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The Morter Report May 2015

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The Official Newsletter of Morter HealthSystem
M rterReport MAY 2015 L TM iving a masterful life really is about a calmness, which should easily and naturally manifest within our very being. It should and can be effortless. And yet, it’s powerful from the inside out. Living the masterful life is about ac- ceptance of a greater good. An idea that true life, true love, and truth in general come from within the simplicity of the spirit – the power that made your body from two cells. It’s about the idea that perfecon is possible if we can only let go of our preconceived beliefs, which were grilled into our consciousness before we could even carry on a conversaon. Change your beliefs by acknowledging your experiences in life, and you are on the way to mastering your life. Go with your insncts, your gut, rather than thinking so much. Make decisions rather than indecision, as the energec vibraon is much greater with a plan. See the good always, and learn the lessons daily. As we focus on our road to Mastery in Morter HealthSystem this month, let us help you on your road to yours. Because, by mastering our lives, we ulmately create health, happiness and success! Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.
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M rterReport

MAY 2015


iving a masterful life really is about a calmness, which should easily and naturally manifest within our very being. It should and can be effortless. And yet, it’s powerful from the inside out. Living the masterful life is about ac-ceptance of a greater good. An idea that true life, true love, and truth in general come from within the simplicity of the spirit – the power that made your body from two cells.

It’s about the idea that perfection is possible if we can only let go of our preconceived beliefs, which were grilled into our consciousness before we could even carry on a conversation. Change your beliefs by acknowledging your experiences in life, and you are on the way to mastering your life. Go with your instincts, your gut, rather than thinking so much. Make decisions rather than indecision, as the energetic vibration is much greater with a plan. See the good always, and learn the lessons daily.

As we focus on our road to Mastery in Morter HealthSystem this month, let us help you on your road to yours. Because, by mastering our lives, we ultimately create health, happiness and success!

Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

Page 2: The Morter Report May 2015

When NO Means YES!If there were no rules and you couldn’t fail, what would your purpose in life look like? When I approach this topic, most people tend to get that glazed over look from deep within. It seems in this day and age, people are so driven by outside forces that the inner passion, the inner purpose is totally forgotten. And, this lack of balance in life leads to frustration and disorganization. Let me explain.

People often confuse being busy with accomplishment. And, to this end, our current society rewards those actions which potentially can take us further from our mission in life, our purpose. Our ability to say “yes” to whatever comes along can often derail our productivity. Certainly we are encouraged to offer our help with every situation we feel might be within our level of expertise, yet this willingness to say yes can and most often does stifle our productivity. Your co-workers need help on a project….yes! The newsletter needs an article immediately…yes! The kids need a ride to an unexpected party…yes! A client needs some extra coaching at the last minute….yes! We say yes to everything, and we are congratulated and acknowledged for this compliance. We are rewarded for the very thing which makes us potentially unproductive. Whaaaaat? When we say yes to everything, we lose our ability to focus on the specific things and areas in alignment with our purpose. Like being on a carnival ride spinning in multiple directions at once, we lose focus. Society offers congratulations to those saying yes, and often judges those saying no, when truthfully, everyone benefits from your “no.”

The ability to say no is liberating. And, when you say no, you at least have the opportunity to prioritize and focus your energy on things which will better serve you. When you serve yourself, you better serve others. When you focus on the priorities at hand, you provide stability for others. Your foundation solidifies. You master the tasks you commit to accomplishing.

Many confuse the idea of mastery as being able to master many things at once. Mastery is not about saying yes to many things; mastery is about the correct yes, which can lead you to your purpose.

Dr. Ted Morter, III


Let’s take a look at where you are right now, review the basics a bit, teach you some new ways to get ahead, and balance your mind and body to whole new levels of health, happiness and success! Join your BEST friends for this ALL NEW 2-day event! Seating is limited to give you the personal attention you deserve! Reserve your spot today! Call 800.874.1478.

Keep LivingYour B.E.S.T.

July 17-18 in Toronto

Advanced Training for Mastering Your Success by Synchronizing Your Mind to Your Dreams!

October 16-17 in Orlando

Page 3: The Morter Report May 2015


Master Your Life

The ability to “master” any task, profession, or aspect of your life requires commitment, dedication, and of course, time. You can receive or acquire all types of training to assist you in this quest; however, it is not until you “apply” the training over time that you gain the experience to actually “master” anything. This principle certainly applies to your life as a whole.

You see, your life is very complex when you break it down into even three major categories: health, wealth, and relationships. Each of these areas are worthy of an entire article to just identify the main bullet points of each specific category. For today’s message, let’s make the assumption that we agree the solution to mastering each of these areas is similar, while the specifics may be very different. What I mean by that is the concept of mastering different aspects of your life is similar for each category, yet the steps to get there may be very different. As an example, mastering your health involves learning what makes you healthy, like learning the Six Essentials For Life, the Morter March, the Morter March Release, and various balancing techniques, like: Personal B.E.S.T. and Practitioner B.E.S.T. Learning and perfecting these procedures, through guided repetition, will get you experience. This experience, practiced over time, consistently adding new applications as your life progresses, will lead you to a new level of mastering your “health.”

This same type of commitment applied to your wealth will involve different areas of learning, dealing with thoughts and beliefs about money, debt, loans, cash flow, savings, retirement, etc. The same principles of learning, or being coached by someone who has master-level advice and experience in wealth building, would apply.

The areas of study in mastering your relationships, while involving different topics, like relationships with self, family, work, friends, etc. are different than health or wealth, yet require the same type of dedicated learning and a timeline as well.

So, while mastering your life may appear daunting and complex, it actually can be very simple when broken down into a process and applying a system that actually works, a system that has been in place assisting others for forty years; yes, four decades. Dr. Ted and I and our entire Morter HealthSystem team are here for you to assist you in learning how to Master Your Life. Get started now!


Join us for Morter Homecoming 2015 - September 12-13

Page 4: The Morter Report May 2015


I don’t know if we truly get to be the Master of any one thing in life except mastering the willingness to change. There are so many changes that are always updating our skill set. Software changes, technology changes, advertising changes, payment sources change, techniques change, office staff changes, and you name it, it changes!

I vividly remember Dr. Ted saying at one of the past Mastery seminars, “The rules change, but the game goes on.” This is so true, and consequently we are always adapting to change. I find that the speed at which we are able to recognize trends and change with them, the more we master the ability to change and adapt.

If we get too comfortable with anything, we’re probably not responding to change in a timely fashion and we get a rude awakening. Change happens so very fast that we must be looking and planning ahead of the next shift. Sometimes change can be overwhelming and THIS is when we can look for the opportunity to grow and strengthen our resolve. So to actually master life, I feel that one must master the “dance” of life. We can be comfortable moving with the flow of life just as we can move to the sound of a great song. If the dance of life is currently challenging you, breathe into it. Close your eyes and open your heart to the true rhythm of life. Flow with the music in your heart and move to that deep driving beat of the bass. In other words, go back to your roots and make sure that your core beliefs are driving your passion and mission in life.

Every now and then life dictates that we unroll ourselves to our core and build ourselves up brand new. Look at those huge shifts in consciousness as a fresh opportunity to take a massive positive step forward. Focus on each little step as being positive and purposeful with your eyes firmly focused on your goal. Let the change begin!

Mastering the

of Life Changes

Dr. Bruce Phillips

In mastering our lives, we must be constantly aware of our thoughts and feelings every moment of our consciousness. Instead of judging, we must learn how to live our lives from the lessons we learn. Every experience gives us an opportunity to learn. The key word is opportunity. It is up to us if we do, in fact, learn from each experience. I have said many times, “A wise man is one who can learn from others’ mistakes and not have to learn from his own mistakes.”

Knowing that your thoughts and feelings have a profound impact on you and your health is the first step toward mastering our life. Passing this important knowledge on to your practice members will allow them to begin to master their own lives. As B.E.S.T. practitioners, we have the opportunity and ability to help ourselves and others reach optimum levels of health. Learn, love, be happy and at peace.

- Dr. M.T. Morter

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by Eric Bailey

IF IT’S RIGHT,What ElseMatters?

I have had to take some pretty enormous leaps of faith over the years. Many of the decisions that have led me to where I am today didn’t make logical sense at the time. Thankfully, I believe in a Higher Power that knows all, including what is in my greatest and highest interest, even when I can’t see it for myself. I also know that this supreme Being that I call Heavenly Father communicates to us through a method called inspiration.

Can you remember the last time you just had a horrible feeling about something, so you chose to do the op-posite? Did you later find out that, had you done what you originally considered doing, something unfortunate would’ve happened to you? Our feelings play an integral part in our receiving inspiration. To put it simply, if a certain decision gives you an unsettling feeling, it probably isn’t the right choice for you. If another decision makes you feel good, peaceful, and happy, chances are it probably will lead you to where you desire to go. The only problem is most people choose not to follow the voice of inspiration when it matters most.

Back in December 2013 I was at a 4-day training event learning how to give presentations. On the fourth day, the presenter began to give us details of a 6-month program he had developed. I remember listening to the details of the program thinking, “This is exactly what I need! Getting this training will for sure propel people to the next level.” Then I saw the price. And I almost cried. I was on welfare at the time and couldn’t even afford to buy groceries for my family, let alone sign up for a $5,000 program. Thankfully, my wife grabbed me by the arm and told me to go sign up. I couldn’t fathom why she would tell me to do so until she asked me a question that I will never forget. She asked me if it felt right. Surprisingly I told her that it did. She replied, “If it’s right, what else matters?” This has become our mantra: If it’s right, what else matters.

Napoleon Hill said that unsuccessful people are slow to make up their mind and quick to change it. They are the people who use phrases like “I’ll think about it..” or “Someday I’ll...” They allow things like fear and doubt cloud their judgment so much that they dismiss opportunities when they present themselves. On the other hand, Napoleon Hill goes on to say that successful people are quick to make up their mind and slow to change it. They trust their heart and their gut instinct and follow it no matter what.

This is a major key to success: being able to follow inspiration to make decisions quickly. Regardless of how frightening that leap of faith seems. If it’s right , what else matters?

Join us for the B.E.S.T. BootCamp 2015

in Dallas on July 10-12thIncrease your confidence in communication on every level. You will be shocked at what a new pattern of success – achieved by updating inappropriate emotional patterns and learning proper communica-tion techniques – can do for you once you understand more about how the mind works and what motivates people to take action!

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Are you the master of your life or is life the master of you? This question is interesting to consider and in order to decide which is true it is probably necessary to know what mastering life looks like.

Have you mastered life when you have obtained whatever you have wanted: the house, the car, the income etc. Probably not, though these things could be a result of mastering one’s life.

Have you mastered your life if you have gained acknowledgement and prestige in your work or some other notable thing you have done? Again, it could be the result of life mastery but not necessarily the reason.

There are a lot of people who look like they may have mastered their lives on the outside but on the inside they feel like failures or can’t face something life is bringing them. The examples are all around us; think about Robin Williams. He brought joy and happiness to all who watched his movies and listened to his comedy shows. He was highly successful and a master of his craft and yet there was something that brought him to end his seemingly masterful life.

It appears that accomplishment and the accumulation of things do not define the mastering of one’s life. Maybe it would be best to get back to looking at the basics of life and think about what brings happiness. I’m not talking about the kind of happiness that comes from slugging down a few beers and zoning out in front of the tube, though sometimes that can feel really fine.

What I am talking about is deep contentment and certitude that all is well in life. That, I believe, is the true seat of happiness and it comes from a profound place of self-understanding and dreams. Life takes on a special kind of meaning when you are running toward your ever-expanding dream with unbridled abandon. Then you are approaching your success, your mastery of your life.

Success has been defined as, “The progressive realization of a worthy ideal and any person who knows what he is doing and is working towards it is a success.” They are those who are no longer at effect to people and circumstances outside of themselves. Instead they are on the creative path of self-expression and determination. They are the masters of themselves and the masters of their lives.

From this point of view, Life Mastery potentially has as many faces as there are people in the world or in the universe. They create their lives from the inside out, they do what brings them true joy and meaning and others value. The words ‘limitation’ and ‘lack’ don’t exist in their vocabulary and I imagine they are all smiling.

Are YOU the Master of Your LIFE?

by Robbin D’elene

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Page 7: The Morter Report May 2015

The Adventurous Soul presents itself anew!


As I was traveling to Las Vegas for the recent Elite Master program, I stumbled upon the words below. I realized they were a sort of letter to myself to remind me of the kind of soul I want to be in the world. It was written in February, 2014. As I read this piece again, I remembered being in the moment of writing it. It brought tears to my eyes because the attributes listed in this letter seemed so far out of my grasp at that time.

Now, rediscovering it, I realize how much of these “intended attributes” I have discovered in myself in the past year. This gave me the idea of an exercise that may help some of you. You will find the exercise at the end.

The Adventurous Soul

I admire the adventurous soul. What/who is the adventurous soul?

An adventurous soul approaches life as the adventure it is designed to be. She enjoys trying new things, without a second thought (or 30 in my case). Looking at each day as a new adventure to explore and enjoy. Without fear or hesitation, she embraces all that comes her way with a glorious sense of freedom.

There is never plan B, because A always works. There is a jubilant jaunt in her step as she makes her way toward the next big adventure. To her, adventure is found in everything! Navigating the grocery store aisles can be as exciting as an Indiana Jones movie…never mind, the morning traffic.

How am I so familiar with this adventurous soul? She is the exact opposite of me! Although, she is the ME, my soul screams to be.

The woman who embraces her gifts without apology or excuses, or a care for what anyone else thinks. A woman who loves without the fear of rejection, hurt, or abandonment. A woman who gives without a worry that there may not be enough later. A woman who looks at those around her with an unconditional acceptance of their journey and offers a non-judgmental hand toward their success. Finally, a woman who can look at herself and feel the grace and love toward herself that The Creator intends, possesses the most adventurous soul.

Here is to the adventurous souls of our world, and especially the aspiring ones! After all, success begins with aspiration, is fueled by passion, and is rewarded with effort.


1. Create 30 minutes in your schedule.

2. Get a pen and paper, sit down and write a letter to your BEST self. Describing yourself, as you wish you could see yourself.

3. Make sure you put a date on this piece, as I was shocked to discover this writing of mine was only a little more than a year old.

4. Mark your calendar to revisit this piece in 12 months to see how far you have moved toward seeing this person in yourself.

by Melissa Higby, LMT

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All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

May15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Rogers, AR

17 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

23-24 Animal B.E.S.T. – Toulouse, France

25 Animal Mastery – Toulouse, France

29-31 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

June12-13 Animal B.E.S.T. – Rogers, AR

14 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR

20 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Rogers, AR

26-27 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL

July5 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

10-12 B.E.S.T. BootCamp – Dallas, TX

17-18 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Toronto, Canada

24-26 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

August1 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Rogers, AR

14-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY

28-30 Personal B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL

30 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

September10-11 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR

12-13 Homecoming 40th Year – Rogers, AR

19 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Rogers, AR

25-27 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

October2 Personal B.E.S.T. II – Paris, France

3-4 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France

4-5 Personal Care – Paris, France

16-17 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Orlando, FL

23-24 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

November6-7 Personal Care – Noosa, Australia

8 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia

13-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Atlanta, GA

14 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Seattle, WA

December4-6 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

Bio EnergeticSyn


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Celebrating 40 Years of B.E.S.T.!

1975 – 2015

