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When addressing the delegates at the 2002 National Conference the Honourable

Mark Burton stated quite clearly and I quote “As a point of clarification, full pension

coverage means that veterans do not have to prove that a disability is the result of

service – only that it may have been”.


Every ex- Service Personnel including Merchant Seamen who have served

overseas in a War or an Emergency have a right to apply for a Disablement

Pension in accordance with the War Pension Act 1954. This includes Service and

Home Service Personnel who during the 2nd World War served in New Zealand.

Those Personnel who were conscripted into the CMT prior to 31st March 1974 are

also included.


MISSION STATEMENT: “We will always strive to provide a professional and caring

service to all applicants who qualify for a War Disability Pension or a Surviving

Spouses Pension in accordance with the War Pensions Act 1954.”


We promise to do the following:

(i) Be a good listener

(ii) Share information

(iii) Give advice where necessary

(iv) Give support

(v) Assist you in making your application

(vi) Keep in contact

(vii) Ensure your privacy

(viii) Pursue your application to a conclusion

(ix) Respect your wishes

(x) Assist you throughout the entire process

Phone; John Purcell QSM J.P. or Tony Fraser for advice

and assistance or ring reception (835-7629) for an


Presidents Report In almost a blink of an eye, the fiscal year came and went, I suspect the busier we are the more time flies by – so the rumour goes. Challenges at RNZRSA have certainly impacted on my time with several extraordinary meetings being held in Wellington. On occasion I have been accused as the ‘absent President’ of the Napier RSA and while I attach the following information of some of the duties I fulfill over and the above the Presidency of the Napier RSA, this is not stated to mitigate my absence from the Club, it is to merely share with you some of my other duties that put pressure on my time. Firstly I am in the Club almost 6 mornings out of the week and I currently serve as;

President of the Napier RSA

President East Coast, Wairarapa and Hawkes Bay Districts

Member of the National Executive Council in Wellington

Chairperson of the RNZRSA Support Service Committee - Wellington

War Pensions – Napier RSA

ANZAC/Poppy Day and Field of Remembrance Committee Ex Officio

RNZRSA/ANZ Speech Competition co-ordinator

Cancer Support Group

28th Maori Battalion Trust

Kimberley Parents League

Justice of the Peace I reiterate that the above is not stated to mitigate my absence from the Club, nor solicit sympathy or accolades, this is done to simply put into perspective why I am not in the Club most afternoons. I would also point out that I receive emails to my cell phone and home computer which I respond to several times a day, so even if I am not here I am very well connected to what is going on in the Club at all times. Over the last two years RNZRSA managed (or mismanaged depending on your point of view) to over spend just shy of $700,000 on rebranding the organization and restructuring Head Office. Unfortunately this was done without the knowledge of most of the NEC Members until about a month prior to the National Conference – which I am sure you will agree has given cause for a lot of angst and embarrassment to most of the National Executive Committee. Will things come right? Yes, the Independent Task Force appointed by the RNZRSA are currently examining what went wrong and will address the RNZSA National Conference with their recommendations towards a possible solution, which of course has to be accepted by the member clubs. Subject to that approval or an alternative agreeable to the RSA Membership the National Office should get back on a solid footing that will allow them to better engage with a broader base of the membership including grass roots RSA’s that are struggling in the tough economic climate. J Purcell President

Napier RSA in conjunction with Dominion Breweries and Cross Roads

Winery offer all Financial Members of the Napier RSA the opportunity to ‘WIN' Double Tickets (2 Draws) to the ICC Cricket World Cup Final Sunday

29th March 2015 hosted at the MCG – Prize to include Airfares, Accommodation and Premium Tickets – Also Monthly prizes included.

Simply swipe your Card each time you make a purchase at the Bar of any

DB or Cross Roads Product and you are automatically entered in the Draw – and leave the rest to us



SATURDAY 8th. MARCH 2014 AT 10:30a.m

PRESENT: Don Fraser (Chairman),& Delegates from Spoofing, Indoor Bowls, Travel Club,

Snooker, Senior Snooker, Naval Assn., Rock ‘n’ Roll & Women’s Section.

OPENING The Chairman welcomed all Delegates to the first meeting for 2014

with a special mention of the new committee members for Rock ‘n’



MINUTES: The minutes of the previous meeting, dated 14th December 2013,

were confirmed as a true and written record. Unanimous


FINANCE: The account balance, as at 7/02/14 stood at $823.65 this takes in

consideration the loss of $305.64 for the Members Fun Day

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Ranford Bingo (Lotto Cards) $119.60 Passed

CORRESPONDENCE Refer General Business


Cue Sports Return trip to Otaki 14/16 March

Indoor Bowls 20 Financial Members to date

Rock ‘n’ Roll Complete new committee elected for 2014, 27 Financial members so

far and everyone seems happy

Naval Assn Car Rally was very successful. “Otago” reunion planned for 9-11 May

Senior Snooker 28 Members have joined so far this year

Women’s Section AGM 17th. March. The February “Art Deco Meeting” was a great

success as can be seen in the latest Club Magazine It is with sadness

that the Section records the loss of Shirley Goss who served on the

Committee for several years


1. It is not too early to start writing your AGM Reports. The sooner they are filed with the CEO

the better

2. Snooker has now changed its name to the “Cue Sports Club” The aim is to encompass all cue

sport activities (Snooker, Senior Snooker, Junior Snooker, Billiards, Pool etc) under one

umbrella for a stronger more viable club

3. Adjuncts are urged to supply Tournament calendars and contact details as soon as possible

for inclusion in the Club’s website and Information Booklet

4. Lotto Bonus Numbers are now being sold on Tuesdays at Housie

5. The President of Cue Sports, Terry Neilson, presented a proposal to acquire (lease to buy)

two competition Pool Tables. This proposal was fully endorsed by the meeting and will now

proceed to the Executive for final acceptance/rejection. The Chairman to write and a

accompanying letter for further discussion

6. The Delegate from Senior Snooker announced that they would formally join the Cue Sports

Club and relinquish their Adjunct status.

The meeting closed, with a vote of thanks to the Chair, at 11:20 am & the next meeting will be

held on Saturday 12th. April 2014 at 10:30am

Napier RSA Redevelopment Project – Update for members We felt that it was timely to provide an update on the ‘proposed’ redevelopment of the Napier RSA. Firstly we really must note and express our appreciation, on your behalf, to a large number of firms and individual persons who have been so very generous with their advice and ideas over the past 18 months as we have thoroughly investigated and researched what has variously been described as a defining project for Napier City. The project - A new 3000 square metre purpose built safe, welcoming inner city community Club whose membership is open to all with a range of customer related facilities for guests and visitors. A Club car park (under or over the club), a public restaurant, and conference facility. The size (3000 sq m) is about double the size of the present club. And two floors of apartments. The apartments, of course, were but a means to an end. That is we need a new club facility to accommodate and provide ongoing high level of services to our growing membership, and the public, now and into the future. A new club facility would cost around $8/$9 million with car parking, and, as we don’t have the equity or cash reserves to fund the new club facility the sale of apartments seemed to be ‘A’ way to do it. Not the only way by any means, but ‘A’ way. We’ve looked at ‘other’ ways too. This project has also been described as visionary, ambitious, forward thinking, bold and has attracted significant positive comment, from professional persons in the development field, as to the manner in which the project has been progressed. Yet along with the positives, I must say, there has also been a degree of negativity, which seems to attract nay sayers who cannot appreciate and envision what we want for you, our members, now and 25/30 years out. Yet, their views (the nay sayers) is to be welcomed to ensure that we keep our feet on the ground and do the important spade work necessary in a major project of the sort we envision. Professional advice now to hand, from several soundly based sources, clearly indicates that the Napier inner city apartment market now, and probably for the next 2 or 3 years, would not support the project as we have seen it. Hence the project should now ‘lie on the table.’ Investigations should continue and ongoing data sought so that whole purpose of the redevelopment (a new club for members) remains ‘live,’ so as to be able to bring a soundly based proposal to you, our members, based on changed financial or market conditions. Thank you to all, for your forbearance and for a good deal of valued advice and counsel, it has been appreciated. Sincerely Ron Rowe JP Chairman – Redevelopment Group

NAPIER RSA Poppy Day Collectors Required Thursday 17th April 2014- 9am to 4pm

PLEASE add your name and

contact number to the various Collectors lists around

the Club. Add in your preferred

collection point and times

With many helpers we would only need to do an hour each

Refreshments available for ALL Collectors

Thank you from the President and Executive Team

NAPIER RSA SUPPORT TEAM “People helping People”

Members wanted for Hospital, Rest Home or home visits.

Driving fellow members or Veterans to hospital or Doctor Appointments and generally assisting those in times of need. Mileage allowance payable for pre-approved private motor vehicle use. Must show empathy, compassion and respect for the individuals privacy. If you can help PLEASE leave your name & contact details with Reception Tel 835 7629 or email [email protected] Thank you Tony Fraser – Napier RSA Support Convener

THURSDAY 17TH APRIL 2014 9am TO 4pm

Commemoration Events April 2014

The Executive team and Management are committed to the following three important events during the month of April 2014. Club members are encouraged to participate and attend.

1. Monday 14th April - Napier Civic Field of Remembrance (White Crosses Project) – commemorating the centenary of WW1 – 1914 -1918, when 103,000 New Zealanders served overseas, 41,000 were wounded and sadly 18,500 were killed or subsequently died of their wounds. We have combined with the Napier City Council and the Taradale RSA to establish the Napier Civic “field of white crosses”, signifying and paying tribute to the loss of 207 citizens from the Napier/ Taradale district. The crosses will remain in situ until after the ANZAC Day services There are 20 schools and several youth groups from Napier/Taradale participating with the “laying” of the crosses plus several dignitaries, serving military personnel. This Civic Service is being held at the Cenotaph in Memorial Square, Napier and will commence at 10.15am.

2. Thursday 17th April – Annual Poppy Day Appeal – the Napier City Council has approved our street appeal for this day and we invite and welcome the support of as many members as possible to give just an hour of their day to this worthy cause. After all, the RSA organisation, of which you are a part, was formed by the Returned and Service members of our community way back in 1916 for the welfare and support of the Veterans’. However, with dwindling numbers of WWII, Korea, Malaya/Borneo and Vietnam Veterans’ we have new generations of even more Veterans’ from Iraq, Afghanistan and all the other NATO supported peacekeeping missions since. Many of these younger people and their families are also facing some serious health and other problems since their return home and need our support. Please add your name to a “Poppy Collectors” list around the Club, or leave your name and contact number at Reception, thank you. We also invite you to be generous with your donation which will be deposited into the Napier RSA Poppy Charitable Trust, with grants being considered and made by the Trustees.

3. Friday 25th April – ANZAC Day – services are being held in many places

throughout New Zealand and Australia and in many overseas places. We encourage you to attend at least one of the following services, along with your family or friends to pay your respects to the men and women who lost their lives or are still suffering as a result of their service. The world is a much better place because of their sacrifices. a) 6.00am - Dawn Parade – at Cenotaph, Memorial Square Napier b) 9.00am - Eskdale Church, Eskdale. c) 11.00am - Napier Civic Service – at Cenotaph, Memorial Square Napier.

Tony Fraser Napier RSA Support Convener

New Zealand and the First World War

On 28 June 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the

throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his wife

Sophie were assassinated in the Bosnian city of

Sarajevo. The fallout from this faraway event would

ultimately claim the lives of 18,500 New Zealanders and

wound more than 40,000.

Places thousands of miles from home with exotic-

sounding names such as Gallipoli, Passchendaele and

the Somme were forever etched in the national memory during what became known as the

Great War.

The war took more than 100,000 New Zealanders overseas, many for the first time. Some

anticipated a great adventure but found the reality very different. Being so far from home

made these New Zealanders very aware of who they were and where they were from. In

battle they were able to compare themselves with men from other nations.

Out of this came a sense of a separate identity, and many New Zealand soldiers began to

refer to themselves as ‘Kiwis’.

The significance of the war on New Zealand society was summed up by a man who

participated in it from Gallipoli to France. Ormond Burton went from being a stretcher-

bearer at Anzac Cove to a highly decorated infantryman on the Western Front.

He believed that ‘somewhere between the landing at Anzac and the end of the battle of the

Somme New Zealand very definitely became a nation’.

Quick facts and figures

The total population of New Zealand in 1914 was just over one million.

In all, 120,000 New Zealanders enlisted, of whom 103,000 served overseas.

A total of 2227 Maori and around 460 Pacific Islanders served overseas with the

New Zealand forces.

At least 3370 New Zealanders served in the Australian or imperial forces, winning

four Victoria Crosses.

In all, 550 nurses served with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, and many

others enlisted in the United Kingdom.

A total of 18,500 New Zealanders died in or because of the war, and around 41,000

were wounded. More than 2700 died at Gallipoli and 12,500 on the Western Front.

The names of those who died are recorded on approximately 500 civic war

memorials throughout New Zealand.

Information sourced from the Internet - editor

Minutes of the Napier RSA Executive Committee Monthly Meeting held in their Clubrooms, 34 Vautier Street, Napier at 10.00am on Saturday 29th March 2014

Opening: The President opened the meeting and welcome all the Executive

Committee. Attendees: J Purcell (President) J Miller (Vice President) T Fraser, R Rowe, B

Williams, B Strong, J Shipman, R Jordon Apologies: None Previous Minutes: Approved as a True and Written record. Matters Arising: Motion: That a position be made available on the executive committee

for the President of the RSA Women’s Section. The position is an extra placement to the 10 set aside under the constitution for election and the delegate would have speaking and no voting rights and by appointment each year. Unanimous

Correspondence: As tabled. CEO Report: As tabled with the following comments

1. Moved that the Napier RSA raise $200,000 to be drawn down over 2 years for new Gaming Machine purchase’s Unanimous

Financial Report: As tabled with the following comments 1. Insurance claim for fire in Restaurant settled 2. Auditors condition of engagement approved 3. Moved that creditors be approved for payment Unanimous

Committee Reports Legal & Charter: As tabled Entertainment: 1. Beat Girls Tickets a sell out

2. All entertainers operating on the same engagement conditions Raffles & Housie: Nothing to report Support: Veterans Support Bill submissions close 17 April 2014 Veterans; Nothing to report Memorabilia: Donations received – Books and American model of WWII Jeep Sports Council: As tabled with the following comments

1. Moved that the RSA purchase 2 8 Ball tables for the newly formed RSA CUE Sports Adjunct Unanimous

Premises: Refer General Business New Members: Moved that 44 New Members be approved. Unanimous Clubs NZ: As tabled RNZRSA: As tabled FoR As detailed by T Fraser Poppy Day As detailed by T Fraser – more volunteers required ANZAC Day As detailed by J Miller (VP) Redevelopment: Motion - that the larger redevelopment proposal (new 3000 sq m club, large car park,

restaurant, conference facilities to meet the midmarket not being served well by higher priced venues) and the sale of apartments to fund the whole development) should, as a result of the due diligence now undertaken ‘lie on the table’ .. should remain a ‘live project’ and be taken up when either (or both) the inner city market for our targeted segment emerged in a stronger way and/ or the funding was obtainable from other sources.. Unanimous

Disciplinary: Resulting from a complaint received a formal hearing is to be conducted concerning a members behavior.

General Business 1. ANZAC Biscuits arrived 2. Duty of Collective Responsibility – ‘In Committee’ means the subject cannot be

discussed outside the Boardroom after an outcome has been achieved and that rumours being circulated outside the Boardroom by Committee members must cease.

3. Proposal tabled by B Strong was discussed and a visual concept was tabled

Meeting concluded 11.45 Next meeting 10.00am Saturday 26 April 2014

London Lights

A young girl from Donegal leaves home to find work in the bright lights of London . She comes home 6 months later and steps out of a taxi wearing a full-length mink coat. "Begorrah, Colleen," says her mother "Tis a lovely soft coat yer wearin' an' it looks so expensive. Where did ye get that?" Colleen replies, "Sure now, I won it at the bingo. Don't they have wonderful prizes in London ." When the weekend's over, Colleen returns to the bright lights, but she's back to visit her mum a few months later. This time, when she steps out of the taxi, she's wearing a beautiful gold wristwatch and a large diamond ring. With the usual exchange with mum............"Won it at bingo!" Then Colleen returns to the bright lights again. A few months later, she's back again. And this time she's sporting a beautiful emerald diamond necklace with matching bracelet and earrings. She hands her mother £1,000 and explains that she won it all in bingo. Then she asks mum to run her a bath as she need to freshen up. Her mum draws the bath while Colleen gets undressed in her bedroom, but when she gets to the washroom, there's only a quarter inch of hot water in the bathtub.

Colleen, a wee bit peeved at her mum being so cheap with the hot water after being handed £1,000, calls downstairs, "mum! Sure now didn't I ask you to run me a bath? There's only a quarter inch of water in the tub!"

"Indade there is, me darlin" replies her mum. "But we don't want ye gettin' yer bingo card wet now, do we?"

Richard Quigley Sheila Beer Margaret Merson Lyn Evans

Michael Marsh John Chung Wayne Gardner Barbara Moore

Raymond Ward Denis Muir Shona Dolbel Frieda Tiedemann

Michael Avers William O’Donnell George Turner Joy Turner

Monica Watson Debbie Barton Peggy Anstis Keith Newton

Shirley Newton Nigel Wildbore Sharon Faulknor Peter Stafford

Phill Warner Graeheme Gotty Donna Gotty Linda Brown

Jackie Wade Andrew Powell Gareth Prentice Marlena Hunt

Brenden Makinson Nikki Prendeville Robert Twort Garry Campbell

Patrick Sullivan Irene Twist Jazz Kohu

Transfer Out Bruce Hall Claire Osborne Debhorah Dagg

Barry Buckrell

Last Post Alex Matenga Patricia Thorburn Patricia Blundell

William Gallie

Association News

“Keeping the comradeship alive” is the recently-adopted slogan of the Hastings

Branch, centred on the Hastings RSA. Members (both men and women) are generally

those from throughout the Bay who served from the 1940’s in the RNZAF or later,

although some are ex-RAF and other Commonwealth air forces or have an interest in

aviation generally.

The highlight for many this month has been the aircraft that participated in the recent

60th anniversary of the HB Airport. Once again the local skies echoed to the well-

remembered roar of Harvards, the Spitfire, Avenger and Mustang, to name just a few

who showed off their performance over the two days the flyin was open to the public

as part of Art Deco Week celebrations.

It was great to see the WW1 replica BE2 fighter (built by the Sir Peter Jackson

company from Masterton) take to the air on the Saturday and battle the quite strong

headwinds to entertain the several thousand who attended. Members and the wider

Napier community were shocked at the recent death of member Ron Ward, a tireless

worker for the district for many years.

It is not generally known that Ron was an associate of Sir Edmund Hillary when they

served together in the Pacific campaigns of WW2. The Branch, as part of its Objects,

supports the Napier and Hastings Squadrons of the ATC and offers their support in a

tangible form by attendance at Committee meetings and assisting with fundraising.

The ATC in return mount the honour guard at the annual November Air Force/Battle

of Britain Day Remembrance service at the Hastings cenotaph.

In association with the HB CMT Association, a day visit to RNZAF Ohakea is planned

for July 29 when a fully escorted tour of the base departments and services, and lunch

in the Mess, have been arranged. Branch members are to meet for lunch at the

Taradale RSA on Tuesday, June 19 (12 noon) and Napier RSA on Sunday, October

12, a warm welcome is extended to ex RNZAF/RSA members and partners to join


Unless otherwise arranged, the members meet monthly for a social luncheon at the

Hastings Returned Services’ Association, Avenue Road, Hastings, on the second

Tuesday of each month, 12 noon for 12,30 meal. Partners and guests always


Sunday luncheons are arranged specifically for the annual Air Force Remembrance

Day and Battle of Britain anniversary held in conjunction with a commemoration

service at the Hastings Cenotaph (9.30 a.m.). [There is also an annual Christmas

luncheon organised in early December.]

For further information on the Branch, its programme and membership, contact Les

Hewett 84335709 or [email protected].

Major Sporting Events are shown on our Big Screen or are available on request








All Day

Pension Day every 2nd Tuesday

Veterans Pension


Napier Ladies Probus

Every 3rd Tuesday

Sit and Keep Fit, 9.30am

National Party 3rd Friday in month from


Grandmothers Raising

Grandchildren 10.00am

Raffles $4.00 Sunday lunch


Napier Inner

Wheel 1st Monday in

Month Western Napier

2nd Monday in Month


Section 3rd Monday in Month from


HOUSIE 1.00pm-

4pm (Conference Room or Al

Fresco area)

Indoor Bowls from 1.30pm

Over 60’s Snooker

Pension Tuesday


Mega Draw



Line Dancing

from 7pm

Future Gospel

Brothers 2nd Monday in the Month

Wine Club 1st Monday

in the Month

Conference Room

6.00pm to 7,00pm

Rock n Roll from 7pm

every Tuesday


Spirit of

Napier Lions 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the Month

Napier Host Lions 1st and

3rd Wednesday in Month

Trivial Pursuit

7.00 pm to 9.30 pm

All Welcome

Kiwian’s 2nd & 4th

Wednesday in

the month

Snooker Dash every Thursday


Dancing Beginners welcome


Rock N Roll



Line Dancing

Important Notice to RSA Members & Guests

Due to increased costs there will be some miner increases in some food items in the Display Cabinet, Bar Snack and Restaurant menu. There will NOT be any increases in

Beverage prices in the immediate future

Show your RSA Card and receive

20% Discount at Cellar Door

1747 Korokipo Road, Fernhill Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand

Phone: +64 6 879 9737 Fax: +64 6 879 8212

This space is

available for


your business

RSA Trade Suppliers adding Value to your

Membership Card


Interior/Exterior House Maintenance & Repairs

Cleaning & Odd Jobs



021 522 076 OR 870 1169

Confession A man received the following text from his neighbour:

I am SO sorry Bob. I've been riddled with guilt and I have to confess. I have been tapping your wife, day and night when you're not around. In fact, more than you.

I'm not getting it at home, but that's no excuse. I can no longer live with the guilt and I hope you will accept my sincerest apology with my promise that it won't happen again.

Bob, feeling anguished and betrayed, went into his bedroom, grabbed his gun, and without a word, shot his wife and killed her.

A few moments later, a second text came in:

Damn autocorrect. I meant "wifi", not "wife".

Dinner invite

Last night I was sitting on the sofa watching TV when I heard my wife’s voice from the kitchen, “what would you like for dinner my love, chicken, beef or lamb?” I said, “thank you, I’ll have chicken please” She replied, You’re having soup you fat b*****d, I was talking to the cat!”

You’re Fired I got sacked from the Salvation Army soup kitchen, ungrateful bleeders. All I said was , “hurry up for goodness sake, some of us have homes to go to!”

Date Entertainment Starts Friday 4th Neil Sings the 60’s 7.00pm

Saturday 5th BEAT GIRLS 8.30pm

Friday 11th R.S. Blues & Hoggs 7.00pm

Saturday 12th R.S. Blues & Hoggs 7.30pm

Sunday 13th Rock N Roll Social 6.30pm

Friday 18th Ice Fire 7.00pm

Saturday 19th Ice Fire 7.30pm

Friday 25th ANZAC DAY

Andrew Sisters Dixie Road

Midday 7.30pm

Friday 2nd May No Wurez 7.00pm

Saturday 3rd May No Wurez 7.30pm

‘Business Relationships’

The focus of the Napier RSA Executive Committee and the Management Team is to add value to your RSA Membership by way of Business Relationships with other providers – hopefully getting our

Members a bigger spend for your $$$$$$’s.

Many members of the Napier RSA are self employed owner operators or managers of both small or large business’s and would like to attract fellow RSA Members and their families to purchase

goods or services off them.

If you are ‘in business’ and prepared to offer any special concessions / discounts to RSA Members we would like to promote

your business on the RSA Website and in our monthly Club Magazine free of charge for a 12 month period.

The Napier RSA currently has 3600 plus members which is a lot of

potential business opportunities so if you would like to enter a relationship with our members, please contact

[email protected] in the first instance.
