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THE MIGRATION CHALLENGES - Brussels · THE MIGRATION CHALLENGES - The Migration Challenges: Human...

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Monika Begovic PhD International Conference, Bratislava, May 2016 THE MIGRATION CHALLENGES
Page 1: THE MIGRATION CHALLENGES - Brussels · THE MIGRATION CHALLENGES - The Migration Challenges: Human Rights, International Cooperation and Migration Management - Western Balkan route



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Yugoslavwars in the ‘90s due to the dissolution ofthe former Yugoslaviaà formation of independentsuccessor states à numerous refugees anddisplacedpersonsintheWesternBalkanareaà~4 million people have been displaced or havebecome refugees in the former Yugoslavia in theperiodbetween1991–1999;~800.000 people emigrated to other Europeancountries&USA

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In 2015~800.000migrants usedWestern Balkansroute toenter thewesternEuropeancountries (outof 1.321.560 total asylum claims in EU in 2015accordingtoEurostat)In 2016 Western Balkan countries close theirborders à result: in ^irst 2 months ~130.000migrants

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UniversalDeclarationofHumanRights–UNTherighttoasylumisoneofthebasichumanrights– Ifweare frightenedofbeingbadly treated inourown country, we all have the right to run away toanothercountrytobesafe

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Returning migrants to Turkey – violating humanrights?PolandwantstoreceiveonlyChristianrefugessfromSyria–violatinghumanrights?Conditions in migrant camps - UN accused Czechrepublic of holding migrants in ‘degrading’conditions

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Nocommonanduni9iedEUresponse!Someresults:Hungary–conservativegovernment–172kmfencekeeping migrants out – keeps the Western BalkanisolatedCzechdeputyPMAndrejBabiscalledSchengenzonetobeclosedwithNATOtroopsAustria’s Foreign Minister warned on introducinganti-migrationmeasureswithbordercontrols

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•  BalkansSummit–August2015inViennawithinBerlin process – solutions on dealing with^inancialburdensinrelationtomigrantsissues

•  Balkanmini summit–October 2015 – 17-pointplan–setofoperationalmeasures–EUapprovedadditional 17 million Euro to assist FYRMacedoniaandSerbia

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•  Bilateralmeetingsonimprovingcooperation

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•  WesternBalkancountriesrelyonEuropeanUnionandinternationalassistanceintheirwaysofdealingwiththeproblems

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•  newEuropeannationalism?•  razor-wirefencesandrenewedbordercontrolsàmigrationmanagementorendofSchengenarea?

•  homegrownterror;fear•  jeopardizedinternationalsecurity

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•  Common Foreign and Security Policy – does itfunctioninreality?

•  Are EU member countries united in having acommonvoice?

•  NATOorCommonSecurityandDefencePolicy?

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FedericaMogherini:‘It’s sad to see Europe panicking before 700,000refugees.Thisisasignofaweakness.’


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