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THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL WEDNESDAY,...Jjra U1LL1NU LOTJ--On Preston Placs, M ant sun street...

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rn THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 87, 1873. ANNOUNCEMENTS For J ad re ot tbr kaprrmr Oarl. rrui THK PBiPLS (ir TU9HS n'K: Id re al rWMf to Uecell of many leading citisens of tr.c state I hereby annour.ee myself as a need idste far toe Jndge of Uie supreme uoon, made nul by toe resignation of Hon.T. A. K Nelson. LMei-tlo- firs' Thursday Id Au n.l nut ROUKBT McPA&LANl Borrstown. Tun. "M run the kEDPi.lt or TJtNESl-EK- : lure- - 1 epor.se to the expression of a popular de sire, sumcicu j y puir auu it ucu... Mnrmi mv action In the matter. I hereby announce myself oandidMe for the office of Jodie of the euprenio Court, made vacant by the resignation oi Hod. T. A. K. Nelson. Kin-u- flnt Thursnay In Annul next. J. B. COOK. C hattanooga. March 11. VST2. mali nTK are authorised to announce Colonel VV J. a. FORRusT as a candidate for sr.t riff at the ensuing election, subject to tbe i traaocratlc cqcvenuon. mum hereby announce mjeelf aa SHERIFF-- ! for Sheriff of Shelby county, a, toe enenlng election. Sutleet to the ac tio: of the Democraue convention. tuaM JOHNS. HARRIS. answer to any Inquiries, 1 hereby au- thorise you to announce my name as a cecaidale for Sher' a ol St eiby county , at the i election, 1872. Far Osasly Traete. tnricTV TRnsrKK We are authorised to ly auno-nc- e Oeneial B. M. BRADFORD as a for tie office or Connly Trustee, al the ensuing election. Subjecl to the ac tio;-- , of the Democratic convention. WANTS. RCENER A first class landscape and 11 rs 1 gardener. Apply at au stain street ; 1 A iOS -- By a first class engineer and s naerter. wonid preier to so in o. rutrv.-Addr- ess immediately w. ts.. al Ui office. mhST USINESS By a gentleman wno nas an it eitenhive acquaintance In Mississippi, and who has had several years' experience in the produce and grocery business, wun a eafch capital of S5000, a partner of ike cap til. to enrage In any respectable basins th. will be sell sustaining. Reference given and leqntred. Address W ., Iocs bo i lit. o MUATION As gardener, or to lay off an O ornamental yard, by a competent man; good reference given. Aaaress re hag J. 8. BALTUBuP. this office. t joHTKB. At the Southern Hotel, a porter X or dining-roo- hei'd, wh.lt. or ceiorci.. g ROwKERY-PAC- tB apply lmrr eiiattly to W A 8. JACK, IE 2M Main siree'. . ALKM AS-- A1 E. lxiwensieln kro. one wno thoroaghiv understands the ant; g:ment of a suit aepsrimeui. Apply irrmtdlate'y by letter. max ALfcLADY At B Lowensteln A Bros. one .ho has bad Dractlcal exrerience In atliing ladles' suits, underwear, etc; mutt be capable of taking measures and receiving order.. addIv immediately by letter. mhSb i'fJATIOK By a colored man, a No. l wno 1. oe jrou' ui quitting mr t .: p:t,:es...n. He car; give ttt be'. n! r'tv rtlrrer.ee. To a senueman wanting a carriage driver and ba ber, this is a tret rate rl il.ee. Or ne wcu.a lise a pusiwuu mm iryi- - terlusBlore. Apply to inis omce. c 11 ENSul To buy. at 140 Frobt street, sec I . end-ban- d Stale and County Bar room License mtui Second hand house hold FUBMTURK damaged ImnV.ure of ali kinds, al Wt Second street. mhll HOOP-POaJB- We want CORNI-COB- NI 0 bushels of corn and a few hoop poles delivered In fiatboats al Paton House Lt uisiana. J. A lxi.ALLi a Bt-- liFN Ten BoardIns bosses and )HJ large nam ber of station men, on the ( Mli o and ia.lou ruuiroaa, near urauu tilala. on White River, Arkansas. Each man n.r;at hts Dwn tare to brand ula'se. Ap uly to Wm Dardls, tu Jeferson at. Memphis t.l M. COFFKT. cu . contractors. Fornllure, Feathers and SEOOND-HAN- D Uscds of ali kinds t ought at SB Meostd street. n. I. i. -- To rent a good i welling house. H al.v ioua'.ed and capable of aceoin a small lamlly. Fur such a house .eat will be promptly paid in advance eacn ... n.:. : k c.'t-:- ttnant. ajii.r ui or Memphis Appeal. L'.i BOOKS, OLD I 0OK8, of all kinds, O bought at SSI second street. aa it will slve fiiot cash fort. feet of 1 1 around, if location snlU me. It must be within one sauare ol street cars. Address Abceai office. ' FOR SAIL .Pli.K Always on band, and for ssle as i u w aa any in market, abpij s . m se HBSU W uK . OV ERTOS A CO., inhM near .78 Second street ijtU oa reasonable terms, a very dealra-- I tle tew In tajvary Chnreb. Apply to YOU Mi A BEOl HEK, Odd eUO" A brown horse, of the celebrated UOBSC s ock, between six or tevsn ytars old; asanas lor both In harness and un-.ix- r uiin ran be seen al Seiizmau A mi ttuie. Union street. mtiH K A WAY Bo. 1 second-han- d rocks WAV lro" SI I'll. HALUAn - . sg7 Poplar street. mn-- a wo CDaNtB LOIS, on Orleans street. 1 imr.mvul renting for tm ner month rn ten. otDt rorixxxj. it raaen immpinicii - . K. m i.v t.curner Werh.nglon and High streets, at a great bargain, on immedi- ate bprllcatlon tbe owner wishing to invest in trade, and dete'mlnea to sell. nhll BOYBtafc, TBTZAVANT A CO CA8FB-6v- D empty Oyster Cases; o all la good order. App y to atSssl V. D. FUCBH.tlJtfler'on sU BAWMILL-On- e st Sawmill. O v horse jvowsr in good running order wun timber on two ound.-t- c seres oi iboq nine miles trorr. Memphis, cirectiv on r lit. can ahd Memphis railioad. Inquire of JOHN 1. RAWL1NUS, mcTl Froat street, ;. 4 COMPl.KTa. SET of ts-m Jd Water J. Wanges. a.Priy at asO Front street. a sTTi.ES CART DHAY HARNESS L: jVl Ph-- A pair or Al wagon or dray iiiu.es. i duubie-oa- rl and dray ; also, 1 aet of harness and dray license w'.tn seven montn to rua. Will ne Suia cnesp, ior own. suus mhil M V., Appeal office. A two story residence on UB8I0EHCE very cheap. Apply at this ss TILES We have UJb mulee now on hand UK to arrive lo night: our reotlpu are lernlarly 360 mules per week. Ail slock guaranteed aa repre-ented- . FAIRES, BOTLKS A CO., mhl ai aad gfl secuad street T OT I offer for sale a vacant lot 75 by I j feet, east side Shelby street, lust south of ' aptaint B ccnrcn s lesiaeuoe. inisisae-- . ledly the m-s'- . desirable residence property w . or sa.t m in is oiy. Sag 8. P. BEAD, t be power Portable ENwlNS by ihe employes of Ine Mem- - pi la aad Charleston Railroad Company, which took the premium at Ibe lalerair. Tot engine was built from selected ncate- - - : .i Has w .t.. ti.s im enperior. tar partlcals rs apt" T to 'ait M BCKKK, M. M. M. A C. R. R. VO. It EdLDEKCE Desirable residence. tSt Jef- - tv ferson street. Apply 'id premises, noli I OTB On Walnut street, on time. Antiy U at union St. UaORUK illAOai. FOR RENT. HOUSr Torent, aneatcotttge CorTAOE no' lets taan four or more than sis rooms Address, with particulate of terma. etc., k Y Z . are of this office. gh3f ISO USE Fine House and large UarJen. XI A ppl to R. VAS BHOtAniS, mb t Sat elanoafl a: reet HE FRANKLIN HOUSE, at the Raleigh A bprtnga, having bean tnorocgniy re paired, u now lor rent or lease; terms mod erate. Apply to B.F. COLEMAN. First Cir cult Court Clerks office, corner of I n on aad cecoad sUeess, Memphis. mhl7 OVORk On JeEeraoD street, ntder Com- - J merelsl Hotel. App y to mbU JOSEPH 1. AM Rk WM, S63 Front. OL bk A new hones wllhslx rooms. H J H. KlurLfW.lt. atal. street. i al Ja. static, ctaiern. well snd oulhousea eoiujiete, allotted on the corner of Tuird and Mill streu, Chelsea. Apply to T. H. kdgu g'ou. Att y at-L- U atadlson streeL ROOM One large rvom, suitable for ootton oommuMlon business or Job print- ing office. This room is la the rear of ihe business department of the Appeal, and In me center ol injpnamsas portion or ine city. o TOndC-KOO- 1 Le store-roo- ou the cor- - A O ner of Mam and Monro atresia, under the Peabody lintel, nom reoruary iat. ap- - to a, in.Jii.ti, Wm Ss Mac lso d strep'. FOR RENT OR SALE. ra U1LL1NU LOTJ--On Preston Placs, M ant Jj sun street extended, lor lease fur ten yaara, at low tent. Desirable lota on Court street extended for sa.e cheap Apply lo itUIMTAK Tht.Zs.VAHT CO. LiaV.O oTOKh. lloU8t ureal baraaln for Cah- - O let valuable store house, to. UM Frunt street. Is now ooered for tale or rent. Apply Vo J 'tun.iv.i js .au nmi strtot. LOST OR STOLE. Mo AarU'.at AHD OOLT - tit KEVVAH- b- iyl 1 f .ao my place on sai sisiippi river, ten u.Uea below Memphis, in October last, one anted, light hay, mare muie, about i wt,v ytrs old; plain saddle marks and trended on the left shoulder with the letter . ,. the same tiite. dsrk bar horse coll. two years old this spring. The above reward will be paid on their de. lvery to Owen e oust co. . I Tlanin el reel. Ul juhs a. rutuaauav. A s01NTb.lt " BITCH "One year oat, all I auiu,. with one lemon colored ear. A uitab.e reward will staid, if returned Id mrs. x. a. cut K at. B71 Vaaee stress ROOMS AH0 BOARD. bar A large wed furnished room, suit- - BOAKl. r gouUeman t nd wlfa. at m luiyu fart a fill Furnished aad Barer J"! r"" rooms, suitable lor fanUUet and - aaaaWaavaa. as tm jsatuaun lre:l. aSo day hoaideia aeeMaanoualed, ajAKDavite A tew good boarders can se PERSONAL NOTICE. WILLIAM H. TOLtK, wun A RnlkrleT will be IDT agent ocrlng my temporary absence iram uie city. tabii BIO P. ZtgOL-KR- . ftAKKlAUK Painting and Kepaulng, cor- - V ner second ana uayrso irreete. mhl JELLIt A DAMAN. THE APPEAL IN THE CITY. Plaew at wbieB tfe Bally Appeal eaa The Daily afpkal can be trad every morn-In- s at the follow places In the city : At appsal Oouatlng-Room- , 14 Union street. At the news-stan- d of Joe Locke, Mo. MX stain street, At the news-stan- d of W. J. Manaford, corner nf hmwu and Monroe streets. At the news stand of J. C. Eyrlcu, So. MO Main street, ttthr nwa-atan- d In the Pea body hotel. Al the liens ilenil in the Commercial hotel. At the news iilanii in ine worsnam nonae. At Ihe news-stau- d In me uverton ioiei. At the news-elan- d In the Southern hotel. At the news-stan- d of A Bon, No. 10 Jefferson street. At the news-stan- d of Wm. Splckernagle, cor ner of Fourth and poplar streets. At the news-stan- d on St. Louis wharfboal. At tee news stand at Lanier A Eld ridge's. Second street, near Madison. At the news-stan- of Hobbday, on Beale street, near Main. At the news-stan- d at the Railroad depots. At the news-stan- d on thi Memphis and Lit- tle Rock wharfboai. At South Memphis news-depo- t. No. GO Beale street, near rjecono. At J as. Corwln'a, JBJ, Main street, near Mad- - son. At Paul Wright's, 9t Main street. At N, B. Johnston's news-stan- 464 Mam sreel. At Walkers News-stan- No. 106 Beale street, opposite Beale street market. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Don't fall to hear the orator of New York at the opera house. Peyton Burton was yesterday sen tenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary for burglary. Joe Locke, 236K Main street, has Harper's, Soribner's, Blackwood's, and ail the Monthlies. Also all the leading weekly and daiiy papers. The Kansas railroad Is uppermost in the minds of citizans who take an inter est in the growth of Memphis. It will link us to the great grain-growin- g west Schroyer, who shot 'Squire Nortoij, was taken from fail yesterday and taken before Judge Ray on a writ of habeas corpus. On motion of Genera! Harrigan, tbe case was continued during tre ab sence of state's witnesses. There are farther negotiations set on foot a&cting ibe value of property south of Union street, which show how rapio.lv the city government is driving wealth and population down the river. People say that Pinch end Chelsea are committing suicide in the city councils. Sotbern, Lord Dundreary, will be here next Monday and play a brief enag4- - ment of s week Mr. Charles Bishop will support him. After him comes the Wynd ham troupe, which will appear in "6ra togs," for which now scenery is being purchased. Percy itoseiie will succeed the Wyndhams. A nratical person who understands manufacturing snd the profl s to be de rived from it, says tnst a wen conducted furniture factory in Memphis, would yield a safe dividend of 30 per cent, per annum, A halt million lnveated in a oot- - on mill, would return fully o per cent. on tbe investment. wny aon t our moneyed men take serious thought on these matters? J. C. Kimbroush aues the city in tbe second circuit court for 120,000 damages sustained by the sinking of his boat while running: ber into the landing, ne claims tbst she ran upon some shafting that had been rescued from a wreck and left on the wharf. The rising waters having cov ered It up, there was no means of pro tec tion for the boat from the hidden foe. Tbe case will commence before Judge Halsey Appleton's encyclopedia is about the beat work of the kind in the world, it is certainly the only one in the l nlted States, which a truo. aignmea ana lm partial resume of the yearly transactions of men. There is an agent lc Memphis. for tbe Messrs. Apple ten, who will can- - vans lor this meritorious work. Mr. W. H. Sparks, the agent, is himself a literary gentleman of much coiture and some fame, and we bespeak for him a cordial reception by oar cltizsns. Pat Short deserves final and unending absolution, iae baa given the orphans oi Mississippi the use cf the theater for two nights witboul cost. Since many bretn ren of tbe church that have charge of tbe children are accustomed to invaigb indis cnminately against theatrical am use-me- n ts, we modestly suggeat that they should not forget, after all tbst Is said in and out of tbe pulpit, tbst there are lew Christians, outside tbe theater, who have contributed as Pst Short has dene, f200 to the asylum at Lauderdale springs. Th6 Sunday school teachers of the city met in convention lat night in ihe rooms of the Cumberland Presbyterian cburcb to discuss the matter of effective teaching for Sundsy school children. I he partic ular point up for discussion was theestsb-iishme- nt of Jlbrariee for the use of chil dren. There were very fair arguments pat forward on both sides of the question. By debating it calmly and thoughtfully for half a dozen meetings ine wnoie merits of the case may be fully understood. Tbe great Sunday school celebration will come up at the next meeting. City Fathers propose to lease the feathery edge of the navy-yar- d to the untie Kxk ruad ior twenty urt yean but the railroad must asstCM seventv-tiv- e or one Hundred thousand dollars In lm tirovement-- , and buildings and machine ry on the prcperty.and yet the city would reserve the right to expel its railroad tenants bv giving twelve monliia nonce to quit. This device Is entirely too thin. The city can't make seventy-fiv- e thon sand dollars on this transparent dodge. Most cities reward puonc benefactors; our city dads "go for them." At a convocation of bankers and rail road officers, yesterday, the fact was con ceded that the location of the Memphis depot of the Little Kock road fixed the center of Memphis wealth and popala tion. All eastern roads must hsve the closest possible connection with the road lo Lit tie Jtock. if the freight depository of the Little Kock road be loested In tbe Overton tract, as is now proposed, every road will have there its terminus, and Memphis wlil be a day's Journey south of Pinch. Why do not Pinch and CheUea rise in their boots? The thee of Teneb'K. which will be sang at St. Peter's church this evening, is solemn oiu ceremony oi the church which was instituted to commemorate, in a purely apirituai way, tbe completion oi the vicarious atonement in the death oi Christ A large triangular candelabrum is placed on the altar, with lights to repre- sent ail the apostles, that at the apex to represent Christ. The lights are ex tin guiahed one by one at intervals, the clergy chanting in chorus suitable verses from tbe scriptures. This Is continued till none Dut one tbe topmost -- remains. This is not extinguished, but is taken behind tbe altar and hid, leaving the cnurcn in com plete darkness, to represent the death and Interment of the Saviour. In the course of s brief space it is brought forth again to show the three day ne lay in the tomb and his subsequent gloiioua resurrection from the dead. Each light is typical of a prophet who spoke of the Lord's coming. and the putting out thereof represents his death. As tbe beautiful ceremony la a new thing in Memphis, the church may te expected to Decrowned. PERSONAL. Colonel Roukl Horou, an o.d and well-know- n citizen of Memphis, now re presenting atrong eastern houses, is at the Peabody hotel. Mas. E. R. May. agent for the sale of Distinguished women," will, bv per mission, make her Leadciuartem at Bovle Chapman's, Main street. Those who desire to subscribe for the work may leave ineir timers mere. R O, Kbllt. of West Station. Missis sippi; A. G. Karson, Lexington, Ken of tucky ; J . M. Tobelt, Washington City Tbos J. Cheek, New York, W. P. Carson, rnusatinuii n. u. corner. Knntin ti a nykea, Mississippi, are stopping at the be twuuuY uosei. Colon kl W. H. Bpabks. former) v nl uMuiu.il., uuw ui ueurgia, ong a mem- ber of the Louisiana legislature and the it author Of "the Memories of Fifty years " anil spend in Memphis a few months in the lhtereit of the well known Dubliahinp ter uuuseui u. ajjpiewju a j j , o: - s VOIk. Carl et hi h la winning marvellous popularity. We have a letter from a gen- tleman in Arkansas wboae name laCarleo infatuated is he with the splendor of Carl Hchui z's fame that he signs himself Carl Lee." In fact when he reads one of Carl's mag nifl sent speeches It is with diff- iculty by that he can keep his Bchurz on. it to JUST RECEIVED, as fine stock of spring hats and bonueia at Mrs. WUdberger'a 224 Main street. MISS GAKVEY. Latest spring styles of dressmaking, aM MAlnatlwat. ent Maa. M. C. Hchtk. 247 Main. will have spring opening on Wednesday, 27th instant. BTBAM-FlTTUi- a. 816 Second street. to era Go to Joe Locke's tor the latest publl- - a e BPaUXu Canute, Mrs, Hunter's, Wednesday. GAMBLING UTILIZED. Everybody Disposed to Take Cbsace. The success that attended tbe meeting held yesterday to ortraniza and establish an Inventors Aid Association was most gratifying. There are 1 .valuable loven lions tn ibis city and In tho adjacent country which tbe owners have not the means of developing It costs money to secure patents and make working models. Tbe association organized yesterday, If conducted with any sort of wisdom, will become the richest body In tbe South, and Memphis will become the Mecca of pro- gressive mechanical genius From twenty to fifty thousand dollars will be readily secured. In fsot, every one approached on the subject agreed to stake from fifty to five hundred dollars on tbe result of tbe doings of yesterday, Lst the ocinmittee meet and act wisely. BEST !N THE WORLD. The Best Kpeealatleii of Modern Ik dostry Editors Appeal: A few days sgoyou spoke oi tbe "Plantation Compress" being taken to Waco. Texas, for re pressing cot ton bales the coming season, snd that the eentleman expects to clear at least I20.0C0, starting on f 1000. There ara half a dczsn such already eneasred lor this very pur nose, and there ara a hundred towna that ship from ten to twenty thousand bales of cotton, not enough 10 justify a lareo steam Dress, that would pay the same way, viz: Two presses cost f600; one mule in the middle, running alternately one and the other, compressing s hundred bales a day at s cost of twelve cents a bale, thus mak ing- - from ten to twenty thousand dollars in one season (four months), from a capi tal of leaa shan f 1000 The same press re- quires the addition of tbe cotton-bo- x to be adapted to the planter or tbe gin. March 22, 1872 8. a R. RINGS. Ibe Lively Thing. Editors Appkal "Rings" are ail the rage, bat I am for tbe lever or the south ern Inventors Aid Association. I agree with the Syracuse philosopher, that there is nothing like the lever, ana wun your correspondent, "Cotton Pisnter," that there is nothing like this lever of Inven tors Aid Association, rtwiroaas ana man nfactoriee are great levers to lift us, but this lever of invention, with a company to furnish the fulcrum, transcends ihem all in its power to pry us into the position of prosperity, There are many inventions, to mv certain knowledge worth minions, now lying useless fcr the want of means to bring them out. I wag also pleased with tbe plan and programme published in the Appeal of the lSth instant. It will cartainly and withoat doubt prove tbe best investment on the market; and also favorable to inventors, as it lifts them up. The capitalist is msae t; raise ine good inventor up, ana men to me uis parse plethoric by the genius of the In- ventor. It must be made a success, and sweep the whole South, with Memphis as the initial, central snd ellglMe point, me fulcrum, FARMER. INVESTORS. A Successful Kse ting and Mast Sne- - easeful speech. Tke Organisation of Ibe Meeting aad f tgte Aid Associativa lbere Is Money la Is. A meeting was held at the hall of the chamber of commerce, for the purpose of organizing an Inventors' Aid society, vesterdsv afternoon. colonel 1 ro 'j so ate cat tea tae meeting hi order, and moved, and it was agreed, that Mr. H. Lemon be appointed chairman. On motion of Msior Sykee, henry White was requested to act aa secretary Majsr Sykos, insisting the obi set or the meeting, referred to the progress made by Northern mechanics in the dmerent arts He stated that there was not enough con oerted or effort on the part of the mechanics In this section to lm prove and perfect tbe mechanic arts. The benefits of organizations tor the purpose of improving and building up cities wss rtnrredto at conaiaeraDie length, ine ber.ttKs of mechanical inventions to the human race were spoken oi, and tbe in ventcra of cotton gins, tto., were eulo iz:d as benefactors of the peo pie. A newly-Invente- cot ton-cor- press was a home invention of great merit, calculated to enncn me growers oi cotton. Such inventions were generally the work of poor men the rich prefer to invest money in other affairs, lne or act of the Inventors' Aid Society was to as sist men to patent articles thst were like ly to be usel ul, the inventors of which not having means to pa ent them ana oom mence their manufacture, giving a certain per cent, of ail profits to the society for their assistance at the start. A railroad invention a aingle track by a citizsn of Memphis, was calculated to be a great success ihe speaker montionca many great inventions by Southern men, the profits of which were rsaUzad by North ern cepi-.aiist- who'had advanced the monev to make the invention successful The workinmen, who create valua, were claimed lo ba tbe wealth or me country In nearly ah the great cities of Luropn and of this country JsPere are societies ior the earn i ob ecv for which we axe working Memphis now needed mechanical inven tion, and ought to enccurage such as are likely to bnrg money here for their man utactcre. By associated capitals small sum from each wouid carry out this great ob?ct; and one successful invention would make rich not oniy me inventor, but the association. This would not only be a profitable investment for the society, but a great good for the people. All arti cles for which the society was requested to advance money should be examined by experienced mechanics. THE CHARTER. A charter under which the association might crganiz? was read by Major Sykes. Mr. Hiizttid favored applying to the chancery court for a charter which would need to be changed in name. He was glad to see a movement made to enoour age mechanical inventions, many of which originate in me south, nut are not sup ported here, and are earned to the North, where more Inducements tre held out to manufacturers. The charter proffered gives powers and privileges which a chan eery court cannot oonrer. On motion, a committee on organization was appointed, to report next Tuesday af ternoon al four o'clock, at the hall of the rhamb.r of commerce. Committe- e- Messrs. John Cowdon, W. M. Hutton, W a. Lake, M. Burke, A Fearaall. On motion, the chairman (Mr. Lenow and Mr. Hitzfeld were adaed to the com- - imttee. The meeting then adjourned, to meet gain on Tuesday evcuirg, April 2i, at four o'clock. MEMPHIS COTTON. The Coarse of Tiade-Hcma- bls Still Looking Cp. We notice," says the New Orleans Times, "that the steamer Belle Lee is on her wsy down from Memphis, whence she started on Wednesday evening with two thousand six hundred and fifteen bales of ootton, which is said to be the heaviest load of the staple shipped from that port down the river for ten years. Including this shipment are one thousand com pressed freight II 26 per bale. This fur nishes a striking indication that the over land rail route is becoming unsatisfactory, and forcibly illustrates the correctness of the New Orleans cotton trade taking em dent measures to reduce the cost of trans- portation on the Southern rivers. How ever desirable a a., txiuia uarge tine may be to accommodate our western friends, and oiler a healthy competition to the present transportation company, we have not the slightest ooudi mat me pros ueritv not only of our ootton factors and all others engaged in the handling of the staple, but oi every branch ol trade, and especially dry goods, hardware, boots and shoes, clothing and groceries, would far more promo' ed by southern barge lines, which would carry ootton from Memphis to New Orleans for 60c per bale, and from all other ports and landings at proportionate rates, if at a i za per bale be the interest oi tnoae concerned to ship 2615 bales by one boat, It is fair to in thai with ine important reauoiion in freights that could be made by barges, the bulk of the Memphis ootton would be sent this way. Where tbe cotton is sold or val- ued for, there will the bulk of plantation in supplies be bought." Our contemporary goes too fas!. More than half of tbe above 2616 balsa of cot- ton was a through shipment to Liverpool in one of our largest buyers. Therefore, must not be concluded ihst Memphis hi become, as before the war, tributary to New Orleans. She is old enough now to run alone and to paddle her own canoe, the Times may learn by consulting tbe statistical position of the crop as pub lished in lb- - Appeal. If Memphis ships cotton to New Orleans it will be in the same wsy and under the same conditions the when she ships to Mew York. This market is, in many respects, an indeptnt- - See market. Much, ii not moat, of the cotton that comes here Is bought by spin ners agents, all or whom uniformly report that their shipments give such satisfaction that a large increase on orders from year year is a sure result. In proof of this oubliah, by permission, the following. 1 dressed by one of the Iftadlng Eastern mills to Messrs. B. Baylies A Co.. of this ly, leading and very influential buyers: are Mutual! bAi Lis.s A Co. I have your let ter having the notice of tbe eomplnuon of ov orders, etc. We now have cotton enough; to last us til! the talk wld be of a new crop, at .1 I wish now to acknowledge our obligations to you for the prompt and faithful manner In which you have done our business In buying our ootton supply for the jear. If we had not been short of funds in November and Decem- ber, and had taken your opinion about the then future of ootton, it would have saved us several thousand dollars, as it is, we are two or three thousand dollar better off for hav lug bought it in your market, than we should be lf we had bought In New York. We have a more even spinning and uniform running cotton, which Is Important in making Ou- tnumbers. When I took charge of the mill the belief was very strong that we must have Texas cotton for ginghams, and our men are now satisfied. In the above there are two points to which we desire to call the attention of ootteu men particularly and oar readers generally, and these are, that the mill re- ferred to La several thousand dollars bet- ter off as a result or dealing here and that Memphis cottons are as good as Texas. But there ts another point. I: is th'.a: The fair dealing of Messrs. Bayiiss fc Co. made this saving to the mill and brought about this discrimination in favor of this mar- ket as one where it is possible for all the wants of cotton spinners to be satisfied. As long aa we continue to do this, and dis- countenance gambling in the "future" the New urieans Times will hud it lmpoaai ble even to make It appear that Memphis is other than an independent and leading ootton market. PASSION WEEK. Services at SI. Maury's Cathedral Lee-- tare by Bev. tJeorge Harris. This being passion week it is observed with due solemnity by the Episcopal churoh. During this week dsily services are Deing held in this ornate minatare ca- thedral at 7 o'clock a m., 12 noon, 7.30 p. m , with a short lecture. Last evening the Rav. George C. Har ris, the officiating minister, discoursed on some or the incidents in our Lord's uie He said that this very day was to be re cognized as the anniversary of tbe Sa viour's last vlait to the Temple at Jerusa- lem. In the evening he returned to Beth sny to abide with that family of which La z true and Martha were members. I was his custom to spend his evenings with those whom he loved, when not wishing retirement and eolUude On the way to Jerusalem he had been met by the Pharisees and Saddcceee, who, after the resurrection of Ltzerus, were very anxious about his work, and sought to entrap mm in ine tempie. mey en deavored to fasten him on the question of the tribute money, assuring themselves that bis answer to their inquiry wouia certainly bring him into disfavor, either bv Questioning the rtomsn civil aumon ty, or by declaring himself a par.isan of tbe government. They sgain aet about bringing him into difficulties on the question of marriage, but his reply equally disconcerted them. It was upon tnis day the Ssvlor gave to the world the parables of the vineyard, the unfaithful husbandman, and the marriage feast. Whilst these divine teachings were pro ceeding, the Pharisees and Sadducees ac knowledged themselves bunxl. The widow then enters upon the scene and throws In her two mites, to which Oar Lord directs the at tention of his disciples, enforcing the beautiful lesson thst ber small offer- ing was more acceptable than that of the rich, who gave only from their super abundance Canst then prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem, which had ita fulfillment in a succeeding generation. This was equiv- alent to the annonnoemennt of the firm establishment of Christ's chnroh ur.on earth and the dispersion of the Jews aa a nation tbe commencement of the com- monwealth of Christianity, Tbe lecturer commended to his bearers the corefnl reading of the three fables al luded to. Toey illustrated the workings of the Saviour's own heart toward bis peo- ple. In the midst of his own eventful preparations he could not help stopping to shed a tear over those who were ulti- mately to put him to death, an eve at which was the glory of the whole world LAW REPORT. First Cb an eery Coart -- Morgan, Chan- cellor. Tho argument in the ease of McAUster vb McAUster will be concluded this morn- ing, after which the case of Greenlaw vs Williams will be taken up. Attorneys will please take notice that ell decreet mnst be handed in or they alii not be entered at this term. Seeoad Caaneery Conrt-Seo- tt, Cbaa- - eeller. The court will bear the closing argu- ment in the oase of the city vs Grieshaber and then call the remainder of the calendar heretofore published. rirat ClreaJt Conrt-Helsk- ell, Jadgv. The court- was engaged all day yester- day in tho trial of the case of Barrett A Hetlron vs Apperson. The case will probably be given to the jury this morn-ins- ;. To-da- calendar is ca follow: 880 Williamson vs McOhee; 1568 Harris vs Stewart; 1798 Manhattan bank vs Lsrkic; 1828 Specbt vs Topp, executor ; 1831 Car-mac- k vs Cross; 1832 Hickey, Bartlett A Powers va Edwards x Holbrook; 1833 Bigelow vs Mateo; 1831 Cnmp it Co. vs McEeon; 1837 Clark va Jefferson; 183 Fargason A Clay vs Harvey; 1840 Frierson A Co. vs Lowensteln; 1841 Hubbard vs Wiggins; 1842 Jones vs Williams; 1848 Meyer vs Shot well; 1830 McElnley vs. Kidout; 1852 Nitz3 vs Atkinson; 1854 Page A Wlgga vs Schooifield A Hansuror: IKooOuielev vs Campbell: 185 S hoiidt vs Ooolev et al ; 1S58 Tt.ru- -. vs Oonckenbush; 1862 White A Co vs Prof. Paillips A Co: 1863 Walker Bros A Co ve Hiaphenfon; 1864 City of Memphis Burns; 188c Uitv of Memphis vs smoot 18a City of Memphis vs Curlln; ;870 City of Memphis vs Williams; Chap-- y vs Armstrong; 1875 Waiker A Uovs Mil ler; 1876 Blumenthal vs Otermier; 1877 Collins vs Hicks. Circuit Court Halsey, Judge The call of vester day's calendar reached no. awo, K nt land vs Mississippi ard Ten nessee railroad, which case was nn trial when court adjourned. To day, after tLe conclusion of the above oase snd the -- ass of Kimbrough vs the city, the call of the regular calendar will be proceeded wttb Criminal Conrt Fllppla, Judge. The fallowing cases will betaken ud to day: Wm. Dunlap, robbery; Wm. Coop er, robbery; Julia Walton larceny; Laura Armatrom, roDDery; rniuip Johnson larceny; Albert Well, housebreaking T. Eidrldge, larceny; vMllis Hawkins laroeny; Phillip Paine, larceny; John Murpny, malicious shooting. ELEGANT 6000S. We hav just opened PARIS BONNETS AND HA'IS. Suits in the LATEST 8TYLE3. FINE JT REAL LACES. Great novelties in FANCY GOODS. We have never offered more ELEGANT GOODS than we have now on exhibition Oar friends and the publio generally are in vited to call. L. KREMEB. Tabu Bcrraa. Fifty ten and twenty- pound buckets nice table butter, for fam ily use. OL1VEK, KINMK ft CO Cccghs and Colds Those who are suffering from coughs, colds, hoarseness. sore throat, etc., should try "Brown's Bronchial Troobea.'' MEMPHIS AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION It is announced In another place in the Ai'PnALihat the agricultural association will enter on their regular drawings to day as provided for by the charter. Those drawings will oe uunuuc.eu uuuvi me management oi gentlemen oi repute ana popularity, tbe proceeds to be devoted to thejbeauUfyiBg of U e company's grouas. aooordlnattoap.au drawn up by Messrs. Jones ana Baldwin, architects, and a pho tographic copy of which is now hanging the Appbal editorial rooms. When thi irronnds shall have baeu finished, in the manner laid down in the plan, they will be the prettiest and most attractive tbe country. Shaded walks and fire avenues are provided for. The building additions to be put up will render the place one of great attraction and oeauty , Considerable debt yet hangs over the company, ana it win oe meir ares osrs to remove that, and then go on with the splendid improvements. The drawings will take place regularly, ery and will be fairly inaugurated to-d- at office of the association, on Second street, under the Greenlaw opera house. the announcement in our advertising columns. is Tar. cbeaui-- tnd beet hu-i- Dyeing and Cleaning house lu the city is at I 29 second street. Hunt A Hanson 'a old stand. of are The ComxbbciaL Hotel. There la no better evidence of a city's prosperity than crowded hotels. Our hotels, ail of them, doing a tioutiahlng business, es pecially the Commercial. This old reli- able house la in the zenith of auoessa. ' TOM eCOTT ON TOP. Mew Use People was Dwell la tbe Beat Port! ns of Tea a reel uaea Railroad Madera, Toi i SoU Napereedlng M. t. Bobsrte - Aeir Uie Infused Into Railway t on nee tion Au earieemed correspondent and friend or the ill' peal In Lamar county, Texas sends mi tbe gratifying Intelligence that this paper is doing good work in that sec- tion, by rousing up the people to an on railroad affairs not hitherto dreamed of. He also sends us another letter, srhlch glve some interesting de tails about railroad projects and about the country : "Bray's sVrosx, March 19, 1872. "Editors Appbal I wrote vou Jsnuarv I9ih ihnt our railroad hung fire until it was aeciaea which was tbo biggest man Scott or Roberts. Soott is the man, and three oo;:pa of surveyors are at work, sur- veying afresh the old Memphis and El-Pa- road (the old Dicers lost or burnt at Jefisrson in some of the fires there.) This roaa ru'is mroneh an edge or oneor tbe beet portions of Texav, from ten to twen- ty miles parallel with Red river, from ClsrksvUle to Bonham. Tbe land north of it is mostly timbered, of various kinds, a splendid pinery, ten steam mills cutting as fine .umber as can be made, and sev- eral plan ing-mtl- and shingle machines, &dcouthcf the railroad is prairie, from below Ciarksville to Paris, from three to five mil ss across, running south from six to fifteen miles, and black and timbered land, from one to three miles wide, lbs prairies. Paris is situated oa a high, sstdy place in the edge of Grand prairi9 it has aDout four thousand within three miles square, and is improving fast. The road from there to Honey Grove, twenty-tw- o miles, is on dividing ridge of prairie- For fifty mll the road will be but little out or filled not muci., if any, over five feet. If such a country ss this will not support a rail road they had better atop building with the aid the State of Texas gives this road. This la a .rood small-grai- n country. Corn. ootton, tobacco do well, as also fruits and vegetables of all kinds, some attention having boen paid to them in the last few years, f arming is progressing finely. The land plows better than it has ior fifteen years. Some corn Is up, and others have just begun to plant. The cotton land are seeded up, with an excellent prospect fcr a good cmp, We,have a plenty of corn and bacon h'.ota fatten on the prairie and in the timbtir. Stock ia improving. Ia the iaet six weeks we hsve had but little rain Our roadu are fine. Wheat looks well: oats also. I:.. BKA i .' THE ATKINSON EXC:TEMENT. Tbe Whole Cass Fin illy Cleared aja aad the Young Maa Pronounced a aalelde. Mr. C .".turner did not stop his inauiries into me Aisunson norror until yesterday, when he finally succeeded in tracing up every thread of necessary evidence and proof to establish a oertalnty with regard to his taking off. In our former account. in whicn ;he curious and exciting story was coci'.rjuea up, to a p3ri.-- in Atkln son ins l i wnicc he round It necessary to call on ii casual acq niiatanes for son-- i stimulants to keep avray the oold, while ne sniveren in a ceil m the Adams street stationhouse. We also said that the docket showed he had got out, but how? Mr. Cranmer learned yesterday how he got out. He got our friend to put ud five dollars for him, on the promise that ho would pswn hts Iran tor pistol snd div him back. Having got on the sidewaik with his el'igsot pistol he went, the first dive, to Felmont's shop, on Jefferson street, and pawned the elegant Trantor for tten dollars and a small pistol, which Peloiont valued at a dolisr. Atkin- son insdstsd on getting the little pistol, and also st Anted it loaded. He got the shop man to do this job for him. He did not much ujind what sort ol a pistol ho got In return for his Trantor, provided only it would abooi. He was par- ticular on this point. Hsving made the trade, ho left. Now, Mr. Cran- mer has satisfied himself that the pistol wnicn was round with Atkinson, down near Horn Lake, was tbe same as that loaded for bim in Felmont's shop because it eorrespor.ds with the only other pistol of the sort thst Felmont ever had. He bought two of them together, he said .and he gave one of them to the good-lookin- g man wi n me Diack mustache, wno said he was going to Horn Lake. Besides these coincidences, the ball which was taken out of Atkinson's head was weighed yesterdsy la the balance and found to contain the same amount of lead as the balls that f s.mont had for tnoae pistols. The hlatoiy of A.kinson'u Trsu'.er pi9tcl is a little interesting. Feimont it appears lent ten dollars on the above named little pistol on the Tranter, which was to have been redeemed in three weeks Dy the pay ment of fifteen dollars. When the three weeks were up, Felmont concluded not to wait any longer for the redeemption money. Ha put the pistol In the hsnds of Sp'ke Morley, to be r.ill-- d Bob Collins ofScanlan'a landing happened In at Spike's acd saw the pistol. He at once claimed it as his pistol, he having lost one ol that sort some time before. He got Mr, Cranmer to work up the case for him. Hsrrv s&nt lo Felmont and insisted ti,;j hi pistol mnst be returned to Coll- ie.-! Falnaont parted with the weapon very roTuotsntly, but being a maa of pesco ed cencord now.be surrendered in wenp.'n than go into a oontro versy wilh the police. Mr. Collins has th9 pistol yet The question now to be de ciaea is wno owns the pistol r THE GREAT DISPLAY. First Mplendld t'pealag of tbe Sense n la Hempble-- A Urent Treat ior tbe Ladies. Tbe H. Lowensteln Bras to Show Forth tbe Spring- - and Siam Htylee tbla Evening. Chief amonj; those who regulate fashion in mempuis are 10 ne ousted the is. Low enstein Bros , corner Jefferson and Main streets. They are Justly reoognisxl as sound oracles on all matters pertaining to sound taste in ladles' dress. This is ow- ing to the fact that they are in immediate connection wun a farts house where the fashion are set. Hence it is that the la- dies will eagerly consult with these head- quarters, and will throng its ample halls tnis evening to see whst ia the latest in style of cut, in tint, in material, what is the predominating color, and what com- binations are to be popular this spring and summer. There has probably never been a greater variety or more cosily importations in Bilks tnan thti present season displays, These importations number among them me soring or s immer silks it inches wide, wn co ate aoid lor ll, and II 25, and II to oetter silk which measures 4 inches. which is valued at 23 a yard, and the su- perb siiks which show ail the newest and the rarest tints, which are 27 inches wide. and which arti marked 25 60. Brocaded ailks, til inches wide, and which range rrom (4 to ss s yard, have grounds which display the clcth color, upon which the rarest and brightest flowers are strewn The Dally Viirden is another feature to be noticed. Tory are to be found at Low enstein's establishment, in all colors and of all materials. It would be tedious to enumerate the various specialties of the season. In laosti, fans, collars, gloves snd the count less en cetera that ladles require in their necessarily frequent changes of areas uunng spring ana summer. The Messrs. Lowenitein have this year a dis play of goods for spring and summer use which, is no exagera'ion tossy, was never oei ore equaled in tnis city ror variety, ex tent and richness. This evening, com- mencing at half past teven o'clock, and continuing to tan "the opening" will be the scene of an equal variety of different tasted an-- j ad 2 mints. It will be a time fcr admiration. Let o itlciam come after- ward. EOOHOMT. TaJ.e your soring cloth in? to the Steam Dyeing aad Cleaning House (Rant et Hanson 'a oat BtaitdjrSeS Second street. HAKBU.l a wai.e-sm- . Job Locks. Main street, has the lareast assortment of Magaalnes, Pictorials and dal- lies In the city. sTaxlh the gt ate in this ofnoe. Tlx a areas saving of fueL Sine- - For family use Upper Blue Lick Wa ter, in bottiee, ia admirable. It is bottled carefully at thti spring, and packed in w suitable for shipment to any part of the world, in tnis rorm it is equal to ihe water at the apring, and far superior to that drawn from wood. MANSFIELD ft HIGBEE. Wholesale gsaib Rbmovax Tie M hoi rib ts Steam Dveins luuaousrxuisnt has removeu to oi Maauon street. Dbivbs Wklia, 815 Seoocd street. Fnra hot lunch at the "Bay Horse" ev day, from ten to one o'clock. M AG6ENER, The tailor, par exoellonos. ot Memphis, now fairly prepared tor the spring ae-so- n. with all mi.nner cf the latest at vies from France and Bugltr. 1. The naw style dress and the lew pu.lerns which Wag-ge- has on exhibition ior his customers rioh, attiaoti re, iasliug and in the best k taste. This is is It should be, because Wtggeneris the tailor of Memphis. His historical name tan be keen over his door. a MiiM it;tt, baww Moarue. not far also trnm tha Paatvsiv hntnl. Thai's Wa genet s. 1 to RIVER INTELLIGENCE. "RrvkB and rV bathbr The river here fell two Inches. The Arkansas is falling, with five feet to Augusta The St. Liuis Times says: "The decline in the river 'goes bravely on;' at Spar island In the Illinois there are but three feet; four feet In the Mississippi to Keokuk, and three and a hall in the lower Missouri, b Jt a rise of eight fet la reported In the latter st Omaha, From here to Cairo there are six feet. There la no telling when navigation will be open to St. Pan! Upper Mississippi boatmen do not look for the consummation of such a result much before the first of Msy. Should these anticipations be realized, there will only be six months etesmooating at the most on the upper Mississippi this year, and perhaps that will ba much interfered with by low water. A telfgram received by J. J. Sylvester, yesterday, announced a rise in th-- j Ouachita at Camden, with prospects of a fine river. Rid river snd the bayou are still low; also the Arkan- sas. From all that can be learned on the subject, there need oe no fears whatever of a great 11 nod this spring. Boats Lbavibq To-Da- y The G. W. Cheek, Captain George Malone, leaves at five o'clock this evening for Friars Point and all wsy landings The regular United St.tes mail packet Phil. Alltn, Captain James Lee, leaves this evening at five o'clock for Friars Point and ali coast landings. Stack Lee and James C Harris are her chief pursers The regular Ohio river packet Silver Moon, Captain Madison, leaves this evening at five o'clock for LouLTville. Cintdnnaii and all way landings. Mr, George Higgins of ficiates si chief clerk The passenger esauier xnuiana, uaptain rteuDen el. INaal, leaves at twelve o'clock y for Vicka-bur- New Orleans and all way landings. she hts superior accommodations for passengers. Captain Stutt Neal is clerk TheJ Mamie City, Captain Town-send- , leaves this morning st ten o'clock for Cairo, 8t. Louis and all way landings. Arrivals Marble City, St. Louis; Continental, St. Louis; St. Joseph, St. Louis; Henry Ames, St, Loufe; City of Helena, St. Louis; H. 8. Turner, New Orleans; Charles Bodmann, New Orleans. Departures H. 8. Tamer. Louis- ville; Charles Bodmann, Cincinnati; Con- tinental, New Orleans; Henry Ames, Naw Orleans; St. Joseph, St. Louis; City of Helena, Vlcksburg ; A. J. White, n; Pat. Cleburne, Arkaniaa river; Lgsl Tender, Whita river; Hi. Francis, Wntsburg. Is Port Silver Moon, Marble City. At the LavEk Business was moder- ate Tie Charles Bod man from N6W Orleans, four and a half days out, passed up with three hundred tons for Cincin- nati The Henry Ante-- , lion t, Louis, came in yesterday stternocn and d J- d a few passengers. She departed forN-- Orleans loaded to the guards The St. Joseph, from St. Lois, arrived with a ftir trip of grain and produce, and returned at dark with a light trip The Aiice Dsan, Mollie Moore and Shannon n.'ssed down during the day without landing. The Pat. Cleburne, A. J. White, La-ga- l Tender and St, Francis all departed for points below, with fair trips of freight and people The City of Hlan,from St. LouK discharged s lot of stock and added twetv-fivetonso- f way ireight. She left for Vlcksburg with a fair trip The Marlle City, from St. Louis, came m eariy with a full trio. Two items or her cargo wsre 1500 dry bar- rels and 3700 sacks grain The tow-bo- A. Biker and bargea passed down yesterday morning TheH S Turner, from sw or.earis, tour and a half dtts out, discharged a lot of sundries here and departed with 800 tons freight for the Ohio The Continental passed down yesterday morning well laden. By Tel earraaat. CmcnnrATi. March 28 The ri7er has 11 feet water in tbe channel, snd is fall- ing. Departed: Potomac, for Naw Or- leans; Nightingale and Batesvilie, for Arkansas river. Evahsvillb, March 26 Weather clear and pleasant. Mercury ranged from 30 to 60. The river has fallen 1 foot. Port list Up: John H. Groeabeck. 12 m. Busi ness vary active; tonnage wanting. locisvillb, March 20 The river is still laliing. with 6 feet d Inches in the canal, snd 4 feet 6 Inches in the chute. Weather dear and cool. Mercury ransed from 30 to 47. Business dull. Arrived: Pink Varbie, frcm Cincinnati. Departed: Nick Longworth, for New Orleans. Cairo, iiaren 21. Arrived: Ulencoe. from St. Louis, 9 pm; En ma C. Elliott, from Memphis. 1 p.m; Alaska, from Cin cinnati, 1 p.m; Frank Forrest, from Mem phis, 6 p.m; City or Ches'er, rrom St. Louis, 6 p.m. Departed: Kan Houston, for Louisville, 8 pm; City of Vickaburg, for st. Louis, v p.m; wrand rower, rr St Louis, 9 p.m; John F. Telle, for New Or leans, 10 pm ; Commonwealth, for St. Louis, 10 pm ; City of Oaincy, for Now Orlean, midnight; Babhagr, for Mem- - pols, ba.m; Ala-g- s. for Mew Orleans, 1 ru; r. hmt c. r. liott, for Cincinnati, 2 p m. The river hss ftlien 8 Inches. Weather clear. Thermometer 48. LlTTLS Rcck. March 2t -- Snow, rain and sleet this morning; ciesr and pleasant this evening. River Is still rising, with 7 reet out. Departed: Mi.inie, rnr St. Louis. Nrw Orleans. March o Arrived : Louisville, from Cincinnati ; Dexter and Susie Silver, from St. Louis; Belle Lae, from Memphis Departed: Richmond and John Kyle, for St. Louis; Jennie Howell, for Arkansas river. Weather cioudy snd cool. St. Louis, March 26 Arrived: u-c- d Tower, from Memphis; Crescent City, from isew Orleans; city of t icksDurg, from Vlcksburg. Departed: Fontenelle, for Memphis; Colorado, for Vicksburg; James Howard, ior New Orleans; Marr E Poe, for Red river. Tbe river is rising iowiy. weather c ear ana piearsnt. Vioksburo, March 26. Down: Thomp- son Dean. 12 last night ; John Howard, 11 am; Ooeanus, 1pm; Natchez, 6 pm; Rjbert Mitchell. 7 p.m. Up: Bismarck and Kate Kinney, y last night; City of Alton, 1 a.m. Weather mild. River rising. PrrrsBTJRa, March 24. Weather cloudy with indications of rain. The Mononga-hel- a has 28 inches water in the channel, and is stationary. Nashvillb. March 26 The river is rising, with 6 feet on Harpeth shoals. Weather fair snd pleasant this morning; cold and clear Openiso at M. Perdue's of Paris milli- nery Thursday, Friday and Saturday, No. SIS Main street. Qbhtlbxbn's wbab cleaned without scrubbing or scouring, and made like new-a- t the Memphis Steam Dye-ir- Establish, mint, 01 Madison street. TO LOVEt's OF ART. The attention of lovers of art is oalled to the sale atanotion on Wednesday morning, March 87, 1878, by Oeorge Shields A Co., 240 Main street, of aa extensive and valu- able collection of genuine Italian marble and real brorr.9 figures. This is an or par-- unity seldom atlirdod, ss the works of fered are genu of art and win re appreci ated by ihe connoisseur. They are, with oat exception, the work of the chisel of the best Italian artists. Joe Lcceb has received an assortment of tracing wheels. Cobitcbiai. FBXicrri. Nothing tends more to conaubial happiness than cheerful and healthy infants and children. Mrs. whlt- - comb's syrup la the great children's aootiung rameuy. Heat, Cobfobt and Eoonomt. This you will get by haying your grates set with demon's improvement, can at taw Second street. , 815 Second street. Fkikmds asd patkojss sre respectfully invitoa to leave their orders st tne Mem Shis Steam Dyeing Establishment, 61 atreet. All kinds of cleaning sod coloring, of every material, is done to perfection, and on shortest notice. BBS advertisement of Dr. Butt's DtHnensarv. headed Book for the Million Marriage Uulde m anomer column, u snoum oe rasa nv au. Plumibsu, S15 Second atreet. SPklNu hats and bonnets at the grand opening on Wednesday, 27th Instant, at Mrs. M u. Hunter's, 247 Main street. CrBAXD spring opening of millinery goods at Mrs. Hunter's Wednesday. CCOOAXHB dresses the hair bean. tj rally. it LOCAL ITEMS, at ao to beddln's Business College. 3 -- Attend Robertson's Business College. a nasal ii PhotoeraDhlo Oallerv. No. 211 Main street. Three faultless gem pictures for Brty cents. W. A. Edmonds, M. D., homeopath Lit. Residence, Fcabody hotel. OfBoe, ITS, Monroe. At 247 Main the spring opening takes place Wednesday, 27th. Sbkd Swbbt Potatobs, Harberl's cel- ebrated varieties, at Conaway A Lind- say's, MS afain street. U. F.CAYAIMACH 4 -- CO. (Huecessora to Mathew Bant i CO..) DKAJUEBS IN OOFP3DB SFIOBS. TO THE TKADK we offer apect.il induce- - men's and ss low csuras as the same quality of croods can oe obtained In an? market, ! San or Sooth. At onr Vaotobt wa aad tor in a Java aad Bin sjadtoei I Oriod and Pack all kinds of att which we guarantee pure and of superior I quality. V. F- - CAvABAat cat,, I Urn SSO kUOa agyw,,, MBtt NMIkfaBjaBa ' " '" ; 'TsjsassBSSKS-.- . .ia&?,j bs STEAM80A1V FOB CINCINNATI. Hensnbls susd Cincinnati For Cairo, Kvansville, Louisville and tin cinnau rne nne passenger af earner SILVER MUUN i James Ma 'laoc maa'er Usi. Higgins .elerk Leaves as above THIS DAY, March 27th. at 5 o'clock fja., positively. For freight or passage apply on board or to joJBjsgaaBjjajront FOB ABKAN3AS BIVEB. Meeaphls aad Arkansas Silver uasair V. a. Mall For P.ne Bint! and Little Boek. THUS. H. ALLEN, toeeae garth, aatUr r tii uai, eWtnicm., atop m. V. H. KEKHKDAY. Agent. Office on Company's Wharf- - boat, mbZ7 foot Conn street. FOB NEW OBLEANS. Jhis & N'.w Orlears Pgckst C ew uneans and the Bonds steamer INolANA - --x-0 teal master J.s Ifeal riark win i&ave this day, ilia Inst, at li u . For freight or passage apply to B. W. LLOHTBD tL5fk General Age-- , t. ntit aM Front trt.. FOB CAIRO AND 8T. LOU IB. bis aad tu. Lasts Fasibet Cam for Hickman, Columbus, Cairo and S'. Loula steamer MArtoLrt CITY Toarneend mntw leave as above Ttun liay. Mui-- i .Ttii , no cioea a.m. rah: 7 CALVERT. Bop t. FOB HELENA .AND FRIAR'S POIN1 Far wamiirii, Antfe, 0, ft The rs liable, am -- class ananauer nackat was issuer . Will run regularly, aa above, leaving Mere phis every MONDAY, WEBfniSDAY and OATUKD a Y, punctually at 5 p.m. For freight or passage apply on board Fr tfttaw, Friar's Paiat, Itatas, wtaV Kivtf , n$unm aas tie Bsatt. tus united awt-,-- " Mali Packet A. J. WHITE, at AUK B. CHEEK Wili leave Memphis TUESDAYS and FBI DAYS, punctually, al S p.m. for or asisece apply on beard. FOB ST. FBANCIS BIVER. Still LAk lliEIOtr I'llUlT For all Way LaadlaR-- aa the Mltaltsl sp! to Ms. L'AsfalLe, starlaaaa, aad at. Fro awls atlr- - lo Witts barg. jLwtSklt ST. FRANCIS Adbi T. K ixiwouui mas'ei Sam Pain elerk Wld leave Memphis as a o o KVEBY TUES- DAY at o o'clock p.m. Pn, sV?t at nspeane ei-- m baaJbsal FOR WHITE RIVER. Meaaeisua and Kbits stiver Facktl Co. C. m. Mail and aa atbrra Xsprrsa For Helena, De Vail 'a Bluff, Searcy, Angusta and jack'onpert. Tbe Elegant Passenger Steamers LEGAL li.MJEE W.J. Ah lord, master Leaves Memphis svary TUkMLlAY, at 5 o'clock p.m. K. P. WALT John J. Edfon, master Leaves Memphis every HATUKDAY, at i o clock p.m. The above line o' elegant steamers eon nee at DeVall's Blofl with me railroad fcr Lime itoafc and Jacksonport. ELLIOTT A mu.t.kh, Agents, mh7 8 Promenade, foot of Je"yrsnr FRIAR'S POINT AND BENDS. fhair't tort, KiMtn sad. Mage. Bdtrat &st, aaii Paafcat, Pit!!. ABU, James Lee,. -- msaler, Leaves Memphis Mondays, V. d&asdaya and Fridays, 41 1 p.w., ochnsctlng at Helens with the steam ar Rhoda for ManAC2 and a'J print. m. TATtemT eWee erte FOR ARKANSAS BIVEB, fFMP4lS AND ARKANSAS BIVRH ill Packet Co., U & stall Line. The ele gtnt passenger bottsof this line leave Mem- phis for ail points on Arkansas rltrer Men-day- s end Fridays stlpaa. ror freight, or otter iniormauon, apply to H KkNNEDAi, Agent. JRlce on CorciDa-tjf- 'i TThv'Nftl font ft' twTi t mhl Forster.Kealhofdr&Co, GROCERS ASD - COTTON FACTORS, No. 336 Freat ft reet, Corner of tells, ME MP 318, TMH. sweccntry merchants are soll'lteU to ex-a- t Ine onr stock of STAPLE and FANCY O rtOCE B I is, oons latin g of FLOCK, MEATS', bcsajls, STKTPd, TEA", COFFEES, Petri ra, airs, t'Ass kt ft aeas, tlJilLM, rum, PICKtaTS, WIHBS, imi!, CIQARS AID TO B CCO. Stewart Bros. & Swynne WHOLESALE GROCERS COTTON FACTORS 356 sod 3S8 Fran; Street, OFEB TO THE TRADE, AT LO WK3T B ATES S.900 aarrtls Floar; leo.t'OO ssasi s Park and Bacaa: l.OOO akin. Tlerae aad He Lard; I.OOO pkgs. Caddy Card; 200 hh 's. Loatslaaa toisn SOO barrels BaBaed antral; SOO barrels Mj rep aad BTalaass 100 bag Coffee ; 400 Barrels Whisky; e.OOO rails if Kg ing: l.00 kegs Baits. With a tnll and zenerti stock of FANCY Utw.'iiR EBnow in store. Weinvlte Whol saie Buyers to sail and examine onr stock ana prioes. moil ciAWASt om.D. s 'is lieia, Ames, Beattie & Co., 396 Mm street, offer Bargains, Wholesale ami Retail, in Fur niture, Carpets, Mattresses, Oildoths.Window Shades, etc GRIDER & DENIE MASTjrACTTJ-RAK- OF TBI CELEBRATED ALABAMA AJSD BBALBBS IX CttiMflt, Piasttr, Hair, Fire Britk and Clay, Tiles, Hay, Cora, Oats, Bru, ate Na 41 SOUTH COURT STREET MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. ACCORDING to the terms of the charter, election for Seven Directors tne Hbeibv countv TnruDiks Comnanv will be held On Monday. April I, 1879, the Chamber of Commerce, Memphis, cammenclug, at in o'clock a m. and closing at o'clock pm The annua? convection of Stockholders will ss emble at 111 oVock a m W.T AVEKY, President Lk m Trouedals. Secretary. mbJ8 SOODBAR & 8ILLILAN0 WHOLES A LlE j Boots; Shoes. Hats, ALSO- ay Udi?8 & Misses' Trimmed Hats 3224 and 324 MAIN ST., i art aar nnr Anns. Htul. whlsh la ma aoad restive, Is now complete, and we invite kTERCH AKTS OSLY to examine oar goods nj prioes before buying elsewhere OOOUBAU A OIU J LAJS L. and WATCHES-JEWIU.IiY-8ILVER- WUIE. Silver, Siiver-Piate- d Ware AND WATER 8ETS, OF FINE JEWELRY. ATTENTION IS WATCHES T71 Sterling ML. kWM OvTawff NEW STOCK I i Wb7 c ii P h I Ia every Style, IAX SOM, I. IICS Els, TABLE CTJTEEMT, DIAMONDS WALKne Otis 327 MAIN STREET. JOBBEl OF Silk Goods, Notions, ASD- - MILLINERY GOODS FULL LIB LB OF Trimmed Hats. ear we eUclt tae trade af arekiDi Whsehr, Pickens & Co 41 saaaaaaijiSa; 419 DEALERS IN ALL KltfOS Wood and Willow Ware C03DAGE. TWti.E, PAPER. SIEVES, BRUSHES, BRQOVS, BLACKIKG HATCHES, ETC , ETC order to accommodate oar increasing business and ror the batter eoavsnience of tbe Wholesale Trade we will, after April 1st. ocenry tbe two adjoining a: ores for a Wbole-isl-e Department, maklnrit aspirate and dis- tinct frcm the retail, tmtlng therebr to af- ford ar.ncb be'.'er facll'tlss to both aranehee. WHEELEB, P1CH E8 A CO.. nb! aaa. SMS anel sail Bain strret. A, VAC CAS X B VACCABO. A. B. VACCAEC. C DICBJIASH. A, VACGARO & GO. Importers, and Dealers M WifMES, LIQUORS CIGARS, ETC, Na 324 Front Street MEMPHIS. TENNESSEE. WHOLESALE DEALERS Estes. Fizor & Pinson, No. 276 FBQfiT ST BEET, OFFCB rOB BALK i MSe bbis. r'lour, afl INO obis. Irish Pot grades ; i . 1M hods. Louisiana 4ae psga Mo sses BaKr. ail grades; ail grades; Set sacks sea boxes iaa.aoibs.Unii(Pork; SOO b. xes i and lee; asm gags BlauBi u o.ia-- s Tooac; SOO kits Mackerel ; MO cssea O; stars; Si cwesSncff; too bvrels "Jslt; SB btals. Mees Pork; see) barrels whlscy: S Bate. Texas i'e-- Saa boxes ip; - aao bkta. Lard; SB cases Sardines. ALSO. A OOM PLATE STOCK Of FRESH CASE COOPS RENOVATE ! MONEY, T ME AND TBOUSLE CAN ba saved by em cloying us to Paint, mine. Paper and Clean your bouses from top to bo'toni. Wa have a oump.ete and varied stock cf WALL PAPER 4 ftlNDO S- - AOES and evarv facility for Pal alias; aad Cn'se-mieia- a: in every branch of tne business, aud will even do your nonse-- r leaning ween daatied, or zt'end to repairs generally. We are the ONLY FiHM in Memphis wbn are prep ired to execute every branch ot Reno- vating your hecres. We make a special point to empli y n m bat fiiat ciats work- men. aw call on na snd see for yours'lras. SBBBSSSAat 1IUIIU, rami t. JAUES PLAHEBIT. P. J. MAKLBT JAMBS J. STJLUVAN. Flaherty, Marhy & aful i'van Successors to Jse. Flaherty A Co , Funeral Undertakers I Melanin Casen, A'nskete and CcBIbs, al every de-e- r iallea, always aa Band, ner Private Carriages and "urniturs Cars for hire. mhi7 NOTICE TO DENTISTS. HA VINO pnrcba'eu the 1HPHB DEI. TAL DBfOTo J B. Wasson A Co. 1 will continue trie business at Mo. 31b Main street. I am now replenishing from the lead- ing manufacturers ot Ecirope and this coun- try, honing to meet the demands of the pro- fession. 1 also give notice to tbe public that 1 will practlcd dentistry and sargery in ali Its branches, with advantages not sur- passed in the profession. j tt ru WILL, St. u. BBBT1BTBY. a above notice. I have disposed o' my dental inslnanto Dr, J. K. PoweL who will contiaue tne same at my well known stand, i will now zlve mv un divided attention to tbe practice of Dent- istry. Office as aeieto.ore. No. tu Mam street. BBS J B. WASSOS. D. R 8. JUST RECEIVED. 50 c ozsn Ven Ota; 50 .ozsn Vem Anders; 24 bbls. Sweet Cidsr, rebeiUd; 50 bbls. Old Bourbon Rye, Fincbe's Golden Weddiitg Rye, ROSENBACH Ml CO. 208 FRONT STREET. EUIOTT & RIOSELY'S B1Q t. , BBOLaBBl SII.T JBWBABT-Bi- w isl da. Hi r BY in BBTB ar BlaainsBaa-- . BAAL ABDIBITATlBfl SBkU BBT- a- IsrBml Telia, la. Hlt-- ar AB IBH raiBS-- Is real ahalL MTmrUss ABB BABOBA17X ! a real aBeu. U, J. V al.LIT A If IOLU, J. W. LU BIN'S extracts. ATKIBSCK'S London H. oerrumes, 7ABJNA, Cologne, Comba Braskas.etA.ate. P AMIS and VIENNA fans a Opera Glasses Mosie Boxes. Drasslng Passe, Traveling Bags, and an anrflnss eolleetian ol O. lei es of vaartJ aad ourtoeltlee Baas ali a pans af tne worm. xrULZA Wool Bsabrotdesy MatBrakB. faxi SPECIALLY INVITED STOCK OF TO OUR LARGE NEW Flalsk an! Prtes ; e ass eat 1st (He etty. KACELETV im si trns, OPXatk CHAJJCM, WEDBITS KiaOB, pecavarr kxitin, BAZOSH, HCIU192H. LOCK a. AUCTION SALES. FURNITURE, QILCL9TH, APPLES, Sundrlea, A AECFIOB THIS) BAT. at IS e'elaek. BY A. K. F tA NK L AND, H aad 17 Main sireet. ATTE1TI0M ! Lumber Merchants aed Bafltters ! AUCTION 8AiE""oF LUMBER. W1DL BBI.I OS SATT-RnA- i Jiarrn ;u'.n.on ine vara ot tbe mimu.. mill, reer of the Cocsty Jail, to tiie hlanssl bidder, for cash, a a-- at sorted ;o of Oak, Ash and Poplar Lumber Sale to commence at tf o'clock. Lamoer may be aen on the above yrd ootllsola. ata wM. W OOOOWIji. Kara! vex. AUCTION BY GEO. SHIELDS a CO., No. 840 tsw.i . mtrtfrnXm F. PANOELFENiO'S eecend aret sale of Msrbia, Alatastcr tni Eroizi S!a!i:ry, osday VerBlng Marcb S5!b. at II 'efaak. A LA HOB collection or the aet works of Art lb t eve' was lmpor el t this country. Also, fine FRENCH BRONZED CLOCKS, Warranted as represented. OEO. SHIXLOe m lv. win aei; toil raaau.'Bl at worisorsr'. without any e: wa invite the public in zee era . and daily the Ladies tim:ottabl seats wla cr07ld-- d. J'Aie ' -- - Tne rale wli contiaae frcm day to day u- - uj ail are OI. A. E. FRANK .AND AUCTION AND Commissi!.. Merchant ABD UNDERWRITER'S AGENT, 195 AND i97 MAIN ST., W ebster loo: TRADE 3AT.FS DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES. BATS, N0TI5NS, HOSiERY, CUT- LERY AND FANCY GCODS, Moaia Wadaaadays aad Fridays. GROCERIES AND FURNITURE TUESDAYS ABB THCISDATA r Out i oor Sales attended to w!tn Drnmat. Ban and dispatch. Amo.e rtiom for s'.oragA Always in store a large Suaek ai Bea due at Friwmtm Hale. CUT an J Constrr Merchants will nana at themsslres by examining stock and at tendlnr sales. A. S. FHaM HLA5D. Aact'r. Natalia A PBBTalB- - MeTCk'tS aid ratesT st. WUl sell THaB HBJIIIS. a M f.pk. Withoat rtserve or limit: af Mew's j af Men's. Wa '. aa Lidtra' a alters; BB daaea weu's aad Bars' Rsau lotdsi-- s Uses oat and Paata. Ala.;. HA'onsl i Drr O joes. . lolhlnr. sjn- - tlors. Cutlery, Toilet Scape e"A es- - country merchants, and Lhe trade sab era! 17 will and it to their Interest to artead fn m ho WE WANT M.ANUFASTURIN6 ESTABLISHMENTS I" THEY furnish employment to maa, boys and girls, and they criate a dmaud for houses 3ryg-ods- , procerus in fact, eseryta ng. We insnu'acture Ledgers Jsaraala, Fay Baaka, Baas, Cheek, Eicbavg s. Let tar. BtcMpt Tray, Cottaa ace other books, and we aaS them as low sa bocks mste In ew yrrk and B ston or eieewbere. Buy boom mmtir tm BssaaBli. soil ktee year mover at he Oar .'abilities fe- - tcramg ru; Bs.k.gsas-pape- r ad Jab rrlatiac are se.ocd to none. We have also Juat reeelved a aaw aad enmp'e-- e stool of Flat rassr, etc , wbjrh we to seat sa low aa any Louse couth. So sbi au STBBAT. CR. H R HOPiON. No. 4: Madisofl Street, Rjcm No. 9. Bealdaaea Csrnir Mi r I by and laatk atreela. mhiM F. FOSTER, A. XI. O XX IT 3D OT, Be. SSI SECOX3 STB IB r, (Irring Block) MSMPB1B, TBMB. SAMUEL P WALKER, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W, leans Bo. 5 Walker Biaek, ? Maaa at, Praetls ee In all the Courts. arnkd JOSEPH SPECHT 37 MADISON STREET, M ANC fACTTJfitSB Of CANDIES, CAKES AND AJX KINCB OP FINE CONFECTIONERY WABBA51 ED prgj. For Sale Wholesale and BetaiL ear rartlaa sapwllad aa akasd stasas'BB Hot Springs of Arkansas. Accomaiedatioii Hack Uew, Little ReckArkuiiat. ia 1841 snd still exists, re- port, of Interested par Use to the eon, Mr. INVALIDS and PRIVATE PABT1BB will find this the meat pleatant and agreeable mode of reaching vhase far-I- s as ad waters, !ravltngby day light only. arTHKOUIlH TICslfcTS prtvest parUes from exercising a prsierenee. Harks eaa ba secured by telegraph, r'are by this Use as low as the lowest. mh24 WB. 3-- OA vis. Prnarletr.r. cABatuAtt'st rarMnii mmu nnniinn V . esa.ewss s sear I sw XaOSSJSrsTCa- - BB. a NOV CI. and pleasant dentrlflse, the Un fa, ts: la the worm ror sia and preserving toe teeth, mem aenuis. aoia oy OL WAUB A BH J , 216 Main I W iONBS A l O .ijt MUu st B H'.LLP, ai Mut street. A. J SMI B A CO , 255 Main street. H. BIAslHlJa, av Main I MOBaXBT. Ba Uaio itrret. JOB vALilA, .BA atsii street, r. UlNSB.iatM.ln street. ABD8BW BBajUUtT. 1 Bain atreat. D JUHSSO, nil MhL? street, P. JOBNBTOB.SU Ponlsr atreat. BXASSrikU J A HISSBB. Whole 9 StU aaat SB JSiln i
Page 1: THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL WEDNESDAY,...Jjra U1LL1NU LOTJ--On Preston Placs, M ant sun street extended, lor lease fur ten yaara, at low tent. Desirable lota on Court street extended



For J ad re ot tbr kaprrmr Oarl.rrui THK PBiPLS (ir TU9HS n'K: Id real rWMf to Uecell of many leading citisens

of tr.c state I hereby annour.ee myself as aneed idste far toe Jndge of Uie supreme uoon,made nul by toe resignation of Hon.T. A.K Nelson. LMei-tlo- firs' Thursday Id Aun.l nut ROUKBT McPA&LANlBorrstown. Tun. "M

run the kEDPi.lt or TJtNESl-EK- : lure- -

1 epor.se to the expression of a popular desire, sumcicu j y puir auu it ucu...Mnrmi mv action In the matter. I herebyannounce myself oandidMe for the officeof Jodie of the euprenio Court, made vacantby the resignation oi Hod. T. A. K. Nelson.Kin-u- flnt Thursnay In Annul next.

J. B. COOK.C hattanooga. March 11. VST2. mali

nTK are authorised to announce ColonelVV J. a. FORRusT as a candidate for

sr.t riff at the ensuing election, subject to tbei traaocratlc cqcvenuon. mum

hereby announce mjeelf aaSHERIFF-- ! for Sheriff of Shelby county,a, toe enenlng election. Sutleet to the actio: of the Democraue convention.

tuaM JOHNS. HARRIS.answer to any Inquiries, 1 hereby au-

thorise you to announce my name as acecaidale for Sher' a ol St eiby county , at the

i election, 1872.

Far Osasly Traete.tnricTV TRnsrKK We are authorised to

ly auno-nc- e Oeneial B. M. BRADFORD asa for tie office or Connly Trustee,al the ensuing election. Subjecl to the actio;-- , of the Democratic convention.


RCENER A first class landscape and11 rs 1 gardener. Apply at au stain street

; 1 A iOS -- By a first class engineer ands naerter. wonid preier to so ino. rutrv.-Addr- ess immediately w. ts.. alUi office. mhST

USINESS By a gentleman wno nas anit eitenhive acquaintance In Mississippi,and who has had several years' experiencein the produce and grocery business, wun aeafch capital of S5000, a partner of ike captil. to enrage In any respectable basinsth. will be sell sustaining. Reference givenand leqntred. Address W ., Iocs bo i lit.

o MUATION As gardener, or to lay off anO ornamental yard, by a competent man;good reference given. Aaaress

re hag J. 8. BALTUBuP. this office.

t joHTKB. At the Southern Hotel, a porterX or dining-roo- hei'd, wh.lt. or ceiorci..g ROwKERY-PAC- tB apply lmrr eiiattly

to W A 8. JACK,IE 2M Main siree'.

. ALKM AS-- A1 E. lxiwensieln kro.one wno thoroaghiv understands the

ant; g:ment of a suit aepsrimeui. Applyirrmtdlate'y by letter. max

ALfcLADY At B Lowensteln A Bros.one .ho has bad Dractlcal exrerience In

atliing ladles' suits, underwear, etc; mutt becapable of taking measures and receivingorder.. addIv immediately by letter. mhSb

i'fJATIOK By a colored man, a No. lwno 1. oe jrou' ui quitting mr

t .: p:t,:es...n. He car; give ttt be'.n! r'tv rtlrrer.ee. To a senueman wanting acarriage driver and ba ber, this is a tret raterl il.ee. Or ne wcu.a lise a pusiwuu mm iryi- -

terlusBlore. Apply to inis omce.

c 11 ENSul To buy. at 140 Frobt street, secI . end-ban- d Stale and County Bar room

License mtuiSecond hand house holdFUBMTURK damaged ImnV.ure of ali

kinds, al Wt Second street. mhllHOOP-POaJB- We want


0 bushels of corn and a few hooppoles delivered In fiatboats al Paton HouseLt uisiana. J. A lxi.ALLi a Bt--

liFN Ten BoardIns bosses and)HJ large nam ber of station men, on the( Mli o and ia.lou ruuiroaa, near urauutilala. on White River, Arkansas. Each mann.r;at hts Dwn tare to brand ula'se. Apuly to Wm Dardls, tu Jeferson at. Memphist.l M. COFFKT. cu . contractors.

Fornllure, Feathers andSEOOND-HAN-


Uscds of ali kinds tought atSB Meostd street. n. I. i.

-- To rent a good i welling house.H al.v ioua'.ed and capable of aceoina small lamlly. Fur such a house

.eat will be promptly paid in advance eacn... n.:. : k c.'t-:- ttnant. ajii.r uior Memphis Appeal.

L'.i BOOKS, OLD I 0OK8, of all kinds,O bought at SSI second street. aait will slve fiiot cash fort. feet of

1 1 around, if location snlU me. It must bewithin one sauare ol street cars. Address

Abceai office. '


.Pli.K Always on band, and for ssle asi u w aa any in market, abpij s . m se

HBSU W uK . O V ERTOS A CO.,inhM near .78 Second street

ijtU oa reasonable terms, a very dealra-- Itle tew In tajvary Chnreb. Apply to


A brown horse, of the celebratedUOBSC s ock, between six or tevsnytars old; asanas lor both In harness and un-.ix- r

uiin ran be seen al Seiizmau A

mi ttuie. Union street. mtiHK A WAY Bo. 1 second-han- d rocks

WAV lro" SI I'll. HALUAn -. sg7 Poplar street. mn-- a

wo CDaNtB LOIS, on Orleans street.1 imr.mvul renting for tm ner monthrn ten. otDt rorixxxj. it raaen immpinicii- . K. m i.v t.curner Werh.nglon andHigh streets, at a great bargain, on immedi-ate bprllcatlon tbe owner wishing to investin trade, and dete'mlnea to sell.


CA8FB-6v-D empty Oyster Cases;o all la good order. App y toatSssl V. D. FUCBH.tlJtfler'on sU

BAWMILL-On- e st Sawmill.O v horse jvowsr in good running orderwun timber on two ound.-t-c seres oi iboqnine miles trorr. Memphis, cirectiv on rlit. can ahd Memphis railioad. Inquire of

JOHN 1. RAWL1NUS,mcTl Froat street, ;.

4 COMPl.KTa. SET of ts-m Jd WaterJ. Wanges. a.Priy at asO Front street.

a sTTi.ES CART DHAY HARNESS L:jVl Ph-- A pair or Al wagon or drayiiiu.es. i duubie-oa- rl and dray ; also, 1 aet ofharness and dray license w'.tn seven montnto rua. Will ne Suia cnesp, ior own. suus

mhil M V., Appeal office.

A two story residence onUB8I0EHCE very cheap. Apply at this

s s TILES We have UJb mulee now on handUK to arrive lo night: our reotlpu are

lernlarly 360 mules per week. Ail slockguaranteed aa repre-ented- .

FAIRES, BOTLKS A CO.,mhl ai aad gfl secuad street

T OT I offer for sale a vacant lot 75 by I

j feet, east side Shelby street, lust south of' aptaint B ccnrcn s lesiaeuoe. inisisae-- .

ledly the m-s'- . desirable residence propertyw . or sa.t m in is oiy.

Sag 8. P. BEAD,

t be power PortableENwlNS by ihe employes of Ine Mem- -

pi la aad Charleston Railroad Company,which took the premium at Ibe lalerair.Tot engine was built from selected ncate- -

- : .i Has w .t.. ti.s im enperior.tar partlcals rs apt" T to

'ait M BCKKK, M. M. M. A C. R. R. VO.

It EdLDEKCE Desirable residence. tSt Jef- -

tv ferson street. Apply 'id premises, noli

I OTB On Walnut street, on time. AntiyU at union St. UaORUK illAOai.


HOUSr Torent, aneatcotttgeCorTAOE no' lets taan four or more thansis rooms Address, with particulate ofterma. etc., k Y Z . are of this office. gh3fISO USE Fine House and large UarJen.XI A ppl to R. VAS BHOtAniS,

mb t Sat elanoafl a: reetHE FRANKLIN HOUSE, at the Raleigh

A bprtnga, having bean tnorocgniy repaired, u now lor rent or lease; terms moderate. Apply to B.F. COLEMAN. First Circult Court Clerks office, corner of I n onaad cecoad sUeess, Memphis. mhl7OVORk On JeEeraoD street, ntder Com- -

J merelsl Hotel. App y tombU JOSEPH 1. AM Rk WM, S63 Front.

OL bk A new hones wllhslx rooms.H J H. KlurLfW.lt. atal. street.i alJa. static, ctaiern. well snd oulhouseaeoiujiete, allotted on the corner of Tuirdand Mill streu, Chelsea. Apply to T. H.kdgu g'ou. Att y at-L- U atadlson streeL

ROOM One large rvom, suitable for oottonoommuMlon business or Job print-

ing office. This room is la the rear of ihebusiness department of the Appeal, and Inme center ol injpnamsas portion or ine city.o TOndC-KOO- 1 Le store-roo- ou the cor- - AO ner of Mam and Monro atresia, underthe Peabody lintel, nom reoruary iat. ap- -

to a, in.Jii.ti,Wm Ss Mac lso d strep'.


ra U1LL1NU LOTJ--On Preston Placs, M antJj sun street extended, lor lease fur tenyaara, at low tent. Desirable lota on Courtstreet extended for sa.e cheap Apply lo


oTOKh. lloU8t ureal baraaln for Cah- -

O let valuable store house, to. UM Fruntstreet. Is now ooered for tale or rent. ApplyVo J 'tun.iv.i js .au nmi strtot.


AarU'.at AHD OOLT - tit KEVVAH- b-iyl 1 f .ao my place on sai sisiippi river,ten u.Uea below Memphis, in October last,one anted, light hay, mare muie, abouti wt,v ytrs old; plain saddle marks andtrended on the left shoulder with the letter

. ,. the same tiite. dsrk bar horsecoll. two years old this spring. The abovereward will be paid on their de. lvery to Owen

e oust co. .I Tlanin el reel.Ul juhs a. rutuaauav. A

s01NTb.lt " BITCH "One year oat, allI auiu,. with one lemon colored ear. Auitab.e reward will staid, if returned Idmrs. x. a. cut K at. B71 Vaaee stress


barA large wed furnished room, suit- -

BOAKl. r gouUeman t nd wlfa. at m

luiyu fart a fill Furnished aad BarerJ"! r"" rooms, suitable lor fanUUet and

- aaaaWaavaa. as tm jsatuaun lre:l.aSo day hoaideia aeeMaanoualed,

ajAKDavite A tew good boarders can se


NOTICE. WILLIAM H. TOLtK, wunA RnlkrleT will be IDT

agent ocrlng my temporary absence iramuie city.

tabii BIO P. ZtgOL-KR- .

ftAKKlAUK Painting and Kepaulng, cor- -

V ner second ana uayrso irreete.mhl JELLIt A DAMAN.


Plaew at wbieB tfe Bally Appeal eaa

The Daily afpkal can be trad every morn-In- s

at the follow places In the city :

At appsal Oouatlng-Room- , 14 Union street.At the news-stan- d of Joe Locke, Mo. MX

stain street,At the news-stan- d of W. J. Manaford, corner

nf hmwu and Monroe streets.At the news stand of J. C. Eyrlcu, So. MO

Main street,ttthr nwa-atan- d In the Pea body hotel.Al the liens ilenil in the Commercial hotel.At the news iilanii in ine worsnam nonae.At Ihe news-stau- d In me uverton ioiei.At the news-elan- d In the Southern hotel.At the news-stan- d of A Bon, No. 10

Jefferson street.At the news-stan- d of Wm. Splckernagle, cor

ner of Fourth and poplar streets.At the news-stan- d on St. Louis wharfboal.At tee news stand at Lanier A Eld ridge's.

Second street, near Madison.At the news-stan- of Hobbday, on Beale

street, near Main.At the news-stan- d at the Railroad depots.At the news-stan- d on thi Memphis and Lit-

tle Rock wharfboai.At South Memphis news-depo- t. No. GO Beale

street, near rjecono.At Jas. Corwln'a, JBJ, Main street, near Mad- -

son.At Paul Wright's, 9t Main street.At N, B. Johnston's news-stan- 464 Mam

sreel.At Walkers News-stan- No. 106 Beale

street, opposite Beale street market.


Don't fall to hear the orator of NewYork at the opera house.

Peyton Burton was yesterday sentenced to fifteen years in the penitentiaryfor burglary.

Joe Locke, 236K Main street, hasHarper's, Soribner's, Blackwood's, andail the Monthlies. Also all the leadingweekly and daiiy papers.

The Kansas railroad Is uppermost inthe minds of citizans who take an interest in the growth of Memphis. It willlink us to the great grain-growin- g west

Schroyer, who shot 'Squire Nortoij,was taken from fail yesterday and takenbefore Judge Ray on a writ of habeascorpus. On motion of Genera! Harrigan,tbe case was continued during tre absence of state's witnesses.

There are farther negotiations set onfoot a&cting ibe value of property southof Union street, which show how rapio.lvthe city government is driving wealth andpopulation down the river. People saythat Pinch end Chelsea are committingsuicide in the city councils.

Sotbern, Lord Dundreary, will be herenext Monday and play a brief enag4- -

ment of s week Mr. Charles Bishop willsupport him. After him comes the Wyndham troupe, which will appear in "6ratogs," for which now scenery is beingpurchased. Percy itoseiie will succeedthe Wyndhams.

A nratical person who understandsmanufacturing snd the profl s to be derived from it, says tnst a wen conductedfurniture factory in Memphis, wouldyield a safe dividend of 30 per cent, perannum, A halt million lnveated in a oot- -on mill, would return fully o per cent.

on tbe investment. wny aon t ourmoneyed men take serious thought onthese matters?

J. C. Kimbroush aues the city in tbesecond circuit court for 120,000 damagessustained by the sinking of his boat whilerunning: ber into the landing, ne claimstbst she ran upon some shafting that hadbeen rescued from a wreck and left on thewharf. The rising waters having covered It up, there was no means of pro tection for the boat from the hidden foe. Tbecase will commence before Judge Halsey

Appleton's encyclopedia is about thebeat work of the kind in the world, it iscertainly the only one in the l nltedStates, which a truo. aignmea ana lmpartial resume of the yearly transactionsof men. There is an agent lc Memphis.for tbe Messrs. Apple ten, who will can- -vans lor this meritorious work. Mr. W.H. Sparks, the agent, is himself aliterary gentleman of much coiture andsome fame, and we bespeak for him acordial reception by oar cltizsns.

Pat Short deserves final and unendingabsolution, iae baa given the orphans oiMississippi the use cf the theater for twonights witboul cost. Since many bretnren of tbe church that have charge of tbechildren are accustomed to invaigb indiscnminately against theatrical am use-me- n

ts, we modestly suggeat that theyshould not forget, after all tbst Is said inand out of tbe pulpit, tbst there are lewChristians, outside tbe theater, who havecontributed as Pst Short has dene, f200 tothe asylum at Lauderdale springs.

Th6 Sunday school teachers of the citymet in convention lat night in ihe roomsof the Cumberland Presbyterian cburcbto discuss the matter of effective teachingfor Sundsy school children. I he particular point up for discussion was theestsb-iishme- nt

of Jlbrariee for the use of children. There were very fair arguments patforward on both sides of the question. Bydebating it calmly and thoughtfully forhalf a dozen meetings ine wnoie merits ofthe case may be fully understood. Tbegreat Sunday school celebration will comeup at the next meeting.

City Fathers propose to lease thefeathery edge of the navy-yar- d to theuntie Kxk ruad ior twenty urt yeanbut the railroad must asstCM seventv-tiv- e

or one Hundred thousand dollars In lmtirovement-- , and buildings and machinery on the prcperty.and yet the city wouldreserve the right to expel its railroadtenants bv giving twelve monliia nonceto quit. This device Is entirely too thin.The city can't make seventy-fiv- e thonsand dollars on this transparent dodge.Most cities reward puonc benefactors; ourcity dads "go for them."

At a convocation of bankers and railroad officers, yesterday, the fact was conceded that the location of the Memphisdepot of the Little Kock road fixed thecenter of Memphis wealth and popalation. All eastern roads must hsve theclosest possible connection with the roadlo Lit tie Jtock. if the freight depositoryof the Little Kock road be loested In tbeOverton tract, as is now proposed, everyroad will have there its terminus, andMemphis wlil be a day's Journey south ofPinch. Why do not Pinch and CheUearise in their boots?

The thee of Teneb'K. which will besang at St. Peter's church this evening, is

solemn oiu ceremony oi the churchwhich was instituted to commemorate, ina purely apirituai way, tbe completion oithe vicarious atonement in the death oiChrist A large triangular candelabrumis placed on the altar, with lights to repre-sent ail the apostles, that at the apex torepresent Christ. The lights are extinguiahed one by one at intervals, the clergychanting in chorus suitable verses fromtbe scriptures. This Is continued till noneDut one tbe topmost -- remains. This isnot extinguished, but is taken behind tbealtar and hid, leaving the cnurcn in complete darkness, to represent the death andInterment of the Saviour. In the courseof s brief space it is brought forth againto show the three day ne lay in the tomband his subsequent gloiioua resurrectionfrom the dead. Each light is typical of aprophet who spoke of the Lord's coming.and the putting out thereof represents hisdeath. As tbe beautiful ceremony la anew thing in Memphis, the church mayte expected to Decrowned.


Colonel Roukl Horou, an o.d andwell-know- n citizen of Memphis, now representing atrong eastern houses, is atthe Peabody hotel.

Mas. E. R. May. agent for the sale ofDistinguished women," will, bv per

mission, make her Leadciuartem at BovleChapman's, Main street. Those who

desire to subscribe for the work may leaveineir timers mere.

R O, Kbllt. of West Station. Mississippi; A. G. Karson, Lexington, Ken oftucky ; J . M. Tobelt, Washington CityTbos J. Cheek, New York, W. P. Carson,rnusatinuii n. u. corner. Knntin ti anykea, Mississippi, are stopping at the betwuuuY uosei.

Colon kl W. H. Bpabks. former) v nluMuiu.il., uuw ui ueurgia, ong a mem-ber of the Louisiana legislature and the itauthor Of "the Memories of Fifty years "anil spend in Memphis a few months inthe lhtereit of the well known Dubliahinp ter

uuuseui u. ajjpiewju a j j , o: - s VOIk.Carl et hi h la winning marvellous

popularity. We have a letter from a gen-tleman in Arkansas wboae name laCarleo

infatuated is he with the splendor ofCarl Hchui z's fame that he signs himself

Carl Lee." In fact when he reads one ofCarl's mag nifl sent speeches It is with diff-iculty

bythat he can keep his Bchurz on. it


asfine stock of spring hats and bonueia at

Mrs. WUdberger'a 224 Main street.MISS GAKVEY.

Latest spring styles of dressmaking, aM

MAlnatlwat. entMaa. M. C. Hchtk. 247 Main. will have

spring opening on Wednesday, 27thinstant.

BTBAM-FlTTUi- a. 816 Second street. toera

Go to Joe Locke's tor the latest publl- - a

eBPaUXu Canute, Mrs, Hunter's,



Everybody Disposed to Take Cbsace.

The success that attended tbe meetingheld yesterday to ortraniza and establishan Inventors Aid Association was mostgratifying. There are 1 .valuable lovenlions tn ibis city and In tho adjacentcountry which tbe owners have not themeans of developing It costs money tosecure patents and make working models.Tbe association organized yesterday, Ifconducted with any sort of wisdom, willbecome the richest body In tbe South, andMemphis will become the Mecca of pro-gressive mechanical genius From twentyto fifty thousand dollars will be readilysecured. In fsot, every one approached onthe subject agreed to stake from fifty tofive hundred dollars on tbe result of tbedoings of yesterday, Lst the ocinmitteemeet and act wisely.


The Best Kpeealatleii of Modern Ikdostry

Editors Appeal: A few days sgoyouspoke oi tbe "Plantation Compress" beingtaken to Waco. Texas, for re pressing cotton bales the coming season, snd that theeentleman expects to clear at least I20.0C0,starting on f1000. There ara half a dczsnsuch already eneasred lor this very purnose, and there ara a hundred towna thatship from ten to twenty thousand bales ofcotton, not enough 10 justify a lareo steamDress, that would pay the same way, viz:Two presses cost f600; one mule in themiddle, running alternately one and theother, compressing s hundred bales a dayat s cost of twelve cents a bale, thus making-- from ten to twenty thousand dollarsin one season (four months), from a capital of leaa shan f 1000 The same press re-quires the addition of tbe cotton-bo- x to beadapted to the planter or tbe gin.

March 22, 1872 8. a R.


Ibe Lively Thing.

Editors Appkal "Rings" are ail therage, bat I am for tbe lever or the southern Inventors Aid Association. I agreewith the Syracuse philosopher, that thereis nothing like the lever, ana wun yourcorrespondent, "Cotton Pisnter," thatthere is nothing like this lever of Inventors Aid Association, rtwiroaas ana mannfactoriee are great levers to lift us, butthis lever of invention, with a companyto furnish the fulcrum, transcends ihemall in its power to pry us into the positionof prosperity, There are many inventions,to mv certain knowledge worth minions,now lying useless fcr the want of meansto bring them out. I wag also pleasedwith tbe plan and programme publishedin the Appeal of the lSth instant. Itwill cartainly and withoat doubt provetbe best investment on the market; andalso favorable to inventors, as it lifts themup. The capitalist is msae t; raise inegood inventor up, ana men to me uisparse plethoric by the genius of the In-

ventor. It must be made a success, andsweep the whole South, with Memphis asthe initial, central snd ellglMe point, mefulcrum, FARMER.


A Successful Kse ting and Mast Sne--

easeful speech.

Tke Organisation of Ibe Meeting aadf tgte Aid Associativa lbere

Is Money la Is.

A meeting was held at the hall of thechamber of commerce, for the purpose oforganizing an Inventors' Aid society,vesterdsv afternoon.

colonel 1 ro 'j so ate cat tea tae meeting hiorder, and moved, and it was agreed, thatMr. H. Lemon be appointed chairman.

On motion of Msior Sykee, henryWhite was requested to act aa secretary

Majsr Sykos, insisting the obi set or themeeting, referred to the progress made byNorthern mechanics in the dmerent artsHe stated that there was not enough conoerted or effort on the partof the mechanics In this section to lmprove and perfect tbe mechanic arts. Thebenefits of organizations tor the purposeof improving and building up cities wssrtnrredto at conaiaeraDie length, ineber.ttKs of mechanical inventions to thehuman race were spoken oi, and tbe inventcra of cotton gins, tto., were euloiz:d as benefactors of the peo

pie. A newly-Invente- cot ton-cor-

press was a home invention of greatmerit, calculated to enncn me growers oicotton. Such inventions were generallythe work of poor men the rich prefer toinvest money in other affairs, lne or actof the Inventors' Aid Society was to assist men to patent articles thst were likely to be usel ul, the inventors of which nothaving means to pa ent them ana oommence their manufacture, giving a certainper cent, of ail profits to the society fortheir assistance at the start. A railroadinvention a aingle track by a citizsn ofMemphis, was calculated to be a greatsuccess ihe speaker montionca manygreat inventions by Southern men, theprofits of which were rsaUzad by Northern cepi-.aiist- who'had advanced themonev to make the invention successfulThe workinmen, who create valua, wereclaimed lo ba tbe wealth or me countryIn nearly ah the great cities of Luropnand of this country JsPere are societies iorthe earn i ob ecv for which we axe workingMemphis now needed mechanical invention, and ought to enccurage such as arelikely to bnrg money here for their manutactcre. By associated capitals smallsum from each wouid carry out this greatob?ct; and one successful inventionwould make rich not oniy me inventor,but the association. This would not onlybe a profitable investment for the society,but a great good for the people. All articles for which the society was requestedto advance money should be examined byexperienced mechanics.

THE CHARTER.A charter under which the association

might crganiz? was read by Major Sykes.Mr. Hiizttid favored applying to the

chancery court for a charter which wouldneed to be changed in name. He wasglad to see a movement made to enoourage mechanical inventions, many of whichoriginate in me south, nut are not supported here, and are earned to the North,where more Inducements tre held out tomanufacturers. The charter profferedgives powers and privileges which a chaneery court cannot oonrer.

On motion, a committee on organizationwas appointed, to report next Tuesday afternoon al four o'clock, at the hall of therhamb.r of commerce. Committe- e-Messrs. John Cowdon, W. M. Hutton, Wa. Lake, M. Burke, A Fearaall.

On motion, the chairman (Mr. Lenowand Mr. Hitzfeld were adaed to the com- -

imttee.The meeting then adjourned, to meet

gain on Tuesday evcuirg, April 2i, atfour o'clock.


The Coarse of Tiade-Hcma- bls StillLooking Cp.

We notice," says the New OrleansTimes, "that the steamer Belle Lee is onher wsy down from Memphis, whence shestarted on Wednesday evening with twothousand six hundred and fifteen bales ofootton, which is said to be the heaviestload of the staple shipped from that portdown the river for ten years. Includingthis shipment are one thousand compressed freight II 26 per bale. This furnishes a striking indication that the overland rail route is becoming unsatisfactory,and forcibly illustrates the correctness ofthe New Orleans cotton trade taking emdent measures to reduce the cost of trans-portation on the Southern rivers. However desirable a a., txiuia uarge tinemay be to accommodate our westernfriends, and oiler a healthy competition tothe present transportation company, wehave not the slightest ooudi mat me prosueritv not only of our ootton factors and

all others engaged in the handling ofthe staple, but oi every branch ol trade,and especially dry goods, hardware, bootsand shoes, clothing and groceries, would

far more promo' ed by southern bargelines, which would carry ootton fromMemphis to New Orleans for 60c per bale,and from all other ports and landings atproportionate rates, if at a i za per bale

be the interest oi tnoae concerned toship 2615 bales by one boat, It is fair to in

thai with ine important reauoiion infreights that could be made by barges, thebulk of the Memphis ootton would be sentthis way. Where tbe cotton is sold or val-ued for, there will the bulk of plantation insupplies be bought."

Our contemporary goes too fas!. Morethan half of tbe above 2616 balsa of cot-ton was a through shipment to Liverpool in

one of our largest buyers. Therefore,must not be concluded ihst Memphis hibecome, as before the war, tributary to

New Orleans. She is old enough now torun alone and to paddle her own canoe,

the Times may learn by consulting tbestatistical position of the crop as published in lb- - Appeal. If Memphis shipscotton to New Orleans it will be in thesame wsy and under the same conditions the

when she ships to Mew York. Thismarket is, in many respects, an indeptnt- - See

market. Much, ii not moat, of thecotton that comes here Is bought by spinners agents, all or whom uniformly reportthat their shipments give such satisfactionthat a large increase on orders from year

year is a sure result. In proof of thisoubliah, by permission, the following.

1 dressed by one of the Iftadlng Easternmills to Messrs. B. Baylies A Co.. of this

ly, leading and very influential buyers: areMutual! bAi Lis.s A Co. I have your let

ter having the notice of tbe eomplnuon of ov

orders, etc. We now have cotton enough; tolast us til! the talk wld be of a new crop, at .1

I wish now to acknowledge our obligations toyou for the prompt and faithful manner Inwhich you have done our business In buyingour ootton supply for the jear. If we had notbeen short of funds in November and Decem-ber, and had taken your opinion about thethen future of ootton, it would have saved usseveral thousand dollars, as it is, we are twoor three thousand dollar better off for hav lugbought it in your market, than we should belf we had bought In New York. We have amore even spinning and uniform runningcotton, which Is Important in making Ou-tnumbers. When I took charge of the mill thebelief was very strong that we must haveTexas cotton for ginghams, and our men arenow satisfied.

In the above there are two points towhich we desire to call the attention ofootteu men particularly and oar readersgenerally, and these are, that the mill re-ferred to La several thousand dollars bet-ter off as a result or dealing here and thatMemphis cottons are as good as Texas.But there ts another point. I: is th'.a: Thefair dealing of Messrs. Bayiiss fc Co. madethis saving to the mill and brought aboutthis discrimination in favor of this mar-ket as one where it is possible for all thewants of cotton spinners to be satisfied.As long aa we continue to do this, and dis-countenance gambling in the "future" theNew urieans Times will hud it lmpoaaible even to make It appear that Memphisis other than an independent and leadingootton market.


Services at SI. Maury's Cathedral Lee--

tare by Bev. tJeorge Harris.

This being passion week it is observedwith due solemnity by the Episcopalchuroh. During this week dsily servicesare Deing held in this ornate minatare ca-thedral at 7 o'clock a m., 12 noon, 7.30 p.m , with a short lecture.

Last evening the Rav. George C. Harris, the officiating minister, discoursed onsome or the incidents in our Lord's uieHe said that this very day was to be recognized as the anniversary of tbe Saviour's last vlait to the Temple at Jerusa-lem. In the evening he returned to Bethsny to abide with that family of whichLa z true and Martha were members. Iwas his custom to spend his eveningswith those whom he loved, whennot wishing retirement and eolUude

On the way to Jerusalem he had beenmet by the Pharisees and Saddcceee, who,after the resurrection of Ltzerus, werevery anxious about his work, and soughtto entrap mm in ine tempie. mey endeavored to fasten him on the questionof the tribute money, assuring themselvesthat bis answer to their inquiry wouiacertainly bring him into disfavor, eitherbv Questioning the rtomsn civil aumonty, or by declaring himself a par.isan oftbe government.

They sgain aet about bringing him intodifficulties on the question of marriage,but his reply equally disconcerted them.

It was upon tnis day the Ssvlor gave tothe world the parables of the vineyard,the unfaithful husbandman, and themarriage feast.

Whilst these divine teachings were proceeding, the Pharisees and Sadducees acknowledged themselves bunxl. Thewidow then enters upon the sceneand throws In her two mites, towhich Oar Lord directs the attention of his disciples, enforcingthe beautiful lesson thst ber small offer-ing was more acceptable than that of therich, who gave only from their superabundance

Canst then prophesied the destructionof Jerusalem, which had ita fulfillment ina succeeding generation. This was equiv-alent to the annonnoemennt of the firmestablishment of Christ's chnroh ur.onearth and the dispersion of the Jews aa anation tbe commencement of the com-monwealth of Christianity,

Tbe lecturer commended to his bearersthe corefnl reading of the three fables alluded to. Toey illustrated the workingsof the Saviour's own heart toward bis peo-ple. In the midst of his own eventfulpreparations he could not help stoppingto shed a tear over those who were ulti-mately to put him to death, an eve atwhich was the glory of the whole world


First Cban eery Coart --Morgan, Chan-cellor.

Tho argument in the ease of McAUstervb McAUster will be concluded this morn-ing, after which the case of Greenlaw vsWilliams will be taken up. Attorneyswill please take notice that ell decreetmnst be handed in or they aliinot be entered at this term.

Seeoad Caaneery Conrt-Seo- tt, Cbaa- -

eeller.The court will bear the closing argu-

ment in the oase of the city vs Grieshaberand then call the remainder of the

calendar heretofore published.

rirat ClreaJt Conrt-Helsk- ell, Jadgv.The court- was engaged all day yester-

day in tho trial of the case of Barrett AHetlron vs Apperson. The case willprobably be given to the jury this morn-ins- ;.

To-da- calendar is ca follow: 880Williamson vs McOhee; 1568 Harris vsStewart; 1798 Manhattan bank vs Lsrkic;1828 Specbt vs Topp, executor ; 1831 Car-mac- k

vs Cross; 1832 Hickey, Bartlett APowers va Edwards x Holbrook; 1833Bigelow vs Mateo; 1831 Cnmp it Co. vsMcEeon; 1837 Clark va Jefferson; 183Fargason A Clay vs Harvey; 1840 FriersonA Co. vs Lowensteln; 1841 Hubbard vsWiggins; 1842 Jones vs Williams;1848 Meyer vs Shot well; 1830 McElnleyvs. Kidout; 1852 Nitz3 vs Atkinson;1854 Page A Wlgga vs Schooifield AHansuror: IKooOuielev vs Campbell: 185S hoiidt vs Ooolev et al ; 1S58 Tt.ru- -. vsOonckenbush; 1862 White A Co vs Prof.Paillips A Co: 1863 Walker Bros A Co veHiaphenfon; 1864 City of MemphisBurns; 188c Uitv of Memphis vs smoot18a City of Memphis vs Curlln; ;870 Cityof Memphis vs Williams; Chap-- yvs Armstrong; 1875 Waiker A Uovs Miller; 1876 Blumenthal vs Otermier; 1877Collins vs Hicks.

Circuit Court Halsey, JudgeThe call of vester day's calendar reached

no. awo, K nt land vs Mississippi ard Tennessee railroad, which case was nn trialwhen court adjourned. To day, after tLeconclusion of the above oase snd the -- assof Kimbrough vs the city, the call of theregular calendar will be proceeded wttb

Criminal Conrt Fllppla, Judge.The fallowing cases will betaken ud to

day: Wm. Dunlap, robbery; Wm. Cooper, robbery; Julia Walton larceny; LauraArmatrom, roDDery; rniuip Johnsonlarceny; Albert Well, housebreakingT. Eidrldge, larceny; vMllis Hawkinslaroeny; Phillip Paine, larceny; JohnMurpny, malicious shooting.


We hav just opened


Suits in the



Great novelties in


We have never offered more


than we have now on exhibition Oarfriends and the publio generally are invited to call.


Tabu Bcrraa. Fifty ten and twenty-pound buckets nice table butter, for family use. OL1VEK, KINMK ft CO

Cccghs and Colds Those who aresuffering from coughs, colds, hoarseness.sore throat, etc., should try "Brown'sBronchial Troobea.''


It is announced In another place in theAi'PnALihat the agricultural associationwill enter on their regular drawings today as provided for by the charter. Thosedrawings will oe uunuuc.eu uuuvi memanagement oi gentlemen oi repute anapopularity, tbe proceeds to be devoted tothejbeauUfyiBg of U e company's grouas.aooordlnattoap.au drawn up by Messrs.Jones ana Baldwin, architects, and a photographic copy of which is now hanging

the Appbal editorial rooms. Whenthi irronnds shall have baeu finished, inthe manner laid down in the plan, theywill be the prettiest and most attractive

tbe country. Shaded walks and fireavenues are provided for. The buildingadditions to be put up will render theplace one of great attraction and oeauty ,

Considerable debt yet hangs over thecompany, ana it win oe meir ares osrs toremove that, and then go on with thesplendid improvements.

The drawings will take place regularly, eryand will be fairly inaugurated to-d- at

office of the association, on Secondstreet, under the Greenlaw opera house.

the announcement in our advertisingcolumns. is

Tar. cbeaui-- tnd beet hu-i- Dyeing andCleaning house lu the city is atI 29 secondstreet. Hunt A Hanson 'a old stand. of

areThe ComxbbciaL Hotel. There la no

better evidence of a city's prosperity thancrowded hotels. Our hotels, ail of them,

doing a tioutiahlng business, especially the Commercial. This old reli-able house la in the zenith of auoessa. '


Mew Use People was Dwell la tbe BeatPort! ns of Teaa reel uaea

Railroad Madera,

Toi i SoU Napereedlng M. t. Bobsrte -

Aeir Uie Infused Into Railwayt on nee tion

Au earieemed correspondent and friendor the ill' peal In Lamar county, Texassends mi tbe gratifying Intelligence thatthis paper is doing good work in that sec-tion, by rousing up the people to an

on railroad affairs not hithertodreamed of. He also sends us anotherletter, srhlch glve some interesting details about railroad projects and about thecountry :

"Bray's sVrosx, March 19, 1872.

"Editors Appbal I wrote vou JsnuarvI9ih ihnt our railroad hung fire until itwas aeciaea which was tbo biggest manScott or Roberts. Soott is the man, andthree oo;:pa of surveyors are at work, sur-veying afresh the old Memphis and El-Pa-

road (the old Dicers lost or burnt atJefisrson in some of the fires there.) Thisroaa ru'is mroneh an edge or oneor tbebeet portions of Texav, from ten to twen-ty miles parallel with Red river, fromClsrksvUle to Bonham. Tbe land northof it is mostly timbered, of various kinds,a splendid pinery, ten steam mills cuttingas fine .umber as can be made, and sev-eral plan ing-mtl- and shingle machines,&dcouthcf the railroad is prairie, from

below Ciarksville to Paris, from three tofive mil ss across, running south from sixto fifteen miles, and black and timberedland, from one to three miles wide,

lbs prairies. Paris is situated oa ahigh, sstdy place in the edge of Grandprairi9 it has aDout four thousand

within three miles square, andis improving fast. The road from there toHoney Grove, twenty-tw- o miles, is ondividing ridge of prairie- For fifty mllthe road will be but little out or fillednot muci., if any, over five feet. If sucha country ss this will not support a railroad they had better atop building withthe aid the State of Texas gives this road.This la a .rood small-grai- n country. Corn.ootton, tobacco do well, as also fruits andvegetables of all kinds, some attentionhaving boen paid to them in the last fewyears, f arming is progressing finely. Theland plows better than it has ior fifteenyears. Some corn Is up, and others havejust begun to plant. The cotton land areseeded up, with an excellent prospect fcra good cmp, We,have a plenty of corn andbacon h'.ota fatten on the prairie and inthe timbtir. Stock ia improving. Ia theiaet six weeks we hsve had but little rainOur roadu are fine. Wheat looks well:oats also. I:.. BKA i .'


Tbe Whole Cass Fin illy Cleared ajaaad the Young Maa Pronounced

a aalelde.

Mr. C .".turner did not stop his inauiriesinto me Aisunson norror until yesterday,when he finally succeeded in tracing upevery thread of necessary evidence andproof to establish a oertalnty with regardto his taking off. In our former account.in whicn ;he curious and exciting storywas coci'.rjuea up, to a p3ri.-- in Atklnson ins l i wnicc he round It necessaryto call on ii casual acq niiatanes for son-- i

stimulants to keep avray the oold, whilene sniveren in a ceil m the Adams streetstationhouse. We also said that the docketshowed he had got out, but how? Mr.Cranmer learned yesterday how he gotout. He got our friend to put ud fivedollars for him, on the promise that howould pswn hts Iran tor pistol snd divhim back. Having got on the sidewaikwith his el'igsot pistol he went, the firstdive, to Felmont's shop, on Jeffersonstreet, and pawned the elegant Trantorfor tten dollars and a small pistol,which Peloiont valued at a dolisr. Atkin-son insdstsd on getting the little pistol,and also st Anted it loaded. He got theshop man to do this job for him. He didnot much ujind what sort ol a pistol hogot In return for his Trantor, providedonly it would abooi. He was par-ticular on this point. Hsving madethe trade, ho left. Now, Mr. Cran-mer has satisfied himself that the pistolwnicn was round with Atkinson, downnear Horn Lake, was tbe same as thatloaded for bim in Felmont's shop becauseit eorrespor.ds with the only other pistolof the sort thst Felmont ever had. Hebought two of them together, he said .andhe gave one of them to the good-lookin- g

man wi n me Diack mustache, wno saidhe was going to Horn Lake. Besidesthese coincidences, the ball which wastaken out of Atkinson's head was weighedyesterdsy la the balance and found tocontain the same amount of lead as theballs that f s.mont had for tnoae pistols.

The hlatoiy of A.kinson'u Trsu'.er pi9tclis a little interesting. Feimont it appearslent ten dollars on the above named littlepistol on the Tranter, which was to havebeen redeemed in three weeks Dy the payment of fifteen dollars. When the threeweeks were up, Felmont concluded not towait any longer for the redeemptionmoney. Ha put the pistol In the hsnds ofSp'ke Morley, to be r.ill-- d BobCollins ofScanlan'a landing happened Inat Spike's acd saw the pistol. He at onceclaimed it as his pistol, he having lostone ol that sort some time before. Hegot Mr, Cranmer to work up the case forhim. Hsrrv s&nt lo Felmont and insistedti,;j hi pistol mnst be returned to Coll-ie.-! Falnaont parted with the weaponvery roTuotsntly, but being a maa ofpesco ed cencord now.be surrenderedin wenp.'n than go into a oontroversy wilh the police. Mr. Collins hasth9 pistol yet The question now to be deciaea is wno owns the pistol r


First Mplendld t'pealag of tbe Sense nla Hempble--A Urent Treat ior

tbe Ladies.

Tbe H. Lowensteln Bras to Show Forthtbe Spring- - and Siam Htylee

tbla Evening.

Chief amonj; those who regulate fashionin mempuis are 10 ne ousted the is. Lowenstein Bros , corner Jefferson and Mainstreets. They are Justly reoognisxl assound oracles on all matters pertaining tosound taste in ladles' dress. This is ow-ing to the fact that they are in immediateconnection wun a farts house where thefashion are set. Hence it is that the la-dies will eagerly consult with these head-quarters, and will throng its ample hallstnis evening to see whst ia the latest instyle of cut, in tint, in material, what isthe predominating color, and what com-binations are to be popular this springand summer.

There has probably never been a greatervariety or more cosily importations inBilks tnan thti present season displays,These importations number among themme soring or s immer silks it inches wide,wn co ate aoid lor ll, and II 25, and II to

oetter silk which measures 4 inches.which is valued at 23 a yard, and the su-perb siiks which show ail the newest andthe rarest tints, which are 27 inches wide.and which arti marked 25 60. Brocadedailks, til inches wide, and which rangerrom (4 to ss s yard, have grounds whichdisplay the clcth color, upon which therarest and brightest flowers are strewn

The Dally Viirden is another feature tobe noticed. Tory are to be found at Lowenstein's establishment, in all colors andof all materials. It would be tedious toenumerate the various specialties of theseason. In laosti, fans, collars, gloves sndthe count less en cetera that ladles requirein their necessarily frequent changes ofareas uunng spring ana summer. TheMessrs. Lowenitein have this year a display of goods for spring and summer usewhich, is no exagera'ion tossy, was neveroeiore equaled in tnis city ror variety, extent and richness. This evening, com-mencing at half past teven o'clock, andcontinuing to tan "the opening" will bethe scene of an equal variety of differenttasted an-- j ad 2 mints. It will be a timefcr admiration. Let o itlciam come after-ward.

EOOHOMT. TaJ.e your soring cloth in? to theSteam Dyeing aad Cleaning House (Rant etHanson 'a oat BtaitdjrSeS Second street.

HAKBU.l a wai.e-sm- .

Job Locks. Main street, has the lareastassortment of Magaalnes, Pictorials and dal-lies In the city.

sTaxlh the gt ate in this ofnoe. Tlx a areassaving of fueL Sine- -

For family use Upper Blue Lick Water, in bottiee, ia admirable. It is bottledcarefully at thti spring, and packed in

w suitable for shipment to any part ofthe world, in tnis rorm it is equal to ihewater at the apring, and far superior tothat drawn from wood.

MANSFIELD ft HIGBEE.Wholesale gsaib

Rbmovax Tie M hoi rib ts Steam Dveinsluuaousrxuisnt has removeu to oi Maauonstreet.

Dbivbs Wklia, 815 Seoocd street.

Fnra hot lunch at the "Bay Horse" evday, from ten to one o'clock.


The tailor, par exoellonos. ot Memphis,now fairly prepared tor the spring ae-so- n.

with all mi.nner cf the latest at viesfrom France and Bugltr. 1. The naw style

dress and the lew pu.lerns which Wag-ge-

has on exhibition ior his customersrioh, attiaoti re, iasliug and in the best ktaste. This is is It should be, because

Wtggeneris the tailor of Memphis. Hishistorical name tan be keen over his door.

a MiiM it;tt, baww Moarue. not far alsotrnm tha Paatvsiv hntnl. Thai's Wagenet s. 1



"RrvkB and rV bathbr The river herefell two Inches. The Arkansas is falling,with five feet to Augusta The St.Liuis Times says: "The decline in theriver 'goes bravely on;' at Spar island Inthe Illinois there are but three feet; fourfeet In the Mississippi to Keokuk, andthree and a hall in the lower Missouri,b Jt a rise of eight fet la reported In thelatter st Omaha, From here to Cairothere are six feet. There la no tellingwhen navigation will be open to St. Pan!Upper Mississippi boatmen do not lookfor the consummation of such a resultmuch before the first of Msy. Shouldthese anticipations be realized, there willonly be six months etesmooating at themost on the upper Mississippi this year,and perhaps that will ba much interferedwith by low water. A telfgram receivedby J. J. Sylvester, yesterday, announceda rise in th-- j Ouachita at Camden, withprospects of a fine river. Rid river sndthe bayou are still low; also the Arkan-sas. From all that can be learned on thesubject, there need oe no fears whateverof a great 11 nod this spring.

Boats Lbavibq To-Da- y The G. W.Cheek, Captain George Malone, leaves atfive o'clock this evening for Friars Pointand all wsy landings The regularUnited St.tes mail packet Phil. Alltn,Captain James Lee, leaves this evening atfive o'clock for Friars Point and ali coastlandings. Stack Lee and James C Harrisare her chief pursers The regularOhio river packet Silver Moon, CaptainMadison, leaves this evening at fiveo'clock for LouLTville. Cintdnnaii and allway landings. Mr, George Higgins officiates si chief clerk The passengeresauier xnuiana, uaptain rteuDen el. INaal,leaves at twelve o'clock y for Vicka-bur-

New Orleans and all way landings.she hts superior accommodations for

passengers. Captain Stutt Neal is clerkTheJ Mamie City, Captain Town-send- ,

leaves this morning st ten o'clockfor Cairo, 8t. Louis and all way landings.

Arrivals Marble City, St. Louis;Continental, St. Louis; St. Joseph, St.Louis; Henry Ames, St, Loufe; City ofHelena, St. Louis; H. 8. Turner, NewOrleans; Charles Bodmann, New Orleans.Departures H. 8. Tamer. Louis-ville; Charles Bodmann, Cincinnati; Con-tinental, New Orleans; Henry Ames,Naw Orleans; St. Joseph, St. Louis; Cityof Helena, Vlcksburg ; A. J. White, n;

Pat. Cleburne, Arkaniaa river;Lgsl Tender, Whita river; Hi. Francis,Wntsburg.

Is Port Silver Moon, Marble City.At the LavEk Business was moder-

ate Tie Charles Bod man from N6WOrleans, four and a half days out, passedup with three hundred tons for Cincin-nati The Henry Ante-- , lion t, Louis,came in yesterday stternocn and d J- d afew passengers. She departed forN--Orleans loaded to the guards The St.Joseph, from St. Lois, arrived with a ftirtrip of grain and produce, and returnedat dark with a light trip The AiiceDsan, Mollie Moore and Shannon n.'sseddown during the day without landing.The Pat. Cleburne, A. J. White, La-ga- l

Tender and St, Francis alldeparted for points below, with fair tripsof freight and people The City ofHlan,from St. LouK discharged s lot ofstock and added twetv-fivetonso- f wayireight. She left for Vlcksburg with afair trip The Marlle City, from St.Louis, came m eariy with a full trio.Two items or her cargo wsre 1500 dry bar-rels and 3700 sacks grain The tow-bo-

A. Biker and bargea passed downyesterday morning TheH S Turner,from sw or.earis, tour and a half dttsout, discharged a lot of sundries hereand departed with 800 tons freight for theOhio The Continental passed downyesterday morning well laden.

By Telearraaat.CmcnnrATi. March 28 The ri7er has

11 feet water in tbe channel, snd is fall-ing. Departed: Potomac, for Naw Or-leans; Nightingale and Batesvilie, forArkansas river.

Evahsvillb, March 26 Weather clearand pleasant. Mercury ranged from 30to 60. The river has fallen 1 foot. Portlist Up: John H. Groeabeck. 12 m. Business vary active; tonnage wanting.

locisvillb, March 20 The river isstill laliing. with 6 feet d Inches in thecanal, snd 4 feet 6 Inches in the chute.Weather dear and cool. Mercury ransedfrom 30 to 47. Business dull. Arrived:Pink Varbie, frcm Cincinnati. Departed:Nick Longworth, for New Orleans.

Cairo, iiaren 21. Arrived: Ulencoe.from St. Louis, 9 pm; En ma C. Elliott,from Memphis. 1 p.m; Alaska, from Cincinnati, 1 p.m; Frank Forrest, from Memphis, 6 p.m; City or Ches'er, rrom St.Louis, 6 p.m. Departed: Kan Houston,for Louisville, 8 pm; City of Vickaburg,for st. Louis, v p.m; wrand rower, rr StLouis, 9 p.m; John F. Telle, for New Orleans, 10 p m ; Commonwealth, for St.Louis, 10 p m ; City of Oaincy, for NowOrlean, midnight; Babhagr, for Mem- -

pols, ba.m; Ala-g- s. for Mew Orleans, 1

ru; r. hmt c. r. liott, for Cincinnati, 2p m. The river hss ftlien 8 Inches.Weather clear. Thermometer 48.

LlTTLS Rcck. March 2t -- Snow, rainand sleet this morning; ciesr and pleasantthis evening. River Is still rising, with 7reet out. Departed: Mi.inie, rnr St. Louis.

Nrw Orleans. March o Arrived :

Louisville, from Cincinnati ; Dexter andSusie Silver, from St. Louis; Belle Lae,from Memphis Departed: Richmond andJohn Kyle, for St. Louis; Jennie Howell,for Arkansas river. Weather cioudy sndcool.

St. Louis, March 26 Arrived: u-c- d

Tower, from Memphis; Crescent City,from isew Orleans; city of t icksDurg,from Vlcksburg. Departed: Fontenelle,for Memphis; Colorado, for Vicksburg;James Howard, ior New Orleans; MarrE Poe, for Red river. Tbe river is risingiowiy. weather c ear ana piearsnt.Vioksburo, March 26. Down: Thomp-

son Dean. 12 last night ; John Howard, 11am; Ooeanus, 1pm; Natchez, 6 pm;Rjbert Mitchell. 7 p.m. Up: Bismarckand Kate Kinney, y last night; City ofAlton, 1 a.m. Weather mild. Riverrising.

PrrrsBTJRa, March 24. Weather cloudywith indications of rain. The Mononga-hel- a

has 28 inches water in the channel,and is stationary.

Nashvillb. March 26 The river isrising, with 6 feet on Harpeth shoals.Weather fair snd pleasant this morning;cold and clear

Openiso at M. Perdue's of Paris milli-nery Thursday, Friday and Saturday, No.SIS Main street.

Qbhtlbxbn's wbab cleaned withoutscrubbing or scouring, and made like new-a- t

the Memphis Steam Dye-ir- Establish,mint, 01 Madison street.


The attention of lovers of art is oalled tothe sale atanotion on Wednesday morning,March 87, 1878, by Oeorge Shields A Co.,240 Main street, of aa extensive and valu-able collection of genuine Italian marbleand real brorr.9 figures. This is an or par--unity seldom atlirdod, ss the works of

fered are genu of art and win re appreciated by ihe connoisseur. They are, withoat exception, the work of the chisel ofthe best Italian artists.

Joe Lcceb has received an assortmentof tracing wheels.

Cobitcbiai. FBXicrri. Nothing tends moreto conaubial happiness than cheerful andhealthy infants and children. Mrs. whlt- -comb's syrup la the great children's aootiungrameuy.

Heat, Cobfobt and Eoonomt. Thisyou will get by haying your grates setwith demon's improvement, can at tawSecond street.

, 815 Second street.

Fkikmds asd patkojss sre respectfullyinvitoa to leave their orders st tne MemShis Steam Dyeing Establishment, 61

atreet. All kinds of cleaningsod coloring, of every material, is done toperfection, and on shortest notice.

BBS advertisement of Dr. Butt's DtHnensarv.headed Book for the Million Marriage Uulde

m anomer column, u snoum oe rasa nvau.

Plumibsu, S15 Second atreet.

SPklNu hats and bonnets at the grandopening on Wednesday, 27th Instant, atMrs. M u. Hunter's, 247 Main street.

CrBAXD spring opening of millinerygoods at Mrs. Hunter's Wednesday.

CCOOAXHB dresses the hair bean.tj rally. it


ao to beddln's Business College. 3-- Attend Robertson's Business College.

a nasal ii PhotoeraDhlo Oallerv. No. 211Main street. Three faultless gem pictures forBrty cents.

W. A. Edmonds, M. D., homeopath Lit.Residence, Fcabody hotel. OfBoe, ITS, Monroe.

At 247 Main the spring opening takesplace Wednesday, 27th.

Sbkd Swbbt Potatobs, Harberl's cel-ebrated varieties, at Conaway A Lind-say's, MS afain street.

U. F.CAYAIMACH 4 -- CO.(Huecessora to Mathew Bant i CO..)



TO THE TKADK we offer apect.il induce- -

men's and ss low csuras as the samequality of croods can oe obtained In an?market, !San or Sooth. At onr Vaotobt wa

aad tor ina Java aad Bin sjadtoei I

Oriod and Pack all kinds of attwhich we guarantee pure and of superior I

quality. V. F-- CAvABAat cat,, I

Urn SSO kUOa agyw,,,

MBtt NMIkfaBjaBa' " '" ; 'TsjsassBSSKS-.- . .ia&?,j bs



Hensnbls susd CincinnatiFor Cairo, Kvansville, Louisville and tincinnau rne nne passenger af earner

SILVER MUUN iJames Ma 'laoc maa'er Usi. Higgins .elerk

Leaves as above THIS DAY, March 27th.at 5 o'clock fja., positively.

For freight or passage apply on board or tojoJBjsgaaBjjajrontFOB ABKAN3AS BIVEB.

Meeaphls aad Arkansas Silveruasair V. a. Mall

For P.ne Bint! and Little Boek.THUS. H. ALLEN, toeeae garth, aatUr

r tii uai, eWtnicm., atop m.V. H. KEKHKDAY. Agent.

Office on Company's Wharf- - boat,mbZ7 foot Conn street.


Jhis & N'.w Orlears Pgckst Cew uneans and the Bonds steamer

INolANA - --x-0

teal master J.s Ifeal riarkwin i&ave this day, ilia Inst, at li u .For freight or passage apply to

B. W. LLOHTBD tL5fk General Age-- , t.ntit aM Front trt..FOB CAIRO AND 8T. LOU IB.

bis aad tu. Lasts Fasibet Camfor Hickman, Columbus, Cairo and S'. Loula

steamer MArtoLrt CITYToarneend mntw

leave as above Ttun liay. Mui-- i .Ttii, no cioea a.m.rah: 7 CALVERT. Bop t.


Far wamiirii, Antfe, 0, ft

The rs liable, am --class ananauer nackat

was issuer .Will run regularly, aa above, leaving Merephis every MONDAY, WEBfniSDAY andOATUKD a Y, punctually at 5 p.m.

For freight or passage apply on board

Fr tfttaw, Friar's Paiat, Itatas, wtaVKivtf , n$unm aas tie Bsatt.tus united awt-,-- " Mali Packet


Wili leave Memphis TUESDAYS and FBIDAYS, punctually, al S p.m.

for or asisece apply on beard.


Still LAk lliEIOtr I'llUlTFor all Way LaadlaR-- aa the Mltaltsl sp!to Ms. L'AsfalLe, starlaaaa,aad at. Fro awls atlr- - lo Witts barg.

jLwtSklt ST. FRANCIS AdbiT. K ixiwouui mas'ei Sam Pain elerkWld leave Memphis as a o o KVEBY TUES-

DAY at o o'clock p.m.Pn, sV?t at nspeane ei-- m baaJbsal

FOR WHITE RIVER.Meaaeisua and Kbits stiver Facktl Co.

C. m. Mail and aa atbrra XsprrsaFor Helena, DeVail 'a Bluff, Searcy, Angusta

and jack'onpert.Tbe Elegant Passenger Steamers

LEGAL li.MJEE W.J. Ah lord, masterLeaves Memphis svary TUkMLlAY, at 5

o'clock p.m.K. P. WALT John J. Edfon, master

Leaves Memphis every HATUKDAY, at io clock p.m.

The above line o' elegant steamers eon neeat DeVall's Blofl with me railroad fcr Limeitoafc and Jacksonport.

ELLIOTT A mu.t.kh, Agents,mh7 8 Promenade, foot of Je"yrsnr


fhair't tort, KiMtn sad. Mage. Bdtrat&st, aaii Paafcat,

Pit!!. ABU,

James Lee,. --msaler,Leaves Memphis Mondays, V. d&asdaya andFridays, 41 1 p.w., ochnsctlng at Helens withthe steam ar Rhoda for ManAC2 and a'Jprint. m. TATtemT eWee erte


fFMP4lS AND ARKANSAS BIVRHill Packet Co., U & stall Line. The elegtnt passenger bottsof this line leave Mem-phis for ail points on Arkansas rltrer Men-day- s

end Fridays stlpaa. ror freight,or otter iniormauon, apply to

H KkNNEDAi, Agent. JRlce on CorciDa-tjf- 'i

TThv'Nftl font ft' twTi t mhl



COTTON FACTORS,No. 336 Freat ft reet,

Corner of tells, ME MP 318, TMH.

sweccntry merchants are soll'lteU to ex-a- t

Ine onr stock of STAPLE and FANCYO rtOCE B I is, oons latin g of

FLOCK,MEATS', bcsajls,STKTPd, TEA",COFFEES, Petri ra,airs, t'Ass kt ftaeas,tlJilLM, rum,PICKtaTS, WIHBS,


Stewart Bros. & Swynne


COTTON FACTORS356 sod 3S8 Fran; Street,


S.900 aarrtls Floar;leo.t'OO ssasi s Park and Bacaa:

l.OOO akin. Tlerae aad He Lard;I.OOO pkgs. Caddy Card;

200 hh 's. Loatslaaa toisnSOO barrels BaBaed antral;SOO barrels Mj rep aad BTalaass100 bag Coffee ;

400 Barrels Whisky;e.OOO rails if Kg ing:l.00 kegs Baits.

With a tnll and zenerti stock of FANCYUtw.'iiR EBnow in store. Weinvlte Wholsaie Buyers to sail and examine onr stockana prioes.

moil ciAWASt om.D. s 'is lieia,

Ames, Beattie & Co., 396

Mm street, offer Bargains,

Wholesale ami Retail, in Fur

niture, Carpets, Mattresses,

Oildoths.Window Shades, etc




CttiMflt, Piasttr, Hair,

Fire Britk and Clay, Tiles,

Hay, Cora, Oats, Bru, ate


ACCORDING to the terms of the charter,election for Seven Directors

tne Hbeibv countv TnruDiks Comnanvwill be held

On Monday. April I, 1879,the Chamber of Commerce, Memphis,

cammenclug, at in o'clock a m. and closing ato'clock pm The annua? convection of

Stockholders will ss emble at 111 oVock a mW.T AVEKY, President

Lk m Trouedals. Secretary. mbJ8



Boots; Shoes. Hats,ALSO-


Udi?8 & Misses' Trimmed Hats

3224 and 324 MAIN ST.,


aar nnr Anns. Htul. whlsh la ma aoadrestive, Is now complete, and we invite

kTERCH AKTS OSLY to examine oar goodsnj prioes before buying elsewhere



Silver, Siiver-Piate- d Ware




T71 SterlingML. kWM


I i Wb7 c ii P h I Ia every Style,





Silk Goods, Notions,ASD- -



Trimmed Hats.ear we eUclt tae trade af

arekiDiWhsehr, Pickens & Co

41saaaaaaijiSa; 419


Wood and Willow WareC03DAGE. TWti.E, PAPER.



order to accommodate oar increasingbusiness and ror the batter eoavsnience of

tbe Wholesale Trade we will, after April 1st.ocenry tbe two adjoining a: ores for a Wbole-isl-e

Department, maklnrit aspirate and dis-tinct frcm the retail, tmtlng therebr to af-ford ar.ncb be'.'er facll'tlss to both aranehee.

WHEELEB, P1CH E8 A CO..nb! aaa. SMS anel sail Bain strret.A, VAC CAS X B VACCABO. A. B. VACCAEC.



Importers, and Dealers M


Na 324 Front Street



Estes. Fizor & Pinson,No. 276 FBQfiT ST BEET,


MSe bbis. r'lour, afl INO obis. Irish Potgrades ; i .

1M hods. Louisiana 4ae psga Mo ssesBaKr. ail grades; ail grades;

Set sacks sea boxesiaa.aoibs.Unii(Pork; SOO b. xes i and lee;

asm gags BlauBi u o.ia-- s Tooac;SOO kits Mackerel ; MO cssea O; stars;Si cwesSncff; too bvrels "Jslt;SB btals. Mees Pork; see) barrels whlscy:S Bate. Texas i'e-- Saa boxes ip;

- aao bkta. Lard;SB cases Sardines.




CAN ba saved by em cloying us to Paint,mine. Paper and Clean your bouses

from top to bo'toni. Wa have a oump.eteand varied stock cf

WALL PAPER 4 ftlNDO S- - AOESand evarv facility for Pal alias; aad Cn'se-mieia- a:

in every branch of tne business,aud will even do your nonse-- r leaning weendaatied, or zt'end to repairs generally. Weare the ONLY FiHM in Memphis wbn areprep ired to execute every branch ot Reno-vating your hecres. We make a specialpoint to empli y n m bat fiiat ciats work-men.

aw call on na snd see for yours'lras.SBBBSSSAat 1IUIIU,rami t.


Flaherty, Marhy & aful i'vanSuccessors to Jse. Flaherty A Co ,

Funeral Undertakers

IMelanin Casen, A'nskete and

CcBIbs, al every de-e- r iallea,always aa Band,

ner Private Carriages and "urniturs Carsfor hire. mhi7


HAVINO pnrcba'eu the 1HPHB DEI.TAL DBfOTo J B. Wasson A Co. 1

will continue trie business at Mo. 31b Mainstreet. I am now replenishing from the lead-ing manufacturers ot Ecirope and this coun-try, honing to meet the demands of the pro-fession. 1 also give notice to tbe publicthat 1 will practlcd dentistry and sargery inali Its branches, with advantages not sur-passed in the profession.

j tt ru WILL, St. u.BBBT1BTBY. a above notice. I have

disposed o' my dental inslnanto Dr, J. K.PoweL who will contiaue tne same at mywell known stand, i will now zlve mv undivided attention to tbe practice of Dent-istry. Office as aeieto.ore. No. tu Mamstreet.



50 c ozsn Ven Ota;50 .ozsn Vem Anders;24 bbls. Sweet Cidsr, rebeiUd;50 bbls. Old Bourbon Rye,Fincbe's Golden Weddiitg Rye,



B1Q t. ,

BBOLaBBl SII.T JBWBABT-Bi- w isl da.Hi r BY in BBTB ar BlaainsBaa-- .

BAAL ABDIBITATlBfl SBkU BBT- a-IsrBml Telia, la.

Hlt-- ar AB IBH raiBS-- Is real ahalLMTmrUss ABB BABOBA17X ! areal aBeu. U,

J.V al.LIT A If IOLU, J.

W.LU BIN'S extracts. ATKIBSCK'S London H.oerrumes, 7ABJNA, Cologne, Comba

Braskas.etA.ate. P AMIS and VIENNA fans aOpera Glasses Mosie Boxes. Drasslng Passe,Traveling Bags, and an anrflnss eolleetian ol O.leies of vaartJ aad ourtoeltlee Baas ali apans af tne worm.

xrULZA WoolBsabrotdesy MatBrakB. faxi




Flalsk an! Prtes ; e asseat1st (He etty.

KACELETV im si trns,OPXatk CHAJJCM, WEDBITS KiaOB,pecavarr kxitin, BAZOSH,HCIU192H. LOCK a.



A AECFIOB THIS) BAT. at IS e'elaek.BY A. K. F tA NK L AND,

H aad 17 Main sireet.


Lumber Merchants aed Bafltters !

AUCTION 8AiE""oF LUMBER.W1DL BBI.I OS SATT-RnA-i Jiarrn ;u'.n.on ine vara ot tbe mimu..mill, reer of the Cocsty Jail, to tiie hlansslbidder, for cash, a a-- at sorted ;o ofOak, Ash and Poplar Lumber Sale tocommence at tf o'clock. Lamoer may beaen on the above yrd ootllsola.ata wM. W OOOOWIji. Kara! vex.


No. 840 tsw.i . mtrtfrnXmF. PANOELFENiO'S

eecend aret sale ofMsrbia, Alatastcr tni Eroizi

S!a!i:ry,osday VerBlng Marcb S5!b. at II 'efaak.

A LA HOB collection or the aet works ofArt lb t eve' was lmpor el t thiscountry. Also, fineFRENCH BRONZED CLOCKS,

Warranted as represented. OEO. SHIXLOem lv. win aei; toil raaau.'Bl atworisorsr'. without any e:

wa invite the public in zee era . anddaily the Ladies tim:ottabl seats wlacr07ld-- d. J'Aie ' -- -Tne rale wli contiaae frcm day to day u- -uj ail are OI.



Commissi!.. MerchantABD


W ebster loo:TRADE 3AT.FS




Moaia Wadaaadays aad Fridays.GROCERIES AND FURNITURE

TUESDAYS ABB THCISDATAr Out i oor Sales attended to w!tn Drnmat.

Ban and dispatch.Amo.e rtiom for s'.oragAAlways in store a large Suaek ai Beadue at Friwmtm Hale.CUT an J Constrr Merchants will nana

at themsslres by examining stock and attendlnr sales. A. S. FHaM HLA5D. Aact'r.

Natalia A PBBTalB- - MeTCk'tS

aid ratesT st.

WUl sell THaB HBJIIIS. a M f.pk.Withoat rtserve or limit:af Mew's j

af Men's. Wa '.aa Lidtra' a

alters;BB daaea weu's aad Bars' Rsau

lotdsi-- s Uses oat and Paata.Ala.;. HA'onsl i Drr O joes. . lolhlnr. sjn- -

tlors. Cutlery, Toilet Scape e"Aes- - country merchants, and Lhe trade sabera! 17 will and it to their Interest to arteadfn m ho



THEY furnish employment to maa,boys and girls, and they criatea dmaud for houses 3ryg-ods- , procerus

in fact, eseryta ng. We insnu'actureLedgers Jsaraala, Fay Baaka,

Baas, Cheek, Eicbavg s. Lettar.BtcMpt Tray, Cottaa

ace other books, and we aaS them as low sabocks mste In ew yrrk and B ston oreieewbere. Buy boom mmtir tm BssaaBli.soil ktee year mover at heOar .'abilities fe- - tcramg ru; Bs.k.gsas-pape- rad Jab rrlatiac are se.ocd tonone. We have also Juat reeelved a aaw aadenmp'e-- e stool of Flat rassr,etc , wbjrh we to seat sa low aa anyLouse couth.

So sbi au STBBAT.

CR. H R HOPiON.No. 4: Madisofl Street, Rjcm No. 9.

Bealdaaea Csrnir Mi r I by and laatkatreela. mhiM


Be. SSI SECOX3 STB IB r,(Irring Block) MSMPB1B, TBMB.



leans Bo. 5 Walker Biaek, ? Maaa at,Praetls ee In all the Courts. arnkd





For Sale Wholesale and BetaiLear rartlaa sapwllad aa akasd stasas'BB

Hot Springs of Arkansas.

Accomaiedatioii Hack Uew,

Little ReckArkuiiat.

ia 1841 snd still exists, re-port, of Interested par Use to the eon,

Mr.INVALIDS and PRIVATE PABT1BB willfind this the meat pleatant and agreeablemode of reaching vhase far-I- s asad waters,!ravltngby day light only.

arTHKOUIlH TICslfcTS prtvest parUesfrom exercising a prsierenee. Harks eaa basecured by telegraph, r'are by this Use aslow as the lowest.mh24 WB. 3-- OA vis. Prnarletr.r.

cABatuAtt'st rarMnii mmunnniinn V . esa.ewss s sear I sw

XaOSSJSrsTCa-- BB.a NOV CI. and pleasant dentrlflse, the Un

fa, ts: la the worm ror siaand preserving toe teeth,mem aenuis. aoia oy

OL WAUB A BH J , 216 Main IW iONBS A l O .ijt MUu stB H'.LLP, ai Mut street.A. J SMI B A CO , 255 Main street.

H. BIAslHlJa, av Main I

MOBaXBT. Ba Uaio itrret.JOB vALilA, .BA atsii street,

r. UlNSB.iatM.ln street.ABD8BW BBajUUtT. 1 Bain atreat.

D JUHSSO, nil MhL? street,P. JOBNBTOB.SU Ponlsr atreat.


9 StU aaat SB JSiln i
