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THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL JANUARY...jai B A. tACsULa, Is sanisn ssrsasa. rt BnJkX offices In Blantvin...

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AMUSEMENTS.; M THIlTtl. Bpaldlng Pope Proprietors p. Short ftwmre Third Night at the Brilliant Engagement o! US LYD1A THOMPSON ASD HEX HEW CMTA1T. An entirely new biu. "And yet I am not Happy." Wednesday Evening, Jenoary loin. The beanUfBl8peetct0ar Drama, In two acta, L jBLINI, Edwin's celebrated moral Ml"- - Thursday, January 11 KE SILWOBTH, Tieeeiillni the men gorgeous oostumes ever seen upon any etage. I r day January Mss THOMP-SO- -- Ween abe will appear In Comedy and Burlesque. fr Atnrday Matinee, at X o'clock. Admission (1 Children, 53 cents. Bate-- - day Evening, last appearance &LN BAD PBJCrS Parquette and front rows of Drew T ree 1 ; L.eaa Circle nn reserved. Si; Family clr-i- e. reserved, i Ada auon. mSi trailers 60 ana tt conta IsiU ALkClEUbe delivered by the Very Rev. THOMAS BGBJKE, O. 8. D., In the Greenlaw Opera-Hoes- OB Tharoday , 11 tk Swat., at S o'clock f.m oeboet "The Boloe of Ireland; their Talt of Joy and ol Borrow." Proceeds In aid ot the rhristlan roth-a- n' UoU.go, lately opened In jsempbiA TIC EE IB FIFTY CBHTB. WANTS A XX. anon ,.n Lrlng got d rettoaumendaiouB. .aacreaa J t. J , this uJC-- . las "iuua ior a Appiy allMie.ec-ta- a j two aue-- l E '-- AO person la vut ol a so GAtUtO aa geiuener, atd win sa cok StO. ... paw while woman to ao. a t ATa'N A reliable a. n atron .i u - ce..o loan lo doge.-era- . W'ra at --n unt, xi.oapii.L r. A. xAYLoB,.Miigeon in Charge, l.g 41 Jw.t I Conn aiicel KaCHEB A female teacher tn a private 1 lmuy, U kO C:.J nil. as uywi. .... . ... - .i &aeo.lutMiQau.D:v lo teach niualc uo an lue ti i.gilali biancnee ALUUhl. Willi IO.OI tUCM, ,ti cornice. ciei noteL J OABD la ap:lvalelr. 'V0 --..ailieuaai JLJixiia-- . Adorine, sun.ug lor ma. t'. 11. C. taii,Ai.W aaaaaa--p. arv . haN l Haip, white an j male II... leuni, isruiers, liolei' vujs, aoiaeveij aiaaipuim nelp- - Laabor Broker and o.u lnieiJaauoe Office, ol Jettc-rsu- sirceu a7 . a IjOBB fa. very body to buy , sell or txenange O tneir olu nooas at jsj c iwhu .uct- - Z . . a un art? .km kii.Kn A ISO. 1 WavShaal lA and imiai. al corner Vantx and DauderdVie. Goou wages will Oegl.en, iulBS-T-o rent a house wltn five or six il rooms. ounVeLLieul to araass, leaioa coie. null nuMLUasn Pnmlinre. leathers and t Household Gooaia ot all Unas k ought al FOR SALE. w, XaslHlv he po eer rortb.e an Ha sine, ou 11 b lue tuiiioyes o. i- -e TV.,' m.T.i I'umiia.Lun taaaaiiosd Cooipauy wmoh looa uio p.emlnm m me aaiefair Tills engine was onill ira.m selected niau -- i.i ssa the wuiK ana stale u superior Pir paruiuiaars aapiy to JaiU i BUlaAh., aa M. M. A C B. K CO, r,i,ju .an l.nl ain BLewarl fa are ue H auout miy yarn, uoau ISLWaJ will be soia ckaaf. Apply at inis umi-e- . masn.t fine Boaewood case Piano, new r nniw in naa is mourns, une-ihi- ru lee man oo.-t- . inquire al this office. )t STAUeAlsT In good locaucn. Address Lhls cirfsss 1--J Ca.BLS Over One hundred head o! Ma.es .TX and noises waij i:ww. mZ iraaaas of isuiss. and ib'ee more to ari Vr Lanwraa- - lnauoouaasnis um-rw- i to planters anu J. a- isish jgj g. and cis oesend street. . HaPriltBlJ PUfPlBa, t ine corner 55 aisi n and Ponto.ec sis . al'RIth ui dssuaiOie land: ninety 1 OUenli.vaiiou, sooa iropiovmenu, hue I) a.UcUaU aMSaUAI t lea. uilitas a aai"- - puis, cn Laorn Laaae roaau, i--' owniy, si. Por narUculars ai p i top. B nryson, i-- Main sire. I. or on me premises. jss mb. and let lor titto cash. Apply al IS AHOUBJa, set. i4 . . i . as a. K:i.Ri)AD BCHlf We are an "A Lhoxlaed Kj eni a portion ot Ibe Bcrij sa.i a.i isi.r'hf ennntv 10 tne sunt road a iai!v nva, cum on uae oo..ar ior m nex Saw aaa lLia is the jn BCilp good lor taxes levied lor ibis 'Oad BSS ggSMAi lSATK'NAL B.Mt. avi rwwno ,hre hundred aciee o. aanu in u.uvsr counii . jai?.. wn rllr bi isvee. jinpii 10 EblL r . Blltirou. a. Laepoi, iipauii ouuug . JSlvla- V- D iub Sltlil in ilnBalli l. ADi lv al ctli oi Batwwdsii, jveru.n A co In rear ot 27s Beoond kUcel Cab g, sUAtani BIORB One-ha- lf inurest mine VI a'ocerj Mo e, KO . awaaa. a.mk taa. Da app. On tne prSmtaSB US - . . . i TOAB SUA. taaat.e.S Sal 5 1.US S aaaaaaa: faAl barieis Bar. j Bueet o.b barrels kaarlv 4SuaaUrien: laASJ OaairaalS l' CUblOWi. set. aamia iluuita; KU barieas IxinUoa. Ladies, Ml oarieis t ion Bets. ouaTOX, B A CO, dtl rsoa. sou and ttu fmiil street 1 a Mil t acres on Cooper avenbe 1 a naavr POBUU stleel OOUisVauU. SUllaiOlc lo aaruanei LUuner or ini.a LUsiuese, a.so, aix ieel traaul b IK lel on xooov avenue, ua. old haltig1 ust ouuiae maai) .untie. AOaaaV Uj n. r a - Aaaa, Ho. D'gfop.ar a,! reel. W IlTaM. aaauaia, SlXatel. UUI in SSl )I nei la t ea.inaiou street a bargain, Inquire tne prsm issi- o aa mis ossea. n we uul;k.M s baeiislue rtasiuauioaa. St Jei It. .aaiaaia. slleeU P1 Ml MtlUawS UltlA Ik liw,Lft-- At a ba.. a.aain. one Ol memos j cajaaaa'iSee ana deugnt.ni resioenotw in tuasub) i. un.i, si.ua ua on the soum siue 01 Poor sueel el.t. jeal aUOWB aae me to Mial s piaaee, reeenu owned and ocupieu t IS . teruiii a., aaq. for leima, etc., apw At In Ainaaei nana. not (JOB- - CSV w aanut sir eel, on lime. Appl a al Union i. usvsijs UiAUk, FOR RENT. mUat-l- ne laiae bnh neo e at bicolU il eueel containing flle-- looms Ai ' u, J tx. L Ann, Ssv sioni siieet. K1W BOCBK, JC tiluEL jW, A J2 aW MaUn sireet. s J ell arson street ex RseiatfaaNca-A- o. a siiea.olaa.eisnioiboou,Con ttii mar rooms w.ua ai.enen, ana eer- - Waa- l's lOoan allSaUaed A pp. y so hi J P aigiX. tljnlen street. g-- ft ick The vsr elegant i ffios now oeeu V7 oleti bj nernanao aUlaaO. e lUll p aN,7 Jaadison fciaen Lai aairnaarT 1172 A.LmO. Ibe OaSemeni a an ai'.dar same and two Alee offices lu 'Btanlon sal. .h ' aa a.a.iv la. Ga ii. oBOCKKir, U Union St.. or jai B A. t ACsULa, Is sanisn ssrsasa. rt BnJkX offices In Blantvin tloeX Apply to I u i. . i . A xti A, fgji U u.u sliest la Joba oi Bee rooms and lot ot ahree acres XX oi gioond, on sa t) a sim me ioi ee ot Mia Joun 'lempie Appi J. r. . r.x.i r. left u s JtBersoai slieet. jaosl h juS-u- ut Uarge f.onl loom, " an luinisnt d, 'el Will. i s Aoams sirte. rgicBB inree offieee aoieniin amnion s. Appij to .. ISSaV . MJ, oawvaaaa i AM 17 U. m PiaACK The Cberry Plaea,'' on CBxBKI avenue; alee, a small Cm AGav WVSataW OS SSm S THU I II I PS aaaaat K.Maaiaw, PABTaJt AHA Bharai u tiason suae i. REWARDS a.A BAwABD- -l WIU g'.ve this reward D 1 U lor the detect t n o. any person taaan in the act 01 tearing down or mall-ggfii.- a iy aeisdng the peeling ot sieau. busie fear woaOli 1 am agent, g D. COBB, .U Pronl. a r.-- a ktwiiuj Buayeil or one D.JU Bsy B oise, very heavy set, sis ysaia ola o.t. cy build. I will give sou reward ,01 him and me thief 1 will pay wnat is iighi 1. US' an, but it he has been e.o en i wnl give take reward as aoove staled. He is ls uanos hagta. D. PoimEb, Boliy.oru Boan, Pour miles nom jsemphls. ,r BBWAhii strayed on Bumlay, the Oat J Tih Instant, one Ba. M.ic aiaie tuUau in la.ll eya, at out nine years oad. One Imik Bay Borse Mn.e, tour years old, out lost below ieit eye: each et tbe mutes sb ui it Banns t lgn The finder will reotlve the Above reward by leaving lnlormai on with Too Hl nla. jaai. oot of oea.e street. TAKEN UP. VP lu thelkJlnkt.aBBDiOW. 1 wun a ymig salt. The cow Ulagooo niaar. very sen i.e. norns as wen o, right eat aropped. unotibli in leu ear. Toe own. r can ast bar by oailliag on Ha n.ngion joi.ee Onion awssine. and paying cbgsa la6 L08T lULaO BBCAiaAi ioe name w s s j L'toj 1 ei gtnvea cn he lis.tte. A liber, yawrd ul be paid lor its return tod stain s.iasi Ik' il aMI-- a Goid Watch, on in- - lh Uasc. Vt sapnoaad to have lest on Hairnet Ae si i sol tst ssla velab was a doobia ease, Mweletl. uiaoe by Thomas Base I, SlkXrw' lu Wiilplaaas gteri aulas . . BOARDERS A. ttlil WO i wo pleasant rooms, enrar- - Bo ed with board, cm be obtained at US Washington street; suitable and desirable for man ana wife. U30 0BDil"U-N.e- e board by day or wee; J front rooms, foini hed or unfurnlshea, o rent, with board, at S71 Mala street, up lain. . OAKDEBB Terms reasonable. Apply at 3 No. 110 Court street. nol THE APPEAL IN THE CITY. Places at which the Dally Appeal east be Preeored. The Dally appial can be had every mom-in- s hi the lollow d places In the city : At the office of the paper, No.U L nlon street. At the news elsnd of Joe Locke, No. -- ). it . . t; HLreet. t the news-stan-d of W. J. Mansford, corner ol second and Monroe streets. At the news-elan- d In the reabody hotel. At the news-stan- d In the Commercial hotel. Al the news-stan- d In the vv orsnani no in. At tbe news-sinn- d In the Overton hotel. At the news-elan- d In the bouihern hotel. At the news-sta- nd of Emmons A Bon, No. 10 Jefferson street. At Hie new-stan- d of W. D.Splckernagle.oor-ue- r tif l ourth and Poplar streets. At the news-ola- on St. hours whwfboat. Al Ike news-eum- d al Lanier A Eldxiage s, second streal, near Madhx-n- . Al the news-sian- d ol Mobbday, on Beale trtat't. near Malu. Al Uie news-blan- at the KaUrosd depots. Al the new-lau- d on th i Memphis and Ut- ile wnaxfboat. . ttock - - At Bourn Mempbis news-depo- t, Ho. gfl ueaie sa-eo-t, near beooud. LO-A- L r'AKACiHAfMB. Helena ra wild over her naineaake on MonoVay, Some of oar dealers are getting stock ot valentines already, preparing lor whoieaale trade. The Muaso case was before Judge Fdppln again yesterday. The evidence o; aueaioers of the Graves faauiy was hearu sua the case ouiinued. "Alexia bate," "Grand Doke ties," RjmauoO ocLara," and oater Muscovue MiorLmshaS lor the Isai youtba ol Meai-poi- a may be looked lor soon. Bead the advertisement of "for sale, as; new engine buus by tbe woikinen ot ihe Mempias and Uaarleaton rauro.u 3nop." I. is a Deaunlul pieoe of oiechan isai. Bbenmatiam and kindred oomplaints were never more prevalent in Memphis .ha.ii tanw. Tne ttiti nockcaiid bavrnacie j iinied pray anxiously lor a lew days ol aright eier -- 'X'ix l?w clock "TnThe manager's offide of the APPkAi., f.om ihe csiaoiienuitu. oi jr, Jj. Baruum, Is very oiocn admired. k at Dlece ol mechanism. Eve rvlLinx in Mr. Barnum'e is ot the very Jem. Hunting parties are tbe order of ihe .is v itartlaa hnniine diligently tor ofSoes w:,ihic ihe gift o: the major. It they use half tbe aulgenoe after appointment mat they have displayed before, tbe city will be well served. It is the intention of bliss Lydis Thompson and the management of tbe L.ew Memphis theater to invite his honor, the mat or. the aluernien, ixianCilmeLi and school-visito- rs to attend the perform aace on Saturday evening. Thadehverv wason ol Messrs. ALUso 4 Co . on Union street, was smashed yes terday in a runaway. The horse was allied at once, bnt the wagon lingered until the blacksmith who works for im drm felt its pulse. He pronounced it ex Unct. It is very gratifying to note the great increase in tne subscription to the W'sBXhT APPxax. A club can have it lor two dollars per annom, and hud therein aj the curreut events of tbe day and interesting reading matter. io umi.j residing in the country should be withou it. "His heart was true to Poll" but a vast amount ol the steadiastneas of bis affec- tion wss dne to a good digestion, and this enviable state of health was solely at-i- ri Im tattle to the fact that he took his matau onlv st the "Park Bestaurm. ion Second street opposite the north e:d6 of ttonrt suusiel. lor which eetabtisa aient that unapproscbabie caterer, John Lsnig, is the purveyor. A rnnswsy took p ace from tbe Beale surest market yteierday. A buggy horse suited ill. turned up Desoto and at tne corner oi Umoa street threw oui s latly that was riding in the boggy and the boy who was driving it. ine nors.3 men oou limied slona! Union, snd knocked over Kaani at the corner of Second street, whei the runswsv horse wss stopped. The lady and boy were not much injured. Tbe Market street scboolhouse build tnaT la in t, Deration with lour or live nun dred children in attendance, and Mr McManus, principal, with the following able corns ot leathers t Miss Mary Cairns. Mrs. M. Hines, Mrs. Mary Bi ey, Mlse Jebnie Coats. Miss Annie t Bsudelnu bar. Miss Annie Pneian, Alias i.aura Fiack. Miss Kile McMahon snd Mr 1'imoahy Sweeney. Tbe school promises to DrosDsr. and no doubt inle.leciual saigas oi rare brilliancy will come forth highly polished from us roomy halls. We understsnd that Babbi SsuiDtlu will deliver a lecture on nex. Tuesday nigbt tor the beneht o: the Msaonic Btiaie 11 it! ot this city, ine su .ieoi waion o t.ae chosen is "Mankind a Brotherhood a sutjeci which wlii give toil scope to the learning and recognized oraiorloal abllt nee ot this exostient gentleman, tne eio ouence of the popular lecturer and th worthy otjeet to which the proceeds will lie sppiled should BU the house with the lennsment, beauty and intelligence of the otiy. The Busstan prluce and his attendants had kelec.ed tbe low pressure steamer Bichmond, and were to descend the Mis- sissippi on this maguinceni boat, when bis Imperial Highness was persuaded by Mr. Elliott, ot ihe Kansas Pacific road, to i; j west on s grand buSaio hant. The B.chmond could not await the return of his msleaiv to BI. Laouis: and the Gresi will proosbiy bear tbe royal psny to this city. The Btohmond was uelaiued ai the wharf through the nigL bv shippeis. and leaves y al 10 a ui for ibe Cresoent City, having a large parly f ladies and genileinen Horn ihu ci.y on gMBBt A country liskin went to the station house vealerusy in a sad condition. From appeara. oes, be hsd h.led his skin with whisk v ana tsnen iu w.tn a siex-- a raiser who was in s like condition ol oblusil oaiednees. The StOCaraieer, owing to the glamor cast over bis optics by the benzine ur.aer his Jacket, m:tM his new-toun- u iriend lor one of bis animals and pro-- oeeded to mai k him by cutting a swallow fork in one slue of his nte and under bit In the right ear. The bloodletting sobered Mr. Green, and he toddled elf to tbe wstcuhouse, beilowlug like a bull, and a bit ody as a butcher, the stockraifcer has not yet turned np wiih the remnants t i theuasAi and aural members. A thieving darky was nicely trapped yesterday aliernoon. He went into an alley leading tfl Conrt street, spied tbe window of a pantry open, poked his arm lu and felt around on the shelves lor what ever might ba portable. He found som- ethinga stee.-irs- p but jerked his hand bark so quickly with the booty that the support of the window-sas- was knocked down, and there he was his flipper fast inside ihe pantry with the teeth ot a tour pound sieel-ira- p biting through his Una era. His. bowls brought the latin, v and the tender-hearte- d tolks, thinking tie had been punLsned sumcientiy, released him from his predicament ana sent nun ofl on the bound from a vigorousiy-deal- i kick in th rear. Ten or twelve days ago Mr. Sevier, ot 44 Monroe street, hired a negro to work lor him Tie negro t a dray to drive, and me first load he got. ihree bales ot cotton-- he spprobrlated. He brought tbe cotton to some dealer snd sold i cheap, and then disappeared. He wai captured a few days ago in Chattanooga, and wss oa his way here in charge of the city marshal of Chattanooga, when he es caped at Germantown ana walked into ihe city. Last night Sergeant Weather- - lord, being apprised ot the presence ol the colored thiet in tbe city, took a posse of police to the house ot a negro named Uo.e-uia- n Thomas, at the corner of Madison and Desoto streets, and found Pioyd Hutnmons, the negro, in bed mere, lie had two knives on his person, which he attempted to use, but tailed. He said, at the a ationhouse, thst the 'marshal was asleep when he escaped at Germantown. AMUSEMENTS. Tax Th bat MB The reduction In prices had the desired effect. The house was crowded lsat night. "Blue Beard" was theb.il. Tbe same excellence that pleased and dellghled the audience of Monday night was observable- - last night. Local nits were more abundant, but the audi ence was not more moved to laughter, nor did li laugh heartier, because it could oot, To-nig- "laurlliie" will be present ed, and no doubt to a, full and ovei flow ing bouse. Whoso would laugh and grow fat should visit the JLydia Thomoaoa troupe at tbe New Memphis theater. Tub demand for seats for Miss Thomn. son's benefit on Friday evening is unu sually great, ana mo.) desirous ot wit- nessing the present performances at the theater, with a choice oi seats, Till be consulting their better accommodation by patronising any omer evening, rrlday evening W UI be a (am. It will be recol- lected that when here last. Miss Thomn-- son on the occasion ot bar benefit, had the tar at eat house ever w I bin tha wails of the buiiding, no'.wlthstsatiing Miss Mlifeson was the opposing attraction. abisTVA lmveti Walls at Browns A arovM's, M alias srat. THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10. 1873. RAILROADS. Kalll-aaa- d Caasolldallea At a meeting ol tbe stockholders of the Mlaisipri River road and of the Padncab and Gulf road, which was held In the Pea-bod- y hotel yesterday, the articles of con- solidation between the two roads were unanimously rstifled. All the stock- holders were present and tbe utmost har- mony prevailed. The consolidated roads will be known as the Padaoah and Mem- phis railroad. The directors are only waiting now for the re urn of Colonel Meigs, who Is now with his corps of engineers in Dyer coun- ty, In order to pat the road under con- trast. Hatches and Jackson. The contractors, Messrs. royle, Cooley tt M urphy, says the Natchez Courier of me 6.h, who have undertaken to build the first eleven miles of the Nstchez and Jackson railroad, set their employes to work yesterdey morning. The work on the first aiaven miles wss began at a point near Minor's quarters, on the Pine ridge road, from which point it will be pushed both ways, toward and from Natchez, to a speedy completion. Thus hsa com- menced the actual work ot building the Natchez and Jackson railroad the great enterprise which promises future pros- perity to our. Hew Mgnals. Men are now engaged in erecting novel danger signals at every bridge and tunnel on the Hudson Biver railroad, to warn orakemen who are compelled at times to run along on the tops of trains of their near approach to such dangerous places A pole is arected by the side of the trsck and aa arm pr jeots from it at the top over the track. From this arm hangs an iron fringe, low enough to strike a brake man on the front piece of the cap or against the lace if he is standing op aa the train passes. This perceptibly notifies him mat he is only one hundred feet from the bridge or tunnel, and most lis down at enje. Tee blow Inflicted by the fringe is momentarily a stinging one, bat produces ! no evil results. Atlantic sad Pacific. - a a4etL milling too avaoa j coinoeav had added ti.ty mlies to lie 11 eouiuwee. troci Neosho to Vmtta,i bir1 y three miles beyonu the line of the Indian ierritcrv. ineir charter teq 'Hires ihe company to build fifty itillsa par year m 10 complete the road to 'Jan Fran Cisco in Ju.v, 18;o Katwilboi.and.ng m od portion ol tnls road trav erses coun try al present unproductive, e uoa has been its huanctal management cjbai tbe Dne hsa not only met currnjaa expanses, but JUlWiWoSfest on its bonded debt has been promp-i- y paid, ana tasi uut jautiaaajr a.t i already in tae nanus oi its New York. This fact is one Of the best guarantees torits future sucoess;and when aoe million and a halt acres of rich lands ia the Indian Territory belonging to the Mnnanvara onened ua by the roaa, an interested in it must meet with a reward titling the energy snd good faith with whmn tha nioronse has been conducted. During the past year the company have increased their roiling ssooa inuj ouo third, principally in freight cars, though lama additions nave been made to their atxuk of naaa nirer coaches, and five ne engines, two ol them ten-whe- have oeen purchased. With this road the Memphis and Lr.ttle Kok and Utile Bock ana Fort Smiih lines will be connected in the Indian Territory MertB Texaa km lroad system. The North Texan, published at Paris, ia well oos led in regard to the railroad maitt.ra in its section. In the Issue ot thai iournal ol the 118! ultimo We hud truaat dear ot information upon the im por.aut sutUct. From it we glean mat he line oi'ineSt. laouia and Mexican Gull railroad crosses the following court ties m Texas, with a numoer ol which w are in .he habit of doing considerable trade, viz; laeinar, Delta, Hopkins, Wood auiiin. Caerokee. Angelina, lyier, rxar din. and Jeflereou. The line oi counties .. i .tniuir on me west are Fannin, Hun Yanzandt, Henderson, Anderson, Hons ton. Arimtv. Polk, Liberty and Ctiani bera. Thcaa adiolhUiK OU the east at 6 Bed Biver, Titus, Upaaur, Busk, Nacog docnes. San Auausiine, Orange and J aa oer. Ihe agareaate aiea of these tares Liara of counties excajods tweniy-n- v thousand square miles; and the aggregate Douuia.KL oxce-e- twununureu tnouaanu ineNortn iexan thus conoaudsa aaaxlicie uooniuls particular railroad enterprise We may eaieiy aseume mat these three tiers 01 cjuutioawm jiiimuct auuuatij r;ni laaa than Uavj tuits o: cotton, ail o at win naas out on this line 01 railway i when eonsfaructedi either to St. Louis or to Sabine Pass. And when we take into consideration the tact tnat nol more than of lbs tillable land is now n. cultivation, and luat an immense im migration will at once flow in as soon as the road is coastruoied, and thai in a lew years the greater portion ot these landa will be in cultivation, we are utterly un- able to estimate ine immense business that this road will do in this simpis item of ths trauiporiauon of cotton, to say nnttiintr of the iraae in baefoattie, hides, boia d'atre seed and lumber. The lumbar trsde aioue iroin the Immense pineries of Sou'.hesst Texas to the vast prairie regions nt Norih Texas, the Indian country and Kanaka, will n a lew years monopolise the transportation of tne road. St. Loals. Salem and 1 UI Keck Bosu. It to s .art from the Atlantic and Paacltic at Cuba, Crawford county, Missouri, thence running in a v&ry direct course. little west of south, through Crawford t, Texas and Howell counties to .the Arkansas Stale line. Tbe charter of tbe company authorizss it to build to Little Bock, but lc is probable tbe Louisiana, Arkansas and Mi ran company win lot ifa bt ihe Arkauaas line. The surveys have baata ccrxipi'.-te- and the road located tar as Salem, and the first twelve miles urder contract, and the company expect to open the firat thirty mllea daring 1872 Toe officers ot this new road are: A. L Crawford, New Castle, Pennsylvania, president; Win. D. sett, t,;e, rennet vsnis: vice president; Wm. Brewster Erie, Pennsvama, secretary. The direc- tors, besides the above named, are A. J Crawford. Terre Haute, and C. C. Sim uions, St, Douia. it will De observed mat St. Louts is ulieoiing s net-woi- k of rail ways souihweel ltom that city Into rich dtetrtflls west and South of Memphis Chicago once ltvied heavy contributions upon the country west and south of Si iaoul. The taller city escapsd from this thraldom by building railways intersect ing those that came down trom Chicago and never did a city grow in wealth and population more rapidly than St. Louis 11.9 relsttonsof Memphis tost, douls are precisely those which formerly subsisted between St. Louis and Chicago, and the only recourse tor Memphis consists in the adoption of St. liouis'a policy. Mem puis must build railways intersecting lines running west from the luture eouiiuautal capital. Nature has given us every advantage the ell. cts of war and ravages of scats wags and cerpei-baggg- have been even moie detrimental, but we have enough to build a highway lo Kansas City, and another into .Northern Texas. These two roads will supply themselves with all needful branches, and the laws of climatology and the tact that Mempbis a point in iao shortest line Irom new York to tbe railway system of Texas, wm enable us to effect tne seme triuuipo over St. Louis thst mis city achieved in its contest with Chicago. When our pur poses are achieved, St. lxiuts will be harmed in nothing, but Memphis will be aggrandized even as St. Louis has been made a magnificent metropolis. PERSONAL. UgxxBAL B. M. B. Yochg, member of oongrtss irom the Atlanta aiatrict, Georgia, ia in the city. General Young li one of the rising men of ihe south, whose heart is bound up in her interest. Mb. W D. Williams. Jaoksonport, Ar t ......... . ti 1 - I ......... I BMaaaallU aaaaow, aa V vianiwiu. atvnaw,aai Tennessee; W. T. Cowan, Paris, Tennes- - ; x. a. Kagland. Brownsville, Tennes see, and S. C. Btigilsb, Bardie, la las) slip pi, are stopping at the Commercial hotel. Colosbl GCS A. HkJtxY. Alabama: General B M. B Young, Georgia; Judge B underwood, Helens; w . G. Hobln son, new xork; Governor J. la. Aloorn and wife, Mississippi; Mr. Samuel Bryan, Pittsburg; Colonel 0 0. Wilburu, Missis sippi; Mr. S S. Parker, Louisville, are guests of the reaboay hotel. SERIOUS STABBING. Two employees at Seligmsn's stable, on Union street, bad an altercation st their p see ot business lsat evening about g o'clock, which resulted in one of them getting seriously cut with a knife. Dan iel wiison was besting anorse in a man- ner of which laarry Flynn did nol ap prove; hence ihe row. Carry remon strated wlh Wilson, a fight arose, and Wilson slabbed his antagonist. Poiioe officers Cogbill and Crotty arrested Wil son, and Doctor Prsasr attended to tbe injuries of Larry. The Doctor pronounced them severe, and even dangerous, but not neossaarl y mortal. A CARD. Respectful !y soliciting the patronage oi tbe public, and having secured the ser- vices ol Mr. E C Saunders aepreaorlp-ttooi- st snd analytical chemist in my .retail department, I am prepared to fill ail pre- scriptions s al any hoar, day or night Mr, Saunders is a graduate of pharmacy and ohemiatry in tbe London college and ia tborocghiy oompetent. Domiciled in tbe storerooms be will answer the night-b-e 11 promptly. i- - B. HILLS, aUrBfgtat, Wi Main strati, ALEXIS- - Meeting of the Committee of , aaata TB Proposed Ducal Fate TakUkg SBape. The committee which was appointed by the mayor and announced in yesterday's Appsal met in tbe rooms or the Union and Planter's bank on Madison street yesterdey. The following gentlemen were present: His Honor, Mayor Johnson, Colonel Pinson, chairmsn of the chamber of commerce; I. M Hill, Napoleon Hill, J. M. Pettigrew, W. M Fsrrington, Be order Scales, Amos Woodruff, Mr. Smith, councilman of ths Tenth ward; Mr. Dsvis, president of the First National bank; Al- derman Msckall, Colonel Landon C. Haynes, Peter Tracy. E-- q ; J. W. Jefler-son- , N M. Jones; J. H. Jadah, Jonathan Bice, Ei. Waitmore and Colonel DoPre, of the Appeal IX THH CHAIR. His honor the mayor was made chair- man of the meeting and Beoorder Scales secretary. The chairman having slated tbe ot of the meeting called upon the gentlemen present to give their views in regard to the proposed visit of the Grand Duke. He had no doubt bat that their action would redound to the credit of the city. He then handed the secretary the following invitation from the proprietor of the ovajBTOir hotxx: OVBWTOt Horn, January 9th, 1372. To His Honor Mayor Johnson: Dear aSu I desire u tender th rough you the liihapiia lliesof the Overton hotel lo your e for his imperial Hignutss, the Grand Dtike Alexis, of Biisala. aud su.te daring their stay In Memphis; and, li agreeable, will be pleased to carry out their viewa lu, r gard lo any entertalament.proposed to be given. Yours, very leepeciluiiy, 8. B. BOBINS. Tbe secretary then handed in the which was Bent from the propri- etor ot the PKABODT HOTXX. PaaloDT Hiirti. Ji itarvS. liTt. To tbe Committee of Arrangements lor recep lion ot oiiaiij iiuke: r GeaOaaam We respectfully tender to you I tne hospitalities aud accoinmouati jus oi tn I Peaoody hotel for tne Ura-i- Doke Alexia I and suite aurini their stay in Memphis. I XoUIS .eapeftlUli' u'BANKOS 4 M0KKI3 The communications were received. I. M Hiii said he was not aware wnat things were done in other cities. He had no precedent oeiore him waicn won serve as s guide In this case, bat It w certain we in Memphis could not attempt to rival other cities lu tbe extent or splen dor of their euiertaiumenis. The most we could expect to do would be to make such arrangements ss would serve lo give a very reepeotao.e reception to the dis tinguished guest who was to visit the city, and which would serve to illustrate oar klnansss and cordia.i.y. The other gentleman present msde sug gestlons upon the same general sabl which at last resulted in the appointment of a committee of seven to draw up a pro gramme and make arrangements as ways and means and report back on Fri day ailernoon. The mayor appointed the following such committee : Messrs. Pinson, F. Davis, W. J. Farrington, I. M. Hiii, Amos Woodruff : J. L. Norton from tae hoard co unci tin en aud J. M. Pottigrew ironi the board of aldermen Tbe committee thee tWj oarned to meet Friday afternoon at four o'clock. A CORRESPONDENT ANSWERED. The Story of Andrwelee and the Lion and other Men and Ti Inge. A correspondent asks: What is the story of Aniirociea and the Lion P If we mistake not, Androclee was the slave of a Bcuian senator, and the first corn doctor mentioned in nisiory. xlav lug pared the callosities of his master aoois rather too deep, he was kicked through the Malefactors .Gate out Borne or, to suck to history, was ordered to leave town inside of twenty-lou- r hours, or go to the workhouse. Passing sadly out Irom benoiila th-- ' portals of lne Ar de Carpet- - Cagger, he took his way Alrloa, resolving to seek ont tne corres- pondent of the Aw York Herxid and give aim a sensation in ihe way of a ku klux outrage. Skirmishing through the jungle one day he came upon a lion huobling about on three legs. l.ie lion knew once that Audy was the man he was look mg for knew that in him Le saw the Bi st corn doctor of the Julian Era and straightway poked his paw up lor ihe Uaapeciion of the ohiropodiat. Andy was delighted at tins recuguiuonoi his prof as slonai axial, sua at oacu set kooul lue Jo of peaai auigery tnus oppor.unely found and by the abeirriton oi morn or tw and the ludioious cupping oi tttu na.lt soon had the flipper oi his Boyal Leouuis Highness in a condition tor 1jdtka para aaTuoS. or a lorty-ua- y ouruey. ins ac quaintance thus begun was carefully ioa-ter- by Androclee, and he ana Lt-- be came fast Iriends. Ine lour-loote- Py thins acted ss commissary u the bi peual Damon, and the twain fared saniptu ously every day, their table being gar nishod with all game ot the season Tims wore along, until one day Andy read lu the papers an Associated Prts telegram lo the effect thai bis tender toed master was dead, wren he at ot.c look the train for the E ernal City. Imaicd ately alter his arrival, he was horriILd tc iearu that, as usual, the agent of the A aocia.eJ Press nad aude a bluuder, and that Old Ginger Foot waa as' lively ss sver and ten lines an vicious, rxe re solved to quit Rime and go to roaming and had be not been temp ed stay ovt-- r night to see the Lyaia Blcn son Terns men piaylng au engage ment st the Amphilh-air- e V on the ts of ihe Leonine Gladiatorial Combination he would never have been heard ot snail . aa be bad determined attach himself to Livmgblone's party then at Ui ii. His boss. Se-at- or Bavels, nipped him jas. as he was coming out be twesn tne urirasto vaae au aut, am turned him over to Sergeant Hicks, wh was on dutv at Broom's that uight. Afte a sleep in the perish prison, And? was brought before J udge Brady, at tne jener son market police court, wao very prop erly sentenced blm to death giving him his choice, however, ot being pored into eternity bv Hull, the spiriiusnstic leo lurer, or belDg chewed into hash by the lions at the Col seum. Ot course, Andy chose the least painful of the two, and cried out, "bring on your lions any tbirtg but the Hull boa." The same eveniDg after Docter Spalding hsa opened the doors snd Colonel Vespasian had entered bis box, snd other disunguisnea cr. z had taken their seats, Andy waa tossed ia to tbe rins. auoilng from Gritusldl, as he struck the saw dust, the cheerful "Here we are again . ' The Uous, ss a reouxe ior this levity, and prompted by sharp-se- t ap petites, at once mtae nsste to ttive him s cordial reception. Bat. be hold I a miracle I ice largest oi tne party of expectants of a toothsome supper sprang forward, embraced Andy warmly and cried out "it lai it is ne: inyiong lost corn-doctor- !" Andy was now sale for his friend stood a very Irish Giant in quadrupedal pugilistic out cles, and ihe chances are that they would ait nave worn tin ears had they interfered with Leo O'Baldwin's new-foun- friend. Old Bevels, ihe owner of Andy being a crafty old rat saw how things stood, and concluded to do a Utile electioneering bv making friends with his tormer toe carpenter, and descended to ibe arena for that purpoee, but had barely time to etaculate -- "Bul'y to- - yoh, old sport." wnen tbe hungry kings of the forest made up tor me toes ci tneir sup oer bv tusking a free-iunc- u oi rteveis, wneresl ine audience cneereu lusiny so vociferously, in fact, that Pliny says You could not nave neara it thunder." Colonel Vespasian, hsv lng it in his mind to run for sheriff, ourtled favor with the populace by waixing uown to tne loot- - litrhts and singing out: "Hail to An- - droolea. benoef-Tt- head corn-doct- of all Home!" Dr. Spalding, not to be out done by tbe Colonel, called Andy up out Of the palace ot lions ami ouereu aim a star engagement for the whole Southern Theatrical circuit, and money enough to pay a week's board. Cicero, no longer abie to contain the eloquence for which he was famous at ibe Boston Jubilee, ex claimed. "Fortunate senex puerl" to hlch Andv retorteu, vuu etesrccttis, anttqut equsl" The enthusiasm at this Dolnt waa Intense: tne newaooys anu bootblacks the ladies waved their jewelled tans, the lions growled (a trick mey naa isarnea irom correst, while he and they traveled with Old John Bobicaool. and Dr. Bpalilng went Into the box-effl- to count, up tbe house. Our correspondent here has historical warrant for picking a lien's foot out of a thorn, and assisting any other brute he may meet in distress. I there is a merchant in Memphis who thinks advertising does not psy, we would suggest thst he go to one ot the business houses who advertise so exten lvely through the columns of tbe Ap- - iial, and remain only one hour, and il he does not go away convinced of its po- tency, we are much mistaken. If mer chants would Increase their trade, they must inoresae their advertising, and to botb. bo better medium exists than is offered through the columns of the Lee County Journal, published at Tupelo, TsBlsaippl. ea jo w. lUuHi "lUNCH 1 tha old Paeiflo saloon. No. 17 Mon roe street, the finest thst the market can fiord rabbits, goose, bear meat, cele- ry, a etc. will be dished up to all the friends of the Pacific. Tbe best beer, inea and cigars win oetp to stimniate. Call and see. W. LOUIS. aimoii." is neot bv ail nrtt-oiai- drae- - an Af J afcsm clivtcOa,- -. IMMIGRATION. Commodore Maury's Views. Commodore Maury, In a recent letter says that none can question tbe incalcu- lable value of immigration to a State. By the census of 1790 the population between the two sections, free and slave, waa, in round numbers, four millions. By tbe census of 1870, the total population now is thirty-nin- e millions, of which less than 15,000 0000 are in the former slave States, and more than 24.000,000 in the free. Now, where did this difference of 10,000,-00- 0 ot inhabitants come from? Tt did not come from any difference between the sections in tbe state of natural increase, for statistics clearly show that the South la quite equal to the North. It comes fro in Immigration, and shows that, of the immigrants who came into this country between 1790 and 1870, more settled in the North than in the South. Counting those who came into the country during this interval and their descendants, the census shows that last year there were 10,000,000 more of them at the North than at the South. Now, suppose that some sadden cala- mitylike that which befel Chicago and oer ain parts of Wisconsin last fall -- had come upon these 10,000,000, destroy ic them and all their possessions at a b o ; call to mind those sutumnal losses ana sufferings in that city and State, and then find if you can, with figures or words, expression for the loss that the North would suffer in such a case. The rate of natural increase in this country from decade to decade, as shown by statistics, is 13 8 per cent., and but for immigration tbe Norfoik Virginian shows thst the present white p tpulstion of the entire country wonld hsvs been but lu 0CO 000, instead of S5.000.000. Make the computation youselt The while popu-lstio- n in 1790 was 8 241,230 From whst I hsve seen and heard in Europe, and from what I know of the people there, I feel persuaded that the attempts to introduce Immigrants Into tne South are not to be crowned with satiafaicory sue seas, until the prejadlces against us tnat have been excited there by northern writers and Influences are removed, and that this cannot bs done by any thing short of combined scion by the southern Slates themselves. In removing these prejudices, thsy should give, st the same time, that. sort t f Information touching our cltmatea and productions, the natural resources of our Oouutry, her social Institutions, manners and customs, sa Intelligent emigrants de- sire to have of their new oountry, and such as any ot your readers wishing to settle in Brazil or Africa, or any other strange land would court. For .his, I suggest, not a "physical sur- vey" of tne soutn, but a report aa above, treating also of the physical geography ot the whole south. Follow up the idea; it is simple in detail, ana you will soon work it out. Suppose the funds be raised, and the work oe prepared apd properly illus trated with maps and drawings. I. is then, ont of the same Joint fond, trans- lated into the languages of the several countries from which immigrants are de- sired, and stereotyped the plates being placed abroad, from which the agents there, from all the States and all the pt en-e- m companies as well as individuals, in short, anybody may get copies of the re- port in the language required, at the mere cost ot paper and ink; ana thus all who read or cuculate the document would, pro tanto, be an unpaid agent of every South ern State. Each State and immigration company could then fouowtt up by show it'K the special lnducaments afforded by them, and so, Instead of Interfering with and obstructing individual enterprise, It would ass, st and encourage it. I need not develop the plan further, be causo .Lis ts its corner-stone- , and uocti 1 .no rsst depends. The States have been hobbung atoag and making passes as im migration in one way or another now for nearly sevan years. The degrees ot success mat they nave achieved is enough to convince the legislatures that they none of them have gone to work ia the right way. Yours, truly, M. F. MAUBY. FREE-LOV- E. Answer of Rev. J. BU airavea to the Bev Moses JttaU.BptrltwaiUt, Auitor Appeal L request yon to re publish the extract which I dip from New York paper, because of an lmpor taut ;y uograpuical m'stake that brealts tae point ot me article: One Moses Hull, a great oratorical light among lue apirn ualisls, concluded a spsuch belore lbs laat con vention of these people In the following d tojj con frtoco style : Tito from this convention hied with now zeal. Courage, brethren! Bpirliualism will save u; asna us from rln s railroad rings. wLti.iiy rings, isiumauy lings, cnurcn ring, wedding lings, and rings of all kinds. It will Biug out the old, icing in the new. So mote It be." It ts Veil to know precisely the extent ot the blessiuas iirouiised us by the great reformer : but there are a few I f us, here and there, who aaouiu iua.ua mv now Jerusalem oomiuguowu outot heaven Just to let to let our "wedding rings" alone. Tbe above needs no word of comment to bs ap t reciateu oy ine better classes of tbla city Mr. nun states tne true assigns OI aplrlUM 1. e., to abolish the use of Cnrlallan chuicues and the marriage Institution, and to esLah upon ineir rums universal t ree- - ovism. J. K li. That tbe readers of the Appkal msv understand what this man muatta by saved from "wedding rings," I send you an extract from the late lecture ol Mrs- - Wocdhull, delivered in New York city: Free-lov- e will be an Integral part ot the religion of the future. The leg Umaie sequeuce of social freedom Is free-lov- or freedom of ttie "And you are a free-iove- Yea I wn a L ma hisses. I have an inui.e WjU, coiMUuiional and na era right 10 love wnom 1 may, to love as long or as AorI a pertou as t cau, to cnangewu 'tJtr every itan u 1 please r.'uewed hisses., and with thai riant ueitnei you nor any law you can frame have any tight to interfere; and 1 have further ngni to demand a tree and unretncttxi exer- cise of that right, and it is your duty not only to accord it, but as a community, to ase that 1 am protected in It. 1 trust thai I am rally understood, fur I mean Just that and notnlng lew . I have the note addressed to ire by Mr Hull through your issue of the 9,h My self respect will not all me to reply to a man wnose low stanuara of morals and gentlemanly culture permits him to In suit me in a proposition to debate with him. I think the pastors in this oitv are I aslifliblo in declining to accept bis boast- ful challenges, couched in language suited to the manners of Co burn or Mace, the prist ring pugilists. Mr. Mali may be doing a good work In is city by showing our people or thoe woo see ui to him tbe real posl t:on oi spiritism toward the Bible aa God's worn of truth, toward the plan of saivawou wnicu it revests toward chris- tian churches snd their pastors. When .ne seeas wntca he is sowing shall have germmatea ana ripened, we shsll see here, we nave oiraauy seen in new xork snd oiher northern cities, the tertiole harvest ot infidelity and free-lovis- thst tonows as the legitimate fruit of spiritism J. B, GBAVES. A TUG-BOA- T SUNK. c. O'Mnrphy Arreated oa Ssntplclon of Having "Hone the Deed." The little tug-bo-at belonging to P. G. Kelly was not to be found at her moor- ings yesterday morning. The eye of the anxious owner wandered up and down the river's bank in search of his neat craft, but she appeared not. He learned upon iLquiry .that very early in the morning a man named Cornelius O'Mur- - phy was seen leaving the tug in a skiff and steering his oourse up the river. This Cornelius O'Murphy is a dweller in Chel sea, and had been employed all last sum mer and fall by Mr Belly as engineer on the boat, but he quit at a time when the owner could least sfford to part with him. aud when it was not convenient to get ai omer man right away. Belly felt indig- nant at whan he considered such mean treatment, so he refused to settle with Murphy at once, and told him that he should wait till Saturday aa a punish ment for his meanness. Thereupon they parted. It appears there was a plug In the hold ot the tug known only to Mur- phy and the owner, and It is surmised hat ehe was sunk by pulling the plug out. Coinslius O Murphy was arrested at his bouse ysterday morning and brought before Justice Miller, who will Investigate the case GOOD SELECTIONS. We are glad to learn from a olrcalar from Globe Mr. rriny r reeman.prosiaentoi tne Mutual Life lnsursnoe company that Mr. M S. Judah. long connected with the of fice of tbe company in this city, has been anno inled assistant superintendent of agencies of the Globe throughout the United States. He is a thorough insur ance man ana win prove a varuaoie ac- cession to the company. The ssme circular comers upon air. William B Btcbardettbe responsible po sition ot cashier for the company for this city a post for which Mr. B. is eminently fitted by his long experience in tne leau-i- a hankinar establishment in Men) DDIs. Tbo Globe may well congratulate itself pon having secured tne services oi such n as Messrs. Judah and Bichardet, with nsltber of whom can its interests ever kufler, NSOLEOTXD COTJBS ABB CoiPaJ. Few are aware ol the importance of checking cough or "common cold," In Its lit at stsge; thst whioh in tbe beginning would yield to "Bbowh's Bkohchiax, Tbochss," if neglected, often works upon the lungs. mobbs shcold or ail msahs sail snd aanmiai the new and susnnt stock of oarcets and tuiAivurs at S. 9gas?s, m issooAd street, THE BONDED WAREHOUSE. The Matter of a Bonded Ware Boose llgher Pay for LeUer-Cnr-- rters Coder consideration. A meeting was held In the chamber of commerce yesterday afternoon, to con- sider the United States bonded warehouse question, snd also to see what could be done toward procuring an Increase ot pay tor me letter-carrier- The meeting was fairly attended, and a general disposition evinoed to do business and eschew speech- - making, colonel a. Bsvllss made a strong, though brief, argument, showing the inadequate remuneration which letter-- carriers receive for their labor. At the conclusion of bis remarks he submit- ted the following form of petition and ac- companying resolution, which were un-tt- n mousiy adopted : To the Tennessee Representatives In Congress: Sibs Whereas, The proper delivery o : mail matter requires the undivided atten- tion of capable, diligent and faithful car- riers, who must be men who will work sedulously with celerity and certainty; and. Whereas, Men capable of satisfactorily performing the many arduous duties ot letter-carrie- rs can only be obtained and retained as such by giving them In exchange for their hard and continuous mental and phy; ical labor, a greater remuneration than that we now give them. Therefore we respectfully request you to use your irfiuenoe to haetsn the pss sage of the Hon. Leonatd Meyer's bill, or any bill to Increase the salsry .of let.er-carrier- s to twelve hundred dollars a year. Resolve i, That the Mempbis Chamber of Commerce endorse the foregoing peti- tion and instruct the secretary to furnish each member of congress from this State with a copy of these proceedings, together with such further action as they deem necessary. THl BONDED W ABllt 0LTSB. Mr. Bay litis said last he had been re- quested to offer the following resolution, whicn was also adopted: W hire as, a bond warebocsa baa been eatabllsned in this city by ibe Federal government, which has heretofore tailed to be so patronized by importing mer- chants sa to secure s sufficient sum to pay the rent for the building employed; and, Whereas, It ia highly necessary to se cure me same as a permanency at this port; the efore, Resolved, Tna he chamber ot com metes hereby ret- mend to the business men of the city 1 tgn a guarantee tor tbe payment oi aaia rt at and o.her ex nenses for one year; and that the secretary be authorised and directed to present such guarantee to our merchants, and request tneir signatures lo tbe same. There being no other buslnea to trans act the meeting adjourned. OUR BANKS, 1 he German HaUeaai. At the election held yesterday at this oanx me following stockholders were elected directors tor the ensuing year: Laouis rxsneuer, of schootneld, Hanauer. A Co. ; B. S. Jones, of Jones. Brown 4 Co.; J C. Neely, of Brooks, Neely fc Co. D. T. Porter, of Ford, Porter fc Co. ; E. T. Keel, of Keel A Co. ; H. H. Meite, of H. H Mette Jc Son. : D. P. Hidden, of Sad den A Avery: G. L. Dsnlson, of Orgii Bros. 4 Co ; A. L. Harris, of Hxrris, cochran x Co.: v. Bacigalupo, J. J. Jenny, H. S. Garth, E. Meyer, of Meyer, oicxneii tx co. Valea and Planters Bank. At an election for fif.een directors of the Union and Planters bank of Mem phis, held on Monday last, the following gentlemen received a m3j rtty of the votes cast: Wm. M. Fsrrington, J. J.'Bawlinga, C. B. Church, C. W. 'oyer, v. m. B. Greenlaw, W. B. Gslbreath, Nspoieon Hill, A. Vaccaro, Joseph Bruce, M. L Meacham, Wm. A. Williamson, Nathan Aaams, wm. a. ooodwyn, A. C. Tread- - weu, John T. strattou. First X a tonal. At the election held ydsterday for thir teen directors oi the r trst National bank, tne following gentlemen received a ma- jor ltv of tbe votes oast: F. S. Davis, New ton torn, Joan T. rargason, vV. Y rroud- - ftt.'W. W. Guy, B. Eiemsn, G. H. Judah, J. IN O Ivor, C. r. ismilh. J. W. Jttf-no- W. W. Youog, T. B. Diiiard, wm. B, Moore. "A TENNESSEEAN ABROAD." Calitorala rotten from Tennessee Reed, alsed by an Old rennesseeaa. Some montas s:no9 we published the particulars of the ciilt'va lun of cotton in Csli!ornls by Colonel Strong, who was for years.a resident of Memphis, and daring tne war servea m me confederate army with the rank of major in the quarter master's department. Colonel Strung has two large tarms or ranches, on both of which he has been unusually successful in raising the stspie. Yesterday a sam- ple, classing fully good middling to mid dling fair, wss received per express from htm by Messrs. Pettit fc Simpson, of 18j c nton street, accompanied by the follow ing i . ter : California, December 15, 1871. Messrs. Pettit A Simpson: Genu I send you an average sample of a crop of cotton consisting of hfiy bales, raised by me on the Merced river, Merced county , California, which I wish you to class and write me the result. By eo doing you will much j i ajs. Yours truly, J. M. STBOlVti. The seed from which this cotton raised was sent from Memphis, and as Jolonel Strong Is an old Memphlan, we have a double interact in the cotton, t he sample ot whioh may be seen at the effioe ot Pettit it Simpson as above. We are proud of Strong aud his achievements the first California cotton planter. LAW REPORT. first Chnneery Court eeUer. The case of Atkins vs Johnson wss re sumed yesterday and argued by counsel for oomplsinant. This morning the argu ment will be concluded, after which the unfinished oases of the calendar will be tried. seoatd Chnne Court Chancellor eotk, Decisions yesterday : Perrin vs White, lntunction modified. The case of Muikey vs Pollard being unfinished will be con cluded this morning, after which Mon day's oases will bs called, being Nos. 647, 577. 672. 601, 6T7. H38, 6S2, 683, 684. 636, 637, 641, 08. 645. 646, 848, 661, 852, 658, 654, 656. 608, 0OU, MtS. boa. Plrst Ureal t Coai-- t Helakell, Jadge. Colonsl McBae finished his argument in the gas case yesterday. Tae court has the motion under consideration and will not reader a decision for several daya. To morrow motions for new trials will be heard, but no others. The court will be in session for a short time this morning for the purpose of hearing the motion for a new trial in the ease of Pberely B. Shep- herd vs. St. Louis Mutual Lite Insurance company. Second Circuit Court Balsey Jndge. Business preparatory to adtournment. tor me term, win oe transacted to day. County Court. The county court met yesterday pursu ant to adjournment. The following Jus- tices were present: D. M. Withering ton, A. Murray, w . r . i org, j . a. Logon, a t Duncan. Tbomss lx. Giles. John Spoil man, Patrick M. Winters, W. H. Moncreif w. H. 3 need. wm. Wallace, BUI ah Pulli am. j. w. Caldwell. J. w. Herring, j. w Allen, Thomas C. Bleckley, Harrison Irby, William H. walker, Henry X. Jones, Thomas Holman.tr., g. o Buntyn, w. H. Hoegel, J. B Brown, John E. Burke, John T. Elliott, Samuel A. Moore, Robert B. Miller. W. B. Glisson, 0. L. Brooks. H. C. Msssey, B. B. Stone. Esquire Caidweli was appointed an additional delegate to vote the stock of the county in the Mis sissippi Klver road. The committee appointed on liquor dealers' tax was ordered to report to the present term of tne court. A committee oi inree wss appointed. consisting of Justices Wallace, Williams and Hal man, to examine the books and pist made by M. T. Williamson and re- port as to completeness of same and the amount of compensation that ought to be allowed. Certain changes were mads In the tax assessment of the fourteenth civil dls riot which affects some half dozen peo ple of that district. On motion of acquire sneed It was or dered thst the following gentlemen be appointed a special committee to confer with Dr. Allen ss to terms, etc., for the treatment ot Insane persona Esquire ruitiam. aneea ana a, u. nassssy, The petition of Judge Fllppin to have a onange made in the stairway of the crim inal court room was referred to the chair man and the snerur wltn power to act. A quantity ot other business, consisting oi appropriations, Quangos in assessments. etc., was transacted and. the court ad journed to this morning at ten o'slook. EMBhOIOERlE8. Hamburg work on eambrio. Ham burg work on linen. Hamburg work on Swiss. White trimmings and minings of every description. We are bow e Bering a oom-piet- e sasortment of the above goods at low figures. T, W. JOHNS tOJf Jt CO., opposite Peabody Hotel. ATTEffTtSW ! Tsxss paid on most favorable tsims. bv oisy stum, mo. wiataBH wwwn. TABULAR STATEMENT of Election held In the City of esnphlB en T hers. lay . Jaaaary 4, 17, ander the Previsions of the Charter of the City e Memphis: I m M ! I f 1? ' IN ; I ' j 2; Sss wtV . . Z It i Mgwj,-egra- gs jsa5 g ..Mr I I I IS aaa SUl .8; sn,sz "5:3 as rd i m at sa m wet Sin : -?- 2-x"2: 2S5 ward- - il t 2 - : -.a- B.q..o-535; 815 835 9s it x at ov 7tn : j nWBjgbagPsajg Egg aS -- ard. Mm -- issgyts; 111 l?5 SI j ' SaS 2 arH. .Mo8-5- 8i gt?g g 23 wart. ob n t; ws o-t- c -- jSsja i ija Ssl si otai. FOB AX.UEBMAM. Jtr Word. MgMh U'ard. J Wa'an n M Born. 357 JBp MO I K Orshan M Faurtn Ward 3 B-- toa tws J sf PetiUr.. .; H K !" Al 1 TCartwrlaTV joj, AmA Ward. fijlh Ward. f Braat . 1 earn ami.u ... . i; netti- - ijs Ma-at- e. t,., 28 CJBTdrlg. ten an ... VCB COCMCILMJE9. Ftrit Ward. J. D. Bcffln r0' T.roi.y SB BI By bass off L Zsot. j ia a. w. Parker 1 PJ Kelly as SsesnU Ward. a sao U .J. Wolie m J . Twee"? fte At. H. Greenlaw. Jrl 2 &eeod Ward I. J. rowley 14 W. A ntettay T . B. flgnaigo JSS a. B B hina. 61 f. H. Bluer V W. haae .is v. a. Anuncns M F. W. .at r. v. Botto iaz W. Bpckre aaia .37 . H. lekeraoo So Third Warn. a K. Pmn Jti s. O Uicatui ... .JtC . H. C oke 18 J. Hie nkahl 7t EahlA Ward L Amis. ..13r J. Oeui-elt- e m t. w. .a. Cro k H Barks u S. ' ordano Si . 8. B ss lie.... H.Ri-bsia- tt II . FC-atk- !W La. La tig a I. MantiaD 148 Harjrr la . tV. M Voaiao i i L.WU-0-- . , i.K. o .yl fr Fourth Ward. V. aU ltmi 17 f. L. ; n. aVfntA IVord. O. A Boehn . 27t J. F. beoanei 770 W". P. l j, t. Bsder J Fifth Ward. . Hart Id J. Bsoauian. 2M a. ss- - C'.Lei.'.e c- - 1 Tenth Ward. M. Cohen UU. f. H. Bmlth 42 W. P. "an in 2 t P. cnil'gan n Sixth Ward. I. H. opatn. It) J Hs.eieau J. H. Wira 71 W M. Harvey J V. b. Wright S3 W. Byaa a' I. A. La ton 17 For SCHOOL-VIBirO- ttrtt Ward. Seventh War I. M Un IDr- it- - IB Maury UUw Second Ward. J8 white in aBBtaui H ltd Anderson Ai Third Ward. d. Lemon- - ts J G B.rtttior 031 Eighth Ward. Fourth Ward. J LH . ay lor .773 RW Mitcaeh .1 u.J Oitetbrg . 2 H 0 teeer . 1 lOSsng-ter.- .. .. 1 At Ulli . ii itswi irtaTo. f,1h WZ m ten.. 281 W 3 b'uee . 57 Vesey 113 Sixth Ward. PMDlckitaaoo 1 C Koi tiec .1 .117! Tfnth Ward. N V McKson . 7, C tt MorriL. -- 6M K S Laaxl.... s PAT OF COCSCIia. Sinth Ward. Pay No pay. .. MAKC'CS J. WEIGHT. bherlBTot dheloy county. GAS. A Card frun the Mean this easllghl Cans psny. Ib the Public The board of directors of the Memphis Gas- light company desire to declare, in an author- itative manner, the luture policy of their com- pany In regard to tbe sals of gas : Our company Is possessed of the most com- plete and ample appurtenances necessary for the niauuiacture and distritiuilon ot an ade quate supply of lUnminaf.Ing gas for the city of Memphis, the right to vend which we olalm as an exclusive and vested right. In addition to the extensive works for the manufacture of coal gas, we have in operation apparatus lor maniiiActiiring gas from uaptha. under me prooesH secured by the Hand A Gale patent, ay this metnod .owned and controlled en- tirely by uai, an Illuminating gas is aumufac-- t ureal by our company superior to that which any otner company can man il fact tire tn this mly, by from Hiiy to one hundred per oent. tats is a fact tvnich wai become patent every gas oouaumer ol tae city saotntl atuotL . company enter into competition with Within the present week an Improvement haw, been made at our worsts which will forever secure to this city the credit of possessing a tigni uasurptk-se- inrougnoui tne giooe. Through the same agency we will her mat ter be able to correct, in a few in motes, deficien cies in the power ol the lignt we lurutan occa sioned by ooiu weatner, or irom otner caoaajs. We do not propose lo lose a consumer on ao count of mice, should another comoany coin mence lo sell gas at a price lower than tne rale fixed by this company, we will at once reduce our rate to a point titty cents per thousana cubic feet lower than the amount fixed upon by sucn other company, and will keep do- se tiding tn he same ratio. W e would remind the public that we desire no assurances or guai an ties ou tne part oi out oormumers, as we believe that whenever mat- ters cum- - to open competition, the superiority of the llunt orWed ov ihis c ainany. to say uothiHg ox lnaucemeuis tn price, win secure a continuance uf the patronage It has so long snrc so. it Is I made the imperative duty of every offl- - esr and emuiote ot this company to pav strict attention to tbe wantsand requirement of our patrons, ana any lacx or courtesy or neglect of complaiuta will subject the ofleuder to severe rebuke or prompt disiiimwal from our service. Adopted by the board, and oruared puo- - 1 lull uai. er 23. 1371. JAM La M. WiXLiAMBOl?, PrsaldeaL Gkoaos w . GlOTT, Secretary. OE f YtllK CLOTH tet AT WISagkSBI Winter with iu cold is here, Don warm suits and never tsar. Evsry man and boy should wear Enough to shield him ltom ths air. Go and see his stock and stylet Go, if you travel many in lies Each customer will surely Sad Enough to satiety his mind. His goods are all ths very best Made into overcoat, pants and vest. Bring In your wealth and from his shelves fitly goods to satisry yourselves. Every man and boy will rise ExtoiLlug W aggenai to the skies. Remembering that hut price Is low, Regardless of all others blow-Le- ave your measure with him now, Get one drees suit anyhow. WAGGENER. Merchant tailor, UT Mala street. MONEY SAVED I Hi w Vmwl nn Ban. rmnn. .,., Slnaa UJ UUJ1U1 JOtlt tUUtl.J Utllltl, 1DUU.. see money and Belma railroad scrip at City Bank, rt o. 9 Madison street. LOCAL NEWS. --Go to Ieddln's CeUega. Attend Robertson's Bnitlness College. Thos. Cubhlns, bricklayer, 2S1 Mala street. Armstronx's Photoaraphlo Gallery, No. 211 Main street. Three faultless gem pictures for nity cents. Hsat, Compost amp Eoohomt. This you will get by baying your grates set with Lemon's improvement, cau at a Second sireet. Bxx advertisement of Dr. Butt's Dispensary, headed Book tor the Million Marriage Ouide in anotner ooiomn. it anouia oe roaa oy bil PT5trs,31 Second street. Nkokil Is the great antidote tor nan- - rLtL:t. St aax FrrnBe, 103 Second NxtTRxt, ' Immediately relieves and 1 manently cures neuralgia. Jos Lockx. 288S1 Main street, has tha laioast assortment ot Mavga vines, Pictorials and dal lies in tna catty. Qab Fitting, 315 second streeL COPELAWD'S ASTHMA CURL For sale by J. B. Hills, druggist, 281 Main street. Thx an sanest and best Dveintt and (leammr house In the city Is at 21 Socond street (Hnnl s n anion s ma nana). SAMBON A wsi.ggR, EoosoMT . Taks your thil clothing to the Steam Dyeing aad Cleaning House (Sunt A nanson s oia etannj, nt tsecona trees. tLAJNBUrt A w a I ,s ICK Cocoa i or a drasses ths hair beaatrLraliy. S, TAKE NOTICE t County scrip, Tennessee money and Selma railroad serin for sale at Icncest raise by City Bank, No. 9 Madison street. Ir yen sulTsr from aeuralglajipply "KeurlL' WO f ICE. The Btndeselgned, in order te slese their satire steea ed ready-mad- e men's and hoy a One elwthlng and ramlshlag goads, have determined te sell all ges at east as aa Inducement ta the) aablic- - thoiie lai Quest el rare larrnlsts wtM And them at 4. mt la. BBelsiars m si ink B. CMthiae Uotase, a Sxatln, sw laea street. stBaUis Clarh's Ssm i I L sir, 94M9 aawsjt, Seatd & Son' i OBEA7 CLEARING SALE of Bern nantt and Odd Stock. SEE OUR ADVERTISEMEN1. Cheapest Dry Ooodi ever offered in Memphi. Don't fail to tee the Bargain. Re- member toe intend to give up ou re- tail branch of the dry goodt btuinett. A. SEESSEL & SOS, 259 Main street, opp. Court Square. ExAJaOitx ths erate In this office. Tisaiiisal saving of fUaL Ens. A. F. DAVIS. House rid sign painter, 28: Second street. Or ders p mptly executed at reasonable rates. Cor; iibixl yiLicTTT. Nothing tends more to connubial tiannfnon than cneerfui and heartliy infants and children. Mrs. whit- - corn 0 - syrup Is the great children's soothing reme-ly- . 8TAMB0ATS. FOft CAIKO AND ST. LOUIS. and St Loots U. S mail Use ror Ctatcetiia, Madrid, Hickman, Belmont and Cairo, o'unnectiug al Reltnont with tha iron Mean tain H. K.. at Cairo with Illinois central Bnitroad, and ooeia up tae Unio rtlver. JCIaalA a lloyd. tuna aiajaanl and swii will ksavs as a nova IHl--i LlAI. l.tn tnet., at ilm. Tlcxnia lor au points via Memphis and "Si. Louis pacxeta, North. East ana Wsat, appay to laenerai Railroad and alearn Dost office. TOM a. L'UNNj our. Court and Main sU W. E. Oil. I., Agent. JalO S'LAM. CAL VkAtX. cap - FOR NEW ORLaEANS. to t T eg'Slkk ana IIS esLIAIl Vlcksbarg. N.iches and New Orieana. T e entiie y asw iu magultlasnt steamer TBOrBk.B LEaB Jas. H. rspper, master W. . -- owier This ei eganl steamer will leavs ss above IjiWDAY. Uth Inst., st i o LAM. X A CO.. Agents. JslO Wo. g Jettwrson street. iit v Orieans Packet Go. Or v ttxsburg. Batches and New Orleans. -- Lr . -- r RI JnM jSu " e. 'irsen, mtaier s elrgant passenger p. cast wi:l leave as aoove THl i. At mm Inst , at 12 ga Fur freight or passags apply te J. A'. WavuU.seTOa, Agent, Ja'.e an I Meaaaihla and Sew Orieana FaehteS Cs For aseW Or loans and lne neuda steamer OOaCHITa BELLS Frank Hicks, master Juo. aaiuvan - nlerk WIUlssveoD WStlOMEB-aAX.lU- th inarjat.r ar. 4 n m Tae aiewmer troachlta Beiie leavaa ia rtace of the steamer Betle nee. For Ireignt or passage apply cn board, or to aaCri'X) W. lUUrilBCBNE, ttenpl Agent, jj aw Froat streeC WHITE, RED 4 BLACK RIVEKS. For Jascnsenpert,-aarc- y At r Steamer 'bat) W. weeks aawawaawawaV . o t.aa OA master luims-tl- . oaea. W li laaava lal'UtAf, . llh laat , at 1 aa. m. For rraigai or aasaawa apply on noaru or to BJ.CH1J W. LiOHTRL rtN E, Agsnt, alu fjpj Fjesis sueett FOM OSCEOLA. I or OSceola and way lnndlrigs Ths steamer ITsf oNQiNt rx. oroouttt n maator a. uueui aaaaa U it; ...a Y lean tnat.. at d D.m. For freisnt or paaeAao apply on board. (JalAt FOR HAXLES POINT. rtegnisr Mem puis and Haiiee Point Packet yor naites Point and Way lAnrtinga. FBANK foIaabT.. J. . Andre ws, rnsstsr This eiegant steamer WH leave Ab i: pi. la tor rxaiiea rotiaa aim way DOlots SViaRH ktisDAl A.11 SXSl' LAf, a u o'cioark p m. i or i reign-- - ot paage sppay on board. FOB CINCINNATI. For CanelnsaaL ..M.hla eiBciaaal Sorcat.o LaMuaviAie and C.naianail The hue passenger and ireignt atoaatuer nUtt I. BUKftalMBftMNl iruaD rt ...aaA. tar ...aratu.aY.Llllt mat. Ill umi. x or lie.gnt or pass a go apply ou board or to j4 o Front sirtet. LlcainriaU and Bow or eaus Pseaet Co. For 'a.ro. Loui.vt'e and omninnati - tne elegant passenger attains uhds. Hi lie ii i nala Wul Wa.Hl - turk Ajeaves WaXitSlbaAiAI, auta lust-- , Bt t pja. FSg n. or passage app.y to sXLleli A y Agents, jus 2 prunieuaue at., loot ol JoneaawSSta jfoiA juvaia. wsoesjs ass AriUawBB Bttjer Ptskst ssjy--U. 3. Mail Unt. pHX r' 1ST pAattiNUEB BOATS OF X this use leave Memphis tor ail point ou flrssnsiwi river BsFBDAtS ANU FHIHAYB, at H pon For ire-ani- . paesaga or other Laaormauon. .pp-- y to W. H. EENNriiJAY, Agent, Office on Company's W aar.boat, oil Foot at Conn street. fVH. HAkLs A AJiio FHiAM S rXJTNj 0. k., Betaaa xm Ths reliable, nrst-ela- sa packet :ti86. W. GDsek K. CH HIKE aril, rnn aa aoove. lea vtna Mem Mis every ACKB1J AT, TH jattLAlf and SAX o ailA Y, ponotnally at 6 p.tn. For rrelght or passage, appey oa oostrwa AOJt !.- - ivsmmb, rrtart Htn. atae, WMb after, NaMwBa gas tss an. The Cnxtsd States Mall Pwoket A. L WHlfl 111 leave nam phis HOBDAY! Snd f'bU- - oaxb, pamctoaiiy at a p.m. ror irsigrit ar pewsagrst appijr ua awjarw. K Art FOINT aV-M- J tiiLSiUO, rmr't f9U fltHBB BM mm sStatat Mall PissHbw Im mm. jamas ne taeaves Mempnls Mondays ana Fridays, at p.m., oonneeting at neienawim tne steamer rtaoSA ior isananna ana au pointe on L' anaiillie river. via FOB ST. FBANCIS BIVEB. Paekel ST. cRAfiCI$ WIU leave Memphis Trnanars and XMUaa. pats, at s o oiocx p.na. For freight or passage apply on beard .no? FOB NEW ORLKANB. For TNTeF-vc- r Orli RDI FgSKU sliY IK, IS72. The - sanltlaent bs- - ngu sU amer LXB LEE. Frank H lehta, snaa Joint S. Saillvaa. Ciers. WILL leave this city on WEDBESDAT, brnary 7th, is 2. arriving at Bew Or- - leans Monday. Febroa y Uth. aivina ax, or cionists ttve aays tn ths u assent City during tha Uanll Una Unllrtavu I taataaa. tf n a w,i. leave new orieans oa ner up trip satnraay, February 17 tn. "" own be ootalned tor the excursion oy applying on board or to datf . ;il.a u A it MB. Rsflslar MarnpUs soil Haw Oiiaasa 1MUB&DA Y PACKET., For New Qrtsees sai the Beees. teghSBoaa, 187101878. Tbe Elegant PsMStigar and Freight Bt tamer BELLE LEE J. Frank Hicks .msstar J. 9. BMlTjvsjt. clerk Will leave Mamphis for Few Orleans as lOATOWS: 18711 TliajBdaT Bovsamber BBh. aa 5 run ThUTwdar Bovsanber SQtri USia TharsaLav Deesasber latri. atlaa Tharsday Deoomber KUl, at 9 bjb 87B l TllnraAav an nary uth, at s pon Thiirdny .... anaary 2Kh, at J p.m Wednesdnv ebruarv 7th. at S D.m Tbaratia Fsbruary tan, at 6 pon Tim-sila- y March 7th, at 5 pox Tarn-(iii- y asraa niaaTt. aa a n. ra w .ra. aa.rn.ra ra air AT agent. COTTOH AMD STOCK FARM FOR SALE Oil REN F. A nn ACBJSS la oulUvatlon. oottase real- - tJJ deuce of six rooms, large tiyuttwa Sin and mill noose, and plenty of laborers' ; land of toe Mat a reality. IS miles be low Helena, Ark., and II from Mlaslasipol river, protected from overflow by a splendid tever. ior sai. on lona use nootv to or ia- - dres. JOHN B. WLLLIaMB, on the nines, postages, asanaww nol w SALE, A VALCTABiaE COTTON F ABM FOB seres, sear Helena, Phillips sounty Aik,, on the Mississippi river and 1 sea, Lake, known as the 8en. Hid. Pillow Plan tation, now ewned by the aretilttirs of r aad Ala. EE Ua Address B. & Moore, Sgent. Hunt's Station, W. and Ala. 5.. Term. Also, IVor sale, 100 tores, near the day, growing olty of Corlata, M.aic, NW BsEl BS cast. Address Hroitt Station, 'aewasisCsBtBtB, either XL B. Marare. own. Tena., or Wu, 0. W. Be3, LTSW I TRANSPORTATION. Mempbis and Lotiisviflt WINTER SCHEDULE. Mil lain 13. 1871. Trsiii iBBiss nsj gipisss 4U3l Mew Tork. 1 ..: p.m. asl pon. Eleganl sleeping ears in to at aouis. stmt, vine and La as tits IB 'fhelJo I 51S run on am day. J. F. UOYD, noli BnportotBBntSl Mi CwaetftaCtttfl R. Is CHANGE OF TIME. tOBBet4w.-V- . 2sTo-V- . XsS, Aaxrvss: paraorrai Mall train. MrM pun. ii us tva atxpr IV tt p.m. rnrooah fralaeht. ..iix 9tSt sun Way Iralghl. coach altoh'd 7dt Janet. on and rmervlile . ttaa US SaSB itsssom L. ... r.Ha-- a ! Sap MEMPHIS AM0 UTTLE ROCK ft, ft. CHABOE OF Til CQMMgNcLNO Sunday fan nor trains wilt run sa toaiowa: Leave- - Memphis, dailv JM aax Leave Hopodotd cany Arrive LliueRocx. da.lv -- "- Retarning arrive ai Msmphia. di ylis pm BS TBLA1BB WILL MV e)B ts7hAT. Paaascger ttalns connect at D avail s BtsnT on Mouuaya ad i norsaiays. wltn oos.ua tar DosArc, Aagast-- t. Jacssoucrt and points est upper White nvoi: o . WsdnsMlays and oau-- u t days tor Ciaaeudon, xoerLeea. and points an Walie river below evaa's Utah. Comuftuu at Little ko-- a w.tn staasa tor Hot eprlr gs. Camden. Arsadeipaia also with Llti--o r ocx and Fort amilA road, and steamers on arums- - rivsr. Ferryboat leaves foot of Gn.n pi ewspl ly al 7 Mi ana. C P. 0.toXIaKT. tae a ' I Ticket agent. Miamiftfti 4 Tinnmii 8. ft. tN and after Br BOAT. Desssskei U. BTL W oa-d- i furtn.r notice, r ains wnl run SB foUowst laawawl Arrive. Hew Orleans Van. daily. I pom. I SO j BxpresB Train, daily t IS pmn ii Frelxht Train, daiio ax- - Saw BBB atwl ta New orl-sn- s Xsi. tilreeti tor ew Orleans, V lcSaOan Jacksoo, i an on, and au. pamaA douto, i Baagags ILroagrt. For n o and UUtaU I ly to Tt Office, aMTH am sasat, oi jsaia a u oeu 417 JAB. TCBOK. Ben Ledger copy l sa lenpbis & Kafsas Ut B. B. BLKCTIBB OF BOA ED) OF Ovrics ov tsx M. E C. B. A :oxrxorr, t BateavLue, Ark., November 1STL IH parananos of the provi'loos of section e.ght of an act entitled "An sml lo pro- vide tor a general system of rtatlrotad incor. porat on," passed by the Oeceial Aeaemoiv of the State o. Arxacisaa, and ao proved Jaiy BM, lSBt. a general aa elLng oi tne DLreetnrs and Block bo dera of the Msmputs a d Eart-sa- s City Bailroad Company wiIa be held em Wssnesday, the lOtb say mt Jiosiry, 1872, at the office ot Lncian C. ease-- E, In tha city or J season po ' i. in a aca son ot Ark-ras- a, tor the election of the ensuing year, and tne trans other bosimeas- - BTvery uuector anil Stockholder It to attend. WBL BTEBM. niiincroBfl aatn sn caH.LasttA B.F. Patterson, la. J. MeBlsslck, H.B. Lee, El: sua Baxter, Wm. u. Fnrd, Lueian C - ansa. W. A. K. TlaOAle. A W. K. FatUrson, Stocxcolders. to the PtJBBUANT of th Memphis aadcnansa. ton tatlr-Ma- Comptao , i meetina thereof, aem tn the et:y phis, feunssaee. on ne lirth day of 1 ber. aS71. a senoral me una of the holders of tne said railroad company ta .tailed, to bs held tn said city of llarapnls, am We4BMuy, tpe I7t Day of Jaiaary , 1872, For ths Dorcose n' xnaUdertnx und UI such action sa a aid rMockhcldera may deoaa savisaoie tn rerenoe ma ptopoaai maae by thsfcatnarn Eauw- - y Security Compaay far tne lease ol the Main Boad aad tne Flcreaoaa Somervtlie and Wlnrn-st- er branch lnes of the said Mempnls snd C rtillinsel Conapany. M. J. w l SS, Frsatrisnt. Obo lossxtsos. Serretarv. ail daw In Order to Close THE REMAINDER OF Dress Goods STOCK, IALL OF FIVE HUNDRED PIECES OF Plain, Plaid Striped Figured Dress Soods At leas than Intporeatlou prt-e- s. tafteen te thirty sents. Tcese roests most he said. Call earty te tasrsainaj o. c. & k. a. "SOUTHERN PAUCE,' a 8i3 TvraaiT. IwL. NOT X 0352 TO - -- aw, TAX-PAYER- S SHELBY COULMfY. TriStJX3? ? -- ear im are now wiu atu-am- l at the 1 Low ln named pi sees for the purpose at reealvtng the State and County Zzxm Tcr the vaar 71i Distrlet No. 1, at Freed A Boydl store. y. J anaary tic, irrri District No. E wm ary 9th. Dutrtot Bo. 3. at So ton's ttr ra January 1th. District No. i, at cube. We ary Dtstrlot Sa 5. st etglne BAKias esrsasr ass-a- d and Adams streets. Wednardar. Xanaarw AMsathS Mat L at 1 urday, January 12th and inatrlat Bo. 7. at Bartistt, Taarsuay, January 10th and DlBtrlet No. A at Bhalby Depot. awebdaF January MIL District No. 3. ai ksaaBeejam TaKli. Jaa nary 9th. fBslililTli U si nslTlBlllTIl ail Tnasday. January 19th and IStu. mail ax Ho. IL st Bai aiaaloh. Weiinsaitar and Thursday, J anaary 17vn aad lBth. IBstrlet No. M. at Benlksnlarylllaa getttirday-- . ana ary Bftn. Dtstrlot Bo. IS, at Arnold Sa, Monday, Janu ary tMi, nfilsl No. M. at amse arrnsr nnlon streets. th aai4 km Dls'rtaat Ho. M. at Jaaob Brnat'a asm Tuesday, januaa-- r ad. Dlstrlat Not 10, at White "H'lisi. Tllawl. nteliliS Tin TT il Jan-wir- y So. M. iicLat.or, IBS CtOOSliii ot Shelby Ooaat?.
Page 1: THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL JANUARY...jai B A. tACsULa, Is sanisn ssrsasa. rt BnJkX offices In Blantvin tloeX Apply to I u i.. i. A xti A, fgji U u.u sliest la Joba oi Bee rooms and lot


M THIlTtl.Bpaldlng Pope Proprietorsp. Short ftwmreThird Night at the Brilliant Engagement o!


An entirely new biu. "And yet I am notHappy."

Wednesday Evening, Jenoary loin.The beanUfBl8peetct0ar Drama, In two acta,

L jBLINI,Edwin's celebrated moral

Ml"- -Thursday, January 11 KE SILWOBTH,

Tieeeiillni the men gorgeous oostumes everseen upon any etage.

I r day January Mss THOMP-SO--- Ween abe will appear In

Comedy and Burlesque.fr Atnrday Matinee, at X o'clock. Admission (1

Children, 53 cents.Bate-- - day Evening, last appearance &LN BAD

PBJCrS Parquette and front rows of DrewT ree 1 ; L.eaa Circle nn reserved. Si;Family clr-i- e. reserved, i Ada auon.mSi trailers 60 ana tt conta IsiU

ALkClEUbe delivered by the

Very Rev. THOMAS BGBJKE, O. 8. D.,

In the Greenlaw Opera-Hoes-

OB Tharoday , 11 tk Swat., at S o'clock f.moeboet "The Boloe of Ireland; their Talt

of Joy and ol Borrow."

Proceeds In aid ot the rhristlan roth-a- n'

UoU.go, lately opened In jsempbiA



AXX. anon ,.n Lrlng got d rettoaumendaiouB..aacreaa J t. J , this uJC-- . las

"iuua ior a Appiy allMie.ec-ta- a

j two aue-- l

E '-- AO person la vut ol a soGAtUtO aa geiuener, atd win sa cokStO. ... paw

while woman to ao.a t ATa'N A reliablea. n atron .i u - ce..o loan lo doge.-era- .

W'ra at --n unt, xi.oapii.Lr. A. xAYLoB,.Miigeon in Charge,

l.g 41 Jw.t I Conn aiicelKaCHEB A female teacher tn a private1 lmuy, U kO C:.J nil. as uywi..... . ... - .i &aeo.lutMiQau.D:v

lo teach niualc uo an lue ti i.gilali biancneeALUUhl. Willi IO.OI tUCM,

,ti cornice. ciei noteL JOABD la ap:lvalelr. 'V0 --..ailieuaai

JLJixiia-- . Adorine, sun.ug lor ma.t'. 11. C. taii,Ai.W aaaaaa--p.

arv . haN l Haip, white an j maleII... leuni, isruiers, liolei'vujs, aoiaeveij aiaaipuim nelp- -

Laabor Broker and o.u lnieiJaauoe Office,ol Jettc-rsu- sirceua7 .

a IjOBB fa. very body to buy , sell or txenangeO tneir olu nooas at jsj c iwhu .uct--Z . . a un art? .km kii.Kn A ISO. 1 WavShaal

lA and imiai. al corner Vantxand DauderdVie. Goou wages will Oegl.en,

iulBS-T-o rent a house wltn five or sixil rooms. ounVeLLieul toaraass, leaioa coie. null

nuMLUasn Pnmlinre. leathers andt Household Gooaia ot all Unas k ought al


w, XaslHlv he po eer rortb.e anHa sine, ou 11 b lue tuiiioyes o. i- -e

TV.,' m.T.i I'umiia.Lun taaaaiiosd Cooipauywmoh looa uio p.emlnm m me aaiefairTills engine was onill ira.m selected niau--i.i ssa the wuiK ana stale u superiorPir paruiuiaars aapiy to

JaiU i BUlaAh., aa M. M. A C B. K CO,

r,i,ju .an l.nl ain BLewarl fa are ueH auout miy yarn, uoauISLWaJ will be soia ckaaf. Apply at inisumi-e- .

masn.t fine Boaewood case Piano, newr nniw in naa is mourns, une-ihi- ru leeman oo.-t- . inquire al this office. )t

STAUeAlsT In good locaucn. AddressLhls cirfsss 1--J

Ca.BLS Over One hundred head o! Ma.es.TX and noises waij i:ww.mZ iraaaas of isuiss. and ib'ee more to ari VrLanwraa-- lnauoouaasnis um-rw- i to planters anu

J. a- isishjgj g. and cis oesend street.. HaPriltBlJ PUfPlBa, t ine corner

55 aisi n and Ponto.ec sis. al'RIth ui dssuaiOie land: ninety1 OUenli.vaiiou, sooa iropiovmenu, hue I)

a.UcUaU aMSaUAI t lea. uilitas a aai"- -

puis, cn Laorn Laaae roaau, i--'

owniy, si. Por narUculars ai p itop. B nryson, i-- Main sire. I. or on mepremises. jss mb.

and let lor titto cash. Apply al ISAHOUBJa, set. i4

. . i . as a. K:i.Ri)AD BCHlf We are an"A Lhoxlaed Kj eni a portion ot Ibe Bcrijsa.i a.i isi.r'hf ennntv 10 tne sunt road aiai!v nva, cum on uae oo..ar ior m nexSaw aaa lLia is the jn BCilp good lortaxes levied lor ibis 'Oad


avi rwwno ,hre hundred aciee o.aanu in u.uvsr counii . jai?.. wn rllr

bi isvee. jinpii 10 EblL r . Blltirou. a.Laepoi, iipauii ouuug .

JSlvla- V-

D iub Sltlil in ilnBalli l. ADi lv al ctlioi Batwwdsii, jveru.n A co In rear ot 27s

Beoond kUcel Cab

g, sUAtani BIORB One-ha- lf inurest mineVI a'ocerj Mo e, KO . awaaa. a.mktaa. Da app. On tne prSmtaSB US

- . . . i TOAB SUA. taaat.e.S Sal 5 1.US

S aaaaaaa: faAl barieis Bar. j Bueet o.b barrelskaarlv 4SuaaUrien: laASJ OaairaalS l' CUblOWi.set. aamia iluuita; KU barieas IxinUoa.Ladies, Ml oarieis t ion Bets.

ouaTOX, B A CO,dtl rsoa. sou and ttu fmiil street

1 a Mil t acres on Cooper avenbe1 a naavr POBUU stleel OOUisVauU. SUllaiOlc loaaruanei LUuner or ini.a LUsiuese, a.so, aixieel traaul b IK lel on xooov avenue, ua.old haltig1 ust ouuiae maai) .untie.AOaaaV Uj n. r a - Aaaa,

Ho. D'gfop.ar a,! reel.W IlTaM. aaauaia, SlXatel. UUI in SSl )I neila t ea.inaiou street a bargain, Inquire

tne prsm issi- o aa mis ossea. nwe uul;k.M s baeiislue rtasiuauioaa. St JeiIt. .aaiaaia. slleeU P1 Ml MtlUawS UltlA

Ik liw,Lft--At a ba.. a.aain. one Ol memosj cajaaaa'iSee ana deugnt.ni resioenotw intuasub) i.un.i, si.ua ua on the soum siue 01

Poor sueel el.t. jeal aUOWB aae me toMial s piaaee, reeenu owned and ocupieut IS . teruiii a., aaq. for leima, etc., apwAt In Ainaaei nana. not

(JOB- - CSV w aanut sir eel, on lime. Appla al Union i. usvsijs UiAUk,


mUat-l- ne laiae bnh neo e at bicolUil eueel containing flle-- looms Ai '

u, J tx. L Ann,Ssv sioni siieet.

K1W BOCBK, JC tiluEL jW,A J2 aW MaUn sireet.

s J ellarson street exRseiatfaaNca-A- o.

a siiea.olaa.eisnioiboou,Conttii mar rooms w.ua ai.enen, ana eer- -

Waa- l's lOoan allSaUaed A pp. y sohi J P aigiX. tljnlen street.

g--ft ick The vsr elegant i ffios now oeeu

V7 oleti bj nernanao aUlaaO. e lUll paN,7 Jaadison fciaen Lai

aairnaarT 1172 A.LmO. Ibe OaSemeni a anai'.dar same and two Alee offices lu 'Btanlonsal. .h ' aa a.a.iv la.

Ga ii. oBOCKKir, U Union St.. orjai B A. tACsULa, Is sanisn ssrsasa.

rt BnJkX offices In Blantvin tloeX Apply toI u i. . i . A xti A,

fgji U u.u sliest

la Joba oi Bee rooms and lot ot ahree acresXX oi gioond, on sa t) a sim me ioi

ee ot Mia Joun 'lempie AppiJ. r. . r.x.i r.

left u s JtBersoai slieet.

jaosl h juS-u- ut Uarge f.onl loom, " anluinisnt d, 'el Will. i s Aoams sirte.

rgicBB inree offieee aoieniin amnions. Appij to ..

ISSaV . MJ, oawvaaaa i

AM 17 U. m

PiaACK The Cberry Plaea,'' onCBxBKI avenue; alee, a small Cm AGav

WVSataW OS SSm S THU I II I PS aaaaat K.Maaiaw,PABTaJt AHA Bharai

u tiason suae i.


a.A BAwABD- -l WIU g'.ve this rewardD 1 U lor the detect t n o. any persontaaan in the act 01 tearing down or mall-ggfii.- a

iy aeisdng the peeling ot sieau. busiefear woaOli 1 am agent, g D. COBB, .U Pronl.

a r.-- a ktwiiuj Buayeil or oneD.JU Bsy B oise, very heavy set, sis ysaiaola o.t. cy build. I will give sou reward ,01him and me thief 1 will pay wnat is iighi 1.

US' an, but it he has been e.o en i wnl givetake reward as aoove staled. He is ls uanoshagta. D. PoimEb, Boliy.oru Boan,

Pour miles nom jsemphls.

,r BBWAhii strayed on Bumlay, theOat J Tih Instant, one Ba. M.ic aiaietuUau in la.ll eya, at out nine years oad. OneImik Bay Borse Mn.e, tour years old, out lostbelow ieit eye: each et tbe mutes sb ui itBanns t lgn The finder will reotlve theAbove reward by leaving lnlormai on with

Too Hl nla.jaai. oot of oea.e street.


VP lu thelkJlnkt.aBBDiOW.1 wun a ymig salt. The cow Ulagooo

niaar. very sen i.e. norns as wen o, right eataropped. unotibli in leu ear. Toe own. r canast bar by oailliag on Ha n.ngion joi.eeOnion awssine. and paying cbgsa la6


lULaO BBCAiaAi ioe name w s sj L'toj 1 ei gtnvea cn he lis.tte. A liber,yawrd ul be paid lor its return tod stains.iasi Ik'

il aMI-- a Goid Watch, on in- - lh Uasc.Vt sapnoaad to have lest on Hairnet

Ae si i sol tst ssla velab was a doobia ease,Mweletl. uiaoe by Thomas Base I,

SlkXrw' lu Wiilplaaasgteri aulas . .


A. ttlil WO i wo pleasant rooms, enrar- -Bo ed with board, cm be obtained at

US Washington street; suitable and desirablefor man ana wife. U30

0BDil"U-N.e- e board by day or wee;J front rooms, foini hed or unfurnlshea,

o rent, with board, at S71 Mala street, uplain.. OAKDEBB Terms reasonable. Apply at3 No. 110 Court street. nol


Places at which the Dally Appeal eastbe Preeored.

The Dally appial can be had every mom-in- s

hi the lollow d places In the city :

At the office of the paper, No.U L nlon street.At the news elsnd of Joe Locke, No. -- ).

it . . t; HLreet.t the news-stan-d of W. J. Mansford, corner

ol second and Monroe streets.At the news-elan- d In the reabody hotel.At the news-stan- d In the Commercial hotel.Al the news-stan- d In the vv orsnani noin.At tbe news-sinn- d In the Overton hotel.At the news-elan- d In the bouihern hotel.At the news-sta- nd of Emmons A Bon, No. 10

Jefferson street.At Hie new-stan- d of W. D.Splckernagle.oor-ue- r

tif l ourth and Poplar streets.At the news-ola- on St. hours whwfboat.Al Ike news-eum- d al Lanier A Eldxiage s,

second streal, near Madhx-n- .

Al the news-sian- d ol Mobbday, on Bealetrtat't. near Malu.Al Uie news-blan- at the KaUrosd depots.Al the new-lau- d on th i Memphis and Ut-

ile wnaxfboat. .ttock - -At Bourn Mempbis news-depo- t, Ho. gfl ueaie

sa-eo-t, near beooud.


Helena ra wild over her naineaakeon MonoVay,

Some of oar dealers are gettingstock ot valentines already, preparing lorwhoieaale trade.

The Muaso case was before JudgeFdppln again yesterday. The evidence o;

aueaioers of the Graves faauiy was hearusua the case ouiinued.

"Alexia bate," "Grand Doke ties,"RjmauoO ocLara," and oater Muscovue

MiorLmshaS lor the Isai youtba ol Meai-poi- a

may be looked lor soon.Bead the advertisement of "for sale,

as; new engine buus by tbe woikinenot ihe Mempias and Uaarleaton rauro.u3nop." I. is a Deaunlul pieoe of oiechanisai.

Bbenmatiam and kindred oomplaintswere never more prevalent in Memphis.ha.ii tanw. Tne ttiti nockcaiid bavrnaciej iinied pray anxiously lor a lew days olaright eier

-- 'X'ix l?w clock "TnThe manager's offide

of the APPkAi., f.om ihe csiaoiienuitu. oijr, Jj. Baruum, Is very oiocn admired.k at Dlece ol mechanism. EvervlLinx in Mr. Barnum'e is ot the veryJem.

Hunting parties are tbe order of ihe.is v itartlaa hnniine diligently tor ofSoesw:,ihic ihe gift o: the major. It they usehalf tbe aulgenoe after appointmentmat they have displayed before, tbe citywill be well served.

It is the intention of bliss LydisThompson and the management of tbeL.ew Memphis theater to invite his honor,the mat or. the aluernien, ixianCilmeLi

and school-visito- rs to attend the performaace on Saturday evening.

Thadehverv wason ol Messrs. ALUso

4 Co . on Union street, was smashed yesterday in a runaway. The horse wasallied at once, bnt the wagon lingereduntil the blacksmith who works for imdrm felt its pulse. He pronounced it exUnct.

It is very gratifying to note the greatincrease in tne subscription to theW'sBXhT APPxax. A club can have it lortwo dollars per annom, and hud thereinaj the curreut events of tbe day andinteresting reading matter. io umi.jresiding in the country should be withouit.

"His heart was true to Poll" but a vastamount ol the steadiastneas of bis affec-

tion wss dne to a good digestion, and thisenviable state of health was solely at-i- ri

Im tattle to the fact that he took hismatau onlv st the "Park Bestaurm.ion Second street opposite the north e:d6of ttonrt suusiel. lor which eetabtisaaient that unapproscbabie caterer, JohnLsnig, is the purveyor.

A rnnswsy took p ace from tbe Bealesurest market yteierday. A buggy horsesuited ill. turned up Desoto and at tnecorner oi Umoa street threw oui s latlythat was riding in the boggy and the boywho was driving it. ine nors.3 men ooulimied slona! Union, snd knocked overKaani at the corner of Second street, wheithe runswsv horse wss stopped. Thelady and boy were not much injured.

Tbe Market street scboolhouse buildtnaT la in t, Deration with lour or live nundred children in attendance, and MrMcManus, principal, with the followingable corns ot leathers t Miss Mary Cairns.Mrs. M. Hines, Mrs. Mary Bi ey, MlseJebnie Coats. Miss Annie t Bsudelnubar. Miss Annie Pneian, Alias i.auraFiack. Miss Kile McMahon snd Mr1'imoahy Sweeney. Tbe school promisesto DrosDsr. and no doubt inle.leciualsaigas oi rare brilliancy will come forthhighly polished from us roomy halls.

We understsnd that Babbi SsuiDtluwill deliver a lecture on nex. Tuesdaynigbt tor the beneht o: the Msaonic Btiaie11 it! ot this city, ine su .ieoi waion ot.ae chosen is "Mankind a Brotherhooda sutjeci which wlii give toil scope to thelearning and recognized oraiorloal ablltnee ot this exostient gentleman, tne eioouence of the popular lecturer and thworthy otjeet to which the proceeds willlie sppiled should BU the house with thelennsment, beauty and intelligence of theotiy.

The Busstan prluce and his attendantshad kelec.ed tbe low pressure steamerBichmond, and were to descend the Mis-sissippi on this maguinceni boat, whenbis Imperial Highness was persuaded byMr. Elliott, ot ihe Kansas Pacific road, toi; j west on s grand buSaio hant. TheB.chmond could not await the return ofhis msleaiv to BI. Laouis: and the Gresi

will proosbiy bear tbe royalpsny to this city. The Btohmond wasuelaiued ai the wharf through the nigLbv shippeis. and leaves y al 10 a uifor ibe Cresoent City, having a large parly

f ladies and genileinen Horn ihu ci.y ongMBBt

A country liskin went to the stationhouse vealerusy in a sad condition. Fromappeara. oes, be hsd h.led his skin withwhisk v ana tsnen iu w.tn a siex-- a raiserwho was in s like condition ol oblusiloaiednees. The StOCaraieer, owing to theglamor cast over bis optics by the benzineur.aer his Jacket, m:tM his new-toun- u

iriend lor one of bis animals and pro--oeeded to mai k him by cutting a swallowfork in one slue of his nte and under bitIn the right ear. The bloodletting soberedMr. Green, and he toddled elf to tbewstcuhouse, beilowlug like a bull, and abit ody as a butcher, the stockraifcer hasnot yet turned np wiih the remnants t i

theuasAi and aural members.A thieving darky was nicely trapped

yesterday aliernoon. He went into analley leading tfl Conrt street, spied tbewindow of a pantry open, poked his armlu and felt around on the shelves lor whatever might ba portable. He found som-ethinga stee.-irs- p but jerked his handbark so quickly with the booty that thesupport of the window-sas- was knockeddown, and there he was his flipper fastinside ihe pantry with the teeth ot atour pound sieel-ira- p biting through hisUna era. His. bowls brought the latin, v

and the tender-hearte- d tolks, thinking tiehad been punLsned sumcientiy, releasedhim from his predicament ana sent nunofl on the bound from a vigorousiy-deal- ikick in th rear.

Ten or twelve days ago Mr. Sevier, ot44 Monroe street, hired a negro to worklor him Tie negro t a dray to drive,and me first load he got. ihree balesot cotton-- he spprobrlated. He broughttbe cotton to some dealer snd sold icheap, and then disappeared. He waicaptured a few days ago in Chattanooga,and wss oa his way here in charge of thecity marshal of Chattanooga, when he escaped at Germantown ana walked intoihe city. Last night Sergeant Weather- -

lord, being apprised ot the presence ol thecolored thiet in tbe city, took a posse ofpolice to the house ot a negro named Uo.e-uia- n

Thomas, at the corner of Madisonand Desoto streets, and found PioydHutnmons, the negro, in bed mere, liehad two knives on his person, which heattempted to use, but tailed. He said, atthe a ationhouse, thst the 'marshal wasasleep when he escaped at Germantown.


Tax Th batMB The reduction In priceshad the desired effect. The house wascrowded lsat night. "Blue Beard" wastheb.il. Tbe same excellence that pleasedand dellghled the audience of Mondaynight was observable-- last night. Localnits were more abundant, but the audience was not more moved to laughter,nor did li laugh heartier, because it couldoot, To-nig- "laurlliie" will be presented, and no doubt to a, full and ovei flowing bouse. Whoso would laugh and growfat should visit the JLydia Thomoaoatroupe at tbe New Memphis theater.

Tub demand for seats for Miss Thomn.son's benefit on Friday evening is unusually great, ana mo.) desirous ot wit-nessing the present performances at thetheater, with a choice oi seats, Till beconsulting their better accommodation bypatronising any omer evening, rrldayevening W UI be a (am. It will be recol-lected that when here last. Miss Thomn--

son on the occasion ot bar benefit, had thetar ateat house ever w I bin tha wails of thebuiiding, no'.wlthstsatiing Miss Mlifesonwas the opposing attraction.

abisTVA lmveti Walls at Browns AarovM's, M alias srat.


Kalll-aaa- d CaasolldalleaAt a meeting ol tbe stockholders of the

Mlaisipri River road and of the Padncaband Gulf road, which was held In the Pea-bod- y

hotel yesterday, the articles of con-solidation between the two roads wereunanimously rstifled. All the stock-holders were present and tbe utmost har-mony prevailed. The consolidated roadswill be known as the Padaoah and Mem-phis railroad.

The directors are only waiting now forthe re urn of Colonel Meigs, who Is nowwith his corps of engineers in Dyer coun-ty, In order to pat the road under con-


Hatches and Jackson.The contractors, Messrs. royle, Cooley

tt M urphy, says the Natchez Courier ofme 6.h, who have undertaken to buildthe first eleven miles of the Nstchez andJackson railroad, set their employes towork yesterdey morning. The work onthe first aiaven miles wss began at a pointnear Minor's quarters, on the Pine ridgeroad, from which point it will be pushedboth ways, toward and from Natchez, toa speedy completion. Thus hsa com-menced the actual work ot building theNatchez and Jackson railroad the greatenterprise which promises future pros-perity to our.

Hew Mgnals.Men are now engaged in erecting novel

danger signals at every bridge and tunnelon the Hudson Biver railroad, to warnorakemen who are compelled at times torun along on the tops of trains of theirnear approach to such dangerous placesA pole is arected by the side of the trsckand aa arm pr jeots from it at the top overthe track. From this arm hangs an ironfringe, low enough to strike a brake manon the front piece of the cap or againstthe lace if he is standing op aa the trainpasses. This perceptibly notifies himmat he is only one hundred feet from thebridge or tunnel, and most lis down atenje. Tee blow Inflicted by the fringe ismomentarily a stinging one, bat produces !

no evil results.

Atlantic sad Pacific.- a a4etLmilling too avaoa j

coinoeav had added ti.ty mlies to lie 11

eouiuwee. troci Neosho to Vmtta,i bir1 y

three miles beyonu the line of the Indianierritcrv. ineir charter teq 'Hires ihecompany to build fifty itillsa par yearm 10 complete the road to 'Jan Fran

Cisco in Ju.v, 18;o Katwilboi.and.ngm od portion ol tnls road trav erses country al present unproductive, e uoa has beenits huanctal management cjbai tbe Dnehsa not only met currnjaa expanses, but

JUlWiWoSfest on its bonded debt has beenpromp-i- y paid, ana tasi uut jautiaaajr a.t

i already in tae nanus oi itsNew York. This fact is one Of the bestguarantees torits future sucoess;and whenaoe million and a halt acres of rich landsia the Indian Territory belonging to theMnnanvara onened ua by the roaa, an

interested in it must meet with a rewardtitling the energy snd good faith withwhmn tha nioronse has been conducted.During the past year the company haveincreased their roiling ssooa inuj ouothird, principally in freight cars, thoughlama additions nave been made to theiratxuk of naaa nirer coaches, and five neengines, two ol them ten-whe- haveoeen purchased. With this road theMemphis and Lr.ttle Kok and Utile Bockana Fort Smiih lines will be connected inthe Indian Territory

MertB Texaa km lroad system.The North Texan, published at Paris,

ia well oos led in regard to the railroadmaitt.ra in its section. In the Issue otthai iournal ol the 118! ultimo We hudtruaat dear ot information upon the impor.aut sutUct. From it we glean mathe line oi'ineSt. laouia and Mexican

Gull railroad crosses the following courtties m Texas, with a numoer ol whichw are in .he habit of doing considerabletrade, viz; laeinar, Delta, Hopkins, Woodauiiin. Caerokee. Angelina, lyier, rxardin. and Jeflereou. The line oi counties.. i .tniuir on me west are Fannin, HunYanzandt, Henderson, Anderson, Honston. Arimtv. Polk, Liberty and Ctianibera. Thcaa adiolhUiK OU the east at 6Bed Biver, Titus, Upaaur, Busk, Nacogdocnes. San Auausiine, Orange and J aaoer. Ihe agareaate aiea of these taresLiara of counties excajods tweniy-n- v

thousand square miles; and the aggregateDouuia.KL oxce-e- twununureu tnouaanuineNortn iexan thus conoaudsa aaaxlicieuooniuls particular railroad enterprise

We may eaieiy aseume mat these threetiers 01 cjuutioawm jiiimuct auuuatijr;ni laaa than Uavj tuits o: cotton, ail oat win naas out on this line 01 railway

i when eonsfaructedi either to St. Louis orto Sabine Pass. And when we take intoconsideration the tact tnat nol more than

of lbs tillable land is nown. cultivation, and luat an immense immigration will at once flow in as soon asthe road is coastruoied, and thai in a lewyears the greater portion ot these landawill be in cultivation, we are utterly un-

able to estimate ine immense businessthat this road will do in this simpis itemof ths trauiporiauon of cotton, to saynnttiintr of the iraae in baefoattie, hides,boia d'atre seed and lumber. The lumbartrsde aioue iroin the Immense pineries ofSou'.hesst Texas to the vast prairie regionsnt Norih Texas, the Indian country andKanaka, will n a lew years monopolisethe transportation of tne road.

St. Loals. Salem and 1 UI Keck Bosu.It to s .art from the Atlantic and Paacltic

at Cuba, Crawford county, Missouri,thence running in a v&ry direct course.little west of south, through Crawford

t, Texas and Howell counties to .theArkansas Stale line. Tbe charter of tbecompany authorizss it to build to LittleBock, but lc is probable tbe Louisiana,Arkansas and Mi ran company win lotifa bt ihe Arkauaas line. The surveys havebaata ccrxipi'.-te- and the road locatedtar as Salem, and the first twelve milesurder contract, and the company expectto open the firat thirty mllea daring 1872Toe officers ot this new road are: A. LCrawford, New Castle, Pennsylvania,president; Win. D. sett, t,;e, rennetvsnis: vice president; Wm. BrewsterErie, Pennsvama, secretary. The direc-tors, besides the above named, are A. JCrawford. Terre Haute, and C. C. Simuions, St, Douia. it will De observed matSt. Louts is ulieoiing s net-woi- k of railways souihweel ltom that city Into richdtetrtflls west and South of MemphisChicago once ltvied heavy contributionsupon the country west and south of Siiaoul. The taller city escapsd from thisthraldom by building railways intersecting those that came down trom Chicagoand never did a city grow in wealth andpopulation more rapidly than St. Louis11.9 relsttonsof Memphis tost, douls areprecisely those which formerly subsistedbetween St. Louis and Chicago, and theonly recourse tor Memphis consists in theadoption of St. liouis'a policy. Mempuis must build railways intersectinglines running west from theluture eouiiuautal capital. Naturehas given us every advantagethe ell. cts of war and ravages of scatswags and cerpei-baggg- have been evenmoie detrimental, but we haveenough to build a highway lo KansasCity, and another into .Northern Texas.These two roads will supply themselveswith all needful branches, and the lawsof climatology and the tact that Mempbis

a point in iao shortest line Irom newYork to tbe railway system of Texas,wm enable us to effect tne seme triuuipoover St. Louis thst mis city achieved inits contest with Chicago. When our purposes are achieved, St. lxiuts will beharmed in nothing, but Memphis willbe aggrandized even as St. Louis hasbeen made a magnificent metropolis.


UgxxBAL B. M. B. Yochg, member ofoongrtss irom the Atlanta aiatrict,Georgia, ia in the city. General Young lione of the rising men of ihe south, whoseheart is bound up in her interest.

Mb. W D. Williams. Jaoksonport, Art ......... . ti 1 - I ......... I BMaaaallUaaaaow, aa V vianiwiu. atvnaw,aaiTennessee; W. T. Cowan, Paris, Tennes- -

; x. a. Kagland. Brownsville, Tennessee, and S. C. Btigilsb, Bardie, la las) slippi, are stopping at the Commercial hotel.

Colosbl GCS A. HkJtxY. Alabama:General B M. B Young, Georgia; Judge

B underwood, Helens; w . G. Hoblnson, new xork; Governor J. la. Aloornand wife, Mississippi; Mr. Samuel Bryan,Pittsburg; Colonel 0 0. Wilburu, Mississippi; Mr. S S. Parker, Louisville, areguests of the reaboay hotel.


Two employees at Seligmsn's stable, onUnion street, bad an altercation st theirp see ot business lsat evening about go'clock, which resulted in one of themgetting seriously cut with a knife. Daniel wiison was besting anorse in a man-ner of which laarry Flynn did nol approve; hence ihe row. Carry remonstrated wlh Wilson, a fight arose, andWilson slabbed his antagonist. Poiioeofficers Cogbill and Crotty arrested Wilson, and Doctor Prsasr attended to tbeinjuries of Larry. The Doctor pronouncedthem severe, and even dangerous, but notneossaarl y mortal.


Respectful !y soliciting the patronage oitbe public, and having secured the ser-vices ol Mr. E C Saunders aepreaorlp-ttooi- st

snd analytical chemist in my .retaildepartment, I am prepared to fill ail pre-scriptions

sal any hoar, day or night Mr,

Saunders is a graduate of pharmacy andohemiatry in tbe London college and iatborocghiy oompetent. Domiciled in tbestorerooms be will answer the night-b-e 11

promptly. i- - B. HILLS,aUrBfgtat, Wi Main strati,


Meeting of the Committee of ,

aaata TB Proposed Ducal FateTakUkg SBape.

The committee which was appointed bythe mayor and announced in yesterday'sAppsal met in tbe rooms or the Unionand Planter's bank on Madison streetyesterdey. The following gentlemen werepresent: His Honor, Mayor Johnson,Colonel Pinson, chairmsn of the chamberof commerce; I. M Hill, Napoleon Hill,J. M. Pettigrew, W. M Fsrrington, Be

order Scales, Amos Woodruff, Mr. Smith,councilman of ths Tenth ward; Mr. Dsvis,president of the First National bank; Al-derman Msckall, Colonel Landon C.Haynes, Peter Tracy. E-- q ; J. W. Jefler-son- ,

N M. Jones; J. H. Jadah, JonathanBice, Ei. Waitmore and Colonel DoPre,of the Appeal

IX THH CHAIR.His honor the mayor was made chair-

man of the meeting and Beoorder Scalessecretary. The chairman having slatedtbe ot of the meeting called upon thegentlemen present to give their views inregard to the proposed visit of the GrandDuke. He had no doubt bat thattheir action would redound to thecredit of the city. He then handed thesecretary the following invitation fromthe proprietor of the

ovajBTOir hotxx:OVBWTOt Horn, January 9th, 1372.

To His Honor Mayor Johnson:Dear aSu I desire u tender th rough you the

liihapiia lliesof the Overton hotel lo your e

for his imperial Hignutss, the GrandDtike Alexis, of Biisala. aud su.te daring theirstay In Memphis; and, li agreeable, will bepleased to carry out their viewa lu, r gard loany entertalament.proposed to be given.

Yours, very leepeciluiiy,8. B. BOBINS.

Tbe secretary then handed in thewhich was Bent from the propri-

etor ot thePKABODT HOTXX.

PaaloDT Hiirti. Ji itarvS. liTt.To tbe Committee of Arrangements lor recep

lion ot oiiaiij iiuke:r GeaOaaam We respectfully tender to youI tne hospitalities aud accoinmouati jus oi tnI Peaoody hotel for tne Ura-i- Doke AlexiaI and suite aurini their stay in Memphis.I XoUIS .eapeftlUli'

u'BANKOS 4 M0KKI3The communications were received.I. M Hiii said he was not aware

wnat things were done in other cities. Hehad no precedent oeiore him waicn wonserve as s guide In this case, bat It wcertain we in Memphis could not attemptto rival other cities lu tbe extent or splendor of their euiertaiumenis. The mostwe could expect to do would be to makesuch arrangements ss would serve lo givea very reepeotao.e reception to the distinguished guest who was to visit thecity, and which would serve to illustrateoar klnansss and cordia.i.y.

The other gentleman present msde suggestlons upon the same general sablwhich at last resulted in the appointmentof a committee of seven to draw up a programme and make arrangements asways and means and report back on Friday ailernoon.

The mayor appointed the followingsuch committee : Messrs. Pinson, F.Davis, W. J. Farrington, I. M. Hiii, AmosWoodruff : J. L. Norton from tae hoardco unci tin en aud J. M. Pottigrew ironi theboard of aldermen

Tbe committee thee tWj oarned to meetFriday afternoon at four o'clock.


The Story of Andrwelee and the Lionand other Men and Ti Inge.

A correspondent asks:What is the story of Aniirociea and the

Lion PIf we mistake not, Androclee was the

slave of a Bcuian senator, and the firstcorn doctor mentioned in nisiory. xlavlug pared the callosities of his masteraoois rather too deep, he was kickedthrough the Malefactors .Gate outBorne or, to suck to history, was orderedto leave town inside of twenty-lou- r hours,or go to the workhouse. Passing sadlyout Irom benoiila th-- ' portals of lne Arde Carpet-- Cagger, he took his wayAlrloa, resolving to seek ont tne corres-pondent of the Aw York Herxid and giveaim a sensation in ihe way of a ku kluxoutrage. Skirmishing through the jungleone day he came upon a lion huoblingabout on three legs. l.ie lion knewonce that Audy was the man he was lookmg for knew that in him Le saw theBi st corn doctor of the Julian Era andstraightway poked his paw up lor iheUaapeciion of the ohiropodiat. Andy wasdelighted at tins recuguiuonoi his prof asslonai axial, sua at oacu set kooul lue Joof peaai auigery tnus oppor.unely foundand by the abeirriton oi morn or twand the ludioious cupping oi tttu na.ltsoon had the flipper oi his Boyal LeouuisHighness in a condition tor 1jdtka paraaaTuoS. or a lorty-ua- y ouruey. ins acquaintance thus begun was carefully ioa-ter-

by Androclee, and he ana Lt-- became fast Iriends. Ine lour-loote- Pythins acted ss commissary u the bi peualDamon, and the twain fared saniptuously every day, their table being garnishod with all game ot the seasonTims wore along, until one day Andyread lu the papers an Associated Prtstelegram lo the effect thai bis tender toedmaster was dead, wren he at ot.c lookthe train for the E ernal City. Imaicdately alter his arrival, he was horriILd tciearu that, as usual, the agent of the Aaocia.eJ Press nad aude a bluuder, andthat Old Ginger Foot waa as' lively sssver and ten lines an vicious, rxe resolved to quit Rime and go to roamingand had be not been temp edstay ovt-- r night to see the Lyaia Blcnson Terns men piaylng au engagement st the Amphilh-air- e V onthe ts of ihe Leonine GladiatorialCombination he would never have beenheard ot snail . aa be bad determinedattach himself to Livmgblone's partythen at Ui ii. His boss. Se-at- or Bavels,nipped him jas. as he was coming out betwesn tne urirasto vaae au aut, amturned him over to Sergeant Hicks, whwas on dutv at Broom's that uight. Aftea sleep in the perish prison, And? wasbrought before J udge Brady, at tne jenerson market police court, wao very properly sentenced blm to death giving himhis choice, however, ot being pored intoeternity bv Hull, the spiriiusnstic leolurer, or belDg chewed into hash by thelions at the Col seum. Ot course, Andychose the least painful of the two, andcried out, "bring on your lions any tbirtgbut the Hull boa." The same eveniDgafter Docter Spalding hsa opened thedoors snd Colonel Vespasian had enteredbis box, snd other disunguisnea cr. z

had taken their seats, Andy waa tossed iato tbe rins. auoilng from Gritusldl, as hestruck the saw dust, the cheerful "Herewe are again . ' The Uous, ss a reouxe iorthis levity, and prompted by sharp-se- t appetites, at once mtae nsste tottive him s cordial reception. Bat. behold I a miracle I ice largest oi tne partyof expectants of a toothsome suppersprang forward, embraced Andy warmlyand cried out "it lai it is ne: inyionglost corn-doctor- !" Andy was now salefor his friend stood a very IrishGiant in quadrupedal pugilistic outcles, and ihe chances are thatthey would ait nave worn tin earshad they interfered with Leo O'Baldwin'snew-foun- friend. Old Bevels, ihe ownerof Andy being a crafty old rat saw howthings stood, and concluded to do a Utileelectioneering bv making friends with histormer toe carpenter, and descended toibe arena for that purpoee, but had barelytime to etaculate -- "Bul'y to- - yoh, oldsport." wnen tbe hungry kings of theforest made up tor me toes ci tneir supoer bv tusking a free-iunc- u oi rteveis,wneresl ine audience cneereu lusiny sovociferously, in fact, that Pliny says

You could not nave neara itthunder." Colonel Vespasian, hsvlng it in his mind to run forsheriff, ourtled favor with thepopulace by waixing uown to tne loot- -litrhts and singing out: "Hail to An- -droolea. benoef-Tt- head corn-doct- ofall Home!" Dr. Spalding, not to be outdone by tbe Colonel, called Andy up outOf the palace ot lions ami ouereu aim astar engagement for the whole SouthernTheatrical circuit, and money enough topay a week's board. Cicero, no longerabie to contain the eloquence for whichhe was famous at ibe Boston Jubilee, exclaimed. "Fortunate senex puerl" to

hlch Andv retorteu, vuu etesrccttis,anttqut equsl" The enthusiasm at thisDolnt waa Intense: tne newaooys anubootblacks the ladies wavedtheir jewelled tans, the lions growled (atrick mey naa isarnea irom correst,while he and they traveled with Old JohnBobicaool. and Dr. Bpalilng went Intothe box-effl- to count, up tbe house.

Our correspondent here has historicalwarrant for picking a lien's foot out of athorn, and assisting any other brute hemay meet in distress.

I there is a merchant in Memphis whothinks advertising does not psy, wewould suggest thst he go to one ot thebusiness houses who advertise so extenlvely through the columns of tbe Ap- -

iial, and remain only one hour, and ilhe does not go away convinced of its po-tency, we are much mistaken. If merchants would Increase their trade, theymust inoresae their advertising, and to

botb. bo better medium exists than isoffered through the columns of the LeeCounty Journal, published at Tupelo,

TsBlsaippl. ea jo w.

lUuHi "lUNCH

1 tha old Paeiflo saloon. No. 17 Monroe street, the finest thst the market can

fiord rabbits, goose, bear meat, cele-ry,

aetc. will be dished up to all the

friends of the Pacific. Tbe best beer,inea and cigars win oetp to stimniate.

Call and see. W. LOUIS.

aimoii." is neot bv ail nrtt-oiai- drae- -

an Af J afcsm clivtcOa,--.


Commodore Maury's Views.

Commodore Maury, In a recent lettersays that none can question tbe incalcu-lable value of immigration to a State. Bythe census of 1790 the population betweenthe two sections, free and slave, waa, inround numbers, four millions. By tbecensus of 1870, the total population nowis thirty-nin- e millions, of which lessthan 15,000 0000 are in the former slaveStates, and more than 24.000,000 in the free.Now, where did this difference of 10,000,-00- 0

ot inhabitants come from? Tt didnot come from any difference between thesections in tbe state of natural increase,for statistics clearly show that the Southla quite equal to the North. It comesfro in Immigration, and shows that, of theimmigrants who came into this countrybetween 1790 and 1870, more settled in theNorth than in the South. Counting thosewho came into the country during thisinterval and their descendants, the censusshows that last year there were 10,000,000more of them at the North than at theSouth.

Now, suppose that some sadden cala-mitylike that which befel Chicago andoer ain parts of Wisconsin last fall --hadcome upon these 10,000,000, destroy icthem and all their possessions at a b o ;

call to mind those sutumnal losses anasufferings in that city and State, and thenfind if you can, with figures or words,expression for the loss that the Northwould suffer in such a case.

The rate of natural increase in thiscountry from decade to decade, as shownby statistics, is 13 8 per cent., and but forimmigration tbe Norfoik Virginian showsthst the present white p tpulstion of theentire country wonld hsvs been but lu0CO 000, instead of S5.000.000. Make thecomputation youselt The while popu-lstio- n

in 1790 was 8 241,230From whst I hsve seen and heard in

Europe, and from what I know of thepeople there, I feel persuaded that theattempts to introduce Immigrants Intotne South are not to be crowned withsatiafaicory sue seas, until the prejadlcesagainst us tnat have been excited thereby northern writers and Influences areremoved, and that this cannot bs doneby any thing short of combined scion bythe southern Slates themselves.

In removing these prejudices, thsyshould give, st the same time, that. sortt f Information touching our cltmatea andproductions, the natural resources of ourOouutry, her social Institutions, mannersand customs, sa Intelligent emigrants de-

sire to have of their new oountry, andsuch as any ot your readers wishing tosettle in Brazil or Africa, or any otherstrange land would court.

For .his, I suggest, not a "physical sur-vey" of tne soutn, but a report aa above,treating also of the physical geography otthe whole south. Follow up the idea; it issimple in detail, ana you will soon workit out. Suppose the funds be raised, andthe work oe prepared apd properly illustrated with maps and drawings. I. isthen, ont of the same Joint fond, trans-lated into the languages of the severalcountries from which immigrants are de-sired, and stereotyped the plates beingplaced abroad, from which the agentsthere, from all the States and all the pt en-e- m

companies as well as individuals, inshort, anybody may get copies of the re-port in the language required, at the merecost ot paper and ink; ana thus all whoread or cuculate the document would, protanto, be an unpaid agent of every Southern State. Each State and immigrationcompany could then fouowtt up by showit'K the special lnducaments afforded bythem, and so, Instead of Interfering withand obstructing individual enterprise, Itwould ass, st and encourage it.

I need not develop the plan further, becauso .Lis ts its corner-stone- , and uocti 1

.no rsst depends. The States have beenhobbung atoag and making passes as immigration in one way or another nowfor nearly sevan years. The degrees otsuccess mat they nave achieved is enoughto convince the legislatures that theynone of them have gone to work ia theright way. Yours, truly,



Answer of Rev. J. BU airavea to the BevMoses JttaU.BptrltwaiUt,

Auitor Appeal L request yon to republish the extract which I dip fromNew York paper, because of an lmportaut ;y uograpuical m'stake that brealtstae point ot me article:

One Moses Hull, a great oratorical lightamong lue apirn ualisls, concluded a spsuchbelore lbs laat con vention of these people Inthe following d tojj con frtoco style :

Tito from this convention hied with nowzeal. Courage, brethren! Bpirliualism willsave u; asna us from rln s railroad rings.wLti.iiy rings, isiumauy lings, cnurcn ring,wedding lings, and rings of all kinds. It will

Biug out the old,icing in the new.

So mote It be."It ts Veil to know precisely the extent ot the

blessiuas iirouiised us by the great reformer :

but there are a few I f us, here and there, whoaaouiu iua.ua mv now Jerusalem oomiuguowuoutot heaven Just to let to let our "weddingrings" alone.

Tbe above needs no word of comment to bsa p t reciateu oy ine better classes of tbla cityMr. nun states tne true assigns OI aplrlUM1. e., to abolish the use of Cnrlallan chuicuesand the marriage Institution, and to esLah

upon ineir rums universal t ree- - ovism.J. K li.

That tbe readers of the Appkal msvunderstand what this man muatta by

saved from "wedding rings," I sendyou an extract from the late lecture olMrs- - Wocdhull, delivered in New Yorkcity:

Free-lov-e will be an Integral part ot thereligion of the future. The leg Umaie sequeuceof social freedom Is free-lov- or freedom of ttie

"And you are a free-iove- YeaI wn a L ma hisses. I have aninui.e WjU, coiMUuiional and na era right 10love wnom 1 may, to love as long or as AorIa pertou as t cau, to cnangewu 'tJtr every itan u1 please r.'uewed hisses., and with thai riantueitnei you nor any law you can frame haveany tight to interfere; and 1 have furtherngni to demand a tree and unretncttxi exer-cise of that right, and it is your duty not onlyto accord it, but as a community, to ase that 1am protected in It. 1 trust thai I am rallyunderstood, fur I mean Just that and notnlnglew .

I have the note addressed to ire by MrHull through your issue of the 9,hMy self respect will not all me to reply toa man wnose low stanuara of morals andgentlemanly culture permits him to Insuit me in a proposition to debate withhim. I think the pastors in this oitv areI aslifliblo in declining to accept bis boast-ful challenges, couched in language suitedto the manners of Co burn or Mace, theprist ring pugilists.

Mr. Mali may be doing a good work Inis city by showing our people or thoe

woo see ui to him tbe real poslt:on oi spiritism toward the Bible aaGod's worn of truth, toward the plan ofsaivawou wnicu it revests toward chris-tian churches snd their pastors. When.ne seeas wntca he is sowing shall havegermmatea ana ripened, we shsll see here,

we nave oiraauy seen in new xorksnd oiher northern cities, the tertioleharvest ot infidelity and free-lovis- thsttonows as the legitimate fruit of spiritism



c. O'Mnrphy Arreated oa Ssntplclon ofHaving "Hone the Deed."

The little tug-bo-at belonging to P. G.Kelly was not to be found at her moor-ings yesterday morning. The eye of theanxious owner wandered up and downthe river's bank in search of his neatcraft, but she appeared not. He learnedupon iLquiry .that very early in themorning a man named Cornelius O'Mur- -phy was seen leaving the tug in a skiffand steering his oourse up the river. ThisCornelius O'Murphy is a dweller in Chelsea, and had been employed all last summer and fall by Mr Belly as engineer onthe boat, but he quit at a time when theowner could least sfford to part with him.aud when it was not convenient to get aiomer man right away. Belly felt indig-nant at whan he considered such meantreatment, so he refused to settle withMurphy at once, and told him that heshould wait till Saturday aa a punishment for his meanness. Thereupon theyparted. It appears there was a plug Inthe hold ot the tug known only to Mur-phy and the owner, and It is surmisedhat ehe was sunk by pulling the plug

out. Coinslius O Murphy was arrestedat his bouse ysterday morning andbrought before Justice Miller, who willInvestigate the case


We are glad to learn from a olrcalar fromGlobe Mr. rriny r reeman.prosiaentoi tneMutual Life lnsursnoe company that Mr.M S. Judah. long connected with the office of tbe company in this city, has beenanno inled assistant superintendent ofagencies of the Globe throughout theUnited States. He is a thorough insurance man ana win prove a varuaoie ac-

cession to the company.The ssme circular comers upon air.

William B Btcbardettbe responsible position ot cashier for the company for thiscity a post for which Mr. B. is eminentlyfitted by his long experience in tne leau-i- a

hankinar establishment in Men) DDIs.

Tbo Globe may well congratulate itselfpon having secured tne services oi such

n as Messrs. Judah and Bichardet,with nsltber of whom can its interestsever kufler,

NSOLEOTXD COTJBS ABB CoiPaJ. Feware aware ol the importance of checking

cough or "common cold," In Its lit atstsge; thst whioh in tbe beginning wouldyield to "Bbowh's Bkohchiax, Tbochss,"if neglected, often works upon the lungs.

mobbs shcold or ail msahs sail sndaanmiai the new and susnnt stock of oarcetsand tuiAivurs at S. 9gas?s, m issooAd street,


The Matter of a Bonded Ware Boosellgher Pay for LeUer-Cnr--

rters Coder consideration.

A meeting was held In the chamber ofcommerce yesterday afternoon, to con-sider the United States bonded warehousequestion, snd also to see what could bedone toward procuring an Increase ot paytor me letter-carrier- The meeting wasfairly attended, and a general dispositionevinoed to do business and eschew speech- -making, colonel a. Bsvllss made astrong, though brief, argument, showingthe inadequate remuneration which letter--

carriers receive for their labor. Atthe conclusion of bis remarks he submit-ted the following form of petition and ac-companying resolution, which were un-tt- n

mousiy adopted :

To the Tennessee Representatives In Congress:Sibs Whereas, The proper delivery o :

mail matter requires the undivided atten-tion of capable, diligent and faithful car-riers, who must be men who will worksedulously with celerity and certainty;and.

Whereas, Men capable of satisfactorilyperforming the many arduous duties otletter-carrie- rs can only be obtainedand retained as such by givingthem In exchange for their hardand continuous mental and phy;ical labor, a greater remunerationthan that we now give them.

Therefore we respectfully request youto use your irfiuenoe to haetsn the psssage of the Hon. Leonatd Meyer's bill, orany bill to Increase the salsry .of let.er-carrier- s

to twelve hundred dollars ayear.

Resolve i, That the Mempbis Chamberof Commerce endorse the foregoing peti-tion and instruct the secretary to furnisheach member of congress from this Statewith a copy of these proceedings, togetherwith such further action as they deemnecessary.

THl BONDED W ABllt 0LTSB.Mr. Bay litis said last he had been re-

quested to offer the following resolution,whicn was also adopted:

W hire as, a bond warebocsa baa beeneatabllsned in this city by ibe Federalgovernment, which has heretofore tailedto be so patronized by importing mer-chants sa to secure s sufficient sum to paythe rent for the building employed; and,

Whereas, It ia highly necessary to secure me same as a permanency at thisport; the efore,

Resolved, Tna he chamber ot commetes hereby ret- mend to the businessmen of the city 1 tgn a guarantee tor tbepayment oi aaia rt at and o.her ex nensesfor one year; and that the secretary beauthorised and directed to present suchguarantee to our merchants, and requesttneir signatures lo tbe same.

There being no other buslnea to transact the meeting adjourned.


1 he German HaUeaai.At the election held yesterday at this

oanx me following stockholders wereelected directors tor the ensuing year:Laouis rxsneuer, of schootneld, Hanauer.A Co. ; B. S. Jones, of Jones. Brown 4Co.; J C. Neely, of Brooks, Neely fc Co.D. T. Porter, of Ford, Porter fc Co. ; E. T.Keel, of Keel A Co. ; H. H. Meite, of H.H Mette Jc Son. : D. P. Hidden, of Sadden A Avery: G. L. Dsnlson, of OrgiiBros. 4 Co ; A. L. Harris, of Hxrris,cochran x Co.: v. Bacigalupo, J. J.Jenny, H. S. Garth, E. Meyer, of Meyer,oicxneii tx co.

Valea and Planters Bank.At an election for fif.een directors of

the Union and Planters bank of Memphis, held on Monday last, the followinggentlemen received a m3j rtty of the votescast: Wm. M. Fsrrington, J. J.'Bawlinga,C. B. Church, C. W. 'oyer, v. m. B.Greenlaw, W. B. Gslbreath, NspoieonHill, A. Vaccaro, Joseph Bruce, M. LMeacham, Wm. A. Williamson, NathanAaams, wm. a. ooodwyn, A. C. Tread- -weu, John T. strattou.

First X a tonal.At the election held ydsterday for thir

teen directors oi the r trst National bank,tne following gentlemen received a ma-jor ltv of tbe votes oast: F. S. Davis, Newton torn, Joan T. rargason, vV. Y rroud- -

ftt.'W. W. Guy, B. Eiemsn, G. H. Judah,J. IN O Ivor, C. r. ismilh. J. W. Jttf-no-

W. W. Youog, T. B. Diiiard, wm. B,Moore.


Calitorala rotten from Tennessee Reed,alsed by an Old rennesseeaa.

Some montas s:no9 we published theparticulars of the ciilt'va lun of cotton inCsli!ornls by Colonel Strong, who was foryears.a resident of Memphis, and daringtne war servea m me confederate armywith the rank of major in the quartermaster's department. Colonel Strung hastwo large tarms or ranches, on both ofwhich he has been unusually successfulin raising the stspie. Yesterday a sam-ple, classing fully good middling to middling fair, wss received per express fromhtm by Messrs. Pettit fc Simpson, of 18jc nton street, accompanied by the following i . ter :

California, December 15, 1871.Messrs. Pettit A Simpson:Genu I send you an average sample of a

crop of cotton consisting of hfiy bales, raisedby me on the Merced river, Merced county ,California, which I wish you to class and writeme the result. By eo doing you will muchj i ajs. Yours truly,

J. M. STBOlVti.The seed from which this cotton

raised was sent from Memphis, and asJolonel Strong Is an old Memphlan, we

have a double interact in the cotton, t hesample ot whioh may be seen at the effioeot Pettit it Simpson as above. We areproud of Strong aud his achievementsthe first California cotton planter.


first Chnneery CourteeUer.

The case of Atkins vs Johnson wss resumed yesterday and argued by counselfor oomplsinant. This morning the argument will be concluded, after which theunfinished oases of the calendar will betried.

seoatd Chnne Court Chancelloreotk,

Decisions yesterday : Perrin vs White,lntunction modified. The case of Muikeyvs Pollard being unfinished will be concluded this morning, after which Monday's oases will bs called, being Nos. 647,577. 672. 601, 6T7. H38, 6S2, 683, 684. 636, 637,641, 08. 645. 646, 848, 661, 852, 658, 654, 656.608, 0OU, MtS. boa.

Plrst Ureal t Coai-- t Helakell, Jadge.Colonsl McBae finished his argument in

the gas case yesterday. Tae court has themotion under consideration and will notreader a decision for several daya. Tomorrow motions for new trials will beheard, but no others. The court will bein session for a short time this morningfor the purpose of hearing the motion fora new trial in the ease of Pberely B. Shep-herd vs. St. Louis Mutual Lite Insurancecompany.

Second Circuit Court Balsey Jndge.Business preparatory to adtournment.

tor me term, win oe transacted to day.County Court.

The county court met yesterday pursuant to adjournment. The following Jus-tices were present: D. M. Withering ton,

A. Murray, w . r . i org, j . a. Logon, at Duncan. Tbomss lx. Giles. John Spoilman, Patrick M. Winters, W. H. Moncreifw. H. 3need. wm. Wallace, BUI ah Pulliam. j. w. Caldwell. J. w. Herring, j. wAllen, Thomas C. Bleckley, Harrison Irby,William H. walker, Henry X. Jones,Thomas Holman.tr., g. o Buntyn, w. H.Hoegel, J. B Brown, John E. Burke, JohnT. Elliott, Samuel A. Moore, Robert B.Miller. W. B. Glisson, 0. L. Brooks. H. C.Msssey, B. B. Stone. Esquire Caidweliwas appointed an additional delegate tovote the stock of the county in the Mississippi Klver road.

The committee appointed on liquordealers' tax was ordered to report to thepresent term of tne court.

A committee oi inree wss appointed.consisting of Justices Wallace, Williamsand Hal man, to examine the books andpist made by M. T. Williamson and re-port as to completeness of same and theamount of compensation that ought to beallowed.

Certain changes were mads In the taxassessment of the fourteenth civil dlsriot which affects some half dozen peo

ple of that district.On motion of acquire sneed It was or

dered thst the following gentlemen beappointed a special committee to conferwith Dr. Allen ss to terms, etc., for thetreatment ot Insane persona Esquireruitiam. aneea ana a, u. nassssy,

The petition of Judge Fllppin to havea onange made in the stairway of the criminal court room was referred to the chairman and the snerur wltn power to act.

A quantity ot other business, consistingoi appropriations, Quangos in assessments.etc., was transacted and. the court adjourned to this morning at ten o'slook.


Hamburg work on eambrio.Hamburg work on linen.Hamburg work on Swiss.White trimmings and minings of every

description. We are bow e Bering a oom-piet- e

sasortment of the above goods atlow figures. T, W. JOHNS tOJf Jt CO.,

opposite Peabody Hotel.


Tsxss paid on most favorable tsims. bvoisy stum, mo. wiataBH wwwn.

TABULAR STATEMENTof Election held In the City of esnphlBen T hers.lay . Jaaaary 4, 17, ander thePrevisions of the Charter of the City eMemphis:

I m M ! I f 1? 'IN

; I ' j 2; Sss wtV. . Z Iti Mgwj,-egra- gs jsa5 g ..MrI I I IS aaa SUl.8; sn,sz "5:3 as rdi m at sa m wet Sin: -?- 2-x"2: 2S5 ward- -

il t 2 -: -.a- B.q..o-535; 815 835 9sit x at ov 7tn: j nWBjgbagPsajg Egg aS -- ard.

Mm -- issgyts; 111 l?5 SIj ' SaS 2 arH.

.Mo8-5- 8i gt?g g 23 wart.ob n t; ws o-t- c

-- jSsja i ija Ssl si otai.FOB AX.UEBMAM.

Jtr Word. MgMh U'ard.J Wa'an n M Born. 357JBp MO I K Orshan M

Faurtn Ward 3 B-- toa twsJ sf PetiUr.. .; H K !" Al1 TCartwrlaTV joj, AmA Ward.fijlh Ward. f Braat . 1earn ami.u ... . i; netti- - ijs

Ma-at- e. t,., 28 CJBTdrlg. tenan ...

VCB COCMCILMJE9.Ftrit Ward. J. D. Bcffln r0'T.roi.y SB BI By bass off

L Zsot. j ia a. w. Parker 1P J Kelly as SsesnU Ward.a sao U .J. Wolie mJ . Twee"? fte At. H. Greenlaw. Jrl 2

&eeod Ward I. J. rowley 14W. A ntettay T . B. flgnaigo JSSa. B B hina. 61 f. H. Bluer VW. haae .is v. a. Anuncns MF. W. .at r. v. Botto iazW. Bpckre aaia .37 . H. lekeraoo S o

Third Warn. a K. Pmn Jtis. O Uicatui ... .JtC . H. C oke 18J. Hie nkahl 7t EahlA WardL Amis. ..13r J. Oeui-elt- e mt. w. .a. Cro k H Barks uS. ' ordano Si . 8. B ss lie....H.Ri-bsia- tt II . FC-atk- !WLa. La tig a I. MantiaD 148

Harjrr la . tV. M Voaiao i iL.WU-0-- . , i.K. o .yl fr

Fourth Ward. V. aU ltmi 17f. L. ; n. aVfntA IVord.O. A Boehn . 27t J. F. beoanei 770W". P. l j, t. Bsder J

Fifth Ward. . Hart IdJ. Bsoauian. 2M a. ss- -C'.Lei.'.e c- - 1 Tenth Ward.M. Cohen UU. f. H. Bmlth 42W. P. "an in 2 t P. cnil'gan n

Sixth Ward. I. H. opatn. It)J Hs.eieau J. H. Wira 71W M. Harvey J V. b. Wright S3W. Byaa a' I. A. La ton 17


ttrtt Ward. Seventh War I.M Un IDr- it- - IB Maury UUw

Second Ward. J 8 white inaBBtaui H ltd Anderson Ai

Third Ward. d. Lemon- - tsJ G B.rtttior 031 Eighth Ward.

Fourth Ward. J L H . ay lor .773R W Mitcaeh .1 u.J Oitetbrg . 2H 0 teeer . 1 lOSsng-ter.- .. ..1 At Ulli . ii itswi irtaTo.

f,1h W Z m ten.. 281W 3 b'uee . 57 Vesey 113

Sixth Ward. PMDlckitaaoo 1C Koi tiec .1 .117! Tfnth Ward.N V McKson . 7, C tt MorriL. --6M

K S Laaxl.... sPAT OF COCSCIia.

Sinth Ward.PayNo pay. ..

MAKC'CS J. WEIGHT.bherlBTot dheloy county.


A Card frun the Mean this easllghlCans psny.

Ib the PublicThe board of directors of the Memphis Gas-

light company desire to declare, in an author-itative manner, the luture policy of their com-pany In regard to tbe sals of gas :

Our company Is possessed of the most com-plete and ample appurtenances necessary forthe niauuiacture and distritiuilon ot an adequate supply of lUnminaf.Ing gas for the cityof Memphis, the right to vend which we olalmas an exclusive and vested right. In additionto the extensive works for the manufacture ofcoal gas, we have in operation apparatus lormaniiiActiiring gas from uaptha. under meprooesH secured by the Hand A Gale patent,ay this metnod .owned and controlled en-tirely by uai, an Illuminating gas is aumufac-- tureal by our company superior to that which

any otner company can man il fact tire tn thismly, by from Hiiy to one hundred per oent.tats is a fact tvnich wai become patentevery gas oouaumer ol tae city saotntl atuotL .company enter into competition withWithin the present week an Improvement haw,

been made at our worsts which will foreversecure to this city the credit of possessing atigni uasurptk-se- inrougnoui tne giooe.Through the same agency we will her mat terbe able to correct, in a few in motes, deficiencies in the power ol the lignt we lurutan occasioned by ooiu weatner, or irom otner caoaajs.

We do not propose lo lose a consumer on aocount of mice, should another comoany coinmence lo sell gas at a price lower than tne ralefixed by this company, we will at once reduceour rate to a point titty cents per thousanacubic feet lower than the amount fixed uponby sucn other company, and will keep do-se tiding tn he same ratio.

W e would remind the public that we desireno assurances or guai an ties ou tne part oi outoormumers, as we believe that whenever mat-ters cum- - to open competition, the superiorityof the llunt orWed ov ihis c ainany. to sayuothiHg ox lnaucemeuis tn price, win secure acontinuance uf the patronage It has so longsnrc so.

it Is Imade the imperative duty of every offl- -esr and emuiote ot this company to pavstrict attention to tbe wantsand requirementof our patrons, ana any lacx or courtesy orneglect of complaiuta will subject the ofleuderto severe rebuke or prompt disiiimwal from ourservice.

Adopted by the board, and oruared puo- -1 lull uai. er 23. 1371.

JAMLa M. WiXLiAMBOl?, PrsaldeaLGkoaos w . GlOTT, Secretary.

OE f YtllK CLOTH tet AT WISagkSBIWinter with iu cold is here,Don warm suits and never tsar.

Evsry man and boy should wearEnough to shield him ltom ths air.

Go and see his stock and styletGo, if you travel many in lies

Each customer will surely SadEnough to satiety his mind.

His goods are all ths very bestMade into overcoat, pants and vest.

Bring In your wealth and from his shelvesfitly goods to satisry yourselves.Every man and boy will riseExtoiLlug W aggenai to the skies.

Remembering that hut price Is low,Regardless of all others blow-Le- ave

your measure with him now,Get one drees suit anyhow.

WAGGENER.Merchant tailor, UT Mala street.


Hi w Vmwl nn Ban. rmnn. .,., SlnaaUJ UUJ1U1 JOtlt tUUtl.J Utllltl, 1DUU..see money and Belma railroad scrip atCity Bank, rt o. 9 Madison street.


--Go to Ieddln's CeUega.Attend Robertson's Bnitlness College.Thos. Cubhlns, bricklayer, 2S1 Mala street.Armstronx's Photoaraphlo Gallery, No. 211

Main street. Three faultless gem pictures fornity cents.

Hsat, Compost amp Eoohomt. Thisyou will get by baying your grates setwith Lemon's improvement, cau at aSecond sireet.

Bxx advertisement of Dr. Butt's Dispensary,headed Book tor the Million Marriage Ouide

in anotner ooiomn. it anouia oe roaa oybil

PT5trs,31 Second street.

Nkokil Is the great antidote tor nan- -rLtL:t.

St aax FrrnBe, 103 Second

NxtTRxt, ' Immediately relieves and 1manently cures neuralgia.

Jos Lockx. 288S1 Main street, has tha laioastassortment ot Mavga vines, Pictorials and dallies in tna catty.

Qab Fitting, 315 second streeL


For sale by J. B. Hills, druggist, 281Main street.

Thx an sanest and best Dveintt and (leammrhouse In the city Is at 21 Socond street (Hnnls n anion s ma nana).

SAMBON A wsi.ggR,EoosoMT . Taks your thil clothing to the

Steam Dyeing aad Cleaning House (Sunt Ananson s oia etannj, nt tsecona trees.

tLAJNBUrt A w a I ,s ICK

Cocoa i or a drasses ths hair beaatrLraliy.


County scrip, Tennessee money andSelma railroad serin for sale at Icncestraise by City Bank, No. 9 Madison street.

Ir yen sulTsr from aeuralglajipply "KeurlL'


The Btndeselgned, in order te slesetheir satire steea ed ready-mad- e men'sand hoy a One elwthlng and ramlshlaggoads, have determined te sell allges at east as aa Inducement ta the)aablic--

thoiie lai Quest el rare larrnlsts wtMAnd them at 4. mt la. BBelsiars m si ink B.

CMthiae Uotase, a Sxatln, swlaea street. stBaUis Clarh's Ssm i

I Lsir,

94M9 aawsjt,


ofBern nantt and Odd Stock.


Cheapest Dry Ooodiever offered in Memphi.

Don't fail to tee the Bargain. Re-

member toe intend to give up ou re-

tail branch of the dry goodt btuinett.A. SEESSEL & SOS,

259 Main street, opp. Court Square.

ExAJaOitx ths erate In this office. Tisaiiisalsaving of fUaL Ens.

A. F. DAVIS.House rid sign painter, 28: Second street. Orders p mptly executed at reasonable rates.

Cor; iibixl yiLicTTT. Nothing tends moreto connubial tiannfnon than cneerfui andheartliy infants and children. Mrs. whit- -corn 0 - syrup Is the great children's soothingreme-ly- .



and St Loots U. S mail Useror Ctatcetiia, Madrid, Hickman, Belmont and

Cairo, o'unnectiug al Reltnont with thairon Mean tain H. K.. at Cairo with

Illinois central Bnitroad, andooeia up tae Unio rtlver.

JCIaalA a lloyd.tuna aiajaanl and swii

will ksavs as anovaIHl--i LlAI. l.tn tnet., at ilm.Tlcxnia lor au points via Memphis and "Si.

Louis pacxeta, North. East ana Wsat, appayto laenerai Railroad and alearn Dost office.

TOM a. L'UNNj our. Court and Main sUW. E. Oil. I., Agent.

JalO S'LAM. CAL VkAtX. cap -


to t T eg'Slkk ana IIS esLIAIlVlcksbarg. N.iches and New Orieana.

T e entiie y asw iu magultlasnt steamerTBOrBk.B LEaB Jas. H. rspper, master

W. . -- owierThis ei eganl steamer will leavs

ss aboveIjiWDAY. Uth Inst., st i oLAM. X A CO.. Agents.

JslO Wo. g Jettwrson street.

iit v Orieans Packet Go.Or v ttxsburg. Batches and New Orleans.

-- Lr . --rRI JnM jSu " e. 'irsen, mtaier

s elrgant passenger p. castwi:l leave as aoove

THl i. At mm Inst , at 12 gaFur freight or passags apply te

J. A'. WavuU.seTOa, Agent,Ja'.e an I

Meaaaihla and Sew Orieana FaehteS CsFor aseW Or loans and lne neuda steamer

OOaCHITa BELLS Frank Hicks, masterJuo. aaiuvan - nlerk

WIUlssveoD WStlOMEB-aAX.lU- th

inarjat.r ar. 4 n mTae aiewmer troachlta Beiie leavaa ia rtace

of the steamer Betle nee.For Ireignt or passage apply cn board, or to

aaCri'X) W. lUUrilBCBNE, ttenpl Agent,j j aw Froat streeC


For Jascnsenpert,-aarc- y At rSteamer

'bat) W. weeks aawawaawawaV

. o t.aa OA master luims-tl- . oaea.W li laaava lal'UtAf, . llh laat , at 1 aa. m.For rraigai or aasaawa apply on noaru or to

BJ.CH1J W. LiOHTRL rtN E, Agsnt,alu fjpj Fjesis sueett


I or OSceola and way lnndlrigs Ths steamer

ITsf oNQiNtrx. oroouttt n maator a. uueui aaaaa

U it; ...a Y lean tnat.. at d D.m.For freisnt or paaeAao apply on board. (JalAt


rtegnisr Mem puis and Haiiee Point Packetyor naites Point and Way lAnrtinga.

FBANK foIaabT.. J. . Andre ws, rnsstsrThis eiegant steamer WH leave

Ab i: pi. la tor rxaiiea rotiaa aimway DOlots SViaRH ktisDAl A.11 SXSl'LAf, a u o'cioark p m.

i or i reign-- - ot paage sppay on board.


For CanelnsaaL..M.hla eiBciaaal

Sorcat.o LaMuaviAie and C.naianailThe hue passenger and ireignt atoaatuer

nUtt I. BUKftalMBftMNliruaD rt ...aaA.

tar ...aratu.aY.Llllt mat. Ill umi.x or lie.gnt or pass a go apply ou board or to

j4 o Front sirtet.LlcainriaU and Bow or eaus Pseaet Co. For

'a.ro. Loui.vt'e and omninnati - tneelegant passenger attains

uhds. Hi lieii i nala

Wul Wa.Hl - turkAjeaves WaXitSlbaAiAI, auta lust-- , Bt t pja.FSg n. or passage app.y to

sXLleli A y Agents,jus 2 prunieuaue at., loot ol JoneaawSSta

jfoiA juvaia.wsoesjs ass AriUawBB Bttjer Ptskst

ssjy--U. 3. Mail Unt.

pHX r' 1ST pAattiNUEB BOATS OFX this use leave Memphis tor ail point

ou flrssnsiwi riverBsFBDAtS ANU FHIHAYB, at H pon

For ire-ani- . paesaga or other Laaormauon..pp-- y to

W. H. EENNriiJAY, Agent,Office on Company's W aar.boat,

oil Foot at Conn street.


0. k., Betaaa xm

Ths reliable, nrst-ela- sa packet

:ti86. W. GDsekK. CH HIKE

aril, rnn aa aoove. lea vtna MemMis every ACKB1J AT, TH jattLAlf and SAXo ailA Y, ponotnally at 6 p.tn.

For rrelght or passage, appey oa oostrwaAOJt

!.-- ivsmmb, rrtart Htn. atae, WMbafter, NaMwBa gas tss an.The Cnxtsd States Mall Pwoket

A. L WHlfl111 leave nam phis HOBDAY! Snd f'bU- -

oaxb, pamctoaiiy at a p.m.ror irsigrit ar pewsagrst appijr ua awjarw.

K Art FOINT aV-M- J tiiLSiUO,

rmr't f9U fltHBB BM mmsStatat Mall PissHbw

Im mm.jamas ne

taeaves Mempnls Mondays ana Fridays, atp.m., oonneeting at neienawim tne steamerrtaoSA ior isananna ana au pointe onL' anaiillie river. via


PaekelST. cRAfiCI$

WIU leave Memphis Trnanars and XMUaa.pats, at s o oiocx p.na.

For freight or passage apply on beard .no?


For TNTeF-vc- r OrliRDIFgSKU sliY IK, IS72.

The - sanltlaent bs- - ngu sU amerLXB LEE. Frank H lehta, snaa

Joint S. Saillvaa. Ciers.WILL leave this city on WEDBESDAT,

brnary 7th, is 2. arriving at Bew Or- -

leans Monday. Febroa y Uth. aivina ax, orcionists ttve aays tn ths u assent City duringtha Uanll Una Unllrtavu I taataaa. tfn a w,i.leave new orieans oa ner up trip satnraay,February 17 tn. "" own be ootalned torthe excursion oy applying on board or to

datf . ;il.a u A it MB.

Rsflslar MarnpUs soil Haw Oiiaasa


For New Qrtsees sai the Beees.

teghSBoaa, 187101878.Tbe Elegant PsMStigar and Freight Bt tamer

BELLE LEEJ. Frank Hicks .msstar J. 9. BMlTjvsjt. clerkWill leave Mamphis for Few Orleans as


18711TliajBdaT Bovsamber BBh. aa 5 runThUTwdar Bovsanber SQtri USiaTharsaLav Deesasber latri. atlaaTharsday Deoomber KUl, at 9 bjb

87B lTllnraAav an nary uth, at s ponThiirdny .... anaary 2Kh, at J p.mWednesdnv ebruarv 7th. at S D.mTbaratia Fsbruary tan, at 6 ponTim-sila- y March 7th, at 5 poxTarn-(iii- y asraa niaaTt. aa a n. ra

w .ra. aa.rn.ra ra air A T agent.


SALE Oil REN F.A nn ACBJSS la oulUvatlon. oottase real- -tJJ deuce of six rooms, large tiyuttwa

Sin and mill noose, and plenty of laborers'; land of toe Mat a reality. IS miles be

low Helena, Ark., and II from Mlaslasipolriver, protected from overflow by a splendidtever. ior sai. on lona use nootv to or ia- -dres. JOHN B. WLLLIaMB, on the nines,postages, asanaww nol w

SALE, A VALCTABiaE COTTON F ABMFOB seres, sear Helena, Phillips sountyAik,, on the Mississippi river and 1 sea,Lake, known as the 8en. Hid. Pillow Plantation, now ewned by the aretilttirs of r

aad Ala. E E Ua Address B. &Moore, Sgent. Hunt's Station, W. and Ala.

5.. Term. Also, IVor sale, 100 tores, near the day,growing olty of Corlata, M.aic, N W BsEl

BS cast. AddressHroitt Station,


either XL B. Marare. own.Tena., or Wu, 0. W. Be3,



Mempbis and LotiisvifltWINTER SCHEDULE.

Mil lain 13. 1871.Trsiii iBBiss nsj gipisss 4U3l

Mew Tork. 1 ..: p.m.asl pon.

Eleganl sleeping ears in to ataouis. stmt, vine and La as tits IB

'fhelJo I 51Srun on am day. J. F. UOYD,

noli BnportotBBntSl

Mi CwaetftaCtttfl R. IsCHANGE OF TIME.

tOBBet4w.-V- . 2sTo-V- . XsS,Aaxrvss: paraorrai

Mall train. MrM pun. ii us tvaatxpr IV tt p.m.rnrooah fralaeht. ..iix 9tSt sunWay Iralghl. coach altoh'd 7dtJanet. on and rmervlile

. ttaa US SaSB

itsssomL. ... r.Ha-- a ! Sap


CQMMgNcLNO Sundayfan nor

trains wilt run sa toaiowa:Leave- - Memphis, dailv JM aaxLeave Hopodotd canyArrive LliueRocx. da.lv -- "-

Retarning arrive ai Msmphia. di ylis pmBS TBLA1BB WILL MV e)B ts7hAT.

Paaascger ttalns connect at D avail s BtsnTon Mouuaya ad i norsaiays. wltn oos.ua tarDosArc, Aagast-- t. Jacssoucrt and points estupper White nvoi: o . WsdnsMlays and oau--u

tdays tor Ciaaeudon, xoerLeea. andpoints an Walie river below evaa'sUtah. Comuftuu at Little ko-- a w.tn staasator Hot eprlr gs. Camden. Arsadeipaiaalso with Llti--o r ocx and Fort amilAroad, and steamers on arums- - rivsr.

Ferryboat leaves foot of Gn.npi ewspl ly al 7 Mi ana.

C P. 0.toXIaKT.tae a ' I Ticket agent.

Miamiftfti 4 Tinnmii 8. ft.

tN and after Br BOAT. Desssskei U. BTLW oa-d- i furtn.r notice, r ains wnl run SBfoUowst

laawawl Arrive.Hew Orleans Van. daily. I pom. I SO jBxpresB Train, daily t IS pmn i iFrelxht Train, daiio ax- -

Saw BBB atwl taNew orl-sn- s Xsi. tilreeti

tor ew Orleans, V lcSaOanJacksoo, i an on, and au. pamaA douto, i

Baagags ILroagrt.For n o and UUtaU I ly to Tt

Office, aMTH am sasat,oi jsaia a u oeu

417 JAB. TCBOK. BenLedger copy l sa

lenpbis & Kafsas Ut B. B.


Ovrics ov tsx M. E C. B. A :oxrxorr, tBateavLue, Ark., November 1STL

IH parananos of the provi'loos of sectione.ght of an act entitled "An sml lo pro-

vide tor a general system of rtatlrotad incor.porat on," passed by the Oeceial Aeaemoivof the State o. Arxacisaa, and ao proved JaiyBM, lSBt. a general aa elLng oi tne DLreetnrsand Block bo dera of the Msmputs a d Eart-sa- s

City Bailroad Company wiIa be held em

Wssnesday, the lOtb say mt Jiosiry, 1872,

at the office ot Lncian C. ease-- E, In thacity or J season po ' i. in a aca sonot Ark-ras- a, tor the election ofthe ensuing year, and tne transother bosimeas- -

BTvery uuector anil Stockholder Itto attend.

WBL BTEBM.niiincroBfl aatn sn caH.LasttA

B.F. Patterson, la. J. MeBlsslck,H.B. Lee, El: sua Baxter,Wm. u. Fnrd, Lueian C - ansa.W. A. K. TlaOAle. A

W. K. FatUrson, Stocxcolders.

to thePtJBBUANT of th Memphis aadcnansa.ton tatlr-Ma- Comptao , imeetina thereof, aem tn the et:yphis, feunssaee. on ne lirth day of 1

ber. aS71. a senoral me una of theholders of tne said railroad company ta.tailed, to bs held tn said city of llarapnls, am

We4BMuy, tpe I7t Day of Jaiaary , 1872,

For ths Dorcose n' xnaUdertnx und UIsuch action sa aaid rMockhcldera may deoaasavisaoie tn rerenoe m a ptopoaai maae bythsfcatnarn Eauw- - y Security Compaay fartne lease ol the Main Boad aad tne FlcreaoaaSomervtlie and Wlnrn-st- er branch lnes ofthe said Mempnls snd C rtillinselConapany. M. J. w l SS, Frsatrisnt.

Obo lossxtsos. Serretarv. ail daw

In Order to Close


Dress Goods




Plain, Plaid Striped

Figured Dress Soods

At leas than Intporeatlou prt-e- s.

tafteen te thirty sents. Tcese roests most he

said. Call earty te tasrsainaj

o. c. & k. a.


a 8i3 TvraaiT. IwL.

NOT X 0352TO - -- aw,



TriStJX3? ? --ear im are nowwiu atu-am- l at the 1 Lowln named pi sees for the purpose at reealvtngthe State and County Zzxm Tcr the vaar 71i

Distrlet No. 1, at Freed A Boydl store. y.

J anaary tic, irrri

District No. E wm

ary 9th.

Dutrtot Bo. 3. at So ton's ttr raJanuary 1th.

District No. i, at cube. WearyDtstrlot Sa 5. st etglne BAKias esrsasr ass-a- dand Adams streets. Wednardar. Xanaarw

AMsathS Mat L at 1urday, January 12th and

inatrlat Bo. 7. at Bartistt,Taarsuay, January 10th and

DlBtrlet No. A at Bhalby Depot. awebdaFJanuary MIL

District No. 3. ai ksaaBeejam TaKli. Jaanary 9th.

fBslililTli U si nslTlBlllTIl ailTnasday. January 19th and IStu.

mail ax Ho. IL st Bai aiaaloh. Weiinsaitarand Thursday, J anaary 17vn aad lBth.

IBstrlet No. M. at Benlksnlarylllaa getttirday-- .

ana ary Bftn.

Dtstrlot Bo. IS, at Arnold Sa, Monday, January tMi,

nfilsl No. M. at amse arrnsrnnlon streets.th aai4 km

Dls'rtaat Ho. M. at Jaaob Brnat'a asmTuesday, januaa-- r ad.

Dlstrlat Not 10, at White "H'lisi. Tllawl.

nteliliS Tin TT ilJan-wir- y So.

M. iicLat.or,IBS CtOOSliii ot Shelby Ooaat?.
