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The Merciad, May 11, 1984

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  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 11, 1984


  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 11, 1984


    Fa re we 11Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth.Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wan ted wear;Though as for that, the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.

    LetterI shall be telling this with a sigh JSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-1 took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.Robert Frost

    Child Care CenterDeserves CreditFour * years ago I made a choice and took the path andchallenge by coming to Mercyhurst College. I feel it was awise decision. VMany students are experiencing fear and anxiety about thefuture. Now , with 120 credits under my belt I know that I willbe prepared to face the world. My liberal arts education, in-ternships and extracurricular activities are all contributing towhat I term a quality degree in the field of Communications.But, there is still a strong attachment I feel to the college thatmakes graduating both happy and sad. Most of us have madethe best friends and have beautiful memories to cherish.After 28 issues and 232 pages, the time has come to closethe term of the current,editorship. "While there is relief inknowing I have free time now on Tuesdays and Wednesdays,there is also a degree of m elancholy that makes letting go a lit-tle painful.For those associates with The Merciad this has been a yearof great pride. We put in long hours and much effort to makesure that the students had an eight page weekly.Thanks to the quality of the staff members work as well ascommunity contributions, The Merciad has become yournewspaper and outlet. I couldn't have done it without thestaff and community support.Thanks to.the Mercyhurst faculty and admmistration isalso appropriate. You were all willing to ope n your doors for^interviews, provide story tips, and supported The Merciad'sright to freedom of the press and freedom from censorship.You trusted us, and we remained a new sworthy, truthful anda respected publication.It's time to continue walking down the path. I hope to en-counter experiences in the future as wonderful as I have atMercyhurst College - for that will make all the difference.

    Dear Editor,Being able to experience thebest of both -worlds, family andcareer, is perhaps one of the mostwonderful opportunities withwhich a modern woman is bless-ed. But she can be twice fortunateby being a Mercyhurst i Collegecommunity member. The veryreason: is the Child Care Centerlocated in McAuley Hall.Any parent" would agree .thatfamily has priority over her owncareer or education. So, it mattersgreatly where a child or childrenare cared for -while a womanw ^^ ^^In my case, it was a question ofpeace of mind. My accepting a jobas an instructor came after havinginvestigated; the availability, andthe quality of child care a centeroffered. I had no other availablemeans to leave my child while Iworked if I had taken other joboffers. I was greatly relieved aswell as impressed to find out that

    someone way atop in the ad-ministration had been sensitivemJ;m1m]m aaiac

    enough to meet the needs of itsemployees and students by pro-viding such an important serviceright here on our own campus!How convenient, how thoughtfuland how encouraging for thosewho want to continue discoveringthemselves through work andeducation! The very existence ofsuch a child care center reflectsthe positive attitude of the wholecollege.Today, I cannot help myselfbragging to my friends and ac-quaintances working in other in-stitutions and companies aboutour Mercyhurst Administration'sthoughtfulness which continues tomeet people's realistic needs.Thanks to the Child CareCenter, my child has enjoyed hisnew experience with his teachersand other children. I have neverfelt more secure knowing that heis in good hands who in turn,deserve good hands from all of usparents.

    Yours truly,Keiko T. MillerMiWiMTHE MERCIAD welcomes the expressionsof its readers in*44Your Opinion ." All lettersmust be signed and should contain ian ad-dress or telephone "number to be used forverification purposes only. Contributionswill be edited for grammatical on spellingerrors. Letters must be submitted by noonon Tuesdays preceding publication. >

    CrewTeamCommeDear Editor,We, the members of Crew Team would like you for the May 4 articteam's victory in the PCup Regatta. But thereblem, the headline readand Women's Crew," warticle had nothing women's races.Now it is true that thdidn't come home witlike the men's team but up against teams from NCoast Guard whose womloosely), were built likeships that they will somand. They held thagainst the other teamsed, gaining needed pointhe championship. Thewould like you to print teveryone knows that tdent's Cup belongs to tteam and not just paThank you .The M en's Crew Tea


  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 11, 1984


    Wasting Time?by Steve C a r d o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^After being a part of this in-stitution for four years now, Ihave seen what has been referredto as student apathy and I haveread several items on these verypages concerning the same sub-ject. Writing about apathy is likethe preacher lecturing:, his co n-gregation about the evils of not at-tending church. The preacher isonly getting his message to thosewho attend service. The writerwho addresses apathy will onlyreach those who care enough toread past the beer ads, foodcoupons, or happy ads.Nevertheless, I feel motivatedto address the subject?because ofwhat took place at the collegeSenate meeting of Tuesday, May8. At that meeting, severalstudents took a great deal o f timeto m ake their feelings known co n-cerning a proposed change in theappeal process for dorm write-ups. In this writer's opinion, thechange was a very minor one,trimming the time for appeal fromone week to 72 hours. Eventhough I feel it was a minorchange, several students did not.The fact that such a strong opi-nion was expressed is positive,and I was very glad to see thathappen. .? iI The problem is that such an ef-fort was wasted on an issue that isnot that important. The change inthe appeal process came aboutthrough the Campus Life Com-

    mittee as part of its review of theJudicial Board.This review was called for whenthe board was. first formed. TheCampus Life Committee spentmany, meetings addressing thisissue, and it was very obviousfrom Tuesday's meeting that theywill continue to do so in the fall.In fa c t , t h e y c o mmi t t e dthemselves to a full-scale reviewof everything including the ap-peal procedure by the end of fallterm.My message here is that thestudents who spent ovei one-and-one-half hours at the Senatemeeting were really spinning their[wheels and not getting anywhere.The student body here afc Mer-cyhurst has a tremendous powerat their fingertips that is not used.The few times I see an expressionof power it is a weak one and ismost often directed^ for a veryshort time on an issue that is noteven worth that time. _tTo-those of you who wercarthemeeting, and those of.you whocare about things that affect youas a student, I say great! Stay in-volved, motivate others, and letyour |presence be known. But,don't come out of the woodworktwice a year to stir up dust for afew minutes. Get involved at thestage where you will have the mosteffect. Get involved at the stagewhere policyjis* shaped and for-mulated from scratch. Get involv-ed with the committees. If you

    Steve Curioreally care about something, itwill be worth much more of yourtime if you are a part of the pro-cess while policy is being for-mulated. You \don't accomplishnearly as much if you react afterthe process is completed.If) you remember one thingfrom this column, remember this:effective changes comes about notby opening your mouth once thenbeing quiet. Effective change willcome about only through a sincereand consistent devotion to the en-tire process. What happened atthe Senate meeting was *;notwrong: it was right. But i t couldof been so much more effective ifstudent input came often, and if ithappened at th e level where policyis created, ilf you care (and*youshould, because you are payingvery*good money to spend yourtime here), get involved from thebeginning and keep your commit-ment strong until the end.Remember this September^wJien'student'and college committeesare formed. . ^Jl

    MERCIAD P OSIT IONSAVAILABLE_j are seeking reporters, typistsphotographers for next year. Don't wait until thefall to join the staff, get into the spring of things

    now! If you are interested in being a staff membecontact Fran at 825-04 44 today.m$SSHS ttw SKvmm :o>mm m

    %_ Mm$m Hwsaa 4W9w W&wa x*:


    * # : SKm '%&w *f+*ffl m


  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 11, 1984


    Activities 1984 Joke Contest WinnersRoommates Abandon Kathy:Family Laughs Themselves Bal

    Kathleen McNamee doesn't understand why she got the badend of the shaving cream deal.

    " / know we're slip sliden away," said Elena DeSanto to LoriCaldwell. -L % i ;*

    EDITOR'S NOTE: The followingstories were the award winning en-tries in the 1984 Practical JokeContest. The stories have beencondensed for publication. Thefirst prize award was $15 and acertificate; second prize $10 and acertificate. Incidentally, thesewere the only jokes entered Intothe contest. More prize moneywas available, and unfortunatelythe community didn't take the in-itiative to turn in a practical Joke.The extra $5 prize money has beendonated to the Cancer fund byCampus Ministry, sponsors of theevent.By Michelle Bagby and JothanyWilliams, First PlaceWhile Jottie and I were sittingin my room trying to think ofsomething to occupy our time, thejoke came to us. We had comeback from Christmas break andKathy Kohnke was late comingback. So, we" decided to dosomething to Kathy that wouldget her hyper and irrational./We proceeded to take all herclothes out of her drawers andcloset and packed them in boxes.We took all her posters, pictures,and books and packed them inboxes and crates. We took herbedding off and folded herblankets.The next step was to figure outwhat to tell Kathy. This was thehardest to do, remembering it hadto be effective and convincing.We decided to put the blame onthe Housing Director, PhyllisAiello. We finally got; the storystraight and knew exactly what wewere going to tell Kathy. We got

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    tired of waiting for her and decid-ed to go out to dinner. When wereturned she had been to theapartment and had fled to anotherpart of the campus. We waited forher to return to the apartment andshe looked at us in bewilderment,and then kindly asked us why allher staff was packed. We told herthat Phyllis had contacted SheilaDelaney and said due to ex-tenuating circumstances, Kathywas unable to return to school.Phyllis told Sheila she hadanother roommate for us. Kathywas very upset with us and askedwhy we didn't stand up for herrights. We told Kathy we did putup a slight fuss. Anyway, Kathyranted and raved some more, thencalled her parents. "Call thelawyers, they're kicking me out ofmy apartment," Kathy said. Atfirst her parents were concerned,but figured we had something todo with it from past experiences.Kathy was going to call Phyllis,but then decided to call Dr.Garvey around 10 p.m. By this,time we had made up a name forthis anonymous girl. Kathy pickedup the phone to call Dr. Garvey,and all of us were laughing sohard we couldn't'take it and toldher the-truth.By Rebecca Martin Porter, Se-cond PlaceMy younger brother Andy is anine-time All-American swimm-ing champion. During /the stateand national competitions for

    division II swimming, taken great pride in his awin without having to shhead like many of the othpetitors. T hat is until this final year of collegiate ction. Even though he swwouldn't do it once he gotionals in New York Cithe won and the glory wabut coming home bald wamore than his ego was prehandle (especially with twhaving the tease treat lifetimes!)THE JOKEWe all gathered at myhouse for dinner ... the enmediate family and inclubrother's fiancee, my acousin from Pittsburgh ansay Jones Porter, my son. ed Andy to unpack grocerthe car, which he did mcause no one was helpinghe was out, we each put ofake, bright pink, made inplastic bald "wig." Emonth old LJ P joined*tseven of us around thetab le to wai t fo r entrance! \At first, he pretendednotice at all, but as we cowith our activities like was amiss, he finally brokand broke up! Needless toall enjoyed our very suform of family entertNot one of us will ever folook on his face to seefamily!

    The last film for discussion, Obscure Object of Desire, wiheld Wednesday. May 16 at 7:30 P.M. In the Zurn Recital

    PLANT SALEI Mercyhurst GreenhouseSouth Side of Zurn

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    Greenhouse hours: May 11 -JunMon.-Fri. 10-12Fri. Evening 4-7Sat.'9-1Sales benefitMercy Center on Aging Sr. Cente


  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 11, 1984


    1984-85 SAC Officers (from left to right) Matthew Robaszkiewicz, Chris Alessi,Moniewski, Karen Komisarski an d Dave Armstrong. * Jean

    SAC Selects Officers For The 1984-85 Year"These are a great group ofstudents who are really en-thusiastic and hard working,'*Jean Moniewski, SAC'chairper-son said about the newly selected

    officers for the 1984-85 academicyear. |Selected to serve as officers are :D a v e A r m s t r o n g , v i c e *c h a i r p e r so n ; Ch r i s A le ss i ,treasurer; Karen Komisarski,s e c r e t a r y a nd ' M a t t h e wRobaszkiewicz; public relationsdirector.These: candidates first had tosubmit a letter of intent for theposition they sought. Secondly,they were interviewed by a selec-tion board which explored each ofthe applicant's qualifications. Theinterview board consisted of JeanMoniewski, SAC chairperson;Maree-Lynn Cicon, director ofStudent Activities; John Jones,outgoing SAC chairperson, andnewly elected MSG president, PatSonger."Because of lack of interest,"

    MSGChairpersonsNamedAt the second meetings of theMSG Senate on Sunday, May 6,SAC announced its new officers(see related story on page 5.)In n e w b u s in e ss , Br i a nDougherty and Matt Whelan werechosen as co-chairpersons for theSpecial Projects Committee.Th e original lab proposal wasamended. It now reads that the

    geology, art and human ecologylabs will be open until midnight.This proposal was sent to theSenate for final approval.Sue Bennett explained the cur-rent status of the Judicial Board.It was under review in the Senateduring the month of April. Butaccording to Barry McAndrew,President of the Senate, nothinghas been done since. The Senatereceived word that the CampusLife Committee will be reviewingthe Board soon. Bennett notedthat the Judicial Board was pro-posed and developed in MSG andthat MSG should be part of thisreview.

    according to Moniewski, all fourpeople who submitted letters ofintent received a positionDave Armstrong decided tobecome involved with Mercyhurstby seeking the position of vice-chairperson. The sophomore,political science major said, "Ifeel I can do a lot of things forSAC which included having moreactivities for a majority of thestudents and having more ac-tivities surrounding the sportingevents of the schoo l."Chris Alessi, a freshman inbusiness administration feltprivileged to get the position oftreasurer and hopes to see morestudents involved with activities inthe future at Mercyhurst.Working with SAC is not newfor freshman biology majorKaren Komisarski, because shehas been a member of SAC sincethe beginning of the academic)year. She first heard about SACduring summer freshman orienta-tion and felt it was a good way to

    get involved in the college.One of her many duties assecretary includes publishing theweekly SAC newsletter and keep-ling the minutes of all SACmeetings.M a t t R o b a s z k i e w i c z , afreshman dance*} major com-mented, "I'm real excited aboutgetting this position because Iwanted to get more involved withthe campus activities." Being acommuter, Matt sometimes feelsleft out as he explained othe r com-muters do. He hopes to changethis outlook for the better. *'Maree-Lynn Cicon, director ofStudent Activities said, *'There isa uniqueness about everyonebecause tKey all seem to have dif-ferent strengths but enough tobalance out "in the end. Eveyoneon the board seems to have adiversified association with theother students at the 'Hurst. Someof the new activities will include:t h e m e d a n c e s , a biggerHomecoming bash and more.

    TONY SABELLA'S1Genuine Pizza andDelicatessen30 18 State Street )

    t 4 5 5 - 6 1 1 9\Jo*$* ******* Junior Laura Ruby has beenappointed as the 1984-1985Feature Editor of The Merciad.Ruby was selected by FranMo avero , 1984-85 edito r.Moavero commented, "Throughher dedication as film critic, Ibelieve she has the potential tofulfill this position."Besides having a commitmentto The M erciad, R uby is a 1983-84cheerleader and has been selectedcheerleading captain for nextyear. As a communications ma-jor, she is an active member of theWMCY Campus Radio Station aswell.Ruby explained her excitement,enthusiasm and various ideas fornext year's newspaper. "I am go-ing to keep the film reviews andadd a few new sections." There isalso the possibility of having

    another critic comment on thesame film as Ruby."If the budget allows, I couldfill two feature pages." Thiswould not include film reviews,but stories that concentrate onM e r c y h u r s t s t u d e n t s 'achievements. "I'd like to add a theatre sec-tion which revolves around theMercyhurst community and theErie Playhouse." O ther new addi-tions would focus on prominent

    Laura Rubypeople in the entertainmworld, for example, stars of silver screen, musical artists agroups will be included in TMerciad.Ruby also plans to display aof nostalgia in her articles. Thprovide an insight on the actoclassic movies, and the big basounds of yesteryear. JamCagney, Humphrey Boga"Casablanca," and Glenn Milare just some of the favorites tRuby will pay tribute to weekl"With Laura Ruby's innovatideas and dedication, the featsection should prove to be a scess. In any case, page four walways be devoted to the stars films of yesterday, today tomorrow," Moavero conclud


    UJ brazier

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 11, 1984



    *Mike Kriley, Jean Moniewski, Christie Smith and Pat Callahan.New Student SenatorsAttend Last MeetingIt may have been the last Senatemeeting on Tuesday but for Ave

    students iftpvas their first time towitness the meeting and pro-cedures of this governing body.Tom Bonello, Pat Callahan,Dean Hall, Mike Kriley andChristie Smith' were* recentlyelected as student representativesof the College Senate. VEach student was nominatedfrom amongst their peers. Whileeach ii*fra4rSrJnie experience inMSG, one did not have to be anMSG rep in order to seek election.Junior,Mike Kriley, who willserve a, one year term, was in-terested in running for the Senatebecause he was denied a seat in thegovernment as an MSG rep due tothe recent abolishment of clubsand o rgan iza t ions . K r i l eyunderstood h e could not representthe Egan Scholars, however, hewanted to stay active in the col-lege's government system.The English major forsees hissenate seat as one studentrepresenting other students. "Ibelieve I serve as a link to MS G,''

    he added.In looking towards some ofKriley's goals, he feels better rela-tions should be established tomaintain a working rapportamong the faculty and students.Sophomore Dean Hall bringsprior Senate experience to hisnewly acquired seat. During thefirst two terms of this year, Hallserved as an alternate to MariaSantagello. ,^ * (fall's, ^government. experiencealso extends}into MSG when hefulfilled the duties of Residentrepresentative during 1982-1983.Hall, who will serve a two yearterm, also believes} his respon-sibilities include "acting as aliason to MSG." He views thefunction of the Senate as a policyadvising committee." Hall doesfeel somewhat advantaged as arep of the college Senate. "I knowwhat's going on in both governingbodies, MSG and the Sena te.",Criminal Justice major PatrickCallahan has also been selected toserve as student representative ofthe Senate.

    . Callahan will be doing doubleduties next year. Not only will heserve in the Senate but will alsohold the office of Student Ac-tivities Com mittee secretary.Like Kriley, Callahan believesMercyhurst students should bebetter Anformed of the Senatedecisions and proposals.To make the community moreaware of Senate happenings,Callahan has proposed to write aSenate meeting update in fcTheMerciad every month. IAlong with maintaining publicrelat ions in The Merciad,Callahan will also '.inform* theMSGtfrepresentatives through theMSG newsletter-publication.

    IBATESBeer Distributor921 West 21 st StreetErie, PA 16502

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  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 11, 1984


    May 11,1984 Pag

    Jeanne: We're really over it now!It's'been great. Don't forget -N.Y. , - D . C . , a n d somedayEurope! I love ya! KarenMom and D ad, only 17 days left!?]This is my last issue - enjoy. Lo ve,CarlaHi, MOM Hi , DAD! GeneMercyhurst Community: Teddysays good-bye to all his collegefriendf - he will miss all hisadopted aunts & uncles verymuch.HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAOMI!HAVE A GREAT ONE. WEALL LOVE YOU! TH E MER-CIAD STAFFKaren - you are the greatest NewsEditor ever and a great friend. Wehave had some wonderful timeslathis year, I wish you the best.Love, Carla.Good luck, Marie! Thanks for allyour help this year. Come backand see us. Love, The Folk Groupand the Capo Kids



    38th and Pine Ave.P r e s e n t sMonday: Wing NightTuesday: Pony Night 3 for 1Wednesday: Pizza and 25' Drafts

    HAPPY HOURMo n d a y 4to7

    C ' wing 2nd floor: You'll be Martha, Fran, and Greg - Have R I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g ^ ^ _eating your words while we're fun next year! An d M., stay out I f c ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^eating your food! " A " wing 2nd of trouble! It's been the best threeflr years. Don't forget me ! Love, I %T KRMCarla and Darlene - Good job! .: ' ' Attent ion SeniorsIt's been a great year-thanks for '"IT ;": 7 " il AH ~ - n - w-i - . . u-.everything! Take care and keep in F ' * IS t 0 l a t e t0 c h a n g c m y All outstanding balances must betouch! Love Karen mind?? Naomi paid prior to graduation. Please' check with the Business Officeevidence of killer cotton balls, Cashed - How about a beer? " * % > , 2 \ c ~- ~,u~ . v J n> nr No diploma will be issued to anysoggy or otherwise, flushed. W.W. . . *1 ... _ mtA . ,w w student with an unpaid balance.JasonVsorry'i m ^' up Vo ur 'b ^ * " T 1* y e " w ^ , b y ! ""; O K I I thday HOPE IT WAS GREAT! * curc s and W c d n e s d a y m" C h a l l e n g eHow are tha trout biting? ? w a y s "*. G o o d 'uck in y o " Coach D eMeofuture writing endeeavors land ~ .. . . . * # * - . . . . ^n ..-, Ti.r M . ^ I . J w- * On W ednesday, May 16, betweenCongratulations, Miss Burke! I'm m j ^ * e n J h ' ? ^ t j E r K " * < > and 12:30, in Campusproud of you, Becky. I'll miss J E SEn r c m e m b e r Ministry, Coach Tony DeMeo wiUyou! Love you, Gena Iore cr* r r a n challenge anyone of the Mer-i g cyhurst Community in a friendlyCarla - It's been so much for. We Naomi will be sorely missed next competition, which will determinemust have lunch sometime. I hope year by the M-Team. Good Luck, whether the hand is quicker thanyou'll find someone else's affec- ed! the eye. The game is called,tion to ..replace mine. Signed, "Three Card Molly" and isDesperate & D ateless W o n d i i ^ ' " i ^ " " * act iv it e! strai*ht f ro m the s tree ts o f Nc wMmmmm! Next year's gonna be a YorkC ity. If Coach DeMeo loses,Anyone interested in taking Ger- re al Thelma Thumb! GM * y u w i n 1 cents ; lf he w m s t h eman beginning German courses in Cancer Research Fund wins 10the 84-85 school year please con- ':""': :::'"' cents. Please come out and sup-tact Mike Kriley at 825-0853. D ad M o m ' W e n d a n d Ja s port the Mercyhurst Cancerthanks for a good year! Wen- Research. Moreover, it is not"'. ; ; *;.: Jdolyn: FINALLY! - Congrats! every day t hat you have a chanceElaine: 2 more weeks and they Love you all! Gena * to beat the Coach!Imoney is mine, MINE MINE !!!! -fe ^ 1Naomi *Heffers - Good Luck at the Dadv *tl""mMk' Veils! i I f 1I'll m iss you, Marie! Thanks for agreat year. Love you, Gena P. S F l e a m a r k e t(OK?) \ Dar the Car - We'll miss your in^l un Jii u~ v* ' . . .A *v T J ... Egan Hall will be sponsoring ahumor and wit, But there will ~ ,!, ^ c..^ r.. w I aiwavc be a "soace to fit The flea l 5" r k e t 0 n S u n d a y ' Ma * 20 Carla - Your year has come to an aiways oe a space to iit. ine at I:QO p.m. Anyone who hasend, and now this farewell I send, P t w 0 y e a r s h a v e been fun - things to sell can bring them to theFrom page one to page eight, the " a n Egan Sun Deck at this time. If theentire year has been grea t. weather doesn't cooperate, it willSPACE TO FIT! Fran Chuck: Have you heard about the he held in the Egan Lounge. Hopelonesome loser? to see you there!!GM Mrnmmmmmm - i powersACTIVATE W2 ! \ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    Senior AnnouncementsSeniors are reminded that capsand gowns have arrived. These,along with announcements, canbe picked up at the Bookstoreduring store hours'. '

    For Zen LoversElectronic music with realspiritual meaning ... Composi-tions that reveal the true nature ofsound ... The experience can beyours ... This Sunday night at12:30 a . m . , John Cage's"Indeterminacy'' will be aired onWMCY 880 AM. Although Cageis a classically trained musician,his pioneer avant-garde work hasinfluenced the likes of Brian Enoand Todd Rundgren. Listen toCage and find out how the Bud-dha died a natural death. j

    Art ExhibitionA Senior thesis exhibition ofselected 'works by Nancy Kiss-inger, Patty Schuschu, and HollyWilcher will be on display at theMercyhurst* College "Library,Cummings Gallery from Ma y 13until May 24. An opening recep-tion will be held on Sunday, May13, from 3 to 5 p.m. The public iscordially invited.

    Summer OrientationThe Summer Orientation dateshave been set. They are July 13-15and August 9-11. Any student in-terested in helping out at orienta-tion please contact one of theMSG officers or reps.

    Co-op MeetingsThere will be a mandatory Cmeeting for those students ined in co-ops during the Sterm. This meeting will be heWednesday, May 16 at 7:30in the Heritage Room. Onsame day, at 6:30 in the HerRoom, there will be a Co-oformation Session held.

    Holiday ObservancThe Personnel Offices wouldto remind the Mercyhurst Cmunity^ that the College observe Memorial Day on Mday, May 28,1984. All officesbe closed in observance ofholiday. f

    Staff BanquetThe Merciad Staff Banquet wheld on May 18 at 6:30 pThose who were invited and not yet RSVP'd should do smediately. ,Transportationavailable.

    Voice CompetitioThe eighth annual D'AYoung Artist Competitiontinues through this weekendsemi-finals w ill be held on FMay 11 from 7 until 9 p.m.Mark's. The finals will be heSaturday, May 12 in Zurn RHall at 7:30. Reservationstickets are required. Call ex tfor more information.

    Friday, May 11Film Festival- 3 Stooges shorts- Mr. Magoo cartoons- "Abb ott and Cost el lo meetDr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde "- Original Dracula Film7-11 p.m. in the Video RoomFREE A dmissionSaturday, May 12Cedar Point Trip(Check Cafe Friday at dinner forticket availability)Bus leaves at 8:00 a.m. from BaldwinSunday, May 13 .-.Band "Europa" in the G rottoFREE Admission

    Movie, "Road Warrior"7&9 in the Video Room50* AdmissionTHE MERCIAD

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 11, 1984


    SoftballLady Lakers Even Slateby Greg YokoDespite the poor playing condi-tions and lack of practice time,the Mercyhurst Women's Softball

    team has been in action over thepast week and was able to capturesome very important victories.Nine first inning runs by theBehrend Cubs, courtesy .arttc^)a|e i H iNational Coilegiateliiirnameiithd*;lfi Cle ve la li>%%vmmmmmmmmm

    3 Hurst Inks Three Hoop RecruitsMercyhurst Head basketballcoach Bill Kalbaugh and assistantBob MacKinnon have concluded

    their recruiting for the upcomingroundball season with threeconfirmations.Signing letters of intent to at-tend the "College on the Hill" areBret Busch, Nate Harris, and TimWinbush.Bush hails from Toms RiverEast High School in New Jerseyand brings with him an excellentbasketball reputation. The 6'7forward was an All-County selec-tion in both his junior and senioryear. He also received third teamAll-Shore honors and was namedto the Buc C l a ss i c All-Tournament team (Red Bank,NJ).Kalbaugh calls Busch a"tremendous" i shooter i with arange of 20 feet. His stats from hisfinal scholastic season verify thisclaim.Last year, Busch averaged 21points and 11 rebounds per con-test while connecting on 90 per-cent (90-100) from the charitystripe.Jack Brace, Busch's high schoolmentor, believes his graduatingsenior will be a welcomed editionto the Laker program. "As aplayer, Bret is one of the best out-side shooters I've seen in my 20years of coaching. Off the court,"added Brace, "his natural humorand personality will enable him toget along well with the team, I'm

    sure they'll like him." |Mercyhurst will also look for-ward to. watching the play of Buf-falonian, Nate Harris a 6'2 guardfrom Bishop Timon High School,also brings scoring ability to the'Hurst squad.As the leading scorer in theMonsignor Martin League, Harrisreceived numerous honors whilecompiling impressive statistics.He earned All-Catholic status andwas named the Most ValuablePlayer of the Manhattan CupTournament. vKnown for his excellent outsideshooting ability, Harris is an ag-gressive player under the boards.Besides connecting on over 50 per-cent from the field, he also grabb-ed 162 rebounds while handingout 72 assists."Nate is an excellent shooterwho is very, very physicallystrong," praises Kalbaugh. "Healso comes from a winning pro-gram. He'll be a shooting guardwith us ."His Bishop Timon basketballteam finished with a 22-7 slate.Another Laker recruit from asuccessful scholastic program isTim Winbush.A nadve of nearby Grove City,Winbush was a part of the1983-84 team which finished at22-8 and ended the year as aWestern Pennsylvania semi-finalist team.The lanky 6*7 forward is an"ideal team player" according to

    his high school coach, yLenClarke.-Winbush averaged ten re-bounds and scored 472 markers inhis last year at GC. A talentedshooter, he made over.56 percentof his shots from the floor."Tim is a very intense player,"explains Clarke. "He is dedicatedto winning and exemplifies a veryteam-oriented style of play. Offthe court, Tim is a leader and avery fine young man." JLaker mentor Bill Kalbaughsays that Winbush guides a teamvery well. "He runs the floor verywell. One thing we are going towork on, is his upper bodystrength."^ Kalbaugh and MacKinnon arevery pleased with the outlook forthe 1984-85 campaign."With the addition of thesethree young men along with EriePrep graduate Chuck Brower, wefeel we will have great depth andsuperior bench strength," ex-plains Kalbaugh.Brower, a 6*9 transfer -fromDivision I Siena College, will beeligible to play for the Lakers thisseason.Brower is marked for the centerspot in the 'Hurst roster and is ex-pected t o add a strong reboundinggame to the Laker's game plan.

    Of the three recruits, Busch ispenciled as a forward, Harris as ashooting guard, and Winbush willsee action at forward and center.THE MERCIAD

    Dad Vails N extCrew ContinuesToRow Past OpponentThe Mercyhurst Laker crewsrowed impressively this pastweekend at the Mid AmericaRegatta held on the MuskingumRiver at Marietta, Ohio. Out ofthe seven schools competing, Mer-cyhurst placed second overall, los-ing out only ' to perennialpowerhouse Marietta. WestVirginia, Michigan State, OhioSta te , . the University* ofCharleston, and the University ofTennessee all fell* victim to theMercyhurst juggernaut, iThe men's * lightweight fourgained a silver medal as they ledthe pack during the whole race,but fell behind at the last fewstrokes, losing to Marietta by?ascant'' 1 second margin. In thelightweight eight, the Lakers weresimply outpowered by the Mariet-ta crew, crossing the line twoboatlengths behind the Pioneers.The success story of the day wasthe Laker's Freshmen P8, whoavenged two * earlier- losses toMarietta by blowing them off thewater and earn the gold. This wasthe first time since 1970 when Pur-due won that event that Mariettadid not claim the "trophy. Thisplaces the Freshmen in* a goodposition to win a medal at the na-t i o na l s th i s w eekend atPhiladelphia. The freshmen alsoproved their mettle by winning a

    silver in the Frosh 4 event, Marietta won the 'gold bseconds.The Laker men's varsity 4ed very well against the cotion but were not able to clmedal as an Ohio State crewit, followed by the UniversCharleston for the Silver.In the women's events,Marietta and Mercyhurst sluit out for the medals throuthe day, with Marietta slippithe Lady'Lakers by the slimof Margins. In the JV ;8Lakers led air the way bunot able to'stave off a Masprint, losing to them byboat. In the Varsity '8Marietta trimmed to the Lby the same distance. The hbreaker of the days'for theLakers was in the Varsity 4where they missed w inning amedal by a .2 second.This weekend, the Lakergo against the best as they to *Philadelphia for the nachampionship Dad Vail ReOver two thousand compefrom 63 colleges and Univewill be rowing for the gold iis the largest regatta in the wThe men's lightweight 4Frosh 8, and the womlightweight 4 will represen'Hurst in this prestigious ev'_

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    MM am m mCREW RESULTSAll Four races were 1500 metersAll Eight races were 2000 meters

    MEN'S FROSH 41. Marietta , 4:112. Mercyhurst 4:223. WVU 4:284. Michigan St 4:315. Ohio St. 4:346. Tennessee Disq.MEN'S V 41. Ohio State 4:40.02. U. Charleston 4:42.03. Marietta 4.43.04. WVU V 5:05.25. Mercyhurst 5:05.8WOMEN'S JV 8Marietta f 6:24 NMercyhurst 6:26WOMEN'S VARSITY 81. Marietta 5:552. Mercyhurst 3:58

    MEN'S FROSH 81. Mercyhurst 5:07.82. Marietta 5:11.23. Tennessee 5:22.04. Mich. St. 5:30.0

    MEN'S LW 41. Marietta'A' 4:18.42. Mercyhurst 4:19.43. Marietta'B* 3:47.84. Ohio St.'A' 4:26.65. Ohio St.'B' 4:48.3

    MEN'S LW 81. Marietta2. Mercyhurst

    WOMEN'S V 41. Tennessee 3:40.72. Marietta 3:44.23. Mercyhurst 3:44.64. Marietta B* 3:47.0- Ohio State 3:48.0WVU 3:50.0OVERALLSTANDINGS1. Marietta -2. Mercyhurst3. Ohio State4. Michigan State -5. Univ. of Charleston6. Univ. of Tennessee7. West Virginia Univ.

    On May 1st our golf teamdefeated Grove City College bscore of 412 to 433.Our team was made up of:Kevin KayeTom BuckleyWm. NcsdoreTom WhalcnDavid HewettLarry Ugolecti

    Score 8184881 858181Total 412The highest score is not included intotal score.Our next match will be withWestminster on Friday. May 4

    Lift-A-ThonLast weekend members of theLaker football team successfullycompeted in the First AnnualMercyhurst Lift-A-Thon to raisemoney to improve the > weightfacilities at the 'Hurst.The gridders raised over $1600by using their bulk to show theirstrength. Dave Scarsella was thetop money earner with $312pledged. Mike Hanes and TimRuth added their sizable contribu-tions with $218 and $135,respectivley.As for the actual lifting*was

    concerned, George MorreScarsella took the honors.Morrell captured" thecompetition by squattingpounds. Scarsella proved toLaker strongman in botbench press and dead lift eScarsella\- benched 435 pwhile heaving 535 pounweight in the dead lift.After the competition, cyhurst can now boast thfootball players can bench300 pounds.
