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The Miracles Belong to Him - Ernest Angley (1986)

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    April 1986

    Topics: Miracles & Healing

    by Ernest An gley

    And the third day there w as a marriage in Cana of

    Galilee; and the m other of Jesus was there: And both

    Jesus w as called, an d his disciples, to the m arriage (John

    2:1-5). The disciples and the mother of Jesus were at the

    wedding; there was faith present for Jesus to work with. Andwhe n they wante d wine, the mother of Jesus saith un to

    him, They have no wine. Jesus saith unto her, W oman,

    what have I to do w ith thee? mine hour is not yet come.

    His mother saith un to the servants, Whatsoever he saith

    un to you, do it.This be ginnin g of miracles did Jesus in

    Cana of Galilee , and ma nifested forth his glory; and h is

    disciples believed on him (Verse 11).

    Turning water into wine was His miracle, for the miracles belong

    to God. Be conscious of each miracle belonging to HimHis

    miracles, not yours or mineonly the benefits belong to us.

    Delight in seeing His miracles, knowing that He delights in working miracles so much that one of

    the nine gifts of the Spirit is the working of miracles (I Corinthians 12:10). It is a supernatural gift

    operated only by supernatural power. The gifts of the Spirit cannot be operated by the spirit of

    man; they are operated by the Holy Spirit working through the spirit of man. It is an impossibility

    for one of the supernatural gifts to operate with human power and human spirit. The gifts work

    through the divine power of the Holy Spirit of Almighty God. [God] that is able to do

    exceeding ab un dantly above all that we ask or think, ACCORDING TO THE POWER[of

    the Holy Spirit] THAT WORK ETH IN US (Ephesians 3:20). The degree to which we yield to the

    Holy Spirit is the degree to which the power of the Holy Spirit can work through us; in fact, our

    yielding to the Holy Spirit is the only way the gifts of the Spirit can work. God's holy miracles are

    His, and the results ours.

    The great miracle creating the first man, the fantastic miracle of the first woman were His

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    miracles. That man, that woman belonged to God. God had performed many miracles to prepare

    the Garden of Eden for Adam and EveHis miracles. Man had nothing to do with the creation, but

    man delighted in its beauty. God created the birds, wrote the songs and taught the birds to sing.

    He made all the fish of the sea, gave them the ability to swim; they were God's miracles, they

    belonged to God, and they blessed man. God made the trees and caused the green grass to grow.

    He created the heavens and the earth, the moon and the stars in the sky for all to behold. The

    moon does not belong to anyone but God, nor the stars; they are God's miracles, wonders in the sky

    for all to behold. When God made man and woman, He delivered miraculous works into their

    hands; He gave Adam knowledge to name all the birds, the beasts and the fish. The wisdom and

    knowledge present in the Garden of Eden were God's miracle for the man and woman He made.

    And God b lessed them, and God said u nto them...have dom inion over the fish of the

    sea, and over the fow l of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upo n the

    earth (Genesis 1:28). The knowledge belonged to God, and willingly He gave Adam all the

    miracles he needed to be a caretaker of the Garden. Adam could not have understood about plants

    and trees unless God had given him a miracle. Adam did not struggle to become educated the way

    we do, and he did not have knowledge in just one area; he had knowledge of all that God had made

    and placed within his reach. The miracle was God's, and the benefits poured down upon Adam.

    Many things are within our reach, but since we do not know what to do with them, we have to be

    trained. Why do we not have the same knowledge as Adam? Because man and woman left God's

    miracles behind when they failed God and were driven from the Garden of Eden. And u nto

    Adam he [God] said, ...cursed is the groun d for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it

    all the days of thy life (Genesis 3:17). No longer a way of life were the miracles that God hadmade for man, the miracles that God had delivered into their hands. Sin had wiped out all the

    benefits. Before the fall God had provided such miraculous power, such protection that the devil

    could not even bring sickness to Adam and Eve. God's miracle of protection was stronger than any

    wall that has ever been built; nothing harmful could penetrate it. Adam and Eve breathed as we

    do, they had hearts that beat as do ours; but no sickness, no arthritis, no cancer, no disease of any

    kind could touch them. They lived with God's miracle protection until the day they were driven

    from the Garden.

    To prove that miracle protection was still available even after the fall of man, God promised Israel

    protection. If thou w ilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and w ilt do

    that which is right in his sight, and w ilt give ear to his comm andm ents, and keep all

    his statutes, I will put non e of these diseases upon thee , which I have brou ght upon

    the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26). God said He would keep

    sickness from their doorGod's miraclebut through their disobedience, Israel destroyed many,

    many miracles that God made for them. Like the Israelites, you can destroy God's miracles by

    unbelief, by doubt, by disobedience. How many miracles that God either made for you or was

    going to make have you destroyed through your failure?

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    Every miracle that is performed in my services is performed by the Holy Spirit, not by Ernest

    Angley. I am just a vessel of clay who is yielded to His will, and He pours out His miraculous Spirit

    through me to work His divine will for people. It is a miracle when an eye that was dead is given

    life. Only God can give life, only God. When the blind suddenly receive their sight, look beyond the

    human hands and see divine hands, supernatural hands with supernatural ability. Thesupernatural ability of God is indeed miraculous, so miraculous that God merely threw out His

    hands and sprinkled the heaven with stars; He knows the number of stars and their names (Psalms

    147:4). God spoke the universe into existence; He said, "Let it be" and it was. Consider His works,

    the Bible declares. Consider the w ork of God: for who can make that straight, which he

    hath made crooked (Ecclesiastes 7:13)? Consider His miraculous works. Recognize His

    miraculous hand; and you, too, can see the results of His miracles in your life.

    Many doubt God's healing power; they do not believe that man can heal. I agree, man cannot heal.

    The miracles belong to Him, but the results can be yours. When you receive a miracle from God,

    remember where it came from. Treat it with great respect and love; give much praise to Almighty

    God for that miracle.

    I shall never forget the time, when I was twenty-three years of age and close to death, that God

    brought my miracle to me. It was a miracle straight from heaven. I am grateful for good doctors,

    good hospitals, good medicine; they assist the healing that God has put into nature, but God is the

    One who heals. God gave man wisdom and knowledge to take from nature the healing He placedthere and to apply it to the body, but it is still God's healing power. If God in His miraculous work

    had not put healing into nature, there would be no healing for the body that came from the dust of

    the earth.

    Man has struggled greatly to find the healing that God placed in nature; God has not just handed it

    out on a platter, but has made man and woman work for it. Why? Because man and woman in the

    past have covered up the miracles of God with their disobediences; they turned their backs on God,

    going forth to walk paths of their own choosing, leaving God behind. When they knew God,

    they glorified him n ot as God, neither we re thankfu l: but be came vain in their

    imaginations, and their foolish heart w as darken ed (Romans 1:21). Not desiring God's

    fellowship, God's miracles, they separated themselves from God.

    People through the ages have not recognized God's miracles nor the marvelous benefits which

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    could have been theirs. Look back to Noah: By faith Noah, being w arned of God of things

    not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the

    which he conde mne d the world, and becam e heir of the righteousness which is by

    faith (Hebrews 11:7). God gave Noah an unheard of plana miracle planand although the

    people of his day saw that plan come together daily for over one hundred years, they still did not

    believe. Noah knew, however, that it was a miracle plan; he had received it from God, and he knew

    it would work. He knew that God's miracle plan would bring water enough to set the ark afloat.

    Not until the ark was ready, not until Noah, his family and the animals were safely in did the

    miracle come; in other words, after Noah had done all that God said, it was God's time for a

    miracle, and the ark door closed, Noah and his family secure.

    There comes a timeGod's timefor miracles. God is always on time, but we must prepare for a

    miracle just as the mother of Jesus prepared for His first miracle in Cana. Who was better qualified

    to receive a miracle than the handmaiden of the Lord who had been visited by God's angel?And

    the angel came in un to her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is

    with thee; blessed art thou amon g wom en...And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy

    wom b, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus...Then said Mary unto the

    angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered an d said

    un to her, The Holy Ghost shall come u pon thee , and the powe r of the Highest shall

    overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing w hich shall be b orn of thee shall be

    called the S on of God (Luke 1:28,31,34,35). How could it be? God was going to perform an

    unbelievable miracle. The holy conception was a greater miracle than when God created the first

    man and the first woman, greater than the creation of planet Earth, greater than the creation of the

    moon, the stars and the sun. It was the miracle that would serve the world, a miracle that would

    save men, women, boys and girls from their sins, a miracle that would pave a highway into that

    heavenly Eden. Without that miracle, there would have been no Calvary.

    Some have never recognized God's miracle of holy conception, but Jesus the Babe of Bethlehem

    was the miracle of God, a miracle that would save all humanity that yielded to Him. If you fail to

    recognize that miracle, you fail to find the gate back into Eden, that sacred gate formed in the shape

    of a cross. If, however, you believe the miracle of holy conception, then you can find your way to

    Calvary; you can find the gate back into the heavenly Eden. Those of you who have been born

    again have found the miracle of Godthe Savior, the Son of God. You have found the great miracle

    of salvation, God's best, the miracle of redemptionhow great! Your sins have been washed away

    in the blood of the Lamb. Jesus said, For this is my blood of the new testament, w hich isshed for man y for the remission of sins (Matthew 26:28). In whom w e have redemption

    through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace

    (Ephesians 1:7). Bu t now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes w ere far off are made n igh

    by the b lood of Christ (Ephesians 2:13). In whom we have redemption through his

    blood, eve n the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:14). The blood of Jesu s Christ his Son

    cleanse th us from all sin (I John 1:7).

    God's miracle of salvation is not by works, not by anything man can do, but through the miracle of

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    God's saving grace. For by grace are ye saved throu gh faith; and that not of yourselves: it

    is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8,9). The miracles

    are God's, but the results belong to all who accept them. The blood that came down from heaven

    divine blood, not human bloodwas in Jesus. The body was human, the blood divine. Salvation

    is not an act of nature, but a miracle, a supernatural, fantastic miracle; and it's ours for the taking.

    God in His great love reaches out and touches with a measure of faith everyone who wants to

    believe in the holy conception, who wants to believe in His great plan of salvation. He can touch

    multitudes at a time the way He did in just one service in Africa. Over 100,000 found God; the

    angel of the Lord numbered them, declaring the exact number that heaven had recorded. The

    miracle of it all belongs to Him, and the results are theirs; I was just a witness standing in awe. I do

    not doubt God when He moves; He performs the work, and I shout, "The Lord did it!" Those who

    do not have a deep-rooted faith in the Word of God think the miracles of God are nonsense, but

    they are foolish: for they know n ot the w ay of the Lord (Jeremiah 5:4). Those, however,

    with faith in the Holy Scriptures know that miracles belong to God, and the blessings from those

    miracles, to them.

    This Bible, this Holy Book, is God's miracle to us; and the benefits we can receive from it, beyond

    the imagination. Over fifteen hundred years in the writing, this Book was written by holy men of

    God. For the prophecy came not in old time by the w ill of man: bu t holy men of God

    spake as they were m oved by the Holy Ghost (II Peter 1:21). God worked day and night

    preparing these men to set down His Word in all its truth so that His miraculous Spirit could flow

    through them without one tiny particle of thought from the human mind getting mixed in with

    God's Word. It had to be the divine, pure, infallible Word of the living God.

    In Old Testament days, God came down to give Moses the Ten Commandments; by His own finger

    God wrote His directions for the children of Israel. And the Lord delivered un to me [Moses]

    two tables of stone w ritten w ith the finger of God (Deuteronomy 9:10). As long as the

    Israelites lived by those commandments, God's miracle hand covered them.

    After Jesus ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit was given to all mankind who would accept Him.

    Through the power of the Holy Spirit men could be completely yielded to God one hundred

    percent, men could be cleansed of human doubt that would contaminate the flow of the livingWord of the living God. His Word did flow; it streamed like mighty rivers. The Word is God's

    miracle; the miracle is His, and He has given it to usthe Word of the living God that instructs us

    in everything we could ever need to know from the cradle to the grave. The Word tells us how to

    live, how to act, how to get into God, how to please Him; because the Word understands our

    innermost being. For the word of God is quick, and pow erful, and sharper than any

    two-edged sword , piercing even to the dividing asun der of sou l and spirit, and of the

    joints and m arrow, an d is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews

    4:12). The miracle is His, but the gift of His miracle belongs to us. The Bible is God's miracle gift.

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    You will never receive anything as great as the Word of God. The Lord has declared that the Word

    will live forever. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.

    The grass withereth, and the flower the reof falleth away: But the w ord of the Lord

    endu reth for ever (I Peter 1:24,25).

    Jesus said, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my w ords shall not pass away

    (Matthew 24:35).

    God's miracle, God's miraculous voice at times is a gentle, tender whisper and at other times a

    fearsome thunder booming forth with judgment and warnings to flee the wrath of God that is to

    come. The voice of the Lord cried out through John the Baptist,Prepare ye the w ay of the

    Lord, mak e his paths straight, and also told that God would burn up the chaff with

    unquenchable fire (Matthew 3:3,12).

    What a miracle it was when God finally groomed that last man who was to complete theScriptures! God chooses men that the world would never have chosen. Not many wise men

    after the flesh, not man y mighty, not man y noble, are called: But God hath chosen the

    foolish things of the world to confou nd the wise; and God hath chosen the w eak things

    of the world to confoun d the things which are mighty(I Corinthians 1:26,27). That no

    flesh shou ld glory in his presence (Verse 29). In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and

    said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heave n and earth, that thou hast hid these things

    from the wise and pru dent, and hast revealed them u nto babe s: even so, Father; for

    so it seemed good in thy sight (Luke 10:21). The Lord chose a Paul. Who ever would have

    dreamed that Paul could have been made into God's vessel of honor to play a major part inevangelizing the known world of that day? Paul was definitely God's miracle; God had to make him

    completely new, but that was a small thing in the miraculous hands of God. Therefore if any

    man be in Christ, he is a new creature : old things are passed aw ay; behold, all things

    are become new(II Corinthians 5:17). For in Christ Jesus n either circum cision availeth

    any thing, nor un circumcision, bu t a new creatu re (Galatians 6:15). Paul, through the

    blood of Christ, was made a whole new person.

    When you come into Christ Jesus, you, too, are made a new creationthat's God's miracle for you,

    for the lost. He seeks to make many vessels of honor. The miracle is His, but the benefits ours.

    Some people have tried to claim the credit for salvation; they have substituted other ways to reach

    God rather than through the blood, the miraculous blood from heaven that was shed on Calvary. It

    cannot be done. Those vessels of honor are molded through the blood.

    With His own hands God made a miraculous heaven; He did not consult man. Only through the

    miracle of all miraclessalvationcan you find your way there. The miracle of salvation is

    paramount; deliverance from all sin, being made pure as God Himself are brought about only

    through the miraculous, divine faith of Almighty God, faith in the divine blood from heaven that

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    His Son brought down here. It's all according to the Word of God, the Miracle Book. The miracle is

    His; the gift of such a miracle of salvation has become ours because of His great love. Treasure it,

    obey it, live with it.

    The Word of God will dry your tears when nothing else can dry them. He healeth the broken inheart, and bindeth up their wou nds (Psalms 147:3). The miracle of the Word will give you

    hope and courage when nothing else will. It will help you see beyond the grave when death's cruel

    hand snatches one you love away from you.

    The Word tells you that the godly will never die. As we see our bodies going down, this miracle

    Book tells us that we will have a new body to go with our new life in Christ Jesus.And thou gh

    after my skin w orm s destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God (Job 19:26). Jesus

    said...I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, thou gh he we re

    dead , yet shall he live (John 11:25). After physical death comes the new physical body, but the

    new spiritual body comes with the born-again experience. We have this new spiritual life as long as

    we have Jesus living in our hearts and controlling our lives. We do not have to wait for eternal

    lifefor the new spiritual lifeuntil we are at death's door; no, the minute we are miraculously

    made a new creation through the blood of Jesus, we have the eternal life of heaven.

    Some say that once you have this new life in Christ you cannot lose it no matter what you dothe

    devil would like you to believe that; it's the lie he told Eve. God said,Bu t of the tree of the

    know ledge of good and e vil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou e atest

    thereof thou shalt sure ly die (Genesis 2:17). Surely you won't die, the devil said; but when

    Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, they died spiritually. It was only later that they diedphysically. Spiritually they were dead to God the moment they disobeyed Him.

    Our tree of forbidden fruits that lead to spiritual death, the seventeen works of the flesh, is found in

    Galatians 5:19-21: Now the w orks of the flesh are m anifest, which are these; Adu ltery,

    fornication, un cleanness, lasciviousn ess, Idolatry, w itchcraft, hatred, variance,

    emu lations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, mu rders, dru nken ness,

    revellings, and such like: of the wh ich I tell you b efore, as I have also told you in time

    past, that they which do su ch things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. If you

    partake of these fruits you will die spiritually; you cannot enter God's kingdom with even one sin inyour life. Just as Adam and Eve died spiritually when they took one piece of fruit, you will die

    when you partake of sin, willful sin; the sacrifice of the blood of Christ no longer will cover you.

    You will have turned your back on God's miracle of miracles. The soul, although spiritually dead to

    God, does not cease to exist after the physical death of the body, but will spend eternity in hell. As

    long, however, as you live holy, act holy, talk holy and are as holy as God said for you to be, you

    have God's miracle of eternal life abiding in you and can look forward to a new body to go with the

    new life. The provisions for this are made through the miracle plan of God, the plan of salvation;

    but even though you have salvation, you can lose it through sin. The sou l that sinn eth, it shall

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    die (Ezekiel 18:20). For the w ages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

    God depends upon us to help Him make miracles; He needs us to believe in Him, to accept His

    love, faith, humility, gentleness, goodness so that He can perform miracles. He sent the miracle

    workerthe Holy Spiritto take up habitation on the inside of us, to dwell on the inside and toproduce the nine fruits of the Spirit. He[the H oly Spirit] dwelleth WITH you, and shall be

    IN you (John 14:17). The flesh produces fruits; however, the fruits that the Holy Spirit produces

    are miraculous fruits, fruits that cannot be produced with the human spirit but only through and by

    the Holy Spirit as the human spirit is yielded to that miraculous Spirit of God. Bu t the fruit of

    the S pirit is love, joy, peace , longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Mee kness,

    tempe rance: against such ther e is no law(Galatians 5:22,23). The love of God is a

    miraculous fruit, produced within you by the Holy Spirit. The peace of God is produced

    withinit's God's miracle. The miracles are His; and He must have the honor, the praise, the glory

    for them, but His marvelous benefits are ours.

    Whatsoeve r he saith un to you, do it (John 2:5). One day as I read over that Scripture, the

    Holy Spirit revealed to my mind: That's it! It's all said in this verse. It's the secret of letting God

    perform miracles and healings. Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. Complete obedience.

    Strange things the miraculous God of this universe calls on the human race to dofast, for

    instance. How beit this kind goeth not ou t bu t by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). Irepeat, the secret of receiving miracles, the secret of deliverance is unlocked by doing whatever He


    The Word, the miracle Word...you must hide it in your heart so that you won't sin against God, and

    so you have a standard of obedience. Thy word have I hid in m ine heart, that I might not

    sin against thee (Psalms 119:11). My son, attend to m y words...For they are life un to

    those that find them , and hea lth to all their flesh (Proverbs 4:20,22). The Word is so

    miraculous that it heals, brings health to your fleshGod's miracle. He [God] sent his word ,

    and healed them (Psalms 107:20).

    In Cana Jesus looked at the waterpots and told the servants to fill them to the brim. The servants

    helped bring about a miracle. It was a simple thing, but acts of faith are not complicated.

    Why did the Lord tell Joshua to have the Israelites march around the walls of Jericho in silence

    except for those who were to blow the rams' horns? He was preparing them so that He could

    perform a miracle; in order for that miracle to take place, the Israelites had to obey His word.And

    it shall come to pass, that when they mak e a long blast with the ram's horn, and w hen

    ye hear the sou nd of the tru mpet, all the people shall shout w ith a great shout; and

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    the w all of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend u p eve ry man

    straight before him (Joshua 6:5). The people were obedient; when they shouted, God tore down

    the walls, and they were victorious. The Miracle Book delcares it.

    With the miracle faith that God has given us, we should never doubt anything from the Miracle

    Book, never neglect to follow any instructions from the miracle mind of the eternal God. His Word

    came forth, and it will live as long as God livesyou cannot separate God from His Word. It's the

    Word people need today, the living Word. Man shall not live by bread alone, bu t by every

    word that proceedeth ou t of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). As people yield entirely to all

    that God has said, they will know that the miracles are His, but the results of those miracles belong

    to them.

    Many visit my services, see the miracles and healings but do not know where these miraculous

    works come from. They come from the miracle God. Some try to cast His miracles into the trash

    healing is of the devil, they say. Why do they doubt? Because they are shrouded in the darkness of

    the enemy, not the light of God. And the light shineth in darkn ess; and the darkn ess

    comprehended it not (John 1:5). How very tragic when people cannot see the miracle hand ofour loving God! God knew it was difficult for man to see His great miraculous hand; and that is

    why He sent the Light, Jesus, into the world. The Light shines for all who do not refuse to see, for

    all who will do whatever God says.

    Jesus was divinity made flesh with hands the size of a man's hands, eyes to see, ears to hear like we

    have. When Jesus came to earth He took steps the length that a man takes, letting us know that He

    wanted to walk with us, to be our companion, our guide, our life. [Jesus] Who died for us,

    that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him (I Thessalonians 5:10).

    He wants to look out for us; but as the prophet Amos asked,Can two walk together, except

    they be agreed? (Amos 3:3). They cannot, for there will be strife and confusion just as there is

    much strife and confusion in men and women today which have taken them away from God's

    miracle of love and protection. The Holy Spirit is grieved daily by the sight of it.

    The Holy Spirit seeks to work; He is gathering all mankind together in the great arms of God in this

    final hour as He did on the day of Pentecost when those in the Upper Room were in one mind and

    one accord (Acts 2:1), one faiththe faith of God, one Biblethe Word of the living God. God is

    bringing us together to believe Him for all things, baptizing us in the Holy Spirit so that He can

    perform miracles and healings in abundance, so that He can perform signs and wonders before the

    people; and they will know that He is God, the Almighty Creator, the Eternal One with everlastinglove for all. He wants us to know that He will do anything good for us when we are obedient to

    Him in all ways. They that seek the Lord shall not w ant any good thing (Psalms 34:10).

    And w e kno w that all things w ork together for good to them that love God, to them

    who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). He has come to bless and not to

    curse; He has come to love and not to hate, to receive and not turn aside.

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    His invitation is standard: Come whosoever will, come. Come in your dirty rags of sin, come with

    your leprosy of sin. I will not turn you away; you will not be repulsive to me because I will wash

    you; I will cleanse you from all sin and you will be whiter than snow. Pur ge me w ith hyssop,

    and I shall be clean: w ash me, and I shall be w hiter than snow(Psalm 51:7). I will make

    you as pure as heaven itself, and I will speak through you. I will sing through you and I will live on

    the inside of you. I will neve r leave thee, nor forsake thee (Hebrews 13:5). I, the Lord thy

    God, will be your God; and you will be my people, the sheep of my pasture. No one can destroy

    you; no one can ever take you away from me because my righteousness and my holiness will be

    your protection. My faith will be your shield (Ephesians 6:16); and I, the Lord thy God, will do

    battle for you. In the name of Jesus you will cast out devilsit will be my miraclethrough my

    miracle power that's in the name of my Son Jesus. You will lay hands on the sick and they shall get

    well (Mark 16:18). Remember, however, when you get well: the miracle is His, it belongs to Him;

    and He must have all the honor, all the glory. You don't give honor to the instrument of clay that

    God uses to work His power through; the miracle and the glory belong to God; but health is yours.

    The miraculous Christ stood among men and performed His miracles. It was His miracle that gave

    the blind sight. It was His miracle that changed the water into wine; the servants filled up the pots

    with water to the brimsomething that any able-bodied person could have done. The pots were

    full; nothing else could have been added, or it would have spilled outno room for Jesus to have

    added another substance, no. The ingredients that He uses to perform His miracles cannot be seen

    with the human eye, but only through the eye of faith, God's faith. There really is a sixth sense after

    all: it's the faith of God. Only through His Spirit can you see it; only through His Spirit can you

    believe Him. Jesus spoke to the sick and they were healed. The miracle was His, but the resultsbelonged to the ones who had been healed, the ones to whom He had given His wonderful touch of

    healing. They went forth to praise Him and glorify Him.

    Jesus is the name above all names. God has given us that name to use. We speak it and God

    performs miracles; we speak it and He performs healings. That signs and won ders may be

    done by the nam e of thy holy child Jesus (Acts 4:30). By the nam e of Jesus Christ of

    Nazareth, whom ye cru cified, whom God raised from the dead, ev en b y him doth this

    man stand here before you w hole (Acts 4:10). We speak His name, but the miracles are

    Histhey are not of usthey are divine miracles and divine healings performed by divinity,

    divinity only, and the results of those miracles become living realities in our lives.

    We fill up the water pots; in other words, we fill ourselves up with the faith of God; and when we

    are full of the faith of God, then the changeless Christ can change things. Jesus Christ the same

    yesterda y, and to-day, and for e ver (Hebrews 13:8). The name is Jesus; He never changes.

    Jesus used miracle power to raise Lazarus from the dead; He said,I am the resurrection, and

    the life; he that believeth in me , though he we re dead , yet shall he live: And

    whosoev er liveth and believeth in me shall neve r die (John 11:25,26). No human spirit

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    raised Lazarus, the miracle was God's; but, again, people were blessed.

    Take ye away the stone, Jesus said. He could have commanded the stone to be gone, and it would

    have moved as though it had wings; but Jesus wants us to do what we can, and then He will do the

    rest. God said, you do something small, I'll do something big; you do something foolish, I'll do

    something wise and mighty. Joshua, tell a few of the Israelites to toot the rams' horn, the rest to

    keep silence as they march; and then shout when I tell you to shout, those mighty walls will come

    tumbling down.

    Tell the people, Moses, to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, the miracle hand of God.

    Lift thou u p thy rod, and stretch out thine hand ov er the sea, and divide it: and the

    children of Israel shall go on dry groun d throu gh the midst of the sea (Exodus 14:16).

    The human spirit of Moses could not separate the waters, only the divine Spirit of Almighty Godpouring through Moses. All Moses did was lift his rod and stretch out his hand with faith, and

    multitudes were saved from Egyptian slavery.

    It wasn't the human spirit of Daniel that protected him in the den of lions; it was God's miracle.

    My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hu rt

    me , Daniel reported to the king. No manner of hurt was found upon him, because he

    be lieve d in his God (Daniel 6:22,23). God's miracle power gave the lions "temporary lockjaw."

    The three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace were delivered by God's miracle power. When the king

    looked into the furnace, heated seven times hotter than usual, he was amazed. Did not we cast

    three me n bou nd into the midst of the fire?...Lo, I see four me n loose, walking in the

    midst of the fire, and the y have no hu rt; and the form of the fou rth is like the Son of

    Go d (Daniel 3:24,25). The skeptic today would say that had they really been put into the furnace,

    they would have burned into three cindersthat's the response of the human spirit degraded by

    Satan, filled with doubt upon seeing the hand of the Almighty God; but true believers through the

    ages have rejoiced over this mighty miracle.

    The spirit of Satan possessing the human spirit causes people to look away from God and to look to

    self, to take on a spirit called ego: "I'm in charge; I can do great and wonderful things." Not so.

    Only the Almighty, only divinity can do great and mighty things. W ith God all things are

    possible (Matthew 19:26). The eagle is a powerful bird in the sky, but there is a limit on how high

    he can fly. There is, however, no limit on God in heaven, only on earth where He has to work

    through man; He chooses to limit Himself with man. Through God's great love for the human race

    He is bound to man; and since the fall of Adam and Eve it has become great bondage, so great that

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    it took God's only begotten Son to break it. All of it will be broken. Revelation 20 tells that death

    and hell are to be cast into the lake of fire, destroyed by the power of God. Man and woman will

    make their choice: it will be a final one.

    Just as the rod of Aaron swallowed up the rods of Pharaoh's wise men (Exodus 7:12), God's rod, the

    Word of the living God, will swallow up all the sins of Satan until every last sinful person, until

    Lucifer and his demons are swallowed as well. The entire kingdom of Lucifer will be swallowed up

    and cast into the lake of fire that will burn forever. What will happen then?And Go d shall wipe

    away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no m ore death, ne ither sorrow, nor

    crying, neither shall there b e any mor e pain: for the former things are passed aw ay.

    And h e [God] that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new(Revelation

    21:4,5). For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which w as lost (Luke 19:10).

    Everything was lost in the fall of man in the Garden of Eden; and Jesus, by His miraculous works,

    will lift the curse from planet Earth. Then there will be a thousand years of peace, a thousand years

    of love, a thousand years of God's wisdom and knowledge in actionit's thus saith the Lord.

    But in this world that we are now in, the earth under the curse, we still hear our God walking the

    earth; through the ear of faith we hear Him, walking, walking. Through the eye of faith we see Him

    working with miracle power. He sees a dying motherHe flows His power to her. Prayers do not

    have to come through a minister, but can come through any child of God who really believes that

    signs shall follow believers as the Bible says. They shall lay hands on th e sick, and the y shall

    recover (Mark 16:18). A child of God who has the faith of God reaches out and touches that

    mother's brow, and the fever breaks. Little children shout with wonderful joy and

    happinessMama is no longer sick!

    The miracle is God's, the healing ours. No one has a right to lay claim to the miracle except the

    Lord. God must have all the praise, the honor, the glory. That is the secret of the Jesus ministry. I

    have seen the Lord heal countless thousands and perform countless thousands of miracles. I

    believe in God; and believing in God means believing in His works, in His miracles. The miracles

    are His; and we who see them are to witness, to declare that the hand of God is moving on planet

    Earth today and that the Lord is still performing miracles. They are His wonderful works; the

    benefits are ours, but the miracles belong to Him!

    THE MIRACLES BELONG TO HIM, All rights reserved. Copyright 1986 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in

    its entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

    Miracles Belong to Him - Ernest Angley Ministries http://www.ernestangley.org/read/article/the_miracles_belong
