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The Merciad, March 9, 1979

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  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, March 9, 1979


    VOL. 51 , NO. 18 MERCYHURST COLLEGEB is hopVisits'Hurst

    by Sue Fuss aBishop Michael Murphy, co-adjutor bishop of the CatholicDiocese of Erie, paid a visit toMercyhurst last Monday on theinvitation of College PresidentDr. Marion L. Shane..Murphy, who is originally fronCleveland, noted the warnreception that he received fronShane and others he had methere. He said that it was his firstformal visit to the college - ad-ding that he had other contactwith Mercyhurst in the past."Most of my efforts recentlyhave been to learn of the ErieIDiocese," Murphy said. "Thereare three excellent colleges in theChristian tradition in Erie."u When asked his opinion of thefunction of a liberal artseducation, Murphy said it

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, March 9, 1979


    PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD MARCH 9.1979%xher . t h eK t $ r . th ep .or.thaRi tor*, the

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    Spring Fever*Kiss winter goodbye - well,winter term anyway. And wehere at the Merciad (all six of us)are going Ho take a two weekbreak from all this action. We'llbe back in the spring - well,spring term. .Spnng - when a young person'sfancy turns to the end of theschool year - or in thelcase ofthose of us more fortunate * theend of school altogether jand"gradiation" time.News will be of the makingcome next term. Students willannounce their candidacies forMSG offices and the college'sadministration will announceanother!! increase in tuition -anybody like to wager on whatwill come first?i Hopefully by spring term morepeople will join the Merciad staffand the paper can return to eightpages. Some of you may havenoticed that- for the last / fewissues we've been putting outwily four pag es. 1*We still need help - and comespring the "hibernation" excusewill no longer be relevan t. So getoff your duffs and considerhelping out - the experiencecouldn't hurt - and it will look niceon your resum e.!Volleyball MarathonAn editor is all too often a cynic- there's an excuse for that - theold cliche, "it comes with the


    m4H& x

    territory." , ^ ^ ^But every so often - and notoften enough at this college (isthat cvnical enough for you?) -something nice happens thatdemands comm entary. Such- was the ca se with thevolleyball marathon that* tookplace last weekend. Throughgood ol' inspired athletic com-petition, studen ts helped to raisealmost $900 for the James V.Kinnane Memorial ScholarshipFund. gf } jLike their counterparts whodanced till it hurt for the CECDance Marathon in January, the"scholarship spikers" deservespecial recognition.The way I see it, there are"doers" and "sitters" at Mer-cyhurst. I'm glad to recognize thedoers for a change.As for the sitters - well, justcontinue to "sit on it." |Capsuled Comments |MSG PRESIDENT Mike Hellertold me th at something special isgoing to take place come springterm that most everybody isgoing to enjoy . . . keep tuned formore details . . . 4WELCOME BACKf to i thecollege President Shane who wasin Spain (and mainly,on theplain?) . ..HAVE A SUPER spring breakand don* t forget to tip a few of the"green stuff come St. Patty'sDay, March 17 . . .

    Letters. . .We Get Letters.Volleyball Weekend

    There's always something happening at the 'Hurst.

    Dear Editor,What's alii this talk aboutstudent apathy? If you happenedto view the "All Nite VolleyballMarathon" f last weekend youwould have thought the word"apathy" had never been spokenon this campu s. -Well over one hundred Mer-cyhurst students, administrationand faculty jammed the Can pusCenter rallying to pledge close to

    Dorm Life. . .Dear Editor,Is there or is there not a policythat states the consequences ofthe use of 'marijuana in theresidence halls? If there is,where can this be found? Surely itcannot be found in the studenthandbook, residence hall hand-book, residence hall contract orthe college directory. I ^Now that you can't find anysuch policy in any of the above,don't count on the RA or the dorndirector to inform you becausethey seem to be ignorant of such apolicy. The policy I am referringto is one in which Mercyhurstsends a letter home to the parentsof the student who committed theoffense. This is done in no regardto the rights of the student oreven informing ^ the student ofsuch a letter - or the contents ofthe letter in any way.

    $900 for the James V. KinnaneMemorial Scholarship Fund.Let me say, as chairma n of thisevent, I was shocked at theparticipation but more than that Iwas pleased. Unfortunately, wewere totally unprepared tohandle the teams that wanted toplay. I apologize to those tean sthat waited excessively for co urttime. Needless to say, I am sureall that; attended enjoyedthemselves emmensely.

    Thanks are in order to MSG,LEC, Saga Foods, ElenorWiniarczyk, Janet Price, JohnNesbit, Mary Daly, Cindy Har-wood and especially JaneyNestor. Without your cooperationthe marathon would not havebeen the huge success it was.One last note - as one law en-forcement major 4 mentioned tome "I hope James V. Kinnaneenjoyed it." I'm sure he did.k & JoAnn DeSantis

    Does Mercyhurst realize whatinane things it does to itsstudents? I am not condoning theincident that occured, but ancondemning the procedure thatthe college took, with so littleregard to the student's con-stitutional rights. Mercyhurstprofesses to its studentsaspirations such as "come awayto school *here" to become aresponsible educated adult. Itseems to me that Mercyhurstoverlooks such things when itsends a letter home bringing theparents into the situation.The incident I am referring toinvolved two students who were21 and 22. One student did noteven live in housing. Where doesMercyhurst get the right toignore the rights of legal adults? Ithink that 'if such a policy doesindeed exist it should, 1) be

    known to all students, 2) thestudent should be sent a copy ofthe letter, 3) and consideration ofthe student should be taken intoaccount before such a letter issent home.One thing that is particularlydisturbing is the uniformed RA'sand dorm director. Maybe thissays something about the RA'sand dorm director that no oneever seems to question. I wonderwhy Mercyhurst does not havecommittees that choose RA's anddorm directors, and a jurysystem \within the college likeother colleges. Could it be thatMercyhurst favors bias? I feelthe students should be aware ofthese points?that concern theirrights and the system within theresidence hall that affects theirexperience at Mercyhurst. i(Name withheld upon request)

    Inquiring Reporter asks.What Are YouPlanning!Spring Break?

    ; &i

    it ^otv;

    ILeslie Eller, Senior"I'm going to be preparing formy art show which will takeplace in April." "

    Don Mihoci, Senior"Going home to Conneaut Lakeand working for my father."


    & : >

    Ray GrygOk Sophomore"Rest. I was going to go toFlorida, but I don't have enoughmoney."Sue Date, Senior"I'm in the process of winninga trip to Florida."

    Bob Dell. Senior"The day after this term endsI'm getting smashed with somefriends - then I'll study for achallenge exa m."

    Cheryl May, Junior.. &"Look for a summer jobvisit relatives." and

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, March 9, 1979


    MARCH4?, 197 THE MERCIAD poge3Enjoy Erie!Shirley A. Riberio is theassistant vice president andpersonnel manager of MutualSavings and Loan Association. Anative of Erie, she began hercar eer at Mutual in 1952, servingas a teller for a number of years.She subsequently moved into theEscrow Depar tment , takingseveral training courses with theInstitute of Financial Education.She also served as past presidentof the Erie County Chapter of theInstitute.Shirley has completed severalWomen in ManagementSeminars at Behrend College. Agraduate of the Dale CarnegieCourse, she is a member of theAmerican Society for PersonnelAdministration.In 1972, Shirley was elected tothe office of assistant e treasurerof the association and in 1974 wasmade branch manager of the KMart West office. In this positionshe earned the distinction ofbeing the first woman managerof any financial institution in theErie area. *"Mutual has served thefinancial needs of the Erie areafor over 90 year s. From* a tinybeginning back in 1888 of han-dling modest savings accountsfor a handful of individuals,we've grown to the point wherewe became the first Savings andLoan in the area to exceed $100million in assets," Shirley said.' *For a number of years now -year in and year out - we've

    HealdRecitalPlannedChristine Heald, a 'Hurst musiceducation major, will perfornher senior piano recital at 3 p.n>.on Sunday, March 11, in the ZurnRecital Hall. 'Featured selections includeworks of Mozart, Scarlotti,Chopin, Brahms and Scriabin.Christine is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Donald C. Heald of 714North St. in Oil City, PA. She is a1975 graduate of VenangoChristian High School and will begraduating in Jun e' from the'Hurst with a B.A. in musiceducation. i>The recital is open to the publicwith a reception immediatelyfollowing. -

    Christine Heald

    written more home mortgagesthan any - other financial in -stitution in the area," she added."We've consistently been aleader in the financial com-munity by introducing many"first" services and interestrates that are in the best interestof our customers. We have grownto an association with six officesin convenient locationsthroughout the Erie area.""This is our first experiencewith Co-Op at M utual, and we ar every pleased with the program. Itgives us a chan ce to develop newpositions within the organizationwhile helping students expandtheir knowledge of the businessworld. We look forward to con-tinuing participation in theprogram , Shirley concluded.Craig MunchA Mercyhurst studen t ha sdiscovered that too muchsecurity in a job can cause lost

    Shirley A. Riberio


    Classes!will be held inthe Mathematics Lab onTuesdays and Thursdaysduring the spring i t e r m -one at 9:00 a.m. and oneat 10:00 a.m. Those whohave registered for Math100 A should sign for oneof these classes thisiweekin room 215 Main .

    LIBRARYEXTENDED HOURSFor Examination PeriodFriday, March 99 a.m.'to 10 p.m.Sat., March 10 . Noon to 10 p.m.Sun., March 11.2 p.m.- MidnightMon., March 129 a.m. - MidnightTues., March 1 3 . 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.Wed., March 14.. Limited access

    beginsTues.,March 20 .. Regular HoursResume


    New Happy Hour. 4 TDrafts: 2 fo r 1

    *MONDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHTS"The Whistle Stops!"

    opportunities in future Jobs.- Craig Munch, r a cooperativeeducation student, managed aMcDonald's Restaurant for thelast seven years and felt verycomfortable working at, thatposition.When Craig was asked toparticipate in a Co-Op coursewith Mutual Savings and Loan,he said "No" at first. He enjoyedthe regular paychecks and thesecurity a person has in knowinghis particular job well. He hadn'tplanned to stay with McDonald'sthe rest of his life and found itharder to leave each year."When I looked at my resume Irealized that I needed to knowsomething else besides han -burgs," Craig remarked. Co-OpDirector Tom Thompson helpedhim draw up a resume and gavehim advice on how to conducthimself in an interview. ^ iMutual's Assistant VicePresident Shirley Riberio gaveCraig the chance to complete amanagement trainee progran .Normally, Mutual's progranruns about six months, but it wasreduced to ten, weeks so that a'Hurst student could participatein the program. Craig gets paidfor his time and is being con-sidered for a managementposition after graduation.Craig has been working atMutual for six weeks and hascompleted? programs in ap-praisal, accounting, mortgagesand credit departments.

    Compliments of the WritingCenter StaffDo you need a break during orafter your finals - or something todo in Erie over spring break?Here are some activities:Live on stage at the WarnerTheatre is "Grease" - playingTuesday, March 20 at 8 p.m. Forinformation phone 452-4857.Performing at the Erie CountyFie Id house on Wednesday,March 14 ah 7:30 p.m. will be"Angel" and "Sad Cafe."Do you know that there's ahome inside the MiUcreek Mall?

    Expo '79, a home show, is beingsponsored by the Home BuildersAssociation from now throughSunday, March 11.At the Millcreek Mall Cinemas,"Superman", "Fast Break", and"Hardcore" are showing. At thePlaza Theatre, W. 8th at Pitt-sburgh, "Every Which Way ButLoose" is playing. At the CinemaWorld Theatres, 15th and Pitt-sburgh, "Same Time NextYear", "Wilderness Family,Part II", "The Brink's Job", and"The Warriors" are showing.




    See Ann M . Fry, 323 Baldwin for full details.DEADUN E: March 30

    Contest open to ENTIRE community.





    P.O. BOX 738, ,ERIE, PA. 16512

    Tanks, Hoods, Stands, Filters,Food, Ornaments, firavol,'Heaters,Cages, Eto.ECONOMY SPECIAL


    Boforo OrAfter Class

    CUT OUT COUPON3N \ > * W?5\v.

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, March 9, 1979



    Lady Lakers 8-9 For Seasonby ChrIn Tomcf.ukThe Lady Lakers finished the1979 campaign on a tour note.The team lost to JamestownCommunity College 52-51 thencompleted the season with a lossto Geneva 59-53. ^The Hurst had to battle notonly the Jamestown crew butalsothe referees on the New Yorkcourt. fMercyhurst went to thefoul line a mere three times -|none in the second half - whileJamestown camped at the line 19times. Fortunately, the op-ponents missed 15 of the frccbies.

    The Laker offense didn't seento get tint racked as the first twopoints by Mary Mahon came witheight minutes elapsed on* the

    clock. At halftime, Jamestownled 33-21. IThe second half of the contestbelonged to the Lakers. The teamoutocored Jamestown 30 19 butfailed to earn the victory.Lindy McCartney led theHurst with 12 points. TinaTomczak added ten. DebbieChilcott and Diane Mastersoneach hit for eight, while MaryAnn King tallied seven.The Lakers' final season markends 8-9and a respectable 4-3 fn

    the Keystone Conference stan-dings. The young 'Hurst teamloses two seniors - guard Kingand forward Masterson.

    Lady Laker Stats Statistics are compiled from allthe Laker contests. ijf The team averaged 58.7 pointsper game while giving up 55.8. Inthe first twenty minutes, theLakers averaged 28 9, theiropponents 29.9 Mercy hurstoufscored the opposition 29.8points compared to 25.9 in secondhalf action. yOn the free throw line, theLakers averaged 6.4 points madeper game, while the opponentscashed in on 5*0. *Individually. Chilcott led theteam with a 16.3 average,followed by McCartney at 12,5.Kings average d 8.7 points,Tomczak 8.4 and Masterson 6.1.

    Netters Fourth In Ohio Tourney


    by w.D. "Bud" PrizeMercyhurst's tennis teamreturned from the YoungstownTournament last Sunday withmixed feelings and high hopes.The Lakers finished a respec-table fourth out of the eight teamsm the event. Ohio I'diversity andYoungstown State tied for firstTemple ended third.Although they played well, itwas little consolation for some ofthe team members who sufferedtough losses and then recalledwhitewashing Youngstown 9-0 ina dual match last fallOn the bright $ side, AndyFlndlay swung into top form bycapturing the Flite 5 singlescrown. The gritty Englishn anfought through three straight 3-set matches to earn the title -defeatIng Ohio U'sPeter Scarff 6-3, 3-6 and 6-4.On the other side off the coin,Steve Spies and Dave]played a fine matchdoubles before beingheartbreaking 4-6, 6-3, 7-6 loss inthe finals to Ohio U, But thatwasn't all the duo had to absorb.La Furl a fell in the semis of Flite4, 7-6 and 7-5 after holding setpoint in both sets againstYoungstown's Rob Adsit.Spies, playing Flite 8, beganslow but rallied strongly beforelosing to Bowling Green's SteveCorey 6-3, 3-0, 7-6 In the first

    La Fur i aat thirddealt a

    round. *Tom Chybrzynski also sufferedthe short end of a close encounter'- dropping a 6-7, 6-3, 7-5 decisionto Ohio U's third man, MikeRledmayer,Phil Dubsky had the unen-viable task of drawing Cin-cinnati's Bob Kronauge in theopening round/ Kronauge, theeventual Flite 1 winner, wasamong the final sixteen at theNCAA national tournament lastSpring. *J a Dubsky came ou t- both barrelssmoking - but it wasn't enough asKronauge's superior playprevailed 6-3, 6-3.In other matches, HaviriderSabherwal was beaten by TonyTollna of Ohio U. 6-3, 6-3 in thefirst round of Flite 2. Dubsky andChybrzynski were eliminated inihe semi-finals of Filter! doublesby4Temple's top team, 6-4. 6-4.Flndlay and Sabherwal foundtough going with the seconddoubles earn of Ohio U., falling 5-7, 6-3, 6-3 In the first round.Coach Dennis Ranalli wa sgenerally pleased with the tean'sinitial outing. "It was good to seeeverybody fired up and ready towin. Some of us may have been alittle bit too anxious, but that'sthe least of my worries. We'reahead of last year's schedule nowand with more match play we'llbegin to win those close ones."

    CommentaryThe Lakers look strongthroughout the lineup. Theyshould be the odds-on favorites tobook their annual reservations toKansas City this spring.Surprisingly, it was not thetennis, but the team's attitudewhich Impressed me the most. Ofeight teams competing, the'Hurst was the only "team."Other team s' players played pingpong or engaged In variousoutside activities while theircomrades were fighting. TheLakers, though, showed 100 percent attendance for every match,!giving their mates top moral andvocal encouragement,It was also nice to see a fewMercyhurst fans make their wayto the event to add support. W ithnew courts finished, (he Nettersare looking forward to playingtheir first home match ever, thisspring. AAssorted CommentsDubsky: "I knew my name w ascoming when that guy said,'Kronauge v s . . . ' "Sabherwal: "Let's ea tChlneeese!"I LaFuria: "Set point in bothsets. Augghl"

    Flndlay: "A Jolly good show IGet me a beer.'Coach Kanalli: "I nevermoved, but I feel like I justplayed nine matches I"

    Laker Candids

    Three's Company - Jim McElrath (44) gets a shot off in the St. Vin-cent game While opponent Anthony F razier (41) looks as if he's goingto assist. The Lakers won the contest in overtime 7572. Also pictured isGreg Powell (52). {: photo by Terry Kelly

    Just Like 'Downtown' - Danny Brown prepares to take a shot in thecontest again st Wheeling College. The Lakerswent on to win the game77-75 and Brown was high scorer along with Bob "Iceman" Blackwell.photo by Terry Kelly


    JH T S "Hands Up - Greg Powell (52) is careful not to record a foulwhileBehrend's Gary Spencer takes a shot. The Cubs defeated the Lakers71-66. Also pictured is Bob Blackwell (30). 'r * photo by Terry Kelly

