselection which





Wy- -









institute equity

White river valley. It ia hsntlsomtgotten up. and seems to be kind of pub-lic necessity out ibis way. We are al-

most sight Mearey landing, andshall have to draw my letter to a olose,not before, however, spoken awords about the officers and of the

of the Commercial in this'"'''" m--

'' iiiininmatidof Caiat.

..Tl. Ashford, quiet but exrjenencediiopular commauder, who knows

every tree and bush on this stream, andwho is consequently proper man to

trade lo any point where he mayrun. (.'apt. Norton, the first clerk, iavery genial, social gentleman, highlyesteemed by all for his many good uifji-- ities, and universal favorite with all tnemerchants in the White river towns.He is assisted by our aid uiwusnian, irjd.Smith and Milt. Harry, both clever andsocial gentlemen, who leavedone to pleasa the public. understandauother steamer is soon to be put in con-junction with ibe Commercial,'run between White andMemphis, and our merchants willlook to their own interest if tbeyfoster this line, and, tbe same time,lauiif such for Uie trade as will bringand Keep it in its natural current, itbelongs to Memphis, and the people pre-- 1

fer to trade with us, but w must not beby other cities. The uhamlier

of commerce will find this good fieldfor talent, aud if they give it tie

time it will repay its memberswell.

As T stop off here take littlerecreation, feel kind of home

sick in hiiiriinir farewell our Memnhisthinly settled, l ne impression ui some ; and as their gooa-ny- e rings in myof thi; most sagacious observers here is I feel I never heardhat last policy will be charming voices or more elite company

public oiiariuiter, said, re-- than that Miss Linie Booker, Mia.cently, the greatest chance of fortune Lizzie Jenkins and Mrs. Ashford. Memwas to ac'iuire properly in the northern nhii a large number of good lookingprovinces of as tbey would cer- - girl9, none sweeter than the Qrst twotainly annexed to tbe United iStatee and none more amiable than the latter,iu a few years. It seluem that such pleasant parties

Tbe voting of Washington assemble on a steamer, 1is in quite stir at coming munieipal never have, belter.election. This is the tlrst practical test shall remember this trip as the Africanof black suffrage, where the blacks traveler thinks delight on the oasisin large as compared ia of the great desert or ftanara.



elect lie more

j The



term, statutethe what

intoiiupurtani a

theupheavedto uusettled

Aof j

privateofin In the

no would haveof

have himself.

theof a

old i

ako have beeu dead like

A ispring Phil-

lips county

or isas me

to congress usually is; it isfull on

a very

is also very full.sheriff's

sold, was in cases boughtin at prices.


tneurowu we

conclude isintroduction of to


There j

brothers and the to

day. into same furnishes lessons.lth The spring

as Generaltbe and

was a familiar uf conversation.the











commerce the



a or2,

ofties to












is a



dsomest I


i;iven ato


never hav-iii- K



very gethaving



iu of j

I have few






nothing un-- .I




their a litof their

to acountry 1




auda the I

More, anon.

MltatiNMPPI ITE1IS.A uniou convention was held by

the citizens of Tippah county, Miss., atRipley on the 25th of May.

The Clarion of Uie lid inst. contain,-- apretty sharp rebuke from Col. Verger tothe editor of the New Orleans Ptrnvunc,for statiug iu his paper that the MistU- -

ippian had ceases! to exist. We extractthe following from the letter of Col.Verger ; " The Mit'itippian has uot' ceased to exist,' but on the contrary hasextended it broad wins over a widerfield, having embraced tit largely cir-

culated journal known as the VleksburgJlerata, aim win appear auout too jiuproximo as the Mimitxippian and DailyVickburg Herald."

The American Citizen has the fol-

lowing: The Clarion says that tweuty-- !

two newspapers in this state are advo-- '.

eating reconstruction on tbe terms embraced :u Uie .Sbermau.bUl. we greanyregret to know it, says the NatchezCourier. These terms, so iniquitous,

their oulv validity from tbe assentof the neonle of the southern states. Ifthey do uot, why ask their assent? Wecan eudurs, obey and submit; but it ishard to think tliat twentv-tw- o presses uf

this state are ia tbs cause ofradicalism, by endeavoring to vitalisewhat otherwise would he a mem exhibi-tion of brute power. Our aet will givethe proneriare life, andugaipst doing so, the Courier will stiUprotest, were

" inon the faithless, faltlitul only IU''The Cautou Afatf says Col. J.N. Pat-ridg- e

ha withdrawn from the editorialconnection wiUi the Vleksburg Herald,

-- Messrs. Crawford A Morlyle havepurchased :ii- Jurnu the lat-

ter gentleman acting as editor.From the Nathes Courier we learn

that a posse ol citizens arrested, a fewlays since, on the premises of Rev. W.

LS. Johnson, in Jetteraon county, ninenegro men. ail armed to the teeth, whowere trying to capture and hang a negroin Cap'.. Thompson's employ. Thelynchers were thwarted in their plans.

Tne same paper, under tbe heading"The Latest Fashion, " has the al-

lowing : " Black ladies at tbe gate, send-iu- g

for the white woman af the house, toknow if she don't want to buy blackber-ries ! eVue fashion can be seen exem-uiilie- d

any day jo Natchez.The Carroll ton Conservative says an

immense amount of raui has fallen iuthat county during the past week. Thecotton crop is badly damaged.

The Meridian Qatette informs us abridge on the Seima aud Meridian rail-

road gave way Sunday evening precipi-tating the passenger and baggage oars otthe incoming train and injuring a num-ber of persons. Oue negro was so badlybruised that he died Tuesday. Onrfriend, Al. Mason, the popular oouductor,was considerably bruised about the bead.



Nkw Vokk, Jane 4. A late peeMIsays tihartriam haw removed Gov. Wellsaud attpotalaaWWieamaa J. IHnmt to Utatpositti.n. He tsnoa Wettt politicaltrickster aaui a tttmaiooiat.

WmustoKMi. June 4 Tbe Deonle aremnch titr-s-ed in KayMtevMle im con- - IATIOIAI BANK

f the military to arrest parties for shootdeserters and for other alleeed

i rimes committed irioe the war. Tbebest und.-re- t analog prevails between themilitary and civil author! lias here.

W AauiHti row, JoaeA-Hea- oi Romero,Mexican a Wastriagton, in aletter just published, says if MliiiaMliiiis permittee to return to Kornae he wille a continued menace against the peace

of Mexico. He dries not lavor the exe-cution of the unfortunate prince, bobelieves his power to do Mexico farthermiaebief should be utterly destroyed.

A special aays uo oonhrrnatiou of therespited execution of Maximilian hasbeen received here. It issaggenU. in 1

dlpsatpsli ; enroles that Juarez may de-- j

termine to keep him for bh,h treason. i

Omaha, June 1 Senator VTaue andparty are th.ee hundred nrHes west ofhere.

NamxTiu.. Jane 4 The argumentiu ne impeacnmeut trial of Judge Fra-ze- r

has bean conchaaed. The senate to-day, aiding as :, court of ironeachmentrendered a verdict finding him gotltv ofthe charges preferred, removing hintfrom office, and ilisijuailfYing hum fromholding any office.

Tokonto, June A Jefferson Davis sr- -

ived y to attend a j5tng of eneof bis countrymen.

IlK HMOMi), June 4. General 8co- - ,

field issued a long order y forfor board of registration under '

recent opinion of Attorney General Htan-berr-

t'HABjJSToy, June 4. Gen. Sickleslias issued an order stating who are quail- -

ned to veto and serve on juries in thisdepartment.

Ralkioh, June 4. Tbe president luumade uospeech on the political situationyet.

Atlanta, June 3. The following iathe substance of tbe general order justissued by Gen. Pope: L The i n ter.'ereneeof the commander at Mobile with thenewspapers pnbllshed there is entirelydisapproved and the action reversed, 8.Declares it to be the doty of tbe militaryauthorities to secure the utmost freedomof speech and the press consistent withlaw. 3. No officer or soldier in com-mand is to interfere with newspapers orspeakers ou any pretext ; if a disturbanceis feared, precautions will be taken asprescribed in general orders No. 25. ATreasonably utterances are not lejrili-ntatel-

excused by t he plea of the freedomof discussion j but even in such cases noaction will be taken exoept by directorders from these headquarters.


chak i i :itSTOVE EMPORIUM,

tin. IN i8',.l

111 lain Ntrret. Corner of Washington.

;Sl(rn of But Coffee fot), Mr rapius, Tann.

JO HIT L. EICHBERG'Sheaihuautxbjb roy.



. aeeeBeTI

-- Afro


UIERICW REFRIGERATORS.Wholesale and Retail Dealer in

Stoves, Grates, Hollow Ware,


TINNER'S STOCK,' Oil, Lamps,' Etc., Etc.,

Manufacturer or

Tin, CoppiT and sheet-iro- n Wort.ItOOFTNII ANnsporrriNG on short notice,

and at the j WK.-- r CABH PKK'EB

Particular attention ia called to py new

Coal Cook Stove "Triumpn,''The

Best coal Cook Stote In America.And lbs n "Charter"


Hefrigerotors, Water Coolers, leeBoxya, Bird Cages, Do

Muzzles, PatentIce Cream Freezers, Btc, Etc., Bto.


jqux 4 name. a, vostooxestljfclVIE Ac CO.,


Hay. Corn. Oats, Flour.Lime, Cement, Planter.Western Produce.

No. Q Sooth Side Court Square.myil In


A lit he alovAddress J.

Mia., or

myl lra


Lumber, Lumber!

atras.: 'mnish aauO i o tmi.iujin- - Material.Il.tas) feet Dressed Flooring.ol the I lest Yellow PiDe.

.. WIGUS A iu Uurnsvlue.

ruwuca, WIOUHWo. lift Maui street,

Memphis, Tenn.

Trutd Sale.hereby siven that

a, With tstte prf.Ttatoiw aHm! urecitons o( adeed In truM ex ue l nnd deiiverr-- tr meoo

iith titxv of Juir. IMS. by Richard U. Haw-lev wmi- :. deed ts of feeem tAhc Iltcorder'.iUce of Cr! t tend en conntT, Acann-i-. u:id for

tbe payiaeut of tbe ooki ibexeit deMsnited. I

will, on

iSaturday, tbe 13th Itej of Jtily, 1W7,




, towntrasaa, selltaod, tbe foi- -

den c nnty,Arkausaa,an Known tnat partnt lb Apaulsb Urant oriitilly owned by tbUrande estate, conveyed br William u. D.Mpsln ui (Jeorae W. lltuisraltl and laaacKnr-et- t

: The south part of the so'ithwest quarter,.r section twenlt-fon- r (l) conveyed In samedssd: Um east half of ssetioa thtrry-si- r)and the .soniheaat atiarter of asctton Ihirty-flv- e

(35), all In townhlp" seven I7i, north of li thssallueof raugeeirat (It), east of iliodth prlu-c- i

ol tneridlsn.Jhe liU lo lota psvpartr is lliTed to

nerrect y good. ht I sbau convey ouiyrust ee.Pan of this iano camp





Pianliuiuns the Military Itoad, with utucabins, etelieing theplautatlou Xaowt

aa the Brorsm elaue. near Marlon. Ark.Dayttss - U aaosYTI. Traalss


IlllalVi "w

Tobacco, Etc.. Etc.,lo. 2iS froat Street,


Always oa hand, a supply of

Old Bourbon and Bye Whiskies,

Also, Celebrated



s A N LI K BKH O t' PA ItUXliaJ ail sizes and deecrlptious, Xo. tsay-oe- o

street, Meuophls. Tenn.Ali promptly attended my8


BYL. . . ..I,


jitn am,w. i. rw., -


OT MEMPHIS, rmCBBMM,IEHHIHATED JJEPOSfTOHY AMDdii17 ciai Agamn as awn vwaaas esaraa

petala. SaVJSU. autaorlaed (J.llal.li ! .action, nun in me city, and at

ass inaai as taw nuast.and palaiited on tne aay oi mutl, alor a awaawaawaW (IHKIIKY, : : HA. ! . l.Ai.i.i, A VloJ.J. FRKEMAN, :

Amos WoottTtaV. W. A.Capf. u. B. Uhaean, H. A. Passs. R.

ttooh. M. E ocbran. A J. White, H. T. Toa-ISMo-

iowa 1. Tayl. r.Jaa K. Memnau. Thoa.8. A- - T. lwey. It. Cherry, mrti U


tO. 1 AB1K BTBUf Ml M.

General jBtaasJULlrLs-i- SB-

Amm ieau and European


ntKD. W.tK" KK,

mr2 tf


OF MEMPHIS,Depository and floaBcial A Kent

TTxxltocl States.F. 8. DAVia, - --



Aaa t Uaahlar.


Wet. A (IWTM, A. r. BfTrtniTf,r. si. DAVIH, H. H. Us MsVoUJE,DAN AiiUS. BENJ. KIHKMAM,I. H'lWIX w. W. YOttNO,K. BK1NKL.EY, OP.ia-.RM-H. a BEAUIoT, Orni. W. TKorTEB,

Hon. J. W. T.kFTWICHinyU tf






T. 1...- - IM J.i'. JOMNHON,Of) O. T A. Nelson. rf Kail, a oa.

i t. FKa.NIC r.M.CAOH.J. T. STRATtON. of Stratton, Uoyer a Oa.

Invention ta to reoalveTHIS to buy and atll kxebaoason all tne"tlnelual aaaaaaemaH clMea. and lo craleelIHalU this city an tall priactpal inthi section. Rrnitl.to. h M.CAMI. tfsHaxy.


Sccceori to Ucdea, ToUy 4 Co.,

5o. 16 jVffmoi Strt, Imptil, Tfnn.

S. HsiTOBEY E.G. KIRK,-- a a Dral un.i.es,.r:LtiaaiTa t a. and titavlaia Uolrt, HUvt-r- ,

Rxr?iB.nn. (ioTpruiuvUt aiiil Uncar-ram- tMcaey

f" ( 'oli ec nous proiapUy attended to.

A. J. WHITE,AMlXS h i)Ia. H. TOUiiV,

rahlt) tf



!TRttToas. Oaod-wy-





4AY080 UYlUm INSTITUTION,MsBePaMa, mi nan I.

Bsskine Hoatte i9 Hsdlsoi SL

Tola InsUtaUOB. organlsefl tn 185. has beenn coatisnoss and nucoeeafnl operation for tbepast tea yasra, ooattnase to transact aiijsHJBBAL sXCEASag AND

BANKLKQ BUSINBSS.W1U Hseelrs Oeposiu, Bar and Sail

Forelsn Jt lui-eai- c bHiige,Ooill. Nllver ud ucurreul losey.

HKLL.S Exehanre In soma to salt paroaasaers.oa Loadoa sad all lasrMst auaa of Ua Unitedstates, as will aaace coUeasioas oa all acoaaal-Ql- e

piaoas Ua rJortb and West.L A. AYSKI, Cashier.

J08 u UXIXB, rrettaent.febl"



No. 293


W. 00 RONS A.JCSS. 8P1X.HT,A. (XlHl-'lS- v

N. iu;i':ii .Mr ;


1. J.






Maia Street.




: Prcsideut.:

Aat't (lllllr.



:i nm.

Kich-s- cf Tor oa prlntlpal citiesof United States aad en all prin-

cipal cities of tares.m


J. W. PAflB, Jr., j Pressden,.

I. B. OABTeU : r : : : : Caskler.

ii - u...ii,. is. I i aauiiict




aTsraai aaaesaasaaea saasSa at a a'Ml 'i 'wt't fti .r i 'Collections Crea all pelati aoileltrd.apt tf

mm ba.k or nmmi

No. 13 Madison StreetF. W. SMITH. PrHsi.lsnt.D. A. IAUPHERB, : : Caadxiar- -



IM ac oi sas with Acs 1 "gUfTT"Tenn passed bfraiiulesr Utl, ISW. Mi

tlOSd an act "To expedite the dislrlbaalsntrie effents Hanks, which have or may makeasHienrnents smoUK tnelr reditu ' uotlcaW

rises finest bereo-- , l Ma BOsSsrs tha uolBS Of Theone .u,.,,, B.v r...., . i. n,.,noos,









ofthe unfermtr,..l. ai the Rank rn reastb villa,

now aai toe arst day a January,elsbteen hundred andsuuy-nuis- , iHW), aaadcelve cert!fl-at- es therefor, or tbey wUl beever barred from any parMetpaiJon assetot tne liana, me rjsrtiif raa lu






Aa aa of tb uie



tb v- -n lo ufai. sii.on

meal Sen due Bank,f--J O 1VT iVJ" T fit Sat X O 330" whether tendered bafeaaor after Jan


Forwarding Merchants, LA Willi! E & 81. J0HWholesaJ Dealers S. 2 Jtm Street, Sow York,

Imported atul iiomattic j W essar out earvie. for n,lUIMFS linUDRS SFGiRSi ?w&m r SaJe of Mitt




Nil AtTU PKKo' 1S

order to, lra





tn lb

uary, ISM.

bol is tb

tb 1st ofb VT



RAILWAY SECURITIESOnly on Uorartaa, arwl a geoswal

BanlilBrr and Brokerage Basineton the most liberal taraa mlOftf

JfTOICE.riiHE cxeuliorsot the estate of 8. a. Malone1 are hereby norfled tost I have anaaaaaa.th Inaolveoey of sold estate to the Clera of theCounty Courtor Tipton county, l annesa, andthe creditor of said estate are nolUuM to Aletheir claims, duly auihenUcated, within sixmonths front Isareof, or tnl, will bemedia axtbesae AMnMApru 1st, isw.



HAM.no accepted a parmanenIAria MtnOAL a..

itAi'X tJIPAV, Ithe attendnn of my oldfun aa a eaj. eertaia att&roaaii which Lhey mayaaasssvassat is its least ataaivaa from, an lapovanabed u!4

Um- -

of toMr. H. h. OTIH M asmiaiad wtUx tse and ts

aeret-- recomrnecaeu o paoueoar oBli-.- la at Ha. SB Madl oa


room . lo(d uiooa. whae will bs hapoyto lajpart any needed Infcetnatloo u Uaoaado- -a uv ua laasraooa

itiM .Irs J H. HajiAHOH.

INSURANCE.Plrei and XartaieMaate Iaasjnuam faaiHaai of

XIW VOKALmmm iawajajSet-nrit- y Iiunninee Coxapauay

or jew YomrAajaU JliWWRBteTTi lae I nnsi'Aii ee C7eaMaeiy

or v v : i

lata Jl,u(vae

or nAUTroKu,mmtm

'yuy. wall astabllahed repouuioa of tbeas1 Own paa.kaa for prompt nod honorable deel-la- a

aoo mir ,ara i.aab Aula, etiaasaailesss to the fhvoror Baalr.esa MeraaoS -- roperty iloidsaswno deWra .xnle mesraaee. lorailher rlrei Marine. We : epreaent no e

rett thnee dnly asibortaad bw Hteaa aaadloamleiwa. All luaaaa a, ja.tod and aaad as tbJaasecy.

Linosey Vradenburg,UeBeral Ia.ar.uc Aaeula, No. 11 MBoSarea

afreet las ataln, Slernp'.'.s. Tenn. apas


OF TKvEWiE.Capital,

OOtt e, 37 Froat Streen,BKTWKKH OOCKT AMD MADbrXIN.

MEMPHIS TElflf K88EE.ft. a roKRevr.r P. iv.niMKP.rvW. H. DEDRICKT. F. KKNTO


Office-- No. '.'(





Are now prepared to take PI re aad


Oaxaa Ised on Uaamh lost, as follows


W. & (.RKBNI. V. JAMtS Ki.DHeJ,WW M FARUINoroy.il. W. Ot'YKR.N.S.BKL1K I UAaht- - JONKM,



ff.LUmUrf, - - - rresldrat.JAMB UaCK, - -

A, r. Sctrrury.mh ' Sm

Owen, Moore Sc West,AQKNT8 FOB THK

(reorcla iiHie iHrianBrrOompan).Of Columhtia, (ia.

(as taplUlaad sirplus, - m . 61

State Insurance Company,Of Nrsfo.ville, Tann.


Etna Life Invuranee Conpan).Of llrttora. Conn.

UsettiOver ti

IK you want yonr t.;fe or fVoperty Inmrred.asrrt see tn lodccemenia we oarer.

Sates. Northwest coruar Main and Madisonstreets, Memphis. Tann. ian7 Ha

St rtuf Cotr.TAKEN I P, one dry tW. while ann. ml.X I'aineto my lot laat wmt r. Th owner

Dve properly mid



Purchase of Lots.KFIfTK sSoathWflftt mrnf r of tuii- -

e?!fj4o -- Lrtt-l. Hour--from n to :i pin.

UITM heisea.

a.ui-- . and

HO GIFT ENTERPRISEUr ua) oilier Ha ladle !

Milium IfB Kloi t ( AY STATB 1KBII1VA5A LtfTlRBlKa.


'I'HKY1 been drawn for over KOKTV TBI Wei


BOuiN tuuai he and are depos uad with U.S.laasasaaw ss rseenruy.

Tn riien aiw drawn public lot two sworni omrinssinnersnppoinieo ny me





tickets ure oklor not.

PHIZES AI.jL OAS II .There are two state ecb day. aad

two Havana llswlnsa each month.Urawlna can seen two hoars after e

oflae-ha- lf tbe Tickets are Hrtsea.

Prtsns paid day of uarehaa.Tick ts to 120. noeonllri. scheme.Prises I- - lotmu tou, aeeoruuii! toacberne.Pr-- . i.ipal Anent, UlLO. W. VAS VUABl, Ho.

'eljeflereon atreeA

Dissolution.ri'Hi. tlmioa-RlUMB- VANaAJOtMeSe1 I. this dy dissolved by rantnal csassaakirisby retiring. Kltner

iaie nrtn autborixed receive asd





of lbtor ill, mints their lands.

W. T. tjiUi;BYJWO. W. SA 4srV. E. JOHHRnw.

The (XDTTON and rOMMISSlON HUoINESe)will be continued tinder la name and style ofKVA.NSA JOH.NaKlH.at No. at front street,

JHO. W. r.VA.18,May A, ISs7. a (us.Tv-my-- ii

Irusteefm Sale.ol a deed of truss to me executedHy y Tiarles T'rannenesteihl on tbs JOtn day

ut ss-- Sara Per , it.,, and luiy tvontsl al thejasjasst s oizien Reeoid Bnoa.

t jaaaiBoii auu jxsub itixactB. w uoll









aoQuty, Tenneaa e.

hesnm of Mixiv-tw- o rlr.iidred and Thttty-tw- o IsUasslMacl owed hyaim to Jobn B. I.ee-eh-. and by anlaonty

u oi" oseo tne oroasrty ioaveyd 'oma In aid trust deed, 1 will, on tbe lSta day ofjnn. .3 sen, on me prrmssa, lit is o elocSL..in. to lb Uiabost bidder, far cask, tn

deserltiea prorerty : A certain tract nrpaieat of land atnaasd. lytna aad b. ins In tbecity Of Menipnis. -i eiLy I'awuly, sJaale at

dwstznated on the orlrlnal plan of 11in and tha city Mempola as part of lotthree hundred ana seventy-on- e iw VI i, analboundesi fullow. t: Ufalamag on Ussnortiit aat corner i a lot on the soatn .ids of I

on sireei. riowu 'reorvw lrunxwe.s.aS Mat waMwardey irora tae tassr-eetio- ofjassaeaw anu i nira stre-t- s ; rnsnce rsastwardlywith tne south sis of JeoVraon street fee- - toia termination and iatereeuion with Tnlrstreet tbeucesootn warily with tb wea asdof Ahird stnsst lies, feet an alley : taenreweslV trtlly with tbe uortn side of aaad iiyI US lent to east side noother ttllavthence northwardly with tbe east sbtis 1ST eskfalley h reel to tne sonin is,uaaai v Hue of tbomud mm wen lot; ttenoa aarwardry withsals Cromwell's sooth boondary line ssW fastlo tbe soulhessrt corner ol the said lYotn well'slot ; thence noriuwardly with the east bound-ary law af taw aatd i rota wall lot UJS feat tIhs larsinwiuj, uetba, ut all lb privilegesanri spj urtei an.e. thereunto belonging.

The stleat Haiti sa naaa, huT sell onlyaTtu.sl- - Ui rlaiu oi redemption waived.

THOU, LKECH, Trust e.Mamphis. Mays.iau. uiylS trta.

Cbaneen Me of leal fiitete.On Tuesday, June U, 1867.

Mo. AS W. 8. D Ssaannel Tata et al. va UnrHe try U t 'hsncerv tOurl A Mesa pb is.

1 virtue of au inwrlosn son asD this sense, i will sail, at nnblle aeetion, luthe hitfheat to. ids., attbe cliy ot Memphis. Ten usees, on

Tuesday. June 11, 1887,between the hours nt a m. and ne.. Lb

Will received following lssentsro real estate. cer


tain in sibelby ooouty. State ofand in tbe I lib Civil IHstrtet uf a

to If


onSI to

ia to

of uf



th of


cmtsialna slant acres and foariam ha;

door, la


ol an a, m san ; 1.11a usi norm pan ,,,lot No. IT of stilxlivlalon No. 7, a known oata ptaa or tbe suhdlvlaton of the John Hani-sa-

vrsul uf ave ihooaaad asrea as saisltvldesitry Ii. A. Kerr and R 8. Todd. Lot sj Qsbuaa on Uuckei map marked r. Tate.

Tk or Ha.' a On a exadjt of six and twel vniaastbs. notes with rood .eenrity with Interestfrom dsy of saie, and lien retained '111 oavnaewl ofthe purchase eaoney.

Anunyof mlempticu ,'aatmd.a. aluto.1 eiara and

Attachment ffuit.Law (Jntrrt of MessuhsvW. & luasou A Co., plain uflk, va, J. fit. Haynlea Co , defenthtnt.A irriBAVIT for attaeiunent having tan

JL made In this case in pursuance w sectionHofj of tbe Code of Tennessee, aad attaclimentLaving been issued and returned by the properofflsae" levied, etc.." on tn proaarty of tb

J. H- - HayaieA On,;It Ss therefore ordered that said riant

avaaaw as tn tounussw us lb city ofptii. . eon., on or ueiore to second

will ke taken lor oon

Mem--Monday In

tassel sa IO there . .eJT.'h- -case let ror ceariDa ea iane, anu tnat a copy ofUMa aeaer ba published once a week for Jbarcoiuifc'.nUTe weiuu In lh Mattntna AppeaLA(py: JOHN cierk.CUlk'scimce,My 2, !?.

(Ta.pp. Vane A Anderson, Attorney forilaailliTa inajjiawtw

I WOULD call tae at test Ion ol MKBXHA.NT8sod DKAZJEBR In

ALB ASI) LAGER BEES,Of my 8upenor Quality,

hlcli I caa ram lab at an

Oi MatMa iwnid-JJOc- ui



Hi I TJ O ."rgsaa Whwky.

saste atoek of BA


uaaj, andSTi iHJSe


jy. II E !ataaamtai saw) Whnlaeaii Pi



. n

. ,

vpiDITI ..'ol leBIMH

ffai aa aaaa awsas asrhe-a-

'? TassVT-- ?mu 7""a a a UeebsMaa aha10 poaobeoeevjainalca Ranptae. Hpntma mm4 rVsaeldasa

m bssfc atSTjiMaatbuI cSstaM T 111. o.r'V. Vmrr udo Ureas "oat Ijm ParttiETPas-ta- r aaval Nesst. a 41,

MSaaaka flaraiy, Paafclaa A IV. Kon,,Ptnu and uDarn-v.- ry" raab iiiIim. A rm. nsbliu BrosMS eaaka Jaekry a AJ-p-Tlt l '

do Traassm -I- nTsasahar wtu a fnH atoaSi nrSt Alesrraaas ouniuua, noroeeUsssjs sal of whicn will us oid to to. '.','


WHOLESALELiquor Dealers,

291 i MATM STREET : 2 fitMemphis

. SIMPSON tfc CO.,' So. Dm mrett.


Wnt-ln- d

a call






SADDLERYSaddlery Hardware,

416 Main sat,ST. LOUIS. : MO.J. O IWRlr :.,

.u, Tenn.




H. Lyons,





J. Kri.




































Whole.-al- e



JA1CES G. MOFFATT,341 St, Hofltai Uaion,


Trim- -

Trench Qernian Battons,Fancy elajrjda. Notions,Zephyr Wonted,Worsted Patteirns,Baal Iaacea, axagbal. Hosiery,Toys, French Corsets.


Boulevard Hoop Sfeirts

SOT(weditor. sieof 5.THK hereby notlfted

Couuty Court Tipton county, Tennesseecreditors ar ootid..!

elalasa. wltffltrnontlm hereof, or

narsstJ. fcu UAN.NI AdaUnatral


May .





,.1 1




SO TICK.K bare l

TVto V

a oi




J. V. 8aiat afseaof J.

ssttlemaatean bemtv'-aaeo- l.Rlenaxu Wairen..




TA wt.H Mreeu

'-- '










(SAY PI.Nt-- tr








Male ofOF





ICE.the tpi

tnat bare unitthe insolvency eud estate

tne said estatetbalr duly aothenlicaasu,

from tbe date nolle,sua aaaa

EL,1st. law. aol






AIT ibis day



BiLAd P. iiawtrr


Unue 'tb the stand.






I 10 i

aa "


i .I1H

my 4


of M.I

of t the f. sof

of U

tb. ab ia ta


old We

ofth y




