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The Morter Report January 2016

Date post: 25-Jul-2016
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The January 2016 edition of the official newsletter of Morter HealthSystem/Morter HealthAlliance.
M rterReport JANUARY 2016 T TM ake your body back! And, that’s just one step to taking back your LIFE! You have one body – one life – and it’s me you took control over what you put into it! From doing your research on exactly what is in the food you buy, to finally being happy with the body you see in the mirror each day, to increasing your comfort zone and eliminang the fear factor, to leng healing energy flow through you, the me is now to really start paying aenon. It’s really a present-me consciousness discussion, and that focus you gain from being totally present in this moment will catapult you toward your goals this year. So, welcome to Morter Health in 2016. We’re here to help you get your life back so you’ll be living the life of your dreams every single day! Copyright 2016 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

M rterReport



ake your body back! And, that’s just one step to taking back your LIFE! You have one body – one life – and it’s time you took control over what you put into it! From doing your research on exactly what is in the food you buy, to finally being happy with the body you see in the mirror each day, to increasing your comfort zone and eliminating the fear factor, to letting healing energy flow through you, the time is now to really start paying attention.

It’s really a present-time consciousness discussion, and that focus you gain from being totally present in this moment will catapult you toward your goals this year. So, welcome to Morter Health in 2016. We’re here to help you get your life back so you’ll be living the life of your dreams every single day!

Copyright 2016 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

I’m Taking My Life Back!By the time you read this, I’ll be well into the Alka•Slim® 45-Day Challenge. Truth is, I’m excited and looking forward to the challenge. Here’s why: For me it’s much more than losing those unwanted pounds and looking better. This is about much more than that. This is totally about me being in charge of my life. And, when I feel in charge, things just go better for me. I bet you feel the same way . . . right?

And, rather than just having a goal to lose some pounds, I see this challenge as a starting point for greatness to unfold in my life. A new and refreshing start for the new year, 2016 promises to be something special and truly different. So, I begin this challenge with great expectations, with a commitment to all of you who have chosen to join me in this endeavor, but most importantly, a commitment to myself to truly make lasting and wonderful changes in my life. I say this because I’m totally worth it. Yes, Dr. Morter (Dad), I give myself an “A”. Smile big :)

Look to your friends, your family, your coworkers and find your support team, just as I’ve set up this Alka•Slim® 45-Day Challenge team. You’ll make your commitments to a better 2016 more attainable when you are part of a team and you have accountability. It’s so much more fun when others share their stories of success and setbacks just like you. So, let’s get you started in taking back your life and your health.

1. Let’s take this in small steps . . . tomorrow, just drink water instead of anything else. Yep, no coffee, no soda, tea, and no alcohol. Just water.

2. For your next meal, try a little bit of portion control. I’ll bet you, like me, could push away from that plate full of food about half way through and still feel full.

3. Vow to eat at least 1 piece of fruit each day.

Now these might sound like silly and simple things to try, but the truth is, this is how you set yourself up to win. Win small and then go big! Once you get in the habit of winning on a simple and smaller level, it’s not such a big leap to win on a larger scale. It’s just that if you never win small, if you always sabotage yourself, you never train your brain to win big. This is about building new patterns in your head.

You can’t take back your body, your health or anything else if you don’t start moving in that direction right now. Taking back myself, regaining the feeling of being in charge, is liberating and empowering.

You deserve the best, and you can do it just like me!


by Dr. Ted Morter


The New Me A New Year, A New Me! Have you ever had that feeling? Not just the thought, but the feeling? Yes, this is the time of year for new beginnings, new thoughts, new desires, new plans, new habits, a fresh start, if you will. How many times have you been here before? How many times did these “new” plans work for a short time – 30 days or less? How many times have you justified stopping your “new” plans because you simply weren’t committed or accountable?

When I talk about commitment and accountability, I am actually talking about being committed and accountable to yourself! You see, in order to create a “new” you, you must deal with the “old” you! In the larger context of life, we must all understand that our entire future comes from our foundational past. If we choose to change a behavior, trend, or habit we must understand where we started. That is our past. Some of it is genetic. Some of it is epigenetic. This applies to your entire life.

We can choose examples about weight loss, financial stress, health choices, or relationships. Understand they all have the very same pattern. It is a pattern based on your past choices. People you listened to, people you chose to emulate, people who helped you form your beliefs (both conscious and subconscious), people who gave you advice and guidance all helped to form the “old” you.

If you desire something to be different in your future, you must then make different choices in your present than you did in your past. These new choices can and will become part of your future past from which you can draw upon. This new past will create the “new” you, because our bodies run 99% of the time based on our past! Examine the choices you are currently making that are allowing your present frustrations to continue. Are they diet, exercise, breathing, sleeping, stress, or thought related? It is undoubtedly a combination of these six elements.

Forgive yourself for your choices of the past! They were simply choices. It is only hard to make new ones until you decide it isn’t! Behavioral change takes time. Do not become frustrated. Go at your own pace with the “new” you in mind. There are no bad choices. Don’t beat yourself up over the choices of the past. Just decide what you deserve the new you to look like and move in that direction. I look forward to meeting the “new” you soon!

FROM THE FIELD by Dr. Tom Morter

We must maintain present-time consciousness and present-time sub-con-sciousness at all times. The old adage “be where you are” is applicable here. Have your thoughts and feelings appropriate for present needs at all times. When you feel yourself tensing up, take control, relax, breathe deeply and think positively. Performing the Morter March will help you realign and balance. Help yourself to a healthier, happier, more balanced present-time life!

- Dr. M. T. Morter, Jr.


I was chosen out of all of the kids in my school district to be a member of the elite singing group during my fifth and sixth grade years. This group had it all! We had the flashy costumes, the fancy sound equipment, the bright lights, the dancers. We were known as the best elementary school performing group in all of Southern California. There was a part in the program that we had put together my sixth grade year, when the music featured a brief saxophone solo. For a bit of comic relief, I was chosen to run out from backstage, when the solo began, dressed as a former U.S. president with a real saxophone in my mouth, go down to my knees and pretend to play my heart out on that musical instrument. I had done this during countless performances and always solicited much welcomed laughter from the audience. I then showed up to a performance, which we found out was going to be held outside on a raised cement platform stage. There were to be hundreds in attendance that day, and I wanted to show them the very best that I had to offer. I had it all planned out. After putting on my costume and arming myself with that beautiful instrument, I was going to burst out from back stage, leap off from the top cement step, land on the bottom step, go down to my knees and create the most special moment these audience members had ever seen! And that is exactly what happened . . . with the exception of everything after me bursting out from back stage. As I went to do my leap, I tripped and literally began rolling, one by one, saxophone still in my mouth, down each of the steps of the cement platform until I landed with a giant THUD at the bottom. A groan of intense pain came screaming out of my mouth. Not only the entire audience, but also all 74 other student performers in the group, burst into a rage of laughter. After moments of lying helplessly on the ground, I finally summoned the courage to scoop my battered carcass up off of the pavement and slowly hobbled back stage. While I can easily laugh now, it was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life then. I considered never singing again. I’m grateful that I didn’t listen to that tempting inner voice that told me to quit. I continued to sing and perform, which ultimately lead me to some of the skills I would need to have to be where I am today. Embarrassment is a very interesting emotion. Any time we feel embarrassed, a chemical is released in the brain that causes a very brief but very real physical sting, which the body associates with death. We literally feel like we are about to die any time we are embarrassed, which is why we tend to be very reluctant to do things that cause us to move outside of our comfort zone. As your progress through the journey to success, you can be sure that your embarrassment button is going to be pushed. Do you remember the story of my first professional presentation and how scared I was that no one would sign up for my next level class? What worried me the most was how embarrassing it would have been if not one single person registered. That has actually happened to me on more than one occasion since then. You know what? It really was embarrassing, but I didn’t let that stop me. It is incredibly tempting to curl up into a little ball and hide underneath the covers so as to never be seen again and, therefore, never feel the sting of embarrassment again.

The key to getting through the embarrassment filter is to spend as much time outside your comfort zone as possible. If you strongly fear public speaking and being in front of groups of people, spend time public speaking in front of groups of people. If you are worried about the embarrassment of rejection, ask as many people as you can for whatever it is that you are worried about being rejected for. The purpose of this is to eventually grow your comfort zone to the point where those things are no longer embarrassing. Things are only embarrassing until they’re not. I’ll say that one more time. Things are only embarrass-ing until they’re not. Eventually your comfort zone becomes large enough that things simply don’t affect you the way that they used to. Grow your comfort zone to ensure that embarrassment is no longer a filter in your life.

by Eric Bailey

GROW your comfort zone!How to take your life back from the fear of embarrassment


When you think of putting fuel in your body, you might actually think most foods you see at the grocery store, which say they are healthy or have vitamins and minerals, will benefit your body, or at least won’t really harm it. From our experience here at Morter HealthSystem as we studied nutrition, there are some important things to consider when determining if a food will actually benefit your body.

The first and most obvious thing to consider is what is really in the food. Does it contain substances that are not usable by the body like dyes, preservatives and other chemicals made by chemical companies? Does it contain an excess of white sugar or high fructose corn syrup? Some chemical additives, like MSG (monosodium glutamate), are designed to make our food taste better, but they interfere with many of the functions of digestion. A simple and easy way to evaluate your food, especially if it has been altered or added to by man, is to read the ingredient label on the product carefully. If you cannot even pronounce the words on the label, the product may contain something other than nutrients your body can use. Sure, label reading is time consuming and may seem tedious, but you will be amazed at the differences you will find, even between different brands of the same types of foods. So be aware of what is in the foods you are purchasing to fuel your body. Do your research and make informed decisions!

Another important consideration for fueling your body for health is that you must consider is the condition of your body, in general, and the effectiveness of your digestive system. Your body must have the ability to produce the correct enzymes at the correct times in order to digest the food in a way that benefits the body with the vitamins and minerals in the foods. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates must be broken down before they can be absorbed, then utilized by assimilation into your body. This is where B.E.S.T. comes into the picture, as we re-synchronize the body, mind and spirit and supply digestive enzymes like Alka•Pan® and SuperDigest® during the healing process.

Of course, whole foods – eaten as closely to what they were when they were harvested – are the best for your body, as they contain the natural enzymes needed for their digestion. Likewise, the more of your food you can raise and eat fresh, the better for your health.

Do Your Research!Make Informed Decisions!

Live Out Loud!Sharing your passion with the world is very exciting . . . and sometimes challenging, too. Because, if you’re missing key skills and knowledge about how to effectively communicate – if you’re locked in an unsuccess-ful pattern – it can be extremely frustrating to say the least! This is why most people are really “just getting by” in their businesses. They’re poor communicators. They don’t have the success they dream of because they need to do two vital things: Learn the skills and the art of the commu-nication and update their emotional pattern for success! Attend the Live Out Loud program on May 21-22nd, and make your impact on the world!

Monitor Your Body’s Condition!


In the ambient atmosphere that surrounds us and resides in the structure of each one of our body’s cells, there is a powerful field of energy. This power is omnipotent and infinite; it is a present in the simplest of objects as well as the most complex. It reaches out staggeringly far to reaches of the known and unknown universe. This power is life itself.

Nothing in this vast expanse of space is dead. Everything pulsates with the vibration of this power; even the subatomic particles animate with a life of their own as a result of this power.

The power of life is infinite; we are saturated, permeated through and through with this power, this energy. It represents our higher self; it is our link with the entire universe, and it is the God within us. Every molecule of our physical system is permeated with the dynamic energy of this power, and each cell in our body contains it in abundance.

A major step toward freedom and health is a conscious realization of the vast reservoir of energy in which we live and move. When we reflect upon this repeatedly and make repeated mental efforts to make this a systematic outlook upon life, part of the hard, inflexible shell of the mind begins to break down and dissolve.

Then, inevitably, life and spirit begins to pour abundantly through us. Health then spontaneously arises and new life begins, and our point of view undergoes a radical shift.

It appears that we create an environment in which we attract just the naturally right people who can help us in many ways, and the things we have always desired manifest in our lives. The first step is a mental one involving a change in our perception of life, so that we can realize we are in the midst of a vast reservoir of healing energy.

by Dr. Ralph LeBlancIt’s All Energy

Dr. Morter’s 3 Vital Steps to Success!Get out your vision boards, assess your progress, rejoice in your successes and update your goals beginning right now! You know the old adage, the man with the plan wins! Well, let’s get ourselves a detailed plan for 2016! There is no better time than now to plan for your success.

Of course we know, from Dr. Morter’s teachings, it takes more than a wish or a desire to make your dreams come true. You have a thought, and that thought is associated with a feeling. It is the feeling brain (or the emotional brain, or the limbic system) that appears to control our lives. This is the area where feelings are stored. When you have a positive thought followed by a feeling like: “It probably won’t happen because it never has before,” the negative feeling will always override the positive thought. It helps to understand that it is your feelings about everything that control your life.

To change this area of the brain, you must use pictures and positive feelings about those pictures in order to “update” your emotional brain. This probably will involve a change in some of your beliefs, because your beliefs influence your thoughts – and then your feelings – about the things you want to change in your life. Remember the steps: visualize it; see it done; be thankful for it.


Get to the

ROOT of it! Taking Back Your Soil From Mineral Depletion!

Eating our vegetables is health enhancing for sure, but just how health enhancing is it if the vegetables we eat are lacking in the vitamins and minerals we need due to depleted soils in which they are grown. Just as the human body is more than just the sum of its parts, vital, rich soil is a complex equation as well. There is a whole field of study around soil. And, that science is becoming more and more mainstream as society takes a look at the healthiness of our food supply. Pesticides are a huge topic of conversation for the farmer or gardener who wants to provide a healthier crop/product. And, coming right up in the conversation is the viability of the soil these crops are planted in. Crop rotation is not a new concept. Adding vital minerals to the soil isn’t either. There are many different schools of thought on each. However, most of us haven’t been to any of those “schools.” Suffice it to say, different minerals in the soil provide different things for the plants grown in that soil. Too much of one mineral could even block another from doing it’s job.

Iron, for instance, is important for plants as, “Iron draws energy to the leaf by absorbing heat from the sun; it makes the leaf darker, thus absorbing more energy. Iron is necessary for the maintenance and synthesis of chlorophyll and RNA metabolism in the chloroplasts. It increases the thickness of the leaf, which increases nutrient flow geometrically, resulting in a production in crease geo-metrically.” Science in Agriculture p.236.

However, an over abundance of iron in the soil, usually from over-tillage, excessive use of caustic materials or too much nitrogen use, is bad for the farmer. Iron binds with phosphate within the plant. The phosphorus may be in the plant, but when you bind it to iron, it becomes unavailable. Iron has a triple-positive charge and the phosphorus has a triple –negative charge, so they will bond very easily. The iron in the soil must be kept at the right level using manures and crop rotation, so the plants grown in the soil have better phosphate availability.

Copper is the key to elasticity in the plant. It controls molds and often alleviates perceived zinc deficien-cies. Zinc may act in the formation of chlorophyll. It stimulates plant growth and prevents the occurrence of mottled leaf in citrus, white bud in corn, and other disorders. Zinc is easily water soluble, and this fact combined with low initial reserves of zinc in many soils has made zinc deficiency common. It was also one of the earliest trace mineral deficien-cies discovered, and can have a dramatic effect on crop yields. And the conversation goes on with the many minerals.

There are certainly parallels between mineral depletion in soils and mineral depletion in our bodies. Morter Trace Minerals have proven to be an outstanding supplement for your body. Now, Dr. Morter’s Mineral Grow has been formulated and developed to help your plants. The addition of this unique formula to feed water can add vital organic acids, improve hydration, increase nutrient absorption and promote increased yields and faster vegetative growth. That’s because soil minerals play a key role!

Order Today!800-874-1478




January15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Los Angeles, CA29-30 B.E.S.T. Training – Phoenix, AZ31 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

February20-21 Spiritual B.E.S.T. – Los Angeles, CA26-28 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

March18-19 Personal Care – Noosa, Australia19-20 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia20 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

April 1-3 Elite Master – Rogers, AR15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France17-18 Personal Care – Paris, France29-1 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

May20-21 B.E.S.T. Training – Rogers, AR21-22 Live Out Loud! – Rogers, AR

June3-4 Animal B.E.S.T. I – Rogers, AR5 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR10-12 Personal Care – Rogers, AR23-25 Eat to Live & Live Rich – Rogers, AR

July8-9 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL

August12-14 Personal Care – Rogers, AR19-21 Personal B.E.S.T. – Rogers, AR

September8-9 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR10-11 Homecoming – Rogers, AR30-1 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY30-1 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France

October2 Live B.E.S.T. – Paris, France21-23 Personal Care – Rogers, AR28-29 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

November5-6 Spiritual B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL





All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique
