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The Modern Broiler Learning Centre (MBLC) - difslive.com · 4 Larutan Dapar 1000 - 4 Vaksinasi NDIB...

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The Modern Broiler Learning Centre (MBLC) Bubun Setiawan Hirawan / Erwin Sommen / Rick van Emous

The Modern Broiler Learning Centre (MBLC)

Bubun Setiawan Hirawan / Erwin Sommen / Rick van Emous

This presentation

▪ Mr. Bubun (PT Medion): Construction of the MBLC

▪ Mr. Erwin (Sommen): Data collection and climate control

▪ Mr. Rick (Wageningen UR): Management and production performance


Purpose of MBLC

Basic design to improve

production resultLearning center Research facility



▪ Two-level house

▪ Total capacity: 14,000 broilers

▪ 1 x Tunnel ventilated

▪ 1 x Cross ventilated

▪ Divided into smaller compartment for research purpose

▪ Enable automatic data collection

Project Timeline

Jan – Jul’16

Planning & Design


Jun’16 –Jan’17


19 January ‘17

Opening Ceremo


30 January’17

First Production Cycle

Planning & Design Phase


Initial condition

Cut & fill process: 14 – 27 Jun


Cut & fill process: 14 – 27 Jun

Building construction: 11 July’16 – 17 Jan’17

Building construction: 11 July’16 – 17 Jan’17

Building construction: 11 July’16 – 17 Jan’17

Building construction: 11 July’16 – 17 Jan’17

Building construction: 11 July’16 – 17 Jan’17

Equipment installation: 20 Dec’16 – 22 Feb’17

▪ Foto controller Sommen

Opening Ceremony

Production Cycle

Purpose of MBLC

▪ Basic design to improve production results

Implementation of Biosecurity Zone

Modern Broiler Management System

Purpose of MBLC

▪ Basic design to improve production result

Multiple Mechanical FilteringTo improve physical & chemical properties

UV TreatmentTo reduce bacteria

Comprehensive Water Treatment System

Ultrasonic SystemTo prevent biofilm growth

Purpose of MBLC

▪ Research facility

Antibiotic free

• Started from cycle III onwards

• No antibiotic

• 100% herbal product for medicine & supplements

Non AGP feed

• During 3rd cycle

Future Plan

▪ Learning centre:

● Curriculum development of closed house operation and management, targeted for SMK students

▪ Research facility:

● Further trial for healthier chicken growing (antibiotic free, herbal, non AGP feed)

This presentation

▪ Mr. Bubun (PT Medion): Construction of the MBLC

▪ Mr. Erwin (Sommen): Data collection and climate control

▪ Mr. Rick (Wageningen UR): Management and production performance


This presentation

▪ Mr. Bubun (PT Medion): Construction of the MBLC

▪ Mr. Erwin (Sommen): Data collection and climate control

▪ Mr. Rick (Wageningen UR): Management and production performance




▪ Brooding areas

▪ Climate (ventilation)

▪ DOC quality

▪ Feed/water

▪ Light

▪ Vaccines, medication, vitamins

Brooding areas


▪ Chicks => “Cold-blooded”:

● Body temp. varies with that of the environment

● Check body temperature and/or behaviour

▪ Small areas (50 m2):

● Heater

● Surplus water and feed

▪ Brooding protocol

Protocol brooding areas

▪ Example between 0 and 3 days tunnel house:

● 4 areas (8 x 3.25 m)

● 38 DOC’s / m2

● 54 (manual) drinkers and feeders



▪ Temperature control (heat stress)

▪ Wind chill

▪ Young chickens


DOC quality

▪ We score them between 1 (very good) and 5 (very bad)

▪ Small and bad uniformity (3+5)

▪ Black navels (1+4)

▪ 2nd grade chicks (1+2)

▪ Red hocks (4)


Feed / water

▪ Starter diet (d0 – d17)

▪ Mixed diets (d18 - d21)

▪ Finisher diet (d22 - end)

▪ Quality feed:

● AGP (yes or no(3rd))

● Mycotoxins (2nd flock: wet feed)


Starter Finisher

CP (%) 22-23 19.5-21.5

Energy (kcal/kg) 3000 3100-3200

Light schedule


▪ Past breeds: constant light produced the best DG

▪ Today breeds: lower FCR, metabolic problems, etc.

▪ Advantages:

● Food digestion improves

● Strength bones and joints

● Leg problems reduced

Vaccines, medicines, vitamins


▪ Example 1st flock:

Day Treatment Name Dosis

0 Air gula Gula 1 gr/ Liter

0 VitaminVitastress 1 gr/ 2 Liter

1 Antibiotik Doxyvet 0.1 ml/kg BB

2 Antibiotik Doxyvet 0.1 ml/kg BB

3 Antibiotik Doxyvet 0.1 ml/kg BB

4 Vaksinasi NDIB live Medivac NDIB 1000 1 ds/ekor

4 Larutan Dapar 1000 -

4 Vaksinasi NDIB killed Medivac NDIB Emulsion 1 ds/ekor

4 Jarum Socorex 0.7 -

4 VitaminVitastress 1 gr/ 2 Liter

5 VitaminVitastress 1 gr/ 2 Liter

6 VitaminVitastress 1 gr/ 2 Liter

9 VitaminVitastress 1 gr/ 2 Liter

10 VitaminVitastress 1 gr/ 2 Liter

11 VitaminVitastress 1 gr/ 2 Liter

12 Vaksinasi Gumboro live Medivac Gumboro A 1 ds/ekor

12 Larutan Dapar 1000 -

12 VitaminVitastress 1 gr/ 2 Liter

13 VitaminVitastress 1 gr/ 2 Liter

14 VitaminVitastress 1 gr/ 2 Liter

Production performance


1 2 3 4 5 Cobb1

Date of birth 30-01 21-03 13-05 22-06 07-07

Number of birds 8,059 7,407 18,360 14,166 15,539

Mortality (%) 4.00 0.95 1.55 4.00 1.33 2.50

Graded chicks (%) 6.82 2.16 5.10 6.57 2.41 1.00

Av. harvesting age (d) 33 33 38 32 34

FCR 1.50 1.59 1.84 1.63 1.68 1.50

BW (kg) 1.94 1.88 1.64 1.51 1.54 1.99

IP2 370 350 222 268 259

1 Production performance data at 33 days of the Cobb 500 Broiler Management guide2 ((liveability * total harvest weight) divided by (FCR x average harvest age))*100



▪ Management is the key for success!

▪ Results:

● First 2 flocks very good

● Last 3 flocks results were inferior:

● Non AGP feed

● Bad quality DOC’s

● Bad quality feed

Terima Kasih / Thank you

▪ Website: www.difslive.com

▪ Contacts:

▪ Rick van Emous

([email protected]) /

+31 317 480704
