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The Messenger August - 2011 Messenger September 201…  · Web viewThe Messenger September - 2011...

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The Messenger September - 2011 Dear Friends, As September approaches I am thinking of the line in Tom Jones' song which says: "Try to remember the kind of September when life was slow and oh so mellow..." Life is still good and there is much to enjoy and celebrate, but these days it moves on a very fast track. School administrators and teaching staff have to be gearing up for the challenges of delivering a solid education in the face of program and budgetary cuts. Parents are busy getting children ready for the new school year. Children and youth about to start classes in our PMSD institutions and at colleges near and far away, are probably experiencing a wide range of emotions - ranging from excitement to fear. For me, it is the month before our annual Charge Conference and there is much to be done. Working with the Committee on Finance we have to finalize our Ministry and Mission focus and establish the costs, and our budget. Individuals have to be identified to serve on teams and committees. Will people be eager and willing to say YES to the invitation to serve God and our local church? And let's not forget the many reports to be done, properly, and to meet the deadlines set by the Conference and District offices. But I know deep down that we'll be OK. Our parents and grandparents will do their part to give our children and youth the inspiration and tools they need to have a successful year.
Page 1: The Messenger August - 2011 Messenger September 201…  · Web viewThe Messenger September - 2011 Dear Friends, As September approaches I am thinking of the line in Tom Jones' song

            The Messenger September - 2011  

Dear Friends,

As September approaches I am thinking of the line in Tom Jones' song which says:

"Try to remember the kind of September when life was slow and oh so mellow..."

Life is still good and there is much to enjoy and celebrate, but these daysit moves on a very fast track.

School administrators and teaching staff have to be gearing up for the challengesof delivering a solid education in the face of program and budgetary cuts.

Parents are busy getting children ready for the new school year.

Children and youth about to start classes in our PMSD institutions and at collegesnear and far away, are probably experiencing a wide range of emotions - rangingfrom excitement to fear.

For me, it is the month before our annual Charge Conference and there is  muchto be done. Working with the Committee on Finance we have to finalize our Ministryand Mission focus and establish the costs, and our budget. Individuals have to be identifiedto serve on teams and committees. Will people be eager and willing to say YES tothe invitation to serve God and our local church? And let's not forget the many reports tobe done, properly, and to meet the deadlines set by the Conference and District offices.

But I know deep down that we'll be OK. Our parents and grandparents will do their partto give our children and youth the inspiration and tools they need to have a successful year.We will get the reports and planning done with the help of all concerned, and we willmake/find time to do some other important things in the month of September.

Special events of note will include the Service of Remembrance and Hope on September 11(at Trinity Episcopal Church) to mark the 10th anniversary of the tragic events ofSeptember 11, 2001, and our worship services each Sunday here at PLUMC. Some of ourleaders will be attending a Conference sponsored Stewardship training event, and we willbe continuing our work to build our children's ministry.

There is much to be done and we welcome new ideas for effective ministry. Please makeevery effort during September to worship, study and serve.

Permit me to change the words of Tom Jones' song to give us all a September challenge:

Try to remember the love of our Saviorhis call, commission, his gracious favor.Try to remember and as you remember...Then follow. Follow Christ.

Pastor John


Page 2: The Messenger August - 2011 Messenger September 201…  · Web viewThe Messenger September - 2011 Dear Friends, As September approaches I am thinking of the line in Tom Jones' song

The United Methodist committee on Relief (UMCOR) is planning a regional response to the growing hunger crisis in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti due to a severe drought.  In Somalia, where relief efforts have been hampered by ongoing violence and war, has seen thousands of its citizens fleeing to neighboring Kenya and Ethiopia.  It has been estimated that there are 400,000 people in refugee camps there.  There are an estimated 3.7 million people in crisis.                 Please Help Save Starving People in the Horn of Africa - earmark your gift to the “Horn of Africa Crisis,” Advance Special #982450.

Bible Study at PLUMC“Change the World” by Mike Slaughter began Wednesday evening august 17th, and will continue for the next 5 weeks. It is not too late to come and join us in this study. We do have more study books available for anyone that would like to become part of the study group. (September 7, 14 & 21)

 Jesus called us to follow him, to live a life of active faith, feeding the poor, healing the sick, welcoming the

alien, and rescuing the desperate. It’s easy to get stuck in our religious habits of just going to church, tossing a few bucks in the offering plate, and occasionally reading our Bible—but Jesus has bigger plans for us. We are called to be his hands and feet in the world. He wants to use us

to change the world.

Each week, participants will read and discuss a gospel story, watch a video profiling an inspiring, world-

changing mission effort, and envision together how they can change the world locally and globally. Participants won’t just read about Jesus feeding the 5000 or healing the lepers, but will be inspired by contemporary hunger-

relief and medical missions. Participants will be challenged to take a leading role in the congregation’s

missional efforts, serving in a homeless shelter as a group, raising funds for disaster relief, or planning a church-wide day of service We look forward to your studying and participating in Bible Study with us at

Pocono Lake UMC on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm.

"As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one

person."~ Paul Shane Spear

Share Your Good News & Special Thanks

Congratulations to Laura Laspee, who was appointed the new Director of the Clymer Library in August.  Her new duties will begin early in September. We wish her the best in her new position!

Thank you to the volunteers that represented us as a support church for Family Promise and helped at the Mount Pocono UMC to stay overnight with the families. Also thank you to everyone that donated the pillows and trash bags that are needed by the host church. Pocono Lake UMC is now a “Support Church” for Family Promise of Monroe County (FPMC), a non-profit corporation and interfaith hospitality network.  The purpose of FPMC is to provide shelter and opportunities to homeless families in Monroe County. One of our duties as a “Support Church” is to volunteer to stay overnight at the “Host Church” with their guests.   Another duty is to provide financial and supply needs for the “Host Church”.

Thank you from: Elaine JumperI want to express a special “Thank You” to Gloria Denton for her kindness. She heard me say one day in July that I was a little sad because the next day would have been my husband’s birthday. A few days later in the mail, I received notice from The Ronald McDonald House in Scranton that Gloria donated to them in memory of my husband; Charles Jumper who passed away in “2000”. The Ronald McDonald House in Scranton is one of many, but I plan to take Gloria on a trip there one day to meet the staff and the volunteers that care for the flower beds and the grounds.

Click Here to read about and take a virtual tour of the Ronald McDonald House in Scranton, Pa, and to meet the staff.

Page 3: The Messenger August - 2011 Messenger September 201…  · Web viewThe Messenger September - 2011 Dear Friends, As September approaches I am thinking of the line in Tom Jones' song

Fun, food and story time forthe Community Kids’ Club!

Many thanks to the organizers and volunteers of our End of Summer ‘Back-to-School’ bash held here on the church grounds on August 20. The fifteen kids from our church and as far away as Cresco, enjoyed the water games, volleyball, snacks, the story-time which focused on habits and attitudes for doing well in school, and the gifts of school supplies.

Also, special thanks to Weis Market in Mt Pocono for the $25.00 Gift Certificate towards the purchase of food and supplies for the Community Kids, and the back packs that were donated by “Melon’s Gift” were so handy to put the school supplies in that we presented to each child. Next month’s Community Kids’ Club program on September 17, will take the form of a bowling outing at Summit Lanes.

Below is an article from Judie Tim with the link to the web site that she recommends for improving study skills (http://www.how-to-study.com/study-skills/en/26.asp)

Good Listening in Class It is important for you to be a good listener in class. Much of what you will have to learn will be presented verbally by your teachers. Just hearing what your teachers say is not the same as listening to what they say. Listening is a cognitive act that requires you to pay attention and think about and mentally process what you hear.

Here are some things you should doto be a good listener in class.

.Be Cognitively Ready to Listen When You Come to Class. Make sure you complete all assigned work and readings. Review your notes from previous class sessions. Think about what you know about the topic that will be covered in class that day. .Be Emotionally Ready to Listen When You Come to Class. Your attitude is important. Make a conscious choice to find the topic useful and interesting. Be committed to learning all that you can. .Listen with a Purpose. Identify what you expect and hope to learn from the class session. Listen for these things as your teacher talks.

.Listen with an Open Mind. Be receptive to what your teacher says. It is good to question what is said as long as you remain open to points of view other than your own. .Be Attentive. Focus on what your teacher is saying. Try not to daydream and let your mind wander to other things. It helps to sit in the front and center of the class and to maintain eye contact with your teacher. .Be an Active Listener. You can think faster than your teacher can speak. Use this to your advantage by evaluating what is being said and trying to anticipate what will be said next. Take good written notes about what your teacher says. While you can think faster than your teacher can speak, you cannot write faster than your teacher can speak. Taking notes requires you to make decisions about what to write, and you have to be an active listener to do this. .Meet the Challenge. Don't give up and stop listening when you find the information being presented difficult to understand. Listen even more carefully at these times and work hard to understand what is being said. Don't be reluctant to ask questions. .Triumph Over the Environment. The classroom may be too noisy, too hot, too cold, too bright, or too dark. Don't give in to these inconveniences. Stay focused on the big picture - LEARNING.

JANINE’S QUILTING CIRCLEWell summer is over and it is time to start quilting again. I would like to start Wednesday September 14th at the church from 9:30am to 1:00pm. Anyone that is interested in helping to make quilts for babies and children please join us on the 14th. If you have a portable sewing machine please bring it with you. If you don’t that is okay too because there is other work to be done.

6 Quilts donated to Angel’s Closet This past spring we met for a few months and were able to make 6 quilts that were donated to Angel’s Closet in Stroudsburg. If you know of any places that would like to have quilts donated to them please let me know at 570-443-8731. Shirley Fratta

Page 4: The Messenger August - 2011 Messenger September 201…  · Web viewThe Messenger September - 2011 Dear Friends, As September approaches I am thinking of the line in Tom Jones' song

The PLUMC Knitters

The UMW circles continue to do amazing work, the Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle and Janine’s Quilting Circle.  Recently, the Knitting Circle has adopted a local Nursing Home to bring their beautiful prayer shawls to.  Both the recipients of the prayer shawls and the members in the circle feel blessed and rewarded. 

The next meeting will be September 23rd, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Check the bulletin or call Judi Rarig 643-0287 to find out where the next meeting is.

Visitations : Please remember to call the church office when a friend or family member goes into the hospital.  We have no other way to find out who needs a visit.  You may leave a message at any time of the day or night.  For emergencies, you may call the pastor directly

Would you like to volunteer to handle coffee hour on Sunday’s after service, or volunteer to be greeters, ushers, scripture readers or Lay Liturgists? The chart is on the door to the parlor, if you would like to sign your name as a volunteer.  (Thank You to all our volunteers - from Elaine at the office)

If you have a Sunday that you would like to sponsor flowers in honor or memory of a loved one, please sign up on the flower chart, place your check for $30.00 in the collection plate and you may take your flowers home with you after the 11 o’clock service.

Church Training Overview

United Methodist Communications offers church training live, online and even provides do-it-yourself opportunities to help you gain the knowledge and skills you need to be an effective church leader.

Rethink Church Training Welcoming Ministry Training United Methodist Basics Training Web Ministry Training Connectional Giving Training Communications Training Webinar Series

Dear Pocono Lake,

Our insurance agent, Engle-Hambright & Davies, Inc. has put together a special edition Safety Newsletter to help our churches prepare for the impending hurricane, Irene. Information includes:

What to do before a hurricane - Planning, Know your environment

What do do during a hurricane - Evacuation Plan What to do if you are unable to evacuate What to do after a hurricane What to do before using your facility as an

emergency shelter And a Hurricane preparation checklist.

The helpful newsletter is attached to this email and available for download from www.epaumc.org/sites/default/files/PDF/news/EasternPAHurricanePreparednessNewsletter.pdf

Page 5: The Messenger August - 2011 Messenger September 201…  · Web viewThe Messenger September - 2011 Dear Friends, As September approaches I am thinking of the line in Tom Jones' song

PRAYER REQUESTS “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”   Philippians  4:6

For their SAFETY ….

 Armed forces personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan

Gavin … (John & Claudia’s son) in military training at Fort Benning, Ga. 

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (Joshua 1:9)


Ed Clarke Susan Ponce Katie Tollinger

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” ( Isaiah 26:3)


the will and wisdom to address our economic situation

drought and starvation in Africa administration and staff of the PMSD children and youth starting classes at schools and

colleges persons affected by recent hurricane along the US

East Coast, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic “All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name.” (Psalm 86:9)


Gloria Denton  Samantha Bellino (John & Ann Karlberg’s 

Grandaughter) – seizures  Dan Hill (Susan Hill’s brother-in-law)  Verna Garwood

Frank Stull -  Carl Hughes

Blaine Purnell. Jr. – detached retina – surgery  Kaki Wilcox (Joyce Mullin’s relative) Ted  Suttmeier (Friend of George & Kathy Bishop)     Joyce Mullin Ruth Ginn (eye surgery) John Carson George Bell (Margie Bell’s son) Meridith Ashton (Friend of Susan Hill) Jackie Decker

“The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.” (Psalm 41:3)


The family of the late Kathy Haman (Mary Blay’s friend) 

     who passed away recently The family of the late Geoffie Legg  (Mary Blay’s 

nephew)      who died suddenly  Marie Kuczynski (death of 

grandson) Families of those who lost their 

lives in the recent hurricane

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

If you have progress updates or additions to the prayer request, please send them to the church office and to Gina Jones at [email protected]. Requests for prayer shawls should be made to the church office Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm.

Reminder....................Chung Whang reminds us: It is highly recommended to thoroughly wash the upper part of all soda cans before drinking out of them. The cans are typically stocked in warehouses and transported straight to the shops without being cleaned.

A study at NYCU showed that the tops of all soda cans are more contaminated than public toilets (i.e.). full of germs and bacteria. So wash them with water before putting them to the mouth to avoid any kind of fatal accident.

Page 6: The Messenger August - 2011 Messenger September 201…  · Web viewThe Messenger September - 2011 Dear Friends, As September approaches I am thinking of the line in Tom Jones' song

Don't forget to save your Weiss register tapes for a donation voucher from Weis Markets Inc.

We are collecting canceled stamps for the benefit of The Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia. Thank you for your donation of stamps for this mission. You may place your canceled stamps in the same drawer as the Weiss register tapes. Also, save your tabs from soda and can goods, Campbell soup labels and educational coupons found on some cereal boxes. Please place your items  in the labeled drawers in the foyer so that we can continue to submit them from the church.

Red Bird Mission participates in the following programs for support of our School. You collect the relevant labels off specific product and send them to us, we will then redeem the labels for items or cash for our School. Thank you for helping support our School. Campbell's Labels for Education Please help by sending only the part of the label we need, the UPC with figure attached if possible. General Mills BoxTops for Education Every Box Top can be redeemed for 10cents Tyson Products A+ Every label can be redeemed for 24cents Food City School Bucks Buy Food City Qualifying Brands to earn points for Red Bird Mission School mycokerewards Donate your Coke Reward Points to Red Bird Mission School Office Depot 5% Back to Schools Program Present your Red Bird Mission School’s ID # 70039584 at checkout Click here for a card you can print out and take with you. Office Depot will offer your school credits equal to 5% of qualifying purchases. Office Depot Program Details Capri Sun pouches Please ship all drink pouches to:

Red Bird Mission School15420 S. Hwy 66

Beverly, KY 40913Every pouch can be redeemed for $0.02For a list of eligible products please visit The Terracyle Website.

September Birthdays

 Beth Booterbaugh 9/1Nance Brown 9/1Richard Mullin 9/6Wes Werkheiser 9/13Rob Veale 9/18Muriel Corrado 9/18 Helen Robertson 9/20Tom Phillips 9/20Josh Miller 9/21Frances Smith 9/21Mike Granahan 9/23  

September Anniversaries

 Richard &  Joyce Mullin 9/9John & Pat Carson 9/20


Dates to Remember

September 6 -   Trustee Meeting 7:00 pm 7 - Bible Study 7:00 pm 12-  UMW 7:00 pm 13 - Finance Committee 7:00 pm 14 - Bible Study 7:00 pm 17 – Stewardship Seminar at Hopewell UMC, Downingtown 9:00 am Community Kids Bowling Outing at Summit Lanes 10:00 am to Noon 21 - Bible Study 7:00 pm 24 - Men's Breakfast at Moyers Country Kitchen        25- Anniversary Month        Celebration Sunday Service 10:00 am 28- Bible Study 7:00 pm

Page 7: The Messenger August - 2011 Messenger September 201…  · Web viewThe Messenger September - 2011 Dear Friends, As September approaches I am thinking of the line in Tom Jones' song

At PLUMC we have started an Anniversary Month Celebration Sunday Service. September 25th will be the date for the next celebration service. We would love to have as many of the celebrants as we can share in some aspect of the worship. We are asking celebrants to volunteer to serve as ushers, worship leader, readers of the Scripture lessons, or if so led, to give a brief testimony or musical item. Additionally, we are asking our celebrants to bring a treat (cake, pastries, fruit, etc) for the after worship fellowship. Call the church office or Pastor John to let us know if you would like to participate in the service in any way.  

One of our United Methodist Women’s outreach missions here at PLUMC is School Kits for UMCOR. Please bring in the supplies so they can assemble them and ship them. School Kit Assembly & Shipping InstructionsIn some countries, children don't have books or school supplies. Many have no schoolrooms; classes are held in inadequate or half-destroyed buildings, tents, or even the open air. School kits may be these children's only educational resources.

School Kit Items Value: $11 per kit1 pair blunt scissors

rounded tip onlyno plastic scissors please

3 pads of paper spiral or top bound pads

150 sheets of loose leaf can be substituted for 1 padcombinations of spiral, top bound or loose leaf is acceptable

1 hand held pencil sharpener must be at least one inch longremove from packaging

1 ‐ 30 centimeter ruler hard or flexiblecartoon characters are acceptableno advertisements please

6 unsharpened pencilsno advertisements, religious, patriotic, military or camouflage symbols pleasecartoon characters are acceptable

1 ‐ 2 ½ inch eraserno advertisements, religious, patriotic, military or camouflage symbols pleasecartoon characters are acceptable

1 ‐ 24 count box of crayons only 24 count boxes please

, it is important that kits contain only the requested items – nothing more.


The Rabbi from TarsusA “powerful and gripping testimony of the Lord’s grace and mercy”.Saturday, September 10, 2011 at 7:00 pmCost: A free-will offeringA full-length monodrama for the entire family. Set in the Mammerine Dungeon in Rome, 17 characters depict the story of the Apostle Paul.Portrayed in a one man show by Paul Bendele.WHERE: Mt. Pocono United Methodist Church, 12 Church Avenue, Mt. Pocono, PA Contact the church office for more information: 570/839-9902

911 Remembrance Service Area clergy (including our pastor) will be leading a special Service of Remembrance and Hope, marking the 10th Anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City, the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pa. The service will be held at the Trinity Episcopal Church on 611 South at 2:00 pm on Sunday, September 11. All are invited. 

Senior Fair – Wednesday, September   14 Clymer Library will be holding its first Senior Fair on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 from 10:00am – 3:00pm. Vendors will be at the Library representing service organizations, hearing centers, rehabilitation centers, vision centers, financial groups and more! Some of the vendors that are scheduled include:  All Service Corporation, Monroe Hearing Center, Crossings Outlets, Riverside Rehabilitation Center, Monroe County Center for vision Loss, PP&L, Western & Southern Financial Group, Pocono Lutheran Village, Pocono Family YMCA, Alzheimer’s Association, Golden Living Center, Shawnee Ridge Senior Living Community, Pocono Podiatry, and more! Refreshments will be provided! Registration is not required.

Get Plugged InThursday Sept. 8th 6:00—7:00Energy Host Workshop

for all interestedSunday Sept. 18th 7:00

Raise the RoofMonday October 3rd

World Habitat DayThursday October 6th 6:00– 9:00

Annual Celebration DinnerDetails for all events posted onwww.mchfh.volunteerhub.com

Page 8: The Messenger August - 2011 Messenger September 201…  · Web viewThe Messenger September - 2011 Dear Friends, As September approaches I am thinking of the line in Tom Jones' song

Saturday, September 17, 2011, 9:00 am to 3:00 pmC.L.I.M.B. Stewardship Workshop with Scott McKenzie and Krisine Miller of Horizons Stewardshipat Hopewell UMC in Downingtown, PA

To read more, print a flyer, and register: https://www.epaumc.org/events/calendar/stewardship-CLIMB

C.L.I.M.B. is a spiritually based process that views financial stewardship from a different perspective.  This process will help you and your congregation move from talking about money to ministry, from focusing on management to discernment and from a concern with basic needs to fulfilling God’s vision for your ministry.  Watch your congregation grow to higher levels of generosity as you implement the process.  Using the acronym C.L.I.M.B., the process focuses on a Clear and Compelling vision, Leadership development, Inspiration, Motivation and Boldly asking.  

FAMILY PROMISE OF MONROE COUNTY is hosting a Queens Tea and Fashion Show by Dunkelbergers and Apple Tree

WHEN: Sunday , October 2, 2011 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm

WHERE: Pocono Inne Town, 700 Main St, Stroudsburg

MENU: Assorted Tea Sandwiches, Cheeses, Fresh Fruit,Desserts, Herbal Teas, Tea, Coffee, Iced tea

Tickets: $22.00 RSVP required

RSVP required by September 26th Call 570-420-8589 for tickets or email: [email protected] Flyer

Join us this fall as we take time to celebrate the Plateau’s ministry of providing life- changing opportunities through Jesus. Pocono Plateau will host a 65th Anniversary Celebration at the camp on Sunday afternoon, September 25, 2011. Mark your calendar.

2011 Senior Adult Retreat at Pocono Plateau

Pocono Plateau

Tuesday, October 4, 10 am - Friday, October 7, 10 am

Highlights: • A FALL get-away for all senior adults aged 55 and above. • Come enjoy the beautiful fall foliage of Pocono Plateau! • Learn God's Word through Bible study , led by Rev. John Lutz, Pastor at Langhorne UMC. • Participate in our book swap, craft making, participate in an adventure program, Variety Show, guided tour of our Morrison Nature Walk, sing camp songs, off camp excursion, enjoy our evening campfire with smores and our other evening entertainment. The Program Director is Glendon CarperBible Studies led by Reverend John Lutz, Langhorne United Methodist Church.

Cost: $165 PostcardFlyer and RegistrationREGISTER On-line HERE

or contact the camp office at 570-676-3665

Page 9: The Messenger August - 2011 Messenger September 201…  · Web viewThe Messenger September - 2011 Dear Friends, As September approaches I am thinking of the line in Tom Jones' song

Sunday, October 16th, 2011 -2-6 PM at Shawnee on the Delaware, Pa –Join in for an afternoon of food, drink and music to benefit Monroe

County Meals on Wheels featuring three of the Poconos’ best musical groups hosted by internationally acclaimed Bob Dorough. For more information call 570-688-4943.

You can volunteer on a regularly scheduled basis once a month, every other week, once a week, on a fixed day, or as a substitute on an emergency on-call basis. Call Joanne Pitzer for more information 570-646-8460

The MealsTwo meals, one hot and one cold, are delivered each Monday through Friday (excluding Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day). The meals arrive at the clients' homes between 10AM and 1PM. Meals are available for the weekend in the form of two frozen meals delivered on Thursdays and two extra bags delivered on Fridays.The meals are planned by a registered dietician to provide 2/3 of the recommended dietary allowance for adults 51 years of age and older and are in a 5-week cycle. The regular diet, a generally healthy diet, provides 1300 to 1600 calories per two meals, 2.5 grams of sodium, and 30% to 35% of calories from fat. No salt is added in cooking. Sample menus can be obtained by calling the MOW office.

In addition to the regular diet, a modified diet for diabetics and cardiac patients as well as a renal diet, a soft / chopped diet, and a pureed diet are available.The meals are prepared at Burnley Employment and Rehabilitation Services in Snydersville, another United Way Agency.

The CostClient fees are on a sliding scale, based on the client's ability to pay. The full price for clients whose income does not qualify them for the sliding scale is $4.50 per meal or $45.00 per week. Weekend meals are $9.00 per day or $18.00. These fees are subject to change.Food stamps are an acceptable form of payment.

Pocono Lake United Methodist Church

Sunday Services 



Come worship with us! 

Church Email: [email protected]

Phone: (570)646-2650

Fax:     (570)646-2650Address:

1180 Route 940 HC 87 Box 4C

Pocono Lake, Pa. 18347-0200

Resident Bishop, EPC:  Bishop Peggy JohnsonDistrict Superintendent: Rev. Bronwyn YocumPastor:                Rev. Dr. John G. SmithAdministrative Assistant:        Elaine JumperOrganist: Geraldine Patire              
