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The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006

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  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006



    Sept. 22, 2006

    Page 10

    Area IV runs offwith 8th Army titles

    Page 26

    Yoga classes draw crowd

    at Collier Field House

    The Morning CalmWeekly is

    nlineVisit http://


    Final Army leadership class

    marks end of era for civilian ed


    Factory has finally gone out of business for

    good. The fictitious company was a mainstay

    for Leadership Education and Developmentclasses across the Army since 1988.

    However, with the Army set to move to a

    new Civilian Education System, the legendary

    factory and its lessons are now history.

    Twenty students met Sept. 11-15 at the

    U.S. Embassy Association Center on Yongsan

    Garrison for what was to become the final

    LEAD class in Korea and the Army.

    The class brought together a diverse groupof Area I, II and IV U.S. employees, one

    Korean employee and even two active-duty

    Soldiers. The five-day LEAD course targeted

    new military and civilian supervisors ofcivilian employees.

    The purpose of LEAD training is to

    provide supervisors with the skills to motivate

    and influence employees, said Course

    Facilitator Yi Chi-yong.

    The students used scenarios and roleplaying as workers in a balloon factory to

    assess leadership skills and team

    By David McNally

    Area II Public Affairs


    effectiveness.Everything you learn in this class will

    INCHEON The cloudy skyoverhead set a somber tone the

    morning of Sept. 15. Against this

    gray background, Republic of

    Korea and U.S. servicemembers

    gathered to pay tribute to their

    predecessors who fought side by

    side 56 years ago, in what was to

    be the turning point in the Korea

    War.The event was the Incheon

    Amphibious Landing Operations

    Commemoration ceremonies that took

    place within the city, at Incheon Port,Freedom Park and the Incheon

    Landing Memorial.

    Incheon City Mayor Ahn Sang

    Soo, presided over the ceremonies.

    The guest speakers included Lt. Gen.

    Lee Sang Ro, commandant, ROK

    Sailors, Marines remember Incheon landingSailors, Marines remember Incheon landingSailors, Marines remember Incheon landingSailors, Marines remember Incheon landingSailors, Marines remember Incheon landingBy JO1 Lisa WassilieffCommander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea Public Affairs

    Marine Corps, and Maj. Gen. Duane

    Thiessen, commander, U.S. Marine

    Forces Korea.

    Thiessen was honored to be part

    of the mornings events.

    I would like to extend a special

    thanks to the city of Incheon, the

    Republic of Korea Navy and Marines,

    and the many veterans and communityorganizations who have worked hard

    to honor the memory of this

    historically significant event. It is right

    that we should always remember,

    Thiessen said.

    Other distinguished guests who

    attended the event included Rear Adm.James Wisecup, commander, U.S.

    Naval Forces Korea, Incheon city

    officials and Korean War veterans including 188 American veterans


    Leadership Eduation and Development class members

    Gordon Imrie (left), Gail Rodriquez-Roman and David

    Ciesinski work on a project Sept. 12 at Yongsan Garrison.

    This was the last LEAD class.

    See IncheonIncheonIncheonIncheonIncheon, Page 16


    Maj. Gen. Duane Thiessen, commander, U.S. Marine Forces Korea, helps place a wreath before the

    commencement of a wreath during Sept. 15 ceremonies commemorating the Incheon Landing.

    WASHINGTON Several NATO countries have agreed to

    send additional forces to Afghanistan to fill the troop requirementagreed upon a year and a half ago, NATOs supreme allied

    commander in Europe said Wednesday.

    A conference in Warsaw, Poland, earlier this month with the

    chiefs of defense from all 26 allied nations yielded no offers of

    additional support for NATO forces in Afghanistan, but extendednegotiations after the conference resulted in definite offers from

    four countries, U.S. Marine Gen. James L. Jones said at a Pentagon

    news conference.

    These offers, along with several other tentative offers, will

    bring the NATO troop level in Afghanistan close to 100 percent of

    what was agreed upon in the alliances military plan for Afghanistan,

    he said. The force is now manned at about 85 percent.

    What we were looking for was the forces that would give

    depth and robustness to (the commander of the NATO International

    Security Assistance Force) and give him more maneuverabilitythroughout the country, Jones said.

    Romania is deploying a battalion, which will arrive in Afghanistan

    in October and be fully operational by the middle of October,

    Jones said. In addition, Poland has announced the deployment of

    a maneuver battalion and special operations forces beginning in

    January. The United Kingdom and Canada are augmenting their

    forces in Afghanistan, and NATO is incorporating more Afghan

    battalions into operations, Jones said.

    More international forcesMore international forcesMore international forcesMore international forcesMore international forces

    headed to Afghanistanheaded to Afghanistanheaded to Afghanistanheaded to Afghanistanheaded to AfghanistanBy Sgt. Sara Wood

    American Forces Press Service

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    Sept. 22, 2006The Morning Calm Weeklyhttp://ima.korea.army.mil/morningcalmweekly Commentary

    Printed by Oriental PressBldg. 1440, Yongsan Main Post

    Published by

    IMA-Korea Region

    Printed by Oriental Press, aprivate firm in no way connectedwith the U.S. Government, underexclusive written contract withthe Contracting Command-Korea. The civilian printer isresponsible for commercialadvertising. The appearance ofadvertising in this publication,including inserts or supplements,does not constitute endorsementby the U.S. Army or OrientalPress of the products or servicesadvertised.

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    This Army newspaper is an authorized

    publication for members of the

    Department of Defense. Contents of The

    Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily

    official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S.

    Government, Department of Defense, or

    Department of the Army.

    The editorial content of this weekly

    publication is the responsibility of the

    IMA-Korea Region, Public Affairs, APOAP 96205.

    Circulation: 9,500

    Area IIArea IIArea IIArea IIArea IICommander Col. Ron StephensPublic Affairs Officer Steve DavisCI Officer David McNallyStaff Writer Cpl. Lee Yang-won

    Area IIIArea IIIArea IIIArea IIIArea IIICommander Col. Michael J. Taliento Jr.Public Affairs Officer Susan BarkleyCI Officer F. Neil Neeley

    Area IVArea IVArea IVArea IVArea IVCommand er Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr.Public Affairs Officer Kevin JacksonCI Officer Galen PutnamStaff Writer Steven Hoover

    Installation Management Agency-Korea Region OfficeInstallation Management Agency-Korea Region OfficeInstallation Management Agency-Korea Region OfficeInstallation Management Agency-Korea Region OfficeInstallation Management Agency-Korea Region Office

    D i r e c t o r / P u b l i s h e rD i r e c t o r / P u b l i s h e rD i r e c t o r / P u b l i s h e rD i r e c t o r / P u b l i s h e rD i r e c t o r / P u b l i s h e r Col. Al Aycock

    PPPPPublic Affairs Officerublic Affairs Officerublic Affairs Officerublic Affairs Officerublic Affairs Officer John A. Nowell

    EditorEditorEditorEditorEditor Staff Sgt. Mark Porter

    Sustain, Support and Defend

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    Area IArea IArea IArea IArea ICommand er Col. Forrest R. NewtonPublic Affairs Officer Margaret Banish-DonaldsonCI Officer James F. Cunningham

    Morning Calm


    MP Blotter

    The following entries were

    excerpted from the military police

    blotters. These entries may be

    incomplete and do not imply the guilt

    or innocence of any person.

    Solving the puzzle of prSolving the puzzle of prSolving the puzzle of prSolving the puzzle of prSolving the puzzle of proper gift givingoper gift givingoper gift givingoper gift givingoper gift giving

    Area 1

    Underage Drinking, Curfew

    Violation, Failure to Identify, Drunk

    and Disorderly, Flight from

    Apprehension, Resisting

    Apprehension Subject 1 was

    observed in the You & Me Club during

    the hours of curfew. When Subject

    1 was asked for his/her ID card, he/she refused to produce it and fled

    from the scene. Subject 1 was

    apprehended and transported to the

    Camp Casey Provost Marshal Office.

    Subject 1 refused to conduct a series

    of Field Sobriety Tests and Portable

    Breathalyzer Test, was processed andreleased to his/her unit. At 2:49 p.m.,

    Sept. 16, Subject 1 reported to the

    PMO where he/she was advised ofhis/her legal rights, which he/she

    invoked.Area 2

    Obstructing or Secreting Mail

    Subject 1, the unit mail clerk,

    committed the offense of Obstructing

    or Secreting Mail when she

    knowingly and improperly stored mail

    in a storage closet. This is a finalreport.Area 3

    Curfew Violation, UnderageDrinking Subject 1 was observed

    at the UN Club, Songtan

    Entertainment District, during the

    hours of curfew. Security Forces

    detected the odor of an alcoholic

    beverage emitting from Subject 1

    and a check of Subject 1s ID carddisclosed that he/she was under the

    legal age to consume alcohol.

    Subject 1 was apprehended and

    transported to the town patrol office

    where he/she was administered a

    PBT with a result of 0.057 percent

    BAC. Subject 1 was advised of his/

    her legal rights, which he/she

    waived, rendering a written swornstatement admitting to the incident.

    Subject 1 was released to his/her

    unit. This is a final report.

    With the holiday season here, so is

    the season of gift giving. The

    Standards of Ethical Conduct and theJoint Ethics Regulation have rules that

    govern gifts between federal

    employees. Here in Korea, there are

    certain additional restrictions involvedwith giving gifts to people who are

    neither service members nor ration-

    card holders because of the Status of

    Forces Agreement.Gifts among federal employees

    As a general rule, employees may

    not give or solicit contributions for

    gifts to someone superior in their

    chain-of-command. The rationalebehind this rule is that subordinates

    should not feel pressured to buy giftsfor their superiors. Also, subordinates

    should not curry favor from their

    superiors (or give that appearance) by

    giving them gifts. Employees also may

    not accept gifts from employees who

    receive less pay, unless there is no

    official subordinate superior

    relationship and there is a personalrelationship justifying the gift.

    There are a few exceptions to these

    rules. On an occasional basis, gifts

    may be given when they are $10 or

    less per occasion (e.g. a birthday gift,

    Christmas present, or a souvenir gift

    upon return from a vacation). The gift

    cannot be cash. Gifts that also fall intothe exception category arerefreshments shared in the office;

    personal hospitality at an employees

    home; and customary gifts given in

    connection with the receipt of

    hospitality (like flowers or a bottle of

    wine to someone who has you over

    for dinner).

    There are occasions when someone

    can give a gift of more than $10. On

    special, infrequent occasions,subordinates may give a gift to a

    superior appropriate to the occasion.

    An example of a gift appropriate to the

    occasion is giving baby clothes tocelebrate the birth of a child.

    Examples of infrequently occurring

    occasions of personal significance are

    marriage, illness, or birth of a child. A

    By Walter Folger

    Administrative Law Division, SJA

    See Gifts,Gifts,Gifts,Gifts,Gifts, Page 13

    promotion is not considered an

    infrequently occurring occasion under

    the rule unless the employee is also

    being transferred out of the chain of

    command. Christmas is not aninfrequent occasion it happens the

    same day each year. Other occasions

    where gifts over $10 are allowed are

    those that terminate the officialsubordinate superior relationship, such

    as retirement, resignation or transfer.

    Regardless, the value of the gift

    should not exceed $300 from a

    donating group. An employee may not

    contribute money to more than one

    donating group. If he or she does, the

    different groups become one donating

    group and the $300 applies.Voluntary contributions of a

    nominal amount may be solicited onlyfor the occasional sharing of food and

    refreshments in the office and the gift

    for a special, infrequent occasion. The

    Department of Defense rule is that a

    nominal amount is defined as $10 or

    less. While more than $10 may not be

    solicited, an individual may offer to

    contribute more.Duty-Free Goods as Gifts

    Here in Korea, you have to be

    especially careful when giving duty-

    free goods as gifts to persons not

    entitled to purchase such items. U.S.

    Forces Korea Regulations 60-1 and

    643-2 provide regulatory guidance for

    gifts to individuals who do not haveration control privileges. Under theROK-U.S. Status of Forces

    Agreement, SOFA personnel (active-

    duty military, U.S. citizen Department

    of Defense and NonAppropriated

    Funds employees, U.S. citizens

    working for other U.S. government

    agencies in Korea, and U.S. citizens

    working for USFK support agencies

    such as the Red Cross, invited DoD

    contractors) have ration controlprivileges. Personnel in these

    categories and their accompanying

    family members are generally

    authorized to buy personal property,including food, alcohol, and cigarettes,

    duty free from on-post outlets such as

    the PX and Commissary. Others,

    including ROK nationals and ROK

    organizations are not entitled to duty-

    free privileges.

    As a general rule, you may give a

    bona fide gift of duty-free items not

    exceeding $50 to persons who do nothave ration control privileges. Items

    that are resold are not gifts and do not

    qualify under this exception, even ifthey are under $50. In addition,

    certain items are classified as

    prohibited items and may not be given

    as gifts, regardless of value:

    Alcoholic beverages of any type

    that are purchased from a

    nonappropriated fund outlet may not

    be given as gifts. This includes liquor,

    beer, wine or other alcoholicbeverages whether purchased from an

    exchange, shoppette, club, or Class

    Six facility. No commissary items of any kind,

    regardless of value, may be given as

    gifts. For example, you may not give a

    package of ground beef or a box of

    rice as a gift, even though these items

    are below $50.

    Subsistence items that arepurchased from any outlet operating

    on a USFK installation are also

    considered prohibited items that may

    not be given as gifts. Subsistence

    items include food and drink items

    such as meats, dairy products, softdrinks, breads and cereal, vegetables,

    or grain products. For example, you

    may not give a pound of bacon or loafof bread purchased at an AAFES

    shoppette as a gift.

    Cigarettes and firearms are also

    prohibited items which may not begiven as gifts.

    An item is not considered

    prohibited if served as a prepared food

    or beverage. For example, if you cook

    a steak dinner at your home for a

    Korean guest, you are allowed to

    serve the steak to your guest even

    though it was purchased at the

    Commissary. Similarly, you may opena bottle of wine purchased at an

    AAFES outlet and serve your guest aglass to enjoy along with the steak

    dinner. Single cigarettes may also be

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    3The Morning Calm Weekly News http://ima.korea.army.mil/morningcalmweeklySept. 22, 2006

    Yongsan Commissary

    Family Day The Yongsan Commissary hasnumerous promotional activities

    planned for Family Day- A Day to

    Have Dinner with Your Children. Witha variety of activities, including face

    painting, apple bobbing contest,

    basketball toss contest and free hot

    dogs during lunch hours, and free cake

    and coffee, The Saturday event seeks

    to benefit the entire community and

    customers. Family Day will also feature

    giveaways such as Commissary Gift

    Certificates, Family Package Steaks and

    product demonstrations. Everyone is

    invited to join in the savings and fun.

    Hard Copy LESs

    Stop in October

    Effective Oct. 1, the Yongsan Finance

    Office will no longer distribute hardcopies of individual Leave and

    Earnings Statement. Soldiers will have

    to access their LES and Mid Month

    Net Pay Advice via a personal MyPay

    account. With MyPay Soldiers can

    access their LES, start allotments, make

    changes to their Thirft Savings Plan,

    view paid travel vouchers and much


    For information on how to access an

    LES via MyPay, call or visit the

    Yongsan Finance Office in Bldg 2254

    or visit the office Web site at http://


    index.html for the MyPay link.

    AFN-K Live Broadcast

    American Forces Network - Korea

    will go live Sept. Wednesday, with

    a live broadcast of the nightly news.

    Though normally taped in advance,

    the nightly news will be broadcast

    live to allow AFN-K personnel to

    practice their wartime mission. The

    live broadcast will begin at 6:45 p.m.

    Holiday Greeting Videos

    The Army and Air Force Hometown

    News Service video team will be

    visiting Korea Saturday through

    Sept. 27, filming Holiday Greetings

    Videos that will be broadcast over

    CONUS television stations duringthe Thanksgiving and Christmas

    holiday seasons. Greetings will be

    done on a first-come, first-served

    basis. Military personnel must be in

    uniform. Defense Department

    civilians are also welcome to record


    The video team will be at Kunsan Air

    Base, today; Camp Casey, Monday;

    and Seoul, Tuesday. For information

    on specific times and locations of the

    event, call the area public affairs


    Civil Gathering Near

    Yongsan SundayA large civil gathering is expected

    Sunday in the Ministry of National

    Defense and Yongsan Garrison areas.

    Some gates may be closed to vehicular

    traffic. U.S. Force Korea personnel

    should exercise caution and to avoid

    these gatherings.

    U.S. servicemembers tour Gyeongju CityBy JO1 Lisa Wassilieff

    Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea Public Affairs

    Dig In!Dig In!Dig In!Dig In!Dig In!Seabees from Naval Mobile Construction Battalion One,

    Detail Chinhae assist Commander, Fleet Activities Chinhae

    in controlling flooding during Typhoon Ewiniar that hit the

    area July 10, dumping more than 12 inches of rain in a very

    short period of time. The Seabees quickly assessed thesituation and began to divert water by filling and placingsand bags throughout the base preventing any damage

    to the facilities.


    SEOUL Hearing the chants of

    a Buddhist monk and stepping inside a

    temple that has existed centuries ago,is the opportunity that 120 U.S.

    servicemembers stationed in the

    Republic of Korea had during a recent

    three-day tour of Gyeongju City. This

    city is considered the treasure house

    of Korean culture and its history dates

    back, the Silla dynasty that existed

    thousands of years ago in 57 B.C.The tour, which took place Sept.

    12-14, was hosted by the Ministry of

    Patriots and Veterans Affairs in honor

    of U.S. servicemembers outstanding

    service and contribution to Korean

    peace and stability. The money to fund

    this event came from the ROK


    The tour included transportation,

    meal and hotel accommodations inGyeongju and English-speaking tour

    guides. The event included sightseeing

    tours of the city itself, Sokguram

    Grotto, Bulguk Temple, Hyundai

    WASHINGTON -- New identification cards to be issued

    to Defense Department employees beginning next month

    will help standardize workforce identification and securityaccess systems across the government, a senior Defense

    Department official said here Sept. 15.

    The new common access card eventually will be issued

    to all federal employees and is part of a standardized,

    secure credentialing system that was mandated after the

    Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Mary Dixon, deputy

    director of the Defense Manpower Data Center in

    Arlington, Va., said Sept. 15 during a joint interview with

    American Forces Press Service and the Pentagon Channel.Starting Oct. 27, the new super CAC ID cards will

    be issued to employees over the next three years as the

    old cards reach their expiration dates, she said.

    The new cards interface with a secure, encrypted

    credentialing database and are interoperable for personal

    identification as well as access to federal buildings and

    facilities, she said.However, each facility will still determine who is

    authorized access, Dixon pointed out. Information

    embedded on the cards is quickly referenced and comparedto centrally stored personnel security clearance data, she


    By Gerry J. Gilmore

    American Forces Press Service

    See Gyeongju,Gyeongju,Gyeongju,Gyeongju,Gyeongju, Page 4

    Motors, Hyundai Heavy Industry

    Corporation and Korean Folk Village in

    Yong In City.

    Operations Specialist 1st Class

    Kevin Watson, a Sailor attached to

    Commander Naval Forces Korea, felt

    A tour guide shows U.S. servicemembers who attended the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans

    Affairs three-day tour of Gyeongju, Republic of Korea (ROK), a piece of traditional garb worn bya Korean child as a punishment for wetting the bed. This discussion occurred during a tour of a

    traditional Korean Folk village in Yong In City, ROK, Sept. 14.

    See ID,ID,ID,ID,ID, Page 4


    New ID card coming for DoD employeesNew ID card coming for DoD employeesNew ID card coming for DoD employeesNew ID card coming for DoD employeesNew ID card coming for DoD employeesIt is an effort to try to improve the security in the

    federal government, Dixon explained. The new cards also

    help employees secure their computer networks, she said,as well as providing improved security for federal

    buildings, military installations and campuses.

    So, I can use this card, not just in the Department of

    Defense, but it can be read in other agencies, Dixon said.

    If they choose to give me access, they can then read my

    card, she said.

    The new card features the user s photograph, like other

    cards now in circulation, Dixon said. But its computer

    chip also will contain two encrypted fingerprints, as wellas a unique personal identification number.

    The new card can be read, either by swiping it or by

    waving it near a special card reader, she said.

    Issuance of the new card has the potential of reducing

    the number of agency security badges, Dixon said, because

    federal agencies will refer to a standardized credentialing

    system. However, agency security administrators still have

    the authority to approve or deny access.

    The card, on its own, does not entitle you to anyaccess to anything, Dixon explained. It is anauthentication token.

    Every time you use the card, it is authenticated,

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    Sept. 22, 2006The Morning Calm Weeklyhttp://ima.korea.army.mil/morningcalmweekly The Morning Calm Weeklyhttp://ima.korea.army.mil/morningcalmweekly4

    from Page 3IDIDIDIDID


    meaning somebody checks to make

    sure that that card is a good card

    issued in the Department of Defense to

    you, and that it is still valid, Dixon said.

    As always, employees who believe

    their government-issued ID card has

    been lost or stolen are required to

    notify security administrators, Dixon

    said, who then deactivate the card.This ensures that cards reported

    stolen or missing cant be used in

    DoD, she said.

    GyeongjuGyeongjuGyeongjuGyeongjuGyeongju from Page 3the tour was a good experience forhim and that events like these are

    imperative to have.

    I enjoyed everything; the food,

    temples and the Hyundai Motor

    Company, Watson said.

    These events taking place are

    important so all servicemembers can

    understand why things are done a

    certain way here.This trip allowed me

    personally to learn a lot more about

    the different religions and marriagecustoms Koreans believe in.

    To finish the tour off, there was an

    appreciation ceremony and dinner

    held at the 63 Building, International

    Conference Hall in Seoul. The dinner

    was a grand finale to this three-day

    cultural experience. It was held to

    once again remind theservicemembers just how much their

    outstanding service and devotion to

    duty is appreciated in the ROK.

    During the dinner, Watson and

    three other servicemembers, one each

    from Army, Air Force and Marine

    Corps, received a memento from the

    Honorable Park Yu Chul, Minister of

    Patriots and Veterans Affairs.

    Following that presentation, Gen. B.B.

    Bell, commander, United Nations

    Command, Combined Forces

    Command and United States Forces

    Korea, reciprocated the kindness of

    the MPVA by presenting a bronzeeagle statuette to Park. Bell also

    presented certificates of appreciated

    to Parks staff showing gratitude for

    the many goodwill programssponsored by the MPVA that boost the

    morale of U.S. servicemembers.

    In summary, the tour was an

    experience that allowed Sailors and

    other servicemembers stationed hereto see all the beauty and culture that

    Korea has to offer.

    Watson and the other

    servicemembers from the tour are

    looking forward to more opportunities

    to experience Korean culture.

    I would love to attend another

    tour like this in the future to learn

    more of the Korean culture and

    heritage, said Watson.

    come back over and over again, Yi

    told the students.

    The class is more individualized

    than other Army training Ive

    attended, said class member Maj.

    Sean Anderson. I deal with many

    U.S. and Korean employees at work,and this training will be helpful.

    Besides the end of LEAD training,

    Army officials also ended the

    Organizational Leadership for

    Executives course. In Korea, OLE

    was a two-week learning session

    conducted in Busan.

    In January 2003, Army plannersgave a series of recommendations for

    21st century leader development and

    training in a landmark study. As a

    result of the study, the Army

    developed a new Civilian Education


    The CES will provide progressive

    and sequential leader development,

    according to an Army Web site touting

    the changes. The study concludedthat growing civilian leaders has

    fallen gravely short of the Army plan.

    In all, panelists made 27

    recommendations for the civilian

    workforce to include more

    accountability, lifelong learning,

    developing interpersonal skills and

    better civilian integration into Army


    The move to make lifelong learningthe standard, will revamp career

    management with gates for

    progression, officials said.The panel also recommended

    renaming Department of the Army

    Civilians to members of the Army

    Civilian Corps; supporting

    reaffirmation of the oath of office for

    Army civilians; adopting a new Army

    Civilian Creed; implementing a

    strategic communications campaignplan for the civilian corps; publishing

    an Army Civilian Handbook; and

    committing to protection of civilian

    leadership development resources.

    I believe the Army will adapt new

    management philosophies, said Area

    II Civilian Personnel Advisory Center

    Training Officer Song Un-kyong.Even as the training is set to

    undergo major changes, Song said

    LEAD classes have been successful

    based on input from course graduates.

    Communication is important to

    accomplish a task or mission, said

    class member Gail Rodriquez-Roman.

    Each of us had something to say

    different opinions and ideas its a

    tool that every leader needs to solveproblems and counseling his or her


    I know for me, with the

    information I have now, when I am

    faced with a problem, I will evaluate

    what I have learned here, said class

    member Mark Stevens.

    Starting next month, Army civilian

    personnel officials will offer pilot

    programs to replace the oldermanagement courses. For information

    on the new Civilian Education System,

    visit http://cpol.army.mil/library/permiss/75.html.

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    Sept. 22, 2006 Page 5

    By Jim Cunningham

    Area I Public AffairsHealth Fair highlights care for families, retirees

    CAMP CASEY Visitors to the

    Area I health fair at Camp Casey

    Saturday found much information

    about what health care and facilities

    are open to them. There was good

    news for Soldiers, their families and


    When I first got here two months

    ago, we were giving medical care to

    many Soldiers; however, their family

    members and retirees were seen on a

    space-available basis, said Lt. Col.

    Yong Cha, officer-in-charge of the

    U.S. Army Health Clinic at Camp

    Casey. Area I has changed. There are

    now more family members here. Our

    Noncombatant Evacuation Operation

    numbers show about 2,000.

    Cha saw there were many who

    received no health care, so he decided

    to do something about it.

    The best way we can seek out the

    family members who are looking for

    care is to do a health fair, Cha said.

    We can advertise we are doing this

    for the whole community and not just

    for Soldiers, but we always take

    Soldiers first.Many patients Cha has seen in the

    Many visitors to the Health Fair Sept. 16 found out about their blood pressure and cholesterol

    levels and learned that health care at the Troop Medical Clinic is for everyone.

    past two months have had no health

    care for several years.

    I saw a retiree who didnt get any

    medical care for three or four years

    that came to the emergency room for

    hypertension, heart failure and angina,

    Cha said. I want to make sure I get

    information to everyone out there that

    needs medical care, especially theretiree population and pediatrics.

    There have been several additions

    to the Troop Medical Center that Cha

    wants to trumpet to the area.

    Now we have a full-time

    pediatrician, Cha said. Im a family

    practice doctor. In addition, we have

    an obstetrics and gynecologist nurse

    practitioner coming in on

    Wednesdays. Now families do nothave to go all the way down to 121st


    General Hospital in Yongsan or to a

    hospital we have a memorandum of

    understanding with in Area II.

    Those who came to Camp Casey

    for the health fair found much to


    There were 20 different displays

    available at the health fair.

    We have about 20 different health

    care professionals, nutritionists,

    optometrists, medical providers,

    including pediatricians and family

    practice doctors, and we have the

    Womens, Infants and Childrens care

    program so that they can get

    information on basic nutrition. The

    costs vary by income, from E-5 and

    below, Cha said.

    Those who become sick can make

    an appointment or walk into any Area

    I TMC.

    We have two sides, urgent and

    primary care. The urgent care center

    is open 24 hours, seven days a week;

    we are always open to everybody. If

    someone really needs to see a doctor

    they can just walk in to the clinic on

    the primary side. We offer our best

    always, Cha said.

    Area I joins National Kids Day celebrationArea I joins National Kids Day celebrationArea I joins National Kids Day celebrationArea I joins National Kids Day celebrationArea I joins National Kids Day celebrationBy Jim Cunningham

    Area I Public Affairs

    CAMP CASEYMore than 260 children and

    their parents participated in the National Kids Day

    celebration Saturday on Camp Casey.

    Army Community Services sponsored the event

    and brought the inflated Castle, Monster Truck and

    bouncing tunnel for the kids to play in, said Charles

    Lyons, social service representative for ACS. We

    have hopscotch, cup race, sack race, the three-legged race, the potato sack race, the ball toss, the

    parachute, the tunnel race and hula hoops for kids

    to participate in.

    Better Opportunities for Single and

    unaccompanied Soldiers brought a large number

    of Soldiers to the event, with a lot of gifts and

    surprises for the children.

    Furthermore, the Camp Casey Commissary

    donated food and cake and gave away a shopping


    The annual event changed dates this year, and

    will continue to be held every Saturday, Lyons


    Since the military has been going along with

    the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and 4-H Clubs

    for the last seven years, we would have thecelebration Aug. 15, Lyons said. These

    organizations have since separated, and now we

    celebrate National Kids Day Sept. 16 and will

    continue to do so. We have this event to appreciate

    every child in the community and in our lives,

    because we dont appreciate them enough.JIMCUNNINGHAM

    E-mail [email protected]

    E-mail [email protected] Parents and children enjoy playing with a real parachute Sept. 16 during National Kids Day.

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    The Morning Calm WeeklyArea Ihttp://ima.korea.army.mil/morningcalmweeklySept 22, 2006http://ima.korea.army.mil/morningcalmweekly6

    MWR Hosts Recording ArtistAnthony Hamilton

    MWR will bring recording artistAnthony Hamilton to Camp CaseysHanson Fieldhouse tomorrow night at

    8 p.m. , CRC Physical Fitness CenterSept. 26. For more information call JohnAntes: 732-6766.

    U.S. Air Force BirthdayHappy 59th birthday to the Air ForceSept. 18.

    BOSS Events in Area IBetter Opportunities forUnaccompanied and Single Soldiers issponsoring a Paintball Invitationalcompetition at Casey Paintball RangeSept. 30 from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Therewill be a barbecue with prizes for first,second, third place and plaques will begiven to winners.

    A DJ/Freestyle competition will be heldat the Gateway Club on Camp CaseySept.30. The winner will get a chance tobe a DJ at the Gateway Club.There will be a Volksmarch/Oktoberfestfestival at Camp Stanley PX parking lotOct. 6. There will be a barbecue andgiveaways with music and blowupevents. For more information: 010-6440-2147.

    Record Your Holiday GreetingsHoliday Greetings will be recordingyour holiday messages for loved onesback home at the Main Exchange atCamp Casey from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept.25.

    Hispanic Heritage Month ActivitiesSept. 23 the Camp Stanley Communitywill be hosting their Hispanic HeritageMonth event. The event is beingsponsored by the USO and all tenetunits. Events begin at Noon and willend at 4 p.m. The theme of the event isHispanic American: Our rich culturecontributing to Americas future.

    GEICO Seeks Nominations forPublic Service Awards

    The Government Employe InsuranceCompany is seeking nominations for the2006 GEICO Public Service Awards.Nominees will be judged principally onthe impact of their work or non-workrelated contributions in the followingareas: substance abuse prevention andtreatment, fire prevention and safety,physical rehabilitation, traffic safety andaccident prevention. Nominations willbe forwarded through commandchannels to the Executive Secretary,Army Incentive Awards Board, ATTN:DAPE-CPS-ES, Room 2C453, 300 ArmyPentagon, Washington, DC 20310-0300,no later than Oct. 13. Points of contactare Marvol Edmonds, 703-695-5698 andJoann Holmes, 703-695-5692.

    Texas Holdem TournamentThe Texas Holdem Tournament will beheld at CRC in Mitchells Club, Sept. 23and 24. Elimination Rounds start at 11a.m. Registration is limited to the first320 players. Call 730-9187 to sign up orsign up on-line at www.warriormwr.com.

    Commissary ClosingsAll Area I Commissaries will bec l o s e d f o r C h u S o k K o r e a nnational holiday Oct. 6.


    A student practices safe driving procedures during the two-day basic motorcycle riding course held Sept. 6-7 at Yongsan Garison. The

    course covered defensive driving skills, proper riding attire and adjusting to Korean traffic.

    By Jim CunninghamArea I Public Affairs

    Motorcycle safety: not an act but a habitMotorcycle safety: not an act but a habitMotorcycle safety: not an act but a habitMotorcycle safety: not an act but a habitMotorcycle safety: not an act but a habit

    SEOUL This is part two of a two-part series about

    motorcycle safety.

    Aggressive motorcycle riders put themselves at greater

    risk. That was the message presented Sept. 6-7 during a

    motorcycle safety course held at Yongsan Garrison.

    Never think you can be aggressive on a motorcycle,

    said Joseph Lee, Motorcycle Safety Foundation safety

    instructor for Area II Support Activity and instructor for the

    course. Every other vehicle is bigger and can hurt you. Even

    the smallest car can hurt a motorcyclist. Every motorcycle

    rider must be alert, aware and drive defensively.

    The reasons motorcycle accidents are escalating are

    many, explained Lee.

    Motorcycle accidents are escalating everywhere

    because there are more and more people deciding to ride

    motorcycles, not just to have better gas mileage, but for

    recreation, Lee said. There are fewer motorcycles in

    Korea than in the U.S. We have fewer motorcycle accidents

    than in other parts of the world, but they are escalating

    here too.

    Many motorcycle accidents are not the riders fault,

    Lee said.

    The rider can be aware of the situations and have very

    good skills, but still get hit by a car or truck, Lee said.

    Everything is unpredictable in Korea; if it were predictable

    we would not have any accidents of any kind.

    The ubiquitous scooter and moped riders one sees in

    Korea darting in and out of traffic makes the risks of driving

    more hazardous, explained Lee.

    How many scooter riders and moped riders that driveso dangerously die in a year, I do not know, Lee said.

    However, I do know they are very dangerous. Their

    maneuvering while they are riding a scooter is really

    unorganized. They have no safety gear and they take many

    high risks. Even when they wear a helmet, it is not a real

    helmet; they may wear a construction helmet or something

    other than an approved motorcycle helmet.

    During the course Lee imparted many safety rules a See MotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycle, Page 7

    safe rider should never forget.All these rules are worth remembering, because when it

    comes to riding motorcycles on the streets of Korea. The more

    you know, the better it gets, Lee said.

    The motorcycle rider must assume he is invisible, because

    to a lot of drivers, they are, Lee explained. Never make a

    move based on the assumption that another driver sees you,

    even if you have just made eye contact. Bikes dont always

    register in the four-wheel drivers mind, Lee said.

    Areas of emphasis, said Lee, include:

    Always dress in proper riding gear. That trip to the marketmay only be five minutes but nobody plans to eat pavement.

    Proper safety gear means 100 degree heat is no excuse for a

    T-shirt and shorts.

    Always turn your head and look before changing directions,Lee explained. Never change direction without turning your

    head to make sure the coast really is clear.

    Left turning cars remain a leading killer of motorcyclists.Dont assume someone will wait for you to dart through the

    intersection. Theyre trying to beat the light, too, Lee said.

    Always beware of cars running traffic lights.The first few seconds after a signal light changes are the

    most perilous. Look both ways before barging into an

    intersection, Lee said.

    Learn to use both brakes. The front does most of yourstopping, but a little rear brake on corner entry can calm a

    shaky chassis, so always use both brakes, Lee said.

    Look where you want to go.Use the miracle of target fixation to your advantage. The

    motorcycle goes where you look, so focus on where you are

    going at all times, Lee said.

    Riding in all four seasons is different for motorcyclists,Lee explains.

    I ride in all four seasons, Lee said. The summer is too

    hot. Sometimes, I will wait to ride later when it is cooler.

    When it rains, motorcycle riders should be even more

    careful. When the road is wet, it is slippery. A large percentage

    of motorcycle accidents happen when the road is wet. Lee rides

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    7The Morning Calm Weekly Area I http://ima.korea.army.mil/morningcalmweeklySept. 22, 2006MotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycleMotorcycle from Page 6

    E-mail [email protected]

    Joseph Lee, Motorcycle Safety Foundation safety instructor for Area II Support Activity supervises the

    pre-ride safety check of the motorcycles and the proper way to start the bike before riding during

    the class Sept 6 and 7.

    in the winter, but he will not attempt to

    ride on icy roads.

    Because a lot of people do not obey

    the speed limit laws in Korea, there are

    a lot of speed bumps, Lee explained. A

    lot of people dont obey the safety rules

    for driving, such as the speed limits nearschools. Speed bumps slow some of

    these speeders down, but not all.

    New riders have many challenges

    facing them when they decide to buy a

    motorcycle. The type and size of

    motorcycle to choose is among the

    challenges, Lee explains.

    You have to consider the size of the

    engine, weight, and height of the

    motorcycle, Lee said. You must be

    able to touch both feet squarely on the

    ground while sitting on the motorcycle.

    You must know what you are doing in

    riding a motorcycle; you must choose

    one that you can handle. If you choosethe wrong one, you will pay by hurting

    yourself and damaging the motorcycle.

    The heavier the bike, the easier it is

    to control. There are different models

    but in Lees experience, the heavier bikes

    are more stable.

    After selecting the correct bike a

    rider should start with a course such as

    the one taught by Lee, said Brian

    Tarrance, Area I safety director.

    Learning basic skills from the start and

    being aware of the risks are important

    when gaining experience. Practicing

    with a class of riders and an

    experienced instructor keeps new ridersfrom taking unnecessary risks and

    getting hurt.

    When riding on an unfamiliar road,

    riders must search for obstacles

    constantly, more so than when riding

    on a familiar road, Lee said. Even

    familiar roads will change and riders

    will find new obstacles to avoid.

    An experienced rider will not

    attempt to brake and slow down before

    hitting an object; he/she will swerve

    around the object instead. Sometimes

    when a person runs over an object like

    a pothole or manhole cover that is

    sunken into the road, he will losecontrol, so it is best to learn how to

    swerve around those objects.

    We must be defensive in executing

    our skills in riding. We have to always

    keep our eyes open to search for

    potential dangers, Lee said.


    Jay Kelker,(center) commander of VFW Post 10215, presides over the ceremony to commemorate National Prisoner of War and

    Missing in Action Day Sept. 15. (Left to right) Spc. Davonne Forghuele, 168th Medical Battalion; Sgt. 1st Class Randell Baley Sr.,

    vice commander, VFW Post 10215; Kelker; Sgt. Adam Treen, Headquarters Company Special Troops Batalion, 2nd Infantry

    Division, Division Engineers; and Jim Luther, post quartermaster VFW Post 10215, assist in the ceremony.

    VFW marks National POW/MIA Day at Red CloudBy Jim Cunningham

    Area I Public Affairs

    E-mail [email protected]


    CAMP RED CLOUD President George W. Bush

    set forth a proclamation designating Sept. 15 to be National

    Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Recognition Day.

    The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10215

    Commander Jay Kelker donated an official POW/MIA

    flag to be flown for the ceremony at Camp Red CloudsPOW/MIA memorial site.

    As a nation, we look to our service men and women

    as examples of courage and sacrifice, Kelker said.

    When our country and the world have needed brave

    Americans to advance the cause of freedom, our men

    and women in uniform have proudly stepped forward

    and selflessly endured hardships to defend liberty. We

    are grateful to all who have served, and on National

    POW/MIA Recognition Day, we give special honor to

    the extraordinary patriots who have been prisoners of

    war and to those who are still missing in action. We

    take inspiration from their valor and loyalty and will

    not rest until we have accounted for them all.

    After raising the POW/MIA flag, there was a moment

    of silence and prayer.

    Today there are 88,000 Americans listed as missingand unaccounted-for from our nations wars going back

    to the beginning of World War II, Kelker said.

    World War II ended 61 years ago. For America, it

    lasted less than four years, but it claimed more than

    400,000 American lives, saw more than 130,000

    Americans taken as prisoners of war.

    Come to the haunted house during Halloween to see what

    this zombie ghoul is up to.

    Haunted MansionHaunted MansionHaunted MansionHaunted MansionHaunted Mansion

    promises scary funpromises scary funpromises scary funpromises scary funpromises scary funBy Jim CunninghamArea I Public Affairs

    CAMP CASEYWhen Halloween comes this

    year, there will be many ghosts and goblins hanging

    around the old Second to None Club.

    John Antes of Morale, Welfare and Recreation

    wanted to do something special for Halloween -- a

    Haunted Insane Mansion or something like that -- so I

    sat down with him and worked out all the details for a

    haunted house, said Pvt. 1st Class James Fensterer

    of Headquarters, Headquarters Company, Area I

    Support Activity.

    The Haunted Insane Mansion will have many


    We will have people playing ghouls and goblins;

    we will have people playing zombies that are completely

    mad; we will have mad doctors from the Troop Medical

    Center. People from different companies have

    volunteered to play the parts, Fensterer said.

    The Haunted Insane House will be in Camp Caseys

    old Second to None Club, Oct. 27-29 from 6 to 10

    p.m. For information call: 732-6819.

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    The Morning Calm WeeklyArea Ihttp://ima.korea.army.mil/morningcalmweeklySept. 22, 20068

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    Sept. 22, 2006 Page 9

    Area II CArea II CArea II CArea II CArea II CSM tapped for duty at higher headquarSM tapped for duty at higher headquarSM tapped for duty at higher headquarSM tapped for duty at higher headquarSM tapped for duty at higher headquartersterstersterstersBy Steve DavisArea II Public Affairs

    YONGSAN GARRISON Area II Support Activity

    Command Sgt. Maj. KevinN. Witt was selected Sept.

    12 to be the Installation Management Agency Korea

    Region Office command sergeant major.

    An assumption of responsibility ceremony is

    scheduled for 2 p.m. Oct. 2, at the Multipurpose

    Training Facility here.

    Witt replaces Command Sgt. Maj. Harold L. Gill,

    who departed Sept. 14 to become command sergeantmajor for the Installation Management Agencys

    Southeast Region.

    In addition to more than six years of installation

    management experience, Witt takes some valuablelessons from Area II to his new position helping oversee

    garrison support services peninsula-wide in an

    organization comprised primarily of civilian employees.

    Whether civilian or military, our mission remains

    the same: to support the warfighter, enhance garrison

    infrastructure and services, and improve the overallquality of life on our installations, Witt said.

    He said an important role at Area II Support Activity

    was communicating with command sergeants major

    and first sergeants at all levels in order to support

    Soldiers, DoD civilians and contractors, Korean

    employees and family members.

    That will also be one of my primary roles as IMA-

    Korea Region command sergeant major, said Witt,

    but I get to expand it to an entire peninsula.Witt said he is particularly proud of the progress

    Area II made in improving the standard of living for

    Soldiers and in beautifying the community.

    We made a lot of progress upgrading barracks

    and family quarters, and improving the overall E-mail [email protected]

    Command Sgt. Maj Kevin N. Witt assumes the role of Installation Management Agency Korea Region Office senior

    noncommissioned officer.


    appearance of Yongsan Garrison, Witt said.He also helped improve Life Support Areas for

    Soldiers deploying to training exercises here and at

    K-16 Air Base south of Seoul.

    Witt, who was command sergeant major at the

    593rd Corps Support Group at Fort Lewis, Wash.,before coming to Korea in August 2004, said hes

    looking forward to helping other IMA-Korea Region

    areas solve problems.

    Ive walked in their shoes and may be able to lenda hand. I am really looking forward to it, said Witt,

    who has also served as post command sergeant major

    at Fort Wainwright, Alaska.

    Area II Commander Col. Ron Stephens said Witt

    will be an asset for the IMA-Korea Region Office.

    Command Sgt. Maj. Witt has looked out for

    Soldiers and helped Area II maintain an outstandinglevel of service and support, Stephens said. We are

    fortunate that hell still be nearby at IMA-KOROheadquarters.

    Korea Region Director visits Area IISoldier support focus

    is main agenda item

    By Steve Davis

    Area II Public Affairs


    Area II Support Activity hosteda tour

    Sept. 12 for the Installation Management

    Agency- Korea Region Office director.

    Col. Al Aycock, who assumedregional director duties Aug. 4, oversees

    installation support for 59 U.S. military

    installations and sites in the Republic of

    Korea, including 13 in Area II.

    Escorted by Area II Commander Col.

    Ron Stephens, Command Sgt. Maj.

    Kevin Witt and Deputy Garrison

    Commander Tillman D. Moses, Aycock

    visited a variety of support facilitiesduring a windshield tour of the Yongsan

    Garrison area.He was briefed thoroughly on

    operations at the 1st Replacement

    Company, the Community Service

    Building, Child and Youth Services, the

    Child Development Center, and Hannam

    Village, among others. During the

    windshield tour, Aycock learned about

    main and south posts facilities and also


    Col. Al Aycock receives a briefing about in- and out-processing from Area II Commander Col.

    Ron Stephens Sept. 12 at the 1st Replacement Company.

    visited Camp Coiner and Camp Kim.Aycock also met with the Area II

    Support Activity command group and

    directors during a roundtable luncheon

    and discussed a wide range of issues.

    Tell me whats going right for you

    and what isnt, Aycock told the

    directors. Let me know what I can do

    to help you.

    Then he spent about 90 minuteslistening. He also gave them some adviceon staying focused on the mission.

    Our mission is to support Soldiers,

    said Aycock. As long as we remember

    that, well be able to resolve any issue

    and get the job done, he said.

    E-mail [email protected]

    By Cpl. Lee Yang-won

    Area II Public Affairs

    Chapel providespreschool class


    One of the biggest days for parentsmight be their childs first day in

    elementary school. Parents feel the

    need for their children to receive

    help to prepare for the big moment.

    Mustard Seed Christian Preschool

    fulfills this need with classes for

    the up and coming youngster inArea II.

    The South Post Chapel program

    provides three hours of various

    activities for 3- and 4-year-old

    children Monday - Friday.

    The preschool has been a very

    effective program, said Mustard

    Seed Christian Preschool Director

    Rolanda Flood-Lewis. A lot of thekids learn scripture, do prayers and

    read Bible stories.

    Flood-Lewis said the program

    covers a variety of subjects.

    We also have enrichment

    See PPPPPreschoolreschoolreschoolreschoolreschool, Page 12

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    10 The Morning Calm WeeklyArea IISept. 22, 2006http://area2.korea.army.mil

    Radio Town Hall

    The Area II Command Group will

    conduct a Radio Town Hall 11 a.m. -

    noon Monday. Tune in to Eagle FM

    102.7 to hear about issues affecting the

    community. Questions can be phonedinto 738-3484 during the broadcast or

    emailed in advance to

    [email protected]. For

    information, call 738-7454.

    NEO Volunteers Sought

    Applications for volunteers to

    participate in the evacuation portion of

    the upcoming Courageous Channel

    NEO exercise will be accepted through

    Oct. 5. The trip is Oct. 26-29. Those

    selected must attend two briefings.

    Applications are available from your

    unit NEO warden. For information, call


    Hannam Village Festival

    The Hannam Village Community Festival

    will be 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday at the

    Hannam Village Baseball Park. There will

    be free T-Shirts for the first 300 people.

    For information, call 723-6721.

    Fall Festival Floats


    Enter the Yongsan Fall Festival Parade

    and win $200 in six categories: Best

    Vehicle; Best Marching Unit; Most

    Humorous Float; Best Childrens Group;

    Best Musical; and Best Military Unit.

    For information, call Eric Yim at 741-6473

    or 010-5822-6597.

    Holiday Greetings Video

    Send a holiday greeting video to folks

    back home in the United States 8 a.m. - 5

    p.m. Tuesday at the Dragon Hill Lodge

    Courtyard. Military units, families,

    individual Soldiers, DoD civilians,

    retirees and contractors welcome. Call

    738-7354 for information.

    Commissary Family Day

    The Yongsan Commissary will host

    Family Day activities Saturday beginning

    at 10 a.m. There will beface painting, an

    apple bobbing contest, a basketball toss

    contest, free hot dogs during lunch

    hours, free cake and coffee, manygiveaways such as Commissary Gift

    Certificates, family package steaksand

    product demonstrations. Join in for

    greater savings and lots of fun.

    AFAP Issues

    The Area II AFAP Conference will be

    held Oct. 18-20. AFAP is a program that

    provides an opportunity for all members

    of the Army Family to inform Leadership

    of issues in the community. To get

    involved, call Reta Mills at 738-3627.

    Anthony Hamilton to


    Grammy Award Nominee AnthonyHamilton will perform 7 p.m. Wednesday

    at the Collier Field House. For

    information, call 738-4058.

    Area II Web site

    For more community notes, news and

    information, visit the Area II Web site at


    Collier Field House offers free yoga class


    community members were twisting and

    bending their bodies Sept. 12 at a yogaclass at Collier Field House.

    Yoga, which means union in Sanskrit,

    is a family of ancient spiritual practices

    and a school of spiritual thought that

    originated in India. Of the various types

    of meditation and yoga, hatha yoga is

    considered the most physical.

    These days, however, physical yoga

    is gaining popularity as a regimen of

    fitness exercises that are healthy for thebody and also the mind.

    Yoga is a great exercise that grows

    not only flexibility, but also strength,

    said Seoul American Middle School

    teacher Kristen Stone. Its a great

    stress reliever and a great way to meetpeople. Some people find spirituality. I

    like it because its a great way to balance

    my body.

    There are 20 people in each classand, surprisingly to some, more than a

    few men.

    Ken Duckworth, a U.S. Embassy

    officer, said he used to run and lift

    weights, but switched to yoga because

    its more gentle.

    Im more relaxed now and my

    shoulder pain has gotten a lot better,

    said Duckworth.There are lots of different yoga

    By Pfc. Jung Jae-hoon

    Area II Public Affairs


    Seoul American Middle School teacher Kristen Stone demonstrates yoga in front of a

    Sept. 12 class at Collier Field House.

    moves to learn, so instructors alternate

    classes. Heidi Haugen teaches Core-

    Power Yoga.

    Core-Power Yoga is a pretty intense

    workout, said Heidi Haugen, youth

    development specialist for the

    Installation Management Agency-Korea

    Region Office. Its a mind, bodyworkout and we train focus,

    concentration and breath.

    Haugen said the number of men

    coming to yoga class is increasing.

    On the weekends there are more men

    students than women, she said.

    Morale, Welfare and Recreationsoffers the free yoga class at Collier Field

    House 5:15 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays and


    The class is also offered 67:45 p.m.

    Monday and Wednesday at the Hannam

    Village gym.

    For information, call 738-8608.

    Area II celebrate Kids Day Annual event offers different Annual event offers different Annual event offers different Annual event offers different Annual event offers different

    activities to amuse childrenactivities to amuse childrenactivities to amuse childrenactivities to amuse childrenactivities to amuse children

    By Pfc. Jung Jae-hoon

    Area II Public Affairs

    YONGSAN GARRISON Area II Morale, Welfare and

    Recreation celebrated Kids Day at the Seoul American

    Elementary School Saturday.

    Kids Day was created in 1994 by KidsPeace, a 124-year-

    old national childrens crisis charity, to encourage adults tospend more meaningful time with children.

    Soon it became an annual event on the national calendar to

    honor and celebrate the inherent value and worth of children.I volunteered for Kids Day because I think its important

    to show children that we care for them, said Staff Sgt.

    Stancey Mitchell. The children are the future of the country,

    so it is important to let them feel safe and loved, and to

    enjoy the freedom to be a child.

    Event organizers started the day by giving free T-shirts

    to the first 200 youth who attended.Volunteers sold cookies, cotton candy and other snacks

    around the school, so parents could enjoy food together with

    the children.

    Also, there were inflatable games for the children to play

    on and to climb like rock climbers do.

    It was very well organized and well planned, said parent

    Capt. Christopher Vogel. There were a lot of activities for

    the children to participate in; they had fun.

    Later there was a dance class and a magic show in thefront of the SAES gymnasium.

    It was wonderful; the kids had a wonderful time, said

    parent Lawson Hughes. Everyone at the fair was great; it

    has been a wonderful day.

    More than 600 children and parents attended the event.

    It was the joint effort of all the members of MWR, said

    Area II MWR Director Paul Robinson. We had


    Cameron Vogel climbs up an inflatable wall during the Kids Day

    celebration Saturday at the Seoul American Middle school.

    refreshments, games and music to let parents and the children

    enjoy themselves and have fun.

    Celebration participants wait in line for their cotton candy.

    E-mail [email protected]

    E-mail [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    11The Morning Calm Weekly Area II Sept. 22, 2006http://area2.korea.army.milExchange holds pet showExchange holds pet showExchange holds pet showExchange holds pet showExchange holds pet show

    YONGSAN GARRISON The2006 Yongsan

    Pet Show brought together mostly dogs, a few cats

    and many proud owners Sept. 9 outside the Four

    Seasons shopping complex.Despite light rain, pet enthusiasts turned out to show

    off their four-legged companions.

    The show got under way at 10 a.m. with Northern

    Exchange General Manager Betty OBrien judging pets

    in all kinds of categories.

    With a $25 Army and Air Force Exchange Service

    Gift card and 16-quart cooler waiting for the lucky

    winners, tension was in the air.

    In the end, the judging was close:

    Owner looks like pet: Ethan Bean

    Most colorfully dressed up pet: Caroline Childress

    Best trick: Webster Lansdell

    Exchange officials also conducted a drawing for

    prizes. Three participants won a value pet supply

    bucket worth $50, $30 and $20.

    They were very thankful for this kind of event,

    said Four Seasons Manager Han Ki-sol. It was a

    great time for us to generate customer interest and

    give good impressions.

    Han said the show helped Four Seasons sales for petsupplies.

    We sold 417 items for $1,536, he said. On an

    average day we sell 180 to 230 items for $800 to $1000.

    By David McNallyArea II Public Affairs

    Proud owners gatherProud owners gatherProud owners gatherProud owners gatherProud owners gather

    for pet competitionfor pet competitionfor pet competitionfor pet competitionfor pet competition

    E-mail [email protected]


    Top: A pet show participant

    entertains the crowd with his

    dog Sept. 9 outside the Four

    Season shopping complex.

    Left: With the help of a little

    friend, Caroline Childress

    claimed the prize for Mostcolorfully dressed up pet.

    Library observesHispanic monthBy Pfc. Jung Jae-hoon

    Area II Public AffairsYONGSAN GARRISON The

    Yongsan Library will celebrate the National

    Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15

    through Oct. 15.

    National Hispanic Heritage Month is a

    period to recognize the contributions of

    Hispanic Americans to the United States.

    It is an opportunity to celebrate Hispanicheritage and culture.

    The observation started in 1968 as

    National Hispanic Heritage Week and was

    expanded in 1988 to cover a 30-day period.

    President Ronald Reagan signed Public

    Law 100-402 Aug. 17, 1988.

    Area II libraries are conducting a

    contest, said Area II Library Director Kim

    Im-soon. We have a short quiz with three

    educational questions about Hispanicheri tage, and we wil l draw [from

    participants who answered correctly] to

    pick a winner.

    The drawing will be held at 4 p.m., Oct.

    10 at the Yongsan Library.

    I think Hispanics have contributed a lot

    to American culture and society, Kim said

    Also many Hispanic Soldiers died during

    World War I, II and the Korean War, so

    we are celebrating to show our appreciation

    See LibraryLibraryLibraryLibraryLibrary, Page 12

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    12 The Morning Calm WeeklyArea IISept. 22, 2006http://area2.korea.army.mil

    classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays for

    the 4-year-old children, she said. The

    kids learn Spanish, Korean and do

    science activities.

    Parents can sign up their children by

    visiting the South Post Chapel and fillingout registration forms. A child must be

    at least three years old before Oct. 31.

    The school has eight classes and 16

    children in each, Flood-Lewis said. We

    are always accepting applications until

    the program is filled.

    The preschool is in session until May.

    For information, call 738-8503.

    E-mail [email protected]

    from Page 9PreschoolPreschoolPreschoolPreschoolPreschool

    from Page 11LibraryLibraryLibraryLibraryLibrary

    YYYYYongsan Commissarongsan Commissarongsan Commissarongsan Commissarongsan Commissary toy toy toy toy to

    hold Fhold Fhold Fhold Fhold Family Day paramily Day paramily Day paramily Day paramily Day partytytytyty

    By Pvt. Kim Sang-wook

    Area II Public Affairs


    upcoming National Family Day, the

    Defense Commissary Agency will

    support the Area II community by

    opening fun and unique promotional

    events Saturday at the Yongsan


    The commissary has planned variousfun activities such as free face painting,

    apple-bobbing contest, basketball-toss

    contest and other surprise events from10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to celebrate Family


    According to research by the Center

    on Addiction and Substance Abuse, the

    more often children eat dinner with their

    families, the less likely they are to smoke,drink or use drugs.

    The commissary is promoting

    Family Day to encourage Americans, tomake family dinners a regular feature

    of their daily routine, said the Yongsan

    Commissary Director Michael Mertz.Were here to support the community

    and enhance family health.

    Since the creation of Family Day in

    2001, this is the first time the Yongsan

    Commissary has volunteered a Family

    Day promotion party.

    There will be lots of events and free

    cake, coffee and hot dogs standing by

    for the customers, Mertz said.

    Contests will be open for customersto win prizes, such as commissary gift

    certificates and free coupons.We hope to have lots of people

    come for the Family Day party, Mertz

    said. Well have some surprise events

    to astonish our customers.

    For information, call 736-3301.

    Event to offer various

    prizes for community

    E-mail [email protected]


    Area II Library Director Kim Im-soon shows Hispanic-related books and CDs Tuesday at the

    Yongsan Library. The observation ends Oct. 10.

    to them.

    Kim also said she hopes community

    members will use this chance tobring their library card and visit the

    library to enjoy some books, CDs and

    also enter the contest and win a $20

    prize.E-mail [email protected]

    ArArArArArea II Wea II Wea II Wea II Wea II Web site for moreb site for moreb site for moreb site for moreb site for more storiese storiese storiese storiese storieshttp://arhttp://arhttp://arhttp://arhttp://area2.korea2.korea2.korea2.korea2.korea.armyea.armyea.armyea.armyea.army.mil.mil.mil.mil.mil

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    http://ima.korea.army.mil/morningcalmweeklyThe Morning Calm WeeklySept. 22, 2006

    13Adoption, blessing cerAdoption, blessing cerAdoption, blessing cerAdoption, blessing cerAdoption, blessing ceremony honors petsemony honors petsemony honors petsemony honors petsemony honors petsBy Susan Silpasornprasit

    Area II Public Affairs


    18th Medical Command will host an

    animal adoption fair and pet blessing

    event from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 30at the Yongsan South Post Chapel.

    We in the 18th Medical Command,as a contribution to the local Area II

    community, desire to offer an

    opportunity for adoption of pets, as well

    as a blessing prayer for pets who are

    living or deceased, said Chaplain (Lt.

    Col.) Richard Spencer, 18th MEDCOM

    deputy chaplain. Educational materials

    will be distributed along with an

    opportunity to consider adopting a pet

    for your family.Prospective pets will be available for

    adoption in the courtyard in front of the

    chapel.The challenge is always to do

    everything that we can to place the right

    pet with the right family. Thus, ensuring

    a successful and lasting human-animal

    bond, said Capt. Nicholas Cabano,

    Yongsan Veterinary Treatment Facili tychief of clinical operations.

    Animals are examined by members

    of the veterinary clinic prior to being

    put up for adoption.

    Beyond a clean bill of health, family

    members may also wish to address the

    spiritual aspects of their pets well-


    The animal blessing is part of an

    annual event held in memory of the

    anniversary of the death of Saint Francis

    of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.Most people recognize animals as

    spiritual friends, Spencer said. Ibelieve our animals are another glimpse

    of the richness of Gods creations.

    Attendees should ensure their pets

    remain in a cage or on a leash during

    the blessing ceremony, which begins at

    11 a.m. Blessings will also be

    performed throughout the afternoon.

    Not only will the event honor theanimals in attendance, it will provide

    a chance for families to pay tribute to

    past pets.

    There will be an opportunity to

    memorialize pets who have been a part

    of our families and are now deceased,

    Spencer said. Family members whowish to memorialize their pets are

    welcome to bring a picture of their petand attach it to the bereavement

    memorial on display.

    I am always impressed with how

    animals demonstrate unconditional

    love for family members. Animals

    teach us a lot about compassion,

    Spencer said.

    The upcoming adoption fair may be

    an opportunityfor the Area II community

    to show its compassion to be a

    blessing and to welcome a blessing intotheir homes and their hearts.

    offered as a courtesy to guests.

    You may also give welfare gifts.

    Welfare gifts include gifts of new or

    used clothing, prepared food,

    beverages, or other relief itemsdonated by USFK personnel or

    organizations, which will enhance the

    welfare of individuals or institutions

    (e.g., orphanages, schools, churches,

    hospitals) cared for by service,

    charitable, or relief organizations.

    However, even with welfare gifts,

    certain rules apply:

    Welfare gifts worth more than $50

    per unit in value must be reported tothe Korean government.

    USFK must approve the gift in

    advance (before its given). To have

    the gift approved, contact the 8th MP

    Bde., SOFA Support Division Ration

    Control Office.

    Generally, USFK regulation 643-2prohibits giving food and commissary

    items as a gift. However, if someonewants to give food, they will need to

    obtain a specific exception to policy

    from the SOFA Support Division.

    Chuseok Gifts

    Chuseok is an annual Korean

    holiday that features the exchange of

    gifts. The holiday prompts numerous

    questions on the ability to give and

    receive Chuseok gifts. The same rules

    as outlined above apply to gifts givenin connection with Chuseok. There is

    one very limited exception which

    allows USFK personnel to request

    approval to give alcohol as a gift to

    their ROK counterparts, normally on

    Korean holidays, such as Chuseok andLunar New Year. Only general and

    flag officers are authorized to grant

    approval to USFK personnel to

    purchase duty-free alcohol, with

    personal funds, to give as a gift to

    ROK counterparts. The general or flag

    officer may delegate this authority to

    an O-6 level chief of staff and

    assistant deputy chief of staff.

    Assuming you have obtainedapproval from a general or flag officer

    to make a gift of alcohol, then there

    are still other restrictions to observe.

    The value of each gift of alcohol must

    not exceed $35. In addition, gifts of

    alcohol are limited to one bottle per

    year per recipient per donor. So, if anofficial presents a bottle of alcohol to

    a ROK counterpart on Lunar NewYear, that official may not give that

    same person a gift of alcohol for other

    occasions in the same calendar year.

    Other than this limited exception, the

    normal rules for gift-giving also apply

    during Chuseok and Lunar New Year.

    For example, you may not make a gift of

    beef or oxtail purchased from the

    commissary, even though it is Chuseok.

    For information about gift giving,contact the local legal office.

    GiftGiftGiftGiftGift from Page 2

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    The Morning Calm Weeklyhttp://ima.korea.army.mil/morningcalmweeklySept. 22, 2006

    No Show

    No Show

    Sept. 22-28Sept. 22-28Sept. 22-28Sept. 22-28Sept. 22-28

    Lady in the Water Lady in the Water Lady in the Water Lady in the Water Lady in the Water (PaulGiamatti, Bryce Dallas Howard)

    Cleveland Heep, a modest building

    manager, rescues a mysterious

    young woman from danger and

    discovers she is actually a narfa

    character from a bedtime story whois trying to make the treacherous

    journey from our world back to hers.

    Cleveland and his fellow tenants start

    to realize that they are also characters

    in this bedtime story.

    IdiocracyIdiocracyIdiocracyIdiocracyIdiocracy (Luke Wilson, MayaRudoph)

    Private Joe Bowers, the definition of

    average American, is selected by

    the Pentagon to be the guinea pig

    for a top-secret hibernation

    program, set 1,000 years in the

    future. When he awakes, hediscovers a society so incredibly

    dumbed-down that hes easily the

    most intelligent person alive.

    Monster House Monster House Monster House Monster House Monster House (SteveBuscemi, Nick Cannon)

    Although no adults will believe them,

    three children realize a neighborshouse is really a monster. They must

    find a way to stop the house and

    save the neighborhood.


    No Show You, Me &Dupree PG-13

    No Show No Show No ShowMy Super


    No ShowNo Show No Show

    Little ManPG-13



    Lady in theWater PG-13

    Lady in theWater PG-13

    Idiocracy R

    My SuperEx-Girlfriend


    Clerks II R John TuckerMust Die PG-13

    John TuckerMust Die PG 13

    No Show No Show No Show

    Nacho Libre PG

    Lady in theWater PG-13

    Clerks II R

    Waist Deep R

    United 93 R


    Miami Vice R

    The CovenantR

    John TuckerMust Die PG 13

    The CovenantR

    The Devil Wears

    Prada PG-13

    My SuperEx-Girlfriend



    Impossible IIIPG-13

    John TuckerMust Die PG 13

    The Last KissR

    Waist Deep R

    Lady in theWater PG-13

    My Super ExMy Super ExMy Super ExMy Super ExMy Super Ex-Girlfr iend-Girlfr iend-Girlfr iend-Girlfr iend-Girlfr iend(Luke Wilson, Uma Thurman)

    Everyones had a painful parting of

    the ways with a romantic partner. We

    pick up the pieces and move on.

    But for one New York guy, its not

    going to be so easy. When he breaks

    up with his girlfriend, he discovers

    his ex is actually the reluctant

    superhero, G-Girl. A scorned

    woman, she unleashes her superpowers to humiliate and torment


    Idiocracy R

    Lady in theWater PG-13

    John TuckerMust Die PG 13

    Lady in theWater PG-13

    John TuckerMust Die PG 13

    Lady in theWater PG-13

    The Last KissR

    The CovenantR

    My SuperEx-Girlfriend


    Little ManPG-13

    The CovenantR

    The CovenantR

    John TuckerMust Die PG-13

    The Last KissR

    The Last KissR

    Lady in theWater PG-13

    Lady in theWater PG-13

    The Last KissR

    John TuckerMust Die PG 13


    John TuckerMust Die PG 13

    The CovenantR

    The CovenantR

    The CovenantR

    John TuckerMust Die PG 13

    John TuckerMust Die PG-13

    Miami Vice R

    The Last KissR

    Nacho Libre PG

    The ShaggyDog PG

    The Last KissR

    The ShaggyDog PG

    Monster HousePG

    Monster HousePG

    The ShaggyDog PG

    Lady in theWater PG-13

    Clerks II R

    Waist Deep R

    John TuckerMust Die PG 13

    The Omen R

    United 93 R

    John TuckerMust Die PG 13

    The Omen R

    Idiocracy R

    John T John T John T John T John Tucker Must Dieucker Must Dieucker Must Dieucker Must Dieucker Must Die(Jesse Metcalfe, Sophia Bush)

    When three popular girls from

    different cliques discover theyve all

    been dating the school stud, they

    band together to seek revenge.

    Despite the jerks charm and ever-growing popularity, the girls cleverly

    scheme with the help of the

    inconspicuous new girl in town, to

    soil his reputation and break his


  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    http://ima.korea.army.mil/morningcalmweeklyThe Morning Calm WeeklySept. 22, 2006

    Ad g oes h er e


    WWWWWe must forgive as freely as we seek forgivenesse must forgive as freely as we seek forgivenesse must forgive as freely as we seek forgivenesse must forgive as freely as we seek forgivenesse must forgive as freely as we seek forgivenessBy Chaplain (Capt.) Byung K. Min

    HHC, Area IV Support Activity


    7 p.m.Korean Camp Carroll

    Collective 7 p.m. Camp Walker

    Camp Carroll7 p.m.


    Korean Wednesday

    6:30 p.m.

    Camp Walker

    Praise & Worship

    6:30 p.m.

    Camp WalkerSunday

    Area IV Worship ServicesArea IV Worship ServicesArea IV Worship ServicesArea IV Worship ServicesArea IV Worship ServicesProtestantProtestantProtestantProtestantProtestant

    Collective Camp CarrollSunday 10 a.m.

    10:30 a.m. Camp Walker

    12:45 p.m. Camp Walker

    Camp Carroll

    10:30 a.m. Camp Henry

    5 p.m. Camp WalkerChurch of Christ 11:45 a.m.

    Mass Sunday 9 a.m. Camp Walker

    Camp Carroll

    Mass Camp WalkerSaturdayFor additional information, contact the Area IV ChaplainsOffice at 764-5455.


    Area IV Chaplains Area IV Chaplains Area IV Chaplains Area IV Chaplains Area IV Chaplains

    Chaplain (Capt.) Byong Min

    [email protected] or 765-8991

    [email protected] or 768-5455

    Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Joseph F. Hannon

    1 p.m.

    5 p.m.

    In the Bible, one day Peter, who is one of Jesus

    disciples, brought up quite an interesting issue. He

    asked Jesus, Sir, how many times do I have toforgive my brother, up to seven times? He might

    have expected an answer like, Hey, Peter, you are

    the man. You want to forgive your brother even

    seven times? That is more than outstanding.

    But Jesus did not answer like that. Rather, he said

    Forgive your brother even up to seventy timesseven. If I was there at that time, I would like to ask

    Peter these questions. Hey, how about you? Do

    you think you forgive others more often, or that you

    need to be forgiven by others more often? And,

    what do you think? Do you have to forgive your

    brother more than you need to be forgiven by your


    What about us? I dont think I am better than Peter,

    either. Human beings are very self-centered beings.

    When I listen to my Soldiers or couples in

    counseling sessions, I find that husbands talk about

    things to their advantage. Also, the wives talk aboutthings to their advantage. No one wants to talk

    about their own mistakes. No one is willing to talkabout what they did wrong. But before we forgive

    or judge someone else, we have to look through

    ourselves first.

    Now, we need to think about who needs

    forgiveness. I am telling you that you and I need

    forgiveness. Each and every person needs

    forgiveness. You need to be forgiven. And you have

    to forgive your brother.

    Let me ask you a question. If you have brothersor sisters, they will sin against you. How many

    times are you going to forgive them? My second

    question is, how many times do you want to be

    forgiven? Third question, how many times will you

    need forgiveness in your life?I know forgiving someone who sins against you

    is not easy, but if you forgive, if you use such apowerful tool in your life, your life will be full of

    joy, mercy and love.

    Brothers and sisters, forgiveness is a very

    powerful life-giving tool. Use and practice this tool

    in your life. Be an expert with this tool. This tool is

    made in heaven. The label on this tool says

    Lifetime guarantee. The label on the price tag

    says, Free to anyone. The label on the warningtag says, Use this tool as much or as often as

    needed to prevent rust in your life.

    I believe everyone needs this tool. I want you to

    buy this tool. Practice and use this tool in your life.

    Your life will be full of grace, mercy and love.

  • 8/14/2019 The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Sep. 22, 2006


    The Morning Calm Weeklyhttp://ima.korea.army.mil/morningcalmweekly16Sept. 22, 2006

    By Pvt. Kim Sang-wook

    Area II Public Affairs

    Members sport a unique safety vest with their logo.

    and their families who participated in

    the Revisit to Korea Program,

    sponsored by the Korean Veterans


    The ceremonies began with South

    Korean dignitaries and U.S. military

    off icials led by Thiessen andWisecup, boarding a South Korean

    Navy vessel and laying wreaths in

    the ocean . Th is was done in

    remembrance of the Batt le of

    Incheon that took place Sept. 15,

    1950. Then, the group paid their

    respects to the war veterans at Gen.

    Douglas MacArthurs s tatue in

    Freedom Park.

    Following that, there was a

    ceremony at the Incheon Memorial.

    The public was invited to attend this

    portion of the ceremonies. Hundreds

    traveled from all

    parts of theUnited States to

    attend. Thiessen

    said a few words

    during this

    portion of the

    c e r e m o n i e s ,

    discussing why

    this military

    operation was so


    The landing at Incheon was one

    of the most significant and successful

    IncheonIncheonIncheonIncheonIncheon from Page 1

    operations in the history of amphibious

    warfare. But it was a great deal more

    than that. This daring and ingenious

    operation saved the fledgling Republic

    of Korea from utter destruction, freed

    its citizens from the tyranny of

    communist occupation and created aspirit of victory and confidence, said


    The event concluded with a photo

    session, performance by the ROK

    Marine Corps Band and Honor Guard

    and a luncheon host by the Incheon


    For Intelligence Specialist 3rd Class

    Michael Reinke, a Sailor attached to

    CNFK, attending the ceremony was

    an experience he will never forget.

    It was a privilege to share the

    experience with the ROK Marines that

    directly fought and

    were responsible fortheir countrys

    survival, and an

    honor to sit amongst

    the American

    veterans who

    answered the call to

    serve and assist the

    Republic of Korea in

    its hour of need,

    said Reinke. It was clearly evident

    from the ceremony that through their

    selfless sacrifice a timeless bond was

    created between the peoples of the

    United States and the ROK.

    CNFK is the reg
