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The Minneapolis journal (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1906-05...

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^j^Wf^rm^T^M WedneS(la y Evening, THE MINNEL^PQLIS JQIIRN All May 9, 1906. X'\) . M*W£S0TA| H!ST0j3fCAL SOCIETY? 1 i \ f \- *$ The Postman Delivers many an out- of-town order to us. We expect yours tomor^ row. Mail order depart- ment. Trunks, Bags, Suitcases —SEE NICOLLET WINDOW DISPLAY— ^ „ We have a select line of travelers' goods. You'll find our prices much below those of others. One in- stance— A heavy sole leather suit case, size 24-inch. Set of inside straps, heavy linen lining, solid brass bolt, leather reinforced corners. ) Cheap at $5.(10. Special .' .... —Underprice Basement- $4.75 Whereyottr ttoftardo*s#9dttty DRY GOODS CO* \ XrjfKZAVOXgft: 801-50S-M5-507-M9.611 MIOOIXEX AVEIHTZ. NEW YORK: 464 BROOKE STREET. * KAHOHE8TE&i JL - V PAKIB: ;• OHEHVITZt 17 NICHOLAS 8T. STOVE 3>E X.'EOB34VI£B. » THEATER BTRABBE. ^<w The Linen Department A special lot of Huck Towels, extra heavy linen Huck, double weave, the most durable '* t^hL^ towel made tegular 15c quality, at each .... I^&^C 72-inch full bleached satin damask, a very fine Irish manufacture; good 98c value, «g ' at, special, yard / J5C Dress Linens, both in colors and pure white, and all widths, at very special prices. —Center Store Section— ft Tod Susy To shop tod^yf If so, telephone as. Either line. We'll have the goods on the way in a jiffy. DRESS FABRICS IN EVERY DESIRED WEAVE, PATTERN AND COLOR—YOU WILL FIND OUR PRICES ARE TH$ VERY LOWEST HEREABOUTS. White Goods The approach of a predicted white summer and the present de- mand for white dresses for grad- uation, party and reception woar, add interest to these offerings. Note prices— Plain Swiss, fine, sheer goods; a 50c grade, ^»A_ Sheer Irish Linen for waists; a very fine quality, ARn wotth 60c,at, yard T u t Suiting, linen finish; a mater- ial that can hardly be detected from real linen, a full |P> yard wide, at, yard f..lvv —Foot Left Aisle— Unprecedented Suit Values and Prices ^pHURSDAY morning we will place on sale about 12S suits and shirt waist dresses at prices that will insure their speedily changing * ownership from us, to you. Not all are this season's styles, but those that are not, need very slight alteration, such Corset Dept. Splendid swearing qualities and graceful lines have^ gained for these corsets well deserved pop- ularity. Sample lot of corsets, of the celebrated makes of W. B., Kabo, Nemo and W. T. In this lot you will find new, up-to-date models, high bust, long backs, long and medium hips, steel filled, neatly finished at top with lace and ribbon; colors, white, drab and black; sizes 18 to 32, values to $2.00; O&f* price ^'Ot' Eegal corset, medium bust, long deep hips, with two pairs of hose supporters attached, made of fine white coutil, boned with non-rustable steel; lace and rib- bon trimmed; new model; sizes 19 to 30; a good d?| (\f\ $1.50 value, price sT/I*UU —Second Floor Annex— Basement as the mere changing of a sleeve—and little time or* expense suffices to transform them into up-to-date garments, ience in handling they have been divided into two big lots*: v * ^Jg v' / For conven- $4.95 f Shirtwaist Dresses That Have Sold ai $11.50 and $15.00 Suits Jhat have Sold at $22.50, $25.00 and $30.00 The Shirtwaist Dresses are of Mohair and Brilliantine. Pleated skirts and waists. Colors are gray, blue and black. The Suits are Btons, Blouses and short fitted jackets. Materials are chev- iots, serges and mohairs. Pleated skirts and plain. Jackets are taft'eta an4„, braid trimmed. The colors blue, black, gray and brown. ' '" ^ $9.75 Shirtwaists Dresses That Have Sold at $22.50, $25 and $27.50 Suits That Have Sold at $15, $22.50, $30, $32.50 and $45 Shirtwaist Dresses are of voiles, Panamas and serges, in blue, black and brown. Some Macpherson & Langford dresses in this lot. The Suits are Etons, Blouses and short jacket styles, in cheviots, mohairs, gray and white checks, fancy worsteds, Panama and broadcloth. The colors, blue, black and gray. Wash Goods Warm, welcome summer days about due. Prepare for them by adding one or more pretty tub dresses to your wardrobe. The dainties of new materials in col- ored dress fabrics. Prices such as these— Cotton voile, light and dark grounds, with dots, checks and mottled effects, regular 25c qual- ity at half price, \*^\£%r* Batiste, just received 50 pieces, white grounds, with pretty rose buds, dots and sprays, 16c value, at yard..., Organdies, beautiful assort- ment of all the newest colorings and designs, at, * yard, 2 5 o an d I / C —Left Aisle— I2&c •his- Section The TJnderprice'Basement store is gaining in popularity every day. There you will always find sterling values in moderate priced merchandise. Many are given publicity, while many others, equally desirable, are not. Every item is a money-saver. Continuation of Our May Sale of Muslin Underwear During this May sale of dainty, immaculate undermuslins, we are splendidly prepared to cater to your every want, by providing garments of undeniable quality and excellence in a variety of styles, grades and prices. £oth domestic and foreign manufacture. Be it a single purchase, or that of an entire trousseau, be assured the savings are very considerable. •*.*$*•*•%• ^ Chemise Corset Covers Short Skirts ' Drawers Gowns Quality Hosiery Chemise of good heavy mus- A^n lin Plain cord edge, special .. ^ , *-'*' Fine skirt chemise, square neck trimmed with four rows torchon lace, lace edge at neck and armholes Skirt finished with tucked lawn AQ r ruffle " y c Nainsook chemise, round neck, trim- med with lace and insertion, ribbon strung, finished with wide 7 5 C flounce, hemstitched, special s ts* Others up to $ 3 7 5 . Long Skirts Skirt, fine cambric, very full, wide flounce, finished with 14 small QAn tucks and hemstitching ~OC Cambric skirt, wide tucked flounce, finished with deep embrold- Cj OC Nainsook corset cover, high round neck, tight fitting, 8 rows fine OKs* tucking down front &*J\* Corset cover—made of nainsook, has low round neck trimmed with two rows of lace insertion, ribbon run, lace edge at neck and arm- 'ZOr> holes OVK, Fine nainsook corset covers in a dozen pretty styles Three and four dainty Val ribbon run lace Insertions front and back Some have ruffles across front, others tight fitting and full fronts, 4 8 c and Corset covers of fine nainsook. New button back ribbon run, lacs Q&r insertions; full fronts 5^v7W Other styles up to $4 50- 50c Skirt of cambric, trimmed with full hemstitched hem and hem- ^Of stitched tuckej| flounce »J W Short skirts,, cambric tucked, trim- med with embroidery edge; others with tucked flounce, lace insertion Aflc and lace edge; special •tow French Handmade Con- vent Uhdermuslins A very select assortment of. beauti- fully made imp'orted apparel at very moderate prices; chemise, gowns, drawers and skirts. Prices 2 e range from $1 to ^v** —Second Floor Annex-*- 25c Cambric drawers with deep tucked flounce, hemstitched.. . Drawers—Good cambric, one style flare flounce of two lace Insertions and edging, another with tucks and lace edging Some with em- "XQn broidery OVC- Drawers of nainsook and cambric Deep flounce Trimmed with two rows handsome lace insertion tucking and lace edge Others with embroidery and tucking. Numerous AAn styles -t-OW Fine cambric drawers—trimmed with eyelet embroidery; six rows of *75c fine tucks above embroidery t \JK> Others price to $ 3 5 0 . Qowns of muslin and good cambric, various styles, high V and round yoke; some trimmed with embroidery Inser- tions and tucking, solid tucks or lace insertion strung with />Os* ribbons u v t Fine nainsook gown—has high neck and yoke of four rows embroidery in- sertion; wide an dnarrow tucks Hem- stitched ruffle at neck and Oftr* sleeves yoc Gown—The hew "Hospital" gown— round yoke, high neck, turnover col- lar, sleeves with -plain but- Cl O 1 ? ton cuff, also pocket '•'*• "* 7 Other gowns up to $11 50- Did we know of better mafcae, we'd handle them. Ours possess all the requisites for good hos- iery, namely, close, comfortable fit, durability, fast colors and style. Ladies' imported black silk, lisle hose, full regular made, with extra high spliced heels, double soles and toes, 3 pairs -j •» for $ 1 , or, a pair OdC Ladies' embroidered black cotton hose, full regular made, with high spliced heels, double soles and toes, embroiderei in red, blue, white and ^ tZsr green; a pair At&K* Misses' fine lxl ribbed, black lisle hose, double knees, heels and toes, a regular 25c stocking; 3 pairs for 5 0 c , \ Q or, a pair IOC —First Eight Aisle— Moving Time This is the van man's harvest season. If you are refurnishing a new home, or apartments, or planning the purchase of carpets, rugs, furniture or draperies, our splendid new stocks are worthy your inspection. Easy payments on these lines, when desired. THIS I3.PEGISIVEL IV LARGE STOCK, or TSE NEWEsrvsEJtmms^n^mt vmriMWEsrlnaces: Druggists' Sundries Five items and every one at a cut price, and de- sirable. You know what such staple goods ordinarily cost you. Compare these prices.^ 50c Rubber gloves at, pair, 38c Hot Water Bottles, GUARANTEED. ' 2-Quart at 50c each, 3-Quart at, each 60c Seeley's 50c oz. "White Rose perfume at, an oz., 25c Jjundborg's Violet perfume, 40c oz. kind, at, an oz., 15c Kirk's Isle of Violets toilet water, 4 oz. bottle for 21c —Center Store, Main Floor— 3 Items Leather Goods Dept. items 3 Very Strong Items Besides being of seasonable weight, these garments are of superior workmanship and quality materials. The prices—Judge them. Children's 50c Here is an opportunity to secure strictly up-to-date Carriage, Auto- mobile, Avenue and Envelope Bags at one-half, and in some cases con- siderably less than half their value. Item No. 1—There are just 57 bags which are now marked from $1 each up to $2.75 each, which will be placed on sale at, choice , They come in browns, black and tan. Best bags go first you know, so come early and get choice selection. * Item No. 2—Latest style 9-inch leather covered frame bags, in fancy leather, card case and purse. Good $1.25 to $1.39 value; _ QO/"* black only, choice .\. .... OVC Item No. 3f—A fine quality Morocco leather bag strictly up-to-date in every way. Worth easily $1.25. Thursday's sale, each —Main Floor— Women's Women's very fine lisle pants, umbrella knee style, beautifully lace trimmed. A garment sold everywhere at 50c. For quick selling, our price here tomorrow 1.., 39c Boys' fine ecru combed Egyptian balbriggan shirts and drawers, the shirts either in long or short sleeves. Drawers with large double seat and knee or ankle length. Why pay 35c t Our price, *% E^r each .£i%J\* —Second Bight Aisle— Men's Men's combination suits, fine ecru lisle thread, made in long or short sleeves, sizes 2 to 8. A garment well worth $1.50 and priced here at, each $1.00 Sharp Millinery Reductions black only; 79c Notwithstanding we recently made some decisive reductions in millinery with the object of acquiring Irnore room for new ar- rivals in midsummer styles, we find more space imperative and have selected from our regular stock 6 or 7 models of sailors, all Alland Bros.' beslt creations, and values up to $5.00. Your choice, this sale , ..$2.98 $5.00"Trimmed Millinery—$5.00 5 *%4 This price seems to meet a very popular demand and the hats are considered about the best values possible to secure. They are exact copies of expensive patterns, and made {£ Cf l"lsTk of excellent materials. The price .., %PO • vJvr —Second Floor— A Sale of Ribbons "V \ You will be strongly tempted to buy these ribbons if you will read what we have to say about them and take a few moments of your shop- ping time to inspect them, tomor- row. Messaline Taffetas. Two very exceptional items in the most desirable kinds. These weaves as you well know are decidedly in favor this season for hat trimming, girdles, hair rib- bons, neck ribbons and for various other uses. They are of fine quality, soft finish, best widths, choicest col- orings, including a generous assort- ment of whites. Item .No. 1—A 4% inch and 5-inch fine quality messaline taffeta, sold everywhere at 25c the yard. -g H 2,700 yards, 20 colors, on sale Thursday at, I ^%C\ a yard *^^ Item No. 2-rA fine quality all silk messaline taffeta ribbon* 5%-inch width. This grade usually sells at 30c to 35c -g g^ the yard. Our price for Thursday's sale I w £ of 1,500 yards, 12 colors, a yard -^%*» It is not often that such opportunities present themselves. Don't overlook this one. 'MI Silk Floral Warp Prints These are of fine quality, are all silk and of the very newest desir- able patterns. They measure from 4% to 6% inches in width and over half the lot would sell ordinarily at 75© yard. There is a very pleasing assortment of colorings and you'll not regret shopping early for them. 1,160 yards on sale Thursday, , *\Qc —Center Store Section— at, yard NO SHOPPING T0VR COMPLETE WITHOUT A VISIT TO OVR UNDERPRICE BASEMENT STORE. A SUPPLY CENTER FOR INEXPENSIVE MERCHANDISE. "•'it' * 1 1 •9 ARBITRATION BOARD MAY RULE ZION GITY Journal Special Service. , Chicago, May 9.—fn the injdjition /proceedings brought by John Alexander Dowie against Voliva, tfce deputy gener- al overseer at Zion. City, before Judge Wright at Belvidere, 111.. Judge Donelly, who occupied a seat on the bench, inter- posed a query as to arbitration and the f selection of a commission to manage the I affairs cf Zion. The court proposed r each snle select one member, the court f the thirc 1 , these to be in charge of af- fairs, and act as censors on matters published in the pamphlets. The Dowieites conferred and asked time to give answer saying Dowie waa t) be consulted. The case then turned oa the occupancy of the tabernacle and tho Volivi. faction fought hard for ab- solute possession of the building. It is likely the commission suggested will be named and the fight will be called off and affairs at Zion run under ths administration of the two factions. Go to New YOTK on the Lehigh. Double Trlack Scenic Highway. Con- nects at Buffalo or Niagara Falls with all lines from the West. Write Passenger Department, Lehigh Valley B. E.. 218 South Clark St., Chi- cago. Ill- 3 0 0 PLEAD GUILTY AS 'WRITE CAPPERS' MARCELLA 3EMBRICH SAYS. -The Kimball Piano RANKS WITH THE BEST INSTRUMENTS BEFORE THE WORLD." It is possible to buy a KIMBALL direct from the makers for , $275.00-30,000 per year makes this possible. FACTORY WARERpOMS F. J. HILL, Northwestern Mgr. W. W. KIMBALL GO. ^ 7 25 and 27 ifth S t ti * \ . Jackson, Miss., May 9.—Over 300 citizens of Franklin county charged with being members of an alleged "white cap" organization have pleaded guilty before Judge Niles on the charge of intimidating government homestead* ers and were each assessed the minimum fine of $25 and sentence to three months' imprisonment. The imprison- ment was suspended pending good be- havior. The litigation has attracted much at* tention owing to the prominence of the men involved. Among those indicted was the sheriff of Franklin county. One Fare Plus $2 to Des Moines and Return. Account General Assembly Presby- terian church, May 26-29, the Minneap- olis & St. Louis railroad will send round- trip tickets May 14 to 17 and 21 to 28. Return limit May 31. Two superb drains daily to Des Moines without change. Call on' J. GL Eickel, city ticket agent, 424 Nicollet avenue, for full particulars. With old-fashioned honesty, the most approved methods of distillation and the choices't grain as a basis, Pickwick Rye never varies in quality. Always the same, always the best. £f NATURAL LAXATIVE MINERAL WATER FOR CONSTIPATION .Nature's own Inimitable remedy for Constipation, Biliousness and Disordered Digestion. Just as Nature creates it and intends It should be taken—It cures in a natural, easy, certain way. Inexpensive and effective. Try a bottle—and drink half a glass on arising. it »» SPECIAL S. &* H. GREEN STAMP SALE ALL THIS WEEK. Stamps Delivered With C. O. D. Orders/ A A Stamps with one | W can A. &P. Bak- ling Powder. OK with one bottle "& best A. & P. i Extracts. "BATHA3WECT" RICE POWDER Best toilet powder. An- tisepttattty pure. sept left A Perfumed Luxury For th« BATH Softens Hard Water Reiievct wind "BATHASWEET* COMPLEXION SOAP Softens and whitens the skin. Malccs heavy „- ^v Better thsn Per-y% e „Xcreamy lather. Very *5C« \ f » n W J 5 b a t h s Jr «C« Xfragrant, Purest^ W E BOX >v tf seats >/THB CAKEX for toilet . AT ALL STOnJM< 9B. HATM6P BY ITS #tk bATCHEI.LEH IMPORTING COMPANY, 343 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. U.S.A. * Much of the drawing: power of a Journal want ad depends on the way It Is worded. It Is always well to tell as much of the story as the reader will care to know. This brings him in cljsser touch with your proposition at the outset, and makes his Investigation more likely. for one on all Teas. for one on all Cof- fees from 25£ up. EXTRA ELGIN ILLINOIS CREAMERY BUTTER 10 Stamps 10 With 2 Pounds PHONE 1 2 8 6 1A with two pkgs. lv A . & P. Jellol Powder, any AftY 01 ) rowaer, i pkg. 10*. | ET with two pkgs. *-*-' finest Raisins or| Currants, pkg. 10o. 10' ^k 7 b** 8 b * 8t ' *" Laundry Soap, Borax, 2 S « . FURNITURE POLI8H, LARGE BOTTLE, 25c. GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. '''iMS 521 NICOLLET AVENUE *. fa iA.
Page 1: The Minneapolis journal (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1906-05 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045366/1906-05-09/ed...expect yours tomor^ row. Mail order depart ment. Trunks, Bags, Suitcases

^j^Wf^rm^T^M WedneS( lay Evening, THE MINNEL^PQLIS JQIIRN Al l May 9, 1906.

X'\) . M*W£S0TA| H!ST0j3fCAL


i \


\- *$

The Postman Delivers many an out-of-town order to us. We expect yours tomor^ row. Mail order depart­ment.

Trunks, Bags, Suitcases —SEE NICOLLET WINDOW DISPLAY— ^ „

We have a select line of travelers' goods. You'll find our prices much below those of others. One in­stance— „

A heavy sole leather suit case, size 24-inch. Set of inside straps, heavy linen lining, solid brass bolt, leather reinforced corners. ) Cheap at $5.(10. Special . ' . . . .

—Underprice Basement-$4.75

Where yottr ttoftardo*s#9dttty

D R Y G O O D S CO* \ XrjfKZAVOXgft: 801-50S-M5-507-M9.611 MIOOIXEX AVEIHTZ.


^<w The Linen Department A special lot of Huck Towels, extra heavy linen

Huck, double weave, the most durable '* t^hL^ towel made tegular 15c quality, at each . . . . I ^ & ^ C

72-inch full bleached satin damask, a very fine Irish manufacture; good 98c value, « g

' at, special, yard / J 5 C Dress Linens, both in colors and pure white, and all

widths, at very special prices. —Center Store Section—

f t Tod Susy

To shop tod^yf If so, telephone as. Either line. We'll have the goods on the way in a jiffy.


White Goods The approach of a predicted

white summer and the present de­mand for white dresses for grad­uation, party and reception woar, add interest to these offerings. Note prices—

Plain Swiss, fine, sheer goods; a 50c grade, ^ » A _

Sheer Irish Linen for waists; a very fine quality, ARn wotth 60c,at, yard T u t

Suiting, linen finish; a mater­ial that can hardly be detected from real linen, a full | P > yard wide, at, yard f . . l v v

—Foot Left Aisle—

Unprecedented Suit Values and Prices ^pHURSDAY morning we will place on sale about 12S suits and shirt waist dresses at prices that will insure their speedily changing * ownership from us, to you. Not all are this season's styles, but those that are not, need very slight alteration, such

Corset Dept. Splendid swearing qualities and

graceful lines h a v e ^ gained for these corsets well deserved pop­ularity.

Sample lot of corsets, of the celebrated makes of W. B., Kabo, Nemo and W. T. In this lot you will find new, up-to-date models, high bust, long backs, long and medium hips, steel filled, neatly finished at top with lace and ribbon; colors, white, drab and black; sizes 18 to 32, values to $2.00; O & f * price ^ ' O t '

Eegal corset, medium bust, long deep hips, with two pairs of hose supporters attached, made of fine white coutil, boned with non-rustable steel; lace and rib­bon trimmed; new model; sizes 19 to 30; a good d?| (\f\ $1.50 value, price s T / I * U U

—Second Floor Annex—


as the mere changing of a sleeve—and little time or* expense suffices to transform them into up-to-date garments, ience in handling they have been divided into two big lots*: v * ^Jg v ' /

For conven-

$4.95 f Shirtwaist Dresses That Have Sold ai

$11.50 and $15.00 Suits Jhat have Sold at $22.50,

$25.00 and $30.00 The Shirtwaist Dresses are of Mohair and Brilliantine. Pleated skirts and

waists. Colors are gray, blue and black. The Suits are Btons, Blouses and short fitted jackets. Materials are chev­

iots, serges and mohairs. Pleated skirts and plain. Jackets are taft'eta an4„, braid trimmed. The colors blue, black, gray and brown. ' '" ^

$9.75 Shirtwaists Dresses That Have Sold at

$22.50, $25 and $27.50 Suits That Have Sold at $15, $22.50,

$30, $32.50 and $45 Shirtwaist Dresses are of voiles, Panamas and serges, in blue, black and

brown. Some Macpherson & Langford dresses in this lot. The Suits are Etons, Blouses and short jacket styles, in cheviots, mohairs,

gray and white checks, fancy worsteds, Panama and broadcloth. The colors, blue, black and gray.

Wash Goods Warm, welcome summer days

about due. Prepare for them by adding one or more pretty tub dresses to your wardrobe. The dainties of new materials in col­ored dress fabrics. Prices such as these—

Cotton voile, light and dark grounds, with dots, checks and mottled effects, regular 25c qual­ity at half price, \*^\£%r*

Batiste, just received 50 pieces, white grounds, with pretty rose buds, dots and sprays, 16c value, at yard . . . ,

Organdies, beautiful assort­ment of all the newest colorings and designs, at, * j « yard, 25o and I / C

—Left Aisle—



Section The TJnderprice'Basement store

is gaining in popularity every day. There you will always find sterling values in moderate priced merchandise. Many are given publicity, while many others, equally desirable, are not. Every item is a money-saver.

Continuation of Our May Sale of Muslin Underwear During this May sale of dainty, immaculate undermuslins, we are splendidly prepared to cater to your every want, by providing garments of undeniable

quality and excellence in a variety of styles, grades and prices. £oth domestic and foreign manufacture. Be it a single purchase, or that of an entire trousseau, be assured the savings are very considerable. • * . * $ * • * • % • ^

Chemise Corset Covers Short Skirts ' Drawers Gowns

Quality Hosiery

Chemise of good heavy mus- A^n lin Plain cord edge, special . . ^,*-'*'

Fine skirt chemise, square neck trimmed with four rows torchon lace, lace edge at neck and armholes Skirt finished with tucked lawn A Q r ruffle " y c

Nainsook chemise, round neck, trim­med with lace and insertion, ribbon strung, finished with wide 7 5 C flounce, hemstitched, special s ts*

Others up to $ 3 7 5 .

Long Skirts Skirt, fine cambric, very full, wide

flounce, finished with 14 small QAn tucks and hemstitching ~ O C

Cambric skirt, wide tucked flounce, finished with deep embrold- Cj OC

Nainsook corset cover, high round neck, tight fitting, 8 rows fine OKs* tucking down front &*J\*

Corset cover—made of nainsook, has low round neck trimmed with two rows of lace insertion, ribbon run, lace edge at neck and arm- 'ZOr> holes OVK,

Fine nainsook corset covers in a dozen pretty styles Three and four dainty Val ribbon run lace Insertions front and back Some have ruffles across front, others tight fitting and full fronts, 4 8 c and

Corset covers of fine nainsook. New button back ribbon run, lacs Q & r insertions; full fronts 5̂ v7W

Other styles up to $ 4 50-


Skirt of cambric, trimmed with full hemstitched hem and hem- ^ O f stitched tuckej| flounce »J W

Short skirts,, cambric tucked, trim­med with embroidery edge; others with tucked flounce, lace insertion Aflc and lace edge; special • t o w

French Handmade Con-vent Uhdermuslins

A very select assortment of. beauti­fully made imp'orted apparel at very moderate prices; chemise, gowns, drawers and skirts. Prices <£ 2 e range from $ 1 to ^ v * *

—Second Floor Annex-*-

25c Cambric drawers with deep tucked flounce, hemstitched.. .

Drawers—Good cambric, one style flare flounce of two lace Insertions and edging, another with tucks and lace edging Some with em- "XQn broidery OVC-

Drawers of nainsook and cambric Deep flounce Trimmed with two rows handsome lace insertion tucking and lace edge Others with embroidery and tucking. Numerous AAn styles -t-OW

Fine cambric drawers—trimmed with eyelet embroidery; six rows of * 7 5 c fine tucks above embroidery t \JK>

Others price to $ 3 5 0 .

Qowns of muslin and good cambric, various styles, high V and round yoke; some trimmed with embroidery Inser­tions and tucking, solid tucks or lace insertion strung with />Os* ribbons u v t

Fine nainsook gown—has high neck and yoke of four rows embroidery in­sertion; wide an dnarrow tucks Hem­stitched ruffle at neck and Oftr* sleeves y o c

Gown—The hew "Hospital" gown— round yoke, high neck, turnover col­lar, sleeves with -plain but- Cl O1? ton cuff, also pocket '•'*• "*7

Other gowns up to $11 50-

Did we know of better mafcae, we'd handle them. Ours possess all the requisites for good hos­iery, namely, close, comfortable fit, durability, fast colors and style.

Ladies' imported black silk, lisle hose, full regular made, with extra high spliced heels, double soles and toes, 3 pairs - j •» for $ 1 , or, a pair O d C

Ladies' embroidered black cotton hose, full regular made, with high spliced heels, double soles and toes, embroiderei in red, blue, white and ^ tZsr green; a pair At&K*

Misses' fine l x l ribbed, black lisle hose, double knees, heels and toes, a regular 25c stocking; 3 pairs for 5 0 c , \ Q „ or, a pair I O C

—First Eight Aisle—

Moving Time This is the van man's harvest

season. If you are refurnishing a new home, or apartments, or planning the purchase of carpets, rugs, furniture or draperies, our splendid new stocks are worthy your inspection. Easy payments on these lines, when desired.

THIS I3.PEGISIVEL IV LARGE STOCK, or TSE NEWEsrvsEJtmms^n^mt vmriMWEsrlnaces:

Druggists' Sundries Five items and every one at a cut price, and de­

sirable. You know what such staple goods ordinarily cost you. Compare these prices.̂ 50c Rubber gloves at, pair, 38c

Hot Water Bottles, GUARANTEED. ' 2-Quart at 50c each, 3-Quart at, each 60c

Seeley's 50c oz. "White Rose perfume at, an oz., 25c Jjundborg's Violet perfume, 40c oz. kind, at, an oz., 15c

Kirk's Isle of Violets toilet water, 4 oz. bottle for 21c —Center Store, Main Floor—

3 Items Leather Goods Dept. items

3 Very Strong Items

Besides being of seasonable weight, these garments are of superior workmanship and quality materials. The prices—Judge them.



Here is an opportunity to secure strictly up-to-date Carriage, Auto­mobile, Avenue and Envelope Bags at one-half, and in some cases con­siderably less than half their value.

Item No. 1—There are just 57 bags which are now marked from $1 each up to $2.75 each, which will be placed on sale at, choice ,

They come in browns, black and tan. Best bags go first you know, so come early and get choice selection.

* Item No. 2—Latest style 9-inch leather covered frame bags, in fancy leather, card case and purse. Good $1.25 to $1.39 value; _ QO/"* black only, choice .\. .... O V C

Item No. 3f—A fine quality Morocco leather bag strictly up-to-date in every way. Worth easily $1.25. Thursday's sale, each

—Main Floor—

Women's Women's very fine lisle pants,

umbrella knee style, beautifully lace trimmed. A garment sold everywhere at 50c. For quick selling, our price here tomorrow 1 . . , 39c

Boys' fine ecru combed Egyptian balbriggan shirts and drawers, the shirts either in long or short sleeves. Drawers with large double seat and knee or ankle length. Why pay 35c t Our price, *% E ^ r each .£i%J\*

—Second Bight Aisle—

Men's Men's combination suits, fine

ecru lisle thread, made in long or short sleeves, sizes 2 to 8. A garment well worth $1.50 and priced here at, each $1.00

Sharp Millinery Reductions

black only;


Notwithstanding we recently made some decisive reductions in millinery with the object of acquiring Irnore room for new ar­rivals in midsummer styles, we find more space imperative and have selected from our regular stock 6 or 7 models of sailors, all Alland Bros.' beslt creations, and values up to $5.00. Your choice, this sale , ..$2.98 $5.00"Trimmed Millinery—$5.00

5 *%4

This price seems to meet a very popular demand and the hats are considered about the best values possible to secure. They are exact copies of expensive patterns, and made {£ Cf l"lsTk of excellent materials. The price .., %PO • v J v r

—Second Floor—

A Sale of Ribbons "V

\ You will be strongly tempted to

buy these ribbons if you will read what we have to say about them and take a few moments of your shop­ping time to inspect them, tomor­row.

Messaline Taffetas. Two very exceptional items in the

most desirable kinds.

These weaves as you well know are decidedly in favor this season for hat trimming, girdles, hair rib­bons, neck ribbons and for various other uses. They are of fine quality, soft finish, best widths, choicest col­orings, including a generous assort­ment of whites.

Item .No. 1—A 4% inch and 5-inch fine quality messaline taffeta, sold everywhere at 25c the yard. -g H 2,700 yards, 20 colors, on sale Thursday at, I ^%C\ a yard * ^ ^

Item No. 2-rA fine quality all silk messaline taffeta ribbon* 5%-inch width. This grade usually sells at 30c to 35c -g g^ the yard. Our price for Thursday's sale I w £ of 1,500 yards, 12 colors, a yard -^%*»

It is not often that such opportunities present themselves. Don't overlook this one.

'MI Silk Floral Warp Prints These are of fine quality, are all silk and of the very newest desir­

able patterns. They measure from 4% to 6% inches in width and over half the lot would sell ordinarily at 75© yard. There is a very pleasing assortment of colorings and you'll not regret shopping early for them. 1,160 yards on sale Thursday, , *\Qc

—Center Store Section— at, yard



* 1



MAY RULE ZION GITY Journal Special Service. ,

Chicago, May 9.—fn the injdj i t ion /proceedings brought by John Alexander

Dowie against Voliva, tfce deputy gener­al overseer at Zion. City, before Judge Wright at Belvidere, 111.. Judge Donelly, who occupied a seat on the bench, inter­posed a query as to arbitration and the

f selection of a commission to manage the I affairs cf Zion. The court proposed r each snle select one member, the court f the thirc1, these to be in charge of af­

fairs, and act as censors on matters published in the pamphlets.

The Dowieites conferred and asked time to give answer saying Dowie waa t ) be consulted. The case then turned oa the occupancy of the tabernacle and tho Volivi. faction fought hard for ab­solute possession of the building.

I t is likely the commission suggested will be named and the fight will be called off and affairs at Zion run under ths administration of the two factions.

Go to New YOTK on the Lehigh. Double Trlack Scenic Highway. Con­

nects at Buffalo or Niagara Falls with all lines from the West.

Write Passenger Department, Lehigh Valley B. E.. 218 South Clark St., Chi­cago. Ill-



-The Kimball Piano RANKS WITH THE BEST INSTRUMENTS BEFORE THE WORLD." I t is possible to buy a KIMBALL direct from the makers for , $ 2 7 5 . 0 0 - 3 0 , 0 0 0 per year makes this possible.


Northwestern Mgr. W. W. KIMBALL GO. ^ 7 25 and 27 ifth S t

ti *

\ .

Jackson, Miss., May 9.—Over 300 citizens of Franklin county charged with being members of an alleged "white c a p " organization have pleaded guilty before Judge Niles on the charge of intimidating government homestead* ers and were each assessed the minimum fine of $25 and sentence to three months' imprisonment. The imprison­ment was suspended pending good be­havior.

The litigation has attracted much at* tention owing to the prominence of the men involved. Among those indicted was the sheriff of Franklin county.

One Fare Plus $2 to Des Moines and Return.

Account General Assembly Presby­terian church, May 26-29, the Minneap­olis & St. Louis railroad will send round-trip tickets May 14 to 17 and 21 to 28. Return limit May 31. Two superb drains daily to Des Moines without change. Call on' J . GL Eickel, city ticket agent, 424 Nicollet avenue, for full particulars.

With old-fashioned honesty, the most approved methods of distillation and the choices't grain as a basis, Pickwick Rye never varies in quality. Always the same, always the best. £f



CONSTIPATION .Nature's own Inimitable remedy for Constipation, Biliousness and Disordered Digestion. Just as Nature creates it and intends It should be taken—It cures in a natural, easy, certain way. Inexpensive and effective. Try a bottle—and drink half a glass on arising.

it » »



Stamps Delivered With C. O. D. Orders/ A A Stamps with one

| W can A. & P . Bak-ling Powder.

O K with one bottle "& best A. & P.

i Extracts.


Best toilet powder. An-tisepttattty pure. sept


A Perfumed Luxury For th« BATH

Softens Hard Water Reiievct wind

"BATHASWEET* COMPLEXION SOAP Softens and whitens the

skin. Malccs heavy „- ^v Better thsn Per-y%e„Xcreamy lather. Very *5C« \ f » n W J 5 b a t h s J r «C« Xfragrant, Purest^

W E BOX >v tf seats > / T H B CAKEX for toilet



* Much of the drawing: power of a Journal want ad depends on the way It Is worded. It Is always well to tell as much of the story as the reader will care to know. This brings him in cljsser touch with your proposition at the outset, and makes his Investigation more likely.

for one on all Teas.

for one on all Cof­fees from 25£ up.



10 Stamps 10 With 2 Pounds

PHONE 1286

1 A with two pkgs. l v A . & P. Jellol Powder, any AftY01) rowaer, i pkg. 1 0 * .

| ET with two pkgs. *-*-' finest Raisins or | Currants, pkg. 10o.

10 ' ^ k 7 b**8 b*8t' * " Laundry S o a p , Borax, 2 S « .



'''iMS 521 NICOLLET AVENUE *. fa

i A .
