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The Merciad, May 2, 1980

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  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 2, 1980


    Gallagher Talks, Discusses Merits Of I Asst. Dean's OfficeEd. Note: Mr. Edward Gallagheris assistant dean of the college.With *the change in ad-ministration forthcoming,serious consideration is beinggiven to the elimination of thisoffice. Ji n this Interview,Gallagher, who is also a facultymember, discusses the rationalefor |theg retention of this ad-ministrative office.

    Are you petitioning for yourown sake, to keep the officeyourself? j ^"Obviously I've enjoyed therole of being assistant dean aswell as Associate Professor ofEducation. If I had a choice, Iwould like to continue to fill thatposition, regardless of whether ornot I'm assistant dean-that isnot the important question."In my mind the question is,does Mercyhurst College need anassistant dean at this point in itsdevelopment. I personally feelthat it would be in the best in*terest of the college to continuethe position for at least anotheryear." | ^ He added that student senatorswould be" elected by|the MSGrepresentatives at-the May 12meeting. * *Continuing further, Seltzerstated that next year the studentsenators would be required toattend the government meetings.This year, attendance has notbeen mandatory for the senators."Student senators are the linkbetween student government andstudents," said Seltzer.I ^V i c e - P r e s i d e n t J o A n nAlexander announced the win-ners of the government Battle ofthe Sexes fund dr ive for MuscularDystrophy. The results were:Males $67.57 and Females $57.59.John Chrzanowski, en-vironmental studies rep, collected$42.10 of the male votes.The drive, which called foreach rep to collect votes for their

    " " O i l Hie CoverLoser Beams at the Hurst?No, just a car's heodlightsPhotographed byMerciod Editor Steve Frisinc

    favorite rep sex at 10 cents a vote,raiseda total of $119.16. Thisfigure was matched with fundsfrom The Merclad in acco rdancewith J Editor j* Steve Frisina'spledge. The final donation tallied$238.32. PCo-Chairpersons of ActivityDay, JoAnn Alexander and JohnChryzanowski * requested anadditional $750 for their $2500budget. I Alexander explained that theAct ivity * comm ittee* had spent$810 for Activity Day t-shirts,which will be given free to theBoard of Trustees and committeemembers, will be sold to thecommunity at less than cost.Alexander stressed that theoverall cost for the t-shirts haddepleted their budget con-siderably.^ "If it wasn't for the t-shirts wewouldn't have this problem," sh esaid. J Ig Both chairpersons stated thatany revenue collected from theActivity Day would be put back in

    the MSG budget. Alexander andChrzanowski expect to make atleast $1000.* &;In a contingency vote, thegoverment approved the ActivityDay committee $750, upon onexecutive comm ittee. decision ofaffordabilty. M &In new business, seniorbusiness management fmajorSteve Frisina announced plansto sponsor a ten kilometer race(6.2 mi.) to help pay for BettyWilson's hospital costs. --

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 2, 1980


    FW6F* TrtfBlMEfcClftff MAY .2, 1*00

    In Search Of A DeanWith D r. Millar announcing hisresignation as dean of Mer-cyhursl, the college has initiatedthe process to select hisreplacement. By advertising theopening in the CHRONICLE OFHIGHER EDUCATION, / theschool is inviting response on anational level. jHowever, the opinion here isthat it would be surprising to seethe new dean come fromanywhere other than from withinthe Erie city limits. President-elect Dr. Garvey has indicatedthat candidates from Gannon,Villa Maria, and Mercyhursthave already been mentioned aspossible replacements. Unlesssome wunderkind flies in flashingawesome credentials, it appearsunlikely that these candidateswill be denied.The local frame of referencebeing exhibited in this instancehas certain merits to it. Dr.Garvey perceives the office of thedean as being chiefly responsible

    for interpretation and im-plementation of academic policy.With this in mind, a person who isacquainted with Mercyhurst as aparticipant or local peer wouldappear to be the most expedientchoice. I 4 i^BI t ? should be noted, however,that this is just one opinion andthat familiarity does notnecessarily go hand in hand withefficiency.Hence, once again it is thestudents' responsibility to gathertogether and voice their opinionas to who they feel should occupythe office of the dean. It appear sas though such an event will becomplicated by the fact that theact ual selection will happen afterstudents have left for summerbreak. The student represen-tative should therefore make aneffort to bring as many studentstogether as possible this summerso that an accurate studentopinion is achieved.

    A Day Far CommunityIn a little less than two weeks,students will be taking a day offfrom class to let off some steamas the MSG presents them withthe second annual Activity Day.The day-long festival enjoyed asuccessful inaugural last year asstudents came together to showoff their legs, blow bubbles, anddunk administrators. It was fun.However, there was a messageconveyed by the day thatsuperseded any pleasure that"Was derived from it . Theimessage that came through loudand crystal clear that, yes, therewas something that would bringthe college community out enmasse. With exhibits rangingfrom a tennis match featuringDr. Shane to a Polish food standauthentically run by Bertha,head of housekeeping, there wasno doubt that Mercyhurst was acommunity. | & fNow from an organizationa1standpoint, the firs t Activity DayL was not a piece of unblemishedart. With activities overlappingand the manpower being stret-ched to an almost transparentthinness, the day was not as ef-ficiently run as fit could havebeen. Like the green frisbies thatwere guided by a breeze, Activity

    Day 79 was an event influencedby those who participated. Itsshape reflected the people, anddespite its imperfections, it wasbeautiful. - L I; WThis year the student govern-ment is doing their best to ironout last year's rough spots.Without any explicit motives ofone-upsmanship, the MSG istrying to give us the best timepossible. Considering the timeand effort that people like JoAnnAlexander and John Chrzanowskihave put into it already, and weshould all be grateful. Numerousbooths, activities, and a hot airballoon will be;, a partjof these

    festivities. Students will even beable to buy t-shirts with ActivityDay emblazoned on it. &Last year Activity Day staffwere given t-shirts that ActivityDay the art department designedin honor of the occasion. Withsomething having happened totheir original* design, the artmajors w ere forced to silkscreenone that did not reproduce quiteas well. The shirts were worn inspite. of their seemingly im-perfect nature. As the day drewto a close, students asked wherethey could get one.This year the MSG, wantingeverything to be of the bestquality, decided to buy theirdesigned t-shirts from theChampion athletic wear com-pany. These shirts cost the MSG afourth of the cost of Activity Day.They are going to sell them tostudents at a loss so thateveryone I can afford one. Abeautiful company-designed t-shirt that everyone can afford-sounds great, doesn't it?With the decision to go outsideof the art department for asimple commodity like t-shirts,the MSG has begun to erode thereal purpose of Activity Day- tobring the community together. Intheir search for quality, thehuman element has been for-saken only to be replaced by theprecision t-shirt. The company t-shirt is a sterile substitute. IAt this j point it is stillspeculative as to whether the artdepartment will silkscreen theirown t-shirt. In order for them todo it, they will need about $300.That is $500 less than was spentfor the student governmentshirts. In additon, one art studentsaid that she was pretty sure thatthe participants w ould be willingto donate a portion of their tak e tocharity. A small communitygiving to a larger community-

    IF ITS Q U I C K WeiGHT LOSS YOU WMfT, TRY N65CT DOOR. n* * *LetterSludentf Complains Of No Earth Day Coverage

    To the Editor, |While I will acknowledge that itwas a relatively small eventwhen compared to the crowd oncampus to hear Senator Ken-nedy, I was neverthelessdisappointed with the lack of anymention of Earth Day '80 atMercyhurst in ; the last issue(April 25th) of the Merciad. &It may be argued that theMercyhurst Celebration of EarthDay on April 19th would be "oldnews" for the following week'sissue, but then again, Kennedywas here only one day later.It may also be argued thatKennedy's appearance is ofnational importance- and howoften does national news reachErie, PA? I would remind youthat Earth Day '80 wa s

    celebrated across the countryand that the events at Mer-cyhurst contributed to the wholenational celebration.Finally, there is the matter ofimpact. The presidential electionis five months away and studentsneed to be made aware of theissues and the candidates. But itseemed that?no one other thanstaunch Kennedy supporters wasimpressed by the 40 minutesworth of Sunday's activities. Sowhat kind of impact did it allhave? S3 [ * 2Over 45 people helped clean uparound campus on Earth Day andover 40 attended the squaredance. And these numbersrepresent students faculty, ad-ministration members of thecrew team and tennis team.

    Campus Ministry staff, etc.The Merciad is a collegepublication and should bereporting the events that directlyeffect the students, faculty andadministration of Mercyhurst.(Why was the dean's resignationmentioned a week late on pagethree?) ZWhile it was a small event, Ibelieve that Earth Day '80 atMercyhurst was significant andthat it made an impact on thecommunity. I sincerely hope thatEarl h Day '81 is recognized andgiven its just due. At least therewon't be a national election toIcontend with. -,Sincerely,Sue Fuss Earth Day '80Organizer j ! ;

    Contributions ForBetty Wilsonare being acceptedat the MERCIADPlease Support This CauseThank you /jThe MERCIAD StaffMERCIAD Pol

    pretty noble.Hence, the concern here is thatthe real purpose of Activity Dayis being overlooked. Throughoutthe year the MSG has asked thestudent body for their input andcontributions in an effort to builda stronger and more unitedcollege community. This over-sight, no matter how trivialcontradicts such aspirations. Thehope here is that the SecondActivity Day brings the collegecommunity closer.Community does not hinge on at-shirt. Rather, its bonds are itspeople- imperfect as they are.

    Students Dislike Speeches,Would Prefer DebatesWhile over 500 students casttheir ballots in this year's studentgovernment -election, a largenumber have indicated that theydid so in spite of current MSGcampaign procedures. |.p A recent poll conducted by TheMerciad questioned 100 studentsabout their reaction to the MSGcafeteria speeches at which eachcandidate*expresses his-herviews. ?\Only 15 per cent of the studentspolled favored the cafeteriaforum as opposed to 48 per cent

    who opposed it. The majority ofthe opposition based their opinionon the "long" and "repetitious"nature of the speeches.An is even wider disparity ap-peared in the responses to thequestion, "Did you stay for all ofthe speeches?" Only 20 percent ofthose polled stayed for theduration of the forum. '*'.The solution to the speechdilemma, as a majority of! students concurred, came in theform of d ebates. Sixty-five out ofthe 100 students polled supportedthe idea. _ Letter

    Freshmen whohove not yetcompleted! theadvising formsfor next year,must do so.

    Student Thanks MSG jFor MDA Pledge Support

    SeerMiriam Mashauk213 Old Main I

    To the Editor: S LI would like to express myappreciation and thanks to allthose who participated fin theeffort to raise money forDystrophy. *It is gratifying to know thatthere are people who appreciatethe use of their arms, legs andmuscles. \I am a volunteer with MDA. Ihave seen and worked with thesepeople. I have seen their courageand determination they have.

    Thanks to all the money con-tributed, one day these peoplemight enjoy the simple pleasuresof taking a walk, feeding oneself,combing one's own hair, orsimply going to the bathroomwithout the help of anotherperson.I hope God will richly bless youfor your kind and generousworks. iThank you,Mary ManrossMDA RepresentativeMercyhurst College

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 2, 1980


    M A Y % 1980 f: * TH E MERCIAD PAGE 3Newf GuidelinesGovernm ent Reg ulations JMake Aid More Available \To Middle Income Families

    (CPS)- Fewei low-income andmore middle-income students areapplying for Basic EducationalOpportunity Grants (BEO G), andthe College Board, in a study,attributes the trend to govern-ment fraud campaigns thatinadvertantly eliminate eligiblestudents If rom Financial aidprograms. * LThe study found that only 31percent of the freshmen fromfamilies earning less than $15,000jper year have applied forfinancial aid, compared with 41per cent three years ago j"Those figures have moresigniflgance at low Incomecolleges public and two year,"explained Director of FinancialAid Barry Zembower. leCZembower explained that 80per cent of the* students whoapply for aid at the 'Hurstreceive it.

    For the first time in history,students from families earningmore than $15,000 accounted for amajority of BEOG applicationsthis year.I j \2 jjLawrence Gladieux, itheCollege Board's researchdirector, says there's "no doubt"that tnongovernment's moreelaborate aid applicationprocedures, established in 1978 tohelp prevent fraud, have reducedthe number of low-incomestudents who get aid.Under the new procedures,apparent ly-contraditory answerson the long income-verificationforms are grounds for rejectingaid applications. *[ J"The College Board also foundthat 75 percent ''tax" on familycontribution to college expenseshas eliminated a possible 25,000students from eligibility. 1

    Father-Daughter WeekendAnne DelMedico (right) helpsprepare for the Eucharist whileKathy Giante > left) interpretsthe responsorial psalm duringthe Father-Daughter Mass heldlast Sunday. laFathers travelled to the Hurstfor the weekend which featured avariety of different activities.* After Saturday's -jlunch andregistration,- fathers were treatedto a talent show and tours of thecampus from their daughters.Later that I evening thetraditional dinner dance, heldthis year at The Holiday Inn, wasenjoyed by fathers and daughtersalike. ft ;,The weekend closed with Mass,which was held in the chapel, anda especial Sunday brunch.

    Any student interested in becoming a representative in the Mer-cyhurst Student Government lor the 1980-81 school year should contact the rep in their department for more information. 1 Representatives Name, Department, TelephoneTherese Tolomeo | | Art 864-8093Bob Tobln Accounting 864-8859Maria Caruso Biology 868-9076SteveFlatelv Business 866-98:t9Alda Walker . Business 86(5-9086Mary Manross Communication 825-2208|Sheila N el so n. . . . . . . ^ :. Dance 868-0004Maureen D ovle .1.. ./ . K & Dietetics 866-9021Michelle Artman Education X66-9086.Bonnie Jam es Eng lish 866-9092John Chrzanowski ....*.. Environmental Studies 456-6942Jan Ruyak , ? . .^. .Jr. .1. .J......... .. Foods-Nutrition 8&1-0044Tim Kosarsky ?. f ; ? f i S . . . . . . . . ; . .; History 864-8859Paula Miller*... ,d HRM 868-1156Carl Morgan. .Music 864-8.176Carol Farrelly Parole-Probation 866-9086Michelle Orte'ngren A . .* Police Science 866-9086David Smith 1 A . f. ;*. .*.. Political Science 864-9844Judy (iluvna..... .*,. V fc V Psychology 868-7992Tim Zaun *. . . r. . . Social Science 866-98:19Rita Conrov s Social Work 868-3319Tracy Full er. Special Education 866-908(>Dave Rogers .V:) J... , i.... Theatre . 861-0681 Exl. 271Gail Lewis Human Ecology 86K-3021Michael Smith , .*.. Business 866-9819Kim Cairns .i... 7.. Education 868-1830(his Selllemire.. | fJfc Accounting 866-9810l.arric Pikutis r , .Social Work

    Plans Underway ForActivity Day ' 80Activity Day 480;.is scheduledfor Wednesday, May 14,1980, andc o - c h a i r p e r s o n s J o A n nAlexander and John Chrzanowskipromise something for everyone."To name just a few of our"To name just a few of our ac-tivities," commented Alexander"we've scheduled an early mor-ning kick-off, movies , a band, ahot air balloon, the dunkingma chi ne , a .texas bar-road ral ley, and a late nightdance." Schedules listing allevents, times, locations, andsponsors will be placed in allcampus mailboxes sometimenext week.The committee explained thatI hey were pleased with the en-thusiasm shown by all areas ofthe college. J ^"Many groups are sponsoringactivities. "Alexander stated."We have most of the divisionsparticipating as well as thestudent groups and some of thestaff and administration."This year the committee hasordered "Activity'Day '80" T-shirts which will go on sale assoon as the shipment arrives.

    "We're very excitedfeature. Our goal is toshirts are sold priorDay '80 so that themay wear the shirtsDesigned by JoAnnin conjunction wit hpany's art depart menwill sell for $2.50 eachthe committee's cost

    about thissee that theto Activit}communitythat day/'Alexander.n. t he com*t. the shirts. lower tharto purchase

    them.Alexander concluded, "Thepurpose of Activity Day '80 is tcbring the entire 'Hurst communily together- administrationfaculty, staff and stude nts- for afun-filled memorable day." :"The committee has workedfor months to provide the meansfor this goal " she added.

    a t a a MERCIAD !Photography Competition

    Mercyhurst College, a co-educational l iberal and career arts insti tut ion of 1200 students with a Cathol ic tradit ion, is seeking anAcadem ic Dean who possesses the fol lowing ch aracterist ics;(1) An earned Ph.D., preferably in an academic discipl ine(2) Commitment to upholding high academic standards(3) IFlexibility to work with both career education andliberal/creative arts faculty and students.(4) Administrative experience at leost on the departmental level(5) Teaching experience and the quali f ications to hold fac ulty rankin a department of study(6) Creativi ty to explore new curriculor emphases, teaching apElementary Education M ajors who are freshman or transfer studen-ts: & & i i AThis is a tine opportunity for one who seeks growth andchallenge in a col lege committed to seeking high levels of dist inc-t ion in the 1980's. Salary level $25-32,000 depending upon ex-perience and quali f ications. Attractive fr inge benefi t r; program.Posit ion begins August 1, 1980. kApply by May 26 , 1980 to :Office of the PresidentMercyhurst Co l lege501 East 38th StreetErie, Pa. 16546 #


    / \.

    A T T E N T I O NElementary E ducation Majors w ho ore freshman or transfer studen-ts : J E j ,interviews for admission into the Elementary Education Depart-ment are scheduled for Monday, May 5, and Monday, May 12,from 2:30-4:30 p.m. in room 303 Main.Please schedule an apponitment for this interview with Mrs.Kaliszak, room 306 Main. She wil l also give you the informationyou need to prepare for the interview.

    Three Categories:(A) Black and White: Scenery(B) Black and White: People(C) B & W: Animals

    PrizestfTo Be AnnouncedAll Photos returnable if name andMercyhurst mail box number is onback. All ful l-t ime and part-t imestudents are eligible to enter.

    Judging wil l- be performed by Th eMerciad editor and two faculty mem-bers on Ma y 15, 1980. | __.Send entries to :Th e Merciad:Box 45 *Mercyhurst Collegeby May 14,1980

    * J .

    Erie County RapeC risis Center, Inc.

    A research project it being conducted at Erie RapeCrisis Center in an attempt to better define the reactionsrape victims have to their assault. Students who werevictims of rape at age 13 or older, where the assailantwas not a family member, are encouraged to par-ticipate. If you would be willing to complete a con-fidential, anonymous questionnaire through the mall,please call the Center at 454-3440 or 456-1001 to request aresearch packet.M

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 2, 1980


    PAGE 4 imi THER MERCTAD MAY 2, 1980

    P o e t r y FO C U S : verse by Del Delmar StraubTRAPEZE ARTIST"Come one, come allj Ladies and Gen-tlemen. **PS? j :& a *tChills and thrills in the airHigh above the earthAs our artists perform their death-defyingfeats. J J * f* f j JStep right up. Your last chance for a ticketto this performance." & "v Jr t'^ "IS

    Will it be you,in one of my future dream s,who grasps that ephemeral trapeze bar,t he one pulled by imaginary Piper Cubsswooping and keening miles abovethe gray-green earth ?Will it bey o u |flying high in the still morning air,defying the cold tug of Dea t hand the 20 Gs that try to loosen your gripfrom th e slippery barinto alongthousandfootplunge

    onto a crushing ground?If you do seize that barit will be oh. such a sight.What a breath and spectacularat the joy, the love-trembling of it.But it will be hard, hard,very hard too.You'll exhilerate at giant flights of bodyair rushing byblood poundingflesh hurling through spacealways knowing tha t: one though tlessmistake, ^ ^-.one finger missing thebari*~ M ' ' 'V' W&brings the plummet.

    Oh, it is a choosing surelyfg Moi thrill5orkill.

    AIR BORNE j rHigh above silver-lined cloudsAir ships soar.Keeping up a deliberate concoursewith eagles, UFO's and other winged thingsthey slip unconsciously- through wispylayers of cotton creationup from mudded pastures below.Grounded, these g reat, dull birds |squat, like awkward herons, by plasteredandsteeled pens,waiting only for the prodding moment!Then, hopping, lumbering alongblackened runways ?they all at once lift feathered skirts

    and heave themselves into the air. *After a long minute of gradual risingtoward cloud cover,bandy legs kicking free,they tuck in unwanted appendages.

    Air borne in this clumsy waythey slowly, delicately stroke silken spacesbeneath themand begin to glide skyward in powerful,graced undulations.Toward paper-thin whiteness on the topedge of the world, J[they climb juntil, at the breaking momentflash into rollingsnow-covered fieldsunder crys tal l ing blue cei l ings ,all the while never taking in * atheir own shining splendor,

    Jheir own glitter-touching with thesun. *


    Not the you at the dragged put end of a?j workday,Not the you nervously and shyly holding onto : J 1 | .strange and foreign cocktail glasses,Nor even the you snuggled and lost amidstflanneled sheets and heated blankets.

    But you, nevertheless.For the you I know,my girl.Is a you of many colors,An assorted you, %of rare delighting moods, jgWell within your own spectrum, to be sure.These moods pour out their substance?

    by season,by day,by people,Never precisely twinned to each other.Rarely the wild caution to the breeze.These moods of you, 5they come by the bake r's dozen.Now that teasing titter of a bedroom antic,Now the low-toned tears flowing out fromancient, sad wells,Sometimes the cold, unquivering lip,the turned back, the clipped response,Then lively bounce from room to roomon the humming of a song.However and whenever she comes,

    the youl know is (hfe moody you, m " . ^LAnd With all her rough?with all her smoothNot one I'd ca re to miss out on, *#this time around.


    E. 38th & PineFriday May 2nd

    For details stop in the bar

    Be Part Of It!^illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllll

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 2, 1980


    ?*iLike a transition."That's right.": J."I see the : position neededperiod. But particuarly neededfor the first year of the new

    dean's tenure. * ;*a "And perhaps a re-evaluationas to whether the position shouldbe eliminated, because what arewe saving? |"When Dr. Garvey spoke withme on Tuesday, April 16, he in-dicated to me the reasons he wasnot going to continue the positionwere economic in nature, that ithad nothing to do with campuspolitics or my job performance.js"If one examines the matterclosely, they will discover that atremendous amount of money isnot going to be saved, b ecause Iwill continue 1 to work at # thecollege as a professor. I have aposition."What they will be saving

    If looks could kill, the drunken actress, Gay Wellington (AmyMcNicholas) would be dead for*her affectionate greeting ofDonald (John Burton), the boyfriend of Rheba (Alda Walker).k To see more of this happy threesome be sure to catch Kaufmanand Hart's, bizarre extravaganza, "You Can't Take It With You"at the Mercyhurst College Little Theatre, Weber Hall.J Performance dates ar e May 2, 34, 8, 9 and to at 8:00 p.m. Forreservations call 864-0681, Ext. 271. $&&&--would be two months sala ry plusthe amount of money they wouldhave to pay a part-time in-structor to cover those courses Iwould not teach if I were a full-time faculty. It is a saving of 7 or8 thousand dollars.? "Is the 7 or 8 thousand justifiedin the services that might be lostlost?" W,$ Do you think part of themotivation for elimination ofassistant dean relates to*thetuition hike?: ,.|?f"Dr? Garvey said it's anecomomical concern, so ob-viously he would be interested insaving some money. 'i"If one were to look at myinitial salary, they would say,'gee he save all thai money',when in fact it's only 7|or 8thousand." gj ? JKWhy was this position createdthree years ago; was there anyspecific reasoning behind that?"To allow the dean to havemore opportunity to focus onf>rogram | development : andeadership within the faculty."Ed. note: Dr. Jerry Trimblewas the dean of Mercyhurstwhen the position of assistantdean was C reated." -"He was finding he did not haveenough time to take care ofstudents concerns. So he wantedsomeone who he believed wasgoing to be student oriented, whowould help students and facultywork through problem s." iIt is your feeling then, that theposition of assistant dean shouldbe saved for at least a year tohelp ease th e period of transitionthe new dean will encounter?"Right, and then evaluatedafter that to see whether or notit's actually needed.'k l"Dr. Garvey does not believethat. You see, he did not have anassistant. The college isprobably larger now than whenhe was dean. The college is not

    Handwriting Unreadable.The Writing Center is offering help incursive every Tuesday and Thursdaymorning at 9:00.) Come in for help. .H The Writing CenterI 308 Moinfcfrseffii

    same, I feel, as it was four yearsago when he was dean." Dr. Garvey was a good dean,I'm not degrading him in anyway, shape or form. He was notas accessible to students as hasbeen the case during the pastcouple of yea rs."I think if you would check thestudents you would find that theyha ve * had someone concernedabout them, who has tried to helpthem solve problems- tellingthem if th ey're wrong or helpingthem works out and resolveissues." J: *^ Then the main thrust of yourstandpoint is that the assistantdean position is a position orien-ted toward the students?"Right. As well as taking careof those things."(duties listed inthe administrative handbook-Ed.) | .!&* i"I'm in charge of schedulingand graduation also."You would then feel that it'seasier for students to have accessto the assistant dean rather thanthe dean."In the present administrationset-up, yes.", jfej* c And you feel that is necessaryandMtalf! J 2 F l S ^ SiS ?"Yes. I think it's important forstudents to have someone to help(hem work through problems andto feel that" the institution isconcerned and cares aboutthem." M * *>Do'you have anything you'dlike to add in conclusion?"I think th at; the position ofassistant dean and the dutiespresently described are veryadequate./ | g"However, the new presidentmight want to review the jobdescription and make some re-alignment of duties."

    Check CashingOn CampusTuesday and Friday10:30 - noonMcAuley Lobby$1.00 registration

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  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, May 2, 1980


    PAGE 6 THE MERCIAD % * MAY 2, I960a

    Mercy-AdsDear N ieces: Can I be Hildegardsgod-mot her? Your Auntie Em .Lorraine: Thanks for the coffeand comfort. & & c JLTo my fellowBreak a leg ..Love Veg.

    grains of sand:.May 2,3,4,8,9,10Mon Petit: Nous sommes noble,oui? Ta Petite Buckwheat l i i?To David, Pauljand Loretto:CONGRATULATIONS ANDGOOD LUCK! John. W>To the entire cast: Break a leg!from Donald. 5 IVegetable l, Everyone slips oncein quicksand but that doesn'tmean I sank vet. Love True Vee.Sue: 1 the game is over. .CallClarion again and let HER know!We're watching you!!$$$$SAVE MONEY$$$$ Get yourca r tuned up for $10 to $15 overcosts of parts. Contact Terry at868-1792. b^Z. 'AHenry and Helen: Fall from anyhigh places lately? LoisIndeed you know you willalways have a frie nd in me. AuntElaine. ^Su** *

    V Megdaline I think YOU shouldtake dancing lessons and be likeme. LanieNeg: Break a leg tonight! Love agrain.E.M.I often respond the way Ishould feel rather than the way Ido feel. Confusion or indecision isa good sign this is happening.E.G. ^ :-. fe


    Hey Veg: Welcome to the sand-box. From a grain flJSJS gjM.K. What comes after the m ud?Vidal Sasson j ^ f e j i i jM FW : j t jTo the neophytes: Only one moreweek of freedom. W- /9figHappy B-day M.K.,Love us . gj jMary: a (2nd power) plus b (2ndpower) equals c (2nd power).How about it? Me. 5 ' ;,Henry, Aint no river wideenough. Sing it Elaine and Helen.My darling ted, I like cracker-jack prizes jMDave, Please hurry! We miss youand the sandbox! Love two toysin the Union^^lMike: Thank You!! i Just threemore years. Love me.Load, Break a leg or maybe yourface on May 2. Love true veg.Stephen; I kind of miss it too.Mary. & j^SSs -^v..Elaine, Be careful of men withmessy hair, wrinkled shirts andbruises from falling from highplaces. M egdaline.

    *_0 Scoop: What's for dinner nextyear? Ask Colette she is makinmaking it ! ( MegdalineMichael Milligan III: Cheers onyour 22 Birthday!! Love, yourdrinking buddies, flatty flfl

    Inquiring Reports Asks: M ^ ^I^M^^^^SS^^^^S1 jWhot DidfYouiThink Of (The^Failed\Rescue Attempt jln,Iran?

    Angie Pileggi: I feel prettybad about it. I think it was agood idea and I wish it hadsucceeded, but now I feel thatwe * ma y ,neverlsee jthehostages again. #7 %**r *t>

    Sue Fuss: I wish it had beensuccessful, but I question theneed for the loss of life. MNnH

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    ^MAnne < himenti: Well. I wasdisappointed. It's too bad itfailed. If Carter would havepulled it out, he would havebeen a national hero. U a s SAndyJFrey: I don't know, itwas really screwed up. If Car-ter can Tcall it on, then whyshould he have reason to call itoff right in the middle.

