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The MOOC Production Fellowship: Reviewing the first German MOOC funding program

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The MOOC Production Fellowship Reviewing the first German MOOC funding program #emoocs2016, Graz Slides: http://bit.ly/emoocs2016-fellowship Anja Lorenz, FH Lübeck

The MOOC Production Fellowship

Reviewing the first German MOOC funding program

#emoocs2016, Graz

Slides: http://bit.ly/emoocs2016-fellowship Anja Lorenz, FH Lübeck

searches for the terms “mooc” in Germanyhttps://www.google.de/trends/explore#q=mooc&geo=DE&date=1%2F2011%2062m&cmpt=q&tz=Etc%2FGMT-1

MOOC iniciatives driven by single persons or groups

#OPCO11, #OPCO12, Jörn Loviscach (2012) etc.

The funding program

aim: stimulate MOOCs in Germany

by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft* and the MOOC platform iversity

10 MOOCs | 25,000 € per MOOC* translated: Donors’ association for the promotion of humanities and sciences in Germany

searches for the terms “mooc” in Germanyhttps://www.google.de/trends/explore#q=mooc&geo=DE&date=1%2F2011%2062m&cmpt=q&tz=Etc%2FGMT-1

appliance period for the MOOCproduction fellowship

voting period for the MOOC production fellowship

Supported MOOCs

Changemaker MOOC – social entrepreneurship GER

Mathematical thinking and working methods GER

International agriculture management GER, RUS

Europe in the World: Law and Policy Aspects of the EU in Global Governance ENG

Details: https://moocfellowship.org/

Section chirurgica – anatomy interactive GER

The future of storytelling ENG

Fascination of crystals and symmetry GER

Monte Carlo Methods in Finance ENG

Design 101 ENG

DNA – from structure to therapy ENG

Research Design

funded MOOCsF






via email


07.07.–12.08.201505.07.–05.08.2015 since 18.08.2015

since 10.08.2015

funded MOOCs: 10 replies (100%)non-funded appl.: 41 replies (≈16%)

Summary of the fellowship program

Funded MOOCs by numbers

Summary of the funding program 1|2

250,000 € funding for 10 MOOCs>260 applications

224,446 learners6,921 issued certificates 3.1%

Summary of the funding program 2|2

109 MOOC Maker (lecturers, video team, tutors…)95 weeks of preparation50 weeks of follow-up work5+3a MOOCs are still accessible4+2a+1b MOOCs were and are repeated

aon another platform bconcretely planned

experiences of the funded projects

Making MOOCs

Realisation: success stories (F)

reached a wide audience 7probably first Russian-speaking MOOC (Agrar), “global class”, unimagible in other learning scenarios

individual and personal experiences with the learners 5MOOC too difficult → made another MOOC to understand this one; Serbian learner contributes subtitles; history of arts student was happy to met experts of rost structure (crystals)

Impact on own courses/projects 3participation at the yooweedoo competition: 4x, 15 further universities joined the project

team work2

good platform, positive feedback, surprisig easy tutoring of the course each 1

ended up with a personal meeting 1 festival & exhibition“blue flower”, 183 items, 80 P fr. all over the world

What does it need and cost to make a MOOC?

Financiation & realisation

costs per MOOC+ x h of own work 100 €/min + 8,000€ tutoring

Financing of own co-payment (F)

own work inside and outside of working hours 10

also on holidays, via regular budgets, extra work without crediting on teaching responsibilities (lowered interest of the university administration after leadership change), 2,000h explicitly in secondary employment

other funded projects 2

use of university’s resources 2 extra budgets, budgets for tutors

"time donations" by external persons 1 guest speakers

FeedbackWhat did the learners say?

What did the own university say?

Feedback of participants (fraction) (F)

overall good feedback 6

learners were grateful 4

individual and personal feedback 3a collegue from crystallography stated it was the best basics course, best course out of 15 MOOCs, cannot await the next chapter

uncertainty among own students 2 use for own study/relevance for exams

Feedback of the own institution (+) (F)

strong perception and support 4 PH encourages teaching experiments, payd tutors from institution’s budget

motivates the discussion on MOOCs at the own institution 2 stimulates technology enhanced learning in general

university realised or plans further MOOCs 2 edX, continue employment of the video team

satisfied and happy team 2

interest of further institutions 1 federal government department Schleswig Holstein

Feedback of the own institution (-) (F)

no/few perception 4 not until winnig of the Ars Legendi price for excellent teaching, forbid to make the MOOC during working hours

no further MOOC activities 3

because of management change: after high encouragement only few support 1

Online survey, n=41 (16.4%)

Non-funded applicants

Did you nevertheless realize your MOOC?

costs of the MOOC+ 1,600 h of own work

full MOOC curriculum

How did you finance your MOOC? (n=13)

additional work and free time

budgets for tutors, within regular teaching

other project or federal

funding, sabbatical semester

How to support MOOC makers?

Funding and measures

Would you participate again in a similar competition today? (n=49; F+NF)

Should institutional and university administrators, political and/or NGO actors (e.g. foundations) promote and support MOOCs in general (more than they did until now)? (n=49;


Should MOOCs be funded? (F+NF)

Why? (fraction)

open up universities 6

more promotion of OER in general 4

gather experience 4

it is a learning format of the future 1

Why not? (fraction)

risk of budget cuts 2expensive production that cannot be realized out of regular budget 2no public taskP 2

What kind of support is needed? 1|2 (F+NF)

crediting MOOCs as teaching hours 13

financial funding 12

overall production support12

implement or improve IT services for MOOCs 11

recognition as academic effort 5

What kind of support is needed? 2|2 (F+NF)

flagships, best practice 2

cooperation 2

legal protection 2

training for MOOC video production 2

development of sustainable concepts 1international evaluation 1

information campaigsn for decission-makers at universities 1

political commitment for OER 1



… out of the interviews (F)

gratefulness for the opportunity to realize a MOOC 4sentimental value more than financial funding, brave, viral effects estimated

unsure if "massive Open" is the ideal solution 2 missing prior knowledge, unknown participants

stimulates also the reflection of their own teaching 2

valuable eyperience 2

unsure concerning the responsibility for own students 1 ensure tutoring

MOOCs are media as books are → they are as good as teachers 1

Johnson et al. 2015

Thank you!

#emoocs2016, GrazSlides: http://bit.ly/emoocs2016-fellowship

Anja LorenzFachhochschule Lübeck

Anja Lorenz@anjalorenz

[email protected]://about.me/anjalorenz


Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., & Freeman, A. (2015). NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas. Retrieved from http://www.nmc.org/publication/nmc-horizon-report-2015-higher-education-edition/ page 2

Further Data


Conditions and funding

The funding program


offered for free

meet academic standards

at least one assistant, associate or full professor at a university or college in the applicants team


25,000 € to realize the MOOC

conceptual support by workshops

technical support for the iversity platform

Call for tenders 2013

3rd April application deadline → 260 submissions

1st–23rd May voting stage for early feedback

20th/21st June final jury decission

searches for the terms “mooc” and “iversity”https://www.google.de/trends/explore#q=mooc%2C%20iversity&geo=DE&date=1%2F2011%2062m&cmpt=q&tz=Etc%2FGMT-1

Further realized MOOCs (named voluntaryly, NF)

several MOOCs for the Virtual Linguistics Campus

Controlling – A Critical Success Factor in a Globalised World

Game AI

Algorithms and data structures

Ear Training for Sound People

Pete the project manager – learning project management

Molecular Basis of Nutrition-related Diseases

Intercultural Competence/ Intercultural Campus

Vehicle Dynamics

Charlemagne – Pater Europae!

"Web Engineering" (3 parts)

224,446 Learners by comparison

52,006 Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich+ 49,772 University of Cologne+ 46,613 Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main

+ 42,592 University of Münster+ 33,540 Humboldt University of Berlin= 224,523 students

source: wikipedia

Why making MOOCs?


Why did you apply? (F+NF)

personal interest for MOOCs 59%

potential of high outreach 41% education-idealistic motivation

support (financial, didactical, technical) 14% best way: do it on your own

general interests for online teaching 12%

follow-up for actual courses/projects 10% yoweedoo, anatomy

working in the MOOC team 6%

offer something special for students 2%

university marketing 2%

Motivation for repetition (F)

Sustainability 40%

combined regular courses/projects 30% Architecture 101, yooweedoo, MatheMOOC, anatomy

reach at first run 10%

improvements by repetition 10%

reuse in other courses 10%

MarketingHow do you promote a MOOC?

Marketing (F)

iversity 10 40,000 students were enough (Design 101)

own networks 6

social media 5

press releases 4

email marketing 2

webpage 2

other platform | print ads | contest Tickets for Bayreuth Festival (MatheMOOC)

may not use internal channels each 1

Marketing successDid they reach the target group?

Reaching the audience (F)

Academicsmajority were academics 3

very special target group 3 alternative to very expensive courses (Finance)

no concrete integration of own students 2

Reaching the audience (F)

“beyond”also amateurs 5 beyond academics

very extended audience 4

international participants 3

all ages represented 2 14–80

disappointed at the few medicine students | missing basic knowledge of amateurs each 1

non-German-speaking learners in German MOOC 1 were either not active

CollaborationHow was the collaboration?

Review of the collaboration (P)

with the Stifterverbandvery good 9

unbureaucratic 7 easy accounting and reporting

Workshops 6 helpful contact to other MOOC makers

good support 4 interested but notintrusive

few contact 4 stayed in the background, not much contact needed

Review of the collaboration (F)

with iversitypositive 7good support for experiments

feature requests 4MOOCs needed to be adapted for technical reasons

→ very different experiences concerning service quality

Degree of interactionHow active were the learners?

Degree of learners’ activity (F)

high mismatch of active vs. registered learners 7i. e. English-speaking registered learners in German MOOCs, partly long time from registartion to start

a very active core 3 vs. few interaction 2

no consideration 3 vs. heavy integration of Social Media 2

specialist questions and interaction, answering questions and healped each other 2 vs. interaction took off slow 2

forum features were not sufficient 2

interaction with several cultures 1 daytimes without electricity, buy data volume at the start of the month

local groups 1

To which challenges were you faced?


Realization: that doesn’t work that well 1|2 (F)

platform problems 8 features, measure of performance, forum, data security

MOOC format as challege for contents 6 enter maths, niveau of the learners

production effort 5 only manageble in a good team

Realization: that doesn’t work that well 2|2 (F)

Copyright 3 uncertainty, copyright from the publisher for 3 years, buying images

only few interaction 3 rate of registrations and participants, only few exams

critical sustainability 1 efford for update

assessments 1 filter effects of exams, identification

Further feedbackWhat do the learners say?

Feedback of learners individual option (F)

complaints that it is not an English MOOC 1

owns students take it positive 1

no evaluation proceeded 1

no negative critics 1

partly too high requirents 1

sporadic critics 1

comparison difficult 1

few feedback 1

appreciation of the learning offers 1

Further Statemenst (F)

very dependant on team and platform 2

winnig data from collaboration as interesting approach 1 use reach

Idea: involve students into production 1MOOCs would not reach financial stability 1side projects 1without regard of work not realizable 1technische Details erschweren didaktische Freiheit 1improving video learning 1realized much as amateur 1contradicting the education task 1 entertainment vs. education

Repetition of the MOOCsWhich experiences did they made?

SustainabilityWhat has become of the MOOC?

What has become of the MOOC after the first run?

no resources, changed business model of iversity

own website, institution made contracts with edX

additionally:using the content for other courses/projectson YouTube CC-Licence

Platform and adoption for repetition (F)

iversity 5 1–4times

small editing 5 earse mistakes, additional content

other Platform planned 3

no videos’ remake 2

new task option 2 integrated martphone as tool, Impro-task

Community involved stronger 1 financing for cheaters cheaper

no updates 1

Success of repetition (F)

fewer as for the first run 4

about same numbers of learners 2

certificate track had no influence 1

Non-Fundet applicantsWhat becomes with these concepts?

Which platform did you use for your MOOC? How many participants had subscribed to your MOOC? How many people had been in your team? (n=13)

Ø ca. 6,800 TN 1 to 50–30,000

Ø 4,4 Personen im Team 1–15

Why did you do not do the MOOC? (n=28)

Blended Learning

FundingHow to support MOOC makers?

Reasons for/against reapplication (F+NF)

3x progather important experience 5

realize topic 4

stimulate the format 2

3x contrano chance to win 6

dissatisfaction with the compatition 5

too high efforts 4
